
Cardboard packaging market per year. Cardboard and corrugated cardboard market: trends and facts. Paper packaging in public catering

Modern enterprise To implement successful activities under today's dynamically changing external environment, it is necessary to regulate the internal environment, taking into account changes in the external, clarify the strategy of further development. In this regard, along with the assessment of the potential (internal environment) of Sayanal OJSC, which was done in the next section, was analyzing the plant's products market, which suppose consumers, competitors, the main trends in the development of the aluminum foil market in order to identify the competitive position of the enterprise on market, as well as finding the possibilities for strengthening this position.

Aluminum Packaging Market Overview

Inside the packaging industry, a competitive struggle broke out between suppliers of various packaging materials . A rapid pace, as in many industries, develops polymers. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the consumption of aluminum for packaging is also growing thanks to minimizing resource spending in production, transportation, storage and product consumption. IN developed countries The packaging accounts for about 21% of aluminum consumption (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Aluminum distribution by applications

Trends in the World and RF

The main trend in the global cardboard and corrugated cardboard market is the rise in prices for products. Let's call existing reasons. Firstly, it was the rise in prices for raw materials for the production of wood pulp (in the total value of final products, the share of raw materials gradually approaches 75%), which was caused by the growing deficit of cellulose in the world market due to the growth of demand for products from it Parties developing countries: Consumption of packaging materials and paper grows in accordance with the growth of economies.

The largest consumer of packaging materials from cardboard and corrugated cardboard is China. Given the scale of this market, it can be said that the global packaging market from cardboard and corrugated cardboard is depending on how the production and demand for cardboard and corrugated cardboard are developing in China.

In the context of growth in demand for products on domestic market The PRC and the limited proposal grows the demand for imported cardboard and corrugated cardboard. At the same time, the Chinese market is becoming increasingly attractive, since the national currency strengthens its position: the yuan rate to the dollar demonstrates a stable growth since the beginning of the year. Grow supplies from European countries to China, which leads to a shortage of products and an increase in prices for other foreign markets, including Russia.

In addition, in China, the process of restructuring the CBS continues: currently implemented government program The elimination of obsolete capacity for paper and cardboard (technologically backward and non-environmentally friendly and medium-sized enterprises). Thus, a limited number of manufacturers and considerable domestic demand for products from corrugated cardboard contribute to the internal price increase in China, which ultimately affects the world price level.

The rise in prices for cardboard and corrugated cardboard is observed in the Russian market. In addition to the increase in prices for raw materials, it is caused by an increase in service manufacturers costs imported equipment and disadvantageous lending conditions.

In addition to this, let's say that in 2017 the government introduced a standard for packaging manufacturers from cardboard and corrugated cardboard for mandatory disposal of packaging or payment of environmental collection. In 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Communist Party of the Ministry of Industry Raise the standard for the disposal of packaging and products from the corrugated cardboard twice - to 40% of the total volume of products (before that, the standard was 20%). Such an increase in recycling standards can lead to an unscheduled increase in costs for manufacturers, as a result of which it is possible to expect rising prices for final products.

Russian market of packaging materials from cardboard and corrugated cardboard

In general, the market of packaging products from cardboard and corrugated cardboard has a rather stable growth trend, the exception was 2015, when the decline was observed due to an unstable situation in the economy.

The largest share of cardboard packaging consumption falls on the food industry. Against the background of the entered counter-bonds on imported food and import substitution in the food industry as a result of regenerative processes in russian economy The demand for cardboard packaging in 2016 increased by 18%. In 2017, the market volume amounted to about 4,613.1 thousand tons, which is 13.4% higher than the level of the previous year.

The cardboard packaging market has a wide range of products, therefore, despite the considerable export volume (791.6 thousand tons in 2017), imported deliveries also have a significant impact on the Russian market, especially in the most expensive segments. The share of imported products according to the results of 2017 amounted to 16.3%.

Figure 1. The volume of the market for packaging materials from cardboard and corrugated cardboard in 2013-2017, thousand tons

Source: Rosstat, FCS, INDEXBOX analytics

Figure 2. The volume of the market for packaging materials from cardboard and corrugated cardboard in 2013-2017, billion rubles.


Production of packaging from cardboard and corrugated cardboard in 2017 increased in relation to the previous year (+ 12.3%) and amounted to 4,651.9 thousand tons. The cause of production growth is the implementation investment projects Upgrading and an increase in production capacity amid a general increase in wood processing.

The slowdown in the growth rate in 2015 to + 2.8% was due primarily to a decrease in domestic consumption in the crisis period. The main growth factor for domestic producers remains competitiveness in foreign markets - on average, about 17-20% of products manufactured abroad. Full loading of production facilities and active extension of the release allows manufacturers to increase and export deliveries.

Source: Rosstat data, IndexBox Analytics

Figure 3. The production of packaging materials from cardboard and corrugated cardboard in 2013-2017, thousand tons

The localization of the production of packaging materials from cardboard and corrugated cardboard is to the main timber-industrial complexes of the country. In the structure of production on the Federal District, the enterprises of the North-Western Federal District are occupied, the largest of which are the leaders of the domestic market (the divisions of OJSC Group Ilima, OJSC ARKHANGELS CBK JSC, JSC "Mondi SlPK", CJSC "International Peyper" ).

Foreign trade operations

Importing supplies of packaging materials from cardboard and corrugated cardboard from 2016 showed growth. In 2017, imports amounted to about 752.9 thousand tons, which is 10.6% more than in 2016. An increase in imported supplies was due to the growth of tare cardboard imports.

The packaging industry occupies one of the most important places in the global economy. In developed countries, the packaging business is among the largest both in terms of production and employment in it. The sphere of packaging has a big impact on the quality of life of the population, and its condition can largely serve as a criterion for assessing the economic and social Development countries. During the first decade of the XXI century, the global market of containers and packaging grew up with an average rate of 4.5%, in 2010 exceeded 580 billion US dollars and, according to industry experts, according to the results of 2011, made 600 billion US dollars. Despite the fact that this growth was somewhat smaller than height global GDP In general, the market increased steadily and constantly - even the financial crisis led only to a decrease in the average annual growth rate of up to 3.5%, and in 2010 there were signs of market revival.

The determining factor in the market development is the growth of consumer goods for everyday demand (FMCG). The main segment is food (both food and drinks), whose share has grown almost to 60% over the decade. It is worth noting that in partly this growth was caused by a decrease in the consumption of packaging in the industry, the proportion of which at the end of the decade was declining.

Packaging made of paper and cardboard continues to remain the most common on the world market, although its share over the decade and decreased by about 1 pp. In second place there is a polymer, as well as plastic packaging, and the share of the latter over the decade has increased markedly, and lately This is the most actively developing market segment. Then glass packaging, whose share is 14%. Fourth place metal packaging. In the structure of the global market in value terms, it lost about 2% in 6 years. The proportion of flexible plastic packaging in 2010 was about 12%, but continues to decline due to a lower growth rate of its growth (see Appendix A).

The largest market of containers and packaging during the entire existence, as such, the United States remains.

Tara and packaging market dynamics Consider in the example of Russia, because The Russian market is also one of the most dynamically developing. Its dynamics are directly related to the situation in consuming industries - first of all, in the food industry, which accounts for about 50% of the packaging market as a whole and 70% of the consumer packaging market (the importance of packaging by industry and dynamics, see Appendix B, B) .

Market Analysis Company, the following estimates are given russian market Packaging 2004-2009 (unfortunately, data for 2012-2013. not found):

Schedule 1 - Evaluation of the Russian Packaging Market 2004-2009

In 2012, the volume of Russian packaging made from cardboard amounted to 5.08 million tons, which is 390% higher than the level of 2011 (see Appendix D). In 2012, the volume of imports of cardboard and paper containers and packaging amounted to $ 611.5 million in value terms. In the import structure, the largest share is occupied by the product group "Cards, drawers and boxes of non-corrugated paper or cardboard". In 2012, in the amount of imports in physical terms, the share of this commodity group was 18%.

At the end of January-June 2012, the volume of Russian production of cardboard packaging was 764.23 thousand tons, which is 26% higher than the level of the same period of 2011, when 608 thousand tons of cardboard packaging were produced by domestic manufacturers (see appointing D) .

The capacity of the Russian market of containers and packaging at the end of 2006 amounted to 57.7 million tons or $ 25.3 billion, and by 2008 these figures increased to 70 million tons and $ 30 billion respectively (see Appendix E).

It is interesting to consider the relationship between consumer and industrial packaging / packaging. IN last years This ratio changed: so, the share of consumer packaging, which is sold along with the goods directly to the final consumer, another 10 years ago, it was only about 10% of the total market. Packaging consumption by manufacturing enterprises was incommensurable higher. Nevertheless, by 2005 the situation has changed, and the share of consumer packaging has already reached 20-22%, and at present - about 50%. This is explained by the growth of the attention of suppliers of various products to the product in the individual packaging. Such packaging is becoming more and more, as it is one of the factors that increase product competitiveness. So, for example, a few years ago, bread was mostly sold without packaging, and now it is implemented mainly in polyethylene.

The consumer packaging market has higher growth rates than the packaging market as a whole. If, according to experts, the most likely annual growth rates for the packaging market as a whole amount to 10-12% in value terms, then this indicator is already about 15-16% for the consumer packaging market. In 2008, the capacity of the consumer packaging market and packaging exceeded the 2003 indicators more than 2 times (see Appendix B).

Considering the volume of imports of containers / packaging in natural and value terms, it can be noted that at present demand is almost completely satisfied due to internal production. The import of imports accounts for only 3.2 and 1.1% of the entire containers and packaging presented in the Russian market in value and natural terms, respectively. These shares are unlikely to increase in the coming years.

At the same time, as the analysis of the data of the State Customs Committee (GTC) shows, the Russian import of packaging materials is significantly higher than exports. Domestic manufacturers have almost fully ensured the domestic market, but they are not yet very widely represented in the markets of neighboring states. The main supplies are carried out in Kazakhstan and Ukraine - respectively, in the amount of 30-40 and 20-25 million dollars per year. Also, Russian packaging is supplied to Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Germany - annually 3-5 million dollars in each of these countries.

In 2003, there was a significant increase in the export of Russian packaging materials in physical terms (see Appendix D). It was associated with the leading rates of industry development in Russia, compared with importing countries. Then, in 2004, exports decreased slightly, and in 2005 it turned out to be at the level of 2003. As for exports in value terms, it increased until 2004, and in 2004-2005 stabilized (see Appendix D). A certain decline in exports in 2004 is explained by the growth in prices for packaging. However, in 2005, the cost of the supplied products was already lower, with which the restoration of the supply volume is connected.

Also, it should be noted that various packaging problems have recently more and more attract public attention in the leading countries of the world. The main of these problems should include the following:

  • 1. Excessive packaging cost. The criticism of the packaging cost is due to the fact that it is the reason for increasing the price of the goods, which is not rarely the cost of packaging exceeds the cost of the product contained in it, that the external packaging is usually designed for one-time use and is intended for emissions.
  • 2. Reflection of truth on the packaging and in marking. This group of problems includes, in particular, a disorder in size and forms of packaging, in the direction of the timing of storage and suitability of products; The presence of false and misleading information when specifying prices, quantity, as well as the percentage of the main components. In this regard, in the United States, for example, in 1996, a law on reflection of truth on the packaging and in the marking of goods was adopted.
  • 3. Environmental pollution, for example, according to American specialists, about 40% of all solid waste is in the United States, the elevated packaging, which creates a problem of utilization of solid waste, which costs tremendous costs. In Russia, this figure is about 20%. An even more acute is the question of creating environmentally friendly packaging.
  • 4. Use deficit resources. Packaging is often made from materials that feel the lack (paper, wood, aluminum, etc.), with unreasonable waste of energy resources in conditions permanent growth The cost of energy carriers. This applies, for example, to the production of non-radical glass flooring.

World market packaging leaders

The global packaging industry is highly fragmented, there are about 100 thousand companies with 5 million employees. 100 largest companies There are no more than 45% of the industry turnover, 20 leading companies account for 25%.

A quarter of companies included in a hundred leaders, packaging production is part of the business; They also produce raw materials for packaging, thereby getting higher value added. These are representatives of the forest and pulp and paper industry International Paper Company, Weyerhaeuser Company, Georgia-Pacific Corporation, etc.; Aluminum and aluminum products manufacturers - Alcan and Alcoa; Producers of glass and building materials, the largest among which are COMPAGNIE DE SAINT-GOBAIN.

The other group is formed by companies producing both packaging and equipment for its production. This is Tetra Pak Group, which is part of the Tetra Laval, Toyo Seikan, Kloeckner, Sig Holding, etc..

From consumers of packaging products, its production in significant volumes is only an American beer giant Anheuser-Busch - not only the largest manufacturer aluminum cansBut the largest in the world their recycling. Printing companies have serious assets in the packaging industry - for example, Toppan Printing, M-Real, Bemis.

The packaging industry has more than 50 companies with a sales volume of more than $ 1 billion, 60% of them are American firms.

In terms of TP-INDEX, the industry looks like a "steady gray man", reproducing the values \u200b\u200bof most companies real economy. Like other production "business areas, the company's packaging industry is noticeably lagging behind the Fortune-500 median rating, the vertex values \u200b\u200bof which are formed by financial and insurance institutes.

The leader of the industry in terms of TP-INDEX - Swedish Tetra Pak, pioneer in the development of unique packaging technologies. Following him - Amcor Limited. For them there is a group of companies specialized in the production of plastic food packaging that has entered the fashion (see Appendix and).

The pronounced global trend of our days is the steady increase in prices for cardboard products. On average, for the current year, they rose by 45-55%. Consider the main reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, it contributes to the rise in price of the initial raw material for the manufacture of wood pulp. The rise in price is associated with a deficit of this material caused by raising the demand for it from developing states. The consumption of packaging and paper increased in proportion to the development of their economy.

The largest consumer of packaging from cardboard and corrugated cardboard is currently considered China. This market is characterized by scale. Therefore, it can be argued that the situation in the global packaging market is completely depends on the demand for them in China.

The increased need for cardboard in combination with its limited proposal causes an increase in demand within China for imported products. This country is becoming increasingly attractive for foreigners due to the enhancement of positions. national currency. Therefore, supplies from European countries to China continue to grow. The process is accompanied by a shortage of cardboard products and an increase in its value in the markets of other states, including Russia.

Another reason for the general shortage of cellulose in the world is that it began to apply not only for the production of cardboard, but also in the manufacture of viscose. The demand for sanitary and hygiene products and clothing from this material has increased significantly in recent years in Latin America and Africa in connection with the growth of people's welfare.

Improving the cost of cardboard is the world trend. Russia is closely related to the markets of other states. Therefore, prices here also cannot stay in place.

An indirect reason for increasing prices for cardboard and corrugated cardboard in Russia can be considered the introduction of a standard for their manufacturers in 2017. It requires mandatory disposal of packaging or payment of environmental collection. In 2018, these regulations were increased by 2 times. This caused an unscheduled growth of the costs of manufacturers and may entail the next raising value of final products.

Features of the Russian Packaging Market

The Russian cardboard packaging market has a sustainable trend towards growth. In 2017, the increase was 12.3% compared to 2016. The reason for the growth of the production of these materials is to implement investment projects against the background of the overall increase in wood processing.

The highest share of consumption of this product is observed in the food industry. In 2017, the demand for cardboard package rose by 13.4%. The market of targets from corrugated cardboard and cardboard in Russia is distinguished by a wide range. Production of packaging materials is concentrated near the timber industry complexes of Russia.

Foreign trade operations

Full loading of own production facilities contributes to the growth of export deliveries. The share of exports in the total volume of products is 17-20%. Russian production packaging materials are mainly sold to the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan.

At the same time, the import value is approaching 16.3%. According to 2017, about 23.5% of its volumes come from Ukraine, 15% from Germany, 13% of Poland. Compared to the previous year, the amount of products imported to Russia increased by 10.6%. This is explained by the increase in the need for Tarn Cardboard.


The development of the cardboard market and corrugated cardboard in Russia is proportional to the total growth of industry. In this area, persistent positive dynamics are assumed. In 2018, the growth of the cardboard packaging market is 2.4%. By 2021 it is planned to achieve production volumes of about 5,019 tons. In general, it is planned to reorient the Russian market for domestic demand.

An increase in the popularity of the packaging of a small format is also predicted in combination with a decrease in its circulation. Work will continue on the development of the production technologies of cardboard packaging, which improves the preservation of food and extending their shelf life. It is planned to expand automated packaging production processes and automation of food packaging.

In this article:

The Russian packaging market depends on such macroeconomic indicators:

  • Retail trade turnover;
  • Production volume of food;
  • General index of industrial production.

In 2011, the growth of the market and packaging market in Russia was marked by 11%.

The structure of the packaging market and containers in Russia is displayed in photo 1.

The largest market share is occupied by packaging made of cardboard and paper. This is explained by the fact that cardboard is actively used in logistics, high demand for goods of this segment by leading manufacturers of food, pharmaceutical and perfume products.

The high capacity of the market of polyethylene products is due to the incentive demand for polypropylene, resins and polymers. In 2010, the polyethylene packaging market showed growth. It is worth noting that this market segment has a high potential. Cardboard packaging market

For 2010, a 7% increase in the packaging market was marked by 7%, and in 2011 - 5%. A small increase in the production of cardboard packaging is explained by the market saturation at this stage of development.

But domestic manufacturers cannot fully saturate the packaging market from cardboard, and in this connection there is an increase in import volumes by 5%.

In 2010, the rise in prices for cardboard products, which amounted to 30% was also noted. The price increase was due to the change in the value of raw materials and the increasing demand for cardboard packaging.

The manufacture of cardboard packaging in Russia is engaged in both specialized enterprises and printing houses, carrying out the issuance of advertising materials, magazine and book products and other printing products.

The structure of the production of cardboard packaging in enterprises for 2011 is displayed in photo 2.

Project corrugated cardboard

In 2011, the capacity of the corrugated cardboard market in physical terms amounted to 1.8 billion square meters. m, and increase - 2%. By reviewing the packaging market, it was found that the corrugated cardboard is mainly produced in the Central Federal District of Russia, its capacity in the manufacture of this product is 79%, followed by South Federal District – 7 %.

The structure of the production of corrugated packaging in enterprises for 2011 is presented in photo 3.

In recent years, the cost of packaging from corrugated cardboard rose by 23%, in 2011 average price amounted to 19.64 rubles per 1 m 2 products. In the same year, 33.3 million m 2 corrugations were sent to export. About 3% of the scope of exported products is re-export. In 2011, the enterprise CJSC Gotek was the leading exporter of Russian corrugation products, its share of goods was 14.4%.

The structure of exports of products from corrugated cardboard in enterprises for 2011 is displayed in photo 4.

Plastic packaging market

In 2010, the volume of the plastic packaging market increased by 20%. This market segment is the most high-tech and therefore in the coming years the trend towards its increase will continue. Leading manufacturers will implement scientific and technical developments to make flexible, elastic and durable packaging.

The structure of the global flexible packaging market confirms that polymer products begins to displace paper and cardboard goods. In recent years, the capacity of the plastic packaging segment in the global market increased by 50%. Plastic packaging occupies the largest niche (38%) in the consumption market for polymeric products in Europe and the American market thermoplastic (29%).

To date, you can highlight the leading segments of consumers of plastic packaging - companies that produce confectionery, meat semi-finished products, cakes, salads, producers of ice cream, retail.

Perspectives of the packaging market

The packaging market in Russia shows a positive trend and in subsequent years this trend will continue. The most actively develops the market for polymer products. This market segment can be considered the most promising.

But, despite this, the cardboard market and corrugated cardboard occupies the largest share of the packaging market. The demand for packaging from cardboard will not decline, because corrugated cardboard is an eco-friendly material. And compared with the polymer products, the package of glass, it makes the minimum damage environment. Cardboard packaging quickly decomposes in the environment and during recycling does not require high energy costs.

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