
How to promote an accounting company. How to find customers on accounting services, business account. Accounting prices in AC

The demand for accounting firms operating on outsourcing is constantly growing. This is especially noticeable now, in the period economic crisis. Company I. individual entrepreneurs They seek to reduce costs and increasingly transmit accounting to outsourcing.

Business attract I. additional servicesproviding them with outsourcing companies: for example, to tax planning, legal support, etc.

How to find customers for accounting services?

Yes, accounting and legal consulting in demand by customers. However, over the past 5 years, the number of firms offering such services has increased significantly, and competition in Niche enhanced. Even the presence of its own website at the accounting company does not always change the situation. To find customers for accounting on the Internet, it is necessary to constantly invest in advertising promotion, for which the young company does not always have the necessary funds. What do you think in this case?

Where to find customers on accounting services?

To bring new customers to accounts without excess costs, it is worth using Internet marketing opportunities. First of all, it is worth thinking about creating your own unique trading proposal.
Try to show customers that you are better than competitors without resorting to the dumping. To do this, it is necessary to clearly position yourself and show customers the benefits that other accounting firms are not.

You can choose one of the following work strategies:

  • solving all the tasks of the client in the format of "one window": offer services in registration and liquidation of business, in the preparation and delivery of accounting, tax reporting, in communicating with tax Service etc.
  • specialize in individual services. As an example: to take only zero reporting, offer only services for registering firms, opening bank accounts; Tax Consulting Services Audit;
  • to offer outsourcing on full accounting and business legal support, offering companies to optimize their costs.

It often happens that by going through the advertising link, the visitor quickly leaves the site without leaving his contact data. If this behavior has turned into a system, it is worth thinking - maybe something on the site pushes visitors? How, then, find customers on outsourcing accounting services?

Place on the site selling content

To "reach" to the client, it is important that each word posted on the site helps sell your services. The customer must understand at first glance that he got at the desired address. Qualitative marketing materials, enhanced selection of certificates, diplomas, reviews of partners - a great tool for believing doubters.

LSI copyrighting

I will describe another way how to find customers for accounting services without unnecessary financial costs. The site rises to the top search results thanks to correctly selected key phrases and quality information and news materials.

This method is also good because the texts posted on the site continue to bring customers to accounting services for years, without requiring additional advertising costs.

Here I listed only the most important momentsTo be used to use to find clients to outsourcing accounting services without any effort.

Have questions or objections? Write, I will find customers for accounting services for your company.

1. Terms and definitions in this Agreement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter - the Agreement) The following terms have the following definitions: Operator - IP Dneprovsky Oleg Aleksandrovich. Acceptance agreement - full and unconditional adoption of all the terms of the agreement by sending and processing personal data. Personal data - information entered by the user (subject of personal data) on the site and directly or indirectly related to this user. The user is any physical or legal person who has successfully passed the procedure for filling in the field of entry on the site. Filling Input Fields - User Sending Procedure, Families, Phone Rooms, Personal Addresses email (hereinafter - personal data) to the base of the registered users of the site, produced with the purpose of identifying the user. As a result of filling in input fields, personal data is sent to the operator database. Filling in input fields is voluntary. Website - site posted on the Internet and consisting of one page. 2. General provisions 2.1. This Agreement is drawn up on the basis of the requirements Federal Law dated 07.27.2006 NO 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and the provisions of Article 13.11 on "Violation of Legislation Russian Federation in the field of personal data »Code administrative offenses The Russian Federation and operates with respect to all personal data that the operator can receive a user during the use of the site. 2.2. Filling the user input fields on the site means unconditional agreement with the user with all the terms of this Agreement (acceptance of the Agreement). In case of disagreement with these conditions, the user does not fill in the input fields on the site. 2.3. The user's consent to the provision of personal data to the operator and their processing by the operator is valid until the operator's cessation of the activities either until conversation with the user. Accepting this Agreement, and passing the registration procedure, as well as following the subsequent access to the site, the user confirms that he, acting on his will and in its interest, conveys its personal data for processing the operator and agrees to their processing. The user is notified that the processing of his personal data will be carried out by the operator on the basis of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006. NO 152-FZ "On Personal Data". 3. A list of personal data and other information about the user to be transmitted to the operator 3.1. When using the Site of the Operator, the following personal data are submitted: 3.1.1. Significant personal information that the User provides itself on itself when filling in the input fields and / or in the process of using the site services, including surname, name, patronymic, phone number (home or mobile), personal email address. 3.1.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the site services during their use using the software installed on the user device, including the IP address, information from cookies, information about the user's browser (or other program, which is accessed with access to services). 3.2. The operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the user. At the same time, the operator proceeds from the fact that the user provides reliable and sufficient personal information on issues offered in the input fields. 4. Objectives, rules for collecting and using personal data 4.1. The operator is handling personal data that is necessary for providing services and providing services to the user. 4.2. Personal user data are used by the operator for the following purposes: 4.2.1. User identification; 4.2.2. Providing user personalized services and services (as well as informing about new promotions and services of the company, by sending letters); four. 2.3. Supporting communication with the user if necessary, including the direction of notifications, requests and information related to the use of services, services, as well as processing requests and applications from the user; 4.3. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, blocking, deletion, destruction. 4.4. The user does not object to the information specified in certain cases may be provided by the Commissioner government agencies RF in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5. Personal user data is stored and processed by the operator in the manner prescribed by this Agreement, during the entire period of activity by the operator. 4.6. Personal data processing is carried out by the operator by maintaining databases, automated, mechanical, manual methods. 4.7. The site uses cookies and other technologies to track the use of site services. These data are necessary to optimize the technical work of the site and improving the quality of the provision of services. On the site information is automatically recorded (including the URL, IP address, browser type, language, date and query time) about each visitor site. The user has the right to abandon the provision of personal data when visiting the site or disable cookies, but in this case, not all site functions can work correctly. 4.8. Privacy policy provided for by this Agreement applies to all information that the operator can receive a user during the last website and the use of the site. 4.9. It is not confidential information publicly disclosed in the implementation of this Agreement, as well as information that can be obtained by Parties or third parties from sources to which there is free access to any persons. 4.10. The operator takes all the necessary measures to protect the privacy of personal data of the user from unauthorized access, changes, disclosures or destruction, including: provides a permanent domestic verification of data collection, storage and processing and security processing processes; Provides physical data security, preventing unauthorized access to technical systems that ensures the work of the site in which the operator stores personal data; Provides access to personal data only to those employees of the operator or authorized persons who are needed to fulfill the duties directly related to the provision of services to the user, as well as the operation, development and improvement of the site. 4.11. For personal data of the user, their confidentiality is maintained, except for the cases of a voluntary provision by the user of information about themselves for general access to an unlimited circle of persons. 4.12. The transmission by the operator of the personal data of the user is legitimate in the reorganization of the operator and the transfer of the rights of the operator's legal successor, while the successor is transferred to all obligations to comply with the terms of this Agreement in relation to the personal information obtained by him. 4.13. This Regulation applies only to the Operator's site. The company does not control and is not responsible for the websites (services) of third parties to which the user can follow the links available on the operator's website, including the search results. On such sites (services), a user can be collected or requested by other personal information, as well as other actions 5. User rights as a subject of personal data, changing and deleting by the user of personal data 5.1. The user has the right: 5.1.2. Require from the operator to clarify its personal data, their blocking or destruction if personal data are incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally received or are not necessary for the declared processing goal, as well as to adopt their rights to protect their rights. 5.1.3. Receive information regarding the processing of its personal data, including containing: confirmation of the fact of processing personal data by the operator; targets and operator used ways of processing personal data; Name and location of the operator; Processed personal data related to the appropriate subject of personal data, the source of their preparation, unless otherwise submitted by such data is not provided for by federal law; the timing of processing personal data, including the timing of their storage; Other information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. Recalling the consent to processing personal data can be implemented by the user by directing the operator of the corresponding written (printed on the material carrier and subscribed) notice. 6. Operator's duties. Access to personal data 6.1. The operator undertakes to ensure the prevention of unauthorized and not targeted access to the personal data of the user site users. With this authorized and targeted access to personal data of users of the site, access to them will be accessed by all interested parties implemented within the framework of activity and the subject of the operator's website. However, the operator is not responsible for the possible target use Personal data of users that occurred as a result: technical problems in software and in technical means and networks outside the operator control; In connection with the intentional or unsighted use of operator's sites not by their direct destination third parties; 6.2 The operator takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user's personal information from unlawful or random access, destruction, changes, blocking, copying, distribution, and other illegal actions with third parties. 7. Changing the Privacy Policy Regulations. Applicable legislation 7.1. The operator has the right to make changes to the present position without any special notification of users. When making changes to the urgent editorial board, the date of the last update is specified. The new version of the Regulation comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided new edition Provisions. 7.2. To the present situation and relationships between the user and the operator arising from the application of the situation shall be applied to the Russian Federation. I do not accept

How to find customers for accounting services? Surely, you saw on the Internet offer to buy customer database. In this article, we will tell you how to form our base for free. What open sources contain important information on potential accounting services?

This method is suitable if you decide to attract customers for accounting services personally. Otherwise, you will need an agent for finding customers to accounting services.

Customers for accounting companies are best looking for freshly registered organizations and IP.

1. Go to the site service.nalog.ru/uwsfind.do

O. Information legal entitiesah and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents are presented for state registration

2. Search for information

In search details, select:

Search for

- about a legal entity

- about the individual entrepreneur

depending on who you want to offer your services

3. Name of a legal entity

In the column " Name of the legal entity"We write: Society or a limited liability company or other form of a legal entity, depending on who you want to offer your services.

Accounting services are often required by such legal forms as: Housing Association (HOA), Gardening Non-Profit Partnership (SNT), Non-Profit Partnership, Non-State educational institution Know), etc.

Tip: Write abbreviated. For example: "Society", "Association", "Horticultural".

Form filed document

In the column "Form of the submitted document", we choose P11001 - a statement about the creation of Yul

5. IFTS, in which the document was filed

In the column "IFTS, in which the document was filed" Choose registering Infance of your city.

6. The period in which the document was filed

Choose a period. As a rule, this is the last quarter.

7. We get the search results

In the search results we receive a list of as newly registered organizations, and those who were for some reason denied registration.

In the list of registered organizations, we see the OGRN number, which we will come in handy to receive an e-state statement.

8. We go to the site egrul.nalog.ru

Information about state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, peasant (farmer) farms

We introduce the received OGRN, we get an electronic extract with the data of the potential client.

However, this scheme has its own minuses: in such extracts, as a rule, there are no phones, only postal addresseswhich can be sent a commercial offer.

How to get a more expanded statement from the register?

Accounting firms that are already working on the market use the programs for passing the ether statements. Through the same program you can order and electronic extract.

And what to do those who only plans to start their accounting business And would like to evaluate the number of potential customers?

Read the continuation here.

This article on the topic:

where to find customers for accounting services how to sell accounting services

See also:

Development accounting Policyfull or partial accounting and tax accounting Based on the Treaty with the Client, which stipulates the conditions of cooperation (terms of cooperation, the period of granting primary documents, the rights and obligations of the two sides, payment of services, responsibility of the parties). Read more ...

The optimal service involving the provision of accounting services with minor document flow and subject to the staff introducing primary documentation to the database. There is no need for content in the state of the chief accountant and, accordingly, you can reduce material costs. Read more ...

Professional accounting services for individual entrepreneurs. Includes drawing up acts, accounts, invoice, reporting on employees, compliance with cash discipline, tax consultations, departing reports in IFTS and extrabudgetary funds. Read more ...

Toping this service, we accept the accounting of your company, our specialists perform all functions on professional accounting support, accounting and tax accounting are carried out by reporting and perform other functions inherent to a staffing accountant. Read more ...

Labor legislation of the Russian Federation provides recruitment In each organization, where there are employees. It should be borne in mind that under organizations here should be understood not only by legal entities, but also individual entrepreneurs who are also entrusted with the responsibility of conducting personnel accounting. Read more ...

When registering, we will advise you for free, we will place everything required documents To register within 1 day, we will provide documents to the MIFNS on NSO No. 16 and after 7 days you will receive a registration certificate, a certificate of registration with the IFSN, an extract from the register, a letter from statistical management. Read more ...

Registration of changes to the charter must be made when changing legal address, when changing the name of a legal entity or when resizing Authorized capital. Amendments to the Incorption must be made when changing the director, changing the participants of the LLC, a change in activities.

Accountant, where and how do you find customers for remote work at home?

If the individual entrepreneur suspended or stopped entrepreneurship, we advise you to close the PI. At the time of closing it is necessary to provide in the IFTS tax reporting. Our specialists will be free consultation An individual entrepreneur when closing. Read more ...

How and where to find customers to accountant?

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Outsourcing market of accounting services in Moscow

The Russian market of outsourcing accounting services has existed more than ten years, but its degree of development can not be called high in terms of world standards. In general, in Russia, 18% of large companies are used by this service, 5% of average and more than 60% of individual entrepreneurs.

The main consumers of services and profile companies providing it are concentrated in Moscow, St. Petersburg and some others major citiesAnd Moscow leads: from all Russian providers in Moscow there are 30%. According to the end of 2012, 40% of Moscow companies, enterprises and organizations transferred their accounting at outsourcing, approximately 30% are in the process of translation.

In 2012, the demand for providers on the part of legal entities has declined somewhat, but the segment of private entrepreneurs showed their high demand. This was facilitated last changes in Tax Codewho resolved legal entities to work with individual entrepreneurs without gross income. Quite often, the company officially use the services of private accountants working on simplified.
Accounting outsourcing in companies with a share foreign capital. The overseas partner and the investor often requires a fundamentally new quality of accounting, in addition, such technology for the West is the norm.

The highest growth dynamics shows precisely the accounting segment of the market due to the complexity and constant changes. regulatory documents in the field of accounting and tax accounting. Customers of outsourcers for obvious reasons want to ensure close monitoring of taxation of their companies, not allow for an unmotivated increase in taxes and be able to challenge their accrual with professionals.

The volume of market outsourcing accounting services

In this sector of the market, 88 companies providing outsourcing services 2,148 customers and market volume in 2012 amounted to about 2.5 billion rubles. The reform for the transition of enterprises in IFRS also caused the growth of the demand for outsource services in 186 customers last year. The volume of the market in this segment amounted to 577.2 million rubles.
The market volume in the salary calculation segment increased by 11% compared with 2011 and amounted to 1.2 billion rubles. There are 39 providers serving 304 client companies.

In the provision of services for the preparation of reporting on RAS, the market volume amounted to 376 million rubles, the number of clients was 437.

The demand for accounting services is steadily growing, however, the Moscow market cannot be called completely saturated. It is difficult to determine the exact figure, it did not reach the approximate estimate and 50%.

Accounting services provided

IN industry Structure consumer demand Accounting outsourcing services More than 80% of total revenue accounted for trade, in second place - the construction industry, then in descending order, oil and oil and gas industry, electric power industry, chemical industry, communications, housing and communal services, transport, financial organizations, Mechanical Engineering, Food Industry, Health, Metallurgy and Coal Complex, Building Materials, Education. Last place - public administration, but currently there is a steady interest public institutions to accounting outsourcing.

The structure of services provided by providers, accounting and tax accounting is leading and is 45% of the market volume, 20% - the share of the calculation services wages, 10% - drawing up financial statements Under IFRS, 7% - reporting on RAS. As the numbers show, the most popular maintaining the entire accounting "turnkey". The responsibility of the provider includes timely delivery of reports, working with banks, tax Inspectorate and other regulatory authorities, tax support and audit checks, archiving and storage of documents.

Competitive analysis of companies and private accountants in Moscow

In the Accounting and Tax Accounting Segment in the volume of revenues, CJSC Intercomp is leading, the second place is occupied by the company "YBM / Business Service" (Tatarstan), the third - "Femid-Audit". In the first ten, also in descending order by the volume of revenues: "FinExpertiza", BDO, "Mikhailov and Partners", Etphi, "Delopolis", "2K Audit-Business Consultation / Mausing International" and LLC Financial and Tax Audit, which is in WiseAdvice group.

In Intercomp on the calculation segment, "Intercomp" is also leading, the personnel holding "Anchor", YusiMES Group LLC (Tatarstan), Yunistaff Peirol Soluschns LLC, BDO, Energy Consulting, FinExpertiza, 2K Audit -Engthened advice / Maorison International, "Gorislavtsev and Company", "Mikhailov and Partners".

In the segment of outsourcing preparation of reporting on RAS, the places were distributed in the top ten as follows:


    Energy Consulting;

    "AMB Consulting";

    "Gorislavtov and Company";


    "Business Prof; F (MGI);



Top 10 in the Financial Reporting Segment for IFRS:

    Nexia Si Ai Es;

    "2K Audit-Business Consultation / Maorison International";


  1. "Gorislavtov and Company";


    "A.D.E. Professional Solutions' (ADE Professional Solutions);

    "Baker Tilly Rusaudit";

    "Business Profile" (MGI).

Customers who entered the ranking providers are representatives of large business. Middle and small enterprises, individual entrepreneurs enjoy small outsourcing companies or private accountants. The amount of providers in these cases is significantly less, respectively, below the cost of their services. However, due to the lack of employees and low taxation, the most famous private accountants in Moscow successfully compete with some quality providers and set prices.

According to experts, private accountants occupy about half of the outsourcing market (statistics for 2012 is absent). These are individual supervisors, registered officially. There is a considerable "illegal market" of private providers, to evaluate the value of which is not possible.

A typical representative of the clientele of a private accountant is a trading company from a state of up to 20 people, the volume of turnover of primary documents of which is 500-600 units. Enterprises enjoyed enterprises that have entered into a simplified taxation system and a unified tax system for imputed income.

The demand for private services in Moscow is not reduced not only due to their lower cost. Large companiestransmitting their accounting of famous providers, have enough transparent business and observe tax law. And the experienced private accountant in stock has several options for reducing tax payments, which is especially important for small and medium-sized businesses in the initial stages of development.

Factors defining the lack of saturation of the accounting outsourcing market in Moscow is, first of all, low awareness of this service and its advantages in the field of medium and small business. The second factor is insufficient confidence in the provider. The owners of the enterprises fear to transmit confidential information to the side, and also worry about controlling the operation of the outsourcer and damages in case of serious errors. These problems are solved by competent contracting.

Another important factor preventing the development of the outsourcing sector is the lack of trained personnel. In 2010, the Russian Association of Strategic Outsourcing Astource was a affiliate member of the Iaop Outsourcing World Association (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals), and its local unit was created in Moscow. The plans are the organization of training programs for outsourcers, the development and promotion of domestic outsourcing to the global market.

Improving regulatory documents in the field of finance, the exit of Russia to the global area of \u200b\u200boutsourcing, a steady increase in demand for the service, as well as an increase in its proposal allow it to be quite optimistic to evaluate the growth prospects of this market sector.

June 2013

  1. Maintenance accounting on outsourcing
  2. Tax reporting
  3. Tax reporting
  4. Preparation of primary documents on request
  5. Calculation of social contributions

The transfer of accounting functions by a professional company is practiced throughout the world throughout the entire period of existence of states and systems cash circulation. IN last years This practice has become widespread not only in foreign countries, but also in Russia. In Yekaterinburg, accounting services are highly popular.

Advantages of this service mass. Experienced professionals professional firm will put accounting in your organization, develop the tactics of implementation economic activitywill provide timely and competent compilation accounting reporting, Feeding you from unnecessary concerns and problems.

Among the explicit advantages of accounting services for LLC or an IP of a third-party company can be distinguished by two situations that occur most often, and the solution of which requires a professional special approach.

Advantages of accounting by third-party organization

  • Any specialist can quit your company, or you will have a desire to change the chief accountant for objective or subjective reasons. What often happens when changing an accountant? After the change of a specialist, the errors often emerge in keeping accounting for the accounting statements of the organization, part of the documents may be lost. And all these unpleasant moments are found at the tax audit.

    How to promote accounting services?

    You are insured from a similar situation in collaboration with our company. All information is stored in archives and is available at any time, regardless of the change of employees and the duration of storage of archives.

  • In the exercise of accounting, many controversial issues arise, because our legislation changes often and track these changes is sometimes quite difficult. The specialists of our company make decisions in conjunction with qualified lawyers, which eliminates the possibility of errors. BUT financial expenses On independent consultations many times higher than the payment of our activities.

Accounting organization includes checking for all accounting documents, the preparation of any accounting documents, the formation of registers, the calculation of the salary, tax payments etc.

Accounting prices in AC

Subscription fee (rub. Per month) 5 490 7 690 9 990 14 990
Accounting Outsourcing yes yes yes yes
Tax reporting yes yes yes yes
Tax reporting yes yes yes yes
Consulting by phone (once in place) 7 10 15 30
Preparation of primary documents on request (acts, accounts, etc.) not yes yes yes
Treatment primary documentation (pc / month) not 50 100 200
Salary calculation (person) 1 3 7 10
Calculation of social contributions yes yes yes yes
Preparation and accompaniment tax inspections (rub.) from 2000. from 2000. from 2000. 0
Processing of documents over tariff (rub.) 90 70 50 40
Maintaining employees over tariff (rub.) 400 350 300 300


1. Paid way - customer bases from the register

There are sites that provide a sample of potential customers for accounting services from the Baza EGRULT on various criteria, including the type of activity. If you are an accountant - specials in a specific area (construction, catering, agriculture, production). You can designate it in the sample. You can also choose an extract where the phone is accurate.

Choose newly registered enterprises (last quarter) and you definitely not be wrong - most of these comrades have not yet decided on the choice of an accountant.

Here is a site that provides Customer Bases based on EGRUL

That they themselves write about themselves:

" This service may be useful to organizations whose task is to find long-term customers. For example, recent legal entities usually need the following services:

Legal service


Consulting services

Banking (opening account, settlement and cash services etc.)

Personnel (recruitment recruitment)

Licensing (if the activity is subject to licensing)


Services of real estate agencies (search for industrial, warehouse and office space)

Search Sales and Supplies

Accordingly, companies that provide listed services using the contact information of the list of newly registered legal entities can attract new customers. This approach Allows you to get ahead of possible competitors due to the fact that your offer will be able to become the first. The service can also be useful for analyzing the market, analytical studies, etc.

Search and attract new customers is one of the most important tasks of successful business development. To date, there are many ways to attract new customers. Most of them are set out in various sources: books on marketing, seminars, lectures, courses, sites, etc. The most qualitatively analyze the effectiveness of any of the ways perhaps only by trying it in practice.

The approximate cost of such a sample from 7-8 rubles per 1 contact.

2. Free way: there is a site - it means there is a business

How to act?

You need to go to the domain registrar site. Find a list of newly registered domains. Link http://domains.ihead.ru/domains/new.html.

In contacts of the registered domain we find such a line - admin-contact. Near the link, go, we get to the window: "Send a letter to the domain administrator"

Direct a letter of approximately such a content:

" Hello, your website xxx.xx suggests some commercial activity? I can offer you legal and accounting assistance in this matter. I am a qualified accountant ( honored lawyer of Russia), more than XXX years of work. I will be glad (a) to help you.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state