
Term Green Construction implies. Green construction. Photos provided by Rehau

Durability and comfort.

Although new construction technologies green buildings constantly improving, the main purpose of this idea is to reduce the overall impact of building development and human health, which is achieved at the expense:

  • efficient use of energy, water and other resources;
  • attention to maintain the health of residents and improving the effectiveness of employees;
  • reducing waste, emissions and other environmental impacts.

Similar approach of natural construction, having a smaller scale, is to use natural local materials.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 4

    ✪ Green construction / Building Green. 03. Frame and roof

    ✪ Green construction / Building Green. 09. Lighting

    ✪ Green construction / Building Green. 04. Straw blocks

    ✪ Green construction / Building Green. 06. Outdoor finish



  1. Reduction of the cumulative (for the entire life cycle of the building) of a detrimental impact construction activities on human health and the environment, which is achieved through the application of new technologies and approaches
  2. Creating new industrial products
  3. Reduced loads on regional energy networks and improving the reliability of their work
  4. Creating new jobs in the intellectual sphere of production
  5. Reducing the cost of building new construction buildings


  1. In the 1970s, movements were popular for a healthy lifestyle and environmental purity.
  2. The first exotic private houses appeared, in which environmental approaches were implemented and sources of alternative energy were used.
  3. from 1974 to 1993 - Promotion of energy efficiency strategy:
    • since 1975, construction of demonstration energy efficient buildings began
    • formed an understanding of the importance of energy efficiency on state level, originated governmental support private initiatives. The goals and objectives of green construction were formulated.
    • 1990 - Implementing Breeam Standard in the UK
    • 1992 - the beginning of the Energy Star program in the USA
  4. from 1993 to 1998 - Promotion of the strategy of resource saving and rational management and use of resources consumed during the construction of buildings:
    • the increased computing power of computers has significantly improved the quality of processing state statistical data, and it turned out that 40-45% of produced buildings energy resources
    • a serious impact on the development of green construction was at the national and intergovernmental levels for the prevention of climate change and the reduction of emissions from 2
  5. Collective efforts of developers have been formalized comprehensive approaches or green building standards
  6. Relying on the aspirations of public and business groups, in developed countries There was a state policy for greens. From now on, investors and developers were forced to stick to her;
  7. from 1998 to 2005 - Promotion of innovative approaches in construction and the transition from complex efficiency to buildings with zero exposure and zero emissions:
    • 1998 - the appearance of the Rating system Leed
    • 1999 - the first meeting of the World Council on Environmental Construction with the participation of 8 countries: USA, Australia, Spain, United Kingdom, Japan, UAE, Russia and Canada
    • 2002 Institution of the World Council on Environmental Construction.
  8. 2005 and in the near future - the application of the method of life cycle analysis (LCA and LCC), where at the level of the environmental and economic trail it will be possible to calculate all costs, risks and expediency from the end to the beginning, that is, from disposal to the initial idea

Green design standards as a regulation of life-resistant construction

Green Construction - This is a comprehensive knowledge structured by design and construction standards. The level of its development directly depends on the achievements of science and technology, from the activity of industrial engineers and from the consciousness by the society of environmental principles.

Green standards Called to speed up the transition from the traditional design and construction of buildings and structures to a sustainable, which preaches the following principles:

  • safety and favorable healthy conditions of human vital activity;
  • limitation negative impact on the environment;
  • accounting for future generations.

Green standards are designed to regulate the life-resistant approach in construction and assess the degree of compliance of buildings to the initial principles.

Development and implementation of standards green Construction stimulates business development, innovative technologies and economics, improves the quality of life of society and the state of the environment [ ]. They are a tool of a reasonable economy - retain money at all stages and contribute to integration into the world movement, are the key to overseas investment and recognition at the global level. In particular, on September 8, 2014, under the leadership of the Energy Efficiency Committee of the Russian Guild of Managing and Developers, with the support of the Environmental Construction Council, was developed and approved russian system Compliance with environmental requirements and energy saving in commercial and residential real estate Green Zoom.

Green design standards, construction, operation of buildings, business and livelihoods in the construction sphere The essence of phenomena, which direct, adjust and manage the development of society, economics and infrastructure.

National Standards of Green Construction

In countries where environmental construction is developing, national standards are created, taking into account socio-economic and natural conditions Countries: legislation, state policy in relation to energy resources and ecology, climatic conditions, the degree of realization of the problems of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness by professional communities and the population.

The essence of the development of the National Standard is to reformulate only those conceptual recommendations of generally accepted systems of environmental impact assessment of real estate facilities that the national design and construction sector will be in practice. For example, it is impractical by the introduction of such recommendations in the northern regions of Russia as an autonomous electricity generation with wind generators and solar panels. Adaptation of international green standards is designed to give the construction sector methodological base For activities, to build energy efficient, environmentally friendly and comfortable housing.

The development and implementation of green standards are engaged in green building tips, specially created non-commercial organizations.

Coordination of the activities of the Councils and other environmentally friendly construction and management companies is carried out by the International Green Building Board, World Green Building Council (WorldGBC).

WORLDGBC is non-Profit Organizationwhose activities are to report the experience of the construction industry leaders to other market participants and the provision of an international discussion platform for discussing the most advanced design, construction and architecture methods in the framework of the generally accepted concept sustainable development Territories (generally accepted in the concept is the recognition of the priority of "green" solutions in the industry).

The organization has many areas of activity, including support for developing national greene construction councils and certification systems for assessing the quality of buildings. WORLDGBC experts are engaged in the development of organizational tools, marketing promotion of green solutions in profile business sectors, information support for WORLDGBC programs and national councils on green buildings, as well as the organization of independent briefings and consulting individuals interested in climate change and green solutions in construction and design.

Benefits from the implementation of the approach

Advantages of certification of buildings, structures and products in accordance with green standards for investors, owners of real estate, developers, designers and management companies:

  1. More competitiveness in promoting their project or decisive as environmentally friendly and relevant to the principles of sustainable environmental development;
  2. The guarantee that the construction of the facility was used by technologies that meet the basic principles of sustainable development of territories;
  3. Activation of the search for innovative solutions that minimize environmental impact;
  4. Reduction of operating costs and improving the quality of the working and living environment;
  5. The compliance of the object by the standard that demonstrates the promotion to corporate and organizational environmental objectives, gives the right to publicly be called the green company in real estate.

In other words, certification for green standards and the achievement of high energy efficiency becomes a significant competitive advantage that increases the profitability of the project through an increase in rent and reduce costs, which is highly valued by potential investors.

Environmental benefits:

  1. Significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, garbage and contaminated waters;
  2. Expansion and protection of the natural habitat and biological diversity;
  3. Preservation natural resources.

Benefits for health and society:

  1. The creation of more comfortable conditions in the air quality premises, as well as thermal and acoustic characteristics;
  2. Reducing the level of pollution falling into water, soil and air, and as a result, reducing the burden on the city infrastructure;
  3. Improving the quality of life with the help of optimal urban design - accommodation places of employment in close proximity residential areas and social infrastructure (schools, medical institutions, public transport etc.).

Economic benefits:

The exploitation of green buildings compared to traditional structures is more economically more profitable. So:

  1. Energy consumption is reduced by 25%, and the cost of electricity costs is achieved accordingly;
  2. Reducing water consumption by 30% naturally leads to a significant decrease in water supply costs;
  3. Reducing the cost of maintenance of the building is achieved due to higher quality of modern controls, efficient control and optimization of all systems;
  4. Increased current net revenue (for example, a 3% premium on the average rate of the rental contract) and the cost of property assets (for example, a 10% premium on commercial value) can lead to lower financial and insured costs;
  5. A decrease in the number of faults from renting and property, an increase in tenant's satisfaction, which may also lead to reduction in costs;
  6. The implementation of the principles of green construction is perfect for attracting public attention, contributes to the speedy payback of rental areas and greater loyalty of tenants;
  7. According to social and economic research research the growth of the market for green building materials is 5% annually from $ 455 billion in 2008 to 571 billion - in 2013. Most of the world's largest construction companies By 2013 plans to conclude at least half of all its contracts on green buildings; [ ]
  8. Buildings built using green technologies contribute to the preservation of people working in them, which can reduce losses from payments on medical insurance;
  9. The principles of building of green buildings are already now consistent with the expected tightening of environmental legislation associated with the restriction of carbon emissions;
  10. Constant reduction in cost. Most of the green buildings are more expensive than the usual no more than 4%, and in the near future, the use of green technologies will become the most effective means to reduce the cost of construction. At the moment, the additional cost can be amortized during the operation of the building, and are usually compensated for during the first 3 or 5 years due to the reduction of operating costs.
  11. Many investors are already considering the construction of ordinary buildings as an increase in their risks and increasing responsibility.

Technical regulation in the world

The main standards in the world are American Leed and British Breeam, which account for 80% of all certified buildings.

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"Green Standards" is not ecology, but rating rating

IN lately The term "green building" is increasingly appearing in various publications, discussions and even in standards. However, sometimes it seems that different people understand this term also in different ways. For clarification, we turned to the expert - the head of the technical center of the strategic direction "Construction" of the company REHAU, to. T. N. Anton Karyavavina (photo on the left):

Anton Viktorovich, let's first try to understand what is actually "green technologies" and why they are not yet developed in Russia. And is there a chance that over time the interest in them will increase?

Immediately make a reservation that we now sometimes there is a substitution of concepts, and under the "green technologies" imply environmental friendliness, energy efficiency, the use of alternative energy sources and building materials of plant origin and so on. It is not right.

In world practice, Green Construction is a special system for assessing certain construction solutions. There are not so many such systems in the world. Americans began to engage in one of the first theme, they developed a led evaluation system. Then the British joined the work - this is the Breeam system, and then the Germans who have developed the DGNB system.

In these systems, each construction solution is assigned a certain number of premium items. For example, if you build a building in an area where there are problems with clean water (for example, in a roast climate country), then any solution that will save water will have a higher rating. If you build in Europe, then a higher rating will receive a solution that allows you to save energy. Considerable importance is attached to solutions that allow multiple-use materials. The total energy consumption is also evaluated both on the production of a particular building material and its disposal at the end of the life cycle.

Since this system is quite complicated, there is no massive use in Russia yet. As a rule, we estimate the product quality indicator, its durability, economic parameters, but in general, to assess the construction solution with a well-known future to use and disposal, that is, with the assessment of the entire life cycle of the construction site - there is no such experience yet.

- Where are such comprehensive assessments in demand?

Abroad, developers who are engaged in investing and further exploiting facilities, want to have such a comprehensive assessment to understand how much the decision will be beneficial to how convenient will such a building be in operation, as it will fit into the landscape and local climate conditions and the economy. This is an international approach. I think that in Russia Over time, such a system could be in demand from large developers in large objects. By the way, the system of "green construction" was in demand and used at the Olympic facilities in Sochi.

The peculiarity of all these systems is that they are usually focused on certain standards and rules. Therefore, if you first build a building, and then try to certify it on any system, it will be extremely difficult to make it possible, and the construction principles and evaluation of construction solutions can greatly disperse. For this reason, according to my information, none of the current systems of Green Construction approached the Olympic facilities, so Olympstroy developed its own.

You have already mentioned that in Russia "Green Standards" practically does not apply. And where to start application international SystemsSo that every time you do not reinvent the bike?

There is no single medicine from all diseases and can not be. So for each type of construction and each locality, where this construction goes, the system of "green construction" will require refinement. Of course, to take the basis of some of the systems that closest to one or another type of construction, it is possible - for this you just need to own knowledge that this system gives and how it works. There are already organizations in Russia with these knowledge and considering them practical application. With the advent of experience, it will be possible to analyze how these systems are used.

By the way, in Russia there are still several objects that have international certificates of "green construction" quite high levels. Platinum certificates (this is the highest category), of course, no, but objects applying for gold certificates, up to 10 in Russia will be checked.

You are right to build a building, and then certified it - this is not the most the best way. Probably, still "green construction" should begin with a project when certain materials and technologies are laid?

Quite right. It is not the right to start "green construction", not even from the project, but at the stage of the building concept. Because, as a rule, mathematical modeling plays a very large role in all systems of "green construction". That is, the concept of a building invented by the architect is analyzed on various influences: wind, sunlight, excessive heat, coming with sunlight in summer, or cooling in winter, operation of the ventilation and air conditioning system and so on. Without the use of such mathematical models and confirm the correctness of the selected decision concept, usually not accepted.

Of course, for mathematical modeling it is necessary to have appropriate software and employees who can work with it.

In which areas of construction "Green Technologies" are most in demand - is it a cottage construction or a multi-storey? Or is it applicable on any object?

Green technologies can be used on any of the types of objects - this is housing construction, I. public buildings. Here, rather, you need to understand whose interests this is done. As a rule, the developer is interested in this. And if a promising foreign tenant comes to the developer, then the object rating that has a Leed certificate is usually higher, and, accordingly, it is a higher price category.

Such. independent score Shows the potential of this object, and not by abstract criteria type of finishing or position in the city, as realtors are practiced. This is an assessment by specialists who understand what this building is, how it will behave in various operating conditions, and, most importantly, if it is necessary to demolish, then what methods this can be done. Thus, it can be said that this is a comprehensive assessment for making a decision on the value of the object - both for rent and for sale.

- I think our developers are far from such evaluation criteria ...

You know, and yes, and no - it depends on the level of the object, which is rented or sold. As far as I know, new buildings large companiesBuilt in Moscow were initially laid in accordance with the standards of "green construction", and this is already taken into account in the capitalization of the object, its cost is calculated completely differently.

- As I understood, these systems are quite complex, and in Russia they will be implemented very and very hard ...

Despite the fact that this is a complex system, it gives a certain advantage and under certain skills simplifies, including the design process. If our designer is forced to keep a bunch of snips, norms, requirements for fire safety, ventilation, etc., when using this system and mathematical modeling, all these rules are tightened automatically.

It is just another level of design and approaches to an assessment of a particular solution. There is a certain breakdown of consciousness, but by making a little effort, as a result, everyone gets its advantages: and simplifying the decision-making, and a certain guarantee, because mathematical modeling provides ideas about how the building behaves or its part in the case of a certain type of impact. There is no other mechanism, except to build a building and see how it will behave. But it is very expensive and unpromising!

Larisa Porshneva

Photos provided by Rehau

According to statistics, modern buildings today consume approximately 40% of primary energy, 40% of raw materials, 67% of electricity and almost 15% of world reserves of drinking water. At the same time, in the environment, they give more than 35% of carbon dioxide emissions globe, as well as 50% of all solid waste of the city system. As a result, by analyzing the above indicated data, engineers and architects set themselves the task: the improvement of the technology of the construction of buildings and structures, so that the so-called "green construction" originated.

This technology is designed to solve a number of problems, among which one can designate such as a reduction in the negative impact on the environment and the person of various aspects of construction activities, the maximum possible reduction of electricity consumption and electrical output, reduction of the construction costs and the content of new buildings, as well as Development and implementation of new technologies, plus the creation of innovative industrial products.

"Green Building" is quite actively developing and introduced into the world construction industry, when the majority developed states The world is striving for the construction of eco-friendly buildings, private houses and perhaps even skyscrapers. The definition of the Green Building itself implies a whole system of certain innovative principles that are th for the construction and subsequent operation of buildings. This is not just a developed type of facilities or the use of special technologies and architectural techniques when building a building.

The basic principles of such construction include savings and energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and comfort. The first principle implies the rational use of the Planet Resources: Earth, Building Materials or Energy. Ecology is necessary to ensure a minor level of influence of buildings on the environment and life, human health. The latter principle involves the formation of the necessary level of comfort for a person who will work in this building or live in it.

Moreover, any "green building" should remain those throughout its operation, and not only at the initial stages of its use. It should be energy-efficient and safe from the point of view of environmental friendliness, starting from the date of design, construction and ending with its demolition.

In conclusion, it is necessary to focus on the difference in the concepts of "green construction" and "natural construction", as the latter is often referred to as "green." The main difference with the use of natural materials. So "green construction" does not imply the use of exclusively natural building materials. Here just often use innovative technological developments, which are designed to minimize energy costs and reduce negative consequences Construction and operation of the building for the environment and human health.

Zubareva Galina Ivanovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Permskaya GSHA, Perm [Email Protected]

Chernikova Maria Nikolaevna, ElderProd, Permskaya GSH, Perm [Email Protected]

Rakhmangulova Elmira Ildarovna, 5th year student Perm GSHA, Perm

Principles of "Green Construction"

Annotation. Yes, the concept of "green construction" and its principles are disclosed: the use of energy-efficient technologies, a decrease in environmental impact, an increase in the comfort of the residents of the building. Factors of both stimulating and restraining the development of this area in construction in Russia are noted. Wound words: "green" construction, the principles of "green" construction, "green building technology"

There are several terms, in essence denoting the same thing: "Green construction", " ecological construction"," Sustainable construction "," ECODEVELOPMENT ". However B. last years Large distribution was the term "green building".

Green Building appeared not so long ago, but it is rapidly developing and becoming increasingly popular all over the world. The reason for this is that new technologies and industrial activities of people led to the deterioration of the planet's ecology. Powerful impetus for the development of "Green Construction Technologies" Steel: the growing level of environmental pollution worldwide, global warming and need to more economically use the energy resources of the planet (gas, oil).

Under the Green Construction, it is customary to understand the construction and operation of buildings with a lower level of energy consumption and materials throughout the life cycle of the home design before disposal.

Green Building has such goals as a decrease in environmental impact and an increase in the comfort of the residents of the building. The implementation of the goals is carried out through the use of energy-efficient technologies that reduce water consumption, electricity and thermal resources, reducing waste and emissions during the operation of the building, attention to health and comfort holders of the house, increase their working capacity by improving air quality in the premises and the use of cleaner drinking water.

It should be noted that the "green" may be not only newly built buildings. Virtually any building can be upgraded and implementing environmental technologies that optimize energy consumption and reduce the harmful effects on the environment.

Currently identified the main principles of "green construction", based on newest technologies. These include:

Heat insulation. Strengthening the thermal insulation of the outer shell of the building requires not only the enhancement of thermal insulation, but also minimization of cold, inevitable in any construction design. Insulation in various ways It is performed for walls, roof, overlap, foundations and windows.

Use of recuperators. In the old buildings about a third of all the heat disappeared with ventilation air. Save it heat with a reduction in ventilation volumes below the sanitary limits, it is impossible, but the use of useless ventilation and the use of recuperators, which transmit heat removed by air to the air.

Sealing windows. Double glazing. At the same time, between the glasses of the air circulation system, which increases the level of heat resistant.

Installing special blinds that automatically change your angle to ensure optimal lighting throughout the day. Such technology saves electricity.

The use of modern economical instruments, energy-saving lamps that consume about 5 times less energy than the usual incandescent lamp.

Using the energy of the environment, i.e. renewable energy sources. This is, above all, solar and wind plants, biomass power generators, heat pumps, micro hydropower plants, tidal and wave stations, geothermal installations.

Availability of computer home management systems. Such " smart HouseIt allows you to control the level of lighting, and the temperature in each individual room, which reduces the cost of heating at home and saves electricity.

The use of economically clean materials (bamboo, marble, "green" bricks from secondary raw materials), as well as with elevated energy efficiency and energy saving.

Minimization of water use. This is done with rainwater. The orphanage is then cleaned and reused. At the same time, there are a number of features, also focused on cutting water loss, which is used in a sanitary node or installation of such devices that minimize consumption and water pressure.

Reducing waste of harmful emissions and other environmental impacts.

When developing the Green Building project, the influence of the building on the environment is taken into account: how harmoniously it is called into the natural landscape. Trying to reduce the impact of the construction process on the natural environment to a minimum.

To date, the share of "green" buildings in the total number of new buildings, Hasha reaches 20%, approximately the same indicators in the construction of the European Union states, and the number of such houses in the developed builders is constantly growing. As for Russia, according to experts, now there are all prerequisites and conditions for the development of "green construction".

The development of this direction contributes to the growing demand for environmentally friendly homes in Russia. For construction companies in the stimulus of the construction of "green buildings" (commercial, residential) is saving resources during construction and in the process of operation of the building. Already today there are implemented projects of environmentally friendly construction. An example is the construction of the Olympic facilities in Sochi in accordance with international green standards. In addition, work is already underway to implement the construction of "energy efficient quarters" in various regions of Russia. However, to the wide implementation of Green Construction in Russia, Russia is still far and talking about the successful development of the process of building more energy-efficient environmentally friendly new buildings, of course, early.

The active implementation of eco-technologies is hampered by the absence of relevant regulatory documents that would regulate this industry. In addition, Russia must universally develop the production of building materials used in the construction of "green houses". This also applies to concrete, and modern heat-insulating materials, and building structures, and recycling of materials used, and industrial waste.

However, there are no doubts that "green construction" is the concept of future Russia.

Links to sources1. Access: pskestet.tie.ru/a66448zelenoestroitelstvo.html/2.ruban S. S. Non-traditional energy sources. -M .: Energy, 2003.3. Runsportport: WWW / Maktstory.ru / Ecodom / EnergoEffectiv / EnergoEffectiv /.

Faced with an increasing threat to the depletion of natural resources and a collapse of the global ecosystem, the philosophy of human attitude to life began to change to some extent. The concepts of "prevention" are more popular, and not "corrections" of the deed. Green construction belongs to the prophylactic facility against an increasing environmental threat, since its purpose is to reduce the level of consumption of energy and material resources and reducing the impact of a person on the environment. Around the world, construction in green standards is an already familiar phenomenon, while in Russia, the eclast only makes the first steps.

In a broad sense, the concept of a green building involves the design, construction, operation, maintenance and disposal at the end of the service line, which ensure the safety of people's health, improving labor productivity, reasonable use of natural resources and reducing environmental impact. In other words, each stage with green construction is performed in accordance with environmental expediency.

Design, Preparation and Building of the Land

Thoughtful and efficient design of the site and its development can reduce the impact of the building on the environment and improve the energy characteristics of the erected structures. When designing is given special attention preservation of trees, system storm sewage With functions of infiltration / retention and orientation of the house for maximum solar energy.

Resource Effective

Green construction is most successful when its principles are taken into account and implemented at the design stage when choosing materials, equipment and systems. The creation of resource-efficient structures and the use of resource-saving materials can maximize functionality and at the same time optimize the use of natural resources. For example, it is possible to use wood structures that are made with a smaller consumption of the source material than ordinary products. But before you choose this material, it is worth correlating the savings of wood and the amount consumed in the manufacture of energy structures.

One of the goals of resource-efficient construction is to reduce waste at the construction site. Of course, in any case, any material will remain. But due to the processing of waste and the rational use of materials, it is possible to reduce the amount of material going on the landfill, which will also reduce the cost of the construction.

Energy Efficiency

This concept has a fundamentally important In green construction. Energy efficiency criteria applies to all systems in the building. Windows, thermal insulation, sealing, ventilation and air conditioning system, heating, etc. must be energy efficient.

Water efficiency

Often, the concept of water saving used in the building and rational water use is laid into the concept of green building, which is used outside the building. The use of more efficient water supply systems in the house, the use of rain and purified water from the sewage drain, as well as landing on the area undemanding to watering drought-resistant vegetation, which for a long time can retain moisture, can prevent unnecessary waste of water resources.

Air Quality In Building

An increase in respiratory diseases and allergies are often associated with the use of indoors of household chemicals and materials that distinguish the substances harmful to humans. When erecting a green building, systems are provided that can reduce the effects of possible pollution, including control over contamination sources, diluting the contaminated air with clean air and air filtration.

Operation, maintenance and education of the owner of the building

Incorrect and incomplete service can not be reduced to no effort of designers, designers and builders for creating a resource-saving and environmentally friendly building. Only a competent owner who knows how to use systems and devices in the building, how to properly exploit and maintain the building can help achieve green construction purposes.

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