
Policy activation hello neighbor. Hello neighbor program from vtb insurance. At the moment, you can do this

In order to feel secure in various force majeure situations, the policy "Hello, neighbor!" Was created. VTB Insurance offers this program against the most demanded risks, which has a very affordable price. To purchase it, you will not need to waste time on paperwork, but just visit the department and immediately pick up your purchase after payment.

Features of the policy "Hello, neighbor!" from VTB Insurance

The demanded program provides coverage in the event of the occurrence of standard risks. You can use the insurance yourself or arrange it for another person as a gift. One of the main conditions is to activate the policy on the organization's website and enter the data of the beneficiary.

Study of the VTB 24 Insurance "Hello, Neighbor!" - conditions, reviews confirm that launching the policy is extremely simple.

At the time of purchasing insurance, an information brochure, an agreement and a code for activating the service are issued.
As the main advantage of this program, it should be noted that there is no need for a detailed study of the contract, the choice of insurance risks and overpayment for options that are not required in real life. The service provides for a standard list of options.
The video provides information in which cases property insurance is extremely necessary:

Risks covered by insurance

Objects subject to insurance coverage:
  • Appliances;
  • interior decoration of the premises;
  • furniture, movable property, textile items;
  • parts of the infrastructure;
  • civil liability (flooding of residents from below and the need to repair their homes).

Home insurance coverage includes civil liability to neighbors, but until the insurance situation occurs, the policy must be in an active state.
The risks that this program includes are considered to be the most in demand. It is possible to insure an apartment or a room, but not a summer cottage or a private house. The most common option is apartment insurance.
Circumstances for obtaining insurance coverage:

  • flooding or other damage to property from liquid penetration;
  • fire, explosion, including gas;
  • man-made disaster or natural disaster;
  • falling objects and other influences;
  • theft, deliberate arson, robbery and other illegal actions of other persons.

The cost of the policy "Hello, Neighbor!"

At the time of purchase, a choice of the price of this policy is provided from three options. All of them include a list of the same risks for which various insurance payments are provided (money that will be provided to the owner of the policy in a situation of an insured event). The price depends on the amount of insurance coverage, and the set of risks is the same. In order to pay large insurance claims, it will be necessary to initially pay a large amount. Under the program "Hello, neighbor!" In the presence of expensive property, it is better to give preference to more expensive insurance.

Where can I get insurance

Insurance policy purchase options:
  • at the office of an insurance institution;
  • in VTB Group organizations: Bank of Moscow, Post Bank, VTB 24;
  • in the salons "MTS", "Euroset", "Rostelecom", "Beeline";
  • in organizations that are partners of the bank: Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank;
  • in the centers of electronics and everyday life. equipment "Know-how!", "Eldorado" (the policy is offered additionally in case of purchasing equipment on credit from a bank).

Purchase insurance "Hello, neighbor!" to protect an apartment is possible in VTB branches, and the procedure for launching it takes place on the VTB Insurance website.

In addition, you can buy insurance at the Russian Post. It is impossible to purchase the policy remotely. A special code is required, which is issued during the period of its purchase at points of sale.

Rules and requirements

At the time of implementation, certain restrictions are envisaged. The owner of the insurance must have Russian citizenship and be of age, and the property must correspond to the price of the policy. Based on the feedback from customers who have used the Hello Neighbor policy, there is no difficulty in purchasing it and paying insurance coverage.

Customer reviews confirm that the policy begins to take effect after the activation procedure, and coverage payments are made without any problems.

Some insurance holders are wondering if the Hello Neighbor policy can be returned. from VTB Insurance? This is not foreseen, since as a result of activation, an agreement comes into effect, according to which it is impossible to receive the deposited funds back or terminate the contract.
In order to extend the validity period of the insurance, you will need to purchase a new policy.

All the details and details of insurance "Hello, neighbor!"

All details and conditions are on the page.

Insurance activation

In order for the service to start operating, it will need to be launched on the website of the insurance company:
Information for activating the policy:
  • special code;
  • insurance policy number;
  • personal information;
  • validity;
  • the address of the insured object (room or apartment);
  • phone number and email address.

Detailed information about "Hello Neighbor!" and its launch are available on the VTB Insurance website.

Information will be sent to the designated e-mail:
  • the policy in electronic form, which, if necessary, can be printed;
  • link for registration in your personal account.
The insurance takes effect one month after the activation procedure has been performed (waiting period). The duration of the insurance coverage period is 1 year. The fulfillment of this condition is required so that clients cannot use the policy for their own selfish purposes.

If you are worried about your home, and want to protect yourself from accidents, then the program "Hello, neighbor!" Will help you with this. from VTB Insurance. Now we will learn more about this service from VTB Bank.

Why do you need insurance?

Insurance is a service that provides its client with certain payments in the event of an insured event prescribed by the contract. Insurance is often used by people taking out a mortgage, consumer loan, buying cars or new expensive equipment. The insurance is paid on a one-off basis or regularly in certain amounts.

The cost of insurance is determined individually, depending on the set (items included in it) for which insurance is provided.

"Hi, neighbor!" from VTB Insurance is a service that will help insure your property against accidents. If this happens, then the insurance company will bear all the costs of indemnifying the damage.

Insurance policy "Hello, neighbor!" can be purchased for yourself or as a gift to friends.

It is very easy to acquire a policy, since this does not require a large number of papers. It comes into force only after passing through the activation, and therefore, if you have not yet decided to use the policy for yourself personally, you can wait with activation and transfer the insurance to another person.

Insurance program "Hello, neighbor!" from VTB Insurance is in great demand among Russian citizens. This is due to the relatively low cost of insurance, but large payments provided by VTB Bank.

What can be insured?

About the program "Hello, neighbor!" you can insure your home:

  • An apartment in any house.
  • A room in an apartment if you only own it entirely.

Such insurance does not apply to a summer cottage or a private house.
Not only the apartment itself is subject to insurance, but also the items located in it:

  • Interior decoration of the house.
  • Recently acquired equipment.
  • Various pieces of furniture and textiles of the apartment.
  • Infrastructure elements.

Also, VTB insurance under the "Hello, neighbor!" also applies to cases where the owner of the insurance has inflicted damage to your neighbors(flooded the apartment, started a fire unintentionally).

In such circumstances, VTB pays off the debt to neighbors personally, and the owner of the insurance does not pay for the restoration of the damage caused.


Policy validity

Insurance policy "Hello, neighbor!" is valid under certain circumstances and does not apply to other, not specified cases. Insurance payment will be made if:

  1. The fire broke out through no fault of the owner.
  2. An explosion occurred.
  3. The apartment was flooded.
  4. Affected by the impact of a natural disaster (tsunami, tornado, earthquake) or a man-made disaster.
  5. Property damage was caused by third parties (arson, theft, vandalism).
  6. Lightning strike.
  7. The fall of an object from the outside (comet, asteroid, tree).

Insurance from VTB does not apply to other cases. You can always find out the conditions of insurance from a bank employee or on the official website. Information about insurance is provided in the public domain and a person can always decide whether it is beneficial to him or not.

Policy cost

"Hi, neighbor!" VTB Insurance has three policy options. The risks and cases of paying insurance are the same for them, but the amount of compensation and the amount of the purchase will be different. Therefore, when choosing an insurance policy, you should evaluate the value of your property and understand which of the offered insurance can cover the costs in the event of an insured event.

Insurance policy costMaximum payment amount in case of property damageMaximum amount of payment in case of civil liability
RUB 3,900600 thousand rubles300 thousand rubles
RUB 5,000700 thousand rubles400 thousand rubles
RUB 12,0001 million 250 thousand rubles750 thousand rubles

The property provided for insurance is not assessed by the company, and therefore the owner of the policy will not bear additional costs when registering it.

The more expensive the pole is purchased, the more compensation will be paid in each specific case.

Purchase of the policy "Hello, neighbor!"

You can buy a policy in several different ways and the person chooses the most convenient for himself:

  • In any of the branches of VTB - VTB 24, Russian Post, Bank of Moscow.
  • At the office of an insurance agency from VTB.
  • At Sovcombank, which is.
  • In the communication shops "Rostelecom", "Beeline", "Euroset".
  • In the shops "Eldorado" and "Know-how", offering insurance directly at the time of purchase of equipment, especially when taking out a loan.

Purchase an insurance policy "Hello, neighbor!" online is not possible. So you have to visit any of the above organizations.

During the purchase of the policy, the buyer is not required to provide a special package of documents, the only thing that is needed is a passport confirming the Russian citizenship of the buyer.

The buyer must also be of age and then there will be no problems with the purchase of the policy.

How to activate?

Insurance "Hello, neighbor!" does not take effect immediately after purchase, you first need to activate the policy. The policy is activated by following the link https://www.vtbins.ru/ - this is the official website of VTB Insurance.

To activate your policy, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the section "Individuals".
  2. In the column "Property" find "Hello, neighbor!"
  3. Having opened "Hello, neighbor!", Find the "Activate policy" section and go to it.
  • Policy details: number, activation code and policy expiration date.
  • Information about the buyer: full name, date of birth and gender.
  • The email address to which the activation confirmation will be sent, so you need to specify a working email.
  • Buyer's contact phone number.
  • Full address of the insured property.

After activating the policy, there comes a moment of "waiting" that lasts 1 month... At this time, the insurance is not active. After a month, the insurance becomes effective and lasts for one year.

If insurance is not needed, and the policy is already activated, you will not be able to return your money and return the policy. Therefore, you should think carefully before purchasing it.

The program "Hello, neighbor!" helps to protect residential property and its constituent components from the influence of extraneous factors beyond the control of the apartment owner. Insurance payments are often very high and fully cover the damage caused, and therefore the presence of a policy will allow you not to worry about your property, in case of problems VTB insurance company will take care of everything.

I decided to write how to competently deal with an insurance company.

By phones. Tablets and technology. PTP +

Let's be honest, you pay 5000 rubles to get 50 thousand. Who will calmly hand over this money? No one. Very often I hear from people - "they took money and ay". You're right.

How to act when you have an insured event. It doesn't matter what you are insured against, first take out your policy (insurance contract) and read it. Believe me, some 15 minutes will save your time in the future and your nerves. If you can't figure it out, call the company's hotline, it's better from another phone, which you won't be using later, ask questions to a specialist, specify the list of documents, how the policy works. Even if you are harmful, angry and psychotic, the operator will explain, clarify and try to explain to you until the very end.

You don't need to tell the truth or make up superstories. This will affect in the future. After the consultation, consider how and what to say. Very often I meet parents who place the blame on their children. The child dropped the phone, the child was pushed at school, the child ate soup and spilled it on it.

Believe me, these details are not interesting to anyone, and they can then play not in your favor.

There is a risk of external mechanical impact - it will be enough to drop the phone and crash. - Believe me, it will be a payment, not a trial of who and where pushed whom and why you did not go to the police, because a third party was involved.

"External mechanical action"- This company has its own rules, which means that a defect interferes with the operation of the device. If it is a scratch, chip or broken back panel of the phone, then you are passing by. The crack should hit both the screen and the edge of the screen. If the device fell and crashed, for example, a model that is inside the device, and the device itself is not damaged, alas, this is not an insured event.

Liquid contact. - Check with a specialist that the water from the neighbors should fill your device or you yourself can drop it into the water. Of course, the specialist will say there is a risk of submitting documents. And you do not invent things later from your neighbors. Water got in - that's it. Dropped into water, Spilled water. As the saying goes, brevity is the sister of talent.

Theft. The hardest part. Since here it is more common to be pulled out of your pocket - which equals the phrase you lost your phone. This is not an insured event. For the reason that it is not provable. And if you brainwash, you will understand that then any fool would use this trick and get money. How to proceed in this case? Only through the courts, it is dreary, long, but sometimes insurance companies, believe me, lose and pay. And at what very often.

Do not make up rain, thunderstorms, cars. These are superfluous documents. Not one service center will establish that you smashed your iPhone with a hammer, and the insurance company records the conversations.

I do not understand what is written in my policy. - Call the hotline, consult until you understand what works and how. Better yet, from the store when you buy insurance. Sellers can pour in whatever they want ... to sell.

Features of policies. Frequent mistakes.

The policy may not start to operate from the day of purchase, see it is written on the contract itself from what date it comes into force. If you apply before the validity of the policy, then it is clear that it has not yet entered into force and you cannot apply for it. Nobody will look for you, and will not tell you, think you want to get money. And free cheese is only available in the mouseylovka.

And note to those who shout deception. Insurance is a web, everyone is thrown off, so that someone would receive money. Believe me, a lot of people got paid.

Remember, you live in Russia, where a paper hierarchy reigns. Do not be alarmed when a heap of papers is voiced to you, no less you will collect in court when you receive a refusal, because you did not think, but demanded free money.

Someday I'll get to other products. The policy is not bad for someone whose children and phones often fall and break. It is bad against theft, like others from other companies.

The main document is asking for: Act of a licensed service center - There is no such thing in your city, do not despair. Any company accepts applications in a free form, do not be lazy to find the nearest one 200 km away, write an application to your company, competently that you cannot provide not at will, but because it is very far away. Or the act is expensive, and the phone costs a penny. Ask the company to help you with your hard work, as you do not know how to proceed. Ask for a favor to make a decision without this document or to allow you to contact another service that is not licensed, but makes cheaper in your city.

Maybe my review will help someone to get money. And please remember, no one will give the money right away. From this and the timing and questions and unnecessary documents. Good luck to you. And don't smash your phones or spill soups on them

Termination of any contract.

Everyone knows that a new law has been passed and the Insurance Company must terminate your contract and return the money to you. But not everyone knows how this law works.

You have 5 working days from the date of conclusion of the contract (loan, box, etc.)

Conclusion of a contract - you come, buy something, you draw up a contract. Everything from this day is reported in 5 working days, for these 5 working days you must submit documents for termination. (Fill out an application, attach an agreement, payment receipt and your details). If you have a branch in your city (check with the operator), go directly to the branch. If there is no branch, do not send by e-mail, send by registered mail with notification by mail to Russia, so that you still have a document on the sending of your documents.

Breaking the boxes!

Hello dear friends again! This time I decided to tell you how to terminate the insurance contract, how to get your money back.


Nowadays, VTB24 sellers often sell a set with a loan, a couple of boxes. Which are voluntary insurance, unlike credit insurance, you are not obliged to buy them and they do not affect the credit. Box data: I can do everything, I can do everything +, Live, do not grieve! Fizkult, hello, hello, neighbor!

Let's start with the fact that you were sold the product, but you want to get your money back.

DO NOT ACTIVATE THE PRODUCT. Or ask the seller if he insists on activating the product, tell him that you will activate it at home. On the same day, or up to 30 calendar days, call the SK and ask to terminate the insurance contract, since you have not activated it. Then the procedure will take less time and the money will be transferred to the account.

You will need:

Product box

Receipt. (If there is no receipt, contact the point of sale. Take a duplicate, slip, a document on which will be written "Product, its cost, date of purchase".

Bank details for transferring money to you.


Now let's consider another option. Your policy HAS BEEN ACTIVATED INDEPENDENTLY.

There are two options for the outcome of events, or the policy acts on your property, which is owned, or on your children, or on yourself.

If you have property, so do the children, and so do you. It is almost impossible to terminate the policy. Even the court will bend its line that the conditions are spelled out on the product. Here is one option, to write a claim to the insurance company, but not with a request to terminate the contract, but with a request to answer on what conditions the termination of this contract is impossible, with a request to clarify the clause of the contract where refunds were denied upon termination of the contract and to go to court. If only you had on hand documents confirming the refusal of the UK to return the money to you.


To court. You also apply to the UK on the claim form, as mentioned above.

Collect boxes, checks, passport, answers from the UK. In court, you can refer to the "Other circumstances" clause. This means that you have no property, and since you do not have property or children, then this product is not valid. You will win 100% of the court, previously the IC returned the money, but then changed her mind and began to send people to court, because this way fewer people would be involved in red tape.

Legal costs will then be paid by the UK, that is, it takes time from you. Of course, all this is terribly angry, unnerving. Be patient, my friends, you want to return your hard-earned money. By myself, I will say that the court will take you 2-3 days at most, the collection of documents is even less.

The claim is processed 15-30 business days. If the deadlines are violated, again a claim. Write, a call in court will not play a big role, and your written appeals will play into the hands.

Of course, some will say that I still have to do this because of 3000 thousand?

Alas, in this case, the money cannot be returned by a scandal, there are only these options.

How to write a claim !?

Application on A4 sheet, addressed to VTB Insurance. Indicate your full name. address, contact details. Your complaints, claims, questions. Finish with a live signature and your last name and number. You photograph or scan, send to the address that the operator tells you. Question to the operator: To what address can I send a written claim. How can I clarify the status of my claim?

That's all! Later I will add other products)

Hope I could help you.

How often, leaving an apartment or leaving a country house for several months, did you think about the safety of your own property, which may suffer from unforeseen incidents? Have you ever wondered how much the losses will cost, and what will be the cost of restoration?

It is in these cases that the insurance policy "Hello, Neighbor!" Comes to the rescue. from VTB. The company has been on the market for a long time and has managed to establish itself as a reliable insurer, one of the top ten insurers in Russia. The company offers to insure an apartment, a house, a summer cottage, as well as the furniture and appliances in them.

A unique offer from VTB Insurance is the policy “Hello, neighbor!”. The uniqueness is that it can be bought ready-made, practically without documents and examinations. The seller can only ask for a passport, although it will be needed at registration as well.

This insurance package can be presented or used independently, and all the necessary options are already included in the contract and do not need to be specified or added.

Property insurance rules "VTB Insurance"

The sum insured is divided into two parts, one of which protects real estate and personal property, namely:

  • Redecoration, electrical wiring, water supply and household equipment;
  • All appliances, including video and audio, household;
  • Furniture, jewelry, valuable property and clothing.

The second part protects the civil liability of the insured towards neighbors, guests and other third parties who may have suffered as a result of emergencies.

Insurance situations:

  • Actions prohibited by law, for example, theft, attempted entry, hooliganism, fighting, etc.
  • Flooding, whatever the reason;
  • Natural disasters such as hurricane, flood;
  • The outbreak of a fire, as a result of a lightning strike, short circuit of electrical wiring, explosion of household appliances and other things;
  • Damage to property as a result of mechanical impact on it, for example, it can be dropped, scratched.

The cost of the VTB policy under the "Hello, Neighbor!"

There are six varieties of the Hello Neighbor pole:

Insurance policy costThe maximum amount of payment is directed to the protection of property (in case of damage: interior decoration, movable property, household appliances)The maximum amount of payments for repayment of civil liability
549 rubles100,000 rubles50,000 rubles
799 rubles150,000 rubles70,000 rubles
1,599 rubles300,000 rubles200,000 rubles
2 999 rubles500,000 rubles250,000 rubles
5,000 rubles750,000 rubles350,000 rubles
12,000 rubles1,250,000 rubles750,000 rubles

Of these, three popular tariffs stand out:

  • The first policy, which costs 1,599 rubles and is designed to cover inexpensive property, is most suitable for communal apartments and apartments.
  • The second policy costs 5,000 rubles and is calculated for apartments with European-quality repair and country cottages, the insured amount is 1,100,000 rubles, of which 750,000 are directed to protect property, and 350,000 to cover civil liability.
  • The third and most expensive policy costs 12,000 rubles, with increased protection up to 2,000,000 rubles, of which 1,250,000 can be used to compensate for lost immovable and movable property, and 750,000 can be used to compensate third parties for damage. Designed for luxury residential buildings and apartments to cover all damage caused. Sold exclusively at VTB Insurance offices.

If it turns out that the amount of any damage is more than the claimed compensation in the contract, the policyholder undertakes to pay it himself and not claim additional insurance premiums. If the amount of damage is less than promised, then it is compensated in full without the right to count on the remaining money.

Ivanov and Petrov bought themselves two policies worth 5,000 rubles ...

Ivanov and Petrov bought themselves two policies worth 5,000 rubles. After a certain time, they simultaneously had a pipe break, at the time of the start of the heating season. Petrov was at home and managed to eliminate the accident in time by calling a special. services. Ivanov, however, stayed at work, and therefore not only his apartment, but also the apartment of his neighbors below, suffered by his arrival. As a result, the total amount of damage to Petrov was 100,000 rubles, which included replacement of batteries, parquet and payment for emergency services. At Ivanov, the total damage was more than 1.5 million, since it was necessary not only to change pipes and parquet, but also to pay for the damage caused to neighbors. Turning to the insurance company, Ivanov received only the declared 100,000, and Petrov 700,000 and 400,000, the remaining money he had to pay out of his own pocket.

Where can I get the policy “Hello, Neighbor!”?

Insurance policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB insurance is notable for its availability, because it can be bought not only at the office of VTB Bank, but also at Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank, Russian Post, Rostelecom, Euroset, Megafon, Eldorado, Know-How, Svyaznoy and from other partners.

To purchase it, you do not need to provide documents on the property, the opinion of appraisers and generally show your property to anyone. The seller may ask for a passport to confirm the purchase.

Activation of the policy "Hello, neighbor!" from VTB insurance

Insurance begins to operate only after activation, and it must be carried out no later than the 30th day from the date of purchase. The duration of the insurance policy is 1 year. To activate the purchased policy, you need:

1. Go to the official website of VTB in the section "Individuals" and find "Property insurance". There, select the service insurance policy "" ().

2. In the left menu there is a button "Activate policy", click on it.

3. After clicking it, a page will open with fields for entering information. The policyholder independently enters the policy number, activation code and validity period.

Then provide information about yourself:

  • Date of Birth;
  • Contact phone number and email.

There must be information about the insured property:

  • Type of property (apartment or house);
  • Region, city, street and house of the insured building.

Now the policy is officially activated and will take effect after a month (waiting period, 1 month insurance will be frozen), this was done on purpose to prevent abuse. Be sure to keep your purchase receipts, they will be needed in the event of an insured event.

If you need protection from accidental troubles, then the best choice is the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance. This product offers insurance for the most common risks and is relatively inexpensive. The main advantage of the policy is that it does not take a lot of time for registration, it is enough just to come and purchase it as a product in the store.

Features of the product from VTB Insurance

The “Hello, neighbor!” Insurance program, which is being implemented by VTB Insurance, is positioned as a convenient and quick solution if you need insurance against basic risks. There is no property valuation required to purchase this policy and no documents are required from the buyer. Maximum - they can ask for a passport to make sure that the purchaser of the policy is a citizen of Russia.

You can take out the insurance for yourself or donate it to someone. The main thing is to activate the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance on the official website of the company and indicate the information of the beneficiary.

When buying a policy, the client will receive a contract, a special code and a brochure, which explains the features of the insurance "Hello, neighbor!" VTB, including how to get paid and in what cases.

This policy is convenient in that the client does not need to choose insurance risks, overpay for unnecessary options, and delve into complex legal formulations. The product already offers a basic set of options that are suitable for most of the bank's customers.

The video explains in detail the circumstances in which property insurance can be useful and even necessary.

Risks of damage to housing - apartments or houses

According to the rules "Hello neighbor!" VTB Insurance provides insurance coverage for the following objects:

  • interior decoration of the house;
  • infrastructure elements;
  • Appliances;
  • textile products, furniture and any movable property;
  • civil liability (for example, if the owner of the policy accidentally flooded the lower tenants and now has to pay for their repair).

As you can see, the risks are quite real and quite common. Under the policy, you can insure a room or apartment, you cannot insure a private house or summer cottage. The most commonly used policy is "Hello, neighbor!" VTB 24 for apartment insurance. Protection is initiated upon the occurrence of the following events:

  • fire, explosion, including gas;
  • flooding or other exposure to liquid;
  • natural disaster or man-made disaster;
  • robbery, theft, deliberate arson and other illegal actions by third parties;
  • falling objects and other influences.

The cost of the policy "Hello, Neighbor!"

The client himself can choose what will be the cost of the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance. Three options are offered to choose from, including the same risks, but differing in the insured amount (these are exactly the funds that the owner of the policy will receive upon the occurrence of an event provided for in the contract).

Thus, the higher the initial cost of the policy, the greater the insurance premium. Since the property is under the VTB 24 Insurance "Hello, neighbor!" there is no need to evaluate, the client does not bear additional costs. If he has a lot of expensive property, it is better to buy more expensive insurance. Otherwise, the insurance claim will not cover potential costs.

How to purchase a policy

VTB 24, Post Bank and partners

Purchasing the product "Hello Neighbor!" VTB Insurance is available in several retail outlets and banking institutions at once:

  • at the office of the insurance company;
  • in all banks of the VTB network: VTB 24, Bank of Moscow, Post Bank;
  • in partner banks: Raiffeisenbank and Sovcombank;
  • in the salons of communication "Euroset", "MTS", "Beeline", "Rostelecom";
  • in the shops of household appliances and electronics "Know-how!"

It is also possible to purchase the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance at the Russian Post and some other partners of the company. The only thing that cannot be done is to buy the policy online. It is imperative to obtain a special code at the points of sale and activate "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance at the official bank of the company.

Requirements, rules and reviews

As already noted, there are no special requirements for the buyer. However, there are restrictions on the identity of the insured person and on property. So, the user must be an adult citizen of Russia, and the insured property must be suitable for cost restrictions.

Judging by the reviews about VTB Insurance "Hello, neighbor!" there are no special difficulties with the registration of the policy, as well as with the receipt of insurance payments.

However, the owners of the insurance product sometimes have the question of how to return the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance. Unfortunately, this cannot be done, since the policy is a ready-made single-use product. After activating the code, the agreement between the client and the insurance company comes into force, and it is no longer possible to terminate the contract after receiving the premium paid back.

Subsequently, if the insurance needs to be extended, you need to buy a new policy.

Insurance activation

But buying a policy is not enough, you need to "launch" it. Not everyone knows how to activate Hello Neighbor! VTB Insurance. This is done on the official website of the insurer, namely on this page: https://www.vtbins.ru/individual/property/privet/activateprivet/

The policyholder must indicate:

  • policy number;
  • activation code;
  • the validity period of the policy (all this data can be found in the contract);
  • information about yourself;
  • email address and telephone;
  • the address of the apartment or room to be insured.

You must indicate a real e-mail, since it will be sent to:

  • link to activate your personal account;
  • the policy itself, which can be printed or saved electronically.

One month after activation, the policy will become valid. The insurance cover is valid for 1 year.

After the activation of VTB Insurance “Hello, neighbor!” Comes a month of “waiting”, during which the policy will not be valid. This is done on purpose to prevent abuse of insurance.


Thus, the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance is a very convenient tool for those who need affordable and simple protection of property and their own liability. Insurance payments under the policy are fixed, but their size is sufficient for the needs of the average client. You can choose a product that is suitable for the cost. However, the purchase in itself does not provide any protection, since the policy must be activated on the official website of the insurance company. After a month of "waiting", the contract will come into full force.

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