
Rosbank who owner. Societe Generale bought a controlling package for a record price. Rosbank information about

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Deposit and credit rates Rosbank

Min. Credit Rate - 13.5%

Max. Deposit rate - 6.2%

Main State Registration Number: 1027739460737 Assets, billion rubles: 1125 Emissions and acquiring bank cards: American Express, China UnionPay, JCB International, Mastercard Int., Visa International, Golden Crown, United Class System, Rosbank, Customs Map Official site Rosbank: http://www.rosbank.ru/ Unified Free Phone: 8 800 200-66-33

Rosbank Public Joint Stock Company is a universal bank as part of the International Financial Group Societe Generale, which controls the bank by 99.5 percent. In addition to Rosbank, the Group on the territory of the Russian Federation also includes subsidiaries "Deltacredit" and "Rusfinance Bank". The bank was registered in 1993 and at the time of creation was called "Independence". In 1998, the bank was bought by an industrial and financial group Interros. In 2002, the IFC Investment Bank was also joined to Rosbank, and in the Interros group, and in 2003 Rosbank joined the RSK banking group, which is at that time the largest retail banking group in the Russian Federation. The consolidation of Rosbank and the OVK banking group ended in mid-2005. In 2006, part of the bank's share was sold to the French bank Societe Generale, and in 2008 the SoCiete Generale financial group increased its stake in the control. And in 2013-2014, Societe Generale bought out stock packets from VTB Bank and a Pharanco Holdings Co. registered in Cyprus. Ltd., thus bringing its share package to 99.5 percent.

In the size of the assets and equity capital, Rosbank at the beginning of 2015 was at a twelfth place among the largest Russian banks. The Bank's customer base includes more than three million individuals. The branch network of the bank includes more than 600 branches, more than a thousand sales points and three thousand ATMs in the seventy regions of Russia. Such an extension was made possible after the unification with the banking group Suck the Generaul East.

The main strategic direction of Rosbank is to improve the quality of customer service, as well as entering the leading position in the field of innovation in the field of banking. And as a result, ensuring the stable growth of the banking group through the development of the business, intensifying the interaction between branches to achieve sustainable profitability.

Third-party ratings and rating agencies

Expert RA
Moody "S.
Fitch. BBB-
S & P.
Min. Rate on car loans
Min. Mortgage rate

Latest Reviews of Rosbank

On June 13, at 18.02, a call to Rosbank was made at *** in order to learn why not all funds are credited to the credit card account. According to SMS alerts and in the Personal Account, the amount of the balance on June 2 - 180 thousand rubles I take 20 thousand rubles - until the credit limit is fully repayment (Credit Limit 200 thousand rubles). In your personal account I see that only 6 thousand rubles arrived at the expense and the amount of the balance is 186 thousand. I call Rosbank, the conversation takes more than 50 minutes (Operator: Marina 1484 - Any question puts the operator in a dead end and it turns off Mu to 10-15, Connects - not clear things, I ask the question again and it turns off again). The question is not solved. The question remains open, where did 14 thousand rubles lost? Why do not I see them on the balance sheet of a credit card? Rosbank is very bad things that you bring to customers? Understand the situation and return 14 thousand to the score otherwise I am writing a statement to the police.

nkharlashina., 13.06.2019 Link

Normal bank, never there are no queues, employees are competent for any issues. Here I have salary maps of workers serviced, there are never questions about questions. The other day my manager called and suggested to start a cumulative plastic card with 7.7% per annum on any residue. Interested, drove, read the conditions. Service is free, small text about mandatory payments and unmarked residue did not find. I decided to try this card. I get a couple of weeks, flew to rest with her already, ordinary plastic, like everyone else. Only with the ability to accrual 7.7 percent. I did not try to remove the cash with it, but under the conditions can be without percent times a month in any ATM to remove or in their own anywhere. Limits are decent - 500 thousand per day or 1,5 million per month. For recommendations, a good product turned out.

Pavel, 5.06.2017 Link

A few years ago I took a mortgage in Rosbank. In rubles did not give, I had to take in the currency. For several years I paid without any problems, but when I started to jump the course, I turned to the bank with a request to convert the loan to the ruble. But in response, he received a refusal. Now I don't even know what to do, the overpayment is incredible ...

Vadim., 11.09.2016 Link

Hello! I am an individual entrepreneur. 07/07/16, without any explanation, all my accounts and cards were blocked by the bank. After long-term proceedings, which lasted almost a month, the bank opened access to my account. During this period, not a single official statement of the bank was made. It is absolutely clear that any official statement could be challenged in court. I wrote letters to the bank, appeal to the Rosbank website. About a month later, my account and cards were open. Unfortunately, one lawlessness entails another! For some reason, it is completely unclear, for me, the reason does not open the bank-client. According to the tariffs of the bank, the cost of one payment order is 120 rubles, electronic -30 rubles. When concluding an agreement between PJSC ROSBANK and I, both sides signed an application with tariffs and grid of services provided. Now the bank forces me to use the most expensive and inconvenient service, roughly violating my consumer rights and imposing an expensive service. Let me remind you that I paid the opening of the account, I paid for his maintenance, I did not violate a single point of ours with the Bank of the Agreement. The Bank has violated all imaginable and unthinkable decency, and at the same time the laws of the Russian Federation. The official appeals on the site does not respond. On the phone help does not give. HELP !!!

Mikhail92., 2.09.2016 Link

I made a credit card Rosbank 30.06.2015 for a year, after requinging, how the map prolongation passes, the manager replied that automatically. 07/04/2016 SMS arrived on debt on a credit card, turned to the bank, where they asked to pay the entire amount on the credit card. At the same time, 06/26/2016, when paying the next payment in the bank, no one said about prolongation, calls and SMS was not. Being a conscientious payer and constant client (I paid two loans in this bank), trusted to the manager and did not control the process of prolongation. SMSSK about the debt came only on the fifth day of debt (separately paid SMS alert) and extend the contract, due to the debt failed. I had to give money deferred on vacation. Be careful! What was it - a negligence attitude of employees to their duties, my non-historicalness or deliberate catch? P.S. In principle, everything is not so bad, resting on the expanses of the native land, but the unpleasant precipitate of deception remained.

nazarka23., 23.07.2016 Link

Deposits Rosbank

11/11/2018 Rosbank offered to premium customers online deposits
Premium deposits have become available for registration in the Russian Bank of Rosbank and Mobile Application Rosbank online. Owners of the package of banking services "Premium" got the opportunity to issue deposits ...
10/11/2018 Rosbank raises rates on deposits for new customers
In honor of its 25th anniversary Rosbank raises rates on deposits for new customers. Until November 30, the standard and premium contributions is valid + 0.35% per annum to the base rate in rubles ... 07/17/2018 Raising rates on deposits in honor of the victory of the France national team
The France team for the second time in its history won the most important victory! Rosbank, being part of the French International Financial Group Societe Generale ... 5.02.2018 Rosbank increased the deposit portfolio of small businesses by 43% in 2017
According to the results of 2017, the direction of small business Rosbank has demonstrated growth in all key indicators. Thanks to the attractive conditions, the deposit portfolio of small businesses and individual entrepreneurs showed growth rates at 43% ... 7.04.2017 "150 years of reliability" in the top 3 of the most profitable ruble deposits
Customers who choose the "150 years of reliability" deposit, Rosbank offers an attractive interest rate with a small minimum deposit amount from 15 thousand rubles ...

Rosbank News

2.07.2018 Rosbank-online and the Internet Bank has become even more convenient
Rosbank once again updated the versions of the Mobile Application Rosbank-online and Internet Bank and introduced a number of new features, thanks to which our remote services became even more modern and functional .... 9.03.2018 Rosbank introduced his own E-Trading Platform
Rosbank launched his own electronic commerce system (E-Trading) - a simple and understandable interface that allows legal entities to make conversion transactions for buying / selling currency independently ... 1.11.2017 L'Hermitage for VIP clients
Rosbank conducted a rebranding business destination for wealthy customers, which received his own name L'Hermitage ... 07/14/2017 In Rosbank, "opening time" for small businesses
As part of a special offer, customers can open the first billing account for free, assure a card with sample samples, copies of a full package of documents, as well as connect the Internet client-bank system ... 9.10.2016 New life investment insurance products
Rosbank offers wealthy customers new products of life insurance "Lighthouse" and "Capital", developed by the insurance company Sberbank Life Insurance ...


In the Russian Federation, the creation and operation of commercial banks, the legal regulation of banking activities is based on the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities", the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation", the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia.

Currently, commercial banks are one of the most important elements of the national economy. Commercial banks operate on the basis of the Charter, which is accepted by its participants.

Pre-diploma practice took place in the branch of the Rosbank Commercial Bank (OJSC) in Nizhny Novgorod from September 1, 2012. On October 26, 2012

The purpose of the pre-diploma practice in the branch of the commercial joint-stock bank Rosbank (OJSC) in Nizhny Novgorod was to study the activities of this credit institution for further more detailed work on the graduation project. During the passage of practice, the following tasks were delivered in this credit institution:

Acquaintance with the main activity and strategy of the bank;

Expanding ideas about the work of the Bank's credit department;

Study of the main credit products of the bank;

Analysis of the credit policy and results of the financial activities of the Bank.

This report contains information about the bank, major products, as well as an accounting balance analysis on January 1, 2008. And on January 1, 2009, the Appendix is \u200b\u200ba report on profit and loss for these periods and data of the negotiable statement on accounting accounts.

History Rosbank

Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Rosbank is a multidisciplinary private financial institution, one of the leaders of the Russian banking system. As of March 1, 2010, Rosbank's own capital amounted to 43,014.83 million rubles, and total assets - 1,194,962.03 million rubles. According to the results of the second quarter of 2011, it takes a thirteenth place in the Russian Federation by assets.

Rosbank is part of the International Financial Group Sociency GiNerale. On July 1, 2011, another Russian bank of this group was attached to him - "Bank Suck the Generaral East".

Rosbank has credit ratings of the three largest international agencies: Moody "S, Standard & Poor" S and Fitch. In November 2008, the authoritative British magazine "The Banker" honored Rosbank of the prestigious Award "Bank of the Year", recognizing it with the best financial institution of Russia.

Based in 1993. As AKB "Independence" (AOZT), subsequently changed the legal form several times ( 1994 year -- TOO, 1996 -- Company). In September 1998. HC " Interros"I acquired the bank and renamed it to Rosbank Akb (CJSC). IN 1999. Rosbank became Open joint stock company.

IN 2003. Rosbank for $ 200 million acquired a banking group OWK, By significantly expanding the branch network.

In June and September 2006. Packages of 10% of the bank's shares of $ 317 million each were sold to the French banking group Socient GiNerale.. Also, the French bank received an option for purchasing to the end 2008. Another 30% plus two shares of Rosbank for $ 1.7 billion, which was implemented in February 2008..

In February 2010, joint plans of the bank owners were made public (Societe Generale and Interros) on the association of Rosbank, Bank "Suck the Generaral East", bank " Deltacredit"And" Rusfinance Bank" As a result, it was expected that the largest private bank of Russia will be created (the total amount of assets was evaluated as of January 1, 2010 in 656 billion rubles.) . However, upon completion of the association, Rosbank became only the third largest assets by the private bank of Russia, having missed Alfa Bank and the principal Austrian competitor - UniCredit Bank.

In February 2010, BSZV and Rosbank combined the network aTMs. In all aTMs Rosbank owners of the BSEW cards can perform operations without additional commissions, and vice versa.

In January 2011, Rosbank became the owner of 100% of the shares " Rusfinance Bank"And the bank" Deltacredit» .

April 15. 2011. Rosbank's shareholders decided to reorganize the bank in the form of joining it to CJSC BSZB", Which took place on July 1, 2011 . Also in the spring of 2011, the rebranding of the bank started, which lies in the transition to the symbolism of the group Socient GiNerale.. The new logo of the bank was the red-black square with a white stripe, the font writing the name of the bank, and there was information about belonging to the group under it Socient GiNerale.. In the summer of 2011, a new symbolism was introduced on bank cards, a legal association was conducted, and from October 2011, all branches and ATMs became completely equal, the process of changing signs on offices began. A network of partner banks was also significantly expanded, and therefore the number of ATMs and terminals that Rosbank's clients without commission can use.

March, 1993

Based on KB "Independence"

September, 1998

KB "Independence" was renamed with shareholders (Interros company) in Rosbank Akb (OJSC). General License №2272.

September, 2000

Shareholders of Rosbank endorsed the decision to join the ONEXIM Bank. The strategic direction of development was the work with corporate clientele

December, 2002

Consolidation of business Rosbank and IFC Bank strengthened Rosbank's personnel resources and technology for the development of investment destination

July, 2005

Successful completion of the consolidation of business Rosbank and six OWC banks (first OWK, central OWK, Volga OVK, Volga OVK, Siberian OVK, Far Eastern HVAC). Universal Commercial Bank under a single brand "Rosbank" has one of the largest private regional networks in the country and is one of the leaders of the Russian retail banking market market.

June, 2006

The French banking group Societe Generale entered Rosbank's capital

February, 2008

Societe Generale Group has become a majority shareholder Rosbank

February, 2010

Shareholders decided to consolidate the Russian assets of the Societe Generale Group, including Rosbank and other Russian subsidiaries - the bank Suck the Generaul East (BSGV), Rusfinance, Deltacredit, in order to maximize the synergy of various business destinations and conquer the positions of the leading international financial institution in Russia, covering the position All market segments

January, 2011

Acquisition from the Societe Generale group Rusfinance and Deltacredit, which become 100% subsidiary banks Rosbank

July, 2011

Rosbank united with BSGV, becoming the largest international financial institution in Russia

Strategy and main activities

Rosbank for a long time occupies a leading position in the domestic market and offers a wide range of a wide variety of services - from lending to deposits, investment and other financial transactions.

The activities of AKB Rosbank is carried out on the basis of a license number 2272 and is regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Rosbank's branch network covers 700 branches, 1,200 salespoints and about 3,000 ATMs in 340 settlements of Russia. Rosbank enters the top three largest retail banks in Russia - serves more than 3 million private clients. Rosbank is focused on providing high-quality service and individual service of its customers. In addition, the subsidiaries of Rosbank were opened in the countries of near and far abroad: in Switzerland (Rosbank S. A) and Belarus (Belronsbank). In Russia, he has "Deltacredit", leading in the mortgage lending market, and Rusfinance Bank, which has consistently high positions in the consumer lending market and car loans.

The bank consistently implements the strategy for creating a universal financial institution of a national scale and serves all categories of customers. Key areas of activity Rosbank are:



Investment banking services

Work with wealthy private customers (Private Banking).

For a long time, Rosbank seeks to create a universal financial institution who could have operated on a national scale and offering the most different banking services for the population. This bank today carries out the goal through the gradual accession of the largest banks - in 2011 it was absorbed by the "Bank Suck the General East".

Among the most priority areas of the Bank, it is worth especially to note the corporate services, investment and banking services, which are in demand both physical and legal entities, Private Banking, that is, working with VIP clients of the bank, as well as retail service.

It is especially necessary to note the investment destination of the Bank's activities. During the long time, Rosbank is one of the largest players in the ruble municipal market, as well as corporate bonds. Competition is very strong in this market - large banks and small organizations are constantly involved.

Among other priority areas are small and medium-sized services. In this direction, Rosbank carries out maintenance of more than 57 thousand customers. Declares to cooperate with the bank and comprehensive service, and high quality work, as well as specially designed loan product line, allow you to put business on your feet and develop it.

Mortgage, as well as other credit products, focused on private clients and individuals, are also in demand. Currently, Rosbank has credit ratings of the three largest international agencies, among which - Fitch, Moody "S, Standard & Poor" s.

In priority and maintenance of large corporate clients. To those, for example, today you can count in Almazyuvelirexport, RAO Gazprom, MMC Norilsk Nickel, "Seventh Continent", Holding IDGC, IC "Consent" and some others.

The majority shareholder of this bank is the International Financial Group "Suck the General", based in France. The structure of Rosbank can be represented in this way: 82.4% of the shares belong to Societe Generale S. A, 8.9% of the shares - VTB Capital CJSC through Crinium Bay Holdings Ltd, 5.3% - Pharanco Holdings Co. Ltd and 1.1% - ICFI (CYPRUS). It is also worth noting that the beneficiary of all the above financial institutions owning the shares of Rosbank is Vladimir Potanin.

Rosbank today became the main representation of the "Society of the General" in Russia. Its position in the market is stable - this is the largest private bank of the country, standing in one row with such giants as Alfa Bank or URALSIB and continuing to strengthen its position in the loan market and deposits.

Rosbank is one of the 300 most expensive world and the 4 most expensive Russian financial brands in the 2012 International Consulting Company BRAND FINANCE and The Banker magazine. Rosbank has investment credit ratings of international rating agencies Fitch Ratings and Moody "S Investor Service. In 2006 and 2008 Rosbank was recognized as the best financial institution of Russia according to The Banker. The ranking of the top 1000 banks of the world Rosbank ranks fifth place in Russia and leads Among domestic private banks (The Banker, July 2012).

Organizational structure

The structure of any organization is an ordered set of its individual elements. The Bank is a functional and hierarchical structure that ensures the execution of control functions, retains expedient vertical and horizontal bonds and separation of controls. The grouping of units occurs in accordance with the functions reflecting the main directions and areas of activity. The functional structure provides a jar of sufficiently serious competitive advantages due to its definition, harness, reliability of communications, the lack of their duplication, which allows you to bring to performers and implement management decisions without delays.

In the bank, the rigid hierarchy of the authorities and the system of control by senior management, decisions are accepted centrally. But at the same time, the level of training of specialists provides broad specialization in personnel (interchangeability)),

In the interaction of the "division - division" - a linear-functional structure, since the decisions prepared by certain performers are prepared by the direct supervisor, then are considered and approved by the Director, who transfers their execution by this or other performers.

The organizational structure of the management of the Nizhny Novgorod branch can be represented as follows (Fig.2):

Fig.2. The organizational structure of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of Rosbank.

The director is headed by the Bank and represents the company in all institutions and organizations, disposes of the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts, publishes orders on the enterprise, in accordance with the labor legislation accepts and dismisses workers, applies measures to encourage and imposes recovery on enterprise employees.

In submission of the director, there are: chief accountant, head of the retail services department, head of the operating department, head of the settlement department, Head of the Security Department, Head of Legal Department, Head of Personnel. Each of them subordinate units specializing in the areas of the Bank's activities.

In the bank, the director reserves most of the authority necessary for decision-making, and also carries out strict control over their implementation. Therefore, it can be said that the bank has a high level of centralization. Special attention in the enterprise is given to delegation of authority. Development of solutions is always assigned to the managers of functional units. The decision is made by the highest leadership, then transmitted to the execution of officials in which the responsibility for their execution.

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the staffing schedule. First of all, it is associated with expanding the scope of services. Not a little important factor is to improve the quality of service.

By increasing the service personnel, an increase in the amount of information being processed. The legal department has significantly increased, as well as the security department. First of all, this is associated with the expansion of lending services.

A variety and a large flow of operations, high competition in the banking services market, have special requirements for employees.

One of the most important duties of each bank employee is competence in the field of its activities, therefore the Bank allocates funds for the development of personnel to increase the competitiveness of the bank.

The Bank is guided in its activities the principle of transparency.

Under transparency, the bank understands:

openness of information about business owners, transparency to shareholders, key customers (partners) of the Bank, subsidiaries, on the structure (directions) of the bank's business.

the availability of bank reporting (following the example of the information set out on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), the full openness of the Bank in providing its financial results, both in Russian and in Western standards. Revenue, capital, assets - all major indicators must be available to a wide audience.

transition to international banking standards. One of their such standards is the information transparency of the bank for counterparties and investors, and one of the criteria of information transparency is to prepare intermediate audited reporting under IFRS, which makes it possible to count on foreign funding.

constant regulation of workflows carried out in the bank, various regulatory documents.

All the bank's activities should be aimed at providing a full range of high-quality banking services to their customers. The bank must constantly improve the set of products and services offered to customers, as well as improve the quality of customer service.

The high quality of customer service is considered as the cornerstone of the successful functioning of the Rosbank Cab.

Despite all the problems, the French bankSociete.Generale. nevertheless became the most frequent ownerRosbank, who previously belonged to Mikhail Prokhorov and Vladimir Potanin. Even more in the promising Russian market, European bankers did not prevent either their own problems or debries between sellers.

In Russia, where Societe Generale already has serious positions, the Bank intends to conduct an "ambitious and targeted expansion strategy". The bank's report on the completion of the transaction is emphasized by the large territorial coverage of Rosbank and the fact that from domestic commercial banks he has the largest regional network.

The fact that Societe Generale has three more Russian banks and local subsidiary will not hurt. Rosbank and other Societe Generale structures will develop in one direction, but independently and autonomously, approves Chairman of the Board of Rosbank Alexander Popov.

Difficult story of the transaction

In 2006, Societe Generale bought from Vladimir Potanina and Mikhail Prokhorov 20% minus one share of Rosbank with the ability to acquire another 30% plus two shares for $ 1.7 billion. The French decided to use the option. However, in January 2008, Societe Generale began problems. The bank reported on huge losses inconsistently due to the fault of the trader's work.

As a result, together with the write-off of losses resulting from the mortgage crisis in the United States, the Bank reported losses exceeding $ 10 billion, as a result of which the bank's net profit declined to $ 1.38 billion from $ 7.5 billion a year earlier. On the market they started talking about the fact that the Bank may not recover from losses and become a victim of absorption. The completion of the transaction with Rosbank was under threat.

Nevertheless, the leadership of the French bank with the help of the government and at the expense of the long-built corporate protection system proved that while Societe Generale will not be sold to anyone. Current financial problems will be solved through the issuance of their own shares by 5.5 billion euros, which will allow you to comply with all capital adequacy regulations.

However, the difficulties were not only from the buyer. Divorce "Prokhorov and Potanina, which is accompanied by ships and other corporate struggles, for some time even slowed down the point of absorption. Cypriot Citizen As a security measures in dispute dispute blocked Rosbank's shares belonging to the Joint Fund "KM-Invest". However, on February 11, it became known that the prohibition was removed.

As a result, overcoming all the obstacles, on February 13, Societe Generale officially reported that it completes the transaction to acquire the control package of Rosbank. The press release also states that Societe Generale intends in accordance with Russian legislation to make a proposal to redeem the stakes by the remaining minorities.

"KM-Investa" there were still about 20% of the bank's shares, and according to the newspaper "Vedomosti" with reference to the representative of Potanina Interros, these papers will also be transferred to Societe Generale in exchange for the shares of the French bank.

Flight of the French to Russia

Societe Generale has long been working in Russia. At the moment, this group owns four more banks in addition to Rosbank. Controlled by the French financial and credit organizations belong to the second echelon of Russian banks. The largest before the acquisition of Rosbank was "Bank Suck the Generaral East" - this universal bank takes the size of assets 29th place in Russia.

Also, the French belongs to the Rusfinance Bank, which is engaged mainly in the field of consumer loans, "DeltaCredit", specializing in mortgage, and a very small bank - SKT, working in the field of car loans.

Rosbank, which in assets is in the eighth place in Russia, will become the largest acquisition of the French. So far, according to the head of Rosbank Alexander Popov, there will be no fundamental changes in the work of the company. In an interview with the newspaper "Vedomosti" on the eve of the closure of the Popov transaction, stated: "Rosbank works independently and absolutely autonomously, which is also explained by the current structure of shareholders, and a business difference."

As for the competition with the "Bank Suck the General Sea", then Popov does not see the problems. "We have our own development strategy and ensure the growth of both business and profitability. We are pleased to the success of others, but strive for the client to choose us," says Rosbank.

For the French bank, strengthening positions on the growing Russian market, especially due to the acquisitions of such a major player as Rosbank, is a great success. Especially in conditions when on their "native" markets in Europe, as well as in the United States, the financial sector is experiencing serious problems.

For Russians, work under the leadership of Western colleagues may also be profitable. For example, a group of researchers in the Russian economic school in their work demonstrated that Russian banks, in the capital of which foreigners are involved, usually work more efficiently than purely Russian organizations.

True, whether the presence of a foreign shareholder is the reason or consequence of greater efficiency, it is not reported, the newspaper "Vedomosti" writes (more - in


  • 1. History
  • 2 Association with BSZV and Rebranding
  • 3 Owners
  • 4 guidance
  • 5 activities
  • 6 Regional network
  • Notes


Rosbank - Russian commercial bank, following the first quarter of 2010, occupies a thirteenth place in the Russian Federation by assets. Full name - OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Rosbank". Headquarters is located in Moscow.

Rosbank is part of the International Financial Group Société Générale. On July 1, 2011, another Russian bank of this group was attached to him - "Bank Suck the Generaral East".

1. History

Founded in 1993 as AKB "Independence" (AOZT), subsequently changed the organizational and legal form several times (1994 - LLP, 1996 - CJSC). In September 1998, Interros, the Bank acquired the Bank and renamed it to Rosbank Akb (CJSC). In 1999, Rosbank became an open joint-stock company.

In 2003, Rosbank for $ 200 million acquired the banking group of HVAC, due to this significantly expanding the branch network.

In June and September 2006, the packages of 10% of the bank's shares of $ 317 million each were sold by the French banking group Société Générale. Also, the French bank received an option for acquiring by the end of 2008 another 30% plus two shares of Rosbank for $ 1.7 billion, which was implemented in February 2008.

2. Association with BSW and Rebranding

In February 2010, the joint plans of the bank owners were made public (Societe Generale and Interros) on the association of Rosbank, "Bank Suck the General Vostok", Delcredit Bank and "Rusfinance Bank". As a result, the largest private bank of Russia will be created, the largest private bank of Russia will be created (the total amount of assets was evaluated as of January 1, 2010 in 656 billion rubles).

In February 2010, BSZV and Rosbank Combined the network of ATMs. In all ATMs Rosbank The owners of the BSZV cards can perform operations without additional commissions, and vice versa.

In January 2011, Rosbank became the owner of a 100% stake in Rusfinance Bank and Deltacredit Bank.

On April 15, 2011, the shareholders of Rosbank decided to reorganize the bank in the form of accession to it CJSC BSEW, which took place on July 1, 2011. Also in the spring of 2011, the rebranding of the bank started, which lies in the transition to the symbolism of the Société Générale group. The new logo of the bank was the red-black square with a white stripe, the font writing the name of the bank's name has changed, and under it there was information about the accessories of the Société Générale group. It is planned that in the summer of 2011, a new symbolism will appear on bank cards, and since the fall of 2011, the process of changing signs on offices will begin.

3. Owners

The Bank is controlled by foreign capital. The main shareholder is the French bank Société Générale (71.9901%). Other major shareholders are V. O. Potanin, which through ICFI (Cyprus) Limited and Pharanco Holdings Co. LTD, which are 100% subsidiaries of CJSC Interros CJSC, controls 14.0344%, as well as Bank VTB Bank (11.5681%).

In December 2008, Interros transferd 19.99% of the shares in the pledge of VTB to ensure the loans received. In December 2009, the deposit was prolonged.

4. Guide

Rosbank logo from 1998 to 2005

Among the main leaders of the Bank:

  • Mattei Jean-Louis - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank.
  • Vladimir Golubkov - Chairman of the Board.
  • Mark-Emmanuel Vives - First Deputy Chairman of the Board. Coordination of the activities of Russian divisions of the group Suck the Generaul.
  • Igor Antonov - First Deputy Chairman of the Board. Retail business, regional development, work with SME, Private Banking.
  • Sergey Degtyarev - First Deputy Chairman of the Board. Corporate governance, logistics.
  • Juan Carlos Albizati - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Risk Department.
  • Olesya Afanasyev - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Corporate business management credit risks.
  • Olga Skorobogatova - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Information technologies and remote maintenance.
  • Ulan Ilshkin - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Personnel management and organizational development.
  • Alexey Chukhlov - Deputy Chairman of the Board. Financial management.
  • Mikhail Ershov - Senior Vice President.

5. Activity

The Bank is a multidisciplinary financial institution, provides the entire list of banking services to both individuals and legal entities. The bank has a general license for banking operations, licenses of a professional participant in the securities market, licenses for carrying out operations with precious metals, etc.

Rosbank customers are more than 3.5 million individuals, 60 thousand small and medium-sized enterprises, 7 thousand large companies.

Bank's assets As of December 31, 2007, IFRS amounted to 408.06 billion rubles., Capital - 40.9 billion rubles, net profit for 2007 - 6.17 billion rubles.

6. Regional Network

To coordinate the activities of the Bank's divisions, a clear-level management system is formed:

  • Head office in Moscow
  • Territorial controls: Central, Far Eastern, Ural Siberian.
  • Branches (total 66)
  • Additional offices and operating cashies

Branches of the Bank operate in 70 regions of Russia, in Moscow at the Bank of 55 branches. More than 600 service points are open in Russia.


  1. Slogans, mottos, slogans: banks - voxfree.narod.ru/slogan/bank.html // voxfree.narod.ru
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Report on Securities AKB Rosbank OJSC for the 4th quarter of 2009 - www.rosbank.ru/common/img/uploaded/files/ir/reports/2272q094.pdf
  3. Interfax-100. Banks of Russia. Main performance indicators for the first quarter of 2010 - www.finmarket.ru/z/bw/rankings.asp.
  4. Elena Khutorna. The first after the state banks is www.Vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article/2010/02/19/226275 // Vedomosti, 30 (2548), February 19, 2010.
  5. Bank Suck the Generaral East and Rosbank expanded the functionality of their ATMs - www.bsgv.ru/view.php?nid\u003d1363& (February 26, 2010).
  6. Rosbank acquired 100% of the shares of Deltacredit Bank and Rusfinance Bank - www.banki.ru/news/lenta/?id\u003d2602425. Banks.ru (January 18, 2011).
  7. A message about the decision to reorganize a credit organization - www.rosbank.ru/files/obyavleniya/2011/reorganization.pdf (PDF).
  8. Pavel Nefelov Go to a new corporate identity - www.rosbank.ru/ru/about/stat/stati/simvolichnaya_perezagruzka/.
  9. Information about persons providing a significant impact - rosbank.ru/files/about/disclosure/2010/significant_influence.pdf, 11/29/2010.
  10. See also: Julia Lokshina. Rosbank reported with honors - www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?docsid\u003d1307853. Kommersant (01/22/2010).
  11. Julia Fedorinova, Vasily Kudinov, Dmitry Simakov. Potanin shared banks - www.Vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article.shtml?2009/01/11/176239 // Vedomosti, № 001 (2271), January 11, 2009
  12. VTB extended "Interros" a loan, the key to which was about 19% of Rosbank shares - www.banki.ru/news/lenta/?id\u003d1639518.
  13. List of largest companies at market value (capitalization) on September 1, 2009 // Expert, No. 38 (675), October 5-11, 2009.
  14. Rosbank's Board of Directors - www.rosbank.ru/ru/about/common/leadership/board_of_directors.php.
  15. Rosbank's Board - www.rosbank.ru/ru/about/common/leadership/management_board.php.
  16. Tatyana Voronov. Prokhorov entrusted Rosbank $ 2.7 billion - www.Vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article.shtml?2008/06/24/152306 // Vedomosti, No. 114 (2136), June 24, 2008.

The universal Russian bank entered the International Banking Community Société Générale. Already in 2014, Rosbank's rating in terms of assets showed a twelfth place among domestic financial organizations. The full name of the organization: Rosbank. Headquarters is located in Moscow.


The International Finance Group Société Générale completed the consolidation process in July 2011, which made it possible to raise Rosbank's rating. At the same time, the assets attached to this group and the "Bank Suck the Generaral East", also Russian.

Since the foundation in 1993, Rosbank existed in various organizational and legal forms: AKB, AOZT, TOO, CJSC, before purchasing it in 1998 by Potanin (the "InterSOC" holding company), after which the financial institution of JSC joint-stock commercial bank Rosbank appeared.

The strategy of new financial education was still aimed at entering the leadership positions and the quality of customer service. The growth of business has increased since then, Rosbank's rating has increased, which was due to the strengthening of interaction between all divisions. The profitability due to the receipt of the new organizational and legal form of an open joint-stock company in 1999 reached a sustainable position.


In 2003, the network of Rosbank branches was significantly expanded. The rating has become even higher after the purchase for two hundred million dollars of the ORK financial group, and already in 2005 Rosbank received the Golden Lion winner premium, becoming a leader in consumer lending. However, without support from abroad, it was difficult to achieve the goals, and therefore in 2006 there were packages of decade-free stocks ($ 317 million each) were bought by the Société Générale banking group.

In addition, this group received an option necessary to acquire three more thirty percent and two Rosbank stocks ($ 1.7 billion). Purchase was committed in February 2008.

In 2012, cooperation began with Alpha Bank, which still continues. The network of ATMs of these banks is merged. Devices are used without additional contributions Customers and Alfa-Bank, and Rosbank. The rating of these financial organizations is surprised by many today. Enterprises for many years included in the country's twenty.

At the same time, Rosbank sold his Belarusian branch (BelronsBank) to the Alpha Bank to expand the partner's position in the Republic of Belarus. Two years earlier, the inclusion of the most advantageous state-owned energy financing program was significantly strengthened by the positions that Rosbank managed to take. His rating steadily grew.


Then, in 2010, rebranding took place - a whole range of different events within the marketing strategy, which ended with a change in the brand produced by the product, slogan and even positioning. Such steps pushed the Association of Rosbank with the BSEV ("Bank Suck the Generaral East").

Joint plans for the consideration of Russian assets Rusfinansbank, Bank Deltacredit, "Bank Sucking Generaral East" and Rosbank were made public. Also, the volume of assets experts rated 656 billion rubles. When the union was completed, Rosbank's rating was surprised by everyone: he became the third in the country according to private banks. Only Alfa-Bank and their principled competitor - Unicreditbank were ahead.


At the same time, in 2010, Rosbank and "Bank Suck the Generaral East" united their ATMs into a single network so that Rosbank ATMs could operate without additional commissions and the owners of the BSW cards. Next year, Rosbank took possession of all one hundred percent of the shares of Bank Deltacredit and Rusfinansbank.

In 2011, another reorganization took place, which attached to Rosbank CJSC BSZV under the symbolism Société Générale: a black and red square with a white stripe, a new font and information about Société Générale.

By the end of 2011, partner banks have become much larger, which means that the terminals and ATMs are also. Thanks to such policies, customers could very quickly make different banking operations. Ranking Rosbank among other banks in such conditions did not grow simply.

New strategy

In 2014, a new business development strategy was developed, aimed at an increase in primarily transaction services. And this is the calculation and cash services, and trade financing, and money transfers, and much more.

All workflows were automated, which increased the speed and quality of service. Remote maintenance expanded with the Internet. Mobile banking appeared.

As already mentioned, the network of ATMs covered not only the whole country, but also attended abroad. The network efficiency has increased, the whole structure in the Rosbank system optimized.

The place in this organization occupied different, which was due to the factors of reorganization. Nevertheless, this bank was not simply "afloat," he was adamantly and stubbornly to true success.

Place in ranking

Rosbank now serves about four million customers in the seventy regions of the Russian Federation. The network has more than four hundred departments and 2300 ATMs. Included this financial organization in the top ten most significant.

International rating agencies assigned such credit ratings to Rosbank: Moody's Investors Service - BBB 2 and Fitch Ratings - BBB-, and an analytical credit rating agency - AAA (RU). Ranking Rosbank on Reliability (Forbes, March 2017) - Top 3 most authoritative banks.

In addition, Rosbank has the first place in the list of the most expensive brands (Brand Finance, 2016). Only financial institutions with foreign partnership and capital participation are considered here.

In December 2016, Rosbank became the winner of the National Association Association of Domestic Banks, and a year earlier, he was recognized as a bronze prize for the title of a better bank in the field of commercial financing (TFR Awards). Rosbank in the ranking of banks is always put on positions close to the leadership.


Rosbank - among the forehead magazine, and held the first place among Russian financial organizations in this quality, as we talked above. Coordinates the activities of all divisions formed over the years of existence, a multi-level management system with a head office in Moscow and the seven branches.

Rosbank is represented in Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg and Moscow. There are additional offices, as well as operational offices and cash regulations. Already in 2015, they had about six hundred in 332 cities and settlements of Russia.


Rosbank's reliability rating and now very high. With this bank really investing in the global economy, where all warranties are provided. The bank provides new investment programs in life insurance (and in rubles, and in US dollars): five-year insurance guarantees 300,000 rubles or $ 5,000, and the three-year program "Prime Minister" (only in rubles) - the same 300,000 in St. -Petherburg and Moscow and 100,000 in the rest of the regions.

There are three strategies: "Global Economics", "Stake Portfolio" and "Multifund". In accordance with the personal preferences of profitability and risk, the client can choose: the world market, the US market, the shares of successful pharmaceutical companies, Eurobonds and the like. Now all Rosbank customers have the opportunity to invest with a guarantee of returning a hundred percent of investment in the world economy, even if the dynamics of the financial market will be negative as now.

How it works

This financial decision is comprehensive. It combines almost unlimited income from such investments. Here is always guaranteed to return at the end of the program of all hundred percent of the invested funds. In addition, there is a long number of advantages offered by the client. For example, insurance protection on the entire period of action of the contract, legal preferences.

All invested funds will be distributed among different tools: conservative (deposits, federal bonds) and investment, where there is a higher level of risk (other bonds, shares, derivative financial instruments). This insurance premium for the entire period of time of the contract is protected from confiscation, arrest and division of property, income tax on the occurrence of the insured event is also not subject to. That is why very many entrepreneurs and businessmen choose Rosbank.

Credit rating

The international rating agency Moody's, which has been operating since 1900 and is quite authoritative in the environment of financial organizations, in 2017 the following independent conclusion is published relative to Rosbank rating: a long-term rating of VA 2, and short-term NP. The last designation is the liquidity on the speculative scale, where Moody's opinion is reflected about the possibilities of internal resources capable of generating funds, given the possibility of attracting external sources to cover monetary liabilities for 12 months. Here is the rating of the short-term - not Prime.

Other rating agency - Fitch Ratings - famous to the world since 1923. Evaluating the creditworthiness of participants in credit markets, it provides analytical studies regarding the prospects for a bank. Rosbank in 2017 with the letters of AAA got only the national line of rating, according to the rating of sustainability - BB +. This is a good result against the background of the crisis and the sharp drop in the ruble. Rosbank's credit rating from an analytical credit rating agency - AAA (RU).

Rosbank and CFT.

Rosbank and the Center for Financial Technologies have been successfully completed by the project implementation of the CTT applications in IT infrastructure, which are necessary to interact with the Deposit Insurance Agency (DC). As a result, this cooperation helped to bring PJSC Rosbank's business processes to a new and better level.

The CFT applications installed in the Bank automate the entire process of interaction with the DCA on organizing insurance payments to those depositors of the Bank, which have an occurrence of an insured event. Starting from the reception of the registers of these depositors, who have the right to insurance compensation, until directly issuing reimbursment and sending a report in the DC.

The need for high functionality and willingness to positive integration into the already existing information technology landscape determined this choice. The decision of the CTF opened the field of activity for Rosbank, who is ready to act at any time to speak the insurance agent when the ART competition is declared, and will also allow you to quickly organize and without delays to payments to depositors, providing quality of service. This project and his successful implementation once again emphasized the high reliability of Rosbank.

2017 year

For the first six months of the work of Rosbank in 2017, in the ranking "Interfax 100" regarding banks of Russia, as well as structures and obligations of them before the population, Rosbank took the thirteenth line, climbing three lines compared with the previous quarter. The total amount of deposits and deposits in 2017 grew by 10.9 billion rubles and is now 152.4 billion.

In the same period of 2016, the indicators were lower by 1.6%. The most popular product for private customer customers remains an urgent contribution, called very characteristic: "150 years of reliability", since in this contribution the maximum level of profitability.

The percentage rate is proposed for retirees and customers issuing the contribution online. Also receive the allowance and new clients Rosbank. Special conditions for those who have chosen a premium service level, and those who opens the contribution "multicurrency".

The line of deposits will allow any depositor to find its most attractive option. This is the monthly capitalization of deposits, and the payment of interest at the end of the term of the contract, and partial removal of funds without loss of interest, and remote control of the deposit account, and much more.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state