
The strategy of social and economic development of the region. Socio-economic problems of the population of the Khabarovsk Territory The strategy of socio-economic development of the Khabarovsk Territory

Development of the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory

The Japanese company JGC Evergreen, which built a greenhouse complex in the Khabarovsk PSEDA, has already announced to the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Vyacheslav Shport (pictured left) about its plans to build the second phase of the greenhouse facility

Regional economy: flight is normal Perhaps the residents of the Khabarovsk Territory have noticed that this year it has become a little better and more fun to live and work than in the previous 2015-2016 years. If we turn to the numbers, this “better” is expressed in a significant increase in the total volume of manufactured and shipped products, the industrial production index, wage growth, the revival of trade and many other indicators. About how the government of the region ensures the stability and development of the territory, we talk with the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory for economic issues Vasily Shikhalev.

Vasily Mikhailovich, how did the situation develop in the main sectors of the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory in this half-year, which enterprises can be called “drivers” of development?

We have a positive trend in the main indicators of production and other areas that form the overall picture in the region.

In the first half of 2017, the volume of shipped goods of own production, work performed and services in the industry of the region amounted to 160.1 billion rubles, or 114.4% compared to the corresponding period of 2016 (in current prices). The industrial production index in the first half of 2017 amounted to 105.5 percent compared to the corresponding period of 2016. The stable growth of transport freight turnover is maintained (in January - June 2017 it amounted to 4.3%). Passenger traffic in transport increased by 0.6 percent (due to an increase in passenger traffic in road transport by 1.9%). This year, both the aircraft industry and shipbuilding are showing positive dynamics. The timber industry complex is also going with a plus. Fish - at the level of last year. And these are high figures. The mining industry is also expanding. Housing construction is still lagging behind, but the groundwork there is sufficient, so that by the end of the year the figures will exceed the level of last year. In the black, we have an average salary, a positive situation on the labor market.

In January - May 2017, the average monthly salary of employees of organizations amounted to 45,206 rubles, which increased by 7.4% compared to the corresponding period in 2016. As of July 1, 2017, the registered unemployment rate was 1.02% (decreased by 0.21 percentage points compared to the corresponding period in 2016), the number of unemployed people decreased by one and a half thousand people. In general, both of these indicators indicate a stable situation in the economy, the workload of large enterprises, and the growth of small and medium-sized businesses. The same is evidenced by the data on the situation in the consumer market of the region. For January - June 2017 turnover retail in the region amounted to 142.6 billion rubles (102.2% compared to the corresponding period in 2016), the turnover Catering- 8.1 billion - 100.7%.

At the end of 2017, positive trends are expected in the economy of the region; the gross regional product will increase by 2.8%; industrial production index - by 3.6%, transport freight turnover - by 3.0%; foreign trade turnover - by 9.2%; commissioning of residential buildings - by 16.2%. Real monetary incomes of the population will grow by 1.4%.

Cannot satisfy the result demographic situation. Since the beginning of 2017, the region has seen a decrease in birth rates while increasing mortality rates. In January-May, 835 fewer children were born in the region than in the same period in 2016. This trend is typical for most subjects of the Russian Federation, the Far Eastern Federal District, and is due to a decrease in the number of women of childbearing age due to the demographic "pit" of the 1990s.

There is an increase in mortality from diseases of the circulatory system (by 4%), respiratory diseases (by 4.9%), and traffic accidents (by 23.9%). This negative aspect of car accidents today is under close attention of the government of the region. We are on the verge of launching a public-private partnership program for an intelligent road safety system. This system will allow to control the traffic density on the roads, not to break the roads with heavy vehicles. It will provide video recording of almost the entire territory of the region. Plus, the issue of providing cellular communication key routes. In particular, the route Khabarovsk - Komsomolsk-on-Amur. We are working on transferring this route to federal ownership. Significantly more funds will be received for its maintenance. This will dramatically change the quality of the road. And, of course, significantly reduce the accident rate.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2017 No. 1298-r approved the Concept of the Demographic Policy of the Far East for the period up to 2025, which determines the main guidelines for the demographic development of the subjects of the Far East Federal District and measures to ensure their achievement.

The government of the Khabarovsk Territory, for its part, intends to update the Comprehensive Regional Program for the Development of the Family and Demographic Policy of the Khabarovsk Territory for 2014-2020, paying special attention to the development of measures to stimulate the birth rate and secure the population. We intend to work on the issue of restoring the edge of co-financing from the federal budget of the monthly cash payment for the birth of a third child and subsequent children until they reach the age of three years for children born after January 1, 2017, without taking into account the value of the total fertility rate. A set of measures is being developed to increase the birth rate in the region, including through assistance in improving the living conditions of young families in conjunction with the birth of children.

Airplanes first.

How are things going in our main branch of the economy - mechanical engineering?

The index of production of vehicles and equipment amounted to 131.4% in the first half of 2017 due to the stable production activity of aircraft and shipbuilding enterprises.

In the aircraft industry, production output increased by 26.2% compared to the corresponding period in 2016. Since the beginning of 2017, the Gagarin Komsomolsk-on-Amur Plant (a branch of JSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft) has delivered 15 SSJ 100 aircraft to the customer (the plan for 2017 is 34 units). Where and by what companies these liners will be operated is decided on the basis of concluded contracts. Among the buyers are both ours and foreign companies. As you know, recently during the MAKS air show, a contract was signed for the supply of 20 "Superjets" by Aeroflot (the contract for the supply of 30 units was completed in 2016).

In the first half of 2017, shipbuilding experienced 1.8 times growth compared to the corresponding period of 2016. The Amur Shipbuilding Plant is increasing its volumes. Today warships are being built in its workshops. Recently, the first corvette "Perfect" was handed over to the Russian Navy and will be on duty in the Pacific Fleet, on July 28 the second corvette "Gromky" will be launched. Two powerful cargo-passenger automobile-railway ferries are laid in the workshops of the plant, designed to work on the Vanino-Kholmsk line. The contract value is almost 10 billion rubles. For this order - a special thanks to the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far East, Yuri Petrovich Trutnev. The enterprise resumed the construction of 2 supply vessels commissioned by Gazflot LLC. Both regional shipyards are now actively working with fishing enterprises within the framework of the “keel quotas” project. It involves the construction of fishing trawlers and other vessels on Russian enterprises as a condition for obtaining quotas for fishing. The government of the region worked with representatives of fishing organizations to draw up the basic requirements for the projects of vessels for the extraction of aquatic biological resources. The terms of reference were sent to PJSC "Amur Shipbuilding Plant" and JSC "Khabarovsk Shipbuilding Plant" for the selection of ship designs and the determination of the estimated cost and construction time.

With the entry into force of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 27, 2017 No. 502 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs for the acquisition (construction) of new civilian ships to replace ships handed over for recycling, the regional government is working on the participation of water transport enterprises in this program and the possibility of acquiring (building) ships from shipbuilding enterprises of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The issue of updating the courts in the region is very relevant. Currently, about 150 vessels with a service life of more than 30 years are registered in the seaports of the Khabarovsk Territory.

On the issue of participation in the Program, we interact with a number of regional water transport enterprises: CJSC Amur Passenger Transportation, LLC KomPass, OJSC Amur Shipping Company, OJSC Khabarovsk River Trade Port, OJSC Vaninsky Commercial Sea Port, Vaninsky branch of FSUE "Rosmorport", FBU "Administration of Amurvodput", JSC "Nikolaev-on-Amur Sea Port", LLC "M-Port", FSBI "Administration of Sea Ports of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Tatar Strait", LLC "Berkut", IP Kozlovsky V .V. (LLC Malachite DV), CJSC DALREO.

A positive response has already been received from the FSUE “Rosmorport” Vanino branch. There is an intention to order vessels of the A45 project from some subjects of the Far East.

Despite the objective difficulties, thanks to the daily attention of the government of the region, the Komsomolsk metallurgical enterprise continues its work. In the near future, the enterprise with a new owner - the company TOREX - should enter a stable mode of operation.

Small and medium businesses

The past six months have been largely devoted to improving the business and investment climate in the region, the development of small and medium-sized businesses. There is a result - a sharp jump in the Russian investment rating. The region immediately rose by 33 positions and took 40th place in Russia.

This is the result of a great joint work of the regional government and the business community. We have significantly improved such indicators as obtaining a construction permit, a public-private partnership mechanism, reducing administrative pressure on businesses, assessing investment infrastructure facilities by entrepreneurs, accessibility financial support, evaluation of consulting and educational services of business support infrastructure, share of purchases from small businesses.

In the region, work has been launched to introduce 12 target models to simplify business procedures and increase investment attractiveness the edges. For six months of work, we have already managed to achieve more than half of the established indicators. Two "road maps" for the investment portal and special organizations have been fully implemented. Work in this direction continues.

According to the results of the first half of 2017, there was an increase in revenues to the regional budget in the category of taxpayers "Individual entrepreneurs" by 7.6% compared to the corresponding period of 2016. The market for lending to small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter referred to as SMEs) has noticeably intensified - an increase of 30% compared to the level of 2016 was noted.

A regional competition for municipal programs for the development and support of SMEs was held, following which budgetary funds in the amount of 19.5 million rubles were distributed among 24 municipalities of the region, including 1.5 million rubles at the expense of federal subsidies (subsidizing part of the costs of entrepreneurs for priority directions of development of municipalities of the region, development of support infrastructure, provision of grants to start-up businesses).

As part of the "roadmap" for the development of SMEs for 2017, 13 events are planned for the agreement on interaction between the government of the region and the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises JSC (hereinafter referred to as the SME Corporation), the list of services of the SME Corporation provided in multifunctional edge centers. This year there were two visits of the delegation of the SME Corporation to the Khabarovsk Territory. More than 700 meeting participants were trained in various aspects of entrepreneurship.

As of June 1, 2017, under the "Program 6.5", through authorized banks, SMEs of the region were provided with 19 guarantees for a total amount of 60.7 million rubles, 4 guarantees for the amount of 14.67 million rubles to attract 215.8 million rubles of loans. In terms of the volume of credit and guarantee support for entrepreneurship provided with the use of federal development institutions, the Khabarovsk Territory ranked first among the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District.

In order to provide business services on a one-stop basis, the Khabarovsk Territory Business Support Center was opened in June 2017, uniting five regional business support infrastructure facilities on one territory. In August, it is planned to open the second regional additional office of SME Bank in Russia.

In the near future, the regional government sets the task of completing the construction of the regional business incubator in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, ensuring the effective operation of the pilot Service Center, organizing work to launch the Far Eastern Business Accelerator project, and continuing the territorial development of business support centers in the municipal districts of the region .

PSEDA and Free Port

Another important area of ​​the “federal agenda” is the development of advanced development mechanisms. What has been done this year to develop TASEDs? What results has the region achieved in this direction?

In 2017, the Government of the Krai continued to work on the development and distribution of preferential regimes for doing business in the Krai: the Free Port of Vladivostok (hereinafter referred to as the FPV) and territories of advanced socio-economic development (hereinafter referred to as PSEDA).

On our initiative, the TASED "Nikolaevsk" was created, which includes seven sites with a specialization in the field of fish processing and ship repair (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2017). At the initiative of the region, the boundaries of the TASED "Komsomolsk" were expanded by including the sites "Holdomi" and "Agro-industrial complex" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2017). cable networks, distribution and switching devices, pipelines and machining production for the aviation industry” (JSC “Promtech-on-Amur”).

Practical results have been achieved: 11 companies have launched production in the TASED "Khabarovsk", 537 jobs have been created, the volume of capital investments has amounted to more than 4.3 billion rubles. The reconstruction of the Khabarovsk airport, which is part of the Khabarovsk TASED, has begun. The investor is a consortium of Japanese companies. The Japanese company JGC Evergreen, which built a greenhouse complex with the Khabarovsk PSEDA, is successfully operating and has begun construction of the second phase of the greenhouse facility.

There is also progress on the Free Port regime. The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East has taken a decision to extend the FPV regime to the territory of the city of Khabarovsk and the Sovetsko-Gavansky municipal district. Draft law amending the federal law dated July 13, 2015 No. 212-FZ "On the free port of Vladivostok" is undergoing the approval procedure in the Government of the Russian Federation.

Housing construction is growing on mortgages

What areas of economic activity does the regional government pay special attention to? How are things going there?

One of the most important areas is housing construction. In 2017, we have to build 425 thousand square meters. The government of the region provides support for the construction of housing for orphans, on youth mortgages, for large families. In parallel, the governor of the region has set the task to form a reserve for housing for 2018-19 already today. Statistics show that this year there is a significant increase in the number of mortgage loans issued. In the first half of 2017, more than 3.7 thousand mortgage loans were issued in the region for a total amount of more than 7 billion rubles. rubles. This indicates the growth of the market and inspires optimism in terms of volumes. The revival of mortgage lending is associated not only with a reduction in rates, but also with guarantees for the commissioning of housing. There are a number of construction companies with which the government of the region has built partnerships. This adds confidence to residents that the new housing in which they invest their funds will be built on time.

A reduction indicator is being met real value 1 square meter housing in the primary market, established by the "May" decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2012. According to the data for the 1st quarter of 2017, the decrease compared to the level of 2012 amounted to 23.5% against the plan of 17%.

The government of the region decided to increase the volume of support for providing housing for young families (by 12%). In total, 621 young families will receive support in 2017, including 60 families who will become participants in shared housing construction in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

93 large families received state support to pay off the balance of the principal debt on a housing (mortgage) loan. In the near future, support will be provided to 3 more families, which will make it possible to fully fulfill the obligations of the regional government.

As part of federal program"Housing for the Russian family" by the developer LLC "Fond housing construction» construction of a residential complex on the street. Sovkhoznaya in Khabarovsk, 164 contracts were concluded with citizens equity participation at a price of 35 thousand rubles per meter. The commissioning of the facility is planned to be completed before the end of the year.

New Horizons in the Mining Industry

A significant contribution to the economy of the region is made by our base industry- mining industry. The production index for the extraction of non-ferrous metal ores in the first half of 2017 amounted to 114.1%. Compared to the first half of last year, gold production increased by 14.1% (9.17 tons), tin - by 1.9 times (211.1 tons). The growth in production volumes was ensured by: an increase (8 times) in production volumes at the Krasivoye gold deposit of Amur Zoloto LLC (the Yubileinaya factory was restored in 2016), as well as the effective asset management of Rusolovo PJSC.

The production index for coal mining amounted to 98.5%. Cleaned coal production at Urgalugol JSC amounted to 2,009.0 thousand tons (103.1%).

A positive moment is the commissioning of the GOK at the Svetloe deposit (LLC Svetloe), with a capacity of 2.0 tons of gold. In the fourth quarter of this year, it is planned to launch a mining and processing plant at the Perevalnoye deposit (JSC Amur Zoloto), with a capacity of 1.8 tons of gold.

Exploration of gold and copper reserves continues at the Malmyzhskoye deposit, in the Nanai municipal district. The start of its development is scheduled for 2023. By 2025, a mining and processing plant with a capacity of the first stage for processing 20 million tons of ore and extracting 75 thousand tons of copper and 3.6 tons of gold in concentrate per year should be built there.

Metamorphoses of the timber industry complex

One of the most significant for the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory is the timber industry complex.

For the first half of 2017, the production index for the type of activity "Logging" amounted to 102.0%, 3,113.5 thousand cubic meters were produced. m of raw wood. A constraining factor in the activity of logging enterprises is the restriction of the removal of timber products by heavy vehicles along highways.

Compared to the first half of 2016, there was an increase in the production of the main types of woodworking products: sawn timber by 2.9% (490.0 thousand cubic meters); veneer - 1.4 times; fuel pellets - 1.2 times (61.5 thousand tons). The production index for the type of activity "Wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except for furniture, production of straw products and materials for weaving" amounted to 106.9%. Positive dynamics is ensured by enterprises implementing (implemented) priority investment projects in the field of forest development (Asia Les LLC, Rimbunan Hijau MDF LLC, Dallesprom OJSC). In the first half of 2017, at the facilities built during the implementation of the PIP, 207.3 thousand cubic meters of sawn timber were produced. m (138.8% of the corresponding level in 2016), veneer - 102.7 thousand tons (144.4%), fuel pellets - 61.2 thousand cubic meters. m (123.4%).

Progress has been made in the work of the well-known enterprise Arkaim. There is a process of financial recovery. Work continues to attract Chinese investment. The enterprise does not have enough working capital to fully utilize its capacities. Can't get a loan. But every month, due to internal resources, Arkaim is increasing its volumes. In the fall, the company is expected to achieve indicators that will allow it to restructure its debt and sign an amicable agreement with the creditor bank.

The industry has good prospects. It continues to increase wood processing capacities. In September 2017, it is planned to put into commercial operation the capacities for the production of 230 thousand cubic meters of lumber per year (JSC Dallesprom). The production of 84 thousand tons of fuel pellets per year is being prepared for launch by Asia Les LLC.

On the federal priority list investment projects in the field of forest development included: Logistik Les LLC, Lesprom DV LLC, Vostochnaya Trading Company LLC

The regional government is working to attract investment, including foreign capital, in the construction of a pulp and paper mill in Amursk.

The Government of the Russian Federation has prepared draft resolutions “On Tariff Quotas for Certain Types of Timber Exported Outside the Territory of the Russian Federation to Third Countries” and “On Amendments to the Rates of Export Customs Duties on Goods Exported from the Russian Federation Outside the States Parties to the Agreement on the Customs Union ". It is assumed that quotas will be provided to exporters finished products. They will be able to export roundwood abroad at a rate of 6.5 percent. But we are still talking about large exporters. The participation of small and medium-sized businesses in the project is still excluded, and this is 78% of the tenants of the region's forest plots. Therefore, the government of the region sent comments and suggestions on this issue to the federal executive authorities. Our the main objective- to stimulate the processing of wood at enterprises established in the region. Today they are underloaded.

Agricultural enterprises - under special control

We have problematic sectors in which the government is particularly active, developing roadmaps and other additional measures. This is primarily agriculture. Serious measures are being taken to create conditions for the attractiveness of agricultural enterprises for investors. As a result, investors come to the industry. Several bidders take part in auctions for the sale of troubled enterprises. There is a revival in this area, the interest of large investors. This gives an understanding of how to further develop agriculture.

More funds from the regional budget have been allocated to help agriculture this year than in the previous year. Various mechanisms, procedures for providing assistance are included. Much work has been done to attract federal resources to the industry. Money is also needed for the improvement of dairy cattle breeding, for crop production, and for land reclamation.

Our main task is to raise milk yields. To do this, you need to update the dairy herd. Unfortunately, a significant part of it is affected by leukemia, and, according to regulatory documents, these animals must be removed and replaced with new, healthy and productive ones. It is necessary to provide the livestock with normal nutrition, fodder, and create decent living conditions. In this direction, we plan to level the situation. We set the task for agricultural producers and food enterprises to be included in the federal agenda, that is, to use the mechanisms of TASED, the Free Port. And some manufacturers are already included in the existing TASED. For example, in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, a number of food industry enterprises are already registered as residents

PSEDA "Komsomolsk".

We place significant emphasis on agricultural cooperation. This direction is developing not simply, but it is necessary, it provides additional jobs. 23.8 million rubles will be allocated from the regional budget for these purposes. With this money, five shops for the production of food products will be reconstructed and created in the region. Thanks to these measures, the number of employees employed at consumer cooperation enterprises will increase.

Another branch of close attention is the food industry. Today she is in trouble. In this regard, the government of the region is developing a comprehensive regional program aimed at developing the consumer market, the food and processing industry of the region. A lot of work is being done to promote regional food products. The project “Our Choice 27” showed itself well. Near Khabarovsk, the implementation of the large Skifagro-DV project has begun. It is planned to build a large pig farm, which will provide meat raw materials to the key meat processing enterprise of the region.

The regional treasury receives significant income from the production of alcoholic beverages. The production of vodka and alcoholic beverages (this is mainly the Khabarovsk Distillery) amounted to 120.6% in the first half of 2017 compared to the corresponding period in 2016. The regional government is working with the federal center to stimulate the growth of beer production, which is produced in the region by two large and a number of small enterprises.

The fish is coming!

Well, and with our main food product - with fish - is everything all right?

Not really. In the first half of 2017, enterprises of the region caught 185.1 thousand tons of aquatic biological resources. This is almost 100 percent of the 2016 level. A slight decrease is due to the cyclical approach of Pacific salmon (2017 is a “bad year” for pink salmon in the Primorye subzone, in the Amur River basin).

Despite the decrease in the resource base, the production index for the type of activity "Processing and canning of fish, crustaceans, mollusks" for 6 months of 2017 amounted to 108.4 percent. The production of processed and canned fish amounted to 142.7 thousand tons (101.3% compared to the same period in 2016). Including the output of highly processed products increased by 6.7 percent. The government of the region renders assistance to the enterprises of the fishery complex of the region in loading the onshore fish processing capacities. Ministry natural resources In the region, an action plan has been developed, including the conclusion of agreements between mining and processing enterprises on the supply of fish raw materials for processing without the participation of intermediaries (three agreements have been prepared for conclusion: Torgrybprom LLC, Yukon LLC, Agapov Company LLC). A meeting with the participation of fish processing enterprises of the region, working on purchased raw materials, is also planned for the fall (before the autumn season).

According to the results of the first half of 2017, the volume of production of fish and fish products processed and canned by coastal fisheries organizations and individual entrepreneurs Krai amounted to 24.5 thousand tons, or 100.8% compared to the same period in 2016.

From July 1, electricity tariffs for the Far East have been reduced. Can this give an additional impetus to the regional industry, including the food industry?

The equalization of electricity tariffs will significantly help entities that do not have access to the all-Russian centralized electricity market. In the Khabarovsk Territory, Primorsky Territory, Amur Region, JAO, it is. And our tariffs are already almost on par with the average Russian ones. The exception is the northern regions: Nikolaevsky, Tuguro-Chumikansky, Ayano-Maisky, Okhotsky, im. Polina Osipenko. Therefore, we continue to raise the issue with the Government of the Russian Federation about the equalization of tariffs for businesses in these areas.

One of the most topical issues for the region is qualified personnel for industry and other sectors of the economy. The government has already made proposals in terms of improving the federal program to increase labor mobility. I hope that our proposals will be supported by the Government of the Russian Federation and deputies. Then the program will allow the region to attract more specialists. In addition, we set the task of improving the work of the Committee on Labor and Employment. So that he is more actively engaged in the search for personnel for the regional economy. And, of course, all our work to improve the socio-economic situation should encourage graduates of our universities to stay working in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Khabarovsk Krai is one of the largest regions of the Far East (788 thousand sq. km), with a population of 1.4 million people. The leading sectors of the economy of the Khabarovsk Territory are industry (over 20 percent), transport and communications (about 20 percent), trade and construction. The main branches of industry specialization are the fuel and energy complex (25 percent), the machine-building complex (about 20 percent), mining (about 13 percent), metallurgical production (about 12 percent), logging and woodworking (over 12 percent), food production products (about 10 percent).

Like most subjects of the Russian Federation located in the Far East and the Baikal region, the Khabarovsk Territory is internally heterogeneous. The vast majority of the socio-economic and demographic potential falls on the Amur Valley, beyond which there is a sparse network of settlements and economic centers along the coast and centers of development in the interior mountainous regions. There are such zones of advanced economic growth of various specializations as the Khabarovsk and Komsomol agglomerations, the Urgal fuel and energy zone located in the zone of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (in the western mountainous part of the Khabarovsk Territory), and the coastal port industrial zone located in the southeast of the region .

The Khabarovsk agglomeration includes the city of Khabarovsk and most of the settlements of the Khabarovsk region. Prospects for the development of the Khabarovsk agglomeration are associated with the formation of a diversified Khabarovsk scientific, educational, financial and industrial complex.

As part of the development of the Khabarovsk agglomeration, it is planned to form a single transport and logistics hub, an industrial and business center with a developed manufacturing and service sector, among which education, healthcare, tourism, commercialization of scientific and innovative developments will be of great importance.

The promising specializations of the Khabarovsk agglomeration are the development of oil refining, the production of food products, construction industry products, electrical products, furniture, machinery and equipment. It is planned to develop an innovation-conducting infrastructure, education, healthcare, culture and sports services. The industrial profile of the economy of the Khabarovsk agglomeration will remain in the medium and long term, which determines the need to create technology and innovation zones. A transport and logistics complex of all-Russian importance will be formed in the agglomeration.

The center of the Komsomol agglomeration is the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The Komsomolsk agglomeration also includes the city of Amursk and the Komsomolsk, Solnechny and Amursk districts. The Komsomolskaya agglomeration is the largest industrial hub in the Okrug (aircraft building, shipbuilding, ammunition production, oil refining, metallurgical production, non-ferrous metal ores mining and timber processing). Science (Technical University, Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), institutions of higher education, and design institutions are actively developing.

The military-industrial complex, which has the most modern technologies, will continue to play a decisive role in industrial production. The enterprises envisage the implementation of major investment projects for the creation of high-tech products, the production of new competitive products for military, dual and civilian purposes. It is planned to implement projects for the mass production of Su-35 (4++ generation) aviation systems, the development and construction of a fifth generation fighter, and medium-range Sukhoi Super Jet-100 airliners.

In shipbuilding, in addition to defense issues, civil shipbuilding and the construction of facilities for offshore oil and gas platforms will be developed.

A petrochemical complex will be built on the basis of the oil refinery operating in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and it is planned to organize the production of cellulose in the city of Amursk, implement a number of projects for wood processing and the production of building materials. A hydrometallurgical plant for the production of a gold-bearing alloy (doré) will be built.

In the zone of influence of the Komsomolsk agglomeration, there are promising tin deposits for development, including Pravourmiyskoye and Sobolinoye, which are of national importance in terms of metal reserves.

The specialization of the Urgal fuel and energy zone is the production and export of electricity, coal and gold mining, and timber processing. The Urgal zone of advanced growth is another growth area on the Baikal-Amur Mainline (Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory). There are favorable conditions here for the construction of a large Urgal fuel and energy complex, the construction of which in the zone of passage of the Baikal-Amur Mainline is based on the possibility of compact placement of a group of high-performance fuel and energy facilities. In addition to the production of electricity and coal mining, the extraction and primary processing of gold and tin ores will be developed in the Urgal zone.

Reducing the risks of implementing investment projects and developing the Urgal fuel and energy zone as a whole is possible in the case of an integrated approach to the construction of infrastructure, including transport, which allows the Urgal zone to be integrated into the core infrastructure networks.

The coastal port-industrial zone of priority economic development will be formed on the basis of the Vanino-Soviet Gavan transport and industrial hub, which includes a port special economic zone based on the port of Sovetskaya Gavan and the port of De-Kastri. It will be developed through the construction of new marine transshipment terminals and the formation of aqua-territorial (marine) complexes based on promising transport and logistics hubs, timber industry, fisheries and linear-focal settlement systems mainly on the sea coast and adjacent areas, supplemented by continental transport and energy infrastructure . The implementation of investment projects to increase port capacities in the Khabarovsk Territory will contribute to the development of the Vanino port, which will significantly increase the volume of annual cargo handling of iron ore, oil and oil products, alumina, timber, containers and other cargo, and will lead to the creation of new jobs.

The project of creating a large transport and industrial hub in the bays of Vanino and Muchke, Sovetskaya Gavan Bay is based on the development and development of the rich natural resources of the Baikal-Amur Mainline zone, including the Neryungri and Elninskoye deposits in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Kuranakh, Bolshoy Seyim and Garinskoye in the Amur Region, the Kimkansko-Sutarskoye field in the Jewish Autonomous Region, as well as the Kuzbass fields, which will ensure the formation of significant export cargo flows in the direction of the seaports of the Khabarovsk Territory. Projects for the construction of port complexes will make it possible to predict the development of the port capacities of the Vanino-Soviet Gavan transport and industrial hub to 80-100 million tons by 2025. The large-scale development of port facilities will contribute to the successful implementation of major projects for the development of deposits both in the zone of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Mainline, which gives the Vanino-Soviet Gavan transport and industrial hub the status of national importance.

The formation of a transport and industrial hub will continue in the port of De-Kastri, the prospects of which are associated with the further development of oil export terminals, the implementation of transport projects, and the construction of wood processing enterprises. The implementation of large infrastructure projects on the territory of the zone (construction of roads and railways) will give a significant impetus to the socio-economic development of the coastal zone of the Khabarovsk Territory, provide all-season access to the use of natural resources in the northeastern part of the region. Infrastructure development will become an additional incentive for the exploration and development of deposits, increasing their economic value, including in the more northern regions - Tuguro-Chumigansky (taking into account the development of inter-regional tidal power) and Ayano-Maysky. The project will reduce transport costs to ensure the northern delivery, increase the comfort of living for the population. The construction of the railway line will increase the competitiveness of locally produced products and will contribute to the development of specialized industries, in particular the timber industry, and improve the quality of life of the local population.

The uneven distribution of the population on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory is due to the significant length of the territory, increased remoteness rural settlement settlements from the regional and regional centers, their inaccessibility. characteristic feature is the presence of two large centers of settlement - the city of Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

The formation of agglomeration forms of settlement is one of the strategic priorities for the development of the region. At present, the Khabarovsk agglomeration is allocated conditionally, since in fact the group system of settlements in the immediate vicinity of the capital of the Far East has not developed. The total population in this territory exceeds 600 thousand people. For the Khabarovsk agglomeration, the main principle of strategic spatial development will be the development of suburban functions (residential, industrial and innovative) within the zone adjacent to the city in 2 main directions: to the west and southeast along the state border of the Russian Federation. The strategic direction of the spatial development of the agglomeration Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Amursk, Solnechny is infrastructural, economic and socio-cultural integration of its individual parts. In the conditions of relative autonomy of the agglomeration (remoteness from other centers of settlement in the Far East), the strengthening of its role in the system of settlement of the region is formed on the basis of the creation within the agglomeration unified system communications, providing both production and social functions.

basis transport complex The Khabarovsk Territory is a developed railway network, which includes the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur main lines, interconnected by meridional railway lines Volochaevka - Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Izvestkovaya - Chegdomyn. The Trans-Siberian Railway connects the network of Russian railways with the seaports of Primorsky Krai, and the Baikal-Amur Railway connects with the seaports of Vanino and Sovetskaya Gavan.

The development of railway infrastructure of regional and local importance is expected through the construction of the planned railway line Selikhin - Nysh, the railway line Postyshevo - Tugur to the Tugur tidal power plant.

The network of airports and airlines will be developed. A project will be implemented to create an international hub airport (hub) on the basis of Khabarovsk (Novy) airport, which, taking into account the development of the feeder network of regional local airlines, will improve the efficiency of servicing transfer and domestic passenger flows. First of all, the airport complexes of Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Okhotsk, Chumikan, Bogorodsk and Sovetskaya Gavan will be reconstructed. It is planned to create the Khabarovsk enlarged center for organizing air traffic.

The development of the core transport network in the region will be supplemented by the formation of a regional road network. Highways Selikhino - Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Berezovy - Amgun - Mogdy - Chegdomyn, Ayan - Nelkan - Yugorenok (border of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)), Selikhino - Gurskoye - Kenada - Vanino, Polina Osipenko - Chumikan - Ayan, passing through the northern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory and providing northern delivery.

Federal highways Khabarovsk - Vladivostok, Khabarovsk - Nakhodka and Khabarovsk - Lidoga - Vanino with an entrance to the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur provide access to the network of Russian highways to the seaports of Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories and are a continuation of the federal highway Chita - Khabarovsk.

Construction of the second stage of the road part of the combined railway-road bridge crossing over the river. The Amur River near Khabarovsk will strengthen the road network of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories with the Chita-Khabarovsk federal highway.

It is planned to create a permanent cargo and passenger checkpoint Khabarovsk (Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island) - Fuyuan on the Russian-Chinese state border and build a road bridge across the Amurskaya channel, which will expand foreign economic relations with northern provinces China and send cargo to the ports of Vanino and Sovetskaya Gavan, as well as to the west.

In the river basin Amur will be developed by inland water transport with the restoration of passenger traffic on previously closed lines.

The integrated development of the transport system will make it possible to create and integrate logistics systems at all levels, which will ensure the necessary development of the commodity distribution infrastructure of the Khabarovsk Territory.

One of the priority areas for the development of the energy sector of the Khabarovsk Territory is to ensure a reliable energy supply to the economy and population of the Territory. In the regional center, Khabarovsk CHPP-3 will be expanded, Khabarovsk CCGT-450 will be built, electric grid construction of high-voltage power lines (220 kV) Khabarovsk CHPP-3 - Khekhtsir, Khabarovsk CCGT - Khekhtsir, Khabarovsk CHPP-3 - Amur and substations (220 kV) will be carried out Cupid with high-voltage transmission lines (220 kV). In order to develop the power grids of the city of Khabarovsk, the distribution power grids (35 kV) in the central part of Khabarovsk will be reconstructed with a transfer to a voltage of 110 kV.

The development of the Sovetskogavansky energy district is of great importance for the implementation of the project to create the Vanino-Sovetskogavansky transport and industrial hub. As part of the development of the electric power infrastructure, the construction of a thermal power plant in Sovetskaya Gavan, a high-voltage power line (220 kV) Komsomolskaya - Sovetskaya Gavan will be implemented. The development of the energy infrastructure will increase reliability and ensure an increase in power consumption in the port area.

The increase in electricity consumption in connection with the development of industry in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Amursk will be ensured by expanding the Komsomolskaya CHPP-3 and constructing a combined cycle plant with a capacity of 180 MW at the Amurskaya CHPP.

Of great importance for improving the efficiency and reliability of energy supply to consumers in the Khabarovsk Territory is the connection of the Nikolaev energy center to the energy system of the region through the construction of a high-voltage power line (220 kV) Selikhino - Nysh (section Selikhino - Nikolaevskaya) with a cable crossing over the river. Amur with substations (220 kV) Yagodny, Zimmermanovka, De-Kastri and Cape Lazarev.

The implementation of the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas transmission system construction project in the Khabarovsk Territory will improve the reliability of gas supply and ensure the predicted growth in the demand for natural gas by the region's consumers.

Taking into account the existing production base and plans for the development of the Vanino-Soviet Gavan transport and industrial hub, it is necessary to develop the production of products for oil and gas industry in order to use it in the implementation of the eastern gas program (drilling platforms, various classes of vessels, including methane carriers and semi-submersible drilling vessels, icebreaker-type vessels, and so on).

In the Khabarovsk Territory, a stable, with long-term traditions, dynamic developing system education. It is represented by 1078 institutions of all types and types, including 999 institutions of the general education system and 79 institutions of the vocational education system. All levels, types and forms of education are represented in the educational complex of the Khabarovsk Territory. This makes it possible to provide the population with a wide range of educational services.

Further development of the education system in the Khabarovsk Territory will be associated with providing opportunities for obtaining vocational education that meets professional and qualification requirements in the labor market, as a condition for a high standard of living.

The Khabarovsk Territory has one of the lowest enrollment rates in preschool education in the Far East. Until 2025, it is planned to build new kindergartens in cities, especially in the cities of Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur, as well as Sovetskogavansky and Ulchsky municipal districts. Due to the high demand, additional groups will be opened in preschool educational institutions in almost all municipalities of the region. At the same time, not only the availability of preschool education will be ensured, regardless of the place of residence and social status of families, but also its quality will be improved due to the species diversity of preschool education. educational institutions, development of additional education services, as well as through the content of educational programs of each preschool educational institution.

The main direction in the development of general education is the formation of an optimal network of basic schools with branches and the development of specialized education. In the Khabarovsk Territory, planned work is underway to replace school buildings with a high degree of wear and tear with modern ones. The biggest need for investments in the construction and reconstruction of new schools is experienced by the largest cities of the region - the cities of Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur, as well as the Vaninsky, Ulchsky and Khabarovsky districts. It is planned to build a regional education center for 1,000 student places with a kindergarten in Khabarovsk.

In the remote northern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory, due to climatic conditions and the disunity of settlements, such forms of education as external study, family, distance and individual education will be used.

One of the factors for the innovative development of the Khabarovsk Territory is the development of primary and secondary vocational education by attracting young people from other subjects of the Russian Federation that are part of the Far Eastern Federal District, from the countries of Northeast and Southeast Asia, as well as using the existing scientific potential to strengthen the innovative component of regional production.

On the basis of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education it is necessary to form comprehensive training centers for professional qualifications with a specialization in training personnel for mechanical engineering and metalworking, the timber industry complex, and the mining industry.

The healthcare system in the Khabarovsk Territory is one of the most developed in the Far East.

The key directions in the development of the health care system of the Khabarovsk Territory are the reduction of mortality, primarily from diseases of the circulatory system (from 775.3 cases to 600 - 630 cases per 100 thousand people), from accidents, poisoning and injuries (from 239 to 100 - 150 cases per 100 thousand people). The strategic target is to increase the proportion of children belonging to the I health group to a level of at least 40 percent. In addition, it is necessary to solve the problems of reducing the rate of primary disability of children from 26.5 to 20 per 10 thousand children, reducing the mortality of the working-age population from preventable causes from 837 people in 2007 to 600 people in 2025 per 100 thousand population .

The solution of these tasks will require the Khabarovsk Territory to create a highly organized healthcare system equipped with the latest medical technologies and highly professional personnel. Increasing the availability of modern medical technologies will be carried out by expanding the practice of free provision of existing types of high-tech care, increasing the scale of innovative activities for the development of new medical technologies, which will lead to an increase in the level of satisfaction of the population's need for high-tech care from 10-20 percent to 70-80 percent .

An important role in the development of health care in the region will be played by raising the professional level of doctors and paramedical personnel, their constant retraining and the development of advanced foreign and Russian medical technologies, as well as ensuring that the provision of medical care to the population meets the requirements of medical standards.

In order to increase the adaptability of the health care system of the Khabarovsk Territory to changes in the demographic structure of the population, the activities of the pediatric service will be improved, the development of the institute of general practitioners will continue, especially in rural areas and northern regions.

The main tasks in the field of culture are the development of professional art, the improvement of film service and the expansion of the geography of the touring activities of creative teams.

It is supposed to develop philharmonic activities, create conditions for the artistic growth of the Far Eastern Symphony Orchestra and other artistic groups. An important direction in the development of culture is the implementation of profitable concert, festival, exhibition and other projects in the field of culture, aimed at the public not only in Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory, but also in other regions of the Far East, the Baikal region and border countries.

As part of the preservation and development of library systems, it is planned to create a corporate system of public libraries and build a new building for the Far Eastern State Scientific Library.

In addition, work will continue to expand the museum network, strengthen the material and technical base of museums, increase exhibition space and storage facilities, modernize museum and technical equipment, introduce new information technologies into museum practice, and search for new forms of museum service. It is planned to create a regional restoration center for various types museum exhibits. The creation of a restoration center will help ensure the preservation of the unique monument of ancient culture "Petroglyphs of the village of Sikachi-Alyan".

An important direction in the development of the culture of the region is the expansion of the list of services provided by cultural institutions of the northern regions. For this, the activities of inter-settlement cinemas will be organized, the municipal cinema network will be preserved, which will be transferred to video media. The buildings of many cultural institutions of the northern regions of the region will be reconstructed.

By 2025, it is planned to increase the proportion of the population systematically involved in physical education and sports in the Khabarovsk Territory to 23 percent. It is planned to increase the provision of sports facilities, including: flat structures - up to 47.6 percent (2007 - 43.2 percent), sports halls - up to 30.4 percent (23.7 percent in 2007), swimming pools - up to 9.3 percent (2007 - 7.6 percent).

For the tourist and recreational complex of the Khabarovsk Territory, the most promising areas of development are:

creation of medical and recreational tourist centers based on thermal mineral waters and therapeutic mud;

carrying out river cruises;

creation of recreational zones within large urban agglomerations.

Therapeutic and recreational tourist centers are planned to be created on the basis of the Tumninskoye and Annenskoye thermal springs available in the region, which belong to the balneological group of nitrogen-siliceous thermal waters. There is everything necessary for the development of a resort and recreational complex: valuable mineral water, a beautiful landscape, rich flora and fauna, a relatively developed basic infrastructure, sustainable transport links and nearby settlements with an unemployed population.

The most promising areas for the development of sanatorium treatment and recreation are balneotherapy, mud therapy, the use of mineral water, climate therapy (aero- and heliotherapy). The landscape and relief of the territory adjacent to the springs are additional factors for the organization of trails for therapeutic walks (health paths) lasting up to several hours, as well as for organizing sightseeing and tourism activities.

The development of zones of medical, health and recreational tourism, in addition to the socio-demographic aspect, will give impetus to the development of such infrastructural components as the transport communication network (roads, energy facilities and engineering Communication), as well as increasing the level of employment of the local population in this and related areas (trade, food, making local souvenirs, etc.).

The development of river and sea cruises in the region is considered as a promising direction. It should be noted that one of the largest rivers in the Asia-Pacific region. Amur is the main attraction of the Khabarovsk Territory. In the river basin Amur is concentrated most of the available natural and cultural-historical tourism potential. In the zone of the Amur waterway there are vast territories of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Amur, Jewish Autonomous and Chita regions, as well as northeastern China. The resumption of cruise traffic in the region will contribute to the involvement in economic process a number of municipal districts of the region - Komsomolsky, Nikolaevsky, Nanaisky, Ulchsky and Khabarovsky. This will create additional jobs and increase employment, including the indigenous peoples of the North living in the valley of the river. Amur.

As a promising direction for the development of the tourist complex of the Khabarovsk Territory, the creation of recreational zones around large urban agglomerations is considered. V this case we are talking about the creation of convenient entrances to recreation facilities, parking lots for vehicles, ensuring a high level of sanitary hygiene in recreation areas, the availability of accommodation and food facilities, as well as sports and entertainment facilities.

In addition, it is planned to create recreational zones within large urban agglomerations, in particular in the Khabarovsk region. Ski recreation will be developed in Komsomolsk, Solnechny and Khabarovsk regions. The eco-tourist complex will be built in the area named after Lazo (Sikhote-Alin). Recreation will be developed on Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island and in the vicinity of the state nature reserve Bolshekhekhtsirsky.

Improving the level and quality of life of the population of the Khabarovsk Territory, protecting socially vulnerable segments of the population are priority tasks until 2025.

Further development of housing construction in the Khabarovsk Territory must be considered in the context of Russia's geostrategic interests in the Far East. The basis of state policy in the matter of providing housing to citizens is the creation of conditions that will satisfy the need for housing for the economically active part of the population, possible migrants from other regions of the country, compatriots living abroad, as well as the provision of effective measures of state support to those categories of citizens who, by virtue of for objective reasons, they cannot solve their housing problem on their own. Comprehensive development of new residential districts with the necessary social, transport and engineering infrastructure, the development of low-rise construction and wooden housing construction will lead to an increase in housing construction, an increase in the comfort and affordability of housing, which will ensure the consolidation of the population in the Khabarovsk Territory.

It is planned to form a special housing stock intended to be provided to citizens under social rental agreements, to design houses with a low cost of construction, operation and consumption of public services.

The state policy of stimulating housing construction and the development of communal infrastructure on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory will take into account the dislocation of productive forces and the concentration of the population in zones of advanced economic development.

Particularly important for the development of the housing and communal services of the Khabarovsk Territory is the deep modernization and renewal of the communal electric power infrastructure. To this end, in order to create equal conditions for the economic development of the territories of isolated energy regions, a set of measures will be implemented at the federal level to transfer energy supply enterprises of the decentralized service area to more economical types of fuel and a system of commercial electricity metering will be introduced. In addition, the situation with the provision of high-quality drinking water to consumers will be improved through the use of new supply technologies, the reliability of the operation of water supply and sanitation systems, the quality of drinking water treatment and the level of wastewater treatment will be improved.

To ensure water supply to small settlements, a program will be implemented to develop non-centralized water supply systems and create conditions for supplying the population with bottled drinking water.

In order to ensure uninterrupted heat supply and reduce the cost of heat generation in remote settlements of the Khabarovsk Territory, the transition of boiler houses from liquid fuel to coal and the modernization of boiler houses and heat supply networks with a high degree of wear will continue. The priority direction will be the construction of mini-combined heat and power plants in remote settlements and the reconstruction of heating network pipelines.

It is planned to improve the management system of the housing and communal complex and improve the quality of the work of communal systems.

The indicators of the social and economic development of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period up to 2025 are given in Annexes No. 3 and 4, respectively.

Strengths 1. Economic and geographical position 2. Presence of natural potential rich in structure and scale. 3. High availability of territories for economic development. 4. The presence of a diversified economic complex. 5. The inflow of capital from national financial and industrial groups and international corporations into the economy of the region. 6. High educational qualification of the population. 7. Availability of a developed system of vocational education. 8. Political and social stability.

Weaknesses 1. Excessively large economic distance in relation to the most populated and economically developed regions of the European part of the Russian Federation. 2. Irrational use of the potential of natural resources. 3. Lack of territories for continuous economic development, including a large share of the northern territories, lack of agricultural land and arable land, extreme climatic conditions over most of the region. 4. Relatively low competitiveness of the manufacturing sector of industry and agriculture, including due to high energy tariffs and transport costs. 5. Insufficient level of development of industrial, transport and social infrastructure. 6. Population decline. 7. Relatively low standard of living.

Opportunities 1. Formation of an effective state regional socio-economic policy: - creation of special economic, social and financial incentives for the development of the economy and business in the Far Eastern Federal District; - creation of a mechanism for an active investment policy in relation to the Far Eastern Federal District; - stimulating the attraction and retention of the economically active population. 2. Formation of territorial zones of transport and industrial development in the Far East, including the formation of an industrial and service arc in the south of the Far East, the creation of a contact zone with the neighboring economies of Northeast Asia, as well as the intensive development of the Northern Latitudinal Economic Belt with the creation of integrated production and transport zones. 3. Maintenance of international transport and energy corridors and infrastructure and engineering projects.

Threats 1. Turning the region into a raw material appendage of the developing countries of Northeast Asia. 2. Demographic desertification of the territory due to the destruction of the population potential, migration outflow. 3. Loss of labor potential (aging of personnel, outflow of skilled workers due to the growing gap in the level and quality of life with the European regions of the Russian Federation). 4. A sharp increase in the likelihood of environmental and natural disasters, including due to progressive transboundary pollution of the river basin. Cupid, forest fires and so on. 5. High level of crime, including in the economy.

The key principles and directions of the socio-economic policy of the region are: - the formation of a middle class with an income level of at least six subsistence levels, reducing the level of poverty of the population; - formation of conditions for the development of education, medical care and housing and communal services; improvement of the ecological situation; - development of personnel potential, reduction of shortage of qualified personnel; - creating a favorable investment climate in the region, taking measures to increase the investment attractiveness of economic sectors; - elimination of infrastructure constraints: increasing the efficiency and reliability of the energy system, improving the structure of the fuel balance, developing the transport system, modern species communications; - development of small and medium-sized businesses, lowering the level of administrative barriers to entry into the market, promoting the development of entrepreneurial structures; - assistance in the development of market and financial institutions, financial infrastructure; - pursuing an investment policy based on the consistent implementation of the interests and priorities of the Khabarovsk Territory on the principles of federalism, separation of powers and property, independence of economic entities, their self-financing, equal competition, as well as appropriate subsidizing and state support for socially important projects; - formation of a regional innovation system, including the necessary infrastructure, a venture fund, personnel and regulatory support; - reliance on private (non-state) sources of capital investment in development basic enterprises industry, transport, communications, trade

The key measures to implement the Strategy will be: 1. Development regulatory framework region, aimed at improving the efficiency of the implementation of socio-economic policy. 2. Improve efficiency government controlled, promoting the development of local self-government, the interaction of civil society and business with state authorities: 3. Improving the efficiency of using budget funds: 4. Creating favorable conditions for doing business, developing business and investment activity 5. Development and effective implementation of regional targeted programs, participation and assistance in the development and implementation of programs for the development of economic activities. 6. Implementation of the most important promising investment projects and proposals planned for implementation for the period up to 2025. 7. Active participation in the development and implementation of federal target and departmental programs 8. Active involvement in the region's economy of investments from federal development institutions (Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, Development Bank of the Russian Federation, organization of special economic zones, etc.). 9. Measures to create conditions and incentives aimed at strengthening and developing human capital 10. Shaping public opinion and strengthening civil society

GRP indicator Investments in fixed capital Average annual growth rate for 2016 growth rate for 2008-2015 – 2025 Level of economic development 105.2109.0107.3109.0110.5109.8 2025 vs. 2007 355.0537.5 Index of industrial production Gross agricultural output 106.5109.1107.9391 0 103, 0 101, 7 102, 3 149, 5 Turnover of retail trade Freight turnover of transport Communication services 106, 3 106, 7 106, 5 311, 8 111, 2 102, 9 106, 5 309, 4 108, 4 Standard of living of the population 108.5,108.2,110.2,577.3,108.4,423.2,109.6,107.8,387.5 Real cash income of the population Real accrued wages 112.6,106.5

Unit of measurement Average annual population Share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, as a percentage of the total population The share of the middle class as a percentage of the total population Ratio of average per capita cash income and the subsistence minimum Birth rate per 1,000 population Life expectancy at birth Mortality per 1,000 people population Unemployment rate registered according to the ILO methodology 2007 2015 2025 thous. 1404, 6 1398, 0 1500, 0 percent 15, 5 12, 5 7, 5 - "- 20, 0 27, 0 50, 0 times 2, 8 4, 5 8, 7 11, 6 12, 2 10, 9 years 64, 8 66, 0 72, 0 14, 2 14, 0 12, 0 percent 5, 9 4, 9 2, 9

Khabarovsk Krai, like its southern neighbor Primorsky Krai, is the most developed in economic terms regions of the Far East. A diversified economy has been created in the region, based on the use of rich and diverse natural resources, a significant demographic potential, and a profitable economic geographical location. It is based on industry and transport. The Khabarovsk Territory has the largest machine-building complex in the Far East and diverse in its sectoral composition, in which the role of defense industries at a high technical level - aviation and shipbuilding - is important. Here, electrical engineering and power engineering, the production of handling equipment and some other industries have also developed. Ferrous metallurgy (production of steel and rolled products) is connected with the machine-building complex. Non-ferrous metallurgy is dominated by extractive industries: the extraction of gold, platinum, and tin-polymetallic ores. There is a plant for processing aluminum scrap. New centers for the extraction of precious metals have been created in the Okhotsk and Ayano-May regions. The region has taken the third place in Russia in the production of precious metals.

The largest forest complex in the economic region has also been formed in the Khabarovsk Territory, including forestry, industries for harvesting and processing wood, repair and mechanical enterprises, scientific and design institutions. In terms of timber harvesting, the region ranks third in the country.

The fuel and energy complex of the Khabarovsk Territory includes the oil refining industry of general regional significance, coal mining, and the electric power industry. The power industry is based on several city thermal power plants and an extensive network of high-voltage transmission lines, which are part of the Unified Energy System of the South of the Far East. A feature of the fuel and energy complex of the region is its strong dependence on the supply of long-distance fuel. Therefore, in recent years, much attention has been paid to gasification (on the basis of Sakhalin gas), the development of the coal industry, including through the creation of small cuts.

The Khabarovsk Territory occupies key positions in the unified transport network of the Far East. All major modes of transport have been developed here. The leading role among them is played by railway transport (Transsib, BAM). Maritime transport is represented by the country's largest Vanino and several smaller commercial ports. Inland waterways are served by the Amur River Shipping Company, whose vessels also operate on sea lines. In recent years, much attention has been paid to the construction highways. A highway of federal significance "Chita - Khabarovsk - Nakhodka" is being created with a unique railway-road bridge crossing over the river. Cupid near Khabarovsk; roads are being built - Lidoga-Vanino, Selikhino-Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Ayan-Nelkan. Air transport has one of the largest in Russia, Khabarovsk International Airport, and a developed network of local airlines. In the coming years, pipeline transport should be further developed: a powerful gas pipeline is being built to transport gas from Sakhalin Island.

The most important role in the development of the region's economy is played by natural resources. On the territory of the region there are deposits of hard and brown coal. Industrial reserves of hard coal exceed 1 billion tons, forecast resources of coking coal - 4 billion tons. Brown coal is located in the Middle Amur basin with predicted resources - 7 billion tons. In the region, the Adnikanskoye hydrocarbon deposit was discovered within the Verkhnebureinskaya depression. The Ayan, South Kukhtuy, and Okhotsk depressions and the North Sakhalin trough of the Okhotsk shelf are promising.

The preliminary estimate of oil and gas resources is 500 million tons. Khabarovsk Territory is one of the largest suppliers of tin raw materials. There are seven large tin-ore regions. Extraction and enrichment of tin ores is carried out in the Komsomolsk ore region. The ore deposits are complex, containing industrial concentrations of tin, copper, silver, tungsten, bismuth, and indium.

Prospecting and appraisal work determined the prospects for the development of deposits of titanium-containing complex ores.

Alunite ores in the Lower Amur region can become a raw material for the aluminum industry. In addition to alumina, potash fertilizers, sulfuric acid, and a coagulant can be produced from them along the way. Ore reserves are practically unlimited.

Beryllium has been identified within the Bureya and Ingili massifs. Large reserves of zirconium have been found in the Ayano-Maisky region. There are manifestations of phosphorites in the Udsko-Shantar ore region, their total resources are estimated at 90 million tons of phosphorus pentoxide.

Large reserves of apatite ores are concentrated in the Dzhugdzhur and Baladek massifs. Titanium, vanadium, iron and feldspar product can be recovered along the way. The predicted resources of complex ores are about 100 - 130 billion tons.

Iron ores are concentrated in two iron ore regions: Dzhugdzhur (resources are estimated at 6.6 billion tons) and Udsko-Selemdzhinsky (1.6 billion tons). Manganese ores are widespread in the Udsko-Shantar region. Forecast estimate of resources - 30 million tons. Chromite ores are found in the rocks of the Konder platinum deposit.

Gold is mined within the Khabarovsk Territory, mainly from placers. The predicted resources of native gold are 5-6 times higher than the amount of explored reserves. Complex gold-silver, polymetallic and other ores contain silver.

In addition to the listed types of mineral raw materials, the region has zeolites, kaolin raw materials, cement raw materials, basalts, etc. Significant reserves of mineral building raw materials, as well as semi-precious stones, agates, jaspers, chalcedony, and a number of other ornamental and facing varieties of stones. The swamps and lakes have significant reserves of peat and sapropel.

Deposits of thermal and drinking mineral waters have been explored and exploited.

The priority areas for the development of the mineral resource base of the region are the search and exploration of primary deposits of precious metals, tin, copper, coal, rare and rare earth metals, the development of promising oil and gas areas on the mainland within the continental shelf.

Since the Khabarovsk Territory is one of the largest producers of tin concentrates, the industrial production of this raw material is actively developing. In addition to tin, copper is mined in the region. At present, the deposits of tin-polymetallic ores of the Komsomolsk ore district are in operation: Festivalnoye, Perevalnoye (located 60-80 km west of Komsomolsk-on-Amur), Pravourmiyskoye (located in the Verkhnebureinsky district) deposits of tin ores of the Badzhal ore district (in 40-70 km from BAM).

The following deposits have been prepared for exploitation: Sobolinoye (located 80 km north-west of Komsomolsk-on-Amur), Blizhneye (located in the Verkhnebureinsky district). Most of the deposits are located in relatively developed areas, which reduces the cost of building infrastructure.

The extraction of gold and platinum is the basis of the mining industry of the Khabarovsk Territory. Gold has been mined in the region for more than 130 years, platinum - since 1990. The Khabarovsk Territory is one of the five gold-mining regions of Russia in terms of gold production.

The main prospects for the development of the mining industry in the Khabarovsk Territory are associated with the development of ore deposits.

Precious metals are mined by more than 20 enterprises. The largest of them are CJSC Artel Prospectors Amur, CJSC Mnogovershinnoye, OJSC Okhotsk Mining and Geological Company, OJSC prospectors Far Eastern Resources, LLC RosDV.

With relatively high rates of gold mining, the total volume of exploration work still does not exceed 30-35% of the required volume.

A powerful industrial complex has been formed in the region, represented by such industries as metallurgy, the chemical industry, oil refining and many others.

The basis of the metallurgical complex of the Khabarovsk Territory is the enterprise - JSC "Amurmetal". The enterprise uses modern technological processes and equipment, implements a production modernization program and introduces advanced quality management systems.

In 2006, 804.8 thousand tons of steel and 746.8 thousand tons of rolled products were produced, which is 2.5% higher than the level of the previous year.

Mechanical engineering and metalworking is a unique complex in terms of its capabilities. It includes factories focused on the production of many types of engineering products - from ships and aircraft of various classes to technological equipment. The core of the complex are defense enterprises. The enterprises included in it are ready to deliver to the foreign market, including the countries of Southeast Asia, modern warships for various purposes, landing hovercraft, combat aircraft of the SU brand, not inferior, but in many respects superior to the best foreign analogues. Great opportunities exist for the supply of ammunition for small arms and other systems.

The main shipbuilding capacities are located in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur (JSC "Amur Shipbuilding Plant"), Khabarovsk (FGUP "Khabarovsk Shipbuilding Plant"). The ship repair company is located in the city of Sovetskaya Gavan (LLC "Sovgavan Ship Repair Company"); production of ship equipment in Khabarovsk - JSC "Habsudmash" (deck mechanisms, winches, ship and pier cranes, water desalters, water jet ejectors).

At the shipbuilding enterprises of the region, the organization of the production process, equipment, production capacities, applied technological processes and technologies allow the construction of sea, river vessels, vessels with dynamic principles of support on an air cushion, hydrofoils, ocean trawlers and refrigerators, small pleasure craft and others. .

JSC "Amur Shipbuilding Plant" builds dry-cargo ships of the "river-sea" type, chemical tankers, transport and towing vessels, sea rescue tugs, seismic survey vessels. The company built a floating base for the Molikpak mobile drilling platform, a waterflooding module and an energy module for it, repaired and modernized the Orlan oil production platform for the development of the oil-bearing shelf of Sakhalin Island.

The aircraft building industry is represented by Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association named after V.I. Yu.A. Gagarin. According to the conversion program, the enterprise has created light multi-purpose aircraft of a new generation that meet modern requirements and have a high export potential:

· Be-103 - 4-5 seater amphibious aircraft designed to operate in regions with large water areas.

· SU-80 - a 30-seat multifunctional cargo-passenger aircraft for local airlines.

The enterprise has been identified as the main manufacturer of medium-haul Sukhoi SuperJet-100 (SSJ-100) airliners with the participation of such leading aircraft manufacturing companies as BOEING, CHEKMA, which will contribute to the promotion of aircraft to the foreign market, further modernization of production, and the introduction of new technologies.

The technological capabilities of the factories of the Khabarovsk Territory go far beyond the scope of today's product range. All this allows us to assert that manufacturing industries can do a lot of what the oil and gas workers of Sakhalin need, who are developing the richest hydrocarbon reserves that the continental shelf stores; diamond mining industry of the Republic of Yakutia (Sakha), gold mining - Magadan, Chukotka and the Amur region, fishing - Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Primorye. Besides technological equipment, components, structural materials are required by the transport complex.

When assessing the investment potential of the region, it should be taken into account that the machine-building complex relies on the powerful research and design potential of the region - research and development in many areas can be carried out in this area.

One of the priority components of the region's economy is timber industry. About 18 thousand people work at the timber industry enterprises. In the volume of received foreign exchange earnings, the share of products of the timber industry complex is about 20 percent.

The bulk of the harvested timber is exported. In recent years, significant changes have taken place in the geography of timber exports of the region.

If in 1998 exports to Japan amounted to 79%, the Republic of Korea - 8.9%, China - 7.3%, then by 2006 this ratio has changed significantly: Japan - 28%, the Republic of Korea - 11%, China - 61 %.

Over 90% of the industry's products are exported. The predominant commodity in the timber exported from the region is unprocessed timber; their share is 95-97% of the total supply.

The governor of the region has set the task for the timber industry complex - to increase the budgetary efficiency of the timber industry enterprises by expanding and deepening processing and, in general, more rational use of forest resources. The main directions of development of the industry for the period up to 2010 .

The policy of the Government of the Krai in the field of forest management is aimed at creating conditions for the advanced development of woodworking industries, including deep processing of wood, increasing the efficiency of the use of forest resources on this basis, and improving the structure of exports.

In June 2005, the Government of the Krai approved the main directions for the development of the industry until 2010, providing for the rational and most complete use of the forest resources of the Krai.

By 2010, it is planned to commission capacities for 275 thousand cubic meters of sawn timber, for 180 thousand cubic meters for the production of MDF boards, for 300 thousand tons for the production of CTMP, for 90 thousand cubic meters for the production of peeled veneer, for 150 thousand cubic meters for the production of chipboard , for 100 million rubles for the production of furniture.

With an annual increase in the volume of harvesting, removal of wood and production of round timber within 1-3% per year, by the end of 2010, the industry will be able to process about 4.5 million cubic meters of raw wood when these capacities are put into operation.

The implementation of the planned directions for the development of the industry will significantly increase the role of the forest industry in solving the problems of the strategic development of the region. Among other things, to achieve a change in the structure of exports of timber products by increasing the share of supplies of wood processing products.

Table 1.2 - Forecast for the development of the timber industry until 2010

Energy is perhaps the main obstacle that can prevent the Khabarovsk Territory from becoming an economically self-sufficient region. An obstacle inherited from the former economic system. Fuel for power plants was transported from afar, from the deep regions of Russia - today high transport tariffs are a heavy burden on the cost of industrial production of the region.

This obstacle can be removed. The region has sufficient reserves of solid energy fuel - hard and brown coal. At the same time, their deposits are located in such a way that they allow not only to provide the main industrial zone in the south of the region, but also to feed small power plants near the northern industrial zones - such as Okhotsk. But not only coal is in the region - the Sakhalin shelf is nearby with the richest reserves of oil and gas. And the Sakhalin region, which needs both oil products and equipment for the development of the shelf. Both can be given to him by the Khabarovsk Territory, which has both oil refineries in Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the only ones in the Far East, and a unique machine-building complex. There is thus a sound economic basis for getting enough high-performance fuel from Sakhalin on a regular basis.

The total reserves of local fuel are such that they allow not only to provide existing power plants, but also to build new ones, freeing themselves from the need for imported fuel.

Khabarovsk Territory is the industrial center of the Far East region. In the structure of the economy, a significant place is occupied by energy-intensive industries, an extensive complex of various enterprises in the social sphere. The total demand of the region for electricity is about 8.0 billion kWh, for thermal energy - more than 17 million Gcal.

The main producer of electrical and thermal energy in the region is Khabarovsk Generation, a branch of OAO Far Eastern Generating Company (OAO DGK), established in 2007 on the basis of a joint-stock company open type"Khabarovskenergo", in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors of RAO "UES of Russia" on reforming the electric power industry of the Far East.

JSC "DGK" has direct electrical connections with the united energy system of the East.

At present JSC "DGK" includes 7 thermal power plants. The installed electric capacity of Khabarovsk Generation is 2289.58 MW, or 39.2% of the total installed electric capacity of OAO Far Eastern Generating Company, the installed thermal capacity is 6521.4 Gcal/h or 51.6%, respectively.

The priority tasks of the reconstruction of the fuel and energy complex of the region and the entire Far East region include:

· accelerating the construction and commissioning of power units of the Bureyskaya HPP - the commissioning of this facility will reduce the pressure of high energy tariffs on enterprises and the population;

· increasing the capacity of Khabarovskenergo JSC - construction of the second stage of the Khabarovsk CHPP-3 (commissioning of power units No. 4, 5) in Khabarovsk;

· replacement of obsolete equipment at the Khabarovsk and Nikolaev thermal power plants;

commissioning and replacement of power grid facilities;

· repair of distributive electric and heat networks.

The construction project for the second stage of the Khabarovsk CHPP-3 provides for the construction of two power units with a total capacity: for electric energy - 270 MW, for thermal energy - 475 Gcal / h. The proposed project can be implemented in several stages within five years. The total construction costs will amount to 500 million USD.

The replacement of obsolete equipment is associated with the construction of a gas distribution pipeline to the Khabarovsk and Nikolaev thermal power plants and the conversion of power equipment to gas. The total volume of investments up to 2010 may reach more than 1.7 billion rubles.

The development of new capacities of power grid facilities of the region provides for the construction of more than 380 km of high-voltage high-voltage networks, substations with a total capacity of about 300 MVA. The total volume of investments up to 2010 may amount to almost 2.5 billion rubles.

The construction of the second phase of the Khabarovsk CHPP-3 is supported by the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory, investors may be provided with additional guarantees and benefits in accordance with the law.

The adoption of the regional Law "On Energy Saving in the Khabarovsk Territory" and the Decree of the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory "On Approval of the Temporary Procedure for Consolidation and Use of Funds Provided for Financing Energy Saving Measures for Electricity and Thermal Energy Consumers of the Open Joint Stock Company of Energy and Electrification "Khabarovskenergo" legal basis to form structures and conditions that ensure the implementation of energy saving measures and efficient use energy resources in the industrial, social and housing and communal sectors.

There is a real prospect to reduce by 30-50% the share of the energy component in the cost of commercial products manufactured by the enterprises of the region. For this you need:

· achieve rational use of fuel and improve the structure of its consumption at the CHPP of the joint-stock company "Khabarovskenergo";

· reduce losses in the production, conversion and distribution of thermal and electrical energy within the centralized energy system of the region;

· on the basis of a widespread inventory, standardization and feasibility study of the main energy-consuming facilities, create conditions for increasing the efficiency of energy use in the production and non-production sectors of the economy;

· organize the mandatory use of metering and regulation of heat and electricity;

· use alternative, renewable and non-traditional energy sources, including wind power, small hydropower plants, heat pumps, etc.

V Lately expanded research on the use of renewable energy in the northern regions of the region, and primarily wind energy and small rivers.

The level of gas supplies to the Khabarovsk Territory by 2010 may increase to 3.0 billion cubic meters. m per year, due to the development of gas fields in the framework of the Sakhalin-1 project.

The increase in the level of gasification of the region is primarily associated with the implementation of the first stage of the Program "Gasification of the Sakhalin Region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories" - the construction of the main gas pipeline "Sakhalin - Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Khabarovsk", 502.3 kilometers long, the cost of which is estimated at 13 .2 billion rubles.

Almost by 2010, gas may take a dominant place in the fuel balance of the Khabarovsk Territory. The identified gas reserves make it possible to ensure its steady supply for many decades, it will be possible to balance the tariffs for heat and electricity, reduce the cost of energy production for industrial enterprises and household consumers, significantly increase the competitiveness of products manufactured by enterprises, improve the social and living conditions of the population and the state of the ecological situation, especially the air basin.

At present, the average distance of coal delivery from other regions is 2000-4000 km, while railway tariffs exceed the cost of fuel by 1.5-2 times.

At the same time, the region has its own rich coal deposits, and the improvement of their development will make it possible to satisfy the demand for it by 70%.

Basically, the increase in production is envisaged due to the development of the Urgalskoye coal deposit.

The implementation of the program for the development of coal mining enterprises provides for the development of promising reserves of this deposit until 2005 with the achievement of production of 3 million tons of coal per year.

The most important object of transport construction in the region is the completion of the construction (second stage) of a combined rail-road crossing across the Amur River near the city of Khabarovsk for double-track railway traffic. To date, the first stage of the bridge (under 1 railway track) and automobile approaches to it in the form of overpasses with a length of 1.5 km have been put into operation. To complete the construction (second stage) of the bridge, an investment of 100 million US dollars is required.

Acute for the region is the problem of updating aircraft that provide flights on international airlines. The problem is solved through the acquisition on conditions financial leasing 5 new domestic long-haul aircraft TU-214 by the airline "Dalavia". For the full development of this area, investments in the amount of up to 100 million US dollars are required.

The preservation and development of small aviation on the northern routes depends on the renewal of the fleet with modern aircraft with high fuel efficiency on the basis of leasing or lease. The need for investments is 15-20 million dollars.

To strengthen the transit economic and geographical position of the region, it is necessary to modernize the international airport in Khabarovsk, including the reconstruction of the main artificial runway (RWY-2) to meet international standards.

Financial institutions are being actively created and developed in the Khabarovsk Territory. Banking system Khabarovsk Territory has 5 operating commercial banks with 5 branches and 25 branches of banks in other regions of the Russian Federation. International correspondent relations have been established with more than 30 foreign banks.



dated 01.01.01 N 1-pr



The Strategy for the Social and Economic Development of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period up to 2025 (hereinafter also referred to as the Strategy for the Development of the Territory) has been developed taking into account the strategic guidelines and goals for the socio-economic development of the country and its regions, outlined in the Concept for the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 year and the draft strategy for the socio-economic development of the Far East, the Republic of Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Irkutsk Region."

The regional development strategy sets general guidelines for the future development of social and economic system on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory for the state authorities of the region, business, potential investors, is the basis for the development of plans, programs, projects, forecasts. The region's development strategy includes a system of goals, as well as a description of the mechanisms that ensure their achievement.

The main goal of the Krai Development Strategy is the formation of such a territorial socio-economic system that would provide a high standard of living and quality of life for the population to achieve the geopolitical task of securing the population in the Far East through the formation and development of a highly competitive economy, subject to appropriate environmental restrictions.

The prospects for the development of the region are based on its competitive advantages, the main of which are natural potential rich in structure and reserves, favorable geographical position ( central position in the Russian Far East and proximity to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region), the presence of a diversified and relatively developed economic potential, development of the innovative component, availability of territories for economic development, political and social stability.

The region's development strategy has been developed according to two scenarios: inertial and innovative. The inertial scenario focuses on the use of the region's natural resources, its geographical location and spatial factors. The innovative scenario is aimed at the active use of not only the named factors, but also the scientific, educational, innovative potential of the region. Achieving the strategic goals described in the Regional Development Strategy is possible only if an innovative scenario is implemented. Therefore, all actions of the Krai Government should be aimed at the implementation of this particular option.

The implementation of the innovative scenario for the development of the Khabarovsk Territory assumes an increase in 2025 relative to 2007 in the volume of the gross regional product by 3.6 times, investments in the economy and the social sphere - by 5.4 times, real accrued wages and real cash incomes of the population - by 3 times, respectively. .9 and 4.2 times.

This will serve as the basis for increasing the share of the middle class to 50 percent and reducing the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level to 7.5 percent (in 2007, respectively, 20 and 15.5 percent).

A feature of the initial stage of the Regional Development Strategy is the emergence of new challenges to sustainable socio-economic development of the region. And the main one is the global financial crisis, which caused fluctuations financial markets, energy and food prices. In the context of globalization, this instability affects the economies of all countries, including Russia as a whole and the Khabarovsk Territory.

As a result, the parameters of the starting period of the Krai Development Strategy (2 years) will be lower than previously predicted. The characteristics of development options proposed in the Development Strategy of the Krai were based on the assumption that the probable resumption of dynamic growth of the world economy after the crisis, and with it the economy of Russia and the Khabarovsk Krai, will begin in 2010. It is assumed that the investment projects of the first stage of the implementation of the Regional Development Strategy, on which the innovative version is based, will be implemented with a shift in time.

In order to mobilize the actions of the executive authorities of the region, local self-government bodies of municipalities of the region, business entities in the territory of the region to ensure further improvement of the living standards of the population, sustainable and dynamic development of the economy and social sphere of the region, the Government of the region decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Strategy for social and economic development of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period up to 2025;

List of investment projects implemented and planned for implementation on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period up to 2025.

2. The ministries of the Krai, other executive authorities of the Krai should be guided by the Strategy for social and economic development of the Khabarovsk Krai for the period up to 2025 when developing medium-term and long-term forecasts, defining the tasks of socio-economic development, preparing regional and territorial development programs.

3. To the Ministry of Economic Development and External Relations of the Territory ():

3.1. Ensure continuous monitoring of the implementation of the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period up to 2025 and, if necessary, make appropriate proposals for its adjustment.

3.2. Post on the official website of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory the Strategy for social and economic development of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period up to 2025.

4. The Ministry of Economic Development and External Relations of the Territory, together with the sectoral ministries of the Territory, develop and submit for approval a draft decree of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory "On the Main Directions for the Activities of the Government of the Territory for the period up to 2013".

Deadline - II quarter 2009.

The largest cities are the administrative capital of the region, Khabarovsk (577.3 thousand inhabitants, 2nd place in the Far Eastern Federal District), Komsomolsk-on-Amur (272.4 thousand inhabitants, 3rd place in the Far Eastern Federal District).

physical map

The figure is not shown.

2.2. Natural and climatic conditions and tourist and recreational potential

Most of the region's territory is occupied by mountains that form the Sikhote-Alin, Dzhugdzhur, and Badzhal mountain ranges. The maximum height is 2933 m. There are about 1.5 thousand large, medium and small rivers in the region, including one of the largest rivers in Russia - the Amur, many large and small lakes.

Political and administrative map

The figure is not shown.

About 100 species of fish are found in rivers and lakes. The fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory includes 70 species of mammals and more than 360 species of birds. More than 51.2 million hectares are occupied by forests in the region.

The climate of the Khabarovsk Territory is continental with well-defined monsoonal features. Winter is long and severe, dry and sunny. The average air temperature in January ranges from -22 C° in the south to -40 C° in the north; on the coast from -18 to -24 C°. Summers are warm and humid, the average July temperature in the south is +22 C°, in the north +14 C°. The duration of the frost-free period in the south of the region is days, in the central and northern regions from 90 to 130 days. Annual amount precipitation ranges from 400 mm in the north to 800 mm in the plains.

The tourist and recreational potential of the region is due to the favorable geographical location of the region, its economic development, high concentration and diversity of natural resources, rich cultural and historical heritage.

The territory of the region is unique in the abundance of unusual landforms, rivers, lakes, a combination of rare species of plants and animals and their communities, as well as untouched natural landscape. About 250 natural monuments are located on the territory of the region. The Amur River is one of the main attractions of the region, in the valley of which the largest number of natural, cultural and historical tourist sites are concentrated.

There are more than 360 monuments in the region cultural heritage that are of interest for the development of cultural, educational, ethnographic tourism. Khabarovsk Krai is one of the most multinational regions in Russia. A special ethnographic area is formed by the indigenous peoples of the North: Nanais, Udeges, Ulchis, Orochs, Evenks, Nivkhs and others. Among the objects of ethnographic tourism, the most interesting is the unique archaeological monument "Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan" (rock paintings of ancient inhabitants dating back to the 12th millennium BC).

2.3. The potential of natural resources

Mineral resource base

The mineral resource potential is one of the main competitive advantages of the region.

The share of the reserves of the main types of minerals in the Khabarovsk Territory in the mineral resource potential of the Far Eastern Federal District is 50 percent for platinum, 8 percent for gold, 20 percent for tin, 50 percent for copper, and 7.5 percent for coal.

There are significant reserves of non-ferrous, rare metals, building materials. Deposits of agrochemical raw materials, colored stones, mineral underground waters, therapeutic mud and mineral paints have also been identified.

Areas promising for tungsten, platinum group minerals, oil and gas have been identified in the region.

At the same time, the poor geological knowledge of the territory of the region should be noted. A geological survey at a scale of 1:50,000, at the stage of which most deposits and ore occurrences are revealed, was carried out on only 35 percent of the territory of the region, which is typical for the Far East region as a whole.

Aquatic biological resources

The main fish resources of the Khabarovsk Territory are represented by freshwater and marine hydrobionts.

Freshwater resources of the Khabarovsk Territory are mainly associated with the river. Cupid. More than 30 species of fish are of commercial importance, 20 of which have a high commercial value. These are Pacific anadromous salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon, char-malma, sim), sturgeon (kaluga and Amur sturgeon), some species of large part (pike, carp, skygazer, catfish, silver carp, taimen, lenok, whitefish, yellow-cheek, bream). Every year, 5-9 thousand tons of fish are fished in the inland waters of the region.

In the coastal waters of the Tatar Strait and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, salmon, Pacific herring (spawning), capelin, flounder, kelp, and crabs are caught. The annual catch of aquatic biological resources in the coastal zone is thousand. tons.

Water resources

The water supply of the region's population is one of the highest in Russia - about 330 thousand cubic meters. m per person. There are about 206 thousand rivers in the region, including the smallest and smallest, with a total length of more than 550 thousand km with a total flow of almost 400 cubic meters. km per year. The main water artery - the Amur River - is one of the largest rivers in Russia, ranking fourth in terms of water content after the Yenisei, Lena and Ob. The mouth of the river is accessible to sea vessels, which can rise through high water to the city of Khabarovsk.

Mineral resources

The figure is not shown.

The hydropower potential of the rivers of the Khabarovsk Territory is 23 billion kWh. h per year.

There are more than 58 thousand large and small lakes in the region with with total area water surface is about 4 thousand square meters. km. The largest of them are located in the Amur River basin: Bolon, Orel, Chukchagir. In the region there is a part of the Bureya reservoir with an area of ​​373 sq. km, there are 2 reservoirs with a volume of more than 1 million cubic meters. m each.

The predicted operational groundwater resources on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory are about 48 million cubic meters. m per day. In total, about 40 deposits have been explored in the region.

Among the mineral waters, carbonic and nitrogenous waters are the most common. The most famous are three deposits of mineral waters: Annensky thermal springs, Tumninskoye and Mukhenskoye.

Land resources

According to the results of a comprehensive study of the competitiveness of regions, carried out in 2008 by the autonomous non-profit organization "Institute regional policy"With the support of the Ministry of Regional Policy of the Russian Federation, Khabarovsk took 19th place out of 82 subjects of the Russian Federation for which research was conducted, and entered the group of competitiveness leaders.

According to research conducted in 2007 by the Institute for the Development of the Information Society with the support of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation, the Khabarovsk Territory took 10th place in the rating of readiness of Russian regions for the information society.

Geographic structure of exports and imports

Khabarovsk Territory in 2007 (percent)<*>

The figure is not shown.

<*>Without taking into account the export of petroleum products produced in the territory of the region.

The main trading partners of the region are China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, the USA, Vietnam, which accounted for more than 80 percent of the total value of the foreign trade turnover of the region.

The largest regional exporters in recent years have been RN-Komsomolsk Oil Refinery LLC, Alliance-Khabarovsk LLC, Khabarovsk Fuel Company LLC, Amurmetal OJSC, Smena-Trading CJSC, Dalvtorsyrye LLC, Khabarovsk Shipbuilding plant", CJSC "Flora", "Arkaim".

In the structure of regional imports, the largest share falls on textiles, textile products and footwear, machinery and equipment.

Over the past 7 years, the macroeconomic situation in the region was characterized by the following growth rates in the production of goods and services, investments in the economy and the social sphere (Table No. 1).

Table N 1


│ │Russian│Khabarovsk│ Far East │

│ │ Federation │ Territory │ Federal District │

│ ├──────────┴───────────┴─────────────────┤

│ │ 2007 to 2000 (percentage) │


Gross domestic product - 162.8 148.3 155.3

sum of regions (gross

regional product)

Industrial index 148.6 134.9 151.1


Investments in fixed capital 226.7 226.6 3.2 times

To increase the transparency of interaction between the executive authorities of the region and civil society, separate elements of "electronic government" are being created in the region.

In 2008, the Web site "Regulatory legal acts of the Khabarovsk Territory" was put into operation, where the current acts of the Governor and the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory since 2005 are posted, and the information portal of public services, which provides information on more than 80 public services provided by citizens, and more than 70 public services provided to organizations. The section "Administrative regulations of public services (functions)" has been created, which contains approved administrative regulations, drafts of proposed administrative regulations on which the public and organizations can comment. For 10 months of 2008 there were 128 thousand visits to the pages of this section.

Enterprises and organizations widely use the "Purchases" section of the Web site of the Government of the Territory, which contains information on ordering procedures (notices, protocols, etc.) for the supply of goods, performance of work, and provision of services for state and municipal needs of the Khabarovsk Territory. In 2007, there were 1.46 million visits to the pages of this section.

This Web site for entrepreneurs and investors contains information about the availability of free for organizing or expanding a business on the production areas proposed for sale or lease.

Since 2002, the site "Small Business of the Khabarovsk Territory" has been operating, where information of interest to entrepreneurs (regulatory, analytical, statistical, etc.) is posted.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state