
Natural conditions and resources. Vatican: Economy, Geography, History and State Device The nature of the country's territory

Area - 301.3 thousand km2. Population - 58.1 million people

Unitary Republic - 20 regions. Capital -. Rome


Italy is one of the seven major highly developed countries of the world. On a political map. Europe it occupies a profitable geographical and geopolitical position. Italy consists of three parts: mainland (more than. Zo% of the country's territory), peninsular (50%) and island (more than 17 %%).

Mediterranean accommodation. Italy and the extensive marine border (3/4 of the total length of the boundaries) very positively affect it. EGP. Ground borders in the north. Italy delimit its territory with. FR Rancieta,. Switzerland,. Austria and. Slovenia. Through the territory. Italy undergo important land routes from the sea coast to the countries of the central part. Western. Europe. Inside the country there are two enclaves:. Vatican and. San Marryrino.


Natural population growth in. Italy from the mid-1990s has negative values. Now it is about (-0,6) per 1000 person. Mortality - less than 10 per 1000 people, and the average life expectancy - 79 Rocky her. An important role in changing the population is. Italy constantly played external migration. But in recent years, a significant part of the Italians returns. The balance of migrations has positive values, fully to MP recensive losses from natural growth.

The national composition of the population is noted by homogeneity 98% of citizens of the state - Italiansbelonging to the Romanesque language group. The same share is the Catholics Christian. Slovenians, Greeks, Albanians, French live in border areas with neighboring states

The country is characterized by a high population density (190 people per 1 km2). In the middle of the country there are substantial regional differences in population disposal. Northern developed areas are much thickened. IT Waist (200-1000 people per 1 km2) time in the south. Italy and on the islands population density ranges from 40 to 70 people per 1 km2. This is due to the permanent domestic migrations of the population, persons lily in the direction. South North. The reason for this is significant differences in the standard of living and opportunities to receive. The average size. GNP per capita in the south of the country is about 60% of this on the journal to the Severvnocha.

The share of the urban population is estimated at about 70%. Higher level of urbanization in. Italy is within. Padan lowland. The largest millionaire cities is. Rome,. Milan,. Naples and. Turin. In the south to the country prevailing rural population. There are quite large in the population of the village, which are sometimes called rural cities. In the north. Italy, where the farm form of agriculture is dominated by the Farmery form, the decisions of the population of the population. In the mountains, small villages prevail in the population.

The share of economically active population is somewhat reduced, which is partly due to the aging processes of the nation. The structure of the employment prevails the sphere of services - 57%, industry - 38%, the rural gentleman is 5%. Among countries included in. EU,. Italy recently performed as a supplier of relatively cheap labor for. France and. Germany. The number of unemployed reaches more than 2 million people annually (10%%).

Natural conditions and resources

Italy is rich in mineral resources, minor reserves of individuals do not provide the needs of the National Economy. From the fuel and energy resources in the country there are small deposits of coal and oil, to the floor of the night-oriental part. Italy has several large natural gas fields. They allow. Italy produce up to 17 billion m3 of gas per year and by 15% satisfy its needs in it.

Italy almost does not have manganese, iron and chromite ores, as a result of which its ferrous metallurgy works on imported raw materials. In the structure of mineral resources, the reserves of polymetallic (primarily from lead, zinc) and mercury ores (one of the largest in the world).

From non-metallic minerals in the depths of the country there are large stocks of potash and cook salt. Rich country for building materials, its marble and granite stocks are world importance

On water resources. Italy is a small river and small in summer. The largest river -. The software that flows in the north and flows into. Adriatic Sea. Since most countries of the countries are mountain, they are significant potential hydroresources. Especially rich rivers, originating from. Alalp.

Only 20% of the territory. Italy is covered with forests, their main arrays are located in the north of the country. Wood deficit limits the development of individual industries

Italy, in general, is a mountainous country, more than 3/4 areas of which are occupied by mountains that have exceptional importance in climate formation. Italy, since it is a natural barrier to penetrate wet air masses from the north of the mainland. The economic development of the country makes it difficult to the high level of seismicity of territory.

Plains and lowlands are located on the coast. Apennine Peninsula and Northeast. Italy, where in the river basin. According to the largest Italian plain -. Pandan lowland is all mastered by a man Yu and the most populated.

Climatic resources. Italy is fairly favorable for the development of agriculture. In the north, the climate is moderately continental, and south. Italy is characterized by a Mediterranean subtropical climate and with a dry summer.

Generally. Italy has poor agricultural land and especially for arable land. One person accounts for about 0.2 hectares of Pashnya. A significant amount of arable land is irrigated that it is a prerequisite for receiving you is the exico harvests. The soil is generally quite fertile.

Mountain relief. Apennine and. Alps with many small lakes of volcanic origin, forest arrays, the Mediterranean type of climate, the coast of the seas play a significant role in the formation of rich recreation of the Eating

resources. Italy. The second important component of their component is a large number of historical and architectural monuments of world importance

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Geographical position

State is a city Vatican, sovereign state. It was created in Lutheran agreements between the Roman Catholic Churches and the Italian state of February 11, 1929, the Vatican is located in the western part of Rome On the right coast of the Tiber River. Here are the location of the highest centers of the Roman Catholic Church. There is in the country cathedral of St. Peter and Vatican Palaces with museums and libraries, administrative buildings, churches, residential buildings, yards and gardens. Vatican- fromama small state of the world. Its area of \u200b\u200b0.44 square meters. km.

Climate Vatican subtropical Mediterranean. The average temperatures of January in the range from 0 s to +12 s, July - from +20 to +28 C. precipitation drops to 700 mm., Especially in winter, in the form of rain. Snow is extremely rare. The most convenient time to visit the country- From April to June and from September to November.

Visas, entry rules, customs regulations

Customs regulations Vatican is determined by the customs legislation of Italy. On import and export of local and foreign currencies nic no restrictions. You can import free to 10 thousand euros or an equivalent amount in another currency. Export of large sums must permitcustoms.

From outside the EU per person canbring no more than 200 cigarettes or 250 gr. tobacco, up to 2 l. Wines or up to 1 l. Alcoholic beverages Fortress over 22%, up to 250 ml. Toilet water and 50 ml. perfume. It is also allowed to import decorations, 1 radio receivers, 1 tape recorder, 2 cameras, 1 camcorders, 2 pairs of skis, 2-tennis rackets, 1 bicycle, 1 boats, one kayak or surfboard.

For visiting Vatican needless Standard Italian or Schengen visa. To obtain a tourist visa, you must first get a passport, 2 questionnaires and original invitations, 1 photo 3x4 cm, help from the place of work. The period of travel visa is limited to 2 weeks. Visas for a longer period are issued in rare cases and also they are more looked. Consular fee is $ 36.

Each tourist mustto have a cash at the rate of $ 50 per day for the first 10 days of stay, and then $ 25 per day. Entry into the Vatican with children entails extra difficulties.I need a document of birth certificate and its copy. It is advised to incur shots of children included in the passport, regardless of age, because The authorities have the right not to take a child to the country. The original attorney is required with the translation into Italian with an indication of the address and phone of parents. The power of attorney remains in the consulate and the client is not refundable.

Population, political condition

Permanent population- about a thousand people, of which Vatican citizenship has less than half, mainly - spiritual persons, Swiss guards, gendarmes and some "secular" citizens. More than 3 thousand people who are constantly living and working on the Vatican land are citizens of Italy and other states.

Management formabsolute democracy. The Vatican became an independent state in 1929 in accordance with Lutheran agreements between the Italian government and the Pope Roman.

Head of the state and the entire Roman Catholic ChurchDad, elected by the Lifetime Board of Cardinals. Dad is owned by all legislative, executive and judicial authorities in the country and in the Catholic world as a whole. The duty of the government is fulfilled by the Pontiff Commission led by the Secretary of State.

What to see

Vatican gardenslimited by the fortress walls, erected by dads starting with the Renaissance and Baroque era. In the western part of the gardens residence Pope Lion XIII.where before 1936 was Vatican Observatory. Especially emphasized residence Pope IV With bright frescoes inside.

Vatican is a big Treasurer works of art. Many of them are frescoesspecially created on the interior walls of palaces. In the galleries and inner palaces are collected painting samples, sculpturesand Other arts.

Unusual works of art are exhibited in the Vatican museums. In Pinakotek Rachets collected Collection of paintings of the Renaissance and Baroque. There is here 3 masterpieces Rafael: Madonna from Foligno, the Assumption of the Virgin and Transfiguration, as well as many paintings created by sketches of Rafael for Sicstinskaya Capella With the image of the Acts of the Apostles. From other well-known works of painting, Holy Jeremiah Leonardo da Vinci is allocated, Piet Giovanni Bellini, a position in the Cobrajo coffin, the martyrdom of St. Erasma Poussin and masterfully written Crucifixion of the Apostle Peter Guido Reni.

Vatican collection of antiquities- One of the best in the world. In addition to the rich collection of small forms of Roman art, including glass, elephant bone, bronze and mosaic, here are wonderful in ida Roman painting from the excavations of Pompey and Herculaneum. The biggest ones are so-called. Aldobrandin wedding and Odyssevy landscapes.

Among the treasures of the Vatican stand out frescoes in the Sycstine ChapelMichelangelo written in 1508-1512 by order Julia II. Frescoes are placed in rectangular and triangular cells, "supported" architectural elements. Hundreds of figures are depicted in a striking manifold of movements and poses. As beautiful picture Big court, Completed Michelangelo in 1541. She captures the entire altar wall. Unlike bright paintings on the ceiling dedicated to the plots of the covenant. Although the initial shades over time strongly swept, the composition of the painting still remains.

Other remarkable chapels are also represented in the Sistine Chapel works of the Early Renaissance, created by Perugino, Botticelli, Signorelli, Girondai, Pinturikkio and Kozimo Roselley.

On the floor placed above the Sicstinian Capella, are famous Pictures of Raphaelwho signed on request of several dads. Rafael himself worked at Julia II and Leve X. The picture was completed with the clint VII disciples of Rafael. The frescoes were created in the era when the revival achieved its lift: in the Seniyatura - Athens School, Dispute and Parnass Brushes Rafael, in Elyodoro Stanza, Eloidor's expansion, the liberation of the apostle Peter from the Tomnov, Mass in Bolsene, and in the village of Del Incradio - a fire in Borgo and the coronation of Charles Great Pope Lvom III.

From other Vatican frescoes have Works Fra AngelikoReproducing scenes from the life of Saints Stephen and Lawrence in the father of Father Nicholas V; father Alexander VI, famous for Apartments Bordja, pinturiko painted with scenes from sacred history and pagan myths; frescoes from the history of the papacy in Sala Rage, created by George Vazari, Francesco Salviati and Federigo Dzukkaro and other masters. Fresco Vatican Library, the plots of which are partially inspired by paintings found in the palace of the ruler of Nero; the painting of the ceiling of the Aldobrandin wedding hall with scenes from Samson's life, owned by the brush Guido Reni, and the frescoes in the San Bibian chapel, made by order of Pope Urban VIII with a painter 17 century. Pietro yes Cortona.

Vatican librarycontains approximately 65 thousand manuscripts, 400 thousand published volumes, 100 thousand geographical maps and engravings and over 100 thousand units with autographs. The library has an exhibition of the most important and beautifully decorated publications stored in the Vatican. Among countless vintage illustrated books Two manuscripts 4 in. AD with poetic texts Vergil. The ancient written documents of the works of Vergil, Cicero and Terentation serve as first-sources for new editions of these writers. Other library items are represented by author's manuscripts and letters of such prominent figures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, like Thomas Akvinsky, Petrarch, Michelangelo, Raphael, Luther and Henrich VIII; Pictures of Botticelli to Dante Divine Comedy; Roman diary Antonio da Sangallo; Two samples of Byzantine art - Scroll Joshua Rolla and Menology of Vasily II; As well as a complete set of bible editions, including instances of the smallest and largest format.

Vatican collections of antiquities- this is Museum Pio Clementinowhere there are many sculptures collected by Roman dads. Some of them were at the Villa of the Emperor Adrian near Tivoli and in the Palace of Nero rulers. They served as initial models for the sculptors of the Renaissance, inspired by ancient art. The most famous ascending to 1 c. BC. Belvedere Torso. The same value represents sculptural group Lokonwhich Michelangelo considered the sample and statue of Apollo Belvedreyskywho caused admiration in the revival era.

Museum of Chiamonti Also has very large archaeological collections. In it lapidario Gallery Many ancient inscriptions are concentrated. The Museum itself is very beautifully represented by Roman statues. The largest exhibition instances in aesthetic attitudes are concentrated in Braccho Nuovo.. Here are allocated Prima port Augustus- the best of the preserved images of the first Roman emperor; Gorgeous figure Nilaembodulating the traditions of Hellenism, magnificent Roman copy of Dorifera Polyklet..

Gregorian Museum Dedicated egyptian art. The most famous wealth of this museum - statue of God Mars from Todi And excellently preserved galassi Tomb.

About 2000 years ago, in a small Jewish village in the poor family of Joseph, his wife Mary born a child who was called Jesus. That is how new faith appeared - Christianity. The essence of Christianity is faith in the Unified Lord.

The inextricable bond of Christianity was up to the XI century. In this century Roman - Catholic Church, unilaterally, included in the general worker confession of faith that the last proposal on the Holy Trinity, which was the reason " Great split" Eastern Christian churches have become referred to Orthodox since that time, and all Western countries subordinate to Rome were in Roman Catholic.

Roman Catholic Churchthis is more than 900 million followers, which is much superior to the number of other followers of different directions of Christianity. At the head of the Catholic Churchworth it roman dad - Exactly, with the III-IV V.V. Bishops of Rome began to call themselves. From the 6th century, this term has consolidated for the head of the Christian community " eternal city"Rome. Roman bishopscalling themselves " governors of God on earth"Claimed the honorary dignity of all Christian churches.

From Rome throughout Europe, a lot of powerful Catholic churches were extended under the jurisdiction of the Pope and not dependent on local authorities. Created and actively acting unless military-religious orders.

During the Franco Prussian War1870-1871 The capital of the papal country, Rome, was the capital of Italy and, together with the territory of the Vatican, entered the Italian country. Only in 1929, Pope Xi managed to agree with the fascist regime of Mussolini about Lutheran agreements.

New Concordate 1984. confirmed Vatican sovereiga, solemnly handed the Italians freedom of religion.

It is characteristic that only in October 1993, after a ten-year-old dispute the PAP recognized the union of civil officials and workers. From October 1995, all 2,500 workers of the Vatican need to adhere to the latest official settings that contained "Pape loyalty", refusal of divorce and abortion.

International trade

Basic sources of Vatican profitstourism and donations of Catholics. Work in the Vatican mainly Italians. Vatican citizens mostly work in the church.

Foreign trade is almost absent.

The shops

Stores workfrom 8:00 to 13:00 and from 15:30 to 20:00. On Sunday and Monday to lunch.

Drinks at the hotel bar are not included in the room rate, and Paid additionally When leaving the hotel. The same applies telephone conversations. Moreover, paid not only long-distance conversations, but even calls around the city.


Vatican has nohis permanent population. On its territory lives Dad, executivesand employees of Vatican agencies.


Industry is not in the Vatican.

Flora and fauna

Vegetableand animal world The Vatican is not that poor, and it is generally not. Because the country is the smallest in the world.

Banks and money

Vatican Current / Currency Converter

Banks are open From Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 13.30 and from 15.00 to 16.15, Saturday and Sunday - day off.

Money can be exchange Outside the Vatican, in Italy, in currency exchange points, in banks, by mail. At airports, usually, the exchange rate is less profitable, however, the exchange points there are working around the clock. There are also exchange machines hosting US dollars. Wide use Plastic cardsand traveler's checks. In institutions, hosting cards, post ads usually in the window " Carta - Si.».

Features of the relief of Latin America are due to the tectonic structure. The territory on which it is located, consists of an ancient South American platform and relatively young folding. The first corresponds to the plateau, the plateau (Brazilian, Patagonian and Guiangsky) in the places of raising the platform and lowland and the plains (Amazonian, La Plati et al.) In the places of deflection. The second form Cordillera, who in South America are called Andami. This is the world's longest chain of mountain ranges and arrays, stretching at 11,000 km and reaching the height of 6960 m (Mount Akonkagua).


Latin America is rich in mineral raw materials. It accounts for 18% of oil reserves, 30% of black and alloying metals, 25% - non-ferrous metals and 55% - rare and scattered elements of the capitalist world. According to the reserves of some minerals, individual countries of the region occupy the first place among capitalist states: for example, by iron ore, niobium, beryllium and mining crystal - Brazil; on the medium; According to graphite - Mexico; According to antimony and lithium - Bolivia. The presence of promising, but even poorly explored geological structures makes it possible to count in the coming years to new mineral deposits. It is from here that the United States receive up to 70% of the strategic raw materials they need, including more than 90% of tin concentrate and bauxite, about 50% of copper and iron ore. Such their diversity is a consequence of a variety of tectonic structures.


The economic geography of foreign countries is a public geographic science, one of the most important branches of geography. It explores the patterns of development and placement of the population and the economy both on the globe as a whole and in individual foreign countries. One of these states I chose is Italy.

Italy is a sea and mountainous country. The capital of Italy is Rome. Italy is a very beautiful country, so she was assigned the title of "the largest center of international tourism." This state has many individual characteristics and secrets. It leads the championship in many industries. One of the important cultural features is a winemaking. The most popular wine is Chianti, and the real Italian liqueur is Amaretto. As each province, Italy has its own culinary secrets, global fame acquired spaghetti and pizza.

In Italy there are many attractions, because of which I chose this country. But I will mention only some: the famous Roman Basilica of St. Peter (V century), Fountain Trevi, "Bridge of Sighs" in Venice. In my abstract, I touched upon interesting facts from the development of this country. I hope my abstract will be useful and interesting.

Territory, borders, position

Geographical position.

Italy is a maritime and mountainous country, spreading in the south of Europe from the Alps to the Mediterranean Sea. In the north-west, Italy borders with France, in the north with Switzerland and Austria, and in the northeast with Slovenia. Within Italy, there are tiny states: San Marino and Vatican. The territory of Italy occupies 301,000 square meters. km.

Main cities. Administrative division.

The capital of Italy is Rome. The largest cities: Rome (3100 thousand people), Milan (2300 thousand people), Naples (1500 thousand people), Turin (1200 thousand people), Genoa (1000 thousand people), Palermo ( 900 thousand people.), Bologna (670 thousand people), Florence (630 thousand people), Paris (410 thousand years.), Catania (380 thousand people), Venice (350 thousand people. ). In administratively, Italy is divided into 20 regions, including 94 provinces.

Political system.

Italy is a parliamentary republic. Head of State - President. Head of Government - Prime Minister. The legislature is a parliament consisting of the Republic of Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Natural conditions and resources

Since Italy is a mountainous country, the relief is very diverse here. The chain of the Alpine Mountains stretched from the shores of the Ligurian Sea in the west to the surroundings of Trieste in the east of Apennins - along the entire peninsula up to the southern tip. Between the Alps and Apennines, a large pawnshop lowland was spread, according to which the river on and its tributaries flow. The Apennine chain on both sides is gradually moving into a hilly landscape. Near the coast are the big islands of Sicily and Sardinia and smaller elba, capri and others. The largest of the current European volcanoes - Etna (3323 m above sea level) in Sicily.

On the territory of Italy there are deposits of mercury, marble, coal, sulfur, as well as natural gas (insignificant).

Italy climate is very diverse, since the Peninsula is the cityist and far away in the Mediterranean Sea. In the Alps, medium temperatures are lower, and the winter is long and harsh. From July to September, it is usually warm, although strong rains are possible in September. Abundant snowfall begins in November. In Northern Italy, the climate is continental: the winter is cold and foggy, and the summer is roast. In Central Italy, the marine climate with relatively soft winter and not very hot summer. In Rome, for example, in July-August, the average temperature is about +23 about C. On the Adriatic coast, sometimes a strong wind brings a lot of cold air. In the south of Italy, a typical Mediterranean climate with warm and lower summer and generous sediment in winter, when the temperature is rarely below +7 o C. The most even meteorological conditions are stored all year round on the Riviera.

The most important rivers of Italy: by, Arno, Tiber; Main lakes: Garda, Lago Maggiore, Como.

Forests and shrubs occupy 25% of Italy. Characterized oak, chestnut, ash, maple, cypress, palm trees, spruce, fir, pine. In the mountains - Alpine meadows. Many protected areas, national parks (Stelvino, Grand Paradise, Abruzzo). Fauna Italy is not rich. Characterized by wolf, wild boar, eagle, falcon, vulture, hawk, partridge, quail, Sarych.

Vatican - State city, located in southern Europe. The Vatican is the only state in the world, which is completely inside the capital of another state. The country is included in one International Organization - the UN, and then on the rights of the observer. For residents of the EU countries, entry into the territory of the Vatican is visa-free, for residents of the rest of the countries need a Schengen visa issued by the Italian Embassy.

The Vatican is considered the highest residence of the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope is living here - the head of the Roman Catholic Church and his cardinals. It is in the Vatican that the elections of the new phanton on the secret council of Cardinals occur. The Vatican is actually a single city-city in Europe. The population of the country is 842 people. Capital - . The city of Vatican covers the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole country.The Vatican is an enclave state, it is surrounded by the territory of Italy from all sides, in particular, its capital - Rome. The country is located in one time zone. The difference with worldwide time is one hour.

Exit to the sea Vatican has no.

There are no forests in the country, half of the square occupies a large park.

The Vatican is located in the center of Rome on the Vatican Hill. Relief - hilly. The highest point of the Vatican is at an altitude of 75 meters above sea level.

There are no rivers and lakes in the Vatican. The nearest major river - Tiber - is located a few hundred meters in Rome.

The Vatican has no administrative-territorial division.



The Vatican has its own railway station. It is used as cargo. There is no passenger movement. Sometimes a personal train of Pope Roman is sent from the station when he goes on the journey.

There are no autobahn in the Vatican. There is one automobile road that is in excellent condition and which leads to the residence of the dad.


The Vatican is about two thousand years. It has a story that is directly related to the entire history of the Roman Catholic Church:

a) Prehistoric Vatican (before the start of our era) - in those Territory of the modern Vatican, there was an urban feature of ancient Rome, it was a wetland, where the garden and Villa Mother of the Roman emperor Caliguly - Agrippines were located, and then appeared by the racetrack;

b) the formation of the Vatican and Papal Region - from 326 years - the construction of the first Catholic Basilica;

c) Vatican during the papal state (up to 1870) - the flourishing of church authorities, the education of the Inquisition, participation in the crusades and the conquests of new lands;

d) the Vatican during the reign of Italy Benito Mussolini - confirmation of the ITALY of the independence of the Vatican (1929, Lateran Agreements);

e) Vatican during the Second World War (1939-1945) - the secret support for the ruling fascist regime of Mussolini;

(e) Vatican in post-war and modern time - since 1945, strengthening the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the world.


There are no minerals in the country.


The climate of the Vatican is Mediterranean. Here is very roast and dry summer, and warm winter. The average temperature in winter is 5 degrees of heat, although there are days when snow falls out and is a small frost. In winter, it is often raining. In summer, the usual temperature is 30 degrees of heat in the shade. Summer rains is little. The greatest amount of rain falls in autumn.

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