
Fire safety orders in organizing the form. Perfect order for ensuring fire safety at the facility

Hello everyone!

After a week I'm leaving on vacation, for a month to Thailand, but for now, I want to provide an actual order about fire-fighting mode and appointing responsible for its observance. I will explain this game of words in more detail. πŸ™‚

Earlier, I was already postponed the order of responsible for fire safety on the site. But once, when congened with firefighters, I asked the question: how to designate a large number of people responsible for fire safety in specific rooms, if they are not trained in a fire and technical minimum with a gap From production, as required by the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645. This question was asked regarding the secondary school. He answered me like this: you appoint a responsible for the fire safety of an employee who has passed fire and technical minimum with a separation from production, all other attention! - Responsible for compliance with the established fire regime! After time, the order was born, which I suggest you for consideration.

"Name of company"

"____" ____________ 2014 β„– _____ / O

moscow city

About fire protection and appointment of responsible for its observance

In pursuance of Article 37 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On fire safety", Guided by the rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390, in order to comply with the requirements of fire safety


  1. Assign the Deputy Director for Akhr Petrova A.P. responsible for general organization and compliance with the requirements of fire safety in the building and in the territory as a whole.
  2. Appoint chief engineer Kuraeva I.M. Responsible for ensuring fire safety during the operation of electroremanship, equipment and ventilation systems, the content in good condition of fire automation and fire extinguishing systems.
  3. Appoint those responsible for compliance with the established fire-war regime in the premises according to the annex.
  4. Install the following fire regime in the building and on the territory of the organization:

4.2. It is prohibited in the territory and in the premises to leave tanks with flammable and combustible liquids, combustible gases;

4.3. It is forbidden to store and apply in attics, in basements and ground floors flammable and combustible fluids, powder, explosives, pyrotechnic products, fuel cylinders, goods in aerosol packaging, celluloid and other fire-saked substances and materials;

4.4. It is forbidden to use attic, technical floors, ventilation chambers and other technical premises for the organization of production sites, workshops, as well as for storing products, equipment, furniture and other items;

4.5. It is forbidden to remove the provided project documentation Doors of evacuation exits from floor corridors and halls, other doors that prevent the spread of hazardous fire factors on evacuation paths;

4.6. It is forbidden to clutter the furniture, equipment and other doors, transitions to adjacent sections and outputs to external evacuation stairs, evacuation paths;

4.7. It is forbidden to fix the self-closing doors of the stair cells, corridors, halls in the open position, as well as remove them;

4.8. It is forbidden to clean the premises and washing clothes with the use of gasoline, kerosene and other flammable and combustible liquids, as well as to heat the frozen pipes by soldier lamps and other methods using open fire;

4.9. It is forbidden to arrange pantry and other utility rooms in the staircases and floor corridors, as well as store things, furniture and other combustible materials under flight marches and on the staircases;

4.10. Special clothing of persons working with oils, varnishes, paints and other flammable and combustible liquids, stored in suspended form in metal cabinets;

4.11. When carrying out activities with a mass stay of people (discos, celebrations, ideas, etc.), to inspect the premises before the start of events and duty of responsible persons on the stage and in harvesters;

4.12. Popps on the doors of evacuation exits must provide the possibility of their free opening from the inside without a key ...

In the article, as always, part of the document, the whole document you can download the link at the end of the article.

In this edition, the order is calculated more on general educational organizations, but can be applied to any organization with minor changes. All the items of the order were taken mainly from the rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation, since this is the main document for us. Of course, that each organization applies the rules of fire regime in the part, which relates. And you are required, just to choose from the rules of the fire regime of the requirement relating specifically to your organization.

I remind you of the main essence:

  1. Install the fire regime;
  2. We assign responsible for the overall fire protection state of the object of protection;
  3. We assign responsible for compliance with the established fire-fighting regime.

However, hello! πŸ™‚

Continuing the topic I suggest you familiarize yourself with my version order of responsible for fire safety at the enterprise. In the last article, we ordered the responsible for labor protection. As always, a small passage from the order here in the article and the link to the entire order in Word format at the end of the article.

The order is appointed responsible for each room and building, as well as managers, when working at the facilities of other organizations. In addition, it is responsible for complying with fire safety requirements by subordinate workers. Do not forget to acquaint them with the order of everyone who is noted in it. Each responsible for fire safety must be trained and testing knowledge for the fire and technical minimum in the prescribed manner.
So, the excerpt of the order:

PR and KA

"On the appointment of persons responsible

for ensuring fire safety

in LLC "XXX" Β»

Guided by the rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation, in order to ensure fire safety at the objects of LLC "XXX", increasing the responsibility for the maintenance of fire protection funds, the timely implementation of the activities of the activities proposed by the State Fire Service and compliance with the current standards and rules of fire safety at the enterprise


1. To appoint responsible persons for fire safety, the organization and conduct of fire safety work, the execution of fire fighting measures, control over compliance with the norms and rules of fire safety on the following objects, for the maintenance and technical condition primary means Fire extinguishing, fire alarm installations, timely execution of prescriptions:

- Cabinet production and technical department - the head of the Potashov department V.B.;

- Accounting Cabinet - Chief Accountant Brush L.V.;

- Cabinet secretary of the head - secretary Borisov I.V.;

- Cabinet of the planning and economic department - the head of the department Ivanov G.V.;

- Cabinet of the Department of Human Resources - Head of the Department scale S.V.;

- Cabinet of the Counsel - Legal Council Muhametov A.R.;

- Cabinet ITR production automation workshop, container - head of the shop Gadrigigu V.S.;

- laboratories for repairing research apparatus, pneumatics, pyrometrics, repair indicators, premises of the spray installation - the head of the Dobrynina region D.V.;

- Cabinet ITR GOODS OF CONTROL AND FIRE Alarm (building on the territory of Maine LLC), Montertskaya (building on the territory of Maine LLC), Container - Head of the Messenova Shop;

- Cabinets ITER CONTRACTS OF PRODUCTION, WORKING WORLD, CONTAINER, PCP, Garage β„–1 - Head of Service for Ensuring Curchak A.A.;

- Cabinet ITR Metrological Supplies (on the territory of AIS-Service LLC), warehouse, container - head of the shop Nikitina AV;

- the office of the maintenance site for the maintenance of commercial nodes of oil accounting - the head of the plot of Sergeeva G.A.;

- the laboratory of the area for servicing nodes of oil accounting, gas, water - the head of the Pharamazov plot of A.G.;

- placing the boiler, the office of the leading engineer according to, P and PB and the head of the energy service - the head of the energy service of Lymair I.V.;

- Cabinet of the leading engineer according to, P and PB and the head of the energy service - the leading engineer for from, P and PB Boguna O.Z.

2. To impose responsibility for ensuring fire safety at OJSC OJSC "UUU" when serving them by employees of LLC "XXX" and ensuring the fire safety of the reference points of the brigade of kipia in the following persons:

Brigade # 1 (NGP-1 DNS IGUU, NGP-2 DNS AMD) - Master of Kait Husainov V.V.

Brigade # 2 (NGP-2 INWN) - Master of Kit Lipynets AV;

Brigade # 3 (NGP-3 INWGU) - Master of Kait Kolesova VA;

Brigade β„–4 (NGP-1 Anglad- Master of Kait Nacchaeva MA;

Brigade # 5 (Uzunskoye wagon-house M / R) - Master of Kait Sharifullina D.M., Masters on Kait Getmansky S.A.;

3. To impose responsibility for ensuring fire safety at the facilities of III LLC when serving them by employees of LLC "XXX" and ensuring fire safety of the reference point of the Big Team on the following persons:

Brigade β„–6 - Masters on Kait Volkova A.S., Masters on Kate Lang N.I.

4. Appoint the work responsible for organizing work and ensuring fire safety in the production of construction and installation work on the territory and objects of LLC "XXX" by third-party organizations of the Head of Service for the Provision of Curchak A.A.

5. Assign the service and safety of electrical installations responsible for the reliability and safety of the operation and safety of electrical installations, equipped with protective equipment, fire extinguishing agents and tool of the head of the Energy Service Lymair I.V.

6. Assign the headlift of the head of the Security and Fire Alarm of Mezenova by the head of the Security and Fire Alarm

7. Assign the head of the department for the provision of production of Curchak A.A.

8. To impose a general control over the provision of fire safety by employees of LLC "XXX" at facilities:

8.1. Located in the automation shop of production and (or) on other objects serviced by workers of the workshop - on the head of the workshop

Gadrigu V.S.;

8.2. serviced by employees of the workshop of the security and fire alarm - on the head of the shop Mezenova Yu.A.;

8.3. Metrological services serviced by employees - on the head of the shop Nikitina A.V.

9. At the time of the absence of responsible persons listed in the order (vacation, illness, business trip), the responsibility for ensuring the fire safety of buildings and premises, persons replacing them on the orders ...

On site, in buildings, facilities and premises ( name institution )


In order to ensure fire safety on site, in buildings, facilities and premises ( name institution) (hereinafter referred to as the "institution") and fulfillment of the requirements of regulatory acts in the field of fire safety


1. To appoint responsible for fire safety at the facility of the Deputy Head of Economic Issues (Civil Defense and emergency situations) – (FULL NAME.)

2. To appoint responsible for fire safety in the structural divisions of the heads of the relevant units ( Attachment 1).

3. Heads of structural divisions of the institution on time to _____ Determine:

3.1. Responsible for fire safety in the premises occupied.

3.2. List of premises requiring additional inspection before closing.

4. Approve the following instructions:

4.1. Common Safety Instructions on Fire Safety Measures ( Appendix 2.);

4.2. Instructions on fire safety measures in administrative and office premises ( Appendix 3.);

4.3. Instructions on fire safety measures in production rooms (Appendix 4.);

4.4. Instructions on fire safety measures in technical premises (Appendix 5.);

4.5. Instructions on fire safety measures in the material warehouse premises (pantry) ( Appendix 6.);

4.6. Instructions on fire safety measures in the warehouse rooms of the flammable (LVZ) and flammable liquids (GJ) ( Appendix 7.);

4.7. Instructions on fire safety measures during painting works ( Appendix 8.);

4.8. Instructions on fire safety measures when conducting construction and repair work ( Appendix 9.);

4.9. Instructions on fire safety measures during temporary fire and other fire-hazardous works ( Appendix 10.);

4.10. Instructions on the procedure for the actions of the duty service personnel upon receipt of a fire signal or damage to the receiving and control equipment of fire automation installations ( Appendix 11.);

4.11. Instructions on the procedure for joint actions of the administration of the institution and fire protection in the liquidation of fires ( Appendix 12.);

4.12. Instructions on the procedure for inclusion of risk pumps ( Appendix 13.).

5. Responsible for fire safety:

5.1. Ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of "Fire safety rules in Russian Federation"(PPB 01-03, introduced into operation by the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of June 18, 2003 No. 000), as well as instructions for fire safety measures (applications 2 - 13).

5.2. Carryingle briefings (primary, repeated, unscheduled, current) directly in the workplace with all newly accepted work;

5.3. To appoint a responsible for conducting fire briefings (F. I.O., the position of person responsible for fire safety).

Introductory briefing and primary briefing in the workplace should be carried out directly when applying for new employees.

Repeated fire briefing is carried out 2 times a year: in ___________ and in ____________.

An unscheduled fire-fighting briefing is carried out as needed in accordance with orders for the establishment.

The target fire briefing is carried out:

Before carrying out mass events with children;

Before holding events in the institution with the number of participants more than 50 people;

Before conducting one-time work associated with an increased fire hazard (welding and other fireworks).

Control over the timely passage by employees of training for fire and technical minimum programs is reserved.

5.4. Do not allow employees who have not passed fire-fighting instructions, as well as showing unsatisfactory knowledge.

6. To prohibit the organization in the establishment of permanent venues of fire and other fire hazardous works. Conduct temporary fire and other fire-hazardous work in accordance with the instructions on fire safety measures during temporary fire and other fire-hazardous works (Appendix 10).

7. Create a fire and technical commission (hereinafter - PTC) as part of:

chairman of the Commission - Deputy Head of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations ____________;

members of the Commission: ________________________________;

secretary of the Commission - ________________________.

7.1. To approve the Regulations on the Fire and Technical Commission ( Appendix 14.).

7.2. Creating PTK to hold in accordance with the Regulations on the Fire and Technical Commission (Appendix 14).

8. Create a voluntary fire squad (hereinafter - DPD).

8.1. Appoint the head of the DPD - (Position, F. I. O.).

8.2. To approve the Regulations on the voluntary fire squad ( Appendix 15.).

8.3. Creating an DPD to hold in accordance with the Regulations on the Voluntary Fire Druzhina (Appendix 15).

9. Create a commission to verify the knowledge of the fire and technical minimum as part of:

chairman of the Commission - Deputy Head of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations _____________;

commission members: - ____________;

commission Secretary - _____________.

8.1. To approve the Regulation on the Commission for Checking Fire Safety Knowledge (Appendix 16).

8.2. The procedure and forms of work of the Commission are determined by the Regulations on the Commission for Checking Knowledge in Fire Safety ( Appendix 16.).

9. Appoint the responsible:

9.1. For technical condition and high-quality repair of systems and installations of heating and ventilation - (Position, F. I. O.).

9.2. For the acquisition, repair, safety and maintenance of the primary means of fire extinguishing - (Position, F. I. O.).

9.3. For the operation of installations and automatic fire protection systems (PRs) - ( position, F. I. about.) .

11. To inspect and close the premises requiring additional inspection before closing, after the end of the work to persons responsible for fire safety, together with the security service (fire protection).

12. To monitor compliance with the rules of fire safety in the territory, in buildings, structures and premises of the institution to members of a voluntary fire friend, together with security officers _______________ (in coordination), ensuring the protection of the institution under the contract No. ______________, and act in accordance with them in the case The emergence of fire.

13. Approve the plans of fire protection of the premises, the evacuation of people and material values in case of fire.

14. To impose control over the execution of this order to the Deputy Head of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations - FULL NAME.

Head (F. I.O.)

The creation of a fire safety system at the enterprise aims to prevent fire, protect the safety of people and the salvation of property. At the same time, one of the important steps is the appointment of the responsible for fire safety, which shares with the head of the enterprise all the completeness of administrative and even criminal responsibility in case of identifying errors, violations, or their fatal consequences.

From this article you will learn:

Who is responsible for fire safety in the organization

Responsibility for fire safety as a whole on the organization is borne by the head. At the same time, he can delegate a part of his powers a specially appointed employee - responsible for fire safety. As a rule, one responsible for the PB on the organization and responsible in each structural unit is appointed.

Responsible for PB at the Protection facility is appointed by order (order) of the head of the Organization from among highly qualified managers or specialists with higher technical or secondary professional education and work experience in the industry for at least 3 years.

Fire Safety Activities

Organizations must be planned for activities. The technical measures include the equipment of the enterprise by the fire alarm system, the automatic fire extinguishing system, the system of internal fireproof water supply, a set.

Organizational activities include the development of an evacuation plan, the publication of the order for the appointment of employees responsible for fire safety, training of workers and specialists to a fire and technical minimum, conducting fire briefings, conclusion of contracts for maintenance and periodic examination of fire protection and alarm systems.

Requirements for the responsible for fire safety

The current legislation does not provide specific requirements for the person, which can be appointed responsible for.

Nevertheless, it is obligatory to pass through fire safety measures under the fire and technical minimum program. In this case, the responsible learns on the PTM program with a separation from production.

The head of the enterprise is entitled to either create a fire safety service, or to immediately serve one of its deputies or leading specialists. As a rule, it is convenient to assign to this position by the Security Service Head (deputy regime).

First, this person has a necessary administrative resource, the experience of working with subordinates, knows the procedure for the formation of a budget and may lead the evacuation of people and material resources.

An irrational option will be the addition of this duty to a labor protection specialist. Due to the large amount of work in the specialty, on fire safety, he will be able to pay less time than it is required. It can harm labor protection work, which is no less an important element Enterprise security than fire safety.

How to arrange an order for the appointment of the responsible for fire safety

In order to appoint the responsible for the PB, it is necessary to fix several important points.

First of all, it should be indicated that the responsible is appointed on the basis of paragraph 4 of the PPR. If this work is an additional duty, an additional charge must be established for the combination or for expanding the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. The order needs to refer to a regular schedule or directly register the amount of surcharge or its percentage to the salary at the main place of work.


It should be borne in mind that the employer will have to demand from the employee of the fulfillment of work, not caused by the employment contract (). Therefore, in the employment contract of the employee who will be appointed responsible for fire safety, appropriate duties should be provided, or these responsibilities should be imposed in the order of combining posts.

Please note that the employee is not entitled to refuse responsibility if the relevant duties are provided for by its employment contract. In case of refusal of the employee, it is legitimate to attract disciplinary responsibility. If it is supposed to arrange the combination of posts, then without the consent of the employee, it is impossible to impose appropriate responsibility ().

Please note that the change in the labor function is a significant condition for the employment contract. The content of the employment contract, as well as mandatory and additional conditionsprovided for.
According to, the change in the conditions of the employment contract is allowed only on a part of the parties to the Parties concluded in writing, with the exception of cases provided for by the TK RF. In the event that the employee agrees to perform the duties assigned to it in accordance with the addition to the employment contract within the working time without additional payment, the employer has the right to leave it for the same wages without change.

What functions performs responsible for fire safety in 2019

It is necessary even before appointing the responsible for this work to clarify that in the event of a fire with human victims, the personally responsible with the leader of the organization is borne.

From September 26, 2017 entered into force new edition The rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation. If earlier the rules have been established that the responsible for fire safety is obliged to develop fire safety instructions for each fire-free and fire-hazardous premises of the production and warehouse category, then from September 26, 2017, this requirement also applies to the category A and B category. Therefore, This position has increased, as well as increased and requirements for logistical equipment with funds in fire protection. For example, night shifts should now be provided not only by lanterns, but also means of protecting respiration and vision in proportion to the number of duty.

Responsible is obliged to draw up a fire safety plan and follow its execution.

Organizations in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" of July 22, 2008, the rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation (approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 25.04.2012 No. 390) and other regulatory and legal acts in Fire safety areas


1. To appoint a person responsible for the fire safety of the organization as a whole director of Svetlana Svetlana Vladimirovna.

2. Assign persons responsible for fire safety and compliance with fire safety requirements in entrusted objects (according to a staffing schedule) for the content of primary fire extinguishing facilities and fire equipment, for the technical condition, repair and operation of fire water supply (if available):

- By security service - Head of the Security Service of Pakhina Viktor Nikolayevich;

- according to the production service - Deputy Head of the Production Service of Lupay Natalia Sergeevna;

- by the service of administrative - economic support; on the premises and building of the hostel; by premises and administrative building; - Head of the Administrative Services Service of Badayan Mikhail Alexandrovich;

- on the boiler house and department of the main energy - engineer of Kipia Lennica Georgy Nikolayevich;

- according to the department of the main mechanic and the garage - the main mechanic of Kukon Oleg Olegovich;

- in the service of the chief engineer as a whole - the chief engineer Yeremeeva Vladimir Vladimirovich;

- By the service of warehouse logistics - Head of the Warehouse Logistics Service Yeremeeva Yuri Yurevich.

3. Persons, order appointed responsible for fire safety (paragraph 2 of this order):

3.1. To ensure the fulfillment of the requirements set forth in the rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation (appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 25.04.2012 β„–390). Term - 01.10.2017.

3.2. Process, to approve director and post on prominent places, including separately for each fire-free and fire-hazardous premises of industrial and warehousing. Term - until 07.11.2017.

3.3. Ensure that the requirements provided for in Article 12 of Federal Law No. 15 of 02.23.2013 "On the Protection of Citizens from the Impact of Environment of Tobacco Smoke and the Impact of Tobacco Consumption" requirements federal Law reflect in. To prohibit smoking, the use of open fire and the use of electric heating devices in places that are not designated for this purpose. On the doors and in the premises of industrial, warehouse and administrative purposes, ensure the presence of fire safety signs "Smoking tobacco and the use of open fire is prohibited." Term - until 07.10.2017

3.4. Determine the storage sites and the permissible number of one-time located in the premises of the LVZH, GJ, GG and other flammable substances (if available), guided by the requirements for storing them, regulatory legal acts on fire safety.

Term - until 07/30/2017

3.5. On the doors of the premises of industrial and warehousing and external installations, designate categories on the explosion and fire hazard, as well as the class of zones in accordance with chapters 5, 7 and 8 of the FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements". Term - until 15.10.2017.

3.6. Post signs with an indication of the responsible for fire safety and phone numbers of the challenge of fire protection 101, 112 in all production, administrative, warehouse and other premises in prominent places. Term - until 01.10.2017.

3.7. When operating evacuation paths and outputs to ensure compliance design solutions and demand regulatory documents Fire safety. At the facility with jobs on the floor for 10 or more people, ensure that there are plans for evacuation of people in a fire (in photoluminescent execution in accordance with GOST R 12.2.143-2009 "Systems of photoluminescent evacuation"). Term - until 01.10.2017.

3.8. Provide entrusted objects by primary fire extinguishing means according to the standards according to the requirements of the Fire Regime regulations in the Russian Federation. Operation and maintenance of primary fire extinguishing facilities (, fire cranes, etc.) to organize according to the requirements of regulatory documents (GP 9.13130.2009 fire extinguishers. Requirements for operation. SP 10.13130.2009 Internal fireproof water supply). Term - until 01.11.2017g.

3.9. Ensure the completion of fire cranes (if available) internal fireproof water pipes by fire hoses, manual fire trunks and valves, carry out the fire hose rolls (no less often 1 time per year). To organize an inspection of the internal fireproof water supply system with the compilation of the act (2 times a year). Fire sleeves to attach to the fire crane and fire barrel. Term - 01.11.2017.

3.10. Machine installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety buildings of administrative, industrial and warehousing buildings on time, established by the rules fire regime in the Russian Federation. Term - 01.08.2017, hereinafter constantly.

3.11. To inspect the state of fire safety of buildings and structures adjacent to the territory. Term - 2 times a year (spring and autumn).

3.13. Fire hazardous work (firing, gas welding, gas-powered, electric welding, soldering, painting works) in strict compliance with the requirements of the rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation. Term - when conducting fireworks.

3.14. Organize a primary in the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, targeted briefings for fire safety with employees of the structural divisions of the enterprise in deadlines. To be used to develop, agree with a labor protection specialist and submit to approval to the director of the Fire Briefing Program. All types of briefings to register with the record in the Fire Briefing Journal. To avoid persons who have not passed, as well as those who showed unsatisfactory knowledge. Term - 12/01/2017

3.15. Ensure the execution of subordinate personnel, in full, organizational and technical measures in terms of fire safety requirements during repair, welding and other fireworks. In accordance with the requirements of the rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation.

3.16. To monitor compliance with the requirements of fire safety, in entrusted objects, as well as during work, personnel of contracting organizations. Term - constantly.

3.17. To prohibit the purchase of combustible construction and finishing materials, as well as materials that do not have fire safety certificates. Copies fire safety certificates store. Term - constantly.

3.18. Organize "fire safety corners" and arrange them with the following content:

- extracts from fire safety instructions, regulatory acts that establish fire safety requirements;

- measures to improve fire safety conditions in fixed structural divisions;

- staff actions during evacuation in case of fire (fire);

- rules for the application of primary fire extinguishing means;

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