
Gold bar. A powerful investment asset on a global scale. Investment attractiveness of gold bars Investment gold bars


Investing in gold: how and where to invest?

In 2019, gold again gained high investment attractiveness. Since the beginning of summer, the cost of a troy ounce has consistently exceeded $ 1400. Experts note that in the future the precious metal will hold its positions for at least the next 6-7 years.

“Today is perhaps the best time to invest in the gold mining industry,” said Kenes Rakishev, the largest shareholder of Petropavlovsk, in July.

Undoubtedly, the positive climate in the gold mining industry was formed under the influence of many factors.

And if investors know all the pitfalls of investing in precious metals, then individuals, before investing in gold, need to carefully analyze the market situation and choose a method of investment.

Where to start for a novice investor?

First, the investor must decide in which segment he can invest his funds. There are several main ways to invest today, let's look at each in more detail.

"Real" gold

Anyone can purchase gold bars or coins. Now this type of investment is starting to gain momentum: in July 2019 in Russia canceled taxes to purchase physical gold to attract investment in this sector. Previously, the purchase of bullion and coins was subject to VAT, so there were high risks of going negative.

Gold bars

Gold bars an individual can purchase from banks that own a license to buy and sell precious metals. The transaction is quite simple and takes about 10 minutes on average.

A person chooses a suitable bank, comes there with an identity document and decides for himself how many bars he wants to buy.

The representative of the bank brings the ingot from the storehouse, inspects and weighs the goods in the presence of the client. Then the parties conclude an agreement, you pay the required amount and receive your purchase along with the acceptance certificate.

In the document, the name of the precious metal, sample, weight, number, amount, date and name of both parties to the transaction are necessarily attributed. Together with the act, the person is given a check and a certificate, which must be kept.

Golden coins

The investor has 2 types of coins available for purchase at the bank: investment and collection... The first type is guaranteed gold in the form of a coin, which is more reliable for investment.

The price of collectible (or commemorative) coins varies depending on the rise / fall in value among collectors, so their acquisition is fraught with high risks.

Sometimes the risks pay off: during times of high demand, commemorative coins can give much higher returns than investment ones.

The price of gold bars or coins directly depends on their "appearance". Of course, when you buy, you get the product in perfect condition, but over time it "deteriorates", especially if you do not follow the rules for storing gold.

It is important to know that a bank can only buy bars and coins in excellent or satisfactory condition. Ideally, the bar (as well as the certificate) should not show any visible damage when sold, only stains, scratches or abrasions are allowed that do not affect the weight of the product.

Bank employees have the right withdraw goods and send for examination if in doubt about its authenticity.

If the bank does not accept the product, the individual can find another buyer. Gold bars and coins are accepted by buyers, jewelry workshops or pawnshops - albeit at a much lower price.

"Virtual" gold

Besides buying physical gold, there are many ways to invest in "virtual" gold. An investor can cooperate with banks, funds, stock exchanges, or purchase shares of a gold mining company.


Anyone has the right to open in a bank impersonal metal account(OMS). In essence, this is the same bank account, only “virtual” grams of gold, tied to the exchange rate, will be stored on your account.

This type of investment is attractive because an individual can invest absolutely any amount, at least 1 ruble. After the opening of the OMC, it remains only to wait for the precious metal to rise in price - then you can sell your gold at a higher price.

Mutual funds

In Russia, there is also the possibility of investing in gold through mutual funds... These structures are formed at the expense of a large number of investors (shareholders). Today there are enough mutual funds - for example, "Sberbank Gold" or "Russian Standard Gold".

You can purchase units of a mutual fund in person at the office of the management company, on its official website, or at the agent's office. Some funds sell shares on stock exchanges, but it is not so convenient to buy them there.

The essence of the work of a mutual fund is as follows: the manager trades on the basis of the investments of the shareholders in order to make a profit. The funds are usually channeled into shares of gold mining companies or shares of other investment funds.

Upon the expiration of the investment period, the profit is divided among the investors depending on the size of the investment. Roughly speaking, an individual “shifts” all work to persons competent in this area.

A novice investor should carefully study the investment scheme of the selected mutual fund. The fact is that funds can invest both in gold itself and in shares of foreign funds.

And some foreign structures invest in securities for which no precious metal is assigned. Such a scheme is fraught with high costs for the shareholder; as a result, the person receives less profit.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the management of the mutual fund takes an annual management fee of 3-4% of the amount of assets.


In parallel with mutual investment funds, similar structures operate in Russia - exchange investment funds ETF.

Unlike mutual funds, they take a commission in the amount of less than 1% of the average annual value of assets, so it is more profitable to cooperate with them. And if in mutual funds all control is carried out by the management company, then in ETF shares can not only be bought, but also sold on the stock exchange.

To purchase shares in this structure, you need to open brokerage or individual investment check(ISS) - for this you need to use the services of any brokerage company.

ETFs are considered a more reliable instrument because their activities are controlled not only by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, but also by foreign banks.


There is another way to invest in gold - buying futures on exchanges. This is a contract for the purchase and sale of gold at a price that is set at the time of purchase, for the volume and delivery time in the future.

In other words, the seller agrees with the buyer on delivery on a certain date and at the agreed price, while betting on a fall in price, and the buyer, on the contrary, on an increase.

In Russia, you can purchase futures through the RTS futures and options platform Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange(MICEX).

To join the site, an investor enters into an agreement with a broker who has access to it. Note that the broker charges a small percentage for each trade.

The underlying asset of the futures contract is refined gold bullion, one lot is equal to one troy ounce (in US dollars). The final settlement of the contract is made on the date of its execution.


On the Moscow Exchange, again through brokers, investors can purchase and shares of Russian gold mining companies- Polyus, Polymetal, Petropavlovsk, Lenzoloto, Buryatzoloto.

By buying stocks, you become shareholder and you are entitled to a share of the company's profits. Note that shares, as a rule, are sold not one at a time, but in a minimal lot - 10 units.

Before choosing a company in which it is best to invest, you need to carefully study the world market, and then analyze the main indicators of Russian enterprises.

In particular, the investor should pay attention to the company's production cost: the lower it is, the more likely it is to receive real income. It is also important to take into account the profitability of the enterprise - with an increase in income, the cost of gold will also increase.

Companies that do not have their own gold reserves are worth fearing - sometimes this indicates a lack of production results, which entails a decline in the value of shares.

A novice investor should understand that with the purchase of shares he “acquires” the risks of a gold mining enterprise. They are directly related to operating activities - for example, stock prices are negatively affected by various kinds of violations of the company's production plan.

In addition, supply and demand in the financial markets play an important role.

There are plenty of ways to invest in gold. This precious metal is a scarce asset, so it will never completely lose its value.

But any investment is worth it only if the investor plans to engage in this business for a long time - on average, from 4 to 10 years.

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Greetings to the Webinvestor Blog readers! Investing in gold both in the days of Ancient Rome and in the 21st century remain relevant. Gold is highly valued because of its properties - it does not enter into chemical reactions, does not lose its shape, for centuries it retains a pleasant appearance. In addition, the metal was mined before our era, the mines are depleted, and the cost of production is gradually increasing. In the 21st century, they even began to create an alternative to gold in the form.

The yellow metal is considered a "safe haven" during economic crises. Every 10-20 years, the world economy experiences a shock, at this time the demand for the value of gold grows at times. For this purpose, all countries of the world, without exception, use it - it is not for nothing that the financial reserves of the state are called “ gold foreign exchange reserves ". Private investors can also profitably invest money in gold; the article describes 8 ways to do this.

The topic of investing in gold in 2019 is back on track. Due to the trade war between the United States and China, the risks for the global economy are increasing, which forces investors to look for reliable investments for safety net. Half of the readers of our Telegram channel expect a crisis in the next three years, including me. So it's time to think about buying metal.

But what - this is an interesting question, because besides gold there are other precious metals. You can understand them by following the links on the blog:

  • and is it profitable
  • and how to buy it
  • for 2019

But that's for later, and now let's talk about gold - the king of banking metals. The content of the article:

Where gold is mined and used

Humanity has been using the yellow metal since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs who worshiped the sun god Ra. The desire to take possession of gold led both to numerous wars and to great geographical discoveries such as finding the way to America by Columbus in 1492. Later in the 19th century in America, as well as in Brazil, Siberia, Australia and South Africa, there was a "gold rush", in which hundreds of thousands of people participated.

Gold has long been actively used in the economy. Initially, ingots, coins and jewelry were made from it, but with the development of science, applications were found in some technological areas - for example, in pharmacology and electronics. Stable high demand for metal from investors of all sizes - from individuals to central banks.

Until 2013, the demand for gold was growing because investors saw an 11-year growth trend. After the price collapse by 20%, the metal began to sell off, and only 900 tons of investments left the ETF. Gold in large quantities left the vaults and went into jewelry and investment gold. After 2013, demand began to fall, reaching a low in 2016 when investors bought almost 600 tonnes of gold through ETFs. In 2018, demand began to grow again, especially from the central banks of the countries of the world, which purchased a record 650 tons of metal. The outlook for 2019 is also positive.

Historically, half of the gold goes to jewelry industry... The beautiful yellowish color of gold is unique among precious metals and has symbolized wealth and status for thousands of years. It is unlikely that you need to talk in detail about the variety of gold jewelry - rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces and much more are made of it.

Gold is most loved in China, India and the Middle East:

India has many traditions associated with gold jewelry, the demand in this country is stable. In the past few years, China has become the leader - residents who have grown rich due to the recovery of the economy have begun to buy more jewelry made of precious metals.

The second in terms of gold consumption is the production of bars and coins, or investment gold... Here, too, India and China are in the lead, the latter leading by a large margin:

The last few years in this area, the recession, gold has lost popularity as an investment tool. Paradoxically, now it is cheaper than in 2011-2013, when there was a peak in demand. If gold continues to rise as it did in 2019, there are likely to be many more willing to buy the metal again.

Another area worth looking at is demand from central banks. The metal is suitable for any economic situation, therefore it is included in the financial reserves of all countries of the world. In the USA and Germany, this is generally 2/3 of all reserves:

Developing countries want to reduce dependence on the dollar and are also trying to increase the share of gold in their reserves. Most of all, metal is purchased by Russia, India, China, Turkey, Brazil.

Gold enters the world market from all regions of the world. 50 countries mine more than 10 tons of gold per year, the top five are China (400 tons), Australia and Russia (300 tons each), the USA and Canada (200 tons each). Production is distributed almost evenly across the regions:

Production is growing annually by about 3%, especially in Africa. On the contrary, the recycling of gold items has fallen. In general, the amount of gold entering the market is approximately the same every year.

Knowing the numbers of supply and demand for gold in the world market, we will calculate the market balance:

In 2016, the gold glut hit a record high, especially when looking at the physical metal alone. In 2018, the surplus has practically disappeared, if the trend continues - in 2019 we will see a deficit, which will add arguments for price increases.

After 2013, the demand for gold fell, reaching its lowest in 2016. There was a surplus of metal on the market, which had practically disappeared by 2018. Central banks of the countries of the world show great interest in gold. In general, the market has balanced, fundamental factors have almost no effect on the metal.

Gold value graph:
price quotes today + history

Gold has been hovering in the $ 1100-1350 range for the past few years. At the time of this writing, the situation has changed markedly, a new growth trend is predicted on the gold chart:

Until the 20th century, the gold standard system was used, in which the value of the precious metal influenced the exchange rates. It was abandoned in favor of a modern monetary system, which allowed the price of gold in dollars to rise. To answer the question "Is it profitable to invest in gold?" - just look at the price chart for 50 years:

In 1968, gold cost $ 40 per troy ounce (31.1 grams), and 50 years later it was $ 1,500. would be 3650% in dollars, s turns out 7.5% per year- a good result for long-term investments. For comparison, the return on the American Dow Jones stock index is 9.5% p.a..

Important events in the history of the gold market:

  1. 1980 year- large speculations led to a surge in gold prices from $ 200 to $ 600.
  2. year 2000- The beginning of the fall in the US stock market, known as the "dot-com crisis", coincides with the beginning of the bullish trend of 2001-2012.
  3. 2008 year- the global financial crisis, over the next 4 years, gold doubled in price.
  4. year 2012- the end of the 11-year growth trend, investors are getting out of gold amid the recovery of the global economy after the crisis.
  5. 2019 year- growing problems in the world economy, expectations of a new crisis, the first cut in the FRS interest rate in 11 years led to an increase in quotations from $ 1300 to $ 1500 in 3 months.

The gold chart looks pretty calm. Strong drops in quotations occur only after several years of constant growth and are associated with the "overheating" of the market. Also, gold justifies its title of "safe haven" - during crises in the stock market, the metal grows by leaps and bounds:

Notice how the charts overlap one another in turn - the naked eye can see the inverse economic relationship between gold and the stock market. During crises, there is a strong:

  • after the 2000 dot-com crisis, gold rose 45% in 36 months;
  • after the 2008 global crisis, gold rose 70% in 36 months.

In 2019, there are also enough problems: the trade wars between the United States and China, problems in the Persian Gulf, Brexit - all this creates a lot of problems for the world economy. Investing in gold is relevant again.

In all fairness, the crisis is helping a lot of precious metals. Let's compare them:

In terms of risk / reward ratio, palladium is in the first place today, but it has the highest risks among precious metals. Investing in gold is more reliable and should be considered first. It is recommended to allocate a share for gold, but not more than 10-15%. It is not forbidden to add 2 or more metals, but it will not always be useful for a portfolio. I think the best pair is gold + platinum, I have detailed the pros and cons of all the options in this post.

Gold is a defensive asset during crises. When the world economy is in order, the metal stops growing in price. Gold chart is the quietest among precious metals, it is the best choice for long-term investments. For diversification, platinum can be added to gold.

Gold price forecast for 2019

To make a forecast of the gold rate in 2019, we will study the latest quote history and some indicators. To begin with, a technical analysis of the price chart in August:

After the Fed cut the rate, new tariffs on Chinese goods from Trump, the devaluation of the yuan and other negative signals, expectations of the crisis have become even higher. In addition, gold in 2019 is one of the best in terms of assets, which added to its popularity. The quotes flew all the highs since 2013 and are now moving towards the 261% target on the Fibonacci grid - $ 1615 per ounce. However, it is hard to believe that such a fast trend will last for a long time, especially if there is progress in the negotiations between the United States and China.

For an accurate forecast of gold prices, you still need to take into account the seasonality. Summer is the wedding season in India, traditionally a lot of gold is involved. The billion-dollar country annually rocks the global yellow metal market - you can buy in April-May and wait for growth in August-September:

Gold depreciates greatly in March, by an average of 1%. Towards the end of summer, prices begin to grow rapidly - 2019 was no exception.

In the last section of the article, we talked about the relationship between gold and the stock market. If we calculate the ratio of metal prices to the index, we get useful information for forecasting gold:

Now the value is about 0.5, the shape of the graph shows that this is practically the bottom. This is primarily due to the long-term growth of the US stock market; nevertheless, the cheapness of gold also affects.

Another important signal when making a forecast for gold prices is the base rate of the US Federal Reserve System. Any change, especially an unexpected one, strongly affects the dollar rate and the price of gold. In July 2019, the Fed lowered the interest rate by 0.25% for the first time in 11 years:

This immediately led to an increase in gold quotes from $ 1450 to $ 1500 and even more. If the downward trend in the base rate continues, an even greater rise in precious metals prices can be expected.

Gold is in a bullish trend in 2019. Prices have surpassed multi-year highs and are heading towards $ 1,600 or even higher. The main reason for the growth is the trade war between the United States and China, as well as the US Federal Reserve rate cut. Supply and demand factors in the global market do not put pressure on gold. The forecast for the gold rate is "optimistic".

Let's move on to the main thing - how to invest in gold profitably... There are many such methods and each has its own pros and cons.

How to invest in an individual

Method number 1: Gold bars

The first option that comes to mind is how to invest in gold for an individual. For some reason, I immediately recall the scenes where Fort Knox was shown - the main gold depository in the United States, where hundreds of large bars lie in a row. The buying process is simple: you look for the necessary bank branch and draw up the necessary documents. Bank bars are stored in special protective packaging, and it is better not to spoil it, because scratches and other damage will reduce the value of the bar.

Investing in gold bars is an expensive pleasure, as the bank immediately takes 10-15% plus VAT in some countries. In 10 years gold will probably cover these costs, but not every investor is ready to wait that long. Not to mention the storage of metal: it is not so reliable at home, in a safe deposit box it will cost from $ 100 a year - it makes sense only for large ingots.

Method number 2: Gold coins

With the help of coins in Russia, you can invest in gold without VAT, this is a big plus. True, this is already numismatics, it is not enough here, there is a risk of mistakes. Let's try to figure out how this market works.

We are interested in investment coins. They differ from collectible ones by simple minting, large circulation, high fineness of gold:

Investment coin Sochi. Bunny - 13, 7.78 grams of 999 gold

There are two characteristics to consider when investing in gold coins: extra charge and spread... The markup shows how much more a coin is worth than its pure metal counterpart, the spread is the difference between the buy and sell prices. Zayka has a margin of 31%, a spread of 21% is not bad, but still a bit too much, the lower both indicators are, the better. I will tell you more about investing in coins in one of the following blog articles, subscribe so as not to miss.

Method number 3: Depersonalized metal accounts

The purchase and storage of physical gold requires additional costs, so investors use the service of unallocated metal accounts (OMC). This is the same bank account, but the currency is not rubles, but grams of gold without sample, numbers and manufacturer. When opening a compulsory medical insurance, there is no 18% VAT, this is the main plus. By opening an account for more than 3 years, you will not have to pay personal income tax 13% - that's also good. Among the shortcomings, the OMS is not insured by the deposit guarantee fund. Considering how long it takes to invest in gold, only the most reliable bank will do.

In Russia, Sberbank fits these criteria. The following quotes are offered for gold:

Over 10 years, the gold OMS in rubles has grown 3 times - this result speaks for itself. The spread is slightly less than in bullion and coins - about 10%. But there are no other costs, which makes OMC an interesting option for investing in gold.

Method number 4: Shares of gold mining companies

In the long term, gold prices rise, but you can expect a profit in a stable currency for 10-20 years. Buying shares is an investment in gold mining, such a business in any market situation will look for ways to stay in the black. In addition, the investor receives from dividends - a part of the company's profits, which are received by the shareholders. With their help, you can continue to increase your stock portfolio.

What stocks you should pay attention to:

  • GOLDBarrick Gold Corp with a capitalization of $ 30 billion. A Canadian gold mining company based in Toronto, mining in Canada, the United States, Australia and other countries. After 2012, stocks fell 3 times, thanks to the rise in gold prices, stocks are growing. Pays a quarterly dividend of 1%.
  • NEMNewmont Goldcorp Corp with a capitalization of $ 30 billion. The company is from the USA, based in Colorado. It mines in Australia, Ghana, Peru and Suriname. After 2012, the shares lost 70% of their value, but already managed to win back half of their losses. Pays a quarterly dividend of 1.5%.
  • PLZLPolyus JSC with a capitalization of $ 15 billion. A Russian company from Moscow, mining in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Magadan Region, Yakutia and other regions. For 5 years, shares have grown more than 10 times, annual dividends reach 4-6%.
  • POLYPolymetal International PLC with a capitalization of $ 7 billion. The Russian company from St. Petersburg, is engaged in the extraction of gold, silver, copper and platinum group metals. For 5 years, the shares have grown 3 times with annual dividends of 3-4%.

Method # 5: Gold ETFs

ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are investment funds that are traded on an exchange. Participation in them does not require an intermediary other than a stock broker, due to this, the commissions are low.

What ETFs you should pay attention to:

  • GLDSPDR Gold Trust with a capitalization of $ 40 billion. One of the most popular ETFs in the world, which follows gold quotes with 99% accuracy. By buying this ETF, the investor is essentially buying bullion, but without the giant spread - the fund's assets are in physical metal. Ownership cost 0.4% per year.
  • IAUiShares Gold Trust with a capitalization of $ 15 billion. Another ETF that invests in bullion and follows the price of gold. It is considered the best option for investing in gold through the exchange. Cost of ownership is lower than GLD - 0.25% per year.
  • FXGD - FinEx Physically Gold ETF, a Russian exchange-traded fund that tracks the price of gold. A convenient option for residents of Russia, there is no need to open an account with a foreign broker. The cost of ownership is 0.45% per year.

Bottom line: pros and cons of investing in gold

Today we looked at 8 ways to invest in gold, and now we understand the pros and cons of such investments:

  • A reliable investment tool. The demand for the yellow metal is unlikely to decrease in the future: countries continue to build up reserves, investors have seen growth in 2000-2012 and are also interested, and there are not so many mines and they are being depleted.
  • Constant growth. It takes over 10 years, but metal prices will go up one way or another. Reasons: use in manufacturing, jewelry and modern technology, reputation for reliable investment, dollar inflation.
  • Liquid product. Gold is not difficult to buy and sell. Of course, it is not always possible to get a good price when selling.
  • Crisis insurance. Whatever happens in the economy of a country or planet, gold is valued. The financial crisis is driving demand for the metal and making it easy for investors to make money. In the event of a strong devaluation of the ruble, hryvnia or other national currency, gold will cover losses.

Cons of investing in gold:

  • Long term... The graphs show that prices may not rise for years.
  • Wealth does not increase... By investing in gold, the investor is counting only on the rise in prices, the metal from this does not become anymore.
  • No fixed payments... The same stocks periodically pay dividends, and gold has been dead for years.
  • Additional expenses. Investing in gold loses profit due to commissions, taxes, spread.

Speaking of the cost of investing in gold. Let's collect the information from the article into a table:

As you can see, buying gold is always a cost. There is a choice, depending on the country and the amount of money, different investors will suit different options. I gave the information, then it's up to you :)

It was interesting for me to study the precious metals market, but this article is just the tip of the iceberg. There is also palladium, which brings 20-30% of profit to investors for several years in a row. Since ancient times, silver has been paired with gold, but it is forgotten.

As far as gold is concerned, it is an interesting long-term way of investing. It would hardly be a mistake to say: “If you don’t know where to put your money, invest in gold”, because this is one of the most reliable assets. The question is how to do it. Which option do you think is better? Vote:

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And of course, comment on the article! I'm sure many of you have experience in buying gold, tell us.

I wish you a successful investment in gold!

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The day before, I already wrote about options for investing in gold, which can be called virtual or electronic (read). I talked about gold futures, gold mutual funds, OMS, etc. This time, let's talk about investing in physical gold. Three areas can be distinguished here: gold bars, gold investment coins and gold commemorative coins.

Gold bars

If you imagine gold, then the first thing that comes to mind is just gold bars. Bars are unpopular in Russia. Mainly because of the 18% VAT on them. This tax, however, can be circumvented. To do this, when buying an ingot, for example in Sberbank, you simply leave it there for storage. But in this case, investing in an impersonal metal account looks more advantageous. Some banks (Uralsib, for example) even pay interest on them.

Photo of the Bank of England Gold Bars Warehouse


─ By purchasing an ingot, you are completely independent from the country's financial system. Even if the backbone banks of Russia begin to "burst" one after another, your savings will be preserved. After all, they are where you decide to store them - in a chest of drawers, a safe or under a layer of earth in the country.

─ In this format, your investments are tied precisely to the value of gold. Forget about the ruble exchange rate! The value of your bar is determined based on the exchange prices of a troy ounce. And there the unit of measurement is the dollar.


─ There is VAT on ingots ─ 18%.

─ Potential sales difficulties.

─ Quite high spread between the buy and sell prices.

─ There is a question of secure storage.

The family's modest gold reserve. On the left - a 999-carat gold bar, 10 grams, on the right - an investment coin "Philharmoniker" 31.1 grams. (1 oz)

Gold investment coins

They compare favorably with ingots in that they are not subject to VAT. Although it is still the same physical gold. No special knowledge is required when buying investment coins. In Russia, the standard for a gold investment coin is George the Victorious (a quarter of an ounce). Worldwide standards are Philharmoniker (Austria), American Eagle (USA), Golden Maple Leaf (Canada), etc. (the most replicated sizes are "ounce", but there are coins weighing 1/2 ounce, 1/4 and smaller).

The main seller of gold investment coins in Russia is Sberbank. You may have noticed precious coins in the cash desks of their branches. The bank enjoys a leadership advantage and low financial literacy of the population, so their prices are the most unfavorable, especially when buying back coins.

Below are the buy and sell levels of the gold St. George the Victorious of the Moscow Mint from the leading players of the capital market (the list is incomplete).

Note that the difference of 30-35% between the purchase and sale prices of Sberbank is the absolute norm. The table may also give the impression that the best purchase price is from Sberbank. Far from it. They have not updated the information on the site for a week. To do this, you need to call and drown.

Now let's weigh the pros and cons of investing in gold by buying investment coins.


- As with bullion, you are completely removed from the Russian financial sector. Your money is "tied" to an ounce of gold, which is quoted in dollars.

─ Unlike gold bars, the supply market is much more competitive: without leaving your home, you can go to the websites of leading sellers of investment coins, compare prices and find the best offer.

─ Unlike bullion, there is no VAT here.


─ It is enough to take a coin without gloves and touch it well without a case, as its value will plummet. There is always some risk of spoiling the appearance of the coin. This can reduce its price by 10-20%.

─ Quite significant spread. If today you decide to buy a coin, and in a week you will have to sell it, even if the price of a troy ounce and the ruble exchange rate have not changed, due to the difference in buy and sell prices, you will lose about 10% in a week.

─ There is a problem of storage and transportation.

─ You need at least a little, but to understand this market. Before buying George the Victorious, you should at least "google" why this coin from the Moscow Mint is cheaper than from St.

Commemorative Investment Coins

For ordinary people, purely outwardly, investment and commemorative gold coins are indistinguishable. But this is far from the case. The calculation of the value of an investment coin is always based on exchange rate fluctuations in the value of a particular precious metal from which it is made. Correlation, in other words, the relationship, may be fuzzy, but it is always traceable. Commemorative coins are another matter. Initially, they have numismatic value. Over time, it can grow, and very much. And sometimes - to stay in place, only following the cost of a troy ounce.

In my opinion, this is the most difficult type of investment in physical gold, because without specialized knowledge, there is a high probability of making a big mistake. You will buy a coin, relatively speaking, for 100 thousand rubles. And tomorrow it turns out that the numismatic market overestimated it. As a result, it will drop to 80 thousand rubles, although the exchange value of gold has remained the same.

I am not telling you not to invest in commemorative gold coins. I say: first find a specialist who understands this. And this is not so easy. For example, Konstantin Kasatkin, the manager of the TrueInvestor Coin Fund, specializes in the low-cost segment of numismatic coins of the Soviet and modern era. But he almost does not deal with coins from the times of imperial Russia. Or investment coins. Or commemorative precious coins ... All these are separate directions.


Unlike bullion, there is no VAT.

In your hands, let it be in a numismatic wrapper, but real gold, which has value.

Aesthetic pleasure after all :) For example, I have long liked this French gold coin (see below). Over time - buy.

Gold Coin of France Year of Astronomy. Year of issue - 2009. Denomination - 200 euros, 999-carat gold, weight - 1 ounce, circulation - 1000 pcs.


You need to understand the segment of commemorative precious coins.

Risk of damage due to improper storage, transportation, handling.

High spread: much higher than for investment coins.

Problems with sales and liquidity may arise. Especially if you buy a kilogram gold coin (if you can, of course), see below.

Commemorative gold coins "Judo", gold 999, weight 1 kg., Face value - RUB 10,000

As with investment coins and bullion, storage difficulties are possible: if there are a lot of coins, you need to take care of the safety of gold.

In complex business transactions, commemorative coins, unlike investment gold coins, cannot be used as collateral for short-term loans. Checked! :)

Gold jewelry

I will tell you separately about this type of investment in gold. I will not be original and say that I would not call buying jewelry an investment. You need to understand that the cost of a gold product includes a large added value, including store rental, product design, craftsman's work, etc. In addition, a gold ring or earrings are usually only 35-40% gold or maybe 70% gold. But this does not come close with coins or bars, where in the worst case the fineness (for modern coins) is 999.

Anyone who is fascinated by the topic of investing in gold may be interested in this book on the topic. It's called "All About Investing in Gold." Auto ─ John Jagerson and Wade Hansen. Publishing house ─ Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. I have not read it, but the reviews are not bad. For more information on the book, see.

Investing money in gold bars

For investing money, there are many tools that allow you to preserve and increase your capital: investments in bank deposits, stocks, bonds, mutual funds. With such investments, there is a risk of losing your money or the income received will be devalued by inflation.

But there is such a variant of investments, which has shown its strength over the years - these are investments in gold, or rather, in gold bars. These investments can become your “personal pension fund” or inherited capital. Today, this is not the most common way of saving savings among our population.

Before you buy gold bars

First, you must determine for yourself the amount that you are ready to invest.
Secondly, you need to determine how much of this free money you are willing to invest for a short period - up to 1 year, and what - for a longer one. What amount are you ready to “forget” about for several years, and maybe even decades.
Experts advise that no more than 15% of your capital should be invested in gold bars.

Options investment in gold there are several on the precious metals market: bars, coins and unallocated metal accounts.

Each option has its own pros and cons.

Consider the benefits of investing in gold bars:

  • Gold is always, in all countries is a value... It does not get cheaper, but in times of crisis, on the contrary, rises in price. The demand for this precious metal exceeds the supply. Therefore, gold retains and even increases its value, regardless of any events in the world economy.
  • Gold is valued all over the world because it is a rare metal. Its reserves in the world are not very large. Not as much gold is mined as it might seem. For the entire period of gold mining, mankind mined no more than 135 thousand tons of yellow metal. If it were possible to melt it into one cube, then the edge of this cube would be no more than 18 meters. Gold in all countries of the world is a means of payment throughout history in the Central Banks of developed countries have revised the role of gold and stopped selling it. Most of all gold is bought by China and Russia in order to reduce dependence on the US dollar. Russia buys an average of 18.6 tons of gold per month. Having a gold reserve can help balance a country's financial system.
  • Gold - does not corrode, does not lose its properties over time, does not interact with other chemicals, beautiful, reliable metal. Clean gold is a very soft material that can be easily deformed, most often used in the jewelry industry.
  • Gold is widely used in many areas of our life, especially in dentistry (for the manufacture of dentures). The advantage of gold products is that they are completely harmless to humans.

The combination of these properties allowed gold to become a material that is so highly valued around the world.

The gold bar is a profitable investment option. By itself, it is a commodity, it necessarily has a sample, depending on which its value is established. Today the price of gold is declining slightly, but, as history shows, it will begin to rise again over time. Gold will never depreciate, and this fact should be decisive for making a decision to invest in gold bars.

Banking gold bars can be more than just a profitable option for investment. When buying a gold bar, you can sell it, donate it, or inherit it. The advantage of investing in this precious metal over investing in securities is that you get rid of the need to monitor stock quotes on the stock exchange every day. But this is only if you invest seriously and for a long time.

Advantage over deposits - investing money in gold bars will allow you to save savings from inflation and financial crises, and get income. However, you need to keep in mind that buying a gold bar will not give you a quick income. The price of gold fluctuates constantly, but not as much as, for example, exchange rates or the value of securities.

As confirmation, we present data on the dynamics of gold prices for the period 2000-2017 (in dollars per troy ounce):

YearMinimumMaximumAverageAverage price growth in% to the previous year
2000 263,8 316,6 279,11 NS
2005 411,1 536,5 449,74 161,13
2010 1058,0 1421,0 1224,53 272,27
2015 1050,6 1301,55 1158,66 94,62
2017 1151,05 1356,26 1257,53 108,53

As of April 18, 2018, the gold price is $ 1,355.30 per troy ounce.
Accordingly, the discount price of gold in Russia also changes.
By forecasts analysts, the price of gold in the period from 2018 to 2021 will increase, and in 2022 it will start to decline again (in dollars per troy ounce):
  • April 2019 - 1442,
  • April 2020 - 1394,
  • April 2021 - 1475,
  • April 2022 - 1324.

Pricing factors

The cost of a gold bar depends on the price of gold per gram, the weight of the bar and its technical condition.
The price of gold per gram in our country is set by the Central Bank. This is known as the book price.
Gold quotes from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reflect the price of pure 999 gold per 1 gram. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation sets the accounting prices for gold on a daily basis.
The cost of one gram of gold is based on the world price per ounce.

Under the concept of "ounce of gold" in the modern world means a troy ounce of gold weighing 31,1034807 gram. Historical name " troy ounce " comes from a French city Trois(fr. Troyes), located in the Champagne province, which hosted international trade fairs in the 12-14 centuries.

The official world gold price worldwide is expressed in US dollars per troy ounce. A fixed price per troy ounce of gold is set on the London Metal Exchange twice a day. This is the so-called London fixing, which sets the price of gold.

It is hosted by representatives of the five largest UK banks - players in the precious metals market. The price is set based on supply and demand, in three currencies: dollars, euros and pounds sterling.

When calculating the discount price of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the value determined by the London fixing is converted from dollars per ounce to rubles per gram by dividing by 31.1034807 (the number of grams in one troy ounce), and then multiplied by the officially established ruble / US dollar exchange rate in effect on the next day for the day the accounting price was set. At the same time, the book price of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not the basis for purchase and sale transactions.

The value of a trinity ounce in the gold market depends on various factors.
Basically, these are two main groups of factors: economic and political.


  • the level of the state of the world economy,
  • economic crises in individual countries,
  • behavior of large consumers of yellow metal.


  • political crises in individual countries,
  • the general international situation, the presence of political and military conflicts,
  • policy of large states.

Currently, the change in the price of gold is influenced by military conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East (in particular, Syria, Iran).

Economic factors, in turn, are divided into exchange and over-the-counter ones.

Exchange factors include:

  • gold and foreign exchange reserves of countries affecting the world economy (how much gold the national bank of a particular country sold or bought in the previous period);
  • speculative transactions in the gold market;
  • changes in the value of shares in gold mining enterprises;
  • investor expectations;
  • the value of the US dollar.

OTC factors:

  • the volume of world gold production (a shortage of production causes an increase in demand, which increases the demand for gold and its price);
  • the cost of gold mining (in recent years, the cost of exploring the gold-bearing regions of Africa has increased several times, in Latin America, for example, 4 times);
  • the volume of world gold consumption;
  • interest in the jewelry industry (in the context of the financial crisis, the demand for gold is decreasing, and after it prices are falling);
  • seasonality (different consumption of gold throughout the year).

All these factors together lead to surges in prices not only for raw materials, gas, oil, but also for precious metals.
Since the beginning of 2018, the price of gold has been above the psychologically important level of $ 1,300 per ounce. Over the past few weeks, the price of gold has tried to get out of the level of 1350-1360 dollars, but it did not work out.

Military conflicts usually have only a short-term impact on the dynamics of gold prices. Financial and political problems in the world have a much more stable influence on the formation of gold prices. Under these conditions, the price of gold is growing steadily.
The ongoing conflict in Syria can lead to an increase in the price of gold only if it negatively affects the entire global economy.

The cost of an ingot made of precious metal, in addition to the price per gram, also depends on its weight and technical condition.
It can be excellent or satisfactory, there is additional packaging charge.
Gold bars can have different values ​​even when they contain the same amount of precious metal.

In addition to the global reasons that affect the price of gold described above, the value of gold bars is influenced by:

  • Ingot production technology. There is a price difference between stamped, cast and powder ingots. The former are the most expensive, while the latter are the cheapest.
  • Availability of appropriate certificates. Gold bars are always accompanied by a certificate, which contains the most important parameters of the bar. If the certificate is lost, no bank in the world will buy such a precious metal. In such cases, the only way to sell the gold bar is to take it to pawnshops.
  • Ingot manufacturer. It can only be produced by a refinery. Such enterprises are located in some regions of Russia, as well as in many other countries. In the event that the name of the manufacturer is unknown or unreliable to the buyer, the price of the gold bar may be reduced.

The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) has accredited 63 refineries. They annually produce approximately 150,000 gold bars (each weighing 400 ounces) and a total value of US $ 102 billion.

In world practice, certain quality standards have been adopted for precious metals. They are approved by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and are known worldwide as the London good delivery standard.
Each ingot must have a certificate.

A bar with a London good delivery certificate has the following requirements:
The weight of each bar is expressed in troy ounces and is a multiple of 0.025 ounces. Pure gold ranges from 350 to 450 troy ounces (10,886 g to 13,754 g).

The most important indicator is the purity of the metal. It must contain at least 995 parts of chemically pure gold for every 1000 parts of the ligature mass.
They must be indicated: serial number, manufacturer's stamp, sample and year of its manufacture (for ingots produced since 1988). The surface should be flat, smooth, and its shape should be easy to carry / transport and store.

Where to buy gold bars

Any citizen can buy gold in gold bars on the territory of our country.
The most reliable way to buy gold bars is at a bank that has a special license to deal with precious metals.
Banks carry out the purchase and sale of gold bars, storage of precious metals in the bank's vault under an agreement, redemption of bars.
The Central Bank of Russia has issued licenses to a number of commercial banks giving the right to operate with precious metals. Only in such banks (there are more than one hundred and fifty of them in the Russian Federation) you can buy gold bars.
In fact, not all banks that can do this are involved in the sale of gold bars.

Banks that carry out transactions for the sale and purchase of gold bars, today are Sberbank, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB Bank, SMP-Bank, Lanta-Bank, MDM-Bank and some others. Sberbank is the undisputed leader.
To buy a gold bar, you need to call a specific bank and find out in which bank branch you can carry out this operation.

Each bank sets prices for gold bars independently, but is based on the prices set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Since gold is specially processed, certain costs are required to manufacture the bar, and the cost of 1 gram gold bar will be slightly higher than the bank quotes on the present day.

To find out how much a gold bar costs in a bank, you need to find out the price per gram on the bank's official website or in other sources on the Internet. The heavier the ingot, the cheaper the price per gram will be. It is most advisable to purchase bars of the middle weight category, from 10 to 100 grams. Small bars are relatively cheap; very large bars are expensive.

If you are going to invest in gold bars for the long term, it is better to buy a medium bar by weight. The price per gram will be cheaper than a small bar, but it itself will be cheaper than the one that weighs heavier.

In Russia, measured gold ingots weighing 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 grams are also in demand more than others. You can buy standard, small weighing 1 gram, 5 grams, 10 grams and 1 ounce, as well as large ones - from 11 to 13.3 kg.
Abroad, the weight of bars is from 1 gram of gold to 10 kg. In troy ounces - from 1/31 to 400 troy ounces.

The procedure for the sale of precious metals in Russia was first carried out on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1997, No. 772 "On Approval of the Rules for Conducting Transactions of Purchase and Sale of Precious Metals by Banks", and is currently regulated by the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 50 dated November 01, 1996 . "On the performance by credit institutions of operations with precious metals on the territory of the Russian Federation and the procedure for conducting banking operations with precious metals." ...

According to the manufacturing technology, gold bars are divided into cast, stamped, and powder bars. Stamped ingots are more expensive in terms of production method and are in great demand, weighing up to 500 grams. Cast ingots are produced by casting into finished forms, therefore their weight is usually more than 500 grams. Powder ingots are produced electrolytically from powder, the cheapest, but they are not provided for by Russian standards.

The types of gold bars are measured and standard. Measured gold bars can be cast and stamped, while standard bars can only be cast. Banks sell mainly dimensional stamped ingots.

Measured ingots are made according to the Russian standard GOST R 51572-2000 and are bars weighing up to 1 kg, have a sample of 999.9. Such bars must be marked by weight and manufacturer, and are used for the purchase and storage of gold by the population.

Requirements for measured ingots relate to parameters, shape, size, marking. Ingots should be free of dirt, scratches. Deformation of the ingot is allowed, because gold is a soft metal. On the surface of a standard ingot, stripped spots up to 1 mm deep are possible.

Mandatory markings on domestic ingots: this is the name "Russia", weight in numbers, the name of the metal - "Gold", fineness or fraction, manufacturer's mark, registration number of the ingot.

Table of gold bars according to GOST R 51572-2000

Ingot designationMaca, gDimensions, mm
DenominationLimit deviationsLengthWidth
СШЗ 11 +0,03 12,0-15,0 7,0-9,0
SSh3 55 +0,04 22,0-25,0 13,0-15,0
СШЗ 1010 +0,05 24,0-29,0 13,5-17,0
СШЗ 2020 +0,05 29,0-33,0 15,0-19,0
SLZ 2020 +0,05 23,5-27,0 11,5-13,0
СШЗ 5050 +0,06 36,0-48,0 21,0-28,0
SLZ 5050 +0,06 30,5-32,0 16,0-17,0
СШЗ 100100 +0,06 54,0-56,0 31,0-33,0
SLZ 100100 +0,06 40,0-43,0 20,0-23,0
СШЗ 250250 +0,08 79,0-81,0 46,5-48,0
SLZ 250250 +0,08 52,0-64,0 29,0-32,0
СШЗ 500500 +0,10 98,5-102,0 58,5-60,0
SLZ 500500 +0,10 80,0-86,0 35,0-38,0
SLZ 10001000 +0,10 105,0-116,0 48,0-52,0

The letters "Ш" and "Л" in the designation of ingots reflect the method of their manufacture.
The thickness of ingots is not standardized by GOST. GOST allows the production of ingots and other sizes as agreed between the manufacturer and the customer.

Standard Ingots manufactured in accordance with Russian GOST 28058-8. They are used in industries for melting into other items: wire, jewelry, parts, microcircuits. Standard gold bars range in weight from 11 to 13.3 kilograms. Requirements for standard ingots are less stringent: parameters (by agreement), shape (truncated pyramid), flaws up to 5 mm deep are allowed. But the ingots should also be free of dirt and scratches. The marking is present on the lower base of the ingot pyramid and includes: gold grade, registration number, ingot weight, sample number, manufacturer identifier, year of manufacture.

To purchase gold bars, you need any of the identity documents: incl. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; passport of a citizen of another country; identification; military ID (while on urgent service); refugee certificate; seaman's passport.

When buying ingots, documents for the purchase of an ingot must be drawn up, incl. the buyer receives a manufacturer's certificate. For example, when buying a gold bar weighing 50 grams, the certificate will contain information about the metal, its fineness, weight, date of manufacture and the name of the manufacturer.

We draw your attention, so that there are no problems when selling bullion, it is better to buy gold bullions from recognized gold producers with a certificate, receipt and without "distinctive bank marks".

Purchased gold can be stored both at home and in the bank itself.
The bullion certificate must be kept as securely as the gold itself. Otherwise, if the certificate is lost, the bank may refuse to buy back gold, and in pawnshops or on the black market, the price of such an ingot will be significantly lower.

In banks, gold is issued in special containers, it is not recommended to touch it, so as not to leave traces on the ingot, which are very difficult to remove.

We also advise you to pay attention to the appearance of the metal so that it is free of scratches and other damage, as this directly affects its cost.
It is important to remember that the certificate must be stored with the same responsibility as the bullion itself, since if it is lost, the bank has the legal right to refuse to redeem the gold.

It is also important to preserve it from possible damage, since in this case the bank can lower the cost of redemption of the bullion due to defects in the certificate.
The presence of a unique number allows at any time to trace the movement of each ingot from the manufacturer to the end consumer. If the certificate is lost, the ingot still has the stamp (trademark) of the manufacturer.
In addition, the manufacturer can use his own bar numbering. For example, "NV" means that the manufacturer is the Novosibirsk Refinery, "Kr" - for the Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant, "Ek" - the Yekaterinburg plant.

Comparative quotes for sales of gold bullion bars (from banks' websites):

Ingot weight, gr.Quotes for the sale of measured ingots on the Sberbank website as of 17:50
(Moscow time) 04/16/2018, VAT included
Quotes for the sale of measured ingots on the Rosselkhozbank website at 18:10 (Moscow time) 04/18/2018


Quotes for the sale of measured ingots on the Gazprombank website at 18:10 (Moscow time) 04/18/2018, VAT includedQuotes for the sale of measured ingots on the website of the Bank Financial Corporation Otkritie at 10:40 (Moscow time) 04/17/2018, VAT included
1 3 704,00 3 720.00 4 259,48 4 019,00
5 17 458,00 17 100.00 18 478,65 17 065,00
10 34 680,00 33 850.00 36 017,70 33 491,00
20 69 006,00 67 200.00 69 529,80 66 026,00
50 171 631,00 167 000.00 169 126,50 162 673,00
100 342 200,00 332 000.00 335 121,00 324 707,00
250 853 789,00 825 000.00 829 972,50 807 780,00
500 1 706 516,00 1 647 000.00 1 652 115,00 1 613 965,00
1000 3 411 734,00 3 283 000.00 3 297 640,20 3 221 550,00

But, like any type of investment, buying gold bars has its own nuances. According to Russian law, a gold bar is a commodity, and its value upon purchase increases by the amount of VAT (18%). In addition, banks can set a commission for issuing gold bullion.

Storage of gold bars

Before buying a bar, you need to decide where and how you will store it.
It is better to store gold bars with a certificate in the bank in which they were bought, and, without taking them out of storage, conclude a lease agreement for a safe deposit box. The ingot itself is recorded on the metal account of safekeeping, and is kept in a specialized storage. In this case, you will save on paying VAT (18%).

A metal account for safekeeping is a client's account for accounting for precious metals transferred to the bank for storage, with the preservation of individual characteristics (name, quantity of values, sample, manufacturer, serial number, etc.).
But if the storage period is long, then the amount of the commission can be significant. Unlike VAT, which will need to be paid immediately, the commission can be paid under the contract during the storage period.

If you decide to store it at home, keep in mind that the ingot must be stored in a package, along with a certificate. The storage location must reliably protect the precious metal from its possible damage and contamination. Any scratches and even fingerprints can reduce its value. The requirements for storing the certificate are the same.

Sale of gold bars

There are special rules for the purchase and sale of bullions of precious metals from the population by banks.
Each bank has the right to establish its own rules for the redemption of bullion from individuals, but all of them must comply with the law of the Russian Federation and the following conditions must be met:

  • All bars of precious metals must comply with accepted standards;
  • All operations for the sale or purchase of bullion must be carried out in the presence of the client,
  • When weighing gold bars, the accuracy should not be less than 0.01 grams;
  • The scales must be located so that the customer who buys or sells bullion can see the information and confirm the correct weighing;
  • All sales and purchases are drawn up with cash documents. These documents must contain information on the number of bars, weight, name, value, date of conclusion and the total amount of the transaction.

If you are planning to sell gold, we advise you to find out all the conditions for its redemption immediately upon purchase. The fact is that not every bank that sells bullion is engaged in their buyback. And if he does, then only through certain branches of the bank. For example, Sberbank buys gold in the capital and in several other large cities.

If you sell gold that you bought in another bank, then you may be required to have an expert examination of the bullion. But usually bars with a certificate from another bank are evaluated lower than their "native" ones by recognizing the state of the bar and the certificate as satisfactory rather than excellent. This happens if the bank that sold them has left its "identification marks" on the bullion and on the certificates: a stamp, a stamp.

Nobody will refund the VAT paid by you upon purchase (once the ingot is in your hands).
Therefore, it is better to choose a bank where you can both buy and sell bars.

There is also one more significant nuance: if you sell an ingot that you bought less than 3 years ago, then you are obliged to pay personal income tax (PIT) from the profit received in the amount of 13%.

To date, this service is ready to provide you, first of all, Sberbank, as well as Bank "FC" Otkrytie ", the regional bank" Chelyabinvestbank "is ready to buy bars. Information on this issue can be found on the website of a particular bank.

For comparison, here are the redemption prices for gold bars for two banks.
Purchase prices for measured gold bars in Sberbank as of 17:50 (Moscow time) 04/16/2018

Metal / Denomination, g Purchase price of measured ingots, rub.
/ ingot
Satisfactory quality excellent quality
1 2 505,00 2 525,00
5 12 525,00 12 565,00
10 25 050,00 25 120,00
20 50 100,00 50 200,00
50 125 250,00 125 370,00
100 250 500,00 250 650,00
250 626 250,00 626 450,00
500 1 252 500,00 1 252 870,00
1000 2 505 000,00 2 505 600,00

Purchase prices for measured gold bars in Otkritie Financial Corporation Bank as of 10:40 am (Moscow time) on April 17, 2018
Metal / Denomination, gPurchase price of measured ingots, rubles / ingot
1 2 571,00
5 12 856,00
10 25 712,00
20 51 425,00
50 128 562,00
100 257 124,00
250 642 810,00
500 1 285 620,00
1000 2 571 240,00

How else can you sell gold bullion? You can hand it over to jewelers in a jewelry workshop, bail it to a pawnshop and not redeem it, you can sell gold bullion to another individual. But here risks and additional problems can arise everywhere: examination costs, fraudulent actions on the other side, etc. You can not sell gold bars, but donate them to loved ones or inherit them. It is ultimately up to you to decide.


Gold bars are a profitable investment, but only for a long-term period of time, at least 3 years. Buying bullion saves savings primarily from inflation. The cost of gold has generally been growing over the years, but the purchase of bullion brings substantial income to the investor when investing in significant amounts of gold or when investing in bullion for a long period of time.

Foreign exchange and government risks are not threatened by investments in gold bars.

The physical storage of the bullion should be trusted by the bank where the bullion was purchased so that the gold retains its technical characteristics and does not lose its value. The purchase and sale of gold bars should only be made through one bank.

In order to save on the payment of value added tax, immediately after the purchase, transfer the gold bars to the bank vault, but at the same time you must be prepared for additional costs for security and payment of the safe deposit box in the bank vault.

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