
Quality control of masonry. Brickwork of walls. Mirror in a curved solid oak frame

|| Solid brickwork || Sedimentary and expansion joints || Masonry and installation work in the winter. Work at subzero temperatures || Repair, restoration, stone works. Masonry repair tools

Brickwork must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations and with the Rules for the production and acceptance of works. Compliance with the above requirements will ensure the strength of the brickwork and high quality work. The composition of the link of masons, see table. five.

Table 5. The composition of the link of masons

Wall viewWall thickness, number of bricks
1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3
External and internal smooth, blind and with openingsTwo or threeThree, five or sixThree, five or sixSix
Simple with few complications and openings, up to 20%AlsoAlsoAlsoAlso
Simple with few complications and openings, up to 40%Two, fiveTwo, three, five or sixThree or six
Medium difficulty with openings, up to 20%AlsoThree, five or sixThree, five or sixSix
Medium difficulty with openings, up to 40%AlsoTwo, three, sixTwo, three or sixThree or six
Complex with openings up to 40%AlsoDeuceDeuceTroika

The quality of the masonry is controlled by a bricklayer. He makes sure that the brick and mortar are used according to the project, the seams are properly bandaged and their quality, verticality, horizontal brickwork, straightness of walls and corners, timely laying of embedded parts and connections, correct pattern, jointing, selection of bricks for face masonry with even edges and corners, controls the quality of the materials used. In too hot weather, before laying, the brick must be watered, the clay brick is soaked in water completely, this ensures good adhesion and hardening of the mortar. The quality of the masonry is constantly checked. Permissible wall heights during laying without support (see table 6).

Table 6. Permissible wall heights during masonry without support

Wall thickness, mAllowable wall height, m
for masonry walls under wind load, kg / m2for masonry walls under snow load, kg / m2
40 70 40 70
0,25 2,25 1,3 1,8 1
0,38-0,4 4 3,6 3,6 3
0,5-0,52 6,5 4 5,5 3,6
0,6-0,64 10,5 6 8,5 5

The bookmark of the corners is checked with a wooden triangle, the horizontalness of the wall with a level and a rule that is placed on the masonry, a level aligned to the horizon is placed on it, the deviation is determined. A deviation that does not exceed the permissible value is corrected in the process of the following rows (Fig. 36).

Rice. 36. :
walls (a), pillars (b)

Table 7. Permissible deviations (mm) in the dimensions and position of stone structures

Deviations and irregularitiesConstruction of bricks, ceramic rubble and other regular-shaped stones, large blocks of rubble concrete
Deviations from the design dimensions in thickness, by marks15 10 30 20 20
cutoffs and floors - in width-10 -10 -25 -15 -15
piers - along the width of the openings-15 - - -20 -
piers - by offset of the axes+15 - - +20 -
adjacent window openings - by the offset of the axes20 - - 20 -
constructions10 10 20 15 10
Deviations of the surfaces of the walls of the masonry corners along the vertical: - one floor (3.2-4 m high)10 10 - 20 15
- for the whole building30 30 30 30 30
Deviations of the rows of masonry from the horizontal by 10 m of the wall length15 - 30 20 -
Irregularities on the vertical surface of the masonry found when applying a 2 m long strip10 5 - 15 15

Deviations established during the execution of works are determined by the Rules for the production and acceptance of works (Table 7). The verticality of the surface of the walls, corners, horizontal rows of masonry are checked at least 2 times on each tier of masonry with a level and a plumb line. The detected deviations are corrected in the process of laying the next tier or floor. Deviations of the axes of structures, if they are insignificant, are eliminated at the level of interfloor floors (see Table 6).

The thickness of the seams is determined several times during the masonry process, by measuring six rows of masonry, the average thickness of the seam is determined. The average thickness of horizontal joints should not exceed 12 cm, vertical - 10 cm. Stone buildings should be reliable, stable, serve to protect against the elements - precipitation, wind, cold, as well as maintain a constant temperature in the room, be inexpensive and beautiful. Natural and artificial stones are more durable than other materials, have high strength, frost resistance, fire resistance. They have one drawback - they are laborious. Not only foundations, walls, but also staircases, partitions, individual pillars, arches, etc. can be made of stone. Requirements change from the purpose of the masonry and its application (see Table 8).

Table 8. Types of brick walls

By structureBy thicknessDressing systemBy the nature of the jointing
Homogeneous120 mm - 0.5 bricksSingle rowWith a convex seam
250 mm - 1 brickalsoWith gutter
380 mm - 1.5 bricksalsoalso
Heterogeneous510 mm - 2 bricksWith multi-row dressing systemUndercut
640 mm - 2.5 bricksWasteful
770 mm - 3 bricksRoller

Rice. 37.

To give the masonry strength and stability (Fig. 37), three basic rules must be observed: 1) each row of masonry must be perpendicular to the load acting on it; if the bricks are positioned differently, a shift occurs; 2) vertical seams parallel to the outer surface of the masonry are obligatory in the masonry. Horizontal seams must be strictly perpendicular to the same side. In case of violation of the vertical and horizontal seams, a wedge is formed and, as in the first case, a shift is possible; 3) the vertical seams of this row should be shifted relative to the seams of the previous row. Otherwise, the seams expand and the masonry collapses.

All facets of natural and artificial stones have a rectangular shape, and each side of the stone has a specific name: bed is a large face, a spoon is a side face, a poke is the smallest side (Fig. 38, a). In fig. 38, b shows a masonry element. Depending on which stones come out to the outer surface, the rows of masonry are called spoon and butt.

Rice. 38

Stones laid at the outer or inner surface of the masonry are called a milestone, and those laid between layouts are called zabutka. For masonry, not only whole stones are used, but also their parts, which are multiples of a whole stone, and have the following names: quarter, half, three-quarter (Fig. 39). Bricks of non-uniform dimensions are used for bandaging the seams when laying joints, crossing walls, laying walls, pillars. To obtain such bricks, bricklayers themselves have to chop off the bricks to the required size during the production of masonry.

Rice. 39

In order not to spoil good, whole bricks, they are usually used broken or with chipped corners, or having other defects. When laying incomplete bricks in the case, they are usually turned with the chipped side deep into the masonry, and the smooth surface outward. The bricklayer, as a rule, must be able to determine the size of the required brick, so as not to spoil the brick in vain and be able to properly chop it off. If there is no skill in accurately determining the size of the brick, the ligation of the seams in the masonry will be broken, the mortar consumption will increase and the strength of the masonry will significantly decrease.

The length of the incomplete brick is measured on the hammer handle, the notch of the required part of the brick is marked (Fig. 40, b). With the sharp part of the hammer on the brick, they draw a line of stumps (Fig. 40, c), make a notch with a hammer on the spoon on one side and on the other, and cut the brick with a strong blow along the marked line. Hammer blow when chopping bricks should be directed perpendicular to the spoon. If you deviate from this requirement, you get an incomplete brick with an oblique end, which is difficult to use in masonry (Fig. 40, g). If necessary, it is necessary to split the brick lengthwise along all four planes, lightly knock on the marked line with a hammer (Fig. 40, i), and then apply strong short blows along the cutting line at the end of the brick, split it into the required parts. In addition to a hammer for cutting bricks, you can use a trowel (Fig. 31, a).

Rice. 40. :
a - measuring the size of the three-quarter; b - a notch on the hammer handle; в - mark with the tip of the hammer of the felling line; d - checking the length of a part of a brick; d - notch with a blow perpendicular to the brick; e - felling with a hammer-pick; g - improper felling; h - cutting with a trowel across the spoon; and - cutting with a trowel along the spoon; k - teska brick

For laying belts with a rounded shape, and other masonry decorations, use a hammer-pick. During teska, a bricklayer must ensure that tangential blows to the brick do not fall on the hands and feet of the worker, and all work on cutting and tesselling bricks must be done with gloves. The degree of complexity of the masonry has many options (Fig. 41). Overlaps - brick protrusions on the front surface, belts - overlap of several rows, cuts - a decrease in the thickness of the masonry visible on the facade, and many other details.

Rice. 41. :
a - a niche; b - pilaster

The masonry of the walls is deaf and with openings. The brickwork between the openings is called the pillar, which is rectangular and with quarters. Depressions in the wall are called niches, which are usually multiples of half the stone. Pilasters are protrusions from the walls in the form of rectangular pillars. Shtraba - a place of temporary breakage of masonry - is performed, if necessary, to lay additional networks (power supply, water supply, sewerage, heat supply) inside the room.

Quality control. Compliance of the masonry with the project and SNiP requirements is monitored during the receipt of materials at the construction site - incoming control, during the construction of structures - operational control and during acceptance - acceptance control.

1. In the process of incoming control control the wall materials and mortar entering the construction site.

Wall materials check the manufacturer of the work, the foreman and the foreman, so that they meet the requirements of standards in form and accuracy; promptly inform the construction laboratory about the new batch of wall material received at the construction site and participate in the selection of a sample for testing.

Ready solution, supplied to the construction site must have a passport indicating the date and time of manufacture, brand and mobility. The received solution (or made at the construction site) is additionally checked for the following main indicators: mobility, density, delamination and compressive strength. Such checks are performed daily and with each change in the composition of the solution.

The mobility of the solution is determined at least three times per shift. The amount of mobility is determined by the depth of immersion of the reference steel cone into it.

The density of the mortar mixture is determined using a cylindrical vessel with a volume of 1 liter with a nozzle.

The delamination of a mortar mixture is determined in cases when, during transportation or storage, the mixture stratifies and its homogeneity is disturbed.

The compressive strength of the solution is determined in cubic specimens with a size of 70.7 x 70.7 x 70.7 mm at the age specified in the technical specifications for this type of solution. Three samples are made for each test period.

2. Operational control carried out by bricklayers in the course of work. They control the correct transportation and filling of the masonry joints with mortar, the verticality, horizontal and straightness of surfaces and corners, the thickness of the masonry, the dimensions of the walls and openings, etc. In this case, the bricklayer (or the inspector) is guided by the maximum permissible deviations regulated by SNiP and TU for various stone structures ( Figure 9.25 shows the tolerances for a brick wall as an example).

During the masonry process, the contractor or foreman must ensure that the methods of fixing the purlins, beams, flooring and floor panels in the walls and on the pillars are appropriate for the project. The ends of split girders and beams resting on internal walls and pillars must be connected and embedded in masonry; under the ends of the girders and beams, according to the project, reinforced concrete or metal linings are laid.

3. In the process of accepting stone structures establish the volume and quality of the work performed, the compliance of structural elements with working drawings and the requirements of SNiP.

4. During the acceptance of stone structures, check: correct dressing, thickness and filling of seams; verticality, horizontality and straightness of surfaces and corners of masonry;
the correct arrangement of sedimentary and expansion joints; correct arrangement of smoke and ventilation ducts; the presence and correct installation of embedded parts; the quality is superficial
stas of front unplastered brick walls (evenness of color, adherence to dressing, drawing and jointing); quality of facade surfaces faced with various kinds of slabs and
stones; ensuring the drainage of surface water from the building and protecting the foundations and walls of the basements from them.

Before starting work, check the correctness of the axes breakdown, the cleanliness of the base, the quality of the materials. The foreman or foreman checks the wall materials visually and participates in the selection of samples for testing in the laboratory. Brick and blocks should not have broken corners, distortions and other defects. Face materials should have a flat, clean surface and clean edges. "Underburned" and bricks with lime inclusions (dutik) are not allowed. The total number of materials with defects in a batch should not exceed 5%. The number of halves in a batch should not exceed 5%. A document for the batch is required.

The solution must also have a passport indicating the date and time of manufacture, brand and mobility. The received or manufactured solution is additionally checked for the following main indicators: mobility, density, delamination, compressive strength.

Mobility is checked at least 3 times per shift by immersing a steel reference cone. The mobility of mortar for masonry from ordinary bricks is 9-132 cm, from hollow or ceramic stones - 7-8 cm.

The density of the solution is determined using a cylindrical vessel with a volume of 1 liter with a nozzle.

Delamination is determined with a special device only in cases where delamination has occurred or the homogeneity of the mixture is disturbed during delivery or storage.

The compressive strength of the solution is determined by three sample cubes measuring 70.7x70.7x70.7 mm at the age established by the technical specifications for this type of solution. Samples made on hydraulic binders are kept before stripping in a storage chamber or on wet sand at a temperature (20 + 2) ºС and relative air humidity 95-100%, and made on air binders - indoors at the same temperature and relative humidity 65 + 10%. The holding time of samples in molds (24 + 2) h, after which they are released from the forms. Samples from slowly hardening mixtures can be released from the molds after 2-3 days. Then the samples made on hydraulic binders continue to be stored in the chamber under the same conditions for the first 3 days, and the time remaining before testing and samples made on air binders - in a room with normal humidity.

Masonry mortar should be used before setting and stirred periodically during use. The use of dehydrated solutions is not allowed.

In the course of work, the following control and measuring tool is used: a plumb line (to check the verticality of the walls), a folding rule and a tape measure (to check the dimensions of structures and the thickness of the seams), a square (to control the corners), a 2m rule (to control the evenness of the wall), level (with the rule) (to check the row horizontality and verticality), ordering and mooring cord (to control the row height).

The erection of stone structures on each floor is allowed only after the supporting structures of the floors of the previous floor have been laid, the walls are anchored and the floor seams are monolithic.

Junction rows in the masonry must be laid from whole bricks or blocks. They should begin and end the laying, they are laid at the level of the wall edges, in protruding rows, under the supporting structures.

Brick piers with a width of two and a half bricks or less, ordinary brick pillars, lintels and cornices are erected only from selected whole bricks. The use of half-timber bricks is allowed only in the laying of backing rows and lightly loaded sections of the walls under the windows in an amount of no more than 10%.

In case of forced breaks, the masonry must be carried out in the form of an inclined or vertical line. When breaking the masonry, the vertical striking masonry should be reinforced with a distance of up to 1.5 m along the masonry height, as well as at the level of each floor. The difference in heights of the masonry being erected on adjacent grips should not exceed the height of the floor.

The weakening of the masonry by furrows, holes, niches not provided for by the project is not allowed.

Maximum deviations in the thickness of structures for walls and partitions (see diagrams 25, 26) - no more + 15mm, for posts (see diagram 27) - + 10mm; the width of the walls - -15mm, openings - + 15mm; reference surface marks - -10mm.

Offset of vertical axes of window openings from the vertical - 20mm; surfaces and corners of masonry from the vertical to one floor - 10mm, to a building with a height of more than two floors - 30mm. The verticality of the masonry is checked at least 2 times for each meter of the masonry height. If deviations are found, then they are corrected when laying the next tier or floor.

Scheme 25 Scheme 26

Offset of the axes of structures from the center axes - 10mm; rows of masonry from the horizontal by 10m in length - 15mm.

After the end of the laying of each floor, an instrumental check of the horizontality and marks of the top of the masonry should be carried out, regardless of the intermediate checks of the horizontalness of its rows.

The permissible irregularities on the vertical surface of the masonry, found when a 2-meter lath is applied, is 5mm.

Dimensional deviations of ventilation ducts - + 5mm.

Seams should be filled with mortar, with the exception of wasted joints. When laying with a washer, the depth of vertical joints not filled with mortar should not exceed 10 mm for pillars and 15 mm for walls. The completeness of filling the seams is checked by taking out individual stones of the laid out row in different places at least 3 times along the height of the floor.

In addition, in the course of work, they control (with entry into the General Journal of Work) the correctness of the dressing of the sutures.

The thickness of the horizontal seams of the masonry is 12mm (the maximum deviation is -2mm, + 3mm), the vertical seams are 10mm (the maximum deviation is + 2mm). Checked 2 times per shift.

The thickness of the seams of the reinforced masonry is no more than 16mm.

When transversely reinforcing walls and pillars, the meshes should be made and laid so that there are at least two reinforcing bars protruding 2-3 mm on both sides of the pillar or on the inner surface of the wall.

When carrying out work in the winter period, the temperature of the outside air and mortar is additionally monitored (with an entry in the General Work Log).

Acceptance of structures should be carried out before plastering the surfaces.

When erecting stone structures, hidden work should be examined with the preparation of acts for:

Reinforcement of structures;

Expansion joint device;

Channel arrangement;

Places of support for load-bearing prefabricated elements;

Installation of embedded parts and their anti-corrosion protection;

Fixing balconies and cornices in the masonry.

Acceptance as a whole is drawn up by an act of acceptance of the work performed with the preparation (for walls and pillars) of executive schemes.

Questions for self-test:

What are the material requirements for stone work?

What is the name of the control and measuring tool for stone work?

What is the composition of operational control during the masonry process?

How is the acceptance of stone walls, partitions, pillars carried out?

What are the features of the control of stone structures erected in winter?

Deviations in the dimensions of structures from the design ones should not exceed:

Deviations of surfaces and angles of masonry from the vertical should not exceed:

Deviations of the rows of masonry from the horizontal by 10 m of the wall length should not exceed 15 mm. Irregularities on the vertical surface of the masonry, found when applying a strip with a length of 2 m, should not exceed 10 mm. Laying of bonded rows under the supporting parts of beams, girders, floor slabs, balconies and other prefabricated structures is mandatory for multi-row dressing of seams. Antiseptic wooden corks should be installed in door and window openings according to the project. The size of the platform for supporting reinforced concrete structures on the walls should be according to the project.

The difference between the marks of the front surfaces of two adjacent floor slabs at the joint should not exceed with the length of the slab:

up to 4 m 5 mm;
over 4 m 10 mm.
In case of forced breaks, the masonry should be performed in the form of an inclined or vertical line. When performing a vertical rod, reinforcement of rods with a diameter of no more than 8 mm with a distance of up to 2 m along the height of the masonry, as well as at the level of each overlap, must be laid in the seams. The number of reinforcement bars must be at least three in one level. The height of unreinforced brick partitions, not secured by ceilings or temporary fasteners, should not exceed 1.8 m for partitions with a thickness of 12 cm. When laying in a wasteland, the depth of joints not filled with mortar on the front side should not exceed 15 mm in the walls and 10 mm (only vertical joints) in the posts.

Reinforced masonry must be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

During the work, the bricklayer makes sure that the brick and mortar specified in the working drawings are used, and the horizontal and vertical joints are well (completely) filled with mortar. Wastelands must not be allowed in vertical seams in the body of the masonry. This weakens it, reduces durability. In the course of masonry, the bricklayer regularly checks the dressing and seams of the masonry, the verticality, horizontal and straightness of surfaces and corners, the installation of embedded parts and ties, the quality of the masonry surfaces and jointing, the selection of bricks for the outer verst of non-plastered masonry with smooth edges and corners.

To check the quality of the masonry, the bricklayer uses the tools and devices at his disposal.

The correctness of the completeness of filling the seams (vertical and horizontal) with mortar is checked by removing individual bricks of the laid out row in different places (at least three times along the height of the floor).

The verticality of the surfaces of the walls and corners of the masonry is checked with a level and a plumb line at least twice on each tier of the masonry. Deviations not exceeding the permissible ones are corrected during the subsequent laying of a tier or floor. Deviations of the axes of structures are eliminated in the levels of interfloor floors.

The thickness of the seams is checked periodically. To do this, measure five to six rows of masonry and determine the average thickness of the seam, for example, if, when measuring five rows of masonry of the wall, its height turned out to be 400 mm, then the average height of one row of masonry will be 400: 5 = 80 mm, and the average thickness of the seam minus the thickness by thickness by marks: support surfaces: by the width of the piers, by the width of the openings, by the displacement of the axes of adjacent window openings, by the displacement of the axes of structures.

In cases where deviations exceed the permissible ones, the issue of continuing the work is decided together with the design organization. If the design organization permits not to redo the masonry, it indicates specific ways to correct defects.

In dry, hot and windy weather, the brick before laying "(it is strongly moistened with water, and the ceramic brick is immersed in water in order for better adhesion of the mortar and its normal hardening. This is especially important for masonry in seismic regions and performed on mortars with cement binders ...

During breaks in work, the top row of masonry should remain uncovered with mortar. Continuation of the masonry after a break must begin with watering the surface of the previously laid masonry. This requirement is due to the fact that the dry brick, after being laid on the mortar, quickly sucks water out of it and the water content of the mortar is insufficient for normal cement hydration. As a result, part of the binder in the solution without interacting with water remains unused, and the strength of the solution and its adhesion to the brick are sharply reduced. The need to wet the brick before laying it in the structure and the degree of moisture is determined by the construction laboratory.


1. SNiP 3.03.01 - 87. "Bearing and enclosing structures" Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: TsITP Gosstroy of the USSR, I988. - 192 p.

2. SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements "/ Gosstroy of Russia-M .: - 1999.-49 p.

3. SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production "/ Gosstroy of Russia-M .: - 2002.-28 p.

4. Afanasyev A.A., Danilov N.N., Kopylov V.D. and others "Technology of building processes" / Textbook for universities. - M .: Higher. shk., 2001. - 464 p.

5. Ischenko I.I. Stone works. Textbook. for vocational schools. - M .: Higher. shk. 1992 .-- 239 p .: ill.

6. ENiR Uniform norms and prices for construction, installation and repair work:

Sat E1 Intrabuilding transport work. Gosstroy of the USSR - M .: Price list, 1987 - 40s.

Sat E3 Stone works. Gosstroy of the USSR - M .: Price list, 1987 - 48p.

Sat E4 Installation of prefabricated and installation of monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Issue 1 Buildings and industrial structures. Gosstroy of the USSR - M .: Stroyizdat, 1987 - 64p.

Sat E11 Insulation work. Gosstroy of the USSR - M .: Price list, 1988 - 64p.

7. Serov K.A. Construction of a multi-storey brick house: met. instructions for the implementation of course work by students of the specialty 270102 "Industrial and civil construction". - N. Novgorod. Nizhny Novgorod. state architect-build un-t, 2008 - 43 p.

When erecting brick structures, quality control of the brickwork is mandatory. This is dictated by the requirements for it, the main of which are strength and stability.

Already at the stage of receipt of materials at the construction site, "incoming control" is carried out - this is an assessment and quality control of materials supplied for construction - in particular, we have bricks, mortar, reinforcement.

Passports, certificates of conformity are usually provided for materials, and during visual inspection the required geometric dimensions must be maintained. In previous articles, the device of brick partitions was described, the permissible deviations of the dimensions of the brick were indicated. You can read it.

Today I want to dwell in more detail on what kind of quality control of brickwork is necessary.

Basic rules for bricklaying

When laying walls and pillars, it is imperative to check the vertical and horizontal rows, correct dressing of the seams. Having finished laying the floor, you need to check the horizontalness and the upper mark of the brickwork with a leveling level.

When cladding brick masonry, the base of the masonry and the cladding masonry should be rigidly tied together with a bandage. The same applies to walls, piers, erected with jointing.

Brick pillars, piers or pilasters with a width of 640mm or less must be laid out of solid bricks;

Brick - half wood is used only in the masonry of low-bearing wall elements (under windows, etc.);

When performing a cornice, the overhang of all rows of masonry without exception should be equal to or less than a third of the brick (in length), and the total removal should not be more than the wall thickness;

All protruding parts (for example, the trim of the base) must be protected from the atmospheric effects of moisture by draining from the solution;

The seams in the walls of the brickwork, in the lintels, pillars and piers must be filled with mortar, except for the waste masonry. If this is a hollow joint, then the depth of the joints unfilled with mortar should not be more than 15 mm from the front side;

When reinforcing masonry, the reinforcement bars protrude beyond the surface of the plane up to 10 mm.

When fixing brickwork in frame-type buildings, steel ties are applied to the columns according to the project.

Suture dressing:

For walls - multi-row dressing or single-row (chain), the same is applicable for brick pillars, walls more than one meter wide.

Dagger rows are laid only from solid bricks.

Whatever the dressing scheme, the stitching rows must be performed without fail:

  • In the very first bottom and last top rows of structures;
  • In protruding rows of brickwork (belts, cornices, etc.);
  • At the level (mark) of the cutoffs of the walls or pillars;
  • For supporting parts of floor slabs, beams, purlins, under Mauerlats, etc.

If there is an expansion joint in the building:

As a rule, it should match the seams of the foundation. The seam cuts the foundation in a straight line, in brick walls it is performed with a tongue-and-groove (in plan). Therefore, the vertical groove ridge should be laid out from the third row of masonry - 2 bricks above the top of the foundation (cut-off).

Enough theory, all this is regulated by SNiP. Let's move on to the numbers.

Quality control indicators for masonry:

I will give the permissible deviations (in mm) of quality control of works with a rating of "good":

  • Wall thickness + or - 6
  • Floor cut marks 10
  • Offset of the axes of the structure 6
  • Offset horizontal
    rows of masonry in length by 10m 12
  • The width of the walls - 10
  • Offset of the axes of the walls 15
  • Wall deviation from
    vertical to floor 6
  • The same for the whole building 20
  • Horizontal seams (thickness) 12
  • Vertical 10
  • Irregularities when applying
    rails = 2 meters
    plastered walls 6
  • Unplastered walls 3

These are the main points of masonry quality control.
Watch an interesting video - how a brick is tested for compression.

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