
The newest production technologies of the extraction of oil reserves. Difficult reserve - oil


A source: ProNeft magazine

In this article, the concept of developing difficult-to-recover reserves of conformal oil sporms is considered by the example of the East Mesmanskoye field, which today is the most northern mainst oil field in Russia. In addition to the main object of the development of the PC1-3 reservoir, which accommodates significant reserves of oil and gas, oil and gas potential in the field is installed in the deposit. The complex structural-tectonic structure of the region led to the formation of promising traps both tectonically and lithologically shielded. Problems associated with a feature of the layer of layers and the implementation of the development concept require various technological solutions.


An example of promising traps at the field is the objects of block 4 ( fig. one), dedicated to the zone of local decrease in the structure caused by a series of large tectonic disorders that have formed grabens. It is in the area of \u200b\u200bGrabena ( see fig. one) Focus 25 layers with small gas-monephyal deposits and a small oil sprinkler thickness, mainly dedicated to separate blocks (only 40 deposits, of which 22-oil, 12-gas and 6 gas).

Fig. 1. Structural model of the East Mescoyakh field ( but), Block 4 with separate blocks ( b.) and productive layers of block 4 ( in)

The tasks of the development of the following methods of multidimensional deposits are related to both the economic efficiency of reserving reserves and the testing technologies of their extraction. To introduce block 4 objects in a full-scale development, a block diagram of the strata of their conceptual design ( fig. 2.).

Fig. 2. Procedure for designing block development facilities 4:
GDM - hydrodynamic model; PPD - maintaining reservoir pressure; GS - horizontal wells; MZGS - multiple horizontal wells; Ore - simultaneously separate operation; ODA - pilot industrial work

When creating the concept of developing an oil field after determining the size and basic geological and physical parameters of the formation, it is necessary to solve the task of ranking allocated objects of development and preliminary assessment of the expected productivity of wells and the profitability of data development of objects. During the assessment of the priority of development objects, layers were considered with the oil reserves of category C1, with the objects of the calculation were the deposits of each formation.

The priority of development objects was determined by the superposition method based on three methods (analytical coefficient, analytical and economic, numerical calculation on current lines).

Prioritization of objects

Analytical coefficient method

1. Calculation of the selection rate coefficient by the formula

where k. - permeability, determined according to the data of geophysical studies of wells; Δ. r - pressure drops between mining and injection wells; μ - Oil viscosity in reservoir conditions.

2. Calculation of the relative discount rate of the formula

where K. S.O.Max is the maximum selection rate coefficient.

3. Selecting objects by the value of discounted moving oil reserves defined from the expression

where Q. P - Movable oil reserves

Technical and Economic Method

1. Finding the initial oil flow rate with a straightforward factory by Maslet formula

where L. - the length of the development system element; W. - intercussion distance; h. N is the oil-saturated thickness of the layer; r. w. - Radius of well.

2. Definition of oil production falling coefficients

Falling Debit q. in time t. Set according to the exponential law: q.(t.)=q. 0 e. D. T. (D. = q. 0 /N. PW - Fall Fall Coefficient; N. PW - accumulated production along the well). In this way N. PW is equal to mobile reserves

3. Calculation of a net discounted income per well for each object of development by formula

where FCF w ( t.) - Pure cash flow, in the simplest form of FCF W.(t.)= q. 0 e.Dt. p. nB. ;

p NB. - Net-back oil price minus NPPI; r. - normal (continuous) discounting coefficient; c W. - specific capital investments in drilling and construction of local objects; θ - Profit tax rate.

4. Allocation of objects in terms of the magnitude of the CDD (7)

where N P. - Movable stocks of the object of development.

Calculation of current lines

1. Setting the parameters of the formation and development system. For calculations, the GP program implements the current line method to determine the production dynamics.

2. Calculation of the dynamics of oil, liquid, water injection

3. Calculation of ChDD.

4. Allocation of objects in terms of the value of ChDD.

After calculations, the three methods obtained a histogram, taking into account the priority of objects ( fig. 3.). At this stage, you can allocate promising objects that will be paramount when developing the entire unit.

Fig. 3. The histogram of the priority of development objects, completed on the basis of calculations for three different methods

With low values \u200b\u200bof the yield index, PI in objects additionally calculated the possibility of the formation of the formation by changing capital investments into the drilling of the entire well (the involvement of oil reserves by drilling GS and MZHS). Allocation of objects on the superposition of the results of methods, taking into account the possibility of introducing the formation of the formation, is given on fig. four.

Fig. 4. Final prioritization of objects

Taking into account the possibility of using MZHS and the use of ORE, all the objects under consideration, except for BU6 3. The total priority of the formation is determined: the main objects are B13 1, MX4, MX8-9, BU6 1 + 2, BU8, BU10 1, BU10 2, objects of admission - PK20, PK21, MX4, BU7, BU9, BU10 1, B12 2.

To optimize the cost of development of objects, the possibility of combining the layers into one operational object was considered. The criteria for such an association correspond to PC20 and PC21 layers. The following is recommended: the formation of the electoral development system by obliquely directed wells or MZHS; Development of PC20-21 layers as a single object; PC22 reservoir - a return or independent well foundation. Based on the fact that the filtration and capacitive properties (FES) of the submarines under consideration have a fairly large spread, as well as a rather high degree of uncertainty, sector models sector models were obtained before constructing full-scale hydrodynamic models, taking into account the ranges of changes in the geological and physical characteristics of the formation. Created four matrices sector models. Parameters such as depth of occurrence, porosity, oil saturation, sand, initial reservoir pressure, oil viscosity, were adopted by the weighted average for the group under consideration. Sector models were distinguished by an oil saturated thickness of HN, the ratio of the oil saturated thickness to the gas-saturated HG or to a water-saturated HB, the parameter KΔp / μ, as well as the distance between the wells with the one-row development system. Before calculating all variations of the models, the optimal modes of operation of wells and their location in the context, depending on the oil-saturated thickness, were determined.

Thus, after the calculations of sectoral models, the stability matrices of a technical and economic solution were constructed with various geological and physical characteristics of objects ( fig. five).

Fig. 5. Matrix of the stability of a technical and economic solution for various geological and physical characteristics of objects

In the future, estimating the range of uncertainty geological parameters for each deposit, a decision was made to construct a full-scale hydrodynamic model based on the stability of the profitability of the object development. The results of the profitability estimate in analytical calculations and sector modeling are given in table. onewhere the main objects of development, which later assumed the construction of full-scale GDM.

An object Block
according to the results
PC 20. 50, 132 C 1 + C 2
Consideration of joint operation of objects
PC 21. 50, 132 C 1 + C 2 Small H EF.N.
MX 1. 50, 132 With 1. = Small H EF.N.
MX 4. 50, 132 C 1 + C 2 =
MX 4. 33 C 1 + C 2
MX 8-9 50, 132 With 1.
MX 8-9 33 With 1.
BU 6 (1 + 2) 50, 132 C 1 + C 2
BU 6 (1 + 2) 33 With 1.
BU 6 3. 50, 132 C 1 + C 2
BU 7. 33 C 1 + C 2 =
BU 8. 33 C 1 + C 2
BU 9. 41 With 1. = Small H EF.N.
BU 10 1. 33 C 1 + C 2
BU 10 2. 33 With 1.
BU 10 2. 41 With 1. Electoral development system
BU 12 2. 50, 132 C 1 + C 2 = Small H EF.N.
BU 13 1. 38 With 1.

Notes. 1. h. EF.N - Effective oil saturated thickness.
2. \u003d - High risks when developing an object.

The presence of carpentry maps of oil-saturated thickness, permeability and cards of the ratio of thickness (gas-saturated / oil-saturated) allows you to get a card of the cost-effective zones of all the disorders under consideration and apply it without calculations on full-scale models. An additional advantage of using the sector models matrix compared with full-scale calculations is the rate of decision-making on the feasibility of drilling wells after changing the geological structure of deposits.

For a detailed estimate of the profile of the production and profitability of objects, 3D GDM on 10 layers was built. Based on the calculations on full-scale GDM and technical and economic performance indicators, basic options for developing facilities with the possibility of using MZHS and ORE technology are formed. Then, optimization of objects to develop objects, taking into account cost-effective zones, which were awarded based on the following data:

Economic indicators of development according to the results of sector modeling (dependence of the NPV from the FES);

Results of an analysis of the profile of oil / gas / water / water to the well obtained on full-scale GDM;

The presence of clay jumpers between gas and oil (contact in).

An example of optimizing the development system by variants for the BU6 1 + 2 object in the exploration SC area. 33 Present on fig. 6..

Fig. 6. Location of wells for development options:
but - mastering objects by a regular development system;
b. - Adaptive development system, taking into account the placement of wells in cost-effective zones;
in - Electoral development system, taking into account the placement of wells in cost-effective zones without PPD

After increasing the cost-effective zones, the basic development variant was adjusted in such a way that the wells are not located in unprofitable sections of the deposits.

Economic indicators were calculated through specific initial data (discount 15%) and are presented as a positive or negative NPV.

Taking into account the definition of technical and economic indicators of development, this object recommends electoral placement of wells without PPD, since with such a scenario, the maximum value of NPV is satisfied.

Similarly, all objects considered the optimization of development systems, taking into account the presence of cost-effective zones. When designing the development of multidimensional deposits, multiple well systems is important to assess the possibility of technical implementation of this technology. It is necessary to solve the following questions:

The ability to combine the design purposes of different objects into one multiple well;

The possibility of shifting project objectives, which is associated with the problems of technical implementation;

Design of multiple wells from phase 1 bush platforms (PK1-3 object);

Simulation of wellbore profiles and the calculation of technical implementation;

Selection and accounting of the level of finishing a multiple well on its profile;

The choice of priority wells for wells for ODA;

Evaluation of the cost of wells for various variants of development and rustling schemes.

Preparatory work before modeling was the determination of the maximum possible length of the horizontal section for each object in terms of drilling. As the basis of calculations, these preliminary rustling of the block 4 of objects of MX and BU were taken.

Then, to determine the possibility of drilling horizontal trunks of various lengths, the averaged parameters on the well profile obtained during rustling are adopted. By simulating well drilling with different length of the horizontal section, restrictions on the technical implementation of drilling, the possibility of transmitting the load on the chisel. Classifier for drilling technologies Depending on the length of the horizontal section of the trunk, is given in table. 2.. It includes a brand of steel drill pipe, a class of pipes, CNBK, a solution type.

Plast Averaged
Length by
Barrel, M.
Depth of PO
Vertical, M.
For calculations
Drilling technologies classifier
Depending on the length of the HS, M
1200 1500 2000
BU 6 1 + 2 4053 2114 106 G; P;
PC / Rus;
G; P;
PC / Rus;
S; P; Rus; Ruo
BU 7. 4251 2171 26 G; P;
PC / Rus;
S; P;
Rus; Ruo
89 Tools
BU 8. 3859 2220 7 G; P;
PC / Rus;
G; P;
PC / Rus;
S; P; Rus; Ruo
BU 10 1. 4051 2269 1 G; P;
PC / Rus;
S; P;
Rus; Ruo
89 Tools

Note. G / S - brand of steel drill pipe; P - class of pipes; PC / RUS - screw bottomhole engine / rotary control system; RUO - drilling scene on a hydrocarbon base.

The first stage of work is the creation of a model for bush and obtaining the original coordinates of well targets. The arrangement model was worked out when designing a phase 1 design of a PK1-3 object - overlying layer at a shallow depth, whose feature is a dense placement of goals.

According to the results of surveys and topographic and infrastructure restrictions, the final result was the adjusted design position of the phase 1 bush beverages. Further work was carried out taking into account the binding of new design wells to the spare parts of the phase 1.

The objectives of the design wells of the block 4 for each well for each object together with proposals for combining goals for different objects in one well were identified. Simulation of the rustling scheme was carried out in the specialized PC DSD WellPlanning.

Due to the need to bind project wells to the bush beads of the PK1-3 object, well profiling were carried out. At first, the main trunk was simulated, then a binding of second trunks was binding to the main, i.e. Combining goals in one well.

Since there is a variability of binding the main trunk to the phase 1 bush floor sites, the work was carried out by an iterative way to ensure the possibility of technical implementation and minimizing the beads along the well.

Next, on the basis of geological prerequisites, the priority springs of the ODR stage were determined, including design wells with maximum removable reserves and simple wellbore trajectories.

Due to the approach described in the article, the approach to the choice of integrally structured groups of development systems was able to involve about 80% of reserves in the extent of the following reservoirs, which were previously evaluated as independent unprofitable objects.

As a result, this complex of work was carried out on three development options (realistic, optimistic and pessimistic), each of which was divided into another two breeding with the construction of multisage wells and the solitary bursting of well targets.

According to the results of the rustling modeling, the following data obtained:

Coordinates of the points of slaughter and entering the reservoir for each goal, excluding their intersection in the drilling process;

Profile parameters for each well describing the main characteristics to assess the design and value of each well;

The results of the inclinometry for each site of the well;

The procedure for entering wells on the busset for calculating the graph of input and production profile.

These data were used to calculate the curves of the input of wells, production profiles, justifying the priority Buds of the ODA, economic evaluation of development options.

Technical and economic indicators for the considered variants of the development of block 4 objects are given in table. 3..

Parameters Gs MZGS
(2 elevators)
(1 elevator)
The number of wells for drilling, including: 61 50 50
mining 42 34 34
injection 19 16 16
Capital investments, SL. UD. 2055 1733 1715
NPV (discount 10%), SL. units. 1724 2082 2053
PI 9 2,3 2,3
NPV (discount 10%), SL. units.
1185 1524 1507
PI 1,6 2,0 2,0

Note. Design development period - 2017-2053.

The results of the work carried out taking into account the risks on the drilling of wells are the determination of areas of the ODA in cost-effective zones in the development of both GS and MZHS using the ORE technology and the implementation of the research work program. The concept also provides optimization of well wiring from the projected bush platforms of the main above object of PC1-3. At the beginning of a full-scale development or ODA in the event of a change in the geological structure of the deposit, the proposed approach to determining cost-effective zones makes it possible to adjust the strategy for breaking the multidimensional deposits without rebuilding full-scale geological and hydrodynamic models. In addition, the results of analytic techniques and sector modeling make it possible to find optimal solutions when changing the initial economic indicators, including the cost of capital investments in well drilling.


1. Thanks to the approach described in the article, the approach to the choice of integrally structured groups of development systems managed to involve about 80% of reserves in the cost-effective formation, which were previously evaluated as independent unprofitable objects.

2. As part of the concept of development of blocks of block 4, the ranking of the formation was carried out, priority development objects were identified, as well as objects of admission.

3. For zones, pure oil deposits according to the formation of block 4 is offered at the ODA stage testing of technologies using GS, MZGS, ORE and multi-stroke hydraulic reservoir, for water juggling zones.


1. Technological scheme for the development of the East Mesmansky oil and gas condensate field: report on research in 3 t. / CJSC MESSOYAKHANTEGAZ, LLC Gazpromneft-Development, OOO Gazpromneft Scientific and Technical Center. - Tyumen: 2014.

2. Karsakov V.A. Determining the optimal number of bush platforms when designing the development of deposits // SPE 171299-EU. - 2014.

Authors Articles: A.S. Osipenko, I.V. Kovalenko, Ph.D., O.I. Elizarov, S.V. Tretyakov, A.A. Karachev, I.M. Nutkaliev Scientific and Technical Center Gazprom Neft (Gazpromneft LLC NTC)

Difficult oil reserves (TIZ) - deposit reserves (deposits, development objects) or parts of the deposits, differing relatively unfavorable to extract geological conditions of oil and (or) physical properties. For the production of TIZ, increased costs of material, cash, labor, unconventional technologies, special non-relocated equipment and deficit reagents and materials are required.
Other difficult oil reserves (namely: high-viscous oil; oil from reservoirs with initial low-rise oil; oil with high saturation pressure, close to initial reservoir pressure, and minimal leveling of fountaining, significantly lower than saturation pressure; podagazova oil, underlying plantar water; Finally, oil small oil deposits with poorly defined borders) require the design of complex combined oil extraction processes: an adaptive system of development, selective injection of the assigning agent, combinations of stationary and nonstationarity of injection, injection of injection, improved flooding, polymer warming, gas factory, and heat carrier injection ; With the use of deep perforation, hydraulic breaks of the reservoirs, various combinations of vertical, gentle and horizontal wells, as well as well-fed wells, various associations of oil layers in operational objects.
The increase in the difficult oil reserves in the country makes a particularly relevant problem of creating and applying new efficient technologies for relevant geological and physical conditions, the use of more advanced methods for their simulation and development.
Development of hard-to-remove oil reserves with GS systems allows 2 to 3 times to reduce the number of wells required for reserves.
Most deposits contain difficult oil reserves (unfavorable geological conditions of oil or its properties), for the extraction of which increased costs of material and financial resources, labor, unconventional technologies, special non-relocated equipment and deficit reagents and materials.
To enhance the development of hard-cleaned oil reserves from intermediate layers of the coal stratum of Novykhazinskaya Square in NGDU YUZARLANNEFT in 1984, foci of exposure were organized on the IX operational site. The technology of this species of the factory was that water intakes were arranged for the selection of mineralized plastic water from the aquifer of the reservoir C-VI. This water with an electric centered pump is currently pumped into discharge wells.
In the formation with difficult oil reserves, an extremely complex displacement mechanism is observed, associated with the simultaneous influence of many factors, such as capillary phenomena, viscous forces, phase transitions in combination with layered inhomogeneity.
The development of objects with difficult oil reserves will certainly affect both technical and economic indicators of development.
Although the role and importance of difficult oil reserves in the general balance of oil production in the country in the future will increase, the absolute levels of oil production in the foreseeable future will still be determined by the development of which is carried out using the methods of planting in various modifications and combinations.
Russia has billions of tons of difficult oil reserves, already explored, but not yet entered into industrial development.
In connection with the growth of the share of difficult oil reserves in the country, the problem of improving the efficiency of well-exploitation of wells in the deposits of Nengeton (abnormal-viscous) oils is becoming particularly relevant. In the development of such deposits, the operation of wells is complicated by the manifestation of viscosity anomalies and oil mobility, the formation of asphaltosmoloparafin sediments, an increased corrosive aggressive wellness of products and is accompanied by a significant decrease in the productivity of producing and pickup wells. The success of the decision of this problem largely depends on the development and implementation of new chemical reagents and the compositions of technological fluids in all without exception of oil production processes, ranging from the opening of the productive reservoir and ending with conservation or liquidation of wells. Working in this direction for a number of years is carried out at the Department Development and operation of oil and gas fields of the Ufa State Oil Technical University under the leadership and in the immediate participation of the author of the report.
The Penopozoic field shows the feasibility of entering the input of difficult oil reserves in active development by applying the latest techniques and swelling technologies, the development system, intensification of oil production and the use of methods for increasing the oil recovery of reservoirs.
Extracting residual or newly introduced hard-toxic oil reserves is associated with significant complications of the processes of development of reservoirs, construction and operation of wells.
In recent years, the share of difficult oil reserves concentrated in low-permeable claineized terrigenous collectors increases, during the development of which permeability decreases even more, and the filtration characteristics of productive reservoirs occurs. The deterioration of the filtration properties of the reservoir zone (PPP) is caused by the loss of various reaction products after injection of chemical reagents, an increase in the water saturation of rocks and a decrease in phase permeability for oil. Therefore, one of the main tasks in oil production from these layers is the restoration and improvement of the filtration characteristics of the PPP.
Currently, in the development of difficult oil reserves, scientists are aimed at creating technologies that ensure an increase in the final production of oil reserves by improving the reservoir to the impact, which is confirmed by the following data.

Increasing the efficiency of developing deposits with difficult oil reserves (TRIZ) is currently becoming essential for the oil producing industry in connection with the depletion of active stocks in highly productive fields and the drop in production of them.
Russia has a huge large-scale oil reserves. By justice, the state of these oil reserves should be given to the development of those who have an effective technology. There is no doubt that at the initial stage there must be some economic tax breaks. However, only tax benefits cannot turn into an effective technology, because there is too much a difference in productivity in low-productive and medium-industrial reservoirs. For example, the productivity of low-product reservoirs below the minimum cost-effective efficiency of 10 to 30 times; And maximum tax breaks can compensate for the decrease in productivity by 2 times, respectively, the decrease in productivity at 5 to 15 times will remain non-compatible.
It is shown that substantial intensification of the production of hard-cleaned oil reserves is possible only when applying new technological and technical means, namely the creation of rigid autonomous systems of flooding with differentiated water injection pressure, using special discharge wells structures from high-grade steel, individual hydrodes, small BCNS.
I wonder: what we understand under the difficult oil reserves. Probably, physically these oil reserves are quite extracted1, but they are economically unchecked, because the economic costs for their extraction exceed the economic revenue from their implementation, because their extraction is economically unprofitable. Even if you completely cancel taxes on the implementation of this oil, then, given the share of such taxes, it is possible to increase the market price of oil for the subsoil user twice. Of course, when developing difficult oil reserves, certain tax benefits are necessarily needed, especially in the initial, most risky development period. But tax breaks are not a radical means, even the complete cancellation of taxes and costs for the sale of oil produced does not solve the problem. Another ideological direction is more efficient - it is necessary to create a fundamentally new technology and three to five times and more reduce the costs of extraction of this oil.
The problem of designing the development of oil fields with difficult oil reserves, namely oil reservoirs of low and ultra-affectionate productivity, is the need for fairly accurate calculations. It is known that the inaccuracies of calculations have to compensate for the reservation of part of the calculated productivity. And the greater the inaccuracy, the more the calculated productivity decreases, for the sake of the necessary 90% reliability of the project indicators. But the estimated productivity of oil reservoirs of low and ultra-affected productivity is already extremely small, on the verge or by the edge of economic profitability, so it is not necessary to reduce it - it is impossible to significantly reduce it. Therefore, calculations must be performed with the highest possible accuracy.
With this technology, minor objects with difficult oil reserves are not developed.
But to solve this problem and hard-to-remove oil reserves to introduce into efficient industrial development, it is not just a new system, not just a complex of new methods, but such a system and such a complex that would ensure the necessary economic profitability and later could be used by many others. oil-producing companies.
As a classification feature for technologies for the development of difficult oil reserves, one of the most important characteristics can be adopted, which defines the area or local nature of the effect on the productive reservoir. In the first case, the exposure is covered by a significant part of the field. In the second case, the proceeding zone of the formation is processed.
One of the elements of a highly efficient integrated technology for the development of hard-to-recover oil reserves developed by specialists of Tatneft and TatniPinefty specialists is the widespread use of horizontal and branching horizontal wells. Tatarstan drilled 146 horizontal wells, of which 122 were mastered, operated or put into operation. The average flow rate of horizontal wells is 6 5 tons / day, which exceeds the flow rate of the surrounding vertical wells 2 times. 748 thousand tons of oil were produced by horizontal wells.
The Penople's Oil Field refers to objects with difficult oil reserves. Industrial oil detection was found in the sediments of the coal system. The deficiencies in the structure of lower carbon deposits is the widespread development of erosion cuts of both square and channel types.
So, in our presentation, the criterion for the allocation of difficult oil reserves in a separate oil reservoir should be the average productivity coefficient for wells, drilled on this layer.
Specializes in improving the technologies for engaging in the development of hard-to-remove oil reserves in order to increase the coefficient of oil recovery of the formation.
The innovative system for the development of oil fields with difficult oil reserves, proposed by JSC RITEK, provides for comprehensive optimization of the oil production process. This system is constantly being improved, taking into account the achievements of science and technology and is practically carried out on oil fields of JSC RITEK in Tatarstan and Western Siberia.
The innovative system for the development of oil fields with difficult oil reserves, proposed by JSC RITEK, provides for comprehensive optimization of the oil production process.
In highly productive fields there are layers and splay, containing difficult oil reserves.

The Russian Innovative Fuel and Energy Company (RITEK) is engaged in the development of difficult oil reserves and thereby solves the most important problem of Russian and world-class. The fact is that in Russia and around the world there are huge oil reserves, calculated by many hundreds of millions of tons, in low and ultra-affected reservoirs. Moreover, these reserves were opened for a long time, 20 - 30 or more years ago, but were not introduced into development, because with standard, commonly used development systems, it is economically unprofitable, economically ruining even for rich companies and states.
The collection also addresses the problems of a technical and economic evaluation of the efficiency of the development of difficult oil reserves at the design and implementation of exposure technologies.
Thus, it is justified here: as the criterion for the allocation of difficult oil reserves, it should be used the minimum average productivity coefficient for wells of wells drilled on the oil layer considered.
Next, at least briefly need to list the technologies offered by us of the development of difficult oil reserves, but are not difficult to recover not by the main feature of the extremely low productivity of the formation, but according to other features.
Currently, serious attention is paid to involvement in the active development of difficult oil reserves. All fields are solved in the tasks of intensification, and in some cases of scientific and production support for the development of lower carbon oil deposits and devons with carbonate collectors.
The book covers the main features of the geological structure of oil deposits with difficult oil reserves of Bashkortostan, present the results of experimental, pilot and field work on improving the technologies for the development of these deposits.
According to the assessment of the authors721, in carbonate reservoirs in the fields of Perm Prose-Uraharaiya, the difficult oil reserves were by 1988 3 4 on the volume of residual balance sheets.
Conducted AOZT TATNEFTETITDACH WORKS AT RELATE OIL PRODUCTS Inhibit the difficult oil reserves in the work. The need to apply special technologies and events requires significant costs. By virtue of its specificity, the use of PNP technologies has a costly mechanism. Work is carried out on the verge of cost. The cost of oil production with their use is approximately 1 5 times higher than the cost of oil produced without the use of PNP methods.
According to the assessment of the authors721, in carbonate collectors in the fields of the Perm Prose-Ulya, the difficult oil reserves were by 1988 3/4 from the volume of residual balance sheets.
The collection presents research to solve some problems of developing deposits with difficult oil reserves.
In order to improve the efficiency of the development of oil fields and especially objects with difficult oil reserves, it is necessary to significantly improve the use of a running well foundation. In this matter, Big Nadezhda is assigned to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 1999 No. 1213 on measures to commission inactive control and conservation of wells on oil fields and decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on February 15, 2000 No. 38 on measures Upon commissioning of inactive control and conservation wells on the oil fields of the Republic of Belarus, liberating organizations that exercise oil and gas in the Republic of Bashkortostan, from regular payments for oil and gas production and deductions for reproduction of the mineral resource base for oil and gas Frequently mined from the inactive, control wells and wells that were in conservation as of January 1, 1999, with the exception of new wells that are waiting for development after drilling.
The compounded drilling fluid is designed for drilling and opening productive horizons with difficult oil reserves represented by the transfer of sandy-aeurito-clay rocks in the carbonate thicker.
The strategic task of achieving the global technological level is solved, which will ensure the effective development of difficult oil reserves, the increase in new highly productive reserves, minimizing production costs, expanding participation in international projects.
Changes in the share of additionally drilled wells and oil production from them by horizons D0 and AI Romashkinskoye deposit.
This can be explained by the fact that they are painted mainly with the purpose of selection of difficult oil reserves.
This causes the need to create more advanced methods for deposits with difficult oil reserves.
The technology of using a fiber-dispersed system is a new promising means of increasing oil recovery of inhomogeneous reservoirs with difficult oil reserves / / NTZ oilfields.
Table 5.3 is given quantitative (pronounced in% of recoverable stocks) Evaluation of difficult oil reserves in these fields. An analysis of the peculiarities of the geological structure of oil deposits shows: deposits are distinguished by a complex geological structure and are characterized by a wide range of values \u200b\u200bof geological and physical parameters. Table 5.3 shows that most layers contain a significant amount of difficult oil reserves. This is explained by the fact that oil deposits are characterized by a high zonal, leinzide and layer-by-layer inhomogeneity of the formation. Analysis of the development of these deposits shows that predominantly high-permeable ridks and sections of the formation are produced.

Oil is one of the main resources necessary for a person. For many millennia, humanity uses oil in different fields of activity. And, despite the fact that scientists are tirelessly working on the development of new energy technologies, oil still remains an indispensable product in the field of energy, first of all. However, the reserves of this "black gold" are extinct enough quickly. Almost all gigantic fields have long been found and developed, there are practically no left. It is worth noting that from the beginning of the current century, not a single large oil field has not yet been found as Samotlor, Al-Gavar or Prudo-Bay. This fact is evidence that humanity has already spent the largest part of oil deposits. In this regard, the issue of oil production every year is becoming more acute and more relevant, especially for the Russian Federation, which in terms of the capacity of its sector in the oil refining area among all countries in the world is in third place by passing China and the United States.

Thus, the Russian authorities makes every effort to maintain the volume of oil production, thereby maintaining the influence of the state in the world market. According to analytical forecasts, in the near future, leadership in the field of oil production will go to Canada, Brazil and the United States, which is disappointing for the Russian Federation. Since 2008, there has been a negative dynamics in the extraction of this resource in the country. According to the Ministry of Energy as of 2010, oil production in the state amounted to 10.1 million bar., However, by 2020, if nothing changes, production will fall to 7.7 million bar. The situation can only be changed by the adoption of fundamental measures in the policies of the oil production and oil refining industry. However, these all statistics and indicators are not evidence that oil reserves and end. This suggests that now the most part is the difficult reserves of oil. According to the estimates of the Ministry of Energy, the total number of such oil deposits on the territory of Russia constitutes a strand of 5-6 billion tons, which in the percentage is 50-60% of the total. Thus, the difficult oil is a good solution to the problem, which consists in the preservation of the necessary amounts of oil production. Thus, the extraction of hard-to-remove oil is a forced measure.

Iniquity oil reserves are called oil deposits for which adverse conditions for the extraction of this resource are characterized, as well as adverse physical properties. In addition, this type of oil deposits also includes those that are located in the shelf area, in the fields located in the late stage of development, as well as highly viscous oil. A good example of high-viscous oil production is the development of an Yamalo-German field, which has features that contribute to the frozen oil not only in the cold, but also at the positive temperature.

Absolutely all deposits of hard-to-remove oil are divided into two categories:

  1. The deposits characterized by the low permeability of the formation. These include dense sandstones, slates, Bazhenovsky retinue;
  2. High-viscous and hard oil - natural bitumens, oil sands.

It is worth noting that the oil belonging to the first group in terms of its quality characteristics is quite comparable to that oil that is produced in the traditional way.

Given the difficulties during the extraction of such oil, it is worth noting that the usual methods of developing such deposits will be ineffective. In this regard, completely different technologies that require appropriate costs are applied. Over the course of several years, experts study the deposits of difficult oil and develop suitable, and at the same time relatively budget, methods for its production.

Thus, the development of difficult oil reserves by traditional methods leads to the fact that it is initially a resource from the well goes well, but it turns out quickly. This is due to the fact that oil production in this case is carried out from a small area, which closely adjacent to the perforated section of the well. In this regard, the drilling of the usual vertical wells does not give the necessary result. In this case, methods should be used to increase well productivity. As a rule, they are aimed at increasing the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the formation, which has a large oil saturation. Such an effect can be achieved by drilling wells with a large horizontal section, as well as the use of the method of the reservoir of the formation in several places at the same time. This method is also often used in the extraction of shale oil. However, for mining, for example, natural bitumen or minor oil, this method will be ineffective.

The choice of production methods of such raw materials is based on such a parameter as the depth of rocks saturated with oil. If the deposits are at a relatively small depth, to several tens of meters, then an open method of mining is used. Otherwise, if the depth of the occurrence is large enough, then hard-to-remove oil is first warmed by ferry under the ground, which allows you to make it more liquid and lift to the surface. The production of steam, which is hidden in the well, is carried out in a special boiler room. It is worth noting that difficulties arise using this method if the depth of the occurrence of difficult oil is strongly large. This is due to the fact that along the way to oil, steam loses its temperature, thereby not warming oil as necessary, due to which its viscosity changes not as needed. Therefore, there is a method of vapor-gas exposure, which is not supplied to the pair in the reservoir, and its receipt is right at the desired depth. To do this, install the steam generator directly into the slaughter. Special reagents are supplied to the steam generator, when the interaction of which is distinguished by heat, which contributes to the formation of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water. When carbon dioxide is dissolved in oil, it also becomes less viscous.

Thus, it is worth noting that the difficult oil is an important resource, the extraction of which will allow to support the extraction of the necessary oil volumes. However, for its extraction, fundamentally different methods that differ significantly differ from the production of oil from traditional deposits should be applied. This, in turn, entails additional financial estates. In this regard, the final cost of produced by the difficult oil will be about $ 20 per barrel, while the cost of 1 barrel of traditional oil is 3-7 dollars. The specialist continues to work on new technologies that will enable hard-to-remove oil with minimal costs.

Topic: Prospects for the development of difficult reserves by the Republic, and in Russia as a whole

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University: Almetyevsky State Oil Institute

Year and City: Almetyevsk 2013

Introduction 3.

1. Prospects for TIZ. Subsoil use and development of the resource base in the Republic of Tajikistan and in Russia 4

2. Prospects for the development of the oil industry 9

3. Scientific support of new technologies for the development of oil fields with difficult reserves 13

Conclusion 22.

List of references 23


The main reserve for maintaining oil production levels in many regions of the Russian Federation in modern conditions for the development of the industry is the difficult oil reserves (TIZ). If at the beginning of the 60s. The share of difficult reserves in the general balance of the USSR / Russia was about 10%, then in the 90s. It exceeded 50% and continues to increase. The oil industry of Tatarstan 60 years after the opening of the first industrial oil field survived growth, 7-year stabilization with the level of production of more than 100 million tons / year, the subsequent continuous drop over 19 years, and then after a small growth (1995) came again The period of stabilization of production of the level of over 25 million tons / year. This was largely the result of the implementation of a number of oil recovery programs on facilities with difficult oil reserves. That is why the experience of many years of development here of deposits and reservoirs with the TIM and improving the efficiency of their development is very valuable.

The relevance of the problem. In the economic situation in Russia, the problem of improving the efficiency of oil reserves for oil reserves on the application of the latest technologies for the design, development and coordination of fields in old oil producing areas has acquired particular relevance. The stability of the level of oil production in the fields that have entered into the final stages of development is determined by the rational use of the remaining difficult reserves. Essentially, the reserves of all deposits at the later development stage are converted into difficult to recover. Now about half of the oil produced in the country is provided by the hardest reserves.

The purpose of this work is: a study of the scientific provision of new technologies for the development of oil fields with difficult reserves. The following tasks flow out of the goal: consider the prospects for the development of oil production in the country, and the dynamics of difficult reserves of oil recovery of the Russia deposits.

  1. Outlook of the TIZ. Subsoil use and development of the resource base in the Republic of Tajikistan and in Russia

For Russia - countries with colossal natural and resource potential - the development of relations related to the provision of rights to use subsoil and the control over the fulfillment of the conditions for their provision, the use of relations in the process of subsoil use to regulate the wider spectrum of socio-economic processes are among the most important. In our opinion, in the course of the economic reforms carried out, the complex nature of relations in the subsoil use process, the scope of their action is not realized and not used in fairly fully.

In Russia, for a long time (since 1994), the growths of hydrocarbon raw materials are not compensated for oil and gas production. Only from 1994 to 2000, not replenished mining of liquid hydrocarbons amounted to about 700 million% of the gas - more than 2.3 trillion. m3. In subsequent years, this lag only intensified. So, if for 1997-2001 The increase in industrial oil reserves, including gas condensate, provided its production by 86%, in 2002 - only 64%, reaching 243 million tons with extraction of 421.4 million tons. In addition, the quality of the resource base is worse. The proportion of difficult reserves in Russia exceeded 55%. The share of reserves, the degree of production of which is more than 80%, exceeds 25% of the reserves developed by oil companies, and the share of reserving reserves of more than 70% is more than 30%. From 1991 to 2001, in the structure of recoverable reserves, the number of small deposits increased by 40%, while the number of unique and large decreased by more than 20%. In general, 80% of the deposits on the state balance belong to the category of small.

The causes of the unfavorable state of the raw material base are all well known to those skilled in the art. These are sharply reduced volumes of regional geological and exploration work on oil and gas due to the overall reduction of public funds allocated to these goals, and the lack of relevant motivation in oil and gas companies - subsoil users, and weak control by the state for ensuring the rational use of the subsoil and the efficiency of the development of deposits As well as the lack of necessary powers on state regulation of subsoil use relations in the federal executive bodies, carrying out government policies in the production of combustible minerals. In addition, opacity, corruption, high risks associated, in particular, with the ability to revoke licenses for mineral resources from the subsoil user, reduce the investment attractiveness of this activity.

Until 2002, the regions actively participated in investing the reproduction of the mineral resource base. Their investments in geological exploration 2-3 times exceeded the volume of federal investments. Even in 2003, when regional budgets were practically deprived of the sources of financing geology, they in the amount of approximately the same amount as the federal budget. With the abolition of deductions for the reproduction of the mineral-raw material base, the volume of exploration in the main oil-producing regions of Russia decreased by 1.5-1.8 times. At the same time, it was believed that mining companies should independently and at the expense of their own funds to carry out geological exploration and ensure the increase in mineral reserves. However, the corresponding incentives of the subsoil users did not receive. Consequently, legislation should stimulate this activity that has important state importance.

The established market mechanism for the management of the economy without the implementation of state regulation measures of subsoil use does not provide a comprehensive solution to the strategic tasks of using the mineral resource base. As a result, there was a long-term lag in regional works, both in the most important oil and gas producing regions and on new promising oil and gas provinces. Essentially, time to prepare new regions to conduct large-scale search and evaluation works, and in the future and on the preparation of industrial hydrocarbon reserves.

When intensifying the oil production limit in the old regions, almost nothing is done to prepare for them shift. You can somehow criticize the Soviet planning system, but it has always taken into account the prospect. It was the tradition of the development of the country's mineral resource base.

In connection with the following as soon as possible, work should be carried out on the study of new regions that would ensure the stabilization of the situation in this area. Moreover, such regions in the country still have: first of all the Caspian, Eastern Siberia, shelves of the outskirts of the seas. Delegation in solving this most important task can lead to the loss of national fuel and energy resources. However, the successful decision of this problem is impossible without adopting new laws that would have stimulated the exit of subsoil users to these regions.

In general, the system of state administration of subsoil use should be based on the basis of the strategic interests of the state as such and the subjects of the Russian Federation, taking into account the economic interests of economic entities. For this you need:

To carry out real monitoring of all issued licenses and the entire system of licensing subsoil;

Develop a general strategy for managing subsoil use with the focus on the formation of procedures and principles of objectification of subsoil useors;

Provide a stable tax regime for subsoil use, not to change (without necessity) existing laws and rules.

The resource base of the country should develop under the expanded reproduction scheme. Statements on reserves from Russian companies and proposals for the introduction of economic sanctions on stocks exceeding eight - nine-year security, erroneous, in fact, and are dangerous to the economic development of the country.

Prospects for the development of oil production.

Prospective levels of oil production in Russia will be determined mainly by the following factors: the demand for liquid fuels and the level of world prices for it, the development of transport infrastructure, tax conditions and scientific and technical achievements in exploration to the development of deposits, as well as the quality of the explored raw materials base.

Perspective volumes of oil production in Russia will differ significantly depending on a variant of the country's socio-economic development. With a combination of favorable internal and external conditions and factors (optimistic and favorable development options), oil production in Russia may amount to about 460-470 million tons. in 2010 and increase to 500-520 million tons. By 2020, with external and internal conditions, forming a moderate version of the socio-economic development of the country, oil production is projected significantly lower - up to 450 million tons. in 2010 and Up to 460 million tons. In 2020, in the critical version, oil production can continue only in the next 1-2 years, and the extraction drop is expected: up to 360 million tons. by 2010 and up to 315 million tons . by 2020

Oil production will be carried out, and develop in Russia both in traditional oil producing areas, such as Western Siberia, Volga region, North Caucasus, and in new oil and gas provinces in the European North (Timano-Pechora region), in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, Southern Russia (North Caspian Province).

The main oil database of the country for the entire period under review will remain West Siberian oil and gas province. Oil production in the region will increase until 2010 in all options, except for critical, and then somewhat decrease and will be somewhat in 2020. 290-315 million tons. In the framework of the critical version, the development of deposits with difficult-to-remove reserves will become a low-profitable, which will lead to a significant Freight of production in the region.

In the Volga-Ural Province and in the North Caucasus, oil production will fall, due to the exhaustion of the raw material base. In moderate and critical options, mining in these regions will decline more intensively.

In general, in the European part of Russia, oil production (including shelves) will decrease and will be 90-100 million tons by 2020. (against 110 million tons 2002).

Based on the modern and projected quality of the raw materials base industry, it is necessary:

Significant intensification of geological exploration to ensure the necessary increase in mining from unopened while deposits (the state program of licensing subsoil should, taking into account the likely risks to ensure the achievement of the industry's sustainable development of geological exploration and investments in them);

An increase in oil recovery coefficients in order to increase the recoverable potential and the current production of developed deposits.

2 Prospects for the development of the oil industry

The Republic of Tatarstan is the oldest oil-producing area of \u200b\u200bthe country. There are positive factors that allow optimistic to evaluate the prospects for the preparation of new reserves in old oil producing areas.

Practice shows that the forecast resources and evaluation as studying continuously increase the Republic of Tatarstan. Classical confirmation of this. In Tatarstan, over the years of market reforms, there was an expanded reproduction of oil reserves against 20-50% in previous years. The provision of proven reserves of current production during its continuous growth increased and is currently higher than in the country. The republic regularly revalues \u200b\u200bthe forecast oil resources. As a result, the initial total (recoverable) resources have increased by 21% over the past decade. Unquented recoverable resources are estimated higher than 30 years ago. As you study, they will increase. Further reassessment of forecast resources, which is held once in 5 years. As a rule, each reassessment of forecast resources leads to their increase.

Secondly, when evaluating resources, the coefficient of oil extraction (KIN) is usually taken to be 30-35%. It is assumed that with the developed technologies in the depths after the extraction of recoverable reserves, 2 times more oil will remain, which will be produced by the end of the development of deposits.

Although the Republic of Tatarstan is characterized by a high reproductiveness of the subsoil, over the years of market reforms, reproduction of reserves in scrap has improved and compared with the average Russian with more favorable. However, in the total volume of reserves, at the expense of new discoveries decreased from 49.2 to 13% / year. Despite the sufficient security of oil reserves in the strategy, considerable attention is paid to the preparation of new stocks. This is due to the high proportion of difficult oil reserves of 80%. The reproduction strategy of reproduction of reserves for a long term in old oil areas should include work in three directions:

Further study and deposit of oil deposits in traditional intelligence sites (Devon and Carbon deposits).

Wide-scale work on the increase in KIN, which can be a new most important direction of increasing the resource base of old oil-producing areas.

Geological study of the oil and gas content of non-traditional objects of deep-adhesive rocks of the crystalline foundation and rife-vectors sedimentary sediments, Perm bituminous bitumen.

Currently, 28 small oil companies operate in the oil industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, oil production on which is from 10 thousand to 500 thousand tons / year. Mostly, these companies were created on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on an increase in oil production in 1997-1998. On a competitive basis, 67 oil deposits were transferred to them, and mainly with difficult reserves containing high-fired oil, most of which were open 15-30 years ago. The creation of new oil companies has fundamentally changed the situation with oil production in the republic. New innovative technologies, competition, new mun and production methods have appeared. In 2004, more than 4.8 million tons were mined in small companies. In the coming years, it is planned to bring oil production on all independent oil companies to 8 million tons / year.

The experience of the development of the oil industry of Tatarstan showed the following

Optimization of the conditions for subsoil use and taxation is the key to solving the problem of Navy and ensure the needs of the country in oil and gas,

Tax stimulation and differentiated taxation of oil production depending on the mining and geological conditions and reserves depletion pensions can be regulated and administered without corruption;

The current law "On subsoil" allows the differentiation of NPPI, to stimulate the development of "old" and exhausted deposits;

If you carefully refer to the depths and markets they dispose at the level of the subjects of the Federation, then there are tremendous opportunities for further

In order to successfully implement the strategy for the development of the oil and gas complex of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is necessary to create favorable conditions that ensure the necessary increase in reserves and oil, which is possible as a result of the adoption of a more advanced law "On subsoil", the project of which is on the discussion.

For the successful implementation of the energy strategy of the Republic of Tatarstan until 2020, it is necessary to create normal conditions for the development of the oil industry. For this purpose, it follows:

Save the current subsoil use mechanism - joint management of the Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on issuing licenses on the principle of "two keys": the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation;

Provide for the possibility of delegation of part of the powers of the Federal Department of Subsoil Use on Regional Level; Transfer to regional authorities of the authority to order small and medium deposits useful minerals with extractable oil reserves to 30 million tons;

Introduce differentiated taxation of oil production dependence on the mining and geological and geographical conditions for the development of oil fields and commodity qualities of oil in depths;

To improve the effectiveness of the development of the subsoil, it is necessary to write both both the competitive and auction form of access to the depths, each of them has advantages and disadvantages and can be applied depending on specific conditions;

For the rational use of subsoil resources, it is necessary to strengthen the state control over the implementation of the agreed prerequisites; This is feasible through annual additions to licensing agreements in which annual levels of production, reproduction of reserves, exploratory and operational drilling volumes are recorded; They are taken from the design documents approved in the prescribed manner and author's supervisors; control the execution by the MPR of the Russian Federation; Positive experience is available in the Republic of Tatarstan;

In the law "On subsoil", it is necessary to provide incentives for the Navy as a result of cancellation of payments for the conduct of hydrocarbons at its own funds of subsoil users, the application nature of the submission of areas for risky oil industry, payment of subsoil users of the state's historical costs in the depths of the subsoil only after the project is released for payback and receipt of sufficient Weaway, simplifying the procedure for registration of discoveries, full financing of regional and functional geological research at the expense of the state;

To approve at the government level "Rules for the development of oil fields" and for the rational use of hydrocarbon feedstock reserves, the State Commission on the reserves and prices of the Mineral Commission on the development of combustion deposits is useful to subordinate directly to the Government of Russia.

3. Scientific support of new technologies for the development of oil fields with difficult reserves

The share of difficult reserves in low-permeable collectors, in podium zones and with viscous oils, continues to increase and is now about 60% (Fig. 3.1).

Unfortunately, the quality of the residual stocks deteriorates also because of the more active generation of good, active stocks. If the active reserves have been developed by the current on average by 75%, then hard-being discarded by only 35%.

Figure 3.1 - Dynamics of hard-to-recover oil recovery in Russia

From Figure 3.1, it can be seen that with an increase in the share of difficult reserves, the project coefficient of oil recovery decreased for many years, and only in recent years began to grow slightly.

These dependencies are quite brightly illustrated by the current long-term tendency in the development of oil fields - a negative change in stock structure for many years, unfortunately, was not compensated by the improvement of oil recovery technologies used.

In some cases, this was due to the lack of technological solutions for effective oil recovery for certain geological and physical conditions, which in recent years has been exacerbated by the fact that the relevant research work was limited. However, well-known new technologies are not used for subsoil users. The reason, as a rule, is that their use is associated with high costs, especially in the initial period of field development, and subsoil users often avoid the need to use. The hopes for the arrival of new technologies of oil recovery in connection with the work on the fields of foreign companies were not fully justified.

The special problem in the country is the factory deposits - now the average waterproof of the produced products is about 86%.

Given that the main method of developing deposits of the country is a flooding, the number of residual oil reserves in the waterproof layers will constantly increase. To maximize these stocks, it is also necessary to use more advanced technologies.

Taking into account the emerging structure of stocks and prospects for their development, it can be argued that an increase in oil recovery from hard-toxic reserves, as well as reserves in reservoir formations, can be argued that a significant role in the growth of recoverable reserves of the country should be played.

It should be noted that international oil producing companies pay special attention to the increase in recoverable reserves by applying new oil recovery technologies: oil recovery technologies provide from 4 to 12% of the growth of recoverable reserves.

According to foreign researchers estimates, the average design oil recovery in the world is now about 30%, in the USA - 39%, while the average real oil recovery in the future is predicted in the amount of 50-60%.

Three large blocks of the main methods for the development of oil fields can be distinguished: natural regime, secondary methods and tertiary methods (methods for increasing oil recovery).

The widespread use of the planting made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the development of oil fields of the country. Additional increasing oil recovery oil recovery in the factory under certain conditions provide so-called hydrodynamic methods of exposure: a cyclic effect with a variable of filtration streams, systemic OPE implementation technology, horizontal wells, hydraulic reservoirs in the well system and others.

At the same time, according to most professionals, a radical increase in the average oil recovery coefficient in the country, especially in difficult reserves, can be achieved only with a significant increase in the use of "tertiary" methods: thermal, gas and chemical (reached oil recovery 35 - 70%).

At the same time, the methods of increasing oil recovery are much more complex, compared with the factory, processes based on the mechanisms of additional oil extraction from the porous medium. The technologies of these methods require both a pre-thorough scientific substantiation in relation to specific conditions and subsequent scientific support when applied using new and fundamentally new means of control and regulation.

All this requires additional costs. At the same time, real investments on the creation of new technologies in domestic companies are an order of magnitude less than in foreign.

However, foreign and domestic experience testifies that the complexity and additional costs are ultimately compensated by increased efficiency.

There are information for more than 1500 Moon projects in the world. Annual mining is estimated at 120-130 million tons.

In the USA at the beginning of 2010, there were 194 projects to increase oil recovery. Since 1998, their number has decreased somewhat since 1998, changing from 199 in 1988., Until 143 - in 2004 and 194 - in 2010, but, while their consolidation occurred. The total oil production at the expense of these methods is 34.4 million tons / year. It is especially important to note that the proportion of oil production through the "tertiary" methods in total production in the United States is about 12%.

Considering the state and prospects for the use of methods for an increase in oil recovery, it should be said about the domestic experience of the active introduction of these methods in the 80s of the last century.

The impetus for the development of the problem was a special decree of the government of the country (1976), which determined the volume of additional oil production due to the use of "tertiary" methods of increasing oil recovery, as well as the volume of issues in the country necessary for this material and technical means. It also provides for the economic stimulation of the implementation of pilot industrial works by oil-producing enterprises. In order to concentrate efforts to solve this problem, the "Inter-sectoral Scientific and Technical Complex" Nefteotud "was created. The organizational structure of the complex provided both scientific support of the problem and ensuring the implementation of the program of experienced work.

Transferred to the structure of RNHTK service companies ("Termneft", "Soyuzneftepromhim", "Soyuzneftetach", "Tatneftebitum") performed on experienced fishers of oil-producing enterprises and air, hydrocarbon gas, installation of special equipment).

For a relatively short period, additional oil production due to the "tertiary" methods increased to 11 million tons / year. The scientific support of the problem was carried out through the "VNIINEFT" with the provision of appropriate funding.

With the transition of the oil industry to the new business system, the mechanisms of stimulating the problem of increasing oil recovery were ceased, the activity of scientific research was significantly reduced, the use of methods began to decline.

Now mining at the expense of "tertiary" methods only slightly exceeds 1.5 million tons / year. In recent years, several projects on the use of thermal and gas impact methods have been launched at the country's fields. At the same time, in our opinion, there are a number of problems rather than an applied order, the study of which cannot be postponed if we set the goal of an increase in the development of hard-to-recover stocks in the coming years. Among these problems:

Regulation of the movement of the springs of solutions of the chemicals on the reservoir;

Reducing adsorption of chemical reagents on a porous medium;

Creation of address compositions of chemicals for specific conditions of the reservoir;

Intraflast decrease in the viscosity of oil by chemical agents;

Simulation of filtering processes of various oil recovery agents;

Regulation of the process of intra-block oxidation of oil;

Determination of the influence of the properties of the porous medium and injected into the reservoir of agents on the kinetics of oxidation when the high pressure air is injected;

Determination of the effect of temperature on the capillary properties of the porous medium;

Determination of the effect of temperature on the phase permeability curves for various porous media;

Optimization of gas agents when combining gas and water injection;

The use of foaming systems and other reagents to regulate physico-chemical, thermal and gas methods;

Estimation of the efficiency of injection of weak-mineralized water into the layers, changing the wetting of the porous medium;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of methods for increasing oil recovery on commercial data and many others.

The volumes and level of work on the use of methods for an increase in oil recovery and the development of hard-to-recover stocks correspond to, unfortunately, their current scientific support.

Although the lack of federal and sectoral programs on this issue does not allow specifically to present the volumes of research on individual methods, but indirect indicators (especially in comparison with foreign companies) is sufficiently eloquent.

So according to reports, expenses for research and development work in foreign oil and gas companies at 6 - 10 times more than in large Russian companies.

Figure 3.2 - Niocar financing volumes per researcher, thousand dollars.

According to G.I. Shmal, Shell spent on R & D in 2007 - $ 1.2 billion, in 2008 - $ 1.3 billion, in 2009 - 1 billion dollars. Cost of all Russian oil companies together with Gazprom on R & D was 250 million dollars in the same year. Considering the more widely of the scientific provision for the creation of new technologies, we note the need to participate in its financing of both the state and business. It can be seen (Fig. 3.2) that in Russia funding R & D is significantly less than in other countries - both from the state, so, and especially, on the part of the business.

Interesting patenting data in the oil and gas sector, which once again emphasize the dependence of this indicator from R & D financing: the number of registered patents in Russian companies is ten times less than in foreign (Fig. 3.3).

Figure 3.3 - Number of registered patents with oil and gas companies, pcs.

Recently, a number of encouraging factors appeared for the possibility of accelerated development of the problem of increasing the oil recovery of reservoirs with difficult reserves. The concern of the state of completeness of oil recovery at the country's deposits was expressed by the leadership of the country.

Government decisions were adopted to economic stimulating the development of deposits with difficult reserves:

Increased viscosity oil (more than 20 MPa.Ssek);

High-rise (more than 85%);

With low permeability layers (1.5-2.0; 1.0-1.5; less than 1.0 μm 2 .10 -3).

Unfortunately, the implementation of the documents adopted meets a number of practical difficulties that are related to the need to create separate gathering systems and the preparation of oil, which requires sometimes considerable costs. As for low-permeable reservoirs, the presented version of the resolution still requires additional clarifications, both according to the method of determining permeability (absolute or relative) and, as well as how to achieve such accuracy of the diagnosis of oil formation for permeability.

When considering the prospects for strengthening the scientific support of the industry, it is sometimes suggested to impose a solution to industry problems on oil companies and their scientific centers. It should be taken into account that scientific and analytical centers focused on oil companies are focused on solving current applied tasks, in addition, global practice shows that any economically developed country has its own industrial policy, and industrial policy is impossible without systemically organized sectoral science. This is explained by the fact that the horizon of the technological forecast of the corporation rarely exceeds 7 - 10 years, the fundamental studies promise a cost-effective result in 20 - 30 years. In the twenty-year-old gap, the system of applied (sectoral) and academic science is just working - it is in this temporary gap that the guidelines are set for breakthrough innovations transmitted in the next step in the NIO-Corporate R & D divisions.

Deals on the concentration of oil science in educational universities are also known, as partly is practiced in a number of foreign countries. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that domestic universities have not yet have the necessary scientific and technical and personnel base, as well as most importantly, the experience of applied research, which is created by many years of effort.

Therefore, it seems that the prospects for increasing the efficiency of the development of oil fields of the country and the use of Moon are related to the need to revive the system of scientific provision of this problem on the basis of a complex of sectoral and educational institutions with the involvement of the institutes of Russia.

In general, it is possible to formulate suggestions for the revitalization of works on the creation of new technologies for the development of difficult oil reserves:

State regulation of the problem;

Concentration of scientific, methodological and technological efforts based on scientific and technical programs;

The creation of scientific centers based on industry institutions and universities;

Organizational and financial support of the problem on the basis of state programs of experienced and research works, licensing and project documents;

Joint programs (pools) of oil companies on the study and test of Moon;

Scientific support of experienced work.

In my opinion, the implementation of these proposals will allow for 2025 the recoverable reserves of the country to increase by 2 - 4 billion tons with annual additional mining: 30 - 60 million tons / year.


Issues of development of hard-to-recover oil reserves are associated with the problem of increasing the coefficient of oil recovery. In the past 25 years, Kin in Russia decreased from 42 to 27-28%, while in the United States in the same period Kin grew from 32 to 40%, although the structure of oil reserves there is initially worse. This dangerous tendency is associated with two reasons. First, hard-to-recover reserves are already more than 50% of Russian oil reserves, and when they are working, Kin is always lower. Secondly, the approved projects for the development of the main fields of Russia provide for the traditional factification of deposits with a low KIN characteristic of it, and not the use of modern technologies for increasing oil recovery. The effectiveness of these technologies is evidenced by the US Experience, where, despite the exhausted subsoil, more than 30 million tons of oil are produced annually from innovative technologies. But in Russia, at the oldest Romaskinsky field of Tatarstan, due to the use of these methods, the annual increase in the production volume is 1.5 million tons. Unfortunately, this is the only example in Russia.

The increase in oil reserves, especially in recent years, is 2 times higher than its production. New independent oil companies created in Tatarstan 24 have already provided an accelerated entry into the development of 36 oil fields. All oil companies (without OJSC Tatneft) will be produced in the coming years 8 - 8.5 million tons / year. The largest oil company - OJSC TATNEFT, in terms of annual production, which is part of Russia's largest oil companies, and among the 30 leading oil companies in the world, gives up to 40% of the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan. For about 2.7 billion tons of oil from the beginning of development of the fields of Tatarstan, the company has stabilized oil production, ensuring excess of the increase in reserves over mining 2 times. Currently, more than 40% of oil at the Tatarstan fields are mined by the introduction of modern technologies and methods for increasing the oil recovery of the formation. It is no coincidence that the securities of OJSC TATNEFT are listed on the prestigious London and New York stock exchanges.

List of used literature

1. Drilling and oil. August 2012. Specialized magazine.

2. Dunaev V.F. Economics of oil and gas industry enterprises: textbook / V.F. Dunaev, V.L. Shpakov. N.P. Epifanova, V.N. Lyandin. - Oil and gas, 2009. - 352 p.

3. Konutorovich A. E., Korjubaev A. G., Eder L. V. The Development Strategy of the Oil Complex / All-Russian Economic Journal "Economics and Organization". - 2008. - №7. - 78 p.

4. Korjubaev A. G., Sokolova I. A., Eder L. in .. Analysis of trends in the Russian oil complex / All-Russian Economic Journal "Economics and Organization", 2010., - No. 10 - 103 p.

5. Martynov V.N. In the oil and gas education - the crisis of overproduction / the magazine "Oil of Russia", 2009., - No. 8 - 23 p.

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TRIZY hard-to-recover stocks . In the USSR, a personal backen ( bazhenovsky Sweet. ) It was noticed for 10 years later than in the United States, and carefully examine him began in 1968. It was like one thing that "there would be no happiness, and the grief helped." At the Salymskoye deposit near the town of Goropravdinsk, during the deepening of the exploration well, 12-p when a non-controlled oil fountaining happened, in the end, the drilling apparatus was caught fire. Subsequently, the rules with the role of law enforcement agencies managed to justify that geologists and workers are not obey. Fountain (its capacity was regarded in a certain amount of hundred tons per day), formed where no one was waiting for him, he headed the head by the scientific worker and Russian leaders. The Bazhenov Sweet (and just from there scored a fountain) began to work actively and drill fresh wells. But it was quite promptly found that the productivity of wells is certainly different, with this, in the consequence of technological tasks, geologists did not have the ability to characterize the cross section of the Bazhenovsky retinue. As a result, the long-term Bajen field remained faster by the subject of scientific research than the real industrial development.

Now the situation is the principle of another. As a result of the depletion of classic fields and (in this it is worth a confession) of a successful USA skill to develop shale formations, the government in the Russian Federation and oil firms are drawn to the development of difficult oil supplies. All the favorites of the Russian "Oil" - Rosneft, LUKOIL, SURGUNEFTEGAZ, the overestimated concern for shale plans, is working with the Bazhenol. In early February 2014, an addition to an active agreement with Schlumberger on technological cooperation in the development of difficult oil supplies, in particular, Bazhenovskaya suite was signed. And in 2013, Shell and Gazprom Neft made a joint venture "Khanty-Mansiysk Oil and Gas Union" to work in sectors with shale oil in Western Siberia. With this, the firms already have a successful joint venture - Salym Petroleum Development, which leads to the development of the Saliam Group of oil fields and is still working on the development of the Bazhenovsky Sweet: In February of today, the SPD began drilling 1 horizontal estimated well at the Verkhne-Salym deposit. However, in addition to the technological element, in all plans to involve in the development of hard-cleaned surfactants in the Russian Federation (as, in general, and in every other country of the world) there are economic.

Tax Remains (Extractive Reserves)

The position of the Russian authorities regarding the significance of the issue of engaging in the extraction of difficult stocks has changed radically. In particular, according to the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Sergey Donskoy, the study of non-standard hydrocarbon applications in the Russian Federation, which is activated in real time, will be a necessary factor in oil production after 20 years: "If we can put the supplies in the KHMA on the balance of oil to the oil supplies, then the Russian The federation can expire on the 1st space in the world as a whole on oil supplies. " Under the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation on the basis of "Roshycology", the coordination of the middle of the study and the study of non-standard appears and sources of hydrocarbon raw materials is formed. According to the texts of the deputy director of this company Roman Samsonov, it is purpose for the land of the Russian Federation to carry out four or five skilled polygons with various natural criteria, landscape, geological characteristics. Minister of Energy Alexander Novak, in its own queue, that that the Russian Federation will continue to increase oil production, in which thanks to the study of hard-being surplus. According to his texts, the intensification of work with this category of resources has become likely to be amended by the amendments to the legislation on tax benefits, which initiate the mining of difficult oil supplies.

In the right, the government in 2012-2013 took a certain number of steps in a given direction, the central of which was the development of Federal Law No. 213-FZ, which introduced tax benefits in the guise of lower ratios to the tax rate for the extraction of the necessary fossils (NDPI) for several categories Tries. In particular, the NPPE rate has the ability to be reduced from 20% to 100% depending on the permeability of the deposit and on the likeness of productive deposits (zero functions for oil produced from deposits related to Bazhenovsky, Abalak, Khadadan and Domanian productive sediments). Not counting this, the law "On the Customs Tariff" made corrections that put a reduced bid of export duties on oil mined from the deposits of the Tyumen Sweets. For the use of a reduced rate, it is necessary that the corresponding of the initial oil supplies in the sediments of the Tyumen Sweet amounted to the least 80% of the initial oil supplies of the entire license area.

The law has limitations to grant benefits. One of the most significant - the level of depreciation of difficult-to-recover supplies as of January 1, 2012 is not required to exceed 3% or deposits are obliged to be established for the municipal balance of applications later than January 1, 2012. There are many problems that the procedure for determining the characteristics of the permeability and the effective oil-saturated thickness of the reservoir on the deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials is located at the development stage. And before the introduction of this, about in the power of the taxpayer should be controlled by the permeability values \u200b\u200band the effective oil-saturated thickness of the reservoir, marked in the municipal balance of the proprietary fossils (GBZ) as of January 1, 2012. However, the 1st practice of using benefits revealed that the characteristics of the permeability, the effective oil-saturated thickness of the formation and on the similarity of the productive deposit in the GBZ, the stummenty times are reflected tactfully. And this significantly complicates the likelihood of benefits. From February 7, 2014, the explanations of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation with the list of layers names with the assignment of them to what or other productive sediment. However, how these explanations will work, until it is not clear.

In general, oil firms positively consider the appointment in which the government rides, stimulating the development of troms. The 213th law has already made it possible to increase the financial efficiency of the development and establish in the ODA hard-recoverable supplies of 10 fields across the country. In Gazprom Neft, these deposits still have these deposits. However, on the view of oil workers, having a place to be a set of benefits is still not able to initiate the development of hard-being surplus. The government, going towards the wishes of oilmen, invites you to increase the threshold of the production of deposits from 3 to 10%. The bill in which it is proposed to disseminate the likelihood of the use of lower coefficients to the NPPI rate on the deposits relating to the productive sediments of the Bazhenovsky, Khazhenskaya, Domernikov and the Abalak Sweet with the degree of surgery of supplies as of January 1, 2012 from 3 to 10%, is already located in the State Duma. On the contrary, this does not object to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, and in the Department of Communication with the Public Relations of the Ministry of Energy, the journalist "CH" said that the agency, more than this, considers it expedient to grow up the top border degree of production from 10 to 13%, "because there is a place to be in this The moment of surveillance of surgery in order to use the differentiated NDPA rates towards the hard-to-remove oil eliminated the likelihood of using the benefits for the economy of plans, which proved to be in development. "

At the moment and the likelihood of providing tax preferences in the appearance of a downstream coefficient to the NPPI rate for high-viscous oil is considered (with a viscosity of 30 MPa · from to 200 MPa · c).

But these conclusions, in case they become accepted, it is still possible to consider only as part of the ensemble measures to stimulate the development of hard-being surplus. Oilmen wanted to introduce a zero NPPA rate for deposits of difficult-to-removers outside the dependence on the degree of production of deposits, distribute benefits to low-permeable collectors, areas with low oil saturation (no more than 55%) or low reservoir (no more than 4 meters), or With the highest waters (more than 80%) on Achimov Sweet, extend the preferential tax step up to 20 years for all categories of hard-being surplus.

"Of course, taking into account the focus of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to prevent a decrease in the profit part of the Butzhet state, the possibility of adopting these amendments is not obvious - that the BOSS of the Department of Tax Policy Factories" Gazprom Neft "Alexander Shubin. - But this is work for the future. The NPPA Tolik in the structure of all taxes of plans (with the exception of export duty) is within 80%, and the expansion of the characteristics of benefits for troms has the ability to have a significant impact on the effectiveness of their implementation, which will undoubtedly help eliminate low-cost plans for acceptable to take a positive investigation degree .

Subject to this finalization of the regulatory framework in terms of expanding the perimeter of permanent supplies, extension of the exposure of the benefits and the establishment of a colorless procedure for determining and using fresh coefficients of benefits has the opportunity to provide a second life with almost all active assets of the Russian oil branch and Gazprom Neft in particular, and There will also be a positive impact on drawing into the development of fresh trusses with the introduction of modern oil production technologies, facilitating the renewal of the technological arsenal of the industry. "

Sectoral specialists talk about this. On monitoring GP "Nazzhn them. V. I. Spielman, "by 2030, 18-20 million tons of oil per year have the ability to produce 18-20 million tons of oil per year, but subject to storage of the package of benefits. With this benefits issued now, pay off the next day. According to the center of them. Spielman, production of approximately 600 million tons of oil from the Bazhenov Sweet deposits has the opportunity to deliver to the Butzhet to 2 trillion rubles ..

Gazprom Neft (and as a whole in the industry) suggest that the benefits of developing troms - only the 1st period on the way to an increase in the attractiveness of the extraction of complex oil in the Russian Federation. The active benefits of pretty narrow-windows, and only a small part of the supplies characterized by the complexity of development falls under their impact. The best mechanism for stimulating the development of these oil supplies is called auxiliary earnings tax, which will ensure the preparation of a taxable base, depending on the final financial results of work. With this NDD, the firms will minimize the fiscal load at the initial stage of cases, when the investments are maximal, and the return is still literally not.

But in the government, there is no integrity for this pretext. In the Ministry of Energy in an authentic moment, the likelihood of NDD entry for individual plans is defined, but the Ministry of Finance says that this content is not prioritized. The adepts of the branches do not lose hope and continue to find fresh extensions for the development of hard-being surplus.

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