
Building facade drawing design. Architectural and construction drawing of a building. General Plan or Planning Organization Scheme

The incision of the house is considered a complete drawing, which shows the construction and all internal features, as well as the components. On this plan you can see the location various elements Buildings: windows, doors or even interior items. Such a layout will help to determine in advance what is necessary for the arrangement of the room.

Drawing of a two-story house to create a project

The main feature Such a drawing is the ability to specify the size of various nuances of the structure. In order for such a layout to be effective, it is necessary to place the cross section plane correctly.

The peculiarity of this type of document is a vertical sections plane that transmits accurate information about the sizes of a particular element. One of the main marks on this drawing is the indication of the distance from the ceiling to the floor:

Such information will be useful as the workers themselves, which will receive all the necessary data and a plan for work and future tenants who will have the opportunity to plan the building arrangement using information transmitted by the drawing in the context.

Designing at home according to the drawing in the context

Drawing in the context is a priority in modern construction. This layout mainly affect the size of the future room, as well as the number of people who will live in this building. Thus, it is possible to obtain, but with many small rooms or a pair of large, which will provide a maximum of space indoors.

Creating a project of the house according to the drawing in the context

In addition, it is selected minimally, or storage rooms.

To create such convenient layout, It is necessary to draw up a drawing of the house in the context, which will significantly simplify and reduces the maintenance of further work on the installation of the premises.

Having a drawing in the context for the project of your home, you can choose the correct location of the future building on the site.

Drawing Dacha

As a rule, there is not much space, but with a good layout it will be enough to implement everything necessary.

In the preparation of the drawing in the context for a frame building should pay attention to where what room must accommodate:

  • sleeping rooms are best placed so that their windows look in the southeast or eastern direction;
  • , and the hallway should be in the West;
  • Or premises for guests should be located in the southeast or south side of the house.

Drawings with the size of all floors at home

The correct location of the residential premises will allow not only to get a large amount of light in the right place, but also create the right air exchange between the premises.

The drawing in the context will be quite thoughtful, but at the same time simple. It is simplicity that is the guarantor of the quality and ease of use of the drawing by builders or designers.

Planning a small room according to the drawing in the context

Limited capabilities during the construction do not always mean the inability to equip their housing space. Even if you have only a few in your location square meters, And it is not possible to hold additional floors or attic of the attitude, you can still correctly distribute the space.

Unlike the design of the apartment premises, has its own characteristics:

  1. It is necessary to plan the arrangement of such a residential premises quite carefully, since the heat transfer of the usual house is significantly higher than the apartment structures due to the fact that all external walls are communicated with the street, as well as there is no entrance and other heated rooms general purpose. Therefore, the location of the rooms in the house should be given special attention When developing drawings.
  2. Drawing in the context should take into account the need for a tambour for most types of residential premises regardless of planning. So there will be less heat in the house through the walls, doors and windows.
  3. In some cases, the drawing will need to specify the veranda device. It can be both an open type and glazed. If planned, the presence of a tambura is not mandatory.

Having made a draw in the section for his dwelling, the owner of the house will ensure self comfort and comfort.

How, according to the current standards and the rules, the drawing of the facade of the building is performed? How are different projects of the building are correctly called?

Let's get acquainted S. common rules Implementation of construction schemes.

In the photo - sketch of the facade of those times when the requirements for project documentation differed from the current ones.

General provisions

The answer to the question of how to draw the facade of the building, we will begin with the transfer of common for all construction drawings and the requirements of the requirements.


  • All construction drawings are obtained by designing a certain type of building on the plane.
  • Actually the plan of the facade of the house is its front projection on the plane located in parallel.
  • The projection of the building cutting in the longitudinal or transverse plane is, respectively, incision along or across.
  • If the paper is transferred horizontal cutting down, it is customary to be called a plan. Depending on what level the cut is made - it can be a basement plan, the first floor and so on.
  • Top view of a plot that includes a building or group of structures, is customary to be called the master plan.
  • Finally, no matter what object you see - a cellar of kindergarten, schools, an industrial building, cottage, or a toilet on cottage plot - All these images have a common name: architectural and construction drawings.

Despite the spread of electronic media, projects are necessarily printed on paper.


Cuts, plans and drawings of facades of buildings must be performed in the general list of ECCD ( unified system design documentation). Its standards are determined by GOST 2.301-68 - GOST 2.307-68.

What exactly is regulated?

  • Formats of sheets of all circuits.

Important: Requirements for the format imply certain ratios of the parties of the sheet itself, and not the framework of the project.

  • Large-scale image of images.
  • The thickness of the lines.
  • Name of image elements.
  • Drawing fonts.
  • Image methods on paper of various items.
  • Graphic designations of various materials.

The scale in the preparation of master plans of objects can apply the following:

  • 1:200;
  • 1:5000;
  • 1:10000;
  • 1:20000;
  • 1:25000;
  • 1:50000.

In the drawings of the facades and plans are used, of course, and larger scale.

Scale 1: 1 can be applied when transferred on paper of the cornices of complex shape and other small elements. However, it is rather an exception. The magnification scale in architectural and construction draws is not used.

Rules of implementation

To properly perform the facade scheme of houses, plans for floors and other architectural and construction schemes, you need to adhere to quite rigid norms.

  • The thickness of the main line should be the same for all parts of the drawing performed on a single scale. Exception - cut plans: visible contour lines can be drawn fine.
  • The names, headlines and designations in the project field can be written without inclination. But the dimensions and other inscriptions on the arrows are written by inclined, with an angle relative to the base of the string of about 75 degrees.
  • The total number of sizes in the drawings of the facades of houses should be, as prompts common sense, sufficient to carry out construction work. At the same time it is allowed to duplicate the same size on different elements of the image.
  • Dimensions are affixed in millimeters without the designation of units of measurement. However, the level of ground is affixed in meters up to the third decimal sign.

Traditionally, all sizes on the plan are indicated in millimeters. The rule is not absolutely; But other units of measurements must be specified in the notes.

ATTENTION: It is permissible to indicate dimensions and centimeters, provided that the measurement units are specified in the note to the drawing. And in this case, the units of measurement are not specified separately.

Features of the facades schemes

General provisions we listed. Are there any nuances related to those interested in us primarily by the facades? How to draw the facade of the building in accordance with the existing rules?

Here is the instruction.

  1. The drawing of the facade should give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the building surface (see), the proportions and the size of individual elements.
  2. If the facade and plan are on the same plan - they are performed on a single scale and must be in the projection connection. What does this mean? Only the fact that the scheme is located in the drawing under the facade.
  3. Facades of different side Buildings have their own names that are indicated on the sheet. There are chief, yard and side (end) facades.
  4. The project indicates all the design details that will be present in a real building. For example, the main facade of the school in the drawing should be equipped with a porch, yard - a fire staircase; Early eaves, auditory windows and others seemingly little things.
  5. In the technical project on the facade it is customary to show his own and falling shadows. To do this, it is painted with watercolor or shaded with a dry grave.
  6. The facade scheme does not indicate horizontal dimensions. However, on the one hand, at a distance of 15-20 millimeters from the contour of the facade, the total size of the height and level marks for the Earth, windows and doors, the base, cornice, and the rod of the roof and the upper points of pipes and ventilation are affixed.
  7. At the bottom of the facade, the axes of deformation seams and the elevation drops of the building are applied.

Before us - the drawing of the facade made in all the rules. Very complex, I must say. It is removed from a very real building - a large dramatic theater on the Fontanka embankment in St. Petersburg.


For more information about building drawings you can find in the video at the end of the article. In addition, it is useful to know that the price includes full set Projects, starts from 10,000 rubles for typical solutions. Exclusive projects They can cost ten times more expensive. Successes in construction!

The following types of facades distinguish: the main facade, palace facade and side or end facades.

The main facade is called the type of building from the street or square. The name of the facade is determined by the extreme coordination axes, between which the building site shown in the drawing, or the axis brand, located in the facade wall, for example, "Facade 1-4", "Facade À-Â", " Facade mounting scheme 1-13. The scale of the facade must be minimal, but sufficient to display the relief of the wall, openings openings in the walls, etc.

In the drawings of the facades, it is advisable to indicate deformation seams, fire stairs, exterior drain pipes, ramps at the gate, lolous lattices, etc. The conditional graphic designation is distinguished by sections of walls performed from a material that differs from the material of the entire building (Table 5). In the industrial buildings, with a high length of the facade with a rhythmic location of the windows, a drawing of window bakes is allowed to show only in two or three extreme openings from both ends of the building.

Drawing of window bakes, the type of doors and gates is shown only on the facades, made on 1: 100 and larger; With a smaller scale, only the contours of the sash and openings are drawn.

If there are complex sections on the facade, they are depicted separately on a larger scale in the form of a fragment. On the main drawing of the facade gives a reference to its fragments, indicating the number of the sheet on which they are placed.

The drawing of the facade is based on the drawings of the plan and cut.

In the name of the facade, if necessary, the scale of its image is indicated, for example: "Facade 1-22 (1: 200)".

An example of a facade of a residential building is given in Fig. 25, and fragment of the facade production building - In fig. 26.

The drawings of the facades are applied and indicated:

- coordination axes of the building (facilities), held in the characteristic places of the facade (for example: the extreme, deformation seams, in places of ledges on the plan and drop of heights);

- appearance of the building, including windows, doors, gates, steps, balconies, etc.;

1,000 óððç. one

2,450 +2,250

Fig. 25 4.

Facade 1-22 (1: 200)

Fragment 1.

- earth levels, entrance sites, vertex walls, bottoms and vertex of openings and located at different levels of elements of facades (visors, remote tambourists). It is allowed to mark the Niza and the top of the openings indicate in the cuts;

- marks, sizes and bindings of openings and holes not specified on the plans and cuts;

- types of filling window openings, if not included in the prefabricated wall structures (not shown in training tasks);

and cuts;

- type of finishing of individual sections of walls different from the rest (prevailing);

- external firefighters and evacuation stairs, adjoining galleries.

4. Sequence of architecture building drawing of the building

4.1. Purpose and content of work

The purpose of the task is to study features and conventions when performing, designing and reading construction drawings of buildings, as well as securing the skills for building a promising image of objects.

IN each task is The estimated graphic work is shown a schematic drawing of the plan, facade and cutting of the building, the explication of rooms, as well as a node or design element that you want to draw (Fig. 27).

IN work must be performed as follows:

1. Each floor plan on 1: 100 scale.

2. Perform the cutting of the building on a scale of 1:50 (if there is more than one floor, the incision is performed on the staircase).

3. Each the facade of the building on 1: 100.

4. Examine the specified node or design element on 1: 5 or 1:10.

5. Build a perspective image of the building. Architectural and construction drawing of the building and perspective

the buildings are performed by each on a separate sheet of drawing paper A1 format.

As a material for external and inland walls, adopt brick (250x120x65 size), for foundations - concrete, for coatings - prefabricated concrete slabs, for roofing steel.

Outdoor walls Take a thickness of two bricks, i.e. 510 mm, internal capital - 1.5 bricks or 380 mm, partitions (regardless of the material) - 100 mm.

The bias of the roof for steel 18, or 1/5 - 1/6 heights to the overlapping span of the building.

The following notation: îêê1, îê2, ... - Window openings are indicated on the layout scheme. Ä1, Ä2, ... - doorways; Â1, Â2, ... - Gate; Â - bathroom; Ò - toilet; Ëê - staircase, and also shows the exploration of premises.

4.2. Litting of a sheet of architectural and construction drawing of the building

An example of placement on the drawing of the plan, the facade and the cut is shown in Fig. 27.

The building plan should be located long side along the sheet, overlooking the plan, corresponding to the main facade of the building, to the lower edge of the sheet.

For the possibility of applying dimensional chains and marking the coordination axes of the outline of the plan should be placed approximately at a distance of 75-80 mm from the drawing frame.

The facade is located at the front view of the front, and the transverse cut on the right of the facade so that you can apply the necessary inscriptions, the size and labeling of the axes.

The enlarged image of the building design element is given at the free place of the drawing, and the explication is above the main inscription.

Initially, the estimated graphic work is fully drawn in thin lines, after which the teacher is checked, which, if the drawing is correct, it gives permission to the stroke.

The drawing stroke is carried out by the corresponding types of lines of different thicknesses according to GOST 2.303-68 *, the recommendations specified in section 2.4 of the manual and the data of the table. 2.

4.3. Building Plan Execution Sequence

1. Apply and labeled coordination axes (see section 3.1

and fig. 28).

2. Lock the contours of longitudinal and transverse outdoor

and capital inland walls and columns (Fig. 29).

3. They draw the contours of partitions, paying attention to the difference in the accession of the outer and capital inland walls, capital walls and partitions (Fig. 29 and 31).

4. Perform the breakdown of window and door openings (Fig. 30).

5. Draw out the conditional notation Sanitary and other equipment, as well as indicate the direction of opening the doors (Fig. 30).

6. If necessary, make the stairs and draw its conditional designation.

7. Apply remote and dimensional lines (Fig. 30).

8. They affix the necessary dimensions, axles brand and other elements (Fig. 31).

9. Perform the necessary inscriptions and draw up the drawing.

10. Denote by the sequential planes of cuts.

Fig. 30 1.

Fig. 31 1.

4.4. Sequence of the cutting of the building

1. Spend the horizontal direct, which is taken for the level of clean floor of the first floor - its level is equal to the mark

0,000 (Fig. 32).

2. Conduct the second horizontal direct, defining the planning surface of the Earth and on the pure floor line lay the distances between the corresponding coordination axes. Through these points, vertical coordination axes are carried out (Fig. 32).

3. On both sides of the vertical straight lines at a distance, which determines the thickness of the outer, inner walls and partitions that came to the securing plane are carried out with thin lines of their contours (Fig. 33).

4. Conduct the line contour of the ceiling, overlap, roofing, base and scene (with its presence) (Fig. 33). The cornice is shown as an element of transition from the wall to the roof.

5. Depict window, doorways and technological equipmentfalling into a securing plane (Fig. 34).

6. Pictures elements of the building located behind the securing plane (doors, windows, partitions, etc.) (Fig. 34).

7. Marking mugs of coordination axes and reference mugs indicating the elements of the cut depicted on fragments are caused. Examine and dimensional lines are carried out, draw the signs of high-rise marks (Fig. 35).

8. Put high-rise marks, sizes, axes brand and other elements. Perform the necessary inscriptions (Fig. 35).

4.5. Facade drawing sequence

1. First spend a horizontal direct thickness adopted for the facade stroke, which is longer than 30 mm of the facade contour (Fig. 36)

2. Conduct the second horizontal straight at a distance of 1.5

mM. from the first to the line of the scene (if it is). Horizontal contours of the base, niza and top of the openings (window and door), cornice, skate and other elements of the building are applied thin lines.

3. Conduct vertical lines of coordination axes, walls, window and door openings, etc. (Fig. 37). Draw the fencing

Important! Creating a drawing of the house, it is necessary to proceed from the number of people who will live in it. It is advisable to provide one or two guest rooms.

Independent layout of the house can be performed in the following options:

  • The easiest option. The plan of the building is drawn on a sheet of hand. In this case, a millimeter paper is needed. If it is not, you can use a sheet that has a checkered distinguished.

Tip! The above option is suitable for people having drawing skills. Otherwise, the layout will have flaws and inaccuracies.

  • The most accurate option. The most obvious option to create a home layout is to use the design computer program. Such programs allow not only to make the main sketches, but also create a full-fledged drawing of a two-storey house that meets all construction standards.

Tip! In order to avoid possible errors in the calculations, it is desirable to use only licensed software.

  • The most creative option - This is the use of a 3D editor. Such a project is obtained by three-dimensional and excellent transfers not only the size and location of the rooms, but also the design ideas of the author.

Video instructions on the phased independent planning of a residential building in one of the specialized programs

What does the full project of the house look like

The full project of the house involves not only appearance and layout, but also full description All construction parameters, engineering communications and characteristics of building materials. In other words, this is a complete guide to action for builders, which can give a knowledgeable person full information about the future building.

Thus, complete projects of houses include:

  • Architectural Description of the structure. This includes drawings of the facade of the house with the size of the interior. The size and location of windows, doors are designated here, all economic and residential premises are present.
  • Calculation of constructive nuances, including rafting structures, house box, foundation and roof. All these elements must be depicted on the drawings schematically with the application of calculations and detailed markup.

Treatment of facade hydrophobizer

  • Scheme of electrical stroke. Here, the connection is described as much as possible, the features of the electrical wiring with the circuits of electrical wiring, the location of the sockets, etc.
  • Engineering nuances. This includes a floor plan with a laying of vital communications - ventilation, water supply, sewage, heating, gas, etc.

Thus, projects of houses are not limited to one drawing, as some people admissible in all nuances of this process suggest. Therefore, refusing the services of a professional designer, it should be understood that before the construction of the house, it is necessary to complete project documentation.

How to create a plan at home

The layout of the building is based on handwritten or electronic drawings, for the proper execution of which it is necessary to comply with such a sequence of actions:

  • The required scale is set on millimeter paper.
  • The axis of the house is drawn.
  • Next you need to draw the walls.
  • Blacks inner partitions.
  • Now you need to place the window and doors on the drawing.
  • For each room, the name and area are indicated.

Tip! Development of a planning of engineering communications, the layout of the mains and so on. Must be carried out by a specialist. Therefore, in the absence of knowledge in these industries, it is necessary to consult with an experienced designer, which will avoid gross mistakes. The most unpleasant is the situation when the project was admitted to construction, the house is built, and only then technical shortcomings begin to manifest, eliminate which is very difficult.

Using the Home Designing Program

To date, there are many computer programs designed to design buildings. They meet among them as amateur, which cannot be considered as a serious tool and professional programs used by experts around the world. These include: AutoCAD, 3D compass and others.

A set of drawings, designed in such a program, has a number of benefits:

  • A faster process of creating a plan.
  • The program minimizes possible inaccuracies in the calculations.
  • Ability to create a three-dimensional model at home.

  • Virtual planning not only premises, but also engineering networks.
  • Quick mastering even by those users who are not familiar with the Aza drawing.
  • Wide functionality and a large set of tools for the embodiment of any technical and design solutions.
  • Many lessons I. useful Soviets on the work of programs on the Internet.
  • The presence of built-in libraries containing furniture, architectural elements and even finishing materials, which allows not only to create a drawing, but also to present the appearance of the future at home. This is very important in order to consider the project from the point of view of convenience, coziness, etc.

Creating a drawing of the house, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Number of rooms, given them functional purpose and location relative to each other. Not only the main rooms allocated for each family member and functional premises (bathroom, toilet, kitchen) should be provided here, but also a room where the whole family will be gathering (room, living room), hallway, veranda, storage room, etc.
  • Hobbies of each family members should also be considered when planning at home. For example, in some homes there is its own pool, gym, separate library, sauna, workshop, etc.
  • Personal rooms are better made small and cozy, and the hall where the whole family is going, on the contrary, should be spacious.
  • Children should be located next to the parent bedroom.

How to make a good design project? Preparation of the 3D model and secrets of competent design. Video from Alexey Zemskova

Tip! If there are small children or elderly in the family, it should also be considered when planning at home. Perhaps, in this case, it will be better to abandon the second floor or establish the safest stairs with comfortable railings and deep steps. Designs like "goose step".

  • For the compact placement of the water supply system and the sewer system, it is advisable to have a kitchen, a boiler and joined one line.
  • To effectively preserve heat in the winter, it is desirable to preserve in the house of a warmed veranda or tambura.
  • Carrying out the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe building, it is necessary to consider that one adult should have a minimum of 8 m2 of residential space.

Tip! Young families should consider the likelihood of replenishing the family at the design stage of the house.

  • It is desirable that the location of the windows is south or oriental.


Many people are interested in how to make a plan or drawing independently, but not everyone understands how responsible is the design stage. Above the main nuances of creating a complete project of the house were considered. Here it should be understood that the design of the house requires an integrated approach and attention to a number of features.

The main function that is performed drawings of facades of buildings - This is a presentation to those who study them and works with them about what kind of appearance has a structure, what are his architectural featuresand in what the ratio of each other is the individual items. The following varieties distinguish facades:

  • Main
  • Yard
  • Side (end)

Application of door and window openings, plates of visors over the entrances, balconies, eaves, as well as other available facade elements.

Development of the facade of the house

Application of doors, window bakes, balcony fences located on the roof of the flue and ventilation pipes, the stagnation of the signs of high-rise marks.

Development of building facades

Next, they make a check whether the facade corresponds to the cut and the plan correspond to and carry out its final stroke. If the buildings are large or panel, then the seams are watched between blocks and panels.

For the image of visible contours in the drawings of the facades, a solid thin line is used. To carry out the line outline of the Earth, you can use the thickened line overlooking the facade.

How, according to the current standards and the rules, the drawing of the facade of the building is performed? How are different projects of the building are correctly called?

Let's get acquainted with the general rules for the construction of construction drawings.

In the photo - sketch of the facade of those times when the requirements for project documentation differed from the current ones.

General provisions

The answer to the question of how to draw the facade of the building, we will begin with the transfer of common for all construction drawings and the requirements of the requirements.


  • All construction drawings are obtained by designing a certain type of building on the plane.
  • The actual drawing of the facade of the house is its frontal projection on the plane located in parallel to the facade.
  • The projection of the building cutting in the longitudinal or transverse plane is, respectively, a longitudinal or transverse section.
  • If the paper is transferred horizontal cutting down, it is customary to be called a plan. Depending on what level the cut is made - it can be a basement plan, the first floor and so on.
  • Top view of a plot that includes a building or group of buildings and structures, is customary to be called the master plan.
  • Finally, no matter which object is depicted - the cellar of kindergarten, the facade of an industrial building, the facade of the cottage, or a toilet in the country area - all these images have a common name: architectural and construction drawings.

Despite the spread of electronic media, the drawings are necessarily printed on paper.


Cuts, plans and drawings of facades of buildings must be performed in general System ECCD (Unified Design Documentation System). Its standards are determined by GOST 2.301-68 - GOST 2.307-68.

What exactly is regulated?

  • Formats of sheets of all drawings.

Important: Requirements for the format meant certain ratios of the parties of the sheet itself, and not the drawing framework.

  • Large-scale image of images.
  • The thickness of the lines.
  • Name of image elements.
  • Drawing fonts.
  • Image methods on drawings of various items.
  • Graphic designations of various materials.

The scale in the preparation of master plans of objects can apply the following:

  • 1:200;
  • 1:5000;
  • 1:10000;
  • 1:20000;
  • 1:25000;
  • 1:50000.

In the drawings of the facades and plans are used, of course, and larger scale.

Scale 1: 1 can be applied when transferred on paper of the cornices of complex shape and other small elements. However, it is rather an exception. The magnification scale in architectural and construction draws is not used.

Rules for performing drawings

To properly perform the drawings of the facades of houses, plans for floors and other architectural and construction schemes, you need to adhere to rather hard rules.

  • The thickness of the main line should be the same for all parts of the drawing performed in the same scale. Exception - cutting drawings: visible contour lines can be drawn by a thin line.
  • The names, headlines and designations in the drawing field can be written without inclination. But the dimensions and other inscriptions on the arrows are written by inclined, with an angle relative to the base of the string of about 75 degrees.
  • The total number of sizes in the drawing should be, as prompts common sense, sufficient for construction work. At the same time it is allowed to duplicate the same size on different elements of the image.
  • Dimensions are affixed in millimeters without the designation of units of measurement. However, the level of ground is affixed in meters up to the third decimal sign.

Traditionally, all sizes in the drawings are indicated in millimeters. The rule is not absolutely; But other units of measurements must be specified in the notes.

ATTENTION: It is permissible to indicate dimensions and centimeters, provided that the measurement units are specified in the note to the drawing. And in this case, the units of measurement are not specified separately.

Features of the drawings of facades

General provisions we listed. Are there any nuances related to those interested in us primarily by the facades? How to draw the facade of the building in accordance with the existing rules?

Here is the instruction.

  1. The drawing of the facade should give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the facade of the building (see), about the proportions and the size of individual elements.
  2. If the facade and plan are on the same drawing - they are performed on a single scale and must be in the projection connection. What does this mean? Only the fact that the plan is located on the drawing under the facade.
  3. The facades of different sides of the building have their own names that are specified in the drawing. There are chief, yard and side (end) facades.
  4. The drawing indicates all the structural details that will be present in a real building. For example, the main facade of the school in the drawing should be equipped with a porch, yard - a fire staircase; Early eaves, auditory windows and others seemingly little things.
  5. In the technical project on the facade it is customary to show his own and falling shadows. For this, the drawing is painted with watercolor or shaded with a dry grace of ink.
  6. The facade drawing does not indicate horizontal dimensions. However, on the one hand, at a distance of 15-20 millimeters from the contour of the facade, the total size of the height and level marks for the Earth, windows and doors, the base, cornice, and the rod of the roof and the upper points of pipes and ventilation are affixed.
  7. At the bottom of the facade, the axes of deformation seams and the elevation drops of the building are applied.

Before us - the drawing of the facade made in all the rules. Very complex, I must say. It is removed from a very real building - a large dramatic theater on the Fontanka embankment in St. Petersburg.


For more information about building drawings you can find in the video at the end of the article. In addition, it is useful to know that the price includes a complete set of drawings, starts from 10,000 rubles for typical solutions. Exclusive projects can cost tens times more. Successes in construction!

Facades - orthogonal projections of the building on the vertical plane - the outer side of the building. The drawing of the facade gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the building, its architecture and the ratios of its individual elements. The main facade, yard and side, or end, facades are distinguished.

The main facade is the type of building from the street or square. The definition of other facades follows from their name. The project usually gives the facades of all sides of the building. With its complex configuration (G- and W-shaped, etc.), the facades that are in different planes are allowed to depict on separate drawings. The same facades make one drawing.

The name of the facade is determined by the extreme coordination axes, between which the building site is shown in the drawing, or the axis brand, located in the facade wall, for example, "Facade 1-7", "Facade A-B", "Facade Mounting Scheme 1-13" etc. The name of the facade is inscribed on the image with a minimum break (Fig. 10.12. D).

The scale of the facade should be minimal, but sufficient to display the relief of the wall, openings, holes in the walls, etc.

In the drawings of the facades, it is advisable to indicate deformation seams, fire stairs, tubes of outdoor drain, ramps at the gate, louvre lattices, including installed instead of window bindings, etc. The hatching is distinguished by the walls of the walls performed from a material that differs from the material of the entire building. Stroke lines show the laid mounting openings (Fig. 10.12.2).

In the industrial buildings, with a high length of the facade with a rhythmic location of the windows, a drawing of window bakes is allowed to show only in the extreme two-three openings from both ends of the building; On longitudinal types of lights - also only at the ends, in civil buildings - in all window openings. However, the degree of detail when drawing out the facades of civil and industrial buildings depends on the scale. Drawing of window bakes, the type of doors and a gate is shown only on the facades, made on the scale of 1: 100 and larger; With a smaller scale, only the contours of the sash and openings are drawn.

If there are complex sections on the facade, they are depicted separately on a larger scale, i.e. Facade fragment is performed.

On the main drawing of the facade should be a reference to its fragments, indicating the number of the leaf on which they are placed. Most often it is a curly brace under which the sheet number is specified (Fig. 10.12.3). In fig. 10.12.3 The facade of an industrial building is shown, on which the fragment shown in Fig. 10.12.4. Above the fragment is made by type: "Facade Fragment".

In buildings from prefabricated structures (large blocks, panels, etc.), the facade fragments are not drawn, and replaced by references to the location of walls or facades (Fig. 10.12.5). On the facade fragments, all the details show in detail and apply the necessary marks and inscriptions.

The dimensions existing on the plan and cut make it possible to draw the facade of the building.

The completed drawing is drawn up by the following data. The buildings of all types show coordination axes located at the edges of the facade, in deformation seams, in places of ledges in terms of the plane and drops of the heights of the building, in industrial buildings, coordination axes are also applied in one of the sides of each goal opening.

The dimensions on the drawings of the facade, as a rule, are not affixed, except for the sizes of the binding of elements that are not detected on the plans, cuts and fragments (Fig, 10.12.2 and 10.12.6).

In the drawings of the facades, the levels of the ground level, the top of the walls, the input sites and elements of the facades located at different levels are indicated. In the drawings of the facades industrial buildings Also stamped the top of the walls, bottoms and top of the openings. Shelf marks is desirable to deploy aside from the image.

On the facades in reference circles, the parts are labeled in the project if they are not shown on the details of plans and cuts. If there are fragments of facades, marking should be carried out only on fragments. The facades label window blocks by type OK-1, OK-2, etc. Or filling out window openings, if they are not on the plans.

A stamp type of opening is made on the facade inside the circuit of the window opening, and with small sizes of openings - under it or on the remote line. If all the window openings of the building have a similar filling, it is not labeled on the facade.

In the drawing of the facade, marks and dimensions, as well as the binding of openings and holes not specified on the plans and cuts are applied. In addition, the type of finishing of sections of walls differ from the rest (prevailing); External firefighters and evacuation stairs, adjacent galleries. In large-boring and panel buildings show the cutting of walls on blocks and panels.

The drawing of the facade, which is one of the projections of the building, is based on the drawings of the plan and cut. All preliminary constructions are performed by thin lines.

The facade drawing of the building is drawn in the following sequence:

  1. First spend a horizontal direct line of thickness adopted for the facade stroke. It is removed by the contour by about 30 mm. This line serves as the basis on which the facade of the building is built (Fig, 10.12.7).
  2. Then spend the second horizontal line At a distance of one and a half millimeter from the first - line of the scene.
  3. Thin lines carry out horizontal contours of the base, bottom and top of the openings (window and door), cornice, skate and other elements of the building,
  4. Next, vertical lines of coordination axes, walls, window and door openings, etc. are carried out.
  5. Draw balconies, flue and ventilation pipes and other architectural details of the facade,
  6. Reference mugs are applied, denotes the elements of the facade, depicted on fragments, circles of coordination axes, remote lines and signs of high-rise marks, and if necessary, then the dimensional lines.
  7. Put high-rise marks, axes brand, sizes, if necessary, perform all the required inscriptions. Another order of construction can be applied to the facade image.

For many, a cozy country house is a dream of a lifetime, where every hour spent alone with nature contributes to rest. It is important that the housing is not only beautiful, but also comfortable, multifunctional. The implementation of the dream begins with the creation of a project, the basis of which is the drawings of the houses containing detailed planning and communications scheme. How to properly organize a constructive stage, tells this material.

Before making a private house drawing, you need to decide what will be its direct purpose: whether it will serve as a country holiday destination in the summer or housing for year-round habitats of the whole family. The number of households should also be borne in mind. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the lifestyle of family members, their tastes, preferences and hobbies.

If the future inhabitants of the house are a quiet lifestyle, the building needs to be placed on the territory that is away from the roadway and neighboring sites. Best of all - in the depths of the garden. For open, sociable people, the house can be built at the beginning of the plot, putting the facade of the cottage and a beautiful landscape in front of him. IN technical Plan Geodesic data obtained by studying the territory are especially important. They will indicate on the surface features, the composition of the soil and the presence of slopes, which will create a terrain plan.

So that the home design is ordered, the process is conventionally divided into steps that are then displayed in the following sections. ready project at home:

  • sketch;
  • architectural;
  • constructive;
  • engineering technical;
  • designer or finishing.

Deciding with the location and destination of the future dwelling, you can proceed to the design of the house. For this purpose, they make initial sketches. In the presence of elementary artistic skills, the owners will be able to do it on their own, even without a special computer program for building a house. On the basis of sketches is made up the main sketch. In accordance with it, all other detailed drawings prepare and are determined with the layout of the future building.

What must be considered when drawing up a house scheme

Already at the stage of compiling a sketch, it is necessary to clearly decide the number of floors, the type of roof, external species The facade and frontal parts of the house, up to the number of windows, balconies, the presence of a terrace or attic. A sketch project also implies an outline of the type of building in longitudinal and cross-cuts, where the features of the design and materials are indicated from which the house is supposed to be erected.

Helpful advice! Experienced designers do not advise on very spacious bedrooms, as large rooms can contribute to the formation of a feeling of anxiety from their inhabitants. Therefore, the bedrooms must be compact and cozy.

Before drawing a plan of the house, it is necessary to determine the location of the site and explore the orientation relative to the parties of the world. Based on this data, the location of the rooms is determined. Their quantity depends on how many people will live in the building and how often guests will come for a long time. Placing the premises and the functional purpose of each of them is also an important element.

Next, it is required to determine which particular rooms will be assigned to family members, and which are guests and employees, if the formation of a certain state is supposed. We should not forget about the layout of the premises in which the whole family will be gathering, is a dining room, a hall or a living room.

It is important to take into account the preferences and hobbies of the inhabitants of the house to find out the need to include a gym, swimming pool or sauna, a winter garden or a greenhouse, libraries with an office or a spacious workshop.

Features of building projects: drawings as the main part of planning

Deciding with the planning of the house, you need to mentally imagine the life of the family in the building, think over all the elements to miss anything. Therefore, you should not hurry with the creation of the final version of the house planning. Ready drawings and plans of the house should be most perfectly as possible so that the end result is satisfied by all households, and the built housing has served the maximum number of years without reconstruction and alterations. The end version of the sketch should be discussed on the family council, taking into account all the details, right up to the smallest detail.

First of all, the desired number of floors indicate the desired number of floors. It may be spacious cottage, Compact two-storey cottage or luxurious mansion in two tiers with attic. The internal layout depicted on the drawings of buildings should include such zones:

  • residential rooms;
  • economic premises;
  • general use zones;
  • additional extensions.

One-storey house is divided into zones with partitions, as well as placing the rooms of the same type of functionality in one wing. In the two-storey cottages, bedrooms, guest and children's rooms are traditionally located on the second floor, and on the first are economic and office premises common use.

Structure of the project of the house: building plan, drawings and sizes

Before making the project itself, it is necessary to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat this document is and from which sections it consists. First, it is the chief assistant and the guide at the construction stage, which will help create a house for all the rules, make it reliable, comfortable and functional, and most importantly - safe for living.

Important! Build a house without a project is a huge risk. Without comprehensive information about the future house, it is impossible to check all expenses, calculate the required amount of materials and the size of the premises. Chaotic construction can have deposited consequences in the form of sending the foundation, uncomfortable stairs and small rooms.

Secondly, the project is a document that controls the quality of construction and consumption of materials. In the absence of estimated documentation, not only the quality will be low, but also the construction itself will be illiquid. To issue such a house as real estate is simply impossible.

The house project consists of two main parts:

  • architectural and construction, which includes architectural drawings of facades and detailed construction schemes with indication of sizes and materials;
  • engineering, as a rule, consisting of drawings of water supply, sewage, electricians, heating and ventilation systems.

The classic version of the project with the drawings of the two-storey house includes such sections:

  • architectural, detailed floors;
  • constructive with a detailed planning of the house;
  • electrical installation plan;
  • water and sewer diagram;
  • installation plan for heating and ventilation system;
  • project of the gas installation;
  • project passport and explanatory note.

Helpful advice! Drawings can be made manually or take advantage of special computer programs for online design at home.

List of mandatory architectural drawings at home with dimensions

Architectural and construction drawings involve the indication of accurate dimensions, contain the characteristics of the general parameters of the house, individual structures, structures and their parts. It includes detailed plans for each of the floors, providing for the placement of residential rooms and economic premises. The area of \u200b\u200ball elements, the height of the ceilings, the location of the openings for windows and doors is indicated.

For example, the drawings for a two-storey house with an attic in the architectural and construction section are located in this order:

  • basement plan;
  • first floor plan;
  • the second floor plan;
  • mansard plan.

Also in this section there must be a plan of the rafting design of the roof. To draw the drawing, you need to portray full system Elements of the design of overlap in section. In the table, which is attached to the drawing, the specification of the parts of the rafting structure of the roof is indicated, a complete list of the range of materials and their number. The roof plan is compiled separately, it contains the shape, dimensions, the rope of roofs and the angles of slopes, as well as the location of the ventilation exits, auditory windows, lug-free, and the windows of the attic.

Drawings of private houses in obligatory include several cuts with all the elements of the structure along or across. They are performed sequentially from the roof to the foundation. Thus, the size and location of the floor, all overlaps and roofs are visible in the section. Such sections made from different sides should be five.

House drawings in section and image of facades from different sides

Draw a house project is impossible without the image of all facades, which clearly demonstrate the external state of the front entrance, rear view and on the sides. Thus, there must be four sheets where it is necessary to draw drawings depicting:

  • frontal facade;
  • side facade # 1 (right side);
  • side facade # 2 (left side);
  • facade of the back of the house.

The drawing of the facade of the house actually displays the initial sketches and the sketch plan of the building. It can be easily created with the help of special computer programs, therefore, before drawing a project of the house, it is necessary to thoroughly think about everything, consult with specialists from different profiles in construction and coordinate all the details with family members. The final version should like all households.

After the drawings of the facades with a separate list, the table indicates the specification of the elements of joinery products - doors and windows, and the way to open them is taken into account. For each product, clear forms are indicated, parameters, the presence and number of glasses are determined. The house in two floors can have up to three dozen items of such products.

Helpful advice! Create a project of a small two-storey house by analogy with the drawings of apartments. The basis of the first floor is taken plan one-bedroom apartmentAnd the second floor includes a bedroom, two guest rooms and an additional bathroom.

Constructive section: How to draw drawings and schemes of individual elements

The constructive section is an already detailed part of the project, in which both general and individual data are given, various location of the elements of the building: foundations, stair structures, overlap, and rafter structures. Also, detailed drawings of all nodes are made to this part, where the specifics of products and materials are indicated.

The drawing of the foundation section decrypts the size of the ribbon strengthening of the house, the depth of their location and the materials that are necessary for their facilities. The image of the foundation is presented in the form of such drawings:

  • general Plan of the foundation;
  • longitudinal cross-section schemes;
  • drawing of transverse cuts.

Specific types of drawings provide a section, their longitudinal and transverse cuts in different marks:

  • overlap plan at +0.00;
  • at the mark + 3.00;
  • at height +6.00.

Nodes of structural parts are the objects of a special structure, including stairs and spans both outside and indoors. Here are also given accurate calculations For durability and static. In this section of the project, there are characteristics and sequence of the use of materials in individual tables, in particular:

  • steel reinforcement;
  • reinforced concrete elements;
  • wooden crossbars.

Engineering and Technical Section: Room Drawings and Communications

The engineering section contains circuits and drawings of electrical support, water supply systems, sewage systems, ventilation and heating. Conference tables include data specifications and general calculations. These are separate components of the buildings placed inside the future at home.

The water supply section contains a plan for the arrangement of communications in the basement and on each floor. The diagram of the sewage system is performed in a similar manner. Sometimes these two plans are depicted in one drawing. There is also an axonometric scheme for mounting cold and hot water.

In the section of the heating section, floor drawings are presented, starting with the basement, and general scheme Heat supply throughout the house. The gas equipment and electrical support systems are depicted by separate drawings with individual schemes of the location of gas and electrical installations.

In order to prevent thunder-hazard into the modeling of houses, it is necessary to include the installation of a threshold device, since the absence of such protection can not only lead to destruction, but also to create a threat to life and health of the inhabitants of the house. The setting of bulky is produced by a separate scheme with the involvement of qualified specialists.

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