
Economic efficiency of new equipment and technology. Analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of new equipment. Objects of real investment………………………………….3

Introduction.......... ............................................................................................................................3

Chapter 1. Innovation activity …………………………………………………………………………………5


1.2 Classification of innovations…………………………………………………………………………………….8

1.3 The role of innovation in the development of an enterprise……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 2. Performance indicators of new equipment and technology………………………………….17

2.1 Innovation as an object of enterprise activity……………………………………...17

2.2 Management, planning and organization of innovation activities………….….18

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of an innovative project……………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

Chapter 3

3.1 History of nanotechnology development …………………………………………………….…24

3.2 advances in nanotechnology…………………………………………………………………………………………..27

3.3. perspectives of nanotechnologies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………32

4. Conclusion (Conclusion)…………………………………………………………………………………………………...…34



Possible ways to create a favorable innovation climate in Russian economy began actively in the early 80s, even before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Even then, it became obvious that the existing mechanisms for “implementing” the results of research and development were ineffective, the innovative activity of enterprises was low, and the average age of production equipment was constantly increasing, reaching 10.8 years by 1990.

Since then, a number of state concepts for regulating and stimulating innovation activity have been adopted, the creation of a national innovation system has been announced, a number of mechanisms for state financing of innovation have been created, including the creation of an infrastructure for innovation activity. The main problem so far remains the disconnection of ties between the main participants in the innovation process (developers and consumers of innovations), information opacity and, therefore, low motivation, both for the development and financing of innovations.

In official statistics, technological innovations are understood as the final results of innovative activities that have been embodied in the form of a new or improved product or service introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process or a method of production (transfer) of services used in practical activities. All the formalized characteristics of this process depend on which definition of innovation is used. At present, there is no single approach to the definition of innovative activity, just as there were no continuous surveys of enterprises and organizations in which innovations would be studied. Existing estimates of innovation activity are based on sample surveys of greater or lesser breadth, and this explains the often contradictory results of their results.

An innovative enterprise is one that introduces product or process innovations, regardless of who was the author of the innovation - employees of this organization or external agents (external owners, banks, representatives of federal and local authorities, research organizations and technology providers, other enterprises ).

Thus, the purpose of this work is to give an idea of ​​the innovative activity of enterprises and its application in practice. And the main tasks are to understand the essence of innovation, to identify the types of innovation, and also to consider the impact of innovation on the development of an enterprise.

The object of this work is the enterprise as an economic entity, and the subject of innovation.

When studying the innovative activity of the enterprise, a comparative analysis and data collection method were used.

Chapter 1. Innovative activity

1.1 Innovations, their economic essence and significance.

It is necessary to distinguish between the terms "innovations" and "innovations". Innovation is a broader concept than innovation.

Innovation is an evolving complex process of creating, disseminating and using a new idea that improves the efficiency of an enterprise. At the same time, innovation is not just an object introduced into production, but an object successfully implemented and profitable as a result of scientific research or a discovery made, qualitatively different from the previous analogue.

Scientific and technical innovation must be considered as a process of transforming scientific knowledge into a scientific and technical idea and then into the production of products to meet the needs of the user. In this context, two approaches to scientific and technological innovation can be distinguished.

The first approach mainly reflects the product orientation of the innovation. Innovation is defined as a process of transformation for the sake of producing a finished product. This direction is spreading at a time when the position of the consumer in relation to the producer is rather weak. However, the products themselves are not the ultimate goal, but only a means of satisfying needs. Therefore, according to the second approach, the process

scientific and technical innovation is seen as the transfer of scientific or technical knowledge directly to the sphere of meeting the needs of the consumer. In this case, the product turns into a carrier of technology, and the form it takes is determined after linking the technology and the need to be satisfied.

Thus, innovations, firstly, must have a market structure to meet the needs of consumers. Secondly, any innovation is always considered as a complex process, involving changes in both scientific and technical, as well as economic, social and structural nature. Thirdly, in innovation, the emphasis is on the rapid introduction of innovation into practical use. Fourth, innovation must provide economic, social, technical or environmental

The innovation process is the process of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation, which can be represented as a sequential chain of events during which innovation matures from an idea to a specific product, technology or service and spreads through practical use. The innovation process is aimed at creating the required markets for products, technologies or services and is carried out in close unity with the environment: its direction, pace, goals depend on the socio-economic environment in which it functions and develops. Therefore, it is only on the innovative path of development that economic recovery is possible.

Innovative activity is an activity aimed at using and commercializing the results of scientific research and development to expand and update the range and improve the quality of products, improve their manufacturing technology with subsequent implementation and effective implementation in the domestic and foreign markets.

Innovation can be viewed as:





Innovation has a clear focus on the final result of an applied nature; it should always be considered as a complex process that provides a certain technical and socio-economic effect.

Innovation in its development (life cycle) changes forms, moving from idea to implementation. The course of the innovation process, like any other, is due to the complex interaction of many factors. The use in business practice of one or another variant of the forms of organization of innovative processes is determined by three factors:

The state of the external environment (political and economic situation, type of market, nature of competition, practice of state-monopoly regulation, etc.);

The state of the internal environment of this economic system (the presence of a leader-entrepreneur and a support team, financial and material and technical resources, technologies used, size, current organizational structure, internal culture of the organization, relations with the external environment, etc.);

The specifics of the innovation process itself as an object of management.

Innovation processes are considered as processes that permeate all scientific, technical, production, marketing activities of manufacturers and, ultimately, focused on meeting the needs of the market. The most important condition for the success of innovation is the presence of an innovator-enthusiast, captured by a new idea and ready to make every effort to bring it to life, and a leader-entrepreneur who has found investments, organized production, promoted a new product to the market, took the main risk and realized your commercial interest.

Innovations form the market of innovations, investments - the market of capital, innovations - the market of competition of innovations. The innovation process ensures the implementation of scientific and technical results and intellectual potential for obtaining new or improved products (services) and the maximum increase in added value.

1.2 Classification of innovations.

To obtain a higher return on innovation, a classification of innovations is carried out. The need for classification, i.e. the division of the entire set of innovations according to one or another characteristic into the appropriate groups is explained by the fact that the choice of the object of innovation is a very important procedure, since it predetermines all subsequent innovation activity, the result of which will be an increase in production efficiency, an expansion of the range of science-intensive products and an increase in its volumes.

The classification of innovations into appropriate groups is carried out using the following features.

On the basis of the emergence of innovations, two groups are distinguished: defensive and strategic.

The protective group of innovations provides the necessary level of competitiveness of production and products based on the introduction of relevant innovations as a way to protect against competitors.

Strategic forms promising competitive advantages.

According to the subject and area of ​​application of innovations, innovations are divided into product innovations (new products and materials), market innovations (new areas of product use, the possibility of implementing innovations in new markets), process innovations (technologies, new methods of organizing and managing production).

According to the degree of novelty of innovations, there are:

Non-standard groups of innovations, including a new product produced on the basis of a first developed technical solution that has no analogue;

Improving - new products or technological processes developed on the basis of using the achievements of the scientific and technical process and providing perfect technical and operational characteristics in comparison with existing analogues;

modification - innovations that expand the operational capabilities of a product or process.

By the nature of satisfaction of needs, innovation groups are determined by innovations that satisfy new needs that have developed in the market.

In terms of the scale of distribution, innovations can be basic for young industries producing a homogeneous product, or used in all sectors of industrial production.

Despite the commonality of the subject of innovation, each of their implementation is very individual and even unique. At the same time, there are many classifications of innovations and, accordingly, the subjects of innovative entrepreneurship. Let's consider some of them.

G. Mensch singled out three large groups of innovations: basic, improving and pseudo-innovations. Basic innovations, in turn, are divided into technological (forming new industries and new markets) and non-technological (changes in culture, management, public services). The movement from one technological stalemate to another occurs, according to Mensch, through the transition from basic innovations to improving ones and then to pseudo-innovations.

A detailed and original typology of innovations is given by A.I. Prigogine. He classified innovations depending on the type of innovations (material and technical and social innovations), the implementation mechanism, and the features of the innovation process. A. I. Prigozhin introduced into scientific circulation replacing, canceling, opening innovations, retro-innovations, single, diffuse, intra-organizational, inter-organizational, etc. He divided the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation". Innovation, according to A.I. Prigogine, is the subject of innovation; novelty and innovation have different life cycles; innovation is development, design, manufacture, use, obsolescence. Innovation, on the other hand, is the origin, diffusion, routinization (the stage when innovation is "realized in stable, constantly functioning elements of the corresponding objects").

The largest (basic) innovations - implement the largest inventions and become the basis for revolutionary revolutions in technology, the formation of its new directions, the creation of new industries. Such innovations require a long time and large expenses for their development, but they provide a significant national economic effect in terms of level and scale, but they do not occur every year;

Major innovations (based on a similar rank of inventions) form new generations of technology in this area. They are implemented in a shorter time and at lower cost than the largest (basic) innovations, but the leap in technical level and efficiency is relatively smaller;

Medium innovations implement the same level of invention and serve as the basis for creating new models and modifications of this generation of technology, replacing outdated models with more efficient ones or expanding the scope of this generation;

Minor innovations - improve individual production or consumer parameters of manufactured models of equipment based on the use of small inventions, which contributes either to more efficient production of these models or to an increase in the efficiency of their use.

M. Walker distinguishes seven types of innovations depending on the degree of use of scientific knowledge in them and wide application:

1) based on the use of fundamental scientific knowledge and widely used in various areas of public activity (for example, computers, etc.);

2) also using scientific research, but having a limited scope (for example, measuring instruments for chemical production);

3) innovations with a limited scope developed using already existing technical knowledge (for example, a new type of mixer for bulk materials);

4) included in combinations of different types of knowledge in one product;

5) using one product in different areas;

6) technically sophisticated innovations that have emerged as a by-product of a major research program (for example, a ceramic saucepan created on the basis of research conducted as part of the space program);

7) using already known techniques or methods in a new field.

A generalized classification of innovations by features is given in Table. 1.1.

Table 1.1.

Generalized classification of innovations by features.

Classification sign Types of innovation
In terms of cyclical development

The largest



Depending on the degree of use of scientific knowledge

Based on:

Fundamental scientific knowledge

Scientific research with a limited scope

Existing technical knowledge

Combinations of different types of knowledge

Use of the same product in different areas

Side effects of major programs

already known technology

In terms of structural characteristics

At the entrance

At the exit

Enterprise structure innovations

From the point of view of linking with individual areas of activity






In the field of management

Product innovation

Process innovation (technological)

Workforce innovation

Management innovations

In terms of purpose

For consumption as a commodity

For industrial consumption in civilian industries

For consumption in the defense complex

By way


By life cycle stage

Innovations introduced at the stage:

Strategic Marketing

Organizational and technological preparation of production



1 2
Depending on the size of the economic effect

Discovery of new applications (increases efficiency by 10-100 or more times)

Use of new principles of functioning (increases efficiency by 2-10 times)

Creation of new constructive solutions (increases efficiency by 10-50%)

Calculation and optimization of parameters (increases efficiency by 2-10%)

By management level




primary management

By terms of management

20 years or more

By degree of coverage of the life cycle

Mastering and applying R&D

By volume




In relation to the previous state of the process (system)




Retro innovations

By appointment

Aimed at:


Improvement of working conditions

Improving product quality

By planning source




By performance

Implemented and fully utilized

Implemented and underused

By level of novelty

Radical and changing or re-creating entire industries



Of course, this classification is not exhaustive, but it should be noted that different types of innovations are closely interconnected.

The classification gives specialists a basis for identifying the maximum number of ways to implement innovations, thereby creating a variant choice of solutions.

1.3 The role of innovation in enterprise development .

The innovative activity of the enterprise is aimed primarily at increasing the competitiveness of products (services).

Competitiveness - This is a characteristic of a product (service) that reflects its difference from a competitor product both in terms of the degree of compliance with a specific need and in terms of the cost of satisfying it. Two elements - consumer properties and price - are the main components of the competitiveness of a product (service). However, the market prospects of goods are not only related to quality and production costs. The reason for the success or failure of the product may be other (non-commercial) factors, such as advertising, the prestige of the company, the level of service offered.

At the same time, service at the highest level creates a great attraction. Based on this, the competitiveness formula can be represented as follows:

Competitiveness = Quality + Price + Service.

Manage competitiveness - means to ensure the optimal ratio of these components, to direct the main efforts to solve the following problems: improving product quality, reducing production costs, increasing efficiency and the level of service.

In essence, the basis of the modern "philosophy of success" is to subordinate the interests of the company to the goals of developing, manufacturing and marketing competitive products. The focus is on long-term success and on the consumer. Company executives consider profitability issues from the standpoint of quality, consumer properties, products, and competitiveness.

To analyze the position of a product on the market, assess the prospects for its sale, and select a sales strategy, the concept of "product life cycle" is used.

Simultaneous discounts with goods at different stages of the life cycle are only possible for large companies. Small firms are forced to follow the path of specialization, i.e. choose one of the following roles:

* an innovator firm dealing primarily with innovation;

* engineering: a company that develops original product modifications and epgo design;

* a highly specialized manufacturer - most often a sub-supplier of relatively simple mass-produced products;

* manufacturer of traditional products (services) of high quality.

Experience shows that small firms are particularly active in the production of goods that pass the stage of market formation and exit from it. The fact is that a large firm is usually reluctant to be the first to produce a fundamentally new product. The consequences of a possible failure for her are much harder than for a small newly formed firm.

Ensuring the competitiveness of a product requires an innovative, entrepreneurial approach, the essence of which is the search and implementation of innovations.

In this regard, it is interesting to note that one of the classics of economic theory, A. Marshall, considered entrepreneurship to be the fundamental property, the main feature of a market economy.

The main prerequisite for an innovation strategy is the obsolescence of manufactured products and technology. In this regard, every three years, enterprises should carry out certification of manufactured products, technologies, equipment and jobs, analyze the market and distribution channels for goods. In other words, there should be business radiograph.

Chapter 2 Efficiency indicators of new equipment and technology.

2.1 Innovation as an object of enterprise activity

In the process of innovative activity, an enterprise can function with the greatest efficiency only if it is clearly focused on a specific object and guided by the maximum consideration of the impact of external and internal environmental factors. This requires a detailed classification of innovations, their properties and possible sources of funding. Such a classification of innovations as objects of enterprise activity is shown in Figure 1. The most characteristic indicators of innovations are such indicators as absolute and relative novelty, priority and progressiveness, the level of unification and standardization, competitiveness, adaptability to new business conditions, the ability to modernize, as well as indicators of economic efficiency, environmental safety, etc. All these indicators are innovations are in fact the embodiment of indicators of the technical and organizational level of innovation and its competitiveness. Their significance is determined by the degree of influence of these factors on the final results of the enterprise: on the cost and profitability of products, their quality, sales and profits in the short and long term, the level of profitability of economic activity. Indicators of the technical level of innovation determine the technical level of production as a whole. According to the degree of novelty, innovations are divided into fundamentally new ones that have no analogues in the past in domestic and foreign practice, and innovations of relative novelty. For fundamentally new types of products, technologies and services, the indicator of their patent and license purity and protection is especially important, because they are not only intellectual products of the first kind, i.e. have priority, absolute novelty, but they are also an original model, on the basis of which, by replication, innovations-imitations, copies or an intellectual product of the second kind are obtained. An intellectual product is protected by property rights, which is why an enterprise needs patents, licenses, inventions and know-how to develop innovative activities. and domestic enterprises) and innovations - improvements. In turn, innovations - improvements, according to the subject - content structure, are divided into displacing, replacing, supplementing, improving, etc.

2.2 Management, planning and organization of innovation activities

Successful research stimulates an increase in funding, leading to the complete impossibility of further research.

Innovation management can be considered in three main aspects:

1. R&D management (the object of management is directly research and development).

2. Management of innovative projects (object of management - innovative projects).

3. Management of external conditions affecting the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative activities.

An innovation project covers the life cycle of an innovation from the moment an idea arises to the moment a product or process is discontinued. Such a project includes: R&D, mastering the production of the product and conducting trial sales, deploying mass or serial production and work on the implementation of the product, maintaining production and sales, upgrading and updating the product, stopping its production.

An innovative project is essentially an investment project, the implementation of which requires a long-term binding of fixed material and financial resources. However, in comparison with the "classical" investment project, the implementation of the innovative one is different.

1. Relatively lower reliability of preliminary economic evaluation due to the high degree of uncertainty of the project parameters (terms for achieving the set goals, upcoming costs, future income), which necessitates the use of additional evaluation and selection criteria.

2. The participation of highly qualified specialists and the use of unique resources, which, in turn, requires careful development of individual stages of the entire project.

4. The possibility of terminating an innovative project without physical binding of investments and, consequently, significant financial losses.

5. The likelihood of obtaining potential commercial value by-products, which, in turn, requires the flexibility of project management, the ability to quickly enter new business sectors, markets, etc.

The list of tasks to be solved in the process of innovation management is extremely wide. In relation to product innovations, it includes:

* market research;

* forecast duration, nature and stages of the life cycle of a new product;

* Research of conjuncture of the markets of resources.

Innovative marketing is a complex of marketing research and activities aimed at commercially successful implementation of products, technologies and services developed by the company.

Marketing in the innovation sphere has the following features:

* intersectoral nature of the result of innovation activity (ie the possibility of implementing innovations in various fields and fields of activity);

* Orientation to an experienced, sophisticated, often collective buyer;

* Mandatory after-sales service (associated with the technological complexity of science-intensive products);

* taking into account the scientific and technical level of a potential consumer, since many engineering innovations do not find a buyer due to the technological backwardness of the consumer.

Naturally, in the process of marketing research, the preliminary effectiveness of innovations is also determined, which means, first of all, economic efficiency, i.e. the ratio of costs and results of the implementation of an innovative project. Since profit is the main criterion for the activity of any enterprise, it is the indicators associated with it that should be decisive in the evaluation and selection of a project.

The effectiveness of innovations is evaluated on the basis of the following indicators:

* the cost of the project, taking into account the sources of its financing:

* net present value;

* the level of return on capital;

* internal rate of return;

* payback period of capital investments.

Innovative projects that go beyond traditional lines of business are difficult to evaluate in terms of return on investment, as they are associated with uncertainty. The problem is whether it will be possible to reduce the uncertainty of the project to risk categories, since the risk can be subject to a certain probability distribution law and therefore, in principle, be manageable.

Any risk can be quantified by the probability of an undesirable outcome occurring.

Each enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership and size characteristics, develops an innovative strategy. The main elements of the innovation strategy of the enterprise include:

Improvement of already manufactured products and applied technologies;

Creation and development of new products and processes;

Improving the quality level of the technical and technological, research and development base of the enterprise;

Improving the efficiency of using the personnel and information potential of the enterprise;

Improving the organization and management of innovation activities;

Rationalization of the resource base;

Ensuring environmental and technological safety;

Achieving competitive advantages of an innovative product in the domestic and foreign markets in comparison with products of a similar purpose.

When developing an innovation strategy, it is necessary to solve the following main problems:

Determining the type of innovation strategy that best suits the goals and market positions of the enterprise;

Ensuring compliance of the innovation strategy with the organizational structure, infrastructure and information management system at the enterprise;

Determination of success criteria at the earliest possible stages of the development of an innovative project;

Selection of the optimal procedure for monitoring and controlling the progress of the project.

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of an innovative project

In a market economy, when developing and implementing innovations, the most common is not a normative, but a project approach.

The basis of the project approach to the activities of the enterprise, including its innovation and investment activities, is the principle of cash flows (cash how). At the same time, the commercial effectiveness of activities both for the project and for the enterprise; determined on the basis of the "Methodological recommendations for evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects and their selection for financing", approved by the State Construction Committee, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance and the State Committee for Industry of the Russian Federation.

The following main performance indicators of the innovation project have been established:

* financial (commercial) efficiency, taking into account the financial implications for project participants;

* budgetary efficiency, taking into account the financial implications for budgets at all levels;

* national economic efficiency, taking into account costs and results that go beyond the direct financial interests of the project participants and allow for monetary expression.

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the project

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the project is based on a comparative analysis of the volume of proposed investments and future cash flows. Compared values ​​refer in most cases to different time periods. Therefore, the most important; the problem in this case, as well as in determining the economic efficiency of new equipment and technology, is the problem of comparing income and costs and bringing them into a comparable form. The reason for the need to conduct a discounting process (i.e., bringing it into a comparable form) may be inflation, undesirable investment dynamics, a drop in industrial production, different forecasting horizons, changes in the tax system, etc.

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the project are divided into for the group, based on:

a) on discounted estimates;

b) on accounting estimates.

Thus, the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of a project based on accounting estimates (without discounting.) Are the payback period (Pau Back Period - PP), the investment efficiency ratio (Average Rate of Return - ARR) and the debt coverage ratio, (Debt Cover Ratio - DCR ).

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of a project based on discounted estimates are much more accurate, since they take into account various types of inflation, changes in interest rates, rates of return, etc. These indicators include: the profitability index method (Profitability Index - Pl), net worth, otherwise called "net present value" (Net Present Ua1ue) and internal rate of return (Internal Rate of Return - IRR).

Traditional project evaluation methods are widely used in financial practice.

The return on investment method is very common. But its significant drawback is that it ignores the future value of money, taking into account the income of the future period and, as a result, the inapplicability of discounting. In conditions of inflation, sharp fluctuations in the interest rate, and a low rate of internal savings of an enterprise in the real Russian economy, this method is not accurate enough.

Nevertheless, attention should be paid to the methodology for calculating the investment efficiency ratio, understood as the average profitability indicator for the entire period of the project.

This ratio is calculated by dividing the average annual profit by the average annual investment. Of course, this indicator is compared with the rate of return on advanced capital (the result of the average net balance).

However, all three traditional measures based on accounting estimates do not take into account the time component of cash flows. They do not fit with factor analysis and the dynamics of cash flows in economic reality. Therefore, the most complete project can be evaluated using methods based on discounted estimates.

Chapter 3 Nanotechnology

3.1 History of development of nanotechnology.

1905 Swiss physicist Albert Einstein published a paper in which he proved that the size of a sugar molecule is approximately 1 nanometer.

1931 German physicists Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska created an electron microscope, which for the first time made it possible to study nano-objects.

1959 American physicist Richard Feynman gave his first lecture at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society, entitled "Toys on the floor of the room." He drew attention to the problems of miniaturization, which at that time was relevant in physical electronics, mechanical engineering, and computer science. This work is considered by some to be fundamental in nanotechnology, but some points of this lecture contradict the laws of physics.

1968 Alfred Cho and John Arthur, employees of the scientific division of the American company Bell, developed the theoretical foundations of nanotechnology in surface treatment.

1974 Japanese physicist Norio Taniguchi at the international conference on industrial production in Tokyo introduced the word "nanotechnology" into scientific circulation. Taniguchi used this word to describe the ultra-fine processing of materials with nanometer precision, he proposed to call it mechanisms that are less than one micron in size. In this case, not only mechanical, but also ultrasonic processing, as well as beams of various kinds (electronic, ionic, etc.) were considered.

1982 German physicists Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer created a special microscope to study objects in the nanoworld. It was given the designation SPM (Scanning Probe Microscope). This discovery was of great importance for the development of nanotechnology, as it was the first microscope capable of showing individual atoms (SPM).

1985 American physicists Robert Curl, Harold Kroto and Richard Smaley created a technology that allows you to accurately measure objects with a diameter of one nanometer.

1986 Nanotechnology has become known to the general public. American futurist Erk Drexler, a pioneer of molecular nanotechnology, published the book "Engines of Creation", in which he predicted that nanotechnology would soon begin to develop actively, postulated the possibility of using nanosized molecules to synthesize large molecules, but at the same time deeply reflected all the technical problems that are now before nanotechnology. Reading this work is essential for a clear understanding of what nanomachines can do, how they will work, and how to build them.

1989 Donald Eigler, an employee of IBM, laid out the name of his company with xenon atoms.

1998 Dutch physicist Seez Dekker created the nanotechnology-based transistor.

1999 American physicists James Tour and Mark Reed determined that a single molecule is capable of behaving in the same way as molecular chains.

year 2000. The US administration supported the creation of the National Nanotechnology Initiative. Nanotechnology research has received government funding. Then $500 million was allocated from the federal budget.

year 2001. Mark Ratner believes that nanotechnology became a part of human life in 2001. Then two significant events took place: the influential scientific journal Science called nanotechnology the “breakthrough of the year”, and the influential business magazine Forbes called it “a promising new idea”. Nowadays, in relation to nanotechnology, the expression “new industrial revolution” is periodically used.

Compositions and technology for producing new thin-film nanostructured materials based on zirconium and germanium double oxides, which have high chemical and thermal resistance and good adhesion to various substrates (silicon, glass, polycor, etc.), have been developed at Tomsk State University of Russia. The thickness of the films is from 60 to 90 nm, the size of the inclusions is 20-50 nm. The materials obtained there can be used as coatings:

Glasses (solar-protective - well transmits visible light and reflects up to 45-60% of thermal radiation, heat-shielding - reflects up to 40% of solar radiation, selectively transmitting);

lamps (increase in light output by 20-30%);

Tools (protective and hardening - increase the service life of products).

Work is also underway at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Directions of research: surface phenomena, phase transformations and the structure of condensed films. Research is carried out on films of metals and alloys (1.5 - 100 nm), obtained by condensation in vacuum on various substrates by electron microscopy (SPM), electron diffraction, as well as methods developed in the group (Gladkikh N.T., Kryshtal A.P. , Bogatyrenko S.I.)

3.2 achievements of nonotechnologies.

Liquid armor "will protect better than Kevlar?

A new type of uniform may soon appear in service with the United States, which, in terms of its protective properties and ergonomic characteristics, surpasses modern Kevlar counterparts.
The super-protection effect is achieved thanks to a special Kevlar bag filled with a solution of ultra-hard nanoparticles in a non-evaporating liquid. As soon as there is a high energy mechanical pressure on the Kevlar shell, the nanoparticles gather into clusters, changing the structure of the liquid solution, which turns into a solid composite. This phase transition occurs in less than a millisecond, which makes it possible to protect soldiers not only from a knife blow, but also from a bullet or shrapnel.

And recently, U.S. Armor Holdings, an American holding manufacturer of soldier's uniforms and body armor, licensed the technology<жидкого бронежилета>and plans to start mass production later this year.

Nanotubes in the regeneration of brain tissue and heart muscle

One of the most interesting achievements of scientists in the field of nanomedicine was the technology of repairing damaged nerve tissue using carbon nanotubes.

As experiments have shown, after implanting special matrices of nanotubes in a solution of stem cells into damaged areas of the brain, scientists found the restoration of nervous tissue already after eight weeks.
However, when using nanotubes or stem cells separately, there was no similar result. According to scientists, this discovery will help people suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Nanostructures can also help in rehabilitation therapy after acute heart disease. Thus, nanoparticles introduced into the blood vessels of mice helped restore cardiovascular activity after myocardial infarction. The principle of the method is that self-assembling polymeric nanoparticles help<запустить>natural vascular repair mechanisms.

Nanodiamonds - a new word in nanomedicine

The new nanoparticles, called nanodiamonds by scientists, could be used to efficiently transport healthy genes to diseased body cells, Nano Digest reports. Nanodiamonds are less toxic to the body than carbon nanotubes and are completely biocompatible. According to scientists, their discovery may become one of the promising methods of combating serious diseases, including cancer.

In modern medicine, the most commonly used method of transporting genes with the help of viruses, which in the course of evolution have developed very effective mechanisms for penetrating the cell. The reverse side of this method is the possibility of developing cancerous processes or even cell death.

Another delivery method is based on the use of polymer shells, which are less dangerous, but also much worse penetrating into cells. According to the researchers, nanodiamonds, which are easily dispersed in water and just as easily penetrate into cells, will help solve the problem of gene transport, without causing irritation inside it. Now the team of scientists is developing multifunctional nanodiamonds that can be used for imaging and subsequent drug delivery.

Nanotechnology will save world culture

If until now it was necessary to carry out the most complex operations to remove dust and dirt from ancient paintings, now the works of the masters will be cleaned without harm to art. The revolutionary method was developed on the basis of nanotechnologies, which today find application in the most unexpected areas.
Although nanotechnologies began to develop relatively long ago, until recently they remained in the shadows, as if gaining strength in order to declare themselves at the top of their voices. Today, the new industry is of increased public interest.
Nanotechnology operates with the smallest particles, the dimensions of which do not exceed thousands of nanometers (ten to the ninth meters). It is difficult to predict all the possibilities that new technology will provide us with - effective drugs, unique materials, miniature devices, and, as it turns out, this is not the limit.
Chemist Piero Baglioni from the University of Florence has developed a new method for cleaning works of art. Until now, even the most sensitive modern cleaning methods were accompanied by numerous problems - now all of them will be eliminated. This requires a sponge, a special gel and, oddly enough, a magnet.
Many current methods lead to slow deterioration of paintings. When removing stains, museum workers, despite their best efforts, often leave particles of cleaning agents on the picture.
Piero Baglioni claims to have found a way to solve these problems with a cleaning gel that can be removed with a magnet. "Our development will replace the old method," said Baglioni.
The gel consists mainly of a polymer (polyethylene glycol and acrylamide) impregnated with iron nanoparticles. In the course of work, the painting is cleaned with special detergents, then the place of contamination is covered with a new gel, which absorbs all the remnants of the cleaning agent from the surface of the painting.
The last step is to act on the gel, which is easily removed from the surface of the painting with a conventional magnet without destroying the work of art. Thus, nanotechnologies will make it possible to preserve the cultural heritage for our descendants.

Microorganisms can produce nanotechnology

Can't we live for one day without hearing anything about bacteria and viruses? Maybe not, but we want to hear good news. Our use of the term "microscopic" is not likely to stop, and its use when talking about nanotechnology is just another example.

In 2004, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin tried to use the once-popular E. coli bacterium to create superconducting nanocrystals that may soon appear in a new generation of computers, optical PCs.

Tiny optical computers of the future may use optical signals instead of electronic ones to process data, and superconducting nanocrystals created by bacteria will act as light-emitting diodes (LEDS) needed to drive optical signals.

Viruses can also be obtained in nanotechnology laboratories. In 2006, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology tackled the problem of making small bacterial viruses or bacteriophages (viruses that can infect bacteria) to create nanowires that can be used in lithium ion nanobatteries.

Some nanomaterials can build themselves

The following example of the use of nanotechnology is perhaps one of the most impressive demonstrations of the potential of nanotechnology. Under certain conditions, molecules can grow and in the process are able to acquire various configurations (depending on their charge and other natural properties of molecular chemistry).

This simple process makes it possible to believe that self-assembling microcomputers are no longer science fiction.

Examples of complex self-formations are quite common. A group of Swedish researchers have literally grown nanowires by building a complex nanotree, which they plan to equip with solar "leaves" and get a kind of solar nanobattery.

In addition to facilitating fabrication, the real advantage of "growing" nanomaterials is that they remain homogeneous and are not affected by the inhomogeneities that can occur during the normal fabrication process.

A potential stumbling block could be the concern of those who fear that the process of self-assembly may become uncontrollable, leading humanity to the way it is shown in the Terminator trilogy.

3.3 Nanotechnology perspectives

1. Medicine. Creation of molecular robotic doctors that would "live" inside the human body, eliminating or preventing all damage, including genetic ones.
Implementation period - the first half of the XXI century.

2. Gerontology. Achieving personal immortality of people through the introduction of molecular robots into the body that prevent cell aging, as well as restructuring and improving the tissues of the human body. Revival and cure of those hopelessly ill people who were currently frozen by cryonics methods.
Implementation period: third - fourth quarters of the XXI century.
3. Industry. Replacing traditional production methods with molecular robots assembling commodities directly from atoms and molecules.
The implementation period is the beginning of the 21st century.

4. Agriculture. Replacement of natural food producers (plants and animals) with similar functional complexes of molecular robots.
They will reproduce the same chemical processes that occur in a living organism, but in a shorter and more efficient way. For example, from the chain
"soil - carbon dioxide - photosynthesis - grass - cow - milk" all unnecessary links will be removed. Will remain "soil - carbon dioxide - milk
(cottage cheese, butter, meat)". Such "agriculture" will not depend on weather conditions and will not need hard physical labor. And its productivity will be enough to solve the food problem once and for all.

The implementation period is the second - fourth quarter of the XXI century.
5. Biology. It will become possible to introduce nanoelements into a living organism at the atomic level. The consequences can be very different - from
"restoration" of extinct species to the creation of new types of living beings, biorobots.

6. Ecology. Complete elimination of the harmful effects of human activity on the environment. Firstly, by saturating the ecosphere with molecular orderly robots that turn human waste into raw materials, and secondly, by transferring industry and agriculture to waste-free nanotechnological methods.
Implementation period: mid-21st century.

7. Space exploration. Apparently, the exploration of space in the "usual" order will be preceded by its exploration by nanorobots. A huge army of molecular robots will be released into near-Earth outer space and prepare it for human settlement - make the Moon, asteroids, the nearest planets habitable, build space stations from "improvised materials" (meteorites, comets). It will be much cheaper and safer than the current methods.

8. Cybernetics. There will be a transition from the currently existing planar structures to volumetric microcircuits, the size of active elements will decrease to the size of molecules. The operating frequencies of computers will reach terahertz values.
Schematic solutions based on neuron-like elements will become widespread.
High-speed long-term memory based on protein molecules will appear, the capacity of which will be measured in terabytes. will become possible
"resettlement" of human intelligence in the computer.
Implementation period: the first - the second quarter of the XXI century.

9. Reasonable living environment. By injecting logical nano-elements into all attributes environment it will become "reasonable" and extremely comfortable for a person.
Implementation period: after the XXI century.


Innovative activity - a type of activity associated with the transformation of innovation ideas into a new improved product introduced on the market; into a new or improved technological process used in practice; into a new approach to social services.

The following main types of innovative activities are distinguished: instrumental preparation and organization of production, start-up of production and production development, including product and process modifications, retraining of personnel for the use of new technologies and equipment, marketing of new products; acquisition of intangible technology in the form of patents, licenses, know-how, trademarks, designs, models and services of technological content; purchase of machinery or equipment related to the introduction of innovations; production design necessary for the development, production and marketing of new goods, services; reorganization of the management structure.

The choice of the method and direction of innovative activity of an enterprise depends on the resource and scientific and technical potential of the enterprise, market requirements, stages of the life cycle of equipment and technology, and features of industry affiliation.

When designing, developing and implementing innovations, it is necessary to determine the necessary costs for their implementation, possible sources of financing, evaluate the economic efficiency of innovations, compare the effectiveness of various innovations by comparing income and costs.


1. Gruzinov V.P., Gribov V.D. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2006.

2. Gruzinov V.P. Enterprise Economics: A Textbook for High Schools. – M.: Unity-DANA, 2005.

3. Sergeev I.V. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. – M.: Finance and statistics, 2007.

4. Sheremet A.D. Theory of economic analysis: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006.

5. Economics of the enterprise: Textbook. / Ed. Safronova N.A. - M .: "Jurist", 2006.

6. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. / Ed. Semenova V.M. - M .: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2006.

7. Economics of the enterprise: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, E.M. Kupryakova. – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007.

8. Economic theory: Textbook for university students / Ed. Kamaeva V.D. – M.: VLADOS, 2008.

Methodology for calculating economic efficiency

The main indicators of economic efficiency of the introduction of new technology.

The main indicators of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology include the following:

1) annual economic effect from the introduction of new technology;

2) the efficiency of one-time costs for the creation of new technology;

3) the payback period of one-time costs for the creation of new technology.

These indicators can be both expected, allowing to judge the economic efficiency of the new equipment planned for use, and actual, evaluating the effectiveness of existing equipment.

The concept and methods for determining the annual economic effect from the introduction of new technology.

The economic effect can be defined as the difference between the reduced costs before and after the introduction of new technology.

For example, if an automated system is implemented instead of a manual system for working with equipment, then the difference in the reduced costs is determined accordingly between the automated and manual systems. In this case, the cost of the basic option includes only the current costs of the basic technology:

Labor costs of employees working on new equipment;

Current material costs (energy costs, equipment maintenance);

Depreciation of fixed assets used by new equipment.

If new equipment is introduced instead of the old one, then the difference in the reduced costs is determined between the costs of the new and old equipment.

The costs of introducing new technology include:

Current material costs;

One-time costs for the creation of new technology.

If a new technique is being introduced at a newly created enterprise, then it is possible to compare the projected costs at this enterprise (organization) with the standard cost options at similar enterprises (organizations) or with the cost options of possible firms involved in the introduction of technology (performing firms) 5 .

Total Implementation Costs new technology are determined by the indicator of reduced costs, which is calculated by the formula:

Zp \u003d C + EnK, where

Zp - reduced costs;

C - current costs;

En is the normative coefficient of economic efficiency of one-time costs;

K - one-time costs (capital investments).

Current (operational) costs are repeated in production cycles, they are carried out synchronously with production activities and constitute the cost of products or services. Operating costs are calculated as a sum per year.

One-time costs include:

a) non-capital costs

b) capital costs

The normative coefficient of efficiency of one-time costs is considered as the normative profit that should be received from the introduction of technology. The size of the standard coefficient of efficiency of one-time costs is closely related to their payback period.

Costs are the sum of current and one-time costs reduced to a single size using the standard coefficient of economic efficiency.

To determine the economic effect of the introduction of new technology, it is necessary to compare the reduced costs of the base and proposed options. For this purpose, the annual economic effect indicator is used, which can be represented by the following calculation methods:

the base variant is zero, and the implemented variant is indicated by one.

In general, the formula can be expressed as follows:

E \u003d Eg - En * K, where

E - annual economic effect (annual economic profit);

Eg - annual savings (profit) caused by the introduction of technology;

K - one-time costs associated with the purchase of equipment;

E is the rate of return (normative profit) (normative efficiency ratio).

The annual economic effect is an absolute indicator of efficiency. The system is considered efficient if E > 0.

Comparison of the value of the annual economic effect for various options makes it possible to choose the most effective option for the introduction of technology with the smallest amount of annual reduced costs or with the largest annual economic effect.

The concept of efficiency and methods for determining the effectiveness of one-time costs.

The performance indicator is a relative value that compares results with costs.

Definition of efficiency:

k - the cost of modernizing equipment.

The one-time cost effectiveness is calculated as the ratio of the difference between the current costs of the base and proposed options to the sum of the one-time costs of the proposed option.

In the conditions of a modern market economy, each area of ​​business has its own value of the rate of return (efficiency ratio), the size of which is set in excess of the bank rate and therefore is not a constant value 6 .

Payback period of one-time costs.

Of great importance is the determination of the time during which all one-time costs associated with the introduction of new technology will fully pay off. The payback period is the reciprocal of the efficiency ratio.

Payback period determination:


Calculation of economic efficiency digital

printing machine

Here is a calculation of the economic efficiency of investments in a digital printing complex, which was acquired by the State Unitary Enterprise PPP Nauka Printing House of the ARC RAS. The complex includes a Xerox DocuTech-6155 digital printing machine complete with a scanning and layout station, as well as a Zechini finishing line, including folding, a mini-binder and a cutting machine.

This equipment was purchased by the printing house at its own expense. As a result of the financial analysis of the company's balance sheet, it turned out that the purchase of expensive equipment led to a deterioration in the financial structure and a lack of funds. Under these conditions, the management of the printing house sold part of the equipment under a leaseback scheme. This made it possible to actually keep the production equipment at the enterprise and obtain significant funds at its disposal. However, it is clear that the funds received are borrowed capital, for the use of which the printing house will have to pay the leasing company in the future.

To assess the effectiveness of the acquisition of "Digital Printing House" under a leasing scheme, a model of an investment project was built, which is valid for the life of the equipment specified in the financial lease (leasing) agreement. The idea of ​​building the model was to calculate the net present value for separate time intervals during the implementation of the investment project. Some of the approaches developed to evaluate the effectiveness of investments from the implementation of the CTcP system were used in the calculations.

It was advisable to take the time interval in the calculations equal to a calendar month, since, firstly, leasing payments and income tax payments are made monthly, and secondly, this choice is explained by the short duration of the investment project (4 years) and the necessary accuracy of determining the term payback.

For each month, the proceeds from the sale of products for the project were calculated by multiplying the average monthly number of produced accounting units of products by the average price of the accounting unit. In this case, it was convenient to take an A3 sheet, sealed on one side, the so-called "click" as an accounting unit. This is convenient, firstly, because the DocuTech-6155 digital press is equipped with a counter that determines the number of printed clicks; secondly, the main part of the production is single-fold folded and stitched sheets of A3 format; thirdly, the contract with Xerox provides certain payments for each click printed on this equipment.

The cost of production was calculated as follows. Monthly expenses for wages and UST of workers servicing the machine were summed up; payments to Xerox for printed clicks; monthly service by the service department of the equipment supplier, including refueling the machine with consumables and current repairs. Then the amount received was adjusted taking into account the average percentage of general production and general business expenses for the printing house, and when calculating this percentage, payments under the leasing agreement were deducted from the sum of general production and general business expenses to eliminate double counting. The final cost was calculated by adding the payments under the finance lease agreement to the result.

Net present profit for each month is calculated by discounting the net profit at the start of the investment project, i.e. the difference between sales income and the cost of printing works, reduced by the amount of income tax.

The net present value of a capital project is equal to the sum of the net present benefits over the lifetime of the equipment. At the same time, we note that when using a leaseback scheme to replenish the finances of an enterprise, depreciation deductions for operated equipment and property tax payments fall on the leasing company, and therefore are included in the amount of lease payments.

An analysis of investments in the equipment complex “Digital Printing House” of the State Unitary Enterprise PPP “Nauka”, financed under the leaseback scheme, showed that the project is effective. Net present income amounted to 2857 thousand rubles; yield index 1.397; payback period 24 months.

Calculations were made based on the actual download and cost per click, however, in addition to these data, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​how the economic efficiency of an investment project will change depending on various factors, primarily download and cost per click. Such information is needed so that the printing house has information about its capabilities and can use them with the greatest benefit.

Therefore, using the Microsoft Excel program, a table was constructed for calculating the reduced profits for the life of the equipment. This made it possible to model the investment project in terms of its economic efficiency, depending on the most significant factors, such as equipment loading and the price of finished products in this market sector.

In order to identify ways to increase the return on investment, the dependence of the value of net present value on the price of printing works performed on a digital printing press was built. On fig. Figure 1 shows two such dependencies at equipment load of 60 and 80%, allowing to assess the level of current return on investment in "digital printing" depending on the average market prices in this market segment.

Rice. 1. Net present value of investment at current and one-third more utilization

In particular, when the equipment is used by 60%, the point of zero profitability corresponds to an average price of 0.83 rubles. per accounting unit. With an increase in equipment load by a third, the critical price decreases to the level of 0.67 rubles. in one click. If the average market price is one ruble, then with an increase in utilization from 60 to 80%, the net present value of capital investments will increase not by 20% or 30%, but by more than 2.5 times.

For the purposes of planning activities to attract orders, a graph of the dependence of the net present investment income on the number of A3 format sheets per month was built (Fig. 2). The two sharp declines in the profitability of the project, shown in this figure, are due to the need to switch at a given level of workload to another shift of personnel work. This schedule allows the printer to determine the minimum number of orders to attract to maintain the profitability of the project at a given level. For example, it can be seen from it that, under the accepted conditions, it is unacceptable to reduce output below 750 thousand sheets. A3 format per month; to receive net present value for the project in the amount of 5 million rubles. it is necessary to issue monthly at least 1 million sheets.-ott. A3 format.

Rice. 2. Net present income depending on the number of sheets.-ott. A3 format per month

Very useful information to manage the investment project are data on the dependence of the payback period of the equipment on the load. For the considered capital project, they are shown in fig. 3, from which it can be seen that the payback of the project increases sharply with an increase in equipment load during two-shift operation, i.e., each new completed order significantly increases the efficiency of the entire project. So, with an increase in the useful time of the equipment from 60 to 80% per shift with two-shift operation (i.e., from 120 to 160% of the time of one shift), the payback period will be almost halved, from 40 to 21 months.

Rice. 3. Equipment payback period

Production capacity utilization in the printing industry is subject to significant seasonal fluctuations. At a low level of utilization, it is important to know what price will provide the minimum acceptable payback period. To determine the cost of a click depending on the load of the equipment, diagrams were constructed for the payback periods corresponding to the service life of the equipment, i.e. the life of the project and the duration of the leasing agreement (Fig. 4). It can be seen from the diagram that it is advisable to set the minimum price for an accounting unit of production depending on the actual load in the corridor between the two lines of extreme payback options for the project. For example, when loading a digital printing machine 120% of the time of one shift (which means working in two shifts with a load of 60% for each shift), the minimum price should not be less than 85 93 kopecks. per sheet.-ott. A3 format.

Rice. 4. The minimum average price of an accounting unit of production with payback during the life of the equipment and the term of the leasing agreement

The calculation showed that for SUE PPP "Printing House" Nauka "the optimal scheme for financing large investment projects for the purchase of equipment was leasing. To sum up, it is necessary to remind once again that digital presses pay off only at a high level of utilization. Before purchasing expensive technological equipment, it is necessary to calculate various options for financing the transaction, such as raising own funds, a loan, or using a leasing scheme 7 .

List of used literature

    Boikov V.P. Economics of the printing company: 2nd ed., revised. and additional Publishing house "PETERSBURG INSTITUTE OF PRINTING", 2004

    Margolin A. Calculation of the economic efficiency of the implementation of the CTcP UV-Setter system.//Polygraphy. 2003. No. 3. S. 19─21.

    Popova T.K., Kusmartseva N.V. Guidelines for calculating economic efficiency. M.: 2007

    Problems of the economy and progressive technologies in the textile, light and printing industries: Sat. tr. graduate students and doctoral students. - St. Petersburg.
    Issue. 5: Days of Science 2003. - 2003.- p.65.

    Stepanova G.N. Strategy for the development of printing enterprises: (conceptual and methodological aspects) /G. N. Stepanova; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, Moscow. state un-t printing. - M.: MGUP, 2004.- p.22.

    Trofimova L. Economic indicators used to assess the effectiveness of the enterprise. //Auditor. – 2005 - No. 9


1 http://www.citybusines.ru/biznes-plan/izdatelskijj-biznes-i-poligrafija/favicon.ico

2 Boykov V.P. Economics of the printing company: 2nd ed., revised. and additional Publishing house "PETERSBURG INSTITUTE OF PRINTING", 2004

3 Stepanova G.N. Strategy for the development of printing enterprises: (conceptual and methodological aspects) /G. N. Stepanova; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, Moscow. state un-t printing. - M.: MGUP, 2004.- p.22.

4 Problems of the economy and progressive technologies in the textile, light and printing industries: Sat. tr. graduate students and doctoral students. - St. Petersburg.
Issue. 5: Days of Science 2003. - 2003.- p.65.

5 Popova T.K., Kusmartseva N.V. Guidelines for calculating economic efficiency. M.: 2007

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    discipline: "Enterprise Economics"

    Subject : " Economic efficiency to efficiency of introducing new technologies"


    The actual topic of this course work is economic e f the effectiveness of the introduction of new technologies, which are essentially the following d effect of scientific and technological progress (STP). Any enterprise cannot have a good prospect if it does not constantly implement the results of scientific and technical progress, because. the quality of products, the costs of its production and sale, the volume of sales and the value of the resulting pr and were. As a result, each enterprise faces the problem of increasing the economic efficiency of introducing new technologies. To do this, the enterprise should carry out forecasting and planning for the introduction of new technologies (measures of scientific and technological progress) based on the developed strategy for the development of the enterprise for the long term. R perspective, taking into account real financial possibilities.

    The purpose of this work is to study the main indicators of economic about the scientific effectiveness of the implementation of scientific and technical progress activities, which immediately d directly indicate the result of the event.

    The tasks were set as follows:

    1. To study the essence of scientific and technological progress;
    2. Familiarize yourself with the scientific and technical policy;
    3. Justify the types of effects of scientific and technological progress;
    4. To get acquainted with the methods of forecasting and planning scientific and technological progress in the enterprise;
    5. Justify the effectiveness of scientific and technical progress;
    6. Suggest a method for calculating the economic efficiency of introducing new technologies.

    Chapter 1. Scientific and technological progress as a factor influencing the introduction of new technologies ology

    1.1. The essence of scientific and technical progress with sa

    In the educational and special literature there is no unambiguous interpretation of the essence about sti of scientific and technological progress (STP) and scientific and technological revolution(NTR).

    Based on the generalization of literary sources, the following definitions of these concepts can be given. and yam.

    Scientific and technological progress is a continuous process of improvement a tools and objects of labor, technology, organization of production and trade at yes on the basis (based) of achievements on at ki.

    The concept of scientific and technical progress is broader in its content than the concept of scientific and technological revolution. H a scientific and technological revolution is an integral part and the highest art at Stump NTP. Scientific and technological revolutions are fundamental changes in science and technology that have a significant impact on social production. t in.

    Thus, the scientific and technological revolution is an integral and more significant part of the scientific and technological progress. If scientific and technical progress can develop both on evolutionary and on roar about rational basis, then the NTR is a jump-like about cess.

    A possible graphic representation of the essence of scientific and technical progress is shown in fig. 1.1. (see appendix 1)

    The essence of scientific and technological progress most clearly characterizes the spiral (option "b"), where the spiral itself is the scientific and technical progress, and each of its turns is the scientific and technological revolution at a certain stage of the development of society. t va.

    In addition to the concepts of scientific and technical progress and scientific and technological revolution, in the literature in recent years, such a concept as “innovation” is quite common. a tion.

    "Innovation" is synonymous with innovation, or novelty. According to def e division given in the "Concept of the innovation policy of the Russian Federal e walkie-talkie for 1998-2000”, “Innovation is the end result of innovative activity, which has been implemented in the form of a new or improved about product on the market, new or improved X nological process used in practical activities about sti.

    Innovation is closely related to scientific and technological progress, being, according to at ty, its result. Innovative activity is an activity aimed at the use and commercialization of the results of scientific and with research and development to expand and update the range and h improving the quality of products (goods, services), improving the technology of their manufacture, followed by mandatory implementation and f effective implementation, both in the domestic and foreign foreign markets n kah. I n investment activity associated with capital investments in innovation is called investment and innovation activity. about stu.

    The acceleration of scientific and technical progress is of the greatest economic and social importance for any state in the world. Perhaps there is no such a more powerful and strong fa to torus, which would have such a significant impact on all economic and social b processes, which is acc about rhenium NTP.

    Acceleration of scientific and technical progress is the main o howl for:

    • increasing the efficiency of social production;
    • raising the technical level of production and ensuring show jumping n the ability of domestic about induction;
    • ensuring an appropriate image of the state at the donation;
    • implementation of positive structural shifts in the economic about nomics;
    • improving the structure of the domestic expo rta;
    • improving the material well-being of citizens of the Russian Federation and e other social oh blem.

    Based on this significance of the acceleration of scientific and technical progress, an adequate d move towards solving this problem at all levels in nyah.

    1.2. Scientific and technical floor and teak

    Knowledge of the factors and the mechanism of their impact on the acceleration of scientific and technical progress is the basis for its management. But this is not enough. To manage NTP neo b We take an integrated approach, i.e. taking into account the influence of all factors. At the same time, all factors must be structured according to the strength of the impact on scientific and technical progress and take into account s prioritize those that have the most significant impact I don't.

    First of all, the state, on the basis of knowledge of the factors and their mechanism in h actions should not only create favorable conditions for all actors to economic activities in the field of accelerating scientific and technical progress, but also with their purposeful s we and concrete actions to contribute to this process with su.

    To do this, the state must have and implement a single state n scientific and technical about the lit.

    The unified state scientific and technical policy is the most important tool and lever in the hands of the state for managing scientific and technical progress in the necessary about the dim direction.

    At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the rise of the national economy, both in the short term and especially in the long term, is hardly possible without progress in science, engineering, technology, organization of production, etc. y yes.

    Among domestic scientists there is no single approach to the essence of a unified state at gift science and technology policy, although everyone recognizes its significance and bridge and necessity. For example, in the literature on scientific and technical with su gives the following definition of the essence of a unified science h but-technical policy: "a unified scientific and technical policy - a system of goals e targeted measures to ensure the comprehensive development of science and technology and the implementation of their results in the national economy. On its basis, the acceleration of scientific and technical progress is achieved - the main lever for increasing the efficiency of public about production, transfer of the economy to the rails of a comprehensive intensification and tsii.

    Such a definition as a whole reveals the essence of a unified scientific and technological policy, but, in our opinion, it is overly general. to ter.

    In the Federal Law of August 23, 1996 No. 127-FZ "On Science and the State R natural science and technology policy” in Art. 2 the essence of the State scientific and technical policy is interpreted as follows: “The state n na na scientific and technical policy is an integral part of the socio-economic field and tics, which expresses the attitude of the state to the scientific and scientific and technical de I activity, determines the goals, directions, forms of activity of state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of science, technology and research and implementation of the achievements of science and technology and ki."

    The main goals of the state scientific and technical policy are I are: development, rational allocation and effective use of science h but-technical potential, increasing the contribution of science and technology to the development of the state economy, transformation in the field of material production d improvement of its efficiency and competitiveness of products, improvement of the environmental situation and protection of the security of the individual, society and the state, strengthening the relationship between science and about vanity.

    Based on the study of literary sources on the problem under study, it can be concluded that the essence of the unit has not been developed. and scientific and technological policy at the enterprise level and yati.

    The scientific and technical policy at the enterprise should be aimed primarily at solving the following problems:

    • raising the technical level of production about dstva;
    • improvement of the organization of production and y yes;
    • ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise, etc. about induction;
    • rational use of all available resources in the pre d acceptance;
    • increase in production efficiency about dstva;
    • ensuring a stable good financial condition of the pre d acceptance in the current situation and in the future to tiwa.

    The impact of the ongoing scientific and technological policy on the technical state I the enterprise can be characterized by the following indicators whether:

    • the share of competitive products in the total volume of start s;
    • level of mechanization and automation a tions of work and labor;
    • share of products manufactured on the basis of progressive technology about logy, in its total volume;
    • level of physical and obsolescence of machinery and equipment a nia;
    • the amount of capital investments in dynamics allocated for the reconstruction to production and technical re-equipment of production, modernization of equipment a nia;
    • level of organization of production and tr y yes.

    From all this, we can conclude that the main goal of the development and real and scientific and technological policy is to obtain the maximum and there were also an increase in the value of the company based on the introduction of new equipment and technologies. about gii, improving the organization of production and labor, i.e., on the basis of about increase production efficiency dstva.

    1.3. Types of effects of scientific and technological progress

    It is known that scientific and technical progress has the most significant impact on the economic e sky and social processes in society, but the mechanism of this influence in science h insufficiently studied literature h but.

    AT general plan acceleration of scientific and technical progress creates several types of effects: about nomic, resource, technical, informational and social b ny (see Appendix 2)

    Economic effect.The introduction of new equipment and technology, the improvement of the organization of production and labor at the enterprise lead to the emergence of an economic effect in the form of: increasing output, improving its quality, increasing labor productivity, reducing the material consumption of products, increasing capital productivity and other positions and positive economic phenomena, and in the end they all lead to a decrease e reducing the cost of production and increasing profits at the enterprise.

    resource effect.This type of effect could be attributed to the about nomic, but due to its importance and significance, it is allocated to the department b ny. It has long been known that the acceleration of STP leads to the release of d acceptance of material, labor and financial resources. Basically it is d about achieved through the automation of production and the introduction of resource saving Yu shchi equipment and technol about gee.

    technical effect- this is the emergence of new equipment and technology, discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals, know-how and other innovations.

    Information effectassociated with electronization and possibly about ability to accumulate and use information in production and management in lazy activity. Famous expression: "Who owns the information and her, he owns the whole world” most fully expresses the essence of the information effect. The information effect is associated primarily with the advent of computers, including computers. b Yuterov.

    social effect.It can be either positive or negative but body.

    The positive social effect can be attributed to: e real and cult R higher standard of living of citizens; better satisfaction of their needs for goods and services; improvement of conditions and safety equipment about labor sti; reduction in the proportion of heavy manual labor; educator promotion b nogo qualification of citizens, etc. But the basis for the material and zation of the social effect is to increase the efficiency of production.

    It should be noted that all types of NTP effects are closely interconnected.

    If modern scientific and technological revolution is not properly managed, then fuss can to zero and negative social consequences: creating weapons of mass production about damage, environmental pollution, extinction of the animal world, mon about labor intensity, sedentary lifestyle, etc.

    For a better understanding of the impact of the acceleration of scientific and technological progress on the technical, economic and financial results of the enterprise, it is necessary to know the mechanism of this about th influence, which is schematically presented in Fig. 1.3. (See Appendix 3). Acceleration of scientific and technical progress in an enterprise is possible only on the basis of its materialization. and tsii.

    Directions for the materialization of scientific and technical progress at the enterprise can be:

    • outside introduction of new equipment and technology;
    • reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production;
    • improvement of the organization of production and labor;
    • improvement of the regulatory framework;
    • modernization of machinery and equipment;
    • implementation of a quality management system;
    • release of new products;
    • introduction of rationalization proposals and inventions, etc.

    The materialization of scientific and technical progress in the enterprise ultimately leads to:

    • increasing the capital-labor ratio and technical equipment of labor;
      • increase in the coefficient of mechanization and automation of labor;
      • increase in the coefficient of mechanization and automation of work;
      • improving the technical parameters of products;
      • increase the rhythm of production;
      • deepening the specialization and cooperation of production.

    In turn, improving the technical and organizational

    levels of production creates economic, resource, social and other types of effects, which is the basis for improving the efficiency of production dstva, i.e. for:

    increase labor productivity and reduce labor intensity products;

    reducing the material consumption of products;

    increase in return on assets;

    profitability growth;

    Improving the efficiency of capital investments.

    The consequence of increasing production efficiency is the improvement of the financial condition of the enterprise and, on this basis, the expansion of production. d at an even higher scientific and technical level.

    Chapter 2. Forecasting, planning and effectiveness of scientific and technological progress

    2.1. Forecasting and planning of scientific and technological progress at the enterprise

    Foreign and domestic practice has long proved that enterprises, especially large and medium ones, cannot count on success without systematic e Russian forecasting and planning of scientific and technical progress. In general, forecasting d is a scientifically substantiated prediction of the development of socio-economic and scientific and technological trends.

    Scientific and technical forecast - a reasonable probabilistic assessment of the R the prospect of development of certain areas of science, engineering and technology, as well as the resources and organizational measures required for this. Forecasting scientific and technical progress at the enterprise makes it possible, as it were, to I look into the future and see what are the most likely changes in the field of applied technology and ki and technology, as well as in manufactured products and how this will affect co n enterprise competitiveness.

    Forecasting scientific and technical progress at an enterprise is, in fact, finding the most probable and promising ways for the development of an enterprise in the technical field. a sti.

    The object of forecasting can be: equipment, technology and their parameters, organization of production and labor, enterprise management, new products, required finances, research, training of scientific personnel, etc. According to the content, forecasts are distinguished:

    the emergence of fundamentally new discoveries and inventions;

    areas of use of already made discoveries;

    the emergence of new structures, machines, equipment, technologies and their distribution e niya in production.

    In terms of time, forecasts can be short-term (up to 2-3 years), medium-term h nye (up to 5-7 years), long-term (up to 15-20 years).

    It is very important that the company achieve continuity of forecast and i.e. the availability of all time projections, which must be periodically reviewed, h stretch and extend.

    Domestic and foreign practice has about 150 different methods. about forecast development, but in practice the most widely used and Do the following methods:


    expert assessments;


    essence extrapolation methodconsists in extending the patterns that have developed in science and technology in the pre-forecast period to the future. Ned about The disadvantage of this method is that it does not take into account many facts about ditch that may appear in the forecast period.

    Methods expert assessmentsbased on statistical processing etc about predictive estimates obtained by interviewing highly qualified specialists a sheets in the relevant b lasts.

    There are several methods of expert assessments.Individual anke Integral polling allows you to to clarify the independent opinion of experts. Method"delphi" involves conducting a secondary survey after the experts about crumple with initial estimates their colleagues. At close enough in in the fall of opinions, the “image” of the problem is expressed using average ratings. group method forecasting is based on a preliminary discussion of the "tree of goals" and the development of collective estimates by the relevant Komi with these.

    Various forecasting methods based on modeling : logical, informational and mathematical-statistical. These forecasting methods a niya at enterprises are not widely used mainly because of their complexity and the lack of necessary information.

    In general, the forecast a NTP includes:

    establishment of the forecast object;

    choice of forecasting method;

    development of the forecast itself and its verification (probabilistic assessment).

    After forecasting, the process of planning scientific and technical progress at the enterprise begins. When developing it, the following principles must be adhered to:

    • Priority . This principle means that the plan must include the most important and promising areas of scientific and technical progress, provided for in the about gnosis, the implementation of which will provide the enterprise with significant savings and economic and social benefits not only for the nearest period of time, but also for the future. Compliance with the principle of priority follows from the limited and p e resources in the enterprise;
    • Planning continuity. The essence of this principle lies in the fact that the enterprise should develop short-term, medium e urgent and long-term plans for scientific and technical progress, which would follow from each other, which is both with bakes the realization of this principle;
    • End-to-end planning.All components of the "science-production" cycle should be planned, and not its individual components. As you know, the cycle "science - production" consists of the following elements: n tal research; exploratory research; applied research a nia; design development; creation of a prototype; tech about logical preparation of production; launch of new products and their circulation and ing. In full, this principle can be implemented only in large enterprises, where it is possible to implement all qi. to la "science - production dstvo ";
    • The complexity of planning.The STP plan should be closely linked with each other. and mi sections of the plan for the economic and social development of the enterprise: the production program, the capital investment plan, the plan for labor and personnel, the plan for cost and profit, the financial plan. At the same time, an NTP plan is first developed, and then the remaining sections of the plan for the economic and social development of the enterprise;
    • Economic feasibility and availability of resources.The STP plan should include only economically feasible activities (i.e., beneficial to the enterprise) and provided with the necessary resources. D about Quite often, this most important principle of planning scientific and technical progress is not respected, and hence its poor realizability.

    For the economic justification of the introduction of new equipment and technology, the release of new products to tion at the enterprise should develop a business plan. It is needed not only to work t The company's specialists were convinced of the profitability of a particular project, but also to attract investors, especially foreign ones, if the company does not have or does not have enough own funds for real and position of a profitable project.

    The main method of planning scientific and technical progress at the enterprise is the program m multi-target method.

    Sections of the NTP plan depend on the current situation at the enterprise, which n specific needs of predictive estimates and the availability of own and borrowed resources.

    The STP plan at the enterprise may consist of the following sections.

    1. Implementation of scientific and technical programs.
    2. Introduction of new equipment and technology.
    3. The introduction of computers.
    4. Improving the organization of production and labor.
    5. Sale and purchase of patents, licenses, know-how.
    6. Plan for standardization and metrological support.

    Improving the quality and ensuring the competitiveness of products to tsiya.

    Implementation of research and development projects a bot.

    Economic substantiation of the NTP plan.

    The STP plan may include other sections, since strict regulations n There is no ration on the number and title of sections.

    2.2. The effectiveness of scientific and technological progress

    The effectiveness of scientific and technological progress - the degree of achievement of c e whether scientific and technical progress, measured by the ratio of the effect to the costs that caused it.

    Performance indicator - a quantitative meter, the value of k about which ensures the effectiveness of innovations. The NTP effect is its p e result, a specific product of innovation, which is an organic e an integral part and basis of the production effect.

    The effects of scientific and technical progress differ in content, level and stages of the process. with sa. According to the content, informational (scientific and technical), eq about economic, resource-environmental and social effects of scientific and technological progress.

    The informational effect of STP is a direct result of research about research, development and development of innovations related to the accumulation of about knowledge, advanced technical and organizational experience and labor about skills. It develops the scientific, scientific, technical and intellectual potential of society, individual labor collectives and regions.

    The economic effect of scientific and technological progress is the result of the use and distribution a innovations expressed in the growth of the final society n product and national income. Three types of economic effect can be distinguished: saving social labor with satisfaction e needs (reducing the cost of a unit of useful effect, operating costs, specific capital investments), volumetric and str to tour effect. Volumetric economic effect is associated with satisfied and the volume of new social needs and the increase on this basis of the volume e ma implementation. Creation of new, more productive machines b ray h our satisfaction with the volume of production.

    The structural economic effect is due to shifts in the distribution e resource sharing between industries, regions and areas of application of tr y yes.

    The resource effect of scientific and technological progress is related to its ability to compensate for the deficit. t resources of the national economy, release them for expanded about izvod d and also involve previously unused resources in circulation. Its indicators are the release of labor, savings and replacement of scarce materials and raw materials, as well as the involvement in the national economy n ny turnover of new resources. The complexity of the use of raw materials is closely I busy with resources. Ecological effect of scientific and technological progress - change in the state of the environment in a living environment.

    The social effect of scientific and technical progress is to create more favorable conditions for the use of the creative forces of workers for a comprehensive development h personality development. This is manifested in the improvement of working conditions and labor protection, with about reduction of heavy physical labor, increase in free time, about raising the material and cultural standard of living of the working people.

    Comparison of these types of effect in cost form e possibly. At the same time, the economy of social labor, the accompanying structural about mu, resource, environmental and social effect, can be h a statistically calculated.

    According to the level of reflected economic interests, people are distinguished about economic and self-supporting socio-economic effect. Narodnokh about economic effect - the full effect of the maximum satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of society in all spheres of activity about sti at the minimum total cost. It represents the sum of the resulting effect of enterprises, h driving and using new technology, as well as the effect obtained by consumers in the non-productive sphere.

    Depending on the stage of the cycle, the actual effect is distinguished, obtained n as a result of the development and dissemination of innovation in the national economy th actual, and expected — the potential outcome that could be at chen.

    The cost-accounting effect is a form of the national economic effect, embodying a included in profits and other results of economic activity b ness.

    The economic effect of scientific and technological progress is defined as the excess of the cost of evaluating the results over the costs for the entire scientific and production cycle. With about total costs for scientific and technical progress - one-time and current costs for creating a nie and development of relevant innovations. Lump sum a spending includes capital investments for the creation and development of innovations e den.

    Generalizing indicators of the economic efficiency of the new technology and ki and technologies are the payback period for capital expenditures on new equipment and the cost efficiency ratio for new equipment, i.e. until a payback period.

    In Russia, the standard coefficient of efficiency of new equipment is a updated for the national economy 0.15, which implies a period of approx. at payability up to 6.6 years.

    Economic efficiency at the enterprise level is determined not by scientific and technical progress as a whole, but by individual innovations introduced into production and their complexes. At the same time, innovations are considered effective, absolute e f whose effectiveness (E abs ) not below the standard in noah (E n ) and base.

    Chapter 3 Methodology for calculating the economic efficiency of introducing a new technology

    The constant improvement of technology is accompanied by significant b nym additional capital investments. Their implementation in h management is justified only when it provides economic effect:

    • cost reduction spending on the production of a unit of output;
    • improving the quality of products (savings for consumers);
    • growth in labor productivity.

    Additional capital investment aimed at increasing technology improvement should be offset by savings in a production spending.

    The currently used unified system of indicators for determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of new technologies includes:

    1. capital investments required for the introduction of new technologies o logy;
    2. the cost of production (the cost of its production and sales a tion);
    3. payback period of additional capital investments and to about efficiency ratio;
    4. reduced costs;
    5. labor productivity

    In addition to the main indicators, when choosing the most economically f effective options for new technologies, auxiliary physical indicators are used - the specific consumption of fuel, energy, raw materials, materials e rials, the number of released workers, the utilization rate of about ore, etc.

    In addition, the socio-economic results of the introduction of new technologies are considered: improvement of working conditions and etc. Economical The effect of an event for a conditional year is determined by the formula:

    E t = P t –Z t , (3.1)

    where E t — economic effect for billing period(year);

    P t — proceeds from the sale of products (industrial and technical, scientific and technical purposes) inyear at prices set in the center a leased or contractual order, mln. rub.

    W t — cost of production growth, mln. rub.

    The concept of "capital investment" implies all one-time costs associated with the acquisition, creation and growth of the enterprise's production assets. The amount of capital about zhenii can be determined by the average annual cost of production assets, which are available and this is an enterprise.

    The main indicator of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technologies is r about net economic effect, the definition of which is based on the about setting the reduced costs for the replaced (basic) and implemented technology about logic.

    The reduced costs per unit of production (work) represent with about fight the sum of the cost and standard profit:

    З t = C i + Е н К i , (3.2)

    where C i - unit cost of production (works), thousand rubles.

    K i — specific capital investments in production assets, thousand rubles.

    E n - normative coefficient of efficiency of capital investments e nii = 0.15.

    The annual economic effect is the total savings about miyu production resources(live labor, materials, capital about zheniya) that the national economy receives as a result of the production and use of new, better technology about logic, which, ultimately, is expressed in an increase in national income. Thus, this indicator reflects a domestic efficiency.

    The calculation of the annual economic effect is made according to various formulas depending on the types of technologies and products being introduced.

    The annual economic effect from the introduction of new technological processes, mechanization and automation of production, methods of organizing a tion of production and labor, which ensures the saving of production resources in the production of the same product, is determined by the formula:

    E \u003d (Z 1 '-Z 2 ') A 2, (3.3)

    where E is the annual economic effect, million rubles.

    Z 1 ’ and Z 2 ' - reduced costs per unit of production (work), proi h driven with the help of replaceable (basic) and new equipment, about P determined by formula (3.2), thousand rubles

    A 2 - the annual volume of production (work) with the help of new technology, natural units.

    Formula (3.3) can be written as follows:

    E \u003d [(C 1 '+ E n K 1 ')-(C 2 '+ E n K 2 ')] A 2, (3.4)

    where C 1 ’ and C 2 ' - the cost of a unit of production (works) by var and antam, rub.;

    K 1 ', K 2 '-specific capital investments by options, rub.

    K 1 - the amount of capital costs before the implementation of the measure, thousand rubles.

    A 1 - volume of production, natural units of measure e niya.

    E n - normative coefficient of efficiency of capital o wife.

    A 2 - annual volume of production (works) with the help of new technology, natural units of measurement.

    When calculating the annual economic effect according to formula (3.3), on de th operating enterprises are determined by the difference in cost and additional and capital costs:

    E \u003d (C 1 '- C 2 ') A 2 - E n ∆ K, (3.5)

    where ∆К is additional capital investments for the introduction of new technology, million rubles.

    To take into account the economics of social costs when introducing new methods about dov increase material efficiency and increase productivity before at the use of the marginal price is considered.

    Annual economic effect from the application of new technology, both with baking increase in productivity and increase in material a chi, is determined by the formula:

    E \u003d Z 1 'A 1 + N∆A-Z 2 'A 2, (3.6)

    where З 1, З 2 - reduced costs for the production of 1 unit of production, respectively, without the use and with the use of new technology, rub / t,

    A 1 and A 2 - manufactured products for the year, respectively, without the use of e and with the use of new technology, t;

    ∆А – additional production during the year due to the use of new technology, t (∆А=А 2 -A 1);

    H - the marginal price of 1 unit of production, thousand rubles.

    When determining the annual economic effect from the use of about howl technology that provides an increase in production can be used call the formula

    E \u003d (C 1 'A 1 + H∆A-C 2 'A 2) - E n ∆K, (3.7)

    where ∆К is additional capital investments, rub.

    This standard reflects the specific cost savings for about production, because at the same cost, production h The production of products increases due to measures to increase the final material yield.

    When comparing the current self-supporting performance indicators of enterprises before and after the implementation of the measure, the NTP may with use the method of allocating profit for this event from the total amount of profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise:

    ∆P app .=P app . 2 -P approx. 1 , (3.8)

    where ∆P approx .- increase in profit from the implementation of the event, million rubles;

    Pappr.1,Pappr.2- the total amount of profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise before and after the implementation of the STP measure, million rubles.

    With a certain implementation of several activities at one enterprise, the allocation of a share for each activity is carried outeis carried out according to the principle adopted in the in-house productionhcalculation.

    In the case when, during the implementation of the STP event, not andhthe price and volume of output (work) changes over time, the effectiveness of the implementation of the event is characterized by a change (decrease) inethe cost of production and is determined by theRmule:

    ∆С=(С1 ’- C2 ’) A2 – Harrived, (3.9)

    where ∆С is the savings in operating costs, million rubles.

    With1 ' and C2 ' - the changing part of the cost of products (works) without and with the implementation of the STP measure, million rubles;

    BUT2 - annual volume of production (work), natural units of measureenia;

    Harrived– the amount of income tax (24%). The income tax rate is calculated asHarrived\u003d ∆С * 0.24.

    When evaluating the economic efficiency of the use of technologyaboutlogical processes that ensure growth in production, economicaleeffect (increase in profit remaining at the disposal of thedacceptance) is determined in accordance with the formula:

    P1 =(C1 -WITH1 )BUT1 - (C1 -WITH0 )BUT2 - H, (3.10)

    C1 - the wholesale price of the enterprise per unit of production, rub.;

    With0 and C1 - the cost of production of a unit of production before and after the implementation of the measure, rub.;

    BUT1 and A2 – annual production volume before and after the implementation of measuresaboutacceptance.

    The principles for determining the economic efficiency indicated in the formulastoperformance of a new production technology reflect the features of the technicalaboutth progress in industrynness.

    Tpayback=∆К/∆С, (3.11)

    where Tpayback- payback of additional capital investments;

    ∆C - savings in operating costs, million rubles;

    ∆С=(С1 ’- C2 ’) A2, (3.12)

    K - additional capital investments, million rubles.

    The increase in labor productivity is determined by the formula:

    Pwork=(A2 - A1 )*100/ A1 -100, (3.13)


    The economic and social processes in society are influenced by many factors.totori, but the acceleration of scientific and technical progress is the main one. Scientific and technical progress is a continuous process of introducing new equipment and technology, organization of production and labor on the basis of achievements and realization of knowledge. The concept of scientific and technical progress is wider thanaboutacceptance of NTR. Hathe scientific and technological revolution is an integral part of scientific and technical progress.

    Any state, in order not to lag behind in its scientific and technical developmentandii, should develop and implement a unified state technologyandchess policy. Under the unified state scientific and technical policyandwhich is understood as the choice of the most important directions of scientific and technical progress and their implementation with strong support from the state.

    With the transition to market relations in Russia, due attention was not paid to the development of science and technology by the state, which led to an even greater lag of our country from the developed countries of the world in the field of priority areas of scientific and technical progress and, of course,nbut, did not contribute to Russia's exit from the crisis situation. WithandThe situation is exacerbated by the fact that in Russia at the moment there is no developmentabouttana unified state scientific and technical policy and rahscanty funds are allocated by the state for the development of fundamental science.

    Any enterprise cannot have a good prospect if it does not constantly implement the results of scientific and technical progress, since the quality inslaunched products, the costs of its production and sale, the volume of sales and the amount of profit received.

    Forecasting and planning of scientific and technical progress at the enterprise should be basedatbe based on the developed strategy for the development of the enterprise for the long term, taking into account real financialnowl opportunities.


    1. Law of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1996 No. No. 127-FZ "On Science and the Statenscientific and technical policy”.
    2. Berzin I.E., Pikunova S.A., Savchenko N.N., Falko S.G. Economyandka enterprises: Textbook for universities - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: Bustard, 2004. - 368s.
    3. Volkov O.I., Devyatkin O.V. Enterprise economics (fiRwe): Textbook - 3rd ed., add. and reworked. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 601s.
    4. Volkov O.I., Sklyarenko V.K. Business Economics: Course letotsy - M .: INFRA-M, 2003. - 280s.
    5. Gorfinkel V.Ya., Shvandar V.A. Enterprise Economics: Textbook for High Schools - 3rd ed., add. and reworked. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. - 718s.
    6. Zaitsev N.A. Industrial Enterprise Economics: Textbook - 5th ed., add. and reworked. - M .: INFRA-M, 2004. - 439 p.
    7. Ilyin A.I., Stankevich V.I. Enterprise economics: Educational programaboutsobie - 2nd ed., corrected. – M.: New knowledge, 2004. - 672s.
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    9. Lobacheva E.N. Scientific and technical progress: Textbook - M.: EXAM, 2004. - 192p.
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    15. Chuev N.N., Chechevitsyna L.N. Enterprise Economics - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M .: publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Kabout", 2005. - 416s.
    16. Borodin V., Borodina O. Strategy for the development of enterprises and innsaboutrational priorities // International journal "Problemy teaboutrii and management practices”, No. 6 - 2005
    17. Klementieva S.V. Move over "old" - "new" is coming // Rossiyskoe preprandmindfulness, №3 - 2006
    18. Letnikov V.B. On a dashing horse // Russian EntrepreneuraGovernment, No. 311– 2005

    Appendix 1.

    Annex 2

    Rice. 1.2. Types of NTP effects

    Appendix 3

    Rice. 1.3. The mechanism of influence of scientific and technological progress on the technical, economic and financial performance of the enterprise

    Rice. 1.1. Essence of NTP

    } scientific and technological revolution

    } scientific and technological revolution

    scientific and technological revolution

    ) b)

    Types of NTP effects








    Acceleration of scientific and technical progress in the enterprise

    Materialization of STP directions at the enterprise

    The influence of the acceleration of scientific and technical progress on the technical and organizational level of production

    technical effect

    resource effect

    Economic effect

    Social effect

    Information effect

    The impact of the acceleration of scientific and technical progress on production efficiency

    The impact of scientific and technical progress on the financial results of production





    by discipline:


    Topic 10 "Economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise"


    The meaning and main directions of the introduction of new equipment and technology in the enterprise

    Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise LLC "METRO Cash and Carry" and the level of development of new equipment and technology at it

    Economic efficiency of measures for new equipment and technology: methodology for determining and specific calculations according to the data of the enterprise METRO Cash and Carry LLC.




    Economic efficiency is the result of the use and dissemination of innovations, expressed in the growth of the final social product and national income.

    The relevance of this topic - the introduction of new equipment and technology in the enterprise - lies in the fact that in order to survive in a competitive market, an enterprise must constantly innovate in all areas of its activity. Therefore, research and development and their implementation in production are now becoming an important element of entrepreneurial activity, and innovation is an essential condition for the effective development of an enterprise.

    The components of innovation are scientific and technical novelty, industrial applicability and commercial feasibility.

    In modern conditions, economic science must develop more efficient methods of pricing, prices must be linked to the economic effect of the introduction of new technology.

    This control work is the study of the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology in the enterprise.

    The object of the study is a set of theoretical and practical aspects of technologies for cargo processing of commodity flows.

    The subject of the study is the wholesale trading enterprise METRO Cash & Carry LLC.

    There are a number of issues that need to be considered from this topic:

    · the significance and main directions of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise;

    · technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise and the level of development of new equipment and technology;

    · economic efficiency of measures for new equipment and technology.

    .The meaning and main directions of the introduction of new equipment and technology in the enterprise

    According to the theory of production factors, the economic growth of a system of any level (from an individual enterprise to the national economy as a whole) is determined by future resource opportunities and optimal solutions for their use.

    But already at the present time it should be objectively recognized that the time of unlimited resources has passed. Problems of their effective use constantly arise, the solution of which requires the involvement of new knowledge in social production.

    Now, when material and other resources are constantly decreasing in the world, scientific and technological progress (STP) is a condition for solving the main economic problem.

    Scientific and technical progress is also the most important factor determining the nature and development of the economy of all countries of the world without exception. It led to an improvement in working conditions, a reduction in the length of the working week, an increase in the production of goods and services and their qualitative improvement.

    Scientific and technological progress is an interconnected progressive development of science and technology.

    The transformation of science, scientific knowledge into the direct productive force of society indicates that science in the most significant way, and in a positive way, affects every element of the productive forces of society, thereby transforming and strengthening them. For the results of scientific research ultimately lead to the improvement and emergence of fundamentally new tools and objects of labor, to an increase in the level of knowledge and skills of the labor force, which, in turn, is the basis for the transformation and growth of the productive forces of society, and ultimately for the development economy.

    In the economic management of production, the entire complex covered by the concept of "scientific and technological progress" can be divided into three stages:

    ) fundamental scientific research and development;

    ) applied scientific research, design and experimental development;

    ) technical development of production based on the achievements of science and technology.

    Scientific and technical progress affects labor productivity through the introduction of new technology, an increase in the number of machines and their efficient use, as well as through the impact of science and technology on other factors of production that contribute to the growth of output per unit of working time. Among these factors, an important place is given to changes in the content and conditions of work, its organization, the level of development of the labor force and the nature of its use.

    The effectiveness of scientific and technical progress is understood as the ratio of the effect and the costs that caused it. Efficiency is a relative value, measured in fractions of a unit or a percentage, and characterizing the effectiveness of costs. The efficiency criterion is the maximization of the effect at a given cost or (more often) the minimization of the cost to achieve a given effect.

    In terms of efficiency, scientific and technical progress differs in content, level and stages of the process. According to the content, informational (scientific and technical), resource-environmental, economic and social efficiency of scientific and technological progress are distinguished.

    Economic efficiency is defined as the excess of the cost of evaluating the results over the costs for the entire scientific and production cycle. The total costs of scientific and technical progress are one-time and current costs for the creation and development of relevant innovations. One-time costs include capital investments for the creation and development of innovations.

    Current costs for new equipment include cost items.

    The world economy shows that new technology should include:

    multifunctionality of the machine, its "flexibility" and the ability to change over to produce products of various modifications;

    multiple growth of unit power;

    equipment with electronics, which makes it possible to control and self-regulate the machine and perform a complex cycle of interrelated operations;

    change in the nature of the impact on the object of labor, the use of radiation, sound, biochemical (laser radiation, ultrasound, blast waves, etc.) processes;

    higher economy.

    All these features determine the ability of the machine to intensify production processes.

    For analysis, new equipment and technology are divided into three categories:

    ) A fundamentally new technique that has no analogues. It requires for the design and manufacture of large financial costs and a long time (5 - 10 years). As a rule, this technique dramatically increases labor productivity and saves resources. Its acquisition is expensive for an enterprise, but with efficient operation, such machines make it possible to make a technological breakthrough, get ahead of competitors and pay off quite quickly.

    ) New equipment and technology of the modern scientific and technical level, but having analogues. This category of equipment, as a rule, is borrowed from other industries or countries and requires 3-4 years for manufacturing and “binding” to a specific production.

    ) New technology as a result of modernization and rationalization work. This technique requires relatively low costs and a short time (0.5 - 2 years) for implementation. New equipment and progressive technology make it possible to raise labor productivity and product quality to a higher level.

    In world practice, numerous indicators are used to analyze the technical level of production, the cost-effectiveness of new technology, and the efficiency of using technology. However, these indicators can be reduced to three groups characterizing the impact of new technology on the dynamics and efficiency of production intensification, i.e. to reduce material and labor costs per unit of production.

    First group. Assesses the impact of tools on the technical equipment of production. These include: the coefficient of equipment disposal renewal; mechanization coefficient; the coefficient of physical wear and tear of equipment; average age of equipment; capital productivity.

    Second group. Evaluates the impact of new technology on the objects of labor. This group of indicators includes: material consumption, an indicator of the specific consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy;

    Third group. Assesses the impact of new technology on the workforce. This group of indicators should include: the technical equipment of labor, the coefficient of mechanization of labor, the proportion of manual work, the electric power of labor, and the growth of labor productivity.

    General indicators of the economic efficiency of new equipment and technology are:

    payback period for capital expenditures on new equipment;

    cost efficiency ratio for new equipment, i.e. the reciprocal of the payback period.

    In Russia, the standard coefficient of efficiency of new technology is set for the national economy at 0.15, which implies a payback period of up to 6.6 years.

    In the transition to the market, the calculation costs additionally include depreciation deductions for the full restoration of fixed assets, taking into account accelerated depreciation their active part, deductions to the repair fund, deductions for compulsory medical insurance, property insurance, interest payments for short-term bank loans.

    The depreciation fund often becomes the main source for the purchase of new equipment, the cost of introducing new technology, necessary for the implementation of innovative activities. At the expense of the production development fund, it is possible to purchase new equipment, finance the costs of technical re-equipment, and carry out the reconstruction of production.

    Also, according to sources of financing, state budget expenses (fundamental research and development), through a bank loan, and sale of shares are distinguished.

    The introduction of new technology and the analysis of the effectiveness of its implementation are very important for the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The introduction of new technology allows to reduce the cost of production, which means an increase in the profit of the enterprise, as well as an analysis of the introduction of new technology allows the management of the enterprise to make the most optimal and accurate management decisions.

    The increase in profits received due to the expansion of production volumes, as well as the increase in profits from reducing the cost of production, is part of the effect obtained from the introduction of new technology.

    So, the purpose of introducing new equipment and technology is to reduce the cost of the goods, and hence the price of the goods, to make them cheaper, i.e. reduction of working time for the production of a unit of goods, reduction of material costs, increase in the capacity of fixed assets, etc. In market conditions, the introduction of new technology contributes to the fulfillment of the main task of the enterprise - obtaining maximum profit at minimum cost.

    Market conditions for the development of the economy constantly put forward the requirements of not only quantitative, but also qualitative transformations. These transformations can be carried out using the most advanced technique, technology, continuously developing the research base in order to ensure the high quality of innovations.

    No enterprise will be able to exist for any long time without making noticeable improvements in its work. First of all, the quality of products is increasing, and their characteristics are progressing, as well as the means, methods and organization of production are being improved.

    The tasks of the comprehensive improvement of technology and the organization of production are directly linked to the needs of the market. First of all, the products that the enterprise should develop, its potential consumers and competitors are determined. These issues are solved by engineers, marketers and economists who develop an enterprise development strategy and its technical policy. Based on this policy, the market sector in which the enterprise is going to gain a foothold and the direction of the technical development of production are determined.

    When using new engineering solutions, production is forced to rely on scientific developments in the field of economics, sociology, mathematics, biology and other sciences. Thus, the concept of "introduction of new technology", which until recently was used by specialists, expanded and became an integral part of the concept of "scientific and technological progress", which characterizes the development of science and technology and their practical application to solve socio-economic and political problems.

    The main areas of scientific and technical progress are complex mechanization and automation, chemicalization, and electrification of production.

    At the present stage, one of the most important areas of scientific and technical progress is the integrated mechanization and automation of production. This refers to the widespread introduction of new related and complementary equipment in all areas of production, operations and types of work. It contributes to the intensification of production, the growth of labor productivity, the reduction of the share of manual labor in production, the facilitation and improvement of working conditions, and the reduction of the labor intensity of products.

    The mechanization of labor is understood as the replacement of manual means of labor by machines and mechanisms using for their action various types of energy, traction in the branches of material production or processes. labor activity. The mechanization of production also covers the sphere of mental labor. The main goals of mechanization are to increase labor productivity and free a person from performing difficult, time-consuming and tedious operations. Mechanization contributes to the rational and economical use of raw materials, materials and energy, reducing costs and improving product quality. Along with the improvement and renewal of technical means and technology, the mechanization of production is inextricably linked with an increase in the level of qualification and organization of production, a change in the qualifications of workers, and the use of methods of scientific organization of labor. The mechanization of production is one of the main directions of technical progress, ensures the development of the productive forces and serves as the material basis for raising the efficiency of social production, which is developed by intensive methods.

    The level of mechanization of production is estimated by various indicators.

    The coefficient of mechanization of production is a value measured by the ratio of the volume of products produced with the help of machines to the total volume of production.

    In modern conditions, the task is to complete comprehensive mechanization in all branches of the production and non-production spheres, to take a major step in the automation of production with the transition to automated workshops and enterprises, to automated control and design systems.

    The main indicators characterizing the level of mechanization are:

    a) coefficient of mechanization of production (works):

    Kma \u003d Vm (a) / Vtot,

    where Kma is the coefficient of mechanization of the production of products (works);

    Vm(a) - the volume of products (works) produced with the help of machines and mechanisms, in value or physical terms;

    Vtot - the total volume of products (works) produced at the enterprise, in value or physical terms;

    Under the automation of production is understood the process in the development of machine production, in which the functions of management and control, previously performed by a person, are transferred to instruments and automatic devices. Automation of production is the basis for the development of modern industry, the general direction of technical progress. Its goal is to increase labor efficiency, improve the quality of products, to create conditions for the optimal use of all production resources.

    Among the areas of integrated automation are the introduction of rotary and rotary conveyor lines, automatic lines for mass production and the creation of automated enterprises, as well as the creation of complex automated sections of machine tools and computer control, which increases productivity many times over.

    The automation of production does not mean the unconditional complete displacement of man by automata, but the direction of his actions, the nature of his relationship with the machine, changes; human labor acquires a new qualitative coloring, becomes more complex and meaningful. The center of gravity in human labor activity is shifting to the maintenance of automatic machines and to analytical and administrative activities.

    The computerization of production plays a colossal role in complex automation of production.

    Computerization is a process of expanded introduction of electronic computing technology into all spheres of human life, which unfolded in the middle of the 20th century. with the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution and marked the advent of the era of informatization. Computerization is the basis for the technical re-equipment of production, a necessary condition for increasing its efficiency.

    Automation of production is one of the main factors of the modern scientific and technological revolution<#"justify">Ø complex automation of production, including the development of flexible automated production;

    Ø widespread use of robots, systems computer-aided design;

    Ø creation of deserted industries;

    Ø computerization based on microprocessor technology and a wide range of electronic devices;

    Ø development of energy, primarily nuclear, as well as the search for and use of new energy sources;

    Ø creation of new means of transport and communication;

    Ø development of membrane, laser, plasma and other technologies;

    Ø the rapid development of biotechnology, the creation of new products.

    The technical re-equipment of an individual enterprise or its subdivision is usually understood as such a form of updating the production apparatus, when the old production equipment and technology are permanently replaced with a new one with higher technical and economic indicators. Moreover, such a replacement is carried out without a significant expansion of the production area.

    Reconstruction, as a rule, includes activities related both to the replacement of obsolete and physically worn-out machines and equipment, and to the improvement and restructuring of buildings and structures. Reconstruction of enterprises, as a rule, is carried out in connection with the diversification of production and the development of new products, which makes it possible to significantly save capital investments, use the existing skilled workforce to develop new products without attracting additional workers. The reconstruction is aimed at increasing the technical level of production and products and contributes to a faster (compared to new construction) development of production capacities.

    Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises are more efficient than new construction and are distinguished by a more progressive structure of capital investments, without significant costs for the construction of buildings and structures.

    World experience shows that the sustainable development of production in the long term depends not so much on real resource opportunities, but on the innovative nature of entrepreneurship in this area. Strategic development objectives shape new approaches to entrepreneurship. To solve them, an innovator entrepreneur is needed, acting professionally in conditions of increased risks that objectively arise when new knowledge is introduced into the production sphere. It is innovative changes that create the foundations for economic growth and the transition of the system to a new quality.

    Innovation (English "innovation" - innovation, innovation, innovation) is understood as the use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, new forms of organization of production and labor, service and management. The concepts of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation" are often identified, although there are differences between them.

    Innovation is understood as a new order, a new method, an invention, a new phenomenon. The phrase innovation literally means the process of using innovation. From the moment it is accepted for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality and becomes an innovation (innovation).

    Innovation is the end result of introducing innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect.

    Innovative activity is a process aimed at introducing the results of scientific research and development into entrepreneurial activity. This process can go in the following directions:

    ü modernization of manufactured products and development of new types of products;

    ü introduction of new progressive technologies, equipment, materials into production;

    ü introduction of information technologies into production and management;

    ü application of new methods and means of organizing production, labor and management.

    The main directions of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise cover the following areas of activity of the enterprise:

    creation, development, improvement of the quality and competitiveness of products;

    introduction of progressive technology, mechanization and automation of production;

    improvement of the organization of production, labor and technology;

    saving materials, energy, fuel;

    renewal, overhaul and modernization of fixed production assets;

    training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;

    improvement of the system of labor motivation;

    efficient management of cash flows, securities, increasing the liquidity of assets.

    Conclusion: Innovative activity is aimed at using and commercializing the results of scientific research and development to expand and update the range and improve the quality of products, improve the technology of their production with subsequent implementation in the domestic and foreign markets.

    2.Technical and economic characteristics of METRO Cash & Carry LLC and the level of development of new equipment and technology on it

    Cash & Carry is the trading division of the German-based holding METRO Group, one of the leading international companies. In 2012, METRO Group's sales amounted to 68 billion euros. The holding, with more than 290,000 employees, is represented by 2,200 stores in 32 countries.

    The holding structure includes the following trading divisions, each operating in its own market segment:

    Ø METRO/Makro Cash & Carry - the international leader in small wholesale trade in the cash and carry format;

    Ø hypermarkets Real; MediaMarkt/Saturn - leaders in the market of electronics and home appliances in Europe;

    Ø department stores Galeria Kaufhof.

    · METRO Cash & Carry operates more than 600 small wholesale centers in 29 countries under the METRO and Makro brands. The total retail space of stores exceeds 4.2 million sq. m. m. Thus, the average sales area of ​​the store is 7,800 sq. m. m., while the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "Classic" format store varies from 10 to 16 thousand square meters. m., in the "Junior" format - from 7 to 9 thousand square meters. m.

    · Significant sales and revenues: the sales divisions METRO and Makro account for more than 50% of the group's total sales.

    · In 2011, the METRO and Makro divisions generated total sales of 32 billion euros, an increase of 6% compared to 2010.

    · High degree of internationalization: METRO Cash & Carry, which covers 29 countries, is the company with the most pronounced international character within the METRO Group. Continuous expansion in the fast growing markets of Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.

    · The assortment of shopping centers, which includes 30 thousand items of food and non-food products, is intended exclusively for professional buyers.

    · METRO Cash & Carry 's standardized trading format can be implemented in all markets and is adapted to the specific requirements of the national market and the needs of buyers in terms of assortment and consumer appeal .

    METRO Cash & Carry has been present in Russia since 2000, when the company's head office was registered in Moscow (Leningradskoe shosse, 71 G). A year later, in November 2001, the first two METRO Cash & Carry shopping centers were opened in the capital of Russia.

    In 2007, the company opened 8 new METRO Cash & Carry retail centers. In particular, the company entered the market of the Siberian region by opening the first shopping center in Novosibirsk, the capital of Siberia (it also became the 600th METRO Cash & Carry shopping center in the world), as well as one center each in Omsk and Krasnoyarsk.

    In 2008, the company continued its expansion in the Siberian region by opening a shopping center in Novokuznetsk. The main focus in the development of the network was placed on the Central region. The first small wholesale trade centers were opened in Penza, Ivanovo, Tver, Kursk, etc. A total of 9 shopping centers were opened during 2008.

    To date, 48 shopping centers are successfully operating in Russia in 33 regions of the country: 8 in Moscow, 2 in the Moscow region, 3 in St. Petersburg, 2 each in Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don, and 1 each in Samara , Volgograd, Kazan, Ufa, Yaroslavl, Tyumen, Tula, Voronezh, Saratov, Stavropol, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, etc.

    Each of the METRO Cash & Carry shopping centers employs 250-400 people. More than 800 employees of the central office in Moscow provide support for all shopping centers. The total number of employees working in Russia reaches 12,000 people.

    From the very beginning of its work in Moscow, and then in the Russian market of retail and small-scale wholesale trade, the company adhered to the cross-docking technology. This gave a competitive advantage over other market players and was one of the factors that allowed the company to confidently take one of the leading positions in the market.

    The technological process of METRO Cash & Carry's product distribution includes distribution centers - platforms that work with the following product groups: non-food products, dairy products and deep-frozen products, fruits and vegetables.

    The company is also engaged in direct import of consumer goods. Imported goods arrive at the central import warehouse.

    Distribution centers of METRO Cash & Carry LLC operate on the principle of cross-docking, which is becoming popular in Russia, which allows to reduce delivery time and storage costs.

    In the case when the goods arrive at the METRO Cash & Carry distribution center in formed batches, which only need to be sorted by means of transport, i.e. cross-docking takes place in one stage, the following types can be distinguished:

    1)Transshipment through the warehouse, when the goods do not reach the storage sites (the vehicle is replaced). For example, a car from Europe arrives in Moscow, is unloaded here, then reloaded into a car that carries out domestic transportation, and sent to the final recipient.


    A car arrived, unloaded at the warehouse, but the goods were destined for several METRO Cash & Carry shopping centers. In this case, several cars are served, in which the goods are sent to the final recipients.

    3)Several suppliers under Scheme 2 supply goods to several METRO Cash & Carry shopping centers.

    4)In the case when the parties are not formed, i.e. cross-docking takes place in 2 stages: reconsolidation. The incoming truck with the goods is unloaded in the PRR (loading and unloading) area, after which the orders are reconsolidated, which are then distributed among the trucks.

    5)Consolidation of orders.

    Several cars arrive, which are then consolidated into one, leaving for a certain METRO Cash and Carry shopping center.

    6)Stock sorting.

    Goods stored in the METRO Cash and Carry DC are added to the goods that arrived when reloading into other vehicles. This procedure can be carried out with any type of cross-docking.

    3. Economic efficiency of measures for new equipment and technology LLC "METRO Cash & Carry": methodology for determining and specific calculations according to the enterprise

    The first economic component is the idea of ​​a container system - it lies in the fact that the cargo is transported from the initial to the final point in a single cargo container - a container, which is transferred from one mode of transport to another at the transshipment points.

    Containers must be made of durable materials that do not react chemically with the goods approved for carriage in them, do not have odors and can be easily cleaned and washed. Containers made from these materials and approved for use must withstand the tests established by the standards, without permanent deformations that prevent their reliable and safe use.

    The use of containers allows:

    Ø eliminate heavy physical labor in cargo operations;

    Ø sharply accelerate the production of cargo work;

    Ø reduce the downtime of the rolling stock and the time it takes them to occupy permanent structures: railway tracks, ship berths, cargo fronts at the warehouse;

    Ø almost completely eliminate damage and loss of goods;

    Ø sharply reduce the cost of materials and labor for the manufacture of containers;

    Ø reduce the cost of transportation;

    Ø speed up the delivery of goods to destinations and reduce the amount of cargo mass that is in the process of transportation.

    The advantages of the container system cover the additional costs for the creation and maintenance of a fleet of containers and specialized rolling stock, as well as for the transportation of the containers themselves (especially when empty) and the maintenance of an apparatus for accounting and distributing containers.

    The disadvantage of container transportation is the need to return the empty container to the owner (enterprise or mode of transport) when transferring the transported container (package) from one rolling stock to another, which creates a number of technical or technological difficulties.

    1.By purpose, the following types of containers are distinguished:


    · specialized (individual, group) - depending on the device, they are divided into the following types:

    -soft (big bags),

    -soft (elastic) with a rigid frame (combined).

    Universal containers are designed for the transportation of a wide range of goods that do not require special conditions for transportation and loading and unloading, for example, piece goods in containers and without it, in lightweight packaging, including bulk or liquid cargo when transported in appropriate packaging.

    The use of special containers allows you to maintain the quality of transported goods and reduce their losses, reduce the cost of vehicles under cargo operations.

    Designs of specialized group containers should provide:

    Ø mechanized loading and unloading of materials;

    Ø mechanization of loading and unloading operations;

    Ø stacking containers in two or three tiers;

    Ø stability on rolling stock and the most complete use of its carrying capacity;

    Ø moisture resistance for goods that are afraid of weathering;

    Ø the possibility of defrosting cargo;

    Ø separating the bottom-pallet, maintaining the stability of the packaged cargo and eliminating the breakage of refractory products and glass during transportation and reloading.

    The main advantages of soft containers:

    Ø compactness,

    Ø significantly smaller empty volume,

    Ø lower tare ratio than steel and aluminum containers,

    Ø simplicity of design.

    It is expedient to transport the majority of packaged goods in packages. Transport package - an enlarged cargo unit (package) formed from smaller ones (at least two), in a transport container (bags, boxes, bales), on pallets or without them, providing the possibility of mechanized reloading by forklifts during movement and storage, cranes or other lifting and transport machines. As a rule, homogeneous goods are placed in the package, following the address of one recipient.

    It should be noted that the most economical type of transportation is package-container, because. it allows you to reduce the cost of manual labor and ensure maximum safety of goods.

    The packaging means include pallets and flexible strapping-tapes (steel, fabric, plastic); separate wire and cable connections, as well as nets, covers and other devices that ensure the strength and stability of the package. Batch transportation of goods is carried out without re-packaging all the way from the consignor to the consignee.

    Packing provides:

    Ø safety of the product on the way to the consumer;

    Ø the possibility of achieving high performance indicators in the performance of loading and unloading and transport and storage operations due to their comprehensive mechanization and automation;

    Ø maximum use of the carrying capacity and capacity of the rolling stock on all modes of transport;

    Ø the possibility of reloading without re-forming;

    Ø safety of loading and unloading and transport and storage operations.

    One of the most progressive methods of formation of cargo units is the packaging of goods using shrink film. The method is based on the ability of a polymer film to shrink under the influence of a temperature exceeding the softening point of the polymer by at least 20%. On a pallet (or without it), a cargo package is formed from piece cargo, which is wrapped or wrapped with a polymer film. After short-term heating, the film cools down, its surface shrinks (film shrinkage temperature - 250°C, exposure - 40 s). Shrinkage of the film causes its tension around the load, which contributes to the preservation of the geometric shape of the package in the process of performing various operations with it.

    Rice. 1. Increased stability of the cargo package wrapped with shrink wrap

    new technology economic loading

    Shrink wrapped shipments are protected from dust, dirt and moisture and can withstand weather conditions for up to two months. The possibility of theft of goods is reduced, as any violation of the packaging becomes immediately noticeable.

    1.Possibility of packing loads of various sizes and shapes.

    Shrink wrap can include bricks, groceries, books, irregularly shaped metal parts, and more.

    2.Relatively low labor costs.

    When using automatic and semi-automatic equipment, labor costs for packaging in shrink film are 3-4 times less than labor costs for packaging using steel tape.

    In addition, the cargo unit stored in the rack wrapped with film can be opened to select part of the package. At the same time, the integrity of the cargo unit is not violated, which will also save working time: it does not require repackaging of the cargo.

    A high economic effect is also achieved when using packaging equipment for cargo processing of commodity flows.

    30-50% of the total working time is spent on loading and unloading operations when picking and shipping goods manually. The economic effect from the introduction of packaging equipment along the entire route of the goods according to the scheme "industrial enterprise - wholesale base - store" reaches 60%.

    Practice shows that the transportation of goods (bread, potatoes, fruits, vegetables) in containers from suppliers to the trading floor gives a significant economic effect by eliminating unnecessary links in the way of goods distribution, reducing product losses, reducing the cost of packaging, packaging and handling operations. , whose share, especially in stores, is still high.

    The main direction of intensification and rationalization of the processes of transportation, transshipment, storage, and display of goods is the creation of transport chains, i.e. combining interdependent technological, organizational, economic and information processes that ensure the delivery of packaged goods from the production sector to the trading floor with the lowest material costs and the maximum use of mechanization.

    The transport chain connects all the processes of goods movement. The means of their connection are containers and pallets, which allow packing goods into cargo units that are not re-formed at the stages of distribution. Container-equipment is used both as equipment for open display, and as a container for transporting, storing goods, and sometimes as a means of packaging.

    The use of one box pallet allows saving 52 minutes of working time of the personnel providing the process of goods movement, reducing product losses by 0.2%.

    The essence of the progressive technology of delivering goods to stores and selling them by the self-service method is as follows: the goods in the production sector or in the trade and warehouse link are packaged and placed in consumer packaging in specialized containers-equipment (roller containers, trolleys, whatnots, etc.) , which is delivered directly to the sales floor of the store.

    The most optimal is the use of packaging equipment in the form of metal wire cargo pallets with a size of 1000x1200 mm, a weight of 18 kg and a load capacity of 1000 kg. Wire packaging equipment is designed for storage of packaged and piece goods in wholesale warehouses, their non-transshipment delivery to a store and installation in a trading floor with the function of trading furniture, i.e. for the sale of goods. It can be on a rack or wheeled pallet.

    The use of containers predetermines the elimination of individual operations for the preparation of goods for sale. Being reusable means, containers allow saving materials for the manufacture of shipping containers.

    The issues of effective use of container-equipment are closely related to the problems of packaging, containerization and packaging of goods. The main requirement is the standardization of package sizes in accordance with the dimensions of standard pallets and containers. An important condition for the effective use of container-equipment is the suitability of the container for the sale of goods by the self-service method.

    So, when introducing technology with the predominant use of container-equipment, the following happens:

    Ø unnecessary links on the way of movement of goods from suppliers to the trading floor of the store are eliminated;

    Ø the manual shifting of goods from containers to commercial furniture carriers is minimized;

    Ø full preparation of goods for sale by the self-service method is carried out in the field of production or wholesale and warehouse link;

    Ø a real rationalization of the movement and sale of goods in the store;

    Ø the number of workers employed in loading and unloading operations in industry, transport and trade is sharply reduced;

    Ø vehicles are used more efficiently;

    Ø the cost of technical equipment of stores is reduced;

    Ø simplifies the organization of the supply of goods to stores and the intra-store movement of goods;

    Ø the safety of goods is increased;

    Ø more rational use of vehicles and retail space of the store is ensured.

    To effectively manage the movement of goods, it is necessary to eliminate unnecessary operations and optimize processes that create added value. Today, so-called cross-docking is used for this, or end-to-end storage technology, i.e. expedited forwarding of goods with minimal handling between receipt and dispatch. The term "cross-docking" has only become widely used in recent years, but the strategy itself has been used for several decades. Not so long ago, a special kind of cross-docking appeared - "pick by line", which is a new word in Russian trade logistics. It is used for fast cargo handling, when the company can clearly separate the flow of goods from suppliers to stores even at the entrance to the warehouse.

    “Cross-docking is a logistics operation within the supply chain, in which the unloading of goods inside the warehouse and its subsequent delivery to the recipient are maximally coordinated in time, which leads to the almost complete absence of warehouse storage. At the same time, it should be emphasized that cross-docking is a set of operations with orders, and not with goods.

    The main advantage of cross-docking is a significant reduction in logistics costs:

    Ø the cost of storing goods is practically eliminated, the need of the consignee organization for warehouse space and warehouse personnel is reduced;

    Ø the lack of warehousing significantly reduces the delivery time from the manufacturer to the final point of sale, which increases the speed of goods flow. This is especially true for goods that have a limited shelf life of several days, since when large lots are formed in the warehouse at the end of the sales period, there are leftovers that are direct losses.

    When using cross-docking, orders for the supplier are formed strictly according to the needs of the buyer. As a result, there is no loss of shelf life and no overstocking.

    At the same time, there is a reduction in the supply chain and the process of delivering goods to the stores of the customer company is simplified. The use of cross-docking is most appropriate in the following cases:

    1.Small batches and large assortment, mixed pallets.

    This situation can be clearly illustrated by the example of the delivery of alcoholic products to stores. Suppliers send prefabricated pallets, where various products are presented in small quantities. Small batches collected from all suppliers then go to the final recipient (shops). In other words, cross-docking is convenient when you need to consolidate small lots of goods from different suppliers.

    2.If it is necessary to periodically send goods from several suppliers to final recipients in the regions.

    3.Working with goods that are costly and inconvenient to store (goods that are characterized by high turnover; perishable goods: vegetables, fruits, meat, etc.).

    An example is the “Back to School” campaign, when school supplies are delivered to stores in mid-August. At the same time, the goods delivered to the warehouse must be quickly distributed to stores.

    Goods handled in the cross-docking process should be characterized by a high level of predictability of demand and are in the highest demand, as well as have significant volumes of transportation (Fig. 3) .

    Rice. 3. Goods most suitable for cross-docking

    For the normal operation of cross-docking, a special large free area is needed that has a sufficient number of gates (preferably 1 gate per 500 sq. m of area), if possible without shelving (the TAP area should be free) and with a sufficient amount of specialized equipment.

    The work must be organized so that cars are directed to the right gate at the right time, the equipment works smoothly, and the movement of incoming and outgoing vehicles is coordinated to avoid delays. One of the critical conditions is effective Information Support when information about income and expenses is organized in the form of electronic document management.

    In classical cross-docking, the client, when placing an order, sends information for shipment to the supplier and the operator of the cross-docking platform (shipment order and receipt order).

    The client can send the supplier an order for each individual recipient (then the supplier completes each order separately), or can send information about the necessary articles for all final recipients and carry out deconsolidation and formation of orders already in the warehouse.

    Depending on the WMS system (abbreviated from the English Warehouse Management System - warehouse management system), both the entire range and the mixed pallet can be accepted into the infobase (as 1 transport unit under a certain number, and the range inside the order is no longer signed).

    Because transactions are fast, it's important not only to get real-time information, but to use it effectively by tracking total order shortages, discrepancies, or damages in received products. Identified information should be immediately sent to customers so that they can quickly respond to deviations.

    It is also very important that, in addition, the technology allows not only to form pallets, but also to determine the volume of the vehicle sent to each of the stores, since the number of pallet places prepared for shipment is known. Knowing in advance which transport to order, you can optimize transport costs.

    The pick by lin technology assumes a high speed of processing goods, but many goods are difficult to process quickly. Goods that can be processed at high speed include goods with high-quality cardboard packaging (boxes) that can be stacked on a standard pallet without protrusion. If we talk about oversized cargo, or, say, about bags, then this complicates the process, it implies, for example, a package that goes beyond the pallet, etc. If the pallet is formed in such a way that it is possible to quickly process the cargo, then it is quite suitable for the system pick by line. For example, square or rectangular containers fit much easier than bags. In addition, goods formed according to the pick by line system are usually immediately taken out to the trading floor, since there is usually very little space for storing goods in stores or supermarkets. If the flow is large, the cargo should also be convenient for acceptance and further unloading in the store.

    Measures to introduce new equipment and technology affect all parts of the production mechanism and management. They suggest:

    improvement on a scientific basis of the system of management and organization of production;

    changing and improving the organization of labor and training;

    improving the pricing system and the system for assessing production efficiency, etc.

    To determine the effectiveness of individual scientific and technical measures, the following system of generalizing indicators should be used.

    ) Generalizing indicators of economic efficiency of specific scientific and technical measures, providing a connection with generalizing indicators of production efficiency:

    the rate of increase in efficiency from the introduction of new technology or efficiency from the introduction of new technology or cost reduction;

    increase in the output of marketable, clean products due to the effective introduction of new technology;

    savings in labor costs as a result of the introduction of new technology or savings from cost reduction;

    increase in profits by reducing production costs from the introduction of new technology.

    ) Indicators of increasing the efficiency of labor use from the introduction of new technology:

    the rate of increase in labor productivity from the introduction of new technology;

    saving the number of employees from the use of new equipment;

    increase in net, marketable products and profits due to the introduction of new technology;

    savings in payroll from the use of new technology.

    ) Indicators of increasing the efficiency of fixed assets used in the innovation:

    cost savings on depreciation of the introduction of new technology;

    increase in profits and marketable output due to savings in depreciation costs as a result of the introduction of new technology.

    ) Indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of material resources from the introduction of new technology:

    increasing material efficiency in the production of specific types of products through the introduction of new technology;

    reduction of material costs from the introduction of new technology;

    increase in net, marketable products and profits by increasing material efficiency and reducing material costs from the introduction of new technology.

    The proposed system of indicators quite fully characterizes the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology in the production of specific types of products (works, services). It allows you to coordinate the plan for new technology with indicators for assessing the economic efficiency of production, and to monitor the effectiveness of the use of capital investments for the introduction of new technology.

    The economic efficiency of production is the quantitative ratio of the results of economic activity and production costs.

    Under the cost of introducing new technology understand the totality of capital investments, working capital and living labor. The economic effect is calculated by the following formula:

    Et \u003d Rt - Zt,

    where Et is the economic effect from the introduction of new equipment and technology for the billing period "t", rub.;

    RT - cost estimate of the results for the billing period "t", rub.;

    Zt - valuation of costs for activities for the development, implementation and development of new equipment and technology for the billing period "t", rub.

    When designing, developing and implementing new equipment and technology in the context of traditional approaches to a business entity, the procedure for determining the economic efficiency of these activities consists of four stages:

    The first stage is the determination of the necessary costs for the implementation of innovative activities;

    The second stage is the identification of possible sources of funding;

    The third stage is an assessment of the economic effect from the introduction of new equipment and technology;

    The fourth stage is an assessment of the comparative effectiveness of innovation by comparing economic indicators.

    Economic efficiency is characterized by the ratio of the economic effect obtained during the year and the costs associated with the implementation of this measure.

    When comparing various variants of new equipment and technology, the total and specific capital investments, unit cost of production, etc. are compared. However, in the case of innovations, lower costs may be accompanied not only by inappropriate indicators of the technical level and quality of the innovation, but also by higher specific capital investments. A simple comparison of technical and economic indicators does not reveal the best option. In this case, it is required to determine the overall indicator of the relative effectiveness of the options based on a comparison of savings at reduced costs.

    Special mention should be made of the choice of the basic version of equipment and technology. The choice of base is necessary to compare and bring the options into a comparable form. So, when assessing the level of production technology and choosing a technological solution, it is necessary to gradate the types of technologies into the following:


    modernized and improved;

    fundamentally new.

    The choice of a base for comparing the initial indicators of new equipment and technology is important in determining the economic effect, since the comparative economic efficiency of a variant of new technical and technological solutions is determined on the basis of a comparison of the values ​​of the indicators of the implemented and the base variant. In doing so, keep in mind:

    the choice of base depends on the stage of the life cycle of new equipment and technology;

    the choice of a base and a variant of a new solution should be carried out at different stages of the life cycle;

    it is necessary to evaluate the performance indicators of a new design (sample) in comparison with the base one at the R&D stage (research and development work aimed at developing and implementing scientific ideas);

    it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of new solutions at the stage of both implementation and production and operation of the innovation.

    All of the above principles are relevant in the systemic analysis of innovations, i.e. when evaluating the economic efficiency of an innovation with indicators given in a comparable form.

    A comparable type is carried out according to the characteristics: the volume of products, the structure of the nomenclature, product quality, reduced costs, production time, social and environmental benefits.

    When comparing options and evaluating their cost-effectiveness, it is necessary to take into account the impact on costs and results of the time factor. This is due to the difference in the timing of design, construction, mastering the production of products by options, as well as the difference in the structure of costs by years of design and creation of the necessary fixed assets and working capital.

    Conclusion - the implementation of any innovative project requires significant material and financial costs, often it is associated with risk. Therefore, in innovative activity, it is important to assess the economic efficiency of measures in engineering and technology. The economic goal of an innovative solution is to choose a project option that provides an inflow of real cash in excess of the initial investment.

    Conclusions and offers

    1.Through warehousing speeds up the delivery of goods to shopping centers, because Goods are sent to their destination as soon as they are received. In the cross-docking system, goods do not enter the warehouse of the shopping center. Goods in the distribution center are picked up through one door and after some time sent through another.

    2.Cross-cutting warehousing improves bottom line performance. As goods bypass the warehouse of the METRO Cash & Carry mall, there is less need for storage space and therefore lower storage costs. As a result - an increase in the trading area of ​​the trade enterprise.

    .Summarizing the conclusions of paragraphs. 1 and 2, we can say that the possession of a new for Russia cross-docking technology allowed METRO Cash & Carry to confidently capture a significant part of the Moscow market of small-scale wholesale and retail trade, as well as to successfully expand into the regions while maintaining a single control and processing center.

    .For retail chains in Moscow with a sales area of ​​one store of 300 - 700 m2 (Pyaterochka, Kvartal, etc.), the introduction of pick by line technology will provide the following significant advantages:

    1.Increasing the usable retail space by reducing the warehouse part of the store, which, given the lack of suitable sites in Moscow and the high cost of these sites, is a significant factor;

    2.Reducing the time of loading and unloading operations;

    3.Reducing the car park, and, as a result, reducing the cost of wages for drivers, loaders, fuel and lubricants;

    4.Maintaining an always fresh range of perishable products, which, unfortunately, is currently a problem in convenience stores.


    .For METRO Cash & Carry Central Warehouse:

    1)To create more space, shelving should be removed whenever possible, allowing goods to be transported quickly and freely throughout the distribution center.

    2)Creation of new aisles and organization of traffic routes, ensuring the rapid movement of goods from the entrance gate to the weekend.

    )When transporting pallets, use loading devices with two or more forks, which will increase the throughput of the distribution center by 2-4 times.

    )To speed up the transport of pallets, use trailer floor conveyors in combination with the loading and unloading conveyors of the distribution center itself.

    .For retail trade networks:

    ) It is necessary to introduce a technology for processing cargo traffic Cross-docking pick by line at the central warehouse, which will significantly reduce costs, improve the quality of service, and, as a result, gain an advantage in the highly competitive retail market.


    Formation of a new qualitative state of the technical base production complex RF is a very important task, and its solution requires significant one-time costs. Meanwhile, real financial resources for the renewal of fixed production assets are very limited, since own funds are insignificant.

    The introduction of new equipment and technology is of great importance for increasing the efficiency of production, because. the purpose of this introduction is to reduce the cost of the goods, and hence the price of the goods, to make them cheaper, i.e. reduction of working time for the production of a unit of goods, reduction of material costs, increase in the capacity of fixed assets, etc.

    The main directions of innovation activity are the use and commercialization of the results of scientific research and development to expand and update the range and improve the quality of products, improve the technology of their production with subsequent implementation in the domestic and foreign markets.

    And since the implementation of any innovative project requires significant material and financial costs, it is important in innovation to evaluate the economic efficiency of engineering and technology measures. The economic goal of an innovative solution is to choose a project option that provides an inflow of real cash in excess of the initial investment.

    In market conditions, the introduction of new technology contributes to the fulfillment of the main task of the enterprise - obtaining maximum profit at minimum cost.

    List of used literature

    1.Vasilyeva N.A., Mateush T.A., Mironov M.G. Enterprise Economics: Lecture Notes. - M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2007. - 191 p.

    .Sergeev V.P. Enterprise Economics: Study Guide / V.P. Sergeev. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004. - 304 p.

    .Chuev N.I. Enterprise Economics: Textbook / N.I. Chuev, L.N. Lentils. - M.: "Dashkov and Co", 2007. - 416 p.

    .Economics of the enterprise (organizations): Textbook for universities / ed. prof. V.Ya.Gorfinkel, prof. V.A. Shvandar. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2003. - 608 p.

    .Enterprise Economics: Textbook for High Schools / Ed. prof. V.P. Gruzinova. - M.: Banks and Exchanges, UNITI, 2003. - 535 p.

    .Enterprise Economics: Textbook for universities / ed. prof. V.Ya.Gorfinkel. - 5th ed., revised. and additional .- M .: UNITI-DANA, 2008. - 767 p.

    .Slagoda V.G. Fundamentals of Economics: textbook / V. G. Slagoda. - M: FORUM - INFRA, 2003. - 216 p.

    .Economics of an enterprise (firm): Textbook / O.I. Volkov [and others]; ed. prof. O.I. Volkova and Assoc. O.V. Devyatkina.- M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 601 p.

    .Gribov V.D., Gruzinov V.P. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. Workshop. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Finance and statistics, 2004. - 336 p.

    .Enterprise Economics: Textbook / Ed. prof. ON THE. Safronov. - M.: "Jurist", 2000. - 584 p.

    .Arustamov E.A. Equipment enterprises (trade): Textbook. - M.: Publishing House "Dashkov and Co", 2001. - 452 p.

    Gadzhinsky A.M. Logistics: Textbook. - 16th ed., revised. add. - M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2008. - 484 p.

    Napolitano N. End-to-end warehousing - simple and effective // ​​Warehouse and equipment. - 2008. - No. 3. - S. 12-16.

    Transport and cargo systems and warehouses: Textbook / N.I. Boyko, S.P. Cherednichenko. - Rostov n / D.: Phoenix Publishing House, 2007. - 400 p. - (Higher education).

    15. History of METRO in Russia // METRO Cash & Carry Russia: URL: http://www.metro-cc.ru/servlet/PB/menu/1005951_l7/index.html (2009. Jan. 22)

    16. Logistics // METRO Cash & Carry Russia: URL: http://www.metro-cc.ru/servlet/PB/menu/1065382_l7/index.html (2009. Jan. 22)


    1.1. Tasks and information base for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of new technology at the enterprise
    1.2. The concept of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of new technology in the enterprise
    1.3. Problems of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of new technology
    2. The current state of the enterprise
    2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise
    2.2 Composition and structure of fixed assets of the enterprise
    2.3 Profit indicators of the enterprise
    3. Ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise through the introduction of new technology
    3.1 Recommendations for improving the efficiency of the use of new technology in the enterprise
    3.2 Calculation of economic efficiency when introducing new technology
    Appendix 1
    Annex 2


    The economic process that is currently taking place in Russia, the development of the market and market relations, the reduction in production volumes, the growth in the number of insolvent enterprises and organizations have changed the mechanism for managing scientific and technological progress, have affected the pace and nature of research, development and design survey work, for the development and implementation of innovations (innovations) as the basis for economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of the organization and the economy as a whole.
    The problem of introducing progressive technological processes and new technology in our country in connection with the ongoing economic crisis is of particular importance.
    The significant relevance of the topic, as well as the lack of elaboration, predetermined the purpose and objectives of this study.
    The purpose of this course work is to consider the introduction of advanced technological processes and new technology and evaluate the effectiveness of their use.
    The purpose of the study is specified in its tasks:
    consider the main technical and economic indicators of Chelyabinsk Hardware Plant OJSC;
    - consider the theoretical foundations for the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology;
    - analyze the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology at the enterprise under study;
    - to consider directions for improving the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology at the enterprise under study;
    - evaluate the effectiveness of the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology.
    The purpose and objectives of the study determined its structure, including an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, applications.
    The subject of the research is the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology.
    The object of this study is the introduction of progressive technological processes and new equipment at the Chelyabinsk Hardware Plant OJSC.
    As the main methods of research, special economic literature, materials of the periodical press were used in the work.

    1. Theoretical issues of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of new technology in the enterprise

    1.1. Tasks and information base for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of new technology at the enterprise

    In conditions of fierce competition, no enterprise can exist for a long time without making noticeable improvements in its work. As a result of the introduction of new equipment and technology into the activities of the enterprise, the quality increases and the characteristics of products progress, as well as the means, methods and organization of production are improved. The introduction of innovations is carried out, as a rule, in the following areas:
    development of new and modernization of manufactured products;
    introduction of new technologies, machines, equipment, tools and materials into production;
    use of new information technologies and new ways of production;
    improvement and application of new progressive methods, means and rules for organizing and managing production.
    The tasks of the comprehensive improvement of technology and the organization of production are directly linked to the needs of the market. First of all, the products that the enterprise should develop, its potential consumers and competitors are determined. These issues are solved by engineers, marketers and economists who develop an enterprise development strategy and its technical policy. Based on this policy, the direction of the technical development of production and the market sector in which the enterprise is going to gain a foothold are determined.
    The economic assessment of the effectiveness of the introduction of new equipment and production technologies in the theoretical aspect does not differ from the general methodology of the economic justification of investments. The specificity of this assessment in some cases is due to the fact that the investment costs for such projects do not require significant investments, the period of implementation of the investment project is not long (1–2 years), and the assessment of the feasibility of introducing new developments is reduced to comparing the basic (current) equipment or technology and the new .
    Nevertheless, the use of modern achievements in the field of new equipment and production technologies is important for the development of the national economy and its individual sectors. Sometimes the creation and implementation of new technology is associated with significant material and capital costs, so the feasibility of developing and mastering its types, as well as their use in a particular production environment, always requires a feasibility study.
    The feasibility study for the creation and implementation of new equipment and new technological processes in each manufacturing enterprise has its own characteristics, which are based on the industry specifics of production.
    At the same time, there are methodological provisions common to all sectors of the economy for economic evaluation and justification of the effectiveness of the introduction of new equipment and technologies. New equipment and technologies introduced into production include the following.
    1. Structurally new means of labor that have no analogues. Creation and development of their mass production requires significant capital investments and time (5–8 years). On the railway transport as an industry that uses modern technical achievements, investment projects aimed at creating new design developments that require the organization of mass production are quite rare.
    2. New types of equipment for a particular enterprise that meet modern scientific and technical requirements, which are used in other sectors of the domestic economy or abroad and require adaptation to a specific production.
    3. Upgraded technology that meets modern scientific and technical requirements. These types of equipment can be created on the basis of existing samples. Their introduction does not require significant capital investments and a long time for development in production. This direction of introduction of new technology is the most common in enterprises. So, for example, in railway transport this concerns the modernization of rolling stock, all types of infrastructure facilities of the transport network.
    4. New or improved technological processes. These are the processes of repair and maintenance of equipment, mechanisms and devices of production, switching means of communication and information transfer, organization of the transportation process and other transport production facilities.
    5. Fundamentally new or qualitatively improved material resources or objects of labor.
    The feasibility of introducing new technology is assessed by the payback period of the necessary capital investments or the annual reduced economic effect obtained by using new technology or modern technologies.
    The normative coefficient of efficiency of new technology is set according to the level of the optimal payback period for the investor for its implementation. In world practice, it is accepted that the payback period should be no more than 5 years; for electronic equipment or computer technology, this period is reduced to 3–4 years. In the domestic economy, for equipment that has a high cost and long service life, which is typical, first of all, for the electric power industry, the standard coefficient of economic efficiency of new equipment is set at a level not exceeding 7–8 years. Here we are talking about the modernization and introduction of new modern equipment at power stations, step-down substations and power lines.
    Proceeding from the foregoing, the normative efficiency coefficient for the introduction of new technology in the calculations can be taken within the range of 0.15–0.33.
    If the introduction of new equipment provides not only a reduction in current costs during its operation compared to the basic equipment, but also an additional result in the form of an increase in income or profit of the enterprise, then this factor must also be taken into account in the calculation.
    The payback period for new technology can be determined simple methods its calculation and, if the introduction of new technology is carried out in stages and requires significant capital investments, by integral methods for assessing the feasibility of its introduction.
    The best option will be the one in which the payback period is minimal.
    The main goal of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of new technology is to substantiate its commercial (entrepreneurial) viability. The latter involves the fulfillment of two fundamental requirements:
    full recovery (recoupment) of invested funds.
    profit, the amount of which justifies the rejection of any other way of using resources (capital) and compensates for the risk arising from the uncertainty of the final result.
    When performing investment analysis, the task of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of new technology is the main one that determines the fate of the project as a whole.
    The economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of new technology is aimed at determining the potential of the considered technology to provide the required or expected level of profitability.
    The financial assessment is aimed at choosing a scheme for financing the costs of new equipment and thus characterizes the possibilities for implementing the existing economic potential. The assessment should follow an economic approach and consider only those benefits and losses that can be measured in monetary terms.
    In the process of developing a project for the use of new technology, an assessment of its social and economic consequences, as well as costs associated with social activities and environmental protection, creating or maintaining jobs, improving working conditions, etc.
    Obviously, when we are dealing with the evaluation of new technology for an existing organization, it is necessary to find out how the fact of the presence of ongoing activity affects the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of new technology, and this, in turn, depends on the goals of the analysis and on a number of factors, of which the most significant can be identified.
    When developing performance indicators for the introduction of new technology, one should proceed from the ultimate goal for which the implementation is carried out. To determine the effectiveness of individual scientific and technical measures, the following system of generalizing indicators should be used.
    1. Generalizing indicators of economic efficiency of specific scientific and technical measures, providing a connection with generalizing indicators of production efficiency:
    - the rate of increase in efficiency from the introduction of new technology or efficiency from the introduction of new technology or cost reduction
    - increase in the output of marketable, clean products due to the effective introduction of new technology
    - savings in labor costs as a result of the introduction of new technology or savings from cost reduction
    - profit growth by reducing the production costs of products from the introduction of new technology
    2. Indicators of increasing the efficiency of labor use from the introduction of new technology:
    - the rate of increase in labor productivity from the introduction of new technology
    - saving the number of employees from the use of new equipment
    - increase in net, marketable products and profits due to the introduction of new technology
    - savings in payroll from the use of new technology
    3. Indicators of improving the efficiency of fixed assets used in the innovation:
    - cost savings on depreciation of the introduction of new technology
    - increase in profits and marketable products due to savings in depreciation costs as a result of the introduction of new technology
    4. Indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of material resources from the introduction of new technology
    - increasing material efficiency in the production of specific types of products through the introduction of new technology
    - reduction of material costs from the introduction of new technology
    - increase in net, marketable products and profits due to an increase in material efficiency and a decrease in material costs from the introduction of new technology.
    The proposed system of indicators quite fully characterizes the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology in the production of specific types of products (works, services). It allows you to coordinate the plan for new technology with indicators for assessing the economic efficiency of production, and to monitor the effectiveness of the use of capital investments for the introduction of new technology.
    In the process of developing plans and conducting analyzes of their implementation, it is important to determine what impact the introduction of new technology had on the economic efficiency of production as a whole. For this, generalizing indicators of the consolidated economic efficiency of the introduction of new technology are used:
    - the rate of increase in production efficiency in the whole enterprise from the introduction of new technology
    - increase in the output of marketable products in the whole enterprise from the introduction of new technology
    - savings in labor costs in the whole enterprise from the introduction of new technology
    - the effectiveness of capital investments in the whole enterprise from the introduction of new technology
    - profitability of capital investments in the whole enterprise from the introduction of new technology
    - increase in profits in general for the enterprise from the introduction of new technology
    - efficiency of production of new types of products in the whole enterprise
    - indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of labor in the whole enterprise from the introduction of new technology
    - indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of capital investments in the enterprise from the introduction of new technology
    - indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of material resources in the enterprise from the introduction of new technology and others.
    Savings in labor costs over the time of using new technology is calculated on the basis of data on the price per unit, on the volume of production of specific types of products, on labor costs for the production of products before and after the introduction of new technology.
    The main generalizing indicator of the effectiveness of scientific and technical measures - the rate of increase in the efficiency of production of specific types of products from the introduction of new technology - reflects the outpacing of the growth rate of output of this product over the growth rate of costs for its production or the rate of reduction of labor per unit of output.
    A general assessment of the implementation of the plan for the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology is carried out on the basis of summary data that reflect the effect of the introduction. This makes it possible to get an idea of ​​the degree of fulfillment of the task in terms of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology and to study the trends in its development and dynamics.
    The results of a general assessment of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology are used to determine the extent of its impact on economic indicators that characterize the efficiency of economic activity. Such an assessment should be carried out for all groups of indicators: for a group of generalizing indicators of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology for the use of labor resources, capital investments of fixed production assets, depreciation costs and material costs.
    Evaluation of the implementation of the plan for the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology allows enterprises to most accurately plan their future activities, both in the field of innovation, and make the most optimal management decisions.
    The fulfillment and overfulfillment of the main results of economic activity and the increase in production efficiency depend, first of all, on the completeness of the implementation of the plan for the introduction of new equipment, which includes the technical re-equipment of the enterprise, which ensures an increase in the technical and economic level of production and products. Therefore, the task of analyzing the implementation of the plan for the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology is to establish the reasons that influenced the deviation of the actual performance indicators from the plan. The results of such an analysis are used in the future to develop management decisions aimed at eliminating the shortcomings identified during the analysis, as well as to evaluate the work of functional services and departments involved in the implementation of scientific and technical measures.
    The non-fulfillment of the profit plan is explained by the action of two factors: the failure to fulfill the plan to reduce costs and the failure to fulfill the plan to increase the output of marketable products. If the plan is not fulfilled, the enterprise should think about the further use of these types of new equipment. Non-fulfillment of plans raises the question of the effectiveness and expediency of introducing new technology.
    The introduction of new technology and the analysis of the effectiveness of its implementation are very important for the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The introduction of new technology allows to reduce the cost of production, which means an increase in the profit of the enterprise, as well as an analysis of the introduction of new technology allows the management of the enterprise to make the most optimal and accurate management decisions.

    1.2. The concept of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of new technology in the enterprise

    Effectiveness from the Latin word "effectus" - performance, action. Initially, the concept of efficiency was attributed to engineering and technology. At the same time, efficiency was understood as a measure of the work performed in relation to the energy expended or the ratio between the actual and potential results of any process.
    The concept of efficiency is the most important socio-economic category, which is characterized by the properties of dynamism and historicity.
    There are general (absolute) and comparative (relative) efficiency. Overall efficiency is necessary to evaluate and analyze general economic results and efficiency at various levels of the economy (macro and micro levels) for a certain period of time and in dynamics to compare the level of efficiency by enterprises and regions.
    Comparative efficiency is calculated and analyzed when substantiating the accepted production, economic, technical and organizational decisions, in order to select the best (optimal) from alternative options. Such selection is carried out on the basis of a comparison (comparison) according to the options of the system of technical and economic indicators, the calculation of the payback period or the efficiency coefficient of additional capital investments, the magnitude of the economic effect.
    In a market economy, the analysis of the effectiveness of new technology becomes more complicated, acquiring a multi-stage and multi-stage character. At the first stage of the analysis of the effectiveness of new equipment and technology, traditional generalizing and particular indicators of the technical level and effectiveness of new equipment and technology should be used. The classification of indicators of the technical level of innovation is given in fig. one.
    For the successful implementation of an innovation, it is necessary to choose an adequate technological solution and an appropriate level of organization and production apparatus. An analysis of the level of technology and technology used requires the study of not only novelty and priority, but also such important properties as the ability to adapt to existing conditions, the ability to readjust the production apparatus. Of particular note is such a property of technology, technology and organization as flexibility.

    Rice. 1. Classification of indicators of the technical level of new equipment and technology

    In the context of an expanding market space, multiple diversification, the pace of renewal is increasing, and the variety of types of products and the equipment and technologies used for their production is increasing. Goods, equipment and technology at different stages of the life cycle, belonging to different models and generations, simultaneously appear in production. In this regard, the variability of technology and the need to adapt the production apparatus to these changes sharply increase.
    There is a growing need to use special methods to increase the effect of new technological solutions “taking root” in existing production conditions. The system "equipment - technology - product" is constructed according to special methods based on the so-called built-in heterogeneity, i.e. skillful combination of functional features of fragments of newly developed technological solutions with existing production processes.
    Methodologically, it is necessary to distinguish between indicators of economic efficiency of raising the technical and organizational level and indicators of the level itself, i.e. state of engineering, technology, organization, management and R&D. An approximate diagram of the most important indicators of the achieved technical and organizational level of production is shown in fig. 2.
    An increase in the technical and organizational level of production is ultimately manifested in the level of use of the main elements of the production process: labor, means of labor and objects of labor. That is why such economic indicators as labor productivity, capital productivity, material intensity, turnover of working capital, reflecting the intensity of the use of production resources, are indicators of the economic efficiency of increasing the level of new equipment and technology used. The above indicators (labor productivity, capital productivity, material consumption and turnover of working capital) are called private indicators of intensification. Their analysis should be carried out according to the factors of the technical and organizational level. Along with private indicators, general indicators are also used.
    All generalizing indicators characterizing the increase in the economic efficiency of measures for technical and organizational development are combined into the following groups:
    - increase in labor productivity, relative deviation of the number of employees and wage fund;
    - increment of material output (reduction of material consumption), relative.
    - increase in capital productivity (decrease in capital intensity) of fixed production assets, relative deviation of fixed production assets;
    - increase in the speed of turnover of working capital, relative deviation (release or binding) of working capital;
    - increase in the volume of output due to the intensification of the use of labor, material and financial resources;
    - increment of profit or production cost;
    - increase in indicators of the financial condition and solvency of the enterprise.

    Rice. 2. Scheme of indicators of the technical and organizational level of production

    The proposed system of indicators of the economic efficiency of new technology is the same for all branches of material production. The analysis methodology is given in the Guidelines for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of measures aimed at accelerating scientific and technological progress.
    Currently, to determine the effectiveness of new technology, a number of methods are proposed, which can be grouped as follows: traditional financial methods; probabilistic methods; qualitative analysis tools.
    The advantage of financial methods is their basis, the classical theory of determining the economic efficiency of investments. These methods use criteria generally accepted in the financial industry (net present value, internal rate of return, etc.), which allows managers to find a common language with financial directors. The main drawback is the limited application of such methods: they operate with the concepts of cash inflow and outflow, which require specificity and accuracy.
    The advantage of probabilistic methods is the ability to assess the likelihood of a risk and the emergence of new opportunities (for example, increasing the competitiveness of products, reducing the risks of timely completion of a project) using statistical and mathematical models. Difficulties also arise here, in particular, in assessing the impact of new technology on the competitiveness of a product. Firstly, such components of product quality as efficiency depend not only on the quality design solutions taken during the design and preparation of the product, but also on the parameters of the production system - its ability to accurately reproduce the parameters of the product design. Secondly, projects for the development of the sphere of design and preparation of production at most enterprises are interconnected with innovative projects in the production sector, therefore, a separate calculation of the effectiveness of such projects becomes meaningless; system is needed.
    The advantage of qualitative methods is their attempt to supplement quantitative calculations with qualitative estimates. They can help evaluate all the explicit and implicit factors in the effectiveness of new technology and link them to the overall strategy of the enterprise. This group of methods allows specialists to independently choose the most important characteristics for them (depending on the specifics of the product and the activities of the enterprise), establish relationships between them, for example, using significance coefficients.
    The main disadvantage of such methods is that for their effective application, the enterprise needs to independently develop its own detailed scorecard and implement it in all departments along the entire value chain. Another weakness is the factor of influence of subjective opinion on the choice of a system of indicators. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on specialists involved in the development of a system of indicators: they must have extensive experience in this area and a high level of knowledge in the field of innovation management.

    1.3. Problems of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of new technology

    The concept of "efficiency" characterizes the effectiveness of any tasks being solved in relation to costs.
    The more complex and expensive the equipment becomes, the worse financial opportunities for its acquisition, the more urgent is the task of assessing the economic aspects associated with new technology. These aspects are quite varied. In particular, speaking about the need to assess the economic efficiency of equipment, we can distinguish various aspects of the problem:
    - efficiency of equipment acquisition;
    - efficiency of equipment use;
    - efficiency of equipment maintenance;
    - efficiency of equipment utilization.
    The effectiveness of the acquisition of equipment involves comparing the costs of acquiring equipment with the result obtained (the characteristics of the purchased equipment). Moreover, we are talking not only about the price of equipment, but also about the costs associated with finding a supplier, preparing a contract, delivering equipment, etc.
    The efficiency of equipment use involves comparing the costs of operating the equipment with the result obtained, expressed in the output.
    Equipment maintenance efficiency involves comparing the cost of equipment maintenance with the result obtained, expressed in various aspects of equipment performance (service life, frequency of breakdowns, downtime due to breakdowns, etc.).
    The efficiency of equipment recycling involves comparing the costs of getting rid of equipment that has become unnecessary or unusable with the result obtained (freeing the territory, obtaining spare parts as a result of dismantling, income from the disposal of scrap metal, elements containing precious metals etc.).
    It may seem that the calculations associated with the cost-effectiveness of acquiring, using, maintaining and disposing of equipment are too burdensome and costly. But it is enough to remember what the cost of the purchased equipment is and what, accordingly, is the cost of possible losses in case of making erroneous decisions. In addition, it is possible to make a simple comparison of the costs of accounting for funds allocated for wages, with similar indicators for accounting for equipment.
    In addition, it is necessary to substantiate not only economic efficiency, but also the methods of its measurement, efficiency criteria, and applicability under various conditions.
    Economic tasks can be grouped as follows:
    - maximization of income (profit);
    - cost recovery;
    - minimization of losses.
    Thus, the requirement of economic efficiency of new equipment, new technology should be solved taking into account the assessment of all factors. And if for some services, some divisions, the requirement of financial payback is absolutely mandatory (for example, for divisions that provide paid services on a self-supporting basis), then in other cases it can be limited to the requirement of recoupment of only part of the costs or even minimization of losses.
    Maximum efficiency is achieved with maximum results and minimum costs.
    Other forms of expressing effectiveness:
    - increase in result at those expenses;
    - Reducing costs with the same results.
    Efficiency in the use of medical equipment implies obtaining the greatest effect per unit of cost. Therefore, it is necessary to consider what acts as results and as costs:
    Equipment cost refers to the number of pieces of equipment used. Therefore, efficiency is found as the ratio of the result to the number of units used. In fact, this is the average load per piece of equipment. But the equipment can be used in different ways.
    If we consider calendar time as costs, then its minimization means that the equipment should give the desired result in the shortest possible time. That is, it should pay off as soon as possible.
    If we talk about the minimum cost of equipment operation time, then this means that it should work as little as possible. The conclusion is paradoxical at first glance, but, nevertheless, quite logical. It is about minimizing the operating time of the equipment to obtain the same result (i.e. ceteris paribus). This means that the equipment should work most productively.
    The problem of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the use of new technology has always been and is in the center of attention of scientists-economists and practitioners of various levels and ranks. And before proceeding to the consideration of specific methods for evaluating new technology, it is advisable to dwell on some methodological issues in the field of capital investments, while focusing on the current state and prospects for the development of the country's economy. In the general case, the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of new technology arises before a potential investor, i.e. before the economic entity, which has at its disposal certain resources, the investment of which can bring some benefit to their owner.
    The implementation of any innovative project in a market economy must be preceded by the solution of two interrelated methodological tasks:
    1) assessment of the profitability of each of the possible options for the implementation of the project;
    2) comparison of options and selection of the best of them.
    The effectiveness of the use of new technology is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the ratio of costs and results. The composition of costs includes current and one-time costs provided for and necessary for implementation. For the valuation of results and costs, basic, world, forecast and settlement prices can be used.
    New equipment should be selected taking into account the inflationary factor. Inflation as an increase in the price level in an economy is measured either by a price change index or by the rate of inflation. The price change index is characterized by the ratio of prices, and the inflation rate is characterized by the percentage of price increases.
    When evaluating the effectiveness of the use of new technology, the comparison of multi-temporal indicators is carried out by bringing them to the value in the initial period, since the same costs incurred at different times are economically unequal. The significant duration of the life cycle of innovations leads to economic disparity between the costs incurred at different times and the results obtained. This contradiction is eliminated with the help of the so-called present value method, or discounting, i.e., bringing costs and results to one moment. As such a point in time, one can take, for example, the year of the start of the implementation of innovations.
    Discounting is based on the fact that any amount received in the future is currently of lesser value. With the help of discounting in financial calculations, the time factor is taken into account. The idea of ​​discounting is that it is preferable for a company to receive money today rather than tomorrow, since being invested in innovations, they will already bring some additional income tomorrow. In addition, postponing the receipt of money for the future is risky: under adverse circumstances, they will bring less income than expected, or even not at all.
    Technically, it is convenient to bring the costs, results and effects that take place at the t-th step of the calculation of the project implementation to the basic point in time by multiplying them by the discount factor determined for the constant discount rate.
    Since the use of new technology is characterized by a one-time or limited investment period, a long payback period, a large value, and production costs are usually an annual value, in order to bring them to a single annual dimension using the economic efficiency coefficient or the interest rate level, take part of investments (capital investments). This is where the term "adjusted costs" comes from.
    3i \u003d Сi + En Ki \u003d min,
    where 3i - reduced costs for each option;
    Ci - production costs (cost) for the same option;
    En is the standard for the efficiency of capital investments;
    Ki - investments according to the same option.
    In a planned economy, the value of En is set centrally. In a market economy, each individual firm, enterprise sets such a standard either at the level of the interest rate E, or as a standard of return on investment Rн.
    The evaluation should provide investors with a choice of a quality innovative project. When comparing options, it is necessary to comply with the principles systems approach. Here it is necessary to take into account the most important property of systems - emergence, which causes the inequality of the cumulative effect from a set of measures and the magnitude of the effects from their separate implementation. The comparison of innovative options is based on the principle of an integrated approach, which requires taking into account the entire set of activities that need to be carried out when implementing this solution option.
    The effect of using new technology is multifaceted. The size of the effect from the implementation of innovations is directly determined by their expected efficiency, which manifests itself:
    a) in the product sense (improvement of quality and growth of product ranges);
    b) in the technological sense (growth of labor productivity and improvement of its conditions);
    c) in a functional sense (increase in management efficiency); d) in the social sense (improving the quality of life).
    Consequently, the economic value (cost) of innovations for their buyer is directly determined by their expected (projected) utility, which allows him to overcome the problem of the limited nature of one or another type of attracted resources. The cost of innovations for their seller is directly determined by the expected profitability of their sale. The concepts of cost and utility of innovation in the economic sense are identified in the interrelated analysis of quality and quantity:
    a) produced things (products);
    b) the work performed (works and functions);
    c) changes in production and sales costs;
    d) changes in sales volume, market share, profit and other indicators of competitiveness within the existing demand.

    2. The current state of the enterprise

    2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

    JSC "Chelyabinsk Apparatus Plant" is a manufacturing enterprise that manufactures products for both industrial purposes and products for the consumer market. JSC "Chelyabinsk Apparatus Plant" is one of the largest enterprises in the tractor-building industry in Russia, a leader in the production of spare parts for chassis systems of tractor equipment, almost all innovations developed in Russia for chassis systems are mastered primarily at JSC "CHAZ". Marketable products worth more than 3 billion rubles are produced annually. The production area of ​​the enterprise is 80 hectares, the number of employees of the enterprise exceeds 10,000 people.
    Full name: OAO Chelyabinsk Apparatus Plant.
    The authorized capital of the Company is 321,382 rubles.
    The number of placed ordinary shares with a par value of 1 ruble is 321,382.
    The enterprise has an independent balance sheet, opens settlement and other accounts in any financial and credit institutions, both in rubles and in foreign currency. The enterprise has a round seal with its name (emblem), its trademark, the sample of which is approved by the meeting of shareholders and other necessary details.
    The joint-stock company carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the joint-stock company.
    The subject of the activity of the joint-stock company is the saturation of the consumer market with goods and services, the satisfaction of public needs for consumer goods.
    JSC carries out its economic activities on the basis of self-financing and self-sufficiency, is responsible for the results of its economic activities, for the fulfillment of its obligations to partners under concluded agreements. It is liable for its obligations with its property.
    The results of a systematic analysis of the activity of a trade enterprise allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of commercial work, accurately and timely take into account the factors affecting the profit received for specific types of goods sold and services provided, determine distribution costs and trends in their change, which is necessary for calculating profitability, find the best ways to solve commercial problems. business problems.
    During the analysis commercial activities JSC "ChAZ" in the period from 2010 to 2012 received information on its financial and economic situation, presented in table 1. The data indicated in the table are shown after all necessary tax deductions.

    Table 1 - Dynamics of the main indicators of financial and economic activity of ChAZ OJSC in comparable prices, million rubles.
    Indicator Years Deviation In % 2011 by 2010 AT %
    2012 by 2011
    2010 2011 2012 2011 from
    2010 2012 from 2011
    Sales proceeds, million rubles 10797.5
    Gross income
    million rubles
    level of gross income, in % of turnover
    Distribution costs
    million rubles
    level of distribution costs, in % of turnover
    Profit from sales, million rubles 316.8
    Average annual cost of fixed production assets, mln. rub.
    in % of turnover
    Average headcount, people 657 680 655 +23 -25 109.3 90.9
    Labor productivity of employees, million rubles 189.1
    207,5 297,5 +18,4 +90 109,7 143,4
    Payroll fund of employees, mln. rub.
    in % of turnover
    Profitability of product sales, % 2.9 6.5 9.8 +3.6 +3.3 224.1 150.8
    Return on costs, % 17.4 47.5 80.4 +30.1 +32.9 273.0 169.3

    The proceeds from the sale of this enterprise tends to increase, so in 2011 in relation to 2010. it increased by 3312.5 million rubles, the growth rate in 2011 equal to 130.7%, respectively, the growth rate was 30.7%. In 2012, sales revenue increased by 2256.8 million rubles. compared to 2011, its growth was 16%. According to the table, we can conclude that the increase in revenue in 2011 was affected by an increase in industrial space by 1600 sq.m. The next factor influencing the increase in turnover is the increase in the average number of employees in 2011. by 23 people, which made it possible to increase productivity per employee by 18.4 million rubles. (by 9.7%). In 2012, there was a reduction in the number of personnel by 23 people, but productivity increased by 90 million rubles. (143.4%). Also, the average annual cost of fixed assets had an impact on the amount of revenue. There is a downward trend in the average annual cost of fixed production assets in terms of amount and level of turnover, but the fixed production assets are used effectively. If we consider the return on assets in 2010, then it amounted to 6.3 rubles, in 2011 the return on assets amounted to 8.5 rubles. (34.9% higher than in 2010), in 2012 the return on assets is 10.7 rubles. (increased by 25.9% compared to 2011). That is, the efficiency of the use of fixed production assets has been increasing over the past three years. From 1 rub. invested funds the company received in 2010 6.3 rubles. revenue in 2011 - 8.5 rubles, in 2012. - 10.7% rub.
    Gross income by the amount increases in 2011 in relation to 2010. by 698.2 million rubles. (by 32.7%), in 2012 in relation to 2011 increased by 764.6 million rubles (by 27%). In terms of gross income is also growing in 2010. grew by 1.5%, in 2012 it grew by 9.5%. At this enterprise, the growth rate of gross income is ahead of the growth rate of revenue, that is, the enterprise observes a savings regime and efficient operation. It is possible that the company reduced the turnover at purchase prices due to more favorable partners, delivery terms, which made it possible to establish a higher trade margin at the same price level.
    The amount of costs has increased over the past three years, this is a normal situation, since revenue is growing, respectively, and the costs of the enterprise will also increase. But here is the situation of lowering the level of distribution costs. In 2011 in relation to 2010 the level decreased by 19.5% in 2012. in relation to 2011 decreased by 10.3%.
    Profit from sales in 2011 in relation to 2010 increased by 596.3 million rubles. (increased by 188.2%), in 2012. in relation to 2011 increased by 691.9 million rubles. (increased by 75.8%). The increase in this indicator was influenced by: revenue growth, a change in the revenue structure, an increase in gross income in terms of amount and level, a decrease in the level of distribution costs, an increase in labor productivity, the efficiency of using fixed production assets and other factors. The profitability of sales of this enterprise with an increase in profits and an increase in turnover, respectively, also increases. In 2011, the return on sales increased by 3.6% compared to 2010, in 2012 compared to 2011. increased by 3.3%.
    Wage fund in 2011 in relation to 2010 increased by 47.5 million rubles in total. (22.5%), apparently this is due to the growth of the average headcount. In 2012 the situation has changed - there was a reduction in the value of the wage fund by 32.9 million rubles (12.7%), this decrease was influenced by the reduction in the average headcount. The payroll fund varies by level in proportion to the amount.

    2.2 Composition and structure of fixed assets of the enterprise

    Next, we analyze the movement of fixed assets in value terms. Table 2 presents data for the analysis of fixed assets of the enterprise.

    Table 2 - Indicators characterizing the movement of fixed assets, million rubles.

    OF at the beginning of the year, million rubles 1690.47 1719.98 1657.2 29.5 2.2 103.45 100.25
    OF at the end of the year, million rubles 1719.97 1657.2 1416.5 2.2 8.44 100.25 100.95
    Average annual cost of OF, mln. rub. 1705.2 1658.3 1530.5 +46.8 +153.9 97.3 92.3
    Depreciation (amortization) of fixed assets, million rubles 122.91 123.47 121.04 +0.56 -2.43 102.44 89.65
    Active part of OF, mln. rub. 568.61 584.46 584.46 +15.85 - 109.40 100.0

    After analyzing the above table, we can conclude that the average annual cost of fixed assets tends to decrease. This was due to the large number of fund disposals in 2010 and 2012. The company is planning for 2013. refurbish the industrial hall by purchasing more advanced equipment. The active part of fixed assets tends to grow. Yes, at the end of 2012. the active part amounted to 589.78 million rubles. increased by 12.9% compared to 2010. What affected the increase in trade by 2012 by 51.5% compared to 2010.
    To determine how effectively the company uses fixed assets, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets.
    Table 3 presents data on the efficiency of the use of fixed assets of the enterprise.

    Table 3 - The efficiency of the use of fixed assets of the enterprise
    Indicator 2010 2011 2012 Deviation Rate of change
    2011 from 2010 2012 from 2011 2011 by 2010 2012 by 2011
    Sales proceeds, million rubles 10797.5 14110.0 16366.8 +3312.5 +2256.8 130.7 116.0
    Average annual cost of fixed assets, mln. 1705.1 1658.3 1530.5 -46.8 -127.8 97.3 92.3
    Return on assets 6.3 8.5 10.7 +2.2 2.7 134.9 125.9
    Capital intensity 0.16 0.12 0.09 -0.04 -0.03 75 75
    Capital savings - -33.12 -22.56 - - - -
    Average headcount, pers. 657 680 655 +23 -25 109.3 90.9
    Capital-labor ratio 29.9 24.4 27.8 -5.5 +3.4 81.6 113.9

    According to the table, one can note the increase in capital productivity in 2011. by 2.2 points, that is, the increase was 34.9% compared to 2010, and in 2012. compared to 2011 - by 2.7 points: the increase was 25.9%. This is due to the increase in trade over these periods by 30.7% (3312.5 million rubles) and 16% (2256.0 million rubles), respectively. The increase in trade covered the decline in the average annual cost of fixed assets. While the rate of change in the average annual value of fixed assets continues to decline, the revealed increase in return on assets shows that for 1 ruble of invested funds in fixed assets, we received 6 rubles. 32 kopecks of turnover in 2011 and 8 rubles 50 kopecks in 2012. The capital-labor ratio in 2011 decreased by 5.5 points. This is due to an increase in workers and a shortage of all production capacities. In 2012 this figure increased and amounted to 27.8 rubles. per 1 worker. The limiting indicator of capital intensity, that is, the ratio of the average annual cost of fixed assets and turnover, allows us to talk about increasing the efficiency of using production capacity. This conclusion can be drawn based on the fact that the marginal indicator of capital intensity is equal in 2011. 0.12 points and 0.09 points in 2012. that is, to get 1 ruble of turnover, we need to invest 0.12 rubles in fixed production assets in 2011 and 0.09 rubles in 2012, that is, investments in production assets for 1 ruble. turnover is declining. Calculating the capital savings ratio, we got a negative value. This means that the company is operating effectively, at least for the period 2010-2012.

    2.3 Profit indicators of the enterprise

    Analysis of the sources of profit formation is carried out in the context of income generation. Profits from all sources of activity, gross profit, taxable profit and net profit are calculated, the data are presented in table 4.

    Table 4 - Analysis of the sources of profit formation in comparable prices, million rubles.
    Indicators Years
    Chain deviations, million rubles Growth rates, chain, in %
    2010 2011 2012 2011 from 2010 2012 from 2011 2011 by 2010 2012 by 2011
    1. Goods turnover, million rubles 10797.5 14110.0 16366.8 +3312.5 +2256.8 130.7 116.0
    2. Gross income from sales, million rubles. 2137.9 2836.1 3600.7 +698.2 +764.6 132.7 127.0
    3.Operating income, million rubles 9.3 10.0 10.2 +0.7 +0.2 107.5 102.0
    4. Distribution costs, million rubles 1821.1 1923.0 1995.7 +101.9 +72.7 105.6 103.8
    5. Operating expenses, million rubles 6.5 7.2 7.6 +0.7 +0.4 110.7 105.6
    6.Profit from sales, mln. rub. 316.8 913.1 1605.0 +596.3 +691.9 288.2 175.8
    7. Gross profit, million rubles (6 line + 3 line - 5 line 319.6 915.9 1607.6 +596.3 +691.7 286.6 175.5
    8. Taxable profit, million rubles 319.6 915.9 1607.6 +596.3 +691.7 286.6 175.5
    9. Income tax, million rubles 76.7 219.8 385.8 +143.1 166.0 286.6 175.5
    10.Net profit, mln. rub. (line 8-line 9) 242.9 696.1 1221.8 +453.2 +525.7 286.6 175.5

    Since the enterprise did not receive non-operating and emergency income(costs) are not shown in Table 4. Thereby book profit, which consists of profit (loss) from sales, operating income (expenses) and non-operating income (expenses), will be equal to profit from sales + balance of operating income and expenses. That is, in this case, it is equal to gross profit.
    Income tax in accordance with Art. 284 of the NKRF is set at 24%. The basis for taxable profit was gross profit, net profit is calculated as the difference between taxable profit - income tax. Let's calculate the income tax:
    In 2010 income tax = Taxable income 2010 * 24/100 = 319.6 * 24/100 = 76.7 million rubles.
    In 2011, income tax \u003d Taxable income for 2011 * 24/100 \u003d 915.9 * 24/100 \u003d 219.8 million rubles.
    In 2012 income tax = Taxable income 2012 * 24/100 = 1607.6 * 24/100 = 385.8 million rubles.
    According to the table, we can conclude that the company is operating successfully and profitably, the company's net profit is steadily increasing, mainly net profit is formed at the expense of sales profit, which is natural, since this is a trading company, operating income averages about 10-15% from the total income of the enterprise. The enterprise incurred operating expenses related to the liquidation of decommissioned fixed assets, expenses on operations with packaging, expenses for paying for bank services (expenses for maintaining a current account), but they were covered by operating income, which included penalties for violation of contractual obligations, interest paid by the bank for the placement of funds, etc.
    Profitability is a synthetic indicator that reflects many aspects of the activity of a trading enterprise for a certain period. The system of indicators of profitability is a component of the system of indicators of economic efficiency of the enterprise. The concept of "profitability" is closely related to the concept of "profit", so it is necessary to analyze the profitability of the enterprise.
    Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise consists of the analysis of the following indicators: profitability of sales, profitability of costs, profitability of activities, profitability of fixed production assets, profitability of the wage fund. These indicators are presented in table 5.
    Profitability of sales shows how many rubles of profit the company received from 100 rubles of turnover. From the data obtained, we can conclude that for three years the profitability of sales of this enterprise has been growing, so in 2010 the enterprise received 2.9 rubles from 100 rubles of turnover. profit, in 2011 - 6.5 rubles; in 2012 - 9.8 rubles.

    Table 5 - Analysis of enterprise profitability indicators
    Indicators Years Deviations chain, mln. Chain growth rates, in %
    2010 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012
    Return on sales (profit/turnover*100%) 2.9 6.5 9.8 +3.6 +3.3 224.1 150.8
    (profit/cost*100%) 17.4 47.5 80.4 +30.1 +32.9 273 169.3
    Profitability of activities
    (profit/gross income) 100%) 14.8 32.2 44.6 +17.4 +12.4 217.6 138.5
    Profitability of fixed production assets
    (profit/average annual
    value of fixed production assets*100%) 18.6 55.1 104.9 +36.5 +49.5 296.2 190.4
    Profitability of the payroll fund (profit/payroll fund *100%) 150.2 353.4 711.8 +203.2 +358.4 235 201.4

    Return on costs shows how many rubles of profit the company received from 100 rubles. invested costs. This indicator is increasing, in 2011 compared to 2010 it increased by 173%, in 2012 compared to 2011 it increased by 69.3%.
    The profitability of operations reflects the cost of trading services, the gross income into which the profit is divided should include operating and non-operating income, but since operating income is a small amount, and the enterprise did not receive non-operating income, then we will consider the gross income from sales. The profitability indicator in 2011 increased by 117.6%, in 2012. increased by 38.5%.
    The profitability of fixed production assets shows how many rubles an enterprise receives from the ruble invested in fixed production assets. This indicator is calculated in%, so it will reflect how much profit the company will receive from 100 rubles invested in fixed production assets. So, in 2010, the company received 18.6% of the profit from 100 invested rubles, in 2011. - 55.1%, in 2012 - 104.9%. That is, this figure has been increasing for three years.
    The profitability of the wage fund is also increasing, which indicates a trend towards an increase in the wages of workers, an increase in various social payments. As a result, the employees of the enterprise are interested in the successful operation of the company, in increasing the productivity of their labor, since remuneration for labor also increases.

    3. Ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise through the introduction of new technology

    3.1 Recommendations for improving the efficiency of the use of new technology in the enterprise

    Raising the technical level of production, especially at engineering enterprises, is achieved through the introduction of new advanced equipment and technology, comprehensive automation and mechanization of production processes, improving product quality, improving the use of material and energy resources and others. In mechanical engineering, such measures include, in particular, an increase in the level of standardization and unification of structures, the introduction of progressive technological processes in blanking shops (forging, pressing, precision casting, etc.), an increase in the share of plastics and periodic rolling (stepped shafts ) for the manufacture of structural elements, replacement of universal equipment with high-performance, specialized, etc.
    Proposed measures for the introduction of progressive technological processes and new equipment at ChAZ OJSC:
    1. Measures to accelerate scientific and technological progress, accompanied by a decrease in the relative metal consumption of machines, mechanisms, units. It is known that one of the most important trends in scientific and technological progress in modern mechanical engineering is an increase in the power and productivity of machines and equipment, which is necessarily accompanied by a comparative decrease in their net and relative weight, material consumption, improvement in finish and appearance, an increase in their quality and a decrease in specific operating costs. and, most importantly, an increase in labor productivity.
    2. Measures aimed at the introduction of economical types and profiles of rolled products, the use of which provides metal savings in the range of 10 - 70%. Roll-formed profiles find effective application in many branches of mechanical engineering.
    3. Measures expressed in the replacement of traditional structural materials. In engineering production, there is a process of replacing ferrous metals with synthetic materials - plastics, synthetic resins, non-ferrous, light and rare metals. The most important target task of replacing ferrous metals is to reduce the metal consumption and labor intensity of products, improve the quality of the final product of mechanical engineering.
    Plastics are effectively used in the automotive industry, the aviation industry, the electrical and radio engineering industry, machine tool building, the production of antifriction parts, etc. The use of plastics, which have a significantly lower physical specific gravity compared to ferrous and non-ferrous metals, makes it possible to reduce the relative weight of machinery and equipment and , therefore, provides metal savings. In the manufacture of plastic parts, assemblies and products, the number of technological operations is reduced in comparison with the processing of metals by 3–8 times.
    4. Measures to further improve the technical level of production in the procurement base of machine building, the introduction of automated equipment systems that provide high-precision blanks, as well as a significant increase in productivity and improve working conditions in foundry, forging and welding industries.
    In the manufacturing industries and industries where the material is in the form of a sheet (sewing, shoe production, machine building when using sheet metal), material savings are achieved by using rational cutting patterns that ensure the most complete use of the sheet, tape or strip surface when cutting the required workpieces. In solving this problem, economic and mathematical methods and electronic computers are successfully used, thanks to which optimal cutting patterns are determined.
    An important role is played by the use of local types of fuel raw materials, secondary raw materials, material and fuel resources, regeneration (recovery) of used raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials (lubricants, cleaning materials), and tools.

    3.2 Calculation of economic efficiency when introducing new technology

    Within the framework of the technical development plan of the enterprise (PTR) in 2013-2014. It is planned to purchase the following equipment:
    - grinding machine for grinding the ends of axles;
    - CNC vertical machining center for forging dies;
    - technical characteristics of the machine for processing half-links (production of running systems of industrial tractors);
    - technical characteristics of the machine for cutting secrets on the keys;
    - required technical characteristics of the machine for processing bushings (production of running systems of industrial tractors);
    - vertical milling machining center;
    - painting equipment for painting caterpillars of industrial tractors.
    Calculation of full cost and wholesale price
    where SP is the total cost, rub.;
    M - the cost of materials, rub.;
    P - the cost of semi-finished products, rubles;
    ТЗР - transport and procurement costs, rub.;
    RSEO - expenses for the maintenance and operation of equipment, rubles;
    C - general production (shop) expenses, rub.;
    O - general business expenses, rub.;
    Vn - non-production costs, rub.
    M \u003d Tsm N3,
    where Cm is the price of a unit of materials, rub.
    P \u003d CPU N3,
    where CPU is the price of a unit of semi-finished products, rub.
    ТЗР \u003d (M + P) Ktzr / 100
    where Ktr is the established percentage of TZR (3-5%).
    Rseo = Zosn. Krseo / 100,
    where Krseo is the established percentage of Rseo, (50 - 60%).
    C = Zosn. Kts / 100,
    where Кц is the established percentage of overhead (shop) expenses, (70 - 80%).
    Sc \u003d M + P + TZR + Ztot. + Osoc. + Rseo + C,
    where Сц is the shop cost, rub.
    Or = Zosn. Co / 100,
    where Or - general business expenses, rubles;
    Ko - the established percentage of general business expenses (60-70%).
    Ref. \u003d Sc + Or,
    where Spr - production cost, rub.
    Vn = Ref. sq. / 100,
    where Vn - non-production costs, rub.;
    Kv - the established percentage of non-production costs (5%).
    Sp \u003d Spr. + Vn,
    where Sp is the total cost, rub.
    Sp.ed. \u003d Cn / Nv,
    where Sp.ed. - the total cost of a unit of production, rub.
    Mon \u003d Sp.ed Kp / 100,
    where Pn is the standard profit, rub.;
    Kp - the established percentage of profit (15%).
    Op.c. = Sp.ed + Mon,
    where Op.c. - wholesale price of products, rub.
    (P + M) \u003d 148 520000 \u003d 76960000 rubles.
    TZR=76960000 5/100=3848000 rub.
    Rseo1=332800 50/100=166400 rub.
    C1 \u003d 332800 70/100 \u003d 232960 rubles.
    Sc1=76960000+3848000+541931+140902+166400+232960=81890193 rub.
    Or1=332800 60/100=199680 rub.
    Sp1=81890193+199680=82089873 rub.
    Vn1=82089873 5/100=4104493 rub.
    Sp1=82089873+4104493=86194366 rub.
    Sp.ed1=86194366/500000=172.38 rub.
    Mon1=172.38 15/100=25.85 rub.
    Op.c1=172.38+25.85=198.23 rub.
    Structure calculation and cost analysis

    Table 6 - Total cost calculation
    Cost items Before implementation After implementation
    Amount, rub. Share, % Amount, rub. Specific weight, %
    Materials 153.92 89.29 153.92 89.29
    Transport and procurement costs 7.69 4.46 7.69 4.46
    Basic salary of the main production workers 0.66 0.38 0.24 0.14
    Premium 0.13 0.07 0.04 0.02
    Ural allowance for key production workers 0.12 0.06 0.04 0.02
    Additional salary 0.16 0.09 0.06 0.03
    Social contributions 0.28 0.16 0.1 0.05
    Equipment maintenance and operation costs 0.33 0.19 0.12 0.07
    General production (shop) expenses 0.46 0.26 0.17 0.09
    Total: general production (shop) cost 164.02 95.1 162.38 95.1
    General business expenses 0.26 0.15 0.14 0.08
    Total: general business cost 164.28 95.3 162.52 95.2
    Non-manufacturing expenses 8.1 4.7 8.18 4.8
    Total: total cost 172.38 100 170.7 100
    Standard profit 25.85 - 25.6 -
    Total: wholesale price 198.23 - 196.3 -

    Diagram of the cost structure before the introduction of new technology

    Diagram of the cost structure after the introduction of new technology

    The calculation of the unit cost of production for two options showed its overall decrease from 172.38 rubles. up to 170.7 rubles. The results obtained were affected by a general decrease in expenses for various items by 40-50% in the course of applying new technologies in production. The cost of materials and TZR remained at the same level as in the old version of production, since the introduction of new equipment into production does not have a direct impact on these cost items.
    Reducing the total cost of a unit of production for materials and TZR can be carried out due to: timely purchase of goods and materials for construction sites, their delivery, storage; optimizing the size of orders and inventory levels; coordination of the work of the security service to regulate the flow of inventories, reduce the facts of theft and prevent the facts of theft.
    Calculation of technological cost
    C=Cathedral Spriv,
    where the Cathedral is the cost of equipment, rubles;
    K - capital costs, rub.
    A \u003d K On / 100,
    where A - depreciation deductions, rub.;
    Na is the depreciation rate, %.
    P=Red Cr Cpriv,
    where P - repair costs, rub.;
    Red - the number of units of repair complexity, units;
    Cr is the cost of a unit of repair complexity, rub.
    E \u003d Re Fd Se Kz Kvr. Spriv. / Kd Ks,
    where E is the cost of electricity, rubles;
    Re – power consumption, kW/h;
    Сe is the cost of 1 kW/h of electricity, rub.;
    Kz - equipment load factor;
    Square - coefficient taking into account the use of equipment over time (0.9 - 0.95);
    Kd - coefficient taking into account losses in the engine (0.7 - 0.8);
    Kc - coefficient taking into account losses in the network (0.8 - 0.9).
    I = Synstr. 50/ 100 Sp.,
    where I - tool wear, rub.;
    Synstr. - the cost of the tool, rub.
    1 option
    K1=135000 2=270000 rub.
    А1=270000 6/100=16200 rub.
    Р1=8 280 2=4480 rub.
    E1=3 4019.68 1.6 1.08 0.9 2/0.7 0.8=66979.33 rub.
    Option 2
    K2=150000 1=150000 rub.
    А2=150000 10/100=15000 rub.
    Р2=10 280 1=2800 rub.
    E2=6 4019.68 1.6 1.08 0.9 1/0.7 0.8=66979.33 rub.

    Table 3 - Calculation of technological cost
    Cost items Amount, rub.
    Before implementation After implementation
    Materials 76960000 76960000
    Basic salary of production workers 332800 124800
    Premium 66560 24960
    Ural allowance for production workers 59904 22464
    Additional wages of production workers 82667 31000
    Deductions for social needs 140902 52838
    Depreciation deductions for equipment 16200 15000
    Tool wear - -
    Repair and maintenance 4480 2800
    Electricity consumption for technological purposes 66979.33 66979.33
    Total: technological cost 77663513 77233862

    Calculation of the amount of annual economic effect and payback period
    where E is the annual economic effect, rub.;
    C1 and C2 - technological cost of production, respectively, before and after implementation, rub.;
    K1 and K2 - capital investments in existing and new equipment, respectively, rubles;
    EN - normative coefficient of comparative economic efficiency (0.15).
    where Tok is the payback period, years.
    where E is the coefficient of comparative economic efficiency.
    E \u003d (77663513 + 0.15 270000) - (77233862 + 0.15 150000) \u003d 447651 rubles.
    Because K2

    The use of new technology in production at all times served to increase the efficiency and profitability of production. The ratio between economic results and costs, resources allows us to evaluate the effectiveness. Efficiency is estimated. It all depends on what goal should be achieved as a result of industrial, economic or any other expedient activity.
    The profitability of capital investments characterizes the size of the increase in net profit per 1 ruble of capital investments in the event, the payback period is the period of time during which capital investments are compensated, will be covered by the annual increase in net profit.
    Capital investments in the new production technology amounted to 150,000 rubles. against 270,000 rubles. with the old production version. Technological cost decreased by 429651 rubles. The annual economic effect E is equal to 447,651 rubles.
    Based on the data obtained in the course of the course work, it was found that the new production option is recognized as profitable.


    In conclusion of this course work, the following conclusions can be drawn that fundamental changes in engineering and technology, the mobilization of all, not only technical, but also organizational, economic and social factors, create the prerequisites for a significant increase in labor productivity.
    Raising the technical level of production, especially at engineering enterprises, is achieved through the introduction of new advanced equipment and technology, comprehensive automation and mechanization of production processes, improving product quality, improving the use of material and energy resources, etc.
    We considered the introduction of progressive technological processes and new equipment on the example of ChAZ OJSC.
    ChAZ JSC is the leader of the domestic engineering industry in the production of spare parts for the running systems of industrial, agricultural and skidding tracked vehicles; clutch parts for tractors, combines and cars, and also holds a leading position in the market of lock products and heating radiators.
    The main direction of technical development of ChAZ OJSC in 2013 was the improvement of existing production through the introduction of new advanced technologies and equipment. During the reporting period, 57 progressive and improved technological processes were introduced.
    In accordance with the Plan for the technical development of the enterprise for 2013, the main areas of implementation were the development of the production of high-strength cast iron, the development and improvement of the production of caterpillars for industrial tractors, the maintenance and development of the infrastructure of the existing production.
    JSC "CHAZ" can be offered to consider the following work on the design of new equipment and modernization of existing equipment for 2008: development of a hydraulic system for clamping parts; development of hydraulic systems for hardening installation; designing kinematics in order to change cutting conditions; design of a hydraulic system for the installation of extrusion of rods; drilling trance modernization.
    As a result of the project implementation, the following tasks will be solved: increase in production volumes and increase its rhythm; improving product quality and ensuring timely fulfillment of orders; organization of management of production processes at the shop level; optimization of technological routes; reduction and operational control of the cost of finished products; reduction of work in progress; reduction of downtime / underutilization of capacity.
    Thus, in this course paper, we examined the main technical and economic indicators of Chelyabinsk Apparatus Plant OJSC, the theoretical foundations for the introduction of advanced technological processes and new equipment, analyzed the introduction of advanced technological processes and new equipment at the enterprise under study, considered areas for improving the introduction of advanced technological processes and new technology at the enterprise under study, and also evaluated the effectiveness of the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology.


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    3. Rozkokokha V.P. Analysis of innovative strategies of an industrial enterprise // International Economic Forum / Innovations: a selection of articles in 2012 / Electronic resource. Access mode: http://www.be5.biz/ekonomika1/r2012/2448.htm.
    4. Kuprina N.M. Aspects of ensuring the competitive and efficient activities of industrial enterprises // International Economic Forum / Industrial Economics: a selection of articles in 2012 / Electronic resource. Access mode: http://www.be5.biz/ekonomika1/topic/industry2012.htm.
    5. Yarullina G.R. Tools for managing the economic sustainability of an industrial enterprise // International Economic Forum / Economics of Industry: a selection of articles in 2012 / Electronic resource. Access mode: http://www.be5.biz/ekonomika1/r2012/3217.htm.
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    Appendix 1

    Fixed assets 120 1,159,099 1,299,053
    CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 130 80 616 3 123
    DEFERRED TAX ASSETS 145 4,061 4,061
    TOTAL FOR SECTION I 190 1,762,147 1,920,797
    RESERVES 210 887 730 998 412
    GOODS SHIPMENT 215 - -
    FUTURE EXPENSES 216 15,910 45,125
    BUYERS AND CUSTOMERS 241 678 396 475 258
    CASH 260 138 793 879 256
    TOTAL FOR SECTION II 290 2,190,021 4,204,568
    BALANCE 300 3,952,168 6,610,479
    SHARE CAPITAL 410 321 321
    Treasury shares repurchased from shareholders 411 - -
    ADDITIONAL CAPITAL 420 1,044,631 1,044,631
    RESERVE CAPITAL 430 80 80
    TOTAL FOR SECTION III 490 1,266,060 1,509,788
    Loans and credits 510 851 887 441 471
    Deferred tax liabilities 515 16,224 39,662
    Other long-term liabilities 520 3,656 1,249 191
    TOTAL for Section IV 590,871,767 1,730,324
    LOANS AND CREDITS 610 1,200,590 1,450,720
    ACCOUNTABLES 620 613 339 878 917
    SUPPLIERS AND CONTRACTORS 621 332 033 688 967
    DEBT ON TAXES AND DUTIES 624 89 355 80 394
    OTHER CREDITORS 625 93,701 10,332
    ADVANCES RECEIVED 626 50,002 53,932
    FUTURE INCOME 640 - -
    TOTAL FOR SECTION V 690 1,814,341 3,370,367
    BALANCE 700 3,952,168 6,610,479

    Annex 2

    Indicator For the reporting
    period For the same period of the previous year
    name code
    1 2 3 4
    Income and expenses from ordinary activities
    Proceeds (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (net of value added tax, excises and similar obligatory payments) 010 36317 32748
    Cost of sold goods, products, works, services 020 (?26071) (?24453?)
    Gross profit 029 10246 8295
    Selling expenses 030 (6318?) (?5912??)
    Administrative expenses 040 (?????) (??????)
    Profit (loss) from sales 050 3928 2383
    Other income and expenses
    Interest receivable 060
    Interest payable 070 (?????) (??????)
    Income from participation in other organizations 080
    Other income 090 40 412
    Other expenses 100 (??20??) (??139?)
    Profit (loss) before tax 140 3948 2656
    Deferred tax assets 141
    Deferred tax liabilities 142 42 40
    Current income tax 150 (?846?) (??757?)
    Net profit (loss) of the reporting period 190 3060 1859
    Permanent tax liabilities (assets) 200
    Basic earnings (loss) per share
    Diluted earnings (loss) per share

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