
Characteristics of the object of technical inventory. Technical inventory of real estate. Preparation and production of a technical plan. Objects of technical inventory

Technical inventory of real estate objects is a complex of works carried out at the facility, such as taking measurements of the premises, determining the external contours of the building, determining the list of materials used for construction, assessing the structure of the building (load-bearing and curtain walls), etc.

There are two types of technical inventory:


Carried out in the following cases:

  • When the object is put into operation
  • For registration of an object for technical and cadastral registration
  • For communication

Secondary. The term determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation for carrying out a technical inventory of real estate objects is 5 years.

To be carried out:

  • When planning or already actually carried out redevelopment
  • For mortgage transactions, at the request of the bank
  • To conclude a lease agreement
  • To check the consistency of the data

Based on the results of the technical inventory, the following types of documents are issued:

  1. Technical certificate
  2. Technical description
  3. Floor plan and explication

Service cost

Technical inventory
The documents Terms / Cost (rub)
1 p. day 3 p. of the day 5 p. days
Apartments / garage boxes / parking spaces
Technical passport Moscow / Moscow region 10000 7000 5000
Floor plan and explication Moscow 8000 5000
Departure to the facility in the absence of archived data 2000
Commercial real estate
1 business day 5 work. days 10 business days
from 25000 from 17000 from 12000
Buildings / Structures / Houses
Datasheet / Floor plan explication(the price depends on the area, the indicated cost applies to objects up to 100 sq.m.) from 25000 from 18000 from 14000
Technical certificate(objects over 600 sq.m.) Negotiable

* Squares are rounded up to 100 meters upward

* objects with an area exceeding the specified one are calculated individually.

The calculation of the cost of work is made individually after studying the documents provided.

Technical passport (description) of the object

In the course of carrying out work on technical inventory, it is possible to determine the individual parameters of the object, on the basis of which the technical passport (description) of the real estate object is subsequently drawn up. This document consists of a graphic and technical part and contains the following information about the object:

  1. Object area
  2. Appointment
  3. Number of storeys
  4. Cadastral number
  5. Description of the composition and material of walls and floors
  6. Floor plan
  7. Explication
  8. Availability of communications

A technical passport (description) is required for:

  • Preparation of a lease agreement;
  • Clarifications market value;
  • Receiving loans;
  • Insurance registration;
  • Inheritance;
  • Preparation of expert opinions;
  • Redevelopment registration;
  • Legalization of illegal buildings;
  • Permissions litigation;
  • Real estate transfer.

It is this document that fully confirms the fact of the creation of real estate and its compliance with existing standards.

Floor plan and object explication

Are component parts technical passport(descriptions), but can also be presented as separately valid documents.

An explication and a floor plan are simply necessary for the transfer of ownership, redemption, sale, donation of real estate, which not only simplifies the transaction process, but also allows you to determine their best estimate. A well-executed document excludes all possible risks when carrying out any transaction with real estate.

BTI Company provides services for technical inventory of real estate objects of any complexity.

We work for the result and quality, and an affordable pricing policy once again proves our self-sufficiency and readiness to perform any cadastral services.

Technical inventory is the receipt of information about the location, quantitative and qualitative composition, technical condition, the level of improvement, the cost of objects and changes in these indicators.

By the nature and scope of work, the technical inventory is divided into main (primary) and current:

The main (primary or initial) is called the inventory, carried out to obtain accounting and technical data about the object. Such an inventory is carried out by inspection, shooting and technical description of the object with the preparation of an inventory technical documentation.

Objects subject to technical inventory are complexes of buildings and structures, detached buildings and structures, both completed and incomplete construction, as well as unauthorizedly erected, ownerless and destroyed buildings and structures.

The unit of technical inventory and accounting is an inventory object.

The main feature of the inventory object of technical inventory is the purpose, established from the permitting documentation for the construction of this object and / or the act of commissioning.

The current inventory is the registration of current changes in the composition, condition and value of buildings taken into account in the main inventory, and is made after overhaul, redevelopment, erection or demolition of buildings, as well as for other reasons causing changes in accounting technical characteristics Oh.

The technical inventory is divided into the following stages:

  • 1.the documentation available for the object is studied, working drawings, plans, diagrams are made;
  • 2. the approximate scope of work is determined and the deadlines for the delivery of the completed accounting and technical documentation are agreed with the customer;
  • 3. full-scale work is carried out at the accounting object: inspection and measurement of the object with a description of their structural elements and the definition of physical wear, outlines are drawn up;
  • 4. in office conditions the following is drawn: inventory plan of the territory; plan, and if available design features- sections of a building or structure; sections of the technical passport are filled in with accounting data;
  • 5. the work performed by the contractor is checked, agreed upon and accepted;
  • 6. The materials of the technical inventory are registered in the OTI archive.

Technical inventory of real estate objects is carried out on the basis of a work contract concluded by the OTI with the rightholder or the government or local government body that made the decision to conduct a technical inventory.

Technical inventory of a property in common (joint or shared) ownership can be carried out by OTI at the request of any of the owners on the basis of a work contract concluded with him.

The establishment of specific components of the real estate object is carried out by the rightholder on the basis of project documentation for construction (reconstruction), executive accounting and technical documentation and permission to enter (act of putting) the building into operation.

The current technical inventory is carried out at the request of the owner of the real estate object when its technical or quality characteristics(redevelopment, reconstruction, re-equipment, construction, destruction, change in the level of engineering improvement, demolition), as well as when making transactions with the accounting object subject to state registration in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

The approximate scope of work is determined and the deadlines for the delivery of the completed accounting and technical documentation are agreed with the customer.

For work, executive construction, geodetic and land allocation, materials, technical projects, estimates and other drawings, schedules, etc. are used.

Graphic materials are revealed in operating organizations, in divisions of municipal services, as well as in the bureau of technical inventory.

Based on these materials, the boundaries of inventory objects and the amount of work are determined. An estimate and financial calculation is drawn up, a schedule is drawn up, a contract for the work is concluded.

Full-scale work is carried out at the accounting object: inspection and measurement of the object with a description of their structural elements and the determination of physical wear, outlines are drawn up.

When conducting a technical inventory, technical documentation is produced for each object.

According to the regulations in force and regulatory documents state technical accounting is carried out in the following areas:

  • 1. Buildings, which include residential and non-residential buildings civil and industrial purposes.
  • 2. Objects of external improvement, namely: driveways, squares, bridges, green spaces, etc.
  • 3. Objects of transmitting devices: structures for water, heat and power supply, sewerage, communications, oil and gas pipelines, etc.
  • 4. Objects of electric transport: networks and structures that ensure the movement of trams and trolleybuses, parks and depots for their maintenance.

Due to this Special attention addresses the definition of accounting objects. So, in accordance with current legislation, immovable objects subject to technical accounting can be described by the following features:

  • - firmly connected to the ground;
  • -their purpose.

The connection of the object of urban planning activity with the land does not mean that it is necessarily located on a land plot or has a separate territory in its composition.

Therefore, the main feature for the object technical accounting is the purpose established from the permitting documentation for the construction of this facility or the purpose of allotting a land plot, for example: a water pipe, a heating main, a school, a hospital, etc.

Thus, the object (unit) of technical accounting is an inventory object:

  • - a separately located building or structure; communications; external improvement object;
  • - complex - a set of buildings, utility structures and / or structures related general purpose and located on a separate plot of land.

When carrying out a technical inventory for each object in the OTI, a technical passport is drawn up, to which are attached:

  • - horizontal (including floor) plans, longitudinal and cross sections of buildings or structures;
  • - Inventory plan (area plan) with the situation that constitutes the object of the inventory;
  • - outlines and other field material.

All structures of a permanent type connected to the ground by foundations or pillars are measured and entered into the outline, namely:

  • - main buildings and annexes to them;
  • - service buildings: sheds, stables, sheds, glaciers, cellars, etc.;
  • - structures: fences, fences, wells, garbage pits, sidewalks,
  • - paving (driveways, platforms), fountains, etc.

Portable buildings of a temporary nature cannot be photographed.

Buildings include architectural and construction objects, the purpose of which is to create conditions for work, housing, social and cultural services.

In office conditions, the following is drawn: inventory plan of the territory; plan, and in the presence of design features - sections of the building or structure; the sections of the technical passport are filled with accounting data. The procedure for drawing up documentation on the forms of a technical passport for objects of urban planning is approximately as follows.

A set of forms 1-TP, 2-CO, 3-PN, 4-ZU, 5-OS, 6-SS, 7-PU, 8-DS, 9-ZN, forming the pages of the Technical passport, you can draw up documentation for the object, and also Consolidated technical passport for complexes of real estate, organized for various production and economic purposes.

The documentation is completed in an inventory file, which is assigned a separate inventory and registry numbers. For objects for which there were no approved in established order forms of technical passports, the latter are drawn up on the basis of forms and inventory cards, depending on the type of object.

As part of the implementation Federal law"On the state cadastre of real estate" No. 221-FZ dated July 24, 2007, which entered into force on March 1, 2008 by order of the Ministry of Justice dated February 18, 2008 No. 32, the forms of cadastral passports were approved, which are issued only for state registration of the object real estate and registration of ownership. Installed transition period before January 1, 2013. It is from this moment that it is planned to introduce cadastral registration of real estate objects throughout the country, as a result of which the procedure for describing objects and registering them will completely change.

During the transition period government bodies those engaged in technical inventory must carry out their activities in full and receive all the characteristics that they received before the change in legislation, that is, completely draw all plans, calculate the inventory cost, etc. Therefore, technical passports will be used and issued in during the entire transition period.

The concept adopted by the government is as follows: it is planned to create Federal autonomous institutions who will deal with cadastral registration and registration of property rights to immovable property. Joint registers (accounting systems) will be created.

The form of the cadastral passport, presented in Law 221-FZ, differs from the form of the technical passport in that it contains only the information that is necessary for registering the rights to real estate objects. All other characteristics obtained in the process of conducting a technical inventory: the material of the foundation and walls, the parameters of the premises, the presence of windows, doorways, water supply, sewerage, etc. and recorded in the technical passport are not indicated in the cadastral passport. It contains a minimum of characteristics and consists of two pages: one with a description of the property, the second - a situational plan.

The work performed by the contractor is checked, agreed upon and accepted.

Coordination of documentation with the Customer, transfer of the original technical documentation to him and signing of the acceptance certificate of the work performed.

Checking and acceptance of the work performed.

Determination of the inventory value of an object if it belongs to an individual

Technical inventory materials are registered in the OTI archive.

For storage of inventory and technical documentation for objects of urban planning activities in the organization of technical inventory, an archive is provided.

Materials entering the archive are drawn up in the prescribed manner.

The main unit of storage of documents is an inventory file or other inventory and technical materials.

As a result of the main (primary) inventory of the object, the inventory file can be formed from the technical passport and its annexes. Subsequently, the case may be supplemented by materials of the current inventory and copies of title documents relating to the copyright holders of the accounting object.

The inventory file for the object is stitched into three separate groups of documents.

The first group should include materials compiled as a result of the last inventory.

The second group includes all documents of title or copies from them, stitched in chronological order.

The third group includes outlines, area counting logs, technical documents drawn up as a result of the previous inventory, located in the above sequence.

Documents that have lost their meaning due to their replacement with new ones must contain the mark "canceled". "Date". "Signature".

Documents are numbered independently for each group.

In the archive, incoming cases are registered in the corresponding inventory books.

So, cases for civil buildings are reflected in the inventory book for the house fund. Cases for improvement structures and transmitting devices are reflected in the inventory book for external improvement facilities and engineering networks.

The inventory book for residential or non-residential stock, objects of external improvement, etc. is filled in in the order of completing cases as a whole for each settlement, production and technological complex, etc. without limiting them by funds.

Based on the accounting materials for individual objects stored in the archive, various certificates, reporting, extracts and summary inventory and technical documentation for buildings and / or structures in the settlement, industrial site, power supply are compiled settlement etc.

So, when a residential building is put into operation, the documentation set includes a certificate from the local bureau of technical inventory on the amount of the total and living area of ​​the building, which is compiled according to the technical inventory of the building.

At the end of the certification of residential buildings, a consolidated passport is drawn up for the housing maintenance office (house management, housing and communal department, housing and communal office, condominium), and subsequently consolidated passports are drawn up for housing administration and in the city or region as a whole.

inventory real estate cadastre construction

Technical inventory is a unified procedure for measuring real estate objects when drawing up a technical passport. Typically, the main characteristics of the object are measured and analyzed: total area, building area, construction volume, length, depth of occurrence.

In what cases is it carried out

The reasons for the technical inventory may be:

  1. The owner's desire to receive up-to-date technical information about the property or check it for compliance with existing documents.
  2. Gasification of facilities.
  3. The requirement of government agencies to issue a license to carry out certain types of activities.
  4. Preparation of a package of documents for agreeing on the redevelopment of a real estate object also requires a technical inventory.
  5. Verification of controlling structures.
  6. Determination of the actual technical parameters (area, volume, length, etc.) for the further introduction of the property into operation after repair, reconstruction or construction.

These cases are the basis for attracting inventory specialists.

The subject of technical inventory can be:

  • structures;
  • communications;
  • platforms;
  • building;
  • premises;
  • buildings;
  • unfinished real estate objects, etc.

The list of documents based on the measurement results depends on the type of object. It may include:

a) technical passport;
b) a certificate with technical and economic indicators;
c) floor plan, explication, etc.

It is worth noting that the technical inventory can be carried out by engineers with proper qualifications and experience in performing measurements in this area, since such work involves the use of special high-precision instruments (total stations and laser rangefinders).

Prices for technical inventory of real estate in Moscow:

Type of real estate object Name of service Area, sq.m .; length, m Cost, rub. Deadline
Building, structure, premises, object of unfinished construction Measurement work in order to determine the actual dimensions of buildings, structures, interiors and building structures with the subsequent formation of a technical report, technical description (preparation floor plans, explication) Before 2000 15 000 7 days
From 2000 From 10 rub / m2 Depending on the category of complexity and unique characteristics of the object
Production of floor plans and explications without measuring work (according to the customer's materials) Up to 200 8 000 From 2 days
200 to 1000 10 000
1000 to 2000 15 000
2000 to 3000 20 000
3000 to 4000 30 000
4000 to 5000 40 000
More than 5000 Estimated

* The cost is indicated for objects located in Moscow. The cost of objects located more than 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road is additionally added 5,000 rubles. for every 50 km. The final cost of the work is calculated after studying the provided documentation and drawing up an estimate.

** The final deadline is calculated depending on the availability of the necessary documentation and the conditions for the production of work.

How we are working:

    Question: What is a technical inventory?

    Answer: These works are a survey and full-scale measurement of real estate objects in order to determine their dimensions and technical characteristics, such as the total area, building area, construction volume, as well as in the process of conducting a technical inventory, an assessment of the technical condition of structural elements of buildings, premises is carried out, structures, objects of unfinished construction.

    Question: What do we get as a result of the technical inventory?

    Answer: As a result of the technical inventory, we receive a technical passport, technical report or technical description for the real estate object, which contains basic information and technical characteristics of the object: the year of commissioning, area, volume, etc.

    Q: How often is a technical inventory required?

    Answer: At present, it is advisable to conduct a technical inventory at least once every 5 years.

    Question: Who is authorized to carry out measurement work (technical inventory)?

    Answer: To carry out measurement work or technical inventory for the purpose of obtaining documents: a technical passport or technical description provided to the bank, gas service, administration, alcohol market licensing service, etc., at present, a qualified cadastral engineer is authorized.

    Question: What is required to conduct a technical inventory?

    Answer: To conduct a technical inventory, you need: initial technical and title documents, as well as access to the facility.

Procedure for

Technical inventory is carried out in several stages:

  1. Collection of source documentation. List required documents depends on the type of technical inventory. The initial inventory requires project documentation, cadastral passports.
  2. Measurement of the object by an inventory engineer. Using (if available) as-built drawings, and to eliminate errors and inaccuracies independently prepared schematic plans - outlines, the engineer measures the object according to the rules of technical inventory.
  3. Production of documents. A technical passport of the object is drawn up, as well as other related documents. The specific composition of the package of documents depends on the type of property.

Types of technical inventory

Technical inventory can be of the following types:

  1. Primary. It is carried out during the reconstruction or construction of a real estate object. The characteristics of the object are entered in the technical passport, which is the result of the work performed. In the course of the initial technical inventory, a TEP certificate is additionally prepared, which is necessary when obtaining permission to put the facility into operation.
  2. Planned. Such work is carried out at regular intervals. Typically, a planned technical inventory is performed once every 5 years. No later than this period, the regulatory authorities responsible for the issuance and renewal of licenses shall send a request to provide a technical passport of the facility.
  3. Unscheduled. It is always carried out when changes are made to the property, most often it is the redevelopment of the property.

Who is performing

Previously given view work was subject to accreditation, which is currently canceled.

Name of organizations entitled to conduct technical inventory:

  1. Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI). Until 2013, it had a monopoly on inventory work. The difference of this bureau is its low customer orientation, long term of work execution and their low quality.
  2. Since 2013, an alternative has appeared in the form of the possibility of contacting companies that value their reputation and value their customers. The principle of operation of such organizations is similar to the BTI, however, the most comfortable conditions are created for clients.

So, our engineers are ready to explain in detail the principles of technical inventory, discuss the terms of the contract and adjust them according to the wishes of a particular customer. In addition, we provide support services for obtaining documents in the BTI / JSC "Rostekhinventarizatsiya - Federal BTI".

Technical accounting documents

Technical accounting of real estate is understood as a detailed description of the technical characteristics of the object and its individualization. As a result of a set of technical accounting measures, an object can be unambiguously distinguished among other similar objects. The process of technical accounting includes assigning a cadastral number to an object.

Real estate accounting is carried out by conducting an inventory, which includes:

  • Establishing the boundaries of the object. Each property has physical boundaries that can be reflected by transferring boundaries to paper, as well as legal boundaries that allow it to be separated from adjacent objects;
  • Establishing the location of the object, which includes its address and location scheme on the ground or as part of another object;
  • Description of the main and auxiliary characteristics of the object. It consists in an exhaustive presentation of the technical and quality features of the object (building material, number of storeys, etc.);
  • Indication cadastral value object.

In the course of technical accounting, the inventory bodies draw up a personal inventory file for each accounting object, and also prepare the following documents:

  • Plans of inventoried objects (for multi-storey buildings and buildings, the creation of floor plans of the object is provided);
  • Technical and cadastral passports of the object. This document is the basis for registering the object on cadastral registration;
  • Technical plans for new facilities capital construction, residential and non-residential property complexes;
  • Acts of inspection of buildings and structures (drawn up in case of establishing the fact of the termination of the existence of the real estate object).

Each document drawn up in the course of the inventory is reflected in the inventory file in the form of an original or a copy. Storage of inventory files is carried out in the archival fund, which is part of the state archive of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of the inventory, the subject receives in his hands a cadastral passport for the object, a technical passport, an extract from the register of objects, a certificate of the main technical characteristics.

Who is responsible for technical accounting?

Subjects of technical accounting are holders of rights to existing or newly created capital construction projects. To apply to the technical accounting authorities, the applicant must confirm his authority in relation to the inventory object - submit documents confirming that he has a property right to this object.

In the case of an initial inventory of a new object, the applicant provides design and permitting documentation, agreed in the prescribed manner.

The bodies carrying out cadastral registration are the Bureau of Technical Inventory, accredited Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography. BTI bodies are created both in the form unitary enterprises, and in the form of private organizations (LLC).

The network of the Bureau of Technical Inventory is currently not included in the system of state and municipal bodies, it is an independent subject of legal relations and acts as an independent contractor in the market for technical inventory.

Technical accounting rules

The procedure and rules for technical accounting are determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2000 No. 921 "On state technical accounting and technical inventory in the Russian Federation of capital construction projects."

Each Bureau of Technical Inventory has its own website, which contains all the necessary regulatory documentation regarding the ongoing activities for technical accounting, indicating the specific types and cost of work.

The basic cost of performing works on technical accounting is determined by the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, however, each Bureau of Technical Inventory can independently set tariffs for its services. Thus, the cost of work differs depending on the region where the property is located, as well as on the amount of work and the urgency of their implementation.

Frequency of technical accounting

The legislation provides for the frequency of inventory actions - at least once every five years. The carried out primary inventory implies the issuance of a new technical passport for the facility, and the second and subsequent ones - making changes to the passport. Also, after the next inventory, changes are made to the inventory case.

In practice, an unscheduled inventory is carried out when the characteristics of the object change (change in area, redevelopment, reconstruction).

The fact of the implementation of technical accounting has essential for real estate transactions. Without registering an object and issuing a cadastral passport, it is impossible to perform any legally significant action with real estate.

Also, in the course of technical accounting, the inventory value of the object is calculated, which is important for tax and accounting purposes.

Accounting for any changes in the characteristics of the object arising in the course of redevelopment, reconstruction, overhaul is also carried out in the course of a technical inventory.

During the operation of all types of buildings and structures, natural wear and tear of capital structural elements, including their finishing elements, occurs. It is also inherent in the land, since along with construction objects, it is customary to refer to real estate and land, the status and composition of which can constantly change.

At the same time, at any of the listed real estate objects, according to the decision of the owners and tenants, an improvement or deterioration of their previous condition is carried out. The need for control in this area has always been a natural responsibility of the state. Regular inventory of objects allows you to identify material deterioration or improvement for subsequent accounting of the degree of their wear and tear.

Technical accounting

The inventory, in other words, the detailing of the property resource, covers almost all forms of ownership: state, private and municipal objects.

Technical accounting is part of the global accounting of state assets, and its basis is the activities of specialized organizations for personal inventory of real estate objects. As a result, the studied object acquires exclusively individual characteristics that make it possible to identify it in the total mass of property in the country.

Objectives of technical accounting

The main purpose of technical accounting in Russia, as before, remains the collection and processing of information about real estate objects. However, there are several types of target areas, for which the strategic objectives of the state are simultaneously developed.

Thus, the technical accounting system pursues several important goals:

    1. Providing authorities with information on the condition of real estate objects for effective control of urban planning activities.
    2. Formation of databases on capital construction objects for planning the development of territorial entities of the state.
    3. Obtaining new information about objects for reconciliation and replenishment of the tax base.
  1. Collecting information about property traces being carried out and registration of rights to real estate objects to ensure the functioning electronic system data.
  2. Collection of current information about objects for statistical purposes.

Formation of the Institute of Technical Inventory

The history of the development of technical inventory includes several stages of reorganization of accounting bodies. In May of this year (2016), the system of technical accounting bodies turned 99 years old. This, almost a hundredth anniversary, speaks of the importance and relevance of the technical registration of real estate objects, despite all the political events that took place in the territory of our country.

The start of accounting was entrusted to the newly-made Commissariat of Local Self-Government, immediately after the October Revolution in December 1917. Since then, this direction has been under the jurisdiction of various bodies and institutions, ranging from the NKVD and ending with today's branched out BTI system (Bureau of Technical Inventory). However, the goals of the previous managers were solely to assess the cost of materials in the facility and transfer housing to various funds maintenance of property.

Since the system government controlled The USSR did not have an appraisal mechanism for the sale and purchase of real estate, which is in private property, in fact, the real estate market (turnover) did not exist.

Today BTI plays important role in the country's economy, regularly informs authorities of all levels and individuals about the market value of real estate objects.

Regardless legal status object, it is investigated as an independent unit of account. Very often, such a unit can be a whole complex of buildings or structures.

In general, the inventory is subject to:

  • residential buildings and complexes;
  • production facilities, buildings and their separate premises;
  • areas of external improvement of adjacent territories;
  • construction in progress.

Inventory of immovable property, including land for various purposes, is carried out by the territorial BTI together with the legal authorities:

  • justice;
  • local government administrations.

In fact, and if necessary, the BTI bodies have the right to conduct three types of inspections:

  1. Primary.
  2. Planned.
  3. Unscheduled.

Experts have long come to the conclusion on the basis of statistics that changes in the structure of buildings occur on average once every 5 years. Proceeding from this, the BTI bodies are obliged to carry out each five-year plan additionally and scheduled inspection... During it, all changes in accounting records to an object with a mandatory update of the base of the Unified State Register of Real Estate Objects, depending on its legal status.

Unscheduled inspections are carried out upon receipt of an application from various control bodies, but most often with a significant reorganization of the supporting structures of buildings, urgent translation land from one destination to another. It is compulsory when making purchase and sale transactions.

According to the above-mentioned law on the procedure for conducting a technical inventory, its customer can act as individuals and the authorities. It is accepted to initiate the inventory process according to the submitted application.

On its basis, a commission is created that examines the inventory object, and fixes the changes in a special inventory (list). After that, an act is drawn up, a conclusion is given.

The next step completes the inventory process:

  • transfer of data into electronic form
  • inclusion of data on the checked object in the information bases of ministries and departments (Goskomstat, Gosstroy and Minzemstroy).

Based on the results of the inspection of the objects, the owner of the property is issued a technical and cadastral passport, as well as relevant certificates (upon request). Usually they are confirmation that the inspected object is really in state registers, there are no extraneous buildings on it, it is a specific type of real estate (building or land), etc.

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