
When will there be an increase in the salary of the tax authorities. How much do they get in IFNS. The whole truth about the salaries of tax officials. How much do tax officials get

The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body that exercises the functions of control and supervision over the observance of the legislation on fees and taxes, over the correctness of their calculation and the timeliness of their submission to the budget.

V Lately"Staff turnover" tax service has increased significantly. According to statistics, for 2016, it amounted to 40,000 people. Such data suggests that the working environment is not comfortable for most new hires. This leads to their dismissal or transfer to other industries. The need to constantly submit tax returns and state control over income also negatively affect the formation of the image of a tax employee.

The most important factor are low salaries, which as of 2016 amount to no more than 25,000 rubles. This is the salary employees receive tax authorities in Moscow and Moscow region today. In other regions of the country, the salaries of employees are as close as possible to the minimum wage.

Salary increase program for tax inspectors

The activities of representatives of the Tax Service are associated with responsibility, dedication and honesty. Such work should be adequately paid, but currently the budget does not have enough funds for the planned indexation of workers in all sectors.

For 2017, it is planned to increase the salaries of representatives of the Tax Service by about 0.3% per month. It was this size of indexation that was accepted as necessary to cover the inflation rate in the state.

Real numbers and payroll

The initial salary of a highly qualified specialist is 7800 rubles. Constant control over income by the state, which obliges the tax service employee to submit a declaration annually indicating all receipts to the account and the possible crediting of interest on deposit accounts, causes dissatisfaction on the part of most tax authorities.

If we take into account that other public authorities have higher salaries, and responsibility and the need to make important decisions are not always required, the prestige of the profession is rapidly declining.

Taking into account the dissatisfaction of representatives of the tax service, the Government decided to adjust budget expenditures and make changes in the plan for the indexation of wages. selected categories citizens as of 2018.

It is planned that finances from the sale of oil products will replenish the country's treasury. This will ensure the indexation of the salaries of employees at the end of 2018, at least by the full amount of annual inflation. Experts predict that inflation in the country will be minimal in 2018.

According to the latest statistics, it will drop to a minimum over the past 5 years, and will amount to 4-4.5%. The salaries of employees of the Tax Authorities as of 2016 and 2006 remained practically unchanged. Despite all the promises, to bring the salaries of the Tax Service employees closer to the national average (45,000 rubles), as of the beginning of 2017, there was no significant indexation of salaries for this category of citizens at all.

This is associated with the lack of funds in the budget, as well as with the fact that the projected inflation rate of 5-6% in the Russian Federation was greatly underestimated. In fact, the rise in prices amounted to 30% for certain categories of products, and for socially significant products (sugar, eggs, milk and butter), the growth at the end of the season was about 10-15%.

With such an increase in prices, the indexation of wages even by 15% will be practically invisible, and will not lead to the average increase in salaries, which was promised by the government in 2018.

How has salary changed in recent years?

In order to replenish the Tax Authorities with highly qualified specialists, it is necessary to offer them attractive working conditions. Currently, work in the Tax Service of the Russian Federation causes only dissatisfaction, both on the part of citizens and on the part of the employees themselves. This is primarily provoked by:

Intense working conditions;

Low wages;

Constant talk about reductions, which lead to the fact that the representatives of the Tax Service do not fulfill their obligations in full.

To remedy this situation, in 2018, part of the funds from state budget it is planned to spend on raising the level of income of certain categories of citizens. Representatives of the tax service are confident that the attention drawn in 2015 to the problem of their working conditions and minimum wages will certainly be reflected in 2018.

What can tax inspectors expect in 2018?

The representatives of the Tax Service were convinced that in 2017 the desired result was not achieved. This is unlikely to be implemented in early 2018 due to insufficient data on possible inflation in the country.

The optimistic forecasts assume that the inflation rate will be in the range of 4%. But at present, such data are only the assumptions of specialists based on gradual stabilization. Russian economy... If the pace economic growth will reach the planned limits in 2018, this will provide the maximum income to the budget of the Russian Federation.

The additional funds will allow the Government to channel part of the funds to ensure the loyalty of citizens in connection with the upcoming presidential elections. First of all, finances will be used to index wages for certain categories of workers, whose interests have been most infringed upon recently.

A large amount of budget money is needed to increase the salaries of tax authorities in 2017. And it would not hurt other civil servants either. After all, their number in our country is quite large.

In departments public service there are more than 10 percent of the entire working population. So the very question of income growth for this category of working citizens is very serious. First of all, it should be attributed to the competence of the Ministry of Financial Support of the Russian Federation.

How everything really happens

The Ministry of Finance specialists believe and justify certain actions that are related to the regulation of salaries in the budgetary sphere. Naturally, our residents have always heard the topic of tax officials. Either we pay taxes for our activities, or we worry about filing declarations with the tax authorities, and we also pay money for property, transport, and so on.

Only we know almost nothing about the other side of the coin. It is there, behind these receipts and declarations, there are people. They are also alive and perform their official duty, the result of which, subsequently, is the formation of budgets at all levels. It is from this budget that many Russians receive their salaries. In general, this is a whole cycle of funds in social activities.

People don't want to go to such positions.

A draft law by the Government is under consideration by the deputies today, which considers a significant increase in the salaries of employees. government agencies... So what will happen to the tax hike in 2017? Naturally, it is very difficult to talk about tax competitiveness these days.

Also, the low salary of these employees has not the least impact on the creation tax liability in the country. Due to the fact that the tax authorities low salary, the staff turnover in the system is about 35 thousand people per year. And this indicator is very bad. Moreover, it is impossible to talk about stable development.

But an increase in employees in 2017 could have immediately saved the situation. Just now latest news do not contain optimistic forecasts. And the employees themselves are not very happy with the current state of affairs, let alone the taxpayers. This is what the average salaries of tax inspectors in our country look like:

Moscow - 22 thousand rubles;

Tver region - 15 thousand rubles;

Nizhny Novgorod and the region - 17 thousand rubles.

It is clear that you cannot lure competent and responsible specialists for such salaries. They can also find application in economically better and more profitable activities.

What they plan to do in the state by 2017

So, when will tax officials get their wages raised in 2017? The bill, which was submitted by the Ministry of Finance for discussion in the State Duma, proposes to gradually increase the salaries of civil servants in their bonus parts. The Ministry of Finance suggested that it is possible to systematically increase such indicators, which on average should amount to an increase in salaries every month by 0.3 times.

The Ministry of Finance also proposed introducing such a program for three years. the income of civil servants for such a time will reach a decent level when compared with representatives of the highest levels of the civil service. But the Ministry of Labor, on the contrary, proposed to increase not the incentive part of income, but the salary itself. Thanks to such a plan, it will be possible to secure personnel in the field.

At the same time, some of the problems will be resolved, primarily those related to the economy and personnel. Tax Service for Russian legislation refers to the state. In our time, bills are still pending, and there are no other regulations regarding salary increases.

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Tax service employees have the right for the first time since 2006 to expect an indexation of wages. The specificity of the department is to establish low salaries for employees in the amount of 8,000 - 20,000 rubles, and the rest of the income consists of bonus payments and regional coefficients. Therefore, a salary increase for tax authorities in 2018 on the eve of the presidential elections is planned, but it will be limited.

How much do the employees of the Federal Tax Service receive, and whether to expect a salary increase for tax authorities in 2018

The current income of the tax authorities on average in the regions does not exceed 30,000 rubles, and in the capitals this level is 70,000 rubles. The specifics of the industry in the absence of the desire for employment in the FTS of youth. New cadres who do not have much experience are not entitled to count on bonuses and in fact receive no more than 12,000 rubles. per month.

Initially, the tax authorities were not included in the plan designed to increase the growth of the welfare of public sector employees, but later they were given a promise to index wages by the amount of inflation expected at 4% per year.

The calculation of wages is carried out taking into account the established salary and a number of allowances:

  • classiness;
  • the complexity of the job;
  • experience.

Bonus payments are additionally charged, but they are unstable and cannot be included in the formula for calculating wages. The highest income for employees of the Federal Tax Service, working in the following regions of the country:

  • Krasnoyarsk region;
  • Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug;
  • Kabardino-Balkaria;
  • Kemerovo region;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region.

While there is no increase in the salary of tax authorities in 2018, the income level of different categories of employees is as follows:

  • inspectors - up to 15,000 rubles;
  • senior inspectors - up to 24,000 rubles;
  • chief inspectors - 25,000 rubles.

Will tax officials' salaries be increased in 2018, what are the government's plans

In 2015, the government has planned to increase the salaries of employees of the Federal Tax Service by 30% by 2019. It is expected to make salaries of 45,000 rubles, that is, below the average wage level in Russia. The first step was taken in 2016, when growth monetary allowance left 15%. The increase in income in 2017 was 0.3% per month.

The government has developed several projects related to changing the current situation and aimed at increasing real income employees of the Federal Tax Service. The first project involves the growth of SMS, that is, the use of additional funds for material incentives. The second draft contains proposals for increasing the base salary.

Thinking about whether the tax authorities will increase their salaries in 2018, experts are inclined to believe that the government will prefer to use the system with SMS, and the salaries will remain the same. Indexation will make it possible to level the income of tax officials with the salaries of civil servants. It is planned to introduce an hourly wage system, and this will allow additional allowances and bonuses to be added to the salary.

The government plans to increase the salaries of all employees in 2018 budgetary sphere on 10%. The tax authorities also belong to this category, but here it is planned to apply the scheme worked out at the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Will conduct large-scale cuts personnel, and the remaining people and attracted young employees will significantly increase their salaries, increasing the level of their real income.

Judging by the latest news, it will not be soon to increase the salary of tax authorities in 2018, since the relevant hearings in the State Duma have not yet passed. Reform is overdue, but people will have to wait for the relevant laws and government decrees to be passed. The issue is at the stage of development and the final decision on the scheme for increasing wages has not been adopted.

It is not a secret for anyone that the employees of the tax inspectorates of Russia belong to the category of civil servants. The main task of this body is to control the flow of finance to the country's budget. Tax authorities have the right to carry out checks in organizations and enterprises, identify violations and punish those who try to hide income and evade taxes. All these funds subsequently go to the state treasury, and then are distributed by the relevant services on a general basis. The mission of the tax service is quite responsible. Only professionals can cope with this task: accountants and auditors.

To work in tax office few strive, since the wages of workers in this structure are low. Some people have a question, what is the size of the tax officials' salaries and whether it is expected to increase this year.

It should be noted that the current situation for the tax service is far from enviable. First, there is a shortage and turnover of personnel, which not only does not in the best way affect the quality of the work performed, but also undermines the reputation of individual organizations.

Secondly, according to statistics, salaries for tax officials have not increased for quite a long time, starting in 2006.

Questions about increasing salaries in this area began to be raised. There were reports in the media about the current tariffs and the possibility of maintaining permanent jobs for tax officials by increasing their salaries. According to media reports, the salaries of tax officials will be identical in size to salaries.

The average salary (for the worked month) will be 42 thousand rubles. In 2019, it was planned to increase the salaries of tax authorities by 10%. This increase will cover the inflation rate, which is kept at 5.5%.

Inflation, according to data provided financial analysts, will be within 12%.

The Ministry of Finance sent a bill to the State Duma on increasing the salaries of employees of the Federal Tax Service by 30% in comparison with the current tariffs.

About the size of the salary of tax officials

If we are talking about the size of the salaries of tax officials, then one should focus on the difference in salaries in the federal tax service and in regional offices. Rosstat, in particular, provides the following information on the amounts charged:

  • employees federal service- 70 thousand rubles;
  • employees of regional divisions - 30 thousand rubles.

The difference in numbers is quite tangible. So, wages tax workers the federal service is almost twice as large as that of those who work in the administrative divisions of Russia. It is worth noting that the income of individual employees can differ significantly from the average.

The difference in the salaries of employees living in different areas can be not only twice, but also 4 and 6 times.

If we take the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police service as a comparative example, then, at first glance, their salaries are only slightly higher than those of the tax authorities. However, the police and firefighters, thanks to the many benefits, have a much higher standard of living. Employees of the Russian tax service are deprived of even these privileges.

Thus, we can conclude that the personnel crisis for tax officials in Russia is associated with the lack of benefits and the minimization of wages. This state of affairs forces tax officials to seek higher-paying jobs. As for young people, they come to the tax service mainly to gain experience, after which they leave for the reasons described above. Apart from experience, there is no incentive for young specialists in this structure.

The fact is that they are offered a fixed salary. The maximum is 10-11 thousand rubles. It would seem quite good for young specialists mastering the profession. However, the trouble is that there is no prospect of an increase in pay for them. Experienced tax officials, in turn, refuse to perform additional duties without payment and prefer to look for vacancies in other departments. Thus, the level of training of young specialists in the workplace is also declining.

The turnover of personnel in the tax authorities is quite high: this figure is about 35 thousand people a year. In 2010, a bill was adopted, according to which the monthly pay of civil servants should increase every year for 5 years. The law was suspended in 2014: the reason for this was the crisis in the country caused by the fall in oil prices. To date, the tax authorities do not have big income... Whether there is hope in this regard for 2019, it is advisable to consider in more detail.

Should we expect a salary increase

Will the wages of tax officials rise in 2019? Questions about changing salaries upward were raised by the Ministry of Finance and referred to the State Duma for consideration. The opinion of experts is that their decision will suspend staff turnover and discourage employees from changing jobs and looking for them in other structures.

Today, a gradual increase in salaries for employees of this department is expected. The project envisages an increase in wages for three years, starting in 2017. According to the plan, by 2019 the salary will increase by about 30% compared to the current tariffs. Despite the fact that the percentage is small, these will already be effective measures. The Ministry of Finance proposed to increase only the incentive share of the salary, and the employees of the Ministry of Labor - exactly the monthly rate.

According to the convictions of officials, just such an approach will allow the tax service to return its former reputation, as a result of which its employees will no longer want to change their place of work.

It is not yet known exactly what percentage of the wage increases will be implemented. Both draft laws are now being considered in the State Duma, after which they are expected to be adopted. The hope that the tax authorities' income will increase should be justified. Previous projects on increasing salaries and indexing civil servants have been suspended, despite the fact that prices for many goods have risen repeatedly. It goes without saying that this did not lead to an increase in tax revenue.

The order on the return of indexation for civil servants has already been issued and will soon enter into force. Revenues should be indexed taking into account the inflation rate, which is assumed to be in the range of 4-5%. It is worth noting that the tax authorities themselves do not agree with such measures. In their opinion, the depreciation of the currency is expected to be greater. In addition, the salaries of tax officials were not indexed for about two years, despite the above economic changes... However, increasing interest rate not expected.

According to officials, the inflation threshold will not exceed 6%. Recalculation of salaries for the previous two years was not carried out for the reason that there was not enough budgetary funds for this. What awaits tax workers in 2019 - time will tell.

Tax officials have not increased their salaries for more than seven years, despite inflation, price changes and other economic factors in the country. The Russian government promises to increase the salaries of all public sector employees by 10%, where the tax authorities are no exception. It is also assumed that another scheme for increasing the salaries of working personnel of the tax authorities in 2019, which was applied during the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When a significant part of the staff fell under the layoff, and due to this, the remaining employees were given a salary and additional responsibilities were imputed. Despite the originality of such measures, the statements of officials are optimistic.

Thus, we can note the ambiguity and inconsistency latest news concerning changes in the income of the tax authorities. On the this moment The Duma is considering several projects, including deciding the issue of indexing salaries from 2006 by 3%. In addition, all tax services in 2019 can be converted to hourly wages. At the same time, the accrual of bonuses and various kinds of additional payments, for example, for intensive labor and processing, will not be excluded at all.

The fact is that the staff reduction in the tax department is expected to be partial and on a much smaller scale than it was in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The state of affairs is due to a different specifics of work in tax services. According to analysts' forecasts, a total reorganization will lead to a decrease in the quality of work performed and a loss of control over the filling of budgets.

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One has to be careful when talking about tax salaries. They say that tax officials' salaries will grow.
What do you think, what is the tax officer's salary? In the media not so long ago "slipped" information that the average salary of tax officials is 90 thousand rubles. Do you believe it ??? I certainly believe, but I strongly doubt that we are talking about the average salary of a private tax inspector in some "Mezhdistrict".

But this is not the kind of money you can get your hands on. Remember to subtract 13% from the above amounts. What happens? And the fact that specialists, on average, will receive from 8 to 15 thousand per month of work. But the specialists in interdistrict inspectorates majority! To become a state tax inspector, sometimes you have to work for 3 years, or even all 5 years - as a simple specialist! And at the same time receive their 8 thousand for all 5 years. And, accordingly, the entire main burden falls on the specialists of the interdistrict. And for an inspector, the average monthly wage from 20 to 30 is not so much money for the work performed, because this work is associated with making responsible decisions. What is it worth carrying out control measures, collecting evidence base, writing inspection reports. In no other organization for the same salary you will not find such a volume of work ...

But this is not the whole truth. The entire average monthly salary indicated above is formed mainly through SMS (Incentives) included in the budget. And every year, SMS is pledged less and less ... and the requirements are higher and higher. SMS is distributed depending on the rating of a particular inspectorate, calculated according to special indicators (additional charges, collection, collection, etc., etc.). Each inspection has its own SMS depending on the rating. Again, on average, it is 10 thousand per quarter. That is, 3000 rubles plus a monthly salary is obtained. But how is it possible to live on a salary without SMS for these 3 months?

We consider the salary of an ordinary state tax inspector: the salary is 3608. (Oh, yes, since October 1, 2012, salaries have increased by 6% !!) This is a very serious figure, given that the salary of the tax authorities has not been indexed for 3 years! Why index it? So we get a lot. So we will calculate and find out now for ourselves: 3608 + 3608 + 90% of the salary (difficulty) + 10% of the salary (if you have worked for more than a year) + rank (usually 1200 for a class 2 referent) - 13% we get: 12023 rubles. - 13% = 10 460 rubles for hands! per month! Now you understand what the real salary of a tax inspector is. It should be noted that SMS amounts are not taken into account when calculating vacation pay! That is, vacation pay is calculated from wages for the previous 3 months, excluding SMS. That's it. Let's not forget to recalculate, taking into account the "salary increase" by 6%. We get: 12673 - 13% = 11,025 rubles. Have you noticed that since October the tax inspector's salary has increased by 565 rubles!
Now let's think: is this a worthy promotion? For three years ... Gasoline and buckwheat have risen in price more than the salary of a tax inspector has increased. On the other hand, it is understandable why there is a need to raise wages if there have been cuts for the third year already. An article was written about this, in which it is already time to make changes, since the wave of reductions overtook the tax authorities from November 1, 2012. This will be released, stay tuned, subscribe to the newsletter.

Now we know the truth about the real salaries of tax officials. More precisely, we already knew her. But let others know her, tell this truth to everyone on social networks, click the buttons at the bottom of the page, let's not be fooled!

The media reported that the salary of federal civil servants will grow and doubled until 2016. But then again ... before this 2016, SMS will probably be canceled. So the increase in the tax authorities 'salaries is more of a myth, because you need to live on something now, and not hope for 2016 .. They say that the next increase in the tax authorities' salaries is "expected" from January 1, 2013.

JOIN our group I demand to increase the salary of the tax officer!

In Russia, tax officials account for 10% of the population. Therefore, increasing their salaries will require a significant investment. This question is quite serious and relevant at the moment. Taxes are discussed regularly by people, and they are often unhappy with their size. After all, every month we pay taxes on purchases, on an apartment, a car. It is the tax authorities who distribute this received money. It is with the help of the activities of employees in this field that the country's budget is formed. Their work is one of the most important in any state.

There is no single answer to this question. The salaries of tax employees are very low, so people often quit and look for another job. At the moment, for example, tax authorities in Moscow receive about 25 thousand rubles on average. In other cities, the average salary is even lower. Students usually prefer to work for such a salary, and then only temporarily. But students are not eager to go into this area. After all, the work of a tax officer not only requires certain knowledge and skills, but is also very responsible. The consequences of a mistake can be very serious. It is almost impossible to attract people willing to work for that kind of money to this area.

The new project, which is now being discussed by the State Duma, still involves an increase in wages. It is planned to do this not immediately, but gradually. As a result, the salary of tax officials in 2016 should increase by some part, and in 3 years by 30%. The state is confident that if the salary is increased, it will help to reduce the "turnover" of personnel. An increase in the premium part is not yet planned. This will help to achieve a certain stability in this area.

How will the pay increase for tax authorities happen?

Tax salaries in 2016 will be at least increased by the percentage of inflation. According to modern data, it is now about 6%. But many analysts believe that this data is incorrect, and it is much higher. Last year, if you recall, the increase in wages by the percentage of inflation did not occur due to the lack of the state budget for such purposes.

The new bill is still only at the stage of discussion. And, therefore, it is not yet known whether there will be an increase in the salaries of the tax authorities. The Ministry of Finance promises that it will happen after all. If this is the case, then more competent and responsible employees will work in the tax area, who will value their workplace.

Taxes are the price of a civilized society.
Inscription on the facade of the Ministry internal income USA

Features of the profession The duties of a tax inspector include conducting office and field tax audits, analyzing the results, and applying financial sanctions to violators. The tax inspector also sends claims for the payment of taxes and fees to organizations, entrepreneurs and citizens, prepares free statistical tax reporting: analyzes the level and dynamics of receipts of taxes and fees, arrears and arrears on them.

The profession of a tax inspector is considered prestigious and honorable. The tax authorities, as a rule, employ highly professional, experienced specialists. The filling of the country's budget, entrepreneurial activity, investment climate and economic stability.
The disadvantages of the profession include the need to constantly master a large amount of information - especially during periods of tax reporting. It is necessary to follow the changes in tax legislation, the progress of the tax reform. Work in the departments for conducting field inspections is associated with traveling, business trips.
And, as British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said: "Collecting taxes and being pleasant at the same time is as impossible as loving and being wise."

Labor remuneration According to the head of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) Mikhail Mishustin, the average monthly salary of an employee of the FTS, the largest in terms of the number of civil servants, is currently 20-25 thousand rubles excluding bonuses. the truth about ......

For comparison: Average salary tax inspector in the UK (last updated 01/26/2011) For precise date related information, custom reports may be ordered with greater granularity. For

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