
Social mortgage under the President of Tatarstan, personal page of the Republic of Tatarstan, state housing stock, conditions of the state housing fund. Memo to citizens in need of better housing conditions State housing stock under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

The State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan explains:

How to register?

Those who need to improve their living conditions are:

Citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan registered at their permanent place of residence;

  • occupying less than 18 sq.m. total area per family member (for state employees), for employees of organizations (not state employees) the norm is 18 sq.m. not installed, i.e. there may be more, but it is necessary that your the organization participated in the financing of the social mortgage... The list of organizations participating in the financing of social mortgage is available from the representatives of the Consumer Cooperative "Building the Future" and on the website www.kooperativrt.ru/
  • living in unsuitable housing, recognized as such in accordance with the current legislation (dilapidated, emergency, etc., etc.).

Acceptance of applications for registration is carried out:

  • at the place of residence - in local government(as a rule, in housing commissions under the administrations of cities and districts). List of addresses and executors from representatives of PC "Building the Future" (for state employees);
  • at the place of work - by officials appointed by order of the Head of the legal entity (if your organization is on the list of financing social mortgage, you need to contact to the administration of the organization with an application for registration), in the absence of a housing commission at the enterprise, you need to contact the administration of the city, district.

To make sure whether you are on the list of those in need of housing improvement or not, you can:

    • at the place of application, in the lists approved by the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan;
    • on the website www.kooperativrt.ru (you need to know the number of your family's registration file);
    • from representatives of PC "Building the Future".

As a general rule, confirmation of registration can be obtained within 3-4 weeks from the moment of filing an application at the places of delivery of primary documents (ask for the number of your family's registration file). If there is more than one family at the place of residence, then they are subject to separate registration. Citizens are registered and receive the right to participate in a social mortgage only after the family is admitted to the Consolidated List of the Civil Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, i.e. in fact, after the approval of your statement by the GJF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. If for some reason you are denied registration, and you consider these reasons unreasonable and illegal, then you can contact the State Journalism Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan at the address: RT, 420043, Kazan, Gorky st., 8/9 , tel / f .: 70-58-66, to local authorities and prosecutors with a statement about violation of the order of execution of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On state support for construction in the Republic of Tajikistan No. 69-3RT dated December 27, 2004. and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 190 dated April 15, 2005. "On the approval of the Rules and the procedure for registering those in need of improving housing conditions in the system of social mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan."

A citizen registered as needing better housing conditions must conclude a Social Mortgage Agreement with the GZF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. The PC “We build the future” acts as an attorney on behalf of GZhF, acting on the basis of the contract of instruction No. 258 of August 18, 2005. and power of attorney No. 49 dated August 25, 2005, issued by the executive director of the State Journalism Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Abdullin T.M. Chairman of the PC "Building the Future" A.A. Tsibizov

GZF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan concludes a social mortgage agreement with a citizen-member of the PC "Building the Future". To become a member of the PC "Building the Future", you need to write an application for joining the PC "Building the Future" (application form from representatives of the PC "Building the Future" in the field) and pay an entrance membership fee. Family members under the age of 18 do not have to join the Cooperative and, accordingly, do not have to pay an entry fee.

The social mortgage agreement is signed by all family members who are registered as in need of better housing conditions. After the conclusion (signing) of the social mortgage agreement, citizens may pay money under a social mortgage agreement, thereby accumulating them for the purchase of a future apartment. All savings of citizens upon settling into a new apartment are counted towards the purchase of square meters under a social mortgage agreement. Before moving into a new apartment, you can pay any amount at any time at your discretion.

How is the choice of an apartment that you will receive under a social mortgage agreement?

To streamline the selection of apartments, the following order is applied:

All funds received under the social mortgage agreement before settling, in addition to the fact that they are reflected in rubles, are also reflected in the form of points. Points are calculated by multiplying the amount of receipts in thousands of rubles by the number of days before the points are counted. For example: You have listed under a social mortgage agreement 5 000,00 rubles and 10 September they were credited to the account of the Attorney, and you need to find out how many points you have on 17 September then

5 * 8 days, 40 points are obtained,

8days - the number of days from the date of receipt of funds to the date of calculation of points,

5 - received funds, in thousands of rubles,

If you transferred another 7,000 rubles, which were received by the Attorney's account on October 3, then as of November 25 you will have:

5 * 77days + 7 * 54days = 385 + 378 = 763 points,

77days = 21 days (in September) + 31 days (in October) + 25 days (in November),

54days = 29 days (in October) + 25 days (in November).

Thus, you can independently calculate the number of your points (approximately, since you cannot know for sure, the day of receipt of funds to the account of the Attorney). You can find out the exact number of points on the site of the PC "Building the Future" (instructions for using the site from representatives of PC "Building the Future") or in the monthly bulletin from representatives of PC "Building the Future".

  • employees of organizations (enterprises) participating in the financing of social mortgage;
  • public sector employees,
  • citizens in need of urgent support (extraordinary).

You should know which accounting group you belong to!

There are subgroups of accounting, for example, employees of a particular enterprise belong to the accounting group "employees of enterprises" or large families - to the accounting group "out-of-order".

  • In addition to the fact that you receive information about exactly what place you occupy in the list in your city, district and in your accounting group, GZhF and PC "We are building the future" will provide you with data on construction and finished objects (houses, apartments). The specified information is posted on the website www.kooperativrt.ru/ and from the representative of the PC "Building the Future", and represents the data:
      • about construction and finished objects (houses, apartments),
      • on the degree of their readiness and the timing of commissioning (settlement).
      • about apartment numbers, their floor by floor, by access distribution, areas, floor plans,
      • the approximate cost of one square meter (at the construction stage),
      • the initial cost of one square meter after the start of the competition.

At any time at the representative of the PC "Building the Future" and on the website www.kooperativrt.ru/ you can get information about the beginning and the date (time) of the end of the competition for construction and finished objects (houses, apartments).

Since the beginning of the competition, if you have a desire to buy an apartment in this particular house, and if you have paid at least 1000 rubles under a social mortgage agreement. - for public sector employees and citizens in need of urgent support, or at least 10% of the cost of the future apartment (determined by multiplying the declared cost per square meter on the total area) - for employees of enterprises, you can come to the representative office of PC "Building the Future" at the place of registration of the social mortgage agreement or to the head office in Kazan and fill out the "Protocol for choosing the future of an apartment".

"The protocol of participation, selection and transfer of the citizen's future own apartment to the social mortgage agreement" is signed by the applicants indicating the apartment number and the cost per square meter at which you are ready to purchase it. The cost per square meter, which you declare, cannot be lower than the declared GZhF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. The declared cost per square meter increases your points (the accumulated points are increased by a stepwise coefficient), 1 step - 100 rubles.

Odds table











For example, you have accumulated 763 points (section 3), the initial cost of one square meter is 11,000.00 rubles. You declare the cost at which you are ready to purchase a future apartment 11,200.00 rubles, the step was 200 rubles, the coefficient - K = 1.06; 763 * K = 763 * 1.06 = 808.78 points. Moreover, each apartment you declared may have a different cost, i.e. apartments on the 3rd floor, for example, at a price of 11,200 rubles. per square meter, and apartments on the 9th floor at a price of 11,000 rubles. for one square meter. In addition, in the "Protocol of participation, selection and transfer of a citizen's future own apartment to a social mortgage agreement" you can declare a shorter installment plan than is provided to you in accordance with current legislation. In this case, the final cost of your future apartment will be less. Apartments in the "Protocol" are indicated as the interest in them decreases (by priority), i.e. 100 apartment one-entrance 10-storey building, you want to purchase a one-room apartment, there are 2 of them on each floor. Theoretically, you can indicate all 20 apartments in the "Protocol". For example, first of all you would like to buy apartment No. 22 on the third floor, secondly, apartment No. 24 on the third floor, then apartment No. 76 on the 8th floor, etc.

"Competition", the choice of apartments will take place automatically (by a computer) on a certain day and time of the GZHF, taking into account all received "Protocols of participation, selection and transfer of a citizen's future own apartment to the social mortgage agreement", accumulated points and priorities. Each citizen participating in the "Competition" has the opportunity to make sure of the correctness and honesty of the choice.

Attention! We ask you to report all cases of pressure on you by indicating the apartment numbers, their declared value when filling out the "Protocol for participation, selection and transfer of a citizen's future own apartment to the social mortgage agreement" indicating the person who put the pressure on.

Information about to whom which apartment is determined by the result of the "Competition" can be found on the website www.kooperativrt.ru/ and representatives of the Consumer Cooperative "Building the Future".

After the results of the "Contest" are published (on the website and at representatives of the PC "Building the Future" the next day after the "Contest"), citizens must come to the place of drawing up the contract and receive the "Protocol for choosing an apartment" indicating the apartment number, its cost , redeemed square meters, installment terms and payment schedule.

The social mortgage agreement and the "Protocol of participation, selection and transfer of a citizen's future own apartment" to the social mortgage agreement, signed by the parties, are the basis for settling and living in the chosen apartment, in other words, with the agreement and protocol, you must go to the housing department or to the "key keeper" , demand the keys to the apartment and conclude an agreement for the provision of housing and communal services. Payment for housing and communal services arises from the date of the competition, so it is in your interests to receive the keys immediately after the "Competition" and notify the housing maintenance organizations. This is due to the fact that at the time of the competition the apartments were commissioned, and the costs of its maintenance (heating, security) must be borne by the future owners.

The social mortgage agreement and the “Apartment Choice Protocol” give you all the rights related to residence, such as “registration”, registration with medical institutions, telephone connection, receiving subsidies, grants and other rights.

Rights and responsibilities after check-in and how to become the owner of your home?

After settling in a new apartment, you bear all the responsibilities and enjoy all the rights of citizens living on the basis of the rights of "hire", the future owner.

Your rights:

  • obtaining an apartment in ownership after its full payment,
  • full receipt of housing and communal services that are provided to the residents of your home,
  • performing current repairs,
  • registration at the place of residence of your family members,
  • participation in the management of houses by proxy.

Your responsibilities:

  • You cannot sell, exchange, donate, etc., etc. apartment until you own it,
  • You cannot make redevelopment in the apartment without the permission of the relevant authorities and the State House of Public Relations under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan,
  • You should not "register" non-family members in the apartment,
  • You cannot assign the rights of claim under the Social Mortgage Agreement to a third party, without the permission of the State Insurance Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan,
  • You must, all the time you use the apartment before receiving it into ownership, keep it in a condition suitable for living and complying with sanitary and technical standards,
  • You are obliged to pay regularly (monthly) under the Social Mortgage agreement in accordance with the payment schedule that you will receive upon check-in (the payment schedule indicates the monthly cost per square meter and when to make payments).

Attention! You can pay earlier and more than indicated in the payment schedule. In this case, the final cost of your apartment will be less, you will receive the apartment earlier.

After you pay in full, the cost of the apartment, PC "Building the Future", by order of the GZhF, issues you a Reconciliation Act and a certificate of full payment of the cost of the apartment. With these documents, as well as with the Social Mortgage Agreement, the "Apartment Choice Protocol", you can register ownership with the State Registration Authority and receive a Certificate of Ownership.

Everything. Congratulations! You not only lived all this time in a comfortable apartment with all the amenities, worked for the good of the Republic, raised children, but also became the full owner of your home.

I would like to note that when you did not live in an apartment as an owner, you did not pay property tax. You will receive income tax relief by presenting to the tax authorities a Certificate of ownership of an apartment, a Social Mortgage agreement and all receipts for payment of its cost (please do not lose and keep receipts). In addition, if a child is born in your family, the cost of 18 (Eighteen) square meters of housing is credited to you under the Social Mortgage agreement, - two children- 36 (Thirty six) square meters will be counted. To do this, you must submit an application to the GZF under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for the birth of a child. In addition to all of the above, you can get advice from our representatives at any time.

In the context of modern economic realities, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing new mechanisms to support vulnerable and needy segments of the population. The governments of the republics, territories and regions do not stand aside and, in turn, create programs of benefits and subsidies at the local level. Most of the programs are designed to enable different segments of the population to improve their living conditions. An example of such a successful program is the social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Social mortgage in Tatarstan replaced the program of resettlement of owners of residential premises recognized as emergency or dilapidated, which ended in 2004. The social mortgage program allows borrowers to purchase housing on more favorable terms than the national average, which became possible thanks to the participation of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (GHF).

Social mortgage in the Republic of Tajikistan allows the borrower:

  1. Reduce the amount of the down payment to 10% of the cost of the dwelling. At the same time, the initial payment has a maximum amount limit - no more than 30%. In addition, when considering each individual borrower, the GZF may decide on the possibility of not providing an initial payment (for example, if the borrower is a single mother and meets all the necessary criteria). We are already talking about the possibility of taking out a mortgage without a down payment in 2019.
  2. With an average mortgage interest rate of 7.4%, social mortgage allows you to become the owner of a residential property, having received a mortgage at 7% per annum.
  3. The maximum term of a social mortgage cannot exceed 28 years and 6 months. The loan agreement allows the borrower to fully repay the loan ahead of schedule, without penalties and fines.
  4. If during the period of validity of the mortgage agreement the first-born appears in the family, the borrowers will receive 200 thousand rubles for the partial repayment of the debt obligation. Upon the birth of a second child and receipt of maternity capital, which has been extended until the end of 2021, the borrower can use the maternity capital to repay the mortgage.
  5. This type of mortgage loan under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is unique in that the borrower can pay not only in cash, but also with labor or products of the subsidiary farm. In the event of a difficult life situation, the borrower may not be afraid of losing his home - each specific case is considered by the GZHF and a convenient solution for the borrower and lender is developed (deferred payment);
  6. If the borrower pays part of the amount, he is obliged to pay the rent for the remaining part of the dwelling (deferred payment of the mortgage loan does not relieve the borrower of the obligation to pay the rent).

When receiving the opportunity to purchase an apartment under the program, the borrower must comply with some restrictions:

  1. For 10 years, the borrower has no right to change the place of work of his own free will (dismissal by the decision of the employer or redundancy are not taken into account). If the condition is violated, the balance of the mortgage loan is recalculated with the loss of all benefits and an increase in the interest rate relative to the original by 2 times.
  2. If the borrower took advantage of the preferential mortgage as an employee of the public sector, he loses the right to use any other program to support public sector employees (for example, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 63).

In this connection, before applying for a social mortgage, it is necessary to calculate all types of possible benefits and subsidies and choose the most profitable one for the borrower.

Who can get a social mortgage

The following groups of citizens can count on receiving a social loan under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan:

  • Public sector employees (doctors, teachers, law enforcement officers, etc.);
  • Citizens living in residential premises recognized as emergency, as well as citizens with living space that is less than the norm (less than 18 square meters per person). To obtain the “needy” status, a citizen must contact the Social Service at the place of residence;
  • Employees of commercial enterprises that are investors in the construction of residential complexes participating in the program. This category of citizens has no restrictions on the total area of ​​housing, while the rest cannot apply for apartments with an area exceeding the standards:
  1. 1 person - 33 sq.m .;
  2. Family of 2 people - 44 sq.m .;
  3. Family of 3 or more - at the rate of 18 sq.m. for each subsequent family member.

Where to give apartments in Tatarstan

The conditions for a social mortgage are made up of many factors, the main of which is the purchase of residential premises in certain residential complexes. Apartments on preferential terms are provided in houses under construction of those developers who are participants in the program. The list of residential complexes is available on the GZF website and on the websites of developers, as well as on the websites of banks participating in the program.

Comprehensive development is a mandatory criterion for the construction of residential square meters, so the borrower gets the opportunity to purchase new housing in an area with developed infrastructure.

Since the list of residential complexes is limited, it is possible to purchase an apartment with the help of social mortgage funds only in large cities.


The list of possible borrowers for obtaining a social mortgage in Kazan corresponds to the general list. If a citizen fully meets the requirements of the program, he needs to collect a complete package of documents:

  • Borrower's and family members' passports;
  • Confirmation of the “needy” status;
  • Proof of child benefits and birth certificates;
  • A copy of the marriage certificate;
  • Copy of education diploma;
  • Application form.

After submitting all documents to the GZF and a positive decision by the City Housing Commission in relation to the borrower, the citizen has to wait for the appearance of a suitable apartment. The most demanded today is the Salavat Kupere microdistrict, designed to solve the housing problem of 14 thousand families.

In addition to social mortgage, branches of large banks on the territory of Tatarstan offer to use a number of programs to improve living conditions.

Naberezhnye Chelny

In Naberezhnye Chelny, the same groups of citizens are included in the list of possible borrowers under the social mortgage program. The main condition for obtaining the opportunity to participate in the program is documentary confirmation of the family's status as needy. The total cost per square meter of housing includes child benefits.

Residential complexes located on the outskirts of the city are more popular, since the cost per square meter is lower here than in the central districts of the city, and the ecological situation is much more comfortable. The most popular are the "Yalshek - 2" district, the construction of which is underway, and "Complex 63".

Residents of Naberezhnye Chelny also have the opportunity to take advantage of the "Building the Future" program, which allows them to purchase their own housing on favorable terms.

Partner banks

The number of banks participating in the program is limited, since not many are present in certain localities.

The program involves not only banking organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, but also partner banks operating throughout the Russian Federation:

  1. Sberbank;
  2. AK Bars;
  3. Rosbank;
  4. Kara-Altyn.

For the current period, the social mortgage agreement in Tatarstan is concluded by the borrower directly with the representative office of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. In the partner bank of the program, the borrower opens an account to which he undertakes to transfer the minimum amount every month during the billing period, which is formed from at least 11% of the cost of 1 sq. meters of housing area. GZF has the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally if the borrower fails to fulfill its payment obligations.

In addition to social mortgages, banks of the Republic offer borrowers to improve their living conditions by taking part in the "Young Family" program. The main criterion for the borrower is the age of the spouses (at least one of them must not be older than 35). This program allows you to purchase housing at a lower interest rate (on average from 7.4%) both in new buildings and in the secondary housing market.

The creation of the non-profit organization "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan" is determined by the Decree of the President of the Republic of March 30, 1995 No. 213. The main idea of ​​creating the organization is to search for and attract extra-budgetary funds for the development of housing construction in the Republic and the creation of an opportunity to purchase their own housing for citizens of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The initial task of the GZF was the implementation of a program for the resettlement of citizens of the Republic from housing that did not meet the required standards (dilapidated, emergency). In addition to the construction of residential premises, the Foundation was engaged in the construction of socially significant facilities (clinics, schools, kindergartens and other facilities). Upon completion of the program in 2004, the Foundation switched to the implementation of the program formulated in the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004, No. 69-ZRT.

The housing stock under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan creates conditions under which housing becomes more affordable for potential owners, and the construction of residential areas is beneficial for commercial developers. The balance is achieved by providing the developer with commercially successful land plots in exchange for the developer allocating 50% of the housing stock for social mortgages. The developer has the right to sell the remaining 50% at the market price, thereby receiving a financial profit.

Personal page

Upon approval of the receipt of a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the borrower can wait for proposals for suitable apartments from the Housing Fund, or can create a personal page on the GZF website. It will display the borrower's rating, which depends on the amount of the accumulated amount for the proposed housing. An important criterion is the degree of need of a particular family.

When ready-made options for apartments appear, the possibility of obtaining housing is higher for those program participants whose rating is higher. Practice has shown that getting an apartment based on a rating is faster.

The state social policy of the Russian Federation in the housing area is aimed at helping categories of the population who, for one reason or another, are unable to independently resolve the issue of acquiring personal housing. The country has developed comprehensive programs to help young, low-income and large families, military personnel, public sector workers, including at the regional level. Among these programs is the social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, which has been available to applicants since 2005.

Basic concepts

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is a special program for housing lending on special conditions, implemented under the control of the State Housing Fund (hereinafter referred to as GHF) within the Republic of Tatarstan.

Not all apartments are available for preferential loans within the project. Contracts are concluded for housing specially built under the state program and for individual real estate selected by the commission. The largest selection of "social meters" is provided in two cities: Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny. In smaller settlements, the supply is severely limited.

Conditions for granting a preferential loan:

  • rate of 7% per annum;
  • loan term up to 28.5 years;
  • one-time gratuitous issuance of funds to pay off part of the mortgage in the amount of 200 thousand rubles at the birth of a child;
  • the borrower makes an initial payment, the formation of savings.

What are the conditions for a preferential loan?

7% per annum

Gratuitous issuance of funds to pay off part of the mortgage

200 thousand rubles at the birth of a child

Credit term

up to 28.5 years

* - initial payment by the borrower

When implementing the state program, a targeted approach is used, which implies an assessment of the applicant based on his current life situation. In severe or emergency cases, mortgage registration options are possible without a down payment in an accelerated mode.

Requirements for program participants

To obtain a mortgage loan on preferential terms, the applicant must be a resident of the Republic of Tatarstan, meet one or several requirements:

  • be an employee of the public sector or an enterprise that finances the state housing program;
  • desperately need such support;
  • be a parent raising a disabled child;
  • have a housing supply of less than 18 sq. meters per family member.

An accompanying requirement for a potential participant is the presence of an official income not lower than the subsistence level established on the date of circulation, as well as initial savings.

Important! The applicant has the right to use the preferential mortgage lending program once in a lifetime, regardless of subsequent circumstances (bankruptcy, divorce).

How to register a personal page and get social credit

State aid is provided on a declarative basis. Initially, a citizen applies with an application of the established form to the regional administration. The term for consideration of the document is three days, after which a decision is made on assigning the status of needy and on the participation of a citizen in preferential social services. program.

  • participant's questionnaire;
  • identification of all family members;
  • certificates of marital status (marriage, divorce);
  • data on work experience and current employment (work book, certificates, etc.);
  • information about income (certificates from work, account statements);
  • originals of SNILS, INN;
  • data on occupied housing (area, form of ownership, etc.).

The term for consideration of a package of documents is up to one month. Next, a social mortgage lending agreement is concluded. A citizen registers a participant's personal account on the GJF portal (kooperativrt.ru). The opening process is simplified to a minimum. After clicking on the link "Getting a username and password" in the first window, you must enter your TIN and full name, date of birth and ID number, then a password will be automatically created.

The functionality of the page will become available after entering the generated password and account number in the "Personal page" item. This section allows you to track the fate of applications, the process of signing contracts, dates of registration and re-registration, etc. Mortgage borrowers will find it useful to enter into agreements, Contests and Ratings. You can make mortgage payments or register as needy, including on the uslugi.tatarstan.ru portal.

Registration of a commitment implies the beginning of the accumulation of funds and rating points. The minimum required loan payment is 11% of the cost per square meter of subsidized housing. In 2019, the price of a preferential meter is RUB 4,034.47.

The rating, formed from the available financial savings, is monitored by the applicant on his personal page. The longer the participant is in the project, the more points he has and the higher the opportunity to conclude a preferential loan agreement.

As the points accumulate, the participant can go in two ways - wait for a direct offer from the GZF for a specific housing or independently select the desired apartments and take part in the competition. The commission examines the documents of the participants in the mortgage auction and selects the one who best meets all the requirements for the future owner. In case of winning, the participant receives a preliminary protocol on the choice of an apartment.

Important! The state housing fund in each case sets the final date by which the contract must be signed and all other documents drawn up. If this does not happen, the citizen is excluded from the GZHF register.

Features of the program and its advantages

The process of granting a social mortgage is regulated by a number of legislative acts, including the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 847 of 12.10.11, No. 321 of 14.05.2013.

The advantages of a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan are obvious - residents of the republic have the opportunity to purchase inexpensive housing within an affordable timeframe, while paying feasible contributions. The offer is especially relevant for young childless couples, because in case of replenishment they receive material support.

An interesting nuance - it is allowed to pay contributions not only with money, but also with products of our own production.
However, there are also limitations. A person who has received a social mortgage does not have the right to terminate his labor activity for all reasons, except for:

  • by agreement with the employer;
  • due to the inability to perform work for health reasons;
  • upon reaching the retirement age established by law.

That is, he cannot resign from the budgetary sphere of his own free will. At the same time, it is necessary to work out after signing the contract for at least 10 years.

To obtain a mortgage, you need to have your own funds and replenish your mortgage savings account every month. The initial payment amount is very small, the minimum payment in 2019 is less than 500 rubles. However, the principle of accumulating points is simple - more money, more points, therefore, the faster accumulations are formed and the rating grows, the sooner the family will receive the desired apartment. The order in which applications are submitted is of a secondary nature.

After determining the parties and the subject of the contract, the applicant receives a preliminary protocol on the choice of housing, which indicates the location and characteristics of a particular apartment. But it's too early to rejoice - after the delivery of the document, it is important to comply with all the requirements for the borrower. Lack of monthly transfers to the savings account, replenishment of less than the recommended amount, leaving the budgetary sphere - all this can become a reason for inclusion in the list of penalties, lead to the revocation of the protocol and the deprivation of the right to buy the apartment. If the benefit persists, the participant will have to start all over again.

Federal state programs in force in 2019: and.

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