
Government Decree 802. On Approval of the Rules for Conducting Mothballing of a Capital Construction Object. II. Peculiarities of making a decision on the conservation of a state-owned object



In accordance with part 9 of Article 52 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

To approve the attached Rules for Conducting Mothballing of a Capital Construction Object.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated September 30, 2011 N 802


I. General Provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure for the conservation of a capital construction facility (hereinafter referred to as the object), as well as the specifics of making a decision on the conservation of a capital construction facility of state ownership of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the object of state ownership).

2. The decision on the conservation of an object is made in the event of termination of its construction (reconstruction) or if it is necessary to suspend the construction (reconstruction) of an object for a period of more than 6 months with the prospect of its renewal in the future.

3. In the cases specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules, the developer (customer) ensures that the object and the territory used for its construction (hereinafter referred to as the construction site) are brought into a state that ensures the strength, stability and safety of structures, equipment and materials, as well as safety of the facility and construction site for the population and the environment.

4. The decision on the conservation of the object (with the exception of the object of state ownership) and on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with the conservation of the object, is taken by the developer (customer).

5. The decision on the conservation of the object must determine:

a) a list of works on the conservation of the facility, formed taking into account the requirements of paragraph 9 of these Rules;

b) persons responsible for the safety and security of the facility, including structures, equipment, materials and construction site (official or organization);

c) terms of development of technical documentation required for carrying out work on the conservation of the facility (hereinafter referred to as technical documentation), as well as the timing of work on its conservation;

d) the amount of funds for carrying out work on the conservation of the facility, determined on the basis of an act prepared by the person carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of the facility (hereinafter referred to as the contractor), and approved by the developer (customer).

6. In these Rules, technical documentation is understood as a set of documents developed by a design organization under an agreement with a developer (customer), including graphic, design and text materials necessary for organizing and carrying out works on the conservation of the facility.

7. Based on the decision to mothball the facility, the developer (customer), together with the contractor, conducts an inventory of the completed construction (reconstruction) of the facility in order to record the actual state of the facility, the availability of design documentation, structures, materials and equipment. Wherein:

a) diagrams and drawings are carried out with a description of the state of the object and an indication of the amount of work performed;

b) statements are drawn up in which information is indicated:

on structures, equipment and materials used (mounted) at the facility, including structures, equipment and materials not used at the facility and subject to storage;

availability of estimate documentation;

on the availability of as-built documentation (including work logs, including a general work log), certificates of inspection of hidden works, certificates of tests, trials and other primary documents.

8. After making a decision on the conservation of the object, the developer (customer) provides the preparation of technical documentation. The volume and content of technical documentation are determined by the developer (customer).

9. The scope of works for the conservation of the facility includes, among other things:

a) execution of structures that accept design loads (including temporary ones);

b) installation of equipment that additionally secures unstable structures and elements, or dismantling of such structures and elements;

c) clearing containers and pipelines from hazardous and combustible liquids, closing or welding hatches and large openings;

d) bringing technological equipment to a safe state;

e) disconnection of utilities, including temporary (except for those that are necessary to ensure the safety of the facility);

f) taking the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to the interior of the facility and to the territory of the construction site.

10. The developer (customer), within 10 calendar days after the decision to conserve the facility, notifies the contractor, the authority that issued the construction (reconstruction) permit, and the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction. supervision.

11. The decision on the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of a mothballed facility (except for a state-owned facility), as well as on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with bringing the facility to a state in which it is possible to continue construction (reconstruction), is taken by the developer (customer).

12. In case of resumption of construction (reconstruction) at a previously mothballed facility, the developer (customer) shall:

a) technical inspection of the facility, based on the results of which the required volume and cost of work to restore the structural elements or parts of the facility, lost or destroyed during the conservation period, are determined;

b) making (if necessary) changes to the previously prepared project documentation, followed by the state expertise and state environmental expertise of these changes, if the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for such an expertise, or the preparation of new project documentation.

13. The developer (customer) is obliged to send in advance, but no later than 7 working days before the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility, to the authority that issued the permit for the construction (reconstruction) of the facility, as well as to the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction supervision, notification of the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility.

II. Features of making a decision on the conservation of the object
state property

14. The decision on the conservation of the object of state ownership is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

15. The draft act of the Government of the Russian Federation on the conservation of the object of state property (hereinafter referred to as the draft act on the conservation) is prepared by the chief administrator of federal budget funds in relation to the object of state ownership and is coordinated with the subject of budget planning if the chief administrator of funds of the federal budget is not simultaneously a subject budget planning. If the construction (reconstruction) of a state property object is carried out within the framework of federal target programs, the draft conservation act is also coordinated with the state customer (state customer-coordinator) of the corresponding federal target program in the event that the main manager of federal budget funds is not its state customer (state customer-coordinator).

16. The main manager of the federal budget funds shall send to the subject of budget planning a draft conservation act, approved in accordance with the established procedure, which is submitted in accordance with the established procedure by the subject of budget planning to the Government of the Russian Federation.

Simultaneously with the draft act on conservation, the draft act on amending the relevant act or decision, which provided for the provision of budgetary investments in the construction (reconstruction) of the facility at the expense of the federal budget, is submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for approval.

17. Financial support of costs associated with the conservation of a state property, or costs associated with bringing a previously mothballed state property to a state in which it is possible to continue its construction (reconstruction), is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

18. The decision to resume construction (reconstruction) of a previously mothballed state property at the expense of the federal budget is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with part 9 of article 52 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

To approve the attached Rules for Conducting Mothballing of a Capital Construction Object.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Rules for the conservation of a capital construction object

I. General Provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure for the conservation of a capital construction facility (hereinafter referred to as the object), as well as the specifics of making a decision on the conservation of a capital construction facility of state ownership of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the object of state ownership).

2. The decision on the conservation of an object is made in the event of termination of its construction (reconstruction) or if it is necessary to suspend the construction (reconstruction) of an object for a period of more than 6 months with the prospect of its renewal in the future.

3. In the cases specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules, the developer (customer) ensures that the object and the territory used for its construction (hereinafter referred to as the construction site) are brought into a state that ensures the strength, stability and safety of structures, equipment and materials, as well as safety of the facility and construction site for the population and the environment.

4. The decision on the conservation of the object (with the exception of the object of state ownership) and on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with the conservation of the object, is taken by the developer (customer).

5. The decision on the conservation of the object must determine:

a) a list of works on the conservation of the facility, formed taking into account the requirements of paragraph 9 of these Rules;

b) persons responsible for the safety and security of the facility, including structures, equipment, materials and construction site (official or organization);

c) terms of development of technical documentation required for carrying out work on the conservation of the facility (hereinafter referred to as technical documentation), as well as the timing of work on its conservation;

d) the amount of funds for carrying out work on the conservation of the facility, determined on the basis of an act prepared by the person carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of the facility (hereinafter referred to as the contractor), and approved by the developer (customer).

6. In these Rules, technical documentation is understood as a set of documents developed by a design organization under an agreement with a developer (customer), including graphic, design and text materials necessary for organizing and carrying out works on the conservation of the facility.

7. Based on the decision to mothball the facility, the developer (customer), together with the contractor, conducts an inventory of the completed construction (reconstruction) of the facility in order to record the actual state of the facility, the availability of design documentation, structures, materials and equipment. Wherein:

a) diagrams and drawings are carried out with a description of the state of the object and an indication of the amount of work performed;

b) statements are drawn up in which information is indicated:

on structures, equipment and materials used (mounted) at the facility, including structures, equipment and materials not used at the facility and subject to storage;

availability of estimate documentation;

on the availability of as-built documentation (including work logs, including a general work log), certificates of inspection of hidden works, certificates of tests, trials and other primary documents.

8. After making a decision on the conservation of the object, the developer (customer) provides the preparation of technical documentation. The volume and content of technical documentation are determined by the developer (customer).

9. The scope of works for the conservation of the facility includes, among other things:

a) execution of structures that accept design loads (including temporary ones);

b) installation of equipment that additionally secures unstable structures and elements, or dismantling of such structures and elements;

c) clearing containers and pipelines from hazardous and combustible liquids, closing or welding hatches and large openings;

d) bringing technological equipment to a safe state;

e) disconnection of utilities, including temporary (except for those that are necessary to ensure the safety of the facility);

f) taking the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to the interior of the facility and to the territory of the construction site.

10. The developer (customer), within 10 calendar days after the decision to conserve the facility, notifies the contractor, the authority that issued the construction (reconstruction) permit, and the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction. supervision.

11. The decision on the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of a mothballed facility (except for a state-owned facility), as well as on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with bringing the facility to a state in which it is possible to continue construction (reconstruction), is taken by the developer (customer).

12. In case of resumption of construction (reconstruction) at a previously mothballed facility, the developer (customer) shall:

a) technical inspection of the facility, based on the results of which the required volume and cost of work to restore the structural elements or parts of the facility, lost or destroyed during the conservation period, are determined;

b) making (if necessary) changes to the previously prepared project documentation, followed by the state expertise and state environmental expertise of these changes, if the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for such an expertise, or the preparation of new project documentation.

13. The developer (customer) is obliged to send in advance, but no later than 7 working days before the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility, to the authority that issued the permit for the construction (reconstruction) of the facility, as well as to the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction supervision, notification of the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility.

II. Peculiarities of making a decision on the conservation of a state-owned object

14. The decision on the conservation of the object of state ownership is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

15. The draft act of the Government of the Russian Federation on the conservation of the object of state property (hereinafter referred to as the draft act on the conservation) is prepared by the chief administrator of federal budget funds in relation to the object of state ownership and is coordinated with the subject of budget planning if the chief administrator of funds of the federal budget is not simultaneously a subject budget planning. If the construction (reconstruction) of a state property object is carried out within the framework of federal target programs, the draft conservation act is also coordinated with the state customer (state customer-coordinator) of the corresponding federal target program in the event that the main manager of federal budget funds is not its state customer (state customer-coordinator).

16. The main manager of the federal budget funds shall send to the subject of budget planning a draft conservation act, approved in accordance with the established procedure, which is submitted in accordance with the established procedure by the subject of budget planning to the Government of the Russian Federation.

Simultaneously with the draft act on conservation, the draft act on amending the relevant act or decision, which provided for the provision of budgetary investments in the construction (reconstruction) of the facility at the expense of the federal budget, is submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for approval.

17. Financial support of costs associated with the conservation of a state property, or costs associated with bringing a previously mothballed state property to a state in which it is possible to continue its construction (reconstruction), is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

18. The decision to resume construction (reconstruction) of a previously mothballed state property at the expense of the federal budget is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

To approve the attached Rules for Conducting Mothballing of a Capital Construction Object.

Conducting the conservation of the capital construction object
(approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2011 N 802)

I. General Provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure for the conservation of a capital construction facility (hereinafter referred to as the object), as well as the specifics of making a decision on the conservation of a capital construction facility of state ownership of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the object of state ownership).

2. The decision on the conservation of an object is made in the event of termination of its construction (reconstruction) or if it is necessary to suspend the construction (reconstruction) of an object for a period of more than 6 months with the prospect of its renewal in the future.

3. In the cases specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules, the developer (customer) ensures that the object and the territory used for its construction (hereinafter referred to as the construction site) are brought into a state that ensures the strength, stability and safety of structures, equipment and materials, as well as safety of the facility and construction site for the population and the environment.

4. The decision on the conservation of the object (with the exception of the object of state ownership) and on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with the conservation of the object, is taken by the developer (customer).

5. The decision on the conservation of the object must determine:

b) persons responsible for the safety and security of the facility, including structures, equipment, materials and construction site (official or organization);

c) terms of development of technical documentation required for carrying out work on the conservation of the facility (hereinafter referred to as technical documentation), as well as the timing of work on its conservation;

d) the amount of funds for carrying out work on the conservation of the facility, determined on the basis of an act prepared by the person carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of the facility (hereinafter referred to as the contractor), and approved by the developer (customer).

6. In these Rules, technical documentation is understood as a set of documents developed by a design organization under an agreement with a developer (customer), including graphic, design and text materials necessary for organizing and carrying out works on the conservation of the facility.

7. Based on the decision to mothball the facility, the developer (customer), together with the contractor, conducts an inventory of the completed construction (reconstruction) of the facility in order to record the actual state of the facility, the availability of design documentation, structures, materials and equipment. Wherein:

a) diagrams and drawings are carried out with a description of the state of the object and an indication of the amount of work performed;

b) statements are drawn up in which information is indicated:

on structures, equipment and materials used (mounted) at the facility, including structures, equipment and materials not used at the facility and subject to storage;

availability of estimate documentation;

on the availability of as-built documentation (including work logs, including a general work log), certificates of inspection of hidden works, certificates of tests, trials and other primary documents.

8. After making a decision on the conservation of the object, the developer (customer) provides the preparation of technical documentation. The volume and content of technical documentation are determined by the developer (customer).

9. The scope of works for the conservation of the facility includes, among other things:

a) execution of structures that accept design loads (including temporary ones);

b) installation of equipment that additionally secures unstable structures and elements, or dismantling of such structures and elements;

c) clearing containers and pipelines from hazardous and combustible liquids, closing or welding hatches and large openings;

d) bringing technological equipment to a safe state;

e) disconnection of utilities, including temporary (except for those that are necessary to ensure the safety of the facility);

f) taking the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to the interior of the facility and to the territory of the construction site.

10. The developer (customer), within 10 calendar days after the decision to conserve the facility, notifies the contractor, the authority that issued the construction (reconstruction) permit, and the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction. supervision.

11. The decision on the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of a mothballed facility (except for a state-owned facility), as well as on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with bringing the facility to a state in which it is possible to continue construction (reconstruction), is taken by the developer (customer).

12. In case of resumption of construction (reconstruction) at a previously mothballed facility, the developer (customer) shall:

a) technical inspection of the facility, based on the results of which the required volume and cost of work to restore the structural elements or parts of the facility, lost or destroyed during the conservation period, are determined;

b) making (if necessary) changes to the previously prepared project documentation, followed by the state expertise and state environmental expertise of these changes, if the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for such an expertise, or the preparation of new project documentation.

13. The developer (customer) is obliged to send in advance, but no later than 7 working days before the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility, to the authority that issued the permit for the construction (reconstruction) of the facility, as well as to the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction supervision, notification of the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility.

II. Peculiarities of making a decision on the conservation of a state-owned object

14. The decision on the conservation of the object of state ownership is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

15. The draft act of the Government of the Russian Federation on the conservation of the object of state property (hereinafter referred to as the draft act on the conservation) is prepared by the chief administrator of federal budget funds in relation to the object of state ownership and is coordinated with the subject of budget planning if the chief administrator of funds of the federal budget is not simultaneously a subject budget planning. If the construction (reconstruction) of a state property object is carried out within the framework of federal target programs, the draft conservation act is also coordinated with the state customer (state customer-coordinator) of the corresponding federal target program in the event that the main manager of federal budget funds is not its state customer (state customer-coordinator).

16. The main manager of the federal budget funds shall send to the subject of budget planning a draft conservation act, approved in accordance with the established procedure, which is submitted in accordance with the established procedure by the subject of budget planning to the Government of the Russian Federation.

Simultaneously with the draft act on conservation, the draft act on amending the relevant act or decision, which provided for the provision of budgetary investments in the construction (reconstruction) of the facility at the expense of the federal budget, is submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for approval.

17. Financial support of costs associated with the conservation of a state property, or costs associated with bringing a previously mothballed state property to a state in which it is possible to continue its construction (reconstruction), is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

18. The decision to resume construction (reconstruction) of a previously mothballed state property at the expense of the federal budget is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The order of conservation of the capital construction object has been established.

The decision on conservation is made by the developer (customer) in 2 cases. If the construction (reconstruction) is terminated or suspended for more than 6 months with the prospect of its resumption in the future.

The builder (customer) brings the object and the construction site to a state in which the strength, stability and safety of structures, equipment and materials are ensured. They must also be safe for the population and the environment.

The decision specifies the list and terms of conservation work, persons responsible for the safety and security of the facility, the time for preparing the necessary technical documentation, the amount of costs. The latter is determined on the basis of an act drawn up by the contractor and approved by the developer (customer).

After making a decision on conservation, the developer (customer), together with the contractor, conducts an inventory of the work performed on the construction (reconstruction) of the facility. The goal is to record its actual state, the availability of design documentation, structures, materials and equipment.

In the course of conservation work, in particular, structures are carried out that accept design loads (including temporary ones). Containers and pipelines are freed from hazardous and flammable liquids. Hatches and large openings are closed or welded. Engineering communications are disconnected (with the exception of those that ensure the safety of the object). Unauthorized access to the interior of the facility and to the territory of the construction site should be excluded.

The developer (customer), within 10 calendar days after the decision on the conservation of the object is made, notifies the contractor, the authority that issued the construction (reconstruction) permit, and the state construction supervision authority (if it is to be carried out).

The procedure for resuming construction (reconstruction) has been regulated.

The specifics of making a decision on the conservation of a state property object have been established.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2011 N 802 "On Approval of the Rules for Conducting Mothballing of a Capital Construction Object"

This resolution comes into force 7 days after the day of its official publication.

"On approval of the Rules for the conservation of the capital

construction "

In accordance with part 9 of article 52 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Rules for Conducting Mothballing of a Capital Construction Object.

Prime Minister

Of the Russian Federation V. Putin


Conducting the conservation of the capital construction object

I. General Provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure for the conservation of a capital construction object (hereinafter referred to as the object), as well as the specifics of making a decision on the conservation of a capital construction object of state ownership of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the object of state ownership).

2. The decision on the conservation of an object is made in the event of termination of its construction (reconstruction) or if it is necessary to suspend the construction (reconstruction) of an object for a period of more than 6 months with the prospect of its renewal in the future.

3. In the cases specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules, the developer (customer) ensures that the object and the territory used for its construction (hereinafter referred to as the construction site) are brought into a state that ensures the strength, stability and safety of structures, equipment and materials, as well as safety of the facility and construction site for the population and the environment.

4. The decision on the conservation of the object (with the exception of the object of state ownership) and on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with the conservation of the object, is taken by the developer (customer).

5. The decision on the conservation of the object must determine:

A) a list of works on the conservation of the facility, formed taking into account the requirements of paragraph 9 of these Rules;

B) persons responsible for the safety and security of the facility, including structures, equipment, materials and construction site (official or organization);

C) the timing of the development of technical documentation required to carry out work on the conservation of the facility (hereinafter - technical documentation), as well as the timing of the work on its conservation;

D) the amount of funds for carrying out work on the conservation of the facility, determined on the basis of an act prepared by the person carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of the facility (hereinafter referred to as the contractor), and approved by the developer (customer).

6. In these Rules, technical documentation is understood as a set of documents developed by a design organization under an agreement with a developer (customer), including graphic, design and text materials necessary for organizing and carrying out work on the preservation of the facility.

7. Based on the decision to mothball the facility, the developer (customer), together with the contractor, conducts an inventory of the completed construction (reconstruction) of the facility in order to record the actual state of the facility, the availability of design documentation, structures, materials and equipment. Wherein:

A) diagrams and drawings are carried out with a description of the state of the object and an indication of the amount of work performed;

B) statements are drawn up, which indicate information:

About structures, equipment and materials used (mounted) at the facility, including structures, equipment and materials not used at the facility and subject to storage;

On the availability of estimate documentation;

On the availability of as-built documentation (including work logs, including a general work log), certificates of inspection of hidden works, certificates of tests, trials and other primary documents.

8. After making a decision on the conservation of the object, the developer (customer) provides the preparation of technical documentation. The volume and content of technical documentation are determined by the developer (customer).

9. The scope of works for the conservation of the facility includes, among other things:

A) execution of structures that accept design loads (including temporary ones);

B) installation of equipment that additionally secures unstable structures and elements, or dismantling of such structures and elements;

C) clearing containers and pipelines from hazardous and combustible liquids, closing or welding hatches and large openings;

D) bringing the technological equipment to a safe state;

E) disconnection of utilities, including temporary (except for those that are necessary to ensure the safety of the object);

E) taking the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to the interior of the facility and to the territory of the construction site.

10. The developer (customer), within 10 calendar days after the decision to conserve the facility, notifies the contractor, the authority that issued the construction (reconstruction) permit, and the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction. supervision.

11. The decision on the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of a mothballed facility (except for a state-owned facility), as well as on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with bringing the facility to a state in which it is possible to continue construction (reconstruction), is taken by the developer (customer).

12. In case of resumption of construction (reconstruction) at a previously mothballed facility, the developer (customer) shall:

A) technical inspection of the facility, based on the results of which the required volume and cost of work to restore the structural elements or parts of the facility, lost or destroyed during the conservation period, are determined;

B) introduction (if necessary) of changes in the previously prepared project documentation, followed by a state examination and state environmental examination of these changes, if the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for such an examination, or the preparation of new project documentation.

13. The developer (customer) is obliged in advance, but no later than 7 working days before the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility, to send to the authority that issued the permit for the construction (reconstruction) of the facility, as well as to the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction supervision, notification of the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility.

II. Peculiarities of making a decision on the conservation of an object of the state


14. The decision on the conservation of the object of state ownership is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

15. The draft act of the Government of the Russian Federation on the conservation of the object of state property (hereinafter referred to as the draft act on the conservation) is prepared by the chief administrator of federal budget funds in relation to the object of state ownership and is coordinated with the subject of budget planning if the chief administrator of funds of the federal budget is not simultaneously a subject budget planning. If the construction (reconstruction) of a state property object is carried out within the framework of federal target programs, the draft conservation act is also coordinated with the state customer (state customer-coordinator) of the corresponding federal target program in the event that the main manager of federal budget funds is not its state customer (state customer-coordinator).

16. The main manager of the federal budget funds shall send to the subject of budget planning a draft conservation act, approved in accordance with the established procedure, which is submitted in accordance with the established procedure by the subject of budget planning to the Government of the Russian Federation.

Simultaneously with the draft act on conservation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation are submitting for approval a draft act on amending the relevant act or decision, which provided for the provision of budgetary investments in the construction (reconstruction) of the facility at the expense of the federal budget.

17. Financial support of expenses associated with the conservation of a state property object, or expenses associated with bringing a previously mothballed state property object into a state in which it is possible to continue its construction (reconstruction), is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

18. The decision to resume construction (reconstruction) of a previously mothballed state property at the expense of the federal budget is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.

GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONP O S T A N O V L E N I Edated September 30, 2011 N 802 MOSCOW On approval of the Rules for the conservation of the capital construction In accordance with part 9 of article 52 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation maintains:To approve the attached Rules for Conducting Mothballing of a Capital Construction Object.Prime MinisterOf the Russian Federation V.Putin __________________________ APPROVED government decreeRussian Federationof September 30, 2011 N 802 P R A V I L A Conducting the conservation of the capital construction objectI. General Provisions1. These Rules establish the procedure for the conservation of a capital construction object (hereinafter referred to as the object), as well as the specifics of making a decision on the conservation of a capital construction object of state ownership of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the object of state ownership).2. The decision on the conservation of an object is made in the event of termination of its construction (reconstruction) or if it is necessary to suspend the construction (reconstruction) of an object for a period of more than 6 months with the prospect of its renewal in the future.3. In the cases specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules, the developer (customer) ensures that the object and the territory used for its construction (hereinafter referred to as the construction site) are brought into a state that ensures the strength, stability and safety of structures, equipment and materials, as well as safety of the facility and construction site for the population and the environment.4. The decision on the conservation of the object (with the exception of the object of state ownership) and on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with the conservation of the object, is taken by the developer (customer).5. The decision on the conservation of the object must determine:a) a list of works on the conservation of the facility, formed taking into account the requirements of paragraph 9 of these Rules;b) persons responsible for the safety and security of the facility, including structures, equipment, materials and construction site (official or organization);c) terms of development of technical documentation required for carrying out work on the conservation of the facility (hereinafter referred to as technical documentation), as well as the timing of work on its conservation;d) the amount of funds for carrying out work on the conservation of the facility, determined on the basis of an act prepared by the person carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of the facility (hereinafter referred to as the contractor), and approved by the developer (customer).6. In these Rules, technical documentation is understood as a set of documents developed by a design organization under an agreement with a developer (customer), including graphic, design and text materials necessary for organizing and carrying out works on the conservation of the facility.7. Based on the decision to mothball the facility, the developer (customer), together with the contractor, conducts an inventory of the completed construction (reconstruction) of the facility in order to record the actual state of the facility, the availability of design documentation, structures, materials and equipment. Wherein:a) diagrams and drawings are carried out with a description of the state of the object and an indication of the amount of work performed;b) statements are drawn up in which information is indicated:on structures, equipment and materials used (mounted) at the facility, including structures, equipment and materials not used at the facility and subject to storage;availability of estimate documentation;on the availability of as-built documentation (including work logs, including a general work log), certificates of inspection of hidden works, certificates of tests, trials and other primary documents.8. After making a decision on the conservation of the object, the developer (customer) provides the preparation of technical documentation. The volume and content of technical documentation are determined by the developer (customer).9. The scope of works for the conservation of the facility includes, among other things:a) execution of structures that accept design loads (including temporary ones);b) installation of equipment that additionally secures unstable structures and elements, or dismantling of such structures and elements;c) clearing containers and pipelines from hazardous and combustible liquids, closing or welding hatches and large openings;d) bringing technological equipment to a safe state;e) disconnection of utilities, including temporary (except for those that are necessary to ensure the safety of the facility);f) taking the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to the interior of the facility and to the territory of the construction site.10. The developer (customer), within 10 calendar days after the decision to conserve the facility, notifies the contractor, the authority that issued the construction (reconstruction) permit, and the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction. supervision.11. The decision on the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of a mothballed facility (except for a state-owned facility), as well as on the source of funds to pay the costs associated with bringing the facility to a state in which it is possible to continue construction (reconstruction), is taken by the developer (customer).12. In case of resumption of construction (reconstruction) at a previously mothballed facility, the developer (customer) shall:a) technical inspection of the facility, based on the results of which the required volume and cost of work to restore the structural elements or parts of the facility, lost or destroyed during the conservation period, are determined;b) making (if necessary) changes to the previously prepared project documentation, followed by the state expertise and state environmental expertise of these changes, if the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for such an expertise, or the preparation of new project documentation.13. The developer (customer) is obliged to send in advance, but no later than 7 working days before the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility, to the authority that issued the permit for the construction (reconstruction) of the facility, as well as to the state construction supervision body if the construction (reconstruction) of the facility is subject to state construction supervision, notification of the resumption of construction (reconstruction) of the facility.II. Peculiarities of making a decision on conservationobject of state ownership14. The decision on the conservation of the object of state ownership is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation.15. The draft act of the Government of the Russian Federation on the conservation of the object of state property (hereinafter referred to as the draft act on the conservation) is prepared by the chief administrator of federal budget funds in relation to the object of state ownership and is coordinated with the subject of budget planning if the chief administrator of funds of the federal budget is not simultaneously a subject budget planning. If the construction (reconstruction) of a state property object is carried out within the framework of federal target programs, the draft conservation act is also coordinated with the state customer (state customer-coordinator) of the corresponding federal target program in the event that the main manager of federal budget funds is not its state customer (state customer-coordinator).16. The main manager of the federal budget funds shall send to the subject of budget planning a draft conservation act, approved in accordance with the established procedure, which is submitted in accordance with the established procedure by the subject of budget planning to the Government of the Russian Federation.Simultaneously with the draft act on conservation, the draft act on amending the relevant act or decision, which provided for the provision of budgetary investments in the construction (reconstruction) of the facility at the expense of the federal budget, is submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for approval.17. Financial support of costs associated with the conservation of a state property, or costs associated with bringing a previously mothballed state property to a state in which it is possible to continue its construction (reconstruction), is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.18. The decision to resume construction (reconstruction) of a previously mothballed state property at the expense of the federal budget is made in the form of an act of the Government of the Russian Federation. ____________

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