
Raiffeisen life insurance company: insurance programs. Raiffeisen insurance Raiffeisenbank life insurance

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Nina Rating: 1 Negative feedback 04/03/2017 at 15:15

When I came to write an application for termination of the Raiffeisen Optimum program, on the 2nd working day after the conclusion, I was informed that my contribution would be returned to me only after 2 weeks, and not IN FULL, but minus the tax deduction. They said I need to go to the tax office and draw up a receipt. Disgrace, did not expect such an outrage from Raiffesen Bank.


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Nina Rating: 1 Negative feedback 04/01/2017 at 18:47

Don't get caught. Subscribed to the Raifazen Optimum program. After carefully reading the documents, everything turned out to be not as rosy as the manager had painted. Everything is muddy and, most importantly, it is not clear what I will actually get and whether I will be able to return everything invested, especially the policy for such a long period. I didn't think that such a divorce could happen in such a bank. I am urgently writing an application for termination!


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Alexander Negative feedback 04/14/2016 at 17:01

In 2014, they closed a loan in Raiffeisen, at that moment the manager began to offer us to save money. She was very convincing, she described how wonderful the Raiffeisen Optimum program was, that in two years we would return our money and get 10% of the paid amount. We are fools "were led. We paid 54,000 in two years. After two years it turned out that it was possible to return only after five years, and even then not the entire amount. It turns out that in five years we pay 126,000 rubles, and only 110,000 rubles will be returned to us. But the problem is that we cannot continue to pay, because we were counting on only for 2 years and in the end we will most likely not get anything at all. the power of speech disappears. In general, people Raiffeisen Life is a solid LOCHOTRON. Please, people, if you do not want to lose your money and spend your nerves, bypass this raiffeisen party and do not "get fooled" by the bright prospects of accumulating money, you just give them this to scammers.


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Irina Rating: 1 Negative feedback 02/18/2016 at 23:50

In 2008, she took out a loan in Raiffeisen to buy a car - she repaid the loan ahead of schedule, everything was fine until 2013: in the branch on ul. Barclay worked as an excellent manager who always advised favorable terms. But, the office was closed and a new one was opened, also on the street. Barclay, but another house is not the point. After talking for 4 years with an excellent manager, I was very happy and confident in the bank. In December 2013 I ...
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Helena Rating: 1 Negative feedback 08/16/2015 at 08:35

I was really bred for money in Raiffeisenbank under the Raiffeisen Life (insurance) program !!! Initially, I invested money on the condition of receiving income / investment, insured myself and did not think, I wanted to invest money as savings for children, and the manager offered me this "wonderful" program under the "Life Insurance" contract, they say, and get the investment (he also provided the investment growth table ) and insure your life! But at the end of the term, I did not receive my own money either !!! I will not describe everything, it boils so much that I cannot express it !!! I sent a letter to Rospotrebnadzor, they told me that this was a lawsuit. As I understand it, this is investing again. But will it be true ?!
I consider it my duty to warn every gullible person - do not go to this bank, you will burn yourself !!!

When applying for certain banking products to Raiffeisen Bank, the client is often offered to go through the insurance procedure in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and unplanned costs in the event of certain circumstances. Carries out insurance Raiffeisen Life - an insurance company that provides personal, financial and some other types of insurance services.

Types of insurance in Raiffeisen Life

In the branches of Raiffeisen Bank, insurance can be obtained for almost all types of products: financial, medical protection and life insurance for people who receive a loan from Raiffeisen. Only in two areas is insurance provided only in Raiffeisen Life: against an accident and against a fatal illness.

In the first case, the amount of contributions and the amount of coverage is determined based on the age, gender of the client and general health. In the second, the maximum payment is 1 million rubles in case of detection of cancer, coronary diseases, stroke or heart attack. In the first 2 months, the amount is not paid, this is considered a waiting time. Contributions are calculated individually, under standard conditions they are equal to 0.1%.

Citizens who have suffered from certain illnesses, the list of which is attached to the contract, is not subject to insurance.

Life insurance for mortgages and other loans

At Raiffeisen, life and health insurance is the most frequent request for a loan and mortgage, which is voluntary.

Separate projects apply for each type of loan:

  • Life insurance of the consumer loan borrower in Raiffeisen. Risks include death and disability due to illness or an unforeseen event. In such circumstances, IC Raiffeisen Life assumes the client's debts and settles accounts with the bank so that neither the victim nor his relatives bear financial costs when they find themselves in a difficult situation. The contribution is defined as 0.0281% of the loan amount.
  • Credit card. Similar risks are included. Cost - 0.0845% of the card limit.
  • Mortgage. The tariff is assigned individually, according to the client's characteristics: 0.08-3.11%. Taking out a mortgage in Raiffeisen, life insurance is a significant advantage for the borrower. This allows you to get a loyal attitude of the bank by lowering the degree of risk for it associated with possible non-payments on mortgages due to unforeseen events. It also protects family members who do not need to pay the mortgage if the borrower dies.
  • For a car loan: 0.19% or 0.29%, depending on the area of ​​coverage. Separately, it should be noted that CTP insurance is not carried out in Raiffeisen.

There is also comprehensive insurance against job loss and accidents. Affects only projects of inappropriate loans at Raiffeisen Bank.

Health insurance

Health insurance in Raiffeisen Life is provided in two areas: Standard of health and Standard Plus.

Upon detection of a dangerous or fatal disease (tumors, cardiovascular), as well as, if necessary, perform heart surgery or organ transplantation, the insured can count on help:

  • Organization of treatment in clinics in Europe and Russia;
  • Possibility to choose an institution;
  • Compensation for material costs associated with the course of treatment (based on reports and invoices);
  • One-time payment of the entire coverage amount (for the Plus project).

The extended insurance program in Raiffeisen Life also provides compensation for air travel and diagnostics.

The insurance is carried out by Raiffeisen Life in cooperation with UNIQA SG, which has international experience in health insurance and has its own medical institutions in Austria.

Financial insurance

Financial insurance in Raiffeisen implies the formation of savings in order to ensure future stability.

It works according to the following rules:

  • The insured specifies the period of validity (survival).
  • Regularly transfers contributions (the amount and frequency is assigned independently).
  • At the end of the term, he receives the entire amount of savings and additional income generated from investments.
  • In case of death or loss of working capacity, the insured person or his family receives 100% of the amount.

There are four insurance options in Raiffeisen Life, working under these conditions:

  • Kinder: savings are intended for a child up to a certain age, regardless of the client's survival;
  • Optimum: only from an accident;
  • Perspective: payment of 100% due to death, 200% due to unforeseen circumstances.


Raiffeisen does not provide travel, property and auto insurance. The main directions are: ensuring the life of the bank's borrowers for non-targeted loans and mortgages, protecting health from an unforeseen event, and several projects for material support (accumulation) for different purposes. The cost of the policy often depends on the personal characteristics of the insured and the amount of coverage.

On November 23, 2018, he took out a loan from Raiffeisen Bank. Participation in the insurance program "The most important ultra family" was named as one of the conditions of issuance. In terms of payment - the contract implies an annual payment of 10,990 rubles. Payment mechanism - the amount is debited from the same account from which the monthly loan payment is debited (and I have it assigned to the 19th day of each month). Which, of course, is more than this amount.
The employee agreed that in order to extend the program for a year, it would be enough to transfer this amount to the write-off account in a year, and if this does not happen, the program will be stopped.
A month before the end of the program, in early October, I asked the manager in the application chat if the amount would be debited from the account "in the minus", since I did not want to continue its operation. The manager replied that only a positive amount is being debited, therefore, nothing will happen.
On November 24, 2019, an SMS was received stating that the program was stopped. It was also said there that it can be extended if paid until December 24th. To be honest, I did not notice this last line in the rush.
On December 18, I transferred the amount to be debited to a credit account. Here, I beg your pardon, I will be distracted - since the end of November I have been "butting" with the bailiffs, who BY ERROR assigned me an order to collect funds, and blocked a large amount both on my salary card at Alfa Bank and on a credit card at Raiffeisen Bank. And for almost a month I had to go to them, until in the end, only on December 17, they told me that everything would be returned, Alfa Bank returned the amount, and Raiffeisen did not react in any way. There was a big minus on the credit account here, and the bailiff gave me a paper confirmation of the cancellation of the collection and a power of attorney so that I personally take it to the Raiffeisen Bank office - and then everything will be returned to me. Imagine what was going on in your head with all this. Plus payment of taxes is also "on time".
In the end, in order to avoid a delay in payment, I borrowed money and transferred it to a credit account. At 16-40. And at 18-30 I decided to go to the application again - and saw a significantly lower amount. I did not receive any notifications of debiting, and even more so, questions whether it is possible to transfer my money from my account without my knowledge. They were simply transferred to insurance.
Of course, I made a legitimate attempt to cancel this transfer operation, since the money was credited for another purpose - but I was refused with the idiotic wording "the money has already been transferred to the recipient." So what, what have been translated, this is exactly the point of canceling the translation. Here's a story. The bank, of which I am a client, does not allow me to dispose of the funds that I have just transferred to my account. Didn't even ask permission to translate.
Of course, tomorrow I will visit the bank's office, write an application for a refund, etc., but apparently, the main option is to contact Rospotrebnadzor about the direct withdrawal of funds from a private person. In view of the above-described difficult situation and the bank's frankly disregarding attitude, the situation has really hurt.

Raiffeisen Life 12/19/2019 19:33

Dear Customer,

Under the terms of the voluntary group accident insurance program, upon signing the application, the client agrees to the automatic deduction of the program participation fee on an annual basis.
Your appeal was registered under the number CPL000000648500 and sent to Raiffeisenbank for consideration. You will be additionally informed about the results.

Taking care of you,
Raiffeisen Life

18.12.2019 21:35

Company response

Company response

In October 2018, upon obtaining a loan from Raiffeisen Bank, an insurance contract was imposed with a company with Raiffeisen Life. The insurance product is "Ultra family"

But that's not the point at the moment.
On November 6 of this year, the bank wrote off the insurance premium for the next year without warning. The hotline operator explained that the write-off is within the framework of the contract and they cannot cancel it. But the contract can be closed, which they did.

Then a call to Raiffeisen Life, where they categorically stated that they would not return anything, and termination of the contract does not entail a return of the insurance premium, although all this happens within one operating day.

This is a matter of principle and requires an early solution. Based on this, the insurance company receives an insurance premium in the form of a direct debit of funds from the debit account of an individual. in their "pocket bank", without even warning about the timing and amount of payment.

And how the bank makes a transfer without the order of the account holder and refuses to cancel it on the day of the unauthorized transaction.

I never found my copy of the contract, so I don't even know what I was insured against, what I refused, but still I paid for it.

Bottom line: the scheme of imposed insurance and lobbying for its payment does not fit in any way with the image of a responsible financial institution. Let's see what Rospotrebnadzor and the Prosecutor's Office have to say about this.

Please use caution when contacting these related organizations.

Portal administrator 10.11.2019 18:08

Thank you for your feedback. Taking into account the refund of the insurance fee, please specify, what grade would you like to give to the SK?

Raiffeisen Life 11/07/2019 14:13

Dear Customer,

According to the terms of the voluntary group accident insurance program, by signing the application, the client agrees to the automatic deduction of the program participation fee on an annual basis.
The conditions of the insurance program provide for the possibility of the insured person leaving the program at any time on the basis of an application.
Based on your request, the insurance participation fee has been refunded to your account.
In addition, we inform you that you can get a copy of the insurance contract, if necessary, by contacting Raiffeisenbank.

Taking care of you,
Raiffeisen Life

06.11.2019 23:47

Company response

Company response

Good day!

I have been a Raiffeisen Life client for over 8 years, and have been using endowment life insurance programs since I was 18.

I completed one and opened the next. I see a lot of sense in this ..

But there are moments in life that are not associated with disability due to health, but, on the contrary, with pleasant events such as the birth of children .. And leaving, maternity leave ..

I naturally fell in income, but I continued to save from the family budget. Already delays began to appear, and they called me, reminded me, asked .. even then everything was somehow humanly ..

And then divorce, decree and obligations, which were formed at the time of good income and lack of financial literacy. I was forced to close the program and pull out the redemption amount in order to close the costs at the moment.

I wrote a statement with tears, knowing that I wanted to send this 1 million to a good Anglo-American school for my daughter.

How did the insurance company behave?

My process was handled by X-na Yulia and K-va Marina, and I want to express my deep gratitude for their patience and for their prompt approach. Yes, there are payment regulations ..

But I just asked .. I asked for specific numbers to help get the amount .. and I had it. I asked 100,500 stupid questions about tax deductions, etc. I was promptly provided with all applications, answers, and I did not feel that since I was no longer a client, they were hammered at me and were dealing with current issues. It's so rare ..

I will definitely return to a good level of income and open new programs for children in Life.

thanks for sharing this difficult period .. and supporting 🙏🏼

Raiffeisen Life 10/16/2019 10:45

Dear Customer,

Thank you for sharing your feedback and personal experience of purchasing endowment life insurance programs. We hope that soon you will be able to confidently form targeted savings for children again, which will help them to ensure a successful start in life even in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
We are very pleased that you noted the competence and attentive attitude of the employees who participated in resolving your issue.
We will do our best to continue to meet your expectations in terms of the provided service and insurance programs.

Taking care of you,
Raiffeisen Life

16.10.2019 9:46

Company response

Company response

I want to express my very bad opinion about the Bank's Insurance Company !!! In February, my mother suddenly died. Before that, she took out a loan with insurance 800 thousand.

I turned to the department to consult my situation, to which the employees answered me with great confidence that it was necessary to collect the necessary documents to pay the insurance compensation. I am in a position up to 9 months. Pregnancy ran around collecting documents, worn out all the nerves, because the staff, incompetently advised me. In general, in the end, the insurance company refuses me, referring to the autopsy report, there was ethyl alcohol 0.69% in the blood. Moreover, it is written in the act that Mild Intoxication IS NOT THE CAUSE OF DEATH !!! DIAGNOSIS "LIVER CERROSIS". And the blood could contain alcohol from drugs !!

For the Bank, the death of a person is not an insured event. Terrible. Employees do not know the product at all, just to sell it without demand at all, to get a bonus for it, deceiving customers. For what I ran for six months, collected documents, if in the end they made a refusal. Why didn't they reconsider my claim, review my appeal again, pay special attention to the Autopsy Report (clauses 2.2, 2.3, 2.4), where the cause of death is clearly spelled out !!

Mom still had a loan of 500 thousand in another bank, also with insurance. The bank recognized it as an insured event and paid compensation. Although, the clauses in your contracts are the SAME TERMS. And where is the justice ???

Dear clients, I advise you, in no case, do not take out these senseless insurance, paying for them not in a small amount. Be sure to check the loan agreement and read what you are signing, now the employees do not even inform the client, they silently draw up insurance and that's it, or they confront the fact that they won't give a loan without insurance. All this is a lie!

You will not wish your enemy, Find yourself in such a situation, suddenly lose your own mother, being pregnant, and Stay with a small child in debt 850,000, having nothing to do with this loan. After all this, there is no desire to go to Raiffeisen, And advise the Bank to people. They left a terrible impression.

Portal administrator 01.10.2019 8:34

Thank you for your feedback! Let's wait for the response from the UK.
11.11.2019 We are very sorry that you are in such an unpleasant situation. Unfortunately, we cannot set off the assessment, since the SK operates under the Insurance Contract. Your review remains publicly available to other users.

Raiffeisen Life 10/02/2019 9:18

Good day,

First of all, let me express our sincere condolences for the loss of a loved one.
Based on your feedback, we re-examined the medical documents and made an additional request to the medical institution to clarify the data.
After receiving them, the case will be considered again. We will inform you about the results additionally.

SK Raiffeisen Life is an insurance company that is part of the Raiffeisen group of companies. If insurance is supposed to be issued for a loan product, then by default an agreement is concluded with this particular company. It offers favorable terms of cooperation and is a reliable partner for clients.

About company

It is a joint venture between Raiffeisen and Unica Group. The latter is a leading European insurance company that specializes in work in Eastern Europe. The official website of Raiffeisen Life says that the main partners of this organization are Raiffeisenbank and Alfa-Bank.

You can become a client of the company not only during the loan processing. There are several interesting programs that can be arranged in the cities of the organization's presence. Information about where there are branches of this insurance company can be read on the official website or by calling the hotline.

Active products

There are quite a few products at Raiffeisen Life Insurance. You need to know what exactly the company offers in order to get the maximum service from it. Today the following applies:

  • financial protection programs;
  • insurance for bank borrowers;
  • health insurance;
  • critical illness insurance program;
  • accident insurance.

Financial protection

There are 4 additional programs here, namely:

  • Kinder... Created specifically for underage clients. Parents can open an account for their child and top up it periodically. By the time it enters adulthood, the company gives 100% of its savings to its client and investment income.
  • Perspective allows you to create a financial cushion. The essence of the product is the same as in the previous case, but the savings are made in favor of the adult client.
  • Optimum allows you to insure life for a long period. When an insured event occurs, the client himself or his relatives receive at least 100% of the invested amount.
  • Property and heritage Is a program designed to receive compensation in the event of an accident, loss of working capacity or death of a client.

Pay is made only on the basis of documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event. Also, money can be received after the expiration of the contract.

Borrower programs


At Raiffeisen Insurance, the client can insure his life when applying for a loan at a bank. You do not need to personally go to the insurance company: it is enough to fill out a policy issued by a loan officer.

Payment of deposits takes place online according to the available details. It can also be made at any bank, but then a commission will be charged. To deposit funds, just go to the official website of the company, select the section with payment and follow the instructions.

If the client has a desire to continue cooperation with the company after the loan is closed, then the addresses of Raiffeisen Life can be found on the website. All further relations will take place without the participation of Raiffeisenbank.

Health insurance

It's not just about going abroad. Any illness can be considered an insured event. Depending on the type of program, the size of the insurance payment will differ, as well as the list of diseases according to which you can receive payments for treatment.

Accident insurance

Under the terms of this program, a client or his relatives can receive up to 1.5 million rubles. To receive money, you must provide evidence that the loss of ability to work or death occurred precisely as a result of an accident.

Critical Illness Insurance

The list of such diseases includes the following:

  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • bacterial meningitis;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • oncological diseases.

The maximum payout amount is 1 million rubles.

How to conclude an agreement and pay contributions

Depending on the purpose of contacting the company, you need to contact its employees directly or with Raiffeisenbank specialists. It is possible to get advice on support phone.


Employees are ready to provide full information support at any stage of cooperation.

If there is no Raiffeisen Life branch in the city where the client is present, then you need to contact Raiffeisenbank. Experts will provide a policy and a contract. You must have a passport and the required amount to pay the fees.

When paying through a bank branch, you must provide details. The commission is usually 1% of the amount. When paying through the website, you must:

  • specify the type of product;
  • enter the policy number;
  • write an e-mail and phone number specified in the contract.

After that, you will need to click on the payment button. The money will be automatically debited from the account linked to this agreement. The payment is received within 3-5 banking days.

Frequently asked questions from users

Often clients or prospective clients ask questions about cooperation with this organization. Here are the main ones:

  • Where can I get more product information? All information is on the site. You can also get advice from specialists at the service office or by calling the hotline.
  • Can a person who is not related to the client be a beneficiary? Yes, this is possible. This information will need to be specified in the contract.
  • How is the cost of the tariff calculated? Everything happens individually, so specialists will not be able to immediately say what exactly a particular client can count on.
  • How to find out the investment component for the year? You can find out by phone in the client's personal account.

Today, many write reviews about the experience of cooperation with this organization. Most of them are positive, which proves the honesty of payments and the reliability of the corporation.

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