
Possible Ways to Solve the Problems of Housing and Communal Services Enterprises in the Conditions of Insufficient Budgetary Funding. Energy saving in the housing and utilities sector is beneficial to everyone Tariff formation as a system error

In the meantime, the situation is as follows. According to the member of the Federation Council Valentin Mezhevich, who has been dealing with energy saving problems for a long time, the level of energy losses in housing and communal services is enormous - from 40 to 70%.

Approximately 20% of the energy produced in Russia is lost on the way to the consumer due to the unsatisfactory condition of the networks and for other reasons. The energy intensity of our GDP is 3-4 times higher than that of other countries, and references to a harsh climate are unfounded, since Canada, Finland and other countries are in the same conditions. Therefore, at present, energy conservation is the most effective and preferred direction of development of the country's energy system. The adopted law "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency" is precisely aimed at solving these problems.

One of the most important incentives to save is the mandatory installation of energy metering devices. In addition, while maintaining the social norm of energy consumption, it is necessary to introduce a step-by-step tariff, depending on the time of day, the volume of consumption and other factors, - says Valentin Mezhevich.

It is difficult to argue with this. It is precisely because of the gigantic energy intensity of our economy and the housing and utilities sector Russian government at the legislative level, concerned itself with the problems of energy conservation. However, there is a law, there is a desire to fulfill it, but are there any possibilities?

In the opinion of the now, unfortunately, the late Yefim Izrailev, a member of the Union of Architects of Russia, laureate of the USSR State Prize, corresponding member of the Engineering Academy (St. country.

The crux of the problem is that the monopolists supplying operational resources, backed by officials, seem to be seriously interested in the wallets of the residents. Although, apparently, the current tariffs for services for the sale and delivery of necessary goods to apartments (gas, electricity, water, etc.) bring considerable profit. No wonder, however, it is believed that there is never a lot of money.

Don't hide your money

The idea of ​​the suppliers is for the consumers of their services to take upon themselves all the trouble of installing meters in their homes that determine the amount of energy and water resources received. And also pay for the cost of these meters and their installation. Moreover, I would like to impose on the townspeople the hassle and costs of periodically checking the meters in special organizations, including dismantling, transportation and re-installation of devices.

To implement such a large-scale project, our suppliers needed more than regulatory framework, but also a socio-economic justification for the usefulness of such an undertaking. Then they came up with a good tactical move: to join the accelerating state campaign for energy conservation, which allowed their narrowly selfish interests to be clothed in the peremptory requirements of the federal law.

And it was quite successful. True, so far only on paper. Although the law is by no means simple paper.

Federal Law No. 261 "On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency ...."

However, there are quite constructive ideas that provide a different approach to the problem. One of them was that the aforementioned suppliers, by analogy with the conditions of retail trade, had to acquire control and measuring equipment themselves, with the help of which the quantity of the sold goods was determined with a certain accuracy. And they themselves must ensure, in the prescribed manner, the accuracy of the readings of this equipment under the threat of punishment under the law.

Not a single even the most greedy merchant ever thought of forcing buyers to come to him for goods with their steelyards and yardsticks.

Well forgotten old

Those who happened to live in Leningrad during Soviet times probably remember well how in communal apartments Since the pre-war times, Lengaz's personnel have been installing, then removing, then reinstalling the modernized meters. A similar situation was with electricity meters. Both their initial installation and replacement with new ones, when the voltage was changed from 110 W to 220 W, were carried out by Lenenergo personnel.

In short, none of the suppliers tried to shift their direct concerns to the residents. True, this was under a planned economy, whereas now we are head over heels in "wild capitalism." And he, as you know, is very different from "just capitalism."

It is significant that in countries where capitalism has long ceased to be "wild", but is quite civilized and even very developed, it never even occurs to anyone to get into the pockets of consumers in this way. Of course, in America, for example, all the troubles associated with the purchase, installation and operation of meters are the concerns of suppliers. The only payment by the consumer is for the work of installing a meter (property of the supplier) and connecting it to an external or internal network, if the building is multi-apartment. The same situation is in France, Germany, Finland and other developed Western countries.

The conclusions are as follows. No one is going to dispute the advisability of using accurate metering devices for the "goods" sold by suppliers. Perplexity and protest is caused by their desire to impose on consumers all, without exception, the hassle and costs of purchasing, installing and checking meters. It contradicts common sense, traditions and the above-mentioned foreign practice.

Apparently, the development of the draft Federal Law "On Energy Saving ..." took place without the involvement of a sufficient number of specialists who are professionally versed in the problems of energy generation, its transportation and use by the end user. This is one of the reasons for the abundance of, to put it mildly, controversial provisions in the text of the law.

Before they adopt the status of a federal law, draft laws go through three stages of discussion (so-called hearings) in the State Duma.

Probably, it is necessary not only to listen to them, but to carefully check and argue with opponents at every stage. They taught us that in a dispute, truth is born.

And what about our dear deputies? Why, after three hearings, did not they notice the injustice and illegality of shifting the concerns of the monopoly suppliers onto the population and did not tell them "stop"?

It would be very helpful to know the answers to these questions.

Prepared by Dmitry Grigoriev

The centralized heating system existing in our country has some features that complicate the saving of heat during its transportation. The length of pipelines through which the coolants reach the consumer, in some cases, is tens of kilometers. As practice shows, up to 40% of heat is lost in standard heating systems on the way from the CHP to the heated building. By modern times such losses can be considered catastrophic.

Elimination of heat losses during its transportation is the main task of organizations operating heating networks. At present, reconstruction of existing heat pipelines is coming to the fore. We are talking about replacing old pipes with new, effectively insulated - pre-insulated pipes.

They represent a one-piece structure consisting of a steel or plastic pipe, which is insulated with a layer of expanded polystyrene and clothed in a durable and sealed polyethylene case. Pre-insulated pipes are designed to operate for 30 years or more. (For comparison: in domestic heating systems, pipelines are replaced on average once every 17 years.) The fact is that a pipeline laid in a conventional way in a concrete box is not protected from moisture. But 70% of the destruction of underground pipelines is caused precisely by external corrosion. Previous - insulated pipes are reliably protected from moisture by a polyethylene sheath. Along the entire length of such a pipeline, special sensors pass, which, in the event of a violation of the integrity of the system, send a signal to the control center. This allows you to quickly determine the location of damage with an accuracy of 1 m.

In Belarus, the production of pre-insulated pipes has been established, but so far domestic products mainly consist of imported components. This is due to the fact that high-quality expanded polystyrene and steel pipes are not produced in our country. Nevertheless, domestic pipes with plastic insulation are 20-25% cheaper than imported ones.

So, in Khotimsk, almost all city heating systems (about 400 km) were replaced with pre-insulated pipes. Soon, three of the four boiler houses that existed in the city had to be closed. The heat produced by one of them began to suffice for the entire city.

Unfortunately, examples of rational operation of heating systems in our country are still few in number. According to experts, in order to improve the situation, heat pipelines must be transferred to the balance of private companies. Today, heating networks do not have a real owner: some areas are operated by enterprises, others - by utilities, and others - by power engineers.

Here are the main energy saving measures in housing and communal services.

1. Implementation of energy saving measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of standards, building codes and regulations to achieve specific indicators of energy consumption.

2. Organization of energy consumption accounting and energy management in buildings and engineering equipment systems.

3. Dispatching management of engineering equipment systems at the level of a microdistrict ^ district, city, including the creation automated systems management of technical processes of electricity, heat, water, gas supply.

4. Application in the construction, reconstruction or overhaul of residential and public buildings design solutions, structures and insulating materials with increased thermal protection and taking into account climatic zones and technological requirements.

5. Use of heat recovery equipment in buildings and structures.

6. Involvement in the fuel and energy balance of non-traditional energy sources, local types of fuel, solid household waste, heat of city waste.

A promising direction in the development of the Belarusian heating equipment market is the distribution of individual automated heating systems of medium and high power for multi-apartment housing. Experts believe that such systems are a real alternative to "basement" boiler houses, which in Lately became "powder kegs" for old housing.

Saving heat for heating a residential building can be achieved due to: insulation of entrance doors to entrances, apartments, sealing of porches, elimination of leaks around the perimeter of window and door frames, insulation of external walls; warming attics or rebuilding roofs without attics into attics, improving the technical operation of heating systems; automatic regulation of heat supply for heating; heat energy metering with the installation of heat meters (payment for the actual heat consumption) (tables 4.2, 4.3).

Studies have been carried out, as a result of which it was found that walls, windows, roofs lose too much heat - up to 80%. Thus, along with the abandonment of centralized heating and its replacement with autonomous boiler houses, it was a logical solution to insulate buildings - facades, windows, roofs.

So, in 1994, new norms of thermal resistance of building envelopes were introduced in the republic.

The new standards are almost 2 times higher than the indicators used earlier. For example, now, to build a house that meets the new standards, but with the old method, you would have to make its walls twice as thick as before.

Of course, this is not possible. To comply with modern requirements for the thermal resistance of enclosing structures, they now use various insulation systems - facades, roofs, basements, using highly efficient thermal insulation materials.

There are many such systems in the world - as a rule, manufacturers of heaters create for their materials a balanced system that has passed all the necessary tests, where the components fit together, and the durability of such a system is guaranteed.

Belarus already has its own multilayer insulation system, all components of which (with the exception of mineral wool insulation boards) are produced by domestic factories. In 1996, specialists from SKTB "Sarmat" developed a system of facade insulation with lightweight heat-insulating material protected by thin-layer reinforced plaster, called "Termoshuba", which passed the necessary tests and withstood the design requirements. The thermal fur coat allows you to work at negative temperatures - up to -12 ° С. This undoubted advantage of the system allows you to significantly increase the construction season, and in the conditions of Belarus - to carry them out almost all year round.

Over the past years, the volume of insulation of the outer walls of buildings and structures has grown dynamically, which, of course, has yielded certain positive results.

In addition to directly saving energy resources, the thermal renovation of buildings has significantly improved them. appearance, and in some cases to protect collapsing facades, eliminate freezing of walls, improve the microclimate of the premises.

Unfortunately, mineral wool slabs produced by domestic enterprises do not yet meet necessary requirements, therefore, it is necessary to use an imported plate in the insulation systems.

In 1998, the Committee for Energy Saving and Energy Supervision chose the Thermoshub system and, by the decision of its Expert Council, recommended it for mass use.

The Thermosuba system uses a rigid special facade fully hydrophobic mineral wool board of the Fasrock brand from the "Rockwool" concern. All materials of the Thermoshuba system are certified.

Comprehensive field examinations and tests of the Thermal Jacket, carried out at three sites in 1995, 1996 and 1998, have confirmed its high quality and operational reliability. The thermal fur coat has high impact resistance, durability - more than 35 conditional years, low operating humidity - less than 1%, the tensile strength of the insulation - more than 0.02 MPa, and the protective and finishing layers - more than 1.1 MPa.

The actual savings in energy resources for the buildings under study amounted to an average of 97.7 tce. tons / year. The recoupment of the cost of insulating buildings using the Thermoshub method is, depending on the thickness of the insulation and the structural features of buildings, 4-12 years.

The method of construction of the Thermoshub system and all the necessary materials are described in detail in Manual 1-99 to SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Design and installation of thermal insulation of external walls of buildings using the Thermoshub method", which has been put into effect since 1999.

Buildings that were built after the adoption of new thermal resistance standards for building envelopes account for only 1.5-2% of the existing housing stock, which for the most part remains cold and therefore is subject to thermal renovation.

Throughout the republic, the volume of housing in need of insulation exceeds 200 million m2. The low cost of insulation according to the Thermoshuba system, along with its quality and durability, testifies to the expediency of its use.

Saving heat consumption for hot water supply of a residential building can be achieved by improving the quality of technical operation of hot water supply systems, following the rules of preventive maintenance (5%), automating the operation of pumps that increase the water pressure in buildings, and circulating hot water in residential buildings up to 50% at night (3%); installation of apartment water meters and payment for actual water consumption (4%).

For heating and hot water supply of an apartment in Minsk with an area of ​​51 m2, it is necessary to burn 2 tons of oil, 40-50% more than in industrial developed countries Oh. In addition, each family consumes 100-150 kWh of electricity per month or 1200-1800 kWh per year.

The heating period is 200 days. At this time, 36% is lost through the windows, 26% from the walls, and due to heating of the fresh supply air - 28% of all heat coming from the heating system (see Table 4.2).

When reconstructing using effective materials, it is possible to reduce heat losses by 2-3 times, but this is expensive. At the same time, everyone has many opportunities to insulate their apartment:

Glazing of loggias and balconies. Glasses and sash rebates must be sealed. At the same time, losses through windows and walls located on the side of the loggia will be reduced by 15-18%. Reducing losses by 7-9% allows you to increase the room temperature by 1 ° C. Thus, the glazing will increase the temperature in the adjoining room by 2 ° C;

Installation of transparent polyethylene film between the frames so that the distance from it to the glass is the same. It is equivalent to a triple-glazed window and reduces heat loss by 20%;

Thermal protection of the section of the outer wall where the radiator is located. A reflective surface (aluminum foil, mirror aluminized film) is placed on the wall behind the radiator with a gap between the wall and the radiator.

The lower the outside air temperature, the better the natural exhaust ventilation works, often better than necessary. Therefore, in winter it is necessary to cover the exhaust vents (incompletely) with paper or cardboard. Close the bathroom in order to humidify the air in the apartment, since in winter it is too dry. This will have a good effect on the microclimate of the apartment, because humid air gives a feeling of warmth, and dry air - cold. This will save up to 20% heat.

Work on the introduction of energy-saving measures in the housing and communal sector and thereby reducing the cost of rendered services is carried out in the following main areas: reducing the norms of consumption of fuel and energy resources at operated energy-consuming installations and technological processes; replacement of expensive fuel with cheap types; maximum use of local fuels; introduction of metering devices and energy consumption regulation.

Unfortunately, a number of organizations, when developing, agreeing and approving fuel consumption standards, artificially overestimate them in order to then show significant savings.

Low rates of work on equipping boiler rooms with metering devices for generated heat energy were noted.

Due to the deterioration of heating networks in a number of cities and towns there are large losses of heat energy during transportation. To solve this problem, it is necessary to increase the volume of replacement of worn-out heating networks with pre-insulated pipes.

Energy saving measures are directly related to and affect the cost utilities.

It is necessary to urgently take measures to radically improve the work on energy saving, rationing the consumption of fuel and energy resources for the production of work and utilities, the introduction of metering devices for the consumption and regulation of energy carriers, ensuring the population's settlements with installed devices, which will ultimately lead to saving resources and reducing the cost. housing and communal services.

A positive example of the successful implementation of energy saving measures is the republican children's sanatorium "Solnyshko", which is located in the Slutsk region, where the SE "Belenergosberezhenie" and the association "Belmezhkolkhozzdravnitsa" have developed and are implementing a program for energy and resource conservation.

Among the energy saving measures, the reconstruction of the heat supply system was carried out, for which it was purchased and installed, operating on wood chips and sawdust. A heat exchanger is installed in the boiler room, a storage tank is installed, automation equipment for the heat supply system and the boiler room is installed.

As a result, the annual structure of primary fuel consumption in the sanatorium began to look as follows: the share of local fuel is 79%, diesel fuel - 21%. Specific fuel consumption for heat supply from the boiler house decreased from 227 kg c.u. tons per 1 Gcal (before reconstruction) up to 171 kg of c.u. tons for 1 Gcal (after reconstruction). The reconstruction of the boiler house cost the sanatorium 6.8 billion rubles. As a result, the work done will save 85 000 t. tons per year.

Automation of a heating point, a new educational and sports building, allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the premises when people are there, to reduce the air temperature at night in the absence of personnel according to a given program.

To heat water in the summer, a domestic solar plant has been installed in the sanatorium, which allows you to have warm water without fuel consumption.

To save energy in the classrooms of the new building of the sanatorium, energy-efficient lighting was installed using lamps from the State Enterprise MMZ im. V. I. Vavilov (BelOMO, Minsk), the use of which allows to reduce the consumption of electricity by 1.5 times, which in comparison with the original project (6 provides a higher illumination of classrooms and a blackboard with an almost noiseless operation of the equipment.

In addition, the sanatorium is equipped with energy-efficient outdoor lighting produced by the Minsk-based company "Electret", which not only reduces energy consumption, but also increases the service life of the lamps.

The new buildings of the sanatorium are equipped with triple-glazed double-glazed windows produced by Baranovichidrev. In older buildings, the interior panes of the window frames have been replaced with double-glazed wall panels, resulting in a total of triple glazing.

Home> Law

Appendix Report: "Energy saving in housing and communal services, problems and solutions" The housing and communal services account for up to 70% of the country's energy saving potential. This industry is the basis for ensuring social comfort and meeting the most basic needs of the population. Adopted November 23, 2009 RF Law "On Energy Saving ..." drew a line under long-term discussions and convictions of ourselves that it is still necessary to deal with energy conservation and energy efficiency. The housing and communal services sector as a point of application of the main efforts is not directly identified in the law. Nevertheless, almost all areas of energy conservation identified by the Law relate directly to housing and communal services. It cannot be otherwise, since housing and communal services directly support the life of the housing sector, which makes up a third of the national property and ensures the activities of a significant share of the rest of the property ( industrial enterprises, service sectors, public sector facilities The problem of energy saving was a red line in the report of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly. Energy efficiency of life support systems in housing and communal services is the most problematic. We received systems that are cumbersome, costly and ineffective, therefore there is a lot of work on the implementation of energy efficient systems in the industry in any direction: water supply, sewerage, heat generation, engineering systems, lighting, etc. Let's dwell on some of the ones used in the housing and communal services of the Kirov region: Heat generation: The population of the planet "Earth" has been using biomass and firewood as a source of heat for a long time, and the Kirov region is no exception. The use of waste in the harvesting of industrial wood and in its processing as fuel is at the initial level in our region. In the region, over the past 5 years, 56 boiler houses of various capacities have been built, operating on woodworking waste (chips, sawdust), and firewood is used as fuel for 797 boiler houses. When using firewood as fuel, mainly manual labor is used, it is less amenable to mechanization. With a shortage of the male population in the region, labor at boiler houses must be mechanized and automated as much as possible, therefore, when modernizing boiler houses, we are trying to mechanize as much as possible. The cost of 1 Gcal on waste is several times less than on wood (example). To expand the use of woodworking waste in the region, the production of pellets, pressed briquettes appeared, which are mainly produced by small private enterprises and are used for sending outside Russia, since their cost as fuel in our region is economically ineffective (1 ton is more than 3.5 thousand rubles) ... In order to ensure a more complete use of wood waste for heating in housing and communal services, according to the proposals of municipal districts, a Program for the transfer of boiler houses to local types of fuel (Kyoto Agreement) was prepared in 2004, which is fully implemented. All funding came from regional subsidies and co-financing local budgets, no one allocated quotas. Municipal districts: Arbazhsky, Afanasyevsky, Bogorodsky, Darovskoy, Kiknursky, Kilmezsky, Lebyazhsky, Nagorsky, Oparinsky, Tuzhinsky, in which for heating social sphere and housing and communal services use only woodworking waste and firewood. Modern fully mechanized boiler houses were built using woodworking waste in the towns of Slobodskoy, Nagorsky, Podosinovsky districts, which showed that the work of a boiler operator can be prestigious, he can work in a white coat. At present, the reconstruction of fuel oil boiler houses in the towns of Kotelnich and Murashi is underway, where the main fuel will be woodworking waste, fuel oil will remain a reserve one. Currently, this is one of the most important areas of energy conservation. Heat supply systems: The use of high-quality heaters, shells and pre-insulated pipes in heat supply systems makes it possible to reduce losses in networks by 20-30%. The use of energy efficient pumps, frequency control systems in heat supply systems can save up to 15% of electricity. The introduction of metering in heat supply systems will allow you to get a clear picture of losses and establish correct metering. Water supply and sewerage systems: The most costly systems that everyone has been using since the times of the USSR, but they do not reach to modernize them, effectively use their hands, and it is convenient to compensate for their losses at the expense of the population. The use of an automation system, frequency regulation can reduce water consumption by half. The use of a turretless system with backpressure control valves allows you to maintain constant pressure in the water supply system and prevents water hammer and pipe ruptures. Lighting systems: In his message, the President of the Russian Federation outlined the timing of replacement of incandescent lamps: From January 1, 2011 to turnover in the territory Russian Federation Electric incandescent lamps with a power of one hundred watts or more, which can be used in alternating current circuits for lighting purposes, are not allowed. From January 1, 2011, it is not allowed to place orders for the supply of electric incandescent lamps for state or municipal needs, which can be used in AC circuits for lighting purposes. In order to consistently implement the requirements to reduce the turnover of electric incandescent lamps, from January 1, 2013, a ban may be introduced on the circulation in the territory of the Russian Federation of electric incandescent lamps with a capacity of seventy-five watts or more, which can be used in alternating current circuits for lighting purposes, and with January 1, 2014 - electric incandescent lamps with a capacity of twenty-five watts or more, which can be used in alternating current circuits for lighting purposes. (Art. 10, the federal law of 23.11.2009 N 261-FZ "On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 11.11.2009))

"Non-traditional" ways of energy saving in housing and communal services

    use of heat from formation waters and geothermal sources for heating and hot water supply; use of solar collectors for additional hot water supply and heating of buildings; creation of a system of seasonal and daily heat storage; use of steam jet injectors as efficient heat exchangers in the utilization of low-grade heat of crumpled steam; use of steam jet injectors to replace circulation pumps; use of heat pumps for heating and hot water supply with the extraction of low-grade heat from:
      sewage and industrial water discharges; basement heat of buildings; heat from solar collectors; warm exhaust exhaust ventilation; heating system return water; waters of the sea and open reservoirs.
    the use of gas generating plants to replace natural gas and heat supply; the use of coal mine methane; production of pellets, peat briquettes and their use for gas generation and heating; the use of distributed energy systems for organizing heat supply to settlements; use of waste incineration plants in distributed energy systems; use of heat from the return network water for snow-melting installations.
The list is compiled on a "to site" basis. Energy saving in office buildings, apartment buildings, cottages is more a responsibility of the owners. With regard to accounting for energy consumption in apartments, we are talking about: Installation of water meters in each apartment - in new buildings, as a prerequisite for the state acceptance of the building, in old ones either through the personal initiative of citizens or through influencing management companies. Installation of two-rate (two-zone) apartment electricity meters - allows consumers to get the opportunity to transfer part of their energy-intensive household processes to a time when a reduced tariff is in effect. For example, washing with automatic washing machines (automatic dishwashers) can be carried out at night, when the electricity tariff is significantly lower than the daytime. As the analysis shows, in this way, consumers are able to reduce their electricity bills by up to 30%. The introduction of peak tariffs (higher tariffs during peak consumption hours) will further increase the attractiveness and benefit of consumers from the installation of such meters. Installation of gas meters (where there is household gas consumption) - currently household gas consumption in most cases is not taken into account by apartment metering devices, consumption is calculated according to the standards. Installation of gas meters will allow introducing “negative motivation” for using gas as an additional means of heating a room or using it in apartment gas water heaters. The presence of apartment metering devices does not eliminate the need to use common household appliances by management companies. The advantage of a residential building is the possibility of both general accounting(general household appliance) and apartment accounting. The emergence of management companies should be accompanied by a transition to payment for common household appliances. This will create new economic incentives for both the management company and residents to improve the efficiency of final energy consumption. Head of Department L. I. Knyazkin

The ultimate goals of energy-saving policy in housing and communal services are to reduce production costs and the cost of services for housing and communal services and, accordingly, to mitigate the process of reforming the system of payment for housing and utilities for the population when the industry switches to a break-even operation.

For housing and communal services in the field of energy saving, it is necessary to focus on the following areas:
1) saving resources and reducing heat loss:
- thermal insulation, an increase in the thermal resistance of building envelopes;
- modernization of heat and water supply systems;
- use of non-traditional energy sources;
- metering of energy resources and water;
2) regulation of energy and water consumption.

The main activities of the first direction include:
- additional thermal insulation of the enclosing structures;
- gradual replacement of the central heating station with a block-modular ITP;
- introduction, where it is economically feasible, of decentralized sources of heat supply;
- reduction of heat losses in engineering networks by gradual transition to modern pipelines, including heating networks with polyurethane foam insulation;
- optimization of the operating modes of heat and water supply networks through the introduction of automated control systems and variable drive of pumping units, replacement of pumps with overstated installed capacity;
- reconstruction of heat points using efficient thermal and mechanical equipment (for example, plate water heaters);
- the use in heat and water supply systems instead of surface heat exchangers (boilers) of transonic jet-nozzle devices, which simultaneously combine the functions of a heat exchanger and a pump and do not contain rotating and rubbing parts;
- widespread use of equipment for monitoring and diagnosing the state of the inner surface of equipment and heat and water supply systems;
- application of the latest methods and technologies for cleaning from deposits of heat exchange equipment, boilers, water supply systems and wells;
replacement of worn out valves and sanitary devices in apartments and individual houses;
- conversion of boiler houses, where possible, to gas fuel;
- optimization of combustion processes in boiler furnaces and implementation of optimal control schedules using automation and control means, redistribution of heat loads due to ringing of heating networks;
- the use of counter-pressure turbines in boiler houses, installed in parallel with the throttle device, to generate additional electricity;
- provision of water treatment regimes, prohibition of commissioning of boiler houses (both completed with new construction and after major repairs of equipment) that are not equipped with water treatment plants and have not passed the operating and commissioning tests within the established time frame;
- replacement and cleaning of networks using new cleaning methods;
- Carrying out regime adjustment works in heating networks and heating systems and hot water supply of buildings.

The use of non-traditional energy sources should be considered as one of the promising areas of energy conservation in housing and communal services, which is at the same time one of the aspects of solving environmental problems.

The second direction provides for the mandatory use of devices for metering and regulating energy consumption, which is provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Energy Saving", the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as by the Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Urgent Measures for Energy Saving" No. 1087 dated 02.11.1995 and "On increasing the efficiency of the use of energy resources and water by enterprises and organizations of the budgetary sphere" No. 832 dated 06/08/1997.

The general need of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for heat and water metering devices for equipping everything housing stock, healthcare facilities, education, etc. is more than 130 million units. Of these, about 24 million heat meters are needed for heat energy metering, over 66 million water meters for hot and cold water metering, and over 40 million gas meters for gas metering.

When developing a specific instrumentation program, it is necessary to resolve such issues as:
- selection and optimization of the range of technical means (metering devices, regulation, metrological support, means of operational collection and processing of information, dispatching, etc.);
- assessment of the volume of demand for technical means;
- determination of the need to change the heat and water supply schemes for the implementation of metering and especially apartment metering;
- determination of the optimal sequence of work, taking into account the technical and economic capabilities of the region (municipality).

The primary task is to equip metering stations with devices at the boundaries of the division of areas of responsibility between the systems of JSC "Energo", sources of heat and water supply of other ministries and departments, as well as municipal heat supply organizations. The analysis shows that in most cases the actual heat consumption is 40-80% of the calculated loads for heating and hot water supply.

The primary tasks also include equipping with metering devices for inputs to buildings and premises occupied by public sector organizations. The implementation of such activities gives for budgetary organizations and municipal enterprises savings in payments for heat and water from 15 to 60%.

At inputs to public buildings Pressure regulators should also be installed to minimize the excess heads that cause waste water from taps and leaks from sanitary fittings.

Among the top-priority measures, it is necessary to note especially the creation of a system that ensures the widespread installation and maintenance of metering stations, as well as devices for regulating the consumption of heat, water and other energy resources.

Schemes for organizing accounting should be developed for all levels of consumption - a heating area, a residential neighborhood, a homeowners' association, a residential building, an apartment. In all cases, one should strive to minimize the fleet of metering devices and to reduce their nomenclature. The choice of metering schemes for energy resources and water, as well as measuring instruments for use at metering stations should be carried out by their owner in agreement with heat and water supply organizations.

To ensure the practical implementation of energy saving projects in housing and communal services, it is necessary to create an effective economic mechanism that includes market incentives and clear measures to support energy saving measures.

1. The most significant and quickly recouped measures to improve the thermal protection of the building envelope are measures to reduce heat consumption through transparent fences, especially for reconstructed buildings, by reducing the glazing coefficient, excess transmission losses and heat losses for infiltration.

2. Insulation of external walls, coatings and ceilings to the level of requirements of SNiP P-3-79 (1998), stage II, gives less effect and is cost-effective for new construction, as well as during the reconstruction of large-panel houses, where the additional effect associated with operational expenses for the repair of facades, joints, etc. For other buildings, the payback period exceeds 10 years, and for old buildings it reaches 20 years.

3. A less significant effect of insulating the building envelope by glazing balconies and loggias is achieved by using ordinary glass (payback period up to 9 years); when using special glass, the payback period increases to 20 years. However, it is advisable to include glazing in a house reconstruction project, since residents, glazing summer areas on their own, thereby violate the appearance of buildings.

4. From activities aimed at heat saving in engineering systems residential buildings, the largest economic efficiency for new construction, mechanical ventilation systems are used with the recovery of heat from the exhaust air, including with the help of a heat pump, for the needs of hot water supply (payback period is 4-6 years), apartment metering of energy carriers and automatic individual control of heat transfer from heating devices. Payback here should be expected in 1.5-2 years for the reconstructed fund and in 5-6 years for new construction. Heating systems during reconstruction can be carried out both according to horizontal two-pipe, and according to generally accepted schemes: one-pipe with lower or upper wiring, and in new buildings - with apartment wiring.

5. For gasified residential buildings with a large area of ​​apartments (old stock), as an alternative to central (from autonomous boiler houses), local (apartment) heating and hot water supply from individual gas heat generators can be used. If necessary, the heating of the common premises in this case should be carried out with electrical appliances, including accumulators, operating according to a forced schedule of energy consumption with payment at a two-rate tariff.

Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that the main ways to reduce energy resources are, on the one hand, the selection and installation of energy-efficient units, equipment and systems for heat and water sources, their transportation networks to consumers (buildings); on the other hand, the elimination of existing cost overruns and excess heat and water losses by increasing the level and quality of operation.

The first of the indicated ways of energy saving are medium- or long-term measures with a payback period of at least 4-7 years and are high-cost. These activities require the implementation of design and construction and installation work, which requires significant cash costs through bank loans and investments. The payback period for these costs, including the return of loans with interest, goes beyond the time frame of the housing and communal services reform.
The second of the ways of energy saving are short-term with the implementation and obtaining economic effect within 1-2 years. They can be low-cost and even non-costly if the effect is achieved only by changing modes or regulations. technological processes... These measures essentially include work to improve the level and quality of operation of the existing heat and water supply systems for housing and communal services facilities.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: "The time of the life of Russia is the time of the life of its housing and communal services"

We live in an era of rapid change and complexity. The standard of living, needs, value system, main types of resources and operating mechanisms are changing. The importance of the comfort of the living environment for the developing part of the world is growing every year.

In the near future, attention to housing and communal services, the quality and availability of housing and communal services will increase both from the point of view of removing restrictions on the socio-economic development of municipalities, and from the point of view of realizing personal opportunities and human capital development.

The importance of housing and communal services as the main sphere of urban economy is clearly recognized by the authorities at all levels - federal, subjects of the federation, municipal. The problems that have accumulated over decades and have not been resolved for a long time indicate a systemic crisis in the industry, which dispensed with investments and accumulated physical depreciation up to 70% on average in the industry, up to 90 and even almost 100% for a number of individual objects.

The technology used is mainly based on the decisions of the middle of the last century, it is simply pointless to talk about obsolescence, and the level of energy efficiency is 2-3 times lower than the world average and 6-8 times lower than the level of developed countries in similar climatic conditions.

The possibilities of transition to the use of technologies and equipment of a new generation are clearly understood, a number of domestic consumers have the opportunity and use them in modern Russia on an individual basis, but for the transition to mass use, it is necessary to reform the industry, the problems of which are tied into the "Gordian knot" of domestic production.

Neglect of the peculiarities of the development of socio-technical systems threatens the emergence of neo-Luddism, when the housing and communal services systems or their parts are not used or decommissioned, one part of the economy "devours" another, and the system goes on a trajectory of self-destruction.

Currently, a number of strategic documents have been developed that set guidelines, goals, objectives of strategies and programs for reforming housing and communal services. The documents provide the basis and the opportunity to conduct active and purposeful work on reforming housing and communal services

A significant number of regulatory, administrative and methodological documents testifies, on the one hand, to the seriousness of the authorities' intentions, on the other hand, it confirms the situation. systemic crisis, as a result of which a number of problems have accumulated, allowing only a complex solution.

A significant number of problems are associated with the processes of system development. For the regions, including Moscow, a significant number of problems are broadcast from the federal level, many were born in conditions of corruption and an unformed rule of law. The close interrelation of problems, the status of a city of federal significance, common goals require joint consideration of these problems and joint work within the framework of an agreement between federal and city authorities.

The main areas of reform at the federal level are:

Development of competitive relations in the field of management and maintenance of the housing stock;

Development of a system for managing the property complex of the communal sector using concession agreements and other mechanisms of public-private partnership;

Completion of the conversion of benefits and subsidies for housing and utility bills into monetary form, which is the basis for the reform of housing and utility services;

Development of a resource and energy saving system.

The main areas of reform in the Moscow-2025 Strategy are:

  • Improvement of the technical condition of the housing stock and the required volumes of its overhaul;
  • The dynamics of the cost of housing and communal services, taking into account the growth of incomes of the population and other factors;
  • Improving living conditions and public services in the city

Moscow is one of the few regions that used the professional potential of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences to formulate development strategies, including the issues of reforming and developing housing and communal services. Moscow should become a leading national center for the development and dissemination of innovations, a scientific and educational center of global importance. The creation of an international financial center is planned in Moscow. These strategic goals impose high demands on the ecology of the urban environment, on the quality of urban services, and ensuring their uninterrupted provision at any time of the day. Therefore, the Housing and Utilities Development Strategy is considered as one of the most important parts of the Moscow Development Strategy until 2025.

The strategic development goals of Moscow, the concentration of fixed assets of housing and communal services, the specificity of resources concentrating the country's scientific and technical personnel and financial resources and associated with solving federal-level tasks, doom Moscow to the role of a reform center, the role of a locomotive for the innovative development of technologies and equipment for housing and communal services and a diffusion center the latest technologies federal level.

A significant number of problems require the formation of a strategic management system at the federal and city levels (vertical strategic management), the involvement of civil society institutions in the processes of public control.

It is necessary to update the Strategy for Moscow-2025, taking into account the impact of the crisis and the post-crisis period, intensifying reform and energy conservation at the federal level, adjusting the goals and indicators of improving the quality of life and the effectiveness of the development of the socio-economic complex of Russia and housing and communal services in particular.

The significance and complex nature of the problems require joint efforts of federal and city authorities, the involvement of business in the framework of public-private partnerships and civil society institutions.

It is necessary to carry out, on a priority basis, a number of additional studies of the development of reforms in housing and communal services in the framework of the following directions:

Formation of self-regulating organizations of managers in the field of housing and communal services

Development of the institution of independent directors in corporate governance of housing and communal services enterprises

Grant competitions for the development of strategies and programs for energy conservation, innovative development and other issues of reforming housing and communal services

R&D in the direction of "Energy efficient society"

Formation of a social minimum for consumption of services in the housing and communal services sector

Development of social standards of consumption

Introduction of social expertise of draft laws in addition to anti-corruption expertise

Housing and communal services in the network state and the development of direct democracy in the practice of life support systems.

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