
Designations of partitions of working documentation for GOST. Procedure for design documentation (cipher). Rules for making changes to the working documentation issued to the Customer

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GOST 21.101-97 Basic requirements for project and working documentation

Date of introduction 1998-04-01

7 Rules for making changes to working documentation issued to the Customer

7.1 Changing the working document previously issued to the Customer is any correction, exception or adding any data to it without changing the designation of this document. The designation of the document is allowed to change only when different documents are erroneously assigned the same designations or an error is made in the designation.

7.2 Changes contribute to the original document. Making changes to calculations is not allowed.

7.3 Copies of sheets (modified, additional and released instead of replaced sheets) of working documentation guide to organizations that were previously sent copies of documents, simultaneously with copies of the general data of the relevant basic set of work drawings refined in accordance with 7.5.

7.4 Permission to make changes

The permission approves the head of the organization - a document developer or on his instructions another official.

7.4.2 The basis for obtaining original documents for making changes to the changes is permission.

7.4.3 Changes to each document (for example, the main set of workers drawings, the specification of equipment, products and materials) is made in a separate resolution.

It is allowed to make one general permission to change, introduced simultaneously in several documents if the changes are interconnected or the same for all changeable documents.

7.5 Amendments

7.5.1 Changes to the original documents are made by overclocking or clearing (washing). At the same time take into account the physical state of the original.

7.5.2 After making changes, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, thickness of lines, the magnitude of the lumen, etc. Must be implemented according to the rules provided for by the relevant ECCD standards and Reprography standards system.

7.5.3 Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. Excrying with solid thin lines and there are new data.

7.5.4 When the image is changed (part of the image), it is reduced by a solid thin line forming a closed loop, and crucifically crossed with solid thin lines.

A new image of the changed area is performed on a free field of a sheet or on another sheet without turns.

7.5.5 A variable, canceled and additional sections of the image assign the designation consisting of the sequence number of the next document change and through the point of the sequence number of the variable (canceled, additional) section of the image within this sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned the designation of the changed image.

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, the changes assigned to it is preserved and in the table of changes of this sheet do not take into account.

7.5.6 Near each change, including about a change corrected by the clearing (washed), outside the image is applied to the parallelogram the designation of the change in accordance with Figure 15.

Figure 15.

From the parallelogram spend a solid thin line to the changed area.

7.5.7 Closely located from each other. Modified sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. They will be reduced with a solid thin line forming a closed loop, without crossbinding in accordance with Figure 16.

Figure 16.

7.5.8 If a new image of the modified area is placed on another sheet, then the replaced image also indicates the number of the sheet on which the new image is located in accordance with Figure 17.

Figure 17.

7.5.9 Over the new image of the changed area is placed in the parallelogram, the designation of the change in the replaced image is placed, and at a parallelogram indicate: "In return crushed."

If a new image of the modified area is placed on another sheet, then at a parallelogram indicate: "In addition to the listed on the sheet (the sheet number on which the image is replaced)" in accordance with Figure 18.

Figure 18.

7.5.10 If a new image of the modified area is placed near the replaced, they are connected by liners with the notation of the change in accordance with Figure 19.

Figure 19.

Over the optional image is placed in the parallelogram the designation of the change, and at the parallelogram indicate: "Supplement" in accordance with Figure 20.

Figure 20.

7.5.11 When canceling an image (part of the image), the change indicates: "canceled".

7.5.12 If there is not enough space for making changes or a violation of the definition of the image when corrected is possible, then a new script is manufactured taking into account the changes made and retain its former designation.

If one or more of the script sheets is replaced or add, then they retain them inventory numberassigned to the script.

When replacing all the script sheets, he is assigned a new inventory number.

7.5.13 When making changes to the sheets of the main set of work drawings in the statement of the working drawings of this kit on the sheets of common data in the "Note" column indicate:

a) when making the first change - "Change. 1".

When submitting subsequent changes - additionally, the next number numbers, separating them from the previous point with a comma.

An example is changed. one; 2; 3.

b) on the replaced sheets under the change number - "(deputy.)."

An example is changed. 1 (deputy)

c) on canceled sheets with the change number - "canceled".

An example is changed. 1 (canceled)

d) on additional sheets in the change number - "(new)"

An example is changed. 1 (new)

7.5.14 If the main set of work drawings include additional sheets, then they are assigned the next ordinal numbers and recorded in the continuation of the statement of the work drawings of the corresponding main kit.

With a lack of space in the statement of work drawings for recording additional sheets, the continuation of the statement is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. At the same time, at the end of the statement of work drawings placed in "General Data", record:

"For a continuation of the statement, see the sheet (sheet number)", and above the statement on the additional sheet, the title is placed: "The statement of the work drawings of the main kit (continued)."

The rooms and the names of the annulled sheets in the statement of the work drawings are burned.

When changing the names of sheets, appropriate changes in the Count "Name" are made.

7.5.15 With the change in the total number of sheets of the document on its first sheet in the main inscription, appropriate changes in the "Sheets" column are made.

7.5.16 When performing additional and cancellation of previously executed accompanying documents, corrections make corrections to the statement of reference and accompanying documents of the corresponding major set of work drawings.

7.5.17 When performing additional and cancellation of previously completed main sets of work drawings, corrections contribute to the statement of the main sets of work drawings.

7.5.18 Changes made to the script indicate a change table placed in the main inscription.

A table of change is allowed to put out the main inscription (above it or to the left of it) in the same form.

7.5.19 In the Change Table indicate:

a) in the column "Izm." - the sequence number of document change;

b) in the column "count. uch." - the number of variable sections of the image on this sheet within the next change;

c) in the column "Sheet" - on sheets released instead of replaced, - "deputy.", on sheets added again, - "New".

When replacing all the sheets of the script (with the next order number of the document change) on the first sheet in the column "sheet" indicate "all". At the same time, the table of changes on other sheets of this script is not filled.

In other cases, the column "Sheet" is puffed;

d) in the column "no doc." - permit designation;

e) in the column "sub." - the signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the changes (the signature of the person responsible for the normocontrol is put on the field to cover sheet);

e) in the "Date" column - the date of change.

7.5.20 The change table does not take into account the corrections made in the master data sheet in connection with the introduction of changes in the sheets of the main kit and the accompanying documents.

7.5.21 When you make changes to text documents, it is recommended to perform a table of registration of changes in software. The registration table is placed on the title page of a text document.

7.5.22 Significant changes in text documents make one of the following ways:

a) replacing all or individual sheets of the document;

b) the release of new additional sheets.

When text documents are changed, it is allowed when adding a new sheet to assign the number of the previous sheet with the addition of another Arabic digit, separating it from the previous point.

Example - 3.1.

In this case, on the first sheet, the total number of sheets change.

In text documents containing mainly solid text, it is allowed when adding a new item to assign it the number of the previous point with the addition of the next lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, and when the item is canceled - to save subsequent points numbers.

7.5.23 When canceling or replacing the document, all canceled and replaced sheets of the original are cross-shaped with solid thin lines and stamped stamp.

GOST 21.101-93

Interstate standard


To working documentation Measurement Scientific and Technical Commission
According to standardization and technical rationing
In construction (MNTKS)


1 Developed by the Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute for Methodology, Organization, Economics and Design Automation (TsNIiprect), Design Institute (PromstroyProekt), Design Institute No. 2 (PI-2), Central Research and Research Institute of Individual Experimental Design The dwellings (TSNIIepliga) were introduced by the Ministry of Economics of Russia2 adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Registration in Construction on November 10, 1993. For the adoption of the standard voted:

Name of state

Name of the authority of government construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan Gosstroy Azerbaijan Republic Republic of Armenia State State University of the Republic of Armenia Republic of Belarus Gosstroy Republic of Belarus The Republic of Kazakhstan MinStroy Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kyrgyzstan Gosstroy Kyrgyz Republic The Republic of Moldova Minarkhstroy Republic of Moldova The Russian Federation Gosstroy Russia The Republic of Tajikistan Gosstroy Republic Tajikistan Ukraine Ministry of All-Architecture of Ukraine
3 enacted from September 1, 1994 as a state standard Russian Federation Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 12, 1994 No. 18-124 instead of GOST 21.101-79, GOST 21.102-79, GOST 21.103-78, GOST 21.104-79, GOST 21.105-79, GOST 21.201-78, GOST 21.202-78

Interstate standard

Date of introduction 1994-09-01

This standard establishes the basic requirements for working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures of various purposes.

1. The composition of the working documentation

The working documentation for the construction of a building and structure in the general case includes: 1) workers drawings intended for the production of construction and installation work; 2) working documentation for construction products according to GOST 21.501; 3) equipment specifications according to GOST 21.110; 4) Vedomosti and consolidated statements of the need for materials according to GOST 21.110 *; 5) Vedomosti and collections of the vocabulary of the volume of construction and mounting work according to GOST 21.110 *; 6) Other documentation provided for by the relevant system standards project documentation for construction (SPDS); 7) Estimated documentation on established forms *. * Perform if necessary.

2. Basic requirements for working drawings intended for the production of construction and installation work

2.1. Working drawings intended for the production of construction and installation work are combined into the kits (hereinafter - the main sets) on the brands in accordance with Appendix 1. 2.2. The main set of work drawings of any brand can be divided into several main sets of the same brand on any basis with the addition of the sequence number. Examples: AC1; AC2; Kzh1; Kzh2. 2.3. Each basic set of work drawings is assigned the designation, which includes the basic designation ** and through the hyphen brand of the main kit. ** Before the release of the relevant classifier, the base designation is assigned according to the system in effect. 2.4. The main sets of work drawings include general data on working drawings, drawings and schemes provided for by the relevant SPDS standards. 2.5. General data on working drawings 2.5.1. In the first sheets of each main set of work drawings, provide general data on working drawings, including: 1) the statement of working drawings of the main kit in form 1; 2) the statement of reference and the accompanying documents in form 2; 3) the statement of the main sets of work drawings in form 2; 4) the statement of specifications (if there are several specifications to location schemes in this main set) in form 1; 5) the symbols not established by state standards and the meaning of which are not indicated on other sheets of the main set of work drawings; 6) general instructions; 7) other data provided for by the relevant SPDS standards. Forms 1 and 2 are shown in Appendix 2. 2.5.2. The statement of reference and attached documents is partitions: 1) reference documents; 2) the accompanying documents. The "Reference Documents" section includes the following documents to which references in the working drawings are given: 1) drawings of typical structures, products and nodes with the name and designation of the series, releases; 2) Standards that include drawings for the manufacture of products, indicating their name in the notation. Reference documents The project organization provides the customer only on a separate agreement. The "Accellenged Documents" section includes documents developed in addition to working drawings of the main kit. An attached documents are: 1) working documentation for construction products; 2) equipment specification; 3) the statement of the need for materials; 4) the statement of construction and installation work; 5) local estimates *; 6) Other documentation provided for by the relevant SPDS standards. * Perform if necessary. The accompanying documents are issued to the project organization to the Customer simultaneously with the main set of work drawings. 2.5.3. The master of the main sets of working drawings leads on sheets of general data of the main set of leading brand **. ** The main set of work drawings as a leading brand appoints the general designer. If there are several main kits of the working drawings of the same brand, they constitute a statement of subcompletes of this brand in form 2 of Annex 2, which is given on a sheet of common data from each of these sets. 2.5.4. In general directions, lead: 1) the basis for developing workers' drawings, such as a design task, an approved project; 2) the mark, accepted in the working drawings of the building or construction conditionally for zero (as a rule, lead to architectural and construction drawings); 3) record of the results of the patentability and patent frequency for the first time applied or developed in the project technological processes, equipment, instruments, structures, materials and products, as well as numbers of copyright certificates and applications for which decisions have been made on issuing copyright certificates used in the working documentation of the invention; 4) record that technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire-fighting, and other rules operating in the Russian Federation and ensure that the object is safe for the life and health of people subject to the activities provided for by working drawings ; 5) other necessary instructions. In general guidelines should not be repeated technical requirementsplaced on other sheets of the main set of work drawings, and give a description of the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.

3. General rules for performing work drawings and text documents

3.1. When performing working documentation, the requirements of the SPDS standards should be guided by the requirements of the standards of the design documentation system (ECCD), given in Appendix 3, which complement and do not contradict the SPDS standards. Working documentation intended for reprogramme must comply with the requirements of the Reprography Standards System. 3.2. The drawings are performed at an optimal scale, taking into account their complexity and saturation of information. The scale in the drawings do not indicate, with the exception of product drawings and other cases provided for in the relevant SPDS standards. 3.3. The dimensional line on its intersection with the remote lines, the loop lines or axial lines is limited by serifs in the form of thick main lines of a length of 2-4 mm, carried out with a slope to the right at an angle of 45 ° to the dimensional line, while the dimensional lines should appear for extreme remote lines on 1 - 3 mm. When applying the size of the diameter or radius inside the circle, as well as the angular size of the dimension line is limited by arrows. Arrows are also used when applying the sizes of radii and internal rounds. 3.4. Reducing words in inscriptions in drawings are allowed in cases specified in GOST 2.316 and in Appendix 4. 3.5. Coordination axes 3.5.1. Each individual building or construction is assigned an independent system of designations of the coordination axes. 3.5.2. Coordination axes are applied to thin barccotted lines with long strokes, denoted by numbers and uppercase letters of the Russian alphabet (except letters:, s, th, o, x, c, h, etc.) in circles with diameter 6 - 12 mm. Skipping in digital and letter (except indicated) designations of coordination axes are not allowed. 3.5.3. The figures indicate the coordination axes on the side of the building and facilities with a large number of axes. If there is not enough alphabet letters to designate the coordination axes, the subsequent axes are denoted by two letters.

Examples: AA; BB; Explosive

3.5.4. The sequence of digital and letter designations of the coordination axes take the plan to right and bottom up. 3.5.5. The designation of the coordination axes is usually applied to the left and lower parties of the plan of the building and facilities. If the coordination axes of the opposite sides are discharged, the indication of the specified axes in the locations of discrepancies are additionally applied on top and / or right parties. 3.5.6. For individual elements located between the coordination axes of the main supporting structures, additional axes are applied and indicated in the form of a fraction, in the numerator of which indicate the designations of the preceding coordination axis, and in the denominator - an additional sequence number within the section between the adjacent coordination axes in accordance with the features. 1. It is allowed by the coordination axes of the half-timbered columns to assign digital and letter notation to continue the designations of the axes of the main columns without an additional number.

Heck. 1 3.5.7. In the image of a repeating element attached to several coordination axes, coordination axes are denoted in accordance with the features. 2a (with the number of coordination axes of no more than three), with damn. 2B (more than three coordination axes) and with damn. 2B (with all alphabetic and digital coordination axes). If necessary, the orientation of the coordination axis, to which the element is attached relative to the neighboring axis, indicate in accordance with the features. 2g.

Heck. 2 3.5.8. To refer to the coordination axes of block sections of residential buildings, the "C" index is used.

Examples: 1C, 2C, AC, BS.

On the PRans of residential buildings arranged from block sections, they apply notation of the extreme coordination axes of block sections without an index in accordance with the features. 3.

Heck. 3 3.6. Level marks (heights, depths) of elements of structures, equipment, pipelines, air ducts, etc. From the reference level (conditional "zero" mark) designate a conditional sign in accordance with the traits. 4 and indicate meters with three decimal signs separated from an integer comma. "Zero" mark taken, as a rule, for the surface of a building of a building or structure, located near the planning surface of the Earth, indicate without a sign; marks above zero - with the sign "+"; Below is zero - with the sign "-". On the types (facades), cuts and sections of the marks are placed on remote lines or contour lines in accordance with the features. 5. The marker plans are applied in a rectangle in accordance with the features. 6, with the exception of cases specified in the relevant SPDS standards.

Heck. four; Heck. five; Heck. 6 3.7. On the plans, the direction of the liner of the planes indicates the arrow over which, if necessary, they are affixed by the magnitude of the slope in percentage in accordance with the features. 7 or in the form of a ratio of height and length (for example, 1: 7). It is allowed, if necessary, the magnitude of the slope is indicated in the ppm, in the form of a decimal fraction with an accuracy of the third mark. In the drawings and schemes before the dimensional number that determines the magnitude of the slope, the sign "ð" is applied, the sharp angle of which should be directed towards the slope. The designation of the slope is applied directly above the line of the contour or on the shelf of the lifting line. 3.8. Remote inscriptions to multi-layer structures should be performed in accordance with the features. eight .

Heck. 7; Heck. 8 3.9. Rooms of positions (stamps of elements) are applied on shelves of lines-carrying, conducted from images of component parts of the object, next to the image without a lifting line or within the contours of the pictures of the item in accordance with the features. 9. With a small-scale image, the lifting line finish without arrow and point.

Heck. 9 3.10. The font size for referring to the coordination axes and positions (brands) must be on one or two rooms more than the font size received for the dimensional numbers on the same drawing. 3.11. Cuts of buildings or structures are denoted by Arabic numbers sequentially within the main set of work drawings. Independent numbering is allowed only for cuts of individual sections of the building, structures or installations, all the drawings of which are located on one sheet or sheet of sheets and if there are no references to cuts on these drawings located on other sheets of the main set of work drawings. Sections are allowed to designate the capital letters of the Russian alphabet. The direction of the view for a cut according to the plan of the building and facilities takes, as a rule, from the bottom up and right to left. 3.12. If separate parts of the form (facade), the plan, the cut require a more detailed image, then the remote elements are additionally performed - nodes and fragments. 3.13. When the node is image, the corresponding place is noted on the form (facade), plan, or cut by a closed solid thin line (usually a circle or an oval) with the designation on the line shelf - the number of the sequence number of the Arabic node number in accordance with the feature. 10 .

Heck. 10

Heck. 11 If the node is placed on another sheet, then the sheet number is indicated under the shelf of the lifting line (features 10a) or on the shelf of the lifting line, in brackets, in accordance with the features. 10b. If necessary, reference to the node placed in another main set of work drawings, or on a typical node, indicate the designation and number of the sheet of the corresponding basic set of work drawings in accordance with the features. 10V or a series of working drawings of typical nodes and release number - with damn. 10g. If necessary, a reference to the node in the section is performed in accordance with the features. 11. On the image of the node indicate in the circle its serial number in accordance with the features. 12a or 12b. The node, which is a complete mirror reflection of another (main) execution, is assigned the same sequence number as the main execution, with the addition of the "H" index. 3.14. Fragments of plans, cuts, facades, as a rule, are marked with a curly brace in accordance with the features. 13. Under the figure bracket, as well as above the corresponding fragment, the name and sequence number of the fragment are applied. If the fragment is placed on another sheet, then give a link to this sheet. It is allowed to link to the fragment to place on the shelf of the lifting line.

Heck. 12; Heck. 13 3.15. Images to the axis of symmetry of symmetric plans and facades of buildings and structures, location of structural elements, plans for the location of technological, energy, sanitary and other equipment are not allowed. 3.16. If the image (for example, the plan) does not fit on the sheet of the received format, then it is divided into several sections, placing them on separate sheets. In this case, on each sheet, where the image section is shown, the scheme of the whole image with the necessary coordination axes and the symptoms (shading) of the image of the image shown on this sheet according to the features are shown on this sheet. fourteen.

Heck. 14 3.17. If plans for floors multi-storey building They have small differences from each other, then fully fulfill the plan of one of the floors, for other floors there are only those parts of the plan that are necessary to display the difference from the plan shown in full. Under the name of the partially depicted plan, record: "The rest, see the Plan (name of the fully depicted plan)." 3.18. In the names of the plans of the floors of the building and structures indicate the floor of the floor of the floor, the floor number or the designation of the corresponding secular plane.

1. Plan for OTM. 0,000. 2. Plan 2 - 9 floors. 3. Plan 3-3. It is allowed in the title of the floor plan to indicate the purpose of the premises located on the floor. 3.19. In the names of the cuts of the building and structures indicate the designation of the corresponding sectional plane.

Example: incision 1-1.

3.20. In the names of the facades of the building and structures indicate the extreme axes, between which the facade is located.

Example: Facade 1-12.

3.21. Main inscriptions 3.21.1. Each sheet of working drawing and text document must have the main inscription and additional graphs for it. 3.21.2. The main inscriptions are issued in accordance with Appendix 5: 1) on sheets of the main set of work drawings - in form 3; 2) on the first sheet of the drawing of the construction product - in form 4; 3) on the first sheet of a text document - in form 5; 4) on the subsequent sheets of drawings of construction products and text documents - in form 6. It is allowed on the first sheet of the construction product drawing the main inscription in form 5. 3.21.3. The location of the main inscription and additional graph to it, as well as the dimensional framework on the sheets, are given in Appendix 6. 3.21.4. Main inscriptions, additional graphs for them and frames are performed by solid thick basic and solid thin lines according to GOST 2.303.

4. Specifications

4.1. To the layout of the elements of the prefabricular design, monolithic reinforced concrete design, to the drawings of the installations (blocks) of technological, sanitary and other equipment make up the specification in form 7 of Annex 7. When the drawings are performed by the group method, group specifications are in form 8 of Annex 7. 4.2. The specifications of the construction products are according to GOST 21.501.

5. Rules for making changes to working documentation issued to the Customer

5.1. Under the change in the working document previously issued to the Customer, you understand any correction, exception or adding any data to it without changing the designation of this document. The designation of the document is allowed to change only when different documents are erroneously assigned the same designations or an error is made in the designation. 5.2. Changes contribute to the original document. Making changes to calculations is not allowed. 5.3. Copies of the modified, additional and issued instead of the replaced sheets of working documentation are sent to organizations that were previously sent copies of documents, together with copies of the general data of the relevant basic set of work drawings specified in accordance with paragraph 5.5. 5.4. Permission to make changes 5.4.1. The change in the document is performed on the basis of the permission to make changes (hereinafter - permission) compiled in form 9 of Annex 8. The permission approves the head of the document developer organization or on his instructions another official. 5.4.2. The basis for obtaining original documents for making changes is permit. 5.43. Changes to each document (the main set of work drawings, equipment specification, etc.) is made in a separate resolution. It is allowed to make one general permission to change, introduced simultaneously in several documents if the changes are interconnected or the same for all changeable documents. 5.5. Amendments 5.5.1. Amendments to the original documents produce overlooking or clearing (washing). At the same time take into account the physical state of the original. 5.5.2. After making changes, the letters, numbers, signs must be clear, thickness of the lines, the magnitude of the lumen, etc. Must be implemented according to the rules provided for by the relevant ECCD standards and Reprography standards system. 5.5.3. Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. Excrying with solid thin lines and there are new data. 5.5.4. When the image is changed (parts of the image), it is reduced by a solid thin line forming a closed circuit, and crucifically crossed with solid thin lines. A new image of the changed area is performed on a free field of a sheet or on another sheet without turns. 5.5.5. The variable, annulled and additional sections of the image assign the designation consisting of the ordinal number of the next document change and through the point of the sequence number of the variable (canceled, additional) section of the image within this sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned the designation of the changed image. If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, the changes assigned to it is preserved and in the table of changes of this sheet do not take into account. 5.5.6. Near each change, including about the change corrected by the clearing (washes), outside the image is applied to the parallelogram the designation of the change in accordance with the features. fifteen.

Heck. 15 From the parallelogram spend a solid thin line to the changed area. 5.5.7. Closely located from each other modified sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. Run as a solid thin line forming a closed loop, without crushing in accordance with the features. 16. 5.5.8. If a new image of the modified area is placed on another sheet, then the replaced image, next to the parallelogram, also indicate the number of the leaf on which the new image is located in accordance with the features. 17. 5.5.9. Above the new image of the modified section is placed in the parallelogram, the designation of the change in the replaced image is placed, and at a parallelogram indicate: "In return crushed." If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then at a parallelogram indicate: "In addition to the listed on the sheet (the sheet number on which the image is replaced) is in accordance with the features. 18. 5.5.10. If a new image of the modified area is placed near the replaced, they are connected by the lines of the tuning with the designation of the change in accordance with the traits. nineteen.

Heck. sixteen; Heck. 17.

Heck. eighteen

Heck. 19 Over the optional image is placed in the parallelogram the designation of the change, and at the parallelogram indicate: "Supplement" in accordance with the features. twenty.

Heck. 20 5.5.11. When canceling the image (part of the image), the change indicates: "canceled". 5.5.12. If there is not enough space to make changes or a violation of the definition of the image when corrected is possible, then a new script is manufactured taking into account the changes made and retain its former designation. If one or several sheets of the script is replaced or add or add, then they retain the inventory number assigned to the script. When replacing all the script sheets, he is assigned a new inventory number. 5.5.13. When making changes to the sheets of the main set of work drawings in the statement of the working drawings of this kit on the sheets of common data in the Count "Note" indicate: 1) when making a first change - "change one". When submitting subsequent changes - additionally, the next number numbers, separating them from the previous point with a comma.

Example: "Izm. one; 2; 3 ";

2) on the replaced sheets with the change number - "(deputy)".

Example: "Izm. 1 (deputy) ";

3) on canceled sheets with the change number - "canceled".

Example: "Izm. 1 (canceled) ";

4) on additional sheets with the change number - "(new)".

Example: "Izm. 1 (new). "

5.5.14. If additional sheets include additional sheets in the main set of work drawings, then they are assigned the next ordinal numbers and recorded in the continuation of the statement of the working drawings of the corresponding main kit. With a lack of space in the statement of work drawings for recording additional sheets, the continuation of the statement is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. At the same time, at the end of the statement of the working drawings placed in "General Data", they make an entry: "For the continuation of the statement, see the sheet (sheet number)", and the title: "The statement of the work drawings of the main kit (continued)" . The rooms and the names of the annulled sheets in the statement of the work drawings are burned. When changing the names of the sheets, appropriate changes in the Count "Name" are made. 5.5.15. With the change in the total number of documents on its first sheet, the main inscriptions make appropriate changes in the "Sheets" graph. 5.5.16. When performing additional and cancellation of previously executed accompanying documents, corrections contribute to the statement of reference and accompanying documents of the corresponding main set of work drawings. 5.5.17. When performing additional and cancellation of previously completed main sets of work drawings make corrections to the statement of the main sets of work drawings. 5.5.18. The changes made to the script indicate the table of changes placed in the main inscription. It is allowed a table of changes to dry out the main inscription (above it or left) in the same form. 5.5.19. The change table indicates: 1) in the column "change - the sequence number of document change; 2) in the column "count. uch. " - the number of variable sections of the image on this sheet within the next change; 3) In the column "Sheet" - on sheets released instead of replaced, "deputy.", On sheets added again, - "New". When replacing all the sheets of the original on the first sheet in the "Sheet" column indicate "all". At the same time, the table of changes on other sheets of this script is not filled. In other cases, the column "Sheet" put a fiber; 4) in the column "No. Doc. "- the designation of the permission; 5) in the column "Sub." - the signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the changes (the signature of the person responsible for the normocontrol is put on the field to cover sheet); 6) In the "Date" column - the date of the change. 5.5.20. The table of change does not take into account the corrections made in the statement of the general data sheet in connection with the introduction of changes in the sheets of the main kit and the accompanying documents. 5.5.21. When you make changes to text documents, it is recommended to perform a table registration table in form 10 of Annex 9. The table registration table is placed on a title page of a text document. 5.5.22. Significant changes in text documents are brought in one of the following methods: 1) the replacement of all or individual sheets of the document; 2) by producing new additional sheets. If you change the original text documents, it is allowed when adding a new sheet to assign the number of the previous sheet with the addition of another Arabic digit, separating it from the previous point.

Example: 3.1

In this case, on the first sheet, the total number of sheets change. In text documents containing mainly solid text, it is allowed when adding a new item to assign it the number of the previous point with the addition of the next lower case letter of the Russian alphabet, and when the item is canceled - to save subsequent points numbers. 5.5.23. When canceling or replacing the document, all canceled and replaced sheets of the original cross are crosslinked with solid thin lines and affix the stamp in form 11 of Annex 10.

6. Rules for binding working documentation

6.1. Working documentation of the mass application is subject to reference to a specific construction site. On each sheet of the documented documentation, the binding stamp is set in accordance with Annex 11: 1) on the first sheet - in form 12; 2) on subsequent sheets - in form 13. 6.2. Covers and title sheets typical projects (typical design solutions) published polygraph in the form of albums or brochures, as a rule, do not bind and cannot be sent to the customer. 6.3. The binding stamp is applied on a free leaf field, preferably above the main inscription or to the left of it. 6.4. It is allowed not to apply a binding stamp to immutable working drawings of structures, products and nodes if they are repeatedly applied by the organization that has implemented the development and approval of these drawings. Specified work drawings are recorded in the section of the attached documents without changing the designation. 6.5. Changes in binding are made in accordance with PP. 5.5.1 - 5.5.4, 5.5.14 - 5.5.17 and taking into account the following additional requirements: 1) if the variable sections of the image are two or more, then they are assigned sequence numbers that are affixed by Roman numbers on the line shelf in accordance with heck. 21; 2) above the modified site indicate the Roman number of the sequence number of the variable image section and the inscription "instead of crossed" in accordance with the features. 22.

Heck. 21; Heck. 22 If a new image (part of the image) is placed on another sheet, then the replaced image also indicates the number of the leaf on which the new image is located. 6.6. The main inscriptions on the sheets of the binding documentation, as well as the covers and title sheets of documentation published in the form of albums and brochures, are left unchanged. 6.7. Changes in binding It is recommended to enter into one instance of the document, which is in the further script, from which copies are manufactured. 6.8. Canceled sheets exclude from the bound documentation without changing the overall numbering of sheets.

Brands of the main sets of work drawings

Name of the main set of work drawings


General Plan and Transport Construction When combining in one main set of work drawings of the master plan and transportation structures
General plan
Construction facilities When combining in one main set of work drawings on the road and railway tracks
Car roads When combining in one set of drawings of all technological communications
Railway paths
Production technology
Technological communications
Air suite domestic
Electric light internal
Electricity outdoor
Electrical equipment power
Heat insulation
Gas supply. Internal devices
Gas supply. Outdoor gas pipelines
Heat supply
Outdoor network of water supply and sewage


Communication systems
Architectural and construction solutions
When separating the main set of speakers:
- Architectural solutions
- Interiors.
- Constructs of reinforced concrete
- Wooden designs
Metal designs detail
Anticorrosive protection designs
Teplomechanical part of boilers
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Domestic water supply and sewage
Dust remote
Mining open work
Mountain underground work
Hydraulic work
Gorn-mechanical works
Chemical protection
Electrochemical Protection
Automation and telemechanics of trains movement (SCB)
Venerechanics manufacturing
Automation... Multiple replace the name and brand of the corresponding main set of work drawings
Power supply. Substation
Air power lines
Cable power lines
Lightning protection and grounding
Network traction
Note. If necessary, additional stamps of the main sets of work drawings can be appointed. At the same time, capital letters (no more than three) of the Russian alphabet, corresponding to the marks, as a rule, apply for stamps, appropriate, as a rule, the initial letters of the names of the main set of work drawings.

Appendix 2.

Certificate of work drawings of the main kit

Statement of specifications

Instructions for filling out the statement of working drawings of the main kit in the statement of the work drawings, the main set indicate: 1) in the column "Sheet" - the sequence number of the sheet of the main set of work drawings; 2) in the column "Name" - the name of images placed on a sheet in full accordance with the names given in the main inscription of the appropriate sheet; 3) in the "Note" column - additional information, for example, changes made in the working drawings of the main kit. Instructions on the filling of the statement of specifications in the statement of specifications indicate: 1) in the column "Sheet" - the number of the sheet number of the main set of work drawings on which the specification is placed; 2) in the column "Name" - the name of the specification in full compliance with its name indicated in the drawing; 3) in the "Note" column - additional information, incl. About changes made in specification.

The statement of the main sets of work drawings.
The statement of reference and accompanying documents

Instructions on the filling of the statement of the main sets of work drawings in the statement of the main sets of work drawings indicate: 1) in the graph "Designation" - the designation of the main set of working drawings and, if necessary, the name or distinguishable index of the organization that issued a document; 2) in the column "Name" - the name of the main set of work drawings; 3) in the "Note" column - additional information, incl. About changes in the main sets of work drawings. Instructions on filling the statement of reference and accompanying documents in the statement of reference and attached documents, indicate: 1) in the "Designation" column - the designation of the document and, if necessary, the name or distinguishable index of the organization that issued a document; 2) in the "Name" column - the name of the document in full compliance with the name specified on the title page or in the main inscription; 3) in the "Note" column - additional information, incl. About changes made to applicable documents.

Appendix 3.

The list of ECCD standards, whose requirements do not contradict the SPDS standards and are subject to accounting when performing project documentation for construction

Designation and name of the standard

Conditions for applying Standard

GOST 2.004-88 ECCD. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on the printing and graphic devices of the Output
GOST 2.101-68 ECCD. Types of products
GOST 2.102-68 ECCD. Types and completeness of design documents Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501, paragraph 1.3, as well as references to GOST 2.601 and GOST 2.602 do not take into account
GOST 2.105-95 ECCD. General requirements for text documents P. 1.8, as well as requirements for registration title leaf Do not take into account
GOST 2.108-68 ECCD. Specification Taking into account the requirements of section. 4 of this Standard and GOST 21.501
GOST 2.109-73 ECCD. Basic requirements for Drawings GOST 2.113-75 ECCD. Group and Basic Design Documents Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501, PP. 1.1.11, 1.1.12, 1.3 and links to GOST 2.108 do not take into account
GOST 2.301-68 ECCD. Formats Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501
GOST 2.302-68 ECCD. Scale
GOST 2.303-68 ECCD. Lines Taking into account the requirements of paragraph 3.2 of this standard
GOST 2.304-81 ECCD. Drawing fonts
GOST 2.305-68 ECCD. Images - species, cuts, sections
GOST 2.306-68 ECCD. Designations Graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings Taking into account the requirements of PP. 3.11, 3.13 - 3.20 of this standard
GOST 2.307-68 ECCD. Differences and limit deviations
GOST 2.308-79 ECCD. Note on drawings of factors and location of surfaces Taking into account the requirements of PP. 3.3, 3.6, 3.7 of this Standard
GOST 2.309-73 ECCD. Roughness designation surfaces Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.113
GOST 2.310-68 ECCD. Application in drawings of designations of coatings, thermal and other types of processing
GOST 2.311-68 ECCD. Image of thread
GOST 2.312-72 ECCD. Conditional images and designations of welded joints
GOST 2.313-82 ECCD. Conditional images and notation of all-point connections Taking into account the requirements of PP. 3.8 - 3.10 of this Standard
GOST 2.314-68 ECCD. Instructions in the drawings on the labeling and branding of products
GOST 2.316-68 ECCD. Rules for applying in drawings of inscriptions, technical requirements and tables
GOST 2.317-69 ECCD. Axonometric projections
GOST 2.410-68 ECCD. Rules for performing drawings of metal structures
GOST 2.501-88 ECCD. Rules for accounting and storage In the form of the inventory book, subscriber card and instructions for folding copies of drawings
Note. The conditions for the application of ECCD standards of the classification group 7 are defined by the relevant SPDS standards.

Appendix 4.

Reducing words allowed in working documentation

(Supplement to GOST 2.316)

Full name


Director Dir. *
Chief Engineer GL Ing. *
The chief architect of the project GAP *
Chief Project Engineer Hyphen
Chief Specialist GL specialist.*
Head Head. *
Architect Arch. *
Engineer (I, II, III category) Ing. (I, II, III Cat.) *
Technician Tehn. *
Institute IN-T *
Workshop (in design institutes) Mast. *
Group C.
Release Vol.
Section section.
Antisaismic seam A.S.S.
Expansion joint D.SH.
Temperature seam TOS
Mark Options
Ground level UR.Z.
Rail head level Ur.G.R.
Pure floor level UR.ch.p.
Plot uch. *
Document dock *
* Reduction apply only in the main inscription.

Appendix 5.

The main inscription and additional graphs for it on the sheets of the main set of work drawings

The main inscription and additional graphs for it for the drawings of construction products (first sheet)

The main inscription and additional graphs for it for text documents (first sheet)

The main inscription and additional graphs for it for the drawings of building products and text documents (subsequent sheets)

Instructions on filling the main inscription and additional graph to it

In the edges of the main inscription and additional graphs to it (the number of the graph on the forms is shown in brackets) indicate: 1) in column 1 - the designation of the document (the main set of work drawings, product drawing, text document, etc.); 2) in column 2 - the name of the enterprise (including institutions and enterprises of service), which includes a building (structure), or the name of the neighborhood; 3) in column 3 - the name of the building (structures); 4) In column 4 - the name of images placed on this sheet, in exact accordance with the names of images in the drawing. Names of specifications and other tables, as well as text indications related to images, do not indicate in the column; 5) in column 5 - the name of the product and / or the name of the document; 6) in column 6 - the conditional designation of the Stage "Working Documentation" - "P"; 7) In column 7 - the sequence number of the sheet (the page of the text document in two-way printing). On documents consisting of one sheet, the graph is not filled; 8) In column 8 - the total number of document sheets. The graph is filled only on the first sheet. On the first sheet of a text document, during duplex printing, the total number of pages indicate; 9) in column 9 - the name or distinctive index of the organization that has developed a document; 10) in column 10 - the nature of the work (developed, checked, normocontrol, approved); Free lines are allowed to fill out at the discretion of the developer by posts responsible for issuing a document (ch. Engineer (architect) project, head of department, ch. specialist, etc.); 11) In graphs 11-13 - surnames and signatures of the persons specified in column 10 and the date of signing. If you need to coordinate the document, then the signature officialsaccording to the document, placed on the leaf cover field; 12) Graphs 14-19 - Count Count Counts, which are filled in accordance with paragraph 5.5.19; 13) column 20 - the original number of the original; 14) column 21 - signature of the person who accepted the script for storage, and the acceptance date (number, month, year); 15) column 22 - the inventory number of the original document, in return to which the original was issued; 16) column 23 - the designation of the material of the part (the graph is filled only in the drawings of the parts); 17) column 24 - a mass of the product shown in the drawing, in kilograms without specifying the unit of measurement. It is allowed to indicate a mass in other units of measurement indicating them. Example: 2.4 tons; 18) in column 25 - scale (affilted in accordance with GOST 2.302); 19) The column 26 is the signature of the person who copied the drawing.

Appendix 6.

Location of the main inscription, additional graph to it and the size frames on sheets

* The sizes of the framework on sheets of typical project documentation are indicated in brackets.

Appendix 7.


Group specification

Instructions for filling the specification and group specification

In the specifications indicate: 1) in the column "Pos." - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations; 2) in the graph "Designation" - the designation of the main documents on the elements of structures, equipment and products or standards (technical conditions) on them recorded in the specification (technical conditions) on them; 3) in the column "Name" - the name of the elements of structures, equipment and products and their brand. It is allowed to group the same elements indicate the name once and emphasized; 4) in the column "count" Form 7 - the number of items. In the column "Cole ..." forms 8, instead of dots, write "according to the scheme", "on the floor", etc., and below - the ordinal numbers of the location or floors; 5) In the column "Mass, units. kg "- Mass in kilograms. It is allowed to indicate a mass in tons; 6) in the "Note" column - additional information.

Appendix 8.

Permission to make changes

Instructions for filling the permission to make changes

The resolution graphs indicate: 1) in column 1 - the designation of the permission consisting of the sequence number of permission by the book of registration of permissions according to GOST 21.203 and through the two-lasting digits of the last two digits.

Example: 15-92;

2) in column 2 - the designation of the document in which the change makes; 3) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise under construction, buildings (structures); 4) The column 4 is another serial number assigned to changes that contribute to one permission. It is indicated for the whole document, regardless of how many sheets it is completed. The ordinal numbers of the changes are denoted by Arabic figures; 5) in column 5 - numbers of sheets of a document in which changes make; 6) in column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and / or graphic image; 7) in column 7 - the cause code of change in accordance with the table; 8) in column 8 - additional information; 9) in graphs of 9-11 - the names of persons signing permission, their signatures and the date of signing; 10) in column 12 - the name of the project organization and the division (department), which resolved; 11) in columns 13 - 16 - the name of the relevant units or organizations, positions and the names of the persons with whom the permit, their signatures and the date of signing, as well as the signature of the normocontroller, is consistent; 12) In column 17 - the sequence number of the resolution sheet. If the resolution consists of one sheet, the graph is not filled; 13) The column 18 is the total number of solutions.

Table registration table

Instructions for filling the Change Change Table

In the graph of the registration table of change indicate: 1) in the graphs "change", "Dock number", "Sub." and "date" - similar to the fill in the corresponding graph of the change table; 2) In the columns "sheet numbers (pages): modified, replaced, new, canceled" numbers of sheets (pages), respectively, modified, replaced, added and canceled for this permission. When replacing the entire document in the column "sheet numbers (pages), replaced" indicate "all"; 3) in the column "Total sheets (pages) to the dock." - The number of sheets (pages) in the document. The graph is filled in the case of filling the Count "sheet numbers (pages), new" and / or "sheet numbers (pages), annulled".

Appendix 10.

Cancellation stamp (replacement) of the original script

Instructions for filling out the cancer (replacement) of the script document in the stamp indicate: 1) in line 1 - the sequence number of the next change in the document, in accordance with which the sheet is canceled or replaced (for example, "out. 3"). When canceling a sheet, the word "replaced" in the stampe is burned; 2) in columns 2-5 - the position, surname, the signature of the person responsible for making changes and the date of signing.

Appendix 11.

Binding stamp (first sheet)

Binding stamp (subsequent sheets)

Instructions for filling binding stamps

In the graphs of the binding stamps indicate: 1) in column 1 - a new designation of a binding document; 2) in column 2 - the name of the organization that has been binding; 3) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise under construction, buildings or structures for which a binding is made; 4) in columns 4-7 - posts and surnames of persons responsible for binding, as well as persons that carried out the normocontrol, their signatures and the date of signing; 5) in column 8 - an inventory number assigned to a tied document; 6) in column 9 - the number of sheets of a tied document; 7) In columns 10, 11 - the signature of the person who has adopted a tied paper for storage and the date of signing.

Information data.
Reference regulatory and technical documents

Section number, Point, Enumeration, Applications

GOST 2.004-88

Appendix 3.

GOST 2.101-68.
GOST 2.102-68
GOST 2.105-95
GOST 2.108-68
GOST 2.109-73
GOST 2.113-75
GOST 2.301-68.
GOST 2.302-68.

Appendices 3 and 5, listing 18

GOST 2.303-68

3.21.4, Appendix 3

GOST 2.304-81

Appendix 3.

GOST 2.305-68
GOST 2.306-68.
GOST 2.307-68
GOST 2.308-79
GOST 2.309-73
GOST 2.310-68
GOST 2.311-68
GOST 2.312-72
GOST 2.313-82
GOST 2.314-68
GOST 2.316-68

3.4, Appendix 3

GOST 2.317-69

Appendix 3.

GOST 2.410-68
GOST 2.501- 88.

Appendix 3.

GOST 2.601-68
GOST 2.602-68.
GOST 21.110-95
GOST 21.113-88
GOST 21.203-78

Appendix 8, List 1

GOST 21.501-93

1, 4.2, Appendix 3

1. The composition of the working documentation. 1 2. Basic requirements for working drawings intended for the production of construction and installation work. 2 3. General rules Perform work drawings and text documents. 3 4. Specifications. 8 5. Rules for making changes to working documentation issued to the Customer. 8 6. Rules for binding working documentation. 12 Attachment 1 The brands of the main sets of work drawings. 13 Appendix 2. The statement of the work drawings of the main kit. fourteen Appendix 3. The list of ECC standards, whose requirements do not contradict the SPDS standards and are subject to accounting when performing project documentation for construction. fifteen Appendix 4. Reducing words allowed in working documentation. sixteen Appendix 5. The main inscription and additional graphs for it on sheets of the main set of work drawings. sixteen Appendix 6. The location of the main inscription, additional graph to it and the dimensional framework on the sheets. eighteen Appendix 7. Group specification. nineteen Appendix 8. Permission to make changes. nineteen Appendix 9. Change registration table. twenty Appendix 10. Cancellation (replacement) of the script document. 21. Appendix 11. Binding stamp (first sheet) 21

Project and working documentation is the main package of documents, on the basis of which construction work will be carried out. If the project documentation may contain a lot of "superfluous" from the point of view of the builder (labor and environmental protection, etc.), then the working documentation is a set of rules - which and in what order should be built according to technical conditions. The estimates, the main drawings for all types of work required for work equipment and tools, as well as other documents that may be required at different stages of construction are involved.


Working documentation - rules for the design and performance of working and project documentation

Working documentation is a set of textual and graphic documents that ensure the implementation of the technical solutions of the object of capital construction adopted in the approved project documentation necessary for the production of construction and installation work, ensuring construction equipment, products and materials and / or manufacture of construction products.

Working documentation includes basic sets of work drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials, estimates, other accompanying documents developed in addition to working drawings of the main kit.

The composition, design and content of the working documentation is determined by the requirements of the GOSTPC document complex and can be specified in the design task for the technical customer.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, unlike previously operating regulatory documents, it is not envisaged to the design staging: "TEO", "Project", "Working Project", "Working Documentation", and the concepts of "Project Documentation" and "Working Documentation" are used. The difference between the "project documentation" from the previously active stage "Project" is that it is more detailed.

Source: http://uksdesigning.ru/services/working-documentation/

Working documentation for construction

Since the exit in the second half of the last century, the "temporary instruction", working documentation for the construction has undergone and undergoes constant changes that take into account current trends affecting construction. During the evolution, the working documentation has been formed as a separate concept with its composition and characteristics of statality. Already in the latest history, changes occurred in the state standard, which also demanded the thinning of the main parameters that make up the maintenance of working documentation to date today.

Key idea of \u200b\u200bcreating working documentation for construction

Practice of project and construction organizations Rely on the current system of regulatory documents, which:

  • regulate the procedure for the formation of project documentation from the development and coordination before approval,
  • establish the needs in the equipment, the volume of materials and other resources,
  • allow you to determine the estimate cost of assembly and construction work.

This regulatory system includes state standard, building standards and rules, technical conditions, becoming technical, and methodical, and organizational, and legal bases To bring the design and construction process into a single format, so that the process participants can communicate in the same language, to apply the designations understandable to all, orient to generally accepted requirements. Standardization and unification led to the creation of SPDS (construction project documentation system), which includes several dozens of standards.

The beginning of standardization and combating the diversity of forms is considered to be the output of the "temporary instruction" (CH 460-74), in which it was discussed about the composition of the working drawings in the construction and method of their design. From 1977 to change this instruction, a variety of system standards began to be developed, to one way or another concerning the creation of project documentation for construction. These standards demanded coordination with a single system of design documentation so that when functioning does not occur in intra-system contradictions between the SPDS and ECCD.

In the early 90s, some standards that were not reduced to a single arch and sometimes were not revised by decades, they demanded a revision and reprints, which was made by the Central Bank (design institute dealing with the normalization of project documentation). At the same time, domestic and foreign experiences were taken as the basis, confirmed by practicing documentation developers.

Today, the system (SPDS), taking into account the requirements of the new time, still retains the functionality, which, among other things, is also ensured by the possibility of clarifying the specific features of construction in drawing up an agreement between the designer and the customer during the design of a specific object.

Definition of working documentation

Working documentation for construction in practice is a package of major sets of work drawings in which various types and directions of construction work are presented, text documents for them, drawings and schemes, according to the SPDS standards. In the decision on the composition of sections relating to project documentation (PP No. 87) in paragraph 4 general provisions It is determined that working documentation is developed for the implementation of various architectural, technical and technological solutions in the construction process.

That is, working documentation is drawn up for every object of capital construction in the form of working drawings, text documents, product specifications and / or equipment. There are rules and standards for the development of each of these parts, which will be described below.

These documents are combined by brands - alphabetic abbreviations, which encrypted one or another type of construction and installation activity (for example, GP - General plan, Ar - architectural solutions, etc.

A complete list of such brands is a list of several tens of points, among which are also combined.

  • Constructive decisions,
  • power supply,
  • water supply and sanitation,
  • heat and cooling,
  • air access
  • gas supply
  • Protective systems
  • Telecommunicative direction, etc.

These species are elements engineering designIn addition to which there is transport (roads, bridges), architectural (ground facilities, including buildings), industrial, landscape, technical and design design concerning internal and outdoor design.

In Gostas, the R-21.1101-2013 stipulates that the working documentation transmitted to the customer in its composition contains working drawings of the main kit and the documents attached to them in addition to which, in turn, is calculated:

  • Working documentation related to construction products
  • Sketch drawings representing the general type of non-type products
  • Overall drawings presented on the basis of these manufacturers and questionnaires,
  • Hardware Specification,
  • Material specification,
  • Product Specification,
  • Local estimate (via forms) and other documents in accordance with the SPDS.

The specification here is performed according to the requirements of GOST-21. 110, and sketch drawings - according to the requirements of GOST-21. 114.

The content of the accompanying documents in each specific case is set not only on the SPDS standards, but also in accordance with the design task, the content elements of which are pronounced between the customer and the designer executor. All clarifications and agreements between them are recorded in the contract (agreement). The accompanying documents (complementary work drawings of the main kit) in this standard are also entered into the working documentation (see 4.2.

Snip-11-01-95 it was stated that the working documentation does not include:

  • the building standards themselves of various levels (state, republican, industry),
  • Reference documents are drawings of typical designs that exist references in working drawings.

However, all these materials can also be transferred from the Contractor to the customer if it is spelled out in the contract. This rule has been preserved in the 2013 standard.

A number of regulatory explanations and clarifications are aimed at dividing the scope and content of project documentation and, as a separate type, work documentation. But the place of working documentation in relation to the project was not determined immediately. First, there was a design staging, which then (after the entry into force of PP No. 87) in the "Former division and a certain sequence" value was canceled.

Place of working documentation in the documentation of the construction project, SPDS

According to the provisions of the Town Planning Code, according to its types, the design is divided into territorial and architectural and construction, which applies to objects (and their parts) relating to capital construction, as well as to those under construction and reconstructed objects. Architectural and construction design is also used when conducting overhaul in case of inclusion in the repair of structural elements affecting safety characteristics.

Thus, the different specifics of solved tasks makes it possible to select the following types of projects being developed:

  • new construction
  • expansion, re-equipment and reconstruction,
  • overhaul, restoration and strengthening.

For documentary Processes In previous times, a stadium design procedure was introduced. In February 2008, it was abolished after approval by Resolution No. 87 of the provisions on the composition and content of project documentation sections. It has been separated into project and working documentation, which was filled with the following content:

  1. Project documentation. This is the main project package of documents consisting of two parts: graphic and text. Almost always this package of documents is held by the state expertise, which is sent by the Customer. In the event of a successful conclusion of expert commissions at different stages of verification, the package of documents goes to the Customer for approval. The ongoing feature of the project documentation is the lack of exhaustive data for the construction work "turnkey". The project documentation has a description of all major technical solutions that have enough for justifying the technical capabilities, safety assessment and / or economic feasibility of construction, but not enough for the construction itself, since there is no proper degree of detail and a complete set of project specifications.
  2. Working documentation. This type of documentation is just being developed to provide technical solutions with due degree of elaboration in the form of graphic and text documents: work drawings, explanatory texts, specifications. There is no single consolidated document in which all the parameters of the composition and content of such documentation would be organized. But there is an explanation of the Ministry of Regional Development, where the function of determining the composition, the volume and actual content of working documentation is assigned to the Customer, which in its decision focuses on the SPDS standards.

The task of the Customer is to draw up such a task that would not contradict the provisions of the SPDS. Thus, simultaneous documentary uniformity is achieved, on the one hand, and the creation of conditions for the implementation of a unique project, on the other hand.

It is important that anywhere in the position does not mention the mandatory definite sequence of developing these types of documentation, which means either the possibility of parallel development of working and project documentation, or the oddness in which the project is always precedes working documentation. The last requirement is due to the logic of the process and technical reasons.

As a result, when the concept of statifies in the previous regulatory value, we can talk about different types Design taking into account the combination of types of documentation:

  1. Construction single-duration occurs with parallel development of working and project documentation.
  2. Doubledity occurs with one-time development first projects, and then working documentation.
  3. Three-standyness is possible if it is possible to develop a pre-project proposal, followed by the project and working documentation. This form is used at objects 5-4 of the complexity category, as well as for those objects of the 3rd category, which do not have a sufficient list of source-permissive documentation and are performed on individual projects.

Such an understanding of the stage differs from the accepted once understanding, where the one-step process represented RP is a working draft that combines an affirmed part of the working draft and the accompanying work documentation. Twistness in the previous understanding was a consistent combination of the first stage "TEO" and the second stage of "Working Documentation", having a common name "Project".

In addition, in the mentioned letter of the Ministry of Regional Development N 19088-SK / 08 (relating to June 2009), the application of SNIP 11-01-95 is canceled, formerly regulated by the composition and procedure for the development of construction documentation, as well as the SP 11-101-95 - before the current Justifications of construction investments. Further explanations clarify two more important points:

  1. Cost design work. Its definition is a recommendatory nature, and the share of working documentation accounts for 60% of the total value of the cost, and the proportion of the project is 40%. Basic price is calculated on the basis of prices of project work given in reference books. The mobility of this parameter is emphasized by mentioning the specifics of various construction objects, which is taken into account with the contractual agreement of the work and the contractor for construction. In addition, the degree of correlated development of types of documentation is also taken into account - the completeness of the project and working documentation in the construction. The comprehensive interest can also be adjusted by the Customer's agreement and the executive designer, if the work is carried out within the one-step process - by simultaneous preparation of project and working documentation in full or partial form. Such a format is provided for by the design assignment and depends on the specific parameters of architectural, constructive, technical, technological characteristics. Plays the role and degree of detail.
  2. State examination. Project documentation is subject to the provisions of Resolution No. 145, according to which the Customer is obliged to prepare and give the appropriate package of documents to the State Expert. Working documentation Together with the project in full, the general package can be transferred to the State Expert Committee on the decision and initiative of the Customer, as well as with the consent of the expert organization, if the development of packages of these stages is carried out simultaneously.

GosExpertiza consistently takes place in several stages after transferring documents to the Customer to the Governmental Expert Council. After passing the Glavgosexpertiz, a number of ministries (Civil natural resources, Health, etc.) Documents come to federal expert executive bodies and departmental experts. The result of consideration becomes a consolidated conclusion that the approval is undergoing and in the absence of comments, it remains at the customer, and in the case of availability - it is sent to refinement in the design organization.

Since September 2016, the State Spertise of Documentation, carried out in the construction of funded (even partially) from federal budget Objects, transferred to electronic species. The decision No. 145 was made on this score. Since 2017, this approach began to be applied to regional expertise for eliminating cases of restrictions on access to engineering and project information. The issuance of the conclusion, respectively, tolegenesis into electronic form.

Thus, the developer and the project organization remains quite large space for the proof of the process under the specific features of the construction of a particular object.

Initial design data, what is it? Sections according to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

The City Planning Code of Russia regulates the general composition of the project documentation package, which is specified by Resolution No. 87 for objects of both industrial and non-industrial purposes (excluding linear objects). It consists of:

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Land diagrams.
  3. Section of architectural solutions.
  4. Constructive solutions (in the same section there are volume-planning parameters).
  5. Information about engineering and technical support in terms of equipment, networks, events, technological solutions. Each engineering solution in this section assigned its subsection describing the systems of gas, heat, water, power supply, ventilation (air conditioning), communication networks, etc.
  6. Designing an organization construction activities.
  7. Designing the organization of dismantling work.
  8. Plan of eco-proof activities for the preservation of the environment.
  9. Fire safety plan.
  10. Activities aimed at comfortable access and moving people with disabilities.
  11. Construction estimate.
  12. Another documentation.

At the same time, in terms of working documentation, it is necessary to navigate, first of all, it follows to the SPDS standards and the requirements of the customer relating to a specific object and detail.

The developer must (in accordance with Art. 48 of the sixth point of the City Planning Code) transfer the following source data to the project (project organization):

  • In terms of information about the allocated land, the city-planning plan of the site.
  • In terms of environmental, geodesic, geological research - a consolidated package of such engineering research,
  • In terms of technical support - technical conditions for connecting to engineering networks.

In fact, this initial package is almost always attached:

  • A letter from the Committee of the State Control Committee on the Protection of Monuments with a Permit for Construction Activities, if the object should be located in the protection area of \u200b\u200bhistorically valuable monuments.
  • Requirements in terms of emergents of emergencies and go on engineering and technical parameters.
  • The conclusion of authorized bodies on the result of the examination of structures and foundations (such surveys are carried out on the environment in case of constrained building conditions and in the case of reconstruction at the facility).
  • OMIR DRAWERS (also for reconstructed objects).
  • Inventory plans on floors surrounding the development object.
  • For projects with special technologies - approved economy.
  • Approved task for design as a whole.

By agreement with the customer for specific design work, the source list can be expanded.

GOST R 21.1101-2013 as a system of basic requirements for working documentation

This standard came to the change of GOST P-21.1101-2009, having realized the requirements of the Urban Planning Code and combining unified system Actual documentation standards. In terms of the main terminology relating to the topic of working documentation, the standard gives the following basic definitions:

  • The main set of working documentation here is the set of major sets of work drawings. These drawings are complemented by reference documents and applications.
  • The main set of work drawings, in turn, is called documents presented in graphical form, which contain information sufficient to carry out work. The kit is folded from various drawings and schemes describing the construction or installation work of a certain species. This type of work in the standard is called "brand".
  • "Mark" is a kind of work cipher - letter (often in the form of abbreviation according to the first spells of phrases) or alphanumeric code (index), which means a certain type of work in the documentation. With its help, work is marked in working drawings.

In addition, the brands may indicate constructive features Construction elements, featuring some of others.

Stamps and ciphers

In this standard, the brand of the main sets of work drawings are collected in Appendix B (Table B1). But each of these sets can be additionally divided into several "subcompletes" with the preservation of the same marking, but with the addition of numeric value (sequence number). In addition, it is allowed (if necessary) the purpose of additional grades, and the recommendations on their formation are given. So recommended:

  • make a brand not more than 3 capital letters, orient them on the initial letters of the name,
  • use the letters of the Russian alphabet,
  • If necessary, choose the letters of the Latin alphabet based on the rules enshrined in the standard of organization, and / or digital codes.

In total, the specified table shows 39 active brands for 42 sets of sets, including the combined names. But when a demonstration of various design organizations of its expanded list, there are 50 and more applied items and marking matches.

For example, "Estimation for construction" and "monitoring prices of building materials" are under one stamp with different numerical code: SD1 and SD2, respectively. However, depending on the project specifics, this list can be even more expanded.

  • APU - for dusting systems,
  • AOV - for heating and ventilation systems,
  • AVK - for water supply and sewage systems,
  • ANV - for external water supply systems,
  • DVK - for external water supply and sewage systems, etc.

In addition to brands in Appendix B, the standard recommends the use of ciphers for the documents attached to the main documentation. These ciphers also fold from the letters of the Russian alphabet, but Latin can be used if necessary. So, the cipher "C" in the accompanying documents is used for specifications, "H" cipher - for the sketches of the inepar products, "and" - for the product drawing, "Ol" - for questionnaires, "LS" - for local estimates.

For the "calculations" in the list of attached documents, the cipher "RR" is also provided, but the calculations are more often as part of the working documentation. The exceptions here make cases when the inclusion of calculations into composition is negotiated in the contract.

Working drawings: General data

The main kit includes general data, drawings and schemes. Each individual main kit is assigned a designation, which consists of two parts:

  1. The basic (main) part representing the system of designations accepted in the organization. They may be the code of the construction site, the number of the contract, the General Plan number.
  2. The corresponding brand of the main kit.

In this form, the designation is as follows: 1234-56-TP. If the main kit is divided into several documents, a digital value is added to the designation - the sequence number: 1234-56-TP.1, 1234-56-TP.2. Moreover, under the first number in this case, general data on these working drawings always go.

In the work drawings, it is permissible to refer to documents whose contents are drawings of typical designs or nodes. But these documents themselves do not apply to the working documentation and without a special agreement should not be attached together with the package transmitted to the customer. That is, standards with drawings and drawings of typical products are not transmitted in the packet of documents. The exceptions here make cases when the transfer of these documents is negotiated in a separate contract.

General data on the transmitted working drawings are made on the first sheet of each main kit. General data include:

  • Vedomosti:
    • Working drawings of the main kit (form 1) - a list of sheets of the main kit in a sequential listing,
    • specifications with several location schemes mainly set (form 1),
    • references (by a separate section indicating, in addition to the name of the standard, also numbers and a series of drawings of the drawings of typical products) and the accompanying (separate partition) of documents (form 2),
    • The main sets of work drawings (form 2) on sheets of common data of any set of work drawings - in the form of transfer of the main sets of drawings, which are part of complete set working documentation.
    • The conventions (from among those not established by generally accepted national standards, if they were not explained on other sheets of the main kit).
    • General instructions. Here lead:
      • Information about documents that have become the basis for developing a package of documents (for example, a design task),
      • Recording on compliance with the task, technical conditions, the requirement of regulations and standards,
      • The list of regulations and documents with the norms on which technical solutions are accepted and carried out,
      • Absolute "conditionally zero" mark (more often for drawings of constructive architectural solutions),
      • Results of patent purity and patentability with numbers of applications and patents for processes, equipment, products, etc., used for the first time in the project,
      • information about the owner of intellectual property,
      • operational requirements for the construction object,
      • The list of work affecting safety if they need to be held confirmed by the act of examination of hidden work.

Points of general instructions are numbered and recorded from a new line each. Technical requirements placed on other sheets are not repeated here.

The mentioned form 1, according to which the working drawings of the main set and specifications are underway, suggests the following filling:

  • According to the column "Sheet" in terms of work drawings, the sequence number of the sheet is introduced, in terms of specifications - the number of that sheet of the main set of work drawings, where the specification is placed.
  • According to the column "name" - the names of images based on the name of the main inscription of the sheet and duplicated with the drawings of the names for the specifications.
  • According to the column "Note" fit additional informationwhich concerns, for example, introduced changes.

Form 2 is distinguished by the first graf "Designation", where the main set of work drawings indicates its designation and / or index of the organization's document. The same graph of form 2 When filling out the reporting of reference and the accompanying documents, refers to the designations (indices) of the relevant attached and reference documents.

Despite the indication of the size of the graph and columns in the illustrations, their change is allowed at the discretion of the developer. It is also permissible due to the need to change the number of columns and the graph.

Acquited Documents: Composition

According to paragraph 4.2.1, the accompanying documents are part of the composition of the working documentation intended for the transfer of the Customer. These include:

  • Working documentation for construction products - that is, for those used as an element of the structure or its design, where the design is also part of the building that is responsible for the carrier, enhancement or aesthetic function.
  • Sketches of the general form (drawings) of non-type products (according to GOSTU-21.114). The exact name of the document: "Sketch drawing of the general type of the inepar product." Its content becomes informational materials that will be needed to develop design documentation:
    • Simplified image of the mounting unit, devices, systems, engineering and technical design (inner and outer) or other constructive product, which, in most cases, is first made on the installation site,
    • The main parameters of the original design,
    • Technical requirements (for technical land).
    • Specifications. According to the definition adopted in the same standard, such text documents on the project are included here, which determine the composition of the materials, equipment and products necessary for the preparation and construction of materials, equipment and products. They are performed according to GOSTU-21.110.
    • Polls. And in the same paragraph the overall drawings are mentioned. They are manufactured based on data suppliers of equipment (manufacturers).
    • Local estimates.

The design task The listed composition of the attached documents can adjust and clarify. This package is transmitted together with the main set of drawings. In this case, each document is encrypted (the cipher is placed through the point after the designation of the main kit: 1234-56-Tp.s). Here, "C" means "specifications", and the full listing of ciphers is presented in Guest - in Table B1, and in this article - above, in the "Marks and Sixware" section.

Specifications on drawings

Specifications to drawings are drawn up in form 7 of the mandatory application under the "K" of this standard, and in the case of the drawings with a group method (group specification) - in form 8.

Most often, they are placed on a sheet of drawings where plans for installations and the location of the equipment, scheme are placed. But permissible to perform the specification and on individual, subsequent, sheets of drawings.

Working drawings: basic requirements

In the practice of designing, the requirements for working drawings suggest the preservation of some balance between the "inflating" of their volume and informativeness. On the one hand, in the drawings there must be enough information to implement the construction and installation process in full.

On the other hand, the drawings should be done without repetition, excessive detail and should not include information that will be redundant to construction. Based on this, it is believed that the working documentation in terms of work drawings should be presented in the minimum and sufficient amount. The criterion of the logical feasibility of drawing up a package of documents and their accounting is also promoted.

Thus, to get rid of duplication and confusion, each document is assigned its number, and references to standards and technical conditions must correspond to a number of requirements. For example:

  • links must lead to the entire regulatory document or its section, and not on a separate item,
  • Standards must fully identify the requirements for the appropriate element of working drawings,
  • The conventions, simplified images that are set by standards are not explained in the drawings (except for the indication of the indication of the standard number and cases where the conditions used are not provided in the standards),
  • Dimensions conventions must be clear, visual and standardized for all documentation,
  • To perform graphic documents, the default is black, but some elements and their designations are allowed to do other colors (for conventional designations, the color is specified in the corresponding standards, but if there are no of them, they are specified in the drawings),
  • Recommended fonts: Arial, Times New Roman.

All these requirements are logically derived from the requirements of convenience and informative.

Now the documentation is most often performed by an automated manner in a paper form with duplication in in electronic format (DE - electronic document). Such documents, if they represent one type and name, are interchangeable and equal, for which the developer is responsible. And electronic drawings in 2D, and paper drawings can be based on the electronic building model (3D).

Working drawings, depending on the complexity and number of information, choose the optimal scale according to GOST-2.302. The scales of the images are not specified in the drawings, eliminating cases that are provided for by the SPDS standards. With such exceptions, the scope takes to parentheses and put immediately by the image, which is stipulated by GOST-2.316.

The form of submission of the package of documents is determined by the developer of the documentation and is coordinated with the customer. Moreover, various forms of submission are permissible as part of the working documentation.

Text documents

Texts in working documentation are also subject to the principles of affordability and convenience, which implies standardization and optimal recording format (for example, technical conditions and calculations are made by solid text, and the text of the statements, tables, specifications are divided into graphs). Each sheet of text documents, most often, is taken into the framework, contains the main inscription and complementary graphs. Without them, it is allowed to perform text documents, which contain mainly solid text (including sections and subsections). But in this case, a number of conditions adhere to:

  • The first sheet contains a list of performers with Names, initials of designers participating not only in development, but also in control and coordination. Here should be space for signature and date.
  • The second sheet contains a table of contents with numbers and names of sections (subsections), applications. If necessary, it is expanded on the following sheets.
  • The designation of the document is indicated in the upper footer on the left side if the documentation is printed in one-sided version. If the documents are bilateral (two-sided printing option), the designation is posted for even pages - to the right in the corner, for odd - left in the upper corner.
  • The logo and the name of the document being prepared, the name of the document, as well as the number of the sheet is placed in the footer on the right or left, too, depending on the print option (bilateral, unilateral) on the same principle.

For texts in working documentation, there are a number of requirements that are dictated by the logic of the compilation of any document submitted to be understood by all interested parties in the same way. Among them are the following:

  • In terms of content, the text of the document should not allow different interpretations. Therefore, the terms fixed by regulatory documents are used, and the scroll of scientific and technical terms is indicated in the content of the document. In addition, the words are not used for meaning, foreign synonyms and is not allowed. different options The term for the same concept.
  • In terms of shape, words (verbs), in the case of a description of mandatory requirements, are applied unambiguous: "It follows", "must" and others. No abbreviations are allowed if they are not established by spelling rules. Also not used symbols that can be understood by two (for example, the word minus is used to designate the "-" sign, etc.).

In accordance with the requirements for text documentation, the calculations of technological and constructive decisionswhich, however, are not included in the working documentation, representing a mandatory preparatory element of the project stage.

Working documentation: specific changes

During the creation of project documentation, it may be necessary to make changes to it. Such edits are also governed by the standard. This may be an internal standard of the organization, but it still should not contradict GOST, therefore, in this case, it is developed on the basis of the provisions of the corresponding section of the SPDS.

By changing the document previously transferred to the customer, any correction (including adding and exceptions) is considered to be considered if the designations of this document are not changed. But the designation of this standard is allowed to change only if different documents are assigned the same designations by mistake (or an error was made in the designation). Otherwise, it is necessary to release a new document that will have a new designation. The change in one document will entail mandatory changes in all the documents related to it using the same rules.

Changes are made to the original document, and information about it fit into the main inscription of paper documents (and / or in the table of registrations of such changes), in the detailed part of electronic documents, accounting documents and statements (in the "Note" column).

The change permission is also made in form 9 on a paper document (the scripts are then moved to the archive of the organization) or in electronic form. Such permission is approved by the head of the organization engaged in the development of documentation.

For each document, it is practicing a separate decision on the change, but it is permissible to endure and a single permission to change in several documents in the event that the changes are the same type and are interconnected in all documents mentioned in permission. Also, one general resolution makes changes to the main set of work drawings, which are decorated with separate documents, and in document documentation documents.

Changes are numbered, but all changes that occur on the basis of one permission are under one sequence number. In electronic form, the change is indexed with the status of a new version of the document.

In paper versions, the changes can be made in various ways, starting with tightening and cleaning and ending with the replacement, adding or exception of sheets. You can do it from both hands and automated form. It is important that at the same time the physical state of the original is taken into account and that it can then be possible to make high-quality copies in reprogram. In electronic documents, when changes are issued a new version of the document.

The automated method of making a change implies the manufacture of a new script. It is happening if there is not enough place for handwritten changes or you can disrupt the image clarity during correction. When replacing one script sheet on it, the original number of the original is maintained, but when replacing all sheets, the original is assigned a new number. Estimated documentation when making changes is carried out by an automated way, while replaced by the entire document.

  • In text documents, in the case of adding a new sheet, it is possible to assign the sequence number of the previous sheet, but with the addition of a Arabic figure or a lowercase Russian letter (for example, 5.6 or 5E). A similar technique with adding the letter is applied in text documents that contain mainly solid text if a new item is added. But if the item is excluded, the sequence numbers of subsequent points are saved.
  • In the images, the varying parts are reduced with a closed solid line and cross the cross will cross the same thin solid lines.

If a new one is located next to the replaceable portion, they are connected by the climbers (subtle information with lines), and the change number is indicated in the parallelogram.

With regard to construction work documentation, there are other rules of a more specific nature that regulate the procedure for the indication of the coordination axes, the application of slopes or cuts and sections. Since each nuance is reflected on the design of the design in terms of working documentation, when preparing a package of documents during construction and installation it is advisable to refer to standards and standards directly.

Consider all project stages in order:

Stage 1 - PP. Pre-projects (concept, sketch project)

At this stage, the concept of the future facility is being developed, the main technical and economic characteristics (TEP) are determined. A sketch is determined by planting an object on the ground, its volume and spatial solution (ODA), a constructive scheme. Also at this stage are calculated main engineering loads on water, heat and electricity, so-called at this stage. Calculation of loads.

Development Stage "PP" It is not mandatory, but helps save time and funds with further design.

Stage 2 - PD. Project documentation

In contrast to the sketch project Stage "Project" ("PD" or simply "P") is mandatory and subject to coordination in state bodies executive power. According to the results of the coordination of the "Project" stage, permission to build an object is issued. The composition and content of this stage is governed by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008. Of course, the composition will be individual for each project, but we will try to draw up most full list All possible sections and subsections of the PD stage:

room Cipher section Section name
Section 1 Explanatory note
Volume 1. OPZ Explanatory note
Volume 2. Ird. Source and Permissive Documentation
Section 2. ROM. Land Planning Organization Scheme
Section 3. AR Architectural solutions
Section 4. Constructive and volume planning solutions
Volume 1. KR1. Reinforced concrete structures
Volume 2. Kr2. Metal constructions
Volume 3. Kr3. Wooden designs
Volume 4. KR.R. Static calculation
Section 5. Information about engineering equipment, engineering and technical support networks, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions.
Subsection 1. Power supply system
Volume 1. IOS1.1 Outdoor power supply
Volume 2. IOS1.2. Power equipment
Volume 3. IOS1.3. Electric lighting
Subsection 2. Water supply system
Volume 1. IOS2.1 Outdoor water supply
Volume 2. IOS2.2. Internal water supply
Subsection 3. System of drainage
Volume 1. IOS3.1 Outdoor drainage
Volume 2. IOS3.2. Internal drainage
Subsection 4. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, thermal networks
Volume 1. IOS4.1. Heating and ventilation
Volume 2. IOS4.2. Heat supply
Volume 3. IOS4.3. Individual thermal point
Subsection 5. Communication networks
Volume 1. IOS5.1.
Volume 2. IOS5.2.
Volume 3. IOS5.3.
Volume 4. IOS5.4. CCTV
Volume 5. IOS5.5. Security alarm
Volume 6. IOS5.6.
Volume 7. IOS5.7 Other low-current systems
Subsection 6. Gas supply system
Volume 1. IOS6.1. Outdoor gas supply
Volume 2. IOS6.2. Domestic gas supply
Subsection 7. Technological solutions
Volume 1. IOS7.1 Technological solutions
Volume 2. IOS7.2
Volume 3. IOS7.3. Air supply
Volume 4. IOS7.4. Fooling
Volume 5. IOS7.5. Farm supplies
Volume 6. IOS7.6. Dustovation
Volume 7. IOS7.7 Other technological systems
Section 6. Pos Project organization of construction
Section 7. UNDER Project of the organization of work on demolition or dismantling of capital construction facilities
Section 8.
Volume 1. OOS. List of environmental protection measures
Volume 2. Oos.Tr. Project Technological Regulations for Conversion to Construction Waste
Volume 3. IEI. Engineering and Environmental Exquisites
Section 9.
Volume 1. PB1 Fire Safety Activities
Volume 2. PB2.
Volume 3. PB3
Volume 4. PB4
Section 10. Odi Disabled access activities
Section 10 (1) ME Events to ensure compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency
and the requirements of the equipment of buildings, buildings and structures
Energy Resources Accounting Devices
Section 11.
Volume 1. SM1 Estimation for the construction of capital construction facilities
Volume 2. SM2. Monitoring Prices for Materials
Section 12. Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws
Volume 1. Keo. Lighting Calculations Insolation and Natural Illumination (CEO)
Volume 2. ZH Events to protect against noise and vibrations.
Evaluation of noise impact on the period of operation of the object
Volume 3. ITM Goychs Engineering and technical measures of civil defense.
Emergency Prevention Activities
Volume 4. Ed. Building Instructions
Volume 5. PTA Activities for countering terrorist acts
Volume 6. DPB. Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

Stage 3 - RD. Working documentation

Stage "RD" First of all, the builders are needed, since it is most fully developed in detail design solutionswhich in the "PD" stage were only designated. Unlike "P", "Raboche" includes drawings of nodes, axonometric schemes and profiles engineering networks, specifications, etc. On the other hand, at the working stage, the documentation is deprived of some sections, the completeness of which was exhausted at the project stage (for example, Housing, OOS, CEO, ITM Goicles, etc.). As in stage "P", the composition of "RD" will be individual for each project, but we will try to draw up the most complete list of all possible partitions of the "Working Documentation" stage:

Cipher section Section name
- GP General plan
- Tr. Construction facilities
- gt. General Plan and Transport (when combining GP and TR)
- hell Car roads
- PZ. Railways
- Ar. Architectural solutions
- AC. Architectural and construction solutions (when combining AR and CR)
- AI Interiors.
- kzh. Constructive decisions. Reinforced concrete structures
- KZh0. Constructive decisions. Reinforced concrete structures. Foundations
- KM. Constructive decisions. Metal constructions
- KMD Constructive decisions. Metal designs detail
- CD Constructive decisions. Wooden designs
- CRR Constructive decisions. Static calculation
- G. Hydraulic solutions
- ES. Power supply system. Outdoor power supply
- EM. Power supply system. Power equipment
- EO Power supply system. Electric lighting
- En Power supply system. Electricity outdoor
- EIS. Electricity supply of engineering systems
- NV Water supply system. External networks
- NK Watering system. External networks
- NK. Water supply and drainage system. External networks
- VC Water supply and drainage system. Internal networks
- Ovik Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- TS Heat supply
- TM. Heat-mechanical solutions (boiler room, ITP, etc.)
- RT Telephony, Radio, Telepography
- SCS Structured cable networks
- AIS. Automation of engineering systems
- ATP Automation of technological processes
- AK Comprehensive automation (when combining AIS and ATP)
- OS Security alarm
- SUD. Access Control and Accounting System
- GSN Outdoor gas supply
- HSV Domestic gas supply
- TX Technological solutions
- TC Technological communications
- Sun. Air supply
- xs. Fooling
- PS. Farm supplies
- Pu Dustovation
- Sowe.
Automatic installation of fire alarm,
The system of alert and management of the evacuation of people in the fire
- Apples Automation of fire protection
- PT. Specialdoorothery (Water, Powder, etc.)
- SD1 Estimation for the construction of capital construction facilities
- SD2. Monitoring Prices for Materials
- AZ. Anti-corrosion protection
- T. Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

GOST R 21.1101-2013 Project documentation system:

4.2. Working documentation
4.2.1. The working documentation transmitted to the Customer includes:
- workers drawings intended for the production of construction and installation work;
- The accompanying documents developed in addition to working drawings of the main kit.
4.2.2. The main sets of work drawings include general data on working drawings, drawings and schemes provided for by the relevant standards of the project documentation system for construction (hereinafter referred to as SPDS).
4.2.6. The attached documents include:
- working documentation for construction products;
- sketch drawings of common types of non-type products performed in accordance with GOST 21.114;
- the specification of equipment, products and materials performed in accordance with GOST 21.110;
- questionnaire sheets and overall drawings performed in accordance with the plant manufacturers of equipment;
- local estimate forms;
- other documents stipulated by the relevant SPDS standards.
The specific composition of the accompanying documents and the need for their implementation are set by the relevant SPDS standards and the design task.
4.2.8. In the work drawings it is allowed to use typical building construction, products and nodes by references to documents containing workers drawings of these structures and products. Reference documents include:
- drawings of typical designs, products and nodes;
- Standards that include drawings intended for the manufacture of products.
Reference documents are not included in the working documentation transmitted to the customer. Project organizationIf necessary, transfers them to the customer for a separate contract.

Snip 11-01-95 Composition of working documentation:

5.1. The composition of the working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is determined by the relevant government standards of the SPDS and is clarified by the Customer and the designer in the contract (contract) for design.

5.2. Government, industry and republican standards, as well as drawings of typical designs, products and nodes to which there are references in working drawings, are not included in the working documentation and can be transmitted to the designer to the customer, if specified in the contract.

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2. Using personal data

By accepting the terms of this Policy, but by using a program or website, the user accepts and agrees to process data that becomes available to the developer in the process of using the user or site user.

The developer uses user personal information for service and to improve the quality of the services provided. Part of personal information can be provided to the bank or payment system, in case the provision of this information is due to the procedure for transferring funds to the payment system, the services of which the user wants to use. The developer makes every effort to save in the preservation of user data. Personal information can be disclosed in the cases described by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or when the administration considers such actions necessary to comply with the legal procedure, judicial order or legal process necessary for the work of the user with the site or program. In other cases, under no circumstances, the information that the user transmits the developer will not be disclosed to third parties.

User data processing is carried out on time from the start of the use of the program or site until the time of termination of their use, unless otherwise due to the functionality of the program or website and / or is not provided for by applicable law.

3. Action of this Policy

The developer reserves the right to make changes and additions to this Policy. New edition Politicians enters into force from the moment of its placement on the site. The user undertakes to regularly meet the new editors of politics.

The developer's website may contain links to other sites. The site is not responsible for the content, quality and security policies of these sites. This confidential application applies only to information posted directly on the developer's website or in the program.

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