
What is a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and how to get it? Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - personal account Gzhf personal page rt

After changes were made to the procedure for distributing social mortgage housing, the number of applications to various instances of citizens demanding clarification of the provisions of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 366 of August 2, 2007 increased significantly.

For answers to these and other implementation-related questions housing programs in the Republic of Tatarstan, a "hot line" was opened by the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. Only one of the specified phones for the past since the opening " hotline"Days received more than 180 calls.

The largest number of calls (more than 90) related to the norms of the total area of ​​residential premises provided with state support established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan. Recall that housing at an established preferential price is provided based on the calculation of the area, not exceeding 20 percent established standards: for a citizen living alone - 33 sq. meters, for a family of 2 people - 42 sq. meters, for a family of 3 or more people - 18 sq. meters per person.

Residents of Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk and other cities of the republic, who hoped to solve the housing problem in the future with the help of the program, expressed their disappointment with the innovations. The reaction of the townspeople is explained by the fact that there are simply no one-room apartments that a “lonely living citizen” can count on in accordance with the new standards or two-room apartments that a family of two (for example, a mother and son) could apply for. The same is the case with three-room apartments: according to the new rules, a family with two children of different sexes does not have enough reasons to choose an apartment with three rooms. The total area of ​​any apartments that are currently being built by the State Housing Fund under the program is somewhat larger than the minimum determined by the Government for those in need of better housing conditions under the social mortgage. It was believed that the times when the projects of small-sized residential buildings have already sunk into oblivion. But there are families that have the right to additional space, for example, families that have a tuberculosis patient, or people who have a degree, etc. How will they decide housing issues in such cases, the decision is not spelled out.

In connection with the first issue, there were also such as the loss of the right to a preferential price for the purchase of housing in the event of a gap within 10 years labor relations with an organization whose work allowed the program participant to receive housing in the social mortgage system, and, consequently, a ban (albeit indirect) on the early redemption of apartments.

The second most important question (more than 50) is when the competitions for choosing apartments will begin. State housing stock I have to admit that there is indeed a certain delay in the holding of competitions. It is connected with the absence of the necessary tools for holding competitions at the moment. According to the procedure for providing citizens with housing on social mortgage, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 366, in order to participate in the competition for choosing an apartment, program participants must fill out a protocol, the form of which (as well as the form of a social mortgage agreement) must be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The third most important issue for participants in the social mortgage was the issue of acquiring housing in Kazan by non-residents. As a rule, all those who applied through the "hot line" have been living and working in Kazan for a long time, so they hoped to get housing in Kazan too, although they were registered as in need of improved living conditions in accordance with the previously established procedure - at the place of permanent registration. Living in rented housing without registration at the place of residence, such "Kazans" got a chance to acquire their own housing where they were currently most in demand. Now, each of them must prove their "exclusivity" in order to get the right to choose an apartment in Kazan according to the new rules.

Quite a lot of calls were received from employees of enterprises, for whom the requirement to make an initial contribution in the amount of 30 percent of the cost of a future apartment turned out to be an unbearable burden, whereas earlier for this category of participants in the social mortgage an initial fee amounted to at least 10 percent of the value of the apartment. It turned out that not all employees of enterprises are able to make such serious savings at the initial stage.

Concludes the rating of the most exciting issues for the population, the procedure for making changes to the accounting file. The restrictions introduced in August of this year in the distribution of housing on social mortgages are forcing a significant part of the applicants - participants in the program, to look for a way out of this situation. For many, this way out is to increase the composition of the family, which entails the procedure for making changes to the records of applicants. In such cases, the family applies to the public housing commission, where it was registered as in need of better housing conditions in the social mortgage system. Based on the submitted documents, the housing commission makes changes to the register of families and sends them to the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in in due course, the fund sends new information to an authorized organization that conducts competitions for the selection of apartments.

Tatarstan residents are also concerned about a number of other issues related to the implementation of housing programs. As it turned out, many young families still do not know that the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan is the customer of the "Providing housing for young families" program, where lists of future recipients of housing are formed, which are then transferred to the State Housing Fund. Also, many of them, who contributed only 1,000 rubles to offset their future housing, complained about the need to make a 10 percent contribution from August as an initial contribution. It turns out that they do not even know that they must (unlike the participants in the social mortgage program, to whom housing is provided in installments) immediately and in full pay for the housing received under the program.

Program participants are also interested in such questions, the answers to which, it would seem, have been known for a long time (including local self-government bodies working directly with the population). So, we recall that the right to subsidies paid in the amount of 200 thousand rubles at the birth of a child are families registered with a social mortgage before the birth of a child; price square meter housing currently being sold under the program cannot exceed 19,000 rubles per 1 sq. meter; You can become a member of the social mortgage program if the security with total area per family member is less than 18 square meters, all able-bodied family members work, have permanent registration in Tatarstan, work either in the public sector or at an enterprise transferring voluntary payments for development housing construction, or belong to the category of those in need of urgent care, the press service of the State Zhaphtia of the Republic of Tatarstan reports.

Article comments

2016-12-10 13:42:56
Hello! Can you please tell me how to get back in line?

2016-11-20 19:08:24
Good evening! When will they begin to conclude agreements on social mortgages, and the documents were handed over in November 2014??? Thank you.

2016-11-06 16:11:51
Hello, if you put 20% of the cost of the apartment, you must pay the minimum wage every month!?

2016-10-04 13:31:16
I won an apartment as an emergency worker. I signed the final protocol, but when I went to take the keys, I found out that this apartment belongs to another person. Now they are telling me to terminate the contract if there are other options to choose from. What to do?

2016-09-21 13:18:05
Good afternoon! Tell me, please, I submitted documents to the administration for a social mortgage. There was a refusal because of the small salary. In 2017, my salary will increase with the transfer to another position. Can I reapply? And until what year is the social mortgage valid?

2016-06-21 23:29:28
Hello! I have a question, in July 2014, my wife and I applied for social services. a mortgage from the organization, registration was successful within 3 months, recently we also successfully entered our daughter in the application, they said that all the documents went through well, but neither in 2015 nor in 2016, no matter what questions I asked about the priority, or the approximate timing of receipt apartments, they say that we do not have such information, everything is decided by the commission, is there really no reporting on the state of priority?

2016-06-14 16:01:49
Social mortgage is EVIL, a mockery of people, until you get low-quality housing, life will fly by. Killers of hope and dreams. GZHF - EVIL

2016-06-07 20:31:32
Hello! When will they start concluding agreements on social mortgages??? Documents were handed over in January 2013.

2016-03-10 15:51:04
Tell me, please, when will an incompetent, rude and boorish hotline employee be fired (expelled in disgrace), who has been behaving extremely impudently for more than a year, only exacerbating the answers?

2016-02-15 13:55:51
Hello! I have a question: our family received a social mortgage. After the birth of the second child, in order to use the mat.capital, we switched to the Loan Agreement. And after the birth of a third child, do we have the right to receive a subsidy in the amount of 200 thousand rubles?

With the birth of a second or subsequent child, Tatarstan’s socio-librarians will be able to take advantage of benefits Putin's program family support

The State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan will expand the social mortgage program. Program participants - young families who have had a second and subsequent child since 2018, will be able to take advantage of the "Putin" family mortgage at a discounted rate of 6%. In an exclusive interview with Realnoe Vremya, Deputy Executive Director of the Social Fund Bulat Gilmanov told Realnoe Vremya about what options for admission to the social mortgage are being developed for young families working in business, and how the “repeated social mortgage” program for mature families will work.

Social security providers will ease the burden of payments

Bulat Gilmkhanovich, next year the state program of preferential family mortgages at 6 percent per annum will start working. Does GZHF have an opportunity to lower the 7% rate?

As soon as the federal measures to subsidize family mortgages became known, we, along with banks, sent applications for federal subsidies to offset the interest rate on social mortgage agreements. In this case, we could reduce the interest rate to 6 percent per annum and below. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a license for banking the fund is not entitled to be among the recipients. Therefore, now we are working on options for establishing cooperation with banks for on-lending social mortgage agreements at 6 percent per annum. We are working on this scheme with Ak Bars Bank, Gazprombank and Promsvyazbank. These are the banks that give us the minimum bid, on their part there is an interest in cooperation. Now we are clarifying the details of the future refinancing mechanism.

At the same time, a family participating in a social mortgage can independently try to refinance a loan at Sberbank, VTB, and Absolut Bank. Social mortgage agreements meet all the criteria that are established for banks in terms of subsidies. We expect that next year the participants of the social mortgage will be able to refinance their obligations and ease the burden of payments.

True, the mortgage program at 6 percent per annum applies only to families with two or more children born between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2022. Let me remind you that it was launched in early 2018 on behalf of President Vladimir Putin and provides for the purchase of apartments only in the primary market, that is, in houses under construction.

The mortgage program at 6 percent per annum applies only to families with two or more children born between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2022. Photo by Oleg Tikhonov

Under the terms of the program, the state undertakes to pay the bank the difference in the rate between 6% and the bank's actual rate on Grace period. Now preferential mortgage at a rate of 6% is provided for a period of three to eight years, depending on the number of children born during the program. The family mortgage program is carried out within the framework of the federal project “ Financial support families at the birth of children” (included in the national project “Demography”).

- Are you not afraid of competition from federal players?

No, we do not see them as competitors. Firstly, the housing we are building is many times cheaper than the market one. Indeed, some banks have lowered mortgage rates up to 4.5-5% per annum, but it still costs customers more than our 7%. Why? Firstly, we have more favorable starting conditions. GZHF launches a mortgage with a down payment of 10%, and commercial banks- from 30% and more. Secondly, the borrower must pass solvency underwriting, which is not the case when concluding a social mortgage agreement. Third, low interest rate supplemented by life and property insurance contracts, which ends up being more expensive than a 7 percent mortgage.

The program for young families will expand

- What changes are expected by the Young Family program?

In the near future, we expect to open a social mortgage program for young families, regardless of where they work. Previously, only those who work in the public sector or at an enterprise that pays contributions to the GZHF fell into it. Together with the Ministry of Youth, we want to expand the circle of young families.

Today there is a republican program "Young Family", which, unfortunately, works within a narrow framework. At least the State ZhF provides apartments only to 50 families a year, which were able to receive federal subsidies in the amount of 30% of the cost of purchased housing through the Ministry of Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Why so few? The fact is that every year the federal funding for this program is reduced, and the participation of the republic decreases accordingly. As a result, no more than 50 families a year can improve their living conditions.

The GZHF allocates apartments per year only to 50 families who were able to receive federal subsidies in the amount of 30% of the cost of purchased housing through the Ministry of Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan. Photo by Roman Khasaev

To expand access to the program for young families, we are developing new mechanisms together with the Ministry of Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan. We held several meetings on this topic. Last week we received information that about three to four thousand young families in the republic are ready to take part in this program. Based on this, we consider what investments will be required to provide them with housing. But it is too early to talk about specific dates. So far, our initiative is at the stage of working out and has not reached the level of the government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

- Until what age, according to the criteria of the GZHF, is a family considered young? Under 30 or under 35?

For us, this question is still open. The Ministry of Youth has standards according to which a family is considered young up to 30 years old. But on a national scale, we would like to increase the threshold to 35 years inclusive. Various options are discussed until the final plank is chosen. Next year we will determine the exact age.

- How can young families prepare in advance for the start of this program?

We thought about different options their inclusion, but, most likely, the same mechanism will operate here as in the social mortgage. They will have to apply to the executive committee at the place of residence and collect the traditional package of documents for registration. The list of needy young families will be coordinated with the Ministry of Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan.

It must be said that large industrial enterprises The republics subsidize the purchase of housing for young families, paying 30% of the cost of an apartment. Thus, Tatneft annually provides access to the program for more than a thousand families, including newlyweds.

The name "Re-mortgage" implies that it applies to those who were previously its participants and fully fulfilled their obligations. Photo by Rinat Nazmetdinov

The right to a second social mortgage

How is the development of the so-called “repeated social mortgage” program going, which will allow more mature families to improve their living conditions?

Indeed, the government of the republic is developing a draft resolution to allow participants in the social mortgage program, who really have a need, to re-exercise such a right. For example, if in 2006-2007 a family of two received one-room apartment, later children were born and now all of them are cramped in this area, it is necessary to improve their living conditions. For such citizens, we will re-provide apartments as part of the social mortgage. What was previously purchased remains their property. We give them the opportunity to expand the area. I think that from January next year the program will start working and we will be able to accept applications from those who wish.

- Do they have to buy new housing from scratch?

Yes, they own the old apartment. The family will decide how to dispose of it. They can sell it to pay off obligations under a new social mortgage agreement.

- Or maybe GZHF will buy it on account of the down payment?

No, this issue has not been worked out. They will have to buy a house again. You will have to make a down payment of 10%, win an apartment and move. The rest of the conditions remain the same. That is, the interest rate is 7% per annum, the maximum installment period is up to 28.5 years.

Do I understand correctly that the repeated social mortgage will only work for those who have previously participated in it?

Of course, the very name "Re-mortgage" implies that it applies to those who used to be its participants and fully fulfilled their obligations. Today, there are people who want to improve their conditions. But the current legislation does not allow them to take part in the program again. AT this case this restriction will be lifted.

It is estimated that about a thousand families across the country will be able to exercise this right. Photo zebra-tv.ru

- And how will they advance in turn? On a general basis or on a separate list?

special conditions will not be created for them. He got up this year, if there is housing - he gets it, if not - he will have to wait until it is built in 2-3 years, he will have to wait on a par with the rest of the waiting list. Bypassing a single queue will not work.

It is known how many families intend to use the right to re-acquire housing under the social mortgage program?

According to our estimates, about a thousand families in the republic will be able to use this right. These are still very approximate figures. Time will tell how much demand this program will actually have. Prior to this, we received single appeals, but we had to refuse families.

- In what cities it will be possible to use this right?

All over the republic. The rules will be the same for everyone.

Louise Ignatieva

Today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexei Pesoshin introduced the new head of the non-profit organization "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan" (SHF RT). They became Marat Zaripov.

Recall that today the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan (UP-723 dated October 12, 2018) was signed on the appointment of Marat Rivgatovich Zaripov to the position of Executive Director of the non-profit organization "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan".

In addition, today the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan (UP-721 dated October 12, 2018) was signed on the dismissal of Abdullin Talgat Midkhatovich from the post of executive director of the non-profit organization "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan".

Aleksey Pesoshin thanked Talgat Abdullin for his work as Executive Director of the GZhF RT.

In turn, Talgat Abdullin noted that for many years the close-knit team of the State ZhRF RT has been carrying out painstaking work in terms of providing citizens with housing. He recalled that over the years more than 160,000 families have received apartments. Talgat Abdullin noted that such serious and significant programs are being implemented in the republic as the resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing, the provision of housing for citizens living in emergency houses, as well as the social mortgage program and others.

The executive director of the non-profit organization "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan" Marat Zaripov assured that the work would be continued and wished everyone success.

For reference:

In 1994 he graduated from the Kazan Agricultural Academy with a degree in economics and management in the agro-industrial complex.

Labor activity:

1989-1994 - student of the Kazan Agricultural Academy, Kazan;

1994-1994 - Economist of the Lending Department of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Meta-Impex", Kazan;

1994-1995 - service in the Armed Forces Russian Federation;

1995-1996 - Economist of the lending department of the joint-stock commercial bank "Meta-Impex", Kazan;

1997-1999 - Leading Economist, Head of Sector, Head of Section of the Department for Management of Trust Funds of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan;

1999-2000 - Deputy Director of the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan;

2000-2001 - Acting Head of the Federal Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan;

2001-2004 - Head of the Federal Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan;

2005-2012 - Head of the Department Federal Treasury for the Republic of Tatarstan;

2012-2018 - Chairman of the State Tariff Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Since October 12, 2018 - Executive Director of the non-profit organization "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan".

Academic degree, title: Honored Economist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Married, has three children.

Answers to frequently asked questions"

Conclusion of a social mortgage agreement

How long does it take to conclude a social mortgage agreement?

From the moment citizens have the right to state support improvement of living conditions under the social mortgage program, citizens within 90 days from the date of receipt of a notice of inclusion in the Register of a specialized organization are required to conclude a social mortgage agreement with non-profit organization"State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan" and make monthly payments of preliminary savings in the amount of at least 11 percent of the average market value of 1 sq. meters of the total area of ​​housing, approved federal agency on construction and housing and communal services for the IV quarter of the year preceding the year in which the program "Provision of housing for citizens in the Republic of Tatarstan" is being implemented for the next year.

Is it possible for a citizen who is not an employee of the public sector to get an apartment on the terms of a social mortgage?

Participation in the social mortgage program in addition to employees public sector exists only for employees of organizations participating in the financing of the social mortgage program, as well as for citizens recognized by local authorities in need of urgent support and approved by the decision of the Board of Trustees of the non-profit organization "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan".

In cases where the Applicant has already participated in the social mortgage program and has made a choice of housing, can he re-register under this program?

The applicant can exercise his right to improve housing conditions in the social mortgage system in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004 N 69-ЗРТ "On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan" and only once, except for the following cases:

The applicant and (or) members of his family as of October 1, 2013 were repeatedly recognized by local authorities as in need of better housing conditions in the social mortgage system;

The applicant is an employee of an organization participating in the financing of the social mortgage program.

Payments under the social mortgage program

What is the amount of the mandatory monthly payment of preliminary savings under the social mortgage program?

In accordance with clause 1.9 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 02.08.2007 No. 366, mandatory monthly payment preliminary savings is not less than 11% of the average market value of 1 sq. m. meters of total area of ​​housing, approved by the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation for the fourth quarter of the year preceding the year in which the program "Provision of housing for citizens in the Republic of Tatarstan" is being implemented for the next year.

From 01/01/2020, the calculation base for determining the amount of the mandatory payment in 2020 will change.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2019 No. No. 553 / pr “On indicators of the average market value of one square meter of total area living quarters by constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the fourth quarter of 2019, average market price 1 square meter of total housing area IV quarter 2019 in the Republic of Tatarstan - 53,024 rubles.

So with 01.01.2020 The required monthly payment is set at 5832.64 rubles.

Actual information the amount of monthly payments is also annually posted in the "News" section.

Contributed by the participants of the social mortgage program funds exceeding the established minimum size payments are spread over the number of months covered by that amount. It is important not to allow a break in making monthly payments.

We also remind you that in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 31, 2012 No. 748 “On approval of the rules for making payments at birth, as well as for the adoption (adoption) of each child by a family exercising the right to housing in accordance with the law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 27 December 2004 No. 69-ZRT “On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan” and registered as in need of state support in improving housing conditions, receiving payment at birth, as well as upon adoption (adoption) of a child in a family, does not exempt citizens registered in the social mortgage system for those in need of better housing conditions, from the obligation to make monthly payments from the moment the social mortgage agreement is concluded to the signing of documents certifying the right to move in and use the chosen apartment.

Is it obligatory to continue to make monthly payments of preliminary savings after receiving the preliminary protocol of participation and choosing a future own apartment before putting the house into operation?

According to paragraph 18 of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 190 dated April 15, 2005 “On approval of the Rules and procedure for registering those in need of improved housing conditions in the social mortgage system in the Republic of Tatarstan”, the right to be in the Register of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan remains with the Applicant until the family chooses a separate apartment, subject to the obligatory fulfillment of the terms of the contract for the implementation of monthly payments.

How is the installment payment term calculated?

The term for installment payments for an apartment under the social mortgage program is calculated in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure for determining the conditions and terms for installment payments for citizens to purchase housing under a social mortgage, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan No. Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004 N 69-ЗРТ "On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan" and improving the procedure for providing housing within the framework of republican state support.

Is it possible to make a payment in an amount greater than that stipulated by the payment schedule for the social mortgage agreement?

Participants in the social mortgage program have the right to make payments in amounts greater than the established payment schedule. With the money contributed, square meters of the future own apartment are redeemed at the price of the month in which the payment is made. The recalculation takes place automatically.

Why it is not possible to create an informer on the e-government website, it says the obligations under the contract have been fulfilled.

The electronic government accepts payments only under social mortgage agreements, if you have a loan agreement, the informer is not provided in this case.

Due to financial difficulties, is it possible for the family to switch from the terms of buying out an apartment to terms of employment?

According to paragraph 6 of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 366 dated August 2, 2007 “On further measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004 No. 69-ZRT “On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan”, EXCLUSIVELY in case of loss the breadwinner and the impossibility for this reason to redeem the dwelling in installments due to the fact that the total average monthly income of the family, minus the subsistence minimum for all family members, is less than the current monthly payment under the social mortgage agreement, the dwelling may be transferred by agreement of the parties to family members on a rental basis with the preservation of their right to further redemption in the property.

Citizens' applications received by the Fund are considered in the presence of documents confirming financial difficulties and the loss of a breadwinner.

We want to fully pay off under the social mortgage agreement. What are our actions?

All participants of the social mortgage program over 14 years old must apply to the interregional representative office of the Fund in cities and regions of the Republic of Tatarstan with the originals of the social mortgage agreement and a passport to sign the reconciliation act, pay the remaining amount and, in the absence of debt, receive Required documents prescribed by law for state registration apartments in the property.

We want to use the funds of maternity (family) capital to pay off debt under a social mortgage agreement. How can I do that?

To switch to a targeted cash loan agreement and deposit funds maternity capital You must bring originals and copies following documents: social mortgage agreement, final protocol, payment schedule, passport, birth certificate for children under 14, agreement bank account category "GZhF loans", a certificate for maternity (family) capital, an extract (certificate) on the availability of the balance of maternity (family) capital, certified with a blue seal and signed by an authorized employee of the pension fund / MFC. In this case, the validity period of the extract (certificate) is 14 calendar days.

The balance of maternity (family) capital accepted by the Fund as a partial fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement is the difference in the amount specified in state certificate per MSC (the amount can be increased by the amount of indexation) minus the amount of lump-sum payments.

According to clause 3.1.5 of the target money loan agreement, within 120 calendar days from the date of crediting the loan amount, the citizen is obliged to send the funds of the MSC as part of the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement.

After the conclusion of the target cash loan agreement, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of payment of the share and formalize the ownership of the apartment with an encumbrance in favor of the Fund by submitting to the Fund an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the existence of an encumbrance. It is also necessary to obtain a certificate of debt under the loan agreement from the interregional representative office. Based on these documents, the Department Pension Fund The Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan transfers maternity (family) capital to pay off debt under a targeted cash loan agreement.

Please note that a loan agreement is not concluded if there is an overdue debt under a social mortgage agreement.

How to pay the debt after the Fund has filed a claim for debt collection?

In the event that citizens pay the existing debt after the Fund submits statement of claim to the court, then the parties to the agreement must write to the Fund an application with a request to set off the received funds to compensate for the debt, interest and state duty with the respective amounts.

On the personal page there is a message that the GZhF Loans account opened with Ak Bars Bank PJSC has been seized. What to do?

There are 3 statuses of the GZHF Loans account: open, closed and arrest. Only a citizen who has received a notification in the MCI of the Fund can open and close an account.

The arrest of the account means that the account "GZhF Loans" has been arrested bailiffs. In this case, citizens need to contact the bailiffs at the place of registration. After the removal of the arrest by bailiffs, a supporting document must be submitted to Ak Bars Bank PJSC to change the status of the account.

What caused the change in the cost of selling 1 sq.m. by the time you receive the final protocol of participation in the selection and transfer of your future own apartment?

The preliminary protocol of participation and selection of a future own apartment sets the estimated cost of 1 sq.m. sale of housing. The final cost of implementation is determined after the commissioning of a residential building and obtaining permission to put the facility into operation, taking into account investment value construction of a residential building by the time of completion of all construction works and the date of official settlement of this residential building.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Procedure for determining the conditions and terms of installment payments of citizens for the purchase of housing on a social mortgage, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 2, 2007 No. 366 “On further measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004 No. 69- LoRT "On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan" and improving the procedure for providing housing within the framework of state support "initial cost of 1 sq. meters of purchased residential premises - the cost, determined taking into account the costs incurred in financing the construction, capitalization of the land and the state of the real estate market.

Selection of premises under the social mortgage program, confirmation of the right to state support in improving housing conditions under the social mortgage program (re-registration)

Is it possible to participate in the selection of residential premises under the social mortgage program in Kazan, if the applicant was registered in another region of the republic?

Public sector employees have the right to choose residential premises only in the area where they are registered as those in need of improved housing conditions under the social mortgage program.

Employees of enterprises making payments for the development of housing construction, in the presence of an unused quota and upon the provision of their managers when forming the investment program of the Fund for the current year, can choose residential premises in any city or region of the Republic of Tajikistan where there is an enterprise quota.

In what cases does the standard for providing housing change when the composition of the family changes?

The standard for the total area of ​​residential premises provided with state support is established by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 2, 2007 No. 366 “On further measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004 No. 69-ZRT “On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan”. At the same time, a change in the standard for providing housing with a change in the size of the family occurs before summarizing the choice of a future own apartment.

Why are social mortgage participants, having a down payment, unable to participate in the current competition on points, but must wait a three-year period?

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Decree No. 366 of August 2, 2007 “On further measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan of December 27, 2004 N 69-ZRT “On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan” and improve the procedure for providing housing in within the framework of the republican state support" in case of insufficiency in the municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan land plots secured engineering networks for the construction of residential buildings, the ratio of the total number of apartments according to the budget quota for the selection of apartments by competition and in order of priority is redistributed in favor of citizens who have a three-year calendar waiting period that has come or expired this year.

When are the competition results announced?

The results of the competitions are summed up by the Fund exclusively for residential properties with a high degree of readiness (ready for commissioning) on ​​the basis of the accumulated points, which are reflected on the Fund's website in the "Ratings" section.

Why did we lose the priority right to choose in the order of priority and we were transferred to quota 5.8 “Targeted budgetary, who lost the priority right to choose an apartment in the order of priority”?

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 2, 2007 No. 366 “On further measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004 No. 69-ZRT “On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan”, citizens who have had or the three-year waiting period has expired, those who did not participate in the selection of apartments and (or) did not select residential premises in the presence of vacant apartments, lose the right of priority choice in the order of priority. In the future, the choice of apartments is carried out in the order of participation in the competition within the budget quota on a general basis.

How long does it take for public sector employees who have entered into a social mortgage agreement to re-register?

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 2, 2007 No. 366 “On further measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004 No. 69-ZRT “On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan”, citizens registered as needy in improving housing conditions under the social mortgage program in local governments, are obliged in the calendar year in which the choice of housing is carried out, and before signing the protocol for choosing an apartment, to undergo re-registration at the place of registration in order to confirm the right to state support in improving housing conditions for social mortgage program.

Re-registration is carried out in the same manner as registration of those in need of better housing conditions under the social mortgage program.

Personal Area

How to enter your personal account on the site?

In order to enter Personal Area, You will need your account number and the password specified in your contract. When you enter your personal account, enter your account number (with hyphens) in the "account number" field, enter the password in capital Latin letters.

For some programs, a preliminary receipt of a login and password is provided. For this site website you need to go to the "getting a login and password" section.

How to fill out an electronic application for the competition for drawing apartments?

To add an apartment to the electronic application, you need to follow a few steps:

  1. Go to the applicant's personal page using the data specified in your social mortgage agreement.
  2. Follow the link "add apartments" in the left context menu
  3. Select the order you need in the "order" field, click "update".
  4. Select the house you are interested in in the "object" field, and then click "update". A list of apartments will appear.
  5. In the opened window, add the apartments you are interested in to the application by clicking on the link "to the application"
  6. After you have added all required apartments, you need to go to the "applications" menu and prioritize all the apartments that are present in the applications.
    There cannot be two identical priorities in one application, in addition, the priority cannot be equal to zero.
    Apartments with incorrect priorities are marked red in the application. An apartment with an incorrect priority cannot be won.
  7. After all priorities are set, you must click on the "save changes" button. In order to avoid errors related to the quality of communication channels, it is recommended to save the prioritized in batches of 10-20 pieces.
  8. After all the operations performed, the application will be accepted for the competition.

Obtaining certificates, including certificates of payment of a share, registration of an apartment in ownership

Is it possible to issue a certificate of payment of a share for one of the participants in the social mortgage agreement?

A certificate of full payment of the share is issued for all family members included in the social mortgage agreement.

What is the procedure for registering an apartment received under the social mortgage program as a property after paying off its cost?

1) It is necessary to issue in the BTI authorities technical certificate and a plan for a dwelling, as well as obtain a cadastral passport at the cadastral chamber.

2) Apply to the inter-regional representative office of the Fund in the field to obtain the final act of reconciliation and a certificate of full payment of the share.

3) After receiving a certificate of full payment of the share, apply to the territorial department of the Rosreestr Office for the Republic of Tatarstan to register the ownership of the dwelling.

What to do if, when submitting documents for registration of ownership, it turns out that the apartment is not put on the cadastral register?

In case of refusal (suspension) of the Department of Rosreestr for the Republic of Tatarstan in accepting documents for registering ownership of an apartment located in a house put into operation before 01/01/2017, due to the lack of an apartment on the cadastral register, we inform you that, in accordance with Art. fourteen federal law from 13.07.2015 No. 218-FZ "On state registration of real estate" cadastral registration is carried out simultaneously with the registration of ownership of the property. To register the right of ownership with the simultaneous registration of the apartment for cadastral registration, you need to order the manufacture technical plan apartment and submit it as part of a package of documents to the registration authority.

How to get certified copies of lost documents?

Issuance of certified copies of documents is carried out on the basis of a written request of the Applicant or a person authorized by the Applicant on the basis of a power of attorney duly executed in writing in accordance with applicable law. The application can be submitted in person or sent by mail to the Executive Director of the Non-Commercial Organization "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan", as well as through the interregional representative offices of the Fund.

The application must be accompanied by a copy of the receipt of payment for services in the amount of 100 rubles for each type of document according to the details, indicating in the column the purpose of the payment "for the reissuance of documents".

TIN 1655065113 KPP 165501001
Recipient: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan (NO "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan") LV007540001-GZHF
Account 40603810700023000014
In PJSC "Ak Bars" Bank Kazan
BIC 049205805
C/C 30101810000000000805

Registration in an apartment received under the social mortgage program

The basis for registration at the place of residence of a citizen in an apartment received under the social mortgage program.

The basis for registration at the place of residence of a citizen in an apartment received under the social mortgage program is the protocol of participation, selection and transfer of the citizen’s future own apartment to the social mortgage agreement, which gives the citizen the right to move in, register (register) and use the selected apartment on the terms of the concluded agreement social mortgage and current legislation.

Is it possible to register a relative who is not a party to the agreement in an apartment received under the social mortgage program?

Only the parties to the agreement and family members have the right to register in an apartment received under a social mortgage.

The right to register other citizens applies only to parents, children and officially registered spouses with the written consent of the Foundation. Registration is issued for a limited period in the absence of payment debts, according to the schedule.

Purpose loan agreement

Is early repayment possible under a targeted cash loan agreement?

The terms of the target money loan agreement allow early full or partial fulfillment of obligations by the borrower. Information on the balance of the current debt under the loan agreement is posted on the personal page of the applicant.

In order to determine the balance of the debt on a specific date, the applicant must personally contact the interregional representative office of the Fund. According to the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, the above information is not provided by telephone.

If funds are deposited in a larger amount than indicated in the repayment schedule for the target cash loan agreement, will the repayment schedule be revised?

Recalculation of the schedule takes place on the day of receipt Money automatically. In order to receive a new payment schedule under a targeted cash loan agreement, a participant in the agreement must contact the interregional representative office of the Fund or recalculate his schedule on his personal page.

How is interest calculated on a loan?

Interest is charged on the repaid amount, taking into account the terms of the loan.

We transferred funds from maternity (family) capital to the target money loan agreement, why were interest deducted from these funds?

Interest is accrued and withheld on the amount of the actual payment, taking into account the actual days of use money loan(according to the terms of the loan agreement).

According to subparagraph 6, paragraph 1, article 10 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”, funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital can be used to repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans or loans for the purchase (construction) of residential premises, including mortgage loans provided to citizens by loan agreement(loan agreement) concluded with the organization.

Thus, all incoming payments (including maternity (family) capital) are used to repay the principal amount of the debt under the loan agreement and interest on it.

How to get a reconciliation act under a targeted cash loan agreement?

The reconciliation act is issued by the interregional representative office of the Fund on the ground on the basis of a written application by the applicant or a person authorized by the applicant on the basis of a duly executed power of attorney.

Compensation at the birth of a child

Who is entitled to compensation for the birth of a child in the amount of 200 thousand rubles and what is the procedure for receiving it?

In accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 2, 2007 No. 366 “On further measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated December 27, 2004 No. 69-ZRT “On state support for the development of housing construction in the Republic of Tatarstan” if after adoption on a family has a child, it becomes entitled to state support directed to pay the cost of housing in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, but not more than the cost of the unpaid part of the housing or the balance of the unpaid principal and interest under a targeted cash loan agreement, concluded with a specialized organization (Non-profit organization "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan"), at the time of the birth of the child.

The specified right is recognized as deferred and is exercised after the family is entered into the Register of a specialized organization. When the family realizes this right, the child has the right to common fractional ownership for the acquired residential premises after full payment of its cost or full return of the amount of the principal debt and interest under a targeted cash loan agreement concluded with a specialized organization.

In order to receive compensation for the birth, adoption / adoption of a child, a citizen - the Applicant applies to the local authorities at the place of registration or the public housing commission at the place of work (if any) with an application for inclusion in the registration file of a newly born child.

The Public Housing Commission with a cover letter addressed to the executive director of the NGO "State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan" provides documents for making changes to the record file for the inclusion of a child.

After reflecting on the personal page a notification about the need to conclude an additional agreement to the social mortgage / targeted cash loan agreement, the Applicant and members of his family apply to the interregional representative office of the Fund.

Provision of housing for veterans of the Great Patriotic War

What is the procedure for inheriting a partially redeemed apartment by a veteran of the Great Patriotic War who has improved housing conditions under the social mortgage program?

1) it is necessary to apply to a notary public to draw up a certificate of the right to inheritance;

2) with a certificate of the right to inheritance, apply to the local government to include the heirs in the accounting file and register of the Fund;

3) after activation in the register, the heirs need to apply with an identity document and TIN to the inter-regional representative office of the Fund to receive a protocol of participation, selection and transfer of the citizen’s future own apartment in the name of the heirs.

Changes for citizens who are in the accounting business. Exclusion from the social mortgage agreement

What to do if there have been any changes in the citizens who are in the registration file (personal data, family composition, registration address, etc.) and where to contact in this case?

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated April 15, 2005 No. 190 “On approval of the Rules and procedure for registering those in need of improved housing conditions in the social mortgage system in the Republic of Tatarstan”, in the event of changes indicated during registration of information, citizens are obliged within a month, inform the public housing commission about them in writing at the place of registration.

Is it possible to exclude one of the parties to the social mortgage agreement after choosing an apartment?

Exclusion from the social mortgage agreement is carried out only in the event of the death of the party to the agreement, if there is a document of the certificate of the right to inheritance and the inclusion of all heirs in the accounting file.

Is it possible, upon dissolution of a marriage, to make changes to the accounting file and the social mortgage agreement and exclude the former spouse from the agreement?

1. The exclusion of the former spouse (s) after choosing an apartment from the accounting file and the social mortgage agreement and / or the targeted cash loan agreement is not possible.

Divorce, failure to make payments and non-residence in the provided housing of the former spouse (s) is not a basis for changing the social mortgage agreement and / or the targeted cash loan agreement by excluding him from the list of participants, since they are joint and several debtors to the Fund for monetary obligations .

2. The issue of exclusion of the former spouse (s) before choosing an apartment from the accounting file and the social mortgage agreement is being considered housing commission at the place of registration.

rental housing

How can I get rental housing?

After registration with the Executive Committee or on the website http://arenda.gilfondrt.ru/ you need to go through the following procedures:

Register on the website kooperativrt.ru (tab for obtaining a login and password), log in to your personal page, accept the terms of the offer agreement, according to which you must pay the amount of the deposit and rent, select a dwelling. After summing up and receiving a message of consent, conclude a lease agreement with a representative in the Interregional Representative Office of the Fund, with the receipt of keys to the premises and the conclusion of contracts for the provision of housing and communal services with authorized organizations.

The approved forms of documents under the Rental Housing Program are posted on the Fund's website at the link site/private/arendadocs.php.

How to terminate the concluded contract of employment in the absence of the need for housing?

Citizens who have decided to refuse to participate in the program and terminate the rental contract for housing, submit an application in the prescribed form to the interregional representative office in the district.

In the event that the selected residential premises were transferred and a lease agreement was concluded, the following documents are attached to the application:
- an agreement to terminate the contract for the rental of residential premises;
- the act of delivery and acceptance of residential premises;
- act of acceptance movable property located in a residential area;
- an act of reconciliation of the received funds between the party to the agreement and the Fund;
- a certificate of the absence of debt on housing and communal payments from network and operating organizations as of the date of application (is mandatory in the event of a return of funds to a citizen);
- an extract from the house book to confirm the absence of registered persons.

Management of a house built under the social mortgage program

Is it possible to change the management company or create an HOA in houses built under the social mortgage program?

According to paragraph 4. Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the decision on the choice of the method of managing an apartment building is within the competence of the general meeting of owners of the premises of an apartment building.

In order to make a decision on this issue, the owners of the premises of the above residential building must initiate a meeting of homeowners, including on the agenda the issue of choosing a way to manage the apartment building.

Citizens who have received a certificate of full payment of a share under a social mortgage agreement can take part in a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building and vote on agenda items.

The Fund takes part in the general meeting of homeowners for unredeemed apartments.

According to part 4 of Art. 4 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner, another person specified in this Code, on whose initiative a general meeting of owners of premises is convened in apartment building, are obliged to inform the owners of the premises in this house about the holding of such a meeting no later than ten days before the date of its holding.

The protocol and decision of the extraordinary general meeting of the owners of the premises of the house must be sent to the Fund no later than 5 (five) days from the date of the meeting.

Additionally, we inform you, in order to comply with the legality of the general meetings owners of premises, we recommend to be guided by Art. 36-48 Housing Code Russian Federation.

Re-planning of residential premises received under the social mortgage program

Do citizens who have received housing under the social mortgage program have the right to redevelop their living quarters?

The implementation of the reconstruction and redevelopment of a dwelling received under the social mortgage program is possible only after paying the cost of the apartment and registering it as a property, in the case of paying for the apartment at the expense of a targeted cash loan - after the removal of the encumbrance.

It will take an average Tatarstan family of two adults and a child 6.9 years to save up for an apartment of 60 square meters. At the same time, it is necessary to receive an average salary for the region, to survive exclusively on living wage, and the rest to swell into housing. According to this indicator, Tatarstan ranks 67th out of 84 regions of Russia, follows from the data of the RIA "Rating" agency.

No wonder that for many residents of the republic, the way out (if not the only opportunity) to acquire their own apartment is a mortgage. But then the banks found a "gold mine" - to overpay for commercial credit housing can be 10-20%, or even more. For those segments of the population who cannot afford such conditions, a social mortgage has been created in Tatarstan - a lending option with more benign conditions.

In 2019, the investment program of the State Housing Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan provides for the construction of 165 houses in the republic for 7.8 thousand apartments with a total area of ​​438.3 thousand square meters. meters.

In Chelny, under the social mortgage program, houses are being built in the 63rd microdistrict. According to the development sketch, it is planned to build 17 houses for 3.5 thousand apartments here. Now three houses for 722 apartments have been put into operation, two more are being prepared for settlement - 63/12 and 63/01.

At the almost finished house 63/12 journalists were met by the Deputy Executive Director of the State Zhaphka Tatarstan Vladimir Nikiforoin and CEO"Domkora" Munir Gaynullov. Because of the frost, the speakers wanted to cover only a few issues regarding plans for future construction, and continue the conversation in one of the apartments being prepared for delivery. But journalists crowded in, so most of the planned press conference took place on the street.

Favorable situation on social mortgage in Tatarstan. The plan is being implemented, 430 thousand square meters. meters of housing will be handed over this year. I will say more, new programs are being developed now - “Young Family”, a repeated social mortgage. We will continue construction, we will not slow down the pace. Everything goes on as usual, - said Nikiforov.

Gainullov said that this year Domkor appealed to the State Housing Fund with a request to increase the cost per square meter of social mortgage housing.

We were laid out to the screw, to the screw, it took a long time to prove the price, the cost of components. Everything has been rechecked. We set a price limit of 35,000 rubles,” he said.

Apartments for sale in the 63rd microdistrict (those that will be handed over in 2020) will be at a new price - 36.7 thousand rubles per "square".

What happened in the market? Per last year the price increased by 15-17%. This year will be about the same. According to our forecasts, the range for the two-year increase in the price of commercial housing will be from 28 to 35%. And the price of the social mortgage has not changed. The social orientation of the project is important. Today the price per square meter for commercial housing is 55 thousand rubles. According to the social mortgage, it’s still very good price. Almost 20 thousand rubles difference, - said the developer.

Prices will rise, may upset you. But they will still be significantly lower than the market ones. You understand that energy resources are getting more expensive, building materials are getting more expensive, people also need to increase their wages, - the representative of the GZHF picked him up.

The journalists did not bypass the problematic issues. Residents of the social mortgage house 63/13, commissioned at the end of 2018, complained that practically. According to KazanFirst, the reason was the “sharing” of heating networks (which GZHF built at its own expense in the microdistrict) between the State Housing Fund and Tatenergo. Given the novelty of the networks, the depreciation returned through the tariff can be quite significant. Therefore, the State Housing Fund even during the leadership Talgat Abdullina began to collect networks in one company - RSK.

Citizens, of course, are concerned about the other side of the issue - is it possible that such situations will be repeated in all social mortgage houses.

This situation will not happen again. This issue was related to technical design, documentation and heating networks. The contractor did not have time to complete the documentation, hand it over to Rostekhnadzor, and submit certain certificates. Therefore, the heating networks did not give a command to turn on. A large amount of network construction was completed in a short time, - Nikiforov answered briefly.

Another hot question- "Deceived equity holders". They have no direct connection with the social mortgage, but Domkor, which was completing the construction of one of the “frozen” facilities, proposed a scheme in which the townspeople left without apartments will receive housing in one of the company’s new houses. Almost a year has passed since then, Chelny residents are worried - have they been deceived yet again?

We are working on all this. We have been holding apartments for them for more than a year. The procedure that was, assumed completion. This time, having agreed with the Cabinet of Ministers, we took a slightly different path. Road map completed, the process will take a few more months. Everything is ready for us, the only thing - documenting: the procedure for the transfer of finished housing, the procedure for distribution. All lists approved, all approved, determined land plot given to us by this program. Unfortunately, we are pioneers in this option, when ready-made housing is transferred immediately, and not completed, - Gainullov explained.

The speaker also promised that equity holders would have to wait at least a few more months for the housewarming: the apartments are ready, guarded and heated, but a little more time is needed to resolve “procedural issues”.

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