
Do I need to warm the base on the screw piles. Is it possible to insulate the foundation on the screw piles. What a heater to choose

Pile foundation, how to insulate what materials for this use. And let's start with the question: what is the pilenut screw foundation and why it must be insulated.

The basis of the house made using metal piles twisted into the Earth is called pile-screw foundation. This technology is already applied long enough, only over time it changed a little. For example, a wooden poles impregnated with various anti-corrosion compositions could be used as piles. It was necessary to increase the service life of the structure.

Technology is predominantly designed for territories with swampy terrain or on bunched soils with unstable soil. The advantages of using a pile foundation is that the weight of the house is transmitted by means of piles into the lower layers of the soil, which are much more dense of the upper. Thus, the risk of destruction of the construction comes down to a minimum.

Currently, for the organization of the foundation for such technology piles are used, at the end of which there are blades, reminiscent of the thread on a self-sufficiency, it is for this reason that the foundation is called pile-screw. To mount such piles, special technique can be used or they are twisted manually.

Screw foundation can be classified as headscarm. Scarlet, this is the first crown of the foundation, which relies directly on piles, in some cases, is also called the strapping.

Scarcoon happens:

  • Low, it is set below the level of the Earth, i.e. the pile is completely in the ground. According to this principle, a pile-belt foundation is arranged, which is not to distinguish from the usual belt.
  • TallWhen Scarlet is located at a certain distance from the surface of the Earth.
  • IntermediateIn this case, Ruralka is located on the surface of the Earth.

The answer to the question why it is necessary to insulate the foundation on the screw piles, is that the space under the floor of the construction is purged by the wind and no matter how the insulation of the floor, it will not be so effective as if applied together with insulation screw fundament.

Warmed foundation, it is the key to the underfloor and substantial savings on heating.

Wagtailing Sailo Ruspend Fundament with low screening

The insulation of the tape-pile foundation can be carried out on the same principle as usual belt Fundament Due to the fact that it also plunges into the ground and is made of reinforced concrete. This means that it is possible to apply as a sheet insulation for pile foundation and bulk, and additionally insulate the design with a warm base.

Starting the insulation of the frame of the pile foundation should be marked with marking and preparation of the trench of the width of a slightly more so-thickness of the insulation, a depth of 5-10 cm below the location of the pile reference platform under the foundation.

In the next step, it is necessary to clean the base surface and mount isolation from the penetration of moisture, after which you can start installing the insulation. This requires to have fasteners, mounting foam or other glue composition. A dowel is optimally suitable for insulating materials, or they are on slang installers - "Mushrooms".

Warming and finishing of the pile foundation do it yourself

If necessary and simultaneously refer appearance Base, you can apply insulation technology using bulk materials, together with base thermopanels.

The algorithm of this type of insulation is as follows:

  • A trench of depth is preloaded just below the pile support cushion and a width of 0.5 to 1 meter.
  • Sandwinking is made.
  • The trench is filled with insulation, a little not reaching the ground level, 5-10 cm is enough.
  • Thermopanels are installed, they need to be reduced to the bulk insulation and fasten with the help of a dowel.
  • Plugs stood.

Warming of the pile foundation with intermediate woodwork

The insulation of this type of foundation is best carried out with the help of thermopanels, as it does not need to significantly deepen the insulation in the soil. Mount the thermopanels can be both directly on the surface of the foundation and on the pre-prepared doom.


The pile-screw foundation with high woodwork is the most common foundation for this type. Depending on the design, the woodlock may be at different heights. In this case, protect and insulate the space under the house is simply necessary. This uses technology creation false choking.

Such a base can be made of brickwork, either using a wooden frame to which the insulation is mounted.

Falchecol of brick

The organization of such a base for the house on the pile-screw foundation is not the most popular way to solve the problem. First, the brickwork is quite expensive, due to the fact that it is necessary to use a facing brick, cement, crushed stone and sand for a cushion device.

If you save on a brick and use cheaper, then after you have to spend money on outdoor finish. Secondly, to hide piles, you need to carry out brickwork so that they remain inside that it is not always possible to do.

The process itself looks like this:

  • A trench is prepared for the arrangement of a sand pillow, its depth on average is about 20 cm.
  • The crushed stone is falling asleep and trambed, then the sand.

Tip: For a better sealing of a sand pillow, it can be rich enough to shed with water and give to dry before starting the laying.

  • Stacked brick. The laying is used with the displacement of the Pollockich, that is, the standard one.

After the laying is ready, her it is necessary to insulate parties. For this, it is more convenient to use leaf insulation. This can be a foam, or analogues. Warming with a ceramisite will require additional costs to install formwork. One of the best options is to apply from the inside of such a base, it will reliably protect the design from the penetration of the cold.

Warming base of pile foundation

Panel socle Or it can still be called frame, which will most fully reflect its essence, is manufactured according to the following scheme:

  • Done double strapping of all piles from the outside. With a high height of finding a woodwork, the number of turns can be increased. The strapping can be both metal and wooden. Metallic, as a rule, is fixed on welding, this is the most popular way as applies to wood, you can fight the guide corners on the piles and consolidate the strapping using the wood screws. The second option is to use metal clamps.
  • At the next stage you can mount the thermopanelor leaf insulation. If it is planned to warm the base with help, then the strapping must be seeded with a test, after which it is coated with a heater from both sides.

When used to create a base of non-insulated panels, it can be filled with soil from the inside, but it is better to use clamzite for these purposes. At the same time, do not forget about the watery waterproofing.

Advantages of panel base Obvious, it is simplicity of design, installation speed, a large number of insulation options both and from the inside.

If it is planned to independently produce a false base, need to have the following tools and skills to work with them:

  • welding machine for the welding of fasteners to piles;
  • "Bulgarian" for cutting metal corners;
  • drill for drilling corners;
  • screwdriver for the installation of self-tapping screws, which the insulation is attached;
  • building level to align the strapping on the horizon;
  • chainsaw for sawing wooden strapping.


The pile-screw foundation with high woodwork is popular because of its low cost and high practicality. Its minus, this is a broken underground space.

To protect the house from the penetration of cold and simply to give him beauty, the technology of creating a false base is used. You can make it with the help of insulated brickwork, but it is better to apply the technology of a warmed panel base. Compared with brick masonryThe panel base is much cheaper and more efficient.

Useful video

How to close the base of the pile foundation brick:

In contact with

Before insulation, the pile helical foundation of its own wooden houseIt is necessary to study the technology of work and the necessary materials. Construction of the base in the building performs several functions at once:

  • decorative and aesthetic;
  • protection of the underground from moisture and wind;
  • increase temperature under construction of the house.

The last item allows you to get several advantages at once. First of all, it is a decrease in the thickness of thermal insulation in the ceiling. The cake of the design is becoming more, the height of the first floor premises does not eat.

The second positive property of insulation is to reduce the consequences of such a phenomenon as frosty meal. Warming of the pile-screw foundation at wooden construction It will help partially prevent soil movement in the winter.

Do you need to warm

Currently, a lot of attention is paid in the construction sector to work on the insulation of walls, basement and other house designs. This is caused by the fact that energy resources are limited, and their cost is quite high. To improve the energy efficiency of the building, it is necessary to thoroughly consider insulation.

Options for insulation base house on the pile foundation

Heating costs can be up to 40% of family budget. And these costs are constant. Knowing utility costs and the amount of insulation work can be easily calculated when measures taken.

It is also important to remember that a well insulated design is protected from condensate. Humidity becomes the main reason The appearance of mold and fungus. You can also easily encounter other microorganisms. The insulation of the pile foundation will allow preserving the health of the inhabitants of the house, as well as to reduce the frequency of repair and replacement of flooring on the first floor.

Warming options

Conditioning the base can be several types. The solution, which one to use is made on the basis of aesthetic considerations, financial capabilities, as well as the qualifications of workers who will finish.

The insulation of the base can be carried out in two ways:

  1. on a separate belt design;
  2. on the crate, which is attached to the pile.

Ribbon construction

The first option is more complicated, and also has a number of restrictions. The ribbon design of a fine-breed type can be made of concrete or brick. Most often it relies on the ground or his small monolithic foundation (more about the device). But during construction on bubbly soils, it is ultimately not recommended to use this option. Especially if we are talking about a brick base. In this case, the land in the winter is raised (swept). Moreover, the process occurs unevenly. Dipping the design of the ground from snow, at a certain point will have to see the inclined cracks, which are talking about frosty bent damage.

Prevent such a phenomenon can exclude one of the factors of heating:

  • low temperature;
  • moisture.

Perform the first condition in the manufacture of unlunned tape is impossible. Soil under the trim of the base of the house will still be freeze and deformed. Moisture will also be ineffective.

It is reasonable to use the ribbon trim only on those soils that are not inclined to begged. Such grounds include large-grass soils, medium or large sand. Also, the option is suitable for regions with a warm climate, where negative temperatures are rare.

Fixing the insulation is performed on concrete or brick wall By the type of thermal insulation of the exterior enclosing elements of the building. You can perform both without an additional frame and with its use. The method depends on the selected type of finishing.

Warming Cocking Base

This option for the house will be less costly and easier. The insulation of the foundation on piles in this case can be performed using a variety of materials. As an example, you can lead:

  • base siding;
  • clinker panels;
  • metallic professional list.

The choice among options is based on financial opportunities and aesthetic considerations. All options are attached approximately equally. Read a detailed article about. To ensure the basis for the cladding of the base of the house, it is necessary to provide a framework.

The frame can be made from wood or metal rolled steel. When cladding with metal materials, it is reasonable to apply steel as a crate.
The frame is usually made of two longitudinal strapping. If necessary, you can provide a greater number of longitudinal elements. It all depends on the height of the base. You can also provide vertical framework elements. The need for them depends on the selected material for cladding the base of the house.

Before insulationing the foundation on the screw piles, it is necessary to foresee the frame to them. The method depends on the material:

  • When fastening cladding to wooden slats and bars, it is necessary to provide metal mortgage parts in advance in the top of the piles. They can be made from a corner or other similar types of rolled products. Fastening to pile is carried out on welding.
  • When using steel frameworks, there is no need to pre-prepare. The metal profile is welded directly to the foundation elements.

So that the primer moisture and frosty baudes do not destroy the decoration and thermal insulation, it is worth raising the base over the ground. The damper gap can be from 5 to 15 cm. This distance at the final stage can be closed by some sheet.

Production can be provided in the place indicated in the scheme or in the gap between the facing and the deficiency

The insulation for the base of the house is attached to the same frame as the finish. Depending on the type of selected type, a number of additional activities will have to hold.

When insulation, it is important not to forget about the ventilation underground. For this purpose, special holes or produces are provided in the decoration design. According to standards, their total area should be 1/400 from the underground square. Also for ventilation can serve as a gap between the land and the trim. It is covered with a special grid that prevents the penetration of rodents and insects, but not preventing air movement.

What to choose a heater for the base house

For designs that are close to the ground, it is not recommended to use mineral wool. It is characterized by high hygroscopicity, and when wetting ceases to perform its direct functions. Also wool can easily love. It is not so easy to mount to the frame on the screw pile.

The insulation of the foundation on the screw piles is better to carry out the materials such as:

  • Extruded polystyrene foam or penplex. The material is characterized by good thermal insulation indicators and resistant to moisture. In most cases, when it is used, there is no need to apply thermal insulation. This option is more expensive than mineral wool or foam, but will become the most affordable of all possible.
  • Liquid foosen, which is distributed by spraying. Helps to simplify the process of fixing the insulation.
  • Foamed glass, which is available in blocks.

Fastening the penplex can be both framed and for a solid base. The second option allows you to simultaneously use glue and fasteners, guaranteeing great reliability. As a base, the sheets of plywood, which are mounted on the crate.

Another option is to fasten the fastener to the frame with the facing of the CSP and the subsequent trim
On the bunched soils, it is also recommended to warm up a breakfast - it will prevent "releasing" piles from the soil in winter

For insulation, the foam is not recommended. This material is able to accumulate moisture between styrene balls. Such a phenomenon leads to the fact that at low temperatures, the foam is crumpled into separate particles. The phenomenon is caused by high pressure freezing moisture on the balls of the material.

A feature of the pile-screw foundation is the formation of a free non-heated space between the floor and the surface of the Earth. Therefore, the need arises to perform heat insulation of the base, which can be performed different ways and materials.

The need for the insulation of the pile screw foundation

To perform thermal insulation of a screw base must be done necessarily, there are a number of good reasons for this:

  • First, the floor in the house will be warmer.
  • Secondly, under the floor of communication will be protected from freezing.
  • Thirdly, the cabin will prevent the falling of precipitation under the structure.
  • Fourthly wooden house The equipped base has a more attractive and completed appearance.

Materials for insulation of screw foundation

You can perform thermal insulation of the foundation on the screw piles with your own hands, the main thing is to choose the material correctly. Thanks to a large assortment of goods for thermal insulation of problems with the choice of insulation for the base, it should not arise.

Of all the variety of heat-insulating materials to protect the screw foundation, it is recommended to choose the following options:

  • Liquid polyurethane foam. To use this material, you need to create a crate, placing the board very close so that the gaps are not formed. The thermal insulation is applied by spraying from cylinders using special equipment. When the foam is frozen on the surface, a solid coating is formed, not forming cold bridges.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam. The material is characterized by high thermal insulation properties, good resistance to moisture and acceptable cost. The combination of such characteristics gives a great advantage of EPPS in front of other options for thermal insulation materials. The insulation fastening can be performed on a rarefied crate or solid base.
  • Facade thermopanels. This option can be called the most advantageous of all modern materials that can be used to insulate a wooden foundation of a wooden house. The advantage of thermopanels is the combination of heat-insulating and finishing material, but in this connection the cost of such a type of insulation increases.
  • Blocks of foamed glass.
  • Brickwork is one of the efficient and at the same time expensive options (read more about). If you perform masonry from ordinary brick, you will need an additional cladding of the base. The use of facing bricks allows you to avoid the finishing step and reduce the costs slightly. However, it should be understood that the pile foundation is most often erected on weak unstable soils, which can cause brickwork destruction.

It is not recommended to use for thermal insulation of a coil foundation of a wooden house foam. The structure of the material contributes to the accumulation of moisture between styrene balls, which, when freezing, has a high pressure on the material particles. This causes the destruction of foam at low air temperature.

Warming of the screw foundation with their own hands

Warmed Brick Cap

The insulation technology is as follows:

  1. Under the crackdown around the perimeter of the wooden house, the trench of the width is slightly larger than the size of the brick and a depth of 30 cm. The bottom of the trench is sealing and poured with concrete solution (previously we have already considered). Additionally, to enhance the base, you can lay several reinforcement rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm. The design is left to completely solidify concrete. As a result, it turns out a kind of foundation for a brick base.
  2. After the set of concrete, the necessary strength is starting to lay a brick. The construction of a brick base is carried out in small sections. In this case, you can additionally perform insulation of the inner wall of the base.
  3. The final stage is the decorative trim of a brick base. For this purpose, various materials can be used, which simultaneously decorate and protect the free space between the propellers of the screw base.

Warming of a screw foundation using decorative panels

Mounting panels are much easier than to make a brick laying, however, despite simple workThe correct arrangement allows you to get a reliable and durable design. Before starting work, it will be useful to read.

The thermal insulation of the screw foundation of a wooden house using decorative panels is performed according to a specific scheme:

Waterproofing piles

At the first stage, waterproofing of the root supports of the foundation is carried out. Regardless of the manufacturing material, all piles need protection, in particular, we are talking about protection against aggressive exposure of moisture. For metal screw piles, special primer or bitumen mastic is used, in any case the protective agent is applied to all open areas of the structure. The waterproofing layer must fully dry, it is enough to wait for about a week.

Manufacturing of Gamesosta

Further actions involve the manufacture of a breakfast around the perimeter of a wooden house (find out more information About, ). In this case, the false base of the bottom will touch the scene, and not a freezing soil. The arrangement of the scene is performed as follows:

  1. In the perimeter of the structure, the ground is removed to a depth of 0.4 meters, the width of the recess can reach 1 meter.
  2. At the bottom of the trench, the sand layer is a height of about 0.2 meters and thoroughly tamper.
  3. The next layer is crushed stone, its height can be about 5 cm. Crushed stone is also well smoothed and tamper.
  4. Next laid waterproofing material and thermal insulation.
  5. At the outer edge of the scene, drainage is equipped.
  6. Working with this design will continue after insulating the base part of the foundation.

Production of crates

Next, it is necessary to create a carrying structure to which the decorative panel will be fixed in the future. To do this, metal guides are welded to the trunks of the screw supports, which are previously protected from moisture. The number of profiles depends on the height of the screw foundation, but in most cases their number is limited to three pieces. Wood bars pre-treated with antiseptic compositions can be used as guide frameworks. For fastening wooden elements to pile, metal plates weld with bolt holes.


At the next stage, the perimeter of the frame makes a small groove, taking out the soil for about 10 cm. The resulting recess is more than half with clay sand, the low thermal conductivity of which will not allow the impact of the attachment during the cold season.

Next, the plates of a suitable thermal insulation material are installed and fixed. Most often, the consumer prefers polyplex or extruded polystyrene foam. The thickness of the insulation is selected with the meaning so that the material does not be outside the framework. Otherwise, the fastening of the decorative panel can cause certain difficulties. Installation of the thermal insulation layer depends on the type of insulation.

Now it is necessary to pour the breakfast to the concrete mixture and wait for it to full frost.

Installation of decorative panels

At the next stage, the installation of the decorative panel is performed. Its upper edge should be glued to the grill, using a special adhesive composition for reliable fixation. The lower part should be diverted into the groove with a layer of clay sand.

In the finished clogging of a wooden foundation of a wooden house in obligatory Make ventilation holes that will ensure the corresponding level of humidity in space under the house on the screw foundation. In this case, the risk of mold is reduced and rotted, therefore, the life of the entire structure increases.

Do not forget about the additional elements of the design, so at the end performs the installation of siblings and corners.

The process of insulation of the screw foundation of a wooden house does not represent a special complexity. The main condition is to comply with the recommendations of experienced builders. With proper mounting of the frame and the location of the heat insulating material, you can independently make a reliable and durable design.

Each owner, before the start of the construction of the house, is the cost plan for expenses. One of the most cost-consuming stages is the construction of the foundation. For small houses Or subsidized, country buildings do not need to fill the monolithic or tape base. It will be enough to drive the piles, which are tested on top of paint.

Why carry insulation

Indeed, the question arises: is it necessary to insulate the pile foundation? After all, he deeply sticks into the ground and the swelling is not scary to him. But there are vulnerable places that require a special solution:

  • If reinforced concrete woodwork is performed, this design itself is a cold conductor at low temperatures. It will absorb significant amounts of heat that will have to fill out due to an increase in costs of heating at home;
  • If the house is erected on a metallic or wooden painter, everything would be fine, but in the underground space there remains a lot of space, which is not protected from blowing winds and frosts. It is possible to use multilayer isolation, but it is better to completely overlap the base with a warmed design;
  • If the house is provided engineering Communication, they will go through the underground space under the house. Therefore, the thermal insulation of the pile foundation is required to prevent the pipeline freezing;
  • Externally, the house will look much more effective. The closed base unit can be beautifully separated from the outside, and get a single finished house design.

These reasons convince many owners in the need to properly insulate the pile foundation of their home. To do this, it will be necessary to first understand which material for this is best suited.

Types and features of insulation

Before qualitatively, insulate the foundation on the screw piles, you must select the material that will be used.

Since the place is open and the conditions are unfavorable, you should seriously approach the issue of choosing. Not every material will be able to withstand heavy loads and restrain the cold. The following materials will be the following materials:

Polyurethane foam

It lies with a dense layer and is evenly distributed over the entire perimeter of the foundation.

Use foam as insulation

In terms of its heat supporting characteristics, the other modern insulation is superior. The main indicators of the thermal conductivity of the PPU are the dimensions of the resulting cells or bubbles. Here, the coefficient of thermal conductivity passes within 0.2-0.3 W / m K. The positive qualities include high adhesion. Thanks to this quality, PPU is capable of falling on any. Surface regardless of configuration and structure structure. The ease of material does not waste the foundation. Which avoids additional loads on piles.

The only disadvantage is specialized equipment, which is necessary to apply foam to the surface.


It is important to take into account that in this case It will be necessary for the foundation for the foundation. The plates of this insulation are capable of quickly and securely cover the base, basement and underground space from the wind and cold.

Use Penoplex Plates for Pile Fondament

The material not only warms, but also reliably protects the penetration of moisture and groundwater. Due to the ease, does not load the foundation, which reduces the load on the piles. It is able to withstand the temperature range from -50 to +65, which makes it possible for using it in any region. To the advantages we will take it a small cost.

Foamed glass

Insulation foam-glass blocks has both positive and negative sides. All of them depend on technical characteristics This material. Pluses include its durability. With the right installation, he will be able to serve hundreds of years. Perfectly serves as a waterproofer. This quality allows you to protect the metal structure from corrosion and rust and increase the reliability of the house.

Foamed glass as a foundation insulation

The foam-glass plates are not lit, as the melting point of glass is 1000 degrees. This provides additional fire protection for wooden structures.

The disadvantage includes its high price and complexity during installation. For fastening, you will need a dowel that needs to be very careful, because the material of the fragile and is easy to crack.

Mineral wool

The insulation of the foundation of this material does not require special skills. He is lightweight, well keeps warm. But for a comfortable stay in the house requires high-quality moisture protection, and the Minvati has great difficulties with this. Material requires waterproofing, so it is not profitable for use. In addition, it is short-lived, and is capable of deformation.

Application of Minvati for the insulation of the foundation


It is this material that has a better combination of prices with high characteristics of the heat insulator. Used in rolls. Produced from the finest aluminum foil layer, capable of covering large squaresand falls on any surface. It boasts good heat and waterproofing qualities. Penofol is able to extinguish the sound and is good option For living near railways and motorways.

Penofol - modern insulation

Positive parties include its resistance to temperature drops, as well as convenience when installing and ease.

Since the surface of the insulation is foil, it is impossible to apply finishing materials in the form of putty or paint.

Natural insulation

These include: sawdust, palable, plywood sheets. They differ in environmental friendliness and breathability. But for reliable thermal insulation in the bulk with permanent accommodationThese materials may not be enough. At the same time, they are a favorable medium for rodents and insects.

When choosing a material selection of material for insulation, it is also necessary to take into account the method of carrying out work: inside, outside and comprehensively. Insulation welds themselves do not require, only Scarlet needs in defense.

Conduct work on insulation do it yourself

The correct sequence and accurate execution of all works will help achieve the maximum result.

To understand how to warm the pile foundation itself, it will take carefully to study all the stages of the work and prepare the tools:

  • Spatula or brush for applying a protective layer on wooden structural elements.
  • Hacksaw. It will be necessary when cutting the desired size and the amount of material.
  • Drill or puncher for mounting insulation.
  • The level for measuring the angle of tilt surface.
  • Material for insulation.

After all the preparations you can start installing insulation. All work is carried out on the following scheme:

A lot of materials are placed on the network about the cheapest type of foundation for the house - Sailo-screw. You can find a detailed description of its properties and technology of construction. There are articles containing so detailed step by step instructions On the installation of screw piles, which, on the basis of the information provided, even the "kettle" with a certain dying and the availability of the equipment will be able to install "screws" in the ground. Or qualified to monitor the actions of the hired builders. However, almost few authors pay due attention to the issue of how to make the insulation of the pile-screw foundation. We will try to fill this space.

Features of the pile screw foundation

The pile-screw foundation is suitable for light buildings: frame, log and bruschers, from sip-panels. Under the walls in increments of several meters, the supports are installed - steel piles. The support is a pipe with a sharp tip and a screw blade at the end. The spiral pile reminds screwing both in the form and technology of installation: it is literally screwed into the ground. It is advisable to connect the installed piles between themselves with a metal corner on top, it will prevent their possible offset. Often, in order to save, the corner does not put the corner, in this case the pile binds the support board or the lower crown of the cut directly on them.

Variants of the device of pile-screw foundations. The most budget (above right) is most common and used in the construction of light houses.

Correctly built by the pile-screw foundation, steadfastly withstands strong frosts, unfinished and not an exploited building can be calm for the winter, not insteading. The foundation is practically not subject to frosty powder forces: screw blades are lower below the drainage depth, and the smooth pipes of the piles cunning punchy sad Glishes, not causing the building any damage.

Seasonal cottage "on the screws" can not be warmly wasolate at all. You can also cover the base, leave open. But if the house lives yearly, it will take an effective insulation of the pile foundation outside. The thermal insulation is needed in order to minimize the heat of loss through the floor of the first floor and thereby reduce the cost of heating. And also to prevent the free intermittent communications introduced into the house in the subfield. It is necessary to take into account a number of features of the screw design:

  • The initial absence of vertical outdoor fence around the perimeter. It will have to build it.

Initially, the base house at the piles is open to all winds

  • Often the screw foundations are erected on problem bubbly soils.
  • The presence of free space between the soil and overlap of the first floor.
  • As a rule, the soil under the house is wet.

Taking into account the above, there are three problems, with the decision of which will have to face with the insulation of the pile foundation: humidity in the subfield, ground bunch and its freezing:

How to remove excess moisture from the sample

It is possible to fully hydroize the soil under the house. But it is economically unjustified, since we are talking about cheaper construction. You can, of course, to lay a polyethylene film on the ground, but it is half meter. In a limited around the perimeter, the space under the overlap of the first floor will inevitably flow moisture from the soil if the house is not built in dry terrain.

The issue of protecting the design of overlapping the first floor from water is inevitably. The overlapping vaporizolation is required, and it must be made from below, from the sample. Therefore, during the construction of a screw foundation, it is worth choosing such a height of piles so that a person can move and work in the subfield. Otherwise, the lower vaporizolation will be mounted, being over the frame, which is not very convenient. And if necessary, repair or replace insulation, without opening the floor, it will be impossible.

To derive excess moisture in the outer fence of the foundation will have to make ventilation holes. Production should be located from all four sides of the building, it is desirable for a large house for two pieces per face, closer to the corners of the building.

To remove moisture from the sample in the fencing of the base of the pile foundation make ventilation holes

The hole should be closed with a lattice to prevent penetration into rodents and OS. As for the sizes of the holes: SNiP recommends adopt the total area of \u200b\u200ball holes in the base, equal to 1/400 common Square floor of the first floor at home. For example, for home 8x8 m, eight purges with a diameter of 8 cm each will be required. The ventilation of the sample will be even better if the exhaust channel to the roof is displayed from there.

The air temperature in the scene will be positive, but it will definitely not be hot there. This must be taken into account when the first floor is overlapping, the insulation layer must be sufficient, at least 15 cm. Be sure to insulate the flow of water supply and the sewage output.

How to avoid deformations from the bunched effects of soil

Pumping soil (clay, loam) during freezing increases in volume, its level increases its level. The jammed gates and the swollen fences are the result of this process. Having arrange the outer vertical fencing and insulation of the pile of the screw basement, we are unlikely to bury it below the depth of the soil. As a rule, the fence is lowered slightly below the level of the ground. But after all, in frost, the poured soil will rise and begin to put pressure on the fencing of the foundation. The result will be deformation.

In order not to repair the fence of the base every spring, the punching ground under it should be replaced with non-empty: remove clay and fall asleep in a trench of large river sand. For central districts Russia is enough to make a replacement to a depth of 60 cm. It will also be superfluous to lay in the ground between the soil and the outer fence of the damper bar of the foam or other non-rotating material capable of compressing when the load.

Under the fencing of the base, the poured soil should be replaced by sand

How to prevent ground freezing under the foundation

Making the vertical insulation of the foundation from the screw piles only to the level of the soil, we still do not achieve due insulation of the building. Wet winter soil is an excellent cold conductor, frost will inevitably "misele" under the house horizontally. The soil will laugh under the vertical fence, bypassing the insulated, but not blunting wall below. Preventing the freezing of the soil under the foundation, it is possible to arrange the so-called "insulated germ". Under the coating of the scene (concrete, tile, gravel, lawn) at a depth of 10-30 cm it is necessary to horizontally lay the heat insulation layer. Best of all for these purposes will suit the extruded polystyrene foam. It is necessary to make it so that the vertical and horizontal thermal insulation has connected, without leaving the cold bridge for the penetration of the cold into the subfield.

What and how to close the base of the house with a silent screw foundation

The thermal insulation material needs to be placed somewhere, it is necessary for him. First of all, it is necessary to close the subfield. What will be the insulation of the foundation on the screw piles is determined primarily the design of the exterior fence of the base. How to close the pile-screw foundation?

Fencing Sound Brick Masonry

You can meet the recommendation to make the root of the screw base from brick or boot. Some developers do it. However, it is necessary to understand that the brick wall does not work (more precisely, irrational) to arrange a sufficiently reliable support and the strength of the structure is not guaranteed.

If the ground is poured, it should be removed to a depth of at least 80 cm at a premises, replacing sand. And to support the masonry to deploy a reinforced mini-foundation by a cross section of at least 20x20 cm. Between concrete and brick, as well as a wooden support bar of the house and bricks, it is necessary to pave a layer of rolling waterproofing. The insulation will have to be placed on the inside of the underground in the masonry process. If the subfield is high enough, it makes sense to make Luke Laz, then the insulation can be laid after the end of the brick design.

With the device for fencing the base and height of the underground, allowing you to move there a person, it is worth making a hatch

We do not consider a solution with a brick compound rational. By building the foundation and house on the cheapest and "fast" technology, it is illogical to then get involved in a long and quite expensive work with a stone fence. It is easier to build a lung fence of the sample of the frame.

If you do the brick fencing of the screw foundation "on the century", you will need a deep and expensive foundation for masonry. And if you save, the strength of the structure is not guaranteed

Fencing base with light fake firing

How and from what make a frame on the screw pupil?

  • You can make a metal frame - it is more reliable, more durable, but harder and more expensive. It is easier and more convenient to use the corner, with a step of piles in 2 m, a 40x40 mm profile is enough. By placing the corners with a horizontal shelf down, the wooden bars will be restored to them, to which it will be easy to mount the trim. How to combine metal parts, welding or hardware is a matter of taste and availability of equipment. Welding work in order to fire safety should be carried out before installing wooden structures on supports.

Stressed pile-screw foundation. Steel profile can serve as a frame of a frame, the lower profile shelf will serve as a support for a wooden bar

  • It is easier and cheaper to make a wooden frame, from bars or boards. Wood must be pre-antiseptrate, because in the subfield it is wet. Better to mount bars to steel pipes are not self-drawing, but with long bolts or screeds. Under the heads of the bolts in the tree will have to drill a deepening to place the fastener element.

If it is not possible to drill steel piles, a wooden frame can be fixed on pipes using a mounting strip. Metal tape need to be tightened and secured on the frame element

Constructed the framework, we will get a more or less durable base for fastening the skin and laying the insulation of the base. As a sheat, you can use any non-afraid moisture and not very heavy sheet material. Very durable, durable and relatively inexpensive flat asbocomy sheets. Perfectly looks like a plastic siding, designed to firm the base. It will even suit the "intricate" metal profile and the usual sheet galvanized steel.

Very light plastic siding, designed for cladding, very convincingly imitates natural stone or rustic brick

What and how to insulate the pile-screw foundation

How to choose a heater? First of all, it must be moisture console. Well fit hydrophobic synthetic materials: Polyfoam, Epps, Polysto Foenylene, etc. From mineral insulation only foam glass, mineral (basalt and glass) wool - in no way. No heat-insulating materials on an organic basis are suitable. The final selection of thermal insulation material depends on where it is placed.

How to insulate the pile foundation for a frame where to place the insulation? It is clear that from the inside of the underground, but there are options:

Placing the heat-insulating layer for framework frame

At first glance, it is easiest to first consolidate the cover of the base directly on the frame, and then for the frame to lay insulation. It is behind the frame, and not between its elements. So that no cold bridges. But in this case the question arises about its reliable fixation. You can, of course, fasten the sheets of thermal insulation on the reverse side of the frame. But it will be inconvenient to carry out such installation at low base. Access from the reverse side is difficult, and you need to fix the locking elements and fill the building foam of the slot.

The gap between the insulation sheets, located behind the frame, was filled with construction foam. Frame for light siding mounted from metal profiles for drywall

And, most likely, in locations steel piles The thermal insulation does not fit either its layer will be thinner. These are minuses of this method. Pros: You can use any insulation, in particular inexpensive and easily cutting foam of the lowest density. Due to the low price, it is possible to increase its thickness. And screw piles can additionally insulate heat from three sides from the inside of the sample.

In the photo, the finishing panels are attached to the frame of the cover of the base, and the rolled insulation of foamed polyethylene is located behind. Fasten it with a stapler to wooden elements from the inside

Installation of insulation before framework frame

Another version of the device of the insulation of the pile foundation is to fasten the insulation first on the frame, and on top of it - the trim. The advantage of this method in the convenience of the work of work. With due diligence, the insulation fixation will be as reliable as possible. It is easy to seal all the existing creams of construction foam.
If the heat insulation sheets on the frame for the frame to fasten the steel finely cellular grid, thermal insulation will be reliably protected from rodents, even if they are penetrated into the subfield. The insulation will have to use a fairly hard material, the extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS) is perfect. Sheet trim fasten over the heaters of the insulation.

Option when the insulation is attached to the frame first, and already on it is a facing, preferably from the point of view of thermal insulation. No bridges of cold

But Epps can be separated and in other ways. The first, cheap option: to shock the thin layer of facade plaster on the polymer grid. The second way is more expensive, but for many more beautiful and unequivocally prestigious: to bind the heat-insulating plates with a light facade tiled, imitating brick.

If the thermal insulation and the cover of the base are beyond the limits of the walls of the first floor, they need to be protected from precipitation from precipitation from

We talked only about the most affordable methods of thermal insulation of the basement of the foundation on the screw piles. There are other methods, for example, the casing with double heat insulated finishing panels or a device of the base wall from the polystyrene blocks of the system " Warm house" But, no matter what technical solutions for the construction and arrangement of their own home, you decide to use, we recommend before starting construction work Consult with experts on all important issues.

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