
Forms of primary accounting documentation. Application of unified forms of primary documents

But almost any entrepreneurial activity is accompanied by a considerable number of different documentation. The question is the question, primary documents are what documents?

Basic information

Under the primary accounting, the initial stage of the generalization of certain management operations is implied, which characterize the main processes of the organization's activities.

Accounting objects are recognized:

  • harvesting of the initial raw material for the production process;
  • purchase of material resources and their subsequent expenditure;
  • spending on the exercise of production activities;
  • production of products and unfinished production;
  • the volume of finished products;
  • shipment and sale of products;
  • settlement operations with suppliers, customers and buyers;
  • reporting to banks, founders and financial structures;
  • other.

All these operations are accompanied by documentary design. Information about economic processes and related nuances is displayed in the primary documentation.

Basic concepts

Under the definition of the primary document, the document implies the initial information of the results of any activity.

The primary document is called written proof of the implementation of the operational operation. This document is drawn up at the time of the overthrow of the operation or immediately upon its completion.

That is, accounting documents confirming the fact of the economic operation are considered primary. All information present in the primary documents is required to display in accounting.

For its accumulation and systematization apply accounting registers. They contain data on all implemented in the organization of economic operations.

After a certain period, information from the accounting registers in grouped form moves to the accounting reports.

Basic species primary documents Considered:

  • money orders;
  • / etc.

These documents contain information about the exercise operation. In some cases, the forms of primary documents are counted for strict reporting books.

Based on the type of operations, primary documents shares on paper accounting of fixed assets, wages, cash operations, money etc.

Separate attention deserves. In fact, this document is unlikely to be primed, because it does not outline a specific economic operation, being an application to the primary document.

The need for invoice arises in the process of obtaining VAT. However, at the same time it will be necessary to present an invoice or act.

At the same time, the Tax Code mentions the invoice in direct communication with the documents primary.

What are their functions

The fundamental destination of the primary document is confirmed legal force Implemented economic operation.

At the same time, responsibility for some performers for implemented operations is established for conducting operations.

In the primary document stored all necessary information About a specific economic operation, and the fact of the existence of the document confirms the execution of action.

That is, data on all economic actions of the organization remain in the primary documents. Primary documentation is stored to ensure the personal needs of the enterprise, as well as to provide controlling structures.

It is based on primary documents that accounts are carried out. Based on the data available, financial and tax reporting is created.

Acting regulatory framework

The basic rules on primary accounting documents are defined in FZ No. 402 of December 6, 11 "On Accounting".

But although the use of some unified forms is not considered mandatory, nothing prevents them.

The decision on this occasion is made by the head of the subject economic activity. It is he who approves forms for primary documents on the submission of a person responsible for maintaining accounting.

The code is located in the upper right corner. If the hosuperation is issued using a non-standard form, but with the help of an independently developed form, then the "code" is not necessary to prescribe.

In accordance with paragraph 19 of this provision, the presence of corrections, blots and submissions or the use of corrective funds in banking documentation, arrival / consumables cash holdersAn attached receipts and documents replace them.

In case of detection of the accuracy of banking and cash documents Can not be taken to execute. It requires their re-drawing taking into account the basic requirements.

It is important that incorrectly decorated or abandoned cash documents are not subject to destruction. They must be crossed, and then attach to the cash report (registry,) per day of their discharge.

Arising nuances

In the process of drawing up and designing primary documents there are many different nuances. Among the main things can be noted as follows:

Signs primary document Face from a specially approved list The list of persons with the right to sign the primary documents is determined by the head of the organization when agreeing with the chief. If the documents relate to the operations of a financial nature, then signed their leader and responsible. A faxing way to reproduce the signature of the head in the process of registration of primary documents is prohibited
Make up the primary document follows at the time of the accomplishment Economic operation or immediately upon its completion. Disagreeed after a time, the document is legitimate not recognized
Correction Banking and Cash Documents is prohibited In other primary documents, it is allowed to introduce corrections, but only in the presence of confirming signatures of responsible persons and specifying the date amendment
It is necessary to carefully check the correctness of the registration of primary documents. The lack of mandatory details does not unambiguously recognize the document by official confirmation. Even if the taxpayer is able to prove the legality of the document through the accompanying documentation, he will have to spend a lot of time on discussion disputes and possibly litigation
Mandatory requirement is the registration of primary documents In the state language in national currency. In the presence of documents in a foreign language, it is necessary to carry out their translation into Russian

What is a bilateral document

In some cases, when making the primary documentation, the use of a bilateral primary document is allowed. Such is the form of a universal transmission document (UPD).

Video: Primary documents

The UPD form is a functioning form of invoice, which is supplemented by indispensable indicators of primary documentation.

The status "1" at the UPD allows this document to replace not only the invoice, but also an act or invoice.

At the same time, the UPD is simultaneously used in calculations of the software and when the costs of income in the process of taxation of profit. The UPB, which possesses the status "2", replaces only an act or invoice.

The UPDs combined the elements of the invoice and the primary document on the confirmation of the coherence of homing. The legislation does not have a ban on issuing invoices or invoices from two sides of one paper carrier.

Do I need to print

The provisions do not apply to the number of mandatory details of the primary documents. The mention of it is not contained in Art. 9 Part 2 of the Federal Law No. 402.

Therefore, it is necessary to print print if the organization uses its own development of a document that provides for printing.

But at the same time, it is necessary to assure the seal those documents for which the presence of printing is provided in the legislative order. For example, those include invoices and.

Also, the need to prevent printing can be caused accounting policies Organization or agreement of the parties.

Who is responsible for their safety

Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Accounting" undertakes to the organization to maintain primary documentation, accounting registers and accounting reporting during the prescribed period.

According to standards state organization Archival business This period cannot be less than five years. In the storage process, it is necessary to protect against unauthorized edits.

Any fixes must be argued and appreciated. Content of accounting registers and accounting reporting It is a commercial secret.

For disclosing it, having access to person information is responsible in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Initially stored primary accounting documents in closed cabinets under the top of the chief of the organization.

Properly processed documents are transferred to the archive storage. Directly for their safety is responsible for the owner of the enterprise.

The presence of primary accounting documents is an integral component of the activities of any organization.

Without them, it is almost impossible to normal existence of an enterprise. Therefore, it is so important to know and comply with the procedure for the preparation and design of primary documents.

Each company must use typical forms to reflect the facts economic operations. Consider what unified primary accounting documents are approved by the Government. Content aspects What are the form of primary accounting documents (list)? What are their shelf life you ...

"Accounting", 2010, N 6

At the non-use of documentation or disadvantages in their design, tax authorities pay attention, which is often the subject court proceedings. Is the application of these forms?

Unification of primary forms accounting documentation. Tax authorities have the right to demand documents from the taxpayer who serve as a basis for calculating and paying taxes under forms established by the relevant federal executive authority.

What formas are we talking about and are there any documentation?

The concept of unified forms of primary accounting documentation appears in the law on accounting. It has been established that the primary accounting documents are taken to account if they are compiled in the form contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation.

Documents that are not provided in these albums should contain the mandatory details listed in Art. 9 of this law. The albums of the unified forms were approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, but not for all partitions of accounting (Table 1). As can be seen, the albums were not formed for unified forms on accounting intangible assets, materials, fixed assets, labor and its payment, construction mechanisms, cash operations, inventory results.

Table 1

List of albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation

Name album A source
Unified form of primary accounting
agricultural Accounting Documentation
products and raw materials
Resolution of the State Statistics Committee
Russia from 09/29/1997 N 68
Unified form of primary accounting
documentation for accounting operations in public
Resolution of the State Statistics Committee
Russia dated 25.12.1998
N 132.
Unified form of primary accounting
accounting documentation trade operations
when selling goods on credit and commission
Unified form of primary accounting
cash settlement documentation
with the population in the implementation of trade
operations with the use of KKM
Unified form of primary accounting
documentation on trading operations (general)
Album of unified forms of primary accounting
product Accounting Documentation, TMC in places
Resolution of the State Statistics Committee
Russia from 09.08.1999 N 66
Unified form of primary accounting
documentation for accounting for work in the capital
construction and repair and construction work
Resolution of the State Statistics Committee
Russia of 11/11/1999
N 100.

The concept of "album of unified forms" is not subject to expansion interpretation, and the list of existing albums shown in Table. 1, is exhaustive.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08.07.1997 N 835 laid the functions for the development and approval of the albums of the unified forms to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, which was later transformed into Federal Service State statistics (Rosstat). However, the latter by any authority in relation to the unified forms was not endowed.

Recognition of the decisions of federal executive bodies as regulatory legal acts. Let us turn to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1997 N 1009, which approved the rules for the preparation of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration (Rules).

During the approval of decisions on unified forms, the State Statistics Committee of Russia was the federal executive authority.

The decision of the federal executive body acquires the status of the NPA, subject to its registration by the Ministry of Justice of Russia. The fact that it has been published in fulfillment of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, does not yet allow him to classify it as NPA. None of the Russian State Statistics Committee of Russia that interests us is registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Acts that do not require registration in the Ministry of Justice of Russia are not acquired by the status of NPA, do not contain legal norms, mandatory for all organizations. Therefore, unified forms approved by the Rescues of the State Statistics Committee of Russia are a recommendatory.

In this regard, the emails of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04.05.2009 No. 07-02-10 / 24 and the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 27, 2009 No. 3-2-09 / 147, which reported that Rosstat, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Federal Tax Service of Russia do not have Powers to clarify the use of forms of primary accounting documents. Therefore, the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of August 1, 2001 No. 16-00-14 / 364, prohibiting the retreat from the "album" forms, in our opinion, is not subject to use.

The procedure for the entry into force of laws and NPA. From paragraph 8 and 10 of the Presidential Decree No. 763 of 23.05.1996 N 763, which sets out the procedure for publishing and entering into force of acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian government and regulatory legal acts of the federal executive authorities, it follows that the NPA federal executive authorities who have not passed state registration, as well as not published in the prescribed manner, do not entail legal consequences as not increasing. They cannot serve as a basis for regulating relevant legal relations, applying sanctions to officials and organizations for non-compliance with the prescriptions contained in them. They cannot be referred to in resolving disputes. A similar position is set out in the definitions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 02.03.2006 N 58-O and from 02.11.2006 N 537.

State registration of NPA implies assigning a registration number. Therefore, links to tax disputes On the decisions of the State Statistics Committee of Russia on the approval of the unified forms are illegal.

Tax disputes on the use of unified forms. Using the rules of the Decree N 763 more than once allowed companies to win tax disputes in arbitration courts (Table 2).

table 2

Application of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 23.05.1996 N 763 in tax disputes

Judicial decision Court arguments
Ninth arbitration
court of Appeal
from 10/22/2008
N 09Ap-11557/2008-AK
Requirements for the preparation of primary accounting
documents for the forms contained in albums
unified forms of primary accounting
documentation, unlike accounting for
the presence of a direct link in the profile law,
can not be distributed to tax accounting, so
as unified forms N n n n n n n ns-2 and ks-3
are considered for the legislation not entitled
by virtue and not subject to use
Volga district
from 08/08/2009 in the case
N A12-17574 / 2008
Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of 28.11.1997 N 78
published in official publications was not,
in connection with which it can not serve as the basis
to regulate the corresponding legal relations,
applications of sanctions to citizens, officials
and organizations for failure to comply
in it prescriptions.
In the case, if the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia
28.11.1997 N 78 not subject to registration
and publishing as not affecting
and the obligations of legal and individualsLink
tax authority for non-performance duties
on the use of forms of primary accounting documents
the more unreasonable
Volga district
from 21.05.2009 in the case
N A55-16309 / 2008
The organization has the right to apply not mandatory for
she is officially not published primary forms
accounts contained in albums
unified forms of primary accounting
documentation, or other primary accounting documents,
relevant mandatory requirements
established art. nine Federal Law
"On accounting"
Ninth arbitration
court of Appeal
from 19.03.2007,
from 26.03.2007
N 09Ap-1769/2007-AK
At the time of adoption of the decision of 25.12.1998
N 132 Goskomstat of Russia in accordance
with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14.08.1996 N 1177
refer to federal executive bodies
authorities. Consequently, the named resolution
should have undergone the registration procedure in the Ministry of Justice
Russia and published in the official edition.
However, so far this resolution
did not seem to state registration
and not published in official publications. Thus
way the organization has the right to not apply
unified inventory
the invoice contained in the above

Today, arbitration practice on the use of unified forms is mainly in favor of taxpayers.

Unified cash transactions. According to paragraph 12, the procedure for conducting cash transactions in Russian Federation, Approved by the Bank of Russia from 09/22/1993 N 40 (Procedure), cash transactions are issued by typical interdepartmental forms of primary accounting documentation for enterprises and organizations that are approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia. The procedure is considered to be a regulatory legal act on the basis of the order of the Bank of Russia of 01.12.1992 N 02-209. It follows from it that the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, approving typical forms of primary documentation, has an interdepartmental nature. Paragraph 13 of the Regulations on accounting and accounting reporting in the Russian Federation identifies typical forms with unified.

But the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of August 18, 1998 N 88 is not registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia. Therefore, unified forms cash operationsIn our opinion, are not mandatory.

Are unified forms for small businesses apply? In paragraph 5 of the Model Recommendations on the organization of accounting for small business entities (Order N 64N) it is said that small businesses may apply independently developed forms containing mandatory details provided for by law on accounting. This position is supported in the definition of you of the Russian Federation of 10.04.2008 No. 3856/08. Nevertheless, refer to order N 64N is not recommended. Why?

First, it is not registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia, and therefore is not NPA. So reference to it can be challenged tax authority; Secondly, typical recommendations are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 14.06.1995 N 88-ФЗ, which has lost strength from 01.01.2008 in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ.

And the main thing is the criteria of small enterprises contained in the old and new laws, do not coincide.

In conclusion, we note that the accountants often underestimate the requirement of paragraph 4 of PBU 1/2008 on the approval of the forms of primary accounting documents in accounting policieswhich does not contain references to the unified formas. However, it is wrong to assume that the organization has the right to abandon the use of unified forms. It is necessary to either develop its own forms, or determine which details of the unified forms can be used.

The organization does not have the impact on the accounting policies of its counterparties. And in view of the optional unified forms, it is not entitled to require them to comply with counterparties. However, take care of the quality of documents that the organization receives from them can be at the stage of concluding a contract. The fulfillment of the agreed condition can be achieved from the counterparty in court.


Natift Budget Academy and Treasury

What documents belong to primary, each accountant should know. This is due to the fact that it is this documentation that is the basis for accounting. They prove the fact of carrying out economic operations. A beginner accounting specialist needs to be understood what it is for which the primary documents are needed, how to compose and store them. Otherwise, problems with controlling authorities will not be avoided.

Legal entities and private entrepreneurs can list each other only on the basis of certain primary documentation. It is assumed that the primary is drawn up before the economic operation was held, but the legislation does not exclude the possibility of its completion of the transaction, however, there must be good reasons for this.

Both primary and summary accounting documents, should include details: the name of the form; date and place where it was compiled; the full name of the company that prepared it; What accounts are used to enumerate funds; The full name is responsible officer etc.

What are they needed for

Primary documents (PD) are a mandatory component of accounting. They are drawn up in the implementation of economic operations and serve as evidence that such operations have been completed. When carrying out the transaction, a different number of primary documents can be involved: it depends on the specifics of its conduct.

List of operations that must be carried out during the transaction:

  1. Signing a contract with the recipient. If it is constant, you can sign one contract for several transactions, however, in this case it is worth discussing the timing of the work, the sequence of settlement operations and other nuances.
  2. Invoice for payment.
  3. Directly payment, the confirmation of which is cash check (or commercial), if it comes to cash paymentor payments, if money is listed by non-cash.
  4. When the goods are shipped, the performer sends an invoice to the client.
  5. After the provision of services in full, the performer must receive an act of work performed from the client

Existing species

There are 6 main types of accounts of accounting, which are most often used when conducting various transactions:

Contract The contract includes the rights and obligations of the parties to the transaction. The contract can be drawn up for the provision of services or the sale of goods.

The Civil Code does not exclude the possibility of concluding an oral contract, but it must be remembered that only a document signed by two parties can protect the rights and interests of the affected Party in judicial authority In the event of any problems, including non-fulfillment of obligations to the other party.

Account account
  • This document indicates how much the client should make to obtain services or works. When payment is made, this means that the client gives its consent to the conditions that are nominated by the Contractor.
  • There is no specific form of this document, so its design may differ from different suppliers. However, it must be remembered that the document must contain the name of the document itself; payment details; The name of goods and services, as well as their cost. You can prepare it in the program 1C.
  • The account does not represent value from the point of view of accounting and reporting to regulatory authorities, it is only fixed by the price established by the seller. It is not necessary to put on it to print and signature, but if the company wants to progress and protect yourself, it is better to do it.
  • If any interests or rights of the buyer are violated, it has the right to demand from the seller of the return of listed funds.
Payment documentation This is a confirmation of the fact that the client was paid by the score exhibited by the manufacturer. Exist different kinds Such documents: payment requirements, orders and checks, strict reporting blanks.
Packing list
  • Applicable in cases where you need to issue a purchase and sale transaction material values. This paper should be decorated in two copies. It is needed to make the seller to display the sale, and the buyer is to postpone the goods received.
  • In the commodity invoice and the account must fully coincide information. On this document, print seller and the buyer must stand necessarily.
Act about performing work or service provision Bilateral document. He confirms not only the fact of the work performed, but also the price that has been paid for the product or service. This paper also serves as evidence that the parties fully fulfilled the obligations in front of each other and do not have mutual claims.
Invoice An important document is, with the help of which the basis for accepting VAT sums filed to deduction. Obviously, this document is very important for those structures that are VAT payers.

List of primary accounting documents

So, the list of primary accounting documentation looks like this:

Treaty Lies with the client in writing. It is important to say that the law does not prohibit the interpretation of such a contract, however, the parties often prefer to fix the rights and obligations provided for by the Agreement on paper.
Score It contains details for the product of payment and the name of goods that are purchased.
Check (commodity or cash register) or strict reporting form Issued in case of cash payment. In the case of non-cash payments, the buyer of goods or services remains as a confirmation of payment payment documentwhich is certified by the banking structure.
Patch Issued at the time of product shipment of goods.
Act of the provision of services or performance Provided after the services are provided in full.

The definition of the concept of "primary accounting document" gives Article 60-1 of the Russian Tax Code: Primary documents are a documented evidence that the operation was committed or there is an event that gives the right to be performed. Such documents may be in paper or on electronic media. Accounting occurs based on such documentation.

Article 60-2 shows the forms of such documents and the requirements that are put forward for their design.

Another normative actwhich gives the definition of primary documentation, and its forms are determined - the law about accounting and financiality.

Russia is a country in which the legislation on accounting and paying taxes changes periodically. Given the fact that forms can be changed or supplemented, it is necessary to monitor what changes are approved by various government agencies, including the Ministry of Finance. So, for example, at the beginning of 2019, the form was approved accounting certificatewhich used to have an arbitrary form.

COAP provides for a number of sanctions for the lack of primary documents in the organization, they are defined in Article 276 of the Code.

General instructions for use

PDs are the basis for the start of accounting of certain operations and making entries into the accounting register. Such a document acts as a written evidence of the fact that an economic operation was performed.

Those primary accounting documentsThe forms of which are not approved officially, approves the head of the organization, publishing the appropriate order. All mandatory details are enshrined in them, which are provided for by law.

Such documentation should be prepared on paper and supported by a person's signature that has compiled a document. If an electronic document is applied, it must be signed by an electronic signature.

Unified PD forms are not strict for use. The exception is the cash documents that are approved by authorized structures.

The PD form must contain such mandatory data:

  • title of the document;
  • accurate date of operation;
  • what is the homework in physical and value terms;
  • the name of the structure that constitutes the document;
  • information about persons responsible for ensuring that the document is issued correctly.

Such documents are divided into the following groups:

  • accounting of wages;
  • accounting for cash operations;
  • accounting of fixed assets;
  • accounting for construction and repair work.

Filling rules

Reporting documents should be accurate and clearly.

Fundamental rules:

  • it is allowed to use ball, as well as ink handles, you can use computing equipment and a typewriter;
  • you need to make such documentation at the moment when the transaction is only planned;
  • it is allowed to draw up documents after the operation is allowed if there are objective reasons for this;
  • the document reflects all possible details;
  • in the absence of any information you can put dashing.

In 2019, typical forms are used to prepare PD. Documents are divided into external and internal.

The first organization receives from: from state institutions, higher organizations, banking structures, tax authorities, etc. Examples of external documents: invoice, payment orders or requirements. Concerning internal documents, then they are drawn up directly in the organization.

In case of incorrect filling of the document, the organization will experience difficulties with the definition tax base, And this may lead to the fact that disagreements will arise with the tax service.


It happens that even an experienced accountant, which issued the document no longer makes an error. It is possible to correct it only when there was no reflection of the document in accounting, that is, it was not spent. It must be remembered that it is unacceptable to make corrections with a stroke.

Only three following methods can be used:

  • additional entry;
  • method stirling;
  • correct method.

The latter is applied in the case when the error was allowed in the accounting register, while it does not concern account correspondence. This method is appropriate to use before the balance is made. In this case, an incorrect number or other sign must be crossed by a thin line, nearby specify the correct value. From the side to specify - "corrected to believe", and put the date and signature.

Additional entry will be appropriate if the amount of the operation is carried out, has been underestimated.

The storage method involves the adjustment of incorrect recording with the help of a negative number. The wrong digit is indicated by red ink, the correct record is made right, which is made in conventional color.

Clarification of the act of reconciliation

Recharge acts are not legally related to primary documents, so do not regulate regulatory documents. They displays produced mutual settlements for a certain period between companies that have the status of a legal entity, or individual entrepreneurs.

This type of document is used on the initiative of accountants, since it is possible to actually solve a number of controversial issues, which protects the interests of the organization.

In what cases is important to draw up an act of reconciliation:

  • when the seller has a wide selection of goods;
  • in case of provision of delay in payments;
  • if the price of goods is high;
  • in the case of the presence between the parties to the relationship, which is regular.

This document can be used in court in the event of a controversial situation between the parties.

Storage time

The position of the storage of primary documentation is enshrined at the legislative level.

For different species Documents are provided for various storage terms:

For one year It is necessary to store correspondence with the controlling authorities about the terms of submission of reporting documentation.
At least 5 years Cash documentation and paper such as the Balance of the Quarter, the organization's report with the explanatory note for the quarter; minutes of the meeting on the adoption of quarterly balance; Primary documentation I. cash book; Documents for system and incoming accounting and others.
At least 10 years Annual balance must be maintained, inventory inventory, balance transfer, separation, liquidation and other documents.
At least 75 years The personal account of each employee and salary statements are maintained.

All economic operations should be made with the design of primary documents, on the basis of which accounting is conducted.

Accounting documents are classified on various features:

    by appointment;

    in terms of operations reflected in them;

    by way of use;

    in the number of accounted operations;

    at the place of compilation;

    by filling method.

Accounting documents on purpose can be divided into groups:

    TO organizational-regulatorydocuments include orders, orders, instructions, power of attorney, etc. These documents contain an order, permission, instructions or the right to carry out an economic operation. The information contained in these documents is not submitted to the accounting registers, as they do not reflect the fact of the operation itself.

    TO justifying(executive)documents include overhead, requirements parish orders, acts of acceptance, etc. The acquittal documents are drawn up at the time of the operation, reflecting its execution, and are a source of primary accounting information or the first stage of the accounting process. The information contained in them is entered into account registers.

    There are a number of documents that combine permitting and acquittable, such documents refer to combined(Payroll, Expendable Cash Order).

    Accounting documentsfilled in an accountant to justify entries that do not have other documentary evidence. These are various calculations and references that play a supporting role and are drawn up to facilitate and accelerate the work of accounting (accounting of accounting for reversing an erroneous recorded entry; distribution of profit of enterprises, general production, general, out-of-industrial expenses, etc.). Information from such documents is also entered into accounting registers.

Unified forms of primary accounting documentation

In accordance with the Law on Accounting and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.07.1997 No. 835 "On Primary Accounting Documents", the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, in coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, approve albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation.

The use of unified forms of primary accounting documentation is regulated by the Regulations on accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation.

Primary documents are taken to account if they are drawn up by unified forms approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. The unification of the forms of primary accounting documentation is of great importance for improving the accounting, as it establishes and enshrines uniform requirements for documenting economic activities, systematizes accounting, excludes outdated and arbitrary forms from turnover, contributes to a rational organization of accounting.

The State Statistics Committee of Russia as necessary makes changes and additions to the unified forms of primary accounting documentation, and also ensures further development of unified forms of primary accounting documentation.

Forms of unified documents are adapted for accounting in the conditions of mechanized processing of credentials, as well as for handling manual. In the forms, duplicate details are excluded, the location zones to be machined, outlined by thickened lines, shaped formats according to GOST 9327-60 - A3 (A3 297 x 420); A4 (210 x 297); A5 (148 x 210). Formats of the forms specified in the albums of unified forms are recommended to change.

Each forms assigned a code designation on a public-union classifier of management documentation (OKUD), which is affixed by a separate propulsion in the upper right corner of the form.

In unified forms, the organization can make additional details if necessary. IN obligatory At the same time, all the details approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, unified forms of primary accounting documentation approved by the State Statistics Committee, as well as the requirements of the standards for their structure and design are followed. Removal of individual details from unified forms is not allowed. Implemented changes should be decorated with the appropriate organizational and administrative document of the organization.

Documents, the form of which is not provided for in these albums, should be approved in the order of the enterprise's accounting policy and must contain the following obligatory details:

    name of the document (forms);

    form code;

    the date of compilation;

    meters of economic operation (in physical and monetary terms);

    the name of posts responsible for committing economic operations and the correctness of its design;

    personal signatures and decryptions.

Forms of such documents may be a separate annex to the organization's accounting policy for the relevant year and approved by a separate order (Order) of the head of the organization.

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