
Exclusive projects of houses from the log. Luxury houses from a rounded turnkey log: projects and prices. Order an elite house in the company "Vistasomservis"

In our company, you can order the construction of elite wooden houses From the log - each such log house was erected on an exclusive project with the use of Russian or Canadian logging. Premium class homes are also built from the faucet and frame technology POST & BEAM.

Elite houses from the "Royal Cedar" correspond to world quality criteria. We build elite houses since 2002.

The first step towards your own house is design. We have a catalog with ready-made projects of houses. Each sketch can be corrected depending on the preferences and conditions on the site.

But not always ready-made projects can satisfy customer needs. Therefore, one of the requested services is an individual design.

Exclusive planning solutions allow you to build a convenient mansion in which each family member will have a place for comfortable life And the classes of your hobby!

It is helped by the leading positions in the wooden house-building market:

Industrial base. Production is located near the forest arrays, so even in heavy snowfall we have the opportunity to deliver the forest to the platform. At the same time, we are erected two - three large logs, so the timing of the order is minimal. A house with complex architectural elements, an area of \u200b\u200b300-500 m2, will cut several months, of which two weeks will be spent on the selection and the preparation of suitable logs. The exact date of the end of the cutting is indicated in the construction contract.

Ideal conditions for storing forest. The logs are stacked under the inclined canopy. Stacking is carried out in accordance with the norms operating in the logging industry: a series of rounds are placed perpendicular to the previous one, there are gap for air circulation between the layers. To prevent contact with the Earth, wooden gaskets treated with antiseptic are used. There is a half-meter step between protective elements.

Experienced architects. Designing from the log is a branch, there are many nuances here. In each of our project:

  • Posted by shrinkage. Compensators of the optimal model, casing boxes in openings, "sliding" rafter design, local attachments when installing communications.
  • Any size of the house.The length of the standard log is 6 meters, therefore, when the walls are erected, galvanized screeds are used to connect blanks, which, when contacting a tree, do not activate rotting. Optimal connection places, subservit are laid in the project. Hand logging columns and luxurious farms are used as carrier elements in large cuts. Use long logs.
  • Constructive protection of log walls. From precipitation and direct sunlight, a tree protect big roofs.
  • Designing the foundation and roof. Accounting for wind and snow loads in this climatic zone, the use of data of geological surveys.
  • Ergonomic layout. The optimal direction of opening of the doors and the rational placement of window openings minimize the "dead" space. Compliance with rules fire safety When planning corridors and staircases.
  • Special techniques (at the request of the customer). Orientation on the sides of the light, optimal insolation residential premises, Designing in seedlings with the calculation of the coefficient of the "golden" section, the use of Fengusu rules when developing planning and choosing a place for the future cut.

Advantages of luxury wooden houses

The company "Royal Cedar" builds houses from cedar, larch and northern pine. This building material refers to the segment of elite wood.

  • Each log house - exclusive! Russian and Canadian technology cutting. Flap, Post & Beam. The author's technology of embossed "Obrovers" of the comility part of the log. The use of unusual elements on the facades: carving, French balconies, forged fences, roughly bored parts of trees as decor, handmade figures.
  • Each log house is durable, service life is 150-00 years old! High quality selected building material. Accurate compliance with technology. Professional projects. The best carpenters of Siberia. Effective protective compounds. Manual log processing.
  • Each log house - Environmental! The use of forests from environmentally friendly regions of Siberia. Cooperation with leading manufacturers of Eco products for wooden house-building on the world market. The use of certified impregnations and LC products.
  • Each log house - Energy Efficient! Rational planning. Comprehensive warming with modern materials: the acrylic sealant "Remmers" and "Klimalan" from sheep wool for walls, membrane hydro and vapor insulators for roofing "pie", Penetron for waterproofing the foundation. Careful laying of each crown when cabping at home. Big log diameter.
  • Each log house is a masterpiece of wooden architecture! Comprehensive design approach. Creating a project design in any style. Finishing home exclusive finishing materials. Landscaping design.

The composition of the house kit:

  • Logs for walls;
  • Timber for:
    • overlaps;
    • rafter system;
    • clamps;
    • paul or ceiling;
  • Interwette insulation "Klimalan";
  • Braided from dry birch;
  • Ruberoid;
  • Protective compounds "Remmers";
  • Shrinking jacks;
  • Hardware.

Construction deadlines depend on the complexity of the project, the diameter of the log and the production site workload.

When developing projects of wooden houses from a chopped log cabin or larch, it is necessary to take into account the large number of technological nuances associated with a non-standard log shape, as well as constructive features. Each log is processed manually directly on the site, which must be taken into account when developing a project home from a cedar of a hand logging. Kalita specializes in designing houses from a cedar of large diameter, which allows you to create a unique project of your future country housing. It is a manual cutting that allows you to approach the assembly process in detail and eliminate possible flaws. Modern projects of chopped houses allow to bring to life almost any wishes of the customer: an unusual shape of the house, attic, the ground floor, the erker, the large indoor rooms without walls and much more.

Handwriting turnkey

Projects of houses from a log cabin - this is the most familiar for many construction option country house for permanent residence. There are various log sizes, but Kalita specializes in the design of large houses from a large diameter log. We are ready to offer projects of houses of hand logging from a cedar log and larch diameter 320 - 600 mm.

Dolonged log houses

The most comfortable and safe place to stay a person is a house from natural materials. Wood is not only natural, affordable, but very useful for health material. The wooden house from the rounded log is the impeccable view of the walls both with the inner and the outside, an excellent housing microclimate all year round and absolute environmental friendliness. Our company in Moscow and the region offers a full range of services for the construction of wooden houses from a rounded log. Integrated and competent approach to projects of any complexity, exceptionally high-quality winter forest, long-term and successful work experience, the use of the latest modern technologies And the reputation of a reliable partner - all this helps our customers quickly and inexpensively get a quality home.

Technology "Lunar Paz"

A log cylindrical configuration with a longitudinal groove of lunar type is one of the most simple and appropriate technologies. It allows you to reduce the price and development speed, as well as reduces operating waste in the future. Such blanks are tightly adjacent to each other, and eliminate the possibility of heat loss.

Technology "Finnish Profile"

A rounded log with an enhanced thermal lock configuration of a labyrinth type, does not allow the occurrence of drafts, and simplify the process of subsequent decoration of the building. The production process of manufacturing this raw material ensures the exact dimensions of the wall materials, as well as their environmental friendliness. The impregnation of wood with special compositions, eliminates the risks of its infection with a variety of pests, fungi and protects against aggressive effects of the external environment.

Wood from "Dacha Story" with a unique profile

The technology of Finnish Castle applied by our specialists helps to reduce the cost of construction, due to the refusal of the caulking of the walls. This configuration contributes to the effective heat, and according to energy saving, eliminates the possibility of freezing the compounds. The price of a rounded log with our profile technology does not exceed the rates of materials with lunar-type grooves.


The company offers to use an extensive collection of projects or will help in creating an individual plan. Customer can choose ready typical project Houses from a rounded log, - one or two-story, with a veranda or attic, garage and swimming pool - in any combinations at your discretion. It is also possible to order your personal plan for building a building from a rounded log, where any wishes of the customer will be taken into account. The comprehensive and responsible approach of our architect to any project guarantees the quality and functionality of the future building. We are responsible at all stages of working with the client and construction, so we work only with the best experts.

Production of wall sets

For the manufacture of a rounded log, you can use a variety of wood breeds, but coniferous trees, in particular pine, are best suited. The optimal price ratio and high operational indicators made this breed of wood very popular with the consumer. A tree that has passed several stages of processing on special equipment - called rounded. First, the raw materials are sorted by diameter, then all the loose parts are cut off and then grind over the entire length (up to 7.5 meters). As a result, smooth cylindrical beams are obtained, the same diameter (from 200 to 400 mm). The next stage of production is the sample of grooves on the selected technology (Lunar groove, Finnish profile) and the manufacture of blanks of wall sets of the required length. The final stage is the impregnation of wood protective compositions and its drying.

Construction turnkey

After the development of the project of future construction, the playground is preparing under it. The plot is aligned, materials and equipment with equipment are imported. Construction works Start from bookmarks foundation, the design of which depends on the type of soil, mass and dimensions of the building of the building, as well as the terrain. Usually, the construction of the foundation does not require high costs. The next stage is a grazing assembly and the installation of a warmed roof, which are produced by highly qualified masters. Further, the log structure, give a deadline for shrinkage (6-9 months), after which they begin to install windows and doors, as well as finishing work. The entire construction process, by the time of the University, takes no more than one year.

Cost of Srub

Modern wooden house From the rounded log, it is not only comfort, heat, comfort, but also a noticeable attribute of the success of the owner! Thanks to personal production facilities and a responsible team of highly qualified workers, "Cottage Stroy" quickly and inexpensively, embody any idea of \u200b\u200blife. You can get free consultations. The company managers will answer all the questions of interest and will give qualified tips. Call now - order the wooden house of your dreams!

The houses of northern rocks combine environmentally friendly Russian estates and modern comfort. Exclusive projects of wooden houses - development of architects of the company "Russian choirs", perfect in all respects: layout, design, convenience, quality of materials.

The catalog of finished projects presents comprehensive schemes and sketches of houses and estates with technical characteristics and construction materials.

Features of exclusive projects

Each ELITE project wooden house Or Bani reflects the preferences of future owners: their tastes, lifestyle, requirements for comfort. Finished layouts comply with modern requirements for country housing of the elite class.

Advantages of elite projects:

  • Special construction technologies. When installing a church, we apply the previously accumulated assembly system based on the best technology of wooden construction.
  • Unrivaled quality. The best logs from cedar, larch or pine, reliable components and consumables guarantee durability and practicality of each building.
  • Orientation to the customer. When building elite wooden houses, we take into account all the ideas and requirements of the client.
  • Unique decor elements: carved figures, panoramic windows, wooden and stone finish.
  • Unusual offer: picture of the future at home. We draw it an exact copy of the pencil or watercolor. The painting decorated in a wooden frame will decorate your living room.

The cost of exclusive wooden houses depends on several factors: the area, the complexity of design and construction, the number and type of materials used, the presence of additional buildings (veranda, balcony, gazebo, garage), additional wishes of the client. The cost is announced after the project harmonization.

Exclusive houses of houses presented on the site comply with the requirements of GOST. Each project can be adjusted at the request of the customer.

The company "Russian choirs" offers not only the construction of houses and baths on ready projects. Our architects will develop an absolutely new unique wooden house for you, taking into account individual preferences and budget.

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