
Housing problem of Russia. The lack of decent housing threatens the social and demographic security of the country. Problems to provide housing for orphans. "Anklava poverty" and "depressive" settlements

Last week, two news appeared for military personnel. Good and bad news. First, the State Duma adopted amendments to ensure the availability of housing for military personnel. And this, of course, is positive. On the other hand, the initiatives of the new leadership of the Ministry of Defense once and forever solve the apartment issue came across the problem of the lack of money in the budget.

According to the three bills adopted in the third reading, which concluded a contract for military service before January 1, 1998, accommodated accommodation at the choice - not only under a social hiring agreement, as at present, but also to property.

In addition, the law provides benefits to the former military personnel, who until January 1, 2005 stood in line at housing, but then moved to another place and stood there on account after January 1, 2005. Until now, such persons formally lost the right to housing at a new place of residence.

A little earlier, another bill was adopted, which equalizes the rights to receive compensation for the housing of dismissed servicemen and their families, regardless of the timing of their registration in need of residential premises. The fact is that in accordance with the current legislation, such compensation at the expense of the federal budget are envisaged only for those who stood up before January 1, 2005, which, according to legislators, puts in the unequal position of citizens dismissed from military service and We have stipulated on account later than this date, and violates their constitutional rights.

In short, it is impossible not to note: certain positive shifts in the matter of solving the housing problem of servicemen are available. And although the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Vladimir Komoyedov, quite optimally noticed that the adoption of these amendments "will speed up the decision of the apartment issue" servicemen and "will reduce social tensions among them," there is still no reason for final joy. After all, as practice shows, there is a very deep abyss between the right and its implementation.

According to the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Ruslana Tsalikova, the legislation provided the right to the unlimited choice of housing, but it turned out to be unable to fulfill its obligations. And the problem is not only in the low rate of construction of housing for military personnel.

At the September meeting dedicated to this problem, the Chairman of the government Dmitry Medvedev expressed a claim: they said, in recent years there was a lot of money, "but we have and there are cases when houses built within the framework of the relevant programs of the Ministry of Defense have remained unnecessary." "People refuse the offered apartments. There is human problemsBut in general this situation is abnormal, "the head of government said.

"It is clear that the officers who gave all their lives military service (Officers and their families, of course), have the right to count on normal, comfortable accommodation, and accommodation, which is in decent conditions, and not in a clean field, where there is social infrastructure, schools and hospitals, "Medvedev added.

The problem is believed to be believed in the Ministry of Defense, lies in the Soviet times the distribution system of apartments when the servicemen received them in the form of concrete square meters. And most importantly, they received him not always where they wanted it. With the arrival of the housing market received its commercial value, and therefore agree to the apartment, which, in the future, to sell or exchange to another will be extremely problematic, not many are ready.

Plus, dependence on the developer, which also looks for its economic benefit. "There are also normal people, no enemies are some or spies. They also need to get their own on time. And they define it in economic parameters: let's build it better here. Well, and then it turned out that here they built housing, and it was not In demand. We have the number of unclaimed apartments last year he hesitated from ten to thirty thousand, "told Talikov.

All this, as well as a number of other nuances (including the number of servicemen in need of housing, whom, according to the Accident Chamber, were about 100 thousand people at the end of 2012) and forced the military department to think about the crossroads of the current system of ensuring their wards housing - Go from the natural method to one-time cash payments. The dimensions of these payments will depend on the length of the years and the composition of the family, but according to the development of the draft law, will make up at least three million rubles. "We offer

from January 1, 2014, one-time cash payments to make the main form of providing permanent housing. Then such a thing as a place for housing will actually disappear, "said Sergey Shoiga Defense Minister.

Claims to the bill were quite a few. One of the main is a relatively low amount of payments that will not allow access to housing in Moscow, St. Petersburg and others major cities countries. Obviously, in no three, nor even five million rubles, a more or less decent apartment in the capital of Russia cannot be purchased. It is problematic to find a good housing for a large family for this money and in a number of federal cities.

Developers proceed from maximum value square meterdefined by the recommendations of the Ministry of Regional Development - just over 34 thousand rubles. And if people had the opportunity to buy apartments for topics that appear in the reports of the Ministry of Regional Development, problems with housing, it would not be possible. For example, according to the department, the average cost of a square meter in Moscow and the Moscow region is 34 thousand 600 rubles. And this, by the way, the maximum figure. Perhaps municipal housing and is provided with beneficiaries at such prices, but the commercial cost of a square meter in Moscow is at least 100 thousand rubles. Yes, and in regional centers have long been operated on a number of 50 thousand rubles per square.

Nevertheless, according to the head of the Department of Housing Development of the Ministry of Defense of Sergey Pirogov, at the moment the unified cost of the square meter of housing is set in the amount of 34 thousand 350 rubles. And it seems that global changes are not expected. As explained all the same pies lately With the Ministry of Finance, there was a hot bargaining "literally for hundredths of the coefficients" and now "the question is close to completion."

One way or another, but the idea as a whole is still common. But only if you distract from Russian realities and present yourself in a country where economic and political stability flourishes, and citizens are confident in the realization of their rights and opportunities. But since a long-term practice makes people treat the initiatives of the state with suspicion, then among the military, completely few enthusiasm perceived the proposed formula.

On one of the sites for military personnel from 800 survey participants about cash payments to the purchase of apartments about 650 would prefer the old scheme with natural apartments. "The experience of monetization shows that cash payments are not compensated for natural benefits," here is one of the main arguments. And then there are concerns about the amounts, the procedure for providing these payments, which can be strongly delayed, etc. The authorities, in turn, do everything possible to strengthen the military in their skepticism.

The other day it became known that money in state budget There is simply no payout performance. And not until 2016. The legislators, however, believe that there is no reason for experiences about the failure of the recruitment of the military-housing sphere, and now there is an intensive discussion of this issue in the Duma, in the Federation Council, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense.

It seems that the main and main problem seems not so much in the form of housing - natural or cash, but in confidence in the state from the same military. From apartments refused often on objective reasons - the proposed living space is absolutely unsuitable for living.

"We offered one and the same apartment for IPMZ (individual permanent residence) with a kitchen 2 at 8 (roughly speaking), he refused. And then they gave another apartment there, but with a meter corridor on meter and cuisine more than room 3 times. He refused, with an explanation, why did not take. Just at MO, I understand, there are "hanging" duty houses, which no one takes. And if after January 1, 2014, such "duty" apartment with a surround plan It will offer (which no civilian does not buy and never buy) on IPMG, whereas? ", - asked by one of the participants in the forum of legal mutual aid of military personnel.

So while all the initiatives of the state are perceived solely as another way to save on those who chose their own profession to protect their homeland.

A. G. Kulikov

V. S. Yanin

In his first program article, "Russia focuses - the challenges for which we must answer" V. V. Putin invited us to discussion on the most important issues of social economic Development countries. "Russian citizens ... should be able to discuss not only the advantages and disadvantages of politicians, which in itself is not bad, namely policy content, those programswho intend to carry out certain political figures. Calls and tasks that should be in the center of these programs ... We need a wide dialogue about the future, about priorities, about the long-term choice, national Development and national priorities. "

One of the most important such priorities, and, in our opinion, the most important national priority Today is ensuring the population with a well-maintained housing. Housing is the basic, no replaceable need for a person, whose security is the most important characteristic of the quality of life of the population. But it seems to us today in Russia the most difficult to solve problem. We are ready support The desire of our national leader to understand national challenges and make a modest contribution to a positive answer to these challenges. But for this should be honesty, transparency and objectivity In the coverage of these issues. And with these principles of the assessment of the "where we are and where we go." We are not always considered today. In particular, among achievements recent years V. V. Putin called "housing conditions significantly improved." But who have improved and have they improved? In our deep conviction, provision population housing for 20 years of reforms in Russia did not improve, but worsened. This is evidenced by: 1) a crisis in housing construction, 2) a crisis in the housing market (limited access to accessible housing), 3) crisis in brains, i.e., the crisis of housing policy.

1. Housing crisis

As you know, in the Soviet period, the housing system complied with the housing policy and was held in a centralized distribution of budgetary resources for the construction of public housing and its free distribution to citizens facing improving housing conditions. In 1987, the proportion of state capital investments The housing construction exceeded 80%, and the funds of the population (including the means of individual developers and members of housing and building cooperatives) - only 14.6%.

By top economic reforms In Russia, absent market mechanism Acquisition of housing in property.

During the first decade of reforms (1991-1998), fundamental changes occurred in housing financing. The state has ceased to be the main investor in the construction of housing. Mass was carried out free privatization Housing with a transfer to the population of the expenditure of housing. And the proportion of state and municipal organizations In the total volume of input housing decreased from more than 80 to 20%.

As a result of the massive departure of the state from housing financing and the oblivion of incomes of the population, housing in the 1990s decreased by 2.5-3 times, as evidenced by the data of Tables No. 1.

Table number 1.

Volume housing construction in Russian Federation In 1987-2011

One of the most serious socio-economic problems modern Russia is a housing issue. It is no secret that a significant part of the country's population, especially in major cities, is needed in the improvement of housing conditions, and even in the acquisition of at least some other housing. In the level of citizens 'security housing is the root of many other serious problems of Russian society - the crisis of the family of the family, a decline in fertility, simply comfort and well-being of Russian citizens' life. When a significant part of the population is not provided with housing in due expensive, it makes harm not only by these specific people, but also to the state as a whole, including its security, the prospects for the development and strengthening of its position in the world. After all, housing problems are in direct connection with the problems of socio-demographic, with the problems of social polarization of the population, that is, set a certain vector social Development Russian state and society. On the russian market Housing There is a very significant price polarization - housing prices in Moscow, in major cities of the country, in small cities and in rural areas are repeatedly different. In some depressed regions of Russia, housing can be bought for hundreds and even tens of thousands of rubles, whereas in the capital of the country, in large cities housing, even the "economy class", costs at least several million rubles. Thus, a huge part of the population is deprived of the possibility of acquiring their own housing in large cities and, given that it is in the cities that currently focuses the main part of the country's population, it should be paid to the immediate link between the birth rate and housing security of the country's population. In rural areas, housing acquisition issues are becoming easier, but lack of work and low level The development of social infrastructure make the purchase of housing "in the village" is meaningless, especially for young professionals.

The transformation of households I. housing problem

It is housing problems that become one of the reasons for the transformation of Russian households. Thus, in the report of Ksenia Abanokovoy "Russian households: the evolution of structure and consumption" emphasizes that recently to replace the classical model of a household, consisting of parents and minors living under one roof, comes either a single accommodation, or accommodation in the complex composition of the family - with older relatives, parents of his wife or husband, other relatives. According to the researcher, only from 1989 to 2010 the proportion of traditional families (that is, parents plus juvenile children) decreased from 77% to 67% of households. By 19%, the number of households consisting of one person increased. From 23% to 33% the number of families with a complex composition (parents plus adult children, senior relatives, brothers and sisters, etc.). Such a phenomenon as a decrease in the number of traditional families in the household structure, is a specific answer to the deterioration of material well-being russian population. Most often, family couples prefer to separate from senior relatives and if this department does not occur, in most cases - due to lack financial opportunity to disconnect. After all, it is currently not every Russian family to purchase one's own housing, especially at a young age. On the other hand, the family creation itself is often associated with the presence of conditions for creating a family. Meanwhile, many Russians simply have nowhere to bring his wife or husband, there is no place to give birth to children, and the ability to take a mortgage or even remove the accommodation is also present far from every family. Again - in the major city, housing rental prices are high and often comparable to the salary, in small towns prices are significantly lower, but there is a serious factor in the housing lease of housing is unemployment. She also forces immigrants from small cities to migrate in search of work in larger cities, where they are also forced to spend considerable means for renting housing and often can not afford to acquire a family.

In sociological science, such a process is called the term "antinucleating family". For modern Russia, antinuclearization is characteristic of the influence of several factors. Firstly, this is a very strong rise in price of housing, especially in large cities that makes it acquiring it is virtually impossible for most families of medium and, moreover, a small weakness. The only way out for many young families is mortgage, but also here is not everything smoothly, given the huge interest of payments on the mortgage loan, as well as the lack of stable operation and stable income in a large number of Russian citizens. As a result, many young families are not able to acquire their own housing, even through mortgage loanAnd forced to live with the older relatives of her husband or wife. Naturally, such a family life organization model is unhealthy and very often entails numerous household conflicts, which are ultimately able to lead to family disorders and disintegration of families. Finally, most even parental families are limited in housing space and live in two-three-bedroom apartments, which directly affects the possibility of young families to acquire children. If one child still can be raised in the parent "two-room", then with two and, moreover, three, it is much more difficult. Moreover, the expansion of the composition of the young family here very closely depends on the opinions of parents and if the latter against the birth of new children, they can easily influence the reproductive behavior of their adult children, which is also not a normal phenomenon. But young families have no opportunities for acquiring their own housing, there is no other way out, and they are forced to live with their parents - often until middle-aged, to the physical death of the latter, with the subsequent transition of the apartment to the property inheritance (and then in the event that it is not subject to a section with other relatives).

The second factor in the antinuclearization of families in modern Russia is "infantilization" of the younger generation, as a result of which adult children after the age of adulthood choose their accommodation with their parents, even if they have the opportunity to send. Social Education B. modern world It happens much later than before, and at 22-25 years, and even at 30 years old, many young people continue to live with their parents and, accordingly, do not create their own households. To this choice, they are pushing and the opportunity to preserve freedom from family bonds longer, including financial, as well as temporary. However, there is an obvious relationship with high housing prices. Living with parents knowingly much cheaper than renting an apartment, take it to a mortgage. Even if there are funds for the purchase of housing, then the purchased housing can be passed and maintained a higher standard of living, or not buy housing, but spend money for other purposes. Thus, in most Russian families, adult children with parents or other senior relatives, one way or another, has financial grounds. By the way, it is financial issues that are often decisive and in terms of building offspring - to have a family now "expensive", so many Russians prefer to push the time of marriage and, moreover, childbirth, on as far away. Naturally, the birth of the first child in adulthood ultimately affects the number of potential children in a particular family or a concrete woman. That is, the dependence of the demographic situation in the country from the decision of the financial and housing problems of the population is established. Despite the fact that recently the state has certain steps towards stimulating the birth rate, they can be considered insufficient.

Housing question during capitalism and socialism

The problem of providing the population affordable housing is old as the world. With the development of urbanization and industrialization, a significant part of the inhabitants of the countryside rushed to the city, which led to an increased concentration of population in cities and, accordingly, in the emergence of the phenomenon of "housing needs" (this term was introduced by Friedrich Engels). Build housing in the city of independent forces has always been much more difficult than in the village - both due to the lack of a large number of free land, the need for expensive supply of communications and due to the need to obtain all sorts permits for housing construction. Also the urban population, mostly regularly working and occupied at work, simply does not have free time for independent construction housing. Thus, the problem of providing housing in cities always stood much sharper than in rural areas. This problem was especially actualized with the formation of a modern appearance of cities, that is, with the start of development apartment houses. Housing construction in capitalist countries is carried out mainly by private companies in order to extract profits from the sale of built apartments. However, in this situation, the part of the population that does not have the necessary financial resources to acquire their own housing remains "on the street" - that is, it is forced to rent housing. In the modern world, the conditions for acquiring housing in the mortgage or by installments, which requires families or individual apartment purchases stable income and opportunities for a long time to pay creditors a certain amount money. On the other hand, the dependence of a person from mortgage in the modern world acts as a guarantee of his obedience as a hired employee. The threat to stay without work, having lost the opportunity to pay a loan, implies the possible loss of mortgage housing, which makes the buyer of mortgages a more convenient and obedient employee who feels the loss of work and agreeing to low labor and other unsatisfactory working conditions.

The importance of a housing issue in the capitalist society began to illumine Frederick Engels, whose work on the position of the working class is considered fundamental. According to Engels, the main problems in the field of housing are the crowding of resettlement and bad sanitary conditions of the working class. For the years since the classics of Marxism, the century is superfluous, the living conditions in the cities, of course, have changed. But it was also complicated and the possibility of acquiring their own housing. As a result, a large number of workers were forced to rent housing, however, it created additional financial difficulties, since not all families could afford to allocate from family budget Significant rental housing. There were examples of the construction of charity housing, but the solution of the housing problems of the population followed only in countries who have chosen the socialist path of development. The socialist path of solving a housing issue is indeed unique because it has no analogues in capitalist countries. If before the October Revolution of 1917, the decision of the housing issue was also carried out, as in other countries - people either bought housing for own funds Or built it themselves, or removed housing for rent or juts in the premises provided by employers, then after the revolution, an amazing experiment was made to ensure the population in housing. Expropriation of the residential foundation of the secured segments of the population in the first post-revolutionary years and then, after refusing from "new economic Policy"Made it possible to solve the issue with the provision of housing wide segments of the population. Many mansions belonging to aristocracy and merchants, as well as wealthy breasts, were turned into apartment housesWhat made it possible to settle in them a huge number of people in need of housing.

Soviet Housing Resolution Policy

In the Soviet Union, and later in other socialist countries of the world, the mass construction of social housing was carried out, distributed among all citizens in need. It began in the 1920s, when the construction of houses was developed for specialists and industrial workers, for servicemen, and gained a truly massive scale in the 1960s - 1980s, when the entire Soviet Union was built up with typical "Khrushchev" and "Brezhnev". The latter, in turn, settled with the families of the most different families from the barranes and communal apartments social level and material wealth. As a result, the problem of "homeless" of the working population was practically eradicated in the USSR. Almost all Soviet citizens are residents of cities, with the exception of representatives of the "Social DNA", which carried out an asocial lifestyle, thus became owners of apartments or, at least, rooms in hostels. Moreover, the provision of citizens housing was carried out, based on the composition of the family, which allowed families with several children to receive three-four-bedroom apartments. Housing was provided with representatives of the lower social groups that arranged to work on enterprises. At the very least, they received rooms in communal apartments and hostels. It can be said that by the 1980s. The housing issue in the USSR was largely resolved. It is in Soviet accommodation that most of the country's population currently lives, and those who purchased apartments already in new homes have largely used to acquire resources of Soviet housing - own or their parents. However, until now, the issue of providing decent living in the inhabitants of emergency and dilapidated homes, as well as houses devoid of modern amenities, remains relevant. After all, even in major cities of Russia, until now, you can meet a significant number of residential buildings without central water supply, sewage and even gas. This creates a particularly negative contrast compared with a new, comfortable housing commissioned. And the situation when people live in the neighborhood in the neighborhood of new houses in the conditions of infrastructure provision of a last century, is invalid, as it contributes to the deepening of social inequality, the deprivation of the population, is a favorable soil for the dissemination of socio-negative, radical and extremist sentiments among the population.

Attempts to ensure the entire population of the country more or less worthy housing have been taken at the Sunset of the Soviet period of domestic. Then the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev was announced a goal - providing each Soviet family of a separate apartment by 2000. However, this goal, as we can see and have not been achieved. One of the main reasons was the collapse of the socialist system, after which the decision of its housing problems was positioned as the case of each particular family and every particular person. Of course, in the Soviet period, the housing problem was not resolved to the end - a huge number of Soviet citizens continued to live in emergency and dilapidated housing, in the "communals" and rooms in hostels, preserved a formal registration in orphanages, boarding schools, penitentiary institutions. However, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that there were obvious efforts in the direction of solving a housing problem, and these efforts were extremely effective. New cities, villages were built, whole areas and microdistrict were commissioned in old cities. In fact, most of the residential foundation in many cities of the country was built in the Soviet period - and this is one of the most important merits. soviet power In front of the peoples of the republics in the Soviet Union. By the way, the Soviet model of the solution of a housing problem became a model for the introduction of a similar policy in a number of countries in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, who elected the socialist path of development.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the transition of Russia to the market economy, of course, was reflected in the state of solving housing problems of the population. In the first defect years, there was practically no state distribution of housing, and the housing market, as until 1995 in private property There were only 4-13% of apartments. The remaining in the first defective five-year period has not been privatized. The main massif of the housing transactions during this period was carried out by exchange, while the proposal significantly exceeded the demand, since a large number of people wanted to change their conditions by moving to a new place of residence or receipt of funds for reducing housing, but people have not yet had a proper well-being allowing to acquire real estate. The situation began to change in the process of further development. market economy and improving the welfare of the population. The privatization of housing also played a big role in the development of the housing market and improving the welfare of the population, since people got the opportunity to inherit the apartments of relatives, their sales, rental, that is, housing turned into a real product, and high housing prices guaranteed the welfare of those "lucky" Who had an excess housing that was taken from relatives or acquired to invest. It is the period from the mid-1990s. And before the first half of the 2000s. He was most favorable for citizens in terms of acquisition of housing, since housing prices have not yet jumped to an extremely high level and left the possibility of acquiring housing by citizens of middle wealth. In the mid-2000s. The rapid increase in housing prices caused by currency inflation began. At the same time, commercial housing construction has occurred, and the mortgage market began to develop, which also contributed to the increase in the availability of housing for the categories of the population, before those who had no opportunities for the acquisition of housing for their own financial resources.

What is the case with the solution of a housing problem

By the middle of 2000, when the socio-economic situation of the Russian Federation has stabilized significantly, the leadership of the country returned to the forgotten Soviet ideas about solving housing problems of the population. Back in September 2005, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, during a meeting with the government, regional leaders and deputies of parliament, announced the need to implement the project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing - Citizens of Russia". In 2008, it was decided to transform the project in state programHowever, the actual solution of the tasks set as part of this project has not happened. First, it was facilitated by economic problems associated with the crisis, and secondly, due to the implementation of this project, the state actually had due resources. In particular, it was envisaged in 2010 to increase the volume of introducing new housing to 80 million square meters. meters. It was assumed to solve both the challenges to reduce the wear of the residential foundation in the cities and villages of the Russian Federation, improved quality communal services. However, none of these tasks was decided, since the introduction of new housing was commissioned in 2010 only 58.1 million square meters. meters, and the wear of the housing stock did not decrease and accounted for 60%. Many questions remained and to the quality of housing and communal services provided to the population, which still displeased a large number of Russian citizens who are owners and housing employers. More or less, the question was solved only with the provision of individual and comfortable housing of such a category of citizens as veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but each year it becomes less and less, therefore, the solution of this task no longer represents such complexity, as 10-20 years ago .

Despite the fact that the housing conditions of Russians are certainly improved, a huge number of our citizens continues to exist in unworthy conditions. First, there is a colossal number of homeless people, as well as "potential" homeless people - people with a residence permit in "stateless" institutions. Secondly, hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens continue to live in unaffected to comfortable living space - ranging from construction trains and ending with nomadic homes of the peoples of the North. Finally, despite the fact that the settlement of communal apartments began in Soviet times, in recent years the number of inhabitants of the "communal" has increased. Communal rooms re-turned into a sought-after Russian residents, especially in major cities, since the immigrants arriving from the "province" and many city young families and individual citizens are not able to afford a purchase or even rental of isolated housing. There is another problem - the presence of people who formally have a residence permit and are even the owners of the share in parents or apartments of relatives, but they live on the fact removable apartments Life, as they cannot afford to buy their own housing, but can not live in parental apartments due to the small area of \u200b\u200bthe latter. It remains a very sharp question about the security of Russian citizens with the necessary number of square meters for each family member. Many families with children, including two, three and large number of children, live in one-bedroom apartments, "Hotels" and "communals", in the rooms in hostels, practically without the opportunity to correct their housing and the acquisition of spacious housing, allowing the comfortable existence of all family members. About 12% of Russian families continue to live in three and even four of the room in one room and even in part of the room. According to the provisions of the United Nations, this suggests that this housing is "slum", that is, inequalized for a comfortable and decent existence modern man.

Emergency Fund - Putin instructed to settle

Very relevant for modern Russia is the problem of dilapidated and emergency housing. In 2013, the Common Resident Fund of the Russian Federation was 3.3 billion sq.m. Of these, 100 million sq.m. accounted for emergency and dilapidated housing. These are huge numbers. Moreover, if we take into account that not all really emergency and dilapidated houses are made by municipal services to the relevant registries, as this implies the emergence of additional trouble for local authorities. In accordance with the legislation, emergency houses should settle first of all, but where to settle people from them, if housing construction in Russia is carried out by low pace, and commercial structures, elevating new homes are not interested in providing housing to migrants from the emergency fund. In the same 2013, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin already expressed discontent with the small and slow pace of resettlement of Russians from emergency housing in comfortable apartments, because by 2013 it was planned to settle 42 thousand Russian citizens, but in reality only 1.5 thousand citizens were excited. The head of the Russian state was tasked by September 1, 2017 to resolve the issue with the resettlement of Russian citizens from emergency housing, but so far it is not clear whether it can be solved? It is supposed to settle out of 11 million square meters. Emergency housing meters about 777 thousand people. On May 6, 2014, a set of measures to eliminate emergency housing stock in the Russian Federation was approved, under which concrete indicators were approved for common Square and the total number of citizens of the Russian Federation to be resettlement. The Ministry of Construction was tasked with the creation of new mechanisms providing for the resettlement of the emergency fund recognized as such after January 1, 2012. However, it is obvious that the implementation of this complex of measures will face a number of difficulties. After all, the pace of construction remains low, and the crisis of the end of 2014 - the beginning of 2015. significantly affected russian economy, Including in housing construction. In this context, a very serious problem for the Russian state is the almost complete absence of social housing construction practices, to which many countries of the world are treated. After all, a huge part of Russians, due to the insignificance of its income, will not be able to afford the purchase of one's own apartments, including at the expense of mortgage lending. Accordingly, the only hope for them remains governmental support. A certain step in this direction is made by introducing maternal capitalwhich can be spent on the purchase of housing, including at the payment of a mortgage contribution. However, the size of maternal capital is about half a million rubles - it does not allow to buy even a room on it in communal apartment In a major city.

It is definitely that such an inattentive attitude towards a housing issue not only affects the comfort of life of Russian citizens, but also generates many social problems. The most serious of them is demographic. The absence of its own housing area and the possibility of its acquisition in the foreseeable future for many Russians becomes an obstacle in creating a family, to get a child, not to mention the number of children sufficient to reproduce the population. Talk about what can be moved to the "province" where cheaper accommodation means hitting demagogy because in most provincial citiesNot to mention the rural areas, there are no jobs, the necessary social infrastructure is at an extremely low level of development. The fact that today many Russian families live in their own housing, which gives them the opportunity to give birth and educate children, is a consequence of the achievements of the Soviet policy of housing construction, since a significant part of the population "reaches" the fruits of the Soviet era - enjoys the housing foundation "Khrushchev", "Brezhnev" , Stalinok, who remained inherited from the older generations of relatives. However, a housing and communal infrastructure is extended to the end and deadlines, which makes it possible to assume the deepening of housing problems facing the country, already in the near future. So, as of the beginning of 2013, there were more than 1.6 million in the country. apartment houseswho took place from 30 to 65% and, accordingly, needed immediate accommodation overhaul. About 45 million people live in such houses - almost a third of the entire population of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the total amount of housing fund with a detergent of more than 66% is 56.9 million square meters. meters, including 38.4 million square meters. The meters of the housing foundation was recognized as the Old and 18.6 million - emergency. Sooner or later, the authorities will be the question of the need for the need for the resettlement of a gradually chipping Soviet Housing Fund, which is possible to do only in the conditions of deploying mass housing construction, and not a "point development", but buildings in whole quarters and microdistrict, as it was done in Soviet times.

"Anklava poverty" and "depressive" settlements

Another problem is inevitably the following from the preservation of the dilapidated residential fund - "Ghettoation" and "marginalization" of urban space. Today, in many major cities, old areas, especially built up to pre-revolutionary houses, are treated as lowable for comfortable accommodation. They remain those people who cannot afford the purchase of new housing and even selling an old and purchase at least small apartments in more comfortable areas. Among these people are high the percentage of socially dezadapted, marginal citizens. This creates a certain social background in such districts, affects the quality of life of the population of cities and the state of the urban environment as a whole. On the other hand, such areas are actively populated by a low-income part of foreign labor migrants, immigrants from the province, which turns them into peculiar "enclaves" of social disadvantaged. Finally, the residence of people in the dilapidated and emergency houses rightly threatens their safety - life and health. Fire cases are frequent in such houses, wall collapsion, which, among other things, carry human lives. Can Russia risk as its population? Obviously, the lack of a developed practice of responsibility of municipal and regional authorities for tragic incidents in the emergency residential foundation contribute to the "braking" of solving the housing problem of Russians. Therefore, it is advisable to tighten state control over the solution of the problem of the settlement of Russian citizens from dilapidated and emergency housing, with relevant sanctions against unfair working and sabotizing decisions of the federal authorities of regional and municipal authorities, responsible control instances.

Finally, it is necessary to address the problem of solving problems of "depressive" cities, towns, rural settlements, in which accommodation is uncomfortable precisely because of the lack of developed infrastructure and mass unemployment. It is known that the collapse of the industry, which followed in the 1990s, had a negative impact not only on the economy of the country, but also on its demographics. Internal migration flows increased related to the aggravation of the unevenness of the development of Russian regions, separately taken urban and rural settlements. Suites from the "depressive" settlements, not having employment opportunities at the place of residence, are forced to leave for more prosperous cities and regions. There they create an excitement in the housing market, increasing the cost of renting housing, but at home and apartments are "depressed" settlements. Even at low prices, sell an apartment or a house in such a settlement is very problematic - due to the lack of buyers who do not even consider for themselves the possibility of acquiring housing in the city or the village with a lack of places to work, underdeveloped education, health, leisure and entertainment sphere, numerous social problems, including alcoholization and drug drugs, crime growth caused by mass unemployment and "hopeless" local population. Accommodation in such settlements is simply uncomfortable for their inhabitants, and most importantly - unpromising. The only way to solve this problem is the revival of industry and agriculture Countries, including in the "provinces". However, while we do not see the pace of accelerated appearance of new industrial enterprises, the development of agriculture, that is, it is extremely premature to talk about solving the problem under consideration in the foreseeable future.

The decision of the housing problems of modern Russia is inextricably linked with a general increase in the level of economic development of the country, with overcoming negative trends associated with the insufficient efficiency of local authorities and management. In February 2015, a meeting was held a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the socio-economic situation in the regions of the country. Following the meeting, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed a number of instructions, including a commission regarding solving the problem of the establishment of Russian citizens from emergency residential foundation. It was requested to ensure the unconditional implementation of regional programs for the resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing stock, while the volume of state financial support In 2015, it was decided to save. Until April 30, 2016, the leaders of the regions of the Russian Federation must submit reports on how the problem of resettlement of Russian citizens from the emergency housing stock and ensuring transplanted with new comfortable housing. Indeed, in the last five years, 5.5 million square meters of emergency housing were liquidated, about half a million Russian citizens were resettled and received new comfortable apartments. But how many other emergency and, in particular, the dilapidated residential buildings remain in operation? I would like to hope that the top management of the Russian state is really concerned about the decision of the housing problems of Russians and will make efforts to further improve the quality of life of the country's population. Especially since one of the main tasks in the general direction of collateral depends on the solution of a housing problem national Security and the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation - demographic growth.


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The progressive development of Russian society is impossible without raising the level and quality of life. These indicators are the most important indicators of the development of the region. The standard of living should be considered as a degree of ensuring the necessary life needs of the family, and the quality of life as the special characteristics of this provision, creating a base for self-sufficiency and a new lifestyle. Important role Playing such a component as housing: the solution of a housing is associated with the vital needs, along with food and recreation. In turn, the improvement of housing conditions significantly improves the quality of life, the acquisition of missing housing or the improvement of the conditions strengthens the sense of satisfaction and comfort.

Solving a housing problem as a direction of social policy of the region

Providing accessible housing wide segments of the population has recently become one of the most relevant in Russia. The apartment for the family is a problem that is almost permanent: over time, only the subjects of it are changed - first their parents, then grown children, then - grandchildren. Housing status is a basic social indicator of the family, reflecting the quality and standard of living. To solve a housing problem in the country since 2005, the National Project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing - Citizens of Russia" is being implemented, and within the framework of our Region - regional target programs. The laws of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region were commissioned for the program for 2006-2010: "Providing housing of young families"; "Development of a mortgage housing system"; "Resettlement of citizens from the Old and Emergency Housing Fund".

The regional target program "Providing housing of young families" entered the federal subprogramm "Providing housing of young families", which resulted in co-financing from the federal budget. But the total amount of funds sent to the implementation of the program to ensure the housing of young families of the region is small - for 2007. 9.7 million rubles. State investments are not enough, and citizens themselves must speak - their savings, loans.

But still the housing issue is sharp before 40% of Ulyanovsk families, and in general, the need for improving housing conditions is experiencing more than 60%. It can be assumed that the mechanisms of practical implementation of the project do not work effectively on target groups.

To verify this hypothesis, we conducted our own sociological research "The needs of urban families in housing security" (2007, sample of 540 families in active working age). Objective: Building rating factors that impede the acquisition of housing by city families and the implementation of regional targeted programs in the framework of the national project "Affordable housing - citizens of Russia". According to the results of the study, the following risk rating is built: 1) low monthly income Almost half of families preventing regular loan or mortgage payments; 2) psychological unaware of families to enter into long-term credit relations (three quarters of families are experiencing this problem, each 3rd family from their number is financially ready for new economic relations); 3) a low level of awareness of a national project and regional programs that make it difficult to use all the opportunities offered at the federal and regional levels to solve a housing issue.

In accordance with the standard of living, you can allocate the prevailing types of families in the real estate market: 1) - low-income families with an average foreign income of 4800 rubles per month and lower - 25%; 2) - Middle Safety Family with an average income from 6400 to 11,000 rubles per month - 39%. Target programs do not work on the first type of families, since with such income to pay loan loan unrealistic.

Among the rating, the reasons for refusing a loan for housing disordere banking systems are in third place after the material causes and lack of information. If earlier the reasons for the refusal to buy "in debt" were carried out a purely material character, now such conditions as the presence of the necessary information and the degree of confidence in banks constitute the core of the willingness to go to new installations.

On average, the region is well aware of the specific actions on the implementation of targeted programs in the framework of the national housing project of 15% of residents; Something heard - more than half; 34% of the population know nothing. The available level of awareness can be described as "background" and "approximate" (heard of something), in which the effect of real participation of broad social groups in target projects is striving for zero.

As a result of the study, we allocated the types of urban families who have accommodation needs, acting as a subject of a national project, but with various socio-economic and information and psychological resources.

"Active" buyers in the real estate market (24%) - families, ready to acquire housing (there is a need) informed about regional programs and market mechanisms, but which are not enough stable income. Among them are leading young families and families with adult able-bodied children.

"Potential" buyers in the real estate market (35%) - families who are basically ready to acquire housing, but weakly informed about regional programs. Among them were families with children of preschool / school age with a basic and middle standard of living.

"Inactive" participants in the real estate market (41%) - families who need housing, but do not have sufficient material supply and are not informed about regional programs. Among them are prevailing poor and low-income families, as well as families from people of mature and retirement age.

So, for regional authorities, all layers of the population are significant, but improving the efficiency of special programs requires focusing efforts around specific families of families. The urban legislative and executive authorities need to produce special mechanisms for working with specific target groups.

The first: various mortgage schemes are required in relation to the characteristics of the standard of living of various urban families (in Ulyanovsk there is a project of regional mortgage support for employees of the budget sector, but it has not yet been implemented). Second: increase the target audience for social housing - on average in Russia to 15-20%, in subsidiaries (including the Ulyanovsk region) - for the next five years to 20-25%. Third: bring the financing of the subprogramme "Providing housing of young families" from the federal budget to 40%.; This will attract young families with small incomes to the project to participate in the project implementation. Fourth: Implement at all levels of urban target programs a project of broad information support; The emphasis on such sources of information as television and special reference editions.

Features of the implementation of housing guarantees orphans

Housing at its location and quality is the indicator of the property status, the private characteristic of the well-being of the population. At the same time, the dwelling is ubiquitous as one of the most basic needs, the satisfaction of which in relation to socially vulnerable groups and individuals occurs most often due to the funds of the state budget. At the same time, in Russia, the tasks of providing housing become incapachable for many citizens. In particular, this problem is relevant for pupils and graduates of boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care, since it manifests itself often, sharply and multifaceted throughout life.

As part of social continuous practice on the basis of the regional state educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, the Mtsensky Children's House-School of the Oryol region, through the included observation, analyzing personal cases of pupils, processing statistical information, the use of special literature, We studied some aspects of the implementation of housing guarantees of orphans in the Oryol region.

As a result of the study, we revealed that a small percentage of orphans, not having housing, receive it from the state on social recoping conditions. In some cases, this procedure takes several years. For the greater part of the pupils, a living area was fixed. Return of the pupil at the place of consolidation of housing, in which relatives live, is accompanied by destructive forms of interaction with the latest, disappointments from the level of improvement residential premises (Because the level of claims for the presence of a developed housing infrastructure at the orphans is high, in some cases substantiated) and a number of other problems.

The lack of monetary savings in orphans is an obstacle to an economic nature in the use of market economy mechanisms for independently solving housing acquisition problems, improve housing conditions.

The status of some pupils and graduates of an educational institution for orphans is characterized by multi-proteinicity (from English. Beneficiary is a recipient, benefits, from lat. Multus - numerous) - possessing a separate individual of the rights to obtain privileges provided for by law for various categories of the population. In this case, there is an expansion of the spectrum of additional protection against the Company, due to the emergence of objective circumstances, violating the normal process of life of the individual. For example, the presence of disability, the location of the fixed living space in the territory within the boundaries of radioactive contamination zones due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, certain diseases in relatives and the orphans themselves allow the latest claim to receive additional living space, significantly improve the housing conditions. In practice, often these circumstances are not taken into account. One of the reasons for this is the unwillingness of graduates talking about their "sores", advertising the status of the orphan.

Despite the fact that information about the level of security and quality of housing orphans is not reflected in the official statistics available to the public, it is known that for many pupils and graduates a housing issue remains not solved to the present. This suggests the problem of the implementation of state guarantees against orphans.

Accommodation for a young family as a priority of social policy

The decision of the housing problem is sent a priority national project "Affordable and comfortable housing - citizens of Russia", the purpose of which is the formation of the market for accessible housing and ensuring comfortable living conditions of citizens of Russia.

According to sociological surveys, the housing problem stood before 61% of Russian families to the beginning of the national project. The total population of Russia in housing was 1570 million square meters. m, and that requires an increase in the housing stock by 46.1%.

For this purpose, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Federal Target Program "Residence" for 2002-2010, which is the basic mechanism for the implementation of the National Project. On the basis of which in the Republic of Mari El Pryaka, the Republican target program "Housing for a young family" for 2004-2010.

The main purpose of this program is to create a system of state support for young families in solving a housing problem to improve the demographic situation in the Republic of Mari El.

The main priorities of the Republican target program "Housing for a young family" for 2004-2010 are:

    An increase in mortgage housing lending.

    Improving accessibility of housing.

This program is implemented since 2004 and every year the number of participants increases. So in 2004, there were evidence obtained under the program "Housing for a young family" 7 young families, and in 2005 - 64. In 2006, the program was realized in 2 stages: for the obligations of 2005 - 64 young families, and for the obligations of 2006 Based on co-financing. In fact, 120 young families were able to realize their certificate to improve housing conditions (total on the 2006 yarn - 141 certificates were issued). The remaining young families due to a significant increase in the cost of 1 square. Meter housing could not realize their right to receive a subsidy.

In 2007, evidence was issued 173 young families on total Subsidies 46.777 million rubles, of which federal funds - 11.76 million rubles, 35.02 million rubles - consolidated budget Republic of Mari El (29.14 million rubles from the republican budget of the Republic of Mari El, 5.88 million rubles from the budgets of municipalities).

As of January 10, 2008, 45 young families have already been implemented on the obligations of 2007 in 2007.

It is planned that in 2008 280 families will receive evidence in 2009. - 300, 2010 - 350.

In 2008, as part of the implementation of the subprogramme, it is planned to begin construction of a youth residential complex in Yoshkar-Ola, the question of building a house for young families in P. Cernur is being worked out.

These numbers suggest the dynamics of the program implementation for the better.

At the same time, the study showed that in the implementation of this program there are a number of problems faced by a young family, the main of them are:

    Difficulty in paperwork and long-term waiting for subsidies.

    The need for a young family of significant additional funds.

    The difference between the estimated value of one square meter from the market.

    Cash deficit does not allow for the issuance of a subsidy to all young families.

The study made it possible to draw up a portrait of an average young family, which is interested in the municipal target program "Providing housing for the young families of the city of Yoshkar-Ola for 2006-2010":

    young family as part of three people:

 Spouse - 23-24 years with higher education (specialist)

 Spouse - 23 years old with incomplete higher education

 child aged 2 years

    Married until 1 year (a child is born with a civil marriage)

    Lives with parents (husband or wife) in a 2-bedroom apartment for 45 sq.m. (A total of 5 people in the apartment - including a young family).

    Revenues per member of a young family above the subsistence minimum.

    Housing acquire a young family is going through mortgage lending, considering this method of acquiring housing most common among existing modern young family. It is also unanimously considering that the state should help in any way a young family in acquiring housing, namely: to reduce the interest rate on the mortgage loan.


The social policy of the Russian state is focused on various social facilities, among which children, graduates of orphanages and boarding schools living independently (as a rule, before reaching material independence and social maturity). Studying the existing population for this category state law And guarantees recorded in legal documents (declarations, conventions, constitutions, laws, programs of international and national levels are of great scientific and practical interest for the wide range of specialists, since the growth of the well-being of society is depends on the realization of the rights and guarantees of socio-absorbable population.

By virtue of this, from our point of view, in order to effective solution Housing problems of orphans require consolidation of interdepartmental interaction of specialists of various profiles, representatives of state authorities, local self-government to improve the Russian model of social protection of children without parental care.

Thus, it can be concluded that the federal target program "Housing for a young family" for 2004-2010 is one of the most important priorities of the state social policy and requires simplification, refinement and increase in financing.


    Nazarova I.B. Adaptation and possible models of mobility orphans. - Moscow Public Science Foundation, M, 2008.

    Oryol region 2000-2008: Stat. Sat / Territorial Organ Federal Service State statistics on the Oryol region. - Eagle, 2009.

    Russian statistical yearbook. 2008: Stat. Sat / Rosstat. - M.: 2008.

    Social legislation. Scientific and practical manual (Avd. Ed.: Dr. Jerical. Sciences, prof. Yu.A.Tikhomirov, Cand. Philosopher. Sciences, Associate Professor V.N. Zenkov) - "Contract", "Infra" M, 2008 .

    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2002. No. 638 on the subprogramme "Providing housing of young families", which is part of the federal target program "Residence" for 2002-2010.

    The subprogramme "Providing housing of young families", which is part of the federal target program "Residence" for 2002-2010.

    The law on the republican target program "Housing for a young family" for 2004-2010 (from June 22, 2004)

    Republican target program "Housing for a young family" for 2004-2010.

One biggest one problem of providing housing of young families This is a discrepancy in our country of wages and housing costs. With an average wage in the country, hardly the money is enough to pay off a mortgage loan. Also young families are difficult in mind wagesOften, lower than the average, and if the child is born in the family, then life turns into survival.

Help from the state to address the issue of providing housing of young families

The state for 10 years is trying to take some steps to facilitate the life and purchase of real estate for young families. Social programs are usually designed for several years and affect the most needy groups of the population. The latest programs are programs to provide and assist in acquiring real estate to young families, orphans, disabled children and other unprotected groups of citizens. Programs suggest material assistance In the acquisition of economical housing in the form of issuing certificates that can be used when calculating with mortgage banks When making a loan for the purchase of real estate. After submitting applications and approval of participation in the program, government bodies issue a certificate of $ 600,000 to 800,000 rubles after which a citizen who submitted a statement arises to the purchase of a subsidy apartment. The disadvantage of the program is definitely the fact that waiting for the queue is long, since today more than 1 million families participate in the program, moreover, the developers do not fit in the deadlines for the delivery of housing, therefore the duration of the acquisition of housing and family settlement Shift.

Problems that cannot solve the state for the acquisition of preferential housing for a young family

Of course, the developers cannot reduce the cost of a square meter of housing to a minimum, since the construction of residential real estate requires colossal costs, but what the local administration of each region is trying to work - this is a reduction in cost through the use of more economical materials corresponding to the GOST and TU for construction . For this reason, in many regions of the country, the administration has committed itself to the construction and organization of communication networks in new homes, and developers reduce the cost of materials, thus on new programs that are developed for several years, the cost of one square meter of housing costs young Families within 30,000 - 35,000 rubles. Make banks to issue mortgages for low interest rates The state is also unable, since this issue is engaged in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. However, at the end of 2014, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev issued a resolution that for the population interest rate will not exceed 14%.

The housing program for a young family is unique russian programwhich helps to purchase accommodation with young families at a reduced cost with the help of state ...

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