
Building at home with your own hands in photos. House do it yourself without construction experience. Frame technology: from which cheap and high quality build house, pros and cons


Thank you. Glad you liked it. I'm not at all genius. I did not come up with anything new and did no sensational discovery. I'm just built. I do what I like. Is it difficult to put a brick or block? I think no. The main thing is to want to put it. And in what good physical form you remain if you do not go after work to read the newspaper and watch TV or on beer and you go to the construction site to physically work. Although I always find time on beer
So, I continue my report. I'll tell you about jumpers above the windows. We decided to fill them from concrete. The first formwork for the jumper was invented for a long time, but then we realized that what the matter went rapidly reinforced jumpers with reinforcement with 10-ki, 12rd in two rows. And in a 2 meter window opening, put the corners in the concrete. Now if I did - no concrete jumpers. I would put the corners and it would be much more likely to be much easier and difficult. She would also be warmer. But at that time no one suggested.

But about this dog you can write a whole story. She lives on a construction site, sometimes disappears but not for a long time, still comes here. Moskoy it was called. She recently led me under the boards of puppies. All males. So who needs to contact otherwise I don't know where to give them. If it were not for a wife who regrets them, then I would have taught them to swim in our river. The thing is that this bout of the chickens steals from the neighbors and I recently learned. And I think I think why she is my bread and potatoes do not want to eat and why the puppies are so fasten and round as koloboki. Here it is in the photo

Camping story I'm still throwing pictures of small puppies.
And now Aropoyas. I went around the Internet, all the neighbors, a brought familiar builders, forumhouse. The ru, too, also tortured and decided to do everything in his photo and everything will become clear.

But this reinforcement I made a belt whatever he was not just a belt and with the "Armo" console. A year ago, I didn't even hear such a smart word. Horror

By the way, at that time I also mastered the welding technology. Not with his wife and not with the mother-in-law (I still mastered it before. Yyyy) and iron welding technology. The welding machine has long been lying in the attic, even the electrodes of 20 years ago went to move
On the previous photo, the wooden formwork was made only on the middle bearing wall because it is 20 cm thick. Brick there would be all the place in width.

That's what I understand the used brick. New from the factory is still far to him. KAMAZ brought and threw the dump truck. Of 4.5 thousand bricks, there can be 50 pieces afternoon.

A week later put the beams. Thickness 12x16 cm. Scrambled the ends of the beams, but the end "left" is uncomfortable. Oh, with what problems we left him. The fact is that I scratched the end, too, and then I have been told on the forum that you can't do that. I am a grinder in my hands and quickly went to cut ends. They say the end tree breathes. I don't know whether or not, let them breathe.

The process itself, as we raised them, I did not fall out, because it is not convenient to raise the beams as it is not comfortable. That and almost on all other pictures I don't have because the father with a digital fotik is not very friendly and the wife is the child, then the work is busy, at the construction site there is no time to go specially to pofotkat. And in vain ... there would be a lot of Internet to show you

It was decided to heat the beams to impregnate the wood from insects and bacteria above the top later and rafters of course immediately. Here is a brush and ahead

Father dilutes Borokhron. So called this means

Acquaintance of future neighbors. Clasto, we immediately live in the neighborhood family and they have a child for 2 months old for our. And also the young family also lives behind them: they have a daughter for the year younger for our son. Will be able to play with the sandbox and sweat and when they grow up to fight the girl-neighbor

Here on this optimistic note I will already finish today ... Next, the second floor of the roof will go, etc. I still have a lot that you tell and show
I describe everything so briefly and if something in the details interests write, ask, point out errors. We will learn to miss them together.

From this article, you can find out how to build your home with your own hands with minimal cost and choose the best material for this. The text describes possible ways of saving and tips, how to avoid mistakes during operation. The article considers the features of projects based on framework technology, bricks, timber, gas blocks and other materials, as well as the efficiency of each of them.

The construction of the house from scratch is always accompanied by large expenses. Not every country owner can afford to implement such a project, not paying attention to the numbers in the estimate. In most cases, it is necessary to deal with the construction of a cheap house with their own hands to squeeze into the budget. However, resorting to savings, it is necessary to clearly understand, in what cases it will be reasonable, since later in this building will have to live the owner and his relatives.

What home to build cheaper: choice of economical project

Savings begins with the rational distribution of funds and the correct choice of the project. The more difficult the form and architecture of the building, the more the costs of it will be.

After selecting a suitable project, building a house is cheap and quickly possible, but for this it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Simple layout and building scheme.
  2. Minimum area.
  3. Optimal materials.
  4. Using formwork from non-thendition.
  5. The right approach to land works.

Important! Do not save on the quality of materials or technical supervision, engaged in the construction of an expensive project. It is better to limit your choice with a small building with a conventional roof and without complex architectural elements, then you don't have to resort to cutting costs.

Choosing a project with a minimum number of architectural forms, you can increase the chances to fit into the estimated estimates. To develop an optimal scheme of the house, it is necessary to use space wisely. For one person, it is enough 11 m² of area. Multiplying this figure by the number of family members, and adding to the result of the room general purpose And sanitary premises, you can get the most optimal house in all parameters.

Regardless of how difficult the soil on the plot, it is necessary to buy suitable materials for the construction of the house. Selecting from which to build a house should not strive to maximize savings to the detriment of quality. The same applies to the services of specialists hired to fulfill work that do not work out with their own hands, or design documentation with relevant permissions. If you take the lungs by weight materials, you can reduce the burden on the foundation part and to do with the construction of a simplified basis.

Significant savings can be achieved using non-thendition for the construction of formwork structures. At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to reduce cement costs. Material brand must be high quality, otherwise case will occur Premature design destruction.

Having calculated by the mass of the building, the correct level of gluke, you can prevent a strong shrinkage at home. This will reduce the risk of cracks and other defects that may require serious repairs to the future.

How to build a house with your own hands: photo projects from different materials

If the construction will be carried out with their own hands, the costs of costs are obligatory - preliminary compilation of the estimate. The most economical I. fast way Construction is a frame technology. Such structures are stable, practical and not exposed to deformation changes. The service life of houses built on the framework technology is about 75 years. In this case, there are no restrictions on the use of cladding.

The deadline for the construction of the house with their hands on frame technology is usually occupied by several months. In some cases, you can restrict ourselves to a few weeks.

There are two varieties of framework technology:

  1. Panel.
  2. Shield

Note! Build an inexpensive house of framework technology, if the length of the building does not exceed 20 m, and the floors are not more than 3. In other cases, such a project will be costly.

Frame-panel technology allows you to build with your own hands. This process consists of the following steps:

  • making wood frame;
  • laying waterproofing and insulation;
  • installing panels as a trim.

In this case, the rate of construction is significantly reduced, since each element is mounted separately.

The frame-shield technology does not require great effort, it is reliable, but accompanied by high costs than the previous option. This method involves building a house based on ready-made panels of factory production. Owner cottage plot It will only be left to assemble all design elements.

When the question is solved, from which to build an inexpensive and high-quality home, in most cases developers prefer the following materials:

  • brick;
  • wooden bar;
  • gas blocks.

Based on these materials, you can create a beautiful and comfortable home with your own hands. In each case, construction will have certain advantages and disadvantages.

Frame technology: from which cheap and high quality build house, pros and cons

Using the framework technology, the owner of the country area is dealing with both the advantages and the disadvantages of this method.

The positive side of this method is as follows:

  1. Efficiency - technology allows you to create cheap accommodation itself.
  2. The facilitated weight of the structure - due to this, you can simplify the foundation part of the building.
  3. High construction speed.
  4. Lack of shrinkage - walls are not subject to deformation changes.
  5. The walls are perfectly held warm, so it becomes possible to reduce heating costs.

Warming up the frame houses is quite quickly. Since the walls are made of low thermal conductivity materials, heat loss is minimal.

The flaws from the framework technology is not so much. This method requires at least minimal experience in construction, so before starting work, it is advisable to obtain consultation of specialists, familiarize yourself with the technical information and view visual video reviews. Only in this case the use of framework technology will be economically justified.

In addition, wood needs impregnation, so you will have to additionally purchase special funds providing protection against the influence of negative factors:

  • fire;

  • insects;
  • water, etc.

Note! It is advisable to provide for the presence of a good ventilation system in the house. This is especially true of buildings with several floors.

It is possible to build a house of framework technology from wood or metal. In the first case, the material does not waste the building, the walls of this house breathe and retain the optimal climatic conditions. If the metal is used, the lightweight thermopropofil is ideal for construction.

Article on the topic:

Classification, components, technological parameters and dimensions. Characteristics, price-quality ratio.

The advantages of thermopropille:

  • full fire safety;

  • no need to use biological protection;
  • small weight.

In many respects, the metal is much better than wood, but it is very important to monitor its condition and provide protection against corrosion. What is cheaper to build a house every owner of the site solves itself, although it should be borne in mind that the service life of the metal profile is much more than that of the wood. As a base, you can use a ribbon small-brewed, pile or foundation from the plates.

Features of the construction of a brick house do it yourself

Brick is considered one of the most popular materials used to erect private and country houses. However, it is not too suitable for those who seek to reduce the construction time and limit the minimum cost.

Disadvantages of construction of brick buildings:

  • the need for the manufacture of very thick panels for walls;
  • formation brick masonry takes a lot of time;
  • the building is exposed to shrinkage;
  • a mixture is required for fixing bricks;
  • large weight of a building requiring a powerful and reliable foundation.

In this case, the savings are impossible, because the base will have to shut up to the ground freezing point, hire specialists for this or lease technique. So picking up from which cheap to build a house should not use the brick that will fit in more than For the creation of good and durable buildings.

Long and labor cost work on masonry walls is an important disadvantage of construction.

The advantages of construction of bricks are manifested in the following cases:

  • the construction of the house is carried out "by century";
  • the plot has suitable soil parameters and the required level of aquifer;
  • the owner is emphasized enough to perform all work independently;
  • the developer has enough time.

In the presence of all the above conditions, the cost of building houses will be justified.

Features of the construction of an inexpensive house of gas blocks

Gas blocks are ideal for the construction of an economical house. These elements are presented in a large number of sizes and shapes. The technology of work with them is very simple, so you can easily fulfill the construction of the house with your own hands.

Does not need insulation

Advantages of using gas packs:

  • the ability to reduce the thickness of the walls without prejudice to energy saving;
  • lightweight building and the possibility of saving on the foundation part;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • high sound isolation.

Note! The house made of gas blocks has its own characteristics, so it will be necessary to carefully select the finish and perform waterproofing work.

Build a house on the basis of gas-blocks is beneficial for many more reasons. Such buildings are practically not exposed to shrinkage. For work it will require the purchase of a special adhesive composition, but the construction time is reduced to a minimum, as well as three times reduced the flow rate of the fixing solution.

How fast and cheap to build a house from a bar with your own hands

Build wooden house It is much more profitable than to build a building based on aerated concrete or brick. This technology is more simple and accessible. Housing made of timber, very warm. If you comply with all the requirements, such a structure will be solid enough and just like a long time.

For construction it is better to take a bar with a size of 200 mm. The insulation layer is also required with a thickness of no less than 100 mm. The walls are covered with a 2-3 centimeter layer of plaster. As a result, it turns out a cost-effective, attractive home whose service life will be several decades.

When you need to pay attention to the quality of materials

What advantages is accompanied by the construction of the house with their own woods:

  1. All works can be performed by one's own.
  2. Low value of the material.
  3. High thermal insulation.
  4. Small construction deadlines.
  5. Small weight of the building.

Bar is perfect for construction inexpensive at home Alternative to blocks and bricks. However, it will take carefully to study the features of this process.

An important advantage of the construction is its inexpensive cost

What is cheaper to build a house: A brief overview of the rates

Selecting materials for cheap and fast construction, it is necessary to take into account some factors:

  • the features of the soil;
  • project specificity;
  • conditions that have a building area.

It should also be borne in mind that the most costly part is the payment of workers' services, so many land owners are interested in how to quickly build a house on their own.

Medium prices for building houses:

Building type Price, rub. / M²
Frame 890
From Bruus 1950
From aerated concrete 2000
Brick 2350

If you do not take into account the peculiarities of the site, the table shows that the most economical building is the house built using framework technology.

Note! Rates in the table are based on medium indicators: the level of soil freezing is 1.5 m, groundwater flows at a depth of 2, 5 m.

How to build a house with your own hands: Technology Description

Before starting work on the arrangement of the house on its own section, the priority of work should be determined.

The main stages of construction:

  1. Production of the foundation.
  2. Creating a box.
  3. Laying Communication Systems (electricity, and plumbing).
  4. Installation of overlaps.
  5. Roof arrangement.
  6. Finishing work.

Foreign Foundation - the most effective method Reducing costs. It works, provided that light material is selected for the construction of the walls. If the pile, slab or small-breeding foundation is used, the establishment of the base is carried out at the level of 0.5 m. After that, waterproofing works are performed.

How to build a house on your own: creating a box

To find out how much material is required for the construction of the box, a special formula should be used. For this you need total area The buildings that are measured in m 3 are divided into a number of pieces contained in 1 m 3.

If you want to make construction as economical, do not use the brick, for these purposes other materials are suitable:

  • adobe;
  • foam concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • bar;
  • rakushnyak.

Of all the listed materials of Rakushnyak, it is capable of offering the highest rates of steam permeability. Due to this, it becomes possible to reduce the cost of the organization of thermal insulation, but in this case good waterproofing will need. In the roaching house, it is always tedious to strengthen the door and window openings. For this you can use metal corners.

How to build a house Own hands: Using insulation

When the building is ready, work is performed on its insulation. The most reliable and proven materials are glass gamble and mineral wool. It is not necessary to save on the amount and quality of rolls, because the more carefully work will be performed on insulation, the less the cost of home heating will be in the future. There is another positive feature - the service life of the building is increasing, while the need for restoration and repair of the structure will not appear soon.

Plasterboard is suitable for the manufacture of internal partitions in the box. The sheets of this material are available in price and allow you to create lightweight structures of any forms, while maintaining high strength.

The use of metal products will strengthen the walls. These elements are easily fixed and squeezed with drywall sheets. Such works do not require high costs and are performed very quickly.

How do you build a house: Organization of heating, water supply and sewage

A gas boiler is suitable for a private house as heating equipment. It is allowed to use a furnace and water circuit. Of course, the operation of the furnace is accompanied by some difficulties, but it saves, unlike gas heating.

Helpful advice! Solar panels are an excellent alternative of heating. However, it is suitable only for regions with plenty of sunny days.

When organizing water supply and sewage, it is better to give preference to systems, since they are economical. In order to drill the well, the relevant conditions will be required, the process itself is quite simple. At the same time, the owner of the site receives a constant water supply to the house, regardless of centralized systems.

To organize the sewer system, you can build on the septic tank. The design will require the correct installation and selection of equipment, the work will be performed once. High-quality septicch will allow for a long time to forget about such a problem as bargaining in pipes, etc.

How to build a fast home: Works on the organization of floors and roofs

The construction of overlapping and roof can also be performed independently. Work should use wood beams. Previously necessary throughout the perimeter of the building, fasten the reinforced belt.

To build a house with their own hands with minimal cost, to organize a roof it is better to use materials from the budget segment:

  • slate sheets;

  • ondulin;
  • professional flooring;

All listed materials can be found on store shelves in a wide range, therefore it is not difficult to choose the coating of the desired coloring or configuration. To increase the strength of the roof fixation, it is recommended to build a crate. It does not prevent additional insulation of the entire design. This will eliminate heat leakage through the roof. For this suitable glass gamble. Cames, wood, straw can be used as an eco-friendly roof material.

How to build a house: Floor manufacturing technology

Concrete floors are the most simplified version. To do this, you need to organize a screed and pour all cement mortar. It will only remain warming up the basis and perform the finish finish.

Concrete floor making technology:

  • purification of the base from garbage and dust;
  • flood from clay as a waterproofing layer;
  • formation of sand-gravel pillows;
  • laying waterproofing;
  • installation of heat-insulating material (foam plastic, basalt wool, foamed polystyrene or clay);
  • reinforcement with metal rods or mesh;
  • installation of guides;
  • preparation and fill of the solution;
  • alignment.

Helpful advice! If the screed is done on the upper floors, you need to perform additional reinforcement of overlaps.

How to build a house cheap: Interior decoration

Interior decoration of rooms depends on the imagination and budget capabilities of the owner. As a finishing material for the floor will suit:

  • tile;
  • laminate;
  • linoleum, etc.

The tile is considered the most practical and resistant to mechanical damage to the material. It is easy to clean, and due to the use of the "warm floor" system, such a finish will not be cold.

With the help of stretch ceilings, you can visually expand the inner space of a small house. The glossy surface creates a beautiful decorative effect due to light reflection. An excellent decoration of the interior will be such structural elements as openings, niches, arches. For the manufacture of these parts it is better to use metal profiles and plasterboard sheets.

Such materials can be used as a wall surface finish:

  • wallpapers for painting;
  • decorative plaster;
  • wood.

As for technical supervision, the decision of this issue is better to attract an experienced builder or engineer, since no article or video cannot help fully understand the particular process. It is also not necessary to save on communication systems, comfortable races in the courtyard and other points that provide comfort. Trusting the development of the project to professionals, it is very important to get the opinion of various specialists. The actions of the Proba and the designer must be agreed.

Based on the information set out in the article, it is possible to conclude that the house to build a house without construction experience is quite real. To do this, it will be necessary to calculate the cost and the required amount of material in advance, study the technology and make a plan of work, as well as allocate time in your schedule. The rest depends on the efforts and dedication.

How to build your house with your own hands: Video- Suman technology

At the family meeting, it was decided - we are building a house, as a result in September 14, we have begun.

1. Never, under what conditions do not build on the foundation from screw piles (The house is very cold, the floors are ice, Falish foundation alike and insulated does not save from the word at all), as a result, I had to pour ribbon between the piles and insulate it from the inside).

This is how the pile foundation looks

Many offices as additional services Offers the use of wooden "copiers", do not agree. Only nails are hardcore. If the bell is clogged a little at an angle, then your home will give a shrinkage for several years longer than with ordinary nails.

Many mistakes were allowed by me at the stage of designing a house, to correct which now comes from now, for example, the open porch and the lack of a tambour at the entrance to the house (in severe frosts we are watching the wonderful floor on the entrance door), well, when opening the inlet door, the temperature in the corridor falls on 1 - 2 degrees \u003d)

House grows

In this state, the house was left for the shrinkage, but the crisis had happened and I really turned out to wait for sharp price increases, in connection with which the brigade was called in early January and the finish began.

There is a mandatory item that needs to be ordered during the construction of a house from a bar, a rookie or the obosyachka - pumping into the window and doorways of bars that do not give "to curb" the wall at the openings

It's time to climb a quiet and now there will be several conclusions.

1. Heating - do not put a double boiler, it is better to put a gas column, since heating does not work when using a double-circuit boiler when the water is heated and if your spouse loves to sweat in a hot bath at 30 degree frost, you can freeze \u003d)
2. No porch, entrance to the house through a tambour, otherwise you will freeze.
3. NO pile Fundament, heat loss scary, in the end flowed the tape, only uncomfortable and hard at home crawl, well, the costs of one and a half

December 16, 17 years old stirred the porch (there is still no door to my shame and the window in the vestibule is not inserted for

4. Do not place the interior doors that the builder offers, without heating in a couple of months, the door canvas wildly leads from them - zero.
5. Control the gap between the top of the window and windows / door, if the house "hangs" on the openings, its shrinkage will significantly delay and may behave the walls of the most openings.


1. The foundation of the pile (65,000 rubles) + 25,000 iron on the welders of the piles (forgot what is called);
2. House box (590 000 rubles - 2014);
3. Finish at home (270,000 rubles - 2015 January);
4. Water pipe + coordination - 30,000 + 25 000 rubles;
5. Sewerage - a biological cleaning station with a setting - 105,000 rubles;
6. Electricity - Post + Cabinet + Approval - 15 000 rubles
7. Wiring around the house of electricity - 25,000 rubles; work + 40,000 rubles;
8. Gas heating - 125,000 - coordination and eyeliner to the house, 8 000 inserts, 55,000 boiler, 60,000 batteries and pipes, wiring and connection (made a friend, but at prices from 100,000 rubles) - the result of 240,000 rubles;
9. Ribbon foundation + Warming - 110,000 rubles.

Outcome: last year in January at 25 degree frosts in the house there were 22 degrees of heat, during the winter months for heating more expensive than 2 thousand were not yet damned

The total cost of the house amounted to 1,540,000 rubles (we do not consider laminates, furniture, replacement windows on plastic and other little things).

What in my opinion is cheaper than the acquisition of a new 1 room apartment in our region.

The cost of ownership is much lower than the rent in the city, if you consider average annual payments, then for the house of 110 squares we pay about 1000 - 1200 per month, for 2x room apartment - 4000 - 5000 rubles (I don't know exactly, my wife is engaged)

A source

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