
How to cash an adsense check. How to cash a Google Adsense check on ePayService. What is Google Aswords

Updated by vebmaster from 26.12.2013 21:59

Every webmaster asks himself the question of what to do with the adsense check. See an overview of google adsense check cashing options and cancellation options.

You will receive a personalized google adsense check to the address you entered in your account. Therefore, it is important to write the correct mailing address. Apparently, those who write that they did not receive this security by mail from Google made mistakes at the very beginning.

So, I received a check from adsense in a letter to your home.

The first way to get money is to send it to the bank for collection.

Call your banks and ask if they accept personal checks for collection. Do not ask the operator, contact the above immediately. Basically, a rare bank will take it. Many claim that Sberbank will 100% accept it. But the commission will not be very small for a long time. Why? Because this is an intermediary banking operation. First, the bank will receive this amount from the sender's foreign bank, then it will only give you cash.

The second way to cash an adsense check is through the Epayservices.com service.

This service is an electronic wallet for webmasters. When registering, indicate your real data. Verification via phone is instant, then in a couple of days you will be answered about the result of the verification: confirmation or refusal.

Once your account is activated, you can cash your personal check through this service.

To do this, follow the link iChekNew. We follow all instructions very carefully. You will need to make the inscription "For the credit to MTACC Inc. Your name and surname" on the back of the check, then scan it also according to the rules of the system. After that, upload the scans to the site and, after confirming the acceptance of the images, send the originals by mail.

When scanning, be sure to look at the samples and do exactly that.

From user questions and answers:

Question. Do I need to cut the check myself along the fold line (along the green line)?

Answer. When I brought my check to the bank, they told me - no need, they accepted the entire sheet with my mailing address (A4). I just signed on the back in the window and that's it.

The third option for cashing a received check is to cancel it in your AdSense account.

In this case, the money will be returned to the account in adsense and it will be possible to withdraw it through rapid. In order to cancel an already received check, you need to follow the link


and request a re-issue of the check, stating the reason for the change in payment method. But according to this method, I read a lot of complaints that the money did not appear in the account. Everyone decides for himself, but you can follow the advice and withdraw money through the Epayservices.com service. This method is considered more reliable.

If you ordered a second check (in this case, the previous one is canceled), then first set up everything related to rapid.

The fourth option for withdrawing money is through rapid (postal order, to a webmoney wallet and any other).

Registration in rapid is even longer, about a week. First, you must provide valid data. Secondly, in order to be able to withdraw money, you must go through the personalization procedure. To do this, fill out and print a notice for postal order and send it to the physical address of Rapid. And also, scans of the passport and receipts to the specified e-mail. After checking your passport data, you will create a template for transfers.

How to create rapid templates for postal orders.

We go the following way:

Templates - Lists of templates - Create a template (on the right) - Payment for services - a service search form, type in "mail" - Mail-Money order with the recipient's notice - create and save a template - template number (template ID) and write in your google adsense account.

How to create a template in Rapid for transfer to a bank card.

Let's go like this:

Template lists - Create a template - Banks and transfers - Payments using free details - create and save a template - write the template number (identifier) ​​in the AdSense account when making a payment through Rapida.

I have described the most popular and working methods of withdrawing money from Google Adsense contextual advertising. All detailed instructions are in each service, just be careful and follow them. I wish everyone only high income!

Abandoned Ksenia (not verified) Wed, 06/01/2016 - 19:58

Congratulate me! At the end

Congratulate me! At the end of April of this year, I cashed a personal check through this service online.epayservices.com Follow this link, feel free to register. And now everything is in order. Around the end of March, a check came from an American company. I was prepared in advance for the fact that it is problematic to cash out in banks, and they take high interest. Therefore, this service was already at hand. I registered there. The passport photo (of all pages) was checked literally in a day and was registered. Then I scanned the check, as prescribed in their rules, and uploaded the document to this site. They checked it after about 2 days and wrote that the scan was accepted. After that, I sent the original check to the office in Kiev (the site also contains the address, there is an office in St. Petersburg - which is closer to whom). I stumbled a little - I sent it by regular letter. So, living in Kiev and sending a letter to Kiev, as I understand it, it took about 2 weeks :) Therefore, there was a slight delay. As soon as the letter reached the Kiev office, the money was credited to my personal internal account in this service - minus the commission. The check was about $ 50. As a result, the account turned out to be somewhere around $ 48.5. So the commission really turned out to be 3.75% - for the iCheck service. This was an option for expedited check cashing. Then I also deducted that it was possible to cash out with a commission of 2.5% - it would just take a little longer. Next time I'll cash out for 2.5%. Then she withdrew money to a dollar account of webmoney. Everything also came pretty quickly. Now I trust this service 100%. There is also a partner there. So I invite :)

I walked through the nearest banks. Many have not heard of either Google or WebMoney. To cash a Google Adsense check, you need a bank that provides collection service.

Cash a Google Adsense check in Minsk

I apologize in advance to the blog readers for the extremely rare writing of articles. The end of the semester is coming soon. Teachers give out a lot of assignments, coursework, etc., so I can't write regularly.

By the way, another update of Yandex TCI took place tonight. I want to note that my blog did not stand aside either. As you can now see TCI = 20. Not much, but still nice. This is his first promotion in 6 months (!). Prior to that, the TCI did not exceed 10. PageRank is still equal to two.

In general, the article is not about that.

I recently needed to cash a check. I myself live and study in the hero city of Minsk. Stalitsa of the Republic of Belarus (for those who do not know) :).

In the photo, the check is not mine 🙂

I went through the nearest banks and could not find the one I needed. Many people have never heard of either Google or WebMoney.

I decided to search the World Wide Web. And what do you think? Same problem! Everyone knows how to cash out Adsense in Russia and other CIS countries, but no one even suggests how to do it in Belarus. They say that your country is inhibited and all that ...

I didn't get upset, although I didn't want to lose the money accumulated on Adsense.

In general, the situation is as follows.
To cash a check, you need a bank that provides a collection service. They charge a percentage for the service.

For Minsk dwellers, the following may be suitable:

2%, minimum 15 $
, 1%, minimum 15 $
, 2%, minimum 20 $
, 5%, minimum $ 7.

In my opinion, Belinvestbank will be the most profitable.
Now, as soon as we receive a Google Adsense check by regular mail (secure mail is not profitable, since it will cost $ 25) we take our passport and go to the bank at ul. Masherova 29. We go up to the tritium floor and find out in which window you can cash a check for collection. We fill out the form and pay the interest (see above). We receive our money within 1-1.5 months.

Importantly, you have to fill out a tax return and pay 9% tax.
There is nothing wrong here.
We go to the tax office. We fill out all the necessary papers as an individual and pay for it (from January to March 1). You have to pay only once a year.

I read on one blog that according to article 24 of the presidential decree, you also need to pay to the Department of Humanitarian Aid. I don't know, I didn't need anything.

Ways to cash Google check in Belarus from our readers

Method 1 from user:

Banks are not eager to deal with the processing of checks and cash payments, so collection operations take a long time (about two months in almost any bank). If you choose the lesser of evils, then you should pay attention to. Among the well-known banks that are most popular in Belarus, perhaps the most attractive conditions are provided by this bank: its commission is 2% of the amount, while the minimum commission will be $ 15 (it will be unprofitable to work with amounts not exceeding $ 750). It follows from this that if your monthly income does not exceed the indicated amount, it would be better to increase your well-being, and postpone ordering and cashing a check.

To submit a Google Adsense check to the bank, you first fill out an application. You can fill it out both at home, by printing it from the bank's website, or directly when you return the check, by printing it out at the bank. The signature in the application must not be made at home, but categorically with the participation of a bank employee. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with the necessary list of documents that will need to be captured in order to carry out a collection operation. It will be possible to receive money only with a valid identity card - a passport, and the check must be issued for you, and not for a relative or friend - the banks will not consider any other options. You will be asked to pay the collection commission immediately upon receipt of the check (2% or 15 dollars), so you also need to take the indicated amount from home. In addition, the commission for receiving cash will be 1%. In total, you will need to pay 3%, which, given a large enough amount, the condition is acceptable.

You will be given two forms, one of which will need to indicate passport details and some information about the check. The second form describes the system for conducting the operation, conditions and rules, which will need to be carefully read and signed (also in the presence of a bank employee).

Collection is not the most convenient banking operation, so people use it infrequently. Do not be surprised that the process can be delayed: inexperienced bank employees will repeatedly double-check your documents, consult with the authorities on any issue, check the instructions again and again. Eventually, when the clearance is complete, you will receive a receipt with bank confirmation.

Pay close attention to another important detail. The collection process takes a long time due to the fact that two banks will confirm the authenticity of the check and clarify all the details during the verification process. The operation will not be executed, the check has expired due to the expired period (which had time to expire before the check ended). Therefore, be extremely careful: the validity of the check when contacting the bank should be more than two months. If the check does not have time to pass the check before the expiration of its term, the commission that you paid to the bank will not be refunded. However, even in this case, you do not need to worry about losing your money - you can order the check again using Google AdSense. To do this, contact the support service and follow the instructions.

The validity period of Google AdSense checks, just like all well-known companies, is at least 6 months, but still, do not delay going to the bank - contact there as soon as you receive the check.

The procedure for transferring money through Webmoney is much faster and more comfortable: money is transferred to a bank account within 2-3 days, the commission of this system, as you can see yourself, is much lower than when contacting a bank, and in order to have cash on hand , it will be enough to contact the point of issue Contact.

Despite some difficulties associated with cashing Google AdSense checks, their significant advantage cannot be disputed: in this system, the opportunity is incomparably higher than with Yandex, Direct or Begun systems, so this profit is much greater than the mentioned inconveniences.

Method 2: How to cash a Google Adsense check in Belarus

You should find the nearest cash pick-up point for collection checks, take your passport, check and the amount of money that will be needed to pay the commission. It is better to come in the first half of the day, before lunchtime. To receive an application to fill out, you should stand in the queue to the window “acceptance by order, bonds, issue”. An employee of the bank will issue an application for acceptance of values ​​for collection and answer all questions on the correct filling.

The application is accepted without corrections, therefore, in order not to redo it several times, it is better to immediately clarify how to correctly fill in unclear points. You will need to indicate the full name and the information that is usually required for such operations - the number and series of the passport, by whom and when it was issued, and some data on the bank and check - what exactly will need to be filled out, the employees will tell you. You will also need to indicate the address to which the bank will be able to send a notification of cashing. You will be given a certificate to be kept, completed by the hand of a bank clerk. You will have to present it upon receipt of the money. The application completed by you goes to the bank.

After paying the commission to the bank ($ 15 if the amount is $ 750 or less, or 2% of the amount if it exceeds $ 750), you will receive a receipt and a wish to return to the bank two months after the test call. After you have called back, you can go to the bank for money, taking with you your passport, check and a certificate filled out by a bank officer.

After that, you can ask a question in any window where to go to get money by cashing a check. You will be given a receipt, with which you are supposed to go to the cashier, after which you can take the queue, which goes to the window "acceptance by order, bonds, issue". Now you finally get your money.

To summarize, here are the main points of using and cashing checks, which should be remembered in the first place:

The check must be in your name. You will need to show your passport, but not any other proof of identity, upon depositing your check with the bank and upon receiving cash. None of your acquaintances, relatives and friends will be able to hand over and collect a check, let alone receive cash. The bank will also not accept signed and even notarized powers of attorney, certificates and other documents.

You should not delay going to the bank so that the check does not expire during or before the check (which takes two months).

When submitting a check for collection, you need to take your passport and money to pay the commission to the bank. The application can be printed and completed at home, but the signature will need to be put only in the presence of the employee. To receive cash, keep the receipt and papers that the bank will leave for you at the time of application.

Because I work very little with Google Adsense advertising platforms, and checks come to me quite rarely. I received the last one in 2013, then I just went to the branch of Ranffeisen Bank, gave them the signed check and took the money, everything was absolutely simple! But over time, Privat Bank began to accept SWIFT payments, and it became possible to link a bank card to an advertising payment, and paper checks became practically irrelevant. I read about it somewhere in the news, but somehow I did not attach much importance ... Until I received a check.

What is Google Adsense?

I'll tell you about the payment system Google adsense a few words what it is and how it works. Google has an automated system for submitting and placing advertisements on the websites of ordinary people who are not directly related to Google. This is called an affiliate system for the exchange of ad units (roughly speaking - an affiliate program). The system is automated and works according to a simple principle: advertisers through an advertising system Google adwords inject money into the system that sets up advertisements, and the relay system Google adsense shows these ads and when a certain threshold is reached (in dollars, min. 100 USD, in euros it seems 70 USD), the webmaster receives this minimum amount of money by mail (or to his bank account), so to speak, withdraws money from systems.

What is Google Aswords?

For the sake of completeness, I will explain the importance of advertising through search engines for promoting a website to the end consumer. While SEOs are fighting for the leading positions in the results of search engines such as Google, Yandex, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Ordinary marketers, advertisers, and just representatives of companies can, in a few clicks and calls, optimally set up their advertising campaign through the system Google Adwords.

Of course, not everything is as simple as 2 + 2, but Google provides 14-day free support to all new members of the program.

You just need to call 0 800 503 244 (Mon-Fri from 09:00 to 18:00) and dictate your client ID (a 10-digit code like 657-… -….) And a Google representative will help you optimally quickly and to select your target audience in a quality manner and set up the company in such a way that it can be seen by as many people as possible at minimum costs for you.

  • Before scanning, make sure that there is a transfer letter and your signature on the receipt. To do this, on the back of the check, where it says ENDORSE HERE, you need to clearly and legibly enter For the credit to MTACC Inc. Vova Pupkin(your name and surname in English, as on the check). And your signature is like in a passport. Just in case, here's an example of how a transfer letter should look and be positioned.

  • Place the check at the top and without indents on A4 format. In accordance with clauses 5, 6 scan the receipt from both sides, save each of them in a separate file. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the entire A4 format field is saved, as shown in this example, and not only the area containing the receipt. Note.
    The reverse side of the check must be scanned so that the transfer inscription is on the right side of the scan, except for those cases when the subordinate inscription is located in the center, then during scanning this inscription should also remain in the center.

  • The scan should be sharp and clear, without foreign objects.

  • Image format * .jpg, full color 24 bit, at least 600 dpi. The size of one file is no more than 3 MB. Keep the original image quality, do not use compression (compression).

  • Scans of receipts uploaded before 6 pm Moscow time will be processed on the same working day. Scans of receipts uploaded after 6 pm Moscow time will be processed on the next business day. Receipt scans uploaded on weekends or holidays will be processed on the next first business day.


    After the system has accepted the check, wait for a letter (I received it after 3 days) of this type:

    After receiving this letter, go to your ePayService account and see the specified amount on your personal account.

    A week after the acceptance of all the documents, a dollar MasterCard card came to my mail, which contained the amount transferred from edwards. The main thing is not to forget to change the PIN code from her in your personal account.

    Greetings, dear friends. In this article, I will show you how quickly can I cash a check fromGoogleAdsense in case you do not live in the territory of the Russian Federation or are not a citizen of it, therefore you cannot, like most webmasters, withdraw funds through the Rapid system in Google Adsense.

    So, as you all know, when you reach the cherished account of $ 100, you can get your honestly earned, or not quite, cash by check within 2-4 weeks. All this is certainly good, if it were not for one small problem. The fact is that American checks are cashed in most cases in their states, since other foreign banks around the world simply do not work with them, since this is an unprofitable operation for them.

    In other words, I was dumbfounded when I received my first check from Google Adsense, went to the central bank of my city (such a majestic building with seven floors) and I was told that it was the first time they ever saw such a strange piece of paper and did not know what to do with it. After talking a little with a consultant, it turned out that these checks were cashed only by one bank known to them, and it is located in Moscow. Frustrated, I went home to make inquiries about how to cash a check from Google. The first thing that made me happy was that after 6 months the amount of $ 100 will be returned back to the Google Adsense account, and will not disappear as a stale product.

    After surfing the Internet a little more, I ended up finding one cool service, Online.ePayService, where you can, sitting in your underpants on the couch, cash any foreign check, and rather faster than banks do it. Also later I found another site privat24.ua, which belongs to the bank privat24. There, too, you can cash a check, having their plastic card. So let's start in order.

    How to cash a Google Adsense check at Online.ePayService?

    1 ) We go to the site online.epayservices.com, at the top we click "Russian version", then "registration".

    2 ) Choosing a personal account. The business account, as I understand it, is paid. We leave the tariff as it is. Ok, now you need to enter your phone number in the form and click on "send code". An SMS with numbers will come to your mobile phone, and they must be entered into the form on the site and click on "verify". Attention! Enter exactly the number from your mobile phone, since every time you enter the site online.epayservices.com, it will always send you an SMS with a set of numbers. This was done for security reasons, although the developers probably did not take into account that this procedure can bring any webmaster to a migraine.

    So, now you just have to fill in the contact information about yourself. There, what is your name, where you live, post office, etc. By the way, I filled out this information in English, I don’t know if it’s possible in Russian? In any case, help you if your English is hard. Good, now we just put a tick that I have studied the specified information in detail, and click on the big button "apply to open an account."

    3 ) Now we go to our mail, find there a letter from Online.ePayService and follow the link. Here we will be asked to scan all pages of our passport and even those that are empty, as well as a foreign passport, if there is one, and a driver's license. Everything is simple here, we must scan all the pages, otherwise you will receive a message in 3-4 days that you have not downloaded all of them and will be refused registration. After you scan the pages, each time upload them one at a time to the site, each time ticking that you have read the rules and click the "download" button, and wait for the scan to load.

    After that, do this operation until you download all the scans. I want to say right away that it makes no sense to upload all copies of the passport at once, since the site will simply freeze. By the way, if you have a foreign passport and driver's license, then you don't have to upload them. Just in case you don't have a scanner, go with a flash drive to any computer club or office, where they make photocopies and print images. For 15-30 rubles everything will be scanned for you.

    4 ) Good, now it is necessary, as I already wrote, to wait 3-4 days for your passport data to be processed. After that, you will receive a letter with your username and password. Going to the site epayservices.com, you will be asked to enter them, as well as the numbers that will come to you in an SMS message.

    5 ) Now go to the "iCheck" tab and read the instructions for cashing a check.

    In short, you only need to take a few consecutive steps.

    - Tear off the subordinate part of the check. There is a small notch where the green part of the check ends, which will allow you to separate the white part of the check from the green one. You can throw out the white one, you will no longer need it.

    - Now you need to clearly write the inscription For the credit to MTACC Inc. on the back of the check, where it is written in English ENDORSEHERE. Immediately you will need to write your name and surname in English, as on a check and put your signature, as on a passport. It is better to check in advance how your pen is writing, since any corrections are unacceptable.

    - Good, now scan the receipt from both sides as shown above. Be careful, your inscription should be at the top right, and not vice versa. Also note that each scan of the receipt should be no more than 3MB, otherwise it will simply not be loaded. I personally got more than this value, but despite the fact that a check from Google Adsense cannot be cropped or compressed in different programs to reduce its size, I found a rather easy way out of this delicate situation.

    Just open our scan through Photoshop, click "files", "save as", select the file type - JPEG in the tab. Before saving, a window will appear in front of you where you can adjust the quality of the picture, the lower the quality, the less the image will eventually weigh.

    Ok, now we load two of our scanned receipt images at once. If anything - the front side is where the check is green, and the back is where you put your signature.

    After that, you will have to wait, as a rule, no more than a day, when you will receive a message in the mail that your check has been accepted or not. If accepted, the date when the money will be credited to your account will be indicated down in the “date of crediting” column. By the way, if the money still doesn't come, write directly to the support service, otherwise you will wait forever. In addition, if you just have a foreign check not from GoogleAdsense, then you will also have to send its original to their office by mail.

    6 ) After the funds are credited to you, they can be withdrawn from Online.ePayService in two ways.

    Method 1... Just on the main page of the site, go to the WebMoney.z tab, enter here the number of our wallet, which has the currency in dollars, and click send. I personally used this method. Out of just over $ 100, I was charged a commission of $ 5, which is not so much.

    Method 2... We just start their plastic card. In a month it will come to you by mail, where you can transfer your money to it from the Online.ePayService website and then withdraw it from any ATM.

    How to cash a Google Adsense check at Privat24?

    The scheme is similar to the one described above, except that you must already have any plastic card of the Privat24 bank. After you start it, it will need to be tied to their system, ask their support service how to do this. After that, you will need to register on their website. Then go to the tab "more", "services", "Google check", "new application".

    And upload copies of the scanned receipt. Only here, be careful, as on the reverse side you will only need your signature and no more. The subordinate part of the check, it seems, also does not need to be torn off. Although, to be honest, the Online.ePayService service was enough for me, so here I did not specify what and how to do.

    How else can you cash a Google Adsense check?

    As I said above, you can cash out through banks, but it will be just a hell of a procedure. First, you will need to call all the banks that are in your city and ask them: "Do you accept personal checks issued by a foreign bank for collection?" If you say to them: "Do you cash foreign checks?", Then they will not understand anything, no matter how strange it may sound. Also, if they accept checks, then ask them on what conditions, I think you will be in a little shock.

    Ok, if they accept, take a check, a passport, and some more cash, since you will pay a commission even before the check is cashed. Then you will need to stand in line for 1-2 hours, fill out a bunch of papers. After that, you will be told to go home, and they themselves will call you when this whole procedure is over, and it lasts 2-3 months. Also, if your bank cannot agree with a foreign bank on cashing a check, then their commission, which they took from you, will not be returned, but the check will be returned. -_-

    On topic forums and in Google groups, the question about the cancellation of Google Adsense checks is quite often encountered. I decided to tell a little about this, especially since I myself faced this task a couple of times. The procedure is absolutely free and simple - it is performed online, there is no need to send a letter back. After the request for cancellation, after a while, the funds will be returned to the balance in your account.

    Reasons for canceling a check

    Basically, there are two main reasons for this procedure:

    • The Adsense check did not arrive at all (it got lost in the mail or was sent to the wrong address).
    • You cannot cash it out at your bank. For example, a document contains an error, has been damaged, or has expired (usually from 6 to 12 months, but depends on the country). If my memory serves me, in the Ukrainian Oschadbank you can take Adsense checks for collection no older than three months and only from $ 500.

    In principle, other situations may arise. Let's say you are not comfortable with high bank fees for small amounts and want to combine several payments into one. It happens that a person's details change. I also remember that once there was a glitch in Google, and Adsense's checks came in euros, while there was an opportunity to cash out only in dollars.

    One of the most popular reasons, I think, is the change in the payment method in the system. For example, you initially received checks, or local banks, and then decided to issue the receipt of earnings directly to a bank account. Collection with us is far from a quick procedure, so the reluctance to wait for payment with the existing alternatives is quite logical. Actually, I now have just a similar situation: I have one check in my hands, but instead of a month of waiting, I decided to cancel it and make payments to a bank account. By the way, I will definitely tell you about this process a little later.

    How Adsense check cancellation is carried out

    Regardless of the reason for canceling your Google Adsense check, you will have to wait 60 days from the date of dispatch so that the function becomes possible. If after this time the corresponding link does not appear in the system, then the withdrawal has already been made.

    You can find information about payments in the section of your Adsense account of the same name (gear icon in the upper right corner).

    The funds will not return to your account immediately, you will need to wait a bit.

    On the page you need to enter your name, email address, publisher ID, amount, date of issue and Adsense check number. Also note one of the reasons for the return: incorrect recipient data, damage or loss of the check, high commission, exchange rate or problems with cashing, etc. If I’m not mistaken, this was the first time I had to cancel a Google Adsense check using this method. However, now everything is much easier. Perhaps the form is used for a return when you cannot log into your personal account in the system.

    Total. If your Adsense check has not arrived or you want to cancel it for other reasons, then in general you need:

    1. wait 60 days after its creation;
    2. send a request to resend the payment.

    Relevant help page for the topic. Write questions and additions in the comments.

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