
Cashing checks from google adsense. Google Adsense check. What is Google Adsense

In June, I finally withdrew money from the Google Adsense system, which I already wrote about on my blog many times. Moreover, he brought it out not through the tedious collection procedure, which turns into waiting for money for several months and extortionate interest for cashing, but through a special service directly to his MasterCard card.

So let's start in order.

Around the end of May, I learned that there is a special service that cashes checks from Adsense and credits them directly to MasterCard cards from Payoneer.com. I had such a card, tk. I used it to work with the 2CO.com service (accepting payments by credit cards). But even if you don't have the card, these guys will make and send it to you for about $ 115. The site of this service is called cardmoney.ru

Because I saved money in Adsense for a long time and didn't really know if I would be able to withdraw it or not, so I decided to try to withdraw money and at the same time answer numerous questions about withdrawing money that come to me.

In my account, I removed the delay in payments and after about 2 weeks I received a letter from DHL with a check.

I forgot to photograph the check itself, so I am citing another person's check, which differs from mine only in the amount and recipient.

After receiving the check, following the instructions of the cardmoney.ru service, I sent this check to their address and indicated to them the coordinates of my card to which the amount from the check had to be credited.

About 2 weeks after the check was sent, the money was credited to my card.

Here is such a simple way to get earned money from Google Adsense, I discovered for myself.

In addition, at the end of June, I received a letter from Google that they are starting to pay out earnings through the Rapida money transfer system.

Here's what Google says about Rapida:

“Rapida is a payment system that allows you to receive AdSense payments worldwide in cash through the Rapida money transfer system. Your payment can be received from your local post office in just two days, according to our standard payment schedule.

This means you don't have to wait for your check to arrive in the mail. Choosing a Rapid system to receive payments means you can save money on bank fees and clearing time for check cashing.

Electronic payments via the Rapida system are made in US dollars. However, most local post offices can receive payment in local currency. The exchange rate will depend on the rate being used by your local post office on the day the payment is received. "

I have already reconfigured the receipt of payments from checks to Rapida, now I'm waiting for the next payment to try this new method.

When the euphoria after receiving the first check from google passed, I thought about cashing it. But how to cash a google adsense check and finally start spending the money you earned? Here it is in my hands, there is a nice amount on it, but this money cannot be withdrawn from an ATM. But you want to get cash as soon as possible and touch it with your hands.

For a beginner, this is a whole problem, and here you already start to get a little nervous. Well, that's how it was with me. It is clear that there is a way to cash a check; moreover, you do not even need to leave your home for this. You can withdraw money through ePayService , albeit with a small commission. Today I will tell you how and what you need to do.

I use this method myself, so be sure of its reliability. As for the commission, it is not predatory and, in principle, you can work with this service. Naturally, for the first time you are still afraid and mistrustful. Well, after crediting money from Google Adsense to your account, you understand - everything is in order. You can cash out an adsense check for any amount. Next, I propose to consider the process itself. I'll tell you exactly what you need to do.

The recently launched Birds Money project has managed to shake the already established market of economic games with money withdrawal, where 2-3 well-known projects have been leading for a long time. The developers have provided players with ample opportunities in terms of earnings - both with investments and without them, and also generously distributed bonuses for registration, the first replenishment of the account and the shown activity. Creation of an account alone allows get free bird with basic profitability and withdraw profit.

How to cash a Google Adsense check via ePayService?

  • The first step is to register on the company's website. After registration, you will be prompted to upload scanned images of your passport pages. In fact, you can just take photos of the pages you want. After sending these photos, you will have to wait for a while. They will check and approve your registration.
  • After that, in principle, you can start withdrawing money, so to speak, cash your check. To do this, you need to make a certain entry on the back of your check. What, how and where to write, you can easily find on the company's website. Well, then scan our precious check on both sides and upload these images on the ePayService website (it is the scans of the photo that will not be rolled out).
  • It is advisable to do everything on a working day in order to get money faster. Basically, after 1-2 days, the amount indicated on the Google Adsense check minus the commission will be transferred to your internal account. Everything, now this money can be withdrawn to. It will also take some time on average 2-3 days.
  • There is also another withdrawal option. You can order a free MasterCard card in your personal account on the ePayService website. To do this, you need to verify your address. Then, in your personal account, make an order for the issue of a name card. And in about a month it will come to you by mail. Initially, all the money will be in the internal account. To transfer them to the card, you just need to press a couple of buttons.
  • And then we go to the nearest ATM and withdraw our money!

This scheme is suitable for any country. You can live in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and so on. And the most wonderful thing is that you don't have to go anywhere with a check, send it by mail and be afraid that the letter will not reach. All actions take place at your home, with the exception of going to the ATM. Now you know how to cash a Google Adsense check, but that's not all the details.

One more thing, if you ordered a card, remember that you need to pay a commission for its service. As far as I remember three dollars a month. Money is not big, and the method of withdrawing cash is very convenient.

From registration to withdrawing money from an ATM, from a personal card, it took me a little more than a month. All this time, the money lay in the account and did not go anywhere. In my opinion, this method is one of the best and fastest. Everything is so long only for the first time, then you just scan and cash the checks that came to you.

Google AdSense is a contextual advertising service from Google, and the checks with which it pays are considered one of the most desired and demanded payment methods for most webmasters.

Suppose you created your website, promoted it well, achieved high traffic, posted ads from Google on it, and started counting money. Everything seems to be going well, but as it turns out later, this is still just the beginning.

Sooner or later, depending on your income from contextual advertising, you will start to be interested in the question, how to withdraw money from Google Adsense, go to the Internet and it's good if you immediately get to this note.

You have no idea how much time I had to spend studying all possible payment methods and how much information I had to process.

The main options for earning income from Adsense really aren't that many.

Payment Methods:

  • Bank transfer
Which payment method to choose depends on individual preferences.

No, but what? Among my friends there are even those who, specifically for Google Adsense, opened foreign currency accounts in a bank, received transfers to them, and immediately put this money on their deposit, on which they were charged interest. Interesting scheme, isn't it?

However, most webmasters, like me, do not have a foreign currency bank account, so they have to look for alternative ways. It is then that the search for options a la begins, how and where can you cash out?

Many people probably think this is the same ordinary bank check- took it and changed it in the bank for real money. What's so hard about that? But in fact, a check from Google Adsense is personalized and, moreover, it can be cashed only in those banks that accept checks for collection.

As far as I know, in Ukraine such banks include Privatbank and VTB 24, while in Russia the situation is even simpler. In Russia, in order to cash a check from Google Adsense, it is enough to use an electronic payment system "Rapida" and forget about the headache.

Yes, but what to do if you do not live in Ukraine or Russia?
What if you live, for example, in Belarus?

How to cash a check from Google Adsense in Belarus?

In principle, acting according to the old and well-established scheme - as in previous cases, in Belarus a check from Google Adsense can be cashed through a bank... I will not beat around the bush - not so many banks work with collection checks in Belarus, and to be even more specific, only Belinvestbank works with such checks. In any case, in my region.

This method - cashing checks through a bank, in fact, there are many unpleasant moments that I think it is worth talking about.

1. Not all banks work with collection checks.
2. The procedure for cashing a check through a bank takes quite a long time - from 2 to 6 months.
3. High bank commission.

Belinvestbank charges a one-time commission of 2% of the amount indicated on the check. At the same time, the minimum commission is $ 15, which will be quite a significant amount for checks that vary somewhere around the minimum threshold for payments in Adsense - 100$ .

Another unpleasant moment is that the commission has to be paid right away - during the receipt of the check at the bank, and this money will not be returned to you, even if for some reason the check cannot be cashed.

Now you are probably wondering, for what reasons can a check not be cashed?
Looking ahead, I answer - yes, at least because its validity period has expired.

Checks from Google Adsense are valid for 6 months from the date they are signed. Then you wait until he comes to you by mail, it's good if you immediately go to the bank with him, he is accepted, processed, sent back to America, where he is verified, confirmed and sent back to your bank.

As you can see, the road is not close, and depending on the activity of bank employees and the length of the "first line", this procedure may take more than one month. And I wouldn't be so sure if I hadn't gone through all this myself.

4. And, of course, the tax one.

I think this is one of the most exciting questions for a webmaster.
What about taxes?

Alas, when cashing checks through banks, taxes will have to be paid, because in this case you are at a glance. Well, or if you do not pay taxes, then pay fines later! Imagine my surprise when, almost a year after cashing a check from Google Adsense, I went to the tax office, and they told me by name and surname what, what, when, where and how much!

In general, when withdrawing money through a bank, be prepared to appear at the tax office at least once a year, fill out a declaration and pay to the state treasury 12% from your earnings. These are the harsh realities of our country!

If you count it this way, then it will be difficult to call all this earnings. Suppose you received a check for $ 100, then you paid $ 15 to the bank for accepting the check for collection, and paid 12% of the amount indicated on the check to the tax "fund".

As a result, instead of 100 green dollars, about 73 bucks come out “clean”, which in the current conditions can be taken from the bank only in Belarusian rubles. Agree, to lose almost 30 percent of your earnings out of the blue is far from the most pleasant prospect, nevertheless, this option also has the right to life.

Cashing a check from Google Adsense via ePayService

And so, systematically we got to, perhaps, the best, most convenient and most profitable way of cashing checks from Google Adsense -.

The ePayService payment system allows you to cash checks from Google Adsense directly via the Internet and is available to residents of any country, including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

In fact, this service has many advantages - there is only one drawback.

The main disadvantage of ePayService is that all of its functionality becomes available only after verifying your account, i.e. after sending and checking the scans of your passport.

The procedure is outrageously simple, and immediately after verification you get the possibility of cashing checks by uploading their scanned copies, without sending the check itself to them - this service is called iCheck, and the commission for it is only 3.75% ... Not 30% as if you did it through a bank!

Everything is elementary! I registered, scanned my check, uploaded it through the form on the website, waited a couple of days and got my money! Next, do whatever you want with them - withdraw to Webmoney, send to MasterCard or receive in any other available way.

Personally, I liked that ePayService works with Webmoney. I liked that they work with money transfers and liked that they issue their own plastic cards with rather favorable conditions.

Well, that's probably all. I hope, after reading this material, you were able to understand which cashing method is most suitable for you and how to cash a check from Google Adsense at the lowest cost.

In the near future I plan to write detailed instructions on registration on the service, on the correct filling of the check, its scanning and cashing out using ePayService.com.

Good luck to everyone and of course big earnings.

The main questions that Google Adsense check owners have are: where to cash a Google Adsense check, which bank to go to, what commission to pay to the bank and how long will it take to receive the money. There are several ways to cash Adsense checks: through a bank, through an online bank, or using special services on the Internet. Let's consider each of the ways.

How to cash a Google Adsense check

The first way to cash a Google Adsense check is through a bank. Let's get straight to the concepts you need to know when cashing a Google Adsense check through a bank. A Google Adsense check is a personalized check, and an intermediary banking operation for settlements between the payer and the recipient with the subsequent crediting of funds to the recipient's account is called collection. You need to know this in order to avoid lengthy explanations with bank employees when you search for banks that work with personal checks. When calling banks, ask whether they accept personal checks issued by a foreign bank for collection. If accepted, under what conditions. The fact is that for cashing a check, you will have to pay a commission to the bank for collection, make a deposit, some banks also require you to pay a commission from a correspondent bank. You need to find the most profitable cashing option, take your passport, check and go to the bank. The cashing operation lasts up to two months.

The second way to cash a Google Adsense check is through an online bank. You must have an account with a bank. Scan the check from both sides, load it, indicate the account number, send the check by registered mail and wait. The cost of such an operation will be more expensive.

The third way to cash a Google Adsense check is via the Internet using a service such as ePayService. This is by far the most popular and fastest way to cash Adsense checks. First, send a scan of the check for verification, after a few days, if everything is fine, send a check. Withdraw money to webmoney.

How to opt out of a Google Adsense check

It may happen that you specified the wrong payment method in your Google Adsense account settings or did not suspend payments on time and sent you a check. You may have nowhere to cash your check, or you may not want to cash your Google Adsense check due to extortionate bank rates. In any case, you have every right to refuse the check. How to do it?

Adsense provides the following clarifications on this matter:

  • If you have not received a check within 2 months after it was issued, you can request a re-sending of the payment.
  • If you fail to cash your check within 12 months, the money you earn will be credited back to your Adsense account. In this case, payments will be suspended. To resume payments, you will need to contact the support service from the "Payments" page and indicate the reason why you did not receive money.
  • If a check is received but not redeemed, you can request to resend the payment.
  • If a check is received and 60 days have passed since the check was issued, you can request a resend directly from your Adsense account. To find out the date the check was issued, open the Payments page and find the issued payment.
  • If less than 60 days have passed since the receipt of your check, please refer here: https://support.google.com/adsense/contact/request_reissue_received

Based on the foregoing, the conclusion is as follows. If you don't want to mess with the check, please request a re-sending of the payment. A couple of weeks after submitting your request, your money will be returned to your account. Just do not forget to correctly configure the payment method in the payment settings (payment method: Rapida) so that the returned funds do not turn into a check again. How in .

I walked through the nearest banks. Many have not heard of either Google or WebMoney. To cash a Google Adsense check, you need a bank that provides collection service.

Cash a Google Adsense check in Minsk

I apologize in advance to the blog readers for the extremely rare writing of articles. The end of the semester is coming soon. Teachers give out a lot of assignments, coursework, etc., so I can't write regularly.

By the way, another update of Yandex TCI took place tonight. I want to note that my blog did not stand aside either. As you can now see TCI = 20. Not much, but still nice. This is his first promotion in 6 months (!). Before that, the TCI did not exceed 10. PageRank is still equal to two.

In general, the article is not about that.

I recently needed to cash a check. I myself live and study in the hero city of Minsk. Stalitsa of the Republic of Belarus (for those who do not know) :).

In the photo, the check is not mine 🙂

I went through the nearest banks and could not find the one I needed. Many people have never heard of either Google or WebMoney.

I decided to search the World Wide Web. And what do you think? Same problem! Everyone knows how to cash out Adsense in Russia and other CIS countries, but no one even suggests how to do it in Belarus. They say that your country is inhibited and all that ...

I didn't get upset, although I didn't want to lose the money accumulated on Adsense.

In general, the situation is as follows.
To cash a check, you need a bank that provides a collection service. They charge a percentage for the service.

For Minsk dwellers, the following may be suitable:

2%, minimum 15 $
, 1%, minimum 15 $
, 2%, minimum 20 $
, 5%, minimum $ 7.

In my opinion, Belinvestbank will be the most profitable.
Now, as soon as we receive a Google Adsense check by regular mail (secure mail is not profitable, since it will cost $ 25) we take our passport and go to the bank at ul. Masherova 29. We go up to the tritium floor and find out in which window you can cash a check for collection. We fill out the form and pay the interest (see above). We receive our money within 1-1.5 months.

Importantly, you have to fill out a tax return and pay 9% tax.
There is nothing wrong here.
We go to the tax office. We fill out all the necessary papers as an individual and pay for it (from January to March 1). You only have to pay once a year.

I read on one blog that according to article 24 of the presidential decree, you also need to pay to the Department of Humanitarian Aid. I don't know, I didn't need anything.

Ways to cash Google check in Belarus from our readers

Method 1 from user:

Banks are not eager to deal with the processing of checks and cash payments, so collection operations take a long time (about two months in almost any bank). If you choose the lesser of evils, then you should pay attention to. Among the well-known banks that are most popular in Belarus, perhaps the most attractive conditions are provided by this bank: its commission is 2% of the amount, while the minimum commission will be $ 15 (it will be unprofitable to work with amounts not exceeding $ 750). It follows from this that if your monthly income does not exceed the indicated amount, it would be better to increase your well-being, and postpone ordering and cashing a check.

To submit a Google Adsense check to the bank, you first fill out an application. You can fill it out either at home, by printing it from the bank's website, or directly upon delivery of the check, by printing it out at the bank. The signature in the application must not be made at home, but categorically with the participation of a bank employee. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the necessary list of documents that will need to be captured in order to carry out a collection operation. It will be possible to receive money only with a valid identity card - a passport, and the check must be issued for you, and not for a relative or friend - the banks will not consider any other options. You will be asked to pay the collection commission immediately upon receipt of the check (2% or 15 dollars), so you also need to take the indicated amount from home. In addition, the commission for receiving cash will be 1%. In total, you will need to pay 3%, which, given a large enough amount, the condition is acceptable.

You will be given two forms, one of which will need to indicate passport details and some information about the check. The second form describes the system for conducting the operation, conditions and rules, which will need to be carefully read and signed (also in the presence of a bank employee).

Collection is not the most convenient banking operation, so people use it infrequently. Do not be surprised that the process can be delayed: inexperienced bank employees will repeatedly double-check your documents, consult with the authorities on any issue, check the instructions again and again. Eventually, when the clearance is complete, you will receive a receipt with bank confirmation.

Pay close attention to another important detail. The collection process takes a long time due to the fact that two banks will confirm the authenticity of the check and clarify all the details during the verification process. The operation will not be executed, the check has expired due to the expired period (which had time to expire before the check ended). Therefore, be extremely careful: the validity of the check when contacting the bank should be more than two months. If the check does not have time to pass the check before the expiration of its term, the commission that you paid to the bank will not be refunded. However, even in this case, you do not need to worry about losing your money - you can order the check again using Google AdSense. To do this, contact the support service and follow the instructions.

The validity period of Google AdSense checks, just like all well-known companies, is at least 6 months, but still, do not delay going to the bank - contact there as soon as you receive the check.

The procedure for transferring money through Webmoney is much faster and more comfortable: money is transferred to a bank account within 2-3 days, the commission of this system, as you can see yourself, is much lower than when contacting a bank, and in order to have cash on hand , it will be enough to contact the point of issue Contact.

Despite some difficulties associated with cashing Google AdSense checks, their significant advantage cannot be disputed: in this system, the opportunity is incomparably higher than with Yandex, Direct or Begun systems, so this profit is much greater than the mentioned inconveniences.

Method 2: How to cash a Google Adsense check in Belarus

You should find the nearest cash pick-up point for collection checks, take your passport, check and the amount of money that will be needed to pay the commission. It is better to come in the first half of the day, before lunchtime. To receive an application to fill out, you should stand in the queue to the window “acceptance by order, bonds, issue”. An employee of the bank will issue an application for acceptance of values ​​for collection and answer all questions on the correct filling.

The application is accepted without corrections, therefore, in order not to redo it several times, it is better to immediately clarify how to correctly fill in unclear points. You will need to indicate the full name and the information that is usually required for such operations - the number and series of the passport, by whom and when it was issued, and some data on the bank and check - what exactly will need to be filled out, the employees will tell you. You will also need to indicate the address to which the bank will be able to send a notification of cashing. You will be given a certificate to be kept, completed by the hand of a bank clerk. You will have to present it upon receipt of the money. The application completed by you goes to the bank.

After paying the commission to the bank ($ 15 if the amount is $ 750 or less, or 2% of the amount if it exceeds $ 750), you will receive a receipt and a wish to return to the bank two months after the test call. After you have called back, you can go to the bank for money, taking with you your passport, check and a certificate filled out by a bank officer.

After that, you can ask a question in any window where to go to get money by cashing a check. You will be given a receipt, with which you are supposed to go to the cashier, after which you can take the queue, which goes to the window "acceptance by order, bonds, issue". Now you finally get your money.

To summarize, here are the main points of using and cashing checks, which should be remembered in the first place:

The check must be in your name. You will need to show your passport, but not any other proof of identity, upon depositing your check with the bank and upon receiving cash. None of your acquaintances, relatives and friends will be able to hand over and collect a check, let alone receive cash. The bank will also not accept signed and even notarized powers of attorney, certificates and other documents.

You should not delay going to the bank so that the check does not expire during or before the check (which takes two months).

When submitting a check for collection, you need to take your passport and money to pay the commission to the bank. The application can be printed and completed at home, but the signature will need to be put only in the presence of the employee. To receive cash, keep the receipt and papers that the bank will leave for you at the time of application.

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