
Gazprom sponsor football team list. "Chelsea", "Schalke", "Czrven Star" ... Why we do not see these settlements on the map of Russia

How many times the Budget "Arsenal" is lower than that of Zenit? How many private clubs in the RFPL? How much will spend a lot in the new season? "Socker.ru" finds answers!

The total budget of the RFPL teams of the new season is estimated at 49 billion rubles or 726 million euros. So that In five years, even while maintaining current budgets, expenses will be 3.6 billion euros in the region - Almost a billion more than the annual budget of Armenia for 2017. But who sponsors such expenditure Russian football clubs - private companies or state? We go according to financial traces and find out.

16th place. SKA Khabarovsk

Budget: 400 million rubles. *

Sponsors:Khabarovsk Territory (State Budget), Leon BC (Title Sponsor).

We start with a state club with growing trips. In FNL lived for 200 million rubles a year (actively increasing debts, of course), and after entering the RFPL, it was raised, therefore you can roughly appreciate their new opportunities at 400 million rubles.. Basically, this is a regional budget, although in the summer Ska-Khabarovsk boasts the signing of the title sponsor - Leon BC.

But approximately six million euros for the Club of the Higher Division - small money. As and 400 million rubles for Khabarovsk Regionwhere the total expenditure for 2017 is set in the amount of 92.5 billion rubles. But there is one "but" - a budget deficit of 10.3 billion rubles. Roughly speaking, 4% of the sum of future debts of Khabarovskyedges constitute spending on football. On average, we receive 300 rubles per resident of the edge - Ska-Khabarovsk should be fixed by 400 million to justify existence.

15th place. "Tosno"

Budget:540-600 million rubles.

Sponsor:FORT GROUP (private company).

"Tosno" is one of the poorest teams of RFPL. To find money, thought even rename the club. Did not exclude the stupid name "Alexander Nevsky" - "Wat So Wat"! But the costs of expenses growing with each season (started from 75 million) do not affect the state budget. Club with a private sponsor, and the company deals with rental. However, there is a funny nuance.

One of the patrons called "Zenit" by the "Snobsky Club", offering Pieters to root for "Tosno". And his business partner is the former manager of the subsidiary of Gazprom. The pluralism of opinions is welcome, because even the Budget of the Club in FNL owners were evaluated in different ways. One spoke 400, the second - 500. In the RFPL dreamed of 1 billion rubles for the season, but rather expenses are modest - in the region of 8-9 million euros.

14th place. "Anji"

Budget:600 million rubles.

Sponsors: Personal means Kerimov and Kadiev, Flodinal Limited (Cyprus), "Denget", "Arsi Group" (private companies).

They play in T-shirts without a title sponsor, and one of the recent assistants is registered in Cyprus on the lady, whose complete thesis is an ordinary teacher from Dagestan. The second sponsor is the manufacturer of mineral water. The third is a construction company. Simply put, Suleiman Kerimov was going to cover the "Anji", but suggested Osman Kadiyev to get involved in an ungrateful case on the salvation of the club. And he agreed.

Kadiev - a man with a rich biography. The first millions earned in the United States, in the FBI at one time he was considered the third in the list of Russian gangsters in America, although they could and designate. Personal person, but the direction of financing pleases - put on private sponsors, do not reach the budget. Businessmen allocate their money, but they became less, planned to reduce the club's budget by 40% compared with last year.

13th place. "Amkar"

Budget:870 million rubles.

Sponsors:Perm Region, Perm (State Budget) and New Grand Company.

Each resident of the Perm region should be given 334 rubles to completely close the budget "Amkar". We know this, since Permyaks called costs - 870 million rubles (approximately 12.85 million euros). Per year increased spending by 70 million rubles. There is no money for beginners at the same time, the topic with the "raw" stadium, the search for a new general sponsor - "Loading 99%". But always praise the owner construction company "New Grand", but this is not a general sponsor.

Unfortunately, there are few reasons to believe in the fairy tales "50% private - 50% of state", because large Perm assets are captured by people from St. Petersburg and Moscow. And they do not care about "Amkar". Mostly the club distributes accumulated debts by posting new money from the state. At the same time, "Amkar" will close, if there are no subsidies, because the record for earnings with attributes and the like - 7 million rubles, and the annual budget of the club is 124 times higher. Even provincial clubs are not cheap.

12th place. "Ural"

Budget:900 million rubles.

Sponsors:Sverdlovsk region (State budget), Renova, TMK (private companies).

Only 300 million rubles from 900 million. Allocate from the regional treasury. The remaining money gives two very large enterprises. "Ural" can be easily turned into a serious fighter in the RFPL with such sponsors, but among the key figures in Renov and the Pipe Metallurgical Company, there is no second Gregory Ivanov.

On the other hand, if the Urals support companies with a billion turnover, nothing to complain about what. Can spend 15-18 million euros. And if they prove that the Urals can compete for high places instead of Rostov - perhaps will get more. Ivanov did not complain about financing, but the club should be thought of attracting the people - few fans.

11th place. "Ufa"

Budget: 1 billion rubles.

Sponsors: Republic of Bashkortostan (State budget).

Each resident of the republic is conditionally "dropped" by 250 rubles per year. So "Ufa" is a rich middle aged, they can not fight for survival. But Gancherenko left, and Semak does not always be playing the favorites of the season, like yesterday Lokomotiv. But spend money in the club quite generously, and summer rumor that will take 600 million rubles in favor of the hockey team, did not confirm.

Simply transfer budget optimized - reduced half, saved money want to spend on children's football. Get 2.5 thousand Russian players brought up in school "Ufa"? This is a cunning plan. While "Ufa" is fine, and the salary in the team seems to be decent. After all, almost 15 million euros is not a penny, but half of the annual budget of Basel from the Champions League - CSKA rival.

10th place. Arsenal (Tula)

Budget:1.2 billion rubles.

Sponsors:"Rostech", "Alloy", Rosneft, Gazprombank (State Capital).

The Arsenal and Zenit has a general sponsor that he did not prevent the middle peasant to beat Peters, as Spartak began to be played. For two years, the budget jumped from 320 million rubles almost four times. Where does the money come from? Baggage Alenicheva. And the club's curators are reliable. It turns out a number of state-owned companies threw off. There are 100 million, there are 100 million - here is a billion per year.

Wherein approximately 600 million rubles go for salary. Money for Arsenal gives manufacturers of missile systems and weapons, "Rostech", Rosneft and even Gazprombank - the latter simultaneously helps "Zenit". There are also fully state-owned companies, and structures where 50% and 1 share belong to Russia. Does Arsenal beat off 17 million euros per year? To judge the taxpayers of the region and the country, they live for their money.

9th place. "Dynamo"

Budget:1.26 billion rubles.

Sponsors: VFSO "Dynamo" (socio-state association) and VTB Bank (60.9% of shares are state).

Muscovites helped to survive the state bank with a share of private capital less than 40%, which, according to the results of last year, received 51.6 billion pure profits. BUT the club now belongs to the socio-state society "Dynamo". But while the court disassembles in their financial affairs - they try to get those who used to spend the crazy 9 billion rubles a year, managing 70% for salaries. Salary of those theirs that then went free.

But billions were before. And now, in order to estimate the budget "Dynamo", you have to solve the riddle. It is stated that expenses have been reduced by 60% compared with the last season in the RFPL. In this case, after FNL, they did not increase anything due to the reduction of spending on the flights. At the same time, the club has about two times more than that of the RFPL outsiders - the statement of Strajorkovsky, the new head of the Dynamo Company. Total we get about 18.6 million euros for a year.

But already without external obligations, because for a couple of years, wild debts repaired - from 120 to 300 million euros for different estimates. Only UEFA auditors counted 164 million, but it was not the whole amount. At the same time cEO "Dynamo" ants boasted that there are no more large loans. But they will appear domestic debts - on premium, for example. Simply put, in the coming years will live by means, hoping for income growth after the opening of the new arena.

And before that, representatives of VTB were rescued. At first they bought 74.99% of the shares of FC Dynamo, and last year they passed their VFSO "Dynamo" for 1 ruble. Additionally, the Bank will pay 430 million rubles for the name of the new Arena Arena, and the budget for 2017 in VTB was estimated at about 10 million euros. But did not specify where they were spent, the team or distribution of debts? But with the money tight, because the Pogrebnyakov was a lot, and the iones themselves were charged to go and did not load the budget.

8th place. "Rostov"

Budget: 1.7 billion rubles.

Sponsor: Rostov region (state budget).

Approximately 400 rubles per resident of the region turns out per year. But since Rostov and debts, and strange parting, and premium from UEFA, then for sure that you will not name their budget. Figured various amounts - from 22 to 30 million euros. Stripping from the crying Yaroslavna about financial problems, take into account how the club was lucky with the success of the first team in Europe - should not be contacted.

For example, Rostov received 18.2 million euros from UEFA, at least two third of the annual budget. They scored a new composition - not spent, saved. Sell \u200b\u200bfootball players, again. In a word, from the Rostov region this time less investments will need, although once none of the Russian billionaires acquired the Rostov club - it is better not to stutter about great success. As about financial stability, because the governors in Russia are changing.

7th place. "Ahmat"

Budget:2 billion rubles.

Sponsor: Foundation named after Ahmat Kadyrov "(Public Organization), Sat & Co Holding (Kazakhstan).

"Terek" was a public club for a long time. He was allocated on the way from Moscow to Grozny from the deceased state office, which was ruled by Anatoly Chubais. That company was engaged in energy, but it is not in nature for almost ten years. Where did the club come from then? Now "Ahmat" lives on donations.

The main sponsor of the Ahmat Kadyrov Foundation is a charitable organization, receives money from private entrepreneurs. Is there any money in the expenses of "Ahmat" who gave people from wages? Unknown, but 30 million euros - good donation. And the contribution to this amount from the Kazakhstan brother remains a mystery. But the entrepreneur Rakishev is friendly with the honorary president of "Ahmat", also helps.

6th place. CSKA

Budget:4.3-4.5 billion rubles.

Sponsors: Rosseti, Aeroflot, "Helicopters of Russia" (state-owned companies with private capital), CROC (IT industry) and ESA (fuel company).

"Armymen" money that is constantly lacking, gives private sponsors, and state-owned companies. The annual budget himself, Hiner, estimates at 4.3-4.5 billion rubles. And the debts of the club as a result of the construction of the arena, which brings much less profit than planned, in UEFA was estimated at 224 million euros. The situation is not easy, since it is necessary to stay afloat, giving loans.

So it is clear why CSKA does not sign contracts even with free agents or those whom you can pick up in the clubs of the Russian Federation for small money. Giner spoke last year that the club is close to the exit "in zero", and when spending zero euros for newbies - it's easier to balancing. After all, CSKA has no royal sponsorship contracts as the same Zenit. In addition, Muscovites themselves lent money to the stadium, not for 1 ruble received it.

"Rosseti" (60% of the State Committee) give out a good money club - 820 million rubles. Initially promised more, but then changed his mind. Aeroflot and "Helicopters of Russia" ("Rosex", only in the profile) also drop off. It turns out, CSKA speeches in Lcha pays and the state? The giner will say that there are only private money, but companies are not quite private. Therefore, rumors about the sale of CSKA in private rich hands. For example, the son of Roman Abramovich.

5th place. "Ruby"

Budget: 4.7 billion rubles.

Sponsor: "TAIF" ( private group Companies).

The name of the general sponsor "Rubin" is deciphered as "Tatar-American investment and finance", and the net annual profit is twenty times higher than the club. Under the control of "TAIF" passed in the summer. Consequently, Berdyev returned and revised the budget. Previously, "Ruby" was spent indecently, and now there is financial difficulties - Jount Jonatas sold to Germany.

But even if from 100 million euros rolled to 70 million - "Ruby" more money than CSKA, and enough to build a team with an eye on the future return to the European Cup. While they play medium, but are a private club, the budget of Tatarstan is not spent. They say, 7 billion rubles have thrown out 7 billion rubles for the Gracia project, and the current budget looks decent. Moreover, it may be even slightly less than 4.7 billion euros. But not much less - the salaries in the club are large.

4th place. "Krasnodar"

Budget:4.7-5 billion rubles.

Sponsors: TC "Magnit" and its suppliers (private companies), a title sponsor - "Constel Group".

Everything is simple and transparent here. The budget of FC "Krasnodar" this year did not increase. And the revenue grows, according to the gender. Last year declared losses in 98.7 million rubles, but at the same time revenue increased - from 115 million rubles to 3.84 billion. Simply put, "bulls" no longer want to deal with UEFA and their strange realization of the idea of \u200b\u200bfinancial equality, which is not in mom.

In general, the costs of "Krasnodar" can be safely called smart and even stare. First, Galitsky spends money earned by his company, which eliminates the assumption of the state from the state and the strange overestimation of expenses. Secondly, 70-80 million euros - so the budget of "Krasnodar" was assessed recent years Various sources can be called even low for a high-level club. Thirdly, the "bulls" as the club is growing, even if the first command loses.

3rd place. "Locomotive"

Budget:5.4 billion rubles.

Sponsors: Russian Railways (State Company).

Above "Krasnodar" - Major! And the state club. It turns out, every Russian Railway officer gives 6,467 rubles per year to contain "locomotive"? We hope that the company's employees did not divide the budget for the number of employees. After all, spend the amount to the club, commensurate with a half net profit of Russian Railways in 2016. It is not surprising that it is instructed not to increase football expenses, and Herkus began to look for third-party sponsors than before they did not work.

The current budget "Locomotive" is four fifters from the budget "Lazio", for example. And the salary of Tarasova is higher than that of Immobil. Football players of "Railway" solid salaries - Chorluk, Igor Denisov, Tarasov and Farfan per year are obtained in the amount of much more than can spend "Ska Khabarovsk" or "Amkar". But "Lokomotiv" at least in the Russian Cup successfully played. And now Favorites beating to give way to those who are much poorer, like "Ufa" and "Tosno". So live - millions earn, and spend billions of state money.

2nd place. "Spartacus"

Budget:8.1 billion rubles.

Sponsors:LUKOIL (nominal holder 61.8% of shares - Bank of New York), IFD "Kapital" (private investment company).

Five years ago, the head of Lukoil said that foreigners own half assets russian company. It turns out, is it the oil "national treasure", if the national, then American or Swiss? The Board of Directors is enough foreignersBut exactly the assets divide hard, given the exit to the stock exchange. And nominality controlling package Shares kept some "Bank of New York".

Is this the same bank through which 10 billion money of the Russian people was laundered at the turn of the centuries? There was a big scandal, courts in the United States. But for some reason Russian prosecutors stopped the case, went to the world. However, this is so - the touch to the portrait, an old story, the relationship does not have a relationship to Lukoil. The global giant can afford a lot, even sponsor a football club. AND Fedun spent insane money on Spartak, and he has about 10% of LUKOIL shares.

Also "Spartak" helps exotic sponsors - Network marketing giant, or important - investment company "Capital". Recently Fedun complained that he was psychologically tired to spend so much money on football. And such an assessment is easy to decipher - IFD "Capital" got into a fresh sanction list. Spartak himself, according to rumors, has long been belonging to a certain offshore on glorious Cyprus, but any financial problems of a serious sponsor are a nuisance.

Fedun was laugged that in Washington they are sick for CSKA, but in fact, the partner of "Red-White" suffered because of hotels in Crimea. It turns out, there is no guarantee that "Spartak" will continue to spend 160 million euros per year? Time will show but for LUKOIL with revenue for the first quarter of this year in 1.4 trillion. rubles such spending are not unreal. Plus, the state of Fedun himself was estimated by Forbes for the year.

Let the Spartak - an raininess of a stupid project, it's nice that they do not feed them directly from the budget. And Lukoil to close the annual spending of the champions of Russia should give only 4% of net profit for last year. Big money, but not all the means of Muscovites receive from one source - the "Spartacus" dozens of sponsors. And the revenue comes to 5 billion rubles. Better than other clubs, which even in theory can not earn a half-billion, nor at least three hundred million rubles per year.

1st place. "Zenith"

Budget:10.8 billion rubles.

Sponsors:Gazprom and its subsidiaries are a bank and oil rates (minimum by 50% belong to the state).

As soon as Zenit has concluded a settlement agreement with UEFA after a fine, a permissive club sharply became profitable. A miracle happened - the issued shares scattered like a hot shaver. And in Gazprom Neft, they suddenly wanted to give "Zenit" the mountain of money. In total, the club has three tens of sponsors (even bakers and manufacturers of optics)And foreign auditors for 2016 counted income - 196.5 million euros.

Here often the money "Gazprom" under different sauce, but Zenit's patrimbs have to break the structure of spending on the club. We also remember that they were built a stadium about 45 billion rubles and gave for 49 years for rent for 1 ruble - therefore the club has no huge debts, like CSKA. Although in the structure of income, the pathetic 5% was mined in the days of matches (now the share will grow), and television rights sold another subsidiary of the sponsor.

Even if the maximum loyal to estimates, at least 200 million euros for 5 years, with otherwise arranged priorities could get a state treasury. If you can rather consider - 760 million euros of public money. Plus "Cross" is a generous gift of Russia, because it is difficult to call a profitable rent for 1 ruble of an object for 43-45 billion. But now sharply becoming financially successful Zenit cannot be removed from European Cups for violating UEFA laws.

It is also important to understand - you can always declare that the club spends strictly income of private shareholders of the General Sponsor, and not the proportion of the state. Formally do not sink. But in UEFA, Zenit was not accidentally fined. So far, due to the issue of shares, they did not comply with the round sum of the ridden air, the club was unprofitable. And now profitable - blooms and smells. But for the summer they spent 85 million euros on transfers, so it is not a fact that the budget did not increase from the usual 160 million euros.

How many private and public clubs in the RFPL?

There are only five private clubs, and eleven sit on the neck of the budget or state-owned companies with independent shareholders. And "Zenit" stands out. For a year spends 9 times more than Arsenal, and 18 times more than Anji, 27 times - than SKA-Khabarovsk. But with all these teams had problems on the field. And CSKA was often higher than "Zenith", although the army teams the budget is twice as much more. At the same time, "Spartak" their terrible spending did not help, like many others, like "Rubin". And if you summarize all the budgets, then on the map of Russia, we smear almost 50 billion rubles per season, and there are about 20 billion from the treasury.

But Zenit really does not earn 10 billion rubles without the help of the sponsor. Amkar will not be able to collect at least a tenth of 870 million rubles. And the "Lokomotiv" is a club on the neck of the state, he does not send the salary of football players. RFPL lives over the years, squanding budgets of entire states. But if money does not guarantee the quality of football, why do not the costs do not optimize? No one is still looking for financial meaning in the existence of the RFPL, no plans, no audit. And the annual league budget is 13 times lower than the participating clubs. Spartak spends 8 billion to get a premium of twenty times lower - ingeniously live!

Everything was mixed in modern football. Sheikh and American businessmen own English and Spanish teams. Dmitry Rybolovlev "caught" a controlling stake in Monaco. About the novel Abramovich and his "Chelsea" did not hear only deaf ... However, all of our bodies survived Gazprom. The collective billionaire began with Zenit.

Everything was mixed in modern football. Sheikh and American businessmen own English and Spanish teams. Entrepreneur Dmitry Rybolovlev "caught" a controlling stake in Monaco. About the novel Abramovich and his Chelsea did not hear only deaf. Alisher Usmanov - "His man" in Arsenal. Anton Zingarevich owns "Reading" for which Pavel Pogrebnyak scores. Ex-mayor Khimki Yuri Coilblin raises Italian "Venice." Scottish Harts leads to victories Lithuanian oligarch Vladimir Romanov.

However, all of our breedes survived Gazprom.

The collective billionaire began with Zenit. Thanks to the insane spends of the state-in-room company, a bunch of necessary transfers, St. Petersburg club won in the UEFA Cup and Super Cup.

In 2007, gas began to cooperate with German Schalke, providing sponsorship. Then it seemed that this was a good advertising move. True, for 5 years of "support" the favorite team of Gerhard Schröder had to lay out 125 million euros. This year, the contract was extended until 2017. And now the 7-fold champion of Germany, on whose T-shirts there has been a gasel logo for a long time, will receive 15 million euros every year (the second figure after Bavaria, which has 22 million euros from Deutsche Telecom). Because of such investments, judging by marketing research, Gazprom became the third on recognizable sponsor in German football. By the way, this winter, the populars of the national treasure were negotiating and with the Grande from Munich ...

In 2010, Gasoviki decided to submit the "Tsrug Star". But not from the Bay-junction. In 2009, Gazprom acquired 51% of Serbian shares oil company NIS, becoming the largest investor in this country. Interestingly, in addition to advertising shields at the stadium and emblems with a flame on sports money (4 million euros for 12 months) go to the formation of the Fund to finance the youth team. Many were surprised: why during last year's visit to Serbia, Vladimir Putin, confused insider with an offside position, was visited by the match "Parisan" - "Czrven Star"? And the thing was, figuratively speaking, in Gaza ...

In the current season, Gasoviki was completely embarrassed in all serious. The first step became "Chelsea". According to the head of the commercial department of Steve Kamming, Gazprom will supply gas and electricity to "aristocrats" until 2015.

Catch from the "colorless" underground cake and UEFA. Back in July, the parties signed a document according to which the largest gas concern turned into an official partner of the Champions League for the period from 2012 to 2015. Of course, the reputation of "Gazprom" with such a powerful blow to the "nine" will certainly strengthen, but how much the budget of the chief tournament of the old world will increase - the mystery. But the pleasure of seeing the native logo and the word from the seven letters next to the monsters as Heineken, UniCredit, Ford or MasterCard, is unlikely very cheap. Separate sources argue that tootold will be more than 40 million euros ...

But where else can do the money of the state-owned company. Dutch "vitess", whose owner is a Georgian businessman Merab Jordan, is going to raise Gazprom on new level For 10 million euros. Or already raises? Just in case (suddenly it will not work out with the "vitess") Alexey Miller with the comrades acquired a special lie on Amsterdam Arena to keep future negotiations for watching the fights of Ajax.

Dreams to promote the image and the image of the Bulgarian CSKA Bulgarian Corporation and Greek Pask. In thessaloniki, by the way, the former tobacco king of Rostov Ivan Savvidi fills. But the official confirmation of these transactions, as well as possible numbers, no. Nevertheless, as Savvidi expressed, "there is no football club who would not want to cooperate with Gazprom.

It seems to be trying to relyze with Gazprom and the Great Milan, experiencing financial difficulties. Silvio Berlusconi, covering club expenses from the last strength, had intention to sell the shares of "Rossoneri" and allegedly discussed with Vladimir Putin "Stroke Konie". True, now that "a friend of Silvio" the Milan court "shrewd a separate one", the prospect of further negotiations is not completely clear ...

Tribune's voice

The fans of the teams in which Gazprom launched, ambiguously, but without hysteria perceive the Russian octopus. Fans "Schalke", for example, in general are quite calm, realizing that the sponsor is not going to intervene in the club policy. Yes, and the sale of teddy bears in a blue-white form and with the inscription Gazprom in the corporate store is not bad.

The radical fans of the "Spartacus", who are friends with Tiffius "Spartak, were not delighted with the fact that the sponsor will be a sponsor that owns" Zenit ": a team that is a sworn enemy Muscovites. However, no racmint rallies followed. Still, the Serbian squad today is experiencing difficult times, and support for the ruble is more than ever.

Chelsea fans, which were very unhappy with the initial acquisition of their novel team by Roman Abramovich, after the long-awaited victory in the Champions League belong to the entire Soviet more than loyal. "Everything that indirectly benefits guys di matteo, it is suitable" - this is the opinion of the majority of the fans of the aristocrats.

The reaction of the Milanists for the possible capture of Gazprom to predict is difficult. The fact is that they have repeatedly conducted protests, expressing the discontent of the club's transfer policy and, in particular, the actions of Silvio Berlusconi, who sold all the leaders. Not so long ago, they put improvised tours before the Milan office, laid mourning wreaths and lit candles. "You buried our ambitions" - read the inscription on one of the posters.

Native fenats

However, Gazprom seriously participates in sports life within our country. First of all, the corporation cooperates with the RFU. According to informal data, Gazprom annually lists the accounts of the football union about 10 million dollars. Moreover, the gas giant is represented in two "persons". In addition to the actual Gazprom, its subsidiary is also served by his subsidiary insurance Company SOGAZ, which is a title sponsor of the Russian Football Championship. Who is not aware: insurers must pay a four-year agreement with the Premier League of $ 60 million. In addition, on the maintenance of 19 team teams, according to experts (official numbers, there are no more than 25 million euros again.

No two volleyball clubs remain without support: "Zenit" from Kazan, the best team of Europe, and Gazprom-Ugra from Surgut. Her thesis is a mini-football team of Gazprom-Ugra from Yugorsk, leading in the Russian championship, also does not do without the help of a steep sponsor. St. Petersburg SKA and Omsk "Avangard" - one of the leading clubs KHL, proudly advertise on their fufikes sign Gazprom. But for how much is the rebus without an answer. But the concern takes care and about the future, starting to build an "Hockey Academy" Avangard ".

There are also such programs as "give the stadium children" and Gazprom to children. As part of the first football schools, the fields laid fields. And according to the second program, physical recovery complexes were built in Bryansk, Kurgan, Torzhok, New Urengoy, in Altai, in Mari El and other regions. At the end of 2010, the largest athletic playpen was opened in Siberia. The price of the question of the Tomsky miracle is 713 million rubles. In total, with the participation of Gazprom, more than 600 objects are constructed, where tens of thousands of children are engaged in sports.

Answer Gazprom to the questions "New Newspaper"

Fans of "Bavaria" express their position about the possible gasification of the German football club

Request "New Gazeta"

Topic: Football


1) Gazprom concluded sponsorship agreements with Foreign football clubs "Schalke 04" and "Czrven Star". What are the amounts of these agreements and for what time are they calculated?

Information about the amount of contract concluded is a commercial secret.

As for the deadlines, the contract with the Club "Schalke 04", concluded this year, expires in 2017. The contract with FC "Czrven Star" was concluded for a period of 2010 until 2015.

2) For a long time, the media appeared in the media that Gazprom encloses sponsorship agreements with the Bavaria football club (Munich), since Germany is the largest consumer of Russian gas. Are such negotiations actually behave?

Germany is indeed the largest importer of Russian natural gas. In 2011, the company has implemented 34.02 billion cubic meters in this market. m.

Gazprom received a similar proposal from "Bavaria", but on this moment We have no principal decisions on sponsoring another German football team, except for "Schalke 04".

3) Not so long ago, the company concluded an partnership agreement with the Chelsea football club. What is the meaning of such cooperation and what financial load does it impose on the company Gazprom?

The Affiliate Agreement with FC Chelsea concluded Gazprom Marketing & Trading, the subsidiary of the Gazprom Group, the headquarters of which is located in London. The company is engaged in marketing, trading and supplies of gas and electricity in foreign markets and its main operational activity is carried out in England. Accordingly, the partnership with FC Chelsea is funded from the English market.

As for the most partnership agreement with Chelsea, it provides for the organization of exclusive electricity supplies Club from the Gazprom Marketing & Trading portfolio. In addition, in accordance with the agreement, it is planned to place the company's logos on LED scoreboard at Stamford Bridge Stadium during the English Premier League, the Cup of England and the Football League Cup, as well as the provision of a number of other advertising services.

The conclusion of an partnership agreement with Chelsea, a successful club with global fame, seems to be a successful step in terms of promoting the Gazprom brand and improving the company's image on the target European markets.

In addition, the supply of electricity clubs are an important step towards the company's exit on end consumers of energies in Europe.

4) What is guided by the company Gazprom, concluding sponsorship agreements with foreign clubs? Being sponsors of foreign clubs for a long time long time, you can evaluate how justified such expenses are? How positively they affect the image of Gazprom abroad? What is it expressed?

It is important to note that Gazprom provides support not only to professional sports. The company annually supports many public projects, providing assistance in the development of culture, science, education, promotion of a healthy lifestyle. So, for the implementation of the largest social project - the All-Russian program "Gazprom - Children" - in the period from 2007 to 2012, the company allocated almost 17.8 billion rubles.

Speaking about the criteria for choosing football clubs, on the example of FC "Schalke 04" it can be noted that this is a club, an image, history and ambitions of which are close to us. The Homeland Club "Schalke 04" is the Ruhr region, located in the heart of the German Energy Industry. In addition, Germany is the largest consumer of Russian gas and the oldest partner of Gazprom.

Through the establishment of partnerships, the Gazprom logo can now be seen on the sports form of the club with rich football traditions. This contributes to the recognition of our brand abroad, makes it possible to improve the image of the company.

The Serbian Football Club "Czrven Star" was chosen by Gazprom, not by chance. In 2009, Gazprom first entered the overseas oil refining market - its subsidiary of Gazprom Neft acquired 51% of the shares of the NIS Serbian oil company, becoming the largest investor in Serbia. In addition, the club "Czrven Star" - FC with a richest history and has a whole army of fans.

5) By what criteria, Gazprom chooses a club to conclude a contract for sponsorship support?

See the previous question.

6) Does the company plan to increase the number of foreign football clubs with which sponsorship agreements will be concluded?

As noted earlier, Gazprom has very much support to many social projects and sport in particular. In the future, Gazprom intends to continue to develop similar initiatives and projects. AND foreign activity Companies in this direction are no exception. We will consider proposals of concerned teams. Prospects for the conclusion of such contracts will rely on our export activities and foreign projects.

7) What is the total amount of funds spent on sponsorship support for foreign football clubs?

8) What amount is an agreement with the Union of European Football Associations on Partnership with UEFA Champions Liga?

Similar to the previous one.

9) In response, the newspaper Izvestia said that "Gazprom"<…> In the future, it does not exclude the possibility of ensuring the financial support of European sports organizations. " In this regard, explain: according to Gazprom, which European sports organizations need financial support? Did they turn to the company Gazprom? Does the preliminary negotiations been conducted on this?

Gazprom at the moment does not plan to conclude such agreements.

10) specify in percentage ratio: What volume of the company Gazprom is spent on supporting foreign sports clubs and organizations and how much is to support domestic sports?

The amounts of contracts make up a commercial secret.

Information management of OAO Gazprom

Alexey Polukhin: Gazprom is a semi-state company

On the Board of Directors of Gazprom, only one official is the Chairman of the Council and the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Viktor Zubkov. There are no officials at all. This is a certain degree of relices of the liberal policy of Dmitry Medvedev, who, who, of his president of the Russian Federation, demanded to clear the governing bodies of state-owned companies from officials. By the way, the Zubkov in this company was lucky less than others - officials for membership in the Board of Directors do not receive a salary or bonuses. As follows from the reporting of the company, in 2011, members of the Board of Directors received 112 million rubles, members of the Board - 717 million rubles.

Gazprom, based on the structure of share capital, can be called a semi-state company. Russian Federation belong to 50.002% of the shares, including 38.373% - directly, 10.740% - through Rosneftegaz OJSC (entirely, the state company headed by Igor Sechin) and 0889% of Rosgasification OJSC. The rest of the shares are in private hands, 28,350% appeal in the American market, 21.648% - on the Russian, large minority package (2.93%) belongs to Gazprom Gerosgaz Holdings (incorporated in the Netherlands).

According to the results of 2011, Gazprom paid 212.3 billion rubles., Exactly 25% of net profit. It is much more than in previous years. The reason is simple: the state in the context of a difficult situation with the revenues of the budget demanded that the companies belong to him to directly send a quarter of net profit to dividends. Thus, 106.15 billion were in the budget, the rest was divided with each other with satisfied minority. By the way, the higher the dividends, the less opportunity to spend profits on anything else, including sports.

The second channel, which Gazprom replenishes the state pagan, is, of course, taxes. Everything is not so simple here. In 2011, the company paid 967.2 billion rubles to the budgets, which is quite a few. But when discussing the draft budget, the Ministry of Finance offered to significantly increase the production of minerals for the gas industry, but in the hardware struggle did also lose.

It is important to remember that Gazprom is, in fact, a huge conglomerate of companies, there is a cross between a transnational corporation and Korean Check. He has a huge number of "daughters" and "granddaughters" in Russia, in each of which their friends, relatives and colleagues, as well as the mass of affiliates in foreign jurisdictions, including offshore. And each of them lives its complex, filled life, which is sometimes sponsored by professional sports clubs.

But there are costs associated with other forms of social responsibility. In 2005-2011, the total investment of Gazprom in the gasification of the regions of the Russian Federation exceeded 146 billion rubles. The average gasification level in Russia by the beginning of 2012 reached 63.2%.

This year, "National heritage" is generous: 37.7 billion rubles were allocated to the gasification of Russian regions against 29.7 billion rubles a year earlier.

In general, Gazprom is a transnational heritage, closely and non-linearly connected with both the Russian state and with individual representatives of the political elite. Therefore, gasification villages and gasification "Chelsea" are two separate, non-related projects, despite that one of them is implemented by coercion, and the second is rather like love.

And what remains for us? Get sick!

Gazprom today signed a sponsorship contract with FIFA. The site is decided on how much the oil and gas production company spends the sport.


Numeral: 45 million dollars

Hulk in football with Gazprom logo. Photo: "Soviet Sport"

Home Football Pride of the biggest oil and gas company- Of course, Zenit. St. Petersburg Football Club lives on Gazprom's money. Jeenno due to this has an impressive weight in Russia and Europe. Hulk, Vietel, Tymoschuk and Gennady Orlov is all Gazprom, national heritage. According to the dataForbes, formally for 5 years, the company has allocated only 40 million dollars on the maintenance of the club. Anyone should forget about not direct payments. For example, Zenit should get 100 million dollars for three years under a contract with NTV-Plus - companies, which holds Gazprom-Media.


Numeral:80 million euros

Giant T-shirt on the stands of the arena in "Gelsenkirchen". Photo: Gazprom.ru.

The German football market Gazprom went in 2006. The presentation was the title sponsor "Schalke" and pledged to pay the club at 12.5mallion euro annually. However, by 2011 changed his mind and ... and I decided to pay a lot. The contract was a reconfigure on the conditions improved for Schalke. And now, 2017 on the development of football in the city of Gelsenkirchen will be allocated for 16mallions euro annually. To say that this money was made by Schalke Grand. The best achievement of the Club during cooperation with Gazprom is a second-hand in Bundesliga.


Numeral: 6 months of peaceful life

The inscriptions on the backs are issued by the players of the Kazan "Zenith". They play for the richest volleyball team of the country. Photo: "Soviet Sport"

It is not customary to spend the same as a naphuteball on volleyball. The sponsoring of the Kazan Club is Rather, the image project, which in Gazprom is called "socially oriented". The exact numbers in nor in Gazprom are called in Kazan. However, the leadership of the club from Tatarstan says that the company has a significant part of their expenses, and Zenit-Kazan is not yet unnecessary.

"Gazovik" (Orenburg)

Brand Mugs "Gasovika"

Numeral: 69 points in 28 matches

The club from Orenburg thoughtfully approached how to call the command and received sponsorship from the oil-producing giant. As well as luster with Kazan volleyball, no one opens the numbers in Orenburg. It is alone that the club lives a rich life. "Gazovik" is one of the only VFNL commands, which trades an attribute, is a good site and suits the contests of potassolors. For example, "Miss Gazovik".

Volga (Nizhny Novgorod)

Numeral: 25 million euros

In 2010, the Nizhny Novgorod branch of Gazprom is certified. It happened that the Chairman of the Board of Alexey Miller was driving at the party personally. Governor of Valery Shantsev's governor presented a guestwood award. Miller so touched that he promised to help the local Volga with financing. As a result - on the eve of the start of the new season of the focus of the Football Club, 25 million euros amounted to 25 million.


Red-white "Czrven Star" with Gazpromovsky logo.

Numeral: 3 million euros

In 2010, Gazpromneft unexpectedly invited by Serbian football and signed a contract with the "Tsrug Star" -Klub-twin by Moscow "Spartak". Such an exotic choice in the company asked the desire to enter the Eastern European market. Serbian football is unbendable in money, which is why the guys from the "Crvented Stars" of the Mozhnorada 3 million euros, which annually drip on their bank account.

UEFA Champions League

Numeral: 40 million Euro

Before the start of last season, Gazprom replaced the Sony of the Official Sponsors of the UEFA Champions League. The goal is to make the brand over-appaped in Europe. Now rollers with a gas burner are demonstrated by the leading match of the Champions League, and Gazprom lists UEFA, according to Vedomosti, something about 40 million euros per year.



Last summer, Gazprom announced a consequences of a promissory contract with the Club of Roman Abramovich - Chelsea. At the same time, the hand did not want to call numbers. When people from the London Club ask how Gazprom helps you, they are all as one answer: "This company is supplied with gas and electricity." Thus, now Jose Mourinho, Franklampard and Peter Czech warm up home cutlets in the club microwave perfectly.


Numeral: not installed

Today Gazprom announced that henceforth will be tightly cooperating with International Federation football. According to our expert Vladimir Abramov, this move is made in order to smooth out the resonance from the excessive activity of the company in Europe.

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