
Series of panel houses IP 46C drawings. Redevelopment of one-room apartments

A series of P-46 panel houses is designed on the basis of the P-46M series received a number of quality advantages. Installing IP-46S is characterized by more panel houses with a huge number of tenants. In such buildings, the original planning solution Apartments: All houses are single-row or have swivel sections, which makes them similar to the designer.

Series: IP-46S.

House type: panel

Manufacturer: The IP-46S series is produced at the plants of Betiar-22 (Moscow) and CJSC Stroyindustry (Odintsovo).

Year of construction: IP-46S.

Number of floors: 10 - 16. The most popular option is 14 or 16

Number of rooms in the apartments: 1,2,3,4 bedroom

Residential height: 2.65 M.

Number of apartments on the floor: 3,4

Number of sections (entrances): 2 or more

Elevators: 2 elevators - passenger elevator with a loading capacity of 400 kg and cargo-passenger capacity of 630 kg

Stairs: ordinary, without a common balcony

Ventilation: Ventilation Natural exhaust through ventilation blocks in the bathroom and corridor.

Garbage: Garbage chute on each floor.

Loggia: All apartments provide spacious glazed loggias at kitchens, half-levels from two windows in all apartments

Type of kitchen plate: Electric

Bathrooms: Separate, baths: standard, length 170 cm in three-bedroom apartments Two bathrooms

Exterior walls: Ceramzit concrete panels with increased noise insulation with a thickness of 340 mm;

Carriers: Internal bearing walls reinforced concrete panels 140mm thick and 180mm thick

Wall material: panel

Interior walls: reinforced concrete plates with a thickness of 140 and 180 mm,

Partitions: Interior partitions with a thickness of 80 mm

Overlap: overlap- reinforced concrete plates with a thickness of 140 mm,

All apartments, including one-room, have a semi-erker in a large room, which gives the room a spacious look. Loggias are adjacent to kitchens, which, depending on project solution A specific house can be glazed in the construction process. Residential premises in two- and three-room apartments are located on different sides Sveta. In the windows of double-glazed windows in environmentally friendly wooden frames. The spacious entrance hall is complemented by a dark room. Each residential entrance has a concierge room; Places common use Completed with modern materials in accordance with the project. The outer walls are painted with resistant paints. Increased heat and sound insulation. Sliding double-glazed windows, calorior-type radiators with thermostat. Dark rooms in all apartments.

Planning apartments in the houses of the IP-46S series, which began to be built since 2001 and are being built in many cities to date, convenient and relatively modern. But there are some drawbacks to pay attention to, thinking on the design and furnishing of the premises. For example, the kitchen IP 46-C, of \u200b\u200bcourse, has a large area compared to "Czechms", but the location of the balcony doors is not well thought out.

Consider in more detail how you can arrange and furnish the kitchen room in the homes of this series. Design options Kitchens can be viewed on video and photos - materials posted on our website. This will help determine the design of the kitchen design.

The large minus of the apartments of this series of houses is the presence of a dark storeroom room, which many owners of housing want to turn into a useful living area. After all, you see, the storage room can be done on the antleesoles under the ceiling. And useful extra meters will never interfere.

Unfortunately, the instructions for redevelopment of buildings and structures gives very few opportunities for redeveloping housing. Therefore, it is quite difficult to carve several extra meters. But if desired, almost everything is possible. In addition, if the apartment is not planned to sell, then permission to take in BTI is optional.

Important. When redeveloping an apartment and demolition of partitions between rooms with their own hands, be sure to install supporting columns or arches.
This is necessary for the correct distribution of the load of overlaps on the bearing walls of the building.

Redevelopment of one-room apartments

Most often to redevelopment and increasing area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, it is in one-room apartments of this houses typical series.

What is the price of a question, as well as, what options for increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen offer designers:

  • The insulation of the loggia and an increase in the useful area at the expense of the organization of the dining area on additional square meters of the balcony.
    This is the most inexpensive version of redevelopment and increasing the kitchen area to twelve square meters, which can be performed with your own hands;
  • Combining room and kitchen by demolishing partition or device of a system of elegant arches. It's easier to say the arrangement of the studio apartment popular today;

  • Kitchen IP 46s has a MEEM METHION and a half squares, and the door to the loggia is located in such a way that there is almost nothing to be installed behind it - it turns out an empty "blind" zone for design and furnishing.
    The optimal option is to rearrange the balcony doors so that they open out. This is possible when installing metal-plastic bags on the loggia and balcony.

Important. Getting Started to dismantle the walls in the apartment, it is necessary to obtain permission of a design organization, as required by the instruction.

Redevelopment of a two-room apartment

Since the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen room is almost twelve square meters, then increase it, there is no particular need. But again the question arises how to use a narrow space behind the balcony door. The kitchen P 46-C in a two-room can also be re-rewritten by combining the loggia and kitchen room.

Design options for such redevelopment can be extremely varied:

  • Roman style interior implies the placement of narrow elegant columns or arches between the dining and the working area, decorated with picturesque porridges with decorative plants;

  • Since such redevelopment and insulation of the balcony can be performed with their own hands, then the spectacular arch, highlighted in the modern style of High-tech, will perfectly complement the decor;
  • Also uniting the kitchen and loggia will allow you to place an angular kitchen set most rationally and free the place for the comfortable dining area in the classic style.

Council. To combine the kitchen area with a residential apartment in a two-room apartment is not advisable, as the kitchen area is quite large.

The most popular design options for kitchens

In modern, the tendency of minimalism and the functionality of the interior is increasingly visible. The rapid pace of life dictates changes in the design of housing.

Long lush luxury luxury luxury, yielding the place of thoughtfulness and expediency. As can be seen in the photo, the interiors are radically transformed, and science fiction gradually becomes reality.

Wise, calm contemplation of Japanese style

Registration in the spirit of the rising sun is characterized by the application in the interior decor natural finishing materials and the use of a calm harmonious color palette. Kitchen IP - 46C both in one-room and in a two-room apartment, decorated in oriental style is spacious and exquisite.

Special attention It is worth paying the ceiling and partitions between the working and dining areas. Wooden inlays on the ceiling, combined in color and texture with partitions look spectacular and stylish. In addition, the traditional Japanese Iquiban or bonsai tree can be placed on such a shelf.

Important. Furniture for the interior in Japanese style is characterized by a laconic geometry. One bright color accent is allowed in the decor, as can be seen in the photo.

Modern interiors

The modern styles of the interior decor make it possible to show a fantasy in the design, besides, many decor elements can be performed with their own hands. On our site are interesting video materials on the progressive design of premises that will help choose the desired direction in the decor.

Modern style involves spectacular unusual illumination of functional zones and application in the decor metal inlays. For example, New Vave can combine several modern directions - curved unexpected furniture lines are harmoniously combined with chrome-plated lamps and bright backlight, as can be seen in the photo.

Universal Country

The most democratic style of the interior, which can be created with your own hands without special financial costs. Bright textiles and wicker furniture in the dining area create comfort and warmth of a homely hearth.

A accessories that emphasize the identity and originality of the interior can be chosen to infinity. Limit their choice can only fantasy hostess at home.


It is safe to say that the kitchen P 46-C design does not differ from other planning of apartments. Is that re-pleaseing to make a little simpler, due to the presence of a loggia and a large hallway.

Panel 12-, 14-, 16-storey residential buildings with 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-room apartments.

Series of panel houses IP-46 C Designed on the basis of the series P-46m.having received a number of quality advantages.

  • The height of the ceilings is 2.9 m.
  • Walls: outer walls - ceramzite-concrete panels with increased noise insulation with a thickness of 340 mm; Internal - reinforced concrete plates with a thickness of 140 and 180 mm., Overlapping-reinforced concrete plates with a thickness of 140 mm, interior partitions with a thickness of 80 mm.
  • 2 elevators - passenger elevator with a carrying capacity of 400 kg and cargo-passenger with a carrying capacity of 630 kg.
  • All apartments, including one-room, have a semi-erker in a large room, which gives the room a spacious look. Loggias are adjacent to kitchens, which, depending on the design solution of a particular house, can be glazed during the construction process. Residential premises in two and three-bedroom apartments are located on different sides of the world. In the windows of double-glazed windows in environmentally friendly wooden frames. The spacious entrance hall is complemented by a dark room.
  • Heating is central.
  • Ventilation Natural exhaust through ventilation blocks in the bathroom and corridor.
  • Hot and cold water from the city network.
  • Garbage chute on each floor.
  • Technically for the placement of engineering communications.
  • Each residential entrance has a concierge room; garbage chute; Equipped with two passenger and cargo-passenger elevators. Public sites are separated by modern materials in accordance with the project. The outer walls are painted with resistant paints.
  • Developer-su-155.

The IP-46S series is produced at the plants of Betiar-22 (Moscow) and CJSC Stroyindustry (Odintsovo).

We greet you! On this page there is a detailed material about the houses of the IP-46S series and loggias in particular. We will discuss the issues of the insulation of loggias, consider the most popular and demanded insulation. Special attention is paid to glazing: we will look at the features of sliding and swinging windows, we will analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, the features of the outer and interior decoration, the most popular and demanded finishing materials will be considered. Photos collected in galleries will allow you to familiarize yourself with examples of work performed by our masters. Videos will be familiar with the peculiarities of our technology and customer feedback.

Advantages and features of the warm glazing of Loggia IP-46S

The windows of PVC profile provide LOGGIA IP-46S high-quality thermal insulation. The most common window profile of the CBB is the standard 58 (the most affordable option) and Kve Energy 70 (optimal combination of price and quality). No less common window profile Rehau Blitz 60.

Warm glazing has a number of advantages: it is high-quality thermal insulation, the possibility of choosing a window profile and double-glazed windows, high-quality sound insulation. Features of glazing from PVC profile: increased weight (in comparison with sliding windows), higher cost (the price depends on the type of window profile and double-glazed windows).

In the photos, you can see examples of the glazing of the loggia of IP-46C with warm windows.

This video demonstrates glazing the balcony IP-46S from the floor to the ceiling. At the request of the customer, a warm PVC profile is used.

Video glazing balcony IP-46S plastic floor-to-ceiling windows

Sliding glazing - Overview of the identities of the LOGGIA IP-46S

Sliding windows are a relevant solution for unheated and non-residential loggias IP-46S. Advantages of sliding glazing: low weight, attractive price, good protection against wind and atmospheric precipitation. Features of the window profile of aluminum: aluminum is a metal, and therefore at low temperatures of the windows of the windows can freeze. In winter, problems with opening windows for ventilation are possible.

The SLIDORS windows from the plastic profile are deprived of this shortage. Differences of plastic sliding windows: a large mass, increased value. In the photo gallery, examples of the glazing of loggias IP-46S and Erkers sliding windows Krauss, Provedal and Slidors are collected.

This video demonstrates an example of glazing Loggia IP-46S sliding aluminum windows of the craws. Since the loggia is not used as a residential room, it turned out to be quite cold glazing. At the request of the customer, the repair of a turnkey loggia was also performed.

Video glazing videos IP-46S sliding aluminum windows of Krauss turnkey

Popular Materials for Warming Loggia

The loggia in the house of the IP-46S series can be used to increase the living space. This requires high quality heat and waterproofing.

One of the best insulation is Pleeping. It is a sheet of orange color with a thickness of 30 to 50mm. The advantages of the fasteners: low weight, good thermal insulation indicators, affordable price.

Polyurethane foam is no less common. This is a lightweight material with good thermal insulation indicators.

The cheapest insulation is the foam. This insulation is produced in sheets of various thickness. Thickness is selected by the master individually and depends on the characteristics of the loggia. The main lack of foam is fragility. When working with it, caution should be taken.

In the photo you can see examples of loggia insulation of the above insulation. The video demonstrates the features of insulation technology.

Materials for the interior decoration of loggias IP-46S

Interior decoration transforms the loggia of IP-46S: the unclean room turns into a warm and well-groomed room. A large number of finishing materials are represented on the market: in this block we will look at the most popular and popular finishes options. Please note: the type of finish depends on the glazing mounted on the loggia.

If the loggia is glazed by sliding windows, finishing materials should be resistant to high humidity and temperature drops. The PVC profile windows provide high-quality heat and waterproofing, and therefore you can use any type of finish.

The most popular material for interior decoration is plastic panels. Advantages of plastic panels: Attractive price, a large selection of colors, practicality (panels do not need special care), durability.

Another popular finishing material is wooden lining. For the manufacture of lining, wood applies various quality. The quality of the lining (and, accordingly, its price) depends on the class. Eurovantia Most high quality and expensive, more accessible option - class A, B and C.

MDF panels are used for the interior decoration of the loggias. This is a cheap finishing material with a small mass. The drawing of the panels is selected individually: most often it imitates more expensive types of finishes.

For decoration of Logii IP-46s, you can use a stone. Most often apply decorative (artificial) stone. It is easier and affordable.

In the presented photos, you can see examples of the internal finishing of loggias with various materials.

An example of the interior of the IP-46 Loggia with an internal turnkey trim. The customer wished that practical and inexpensive material - plastic panels be used for internal work.

Interior decoration of loggia IP-46S turnkey

Combining Loggia IP-46C with room and kitchen

The usual IP-46S loggia can be turned into residential premises. The most popular option is to combine the loggia with a room and a kitchen.

The advantages of alignment are obvious: living area increases, additional opportunities are opening up for redevelopment of the apartment. A vivid example of such redevelopment is to improve the working office on a combined loggia, a recreation area, a winter garden or a game room.

Please note: Combining the IP-46 Loggy with a room or kitchen is performed without disassembling the carrying structures. You do not need a resolution of BTI. The wizards dismantle only the balcony block. In the photos you can see examples of alignment and original design projects.

Examples of alignment of loggia with a turnkey kitchen

Built-in furniture on Logs IP-46S

For storage of things in the apartment does not always have enough space. You can solve this problem at the expense of the loggia of IP-46S. For storage of things on the loggia, furniture compact sizes built into the side walls. Most often - these are small stands and double cabinets with different contents.

Filling furniture depends on the wishes of the customer: for small things you need more shelves, for dimensional items - more spacious departments. The price of furniture can fluctuate in large limits: it depends on the type and amount of materials spent, finishing quality. The most accessible cabinets from chipboard, more expensive - wood products.

How to reduce the cost of furniture? To do this, you can remove the rear or side walls. Similar changes do not reduce the strength of the cabinet or the couch and do not affect the service life, and the price is reduced. If the loggia serves as a working office, computer tables and functional hinged cabinets are installed. For the dining room equipped with a dining room, a kitchen table and a set of chairs will be required.

The photos present examples of furniture for loggias IP-46S. A video demonstrates a variety of furniture made for balconies and loggias to order.

Video with examples of built-in furniture for balconies and loggias made to order.

A series of home IP-46S Glazing price

For glazing loggias in the houses of the IP-46S series, sliding and swing windows are used. Sliding window systems - an affordable glazing option of lagged. PVC profile windows provide maximum thermal insulation and are used for glazing residential loggias.

Products enjoy great popularity rehau companies (Rehau Blitz 60 profile) and KBE (Kbe Profile Expert 70).

No less popular sliding windows Provedal and Krauss (aluminum profile) and slidesdors (plastic window profile). Please note: Sliding windows made of aluminum profile at minus temperatures can be wrapped. In winter, it is not always possible to open the window to ventilate the balcony. The difference in temperatures on the street and inside the loggia will be only 10-15 degrees.

All prices indicated on this page are approximate. They are based on standard loads of loggias in the houses of the IP-46S series. Accurate price information can be considered only after you decide with the type of glazing and the wizard freeze your loggia.

Sliding system: Provedal

Dimensions - 6200x1400. price 31100. rub.

Swing System: Provedal

Dimensions - 6200x1400. price 45415. rub.

Metal Plastic System: KBE (KBE)

Dimensions - 6200x1400. (single-chamber) Price 59083 rub.

Dimensions - 6200x1400. (two-chamber) price 65780 rub.

A series of home IP-46s

The houses of the IP-46S series refer to new buildings and are actively erected in all new regions of Moscow. This is Maryinsky Park, new Kozhukhovo, South Butovo.

The walls of the houses are made of panels, the floors range from 10-16 floors. Most often - this is 16 storey buildings. Each entrance has cargo and passenger elevators. The construction of houses began in 2001, continues until today.

Specifications of the IP-46S series: All rooms are insulated, separate bathrooms in each apartment, a standard-length bath - 170cm.
On each floor there is a loading valve of the garbage disposal. The walls are made of three-layer reinforced concrete panels (the outer layer of concrete, then the insulation and the concrete again). The total thickness of the panels is 340mm. Emergency walls are made of reinforced concrete panels without insulation, the thickness ranges from 14 to 18 cm. Bearing walls - all external, inter-weltering and part of interroom.

The advantages of the series: high-quality heat and sound insulation of walls, modern planning Apartments, separate bathrooms, large area of \u200b\u200bkitchens, in each apartment Erkers and loggias, the apartments have radiators with thermostat, high-quality glazing sliding windows.

Disadvantages - problems with redevelopment of apartments, low quality installation of outdoor panels in some homes.

Calculation of the price of glazing apartments in the house of the IP-46S turnkey series

Three room flat - Dimensions and prices of windows

price 85,000 rub

Approximate windows of 870x2150 (1 pcs)

Sample Balcony Sizes - Door 870x2150 + Window 1420x680

Two-roomed flat - Dimensions and prices of windows

Profile Rehau Blitz (Blitz) 60 - price 57 200. rub
Approximate size of windows 1760x1420 (1 pcs)
Approximate windows of 870x1420 (1 pcs)
Approximate size of windows 2060x1420 (1 pcs) At the end of the publication of the article I would like to tell about the team of our employees. Each of the projects you could see on this page are the work of qualified masters. Our masters specialize in the comprehensive repair of balconies, internal and exterior decoration, glazing, insulation, waterproofing and combining balconies with room.

For many years of work, we have developed a safe, inexpensive and efficient work technology. The affordable price of our services has been possible due to the purchase of inexpensive and high-quality materials at a wholesale price. Any example you liked, can be realized on the balcony of your apartment.

Our masters do not like to talk about their own successes and discuss the quality of work performed. Watch the video reviews of our customers and make your own opinion.

Your attention is a review of the customers about the repair of the loggia. For reliable protection of the room from the cold, our masters installed modern windows from PVC profile, walls, gender and ceiling are insulated with a layer of fox. For vaporizolation of the loggia, a foil foam is used.

The floor is decorated with high-quality laminate, the color of which is harmonized with the interior of the room. For the interior decoration of the loggia, our masters used high-quality and practical material - seamless plastic panels. The loggia space is used to store things, and therefore built-in wardrobes have been installed.

One of the cabinets is made and installed for free (as part of the action for the order of integrated repair).

Note: Prepayment for the performance of work is only 10%. If you do not have the necessary amount for repair, finishes or glazing balconies, we are ready to provide credit or installment payment . For all questions that concern lending, please contact our managers.

IP-46S - description, characteristics, planning

Houses Typical IP-46S series - modern modification houses series. Compared with the previous series of IP-46C, they have increased heat and sound insulation, a cargo-passenger elevator and an erker instead of the second loggia. The series was designed in 2000. Year of construction: from 2001 to the present.

In Moscow, the IP-46 series has been built as in new microdistricts: Maryinsky Park, New Kozhukhovo, South Butovo, Mitino, Biryulyo-Zagory, and on the spot of the five-story building in areas: Cheryomushki, Nagatino, Zyuzino, Kuzminki, Fili, Obruchevsky and Nekrasovka . In the Moscow region of the house of the IP-46S series built / built in cities: Krasnogorsk (Pavshinskaya floodplain), Balashikha (Balashiha Park), Lyubertsy (Red Gorka), Odintsovo (Kutuzovsky, New Trigger), Chekhov (provinces), Serpukhov ( Ivanovsky courtyards), Solnechnogorsk (Reinstairs), Khimki (underlook, planer). In the regions of the IP-46C series, they are built / built in cities: Tver, Kaluga.

All rooms in the apartments of the houses of the IP-46S series isolated. In all apartments, erkers and spacious loggias are provided. Each stairwell has one passenger and one cargo-passenger elevator. Separate bathrooms in all apartments. All apartments provide dark rooms. The ladders are usual, the fire balcony is missing. The kitchen stove is electrical, the ventilation is natural exhaust, blocks in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Garbage on the stairs, with a loading valve on the site.

A series of houses IP-46S is designed with a wide large room with a construction step - 4.2 meters (in others panel houses It usually does not exceed 3.6 meters). In the construction of the series, three- and four-room planning of apartments were added.

In the series of houses IP-46s, a unified ladder-lift node was introduced taking into account fire requirements for Moscow. Improved parameters one and two-room apartments, enhanced their comfort. All apartments provide spacious glazed loggias in the kitchens.

As a rule, apartments in new buildings of the SIP-46S series are sold without interior decoration and without plumbing.

Detailed features of the series

Passagesfrom 2.
Floors10-16, the most common options - 14, 16. The first floor of the residential.
Ceiling height2.64 M.
LiftsOne passenger (400 kg.) And one cargo-passenger OTIS (630 kg.).
BalconiesLoggia in all apartments. Erkers are provided in two- and three-room apartments.
Apartments on the floor4 (sometimes 3)
Years of constructionfrom 2001 to the present. time
Built houses125
Square of apartments1-room apartment Total: 42-43 m², living: 20 m², kitchen: 8.4-8.6 m²
2-room apartment Total: 60-62 m², living: 33 m², kitchen: 11-12 m²
3-room apartment Total: 74-101 m², living: 46-53 m², kitchen: 8.5-12.5 m²
BathroomsSeparate in all apartments. Baths: Standard, 170 cm long.
StairsNormal, without fire balcony.
Garbage chuteWith boot valves on each floor.
VentilationNatural and forced exhaust, in the kitchen and bathroom.
Walls and overlapsThe outer walls are three-layer 34 cm thick. Internal intercomparic - reinforced concrete panels 14 and 18 cm thick. The septum is reinforced concrete 8 cm. Overlap - reinforced concrete plates with a thickness of 14 cm.
Bearing wallsEmergency longitudinal and transverse, all outdoor and some interior.
Colors and claddingColors: white, yellow, blue, beige, salad, pink, brown. Lower floors are usually painted in a darker color. In the deaf ends sometimes there is a pattern.
Type of roofFlat, rolled coating. Technical floor: above the top residential floor.
DignityIncreased heat and sound insulation, the presence of erkers, calorior-type radiators with thermostat.
disadvantagesThe quality of the installation of the outer panels in individual enclosures.
ManufacturerOdintsovo Plant "Stroyindustry", Khukhukhovsky Plant Zhby "Betiar-22" (including the Su-155 Group of Companies), since 2010 Also Tver DSC
DesignerMNIITP (Moscow Research Institute of Tyology and Experimental Design)

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