
A practical guide to the application of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations. SBC “Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Tra enterprises





Reference price reference for design work for the construction of "Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations" 2006

DEVELOPED by FSUE "CENTRINVESTproject" (Puliko V.I., Turenskaya M.A., Lvova N.A.) jointly with OJSC "Institute" Nefteproduktproekt "(Taube O.B., Lopatina O.I.).

CONSIDERED BY MANAGEMENT construction programs Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy).

INTRODUCED by the Office of Construction Programs of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy).

ACCEPTED AND PUT INTO ACTION from January 16, 2006 Federal Agency on construction and housing and communal services (Rosstroy) by letter dated January 12, 2006 No. SK-31/02 in agreement with JSC "AK Transnefteprodukt" dated November 29, 2004 No. 12-16 / 1891.

REPLACE the Reference Book of Basic Prices for Design Works for Construction "Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations" ed. 1996, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 07.03.96, No. 18-20.


1.1 Directory of base prices for design work for construction (hereinafter referred to as the "Directory") is recommended for determining base prices for the subsequent formation of contractual prices for development project documentation for the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations.

1.2 The base prices in the Handbook are set depending on the natural indicators of the projected objects (capacity, length, etc.).

1.3 When using this Handbook, one should take into account the General Guidelines for the Use of Handbooks of Basic Prices for Design Works for Construction, ed. 2002 (hereinafter referred to as "General instructions").

1.4 The level of prices contained in the tables of the Reference is established as of 01.01.2001.

1.5 The prices of the Guide, in addition to the works listed in clause 7 of Section 1 of the General Guidelines for the Application of Reference Price Guides for design work for construction, do not include:

· river crossings with a length of over 30 m in the channel part;

· overhead laying of engineering networks;

· arrangement of a ring passage around the railway overpass for loading and unloading oil products;

· berthing facilities and bank protection;

· dissipative waste water discharges;

· Communication centers;

· transformer substations with a voltage of 6/10 (10/6) kV, as well as a voltage of 6 - 20 / 0.4 kV with a capacity of over 2´ 630 kVA;

· distribution and sectioning points with voltage 6 - 20 kV;

· linear network automation of power supply systems;

· dispatching points and means of technological control of power supply;

· electrical calculations for the choice of reactive power compensation means;

· diesel power plants;

· telemechanization and industrial television;

· land reclamation;

· fish protection measures.

1.6 When developing estimates using the resource method, it is allowed to apply a multiplying factor of up to 1.5 to the cost of developing the section "Estimated Documentation" by agreement with the customer.

The maximum value of the multiplying factor when compiling estimate documentation(using software) is used in the absence of a centralized data bank on the cost of resources in the region to account for additional costs associated with its formation.

1.7 The base price for the development of the Justification of investments in the construction of objects is determined at the prices of the Directory with the application of a reduction factor in accordance with the complexity of the work.

The size of this coefficient to the prices of the Directory established for the entire complex of design works (project + working documentation) is up to 0.2.


Chapter 1. Transportation of petroleum products

1.1 This chapter shows the basic prices for the design of the linear part and structures of main oil product pipelines.

1.2 The base price for designing the linear part of the main oil product pipelines is determined for its design in one line, and the branches from the main oil product pipelines - in two lines (the length of the branches is taken along the length of the route).

1.3 Basic prices for the design of main oil product pipelines and branches are set for pipelines with a working pressure of up to 100 kgf / cm 2 (9.8 MPa).

1.4. The base prices contained in this chapter do not provide for the pumping of solidified oil products.

1.5 The base price for the design of main oil product pipelines and branches along the route of the existing pipeline is determined at the prices of the corresponding table with a coefficient of up to 1.1.

1.6 When designing oil product pipelines for pumping aviation fuels to airports, the following coefficients are applied to the base prices:

1.9. The base prices of tables and design are not taken into account:

· telemechanics devices necessary for the functioning of the automated process control system;

· central dispatch service.

Table 1 Linear part of the main oil product pipeline



1 Linear part of the main oil product pipeline with a diameter of up to 500 mm, length, km

from 10 to 200

St. 200 "800

Notes (edit)

1 The base prices of this table provide for the design of only the linear part and do not take into account other structures of the main oil product pipeline, the base price of which is determined additionally according to the corresponding tables.

2 In case of simultaneous design of an oil product pipeline in two or more lines along the entire length of the pipeline, the base price for designing the second and subsequent lines is determined additionally at the table prices with a coefficient of 0.4.

3 When designing the second and subsequent lines not along the entire length of the main oil product pipeline (loopings), their base price is determined additionally at the table prices with a coefficient of 0.4 based on the total length of these lines (loopings).

Table 2 Bends from the main oil product pipeline

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the price for the development of project documentation thousand rubles.

Design stages as a percentage of the price



1 Branch from the main oil product pipeline, length, km

from 0.10 to 60

Notes (edit)

1 When designing a branch in one line, a factor of 0.7 is applied to the table prices.

2 When designing a branch with three or more lines, the base price for designing the third and subsequent lines is determined additionally at the table prices with a coefficient of 0.4 for each additional line over two.

3 For branches from an existing oil product pipeline, a factor of 1.1 is applied to the base prices in the table.

4 When designing several branches as part of a main oil product pipeline, the base price of each branch is determined separately.

Table 3 Pumping stations

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the price for the development of project documentation thousand rubles.

Design stages as a percentage of the price



1 Head pumping station, pumped volume, million tons / year

from 0.1 to 0.5

million tons / year

2 Intermediate pumping station, pumped volume, million tons / year

from 0.1 to 0.5

Notes (edit)

1 When designing several pumping stations as part of one main oil product pipeline, the base price of each station is taken separately.

2 When designing pumping stations on operating oil product pipelines, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the base prices.

Table 4 Oil product loading point

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the price for the development of project documentation thousand rubles.

Design stages as a percentage of the price



1 Automobile loading point for petroleum products, loading volume, mln.t / year

from 0.1 to 0.8

million tons / year

2 Railway station for loading oil products, loading volume, million tons / year

from 0.1 to 2.0

Note- The base prices of paragraph 2 of the table do not provide for the filling of oil products into tank trucks.

Table 5 Underground crossings of the pipeline through railways and roads

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the price for the development of project documentation thousand rubles.

Design stages as a percentage of the price



1 Underground passage of the pipeline through the iron and car roads, length of the protective case (casing), running. m

Note- If there are several underground passages on the route, the base price of each passage is determined separately.

Chapter 2 Storage of petroleum products

Table 6 Bases of petroleum products

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the price for the development of project documentation thousand rubles.

Design stages as a percentage of the price



1 Railway base of petroleum products, capacity, thousand m 3

2 Oil product base water, capacity, thousand m 3

Note- When designing underground (buried in the ground, or sprinkled with soil) reservoirs, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to prices.

Table 7 Reception points for the collection of waste oil products

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the price for the development of project documentation thousand rubles.

Design stages as a percentage of the price



1 Reception point for the collection of waste oil products, cargo turnover, thousand tons / year

thousand tons / year

Table 8 Gas stations

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the price for the development of project documentation thousand rubles.

Design stages as a percentage of the price



Gas stations:

1 Common use, throughput, cars / hour

from 100 to 170

cars / hour

2 For servicing passenger cars owned by citizens (with clause Maintenance and washing), throughput, cars / hour

from 100 to 170

3 With connection to the oil product pipeline, throughput, cars / hour

from 135 to 170

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the price for the development of project documentation thousand rubles.

Design stages as a percentage of the price



1 Station for the regeneration of waste oil products, throughput, thousand tons / year

from 1.2 to 4.8

thousand tons / year

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the price for the development of project documentation thousand rubles.

Design stages as a percentage of the price



1 Station for semi-automatic loading of light oil products, number of paired loading devices, pcs.

2 Lightning protection of tank farms with a capacity, thousand m 3

St. 30 to 50

3 Tank farm of light oil products with surface tanks with a capacity, thousand m 3

4 Tank farm for oils and dark petroleum products with surface tanks with a capacity, thousand m 3

5 Onsite technological pipelines of oil depots with the capacity of the tank farm, thousand m 3

6 Railway loading and unloading devices for oil depots and railway loading points (one-way), length of loading and unloading front, m

7 Railway loading and unloading devices for oil depots and railway loading points (two-way), length of loading and unloading front, m:

from 48 to 180

St. 180 to 360

8 Pumping oil depots for pumping oil products, capacity, m 3 / hour

from 600 to 2400

9 Electrochemical corrosion protection of the linear part of the main oil product pipelines and branches from them, area of ​​the protected surface, thousand m 2

from 0.5 to 80

10 Electrochemical corrosion protection of oil depots, pumping stations and other sites, area of ​​the protected surface, thousand m 2

from 4.8 to 15.6

St. 15.6 "24

11 Blocking pipeline, length, km

Notes (edit)

1 When designing a blocking pipeline in two or more lines, the base price for designing the second and subsequent lines is determined additionally at the table prices with a coefficient of 0.4 for each additional line over one.

2 For pipelines for oils and dark petroleum products, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the table prices.

3 The prices of points 3, 4 of the table do not include the cost of designing reinforced concrete walls for embankments of tank farms.


(as a percentage of the price)

Relative cost tables are given for the following design stages:

· Project (P);

· working documentation (P);

· working draft (RP).

1.1. State estimate standard "Directory of base prices for design work in construction" Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations "(hereinafter referred to as the Directory) is intended to determine the cost of development of design and working documentation for the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations.

1.2. When using this Handbook, one should be guided by the use of Handbooks of base prices for design work in construction, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development Russian Federation dated December 29, 2009 N 620 "On approval Methodical instructions on the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2010, registration N 16686, Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies, 2010, N 16) (hereinafter - Methodological instructions).

1.3. Basic prices in this Handbook are set depending on the natural indicators of the projected objects: capacity, capacity, volume, length, and others.

1.4. This Handbook contains prices for individual design of objects consisting of a complex of buildings and structures, as well as individual elements of the complex.

Development of the sections "Measures for environmental protection", "Measures of civil defense and prevention emergencies", "Industrial Safety";

Development of an automated system for accounting and management of energy consumption (ASUE, ASKUE), an integrated energy consumption system (IASUE), an automated dispatch control and management system (ASUD), integrated dispatch systems (ODS), operational remote control (UEC), monitoring systems engineering systems(SMIS), monitoring systems for engineering structures (SMIK), control systems in crisis situation(SUKS).

1.7. The base price for the development of pre-project documentation "Justification of investments in the construction of facilities" is determined at the prices of the Directory with the use of a reduction factor in accordance with the complexity of the work. The size of this coefficient to the prices of the Directory established for the entire complex of design work (design documentation + working documentation) is up to 0.2.

1.8. The cost of developing the section "Measures for environmental protection" ("List of measures for environmental protection"), if necessary, its development in accordance with the customer's assignment, is additionally determined in the amount of up to 10% of the total cost of design.

In the case of performance of work to assess the impact of the facility capital construction on environment(EIA) as part of the design documentation on the basis of the current legislation and on behalf of the customer, their cost is determined additionally in the amount of 4% of the total design cost.

1.9. The cost of developing sections of the project documentation "Civil Defense Measures and Prevention of Emergencies", "Industrial Safety" for the construction of transport enterprises, storage of petroleum products and gas stations is determined additionally according to table No. 5 of the state estimated standard"Reference book of base prices for design work in construction" Objects of the main pipeline transportation of oil ", approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2012 N 229 (recognized as not requiring registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation letter N 01/59780-YL from June 27, 2012) (hereinafter - SBTSP 81-2001-08).

1.10. The base price for the development of design and working documentation for the dismantling of objects and structures not related to reconstruction and overhaul, in the case of execution of this documentation on a separate assignment of the customer, it is determined at the prices of this Guide for the design of sections, the development of which is necessary during dismantling, using the coefficients: up to 0.35 - for the linear part of objects and up to 0.2 - for site objects and structures , taking into account the ratio of the labor intensity of design work for an object in the conditions of new construction and the development of documentation for the dismantling of a similar object.

1.11. The base design price using standard (reusable) design solutions and standard technical solutions is determined at the prices of this Guide using a reduction factor from 0.2 to 0.8 set by the customer.

1.12. The base price of this Handbook takes into account the issuance to the customer of design and working documentation on paper in the amount of four copies.

The cost of copies of design and working documentation issued to the customer in excess of the specified quantity is determined in addition to the base price based on the prices for replication of the developer organization.




(General; relative cost
development of project documentation)


The reference book of base prices for design work for the construction of "Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations" was developed by the State Enterprise "CENTRINVESTproject" of the Ministry of Construction of Russia jointly with JSC "Nefteproduktproekt" and approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 07.03.96, No. 18-20 in agreement with the AK "Transnefteprodukt" dated 17.04.95, No. 03-12-16 / 108.
The handbook was put into effect on March 1, 1996, replacing section 50 of the Collection of prices for design work for the construction of the 1987 edition.
The Handbook contains basic prices for design work for construction, established depending on the natural indicators of the designed objects: capacity, capacity, productivity, etc.
The handbook consists of:
1. Basic provisions;
2. The procedure for determining the base prices for design work;
3. Tables of base prices for the development of project documentation. The reference book is recommended for determining base prices for the subsequent formation of contractual prices for design work for construction.
This Guide provides:
o clarification of the main provisions of the Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations";
o clarifications on some other issues that were not reflected in the main provisions of the Handbook and that arise when determining the base price of design work;
o clarification of the procedure for determining the price of design work, depending on the natural indicators of design objects;
o tables of the relative cost of developing project documentation.

Compiled by:
Department of Economics and Pricing in Design, State Enterprise "CENTRINVESTproekt" of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, JSC "Nefteproduktproekt".


According to clause 1.6

The base prices for design work given in the Directory "Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations" are established in relation to the requirements contained in the Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNiP 11-01 -95), SNiP on organization construction production(SNiP 3.01.01-85) and in other design regulations as of August 31, 1995.

According to clause 1.7

The base price does not include the cost of performing the following works:
o development of additional options for the project (working project) or individual technological, structural, architectural and other solutions established in the design assignment, where sections (or parts of these sections) of the project should also be defined, for which the development of these options and initial data is required, necessary for their development.
The degree of elaboration of additional options should correspond to the depth of development of the main option. The documentation of the additional option is transferred to the customer in the order established for the project (working draft). In the development process, both the main and additional options, a variant study of design solutions is being carried out;
o development of working drawings for special auxiliary structures, devices, devices and installations in the design of facilities with special complex structures and work methods in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85.
The base price for the development of working drawings of these structures, devices, devices and installations is determined in the manner prescribed construction organizations, or by calculating the cost of labor costs;
o amendments to the design documentation related to the introduction of new regulatory documents, replacement of equipment with more progressive ones, etc. (with the exception of correcting errors made design organization).
The performance of these works should be provided for by an assignment for the design of an object or by a separate order of the customer and paid additionally;
o development of detailed drawings of metal structures (KMD) and prefabricated process pipelines.
KMD is developed by manufacturing plants. In the case of entrusting these works to design organizations, prices for the development of KMD are set by the manufacturing organizations;
o surveys and measurements at facilities subject to reconstruction, expansion or technical re-equipment.
The cost of such work should be determined according to the relevant Reference books, or by calculating the cost of labor costs;
o development of design documentation for custom-made equipment, except for the preparation of the initial requirements necessary for the development of technical specifications for the implementation of this documentation.
The reference book of basic prices takes into account the costs of drawing up the initial requirements for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment, including single and small-scale ones. The terms of reference for the specified equipment is developed by the manufacturer.
In some cases, when the development of the specified design documentation is entrusted to the design organization, it is carried out, as a rule, under contracts with the equipment manufacturer. If the manufacturer is not determined, then the development of design documentation for the equipment can be carried out by the design organization on behalf of the customer. At the same time, the base price for the performance of the specified design work is determined at the prices established by the organizations according to the subordination of the factories - manufacturers of the specified equipment;
o demo layouts.
The cost of manufacturing demonstration materials is taken into account in the Directory and is not additionally paid, except for the cost of manufacturing demonstration models, which is determined additionally;
o architectural supervision;
o experimental and research work;
o marketing services;
o costs of business trips.
The basic prices of the Directory do not take into account the costs of business trips, including the costs of administrative personnel, if the travel of these personnel is directly related to the design of the facility;
o development of interiors performed in accordance with GOST 21.507-81;
o development of projects for the production of construction and installation works (PPR).
The base price of PPR is determined by departmental price tags, and in their absence - by calculating the cost of labor costs. The base price of these works is paid by the customer in addition to the base price of design work, determined according to the Reference Book.
The stated provision applies to all types and methods of construction (new construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment, contract, economic or mixed construction);
o costs of design organizations related to the submission of design documentation to exporting authorities;
o development automated systems enterprise management (ACS), automated control systems technological processes(APCS).
The base price for the design of an automated control system and an automated process control system is determined according to specialized price lists for the development of the specified technical documentation;
o development of design documentation for the construction of temporary buildings and structures for the needs of construction organizations.
The base price for the design of such buildings and structures is determined according to the Price-lists for these works, developed by construction organizations, or in the manner established by them;
o ecological justification economic activity in design materials. The prices of the Guide take into account the costs associated with the development of measures for environmental protection in the amount of SNiP 11-01-95 requirements.
The costs of design organizations related to the submission of materials for assessing the impact of the planned economic activity of industrial enterprises on the environment (EIA) for the environmental impact assessment are not included in the prices.
If it is necessary to develop materials for EIA by design organizations, the cost of work, not included in prices, is determined additionally.
In addition, the basic prices of the Directory do not include:
o land reclamation;
o fish protection measures;
o berthing facilities and bank protection;
o dissipative wastewater discharges;
o communication centers;
o transformer substations with a voltage of 6/10 (10/6) kV, as well as a voltage of 6-20 / 0.4 kV with a capacity of over 2x630 kVA;
o distribution and sectioning points with a voltage of 6-20 kV;
o linear network automation of power supply systems;
dispatching points and means of dispatching and technological control of power supply;
o electrical calculations for the choice of reactive power compensation means;
o diesel power plants with a capacity of over 100 kVA;
o telemechanization and industrial television;
o off-site network engineering, communications and structures;
o protective structures of civil defense;
o automatic fire extinguishing installations, fire and security alarms, gas cleaning and dust collection facilities;
o special protective structures against dangerous physical and geological processes and phenomena (landslides, mudflows, landslides, etc.).


Item 2

The base price for the development of design documentation (project and working documentation) is determined by the formula:

C = (a + bx) x Ki, where

C - base price of design work in thousand rubles;
a, b - constant values ​​for a certain interval of the main indicator of the projected object, given in the Handbook in thousand rubles;
x - the main indicator of the designed object;
Ki is a multiplying coefficient reflecting inflationary processes at the time of price determination.
The level of prices contained in the tables is set as of 1.01.95 and is subject to further increase taking into account inflationary factors.
If the projected object has a value of the main indicator less than the minimum or more than the maximum indicator given in the price table of the Reference Book, the base price for the development of design documentation is determined by extrapolation. In this case, the value of the correction to the price is taken with a coefficient of 0.6.


3.1. Initial data for design in accordance with the list given in Appendix A to SNiP 11-01-95 are submitted by the customer of the project (working project).
In the case when the customer instructs the design organization to collect the initial data for the design given in the specified Appendix, the price of this work should be taken into account when setting the contractual price for the design documentation in addition to the base price determined according to the Guide.
3.2. Choice land plot(routes) for construction is carried out, as a rule, in the justification of investments in the construction of an object.
When determining the cost of developing feasibility studies for investments in the construction of an object, the costs of design organizations associated with their participation in the choice of a land plot (route) are taken into account in this price.
In cases where, during the development of justifications, the choice of a land plot (route) for construction was not carried out, the base price of the justification of investments should be adjusted using a correction factor, as the performance of work in a reduced one against the one provided by the current regulatory documents volume.
The scope of work on the selection of the site (route) is determined by SP 11-101-95.
3.3. The base price of design work using design documentation for repeated or mass use ("binding") is determined using a reduction factor depending on the complexity of the work as agreed with the customer.
3.4. The prices of the Guide are given for individual design. The cost of purchasing design products for mass use ( standard projects) is not additionally included in the contract and is not additionally paid.
3.5. The base price for the development of design documentation for mass use (typical projects) is determined by the design organization in agreement with the project customer.
3.6. The base price for the development of design documentation for the construction of buildings and structures using for the first time imported equipment is determined at the prices of the Directory using a coefficient of up to 1.5 to the cost of types of design work, the development of which is complicated due to the use of the specified equipment, as agreed with the customer.
3.7. The base price for the development of design documentation for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of buildings and structures is determined at the prices of the Directory with the application to the base price of a coefficient of up to 2.0, set by the design organization in accordance with the complexity of design work as agreed with the customer.
The size of the coefficient must be at least 1.0, but not more than 2.0. ...

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