
Jsc msp bank specialized or universal. Lending. How to get financial support under the jsc "msp bank" program

Registration number: 3340

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 07.07.1999

BIK: 044525108

Main state registration number: 1027739108649 (23.08.2002)

Authorized capital: RUB 24,240,000,000

License (date of issue / last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license, the name of which contains the word “basic”. All other operating banks are banks with a universal license:
Universal license to exercise banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency(with the right to attract deposits Money individuals) and to carry out banking operations with precious metals (07.03.2018)

Participation in the deposit insurance system: Yes

SME Bank is a state-owned bank that has been fully controlled by the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Business since 2016. Hence the main course - credit assistance organizations of small and medium-sized businesses under the state program. From 2007 to 2016, he was in charge of the bank.

The bank was founded in 1999. The original name is the Russian Development Bank. The institution was created on the initiative of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Business lending is carried out according to two schemes:

  1. on a two-tier basis - through partner organizations that help to implement financing under the terms of the bank's SME. They are in every federal district, on this moment the bank's partners are about 426. And this is not only large banks but also microfinance organizations.
  2. in a straight line - the bank issues loans itself. The priority in the client base is given to the production and innovation areas. Gambling business is not credited, Insurance companies, non-state pension funds, etc.

For women entrepreneurs, the bank offers loans at a rate reduced by several points.

The bank does not provide banking services to individuals for SMEs - neither deposits, nor loans, nor credit cards... For the same reason, the bank has no branches, branches and ATMs. Only the head office in Moscow.

Making loans and bank guarantees available to a wider range of borrowers and principals is the main goal of state support programs for entrepreneurship. The implementation of this goal is carried out by SME Bank, which provides credit and guarantee support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on preferential terms, including within the framework of government programs support. Credit support to SMEs is carried out by the bank, taking into account certain state level priorities: financing of SMEs registered and doing business in monotowns 1; residents of the Far East federal district; representatives of agricultural cooperatives and high-tech enterprises.

PJSC "MinBank" is authorized bank JSC "SME Bank" and provides an opportunity to obtain a loan / bank guarantee within the entire product range of SME Bank

Loans from SME Bank are provided for investment and current purposes for up to 7 years at rates of 9.1% per annum for medium-sized businesses and from 10.1% per annum for small businesses. For residents of the Far Eastern Federal District, single-industry towns, agricultural cooperatives, a unique product line has been additionally developed, which provides for loans at additional reduced rates.

Types of bank guarantees

  • Guarantee for participation in the competition under Federal Laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ;
  • Guarantee of fulfillment of obligations under Federal Laws 44-ФЗ and 223-ФЗ;
  • Guarantee of the return of the advance payment within the framework of Federal Laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ;
  • Guarantee support within the framework of the National Guarantee System (provision of guarantees for the performance of contracts under Federal Laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ, provision of loans for the performance of contracts under Federal Laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ).

The size of the commission for issuance bank guarantees- from 2.5% per annum.

You can leave an application for a loan / bank guarantee on the website of PJSC "MinBank", or from the client manager for work with corporate clients in the branches of the Bank.


To use financial support from SME Bank, you must:

1. Check if your company falls into the category of "small and medium-sized enterprises". According to the law "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation", the company must meet the requirements:

Average number for the previous year - up to 250 people.

Revenue from sales without VAT for the previous year - up to 2 billion rubles.

For legal entities there is an additional requirement that the total share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, non-residents, municipalities, public and religious organizations, charitable and other foundations, as well as one or several large enterprises in the authorized capital should not be more than 25%.

It is also worth remembering that some businesses will not be able to use the support of SME Bank, namely: credit and insurance organizations, investment funds, non-state pension funds, professional participants market valuable papers, pawnshops, participants in production sharing agreements, gambling enterprises, enterprises engaged in the production and sale of excisable goods, the extraction and sale of minerals, as well as non-residents of the Russian Federation.

2. When the first stage is passed, it is necessary to decide on the type of financial assistance: credit / bank guarantee.

3. Contact PJSC "MinBank" or fill out an application on the Bank's website. The client manager will check whether your company meets the requirements of JSC "SME Bank" and PJSC "MinBank".

Joint-stock company License No. 3340 dated September 14, 2012 Year of foundation 1999 year Former names Russian Development Bank Location Russia Russia: Moscow Number of employees 387 people Main society JSC "Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises" Site mspbank.ru

SME Bank(full name - Joint-stock company « Russian Bank support for small and medium-sized businesses ") was established in 1999, 100% of the shares of SME Bank are owned by the Joint Stock Company Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (JSC Corporation SME). The bank's head office is located in Moscow.


A bank called the Russian Bank for Development (OJSC RBD) was established by the Government of the Russian Federation in 1999 to provide loans to the most important sectors of the domestic economy. In August 2011, OJSC “RBD” was renamed into OJSC “SME Bank” (Open Joint Stock Company “Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses”). In accordance with the federal law of May 17, 2007 No. 82-FZ "On the Development Bank" and the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2007 No. 1766-r "On the introduction of shares into authorized capital Vnesheconombank ”one hundred percent of the shares of SME Bank are owned by the state corporation“ Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank) ”. The bank also includes OJSC Leasing company Russian Bank support of small and medium-sized businesses ”(OJSC“ SME Leasing ”).

Since April 21, 2016, one hundred percent of the shares of JSC "SME Bank" belong to the Joint Stock Company "Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises" (SME Corporation) in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.06.2015 No. 287 "On measures for the further development of small and medium-sized enterprises. medium business ", Art. 7 Federal law dated June 29, 2015 No. 156-FZ "On Amendments to Certain legislative acts Of the Russian Federation on the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation ”and by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2015 No. 2698-r“ On the joint-stock company “Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses”.

Owners and management

  • The owner of the Bank is the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises Joint Stock Company.

Chairman of the Management Board of SME Bank (since July 2016) - Dmitry Yaroslavich Golovanov. Prior to him, the bank was headed by Sergey Pavlovich Kryukov, Yuri Isaev (since February 2008, he has headed the Subcommittee on Investment Market Legislation of the Committee financial markets State Duma), Tatyana Ryskina (since January 2007 - First Deputy President of ZAO AKB Novikombank).


SME Bank is implementing the Program for Financial Support of Small and Medium Enterprises in all regions of Russia.

SME Bank finances small and medium-sized businesses through the following mechanisms:

  • Within the framework of a two-tier system: the bank provides financing to partners (banks and infrastructure organizations), and the partners, in turn, provide support to SMEs in accordance with their needs on the terms established by the SME Bank.
  • Within the framework of direct financing: the bank provides credit and guarantee support to small and medium-sized businesses, including under the SME Lending Incentive Program ("Program 6.5"). For medium-sized businesses, interest rates on loans start at 9.6 percent per annum, for small businesses - from 10.6 percent. Entrepreneurs have access to loans in the amount of 1 million to 500 million rubles. In addition to credit products, SME Bank provides guarantee support to SMEs. The bank provides guarantees under 44-FZ and 223-FZ, and also issues direct guarantees for SMEs to receive bank loans in case of insufficient collateral under the National Guarantee System.
  • The bank also carries out

The bank was established in 1999 by the government of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Law "On federal budget for 1999 "under the name" Russian Bank for Development "(OJSC" RBD ") in order to support lending to the most important sectors of the domestic economy.

In 2007, 100% of the bank's shares were transferred as a contribution to the statutory fund of the state corporation Development Bank and foreign economic activity"(Vnesheconombank).

In June 2011, the bank changed its name to OJSC Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SME Bank). The bank is included in the deposit insurance system.

From August 8, 2008 to April 21, 2016, 100% of the shares of JSC "SME Bank" belonged to the state corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs" (Vnesheconombank).

On April 21, 2016, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 100% of the bank's shares came under the control of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses JSC.

Since 2004, the bank has been implementing a state program for financial support of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia through a network of partners, including banks, leasing and factoring companies, microfinance organizations, etc. SME Bank provides funding to partners, who, in turn, support SMEs in the form of loans, microloans, property support using the leasing mechanism, etc.

In 2018, SME Bank started direct lending to SMEs. The transition to direct lending to SMEs was one of the factors that led to a positive financial results jar.

The priority segments of SMEs for the bank are the manufacturing sector, innovative and resource-saving projects, including in regions with a difficult socio-economic situation and single-industry towns. The Bank also provides guarantee support in securing obligations under contracts (223-FZ and 44-FZ).

As of July 1, 2019, the volume of net assets credit institution amounted to 129.6 billion rubles, the volume own funds- 20.6 billion rubles. At the end of the first half of 2019, the bank demonstrates a profit of 715.6 million rubles.

Subdivision network:
head office (Moscow).

Russian Federation in the face Federal agency for management state property(Federal Property Management Agency) - 70.59%;
State Development Corporation "VEB.RF" - 29.41%.

Supervisory Board: Alexander Braverman (chairman), Sergey Borisov, Dmitry Golovanov, Vladimir Dmitriev, Artem Konstandyan, Svetlana Zhukova, Elena Markina, Oleg Teplov, Oleg Fomichev.

Governing body: Dmitry Golovanov (chairman), Denis Ursulyak, Roman Kapinos, Alexander Gurov, Oleg Knyazev, Petr Tarasov, Valentina Isachenkova, Kirill Semenov.

reference Information

Registration number: 3340

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 07.07.1999

BIK: 044525108

Main state registration number: 1027739108649 (23.08.2002)

Authorized capital: RUB 24,240,000,000.00

License (date of issue / last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license, the name of which contains the word “basic”. All other operating banks are banks with a universal license:
A universal license for banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency (with the right to attract deposits from individuals) and for banking operations with precious metals (07.03.2018)

Participation in the deposit insurance system: Yes

Information about the bank SME Bank in Moscow

All the necessary information about the bank SME Bank in Moscow you can get on this page of the site. All products of SME Bank in Moscow are freely available: loans, car loans, mortgages, deposits in rubles, in dollars. Here you will also find the nearest branch or branch of the bank for carrying out a particular banking procedure, there are 1 branches in Moscow. The corresponding section contains information on the location of SME Bank ATMs, today there are 0 of them.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state