
Investing in gold pros and cons. Investing in gold bars Investment gold bars

Greetings to the Webinvestor Blog readers! Investing in gold both in the days of Ancient Rome and in the 21st century remain relevant. Gold is highly valued because of its properties - it does not enter into chemical reactions, does not lose its shape, for centuries it retains a pleasant appearance. In addition, the metal was mined before our era, the mines are depleted, and the cost of production is gradually increasing. In the 21st century, they even began to create an alternative to gold in the form.

The yellow metal is considered a "safe haven" during economic crises. Every 10-20 years, the world economy experiences a shock, at this time the demand for the cost of gold grows at times. For this purpose, all countries of the world, without exception, use it - it is not for nothing that the financial reserves of the state are called “ gold foreign exchange reserves ". Private investors can also profitably invest money in gold; the article describes 8 ways to do this.

The topic of investing in gold in 2019 is back on track. Due to the trade war between the United States and China, the risks for the global economy are increasing, which forces investors to look for reliable investments for safety net. Half of the readers of our Telegram channel expect a crisis in the next three years, including myself. So it's time to think about buying metal.

But what - this is an interesting question, because besides gold there are other precious metals. You can understand them by following the links on the blog:

  • and is it profitable
  • and how to buy it
  • for 2019

But that's for later, and now let's talk about gold - the king of banking metals. The content of the article:

Where gold is mined and used

Humanity has been using the yellow metal since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs who worshiped the sun god Ra. The desire to take possession of gold led both to numerous wars and to great geographical discoveries such as Columbus finding his way to America in 1492. Later in the 19th century in America, as well as in Brazil, Siberia, Australia and South Africa, there was a "gold rush", in which hundreds of thousands of people participated.

Gold has long been actively used in the economy. Initially, ingots, coins and jewelry were made from it, but with the development of science, applications were found in some technological areas - for example, in pharmacology and electronics. Stable high demand for metal from investors of all sizes - from individuals to central banks.

Until 2013, the demand for gold was growing because investors saw an 11-year growth trend. After the price collapse by 20%, the sale of the metal began, only 900 tons of investments left the ETF. Gold in large quantities left the vaults and went into jewelry and investment gold. After 2013, demand began to fall, reaching a low in 2016 when investors bought almost 600 tonnes of gold through ETFs. In 2018, demand began to grow again, especially from the central banks of the countries of the world, which purchased a record 650 tons of metal. The outlook for 2019 is also positive.

Historically, half of the gold goes to jewelry industry... The beautiful yellowish color of gold is unique among precious metals and has symbolized wealth and status for thousands of years. It is unlikely that you need to talk in detail about the variety of gold jewelry - rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces and much more are made of it.

Gold is most loved in China, India and the Middle East:

India has many traditions associated with gold jewelry, the demand in this country is stable. In the past few years, China has become the leader - residents who have grown rich due to the recovery of the economy have begun to buy more jewelry made of precious metals.

The second in terms of gold consumption is the production of bars and coins, or investment gold... Here, too, India and China are in the lead, the latter leading by a large margin:

The last few years in this area, the recession, gold has lost popularity as an investment tool. Paradoxically, now it is cheaper than in 2011-2013, when there was a peak in demand. If gold continues to rise as it did in 2019, there are likely to be many more willing to buy the metal again.

Another area worth looking at is demand from central banks. The metal is suitable for any economic situation, therefore it is included in the financial reserves of all countries of the world. In the USA and Germany, this is generally 2/3 of all reserves:

Developing countries want to reduce dependence on the dollar and are also trying to increase the share of gold in their reserves. Most of all, metal is purchased by Russia, India, China, Turkey, Brazil.

Gold enters the world market from all regions of the world. 50 countries mine more than 10 tons of gold per year, the top five are China (400 tons), Australia and Russia (300 tons each), the USA and Canada (200 tons each). Production is distributed almost evenly across the regions:

Production is growing annually by about 3%, especially in Africa. On the contrary, the recycling of gold items has fallen. In general, the amount of gold entering the market is approximately the same every year.

Knowing the numbers of demand and supply of gold in the world market, we will calculate the market balance:

In 2016, the gold glut hit a record high, especially when looking at the physical metal alone. In 2018, the surplus has practically disappeared, if the trend continues - in 2019 we will see a deficit, which will add arguments for price increases.

After 2013, the demand for gold fell, reaching its lowest in 2016. There was a surplus of metal on the market, which had practically disappeared by 2018. Central banks of the countries of the world show great interest in gold. In general, the market has balanced, fundamental factors have almost no effect on the metal.

Gold value graph:
price quotes today + history

Gold has been hovering in the $ 1100-1350 range for the past few years. At the time of this writing, the situation has changed markedly, a new growth trend is predicted on the gold chart:

Until the 20th century, the gold standard system was used, in which the value of the precious metal influenced the exchange rates. It was abandoned in favor of a modern monetary system, which allowed the price of gold in dollars to rise. To answer the question "Is it profitable to invest in gold?" - just look at the price chart for 50 years:

In 1968, gold cost $ 40 per troy ounce (31.1 grams), and 50 years later it was $ 1,500. would be 3650% in dollars, s turns out 7.5% per year- a good result for long-term investments. For comparison, the return on the American Dow Jones stock index is 9.5% p.a..

Important events in the history of the gold market:

  1. 1980 year- large speculations led to a surge in gold prices from $ 200 to $ 600.
  2. year 2000- The beginning of the fall in the US stock market, known as the "dot-com crisis", coincides with the beginning of the bullish trend of 2001-2012.
  3. 2008 year- the global financial crisis, over the next 4 years, gold doubled in price.
  4. year 2012- the end of the 11-year growth trend, investors are getting out of gold amid the recovery of the global economy after the crisis.
  5. 2019 year- growing problems in the world economy, expectations of a new crisis, the first cut in the FRS interest rate in 11 years led to an increase in quotations from $ 1300 to $ 1500 in 3 months.

The gold chart looks pretty calm. Strong drops in quotations occur only after several years of constant growth and are associated with the "overheating" of the market. Also, gold justifies its title of "safe haven" - during crises in the stock market, the metal grows by leaps and bounds:

Notice how the charts overlap one another in turn - the naked eye can see the inverse economic relationship between gold and the stock market. During crises, there is a strong:

  • after the 2000 dot-com crisis, gold rose 45% in 36 months;
  • after the 2008 global crisis, gold rose 70% in 36 months.

In 2019, there are also enough problems: the trade wars between the United States and China, problems in the Persian Gulf, Brexit - all this creates a lot of problems for the world economy. Investing in gold is relevant again.

In all fairness, the crisis is helping a lot of precious metals. Let's compare them:

In terms of risk / reward ratio, palladium is in the first place today, but it has the highest risks among precious metals. Investing in gold is more reliable and should be considered first. It is recommended to allocate a share for gold, but not more than 10-15%. It is not forbidden to add 2 or more metals, but it will not always be useful for a portfolio. I think the best pair is gold + platinum, I have detailed the pros and cons of all the options in this post.

Gold is a defensive asset during crises. When the world economy is in order, the metal stops growing in price. Gold chart is the quietest among precious metals, it is the best choice for long-term investments. For diversification, platinum can be added to gold.

Gold price forecast for 2019

To make a forecast for the gold rate in 2019, we will study the latest quote history and some indicators. To begin with, a technical analysis of the price chart in August:

After the Fed cut the rate, new tariffs on Chinese goods from Trump, the devaluation of the yuan and other negative signals, expectations of the crisis have become even higher. In addition, gold in 2019 is one of the best in terms of assets, which added to its popularity. The quotes flew all the highs since 2013 and are now moving towards the 261% target on the Fibonacci grid - $ 1615 per ounce. However, it is hard to believe that such a fast trend will last for a long time, especially if there is progress in the negotiations between the United States and China.

For an accurate forecast of gold prices, you still need to take into account the seasonality. Summer is the wedding season in India, traditionally a lot of gold is involved. The billion-dollar country annually rocks the global yellow metal market - you can buy in April-May and wait for growth in August-September:

Gold becomes much cheaper in March, on average by 1%. Towards the end of summer, prices begin to grow rapidly - 2019 was no exception.

In the last section of the article, we talked about the relationship between gold and the stock market. If we calculate the ratio of metal prices to the index, we will get useful information for forecasting gold:

Now the value is about 0.5, the shape of the graph shows that this is practically the bottom. This is primarily due to the long-term growth of the US stock market, nevertheless, the cheapness of gold also affects.

Another important signal when making a forecast for gold prices is the base rate of the US Federal Reserve. Any change, especially an unexpected one, strongly affects the dollar rate and the price of gold. In July 2019, the Fed lowered the interest rate by 0.25% for the first time in 11 years:

This immediately led to an increase in gold quotes from $ 1450 to $ 1500 and even more. If the downward trend in the base rate continues, an even greater rise in precious metals prices can be expected.

Gold is in a bullish trend in 2019. Prices have surpassed multi-year highs and are heading towards $ 1,600 or even higher. The main reason for the growth is the trade war between the United States and China, as well as the US Federal Reserve rate cut. Supply and demand factors in the global market do not put pressure on gold. The forecast for the gold rate is "optimistic".

Let's move on to the main thing - how to invest in gold profitably... There are many such methods and each has its own pros and cons.

How to invest in an individual

Method number 1: Gold bars

The first option that comes to mind is how to invest in gold for an individual. For some reason, I immediately recall the scenes where Fort Knox was shown - the main gold depository in the United States, where hundreds of large bars lie in a row. The buying process is simple: you look for the necessary bank branch and draw up the necessary documents. Bank bars are stored in special protective packaging, and it is better not to spoil it, because scratches and other damage will reduce the value of the bar.

Investing in gold bars is expensive, as the bank immediately takes 10-15% plus VAT in some countries. In 10 years gold will probably cover these costs, but not every investor is ready to wait that long. Not to mention the storage of metal: it is not so reliable at home, in a safe deposit box it will cost from $ 100 a year - it makes sense only for large ingots.

Method number 2: Gold coins

With the help of coins in Russia, you can invest in gold without VAT, this is a big plus. True, this is already numismatics, it is not enough here, there is a risk of mistakes. Let's try to figure out how this market works.

We are interested in investment coins. They differ from collectible ones by simple coinage, large circulation, high fineness of gold:

Investment coin Sochi. Bunny - 13, 7.78 grams of 999 carat gold

There are two characteristics to consider when investing in gold coins: extra charge and spread... The markup shows how much more a coin is worth than its pure metal counterpart, the spread is the difference between the buy and sell prices. Zayka has a margin of 31%, a spread of 21% is not bad, but still a bit too much, the lower both indicators are, the better. I will tell you more about investing in coins in one of the following blog articles, subscribe so as not to miss.

Method number 3: Depersonalized metal accounts

The purchase and storage of physical gold requires additional costs, so investors use the service of unallocated metal accounts (OMC). This is the same bank account, but the currency is not rubles, but grams of gold without sample, numbers and manufacturer. When opening a compulsory medical insurance, there is no 18% VAT, this is the main plus. By opening an account for more than 3 years, you will not have to pay personal income tax 13% - that's also good. Among the disadvantages is that the OMS is not insured by the deposit guarantee fund. Considering how long it takes to invest in gold, only the most reliable bank will do.

In Russia, Sberbank fits these criteria. The following quotes are offered for gold:

Over 10 years, the gold OMS in rubles has grown 3 times - this result speaks for itself. The spread is slightly less than in bullion and coins - about 10%. But there are no other costs, which makes OMC an interesting option for investing in gold.

Method number 4: Shares of gold mining companies

In the long term, gold prices rise, but you can expect a profit in a stable currency for 10-20 years. Buying shares is an investment in gold mining, such a business in any market situation will look for ways to stay profitable. In addition, the investor receives from dividends - a part of the company's profits, which are received by the shareholders. With their help, you can continue to increase your stock portfolio.

What stocks you should pay attention to:

  • GOLDBarrick Gold Corp with a capitalization of $ 30 billion. A Canadian gold mining company based in Toronto, mining in Canada, the United States, Australia and other countries. After 2012, stocks fell 3 times, thanks to the rise in gold prices, stocks are growing. Pays a quarterly dividend of 1%.
  • NEMNewmont Goldcorp Corp with a capitalization of $ 30 billion. The company is from the USA, based in Colorado. It mines in Australia, Ghana, Peru and Suriname. After 2012, the shares lost 70% of their value, but already managed to win back half of their losses. Pays a quarterly dividend of 1.5%.
  • PLZLPolyus OJSC with a capitalization of $ 15 billion. A Russian company from Moscow, mining in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Magadan Region, Yakutia and other regions. For 5 years, shares have grown more than 10 times, annual dividends reach 4-6%.
  • POLYPolymetal International PLC with a capitalization of $ 7 billion. The Russian company from St. Petersburg, is engaged in the extraction of gold, silver, copper and platinum group metals. For 5 years, the shares have grown 3 times with annual dividends of 3-4%.

Method # 5: Gold ETFs

ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are investment funds that are traded on an exchange. Participation in them does not require an intermediary other than a stock broker, due to this, the commissions are low.

What ETFs you should pay attention to:

  • GLDSPDR Gold Trust with a capitalization of $ 40 billion. One of the most popular ETFs in the world, which follows gold quotes with 99% accuracy. By buying this ETF, the investor is essentially buying bullion, but without the giant spread - the fund's assets are in physical metal. Ownership cost 0.4% per year.
  • IAUiShares Gold Trust with a capitalization of $ 15 billion. Another ETF that invests in bullion and follows the price of gold. It is considered the best option for investing in gold through the exchange. Cost of ownership is lower than GLD - 0.25% per year.
  • FXGD - FinEx Physically Gold ETF, a Russian exchange-traded fund that tracks the price of gold. A convenient option for residents of Russia, there is no need to open an account with a foreign broker. The cost of ownership is 0.45% per year.

Bottom line: pros and cons of investing in gold

Today we looked at 8 ways to invest in gold, and now we understand the pros and cons of such investments:

  • A reliable investment tool. The demand for the yellow metal is unlikely to decrease in the future: countries continue to build up reserves, investors have seen growth in 2000-2012 and are also interested, and there are not so many mines and they are being depleted.
  • Constant growth. It takes over 10 years, but metal prices will go up one way or another. Reasons: use in manufacturing, jewelry and modern technology, reputation for reliable investment, dollar inflation.
  • Liquid product. Gold is not difficult to buy and sell. Of course, it is not always possible to get a good price when selling.
  • Crisis insurance. Whatever happens in the economy of a country or planet, gold is valued. The financial crisis is driving demand for the metal and making it easy for investors to make money. In the event of a strong devaluation of the ruble, hryvnia or other national currency, gold will cover losses.

Cons of investing in gold:

  • Long term... The graphs show that prices may not rise for years.
  • Wealth does not increase... By investing in gold, the investor is counting only on the rise in prices, the metal from this does not become anymore.
  • No fixed payments... The same stocks periodically pay dividends, and gold has been dead for years.
  • Additional expenses. Investing in gold loses profit due to commissions, taxes, spread.

Speaking of the cost of investing in gold. Let's collect the information from the article into a table:

As you can see, buying gold is always a cost. There is a choice, depending on the country and the amount of money, different investors will suit different options. I gave the information, then it's up to you :)

It was interesting for me to study the precious metals market, but this article is just the tip of the iceberg. There is also palladium, which has been bringing 20-30% of profit to investors for several years in a row. Since ancient times, silver has been paired with gold, but it is forgotten.

As far as gold is concerned, it is an interesting long-term way of investing. It is unlikely to be a mistake to say: “You don’t know where to put your money - invest in gold”, because it is one of the most reliable assets. The question is how to do it. Which option do you think is better? Vote:

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And of course, comment on the article! I'm sure many of you have experience in buying gold, tell us.

I wish you a successful investment in gold!

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The tradition of keeping your capital or its significant part in gold equivalent is quite ancient, but it does not lose its relevance. Why is gold? Indeed, in nature there are other metals, more expensive and rare. Humanity has preferred gold for several reasons:

  • the metal is not subject to oxidation, does not darken;
  • has a high density, therefore it is quite heavy (and weight affects the price);
  • the ability to exchange for any of the currencies used in the world.

Gold bars, types and characteristics

What are gold bars? Bars of precious metal, differing in weight and shape.

According to the manufacturing technology, gold ingots are divided into:

  • stamped - made by cutting from solid flat sheets;
  • cast - made by pouring into molds.

The weight of the ingots is 1, 5, 20, 50, 100, 350, 500, 1000, 12000 grams.

Large bars weigh up to 12.5 kilograms, but this is more an industry standard than used for private investment in gold.

From the point of view of a private investor in Western countries, gold bars, along with coins, play an important role in the process of investment diversification. They are slightly cheaper than gold coins (the difference is about 1%), but they are less protected from counterfeiting, because do not contain complex artistic elements typical of coins.

In Russia, the situation is completely different. The purchase and sale of bullion, in contrast to coins, is subject to value added tax (18% of the price). This can be avoided only if the ingot is bought in a bank and left there for storage. This feature practically puts an end to the circulation of gold bars in our country. Experienced investors use gold bullion coins to invest in physical gold.

Where and how to buy gold

The instability of the economic situation makes even those who previously trusted only banknotes to look at gold with different eyes. To perceive precious metals exclusively as jewelry is now irrelevant and incorrect. It is not they who will help to get out of a difficult material situation, but gold in its physical form - best of all in gold investment coins.

Gold prices tend to rise in the medium to long term.

You can buy gold both in a bank and in a company that buys and sells gold investment coins. Any individual can make a purchase.

When choosing a seller, you need to focus on two factors:

  • optimal price;
  • physical presence.

Do not hesitate to call the contacts found and ask if the gold prices presented on the site are up-to-date, and whether the required amount of the precious metal is available. With perseverance and patience, the buyer has a chance to purchase cheap gold not from his hands, but in a specialized institution.

Parameters affecting the price

As mentioned above, due to VAT, a gold bullion in Russia is a priori more expensive than a gold investment coin of the same weight (provided that you want to pick up your purchase and store it yourself).

But there are a number of other pricing features for gold bars and coins that need to be considered:

1) Whether the seller deals with gold coins or gold bars professionally. If this activity is just one of a wide range of services, chances are higher prices, small stocks and not always professional staff await you.

2) If we talk about coins, then it is most profitable to buy gold investment coins specially designed for investing and preserving funds, which are traded with a very small markup to the price of gold and can easily be sold back with minimal losses.

Such coins include domestic coins of St. George the Victorious and Chervonets Sower, as well as foreign Kangaroo, Philharmonic, Maple Leaf, Krugerrand, Panda, American Eagle and Bison (Buffalo), Britain.

3) Safety of gold coins and bars. When buying, pay attention to the absence of scratches, dents and other defects on the purchased product. Gold is a very soft and ductile metal, therefore, it is necessary to store gold coins and bars very carefully. It is highly discouraged to take coins and bars with bare hands; use special gloves. Remember that a scratched coin or bar immediately loses its value significantly.

4) The mass of the purchased ingot or gold coin. As a rule, the following rule applies in the market - the more weight, the lower the price per gram. But there is also a downside to the coin - the higher the weight, the more difficult it is to sell a gold coin or gold bar.

Ingot vs coin

When looking to invest in gold, a potential capital investor implies a benefit. The quality of investment and future income directly depends on the form of investment, so it is worth considering which is preferable for the safety of funds: ingots or coins.

It is convenient for very large investors to invest in bullion, but they also feel some problems when selling the yellow metal. The need to sell the entire ingot if necessary to sell a small part of it is one of the disadvantages of such an investment. Thousands of market participants are eager to buy gold cheaply. And they will have such a chance if the seller is forced to give up the massive bar at a low price.

Buying gold investment coins will help insure yourself against an unenviable situation. In fact, a coin is the same ingot, only of a cylindrical shape and minimal weight. Its value lies in the metal from which it is minted.

Coins, like bullion, have certain samples of gold, their price varies from several to hundreds of dollars, they are ideal as a commodity in a familiar situation when money is urgently needed.

Coins are necessary for the convenience of buying gold - small packaging is more profitable and much better protected from counterfeiting, so the demand for coins is much higher than for bullion.

It is impossible not to note the tangible material difference when choosing between two methods of investing in gold:

  • coins are not subject to VAT, and this is not such a small amount - 18% of income;
  • in case of a successful (or not so) sale of the ingot, the tax will have to be paid.

Where to put the gold?

Gold in any form (coins or bars) should not be kept at home if there is no confidence in their complete safety. Home safes are not as reliable as we would like. Mechanical damage is not excluded, automatically transferring gold to the status of satisfactory, that is, cheap.

In order not to develop in oneself the Kashcheev habit of wasting away over gold, it is advisable to store the precious metal in a safe deposit box. Then the owner will only have to keep track of the prices of gold bars and wait for the moment for the most profitable sale.

Gold is considered one of the most reliable assets among investors. That is why, on the eve of crises, it is actively growing in price. One of the most obvious ways to make money off gold is to buy bullion. But, as practice shows, this method is far from the most convenient and profitable. Let's figure out how else you can invest in gold and which option is the most acceptable for a private investor.

The most obvious way to invest in gold is to simply buy it. The precious metal is sold in the form of bars in banks, jewelry stores and some pawnshops. But the bulk of bullion gold is sold through bank branches. The price of a bar depends on the weight, current gold prices and bank margins. For example, Sberbank sells ingots weighing from 1 gram to 1 kilogram at a price of 4192 to 3,894,360 rubles, and Rosselkhozbank - from 4,270 to 3,872,890 rubles.

Gold bullion sales quotes at Rosselkhozbank

The main disadvantage of bullion gold is large overhead costs associated with its storage and implementation. Gold, especially of high purity, is a very soft metal. Since any scratch or chip instantly leads to a loss of 30-40% of the value of the ingot, it must be stored either in a safe or in a safe deposit box. Both are expensive.

Another disadvantage: when buying bullion gold, you must pay 20% VAT. That's a lot. For many years there has been talk about the abolition of the tax on the purchase of precious metals, but the law has not yet been adopted.

But let's also note the pluses of bullion gold:

  • easy to sell - even to a bank, even to a jeweler;
  • no difficulties with inheritance and donation;
  • if stored correctly (in a safe and in a vacuum case), then gold can retain its properties for centuries.

Thus, bullion gold is a convenient investment vehicle, but only in certain cases. It is better for a novice investor with small capital to choose other methods of investing in gold.

Depersonalized metal accounts

The closest alternative to buying bullion gold is to open an impersonal metal account (hereinafter - OMC). In essence, the OMS is a savings account, the main unit of account of which is the equivalent of real gold in grams. For example, if you buy 100 grams of gold on the OMS for 285 thousand rubles, then if the price of 1 gram changes from 2850 to 3100 rubles, the total amount for the compulsory medical insurance will also change to 310,000 rubles.
You can watch the current OMS quotes on the banks' websites. For example, such prices are set in Sberbank.

OMS quotes in Sberbank

"Paper" gold is an excellent alternative to bullion. The main advantages of compulsory medical insurance:

  • Low entry threshold (from several thousand rubles), no need to bear the cost of storing gold;
  • not subject to VAT;
  • relatively low spreads (the difference between the purchase price and the sale of gold by the bank);
  • you can open an unlimited number of OMC;
  • you can buy additional gold to your account as free funds become available.

But impersonal metal accounts have their drawbacks:

  • limited liquidity: "paper" gold can be sold only in the bank where the metal account was opened, and only at the rate that is offered by the bank itself;
  • OMI does not accrue interest as it does on deposits. Profit depends on the dynamics of the gold rate;
  • OMS are not insured by the DIA. If the bank's license is revoked, the money will most likely not be returned.

OMC are beneficial if you are confident that the value of gold will rise in the near future. Sometimes investors have to wait several years before the price of a precious metal reaches the desired value.

Investment coins

Another way to invest in gold is to buy precious metal coins. They fall into two categories:

  1. Investment... Almost a complete analogue of bullion, produced in large circulation, their value is mainly determined by the price of gold;
  2. Commemorative (collectible). They are issued in different editions, mostly small (literally up to hundreds of pieces up to 20-25 thousand), the cost of coins depends not so much on the price of the metal, but on the collection value.

The selection of both types of coins on the Russian market is quite large. Coins are sold by:

  • banks - the largest collections are from Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank;
  • collectors clubs;
  • specialized organizations, for example, the Golden Mint, Derzhava, Troy Standard;
  • auction houses - the largest Findcoins, Conros, Raritetus.

In addition, coins can always be bought from hands - at the same "Avito" or even in a pawnshop.

Gold investment coins

The value of investment coins grows by an average of 8-10% per year. But with a successful combination of circumstances, the coin can be resold with a yield of tens or even hundreds of percent per annum.

The main disadvantages of investing in gold coins are the unpredictability of income, difficult storage conditions (chips, scratches or traces of rust lead to a fall in value), and low liquidity.

Shares of gold mining companies

It is not necessary to invest in gold directly by purchasing it physically. You can invest in the extraction of the precious metal by purchasing shares in gold mining companies. So you can make money not only on the growth of stock prices (which are sensitive to changes in prices for precious metals), but also on dividends. For example, the current dividend yield of Polyus is 6.9% per annum.

The largest gold mining companies in the world are Kinross Gold, Barrick Gold, Centerra Gold, Newmont Mining Corp, AngloGold Ashanti, Goldcorp. There are more than two dozen industry companies in the world. In Russia, you can buy securities of the aforementioned Polyus, as well as of Polymetal, Petropavlovsk Group, Lenzoloto. Shares of all companies, except for Petropavlovsk, are traded on the Moscow Stock Exchange, and they can be bought by opening an account with any domestic broker. Petropavlovsk went public on the London Stock Exchange, and a broker is needed to provide access to it.

Mutual funds and ETFs for gold

Buying bullion or coins requires some preparation from the investor, as well as the selection of stocks. If you do not want to do all this, you can earn income by increasing the price of gold in an alternative way: buy shares of a fund or ETF in gold.

There are currently 13 mutual funds in Russia from 12 management companies investing in gold. Return on investment - from 16% to 32% over the last year.

Mutual funds investing in gold

The investor earns on the growth in the value of the share. He needs to study the UIF's earnings strategy, its profitability in recent years, and the composition of assets. Pay attention to the commission: too much remuneration for the manager can negate all the potential income. It is recommended to invest in "gold" mutual funds for a period of 3 years or more. With such a duration of holding shares, there is no need to pay personal income tax when they are sold, and this significantly increases the return on investment.

There is only one ETF for gold on the Russian stock market - FXGD from FinEx. The Fund tracks the LBMA Gold Price AM Index by copying it. Commission - 0.45% per year.

Dynamics of ETF FXGD quotes

You can buy units of mutual funds through the management company. The entry threshold depends on the Criminal Code and varies from 1,000 to 50 thousand rubles. You can buy ETFs for gold through any broker on the Moscow Exchange.

Alternative ways to invest in gold

There are other ways to invest in gold, but they are more speculative and intended for professional market participants. We are talking about options, gold futures, and CFDs (Contracts for Difference). Derivatives market instruments - options and futures / forward contracts - are used by large investors and funds to hedge their risks.

Gold futures

To put it simply, if an investor is counting on an increase in the rate of gold, but fears that at a certain point in time the estimated price of an asset will be less than the required value, he can buy either an option or a gold futures. If the price reaches the desired value, then he will earn on the growth, if the price falls, he will exercise the option and receive his insurance premium.

CFD is a speculative instrument used in the forex market. The trader determines which direction the gold price will go and then either buys the asset or sells it. If the price moves in the right direction, then the trade is closed with a profit. If not, you have to fix the loss.

The advantage of derivatives and CFDs is that you can make money both on the rise in gold and on its fall.

Which way to invest in gold to choose depends on the investor and his strategy. For simple savings, you can use the purchase of bullion, investment coins or an impersonal metal account. To multiply funds and earn active earnings, it is best to buy shares of gold mining companies, "gold" mutual funds and ETFs. Active traders will love the derivatives market instruments and CFDs.

Is it profitable to invest in gold? What are the ways to buy gold and what are their main differences? How and at what price to buy a gold bar from Sberbank? How can you save on taxes? This article answers this and many other questions.

Investing in gold is a reliable way to keep your savings. The price of this metal changes frequently. In the short term, investment in precious metals can be unprofitable. For example, in 2011 - 2013. the market fell. This can be seen in the figure (source: Central Bank statistical bulletin).

But in the long term, gold rises in value. The amount of gold in nature is constant, and the amount of values ​​produced by people is increasing all the time (due to population growth, increased labor productivity, etc.). Therefore, for each gram of gold, there is an increasing number of created values ​​(goods). As a result, commodities depreciate and gold rises in price.

The rise in gold prices is also determined by its properties:

  • durability (gold does not rot, rust or oxidize);
  • divisibility (intrinsic value is preserved when gold is divided into parts);

For example, if a diamond is divided into two parts, the cost of two new parts will be much less than a solid stone.

  • homogeneity (in the absence of impurities, the internal composition of the metal of different gold bars and products has the same quality);
  • convenience (great value is concentrated in a small volume);
  • intrinsic value (associated with the limited amount of gold in nature: if gold were lying underfoot like pebbles, people would not appreciate it).

These properties make gold unique. Thanks to them, gold once served as money and is highly valued in the modern world.

Gold is not afraid of crises. On the contrary, in times of crisis it grows faster in price. For other investment options, the risk increases. For example, if, during a crisis, you invest in an enterprise that fails to survive the crisis, you will be lost.

This will not happen with gold. It protects the owner's assets from depreciation.

The picture above shows gold prices since the beginning of 1998. This is a crisis year. At the beginning and middle of the year, the price of gold was 54 - 58 rubles. per gram. In the second half of the year, it grew by almost 3.5 times to 186 rubles.

For the entire period from 1998 to 2018. prices increased 44 times, reaching 2393 rubles. per gram (March 1, 18). This means that if you bought 10 thousand rubles worth of gold in '98, now your capital would be 440,000 rubles.

Andrey: “I invest 10% of my income in physical gold, investments for 20 years or more. Fluctuations in the ruble price do not bother me even by 5-10%. I have three children, I want to give them something in the future. And besides physical gold, I don’t see any other reliable asset on such a long term ”.

What are the pitfalls?

The pitfalls of investing in gold:

1 The need to pay VAT 18% if you buy physical gold bullion;

Alternative options will allow you not to pay VAT: investment coins and compulsory medical insurance - about them a little lower.

2 The accounting price of gold is set by the Central Bank and is a reference point for a commercial bank in setting its prices. At the same time, the bank's price differs from the official price of the Central Bank. Usually not in the investor's favor.

For example, on May 17, the official accounting price of gold at the Central Bank is 2587.5 rubles. In Sberbank that day you would buy gold at a price of 2758 rubles. This is 6% more expensive.

3 The price at which the bank will buy gold from you will be different from the selling price. This difference is called.

For example, on the same date in Sberbank, the purchase price is 2459, the sale price is 2758. The bank is a commercial enterprise and the spread gives it the opportunity to make money. If on this day Sberbank buys 1 gr. gold and sell it to Masha, he will earn 299 rubles. And if it is 100 grams, then - 29,900 rubles.

For the investor, this difference can cause a loss in the short term.

For example, Anton bought 10 grams from Sberbank. gold on January 9th and sold it on May 17th. The result of the transaction is shown in the table.

Although prices increased over 5 months: purchases by 7%, sales - by 9%., Anton lost 660 rubles. due to the fact that the bank buys gold cheaper than it sells.

4 You will have to pay 13% of the income if the gold is owned for less than 3 years.

For example, when buying 1 gr. gold and selling it a year later, the income from the price difference will be 81 rubles. From this income you need to pay a tax of 13%, that is, 10.53 rubles.

Important: you pay the tax yourself. This involves filing a tax return.

5 Purchased ingots must be stored somewhere. The storage location must be safe. For example, in a safe deposit box. You will have to pay for the rent of the cell. The annual cost of renting the smallest cell in Sberbank (up to 9 cm high) will cost the investor 6137 rubles. Naturally, this rule is not required. You can store ingots anywhere, even in a chest buried two meters deep in the backyard of your summer cottage.

What are the ways to buy gold?

In our country, you can buy gold:

1 Through the opening of an impersonal metal account;

2 As a metal in the form:

  • ingot;
  • coins;
  • jewelry.

The last option is special. The price of jewelry depends not only on the price of the metal, but also on other factors: the prestige of the brand, appearance and craftsmanship, etc.

A purchased piece of jewelry is difficult to sell at the same price. For example, a gold chain "Lines of Love" made of red gold of 585 assay value, weighing 1.58 grams. costs 4590 rubles. In terms of gram, this is 2905 rubles.

In a pawnshop, when registering a pledge, gold of such a sample will be estimated at 1350 - 1500 rubles. per gram. Losses will be from 2580 to 2817 rubles. That is, more than half of the cost of the product.

Therefore, when deciding the issue of investing money in gold in order to make money on it, this option is not considered. Let's dwell on the rest in more detail.

Gold bars

A gold bar is a piece of high-purity gold in the form of a brick with a mirrored surface with markings on the obverse.

Sberbank offers to buy:

  • dimensional;
  • standard ingots.

Measured have a weight of 1 g. up to 1 kg. They must comply with GOST R 51572-2000, which establishes the main characteristics of the ingot:

  • weight: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 gr.;
  • dimensions: length and width. Height (thickness) is not standardized. For example, for an ingot weighing 1 g. the length can be from 12 to 15 mm., the width is from 7 to 9 mm .;
  • chemical composition (sample): gold content not less than 99.99%;
    • the inscription "Russia", framed in an oval;
    • weight in grams (figure 1 in the figure);
    • the name "Gold";
    • sample (2);
    • manufacturer's trademark (3);
    • ingot number (4);

    • packing each ingot in plastic wrap and all in a wooden box;
    • availability of a certificate for each ingot, which indicates the date of issue, characteristics of the ingot and the signatures of the persons responsible for the quality of the ingot.

Standard ingots weigh from 11 to 13.3 kg. They must comply with GOST 28058-2015, which establishes the main characteristics of the ingot:

  • shape: truncated pyramid;
  • surface: free from sagging, burrs, damage, grease stains and foreign inclusions. Places of stripping up to 1 mm deep and concavity due to metal shrinkage up to 5 mm deep are allowed.
  • weight: any within 11 - 13.3 kg;
  • possible deviation of weight: 0.03 - 0.1 g. (0.03 for the minimum weight ingot, 0.1 for the maximum weight);
  • dimensions: length from 229 to 254 mm, width 59-88 mm, height 35 mm;
  • deviation of dimensions: in length and width up to 5 mm., in height up to 8 mm.
  • sample: not less than 99.9%;
  • front side marking:
    • symbol of the manufacturer's state;
    • weight in grams;
    • gold brand;
    • try;
    • manufacturer's trademark;
    • ingot number;
    • year of issue;
    • packing each ingot in plastic wrap or wrapping paper and all in a wooden box.

The GOST notes that by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the weight and shape may change.

The specifics of buying bullion are discussed in detail in the relevant sections.

Depersonalized metal account (OMS)

Depersonalized metal account is a way to invest money in precious metal without buying it in physical form. The metal will exist virtually in the form of an entry in a bank account in the amount of grams of gold.

Since we are not talking about buying a specific bar with its marking and a unique number, the stored gold has no individual characteristics. Therefore, the account is called impersonal.

Important: unlike the purchase of an ingot, the opening of a compulsory medical insurance fund exempts from the payment of VAT and from the risk of damage and loss of gold during storage.

They buy and sell gold at the quotes set by the bank. In this case, the bank, crediting funds to the account, will recalculate rubles into grams, and when returning it, vice versa: grams into rubles.

OMC in Sberbank opens free of charge for an indefinite period. That is, the account holder can at any time receive the cash equivalent of the stored gold at the current exchange rate.

Sberbank offers to open OMC in the Sberbank Online system or during a personal visit to the office. Opening an account on the Internet is easier and faster. For this you need:

1 Log in to the Sberbank Online system.

2 Select the "Other" tab, then "Metal accounts" and "Opening an unallocated metal account". On the same page, you will see the rates for buying and selling precious metals. You will be able to buy gold at the selling rate.

Click to enlarge image

Click to enlarge image

4 Fill in the indicated fields: the account to be debited and the required deposit amount. The amount can be specified in rubles - then the “gold mass” cell will be filled in automatically according to the exchange rate. For example, if you deposit the amount of 7000 rubles, this will be equivalent to the mass of 2.4 g of gold.
You can do the opposite: fill in the mass, for example, by specifying 3.5 g. Then the value of 10,045 rubles will appear in the amount field.


Click to enlarge image

The minimum amount of funds on the account is 0.1 g. gold. On May 10, this corresponds to the value of 252.5 rubles. (at the selling rate of 2525 rubles / g.).

Sberbank does not charge interest on the account. You can only earn from the change in the cost of the metal over time.

Let us determine the income from the compulsory medical insurance, subject to the opening of an account and the purchase of gold for 10,000 rubles. in January 2016 and closing of the account in May 2018:

The result of the transaction depends on gold quotes and in a short period can be negative (loss).

In our example, the profitability for more than 2 years was 2.84%, in terms of the annual rate it is only 1.21%. This percentage is much lower than the rate on a deposit in Sberbank (the minimum deposit rate is 3.4%). But in the long run, the result may be different.

For 10 years, the amount is 10 thousand rubles. turned into 35 thousand with an average annual return of 24.61%. No bank deposit will provide the opportunity for such growth.

Investment coins

You can buy gold in Sberbank in the form of collectible and investment gold coins.

A bullion coin is a high-purity precious metal coin primarily intended for investing or holding savings.

Collectible Coin - a small edition of precious metal intended mainly for collecting. The issue of such a coin is usually timed to coincide with memorable dates, events known to people.

Collectible coin weighing 5 kg., Issued for the 150th anniversary of the Bank of Russia. The front side shows the emblem of the Bank of Russia - a two-headed eagle, below the state symbols of the Russian Empire, the Provisional Government, the RSFSR and the USSR. On the reverse side there are portraits of Emperor Alexander II and the first leaders of the State Bank A.L. Stieglitz and E.I. Lamansky.

The main differences between these coins are shown in the table:

Index Investment coin Collectible coin
Minting quality common high
Circulation big limited
Design simplified complicated
Artistic value absent there is
Presence of other precious metals and precious stones No Maybe
Coin price and gold rate approached significantly differ
Coin issue constant on memorable dates or events
Numismatic value No there is
Profit due to the rise in the price of gold due to the increase in the price of metal and collection value
Redemption of a coin by a bank Yes No

Important: Gold coins are not subject to VAT if they have legal tender status. This status has been established for all gold coins issued by the Central Bank since 1998. This status has been retained for a gold chervonets (10 rubles) containing 7.742 g of pure gold, issued in 1975-1982.

Legal tender status means that on the territory of Russia the coin must be accepted for payment at face value. For example, the gold coin George the Victorious has the status of legal tender. Its face value is 50 rubles, and it is quite possible to buy a carton of milk with it. And if the seller refuses to accept it, you can sue him. True, there is hardly anyone who wants to pay for goods worth 50 rubles. a coin sold in Sberbank for 27 thousand rubles.

At the moment, the following investment gold coins can be purchased at Sberbank:

To buy an investment coin of Sberbank, you need to have a passport with you. When paying for a coin, it is important to keep the receipt - it will be needed when selling the coin and for calculating income tax. The amount of tax is determined in the same way as for bullion - this issue is discussed in the section "Answers to Questions".

You need to store investment coins in a bank package. Removing the packaging can damage the coin and this will significantly reduce its value.

In Sberbank you can buy coins of excellent and satisfactory (with minor defects) quality. Sberbank neither sells nor buys coins of unsatisfactory condition.

Experts believe that buying investment coins is beneficial if the sale is planned not earlier than 10-15 years. In the short run, gains from a rise in the price of gold may turn into losses due to the spread.

Case of life

Matvey: “I tried to hand over to the bank a gold coin that I had bought earlier in the same place (Sberbank) - the price I was offered was 2 times lower than the selling one !!! In short, I think that the bank is simply cashing in on numismatists ... "

Comparative table of the main ways to invest in gold

Index OMS gold bar Investment coin
Gold variant virtual real real
Minimum size, gram 0,1 1 depends on the weight of the coin
Deposit insurance No
VAT on purchase No Yes not if the coin is legal tender
Personal income tax yes, if you own the metal for less than 3 years
Risk of damage and loss of gold absent there is there is
The cost of renting a safe to reduce the risk of damage and loss No possible possible
Bank selling price per gram as of 05/10/18, rub. 2713 RUB 3257 - 3549 3372 - 3741 - excellent condition,

3022 - 3239 - satisfactory condition

Impact of spread on profit In a short-term period, the spread (the difference between the buying and selling rates) “eats up” the profit due to the rise in prices

Investing in gold makes sense over the long term. An impersonal account is more economical than buying physical gold: when opening an account, the price of gold is lower, there is no risk of damage to gold and a decrease in its value, no need to spend money on storage.

When choosing between a bullion and a gold coin, pay attention to two nuances:

  • By buying a coin, you save on VAT if the coin has legal tender status;
  • Sberbank sells gold bullion cheaper.

Bullion price in Sberbank

The price of measured gold bars, current as of 05/10/2018, is shown in the table:

Number of grams Purchase price with satisfactory quality, rub. Purchase price with excellent quality, rub. Bar sales price, including VAT, rub.
ingot in terms of gr. ingot in terms of gr. ingot in terms of gr.
1 2 459 2 459 2 479 2 479,00 3 549 3 549,00
5 12 295 2 459 12 335 2 467,00 16 685 3 337,00
10 24 590 2 459 24 660 2 466,00 33 134 3 313,40
20 49 180 2 459 49 280 2 464,00 65 915 3 295,75
50 122 950 2 459 123 070 2 461,40 163 902 3 278,04
100 245 900 2 459 246 050 2 460,50 326 742 3 267,42
250 614 750 2 459 614 950 2 459,80 815 144 3 260,58
500 1 229 500 2 459 1 229 870 2 459,74 1 629 226 3 258,45
1000 2 459 000 2 459 2 459 600 2 459,60 3 257 154 3 257,15

The price of an ingot depends on the size: the larger the size, the less it costs 1 gram. The exception is ingots of a satisfactory condition (we will describe in more detail how to determine the condition of an ingot below). Sberbank buys them out at a single price.

You can always find the current bullion prices on the Sberbank website.

Important: before deciding to buy a bullion, you should study the prices. You need to understand that the gold quotation and the price of an ingot in Sberbank are different indicators, and that the purchase and sale prices are different.

Case of life

Dmitriy: “I went to Sberbank's website in the section“ precious metals ”and clicked on the quotes. The rate was 2636 rubles / gram. Then I called the operator and asked at what price I could buy gold that day. The operator specified the region and said the price was 2756.9 rubles per gram.

I scratched the back of my head and went to the bank. And there it turned out that the required ingot weighing 250 grams. I can buy at the price of 3190.68 rubles / gram. In my opinion this is a divorce. "

The process of buying a gold bar at Sberbank

1 Selection of an ingot, taking into account its price and weight. It is better to do this in advance.

2 Before visiting Sberbank, clarify in which of the nearest branches it is possible to make a transaction. Not all affiliates buy and sell gold.

3 Visiting Sberbank with a passport and agreeing on the transaction with a bank representative.

4 Deal. The customer must be present in person - online purchases are not allowed.

Typically, a trade takes about 10 minutes.

First, the ingot is inspected and weighed in the presence of the client. The client must see the scale.

Important: 0.01 gr. - an indicator of accuracy when weighing an ingot. But the unit of measure for the weight of the ingot is 0.1 g. For example, if during weighing the weight is determined to be 12845.27, then the mass of the ingot will be equal to 12845.2 (rounding down).

Then the payment and transfer of the bullion are carried out.

Important: gold is sealed in special packaging. Its integrity cannot be violated, otherwise Sberbank will not accept the ingot back.

If the client so desires, for a fee, the ingot can be packed in a beautiful case with the Sberbank logo. This option is perfect for a gift.

The transfer of the ingot is formalized by the acceptance certificate. It must indicate: the name of the metal, fineness, weight, bar number, amount, date, full name of the buyer and the bank's representative.

The ingot is handed over to the client along with a certificate for it. The data indicated on the ingot and in the certificate must match.

Important: the certificate is made by the manufacturer. It contains the number and sample. The certificate must be kept together with the ingot. If the certificate is lost, the bank will not redeem the ingot and will not take it for storage. It will be possible to sell it at a pawnshop at a reduced cost.

The client is issued a cash order (check) confirming the purchase. He also needs to be saved.

You can store the ingot along with your documents at home. But to ensure security, it is better to rent a safe deposit box at a bank.

For the ingot to bring profit to the owner, the shelf life must be long: 10 - 20 years or more.

How to sell the purchased gold in the future?

First, you need to clarify in which of the nearest branches of Sberbank it is possible to make a deal.

To sell bullion, you need to come to the bank with an identity document.

Sberbank will buy a measured gold bar in excellent or satisfactory condition.

Excellent condition means a clean surface without scratches, burrs, abrasions, foreign inclusions. The bullion certificate must be clean and undamaged.

Satisfactory condition of the ingot means that the surface can be stained with dirt, scratches and abrasions. But these features should not affect the weight of the ingot. An ingot without a single damage, but with a damaged certificate will also be deemed satisfactory: a part is torn or torn off, in spots. But this damage should not affect the viewing of the text.

Important: if the bank suspects that the bullion is counterfeited, it has the right to withdraw it from the client and send it for examination. The client will be notified of the results.

The rules for buying bullion from the public are available on the Sberbank website.

Important: a gold bar purchased from Sberbank can also be sold to another commercial bank.

If the bank refused to buy your bullion, recognizing its condition as unsatisfactory, you can sell it:

  • at the price of scrap to a jewelry workshop or gold buyers;
  • hand over to a pawnshop.

An excellent condition gold bar weighing 1 gram. Sberbank will buy from you for 2479 rubles, a satisfactory condition - for 2459 rubles. (the price is valid as of May 10, 2018). A pawnshop will pay for an ingot from 1950 (your pawnshop) to 2285 rubles (pawnshop sunlight). Losses compared to the redemption of the bullion by Sberbank will amount to 11-21% of the value of gold.

Auris buys measured ingots at a scrap price of 2415 rubles. per gram. In this case, the losses will amount to 2-3%.

Case of life

Lena: “I kept two bars of gold at my house. When I took them out to hand over to the bank and receive money, rust was found on one ingot. The bank did not accept the ingot. I was able to hand it over to the jeweler at the price of scrap !!! The jeweler said that this is rather the result of a violation of technology during manufacture. The stain is easy to remove, but the ingot will be damaged. "

The most scandalous case of rusty gold is associated with the gold coins "St. George the Victorious", issued in 2006-2009 at the St. Petersburg Mint. The defect is associated with the ingress of iron microparticles on the surface of the coin, which oxidized when exposed to a humid environment.

If your bullion or coin is covered in rust stains, collect the paperwork and sell it to the bank. If you fail to sell, contact a jeweler to remove the stains. And then you can try again to sell the coin to the bank. Or a jeweler.

Rust is the most harmless of the defects encountered. The main problem is that rust does not appear immediately, but after several years.

Blackheads are considered a more serious defect. This is a crumb of slag that has got into the gold melt - it cannot be cleaned. Therefore, when buying, you should carefully examine the ingot or coin.

Rust stains on the "St. George the Victorious" coin of the St. Petersburg Mint

An example of calculating income from the purchase and sale of a gold bar

Let's make a calculation for 50 and 100 gram gold bars. for a shelf life of 5-7 years, provided that the gold is stored in a safe deposit box.

Index The result when buying a gold bar weighing 50 grams. 10/01/2011 The result when buying a gold bar weighing 50 grams. The result when buying a gold bar weighing 100 grams.
The price of an ingot weighing 50 grams. at the date of purchase, rub. 86018,08 106840,87 213540,00
Selling price per gram on the date of purchase, rub. 1720,36 2136,82 2135,40
The price of an ingot weighing 50 grams. on the date of sale to the bank, rub. 123070,00 123070,00 246050,00
Sberbank purchase price per gram as of 05/10/2018, RUB 2461,40 2461,40 2460,50
Transaction result (price difference), rub. 37051,92 16229,13 32510,00
Result after tax, RUB 37051,92 16229,13 32510,00
Cell rental price, rub. 32016,92 25131,63 25131,63
Profit (loss) from the transaction 5035,00 -8902,50 7378,37

Ownership of an ingot under 3 years was not considered, because it is unprofitable because of the spread.

Ingots weighing less than 50 grams were not taken into account. they do not cover the cost of renting a cell.

Ownership of a 50 g bar. becomes profitable starting from a seven-year term. But an ingot weighing 100 grams. makes a profit in 5 years.

Important: an alternative to a safe deposit box will be the execution of a storage agreement with Sberbank. The cost of storing 1 ingot is 50 rubles. per day. This will amount to 18,250 rubles per year. For 5 years - 91 thousand rubles, for 7 years - 128 thousand rubles. This is significantly more expensive than the cell. In addition, storage of each ingot is paid separately.

Safety rules when buying gold bullion

1 It is safe to buy gold bullion from the bank. The bank must be reliable - Sberbank fully meets this requirement. Bullions of Sberbank will be redeemed by any bank that has the right to this operation. Problems may arise with the sale of bullion from another bank - not all banks buy “someone else's gold”.

2 You cannot buy gold bars from your hands. This is against the law. In addition, there is a risk of buying counterfeit bullion.

Today, gold in our daily life appears in the form of jewelry, dental crowns, gold coins and ingots. And the last form is the most popular when it comes to large savings or exchange trading. It is an ingot of gold, the price of which depends on the cost of one gram or ounce, that becomes the main means for replenishing the gold and foreign exchange reserves of different countries. With the help of this ageless currency, mutual settlements are often carried out between states. This form of storage of precious metal is a kind of universal, which is described by various international and national standards.

Varieties of gold bars

In this area, there are world standards that determine the requirements for the so-called measured ingots, described by the following positions:

  1. The presence of industrial brands, which are put by the manufacturer. This marking includes the name of the country, weight in grams, an indication of the type of precious metal, samples, the brand of the manufacturer.
  2. Tolerances in length and width, avoidance of serious deformations

In Russia, standardization of 999.9-sample ingots weighing up to 1000 grams is carried out using the provisions of GOST R 51572-2000. Each ingot has an individual registration number that allows you to identify a specific measured object. Scratches, chips, dirty spots, strong deformations are not allowed. The maximum surface flaw in depth should not exceed 5 mm.

According to the method of production, gold bars are classified as follows:

  • stamped
  • cast
  • powder

The most expensive stamped ingot will cost about 10-12% more than a powder one. In all cases, a certificate is attached to the officially purchased ingot.

Where to buy a gold bar

In Russia, citizens can purchase bullion from almost all major banks in the country, including Sberbank, VTB and Gazprombank. These assets, like any currency, have a sale and purchase price. The difference between buying and selling is quite high, so gold bars are rarely purchased by individuals for quick speculation. Usually this product is bought for a gift or long-term private investment. The perceptible difference between buying and selling arises from the value added tax (18%).

When buying a gold bar, you must keep all receipts and certificates that accompany such a purchase. The most active seller in this market is Sberbank, which offers the population gold bars weighing from 1 gram. For such a purchase, you will need a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. By selling and buying gold bars, Sberbank guarantees the highest quality of the goods, which is confirmed by the manufacturer's certificate. You can follow the course of precious metals from your personal account. Purchases are classified into two categories - satisfactory and excellent quality.

For storing gold bars, you can get a term

Article 191 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation defines criminal liability for illegal trafficking in precious metals and precious stones for a period of up to five years and various large fines. Of course, if you bought a gold bar from Sberbank and have all the supporting documents on hand, no one will make any claims against you. But if a gold bar, nugget or sand fell into your hands directly from the bowels or from clandestine production, in this case you should think hard about the consequences. The punishment will depend on the amount of damage, which is considered large, starting from 1,500 thousand rubles.

Illegal trafficking means storage, transportation, purchase and sale of precious metals. And there is one important nuance here. If a piece of gold has signs of jewelry (scrap), then no questions arise to the owner. It is another matter if such signs are difficult to detect. Then you will have to prove for a long time that this fragment came to you in a legal way. So, if you take and melt a ring at home, then the resulting ingot under unfavorable circumstances can send you to the bunk.

Gold bars continue to be the most demanded physical asset of our time. Despite the ups and downs in value, this precious metal successfully performs the function of the world financial and economic equivalent and regulator.

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