
Why do we pay every month? For what people are ready to pay big money for what you need to pay each

Money is a exchange of people, a kind of stream of energy. Transfering to each other this payment facility, people share with each other in different energy. For what a person is ready to pay a lot of money, you can understand, observed, for example, for your familiar.

First of all, people without thinking, give their blood to solve their own problems. Although, in fact, most of them do not exist, the person is simply used to call a problem what he does not like, for example, any development of events prepared by the fate. So it turns out that people break up with big money for far-thined problems.

For money, the experience of specialists and services provided by them are often bought for personal time saving. People invest the fabulous money in the roof over their heads, real estate with all the amenities and in the purchase of furniture.

They are often engaged in moving and spending their money.

In business, money is dried as water, it takes a lot of means for promotion.

For the transportation of the body from the point - and at the item - V. The means of this transportation can be plane, car, cargo transportation, again all this is paid and is purchased to save their personal time.

Do you need to buy?

People are ready to pay for entertainment and emotions. But that the strangest, entertainment is paid complete with alcohol, which ruins human health. After that, huge sums are invested in its recovery.

It may be treatment, psychological assistance, prevention, vitamins, gym, proper nutrition.

Also, people pay for their education, which is currently a need. To obtain any specialty and profession, there are many institutions such as schools, institutes, universities, training courses, and all this was open to improving the quality of life.

The need to give off your blood arises from the desire to make life comfortable and comfortable. For this, people are purchased by technique and electronics.

Very often, some men and women pay for aesthetic pleasure, for example, art. They buy pictures, visit theaters and movies, listen or write music.

And beauty? After all, a woman seems to strive for this all his life! Visiting the beauty salons, fitness clubs, yoga, is engaged in shopping and decorates the body of expensive metal, stones.

Today, people pay for one thing - for the opportunity to achieve the desired state of affairs! Do not forget that it is not at all rich happiness, because for money not to buy neither time nor love.

In each receipt for the payment of the LCQ there is a graph "Content and repair of housing". What owners of housing should get for this money?

How to calculate
By law, the procedure for which this board is installed, the following. Annually management company at the general meeting of owners offers the amount of payment. Owners are discussed which services they would like to get, with what frequency (minimum is registered in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.04.2013 No. 290 "On the minimum list of services and work necessary to ensure the proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, and the procedure for their provision and execution. "More services in the contract with the Criminal Code may be less - no). Then, all this is prescribed in the contract - and the rates, and the list of services. If the meeting cannot be held, then another order for houses is installed for homes: the amount of payment for the content of housing is determined by municipal rates.
For what we pay
Service of elevatov
For each elevator in your house there should be a passport, and the management company has a contract for its service, where planned repairs are prescribed.
Servicing smoke and fire extinguishing system
Check the system must once a quarter. If the owner of the housing does not know if there is such a system in the house, it can be found in the management company. There can also be clarified which contractual organization is responsible for the working condition of this system. In addition, there must be special boxes in the entrance, fire sleeves.
Emergency services need to know this: from 08.00 to 18.00 with an emergency, a repair and operational organization copes. And from 18.00 to 08.00 there is an emergency service that will cope with the situation. But, let's say, you will not change the flowing pipe: it is not included in the price of maintenance and repair of housing. For the pipe will have to pay additionally.
Cleaning in the entrance
Also should be removed the staircases, clean the garbage chambers, to carry out disinfection (do not agree to pay separately, say, for the destruction of rodents), paint the walls in the entrance and change the bulbs there, export the garbage.
Cleaning yard
This is a separate topic. If the land plot under the house is municipal property, then for purity in the courtyard, the municipality is in time, the municipality is replied on time and the municipality is responsible and pays for it. But if the borders of the local territory were formed, there is a plan of intertaries, then the owners themselves decide on the general meeting, What work is carried out in the yard, how often to clean the territory, how many janitors hire and how much to pay them. Find out whether the borders of the house area are formed in the municipality.
Previously, before the adoption of the Government Decree of 06.05.2011 No. 354 "On the provision of utilities to the owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (as amended as of September 4, 2015), in charge for the content included payment of publication of common areas . After May 2011, the price for this service has moved to the payment column for generalic needs (ODN). But from April 2016, one on the electricity will be included in the housing content fee.
Energy Service
Mending resistance measurement should be checked in the house once a year. Frozen phase loops 0 - every six years, and measurement of insulation resistance of the wires - every three years. The statement of such checks can be requested in the Criminal Code.
All services for scheduled restoration work.
Preparation for Winter and Spring
As soon as the heating season ends, the management company of your home should begin preparations for the new season. It is desirable that residents or advice at home themselves pointed to the identified disadvantages (non-working valves, scored batteries, freezing walls, etc.). All fixing and replacements are included in the amount of the board for the content (including bridges between the pipes, insulation, etc.). The Criminal Code should have a schedule for performing work where it is fixed when all this is done. Energy (or an organization that has special equipment) check crimping.
Cleaning ventilation (drawings, as a rule, are at the Criminal Code) is also included in the list of work for which you pay money monthly monthly.
Residents can choose the initiative group and bypass the house around the spring, noting all the cracks in the breakfast and in the base panels. Then it is necessary to make sure that they are cleared and embarrassed - otherwise, five years later, fungus will appear on the walls. In the spring, the roof is checked.
What can save
Almost all listed work in the legislation establishes the frequency of their conduct. Therefore, discussing the work of the work and rates for the next year with the management company, it should be remembered: to pay services provided with rare frequency, it will be cheaper than the fact.
More advice. The periodicity recorded in the contract should be strictly observed. If, for example, it is written that the staircase should be removed once a week, and the tenants observe this process once a month, and even less often there is a reason to demand recalculation. And so for each type of unposable services.
Prepared Lina Perov

- What makes payments for housing and communal services fold?

Housing and communal services can be divided into two large partitions. The first is utilities, that is, the gas, water and heat fee. The second is the cost of maintaining and repairing residential premises.

- What affects the amount of utility fees?

Communal payments are paid according to indications based on the number of services consumed for accounting devices (meters), or on the basis of general standards. For electricity and gas, calculations are made only by the meter readings. By the way, benefits are provided for the payment of these services. For example, people with disabilities of the first and second group are relying compensation to 50%.

- Who sets these tariffs?

Communal services tariffs are established by the district and local authorities - administrations and prefectors. You can check these tariffs on the Internet portal of your area.

- How are utility payments calculated?

If there are no individual and generalist counters in the house, the size of the board is calculated by multiplying the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room on the legislative tariff and the standard;

If there are public counters in the house, but there are no individual, then the apartment is going to the settlement and the number of people living in it.

If there are general-friendly, and individual counters in the house, the owner pays according to their testimony for actually consumed services.

- How can you save on housing and communal services?

The easiest and most common way is the counters. If you still do not have them, then they need to be put and not forget to be parted with a representative of the management company. Without meters, you will be hung for all the "excess" water in the house.

Read also At home and their inhabitants told about how to live when water freezes in the pipes, in the courtyard - a pond of feces, heating is turned off, there is no water, nor light and rushes run everywhere

- How else can you save on the water?

There are many different devices for mixers and soul. For example, nozzles that reduce water pressure, mixers with a sensor, which will turn on the water only when under the crane of the hand or dishes. Two years ago, changes were made to the Housing Code, which allow to receive compensation at the expense of the management company in the absence of hot water, interruptions with heating, with light or gas.

- How to save on electricity costs?

It is enough just to properly exploit household appliances: turn off the devices from the outlets, use energy saving devices. The night tariff for electricity is lower, so the washing and dishwashers make sense to turn on after 11 pm. If you were not at home for more than five days, the cost of utility services for electricity can be counted. Water and gas is the same.

- Is it possible to somehow save on heating? Why do we pay for him in the summer?

The largest line of costs after water is heating. It can really seem strange that we pay for heat outside the heating season (this is seven and a half months). For heating, you can pay equal parts only during the heating season. To do this, write a statement to the heat supply organization, but in fact there is no point in this: if you do not pay for heating in the summer, this amount will evenly distribute for each month of the heating season. Explaining on the fingers, if you do not pay for heating in the summer, you will need to pay more for it in winter, because the annual amount of payments for the heating is unchanged.

- How is the amount of payment for heating calculated?

Every time a conditional amount per year is considered. If there are general counters in the house, then according to the testimony of last year. If no meters, then according to the standards. What kind of formula, residents pay for heating, solve regional authorities. By the way, the cost of utility services for heating (as in the case of gas and water), if you did not live in the apartment even most of the heating season, it will not work out.

- How to deal with services for the maintenance and repair of residential premises?

The maintenance and repair services are more complicated. The size and order of these services is taken at the general meeting of the owners of an apartment building. HOA and the management company (CC) cannot impose any additional services to owners. It sounds good, but the problem is that not all owners come to such common meetings. According to law(Government Decision No. 731 dated 09/23/2010 and Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) , HOA and the Criminal Code at the request of the owner must explain to him, from which the payments of housing and communal services are.

- And what with overhaul? Be sure to pay for it?

By law (Article 169.1 LCD RF), each owner should participate in the collection of funds for overhaul, because these costs are included in standard payment documents on housing and communal services. Over the past two years, there are a lot of questions for overhaul, because at the end of 2015 the bill was adopted, according to which the regions themselves decide whether the fee is paid for overhaul pensioners. Therefore, people over 80 can count on 100% compensation for overhaul expenses.

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