
Car taxes by horsepower. Transport tax, benefits, rates. With this news read

Car owners in the Russian Federation are required to pay transport tax. Its size is calculated in accordance with the norms of the current legislation. The amount of the payment depends on the power of the car and its age. The current legislation is periodically amended.

During the past year, there have been rumors that transport tax in 2020 will be changed. They said that they wanted to cancel it or radically change the rate. However, no major amendments were made to the law. Meanwhile, car owners continue to vigorously discuss what innovations await them. We will talk further about what transport tax is, who is obliged to pay it under the new legislation, as well as about possible changes in regulatory legal acts.

Before studying the changes in transport tax in 2020, you need to understand what it is. This concept hides deductions in favor of the state, levied from persons who own a vehicle.

The tax payment process is regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, all car owners are obliged to make contributions to the budget. In this case, it does not matter whether the owner of the vehicle is a legal entity or an individual.

In this regard, there have been no major changes in 2020. The deductions in favor of the state are actually obliged to be paid by the same persons on whom this need was previously imposed. The list of objects for which the fee is charged has not changed much either. However, a number of amendments were made. The calculation of the amount of payment is made in accordance with the norms of the current legislation. The general algorithm is as follows: the taxable base is multiplied by the rate and by the multiplying coefficient, if it is provided in a particular case. Individuals are not required to independently calculate the amount of tax. The procedures are performed by employees of the Federal Tax Service. The action is carried out on the basis of the data provided to the institution by the owner of the car during the state registration process.

At the time of determining the taxable base, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • Vehicle engine power.
  • The age of the car. In this case, whether the period of its actual operation is taken into account, and the date of issue.
  • Traction. The parameter is taken into account if the object is air transport.
  • Compatibility. The parameter is used when calculating the tax for water transport.

The size of the multiplying factor depends on the assessed value of the car and its year of manufacture. It should be borne in mind that the collection is of a regional nature. This means that the rates are set by the local authorities, and not by the Government of the Russian Federation. The funds are transferred to the regional budget and directed to road repairs, as well as ensuring road safety.

Changes to the payment and accrual process

Road tax on transport must be paid by all owners of vehicles without exception. It doesn't matter if the machine is used or not. It was this feature that upset the owners of the cars in many ways. Many of them did not want to deposit money if the transport was simply idle in the garage or was in poor technical condition.

Car owners hoped that their wishes would be taken into account, and in 2020 the car tax will include a gradation on the use of the car. However, this did not happen. The need to deposit funds still remains regardless of whether the car is used or idle. Another hope of car enthusiasts was the possibility of leveling rates in the regions. However, in fact, such amendments were not adopted. However, the increasing coefficients have undergone adjustments.

The amendments affected only car owners, the price of which varies from 3 to 5 million rubles. The rules do not apply to all vehicles, the price of which is more than 3 million rubles. So, on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, a list of foreign cars and domestic cars is presented, which are an exception. The list is constantly updated.

The issue of granting benefits deserves special attention. So, in 2020, owners of trucks got the opportunity not to pay transport tax. This is the law that was adopted by the State Duma. The rule applies only to vehicles weighing more than 12 tons.

The owners of agricultural machinery were also freed from the need to make contributions to the regional budget. A similar measure was taken to reduce the tax burden for these categories of persons. The fact is that the owners of cars belonging to this group must pay not only the transport tax, but also a fee for compensation for damage to the road surface. Depending on the region, the list of benefits and the specifics of their provision will vary. The fact is that each constituent entity of the Russian Federation has the right to establish its own list of beneficiaries. However, all owners of cars with engine power no more than 100 horsepower have the right to expect to receive concessions in the process of paying motor vehicle tax. A similar rule applies in the Moscow region.

How do I file a tax return?

Having found out that the increase in car tax and other significant changes did not occur, the car owner should familiarize himself with the specifics of filing a declaration. The procedure has not changed. The specifics of the calculation were not corrected either. So, individuals, as before, will receive notifications from the tax service about the amount to be paid to the budget. At the same time, organizations are obliged to independently calculate the amount due to be paid.

The deadline for the payment of contributions has not changed either. Individuals are required to make contributions to the budget by December 1 of the year following the reporting period. Terms of depositing funds for companies are set by the regional authorities. There was no increase in the rate in Moscow and other regions. You can see the corrections made in the table below.

The issue has not undergone any special corrections. The new bill was not adopted. Everything has been preserved almost as before. Individuals are notified of the amount of vehicle tax. After that, they must deposit funds by December 1 of the following year. The company will also not see any significant benefits. Relief of the burden awaits only owners of agricultural and truck equipment.

Prospects for the changes

Motorists expected drastic amendments to the current legislation in 2020. However, they never happened. Meanwhile, the question of changes continues to excite motorists to this day. Today, the assertion that it would be more expedient to replace the transport tax with an excise tax, which is already paid by all motorists when buying gasoline, is increasingly common. The funds will also have to be directed to the development and road highways. Making such a decision is quite logical.

The change is justified by the fact that each owner of the car will have to contribute money in proportion to the frequency of operation of the car and roads. However, in order to abolish the tax, it is necessary to raise the size of the excise tax quite strongly. All this will lead to a rather serious increase in the cost of fuel.

So far, the amendment is only at the stage of discussion. Perhaps, in 2020, certain changes will still be made to the current legislation. While the owners of the cars can only wait.

The tax system today is changing rapidly, so Russians prefer to find out in advance information about what taxes will change and what they should prepare for. Vehicle owners are most concerned about information about what will be the horsepower tax 2018. Earlier, the issue of canceling this tax payment was discussed, because the authorities wanted to slightly reduce the tax burden on the population, but today the decision on it has been postponed indefinitely.

Transport is a tax that is levied by persons who own vehicles. It is regulated by regional legislation, and its size depends on several factors, while all money received from taxpayers on receipts is transferred to the federal state treasury, because only the highest authorities can dispose of them. The regional government, however, has the right to revise many tax rates, as well as exemptions from payment on receipts of some taxpayers. Recently, however, only a small number of people have been exempted from paying taxes, because there is an acute shortage of budgetary funds in the country, therefore car taxes by horsepower 2018 can only grow, and this is what it is worth preparing for.

The objects of taxation are cars, motor scooters, as well as buses and any self-propelled mechanisms on a caterpillar or pneumatic drive. However, the object of taxation also includes yachts, airplanes, snowmobiles and any water transport, but the tax base for them will be determined individually, that is, the rate will depend on the capacity of the vehicle, its power and weight. Calculate the most accurate price will allow horsepower tax calculator 2018, which takes into account all the necessary factors, but the amount that it will give in the end can be considered only conditional, because accurate information regarding tax payments can be obtained exclusively from representatives of the tax service.

Payment terms and rules to know about

There have been no special changes in how the tax on the car should now be calculated, and not only the terms of payment have remained the same, but also the terms, rates and also all the previously valid rules. It should be said right away that the rules for paying for incoming receipts for individuals and large organizations are completely different, and if the former can delay payment, then the latter are not given such a privilege. They will have to make a contribution to the tax service for each vehicle on the balance sheet before February 2018, therefore, it is definitely not worth delaying with such a question.

Individuals in this regard may feel more relaxed, because they will have to pay almost at the end of the year, because the legislation sets a deadline - until December 1st. This advantage allows owners to easily save the required amount, so Russians shouldn't have any problems with this issue.

The rules for tax payments on cars will remain the same, because they are fixed in the legislation of the country and no changes were planned for them in the near future. The rates will remain unchanged and will be calculated depending on the region in which the car is registered, its engine power and year of manufacture. The main thing to remember is that horsepower tax calculator 2018 in Moscow will differ from the same payment in any other urban area of ​​Russia.

People who simply put their car for long-term repairs must pay tax deductions on a general basis, because they are not provided with benefits. You can, of course, remove the vehicle from registration, and after the repair, issue it again, but car taxes by horsepower in 2018 will have almost the same size as the cost of the procedure for removing and re-registering a car, therefore, before making this decision, it is necessary to carefully consider all the factors available.

Will it be canceled or not?

In conclusion, it must be said that in modern times, the abolition of this tax is no longer discussed, although two years ago the situation was somewhat different. Today, the authorities have calculated that the horse power tax brings the federal budget about 5 billion rubles a year, and its cancellation will only make the financial deficit more visible, so it was decided to temporarily postpone the discussion of this issue.

The abolition of the vehicle tax in Russia is one of the most discussed topics in motorist circles. After all, there is an opinion that the very principle of taxation is somewhat unfair. The controversy was further fueled by information that President Putin had signed a law abolishing the transport tax in Russia. Is this really so and what will change for car owners, we will consider in this material.

Issues related to the regulation of the transport tax are stipulated in Chapter 28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. He is also devoted to article 12 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2017 No. 436-FZ, amending the Tax Code.

Was the transport tax abolished in 2018

For quite a long time, various resources have been discussing information that Vladimir Putin signed a decree abolishing the transport tax. But has the transport tax actually been canceled in 2018? The answer is no. The document, which many perceive as a presidential decree on the abolition of the transport tax, is actually called Federal Law No. 436-FZ of December 28, 2017. In addition to amendments to other articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Article 12 deals with the recognition as bad debts for this type of tax liabilities, which were formed as of 01.01.2015. Therefore, it is more correct to say that the transport tax debts were canceled in 2018.

The tax amnesty will be applied automatically. That is, vehicle owners will not have to go anywhere. If the car owner regularly paid all bills and does not have debt obligations to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service, he is not subject to Law No. 436-FZ, and a refund from the budget is not provided. Individuals and individual entrepreneurs can count on debt cancellation. Consequently, legal entities will still have to pay off all debts.

Transport tax 2018 in Russia: how and when to pay

Since the abolition of the transport tax in 2018 (Putin only granted amnesty) is very illusory, it is worth talking about some of the nuances of paying this fee. According to the existing norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it must be paid annually by December 1 of the year following the reporting year. For example, for 2017 you must pay before 12/01/2018. The amount of the fee depends on:

  • region of residence;
  • vehicle brands and models;
  • Year of release;
  • engine power.

You can find out the amount using a special online calculator on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

In addition, the tax office must send a notice indicating the amount of the payment. Tax authorities must send this document no later than 30 days before the deadline for payment. After receiving the notification, the vehicle owner can make the payment. If, for some reason, the notification is not received by December 1, do not hope that the Federal Tax Service has completely forgotten about the payment. It is recommended to contact the tax authorities yourself, this will allow you to avoid the accrual of penalties and fines in the future. If the notification is received, but the owner of the vehicle is in no hurry to transfer funds, the Federal Tax Service has the right to collect funds forcibly.

In addition, in accordance with clause 3 of Article 363 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the FTS cannot send a notification for more than three tax periods. That is, this year the FTS may send notifications for 2017, 2016 and 2015.

Cancellation of transport tax 2018 in Russia: pitfalls of amnesty

The amnesty on contributions for the vehicle will not affect all debtors, as it might seem at first glance. Let's figure out why this situation has arisen.

In 2018, tax authorities can send a notice to the payer, which may include contributions for 2017, 2016 and 2015. Consequently, it will not be possible to collect the amounts not paid before 2015. That is, in this case, the abolition of the transport tax (Putin signed the tax amnesty law) has no practical meaning.

Let's consider another case. The car owner did not pay for his vehicle, and the Federal Tax Service sends a notification. After that, the unscrupulous motorist still did not pay off the debt, and its amount began to exceed 3,000 rubles. In this case, the tax authorities have the right to apply to the court for the recovery of funds within six months. That is, the FTS still retained the right to collect large debts. Moreover, the court may extend the three-year recovery period.

If the debt does not exceed 3000 rubles, the tax authorities can monitor this debt for three years. And when it exceeds the established limit, you can apply for collection within six months.

From this we can conclude that the amnesty will affect those vehicle owners whose debt does not exceed 3,000 rubles.

Transport tax, cancellation of 2018: the latest news from the State Duma for today

Despite the fact that the adopted law is only an amnesty for debtors, it cannot be argued that there is no chance that lawmakers will abolish the transport tax in 2018. After all, this issue is periodically raised in the State Duma. For example, in June of this year, bill No. 480908-7 was introduced. In it, the legislators proposed to cancel the action of Chapter 28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and instead include the tax in the fuel price. This would allow for a more equitable taxation principle. Since the amount of the paid fee would directly depend on the frequency of using the car. Despite the fact that this proposal received very broad public support, the project was rejected at the preliminary consideration stage. Thus, the law on the abolition of the transport tax from 2018 is currently only a dream of motorists.

Car tax 2018 in 2018. We intend to amend the law on transport tax

Collecting transport tax from Russians is beneficial for the government. According to statistics for the current year, almost every second citizen of the country has its own vehicle, so the share of the horsepower tax in the budget is quite significant.

Different Russian regions may have different tax rates. It can be changed, but officials are proposing to make it fixed throughout the country. It is interesting that some officials propose to abolish the transport tax altogether, to replace it. For example:

  1. increase the total price of excise tax on fuel and other fuels;
  2. calculate the amount of the fee based on the environmental indicators of the vehicle;
  3. calculate the total tax amount not taking into account horsepower, but depending on the engine size.

If the total price of the excise tax on fuel is increased, then the tax burden will be fairly distributed. Frequent traveler car owners will buy more fuel, therefore, the budget will be replenished more.

Who is taxed on a car for horsepower

The proceeds from the collection of transport tax are directed first of all to the repair of the road surface. All vehicle owners pay it. At the same time, horsepower tax is levied even on motorcyclists, owners of motor boats, tracked vehicles, yachts, snowmobiles, buses, and helicopters.

Transport tax benefits are provided in the following cases:

  1. if the car was received under a social program or was converted specifically for a disabled driver. Its power should not exceed 100 horsepower;
  2. if the car was stolen and declared on the official wanted list;
  3. if it is a marine or river industrial craft;
  4. if the vehicle is used to transport livestock, fertilizers, milk, hay, these are tractors with rowboats and motor boats, the engine power of which is not more than 5 horsepower.

The highest tax in the capital and St. Petersburg is 12.00-24.00 rubles per horsepower.

There are more Crimean car owners - up to 313,500, which is 16% higher than a year earlier. They receive tax receipts by mail at their place of residence. Many now have a "Personal account of the taxpayer", so notifications come there.

Distribution of notifications began in July. For the first month, the owners of cars, motorcycles and other types of transport equipment have already paid about 25 million rubles of transport tax, - reported in the Federal Tax Service for the Republic of Kazakhstan. - In total, this year it is planned to collect more than 370 million rubles of tax, which is a quarter more than in 2017.

The tax must be paid before December 1, 2018, otherwise they will begin to charge a penalty. Its amount is calculated as follows:

horsepower * number of months for which the contribution is paid.

An example of the amount of vehicle tax:

  1. 2010 car with an engine up to 100 hp with. - the tax will be 500 rubles;
  2. with an 80 hp engine. with. - 400 rubles;
  3. with 110 hp engine with. - 770 rubles.

Vehicle owners are unhappy with the introduction of the vehicle tax. First, the excise tax on gasoline was introduced. Secondly, there are many car owners in Russia who have old cars with more powerful engines than new models. Because the tax is calculated on horsepower, old cars become a burden and an expensive means of transportation.

Russian citizens who own vehicles are required to pay car tax. For any purchased and registered vehicle, a certain amount must be paid to the state.

The calculation for each car is made by the tax service on an individual basis. Payment must be made for the previous year, regardless of the condition and intensity of the machine. Previously, the tax office sent out receipts for payment with a prescribed amount of payment.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree exempting all citizens of the country who own cars from the transport tax. Both individuals and entrepreneurs are subject to this law.

The transport tax is a good source of revenue for the federal budget. Russian citizens rally about 150 billion rubles to the state treasury annually. The question of the need to reform the transport tax has been raised many times, since there are many shortcomings in the system that caused discontent among vehicle owners. The authorities decided to listen to people's opinions and decided to make a number of changes to the taxation system.

All taxpayers pay a different amount, which depends on many factors, such as the cost of the car, its power and other indicators. The regional factor also had an influence - in some districts the tax rate was increased, which caused particular discontent among the people.

Cancellation of passenger car tax in 2018

On November 27, 2017, Vladimir Putin signed Law No. 335-FZ with amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on the abolition of transport tax debts in Russia. This law came into force in 2018. This law equated all vehicle owners - if a person has an old Volga, or ten luxury cars, he does not have to pay any taxes for them. This is good for the people, but significant losses for the state treasury. To compensate for them, the prices of gasoline and alternative fuels were increased. Thus, due to the increase in the excise tax on gasoline, transport fees will be deducted from it, which means that those who use cars more actively, or have several vehicles, will pay more to the country.

The President decided that everyone will start using their vehicles under the new rules on equal terms. All debts of citizens under this tax, even taking into account the penalty interest, for the period 2015 - 2018 will be written off. Even those drivers who have not paid the "luxury tax" (a special surcharge for all cars that cost more than 3 million rubles) will be "forgiven".

Who won't pay car tax in 2018

Since 2018, all individuals and individual entrepreneurs are exempt from paying car tax. All debts that have accumulated since January 1, 2015 will be written off automatically to everyone, without exception. But the fee for 2017 will need to be paid by everyone before December 1, 2018. Payments will come in the summer.

Car tax can be paid both in the usual way and through the personal account of the Federal Tax Service. The last option is very convenient - you can pay for everything while sitting at the computer using a bank card, or print a receipt and pay at the bank. There is no need to visit the tax office and submit any additional documents.

Horsepower tax 2020: table - calculation of the amount by regions and cities of Russia for cars and motorcycles. The transport tax is levied ostensibly to maintain the existing road infrastructure in good condition, as well as to build new ones. In practice, of course, given the number of cars in Russia and the quality of the road surface, this is yet another money laundering system. But it is impossible not to pay road tax, moreover, for many car owners, its amount is one of the determining factors when buying a car. For example, in Moscow, the tax on a powerful car can exceed 50 thousand rubles per year, which is costly for students and low-income people who made their dreams come true and bought a powerful car.

Cost of one horsepower for transport tax in 2020:


Power, h.p.

0 - 100

101 - 150

151 - 200

201 - 250

251 - ?

Altai k-ai

Amur region

Arkhangelsk region

Astrakhan region


Belgorod region

Vladimir region

Volgograd region

Vologda region

Voronezh region

Zabaikalsky k-ai

Ivanovo region


Irkutsk region

Kaliningrad region


Kemerovo region.

Krasnodar k-ai

Krasnoyarsk k-ai

Kurgan region

Kursk region

Leningrad region.

Lipetsk region

Magadan region

Moscow, city

Moscow region

Murmansk region

Nenets Autonomous District

Nizhny Novgorod region.

Omsk region

Orenburg region

Oryol region

Penza region

Perm k-ai

Pskov region

Rostov region

Ryazan region

Samara region

Saint Petersburg, city

Saratov region

Sakhalin Region

Sverdlovsk region.

North Ossetia

Sevastopol, city

Smolensk region

Stavropol k-ai

Tambov region



Tver region

Tomsk region

Tula region

Tyumen region


Ulyanovsk region

Khabarovsk k-ai

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

The horsepower tax formula for 2020 is simple enough: Tax rate NS Power NS ( Holding period in months / 12) NS Increasing coefficient... For individuals and legal entities, the tax rate remains the same, however, some categories of citizens are provided with benefits. Actually, it is not at all necessary for a person to deal with tax calculations on their own, the Federal Tax Service itself sends receipts for payment. It should be remembered that the calculation is carried out for each month. That is, if a road tax has come for a sold car, it is likely that last year it belonged to the previous owner for at least a month. But there are also errors in the calculation of tax, for example, if the traffic police, when reissuing, does not make a posting to the database. In this case, it is necessary to resolve the issue simultaneously with the traffic police and the tax office at the place of residence.

Also, in recent years, there have been rumors that the transport tax will be abolished altogether, or they will begin to include excise taxes on fuel. Indeed, the number of fees for Russian drivers and transport companies is very high, however, due to the budget deficit, the authorities are unlikely to go to the liberalization of tax legislation in the transport sector. It is likely that in 2020 the road tax will be increased further. At the same time, no one pays special attention to the discontent of the drivers, because even the protests after the introduction of the Plato system did not lead to anything.

It will be good if the 2020 horsepower tax will serve as an additional incentive to increase earnings, because hoping for the state is currently at least naive.

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