
GOST Reliability of building structures and grounds. Why does the document have such status? Regulatory and calculated values \u200b\u200bof the strength and other characteristics of materials and soils

Reliability of building structures
And grounds

Basic provisions for the calculation

GOST 27751-88

(ST SEV 384-87)

State Construction Committee of the USSR


State Standard of the SSR Union

This standard applies to building structures from different materials, the founding of all types of buildings, structures and establishes the main provisions for their calculation on force influences.

1. Basics of calculation

1.1. Building structures and bases should be designed in such a way that they have sufficient reliability in the construction and operation, with regard to, if necessary, special impacts (for example, as a result of earthquake, flooding, fire, explosion). 1.2. The main property that determines the reliability of building structures, buildings and structures in general is the reliability of their work - the ability to maintain the specified operational qualities during a certain service life. 1.3. Building structures and bases should be calculated using the limit state method, the main provisions of which should be aimed at ensuring the trouble-free operation of structures and grounds, taking into account the variability of the properties of materials, soils, loads and effects, the geometric characteristics of the structures, the conditions of their work, as well as the degree of responsibility (and national economic significance) designed objects determined by material and social damage in violation of their performance. 1.4. The limit states are divided into two groups: the first group includes limit states that lead to complete unsuitability for the operation of structures, bases (buildings or structures in general) or to the full (partial) loss of the carrier ability of buildings and structures in general; The second group includes marginal states that make it difficult to normal operation of structures (grounds) or reduce the durability of buildings (structures) compared to the provisted service life. The limit states of the first group are characterized by: the destruction of any nature (for example, plastic, fragile, fatigue) (1a); loss of stability of the form leading to complete unsuitability of operation (1 B); loss of sustainability of the position (1C); transition to the variable system (1 d); qualitative change in configuration (1e); Other phenomena in which there is a need to stop exploitation (for example, excessive deformations as a result of creep, plasticity, shift in compounds, cracking, as well as the formation of cracks) (1 f). The limit states of the second group are characterized by: the achievement of limit deformations of structures (for example, limit defunitions, turns) or limit deformations of the base (2a); achieving limit levels of oscillations of structures or bases (2 B); formation of cracks (2c); the achievement of limit disclosures or crack lengths (2 D); loss of stability of the form leading to difficulty operating (2e); Other phenomena under which there is a need to temporarily restrict the operation of the building or structure due to the unacceptable reduction in their service life (for example, corrosion damage) (2 f). The limit states for which the calculations are required are determined by the design standards. 1.5. The calculation of the limit states aims to ensure the reliability of the building or structure throughout its service life, as well as in the work of work. The terms of reliability is to ensure that the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the loads or they caused efforts, stresses, deformations, movements, the disclosures of the cracks did not exceed the corresponding limit values \u200b\u200bset by the design standards or bases. 1.6. Estimated models (including the calculated schemes, the main prerequisites for the calculation) of structures and grounds should reflect the actual working conditions for buildings or structures that meet the estimated settlement. At the same time, factors determining the intense and deformed states, features of the interaction of structural elements between themselves and with base, spatial work of structures, geometric and physical nonlinearity, plastic and rheological properties of materials and soils, the presence of cracks in reinforced concrete structures, possible deviations of geometric sizes from their nominal values. When erecting new buildings and structures adjacent to previously built (or erected in close proximity to them), it is necessary to take into account their possible mutual influence. 1.7. In the absence of reliable theoretical methods of calculation or previously proven similar solutions, the calculation of structures and grounds can be made on the basis of specially delivered theoretical or experimental studies on models or inventory structures. 1.8. The calculation of the structures for which the design standards do not contain instructions for the definition of effort and stresses, taking into account the inelastic deformations, is carried out under the assumption of their elastic work; At the same time, the section is allowed to calculate with regard to inelastic deformations. 1.9. The calculation of the bases should be carried out using mechanical parameters of soils (for example, their strength, deformation characteristics). In calculations, it is allowed to use other parameters characterizing the interaction of structures with the base and installed by experimentally. 1.10. When calculating structures, the following settlement situations should be considered: established, having the duration of the same order as the service life of a construction site (for example, operation between two capital repairs or changes in the technological process); Transitional, having a small duration of the construction object compared to the service life (for example, building a building, overhaul, reconstruction); emergency, having a small probability of appearance and a small duration, but being very important from the point of view of the consequences of achieving limit states possible with it (for example, a situation arising in connection with an explosion, a collision, equipment accident, fire, and also immediately after failure either design element). The estimated situations are characterized by a design scheme of construction, types of loads, values \u200b\u200bof coefficients of working conditions and reliability coefficients, a list of limit states that should be considered in this situation.

2. Regulatory and calculated values \u200b\u200bof strength and
Other characteristics of materials and soils

2.1. The main parameters of the strength of the materials are the normative values \u200b\u200bof their strength characteristics. The provision of regulatory values \u200b\u200bof the strength characteristics of the material that has passed the acceptance control or sorting should, as a rule, be at least 0.95. 2.2. In addition to the normative values \u200b\u200bof the strength characteristics, the normative values \u200b\u200bof other characteristics of materials can be established, (for example, densities, elasticity modules, friction coefficients, creep, shrinkage), taken, as a rule, equal to their mathematical expectation. 2.3. If the values \u200b\u200bcharacterizing the properties of the material and soil are the functions of other values \u200b\u200bor are in the correlation dependence on them, the normative values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of materials and soils can be obtained by calculated by using dependencies set by the design standards. 2.4. When calculating structures operating at high or low temperatures, high humidity, with repeated influences, changes should be taken into account changes in the physicomechanical properties of materials (strength, elasticity, viscosity) and other phenomena (for example, creep, shrinkage). 2.5. The main parameters of the mechanical properties of the soil are the regulatory or calculated values \u200b\u200bof the strength, deformation and other physical and mechanical characteristics of the soils. 2.6. The normative values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of the soil or parameters that determine the interaction of the foundations with the soil are taken equal, as a rule, their mathematical expectation. 2.7. The normative values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of the soils or parameters specified in paragraph 1.9 are set based on data engineering Exquisitesperformed for the designed building or structure, or on the basis of the experience of design and construction. 2.8. Possible deviations of the strength and other characteristics of materials and soils in the unfavorable side of their regulatory values \u200b\u200bare taken into account by reliability coefficients by material and. The values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients can be different for various limit states. 2.9. The calculated value of the characteristic of the material or soil is the value obtained by the fission of the normative value of the characteristic to the reliability coefficient by material or soil. Based on cases, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of the soil can be determined directly according to experimental data.

3. Regulatory and calculated values \u200b\u200bof loads

3.1. The main characteristics of the load are their regulatory values. Regulatory load values \u200b\u200bare defined: for loads from its own weight - according to the design values \u200b\u200bof geometric and structural parameters and according to the average density values, taking into account the available data of the manufacturers on the expected mass of the design; for atmospheric loads (for example, wind, snow, ice, wave, ice) and influences (for example, temperature, humidity) - by the largest annual values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to a specific average period of their exceeding; Regulatory values \u200b\u200bof atmospheric loads that can cause dynamic efforts or deformations in structures should be determined taking into account dynamic phenomena and dynamic characteristics of structures; for technological static loads (for example, from equipment, devices, materials, furnishings, people) - on the expected highest values \u200b\u200bfor the conditions for the manufacturer, operation or production of work, taking into account the passport data of the equipment; for technological dynamic loads (from moving mechanisms, machines, vehicles) - by parameter values \u200b\u200bdetermining dynamic loads, or by the masses of the masses and geometric dimensions of the moving mechanism or parts of the machine in accordance with its kinematic diagram and mode of operation; for seismic and explosive effects, as well as for loads caused by sharp impaired technological process, temporary malfunction or breakdown of equipment, including driving vehicles - in accordance with the requirements of special regulatory documents. 3.2. The possible deviation of the loads into an unfavorable (greater or smaller) side from their regulatory values \u200b\u200bdue to variability of loads or deviations from the conditions of normal operation is taken into account by the coefficients of reliability on the load. The values \u200b\u200bof coefficients may be different for various limit states and different situations. 3.3. The design value of the load is obtained by multiplying the regulatory value to the corresponding reliability coefficient by load. In the presence of statistical data, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof loads are allowed to determine directly by the given probability of their exceeding. 3.4. When determining the regulatory and calculated values \u200b\u200bof loads varying in time, it is allowed to take into account the provisions for the service life of the building or facility. 3.5. Constructions and bases should be calculated taking into account possible adverse combinations of loads (for sections of elements, structures and their compounds, or for the entire building or structure as a whole). Reducing the likelihood of simultaneous exceeding several loads of their calculated values \u200b\u200bcompared to the probability of exceeding one load of its calculated value is taken into account by coefficients of load combinations. Note. Under the "multiple loads" should be taken as several loads different species (for example, snow and wind), and several loads of one type (for example, several lifting bridge cranes, loads from people, furniture, equipment on several overlaps in multi-storey buildings, a few homogeneous loads depending on the size of the cargo area of \u200b\u200bthe calculated element).

4. Accounting for working conditions

4.1. Possible deviations of the adopted settlement model from the actual working conditions of the elements of structures, compounds, buildings and structures and their foundations, as well as changes in the properties of materials due to the effect of temperature, humidity, the duration of exposure, its multiple repeatability and other factors that are not directly reflected in the calculations are accounted for by coefficients Working conditions. 4.2. The coefficients of working conditions can take into account the factors that have not yet have an acceptable analytical description, such as the influence of corrosion, aggression of the medium, biological effects. 4.3. The coefficients of working conditions and the method of their introduction into the calculation are established on the basis of experimental and theoretical data on the actual work of materials, structures and grounds in the conditions of operation and the production of work.

5. Accounting for buildings and structures

5.1. For accounting for the responsibility of buildings and structures characterized by the economic, social and environmental consequences of their failures, three levels are established: I - elevated, II - normal, III - reduced. Increased level of responsibility should be taken for buildings and structures, the failures of which can lead to severe economic, social and environmental consequences (tanks for oil and petroleum products with a capacity of 10,000 m 3 or more, main pipelines, production buildings With spans 100 m or more, constructions of communication with a height of 100 m or more, as well as unique buildings and structures). The normal level of responsibility should be taken for buildings and structures of mass construction (residential, public, industrial, agricultural buildings and structures). The reduced level of responsibility should be taken for facilities of seasonal or auxiliary purposes (greenhouses, greenhouses, summer pavilions, small warehouses and similar structures). 5.2. When calculating the supporting structures and grounds, it is necessary to consider the reliability and responsibility ratio taken by equal: for level I level of responsibility - more than 0.95, but not more than 1.2; For level II - 0.95, for level III - less than 0.95, but not less than 0.8.A. The reliability ratio according to responsibility should multiply the load effect (internal forces and movements of structures and bases caused by loads and influences). Note. This item does not apply to buildings and structures, the accounting of the responsibility of which is established in the relevant regulatory documents. 5.3. Liability levels of buildings and structures should also be taken into account when determining the requirements for the durability of buildings and structures, the nomenclature and the volume of engineering surveys for construction, the establishment of the rules of acceptance, testing, operation and technical diagnostics construction facilities. 5.4. The attribution of an object to a specific level of responsibility and the choice of the value of the coefficient is made by the general designer in coordination with the customer. (Modified edition, change No. 1)



Explanation of basic concepts

1. The limit states are the states under which the design, base (building or construction as a whole) cease to meet the specified operational - requirements or requirements for the production of work (erection). 2. Operation of a building or structure - the use of a building or structure for a functional purpose with the necessary measures to preserve the status of structures in which they are able to perform specified functions with parameters established by the requirements of technical documentation. 3. Normal operation - Operation carried out (without restrictions) in accordance with the designations provided for in the standards or tasks for the design of technological or living conditions. 4. Reliability of the construction object - the property of the construction object to perform the specified functions for the desired period of time. 5. Provision of the value of the value - for random variables for which it is unfavorable to excess any value - the likelihood of non-testing of this value; And for which the understatement is unfavorable - the likelihood of unemployment. 6. Power impact - impacts under which are understood as direct strength effects from loads and exposure to displacement of supports, measuring temperatures, shrinkage and other similar phenomena causing reactive forces. 7. Load effect - effort, voltage, deformation, crack disclosures caused by force influences. 8. The estimated situation is a set of conditions that determine the calculated requirements for designs.

Information details

1. Designed and submitted by the Central Research and Research and Experimental Institute of Integrated Problems of Building Constructions and Constructions named after V. A. Kucherenko, Gosstroy USSR Artists V. D. Ryser, Dr. Tekhn. sciences; A. A. Bath, Cand. tehn sciences; V. A. Retsanov, Cand. tehn sciences; Yu. D. Sukhov, Cand. tehn Sciences 2. Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the USSR of 25.03.88 No. 48 3. The standard fully corresponds to ST SEV 384-87 4. Entered for the first time

Change No. 1 GOST 27751 "Nthe delicacy of building structures and grounds Basic provisions "

Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. from)

The Bureau of MGS Standards No. is registered.

[Alpha-2 codes on MK (ISO 3166) 004]

The date of the introduction of this change establishes the specified national standardization authorities.

Section 2 Terms and Definitions

Subsection 2.1 Add Definition:

"2.1.21 Scientific technical support of construction - a set of works of research, methodological, expert, control, information and analytical and legal nature, carried out to ensure reliability and quality of design, construction and operation of buildings and structures; "

Section 3 General Requirements

Paragraph 3.7 shall be stated in the new edition:

"3.7. When designing structures, manufacturing and installation of structures, it is necessary to provide scientific and technical support in the event that one or more of the following conditions is performed:

Design solutions not tested earlier in construction practice in the territory Russian Federation;

New materials are used for which there are no regulatory or calculated values \u200b\u200bof strength or deformation characteristics in domestic regulatory literature;

In regulatory documents, there are no data necessary to assign settlement loads or resistance.

Not tested or new calculation methods are used;

In regulatory documents, there are no data on new constructive solutions, as well as the requirements for the manufacture and construction of structures.

The scientific and technical support program should include the decision of one or more issues listed above, including on the basis of the results of analytical and (or) numerical studies, as well as data of experimental studies on physical models or inventory structures.

Scientific and technical support is conducted by organizations other than those who develop project documentation. Analytical and numerical studies performed within scientific and technical support are allowed to be carried out by organizations developing the project. "

Section 5 Limit

Subsection 5.2 Calculation by limit states

Clause 5.2.6 shall be stated in the new edition:

"5.2.6 The calculation on the progressive collapse is carried out for buildings and structures of the CS-3 class, as well as buildings and structures of the CS-2 class with a mass stay of people (see Appendix B). The calculation on the progressive collapse is allowed not to be carried out if special measures are provided that exclude the progressive collapse of the structure or its part. "

Section 6 loads and exposure

Clause 6.1.1 shall be stated in the new edition:

"6.1.1 of load and impact should be divided into:

a) permanent, for which the change in the settlement values \u200b\u200bduring the estimated service life of the construction object is not enough compared to their average values;

b) long-term, calculated values \u200b\u200bof which are preserved for a large period of time during the estimated life of the construction object;

c) short-term, the duration of the calculated values \u200b\u200bof which are significantly less than the estimated service life of the structure;

d) special, the action of which can lead to an emergency settlement.

"NOTE - Special impacts are divided into normalized (project) and emergency. Special normized (design) influences include special loads, the intensity and distribution of which on the surface or volume of structures are known and are specified in the current regulatory documents or in the design task. Special emergency effects include special loads and impacts that are not regulated in regulatory documents that can lead to emergency settlement. "

Paragraph 6.1.2. The first sentence is to write down as follows:

"6.1.2 Depending on the response of the construction object of the load and impacts, divided into:"

Clause 6.3.4. Delete:

Section 7 Properties of building materials and soils

Clause 7.2 shall be amended as follows:

"7.2 For materials that have passed acceptance control or sorting, the provision of regulatory values \u200b\u200bof their strength characteristics should be no less than 0.95 and for hazardous production facilities of the CS-3 class (in accordance with classifications Town Planning Code RF) should be established on the basis of statistical analysis of test results. "

Section 10 Accounting for structures

Paragraph 10.1 Table 2. Note to Table 2 shall be set forth in the new edition.

"For buildings with a height of more than 250 m and structures with large-splashing coatings (without intermediate supports), more than 120 m or with a console of more than 60 m, the reliability ratio according to responsibility should be taken at least 1.2 ( Γ N. \u003d 1,2). "

Paragraph 10.3 Third paragraph shall be stated in the new edition.

"10.3 When calculating structures on special combinations of loads, the reliability coefficient is allowed to take an equal unit if it does not establish its other meanings in the design standards."

Paragraph 10.5 shall be stated in the new edition.

"10.5 For buildings and structures of the CS-3 classroom, scientific and technical support should be provided (in the fulfillment of clause 3.7) in engineering surveys, design, manufacturing and installation of structures, as well as technical monitoring during the construction and operation."

Section 12 Quality Control

Item 12.4 Table 3 Stand in a new edition.

"T and l and c and 3 - quality control of design

Clause 12.5 shall be amended as follows:

"12.5 For hazardous production facilities of the CS-3 class with an increased level of responsibility, the quality of materials and performance, products and structures must be confirmed by the independent inspection control of the third party within the framework of scientific and technical support, taking into account the provisions 7.2."

Item 12.6 Table 4 Stand in a new edition.

"T and l and c and 4 - quality control of construction and installation work



Quality control of construction and installation work


Independent control carried out by a third-party organization


Independent control within the organization, units not participating in these construction and installation work


Self-test: Control persons who performed construction and installation work, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents

Appendix A (mandatory). Classification of facilities

Note 2 Stand in a new edition.

"Note 2 - for individual buildings and structures of particularly dangerous and technically complex objects, it is allowed to install the CS-2 class in the event that they do not provide for permanent jobs and they do not relate to the CS 3 For other criteria. "

The name is a new edition:

« List of buildings and structures with mass stay of people»

UDC 624 624.15-19.001.24: 006.354 μS 91.040.01

Keywords: reliability, durability, structure, construction object, impact, carrying capacity, limit state, calculation scheme, reliability coefficients, impact effect

Minstroy explained the requirements for the calculation of a progressive collapse in a letter dated December 21, 2018 No. 51156-AC / 08.

According to Appendix 5.2.6 GOST 27751-2014 "Reliability of building structures and grounds. Basic provisions "(hereinafter - GOST 27751-2014) The calculation of the progressive collapse is carried out for buildings and structures of the CS-3 class, as well as buildings and structures of the CS-2 class with mass finding of people (see Appendix B). The calculation of the progressive collapse is allowed not to be carried out if special measures are provided that exclude the progressive collapse of the structure or its part.

The specified clause is included in the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the use of which on voluntary basis Compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities", approved by order Federal Agency on technical regulation and metrology dated March 30, 2015 No. 365 (hereinafter referred to as the list No. 365) and has the status of voluntary use in design and construction. According to Part 4 of Article 16.1 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", the application on a voluntary basis of standards and (or) arrangements of the rules included in the list No. 365 is a sufficient condition for compliance with the requirements of the relevant technical regulations.

It should be noted that Appendix B GOST 27751-2014 and SP 296.1325800.2017 "Buildings and structures. Special impacts "are not included in the list of national standards and arrangements of rules (parts of such standards and drafts of rules), as a result of the use of which the requirements of the Federal Law" Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities "are compliance, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 26 December 2014 No. 1521 and List No. 365. Provisions specified documents According to standardization, use in reference information.

On our site published an article with the materials of the past seminar on the problems of normalizing the reliability of building structures, where its report on GOST 27751-2014 presented Nikolay Alexandrovich Popov, head of the TsNII laboratory. V.A. Kucherenko. A description of practical steps and experience in training GOST 27751-2014 is given, taking into account the experience of applying GOST R 54257-2010 since its approval and introduction (September 1, 2011), as well as taking into account requests received from project organizations in NIC OJSC "Construction" as a developer of these standards, and a further harmonization of GOST R 54257-2010 with similar international standardsFirst of all, with Eurocode 1990 "Basis of Structural Design".

And see the report.

Document's name

"GOST R 54257-2010. National Standard of the Russian Federation. Reliability of building structures and grounds. Basic provisions and requirements"

(approved and put into effect by order of Rosstandard from 12/23/2010 N 1059-st)

Approved and enacted

Order Rosstandarta

National Standard of the Russian Federation

Reliability of building structures and grounds

Basic provisions and requirements

Reliability of Constructions and Foundations.

Basic Principles and Requirements

EN 1990-2002

Basis of Structural Design


ISO 2394: 1998



GOST R 54257-2010

Group z02.

OX 91.040.01

Date of administration


Objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established Federal law dated December 27, 2002. N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions."

Information about standard

1. Designed open joint Stock Company "Research Center" Construction "(NIC Construction OJSC) - Institutions: Central Research Institute of Construction Designs named after V.A. Kucherenko (TsNIIK them. V.A. Kucherenko), Research, Design and Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced concrete. A.A. Gvozdeva (NIIZHB them. A.A. Gvozdeva), Research, Design and Restaurant and Design and Technological Institute for the Foundations and Underground Foods. N.M. Hersevanov (NIPS. N.M. Gersevanov), with the participation of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (Rasn).

2. Made by the Technical Committee on Standardization TC 465 "Construction".

3. Approved and put into effect by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of December 23, 2010. N 1059-art.

4. This standard includes the main regulations of the following European and international standards:

EN 1990-2002 "Basic Principles of Construction Design" (EN 1990-2002 "Basis of Structural Design", NEQ);

ISO 2394: 1998 "Basic principles of reliability "(ISO 2394: 1998" General Principles ON RELIABILITY FOR STRUCTURES ", NEQ).

5. Entered for the first time.

Information about the changes to this standard is published in the "National Standards" information index published annually, and the text of the amendments and amendments - in the monthly issued information indicators "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the monthly information indicator "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in information system common use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes general principles for ensuring the reliability of structures and grounds for buildings and structures, and it should be applied in the development of technical regulations, other regulatory documents and standards governing the design, construction and operation of construction sites.

2. Terms and definitions

This standard uses the following terms with the corresponding definitions:

General terms

2.1. Aggressive environment: an object operation environment that causes a decrease in cross sections and the degradation of the properties of materials in time.

2.2. Degradation of the properties of materials in time: gradual deterioration of the characteristics of materials relative to the design values \u200b\u200bduring the operation or conservation of the object.

2.3. Durability: the ability of the construction site to maintain physical and other properties installed in design and ensuring normal operation during the estimated service life during proper maintenance.

2.4. Life cycle: a general period of the existence of a building or structure, ranging from the start of construction and to its demolition and disposal.

2.5. Building: result construction activitiesintended for accommodation and (or) activities of people, placement of production, storage of products or animal content.

2.6. The reliability of the construction object: the ability of the construction object to perform the required functions during the calculated life.

2.7. Regulatory document: A document available to a wide range of consumers and establishes rules, general principles and characteristics relating to certain types of activities in the field of construction and their results.

2.8. Normal operation: Operation of a construction site in accordance with the conditions provided for in construction normsah or design tasks, including appropriate maintenance, inpic repair and (or) reconstruction.

2.9. Base: part of the ground array, interacting with the structure of the structure, which perceives the effects transmitted through the foundation and underground parts of the structure and transmitting technogenic and natural impacts from external sources acting on the structure.

2.10. Room: space inside a building having a certain functional purpose and limited by construction structures.

2.11. Estimated service life: Installed in construction norms or in a task for designing a period of use of a construction facility for its intended repair and (or) reconstruction with maintenance provided. The estimated service life is counted from the start of operation of the object or the resumption of its operation after major repairs or reconstruction.

2.12. Service life: the duration of the normal operation of the construction site to a state in which its further operation is unacceptable or inexpedient.

2.13. Construction construction: part of a building or structure that performs certain carriers, enclosing or aesthetic functions.

2.14. Construction Product: A product intended for use as an element of building structures, buildings and structures.

2.15. Construction structure: the result of construction activities intended for the implementation of certain consumer functions.

2.16. Building material: material intended for the manufacture of construction objects.

2.17. Building object: construction structure, Building, room, building construction, construction product or base.

2.18. Maintenance and Current Repair: A set of activities carried out during the period of the settlement period of the construction facility, ensuring its normal operation.

2.19. Operation of the supporting structures of the object: a set of measures to maintain the necessary degree of reliability of structures during the estimated service life of the facility in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and project documents.

2.20. Technical monitoring: systematic monitoring of the status of structures in order to control their quality, assessment of compliance design solutions and regulatory requirements, prediction of the actual bearing capacity and forecasting on this basis of the residual resource of the structure, adopting informed decisions to extend the timing of the trouble-free operation of the facility.

Terms of settlement provisions

2.21. Effects: load, temperature changes, effect on the construction object of the environment, wind effect, base precipitation, prophesion of supports, degradation of the properties of materials over time and other effects that cause a change in the stress-strain state of building structures. When calculating the effects, it is allowed to be set as equivalent loads.

2.22. Constructive system: a set of interrelated building structures and bases.

2.23. Loads: external mechanical forces (weight of structures, equipment, snowstock, people, etc.) acting on construction objects.

2.24. Carrier ability: the maximum effect of exposure implemented in a construction facility without exceeding the limit states.

2.25. Regulatory characteristics of the physical properties of materials: the values \u200b\u200bof the physico-mechanical characteristics of the materials established in the regulatory documents or technical conditions and controlled during their manufacture, during the construction and operation of the construction site.

2.26. Security: The likelihood of a favorable realization of the value of a random variable. For example, for the loads "security" - the probability of non-test of the specified value; For the characteristics of the materials "Security" - the probability of unemployment of a specified value.

2.27. Variable parameters: used in the calculation of construction objects physical quantities (Impact, characteristics of materials and soils), the values \u200b\u200bof which are changed during the estimated period of operation or have a random nature.

2.28. The limit state of the construction site: the state of the construction object, with the exceedment of which its operation is invalid, is difficult or inexpedient.

2.29. Progressive (avalanche-like) collapse: sequential (chain) destruction of carrying construction structures, leading to the collapse of the entire structure or its parts due to the initial local damage.

2.30. Calculation scheme (model): Model of the structural system used during calculations.

2.31. Estimated criteria for limit states: relations that determine the conditions for the implementation of limit states.

2.32. Settlement situations: taken into account when calculating structures a complex of the most unfavorable conditions that may arise during its operation and erection.

2.33. Private reliability factors: reliability coefficients for load, reliability coefficients by material, work conditions coefficientsand reliability coefficients by the responsibility of structures- coefficients, due to the use of which the possible adverse deviations of the design scheme of the construction facility are taken into account from the actual conditions for its operation, as well as the need to increase reliability for certain types of construction objects.

2.34. The effect of exposure: reaction (internal effort, voltage, displacement, deformation) building structures on external influences.

3. General requirements

3.1. Reliability of construction objects

3.1.1. The main indicator of the reliability of construction objects is the impossibility of exceeding the limit states in them under the action of the most adverse combinations of settlement loads during the estimated service life.

3.1.2. The reliability of building structures and grounds should be provided at the stage of development of the overall concept of the structure, in its design, manufacturing its structural elements, construction and operation.

3.1.3. With special impacts, the reliability of building structures, in addition, should be ensured by holding one or several special events, including:

Choosing materials I. constructive decisionswhich, with an emergency failure or local damage to individual bearing elements, do not lead to a progressive concession of the structure;

Preventing or reducing the possibility of implementing such impacts on supporting structures;

The use of a set of special organizational measures that ensure restriction and control of access to the main supporting structures of the structure.

3.1.4. The adopted design and design solutions must be substantiated by the results of the calculation on the limit states of the structures, their structural elements and compounds, as well as, if necessary, the data of experimental studies, as a result of which the main parameters of construction objects are established, their carrying ability and affected by them. Project documentation should contain references to the necessary regulatory documents in the necessary cases.

3.1.5. For construction objects with an increased level of responsibility (1A and 1B), in the design of which constructive decisions that have not been tested earlier in the Russian Federation or for which there are no reliable calculation methods, it is necessary to use experimental studies on models or inventory structures.

3.1.6. When designing and erecting construction facilities, it is necessary to take into account their influence on the change in the conditions of operation of existing nearby buildings and structures.

3.1.7. When designing structures that perceive dynamic and cyclic loads or exposure should be eliminated by possible voltage concentrators and, if necessary, apply special protection measures (oscillations, perforation of enclosing structures, vibration insulation, etc.). Designing structural elements that perceive cyclic loads should be carried out taking into account the results of their calibration for endurance and fatigue strength.

3.1.8. When calculating structures, the following settlement situations should be considered:

The established - a situation that has a duration close to the deadlines for the construction site (for example, operation between two overhauls or changes in the technological process);

Transition - a situation that has a small duration of the construction site (for example, manufacture, transportation, installation, overhaul and reconstruction of a construction site);

Emergency - the situation corresponding to the exceptional conditions of the construction of the structure (including in special impacts), which can lead to significant social, environmental and economic losses.

3.1.9. For each accounted estimated situation, the reliability of building structures should be ensured by calculation, as well as at the expense:

Selection and control of the execution of optimal structural solutions, materials, technological processes manufacturing and installation of building structures;

Creating conditions guaranteeing the normal operation of construction objects;

Control of the behavior of the structure as a whole and its individual structural elements;

Organizational activities aimed at reducing the risk of emergency situations and the progressive collaboration of structures. The above activities are developed by the General Projector in coordination with the Customer and should be included in the Special Specifications (STU) or the design task.

3.2. Durability of structures and bases of buildings and structures

3.2.1. To ensure the required durability of the construction site, during its design, it is necessary to consider:

Operating conditions for their intended purpose;

Estimated environmental influence;

Properties of materials used, possible tools for their protection against negative influences Environments, as well as the possibility of degradation of their properties.

3.2.2. For time loads, a possible negative effect of the effects of aggressive environments (alternate freezing and thawing, the presence of stenched reagents, the effects of seawater, emissions industrial industries etc.).

3.2.3. The necessary measures to ensure the durability of structures and bases of buildings and structures, taking into account the specific conditions of operation of the designed objects, as well as the estimated time of their service should determine the general proofer in coordination with the customer. Approximate deadlines for buildings and structures are shown in Table 1.

Note. With the appropriate substantiation, the timing of the service of the enclosing support structures can be taken different from the timing of the construction service as a whole.

Table 1

Approximate deadlines for building and structures

Name of objects

Approximate service life

Temporary buildings and structures (construction Workers and Watch personnel, temporary warehouses, summer Pavilions, etc.)

10 years

Structures operated in strongly aggressive Environment (vessels and reservoirs, enterprise pipelines Oil refinery, gas and chemical Industry, facilities in marine environment etc.)

At least 25 years

Buildings and buildings of mass construction in ordinary operating conditions (housing buildings and production construction)

At least 50 years

Unique buildings and structures (buildings of basic museums, repositories of national and cultural values, works of monumental art, stadiums, theaters, buildings height more 75 M. , Bolshevolnaya facilities etc.)

100 years and more

4. Limit states

4.1. General provisions

4.1.1. When designing construction objects, the following limit states must be taken into account:

The first group of limit states is the state of construction objects, the excess of which leads to the loss of the bearing ability of building structures;

The second group of limit states - the state, with exceeding the normal operation of building structures, is disturbed, their resource of their durability is exhausted or the conditions of comfort are disturbed;

Special limit states - conditions arising from special influences and situations and excess of which leads to the destruction of buildings and structures with disastrous consequences.

4.1.2. The first group of limit states should be attributed to:

Destruction of any nature (for example, plastic, fragile, fatigue);

Loss of sustainability;

The phenomena under which there is a need to stop exploitation (for example, excessive deformations as a result of degradation of material properties, plasticity, shift in connections, as well as excessive cracking).

4.1.3. The second group of limit states should be attributed:

Achieving limit deformations of structures (for example, limit defunitions, angles of rotation) or limit deformations of the grounds established on the basis of technological, constructive or aesthetic and psychological requirements;

Achieving limit levels of oscillations of structures or grounds causing physiological impacts harmful to health;

The formation of cracks that do not violate the normal operation of the construction object;

Achieving the maximum width of the disclosure of cracks;

Other phenomena in which there is a need to limit the time of operation of the building or structure due to the unacceptable reduction of their operational qualities or the settlement service life (for example, corrosion damage).

4.1.4. The list of limit states that need to be considered when designing a construction object is set in design standards and (or) in the design task.

Limit states can be attributed to both the design in general and to separate elements and their connections.

4.1.5. For each limit state, which must be taken into account when designing, appropriate calculated values \u200b\u200bof loads and impacts, characteristics of materials and soils, as well as geometric parameters of structures of buildings and structures (taking into account their possible most adverse deviations), private reliability factors, maximum permissible values \u200b\u200bof effort, stresses, deflection, movements and precipitation of foundations.

4.1.6. For each recorded limit state, estimated design models of the structure, its structural elements and grounds describing their behavior under the most unfavorable conditions for their construction and exploitation should be established.

The assumptions received when choosing settlement models must be taken into account when developing working documentation.

4.2. Calculation of limit states

4.2.1. The calculation of construction objects for limit states should be carried out with regard to:

Their settlement service life;

The strength and deformation characteristics of materials installed in regulatory documents or the design task, and for soils - according to the results of engineering and geological surveys;

The most adverse options for the distribution of loads, impacts and their combinations that may arise when the construction of buildings and structures is erected;

Adverse consequences in the event of a construction facility of limit states;

Degradation of material properties;

Conditions of manufacturing structures, construction of buildings and structures and features of their operation.

4.2.2. The conditions for ensuring the reliability of structures or grounds are to ensure that the calculated values \u200b\u200bof force, stresses, deformations, movements, the cracks of the cracks did not exceed the corresponding limit values \u200b\u200bset by the design standards.

4.2.3. The maximum permissible values \u200b\u200bof the defignments and movements of the carriers and enclosing structures of buildings and structures should be installed regardless of the materials used.

4.2.4. The calculation of the structures for which the design standards do not contain instructions for the definition of effort and stresses, taking into account the inelastic deformations, it is allowed to be carried out under the assumption of their elastic work, while the cross section of the structural elements is allowed to calculate with regard to inelastic deformations.

4.2.5. Calculation of structures and grounds for structures of an increased level of responsibility (1A and 1B) is recommended based on the results of special theoretical, tested numerical and experimental studies conducted on models or inventory structures.

4.2.6. When calculating the base, it is necessary to use the values \u200b\u200bof the strength and deformation characteristics of the soils, as well as other parameters characterizing the interaction of structures with the base.

4.2.7. Calculation of the progressive collapse under the action of special loads is carried out for buildings (residential and office high-altitude buildings, shopping complexes, prebatic structures, etc.) of the 1st (1a and 1b) level of responsibility, unless other activities are provided that exclude their progressive collapse .

5. Loads and exposure

5.1. Classification of influences

5.1.1. Depending on the response of the construction object, the load and exposure is divided into:

Static, under the action of which is allowed not to take into account the acceleration and strength of the inertia of construction objects;

Dynamic, causing noticeable acceleration and strength of inertia of construction objects.

The type of exposure (static or dynamic) is set in the relevant regulatory documents.

5.1.2. To estimate the reaction of the construction object, with dynamic impacts, it is necessary to use the corresponding dynamic models. In this case, the parameters of the stress-strain state (effort, voltage, movement, etc.) are determined by dynamic calculation. Dynamic impacts are allowed to lead to equivalent static loads due to the introduction of appropriate dynamic coefficients that take into account the inertia forces arising in structures.

5.1.3. Depending on the duration of the load, the load should be divided into:

a) constant loads, the change in the calculated values \u200b\u200bof which during the estimated service life of the construction object is negligible compared to their average values;

b) long-term loads that retain settlement values \u200b\u200bduring operation for a long time;

c) short-term loads, the duration of the action of the calculated values \u200b\u200bof which is significantly less than the service life of the structure;

d) special - loads and impacts are normalized (for example, seismic, as a result of a fire) and emergency (for example, when an explosion, a collision with vehicles, with an accident accident and failure of the carrying structural element), creating emergencies with possible catastrophic consequences.

Note. Emergency influences include impacts that are not specified in regulatory documents.

5.2. Estimated loads

5.2.1. The main characteristics of the load are their calculated or regulatory values \u200b\u200bset by the relevant design standards and / or design tasks.

5.2.2. The settlement value of the load in cases where its regulatory value is set, determine the multiplication of the normative value to the reliability coefficient by load.

5.2.3. The reliability coefficient on the load takes into account in the conditions of normal operation of structures possible deviation of the loads into unfavorable (or smaller) side from their regulatory values.

The values \u200b\u200bof load reliability coefficients may be different for various limit states and various settlement situations.

5.2.4. The calculated values \u200b\u200bof loads and impacts depending on the territorial climatic conditions (Snow and wind loads, temperature effects, etc.), it is allowed to determine directly at the calculated period of their repeatability, which may depend on the limit state under consideration.

5.2.5. When calculating construction objects, according to the second group of limit states, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof short-term loads can be established taking into account the permissible time of violation of the conditions for normal operation of the construction site.

5.2.6. The calculated values \u200b\u200bof special loads are established in the relevant regulatory documents and tasks for design, taking into account possible social and material losses in the event of the destruction of structures and the necessary measures to prevent their destruction.

5.3. Estimated load combinations

5.3.1. For each settlement situation, it is necessary to take into account all possible adverse calculation combinations (combinations) of loads, which should be established based on the results of the analysis of all possible real-activated variants of various loads and, taking into account the possibility of implementing various application schemes for short-term loads or the absence of some of them.

5.3.2. The probability of simultaneous achievement by several loads of their calculated values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the likelihood of achieving one load of its calculated value is taken into account by coefficients of load combinations whose value should not exceed 1.0.

5.3.3. Depending on the adjustable load combination, it is necessary to distinguish:

a) the main combinations of loads consisting of permanent, long and (or) short-term loads;

b) special combinations of loads, including special loads.

5.3.4. In special combinations, short-term loads are allowed not to be taken into account.

5.3.5. Calculated load combinations and numerical values \u200b\u200bof the combination coefficients are set in regulatory documents for the purpose of loads.

6. Properties of building materials and soils

6.1. The main characteristics of the strength of the materials used in the design are the normative values \u200b\u200bof their strength characteristics.

6.2. For materials that have passed acceptance control or sorting, the provision of regulatory values \u200b\u200bof their strength characteristics should not be lower than 0.95.

6.3. The normative characteristics of materials and soils, as well as their variability, should be determined on the basis of test results of the respective samples or methods of their non-destructive testing. Tests must be carried out on samples representing the combination of the totality (batch) of materials, taking into account the conditions for their manufacture, acceptance and supply.

6.4. When prescribing the calculated characteristics of materials, possible differences between the properties of the material in samples and real structures (dimensional effects, change in time properties, differences in temperature conditions, etc.).

6.5. When calculating structures operating at high or low temperatures, high humidity, in aggressive environments, during repeated influences, etc. conditions should be considered possible changes Their properties in time, primarily the degradation of the physical properties of the material (strength, elasticity, viscosity, creep, shrinkage).

6.6. The normative values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of materials and soils depending on other parameters can be obtained by calculated by the provisions adopted in the design standards of structures.

6.7. As the main parameters of the mechanical properties of soils, the regulatory and calculated values \u200b\u200bof the strength, deformation and other physicomechanical characteristics, determined on the basis of data engineering and geological surveys of the construction site, taking into account the experience of design and construction.

The normative values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of the soil or parameters that determine the interaction of the foundations with the soil should be equal to their mathematical expectations obtained from the results of the processing of test results, unless other conditions defining their values \u200b\u200bare specified.

6.8. Possible deviations in the unfavorable side of the strength and other characteristics of materials and soils from their regulatory values \u200b\u200bshould be taken into account with the coefficients of reliability by material. The values \u200b\u200bof these coefficients can be different for different limit states.

6.9. The calculated value of the characteristic of the material or soil is determined by the division of the normative value of this characteristic on the reliability factor by material or soil. The calculated values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics of the soil and materials are allowed to determine directly according to experimental data.

7. Geometric parameters

7.1. When calculating the designs of buildings and structures, possible inaccuracies in determining their geometric sizes should be taken into account. The numerical values \u200b\u200bof such inaccuracies should be prescribed with the conditions of manufacture and installation of structures.

7.2. The geometric parameters of the structures whose variability is insignificant (tolerances for geometry of sections, rolling dimensions, etc.), allowed for the design values.

7.3. In cases where deviations geometric parameters The design values \u200b\u200bhave a significant impact on the work of structures (for example, significant eccentricity, deviations from the vertical or a given form, the change in the size of the cross sections due to the effects of aggressive media), should be taken into account in the calculated design models.

7.4. The geometric dimensions of the structures at the installation and operation stage should not differ from their design values \u200b\u200bby more than the amount of tolerances specified in the current regulatory documents.

7.5. At the installation stage, control over the correspondence of real deviations of the geometric parameters of structures from design tolerances should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of existing regulatory documents.

8. Conditions for the work of materials, structures and grounds

8.1. Possible deviations of the design scheme of the construction object on the conditions of its real work should be considered using the coefficients of working conditions.

8.2. Working coefficients must be installed:

In the norms regulating the calculation of structures and grounds;

Based on experimental and theoretical data, as well as

Data on the actual work of materials, structures and grounds in the context of the work and operation of the object.

9. Accounting for the responsibility of buildings and structures

9.1. Depending on the level of responsibility of structures characterized by social, environmental and economic consequences their damage and destruction, when designing, it is necessary to use reliability coefficients by responsibility, minimum values which are shown in Table 2.

Note. Liability levels 1A and 1B correspond to the "elevated" level of responsibility, levels of responsibility 2 and 3 - "normal" and "low" levels on the classification of technical regulations on the security of buildings and structures.

table 2

Minimum reliability factor

according to responsibility

Liability level

Minimum values \u200b\u200bof the coefficient Reliability by responsibility







Classification of structures in terms of responsibility:

Level 1A - a high level of responsibility:

objects listed in clause 1, subparagraphs 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 9), 11) of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation,

facilities with spans more than 100 m,

life support objects of cities and settlements,

objects of hydro and heat power engineering with a capacity of more than 1000 MW;

Level 1B - high level of responsibility:

objects listed in paragraph 1, subparagraphs 7), 8) of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation,

buildings of basic museums, state archives, administrative bodies,

buildings of repositories of national and cultural values,

entertainment objects, major health facilities and trading enterprises with mass finding people,

facilities with a span more than 60 m,

residential, public and administrative buildings with a height of more than 75 m,

masts and towers of communication and television and broadcasting facilities, pipes height more than 100 m,

tunnels, pipelines on the roads of the highest category or having a length of more than 500 m,

bridge structures with spans 200 m and more,

objects of hydro and heat power engineering with a capacity of more than 150 MW;

Note. Objects with a high level of responsibility, in the design and construction of which are used fundamentally new design solutions and not completed in the practice of construction and operation, should be attributed to a particularly high level of responsibility 1A.

Level 2 - normal level of responsibility:

residential buildings high less than 75 m and other objects of mass construction (not included in levels 1a, 1b and 3),

the main objects of mechanical engineering, processing and other industries,

tunnels with less than 500 m,

bridge structures with spans less than 200 m;

Level 3 - reduced level of responsibility:

greenhouses, greenhouses, mobile buildings (Collapsible and container type), temporary warehouses,

movies of watch personnel and other similar facilities with limited service life and staying in them.

9.2. The level of responsibility of buildings and structures, as well as the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the reliability coefficient, by responsibility are established by the general proofer in coordination with the customer in the design task or in special technical conditions (STU), but not lower than those presented in Table 2.

For different structural elements of structures, it is allowed to install different levels of responsibility and respectively assign different values \u200b\u200bof the reliability coefficient responsibility.

9.3. The reliability factor by responsibility should multiply the effects of exposure (loading effects), determined by the calculation of the main combinations of loads on the first group of limit states (see 4.1.2).

When calculating the second group of limit states (see 4.1.3), the reliability coefficient is allowed to be taken equal to a single one.

Rules for accounting the level of responsibility of construction objects when calculating special combinations of loads are set in design design standards, in the task for designing an object or stu.

9.4. The levels of responsibility of buildings and structures should be installed:

When evaluating the durability of buildings and structures;

When developing a nomenclature and volume design work, as well as engineering survey and experimental studies;

When developing structural solutions of the above-ground and underground parts of buildings and structures;

When developing scientific and technical support programs, in designing, manufacturing and installation of structures;

When developing the rules of acceptance, testing, operation and technical diagnostics of construction objects.

9.5. For buildings and structures of an increased level of responsibility (1A and 1B), as well as large bridges, scientific support should be provided for designing, manufacturing and installation of structures, as well as their monitoring during the construction and operation.

10. General requirements for settlement models

10.1. The calculated models (calculated schemes) of construction objects should reflect the actual conditions of their work and comply with the settlement situation under consideration. At the same time must be taken into account constructive features, Features of their behavior up to the achievement of the limit state under consideration, as well as the current loads and impacts, including the impact on the building object of the external environment, as well as, if necessary, possible geometric and physical imperfections.

10.2. The calculated scheme includes:

Settlement models of loads and impacts;

Calculated models describing the stress-strain state of structural elements and bases;

Estimated resistance models.

10.3. Estimated load models should include their intensity (value), place of application, direction and duration of action. For dynamic impacts, in addition, characteristic frequencies must be specified and, if necessary, phase angles and spectral characteristics (energy spectrum, auto and mutual correlation functions).

In some cases, it is necessary to take into account the dependence of the impacts from the reaction of the structure (for example, aerooremagine effects when the wind flow interacts with flexible structures).

In the event that it is impossible to accurately describe the load parameters, it is advisable to conduct several calculations with various assumptions.

10.4. The estimated models of the stress-strain state should include determining relations describing:

Reaction of structures and their structural elements with dynamic and static loads;

The conditions for the interaction of structural elements between themselves and with the base.

At the same time must be installed:

Elastic or inelastic characteristics of structural elements and bases;

Parameters characterizing geometrically linear or non-linear design of structures;

Physical and rheological properties, degradation effects.

10.5. The calculated models of resistance of construction objects are divided into:

Estimated local strength and stability models, element strength and stability models, general strength and stability model;

Estimated instant strength models and models that take into account the accumulation of damage in time;

Estimated strength models and deformation of the base.

10.6. In some cases installed in the design task or in stu, the calculation must be carried out using these experimental studies of real construction objects or their models. The preparation and conduct of such tests and the estimation of the results obtained should be carried out so that the experimental conditions are similar to the working conditions of the design structure (during its operation or the construction). Conditions that are not satisfied in the process of experiment (for example, long-term characteristics), it is necessary to take into account when designing on the basis of the analysis of the results obtained and, if necessary, by introducing reliability coefficients.

11. Quality control

11.1. Control of design products, materials, products, products, structures, as well as the quality of work performed in the construction of buildings and structures, should be aimed at ensuring reliability in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, standards, construction standards and rules.

11.2. The controls are subject to materials, products and designs at all stages of their creation and application, including:

When designing;

When performing survey work;

In the manufacture of materials, products and structures;

At the stage of construction of construction objects;

At the stage of operation and repair of construction objects.

11.3. List of performed control operations Install in design standards, rules for the production of works and standards for the supply of products. The lists and volumes of test operations clarify in project documentation, taking into account the architectural and design features of construction objects, the conditions for their construction and subsequent operation.

11.4. When monitoring the design stage, as a rule, it is necessary to verify that:

Requirements and conditions adopted in design meet the current standards;

Objective settlement models are used, and the calculations themselves are carried out with the necessary accuracy; To this end, it is recommended to carry out parallel settlements using independently developed, certified software, comparative analysis calculation schemes and calculation results obtained;

Drawings and other project documentation comply with the results of the calculations and requirements of the norms;

Technical solutions for the requirements that are not regulated by regulatory documents are adopted with appropriate justification.

11.5. An assessment of the performance characteristics, products and structures should be carried out within the framework of the system provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11.6. Monitoring construction and installation work in the construction of buildings and structures and reconstructions are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Urban Planning Code and the current regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.

11.7. Control over the provision of normal operation of construction objects is carried out on the basis of the requirements of existing regulatory documents.

12. Evaluation of the technical condition

12.1. An assessment of the technical condition of construction objects should be carried out in the following cases:

a) after the estimated service life of the object;

b) during the reconstruction of the object, during which new structural elements add to the existing carrier system;

c) when checking the ability of an existing design to withstand loads associated with expected operational changes in the use of this object;

d) in the case of repair of structures undergoing long-term operation;

e) when checking the operational suitability of structures after emergency influences (for example, earthquake, fire, explosive influences, etc.).

12.2. Verification and assessment of the technical condition of the construction object are carried out according to plan maintenance, on request of owners or authorities.

12.3. When evaluating the technical condition, the analysis and calculation of existing structures must be carried out on the basis of the provisions set out in sections 3 - 11, and the survey results. Regulatory documents operating during the design period of the initial design, as well as data from non-normalized rules and techniques, can only be used as auxiliary materials.

12.4. When analyzing and calculating structures at the stage of assessing their technical condition, the size of the structural elements and their connections is allowed to be taken in accordance with the initial project documentation In the event that during the examination no significant deviations were revealed. Otherwise, it is necessary to use the results of direct measurements and internal examinations.

12.5. When calculating the estimation of the technical condition of the construction object of the load and climatic impacts must be in fact the actual settlement situations.

12.6. The properties of materials should be considered in accordance with the actual status of the structure. In case there are documents on the initial project of a building or structure and as a result technical examination Changes in the properties of materials are not fixed, it is allowed to use the calculated values \u200b\u200badopted in the initial project. If necessary, control (destroying or non-destructive) and evaluating the supporting ability of structures based on data acquisitions.

12.7. Evaluation of constructions according to the results of surveys and completed calculations should contain conclusions about the current technical condition of the construction object and possible conditions for its further operation.

13. Application of probabilistic statistical methods

Probabilistic statistical methods are recommended to be used to substantiate the regulatory and calculated characteristics of materials and bases, loads and combinations coefficients. The use of these methods is allowed if there is sufficient data on the variability of the basic parameters if the amount (length of a number of data) allows them to carry out their statistical analysis (in particular, these data must be homogeneous and statistically independent).

The use of such methods is allowed in the presence of effective probabilistic methods for taking into account the random variability of the basic parameters corresponding to the adopted circuit.


Federal Law of 25.12.2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Facilities"

Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

GOST R 54257-2010 "Reliability of building structures and grounds. Basic provisions and requirements "

GOST R 54257-2010 "Reliability of building structures and bases. The main provisions "is a regulatory document establishing general rules Calculation of any building structures (settlement situations, limit states, load and impact, settlement models, etc.), which also include as one of the elements, rules for ensuring the reliability of building structures (regulatory and calculated values \u200b\u200bof loads and characteristics of materials).

GOST R 54257-2010 "Reliability of building structures and foundations" was developed in return "Reliability of building structures and grounds. Basic provisions for the calculation. " The scope of the GOST developed compared to the extended expanded and should be applied to the development of technical regulations and other regulatory documents regulating the design, construction and operation of construction sites.

The task of compilers of the GOST project was to arm the developers of the norms of information on the need for accounting in the developed norms of such and such factors that no account of which can adversely affect the reliability of building structures and grounds.

Compared to GOST R 54257-2010, the terminology sections were added for limit states, settlement models, the requirements for ensuring durability and quality control, assessing the technical condition of construction sites, were given recommendations for the possibility of using probabilistic calculation methods.

For the first time, an exemplary classification of structures in terms of responsibility is given, which is important for accounting for this factor when ensuring the safety of various construction objects.

"Special limit state" is a new concept, and its introduction is dictated by a number of collapsions of buildings that took place in last years, Including with human victims.

The calculation of a special limit state should be performed on special combinations of loads according to the provision of clause 6.3.3 of this GOST.

For the first time, the requirements for the accounting of progressive destruction were introduced. Given the significantly increased repair of buildings due to the premature exhaustion of the durability of the materials used, GOST R 54257-2010 launched the relevant requirements, including the table of service dates for various construction objects. So, unique buildings and structures (theaters, museums, Bolshevoltroy structures, high-rise buildings, Dams, etc.) should be designed for an exploitation of at least 100 years, building mass construction at least 50 years, etc. The similar table also contains Eurocode EN1990 "Basics of Construction Design" and Standard ISO 2394 "Basic principles to ensure the reliability of building structures". Although methods for calculating structures for a specified service life are not yet developed, nevertheless, this direction is developing within the framework of technical committees of international organizations (ISO, FIB, etc.). In ISO 2394, there is an appropriate paragraph 4.5. The standards of ISO 13823 are devoted to the durability of construction objects. General principles Calculation of designs for durability "and ISO 15864" Buildings and objects of real estate - Design of service life. "

Reliability in GOST R 54257-2010 is defined according to EN 1990 EN 1990 and ISO 2394 as a design ability to perform the specified requirements during the estimated period of its service.

To assess the performance of structures, methods of limit states are adopted. Probabilities of the same calculation methods can only be applied in cases where there is a sufficiently long number of statistically homogeneous data. At this stage, these methods can only be used to assess the values \u200b\u200bof loads, parameters and overall reliability in the form of specified values \u200b\u200bat the expert level (for example, the probability of manifestation of earthquakes of various intensity, the level of provision of regulatory values \u200b\u200bof strength characteristics).

Head Laboratory reliability of structures

TsNII. Kucherenko OJSC NIC Construction Popov N.A.

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