
Socially economic situation of the Central Federal District. Composition of the Central Federal District. The position of the Central Federal District. Natural conditions and resources of the Central Federal District

Central Federal District is a key macroregion Russian Federation. It includes seventeen regions: Belgorod. Bryanskaya, Vladimir, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Orlovskaya, Ryazan, Smolenskaya, Tambov, Tverskaya, Tula, Yaroslavl, as well as the city of Moscow. The Central Federal District is the largest population in Russia, more than 39 million people live on its territory, which is 26.8% of Russia's total population.
CFO contribution to development russian economy is very significant. Thus, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the share of TsFE in the production of manufacturing production in 2015 amounted to 31%, in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 29.2%, in mining of minerals - 11.8%. Also, according to statistics for 2015, the Central Federal District was the highest share among all federal districts in the production of products. agriculture (26.3%), turnover retail (34.2%), foreign trade turnover (53%), investments in fixed assets (25.2%) and financial investments (70.5%). Thus, we can say that the CFO is the macro-regional leader and asks the pace of development of the whole country. In this regard, an analysis of the dynamics of the development of regions, which are part of the Central Federal District are relevant.
Key macroeconomic indicatorcharacterizing the state of the region is the gross domestic product (hereinafter - GRP). We will analyze the dynamics of the GRP regions of the Central Federal District for 2011-2015. The share of each region in the GRP TsFE is presented in Fig. one.
The speaker of the GRP in all analyzed regions is positive (see Fig. 2). However, the growth rates of the GRP differ. So, in 2015, compared with 2014, the GRP growth rates increased the twelve regions of the CFO: Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Kursk, Moscow, Oryolovskaya, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tverskaya and Yaroslavl.
In 2015, compared with 2014, almost 10% increased the rate of GRP growth in the Bryansk region, by 17% in the Ivanovo region, by 10% in the Moscow region, by 6% in the Oryol and Smolensk regions. At the same time, in a number of areas, the increase in the Teps of the GRP in 2015 compared to 2014 was insignificant: it was 2% in Belgorod, Vladimir, Kostroma, Tver, Yaroslavl regions, as well as 1% in the Ryazan region.
At the same time, in a number of areas, the growth rates of the GRP decreased. This group includes Voronezh, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Tambov and Tula region, as well as Moscow. Tver region from 2011 to 2015 lost 8% of the GRP increase. In the Voronezh region, a decrease in the growth rate of the GRP was relatively small - by 2% (up to 15% in 2015 compared with 17% in 2014). In the Kaluga region, the RAPP growth rate decreased from 11% in 2014 to 2.5% in 2015.
A serious reduction in the growth rates of GRP is observed in the Lipetsk region: if in 2014 the GRP increase was 26% and brought the region to the Central Federal District Leaders for this indicator, then in 2015 the situation has changed, and the GRP increase was only 15%. In the Tula region, the decline in the Teps of the GRP cannot be called significant: if in 2014 they accounted for 18%, then in 2015 decreased by 2% (up to 16%). In Moscow, the RAPP growth rates decreased from 18% in 2011 to 6% in 2015. The highest rates of GRP growth over the past two years of the period under consideration demonstrated the Tambov region - 21%, although the growth rate of the GRP in the Tambov region in 2015 decreased compared to 2014 by 0.1%.

1. The population.

The Central Federal District is the largest in Russia in the number of population - 37 121 812 people. (26.16% of the Russian Federation), including: urban - 29,994,175 people, rural - 7,127,637 people (as of January 1, 2012).

2. National composition:

Russians - 34 million 703 thousand 066 people. (91.32%)

Ukrainians - 756 thousand 087 people. (1.99%)

Persons who have not mentioned nationality - 736 thousand 020 people. (1.93%)

Tatars - 288 thousand 216 people. (0.77%)

Armenians - 249 thousand 220 people. (0.66%)

Belarusians - 186 thousand 326 people. (0.49%)

Azerbaijanis - 161 thousand 859 people. (0.43%)

Jews - 103 thousand 710 people. (0.27%)

Georgians - 80 thousand 651 people. (0.21%)

Moldovans - 67 thousand 811 people. (0.18%)

Mordva - 67 thousand 497 people. (0.18%)

Tajiks - 46 thousand 738 people. (0.12%)

Chuvashi - 46 thousand 101 people. (0.12%)

Gypsies - 45 thousand 858 people. (0.12%)

Uzbeks - 38 thousand 676 people. (0.1%)

Germans - 33 thousand 190 people. (0.09%)

Chechens - 28 thousand 861 people. (0.08%)

Ossetians - 17 thousand 655 people. (0.05%)

Persons of other nationalities - 17 thousand 270 people. (0.05%)

Koreans - 16 thousand 720 people. (0.04%)

The number of men amounted to 65.6 million people, women-76.3 million people in 2010.

The ratio of floors over the past year has not changed: by the beginning of 2010, 1,000 men accounted for 1162 women.

The numerical excess of women over men in the population is celebrated from 29 years and increases with age. Such an adverse relation was developed due to the preserving high level of premature mortality of men.

In Novgorod, Ivanovo, Tula, Yaroslavl, Tverskaya, Vladimir, Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod regions, St. Petersburg for 1000 men account for 1246-1221 women. Only in the Kamchatka Territory and the Chukotka Autonomous District of Women are less: 1000 men account for 986-949 women.

According to international criteria, the population is considered to be old if the proportion of people in the ages of 65 and more in the whole population exceeds 7%.

Currently, almost every eighth Russian, i.e. 12.9% of the country's residents, is at the age of 65 years and more.

The process of demographic aging of the population in much more than Characterized for women. In the structure of the population of the above ages, women make up more than two thirds (68.7%).

The average age of the country's residents is 38.9 years (in 2009 - 38.8 years old), men are 36.2 years (36,1), women-41.2 year (41.1)

The average age of the population over 40 years old is celebrated in 28 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the highest in the regions of the European part of Russia: in Tula, Ryazan, Tambov, Voronezh, Pskov, Tverskaya, Penza, GG. St. Petersburg and Moscow - 42.2 - 41.1 years.

The number of children and adolescents up to 16 years to 7.9 million people, or 25.6% less than those who are older than able-bodied age. The advantage of older people has a place in 62 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the largest: in the Tula region and St. Petersburg - 2 times, Ryazan and Voronezh regions - 1.9 times, Tambov, Leningrad, Ivanovo, Penza, Pskov , Yaroslavl regions, Moscow - 1.8 times.

The population aged 0-15 years for 18 years (1990-2007) has decreased. In 2008, due to the growth in the number of born, the number of this age group increased slightly - by 44 thousand, or 0.2%, in 2009 - by 313 thousand or 1.4%.

The lowest share of children aged 0-15 years in the total population is observed in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 13.0-12.9% (as a whole in Russia - 16.1%).

Most low level Unemployment corresponding to the CT criteria is celebrated in the Central Federal District.

Table 1 population density in the Central Economic Area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation

Administrative-territorial unit

Territory, sq.km.

Population, people

Including population

Population density, thousands. Per 1 sq. Km



Bryansk region.

Vladimir region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Moscow region

Oryol Region

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

Total in the area

29 084 ↘ 1 397 168 Vladimir 4 Voronezh region 52 216 ↗ 2 333 477 Voronezh 5 Ivanovo region 21 437 ↘ 1 029 838 Ivanovo 6 Kaluga region 29 777 ↘ 1 009 772 Kaluga 7 Kostroma region 60 211 ↘ 651 450 Kostroma 8 Kursk Oblast 29 997 ↗ 1 120 019 Kursk 9 Lipetsk region. 24 047 ↘ 1 156 093 Lipetsk 10 Moscow city 2511 ↗ 12 330 126 11 Moscow region 44 379 ↗ 7 318 647 Moscow 12 Oryol Region 24 652 ↘ 759 721 Eagle 13 Ryazan Oblast 39 605 ↘ 1 130 103 Ryazan 14 Smolensk region 49 779 ↘ 958 630 Smolensk 15 Tambov Region 34 462 ↘ 1 050 295 Tambov 16 Tver region 84 201 ↘ 1 304 744 Tver 17 Tula region 25 679 ↘ 1 506 446 Tula. 18 Yaroslavl region 36 177 ↗ 1 271 912 Yaroslavl


The territory of the district is 650 205 km², i.e. 3.8% of the territory of the Russian Federation, which is more than Ukraine - the largest state of Europe after Russia.

External borders: in the west with Belorussia, southwest with Ukraine. Domestic borders: in the south with southern, in the east with the Volga, in the north with the North-Western Federal Districts.

The largest rivers (in tributaries): Volga (Oka), Don (Voronezh), Dnipro (Desna, Sejm), Western Dvina. There is no way out to the sea.

Natural zones (from north to south): mixed forest, wide forest, forest-steppe, steppe.

Climate: moderately continental, average January temperature from -7 to -14 ° C, July - from +16 to + 22 ° C.

Natural resources: iron ore (Kursk magnetic anomaly) - reserves of 40 billion tons. (60% of Russian), phosphorites (25%), bauxites (15%), brown coals - mining 1.5 million tons, cement raw materials (25% ), granite (open-in production, 2 careers in the Bogucharian and Pavlovsky districts of the Voronezh region), ocher, peat, forest, black mill, water resources.

Length railways - 17 291 km (19.9% \u200b\u200bof Russian), highway with a solid coating - 117,926 km (22.3%).

From the historical, economic and natural climatic point of view, it is divided into two subregions - non-black earth and chernozem.


In Russia, the highest population density in Russia - 60.14 people / km² (2016). The district is the largest in Russia in terms of population - 39 104 319 people. (2016) (26.68% of the Russian Federation). The share of urban population is 81.98%. Also in the Central Federal District the largest share of the Russian population (89.06% for 2010). This is the only Federal District, where there is not a single national subject of the federation. It consists mainly of small, but densely populated areas, about half of the population lives in Moscow and Moscow region.

Population size
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
37 920 000 ↗ 38 018 468 ↗ 38 154 938 ↘ 38 138 535 ↘ 38 134 933 ↘ 38 088 155 ↗ 38 115 279
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
↗ 38 188 510 ↗ 38 233 707 ↗ 38 283 655 ↗ 38 311 159 ↘ 38 227 656 ↘ 38 175 094 ↘ 38 000 651
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
↘ 37 946 810 ↘ 37 733 471 ↘ 37 545 831 ↘ 37 356 361 ↘ 37 218 058 ↘ 37 150 741 ↘ 37 121 812
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
↗ 38 427 539 ↗ 38 445 765 ↗ 38 537 608 ↗ 38 678 913 ↗ 38 819 874 ↗ 38 951 479 ↗ 39 104 319
Fertility (the number of people born per 1000 people)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
12,5 ↗ 13,0 ↗ 13,4 ↗ 13,8 ↘ 11,2 ↘ 7,9 ↘ 7,7 ↘ 7,3 ↗ 7,5
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘ 7,2 ↗ 7,7 ↗ 8,0 ↗ 8,5 ↗ 8,7 ↗ 9,0 ↘ 8,8 ↗ 9,0 ↗ 9,7
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗ 10,3 ↗ 10,8 ↘ 10,7 ↗ 10,8 ↗ 11,4 ↗ 11,4 ↗ 11,5
Mortality (the number of died per 1000 people of the population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
9,5 ↗ 10,7 ↗ 12,3 ↗ 13,0 ↗ 13,1 ↗ 17,1 ↘ 16,1 ↘ 15,8 ↗ 15,8
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↗ 17,0 ↗ 17,5 ↗ 18,0 ↗ 18,5 ↘ 17,9 ↘ 17,4 ↗ 17,4 ↘ 16,7 ↘ 16,1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗ 16,1 ↘ 15,5 ↘ 15,2 ↘ 14,0 ↘ 13,9 ↘ 13,7 ↗ 13,7
Natural population growth (per 1000 people of the population, sign (-) means natural loss of the population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
3,0 ↘ 2,3 ↘ 1,1 ↘ 0,8 ↘ -1,9 ↘ -9,2 ↗ -8,4 ↘ -8,5 ↗ -8,3
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘ -9,8 ↗ -9,8 ↘ -10,0 ↗ -10,0 ↗ -9,2 ↗ -8,4 ↘ -8,6 ↗ -7,7 ↗ -6,4
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗ -5,8 ↗ -4,7 ↗ -4,5 ↗ -3,2 ↗ -2,5 ↗ -2,3 ↗ -2,2
Life expectancy at birth (number of years)
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
69,5 ↘ 69,2 ↘ 68,3 ↘ 65,6 ↘ 64,2 ↗ 64,9 ↗ 66,5 ↗ 67,4 ↗ 67,6
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘ 66,4 ↘ 66,1 ↘ 65,8 ↘ 65,6 ↗ 65,7 ↗ 66,1 ↗ 66,3 ↗ 67,3 ↗ 68,1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
↗ 68,5 ↗ 69,4 ↗ 69,9 ↗ 71,2 ↗ 71,4 ↗ 71,9

National composition

The national composition, according to the 2010 census: total - 38,427,539 people.

  1. Russians - 34 240 603 (89.10%)
  2. Ukrainians - 514 919 (1.34%)
  3. Armenians - 270 996 (0.71%)
  4. Tatars - 265 913 (0.69%)
  5. Azerbaijanis - 132 312 (0.34%)
  6. Belarusians - 128 742 (0.34%)
  7. Uzbeks - 90 652 (0.24%)
  8. Jews - 69 409 (0.18%)
  9. Moldovans - 65 645 (0.17%)
  10. Georgians - 63 612 (0.17%)
  11. Tajiks - 62 785 (0.16%)
  12. Mordva - 51 826 (0.13%)
  13. Gypsies - 49 535 (0.13%)
  14. Chuvashi - 40 157 (0.10%)
  15. Kyrgyz - 29 269 (0.08%)
  16. Chechens - 25,734 (0.07%)
  17. Germans - 25 219 (0.07%)
  18. Koreans - 21 779 (0.06%)
  19. Ossetians - 19 203 (0.05%)
  20. Lezgins - 17 843 (0.05%)
  21. Kazakhs - 17 608 (0.05%)
  22. Turks - 15 322 (0.04%)
  23. Bashkirs - 15 249 (0.04%)
  24. Ezidi - 13 727 (0.04%)
  25. Avars - 12 887 (0.03%)
  26. Dargins - 10 095 (0.03%)
  27. Persons who have not mentioned nationality - 1 million 944 thousand 531 people. (5.06%)
  28. Persons of other nationalities - 2 million 260 thousand 631 people. (5.88%)

According to the 2002 census, the population of the Central Federal District is 38 million 000 thousand 651 people. National composition:

  1. Russians - 34 million 703 thousand 066 people. (91.32%)
  2. Ukrainians - 756 thousand 087 people. (1.99%)
  3. Persons who have not mentioned nationality - 736 thousand 020 people. (1.93%)
  4. Tatars - 288 thousand 216 people. (0.77%)
  5. Armenians - 249 thousand 220 people. (0.66%)
  6. Belarusians - 186 thousand 326 people. (0.49%)
  7. Azerbaijanis - 161 thousand 859 people. (0.43%)
  8. Jews - 103 thousand 710 people. (0.27%)
  9. Georgians - 80 thousand 651 people. (0.21%)
  10. Moldovans - 67 thousand 811 people. (0.18%)
  11. Mordva - 67 thousand 497 people. (0.18%)
  12. Tajiks - 46 thousand 738 people. (0.12%)
  13. Chuvashi - 46 thousand 101 people. (0.12%)
  14. Gypsies - 45 thousand 858 people. (0.12%)
  15. Uzbeks - 38 thousand 676 people. (0.1%)
  16. Germans - 33 thousand 190 people. (0.09%)
  17. Chechens - 28 thousand 861 people. (0.08%)
  18. Ossetians - 17 thousand 655 people. (0.05%)
  19. Persons of other nationalities - 17 thousand 270 people. (0.05%)
  20. Koreans - 16 thousand 720 people. (0.04%)


The following groups and families are dominated by ethno-language composition:

  1. Indo-European family - 35 525 282 people. (92.45%)
    1. Slavic Group - 34 903 814 (90.83%)
    2. Armenian Group - 271 281 (0.71%)
    3. Iranian group - 105 149 (0.27%)
    4. Romanesque group - 70 074 (0.18%)
    5. Jews Indo-European - 69 409 (0.18%)
    6. Indoary Group - 52 105 (0.14%)
  2. Altai family - 646 955 (1.68%)
    1. Turkic Group - 636 673 (1.66%)
    2. Mongolian Group - 9 974 (0.02%)
  3. North Caucasian Family - 113 329 (0.29%)
  4. Ural family - 84,798 (0.22%)
    1. Finno-Ugric Group - 84 667 (0.22%)
  5. Cartewill family - 63 629 (0.17%)
  6. Koreans - 21 779 (0.06%)
  7. Semit-Khamita Family - 7,977 (0.02%)

Big cities

Populations with population of more than 200 thousand people
Moscow ↗ 12 330 126
Voronezh ↗ 1 032 382
Yaroslavl ↗ 606 703
Ryazan ↗ 534 762
Lipetsk ↘ 510 020
Tula. ↘ 485 930
Kursk ↗ 443 212
Tver ↗ 416 442
Ivanovo ↘ 408 025
Bryansk ↘ 405 921
Belgorod ↗ 387 090
Vladimir ↗ 354 827
Kaluga ↘ 341 986
Smolensk ↘ 328 906
Eagle ↗ 319 651
Tambov ↘ 288 414
Kostroma ↗ 276 691
Balashikha ↗ 428 400
Khimki ↗ 239 967
Podolsk ↗ 293 765
Stary Oskol ↗ 222 125

VRP and economy of the Central Federal District

Gross Regional Product (VRP) in the Central Bank (billion rubles)
Subject2014 in %
1 Moscow12 808,6 61,52
2 Moscow region2705,6 12,99
3 Voronezh region709,1 3,41
4 Belgorod region619,4 2,97
5 Tula region408,5 1,96
6 Lipetsk region.395,7 1,90
7 Yaroslavl region388,1 1,86
8 Vladimir region327,9 1,57
9 Kaluga region324,9 1,56
10 Tver region307,4 1,48
11 Kursk Oblast297,4 1,43
12 Ryazan Oblast297,3 1,43
13 Tambov Region275,8 1,32
14 Bryansk region.243,0 1,17
15 Smolensk region234,7 1,13
16 Oryol Region179,7 0,86
17 Ivanovo region151,0 0,73
18 Kostroma region146,3 0,70
18.000001 total &&&&&&&&&&020820.400000 20 820,4 &&&&&&&&&&&&0100.&&&&&0 100,00

The total GRP of the Central Federal District for 2014 amounted to 20 trillion 820 billion rubles. During the specified period, Moscow and the Moscow region accounted for 74.51% or 3/4 of the VRP of the district, the share of the 6 regions of the Central Black Earth - 11.88% of the GRP, to the remaining 10 regions of the Central Federal District - 13.61% of the District VRP.


  • Central Federal District // Chepalyega A. L., Chepalyega G. I. Regions of Russia: Directory. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Dashkov and K °, 2004. - 100 s. - P. 26-39. ISBN 5-94798-490-3.

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  1. . Checked March 27, 2016.
  2. www.demographia.ru/articles_n/index.html?idr\u003d20&idart\u003d76 Demographic situation in modern Russia
  3. www.fedstat.ru/indicator/data.do?id\u003d31557 The number of permanent population on January 1 (man) 1990-2013
  4. . .
  5. . Checked on November 14, 2013.
  6. . Checked April 13, 2014.
  7. . Checked on August 6, 2015.
  8. Central Federal District

    Excerpt characterizing the Central Federal District

    - Mon Cher, [My dear,] - it happened to say in such a minute of Princess Marya, - Nichochka cannot go now: very cold.
    "If it was warm," Prince Andrei his sister responded to such minutes, he would go in one shirt, and since it's cold, it is necessary to wear warm clothes on him, which for this and invented. This is what follows what is cold, and not to stay at home when the child needs air, "he said with a special logicality, as if punishing someone for all this secret, illogical, which happened in him, internal work. Princess Marya thought in these cases on how the men dries this mental work.

    Prince Andrei arrived in St. Petersburg in August 1809. It was the time of the apogee of the glory of the young Speransky and the energy of the coups performed by him. In this very, August, the sovereign, Having in the stroller, was spawned, damaged his leg, and remained in Peterhof for three weeks, seeing daily and exclusively with Speransky. At that time, not only two so famous and alarmed society were preparing for the destruction of court ranks and on the exams on the ranks of college assessors and Stat advisers, but also a whole state constitution to change the existing judicial, administrative and financial order Management of Russia from the State Council to the Volmet Board. Now they were carried out and embodied those unclear, liberal dreams with which Emperor Alexander entered the throne, and which he sought to implement with the help of his assistants of Chartorizhsky, Novosiltshev, Kochubey and Strogonov, whom he jokingly called Comite du Salut Publique. [Committee of Public Rescue.]
    Now everyone together was replaced by the Speransky in civil part and Arakcheev on the military. Prince Andrei shortly after the arrival of his, as a cammer, came to the yard and at the exit. The sovereign twice, having met him, did not honor him with a single word. Prince Andrei has always thought that he is an antipatitian sovereign that the sovereign is unpleasant to his face and his whole being. In a dry looking view, the sovereign looked at him, Prince Andrei even more than before was confirmed by this assumption. The courtesy explained by the prince Andrei inattention to him of the sovereign by the fact that His Majesty was dissatisfied with the fact that Bolkonsky did not serve since 1805.
    "I myself know how we are not powerful in our sympathies and antipathies, I thought Prince Andrei, and therefore there is nothing to think about to present my doctor's note about the military charter, but the case will speak for itself." He handed over his note to the old Feldmarshal, a friend of the Father. Feldmarshal, appointing his hour, gently accepted him and promised to report to the sovereign. A few days later, the prince Andrei was announced that he had to come to the military minister, Count Arakcheev.
    At nine o'clock in the morning, on the appointed day, Prince Andrei was at the reception center to Count Arakcheev.
    Personally, Prince Andrei did not know Arakcheev and never saw him, but everything he knew about him, he had little inspired him of respect for this person.
    "He is a military minister, a trustee of the sovereign of the emperor; No one should be affected by his personal properties; He is instructed to consider my note, hence he is alone and can give her a move, "thought Prince Andrei, waiting in the number of many important and unimportant individuals in the adoptive Count Arakcheev.
    Prince Andrei during his own, mostly adjutant, the service saw a lot of adopted important persons and the various characters of these receptions were very clear for him. Count Arakcheev was a completely special character of the reception. On unimportant persons awaiting the queue of the audience in the adoptive Count Arakcheev, it was written was a sense of ashamed and humility; One general feeling of awkwardness, hidden under a distillation and mockery, was expressed on more utensils, hidden under their position over his position and on the expected face. Other thoughtfully went back and forth, other whispering was laughing, and Prince Andrei heard Sobriquet [mocking nickname] Forces Andreich and Words: "Uncle will ask", belonged to the count of Arakcheev. One general (important person) apparently insulted by what was to wait so long, sitting by shifting his feet and smiling contemptuously with him.
    But as soon as the door was dissolved, only one thing was expressed on all persons - fear. Prince Andrei asked the on duty another time to report itself, but he looked at him with a mockery and said that his turn would come at one time. After several persons entered and derived by the adjutant from the Cabinet of Minister, an officer was brought to the terrible door, struck by Prince Andrew his humiliated and frightened look. The officer's audience continued for a long time. Suddenly heard from the door of a unpleasant voice, and a pale officer, with shaking lips, came out from there, and grabbing himself for his head, passed through the reception.
    Following the prince Andrei was put to the door, and the shopot duty said: "To the right, to the window."
    Prince Andrei entered a poorly nebid office and the table saw a dear man with a long waist, with a long, briefly tinted head and thick wrinkles, with frowning eyebrows over a greenery stupid eyes and hanging red nose. Arakcheev turned his head to him without looking at him.
    - What do you ask? - asked Arakcheev.
    "I do not ... I ask you, your beggar," Prince Andrew said quietly. Arakcheev's eyes turned to him.
    "Sit down," said Arakcheev, "Prince Bolkonsky?"
    "I don't ask anything, and the sovereign of the emperor led to send a note to your slope ...
    "Learn to see my courtesiest, I read your note," I interrupted the arakchev, only the first words saying affectionately, again without looking into his face and flowing more and more in a grindly contempt. - New laws of the military offer? There are many laws, perform some old. Now all the laws write, write easier than to do.
    - I arrived at the will of the emperor's sovereign to learn from your creation, what move do you think to give a submitted note? - said the courtly Prince Andrei.
    - To the note, your resolution is laid and re-posted in the Committee. I do not approve, "said Araqs, getting up and taking paper from a written table. - Here! - He filed Prince Andrew.
    On paper, she was eager, a pencil, without capital letters, without spelling, without punctuation marks, it was written: "It is unreasonably drawn up so much as imitation is written off from the French military charter and from the military articula without the needs of the retreating."
    - What committee is transferred to the note? - asked Prince Andrei.
    - to the Committee on the Mortar Charter, and I am submitted to enroll your welfare to members. Only without a salary.
    Prince Andrei smiled.
    - I do not want.
    "Without a salary to a member," Arakchev repeated. - I have the honor. Hey, call! Who else? He shouted, putting the prince Andrei.

    Waiting for notifications about enrolling it in the Committee members, Prince Andrei resumed old dating especially with those persons who, he knew was in force and could be needed by him. He now experienced a feeling in St. Petersburg, similar to what he experienced on the eve of the battle, when his restless curiosity and insurmountable pulled into higher spheres, where the future was preparing, from which fate of millions depended. He felt on the border of old people, according to the curiosity of the uninitiated, on the restraint of the devoted, at the hoodiness, the concerns of all, on the countless number of committees, commissions, on the existence of which he again recognized every day that now, in 1809 meters, was preparing here in St. Petersburg, What a huge civil battle, which the commander-in-chief was unknown to him, the mysterious and brilliant, the face - Speransky. And he is a vaguely known case of transformation, and the Speransky - chief figure, began so passionately to interest him that the matter of military charter began to move in a secondary place in consciousness.
    Prince Andrei was in one of the most profitable provisions in order to be well adopted into all the most diverse and higher circles of the then St. Petersburg society. The parties of the converters welcomed and lured him, firstly because he had a reputation as a great readiness, secondly because he was already a reputation of liberal on his reaches of the peasants. The party of old men is dissatisfied, right as the son of his father, turned to him for sympathy, condemning the transformations. Women's society, light, welcoming him, because he was a groom, rich and notable, and almost a new face with a halo of a nomanic story about his imaginary death and the tragic death of his wife. In addition, the common voice about him of all who knew him before was the one that he changed a lot for the better in these five years, softened and matured that there was no former pretending, pride and mocking, and was that calm, which purchased for years. They spoke about him, they were interested in and everyone wanted to see him.
    Another day after visiting the Count Arakcheev, Prince Andrei was in the evening at the Circular Count. He told the Count his date with the power of Andreich (Kochubey so called Arakcheev with the same uncertain over something like a mockery, which Prince Andrei noted in the receptional military minister).
    - Mon Cher, [My dear,] Even in this matter you are not sent by Mikhail Mikhailovich. C "EST Le Grand Faiseur. [Everything is done.] I will tell him. He promised to come in the evening ...
    - What is the case of Speransky to military charters? - asked Prince Andrei.
    Kochubey, smiling, shook his head, as if whatever the naivety of Bolkonsky.
    - We talked about you the other day, - continued to the kernels, - about your free bumps ...
    - Yes, this is you, the prince, let go of your men? - said the Ekaterininsky old man, contemptuously turning on Bologkoe.
    "Little imbey did not bring anything to income," Bolkonsky answered, so as not to annoy the old man in vain, trying to soften his act before him.
    - Vous Craignez D "Etre En Retard, [Afraid,] - said the old man, looking at the Kochubey.
    "I don't understand one," continued the old man - who will plow the earth, if they will give them? Easily write laws, but it is difficult to manage. Anyway, as now, I ask you, the count, who will be the head of the chambers, when to keep all exams?
    "Those who will stand the exams, I think," answered the kernels, throwing his leg to the leg and looking back.
    "Here I have a hiking man, a nice man, a man gold, and he is 60 years old, will he go for exams? ...
    - Yes, it is difficult, in short, the formation is very little common, but ... - Circus did not negotiate, he rose and, taking Prince Andrew, went to meet the incoming high, bald, blonde man, forty years old, with a big open forehead and extraordinary, strange whiteness oblong face. On the included Blue Frak, the cross on the neck and the star on the left side of the chest. It was Speransky. Prince Andrei immediately recognized him and in his soul something drown out, as it happens in important moments of life. Was this respect, envy, expectation - he did not know. The whole figure of Speransky had a special type for which it was now possible to know him. No one of the society in which Prince Andrew lived, he did not see this tranquility and self-confidence of embarrassing and stupid movements, no one saw such a solid and together a soft view of half-closed and several wet eyes, did not see such a hardness of nothing insignificant smile , such a thin, even, quiet voice, and, most importantly, such a delicate whiteness of the face and especially the hands, somewhat wide, but unusually chubby, gentle and white. Such whiteness and tenderness of the face Prince Andrei saw only the soldiers who have long been in the hospital. It was Speransky, the Secretary of State, the Soviet Rapporteur and his companion in Erfurt, where he had repeatedly seen and spoke with Napoleon.
    Speransky did not overcome through the eyes from one person to another, as involuntarily was done at the entrance to a large society, and did not rush to speak. He spoke quietly, with confidence that they would listen to him, and looked only on the person who spoke.
    Prince Andrei especially closely followed each word and the movement of the Speransky. As it happens with people, especially with those that are strictly judged by their neighbors, Prince Andrei, meeting with a new face, especially with such as the Speransky, whom he knew on reputation, was always waiting for a complete perfection of human advantages.
    Speransky said Kochube, which regrets that he could not come before, because he was detained in the palace. He did not say that his sovereign was detained. And this affectation of modesty noted Prince Andrei. When Kochubey called him Prince Andrew, Speransky slowly translated his eyes on Bolkonsky with the same smile and silently began to look at him.
    "I am very happy to meet you, I heard about you, like everyone else," he said.
    Kochubey said a few words about the reception made by Bolkonsky Arakchev. Speransky smiled else.
    - Director of the Commission of Military Charters My good friend is Mr. Magnitsky, "he said, contracting every syllable and every word, - and if you wish, I can drive you with him. (He paused at the point.) I hope that you will find sympathy and the desire to contribute to all reasonable.
    Near Speransky immediately the circle and that old man who spoke about his official, Ginicker, also appealed to Speransky.
    Prince Andrei, without joining the conversation, watched all the movements of the Speransky, this man, a newly insignificant seminary and now in his hands, - these white, chubby hands, who had the fate of Russia, as Bolkonsky thought. Prince Andrew struck extraordinary, contemptuous calm, with whom Speransky answered the old man. He seemed to appease with an immeasurable height turned his indulgent word to him. When the old man began to speak too loudly, Speransky smiled and said that he could not judge the benefit or disadvantage of anything was a sovereign.
    Speaking several times in the general circle, Speransky got up and, approaching the prince Andrei, withdrawing him with him to the other end of the room. It was seen that he considered it necessary to do Bolkonsky.
    - I did not have time to talk to you, Prince, among that animated conversation, which was involved by this honorable old man, - he said, smiling contemptuously and this smile, as if recognizing that he, together with Prince Andrey, understands the insignificance of those people with whom He just spoke. This appeal was poisoned by Prince Andrei. - I know you for a long time: first, in the case of yours about your peasants, this is our first example, which would be so more followed; And secondly, because you are one of those chamber meters who did not consider themselves offended by a new decree on court ranks that cause such vessels and peres.
    - Yes, "said Prince Andrei, - Father did not want me to use this right; I started service from the lower ranks.
    - Your father, the man of the old century, obviously stands above our contemporaries, which so condemn this measure, restoring only natural justice.

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Federal District of the Russian Federation
Central Federal District
Educated May 13, 2000.
Center FD
Territory - Square 650 205 km²
(3.8% of the Russian Federation)
Population ↗ 39 378 059 people. (2019)
(26.83% of the Russian Federation)
Density 60.56 people / km²
Number of subjects 18
Number of cities 310
Volume prom. Production 1300 billion rubles. (2002)
Income per capita 22 267 rub. (2016)
VRP 24 135 billion rubles. (2016)
GRP per capita 616 366 rubles / person. (2016)
Pol airproof Schegolev, Igor Olegovich
Official site cFO.gov.ru.

Central Federal District (CFO) - Federal District in the West. Educated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2000.

The district does not have republics in its composition among the subjects of the Russian Federation - it presents only the areas and the city of federal significance, the capital of Russia, which is the administrative center and the largest city of the district.

The CFO does not have access to the world ocean or any sea. It is the largest among federal districts in the number of subjects and population.


The territory of the district is 650,205 km², that is, 3.8% of the territory of the Russian Federation, which is more - the largest state itself, entirely located in Europe.

Located on the Eastern European Plain; There are Valdai, Smolensko-Moscow and Central Russian Hills, Meshcherskaya and the Osksk-Donal Lowland. The highest point is 347 meters (Valdaya Makushka).

External borders: in the west with, southwest with. Domestic borders: in the south with southern, in the east with the Volga, in the north with the North-Western Federal Districts.

The largest rivers (in tributaries): Volga (Oka), Don (Voronezh), Dnipro (Desna, Sejm), Western Dvina. There is no way out to the sea.

Natural zones (from north to south): mixed forest, wide forest, forest-steppe, steppe.

Climate: moderately continental, the average temperature of January from -7 to -14 ° C, July - from +16 to + 22 ° C.

Natural resources: iron ore (Kursk magnetic anomaly) - reserves of 40 billion tons. (60% of Russian), phosphorites (25%), bauxites (15%), brown coals - mining 1.5 million tons, cement raw materials (25% ), granite (open-in production, 2 careers in the Bogucharian and Pavlovsky districts of the Voronezh region), ocher, peat, forest, black mill, water resources.

Length of railways - 17,291 km (19.9% \u200b\u200bof Russian), highway with solid coating - 117,926 km (22.3%).

From the historical, economic and natural climatic point of view, it is divided into two subregions - non-black earth and chernozem. In the weather forecasts, the district is often shortened by the center of Russia or Central Russia.

The composition of the district

Flag Subject of the federation Square, km² Population, people Admin. Centre
1 27 134 ↘ 1 547 418
2 34 857 ↘ 1 200 187
3 29 084 ↘ 1 365 805
4 52 216 ↘ 2 327 821
5 21 437 ↘ 1 004 180
6 29 777 ↘ 1 009 377
7 60 211 ↘ 637 267
8 29 997 ↘ 1 107 041
9 24 047 ↘ 1 144 035
10 2561 ↗ 12 615 279
11 44 329 ↗ 7 599 647
12 24 652 ↘ 739 467 Eagle
13 39 605 ↘ 1 114 137
14 49 779 ↘ 942 363
15 34 462 ↘ 1 015 966
16 84 201 ↘ 1 269 636
17 25 679 ↘ 1 478 818
18 36 177 ↘ 1 259 612

General Map

Cities with population:

- 12 615 279 people. - 1 054 111 people. - from 500,000 people. up to 999,9999 people. - from 300,000 people. up to 499,9999 people. - from 150,000 people. Up to 299,999 people.

Popular points of the Central Federal District


In Russia, the highest population density in Russia is 60.56 people / km² (2019). The district is the largest in Russia in terms of population - 39 378,059 people. (2019) (26.83% of the Russian Federation). The share of urban population is 82.06%. Also in the Central Federal District the largest share of the Russian population (89.06% for 2010). This is the only Federal District, where there is not a single national subject of the federation. It consists mainly of small but densely populated areas, about half of the population lives in and.

Population size
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
37 920 000 ↗ 38 018 468 ↗ 38 154 938 ↘ 38 138 535 ↘ 38 134 933 ↘ 38 088 155 ↗ 38 115 279
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
↗ 38 188 510 ↗ 38 233 707 ↗ 38 283 655 ↗ 38 311 159 ↘ 38 227 656 ↘ 38 175 094 ↘ 38 000 651
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
↘ 37 946 810 ↘ 37 733 471 ↘ 37 545 831 ↘ 37 356 361 ↘ 37 218 058 ↘ 37 150 741 ↘ 37 121 812
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
↗ 38 427 539 ↗ 38 445 765 ↗ 38 537 608 ↗ 38 678 913 ↗ 38 819 874 ↗ 38 951 479 ↗ 39 104 319
2017 2018 2019
↗ 39 209 582 ↗ 39 311 413 ↗ 39 378 059
Fertility (the number of people born per 1000 people)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
12,5 ↗ 13,0 ↗ 13,4 ↗ 13,8 ↘ 11,2 ↘ 7,9 ↘ 7,7 ↘ 7,3 ↗ 7,5
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘ 7,2 ↗ 7,7 ↗ 8,0 ↗ 8,5 ↗ 8,7 ↗ 9,0 ↘ 8,8 ↗ 9,0 ↗ 9,7
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗ 10,3 ↗ 10,8 ↘ 10,7 ↗ 10,8 ↗ 11,4 → 11,4 ↗ 11,5
Mortality (the number of died per 1000 people of the population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
9,5 ↗ 10,7 ↗ 12,3 ↗ 13,0 ↗ 13,1 ↗ 17,1 ↘ 16,1 ↘ 15,8 ↗ 15,8
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↗ 17,0 ↗ 17,5 ↗ 18,0 ↗ 18,5 ↘ 17,9 ↘ 17,4 ↗ 17,4 ↘ 16,7 ↘ 16,1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗ 16,1 ↘ 15,5 ↘ 15,2 ↘ 14,0 ↘ 13,9 ↘ 13,7 ↗ 13,7
Natural population growth
(per 1000 people of the population, sign (-) means natural loss of the population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
3,0 ↘ 2,3 ↘ 1,1 ↘ 0,8 ↘ -1,9 ↘ -9,2 ↗ -8,4 ↘ -8,5 ↗ -8,3
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘ -9,8 → -9,8 ↘ -10,0 → -10,0 ↗ -9,2 ↗ -8,4 ↘ -8,6 ↗ -7,7 ↗ -6,4
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
↗ -5,8 ↗ -4,7 ↗ -4,5 ↗ -3,2 ↗ -2,5 ↗ -2,3 ↗ -2,2 ↗ -1,7 ↘ -1,8
↘ -2,4
Life expectancy at birth (number of years)
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
69,5 ↘ 69,2 ↘ 68,3 ↘ 65,6 ↘ 64,2 ↗ 64,9 ↗ 66,5 ↗ 67,4 ↗ 67,6
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘ 66,4 ↘ 66,1 ↘ 65,8 ↘ 65,6 ↗ 65,7 ↗ 66,1 ↗ 66,3 ↗ 67,3 ↗ 68,1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
↗ 68,5 ↗ 69,4 ↗ 69,9 ↗ 71,2 ↗ 71,4 ↗ 71,9

National composition

The national composition, according to the 2010 census: total - 38,427,539 people.

  1. Russians - 34 240 603 (89.10%)
  2. Ukrainians - 514 919 (1.34%)
  3. Armenians - 270 996 (0.71%)
  4. Tatars - 265 913 (0.69%)
  5. Azerbaijanis - 132 312 (0.34%)
  6. Belarusians - 128 742 (0.34%)
  7. Uzbeks - 90 652 (0.24%)
  8. Jews - 69 409 (0.18%)
  9. Moldovans - 65 645 (0.17%)
  10. Georgians - 63 612 (0.17%)
  11. Tajiks - 62 785 (0.16%)
  12. Mordva - 51 826 (0.13%)
  13. Gypsies - 49 535 (0.13%)
  14. Chuvashi - 40 157 (0.10%)
  15. Kyrgyz - 29 269 (0.08%)
  16. Chechens - 25,734 (0.07%)
  17. Germans - 25 219 (0.07%)
  18. Koreans - 21 779 (0.06%)
  19. Ossetians - 19 203 (0.05%)
  20. Lezgins - 17 843 (0.05%)
  21. Kazakhs - 17 608 (0.05%)
  22. Turks - 15 322 (0.04%)
  23. Bashkirs - 15 249 (0.04%)
  24. Ezidi - 13 727 (0.04%)
  25. Avars - 12 887 (0.03%)
  26. Dargins - 10 095 (0.03%)
  27. Persons who have not mentioned nationality - 1 million 944 thousand 531 people. (5.06%)
  28. Persons of other nationalities - 2 million 260 thousand 631 people. (5.88%)

According to the 2002 census, the population of the Central Federal District is 38 million 000 thousand 651 people. National composition:

  1. Russians - 34 million 703 thousand 066 people. (91.32%)
  2. Ukrainians - 756 thousand 087 people. (1.99%)
  3. Persons who have not mentioned nationality - 736 thousand 020 people. (1.93%)
  4. Tatars - 288 thousand 216 people. (0.77%)
  5. Armenians - 249 thousand 220 people. (0.66%)
  6. Belarusians - 186 thousand 326 people. (0.49%)
  7. Azerbaijanis - 161 thousand 859 people. (0.43%)
  8. Jews - 103 thousand 710 people. (0.27%)
  9. Georgians - 80 thousand 651 people. (0.21%)
  10. Moldovans - 67 thousand 811 people. (0.18%)
  11. Mordva - 67 thousand 497 people. (0.18%)
  12. Tajiks - 46 thousand 738 people. (0.12%)
  13. Chuvashi - 46 thousand 101 people. (0.12%)
  14. Gypsies - 45 thousand 858 people. (0.12%)
  15. Uzbeks - 38 thousand 676 people. (0.1%)
  16. Germans - 33 thousand 190 people. (0.09%)
  17. Chechens - 28 thousand 861 people. (0.08%)
  18. Ossetians - 17 thousand 655 people. (0.05%)
  19. Persons of other nationalities - 17 thousand 270 people. (0.05%)
  20. Koreans - 16 thousand 720 people. (0.04%)


The following groups and families are dominated by ethno-language composition:

  1. Indo-European family - 35 525 282 people. (92.45%)
    1. Slavic Group - 34 903 814 (90.83%)
    2. Armenian Group - 271 281 (0.71%)
    3. Iranian group - 105 149 (0.27%)
    4. Romanesque group - 70 074 (0.18%)
    5. Jews Indo-European - 69 409 (0.18%)
    6. Indoary Group - 52 105 (0.14%)
  2. Altai family - 646 955 (1.68%)
    1. Turkic Group - 636 673 (1.66%)
    2. Mongolian Group - 9974 (0.02%)
  3. North Caucasian Family - 113 329 (0.29%)
  4. Ural family - 84,798 (0.22%)
    1. Finno-Ugric Group - 84 667 (0.22%)
  5. Cartewill family - 63 629 (0.17%)
  6. Koreans - 21 779 (0.06%)
  7. Semit-Khamita Family - 7977 (0.02%)

Big cities

Populations with population of more than 200 thousand people
↗ 12 615 279
↗ 1 054 111
↗ 609 828
↗ 539 789
↘ 509 420
↘ 479 105
↗ 490 047
↗ 449 556
↗ 304 245
↘ 291 663
↘ 276 064
↗ 254 748
↗ 224 533
↗ 223 360
↗ 222 739
↗ 207 349

VRP and economy of the Central Federal District

Gross Regional Product in the Central Federal District
Subject VRP
(billion rubles)
in % VRP per soul
(thousand rubles / person)
1 * 15 724,9 59,58 1 263,7
2 3803,0 14,15 509,5
3 865,2 3,62 370,6
4 785,6 3,02 506,4
5 555,9 2,10 371,7
6 510,6 1,90 402,6
7 498,0 2,01 431,8
8 417,1 1,47 411,6
9 415,6 1,58 300,3
10 387,6 1,48 346,3
11 384,0 1,50 297,6
12 360,6 1,39 320,8
13 307,7 1,19 253,1
14 300,6 1,52 289,8
15 281,9 1,13 296,3
16 214,3 0,91 285,4
17 185,8 0,75 182,4
18 165,9 0,69 256,8
18.000001 total 26 164,3 100,00 472,2

The total GRP of the Central Federal District for 2017 amounted to 26 trillion 164 billion rubles. For this period, Moscow and the Moscow region accounted for 74.63% or 3/4 of the VRP of the district, the share of 6 regions of the Central Black Soil - 11.66% of the GRP, to the remaining 10 regions of the Central Federal District - 13.71% of the District VRP.

(* GRP Moscow is not real, due to the fact that the largest enterprises from other subjects of the Russian Federation are registered in Moscow which give Moscow the GRP increase, and not the region where the products itself is produced, the present GRP of Moscow is currently not possible to calculate.)

Plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District

  • Poltavchenko, Georgy Sergeevich (May 18, 2000-2 March 26, 2004 / May 14, 2008 - August 31, 2011)
  • Govorun, Oleg Markovich (September 6, 2011 - May 21, 2012)
  • Runov, Alexander Dmitrievich (May 23, 2012 - December 25, 2017)
  • Gordeev, Aleksey Vasilyevich (December 25, 2017 - 18 May 2018)
  • Schegolev Igor Olegovich (from June 26, 2018, No. 367)


  • Central Federal District // Chepalyega A. L., Chepalyega G. I. Regions of Russia: Directory. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Dashkov and K °, 2004. - 100 s. - P. 26-39. ISBN 5-94798-490-3.


  • Public Council of the Central Federal District
  • Legislation of the Central Federal District

see also

  • Central Economic District.
  • Central Black Economic District


  1. Information on the presence and distribution of land in the Russian Federation as of 01.01.2017 (in the context of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) // federal Service state registration, Cadastre and cartography (Rosreestr)
  2. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2019 (rus.). Caption date July 31, 2019.
  3. Gross regional product according to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. (rus.) (XLS). Rosstat.
  4. Gross regional product per capita in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. MS Excel Document
  5. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2018 (rus.). Caption date July 25, 2018. Archived July 26, 2018.
  6. Demographic situation in modern Russia
  7. The number of permanent population on January 1 (man) 1990-2013
  8. All-Russian Census of 2002. Tom. 1, Table 4. The population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - district centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand and more (Neopr.) . Archived on February 3, 2012.
  9. Census of 2010. The population of Russia, federal districts, subjects of the Russian Federation, urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements (rus.). Federal State Statistics Service. Date of appeal September 25, 2013. Archived on April 28, 2013.
  10. Table 33. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2014 (Neopr.) . Reference date August 2, 2014. Archived on August 2, 2014.
  11. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2015 (Neopr.) . Date of treatment August 6, 2015. Archived on August 6, 2015.
  12. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2016
  13. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2017 (rus.) (July 31, 2017). Date of treatment July 31, 2017. Archived July 31, 2017.
  14. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  15. 4.22. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  16. 4.6. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  17. Fertility rates, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2011
  18. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2012
  19. Fertility rates, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2013
  20. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2014
  21. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  22. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  23. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  24. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  25. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  26. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  27. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  28. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  29. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  30. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  31. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  32. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  33. 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the regions of the Russian Federation
  34. 4.22. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  35. 4.6. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  36. Fertility rates, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2011
  37. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2012
  38. Fertility rates, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2013
  39. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorces for January-December 2014
  40. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorce for January-December 2015
  41. Fertility rates, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorce for January-December 2016
  42. Fertility coefficients, mortality, natural growth, marriages, divorce for January-December 2017
  43. Life expectancy at birth, years, year, the value of the indicator for the year, the entire population, both
  44. Life expectancy at birth
  45. All-Russian Census of 2010. Official results with advanced lists on the national composition of the population and by region: see
  46. Gross regional product according to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. (Neopr.) (.xlsx). Federal State Statistics Service (March 2, 2018). - Official statistics. Date of appeal March 6, 2018.
  47. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 18.05.2000 № 894 "On the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District"
  48. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 26.03.2004 No. 415 "On the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District"
  49. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14.05.2008 No. 789 "On the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District"
  50. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08/31/2011 No. 1130 "On Poltavchenko G. S."
  51. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 09/06/2011 No. 1163 "On the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District"
  52. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21.05.2012 No. 656 "On Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation"
  53. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.05.2012 No. 704 "On the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District"
  54. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 25.12.2017 No. 624 "On the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District"
  55. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 25.12.2017 No. 625 "On the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District"
  56. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/18/2018 No. 225 "On the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation"
  57. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 26.06.2018 No. 367 "On the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District"

The composition includes 18 territorial subjects. And for this reason it is the biggest number. There are no republics in the Central Federal District, only the area and the only one is the capital of our country, Moscow. By the way, it is not only the largest city Total county, but also his administrative center. However, about everything in order.


Before considering the composition of the Central Federal District, it is worth noting the attention of the features that it differs.

So, the CFO was formed on May 13, 2000. He has no way out to any sea and, accordingly, the ocean. Nevertheless, this is the largest district in terms of population and the number of territorial subjects, which has already been mentioned above. A little more than 39 million people live in the Central Federal District. It is about 26.7% of the total number of citizens of the Russian Federation. Density, by the way, is ~ 60.14 people at km².

The Central Federal District includes two major economic areas, including 310 cities. This is the central black earth and central regions. Square occupied by them is 650 205 km². This is approximately 3.8% of the total area of \u200b\u200bRussia. But, despite such small dimensions, the Central Federal District is the basic macro-region of the whole country.


As mentioned above, Moscow is included in the Central Federal District. It occupies the smaller area, if compared with the rest of the subjects of the Central Federal District - only 2,511 km². But despite this, Moscow lives on average 10 times more peoplethan in other areas of the district. In the capital, 12,330,126 people are listed, according to the latest statistical data.

What can I tell about Moscow? After all, it is the capital, and that says it all. But still it is worth noting that the city is the largest in general Russian scale financial center and one of the largest business megalopolises in the world. And perhaps, it will not be superfluous to say that it is Moscow that is in the first place among all cities on our planet in the number of dollar billionaires living in its territory. They are 79. In any case, as of 2011.

And of course, Moscow is the largest transport hub of Russia. For the year the volume of passenger traffic is about 11,500,000,000 people.

Moscow region

This is the next most populous subject of the Central Federal District after the capital. Area area is approximately 44.4 thousand km². There is about 7.32 million people in this territory.

According to the Volume of the GRP, the Moscow region is in third place among all russian subjects. This is a well-developed region, which contributes, by the way, the neighborhood with the capital. On the one hand, this fact plays a positive role. But on the other, the capital adopts labor resources Areas. Just many people living in Mo people work in a megalopolis. And for this reason, it is in the budget of Moscow that their taxes come.

Industry is well developed in this region. In particular, metalworking and mechanical engineering. There is a rocket and space technology, equipment of nuclear and thermal energy, main diesel locomotives, electric trains, buses, wagons, excavators and much more.

Other regions and their significance

The center of the central federal also includes the Lipetsk region - the region located in the territory, which is oblivious since the time of the upper Paleolithic (40-12 thousand years ago). So assure scientists. 85% of the territory of the region is covered with a black mill, and there were also 300 mineral deposits. According to the reserves of carbonate raw materials, Lo is the leader of the Russian Federation.

Talking about the composition of federal districts, it is impossible to not be noted by the Ivanovo region who belongs to the Central Federal District. After all, 32.8% of products are produced on its territory. light industry from the All-Russian volume (indicator number 1).

The Oryol region is also included in the Central Federal District. It is characterized by its economy, which wears a pronounced agrarian-industrial character.

The Tula region is also included in the Central Federal District. This is one of the most disadvantaged in the social plan of the regions. Low fertility, increased mortality, a large number of accidents, bad ecology, and more than 420 thousand people of the population (and in total, ~ 1,500,000 citizens) are pensioners. But the food industry is developed here. The most vivid example is the "Clear Polyana" confectionery factory, producing gingerbread known in all of Russia.

Features of larger areas

Few of the federal districts can boast of such a variety of territorial subjects as the Central Federal District. Not all areas were listed above.

There is also Belgorod. It is especially the fact that on its territory concentrated about 40% of the reserves of iron ore RF. A good environmental situation is observed in the Kaluga region. 75.6% of its territory is occupied by ferrous-podzolic soils. 45.2% of the space is occupied by forests, and the overall stock of wood, in connection with this, is 267,700,000 m³.

In the Vladimir region, the environmental situation is bad, but mechanical engineering is well developed. Due to this sphere, about 40% of industrial product is created.

Even in the Central Federal District (CFI), the Kursk and Tambov region are included. The main activity is the first to contribute to the extraction and enrichment of ore, as well as in mechanical engineering. The industry of the Tambov region is recognized as one of the leading sectors of the regional economy.

The Bryansk region is known for highly developed railway transport and radio electronics. And still forestry. Yaroslavl region, also largely defining the important position of the Central Federal District, is one of the most highly developed regions in industrial plan. About 300 local enterprises are of state importance. In addition, this area is known for good mineral resources (thin ribbon clays, quartz sand, peat, gravel, etc. are common here.


As you can see, the Central Federal District is rather solid. The composition of the areas, as well as their features it is useful to know. But not yet mentioned 5 recent regions. But they are also important.

Ryazan region, for example, is known for the fact that there are 103.5 thousand hectares of essential natural territories on its area. And protected, respectively. In the Smolensk region, animal husbandry of a dairy-meat direction is perfectly developed. Agricultural land occupy about 1,750,000 hectares!

Voronezh region is an absolute leader in the whole country by employment. Kostroma is known for the presence of enterprises largest in the Russian Federation specializing in the production of lifting and oil and gas equipment. And finally, the Tver region, the latter. Construction and trade is developed on its territory.

What conclusion can be done? Unambiguous. All areas included in the composition of the TsFO are in their own way special and valuable. And thanks to each of them, the Central FD is the most highly developed in Russia.

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