
VNC 58 88 Act of technical inspection of the building. Legislative base of the Russian Federation. Maintenance of buildings and objects

"Regulation on the organization and conduct of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, objects of communal and socio-cultural purposes"
(approved by the order of government committee of the Russian Federation with the USSR State Association on November 23, 1988 N 312)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation establishes the composition and procedure for the functioning of a system of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities (hereinafter referred to as buildings and objects) on the list according to SNiP 2.08.02-85, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

The situation does not apply to special technological equipment of utility and socio-cultural facilities.

1.2. This provision is mandatory for all organizations, institutions and enterprises carrying out reconstruction, capital and current repair, maintenance of buildings.

1.3. The rules and norms of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects reflecting their specificity, the natural climatic conditions and features of operation should be developed by the relevant branch management bodies and the executive committers of local councils in the development of this Regulation.

2. System of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects

2.1. The maintenance, repair and reconstruction systems of buildings and objects is a complex of interrelated organizational and technical measures (Reference Appendix 1) aimed at ensuring the preservation of buildings and objects. This system should include material, labor and financial resources, as well as the necessary regulatory and technical documentation.

2.2. The maintenance, repair and reconstruction system should ensure the normal functioning of buildings and objects during the entire period of their use for its intended purpose. The timing of repair of buildings, objects or their elements should be determined on the basis of assessing their technical condition. When planning repair and construction work, the frequency of them can be made in accordance with the recommended ad. 2 (for buildings and objects) and recommended adj. 3 (for elements of buildings and objects). Maintenance should be carried out constantly during the entire period of operation.

The timing of the reconstruction of buildings and objects should be determined by social needs and, as a rule, to coincide with the terms of major repairs.

2.3. Housing management bodies, regardless of their departmental affiliation, ministries and departments, operating communal and socio-cultural facilities, can adjust the duration of efficient operation of buildings and objects shown in ad. 2 and 3, with the appropriate feasibility study and ensuring the conditions for comfortable residence and maintenance of the population.

3. Maintenance of buildings and objects

3.1. Maintenance of buildings should include work on the control of the technical condition, maintaining health or health, commissioning and adjustment, preparation for seasonal operation of a building or an object in general and its elements and systems, as well as to ensure sanitary and hygienic requirements for premises and adjacent territory.

The list of maintenance of buildings and objects is given in the recommended adj. four.

3.2. Control over the technical condition of buildings and objects should be carried out by conducting systematic planned and non-planning inspections using modern means of technical diagnostics.

3.3. Planned inspections should be divided into common and partial. With general inspections, the technical condition of the building or an object in general, its systems and external improvement should be monitored, with partial inspections - the technical condition of the individual designs of the premises, elements of external improvement.

3.4. Non-planned inspections should be carried out after earthquakes, villains, rainfalls, hurricane winds, heavy snowfalls, floods and other natural phenomena, which can cause damage to individual elements of buildings and objects, after accidents in heat, water, power supply systems and when identifying deformations reason.

3.5. Common inspections should be held twice a year: in spring and autumn.

In the spring inspection, it is necessary to check the availability of a building or an object to operate in a spring-summer period, to establish the volume of work on the preparation for operation in the autumn-winter period and clarify the volume of repair work on buildings and objects included in the current repair plan in the year of inspection.

In the autumn inspection, it is necessary to check the availability of a building or an object to operate in the autumn-winter period and clarify the volume of repair work on buildings and objects included in the current repair plan of the next year.

With common inspections, it is necessary to control the performance of employers and tenants of contracts for hiring and lease agreements.

The frequency of scheduled inspections of elements and premises of buildings and objects is given in the recommended adj. five.

3.6. When conducting partial inspections, malfunctions must be eliminated, which can be eliminated during the time allocated to the inspection.

The identified malfunctions that prevent normal operation should be eliminated within the deadlines specified in the required admission. 6.

3.7. General inspections of residential buildings should be carried out by commissions as part of representatives of housing and operational organizations and house committees (representatives of the Board of Housing and Construction Cooperatives). General inspections of communal and socio-cultural facilities should be carried out by the Commission as part of the chief engineer (engineer) of the institution or enterprise, the use of the building, a caretaker (commandant). In the necessary cases, the Commission may include experts and representatives of repair and construction organizations.

3.8. Partial inspections of residential buildings should be carried out by employees of housing and operational organizations, and communal and socio-cultural facilities - employees of the operation of the relevant organization (institution).

3.9. The results of the inspections should be reflected in the documents on the technical condition of the building or the object (journals of technical condition, special cards, etc.). These documents should contain: assessing the technical condition of the building or the object and its elements, identified faults, their locations, the reasons that caused these faults, as well as information about the repairs performed during the inspections.

Generalized information about the status of a building or an object should be reflected annually in its technical passport.

3.10. In housing and operational organizations, it is necessary to record applications of residents and tenants to eliminate malfunctions of elements of residential buildings. Ministries and departments operating communal and socio-cultural facilities establish the appropriate procedure for keeping accounting and troubleshooting.

The ministries of housing and communal services (utilities) of the Union republics must monitor the technical condition and preparation for work in winter conditions of objects of municipal and thermal power economy regardless of their departmental subordination.

3.11. For centralized management of engineering systems and equipment equipment (elevator, heating systems, hot water, heating boilers, boiler, central thermal points, elevator nodes, fire extinguishing systems and smoke, lighting of staircases, etc.), as well as for accounting for troubleshooting Building elements should create dispatch services. Dispatch services should be equipped with modern technical means of automatic control and management.

For maintenance of modern means of automation, telemechanics and to protect engineering communications from electrochemical corrosion in housing and communal services and at the facilities of socio-cultural purposes in large cities, residential specialized services should be created in large cities.

3.12. As part of maintenance costs should be provided for the reserve of funds for emergency operations. For centralized troubleshooting and accidents arising in the housing stock and at facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes, urban emergency services should be created. The interaction of emergency and dispatching (joint dispatch) services, as well as services that carry out current repairs should be ensured.

3.13. The general contractor for a 2-year period from the moment of commissioning the construction or overhaul of buildings (objects) is obliged to guarantee the quality of construction (repair and construction) works and at its own expense to eliminate the defects and shortcomings made by its fault. Under the facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes, the unfinished is eliminated within the time limits established by the relevant branch management bodies.

3.14. Planning maintenance of buildings and objects should be carried out by developing annual and quarterly schedules of maintenance work.

4. Current repair of buildings and objects

4.1. Current repairs should be carried out with a frequency that ensures efficient operation of a building or an object from the time of its completion (overhaul) until the next overhaul (reconstruction) is set. It should take into account the natural and climatic conditions, design solutions, technical condition and mode of operation of the building or object. The duration of their efficient operation before the next current repair is provided in the recommended admission. 3, and the composition of the main work on the current repairs is in the recommended adj. 7.

4.2. Current repairs must be performed on five-year (with the distribution of tasks by year) and annual plans.

Annual plans (with the distribution of tasks in quarters) should be drawn up to clarifying five-year-olds, taking into account the results of inspections developed by the estimated technical documentation for the current repairs, measures for the preparation of buildings and objects to exploitation in seasonal conditions.

4.3. The acceptance of the completed current repairs of residential buildings should be carried out by the Commission as part of representatives of housing and operational, repair and construction (in the contracting method) of organizations, as well as the House Committee (Board of the Housing Committee, the Housing Authority of the Organization or enterprises of ministries and departments).

The acceptance of the completed current repair of the object of municipal or socio-cultural appointment should be carried out by the Commission as part of a representative of the operating service, repair and construction (when performing work in a contractive method) of the organization and a representative of the relevant higher authority.

The procedure for accepting residential buildings after the current repairs should be established by the Miniilcomhozomov (Minturhozami) of the Union republics, and the objects of municipal and socio-cultural purposes - the relevant branch management bodies.

4.4. In the production of current repair of buildings, the contracting methods should be applied and the procedure for payment of completed work provided for overhaul.

4.5. The current repair of residential and utility rooms of apartments must be carried out by the employers of these premises at their own expense on the terms and in the manner determined by the legislation of the Union republics. The list of works on the repair of apartments performed by the employers at their own expense is given in the recommended adj. 8. These works should be carried out at the expense of the operating organization if they are caused by the fault of the building elements (roofing, engineering systems, etc.), maintenance and repair of which are responsible.

5. Overhaul and reconstruction of buildings and objects

5.1. Overhaul should include troubleshooting all worn elements, recovery or replacement (in addition to the complete replacement of stone and concrete foundations, bearing walls and frames), they are for more durable and cost-effective, improving operational performance of repaired buildings. At the same time, an economically expedient modernization of the building or an object can be carried out: improving planning, increase the number and quality of services, equipping the missing types of engineering equipment, improvement of the surrounding area.

The list of additional works produced during major repairs is provided in the recommended adj. nine.

5.2. Overhaul should be set, as a rule, the building (object) in general or its part (section, several sections). If necessary, a major repairs can be made of individual elements of the building or an object, as well as external improvement.

5.3. With the reconstruction of buildings (objects), based on the established urban planning conditions and the current design standards, in addition to work performed during major repairs, can be carried out:

  • changing the planning of the premises, the construction of superstructures, integrated, attachments, and if there are necessary justifications - their partial disassembly;

  • increasing engineering equipment, including the reconstruction of external networks (except trunk);

  • improving the architectural expressiveness of buildings (objects), as well as the improvement of adjacent territories.
With the reconstruction of communal and socio-cultural objects, it may be envisaged to expand the existing and the construction of new buildings and facilities of the utility and maintenance, as well as the construction of buildings and structures of the main purpose included in the complex of the object, instead of liquidated.

5.4. The preparation of five-year and annual overhaul plans and reconstruction should be made in the manner defined by the methodological recommendations of the USSR Mamurn on the development of the state plan of the economic and social development of the USSR, on the basis of data on the need for major repairs and reconstruction.

When planning and implementing the reconstruction of buildings and objects, their disposal and commissioning should be taken into account in the relevant natural and cost indicators before and after reconstruction. The carrying amount of the reconstructed buildings and objects should be defined as the amount of the costs produced on their reconstruction and the rehabilitation cost of persistent parts (elements), including equipment. The results of repairs or reconstruction should be reflected in the technical passport of the building (object).

5.5. In cities with a building, including a significant number of buildings and objects requiring overhaul or reconstruction, they should be planned to conduct them with a group method (regardless of departmental affiliation) with simultaneous coverage of the repair work of groups of various appointments within urban planning education (residential area, residential area and etc.)

5.6. The planned deadlines for the start and end of the capital repairs and the reconstruction of buildings and facilities should be appointed on the basis of the rules of the repair and reconstruction developed and approved in the manner established by the branch management bodies.

5.7. The determination of the cost of major repairs and the reconstruction of buildings (objects) should be carried out on the basis of estimated or contractual prices. The contract price of each object of repair and reconstruction should be determined on the basis of the estimates based on established, respectively, for major repairs and renovation of prices, standards, tariffs and prices taking into account the scientific and technical level, efficiency, quality, work time and other factors. In the estimates it is necessary to provide for overhead, scheduled savings, other work and costs.

In the estimated documentation, the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and the aggregates distributed into two parts are provided: one intended to pay for additional work caused by the refinement of design solutions during the production of repair or reconstruction (customer reserve), and the second, intended for compensation for additional costs, arising during the repair or reconstruction when changing ways to produce work against adopted in the estimated norms and rates (contractor's reserve).

For the result, the estimates should be indicated return amounts - the cost of materials from disassembling structures and dismantling engineering and technological equipment, determined on the basis of the regulatory exit suitable for reuse of materials and products at repair facilities in accordance with the instructions for the reuse of products, equipment and materials in housing Municipal economy.

5.8. Development of design and estimate documentation for overhaul and reconstruction of buildings (objects) should include:

  • conducting a technical examination, determination of physical and moral wear of design objects;

  • drafting design and estimate documentation for all design solutions for redevelopment, functional reassignment of premises, replacing structures, engineering systems or their device again, territory landscaping and other similar work;

  • technical and economic rationale for major repairs and reconstruction;

  • development of a project for the organization of capital repairs and reconstruction and a project for the production of work, which is developed by the contractor.
5.9. Approval and reapproved design and estimate documentation for overhaul and reconstruction should be carried out:

for buildings and objects under the jurisdiction of the executive committees, local councils of people's deputies or personal property rights, relevant executive committers or management bodies;

  • for buildings and objects under the jurisdiction of organizations and enterprises, are the leaders of these organizations and enterprises;

  • for buildings and objects belonging to cooperative, trade union and other public organizations, the reigns of relevant organizations;

  • for buildings and objects belonging to housing and construction cooperatives - meetings of members (authorized members) cooperatives.
5.10. The time interval between the approval of design and estimate documentation and the beginning of repair and construction work should not exceed 2 years. Outdated projects should be recycled with project organizations on customer assignments in order to bring their technical level to modern requirements and reaffirm in the manner prescribed to approve newly developed projects.

5.11. The effectiveness of major repairs and reconstruction of buildings or objects should be determined by comparison of the economic and social results obtained with the costs necessary for their achievement. At the same time, economic results should be expressed in eliminating physical wear and maintenance of operating costs, and during reconstruction - also in increasing the area, the volume of services provided, bandwidth, etc.

Social results should be expressed in improving the housing conditions of the population, the working staff working conditions, improving the quality and increase in the amount of services.

5.12. The executive committees of local councils of people's deputies, ministries and departments, who have a housing fund, should create a maneuverable housing foundation in size, ensuring the implementation of the overhaul and reconstruction of residential buildings, or provide for allocation in the appropriate size of the residential area for resettlement of residents subject to Repair and reconstruction.

5.13. The performance of major repairs and reconstruction should be carried out in compliance with the existing rules for the organization, production and acceptance of repair and construction work, rules for labor protection and fire safety.

5.14. Organizational forms of management of repair and construction production, methods for planning production and economic activities of repair and construction organizations, the principles of economic calculation, the form and methods of organizing production, labor, logistics, accounting and reporting in repair and construction organizations should be established similarly to capital construction Taking into account the specifics of the repair and construction production.

5.15. Calculations for completed work on major repairs and reconstruction should be carried out for fully completed and handed over to the Customer facilities or work complexes provided for by the Contract Agreement and the annual plans taken into account.

Under utility and socio-cultural facilities, it is also allowed to calculate the technological stages.

Calculations of customers with project organizations for the development of design and estimate documentation should be carried out in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on contract for the creation of scientific and technical products.

5.16. Acceptance of residential buildings after major repairs and reconstruction is carried out in the manner prescribed by the terms of acceptance by the overhaul of residential buildings and similar rules for the acceptance of communal and socio-cultural facilities.

6. Ensuring a system of maintenance, repair
and reconstruction of buildings and objects logistical
labor and financial resources

6.1. The need for material and technical resources for maintenance, repair and reconstruction should be within the established norms of consumption of material resources.

6.2. The maintenance costs and the current repair of engineering and technological equipment should be carried out by estimated operating costs. These costs should be provided for in the limits that ensure efficient operation.

Based on the total amount of annual maintenance costs and repair of the housing stock, utilities and social and cultural facilities, the Differentiated Sizes of the Planned Costs for these purposes (as a percentage of the restorative value of buildings) can be established for the purposes of the USSR. and the appointment of buildings, the level of their improvement, the technical condition and the natural and climatic conditions.

6.3. Financing the reconstruction of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities is carried out by state associations, enterprises and organizations at the expense of state centralized capital investments, their own funds, long-term bank loans.

The Councils of Ministers of the Allied Republics are granted the right to resolve for institutions, organizations consisting of a budget, due to capital investments:

  • for the reconstruction and improvement of residential buildings;

  • on reconstruction, expansion and improvement of facilities of municipal, cultural and domestic purposes, health, education and social welfare;

  • cooperative organizations at the expense of cooperatives, bank loans;

  • household owned houses, at the expense of homeowners.
The costs of repair (current and capital) residential buildings, utility and socio-cultural facilities are funded by the repair fund of state associations, enterprises, organizations - fixed assets; In case of insufficiency of these funds, the repair of the Housing Fund of the Local Councils of People's Deputies, Cultural Official Objects, Health, Enlightenment and Social Appointments is made at the expense of allocations from the budget.

Financing the cost of repair of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities, cooperatives, residential buildings, apartments belonging to citizens with personal property rights is made at the expense of homeowners.

The Bank of Housing and Communal Services and Social Development of the USSR produces attracting funds to the bank funds intended for overhaul and reconstruction, issuing these funds, control over their timely admission, targeted and economical use, compliance with estimate and financial discipline when spending funds, and Also lending to the costs associated with overhaul and reconstruction.

6.4. Councils of Ministers of the Federal Republics, the Ministries and Offices of the USSR beyond the state capital investments established by the annual and social development of the USSR, can spend up to 10% of deductions from the funds provided for by the overhaul and reconstruction of the housing stock, on:

  • development of fixed assets (except for the construction of residential buildings and hostels) and replenishment of working capital of repair, transport and supply organizations of housing;

  • design, construction and reconstruction of enterprises for the production of building materials and parts for the repair of residential buildings;

  • design, construction and reconstruction of workshops and warehouse premises of housing and operational organizations;

  • acquisition of repair equipment, inventory and tools.
Attachment 1

Basic Terms and Definitions

    Appendix 1 (Reference). The main terms and definitions of Appendix 2 (recommended). The minimum duration of efficient operation of buildings and objects Annex 3 (recommended). The minimum duration of efficient operation of buildings and objects Annex 4 (recommended). List of basic works on maintenance of buildings and objects Annex 5 (recommended). The frequency of inspections of the elements and premises of buildings and objects Annex 6 (mandatory). Terms of troubleshooting of buildings and objects Annex 7 (recommended). List of basic works on the current repair of buildings and objects Annex 8 (recommended). The list of works on the repair of apartments performed by the lodge at the expense of the tenants of Appendix 9 (recommended). List of additional works produced by capital repairs of buildings and objects

Departmental building rates of EAS 58-88 (P)
"Regulation on the organization and conduct of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, objects of communal and socio-cultural purposes"
(approved by the Order of the State Architecture with the USSR State Street of November 23, 1988 N 312)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation establishes the composition and procedure for the functioning of a system of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities (hereinafter referred to as buildings and objects) on the list according to SNiP 2.08.02-85, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

The situation does not apply to special technological equipment of utility and socio-cultural facilities.

1.3. The rules and norms of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects reflecting their specificity, the natural climatic conditions and features of operation should be developed by the relevant branch management bodies and the executive committers of local councils in the development of this Regulation.

2. System of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects

2.1. The maintenance, repair and reconstruction systems of buildings and objects is a complex of interrelated organizational and technical measures (Reference Appendix 1) aimed at ensuring the preservation of buildings and objects. This system should include material, labor and financial resources, as well as the necessary regulatory and technical documentation.

2.2. The maintenance, repair and reconstruction system should ensure the normal functioning of buildings and objects during the entire period of their use for its intended purpose. The timing of repair of buildings, objects or their elements should be determined on the basis of assessing their technical condition. When planning repair and construction work, the frequency of them can be made in accordance with the recommended ad. 2 (for buildings and objects) and recommended adj. 3 (for elements of buildings and objects). Maintenance should be carried out constantly during the entire period of operation.

3.2. Control over the technical condition of buildings and objects should be carried out by conducting systematic planned and non-planning inspections using modern means of technical diagnostics.

3.3. Planned inspections should be divided into common and partial. With general inspections, the technical condition of the building or an object in general, its systems and external improvement should be monitored, with partial inspections - the technical condition of the individual designs of the premises, elements of external improvement.

3.4. Non-planned inspections should be carried out after earthquakes, villains, rainfalls, hurricane winds, heavy snowfalls, floods and other natural phenomena, which can cause damage to individual elements of buildings and objects, after accidents in heat, water, power supply systems and when identifying deformations reason.

3.5. Common inspections should be held twice a year: in spring and autumn.

In the spring inspection, it is necessary to check the availability of a building or an object to operate in a spring-summer period, to establish the volume of work on the preparation for operation in the autumn-winter period and clarify the volume of repair work on buildings and objects included in the current repair plan in the year of inspection.

In the autumn inspection, it is necessary to check the availability of a building or an object to operate in the autumn-winter period and clarify the volume of repair work on buildings and objects included in the current repair plan of the next year.

With common inspections, it is necessary to control the performance of employers and tenants of contracts for hiring and lease agreements.

The frequency of scheduled inspections of elements and premises of buildings and objects is given in the recommended adj. five.

3.6. When conducting partial inspections, malfunctions must be eliminated, which can be eliminated during the time allocated to the inspection.

The identified malfunctions that prevent normal operation should be eliminated within the deadlines specified in the required admission. 6.

3.7. General inspections of residential buildings should be carried out by commissions as part of representatives of housing and operational organizations and house committees (representatives of the Board of Housing and Construction Cooperatives). General inspections of communal and socio-cultural facilities should be carried out by the Commission as part of the chief engineer (engineer) of the institution or enterprise, the use of the building, a caretaker (commandant). In the necessary cases, the Commission may include experts and representatives of repair and construction organizations.

3.8. Partial inspections of residential buildings should be carried out by employees of housing and operational organizations, and communal and socio-cultural facilities - employees of the operation of the relevant organization (institution).

3.9. The results of the inspections should be reflected in the documents on the technical condition of the building or the object (journals of technical condition, special cards, etc.). These documents should contain: assessing the technical condition of the building or the object and its elements, identified faults, their locations, the reasons that caused these faults, as well as information about the repairs performed during the inspections.

Generalized information about the status of a building or an object should be reflected annually in its technical passport.

3.10. In housing and operational organizations, it is necessary to record applications of residents and tenants to eliminate malfunctions of elements of residential buildings. Ministries and departments operating communal and socio-cultural facilities establish the appropriate procedure for keeping accounting and troubleshooting.

The ministries of housing and communal services (utilities) of the Union republics must monitor the technical condition and preparation for work in winter conditions of objects of municipal and thermal power economy regardless of their departmental subordination.

3.11. For centralized management of engineering systems and equipment equipment (elevator, heating systems, hot water, heating boilers, boiler, central thermal points, elevator nodes, fire extinguishing systems and smoke, lighting of staircases, etc.), as well as for accounting for troubleshooting Building elements should create dispatch services. Dispatch services should be equipped with modern technical means of automatic control and management.

For maintenance of modern means of automation, telemechanics and to protect engineering communications from electrochemical corrosion in housing and communal services and at the facilities of socio-cultural purposes in large cities, residential specialized services should be created in large cities.

3.12. As part of maintenance costs should be provided for the reserve of funds for emergency operations. For centralized troubleshooting and accidents arising in the housing stock and at facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes, urban emergency services should be created. The interaction of emergency and dispatching (joint dispatch) services, as well as services that carry out current repairs should be ensured.

3.13. The general contractor for a 2-year period from the moment of commissioning the construction or overhaul of buildings (objects) is obliged to guarantee the quality of construction (repair and construction) works and at its own expense to eliminate the defects and shortcomings made by its fault. Under the facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes, the unfinished is eliminated within the time limits established by the relevant branch management bodies.

3.14. Planning maintenance of buildings and objects should be carried out by developing annual and quarterly schedules of maintenance work.

4. Current repair of buildings and objects

4.2. Current repairs must be performed on five-year (with the distribution of tasks by year) and annual plans.

Annual plans (with the distribution of tasks in quarters) should be drawn up to clarifying five-year-olds, taking into account the results of inspections developed by the estimated technical documentation for the current repairs, measures for the preparation of buildings and objects to exploitation in seasonal conditions.

4.3. The acceptance of the completed current repairs of residential buildings should be carried out by the Commission as part of representatives of housing and operational, repair and construction (in the contracting method) of organizations, as well as the House Committee (Board of the Housing Committee, the Housing Authority of the Organization or enterprises of ministries and departments).

The acceptance of the completed current repair of the object of municipal or socio-cultural appointment should be carried out by the Commission as part of a representative of the operating service, repair and construction (when performing work in a contractive method) of the organization and a representative of the relevant higher authority.

The procedure for accepting residential buildings after the current repairs should be established by the Miniilcomhozomov (Minturhozami) of the Union republics, and the objects of municipal and socio-cultural purposes - the relevant branch management bodies.

4.4. In the production of current repair of buildings, the contracting methods should be applied and the procedure for payment of completed work provided for overhaul.

5.2. Overhaul should be set, as a rule, the building (object) in general or its part (section, several sections). If necessary, a major repairs can be made of individual elements of the building or an object, as well as external improvement.

5.3. With the reconstruction of buildings (objects), based on the established urban planning conditions and the current design standards, in addition to work performed during major repairs, can be carried out:

changing the planning of the premises, the construction of superstructures, integrated, attachments, and if there are necessary justifications - their partial disassembly;

increasing engineering equipment, including the reconstruction of external networks (except trunk);

improving the architectural expressiveness of buildings (objects), as well as the improvement of adjacent territories.

With the reconstruction of communal and socio-cultural objects, it may be envisaged to expand the existing and the construction of new buildings and facilities of the utility and maintenance, as well as the construction of buildings and structures of the main purpose included in the complex of the object, instead of liquidated.

5.4. The preparation of five-year and annual overhaul plans and reconstruction should be made in the manner defined by the methodological recommendations of the USSR Mamurn on the development of the state plan of the economic and social development of the USSR, on the basis of data on the need for major repairs and reconstruction.

When planning and implementing the reconstruction of buildings and objects, their disposal and commissioning should be taken into account in the relevant natural and cost indicators before and after reconstruction. The carrying amount of the reconstructed buildings and objects should be defined as the amount of the costs produced on their reconstruction and the rehabilitation cost of persistent parts (elements), including equipment. The results of repairs or reconstruction should be reflected in the technical passport of the building (object).

5.5. In cities with a building, including a significant number of buildings and objects requiring overhaul or reconstruction, they should be planned to conduct them with a group method (regardless of departmental affiliation) with simultaneous coverage of the repair work of groups of various appointments within urban planning education (residential area, residential area and etc.)

5.6. The planned deadlines for the start and end of the capital repairs and the reconstruction of buildings and facilities should be appointed on the basis of the rules of the repair and reconstruction developed and approved in the manner established by the branch management bodies.

5.7. The determination of the cost of major repairs and the reconstruction of buildings (objects) should be carried out on the basis of estimated or contractual prices. The contract price of each object of repair and reconstruction should be determined on the basis of the estimates based on established, respectively, for major repairs and renovation of prices, standards, tariffs and prices taking into account the scientific and technical level, efficiency, quality, work time and other factors. In the estimates it is necessary to provide for overhead, scheduled savings, other work and costs.

In the estimated documentation, the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and the aggregates distributed into two parts are provided: one intended to pay for additional work caused by the refinement of design solutions during the production of repair or reconstruction (customer reserve), and the second, intended for compensation for additional costs, arising during the repair or reconstruction when changing ways to produce work against adopted in the estimated norms and rates (contractor's reserve).

For the result, the estimates should be indicated return amounts - the cost of materials from disassembling structures and dismantling engineering and technological equipment, determined on the basis of the regulatory exit suitable for reuse of materials and products at repair facilities in accordance with the instructions for the reuse of products, equipment and materials in housing Municipal economy.

5.8. Development of design and estimate documentation for overhaul and reconstruction of buildings (objects) should include:

conducting a technical examination, determination of physical and moral wear of design objects;

drafting design and estimate documentation for all design solutions for redevelopment, functional reassignment of premises, replacing structures, engineering systems or their device again, territory landscaping and other similar work;

technical and economic rationale for major repairs and reconstruction;

development of a project for the organization of capital repairs and reconstruction and a project for the production of work, which is developed by the contractor.

5.9. Approval and reapproved design and estimate documentation for overhaul and reconstruction should be carried out:

for buildings and objects under the jurisdiction of the executive committees, local councils of people's deputies or personal property rights, relevant executive committers or management bodies;

for buildings and objects under the jurisdiction of organizations and enterprises, are the leaders of these organizations and enterprises;

for buildings and objects belonging to cooperative, trade union and other public organizations, the reigns of relevant organizations;

for buildings and objects belonging to housing and construction cooperatives - meetings of members (authorized members) cooperatives.

5.10. The time interval between the approval of design and estimate documentation and the beginning of repair and construction work should not exceed 2 years. Outdated projects should be recycled with project organizations on customer assignments in order to bring their technical level to modern requirements and reaffirm in the manner prescribed to approve newly developed projects.

5.11. The effectiveness of major repairs and reconstruction of buildings or objects should be determined by comparison of the economic and social results obtained with the costs necessary for their achievement. At the same time, economic results should be expressed in eliminating physical wear and maintenance of operating costs, and during reconstruction - also in increasing the area, the volume of services provided, bandwidth, etc.

Social results should be expressed in improving the housing conditions of the population, the working staff working conditions, improving the quality and increase in the amount of services.

5.12. The executive committees of local councils of people's deputies, ministries and departments, who have a housing fund, should create a maneuverable housing foundation in size, ensuring the implementation of the overhaul and reconstruction of residential buildings, or provide for allocation in the appropriate size of the residential area for resettlement of residents subject to Repair and reconstruction.

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gosstroy Russia

moscow 2004.

Regulations on the organization and conduct of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, utility and socio-cultural facilities. Design standards: VNC 58-88 (P) / State Commistant Complex. - M.: FSUE CPP, 2004.

Developed: TsNIIEP Housing of Goscomcookerture (Cand. Econ Science EAT. Blech, Cand. tehn Science L.Ya. Spivak), TsNIIEP engineering equipment of the State Architecture (Cand. Tech. Science MA Latynkov), CSMIPKS Minvuza of the USSR (Cand. Tech. Science A.G. Roitman), IPK Minzhilcomhoza of the Ukrainian SSR (Cand. Tech. Science V.P. Kuksa), Accents them. K.D. Pamfilova Minzhilcomh Arms of RSFSR (Cand. Tech. Science S.N. Nothenko), Acrch them. K.D. Pamfilova (Cand. Tech. Science S.K. Ovchinnikova), Main Directorate of Housing Foreign Minister RSFSR (Ing. VB Nikolaev), MoszhilniaPront of the Headmage Management (Cand. Econ Science A.Yu. Zhdankova), Lenglonilization (Cand. ECON. Sciences M.F. Petrok), Trust "Rosorgtehstroy" Minzhilgradstroi RSFSR (Cand. Tech. Science V.L. Wolfson).

TSNIIEP housing is made

Prepared for approval by the Office for the Repair of Housing Fund of the State Committee for Architecture (Ing. G.A. Usacheva), The Office for Research and Registration of Goscomarchitectures (Cand. Tech. Science THEM. Arkharov) In coordination with the USSR statement of August 24, 1988 No. 13-303, with the USSR Ministry of Finance of September 13, 1988 No. 13-4-21 / 49.


1.1 . This Regulation establishes the composition and procedure for the functioning of a system of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities (hereinafter referred to as buildings and objects) on the list according to SNiP 2.08.02-85, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

The situation does not apply to special technological equipment of utility and socio-cultural facilities.

1.2 . This provision is mandatory for all organizations, institutions and enterprises carrying out reconstruction, capital and current repair, maintenance of buildings.

1.3 . The rules and norms of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects reflecting their specificity, the natural climatic conditions and features of operation should be developed by the relevant branch management bodies and the executive committers of local councils in the development of this Regulation.

2. System of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects

2.1 . The maintenance, repair and reconstruction systems of buildings and objects is a complex of interrelated organizational and technical measures (Reference Appendix 1) aimed at ensuring the preservation of buildings and objects. This system should include material, labor and financial resources, as well as the necessary regulatory and technical documentation.

2. 2. The maintenance, repair and reconstruction system should ensure the normal functioning of buildings and objects during the entire period of their use for its intended purpose. The timing of repair of buildings, objects or their elements should be determined on the basis of assessing their technical condition. When planning repair and construction work, the frequency of them can be made in accordance with the recommended ad. 2 (for buildings and objects) and recommended adj. 3 (for elements of buildings and objects). Maintenance should be carried out constantly during the entire period of operation.

The timing of the reconstruction of buildings and objects should be determined by social needs and, as a rule, to coincide with the terms of major repairs.

2.3 . Housing management bodies, regardless of their departmental affiliation, ministries and departments, operating communal and socio-cultural facilities, can adjust the duration of efficient operation of buildings and objects shown in ad. 2 and 3, with the appropriate feasibility study and ensuring the conditions for comfortable residence and maintenance of the population.

3. Maintenance of buildings and objects

3.1 . Maintenance of buildings should include work on the control of the technical condition, maintaining health or health, commissioning and adjustment, preparation for seasonal operation of a building or an object in general and its elements and systems, as well as to ensure sanitary and hygienic requirements for premises and adjacent territory.

The list of maintenance of buildings and objects is given in the recommended adj. four.

3.2 . Control over the technical condition of buildings and objects should be carried out by conducting systematic planned and non-planning inspections using modern means of technical diagnostics.

3.3 . Planned inspections should be divided into common and partial. With general inspections, the technical condition of the building or an object in general, its systems and external improvement should be monitored, with partial inspections - the technical condition of the individual designs of the premises, elements of external improvement.

3.4 . Non-planned inspections should be carried out after earthquakes, villains, rainfalls, hurricane winds, heavy snowfalls, floods and other natural phenomena, which can cause damage to individual elements of buildings and objects, after accidents in heat, water, power supply systems and when identifying deformations reason.

3.5 . Common inspections should be held twice a year: in spring and autumn.

In the spring inspection, it is necessary to check the availability of a building or an object to operate in a spring-summer period, to establish the volume of work on the preparation for operation in the autumn-winter period and clarify the volume of repair work on buildings and objects included in the current repair plan in the year of inspection.

In the autumn inspection, it is necessary to check the availability of a building or an object to operate in the autumn-winter period and clarify the volume of repair work on buildings and objects included in the current repair plan of the next year.

With common inspections, it is necessary to control the performance of employers and tenants of contracts for hiring and lease agreements.

The frequency of scheduled inspections of elements and premises of buildings and objects is given in the recommended adj. five.

3.6 . When conducting partial inspections, malfunctions must be eliminated, which can be eliminated during the time allocated to the inspection.

The identified malfunctions that prevent normal operation should be eliminated within the deadlines specified in the required admission. 6.

3.7 . General inspections of residential buildings should be carried out by commissions as part of representatives of housing and operational organizations and house committees (representatives of the Board of Housing and Construction Cooperatives). General inspections of communal and socio-cultural facilities should be carried out by the Commission as part of the chief engineer (engineer) of the institution or enterprise, the use of the building, a caretaker (commandant). In the necessary cases, the Commission may include experts and representatives of repair and construction organizations.

3.8 . Partial inspections of residential buildings should be carried out by employees of housing and operational organizations, and communal and socio-cultural facilities - employees of the operation of the relevant organization (institution).

3.9 . The results of the inspections should be reflected in the documents on the technical condition of the building or the object (journals of technical condition, special cards, etc.). These documents should contain: assessing the technical condition of the building or the object and its elements, identified faults, their locations, the reasons that caused these faults, as well as information about the repairs performed during the inspections.

Generalized information about the status of a building or an object should be reflected annually in its technical passport.

3.10 . In housing and operational organizations, it is necessary to record applications of residents and tenants to eliminate malfunctions of elements of residential buildings. Ministries and departments operating communal and socio-cultural facilities establish the appropriate procedure for keeping accounting and troubleshooting.

The ministries of housing and communal services (utilities) of the Union republics must monitor the technical condition and preparation for work in winter conditions of objects of municipal and thermal power economy regardless of their departmental subordination.

3.11 . For centralized management of engineering systems and equipment equipment (elevator, heating systems, hot water, heating boilers, boiler, central thermal points, elevator nodes, fire extinguishing systems and smoke, lighting of staircases, etc.), as well as for accounting for troubleshooting Building elements should create dispatch services. Dispatch services should be equipped with modern technical means of automatic control and management.

For maintenance of modern means of automation, telemechanics and to protect engineering communications from electrochemical corrosion in housing and communal services and at the facilities of socio-cultural purposes in large cities, residential specialized services should be created in large cities.

3.12 . As part of maintenance costs should be provided for the reserve of funds for emergency operations. For centralized troubleshooting and accidents arising in the housing stock and at facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes, urban emergency services should be created. The interaction of emergency and dispatching (joint dispatch) services, as well as services that carry out current repairs should be ensured.

3.13 . The general contractor for a 2-year period since putting commissioned by construction or overhaul buildings (objects) is obliged to guarantee the quality of construction (repair and construction) works and at its own expense to eliminate the defects and shortcomings made by its fault. Under the facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes, the unfinished is eliminated within the time limits established by the relevant branch management bodies.

3.14 . Planning maintenance of buildings and objects should be carried out by developing annual and quarterly schedules of maintenance work.

4. Current repair of buildings and objects

4.1 . Current repairs should be carried out with a frequency that ensures efficient operation of a building or an object from the time of its completion (overhaul) until the next overhaul (reconstruction) is set. It should take into account the natural and climatic conditions, design solutions, technical condition and mode of operation of the building or object. The duration of their efficient operation before the next current repair is provided and recommended by ad. 3, and the composition of the main work on the current repairs is in the recommended adj. 7.

4.2 . Current repairs must be performed on five-year (with the distribution of buildings by year) and annual plans.

Annual plans (with the distribution of tasks in quarters) should be drawn up to clarifying five-year-olds, taking into account the results of inspections developed by the estimated technical documentation for the current repairs, measures for the preparation of buildings and objects to exploitation in seasonal conditions.

4.3 . The acceptance of the completed current repairs of residential buildings should be carried out by the Commission as part of representatives of housing and operational, repair and construction (in the contracting method) of organizations, as well as the House Committee (Board of the Housing Committee, the Housing Authority of the Organization or enterprises of ministries and departments).

The acceptance of the completed current repair of the object of municipal or socio-cultural appointment should be carried out by the Commission as part of a representative of the operating service, repair and construction (when performing work in a contractive method) of the organization and a representative of the relevant higher authority.

The procedure for accepting residential buildings after the current repairs should be established by the Miniilcomhozomov (Minturhozami) of the Union republics, and the objects of municipal and socio-cultural purposes - the relevant branch management bodies.

4.4 . In the production of current repair of buildings, the contracting methods should be applied and the procedure for payment of completed work provided for overhaul.

4.5 . The current repair of residential and utility rooms of apartments must be carried out by the employers of these premises at their own expense on the terms and in the manner determined by the legislation of the Union republics. The list of works on the repair of apartments performed by the employers at their own expense is given in the recommended adj. 8. These works should be carried out at the expense of the operating organization if they are caused by the fault of the building elements (roofing, engineering systems, etc.), maintenance and repair of which are responsible.

5. Overhaul and reconstruction of buildings and objects

5.1 . Overhaul should include troubleshooting all worn elements, recovery or replacement (in addition to the complete replacement of stone and concrete foundations, bearing walls and frames), they are for more durable and cost-effective, improving operational performance of repaired buildings. At the same time, an economically expedient modernization of the building or an object can be carried out: improving planning, increase the number and quality of services, equipping the missing types of engineering equipment, improvement of the surrounding area.

The list of additional works produced during major repairs is provided in the recommended adj. nine.

5.2 . Overhaul should be put, as a rule, the building (object) in general or its part (section, several sections). If necessary, a major repairs can be made of individual elements of the building or an object, as well as external improvement.

5.3 . With the reconstruction of buildings (objects), based on the established urban planning conditions and the current design standards, in addition to work performed during major repairs, can be carried out:

changing the planning of the premises, the construction of superstructures, integrated, attachments, and if there are necessary justifications - their partial disassembly;

increasing engineering equipment, including the reconstruction of external networks (except trunk);

improving the architectural expressiveness of buildings (objects), as well as the improvement of adjacent territories.

With the reconstruction of communal and socio-cultural objects, it may be envisaged to expand the existing and the construction of new buildings and facilities of the utility and maintenance, as well as the construction of buildings and structures of the main purpose included in the complex of the object, instead of liquidated.

5.4 . The preparation of five-year and annual overhaul plans and reconstruction should be made in the manner defined by the methodological recommendations of the USSR Mamurn on the development of the state plan of the economic and social development of the USSR, on the basis of data on the need for major repairs and reconstruction.

When planning and implementing the reconstruction of buildings and objects, their disposal and commissioning should be taken into account in the relevant natural and cost indicators before and after reconstruction. The carrying amount of the reconstructed buildings and objects should be defined as the amount of the costs produced on their reconstruction and the rehabilitation cost of persistent parts (elements), including equipment. The results of repairs or reconstruction should be reflected in the technical passport of the building (object).

5.5 . In cities with a building, including a significant number of buildings and objects requiring overhaul or reconstruction, they should be planned to conduct them with a group method (regardless of departmental affiliation) with simultaneous coverage of the repair work of groups of various appointments within urban planning education (residential area, residential area and etc.)

5.6 . The planned deadlines for the start and end of the capital repairs and the reconstruction of buildings and facilities should be appointed on the basis of the rules of the repair and reconstruction developed and approved in the manner established by the branch management bodies.

5.7 . The determination of the cost of major repairs and the reconstruction of buildings (objects) should be carried out on the basis of estimated or contractual prices. The contract price of each object of repair and reconstruction should be determined on the basis of the estimates based on established, respectively, for major repairs and renovation of prices, standards, tariffs and prices taking into account the scientific and technical level, efficiency, quality, work time and other factors. In the estimates it is necessary to provide for overhead, scheduled savings, other work and costs.

In the estimated documentation, the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and the aggregates distributed into two parts are provided: one intended to pay for additional work caused by the refinement of design solutions during the production of repair or reconstruction (customer reserve), and the second, intended for compensation for additional costs, arising during the repair or reconstruction when changing ways to produce work against adopted in the estimated norms and rates (contractor's reserve).

For the result, the estimates should be indicated return amounts - the cost of materials from disassembling structures and dismantling engineering and technological equipment, determined on the basis of the regulatory exit suitable for reuse of materials and products at repair facilities in accordance with the instructions for the reuse of products, equipment and materials in housing Municipal economy.

5.8 . Development of design and estimate documentation for overhaul and reconstruction of buildings (objects) should include:

conducting a technical examination, determination of physical and moral wear of design objects;

drafting design and estimate documentation for all design solutions for redevelopment, functional reassignment of premises, replacing structures, engineering systems or their device again, territory landscaping and other similar work;

technical and economic rationale for major repairs and reconstruction;

development of a project for the organization of capital repairs and reconstruction and a project for the production of work, which is developed by the contractor.

5.9 . Approval and reapproved design and estimate documentation for overhaul and reconstruction should be carried out:

for buildings and facilities under the administration of executives, local councils of people's deputies or personal property rights, - by the relevant executive committees or subordinate management bodies;

for buildings and objects under the jurisdiction of organizations and enterprises, are the leaders of these organizations and enterprises;

for buildings and objects belonging to cooperative, trade union and other public organizations, the reigns of relevant organizations;

for buildings and objects belonging to housing and construction cooperatives - meetings of members (authorized members) cooperatives.

5.10 . The time interval between the approval of design and estimate documentation and the beginning of repair and construction work should not exceed 2 years. Outdated projects should be recycled with project organizations on customer assignments in order to bring their technical level to modern requirements and reaffirm in the manner prescribed to approve newly developed projects.

5.11 . The effectiveness of major repairs and reconstruction of buildings or objects should be determined by comparison of the economic and social results obtained with the costs necessary for their achievement. At the same time, economic results should be expressed in eliminating physical wear and maintenance of operating costs, and during reconstruction - also in increasing the area, the volume of services provided, bandwidth, etc.

Social results should be expressed in improving the housing conditions of the population, the working staff working conditions, improving the quality and increase in the amount of services.

5.12 . The executive committees of local councils of people's deputies, ministries and departments, who have a housing fund, should create a maneuverable housing foundation in size, ensuring the implementation of the overhaul and reconstruction of residential buildings, or provide for allocation in the appropriate size of the residential area for resettlement of residents subject to Repair and reconstruction.

5.13 . The performance of major repairs and reconstruction should be carried out in compliance with the existing rules for the organization, production and acceptance of repair and construction work, rules for labor protection and fire safety.

5.14 . Organizational forms of management of repair and construction production, methods for planning production and economic activities of repair and construction organizations, the principles of economic settlement, the form and methods of organizing production, labor, logistics, accounting and reporting and repair and construction organizations should be established similarly to capital construction Taking into account the specifics of the repair and construction production.

5.15 . Calculations for completed work on major repairs and reconstruction should be carried out for fully completed and handed over to the Customer facilities or work complexes provided for by the Contract Agreement and the annual plans taken into account.

Under utility and socio-cultural facilities, it is also allowed to calculate the technological stages.

Calculations of customers with project organizations for the development of design and estimate documentation should be carried out in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on contract for the creation of scientific and technical products.

5.16 . Acceptance of residential buildings after major repairs and reconstruction is carried out in the manner prescribed by the terms of acceptance by the overhaul of residential buildings and similar rules for the acceptance of communal and socio-cultural facilities.

6. Ensuring the maintenance system, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects with logistical, labor and financial resources

6.1 . The need for material and technical resources for maintenance, repair and reconstruction should be within the established norms of consumption of material resources.

6.2 . The maintenance costs and the current repair of engineering and technological equipment should be carried out by estimated operating costs. These costs should be provided for in the limits that ensure efficient operation.

Based on the total amount of annual maintenance costs and repair of the housing stock, utilities and social and cultural facilities, the Differentiated Sizes of the Planned Costs for these purposes (as a percentage of the restorative value of buildings) can be established for the purposes of the USSR. and the appointment of buildings, the level of their improvement, the technical condition and the natural and climatic conditions.

6.3 . Financing the reconstruction of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities is carried out by state associations, enterprises and organizations at the expense of state centralized capital investments, their own funds, long-term bank loans.

The Councils of Ministers of the Allied Republics are granted the right to resolve for institutions, organizations consisting of a budget, due to capital investments:

for the reconstruction and improvement of residential buildings;

on reconstruction, expansion and improvement of facilities of municipal, cultural and domestic purposes, health, education and social welfare;

cooperative organizations at the expense of cooperatives, bank loans;

household owned houses, at the expense of homeowners.

The costs of repair (current and capital) residential buildings, utility and socio-cultural facilities are funded by the repair fund of state associations, enterprises, organizations - fixed assets; In case of insufficiency of these funds, the repair of the Housing Fund of the Local Councils of People's Deputies, Cultural Official Objects, Health, Enlightenment and Social Appointments is made at the expense of allocations from the budget.

Financing the cost of repair of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities, cooperatives, residential buildings, apartments belonging to citizens with personal property rights is made at the expense of homeowners.

The Bank of Housing and Communal Services and Social Development of the USSR produces attracting funds to the bank funds intended for overhaul and reconstruction, issuing these funds, control over their timely admission, targeted and economical use, compliance with estimate and financial discipline when spending funds, and Also lending to the costs associated with overhaul and reconstruction.

6.4 . Councils of Ministers of the Federal Republics, the Ministries and Offices of the USSR beyond the state capital investments established by the annual and social development of the USSR, can spend up to 10% of deductions from the funds provided for by the overhaul and reconstruction of the housing stock, on:

development of fixed assets (except for the construction of residential buildings and hostels) and replenishment of working capital of repair, transport and supply organizations of housing;

design, construction and reconstruction of enterprises for the production of building materials and parts for the repair of residential buildings;

design, construction and reconstruction of workshops and warehouse premises of housing and operational organizations;

acquisition of repair equipment, inventory and tools.



Basic Terms and Definitions

Building elements- Designs and technical devices that make up the building designed to perform the specified functions.

Fault building element - The state of the element in which they are not satisfied with at least one of the specified operational requirements.

Damage to the building element - malfunction of the element of the building or its component parts caused by external influence (event).

Defect building element - a malfunction (flaw) element of the building caused by violation of the rules, norms and technical conditions in its manufacture, installation or repair.

Operational indicators of the building - a set of technical, volume-planning, sanitary and hygienic, economic and aesthetic characteristics of the building, which determine its operational qualities.

Maintenance of a residential building - A complex of work on maintaining a good condition of the elements of the building and the specified parameters, as well as modes of operation of its technical devices.

Building repair- a complex of construction work and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral wear, not related to the change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building.

Building repair - repair of the building in order to restore the health (performance) of its designs and systems of engineering equipment, as well as maintaining operational performance.

Overhaul buildings - repair of the building in order to restore its resource with replacement, if necessary, structural elements and engineering equipment systems, as well as improving performance indicators.

Physical Wear Building (Element) - The value that characterizes the degree of deterioration of technical and related other operating indicators of the building (element) at a certain point in time.

Moral wear of the building - The value that characterizes the degree of inconsistency of the basic parameters determining the conditions of residence, the scope and quality of the services provided by modern requirements.

Reconstruction of the building - A complex of construction works and organizational and technical measures related to the change in the main technical and economic indicators (the number and area of \u200b\u200bapartments, the construction volume and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building, capacity or throughput or its purpose) in order to improve the living conditions, quality of service, increasing the amount of services .

ForLocation 2.

Minimum duration of efficient operation of buildings and objects

Types of residential buildings, facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes based on materials of the main designs

Duration of effective configuration, years

before setting for current repairs

until overhaul

Polically-blood large-pointed, large-scale, with brick walls, natural stone, etc. With reinforced concrete floors under normal operating conditions (residential buildings, as well as buildings with a similar temperature and humidity regime of basic functional rooms)

Polically-blood large-pointed, large-scale, with brick walls, natural stone, etc. With reinforced concrete overlaps under normal operating conditions (residential buildings, as well as buildings with a similar temperature-humidary mode of basic functional rooms) under severe operating conditions, with high humidity, air aggressiveness, significant temperature fluctuations (bath, laundry, pools, balneo- and Mudganitsa, etc.), as well as open structures (sports, spectacular, etc.).

With brick walls, natural stone, etc. Wooden floors: Wooden, with walls from other materials under normal operating conditions (residential buildings and buildings with a similar temperature and humid mode of basic functional rooms)

The same, under favorable operating conditions, with constantly supported temperature and humidity (museums, archives, libraries, etc.)

The same, with severe conditions of operation, with high humidity, air aggressiveness, significant fluctuations, temperatures (baths, laundry, pools, balneo- and mud, etc.), as well as open construction (sports, spectacular, etc. .)


Minimum duration of efficient operation of buildings and objects

Elements of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities

Duration of operation to overhaul (replacement), years

residential buildings

buildings and objects of municipal and socio-cultural purposes in normal and favorable operating conditions


Ribbon boobs on a complex or cement solution *

The same on lime mortar and brick *

Belt concrete and reinforced concrete *

Boob and concrete poles

Pile *

Wooden chairs


Large-pointed with insulation layer of mineral wool slabs, cement fibrolite *

Large-pointed single-layer made of light concrete *

Particularly capital, stone (bricks with a thickness of 2.5 - 3.5 bricks) and large-born on a complex or cement solution *

Stone ordinary (bricks with thickness 2 - 2.5 bricks) *

Stone lightweight masonry from brick, slag blocks and shells *

Wooden chopped and blocking *

Wooden team-shield, frame-falling *

Glaiby, samanny, frame-cacisic *

Sealing junctions

The panels of the outer walls by mastic:



Places of adjoining window (door) blocks to the glands of openings


Reinforced concrete teams and monolithic *

With brick vaults or concrete filling in metal beams *

Wooden wooden beams, plastered internet

The same, attic

On wooden beams, lightweight, unworthy

Wooden on metal beams

Insulated layers of attic floors from:

foam concrete


cement Fibrolita

keramzit or slag

mineral wool

mineral wool plates


From ceramic tiles on concrete base

Cement rails

Cement with marble crumb

Board tapped by:



oak on the rails (on mastic)

beech on the rails (on mastic)

birch, aspen on the rails (on mastic)

From parquet board

From solid wood-fiber plate

Mastic on polyvinyl-cement mastic


From linoleum homeless

With fabric or heat-sounding base

From polyvinyl chloride tiles

From stone slabs:




Reinforced concrete sites, plate steps wheeled on metal, reinforced concrete boosters or reinforced concrete plate *

Overhead concrete steps with marble crumb


Balconies, loggia, porch

by steel console beams (Ramam) with filling monolithic reinforced concrete or prefabricated plates

with boarding filling

for reinforced concrete bakes-consoles and overlap stoves

Fencing balconies and loggias:

metal grille

wooden grid.

cement or tiled balconies and loggias with waterproofing

asphalt floor

carriers Wooden Console Boxes with Boating Filling

wooden floor covered with galvanized roofing steel

the same, black roofing steel

concrete with stone or concrete steps


Roofs and roofing

Rafters and a doom:

from precast concrete elements

from precast concrete flooring


Heating layers of combined airless roofs of ventilated (non-ventilated):

from foam concrete or foam glass

from clay or slag

from mineral wool

from mineral wool plates

Roof covering (roof)

From galvanized steel

From black steel

From rolled materials (at 3 - 4 layers)

From ceramic tiles

From asbestos-cement sheets and wavy slate

Bearsless Mastic Fiberglass

Watercondition system

Drainage pipes and small coatings on the facade of steel:


Internal waterproof pipes:

cast iron




Slag concrete, concrete, brick plastered

Gypsum, gypsum fiber

From dry plaster on wooden frame

Doors and windows

Window and balcony fills:

wooden binders

metal binders

Door fills:


entrance to the apartment

entrance to the staircase

public buildings outdoor / internal

Heating furnaces and kitchen foci

Kitchen ovens with a heating shield running on fuel:



Heating furnaces on fuel:




Mine and boxes in the attic:

from slag concrete plates

from wooden shields, with a roofing iron in the felt

Potted ventilation exhaust channels:

from gypsum and slag concrete slabs

from wooden shields, plastered on woven metal grid

Interior decoration


through stone walls

on wooden walls and partitions


ceramic tiles

dry plaster

Painting in the premises of the compositions:

semi-water (emulsion)

Coloring stair cells with compositions:

semi-water (emulsion)

Owls in anhydrous composition (oil, alkyd paints, enamels, varnishes, etc.):

walls, ceilings, joinery

radiators, Pipelines, Staircase Lattices

Wall pasting wallpaper:


improved quality

Outdoor finish


cement Pierced Tiles

carpet tiles

natural stone

Terrazitic plaster

Stucco on brick solution:


Stucco on a tree.

Stucco parts cement

Coloring in plaster (concrete) compositions:




siliconian paints

Oil painting on wood

Painting Roofs with oil compositions

Covering belts, sandrocks and window sills from roofing steel:


Engineering equipment

Water pipe and sewage

Cold water pipelines from pipes:


gas black

Sewer pipelines:

cast iron



Water resistance cranes

Toilet cranes






Wash tanks:

cast iron highly located



Baths enamelled cast iron


Kitchen sinks and sinks:

cast iron enameled

steel "

stainless steel

Cast iron valves and valves

Brass valves

Shower pallets


Hot water supply

Hot water pipeline from gas galvanized pipes (gas ferrous pipes) with heat supply schemes:




Towel dryers from pipes:

nickel plated

Cast iron valves and valves

Valves and cork cranes from brass

Woody columns

Insulating pipelines

Speed \u200b\u200bwater heaters

Central heating

Cast iron radiators (steel) with diagrams:



Steel calorificates



Schemes for diagrams:



House lines with schemes:




Three-way cranes


Insulating pipelines

Heating boilers:

cast iron


Outlooking boilers


Booting devices, valves

Garbage Camera, Ventilation

Gas equipment

Outdoor pipelines

Gas plates

Water columns

Electrical equipment

Enterprise devices

Outdoor highways (apartments nutrition) with distribution panels

Outdoor networks when wiring:


Network of duty lighting places of common use

Lighting networks of industrial and technical premises

Power supply:

elevator installations

smoke removal systems

Power line CTP and boiler built in the building

Household electric plates

Electrical appliances (plug sockets, switches, etc.)

Equipment of United Dispatch Systems (ODS)

Outdoor communication and alarm networks:


shields, sensors, locks, kip, etc.

telemechanical blocks, remote

logging devices

automatic fire protection


Outdoor engineering networks

Water entry from pipes:

cast iron


The courtyard and sewage release from pipes:

cast iron

ceramic or asbestos-cement

Heat pipe

Yard gas pipeline

Atundatate drainage

External improvement

Asphalt concrete (asphalt) Freight coverage, sidewalks, ottostok

Crushed stone sites and garden tracks

Children's equipment equipment

Notes: 1. The "*" elements are noted by the elements that are not subject to replacement throughout the entire period of use of buildings for appointment 2. Under severe operating conditions in the premises of the main functional designation of buildings and facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes, the indicators of the columns 3 can be reduced to 25% With relevant feasibility studies.

Appendix 4.

List of basic works on the maintenance of buildings and objects

Works performed when conducting inspections of individual elements and premises

Elimination of minor faults in water supply and sewage systems (change of pads in water taps, sealing Signs, removal of blockages, adjustment of wedral tanks, fastening of sanitary equipment, cleaning of siphones, triggering cork cranes in mixers, filling the glands, shift ball floors, replacement of rubber gaskets The bell and the ball valve, the installation of limiters - throttle washers, cleaning the tank from lime deposits, etc.), strengthening the separated devices in the places of their accession to the pipeline, strengthening pipelines.

Elimination of minor malfunctions in central heating and hot water systems (adjustment of three-way cranes, packing the seals, small repair of thermal insulation, etc.; Replacement of steel radiators during leaks, disassembly, inspection and cleaning of mud airclauses, vehicles, compensators of control cranes, valves, valves; cleaning From scale of shut-off reinforcement, et al.; Strengthening the separated devices in places of their accession to the pipeline, strengthening pipelines).

Elimination of minor faults of electrical devices (rubbing and changing overwrong electrical bulbs in public premises, shift or repair plug sockets and switches, small repair of electrical wiring, etc.).

Road ventilation.

Checking the health of the sewer hoods.

Checking for thrust in smoking channels.

Verification of grounding of baths.

Minor repair of furnaces and foci (strengthening doors, pre-optical leaves, etc.).

Cleaning the sewer bed.

Promotation of Surikovy Mazzka fistula, sections of ridges of steel roofing, etc.

Checking the grounding of the electrocabolic shell, measurement of insulation resistance of wires.

Checking equipment grounding (pumps, shield fans).

Rugging and change of blown electric bulbs on stair cells, technical undergrounds and attic.

Elimination of minor electrical wiring faults.

Change plug sockets and switches.

Works performed in the preparation of buildings to operate in the spring-summer period

Strengthening drain pipes, knees and funnels.

Ringing and repairing the watering system.

Removal of springs at the entrance doors.

Conservation of the central heating system.

Repair of equipment of children's and sports grounds.

Repair of sensing messages, sidewalks, pedestrian tracks.

Device of an additional network of watering systems.

Strengthening flag-containers.

Conservation of mobile public toilets (cleaning, disinfection, flushing equipment, tint, unloading springs, equipment adjustment).

Work on the disclosure of products in the basements and ventilation of the attic. Inspection of the roofs of facades and floors in the basements.

Works performed in the preparation of buildings to operate in the autumn-winter period

Warming of window and balcony openings *.

Replacing broken windows windows, glass blocks and balcony doors *.

Warming of entrance doors to apartments *.

* Works in apartments are carried out by employers.

Repair and insulation of attic floors.

Repair and insulation of pipelines in attic and basement.

Strengthening and repairing parapet fences.

Glazing and closing of artless auditory windows.

Making new or repair existing running boards and transitional bridges in attics, in basements.

Repair, adjustment and testing of water supply systems and central heating.

Repair of furnaces and kitchen foci.

Repair and insulation of boilers.

Repair, insulation and cleaning of smokentying channels.

Replacing broken glass blocks, windows windows, entrance doors and auxiliary doors.

Preservation of watering systems.

Strengthening flag-containers, license plates.

Sealing bloods in buildings.

Repair and insulation of external water treatment cranes and columns.

Repair and production of springs at the entrance doors.

Repair and strengthening entrance doors.

Preservation of mobile public toilets (cleaning, disinfection, flushing equipment, tint, removal of instruments and removing water, drying, sprinkling springs).

Other works

Adjustment and adjustment of central heating systems during its testing.

The same ventilation.

Flushing of the central heating system.

Cleaning and washing of water tanks.

Adjustment and adjustment of automatic control systems for engineering equipment.

Preparation of buildings for holidays.

Cleaning wells.

Preparation of water supply systems for seasonal operation.

Removal from snow roofs and forehead.

Cleaning the roof from garbage, dirt, leaves.

Appendix 5.

The frequency of inspections of the elements and premises of buildings and objects

Elements and placing buildings and object

Frequency of inspections, months


Wooden designs and joinery

Stone structures

Reinforced concrete structures

Panels of full-flora buildings and interpanel joints

Steel mortgage parts without anti-corrosion protection in full-blood buildings

10 years after the start of operation, then every 3 g

The inspections are carried out by opening 5 - 6 nodes

Steel mortgage parts with anti-corrosion protection

After 15 years, then every 3 g

Furnaces, kitchen foci, chimneys, flue pipes

Inspection and cleaning are held before the start and during the heating season

Gas belongings

Ventilation channels

The same indoors where gas appliances are installed

Internal and outdoor

Railings and enclosing lattices on the windows of staircases

Water supply systems, sewage, hot water supply

Central heating systems:

in apartments and the main functional premises of communal and socio-cultural facilities

Inspection is carried out in the heating period

in attics, in basements (underground), on stairs

Heat inputs, boilers and boiler equipment



Electrical equipment:

open wiring

hidden Wiring and Wiring in Steel Pipes

kitchen electric stoves

lamps in auxiliary premises (on stairs, in lobby, etc.)

Smoke and fire extinguishing systems



Outdoor networks, equipment and control panels ODS

Electrical equipment of house heating boiler and boilerrs, workshops, waterfronts of fecal and drainage pumps

Residential and utility rooms of apartments:

stairs, tamburas, lobby, basements, attics and other auxiliary premises of communal and socio-cultural facilities

Notes: 1. The "*" sign indicates the elements for which:

The specific frequency of inspections within the established interval is established by exploiting organizations based on the technical condition of buildings and local conditions.

2. The frequency of inspections of special types of engineering and technological equipment of communal and socio-cultural objects is established by the relevant organizations operating these objects.

Appendix 6.


Terms of elimination of faults of buildings and objects

Elements of the building and their faults *

Term of troubleshooting (from the moment of identifying them), day.




in the system of organized drainage (drain pipes, funnel, knees, marks, etc.)

inland drain

outdoor drainage


Loss of communication of individual bricks with masonry of exterior walls, threatening people's safety

1 (with an immediate fence of a danger zone)

Leaks of joints of panels

Looseness in chimneys and shelters

Window and door fills

Broken glass and torn window binding sash, windows, balcony door canvases, stained glass windows, window, glass blocks, etc.:

in winter

in summer time


Cracks and other malfunctions, threatening fire safety and penetration of flue gases

Internal and outdoor

Salt the ceiling plaster or top of the walls threatening its collapse

5 (with immediate adoption of security measures)

Violation of the coupling of external cladding, as well as stucco products installed on the facades, with walls at the height of St. 1.5 M.

Immediately, with the adoption of security measures

The same, on the ground

Sanitary-technical equipment

Leaves of water taps and washbas


emergency nature in pipelines and their pairing



fecal and drainage pumps

Electrical devices


power grid and emergency equipment (short circuit, etc.)


the same non-accidental nature

united Dispatch Systems


automatic fire protection

monitoring device



Lift faults

1 (with immediate cessation of operation)

* For other special types of engineering and technological equipment of communal and socio-cultural purposes, the deadlines for troubleshooting are established by relevant ministries and departments.

Appendix 7.

List of basic works on the current repair of buildings and objects

Foundations and walls of basement

1. Sealing and batching joints, seams, cracks, restoration of the foundation of the foundation walls on the side of the basements, bases.

2. Elimination of local deformations by smugging and enhancing walls.

3. Restoration of individual waterproofing sections of the walls of basement.

4. Punching (sealing) holes, nests, furrows.

5. Strengthening (device) of foundations for equipment (ventilation, pumping).

6. Changing individual sections of tape, columnar foundations or chairs under wooden buildings, buildings with walls from other materials.

7. Device (seal) of ventilation products, nozzles.

8. Repair of the pit, the entrances to the basement.

9. Replacing individual sections of the scene around the perimeter of buildings.

10. Sealing of inputs in basement and technical underground.

11. Installation of beacons on the walls for monitoring deformations.


1. Seeling cracks, batching of seams, restoration of cladding and a crossing of individual sections of brick walls with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 2 m 2 .

2. Sealing joints of elements of polyno-blood buildings and sealing chosel and cracks on the surface of blocks and panels.

3. Punching (sealing) holes, nests, furrows.

4. Changing individual crowns, frame elements, strengthening, insulation, caulking grooves, changing sections of plating wooden walls.

5. Restoration of individual simpleness, jumpers, cornices.

6. Staging on the solution of individual stones.

7. Warming of frozen sections of walls in separate rooms.

8. Elimination of dampness, injection.

9. Cleaning and repairing ventilation channels and exhaust devices.


1. Temporary mounting of overlaps.

2. Partial replacement or strengthening of individual elements of wooden floors (sections of a brine filling, pavement, separate beams). Restoring backfill and lubrication. Antiseptation and fire protection of wood.

3. Sealing seams in the joints of the precast concrete floors.

4. Sealing chosel and cracks in reinforced concrete structures.

5. Warming upper shelves of steel beams in the attic and their painting.

6. Additional insulation of attic ceiling with adding backfill.


1. Strengthening elements of the wooden rafter system, including the change of individual rafting legs, racks, pods, areas of runs, layers, mauerlatov and crates.

2. Antiseptic and fire protection of wooden structures.

3. All types of work to eliminate the faults of steel, asbestos-cement and other roofs from piece materials (except for complete replacement of the coating), including adjoining nodes to parapet coating designs, caps and umbrellas over pipes and other seats through the root, risers, racks, etc. d.

4. Strengthening and replacing drain pipes and small coatings of architectural elements by the facade.

5. Partial replacement of rolled carpet.

6. Replacement (restoration) of individual sections of busless roofs.

7. Strengthening, replacing parapet lattices, fire stairs, stepladder, sleeves, roof fences, grounding devices, anchors, radio and teleconnenne, etc.

8. Device or restoration of the protective finishing layer of rolled and busless roofs.

9. Replacement or repair of exits on the roof, auditory windows and special hatches.

10. Cleaning the roof from snow and sleep.

Window and door fills, translucent designs

1. Change, restoration of individual elements, partial replacement of window, door stained glass or display-windows (wooden, metal, etc.).

2. Setting the closers, springs, stops, etc.

3. Changing window and door instruments.

4. Replacement of broken glasses, glass blocks.

5. Boxing forces.


1. Strengthening, strengthening, changing individual sections of wooden partitions.

2. Grinding cracks in slab partitions, a crossing of individual sections.

3. Improving the sound insulation properties of partitions (sealing of conjugates with adjacent structures, etc.).

Stairs, balconies, porchs, umbrellas, visors over the entrances in the entrances, balconies of the upper floors

1. Sealing chosel, cracks steps and playgrounds.

2. Replacing individual steps, coming, risers.

3. Partial replacement and strengthening of metal railing, balcony lattices, balcony and loggia screens.

4. Partial replacement of elements of wooden stairs.

5. Sealing chosel and cracks of concrete and reinforced concrete balcony plates.

6. Restoration of waterproofing of floors and galvanized soles of balcony plates, sealing coatings of the porch, umbrellas, replacing the adhesive flooring with the roofing steel.

7. Restoration or replacement of individual elements of the porch; Restoration or device of umbrellas over the entrances in the entrances, basements and balconies of the upper floors.

8. Partial or complete replacement of handrails of stair and balcony fences.

9. Repair of the entrance group (input block, tambour) annually.


1. Replacing individual sections of floors of floors.

2. Replacement (device) of waterproofing of floors in separate sanitary nodes with a complete shift of the coating.

3. Sealing chosel, cracks in cement, concrete, asphalt floors and bases under the floors.

4. Rapidize board floors.

Furnaces and foci

1. All types of work to eliminate faults of furnaces of furnaces and kitchen foci, crossing them in some apartments.

2. Overload of individual sections of flue pipes, pipes, horses.

Interior decoration

1. Restoration of plastering walls and ceilings with separate places.

2. Restoration of cladding of walls with ceramic and other tiles in private places.

3. Restoration and strengthening of molding cuts and sockets, cornices.

4. All forks of plastering and painting works in all rooms, in addition to the residential, in which they are manufactured by the tenant.

Outdoor finish

1. Sandblast cleaning, flushing, painting facades.

2. Restoration of plaster sections and tiled cladding.

3. Strengthening or removing from the facade threatening the fall of architectural parts, facing tiles, individual bricks, restoration of stucco parts.

4. Oil color of windows, doors, fencing of balconies, parapet lattices, drain pipes, pergol, base.

5. Restoration of houses and street name.

Central heating

1. Change individual sections of pipelines, sections of heating devices, shut-off and regulating reinforcement.

2. Installation (if necessary) air cranes.

3. Warming of pipes, appliances, expansion tanks, Vanzov.

4. Employment of climbing boilers, blowing channels, chimneys (in boiler room).

5. Changing individual sections in cast iron boilers, reinforcement, measurement instruments, grate.

6. Replacing individual electric motors or low power pumps.

7. Restoration of destroyed thermal insulation.

8. Hydraulic test and flushing system.

9. Flushing of heating devices (for riser) and overall heating systems.

10. Adjustment and adjustment of heating systems.


1. Changing individual sites and eliminating looting of ventilation boxes, mines, cameras, air ducts.

2. Replacing fans, air valves and other equipment.

3. Repair and replacement of deflectors, pipe glides.

4. Repair and adjustment of automatic fire extinguishing systems, smoke removal.

Water supply and sewage, hot water supply (Introduction systems)

1. Sealing compounds, elimination of leaks, insulation, strengthening pipelines, change of individual sections of pipelines, shaped parts, siphones, ladders, revisions, restoration of destroyed thermal insulation of pipelines, hydraulic testing of the system, liquidation of blockages, cleaning of the courtyard, drainage.

2. Change individual watershed cranes, mixers, shower of shut-off valves.

3. Warming and replacement of water tank replacement in attics.

4. Replacing individual sections and lengthening water outdoor releases for yard and streets.

5. Replacing the inner fire cranes.

6. Repair and replacement of individual pumps and electromotors of low power.

7. Replacing individual nodes or water heating appliances for baths, strengthening and replacing smoking pipes, cleaning water heaters and coils from scale and deposits.

8. Cleaning the courtyard, drainage.

9. Anticorrosion coating, marking.

10. Repair or replacement of regulatory reinforcement.

11. Flushing of water supply systems, sewage.

12. Replacing control and measuring instruments.

Electrical and low-current devices

1. Replacing faulty sections of the electrical network of the building, as well as the device of new ones.

2. Replacing damaged sections of the intravartic group line of stationary electric stoves.

3. Replacing the failed switches, plugs, sockets, etc. (except for residential apartments).

4. Replacing the failed lamps, as well as fender lights and festive illumination.

5. Replacing fuses, circuit breakers, batch switches of input and distribution devices, shields, electric stove.

6. Replacement and installation of photo drives, time relays and other automatic or remote lighting control devices.

7. Replacing electric motors and individual electrical installations of technical devices.

8. Replacing the failed burdocks, switches, heaters of the roast cabinet and other interchangeable elements of stationary electric stoves.

9. Replacing failed stationary electric stoves.

10. Replacing accounting devices.

11. Replacement or installation of automatic control systems for the operation of the central heating of domestic communications and alarm networks, kip, etc.

12. Connecting technical devices of buildings to ODS, RDS.

13. Repair of electrical protection devices of metal pipes of internal systems of central heating and water supply from corrosion.

14. Repair or device of radio networks, telephoneization and installation of teleconnented collective use of residential buildings.

15. Restore grounding chains.

16. Replacing the failed sensors, wiring and equipment of fire and security alarm.

External improvement

1. Restoration of destroyed sections of sidewalks, travel, tracks and sites.

2. Repair, strengthening, replacement of individual sections of fences and equipment of children's game, sports and housekeeping sites, yard restrooms, garbage boxes, sites and canopies for garbage containers, etc.

3. Equipment platforms for walking animals.

Other works

1. Strengthening and device of metal lattices, enclosing the windows of basement, visors above the entrances to the basement.

2. Restoration and device of new transitions in the attic through the pipes of central heating, ventilation boxes, etc.

3. Strengthening and installing house signs, flag-containers.

4. Device and repair of lock-interconnectors.

5. Replacing or strengthening the shutters of garbage chutes, setting fixtures for cleaning trunks.

6. Adjusting all types of garbage equipment.

7. Device and repair of gas stoves.

8. Device and repair of benches on the territory of the microdistricts.

Appendix 8.

The list of works on the repair of apartments performed by the hornger at the expense of tenants

Coloring ceilings and walls of residential and utility rooms Apartments, loggias, Balcony shells.

Casting walls and ceilings with wallpaper.

Coloring of window bakes and balcony canvases, exterior and inside, floors of floors in residential and utility rooms, parquet floors.

The color of the radiators of pipes of central heating, gas pipeline, water supply and sewage system.

Coloring of external walls from the material of the signator for those living in one-storey single-headed houses.

Replacing window door and furnaces, glass insert.

Replacement or installation of additional cranes, mixers and other equipment, replacement of door canvases, built-in wardrobes and decoration of premises for the purpose of an apartment landscaping *.

* Works are carried out by the employer in coordination with the housing agent (housing and operational organization).

Repair or change of electrical wiring from input to the apartment, shift of electrical appliances, etc.

Works on improving the decoration of apartments.

Repair of plaster walls, ceilings, partitions with separate sheets in the premises of residential apartments.

Work on the reorganization and redevelopment of residential premises, according to the established procedures approved in the prescribed manner, in order to increase the level of improvement on orders of employers.

Replacing and repairing flooring.

Appendix 9.

List of additional works produced by capital repairs of buildings and objects

1. Survey of buildings (including a solid survey of the housing stock) and the manufacture of design and estimate documentation (regardless of the period of repair work).

2. Redevelopment of apartments that does not cause a change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building, an increase in the number and quality of services, equipment in apartments, kitchens and sanitary nodes; Expansion of living space due to utility rooms; improving the insolation of residential premises; eliminate dark kitchens and inlets to apartments through the kitchens with a device if necessary built-in or attached premises for staircases, sanitary nodes or kitchens, as well as balconies, loggias and erkers; replacement of furnace heating central with a device of boiler houses, heat lifting and thermal items; Re-equipment of furnaces for burning gas or coal in them; Equipment with cold and hot water, sewage systems, gas supply with connections to existing main networks at a distance from the input to the connection point to the mains to 150 mm; Device of gas supplies, water bodies, boilerrs; Installation of household electric stoves instead of gas plates or kitchen foci; device of elevators, garbage chutes, pneumatic seating systems in homes with a staircase of the upper floor of 14 m and above; translating the existing power supply network for increased voltage; device of television and radio antenna collective use, connecting to telephone and radio broadcasting networks; Installation of intercoms, electrical locks; Device of fire-fighting automation systems and smoke removal; Automation and dispatching of heating boiler, thermal networks, heat pipes and engineering equipment of residential buildings; improvement of yard territories (mixing, asphalting, landscaping, device of fences, wood barn); Children's, sports equipment (except stadiums) and household platforms; disassembling emergency houses; Changing the roof design; Equipment of attic premises of residential and non-residential buildings under the exploited.

3. Replacing the existing and installation of new technological equipment in the buildings of communal and socio-cultural purposes.

4. Warming and noise protection of buildings.

5. Replacement of worn elements of intravadal engineering networks.

6. Repair of built-in premises in buildings.

7. Examination of design and estimate documentation.

9. Technical supervision.

10. Conduct repair and restoration works of monuments under the protection of the state.

1. General Provisions. one

2. System of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects. 2.

3. Maintenance of buildings and objects. 2.

4. Current repair of buildings and objects. four

5. Overhaul and reconstruction of buildings and objects. five

6. Ensuring the maintenance system, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects with logistical, labor and financial resources. eight

Appendix 1 Basic terms and definitions. nine

Appendix 2 Minimum duration of efficient operation of buildings and objects. nine

Appendix 3 Minimum duration of efficient operation of buildings and objects. 10

Appendix 4 List of basic works on the maintenance of buildings and objects. sixteen

Appendix 5 The frequency of inspections of the elements and premises of buildings and objects. eighteen

Appendix 6 Terms of eliminating faults of buildings and objects. nineteen

Appendix 7 List of basic works on the current repair of buildings and objects. twenty

Appendix 8 List of works on the repair of apartments performed by the hides at the expense of the employers. 24.

Annex 9 A list of additional works produced by capital repairs of buildings and objects. 25.


1.1. This Regulation establishes the composition and procedure for the functioning of a system of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities (hereinafter referred to as buildings and objects) on the list according to SNiP 2.08.02-85, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

The situation does not apply to special technological equipment of utility and socio-cultural facilities.

1.2. This provision is mandatory for all organizations, institutions and enterprises carrying out reconstruction, capital and current repair, maintenance of buildings.

1.3. The rules and norms of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings and objects reflecting their specificity, the natural climatic conditions and features of operation should be developed by the relevant branch management bodies and the executive committers of local councils in the development of this Regulation.

2. Maintenance system, repair

And reconstruction of buildings and objects

2.1. The maintenance, repair and reconstruction systems of buildings and objects is a complex of interrelated organizational and technical measures (Reference Appendix 1),

Aimed at ensuring the preservation of buildings and objects. This system should include material, labor and financial resources, as well as the necessary regulatory and technical documentation.

2.2. The maintenance, repair and reconstruction system should ensure the normal functioning of buildings and objects during the entire period of their use for its intended purpose. The timing of repair of buildings, objects or their elements should be determined based on the assessment of their technical condition. When planning repair and construction work, the frequency of them can be made in accordance with the recommended ad. 2 (for buildings and objects) and recommended adj. 3 (for elements of buildings and objects). Maintenance should be carried out constantly during the entire period of operation.

The timing of the reconstruction of buildings and objects should be determined by social needs and, as a rule, to coincide with the terms of major repairs.

2.3. Housing management bodies, regardless of their departmental affiliation, ministries and departments, operating communal and socio-cultural facilities, can adjust the duration of efficient operation of buildings and objects shown in ad. 2 and 3, with the appropriate feasibility study and ensuring the conditions for comfortable residence and maintenance of the population.

3. Maintenance of buildings and objects

3.1. Maintenance of buildings should include work on the control of the technical condition, maintaining health or health, commissioning and adjustment, preparation for seasonal operation of a building or an object in general and its elements and systems, as well as to ensure sanitary and hygienic requirements for premises and adjacent territory.

The list of maintenance of buildings and objects is given in the recommended adj. four.

3.2. Control over the technical condition of buildings and objects should be carried out by conducting systematic planned and non-planning inspections using modern means of technical diagnostics.

3.3. Planned inspections should be divided into common and partial. With general inspections, the technical condition of the building or an object in general, its systems and external improvement should be monitored, with partial inspections - the technical condition of the individual designs of the premises, elements of external improvement.

3.4. Non-planned inspections should be carried out after earthquakes, villains, rainfalls, hurricane winds, heavy snowfalls, floods and other natural phenomena, which can cause damage to individual elements of buildings and objects, after accidents in heat, water, power supply systems and when identifying deformations reason.

3.5. Common inspections should be held twice a year: in spring and autumn.

In the spring inspection, the availability of a building or an object to operate in the spring-summer period should be checked, to establish the volume of work on the preparation for operation in the autumn-winter period and clarify the volume of repair work on buildings and objects included in the current repair plan in the goal of inspection.

In the autumn inspection, it is necessary to check the availability of a building or an object to operate in the autumn-winter period and clarify the volume of repair work on buildings and objects included in the current repair plan of the next year.

With common inspections, it is necessary to control the performance of employers and tenants of contracts for hiring and lease agreements.

The frequency of scheduled inspections of elements and premises of buildings and objects is given in the recommended adj. five.

3.6. When conducting partial inspections, malfunctions must be eliminated, which can be eliminated during the time allocated to the inspection.

The identified malfunctions that prevent normal operation should be eliminated within the deadlines specified in the required admission. 6.

3.7. General inspections of residential buildings should be carried out by commissions as part of representatives of housing and operational organizations and house committees (representatives of the Board of Housing and Construction Cooperatives). General inspections of communal and socio-cultural facilities should be carried out by the Commission as part of the chief engineer (engineer) of the institution or enterprise, the use of the building, a caretaker (commandant). In the necessary cases, the Commission may include experts and representatives of repair and construction organizations.

3.8. Partial inspections of residential buildings should be carried out by employees of housing and operational organizations, and communal and socio-cultural facilities - employees of the operation of the relevant organization (institution).

3.9. The results of the inspections should be reflected in the documents on the technical condition of the building or the object (journals of technical condition, special cards, etc.). These documents should contain: assessing the technical condition of the building or the object and its elements, identified faults, their locations, the reasons that caused these faults, as well as information about the repairs performed during the inspections.

Generalized information about the status of a building or an object should be reflected annually in its technical passport.

3.10. In housing and operational organizations, it is necessary to record applications of residents and tenants to eliminate malfunctions of elements of residential buildings. Ministries and departments operating communal and socio-cultural facilities establish the appropriate procedure for keeping accounting and troubleshooting.

The ministries of housing and communal services (utilities) of the Union republics must monitor the technical condition and preparation for work in winter conditions of objects of municipal and thermal power economy regardless of their departmental subordination.

3.11. For centralized management of engineering systems and equipment equipment (elevators, heating systems, hot water, heating boilers, boiler, central thermal points, elevator nodes, fire extinguishing systems and smoke removal, lighting of stair cells, etc.). And also to account for applications for troubleshooting elements of the building should be created by dispatch services. Dispatch services should be equipped with modern technical means of automatic control and management

For the maintenance of modern means of automation, telemechanics and to protect engineering communications from electrochemical corrosion in housing and communal services and local specialized trade services should be created in large cities in large cities.

3.12. As part of maintenance costs should be provided for the reserve of funds for emergency operations. For centralized troubleshooting and accidents arising in the housing stock and at facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes, urban emergency services should be created. Emergency and dispatching (United Dispatch) services are interacted, as well as services performing current repairs.

3.13. The general contractor for a 2-year period since putting commissioned by construction or overhaul buildings (objects) is obliged to guarantee the quality of construction (repair and construction) works and at its own expense to eliminate the defects and shortcomings made by its fault. Under the facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes, lowers are eliminated within the deadlines established by the relevant branch management bodies.

3.14. Planning maintenance of buildings and objects should be carried out by developing annual and quarterly schedules of maintenance work

4. Current repair of building and objects

4.1. Current repairs should be carried out with a frequency that ensures efficient operation of a building or an object from the time of its completion (overhaul) until the next overhaul (reconstruction) is set. It should take into account the natural and climatic conditions, design solutions, technical condition and mode of operation of the building or object. The duration of their efficient operation before the next current repair is provided and recommended by ad. 3, and the composition of the main work on the current repairs is in the recommended adj. 7.

4.2. Current repairs must be performed on five-year (with the distribution of buildings by year) and annual plans.

Annual plans (with the distribution of tasks in quarters) should be drawn up to clarifying five-year-olds, taking into account the results of inspections developed by the estimated technical documentation for the current repairs, measures for the preparation of buildings and objects to exploitation in seasonal conditions.

4.3. The acceptance of the permanent current repair of residential building should be carried out by the Commission as part of representatives of the housing and operational, repair and construction (under the work of the contracting method) of organizations, as well as the House Committee (Board of the Housing Committee, the Housing Authority of the Organization or enterprises of ministries and departments).

The acceptance of the completed current repair of the object of municipal or socio-cultural appointment should be carried out by the Commission as part of a representative of the operating service, repair and construction (when performing work in a contractive method) of the organization and a representative of the relevant higher authority.

The procedure for accepting residential buildings after the current repairs should be established by the Miniilcomhozomov (Minturhozami) of the Union republics, and the objects of municipal and socio-cultural purposes - the relevant branch management bodies.

4.4. In the production of current repair of buildings, the contracting methods should be applied and the procedure for payment of completed work provided for overhaul.

4.5. The current repair of residential and utility rooms of apartments must be carried out by the employers of these premises at their own expense on the terms and in the manner determined by the legislation of the Union republics. The list of works on the repair of apartments performed by the employers at their own expense is given in the recommended adj. 8. These works should be carried out at the expense of the operating organization if they are caused by the fault of the building elements (roofing, engineering systems, etc.), maintenance and repair of which are responsible.

5. Overhaul and reconstruction of buildings

And objects

5.1. Overhaul should include troubleshooting all worn elements, recovery or replacement (in addition to the complete replacement of stone and concrete foundations, bearing walls and frames), they are for more durable and cost-effective, improving operational performance of repaired buildings. At the same time, an economically appropriate modernization of the building or an object can be carried out: improvement planning, increase the number and quality of services, equipping the missing types of engineering equipment, improvement of the surrounding area

The list of additional works produced during major repairs is provided in the recommended adj. nine.

5.2. Overhaul should be put, as a rule, the building (object) in general or its part (section, several sections). If necessary, a major repairs can be made of individual elements of the building or an object, as well as external improvement.

Act Editorial 23.11.1988

Name Document"Departmental construction norms of the WGN 58-88 (p)" Regulations on the organization and conduct of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities "" (approved by the Order of the State Committee for the Russian Federation under the USSR State Communist Party from 11/23/88 N 312)
Document typeorder, Rules
Accepted bygosstroy USSR
Document Number312
Date of adoption01.01.1970
Date of editorial23.11.1988
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"Departmental construction norms of the WGN 58-88 (p)" Regulations on the organization and conduct of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities "" (approved by the Order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation at the USSR State Committee

Order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation at the USSR
of November 23, 1988 N 312
Murnian USSR
August 24, 1988 N 13-303

Works performed when conducting inspections of individual elements and premises

Elimination of minor faults in water supply and sewage systems (change of pads in water taps, sealing Signs, removal of blockages, adjustment of wedral tanks, fastening of sanitary equipment, cleaning of siphones, triggering cork cranes in mixers, filling the glands, shift ball floors, replacement of rubber gaskets The bell and the ball valve, the installation of limiters - throttle washers, cleaning the tank from lime deposits, etc.), strengthening the separated devices in the places of their accession to the pipeline, strengthening pipelines.

Elimination of minor malfunctions in central heating and hot water systems (adjustment of three-way cranes, packing the seals, small repair of thermal insulation, etc.; Replacement of steel radiators during leaks, disassembly, inspection and cleaning of mud airclauses, vehicles, compensators of control cranes, valves, valves; cleaning From scale of shut-off reinforcement, et al.; Strengthening the separated devices in places of their accession to the pipeline, strengthening pipelines).

Elimination of minor faults of electrical devices (rubbing and changing overwrong electrical bulbs in public premises, shift or repair plug sockets and switches, small repair of electrical wiring, etc.).

Road ventilation.

Checking the health of the sewer hoods.

Checking for thrust in smoking channels.

Verification of grounding of baths.

Minor repair of furnaces and foci (strengthening doors, pre-optical leaves, etc.).

Cleaning the sewer bed.

Promotation of Surikovy Mazzka fistula, sections of ridges of steel roofing, etc.

Checking the grounding of the electrocabolic shell, measurement of insulation resistance of wires.

Checking equipment grounding (pumps, shield fans).

Rugging and change of blown electric bulbs on stair cells, technical undergrounds and attic.

Elimination of minor electrical wiring faults.

Change plug sockets and switches.

Works performed in the preparation of buildings to operate in the spring-summer period

Strengthening drain pipes, knees and funnels.

Ringing and repairing the watering system.

Removal of springs at the entrance doors.

Conservation of the central heating system.

Repair of equipment of children's and sports grounds.

REPAIR OF THE SELECT GELSEST, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways,

Device of an additional network of watering systems.

Strengthening flag-containers.

Conservation of mobile public toilets (cleaning, disinfection, flushing equipment, tint, unloading springs, equipment adjustment).

Work on the disclosure of products in the basements and ventilation of the attic. Inspection of the roofs of facades and floors in the basements.

Works performed in the preparation of buildings to operate in the autumn-winter period

Warming of window and balcony openings *.

Replacing broken windows windows, glass blocks and balcony doors *.

Warming of entrance doors to apartments *.

Repair and insulation of attic floors.

Repair and insulation of pipelines in attic and basement.

Strengthening and repairing parapet fences.

Glazing and closing of artless auditory windows.

Making new or repair existing running boards and transitional bridges in attics, in basements.

Repair, adjustment and testing of water supply systems and central heating.

Repair of furnaces and kitchen foci.

Repair and insulation of boilers.

Repair, insulation and cleaning of smokentying channels.

Replacing broken glass blocks, windows windows, entrance doors and auxiliary doors.

Preservation of watering systems.

Strengthening flag-containers, license plates.

Sealing bloods in buildings.

Repair and insulation of external water treatment cranes and columns.

Repair and production of springs at the entrance doors.

Repair and strengthening entrance doors.

Conservation of mobile public toilets (cleaning, disinfection, flushing equipment, tint, removal of instruments and removing water, drying, unloading springs)

Elements and placing buildings and objectFrequency of inspections, monthsNotes
Wooden designs and joinery6-12*
Stone structures12
Reinforced concrete structures12
Panels of full-flora buildings and interpanel joints12
Steel mortgage parts without anti-corrosion protection in full-blood buildings10 years after the start of operation, then every 3 gThe inspections are carried out by opening 5-6 nodes
Steel mortgage parts with anti-corrosion protectionAfter 15 years, then every 3 g
Furnaces, kitchen foci, chimneys, flue pipes3 Inspection and cleaning are held before the start and during the heating season
Gas belongings3
Ventilation channels12
The same indoors where gas appliances are installed3
Railings and enclosing lattices on the windows of staircases6
Water supply systems, sewage, hot water supply3-6*
Central heating systems:
in apartments and the main functional premises of communal and socio-cultural facilities3-6* Inspection is carried out in the heating period
in attics, in basements (underground), on stairs2
Heat inputs, boilers and boiler equipment2
Electrical equipment:
open wiring3
hidden Wiring and Wiring in Steel Pipes6
kitchen electric stoves6
lamps in auxiliary premises (on stairs, in lobby, etc.)3
Smoke and fire extinguishing systemsMonthly
Outdoor networks, equipment and control panels ODS 3
Electrical equipment of house heating boiler and boilerrs, workshops, waterfronts of fecal and drainage pumps2
Residential and utility rooms Apartments: Stairs, Tamburas, Lobby, Basements, Attic and other auxiliary premises of communal and socio-cultural facilities12

Notes: 1. The "*" sign indicates the elements for which:

Specific frequency of inspections within the established interval is established by operating organizations based on the technical condition of buildings and local conditions.

5 Inland drain2 Outdoor drainage5 Walls Loss of communication of individual bricks with masonry of exterior walls, threatening people's safety1 (with an immediate fence of a danger zone) Leak joint panels7 Looseness in chimneys and shelters1 Window and door fills Broken glass and torn window binding sash, windows, balcony doors, stained glass windows, showcases, glass blocks, etc.: - in winter1 - in summer time3 Stove Cracks and other malfunctions, threatening fire safety and penetration of flue gases Internal and outdoor Salt the ceiling plaster or top of the walls threatening its collapse Violation of the coupling of external cladding, as well as stucco products installed on the facades from the walls at a height of more than 1.5 m5 (with immediate adoption of security measures) The same, on the ground5 Sanitary-technical equipment The leaks of water taps and flip tanks, malfunction of an emergency nature in pipelines and their pairsimmediately Malfunctions of garbage rubber1 Faults of fecal and drainage pumps1 Electrical devices Malfunctions of power grids and emergency equipment (short circuit, etc.)immediately Same, not emergency1 Faults of the combined dispatch systemsimmediately Fault automatics of fire protectionimmediately Malfunctions of negotiation and locking devices1 Faults electric stove1 Lifts Lift faults1 (with immediate cessation of operation)

<*> In other special types of engineering and technological equipment of communal and socio-cultural facilities, the deadlines are established by relevant ministries and departments.

List of basic works on the current repair of buildings and objects

Foundations and walls of basement

1. Sealing and batching joints, seams, cracks, restoration of the foundation of the foundation walls on the side of the basements, bases.

2. Elimination of local deformations by smugging and enhancing walls.

3. Restoration of individual waterproofing sections of the walls of basement.

4. Punching (sealing) holes, nests, furrows.

5. Strengthening (device) of foundations for equipment, (ventilation, pumping).

6. Changing individual sections of tape, columnar foundations or chairs under wooden buildings, buildings with walls from other materials.

7. Device (seal) of ventilation products, nozzles.

8. Repair of the pit, the entrances to the basement.

9. Replacing individual sections of the scene around the perimeter of buildings.

10. Sealing of inputs in basement and technical underground.

11. Installation of beacons on the walls for monitoring deformations.

1. Seeling cracks, launching of seams, restoration, cladding and bubbling of individual sections of brick walls with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 2 m2.

2. Sealing joints of elements of polyno-blood buildings and sealing chosel and cracks on the surface of blocks and panels.

3. Punching (sealing) holes, nests, furrows.

4. Changing individual crowns, frame elements, strengthening, insulation, caulking grooves, changing sections of plating wooden walls.

5. Restoration of individual simpleness, jumpers, cornices.

6. Staging on the solution of individual stones.

7. Warming of frozen sections of walls in separate rooms.

8. Elimination of dampness, injection.

9. Cleaning and repairing ventilation channels and exhaust devices.


1. Temporary mounting of overlaps.

2. Partial replacement or strengthening of individual elements of wooden floors (sections of a brine filling, pavement, separate beams). Restoring backfill and lubrication. Antiseptation and fire protection of wood.

3. Sealing seams in the joints of the precast concrete floors.

4. Sealing chosel and cracks in reinforced concrete structures.

5. Warming upper shelves of steel beams in the attic and their painting.

6. Additional insulation of attic ceiling with adding backfill.

1. Strengthening elements of the wooden rafter system, including the change of individual rafting legs, racks, pods, areas of runs, layers, mauerlatov and crates.

2. Antiseptic and fire protection of wooden structures.

3. All types of work to eliminate the faults of steel, asbestos-cement and other roofs from piece materials (except for complete replacement of the coating), including adjoining nodes to parapet coating designs, caps and umbrellas over pipes and other seats through the root, risers, racks, etc. d.

4. Strengthening and replacing drain pipes and small coatings of architectural elements by the facade.

5. Partial replacement of rolled carpet.

6. Replacement (restoration) of individual sections of busless roofs.

7. Strengthening, replacing parapet lattices, fire stairs, stepladder, sleeves, roof fences, grounding devices, anchors, radio and teleconnenne, etc.

8. Device or restoration of the protective finishing layer of rolled and busless roofs.

9. Replacement or repair of exits on the roof, auditory windows and special hatches.

10. Cleaning the roof from snow and sleep.

Window and door fills, translucent designs

1. Change, restoration of individual elements, partial replacement of window, door stained glass or display-windows (wooden, metal, etc.).

2. Setting the closers, springs, stops, etc.

3. Changing window and door instruments.

4. Replacement of broken glasses, glass blocks.

5. Boxing forces.


1. Strengthening, strengthening, changing individual sections of wooden partitions.

2. Grinding cracks in slab partitions, a crossing of individual sections.

3. Improving the sound insulation properties of partitions (sealing of conjugates with adjacent structures, etc.).

Stairs, balconies, porchs, umbrellas, visors over the entrances in the entrances, balconies of the upper floors

1. Sealing chosel, cracks steps and playgrounds.

2. Replacing individual steps, coming, risers.

3. Partial replacement and strengthening of metal railing, balcony lattices, balcony and loggia screens.

4. Partial replacement of elements of wooden stairs.

5. Sealing chosel and cracks of concrete and reinforced concrete balcony plates.

6. Restoration of waterproofing of floors and galvanized soles of balcony plates, sealing coatings of the porch, umbrellas, replacing the adhesive flooring with the roofing steel.

7. Restoration or replacement of individual elements of the porch; Restoration or device of umbrellas over the entrances in the entrances, basements and balconies of the upper floors.

8. Partial or complete replacement of handrails of stair and balcony fences.

9. Repair of the entrance group (input block, tambour) annually.

1. Replacing individual sections of floors of floors.

2. Replacement (device) of waterproofing of floors in separate sanitary nodes with a complete shift of the coating.

3. Sealing chosel, cracks in cement, concrete, asphalt floors and bases under the floors.

4. Rapidize board floors.

Furnaces and foci

1. All types of work to eliminate faults of furnaces of furnaces and kitchen foci, crossing them in some apartments.

2. Overload of individual sections of flue pipes, pipes, horses.

Interior decoration

1. Restoration of plastering walls and ceilings with separate places.

2. Restoration of cladding of walls with ceramic and other tiles in private places.

3. Restoration and strengthening of molding cuts and sockets, cornices.

4. All types of plastering and painting works in all rooms, in addition to residential, in which they are manufactured by the tenant.

Outdoor finish

1. Sandblast cleaning, flushing, painting facades.

2. Restoration of plaster sections and tiled cladding.

3. Strengthening or removing from the facade threatening the fall of architectural parts, facing tiles, individual bricks, restoration of stucco parts.

4. Oil color of windows, doors, fencing of balconies, parapet lattices, drain pipes, pergol, base.

5. Restoration of houses and street name.

Central heating

1. Change individual sections of pipelines, sections of heating devices, shut-off and regulating reinforcement.

2. Installation (if necessary) air cranes.

3. Warming of pipes, appliances, expansion tanks, Vanzov.

4. Employment of climbing boilers, blowing channels, chimneys (in boiler room).

5. Changing individual sections in cast iron boilers, reinforcement, measurement instruments, grate.

6. Replacing individual electric motors or low power pumps.

7. Restoration of destroyed thermal insulation.

8. Hydraulic test and flushing system.

9. Flushing of heating devices (for riser) and overall heating systems.

10. Adjustment and adjustment of heating systems.


1. Changing individual sites and eliminating looting of ventilation boxes, mines, cameras, air ducts.

2. Replacing fans, air valves and other equipment.

3. Repair and replacement of deflectors, pipe glides.

4. Repair and adjustment of automatic fire extinguishing systems, smoke removal.

Water supply and sewage, hot water supply (Introduction systems)

I. compaction of compounds, elimination of leaks, insulation, strengthening pipelines, change of individual sections of pipelines, shaped parts, siphones, ladders, revisions; Restoration of destroyed thermal insulation of pipelines, hydraulic testing of the system, liquidation of blockages, cleaning of the courtyard, drainage.

2. Change individual watershed cranes, mixers, shower of shut-off valves.

3. Warming and replacement of water tank replacement in attics.

4. Replacing individual sections and lengthening water outdoor releases for yard and streets.

5. Replacing the inner fire cranes.

6. Repair and replacement of individual pumps and electromotors of low power.

7. Replacement of individual nodes or water heating devices for baths, strengthening and replacing smoking pipes; Cleaning water heaters and coils from scale and deposits.

8. Cleaning the courtyard, drainage.

9. Anticorrosion coating, marking.

10. Repair or replacement of regulatory reinforcement.

11. Flushing of water supply systems, sewage.

12. Replacing control and measuring instruments.

Electrical and low-current devices

1. Replacing faulty sections of the electrical network of the building, as well as the device of new ones.

2. Replacing damaged sections of the intravartic group line of stationary electric stoves.

3. Replacing the failed switches, plugs, sockets, etc. (except for residential apartments).

4. Replacing the failed lamps, as well as fender lights and festive illumination.

5. Replacing fuses, circuit breakers, batch switches of input and distribution devices, shields, electric stove.

6. Replacement and installation of photo drives, time relays and other automatic or remote lighting control devices.

7. Replacing electric motors and individual electrical installations of technical devices.

8. Replacing the failed burdocks, switches, heaters of the roast cabinet and other interchangeable elements of stationary electric stoves.

9. Replacing failed stationary electric stoves.

10. Replacing accounting devices.

11. Replacement or installation of automatic control systems for the operation of the central heating of domestic communications and alarm networks, kip, etc.

12. Connecting technical devices of buildings to ODS, RDS.

13. Repair of electrical protection devices of metal pipes of internal systems of central heating and water supply from corrosion.

14. Repair or device of radio networks, telephoneization and installation of teleconnented collective use of residential buildings.

15. Restore grounding chains.

16. Replacing the failed sensors, wiring and equipment of fire and security alarms.

External improvement

1. Restoration of destroyed sections of sidewalks, travel, tracks and sites.

2. Repair, strengthening, replacement of individual sections of fences and equipment of children's game, sports and housekeeping sites, courtyard restrooms, garbage boxes, sites and canopies for garbage containers, etc.

3. Equipment platforms for walking animals.

Other works

1. Strengthening and device of metal lattices, enclosing the windows of basement, visors above the entrances to the basement.

2. Restoration and device of new transitions in the attic through the pipes of central heating, ventilation boxes, etc.

3. Strengthening and installing house signs, flag-containers.

4. Device and repair of lock-interconnectors.

5. Replacing or strengthening the shutters of garbage chutes, setting fixtures for cleaning trunks.

6. Adjusting all types of garbage equipment.

7. Device and repair of gas stoves.

8. Device and repair of benches on the territory of the microdistricts.

The list of works on the repair of apartments performed by the hornger at the expense of tenants

Coloring ceilings and walls of residential and utility rooms Apartments, loggias, Balcony shells.

Casting walls and ceilings with wallpaper.

Coloring window bakes and balcony canvases, (outdoor and inner sides, floors of floors in residential and utility rooms, parquet floors.

Coloring radiators, central heating pipes, gas pipeline, water supply and sewage.

Coloring of external walls from the material of the signator for those living in one-storey single-headed houses.

Replacing windows, door and furnaces, glass insert. Replacement or installation of additional cranes, mixers and other equipment, replacement of door canvases, built-in wardrobes and decoration of premises for the purpose of an apartment landscaping *.

Repair or change of electrical wiring from input to the apartment, shift of electrical appliances, etc.

Works on improving the decoration of apartments.

Repair of plaster walls, ceilings, partitions with separate sheets in the premises of residential apartments.

Work on the reorganization and redevelopment of residential premises, according to the established procedures approved in the prescribed manner, in order to increase the level of improvement on orders of employers.

Replacing and repairing flooring.

* Works are carried out by the employer in coordination with the housing agent (housing and operational organization).

List of additional works produced by capital repairs of buildings and objects

1. Survey of buildings (including a solid survey of the housing stock) and the manufacture of design and estimate documentation (regardless of the period of repair work).

2. Repair and construction work on changing, restoring or replacing elements of buildings in accordance with clause 5.2.

3. Modernization of buildings during their overhaul (redevelopment), taking into account the reassembly of multi-room apartments, an increase in the number and quality of services, equipment in kitchen apartments and sanitary nodes, expanding residential areas due to auxiliary premises, improving the isolation of residential premises, the elimination of dark kitchens and inputs in apartment through the kitchen, with the device, if necessary, built-in or attached rooms for staircases, sanitary nodes or kitchens; replacement of furnace heating central with a device of boiler houses, heat lifting and thermal items; Re-equipment of furnaces for burning gas or coal in them; equipment with hot and cold water supply, sewage systems, gas supply with accession to existing trunk networks, with a distance from input to the connection point to highways up to 150 m, the device of gas supplies, waterboards, boilerrs; Full replacement of existing central heating systems, hot and cold water supply, installation of household electric stoves, replacement of gas plates or kitchen foci; device of elevators, garbage chutes, pneumatic seating systems in homes with a staircase of the upper floor of 14 m and above; translating the existing power supply network for voltage increase; device of television and radio antenna collective use, connecting to telephone and radio networks; Installation of intercoms, electrical locks; Device of fire-fighting automation systems and smoke removal; Automation and dispatching of heating boiler, thermal networks, heat pipes and engineering equipment of residential buildings; Improvement of yard areas (inspection, asphalting, landscaping, device of fences, wood sheds, equipment of children's and household platforms). Disassembly emergency houses. Repair of roofs, facades, joints of polyno-blood buildings; Equipment of attic premises of residential and non-residential buildings under the exploited.

4. Replacement and installation of additional technological equipment of municipal and socio-cultural purposes.

5. Warming of buildings (work on improving the thermal insulation properties of enclosing structures, a device of window fillings with integrated glazing, an external tambouri device).

6. Replacement of intra-quarterly engineering networks located on the balance sheet of housing and operational organizations.

7. Reconstruction with the major repairs of residential buildings of non-ventilated combined roofs on ventilated.

9. Examination of design and estimate documentation.

10. Conduct repair and restoration works of monuments under the protection of the state.

11. Repair of built-in rooms in buildings.

12. Technical supervision in cases where in the management bodies of the housing and communal services of local councils, organizations and enterprises of ministries and departments created divisions on the technical oversight of the overhaul of the housing stock.

The site "Zakonbase" presented "departmental construction norms of the VSN 58-88 (p)" Regulations on the organization and conduct of the reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, facilities of municipal and socio-cultural purposes "" (approved by the order of the USSR State Committee 11/23/88 N 312) In the latest edition. Observe all the requirements of the legislation simply, if you familiarize yourself with the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislation on the topic of interest, it is worth using convenient navigation or expanded search.

On the site "Zakonbase" you will find "Departmental Construction Rates of VSN 58-88 (p)" Regulations on the organization and conduct of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, facilities of communal and socio-cultural purposes "" (approved by the order of the USSR State Architecture From 11/23,888 N 312) in the fresh and full version, in which all changes and amendments are made. This ensures the relevance and accuracy of the information.

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