
Life in Hong Kong. Living standards of Hong Kong - Pearls of the East. Home furnishing in Hong Kong

Life in the crazy beautiful and luxurious Hong Kong is not affordable for everyone. Because of this, some people have to live in illegal miniature rooms, which the locals among themselves call "tombs".

According to the commercial organization Society for Community Organization, about 200,000 Hong Kong residents are forced to survive in uninhabitable conditions.

"Cells" are small rooms in which representatives of the most needy segments of the population live.

People of different sex and age live here. One thing unites them - none of them can afford such housing in which one could at least stand up to his full height.

Alas, the problems of the 200,000 unfortunates living in the "tombs" fade against the backdrop of the splendor of luxurious life in Hong Kong. It's hard to imagine, but there are those who do not even know about the existence of "tombs", and if they do, they flatly refuse to believe that someone can live in such conditions.

All of these photos were taken for SoCo, a non-governmental organization fighting for political reforms that will help ensure a decent standard of living for all locals.

The inhabitants of the "tombs" have to innovate, equipping their "boxes".

Ah Tin has to live in a 1.1 m2 house. Due to the impossibility of changing something in life, the man lost his appetite a long time ago, therefore Ah Tin eats very infrequently.

Mr. Leung spends his days and nights with a book in his hands. Throughout his life he had to change many jobs. But now he is too old and no one wants to hire him. In order not to perish in the real world of poverty and poverty, Leung prefers to spend time in literary reality.

“Although I’m still alive, the walls of the coffin already surround me on four sides,” says one of the residents of the “tomb” of Hong Kong.

Sadly, poor Hong Kongers have no alternative housing options.

The local authorities do not give a damn about the residents of the city so much that they can divide a room with an area of ​​just over 35 m2 into as many as 20 beds.

"Tombs" returns to the cruel reality and reminds that life in Hong Kong is not so cloudless. At least not for everyone...

Over the past 10 years, the number of cage houses has decreased, but something more terrible has come to replace them - sleeping places, which are a bed enclosed by four walls.

"Tombs" are located close to each other, so their residents had to forget about privacy. Why is there privacy, sleeping in silence has long become a luxury for them.

At 60 years old, Mr. Wong still boasts black mop of hair. To pay expensive rent, he has to work at a construction site every day. In his spare time, Wong helps the homeless.

Such little rooms, in fact, are illegal buildings.

The inhabitants of this "cube" are Japanese. The father and son are quite tall, so it is very difficult for them to move around the low dwelling.

From their small room, members of the Leung family made a whole residential complex. Now it has a bedroom, dining room and kitchen.

Representatives of SoCo and other similar organizations help to fight for their rights to people living in these inhuman conditions.

“I came home that day and burst into tears,” Benny Lam said after photographing the squalid miniature dwellings of the poor in Hong Kong.

These houses, if you can call them that, are more like coffins. Moreover, their dimensions are slightly larger than the standard ones. Of course, such work was difficult for the photographer. It is very painful to watch such injustice, to see the suffering of innocent people who find themselves below the poverty line and are forced to move to the "cube", just not to live on the street, it is very painful.

Hong Kong is an expensive city where life is in full swing. There are many modern skyscrapers, shopping centers, boutiques, restaurants. But we must not forget that behind all this glamorous facade lies the pain of 200 thousand people - of which 40 thousand are children - forced to huddle in cells of less than 2 m2.

Due to overpopulation, real estate prices have jumped to the most expensive in the world. Rent increases have left tens of thousands of people without decent housing. In order to have at least some kind of roof over their heads, many agreed to move to more or less accessible "cubes", where the toilet, shower, kitchen, bedroom and dining room are connected in one room.

The authorities create "tombs" illegally, dividing large rooms into cells in which it is even difficult for the average person to stand. It costs to rent such a "pleasure" about $ 250 per month.

The kitchen combined with the toilet is a typical layout for the "tombs".

With his project The Trap, Lam would like to draw public attention to how terrible conditions some people have to survive, while most of the city prospers and bathes in luxury.

“You may ask why we should take care of people who are not related to us in any way,” says the author of the project. “But in fact, all these poor people are part of our life. They work as waiters, clerks, security guards, cleaners in malls and on the streets. Our main difference is in housing. And improving their squalid living conditions is a matter of human dignity.”

Creepy, unfair and insulting, but people in Hong Kong have to fight even for such terrible housing.

Many of them are embarrassed to admit that they live in cages. Nevertheless, many opened their doors to an unfamiliar photographer, hoping that his work would help draw the attention of the authorities to their pain, and someday the housing problem in Hong Kong would begin to be resolved. Benny Lam sincerely hopes that the photos, which clearly show that some of the space in the tombs is not enough even to fully stretch their legs, will make the more affluent members of society feel the problems of the poor and solve all issues of income inequality.

Hong Kong is famous for its high standard of living. But forgetting that behind all these signs, luxurious shopping centers and clubs hides the lives of about 200 thousand people who are forced to live in "cubes" with an area of ​​just over a square meter - a crime.

Russian life in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is an administrative district in China, with its own currency, police, and government. It has nothing to do with China, according to our compatriots who have been there. To get to Hong Kong, a Chinese needs a visa, which is often simply impossible. Therefore, a huge number of Chinese come to Hong Kong illegally, settling in the poorest neighborhoods.

Hong Kong is economically and politically neutral. Chinese laws do not apply here and criminal law here is English, since Hong Kong has long been a colony of Great Britain.

Hong Kong is the most populous and insanely expensive city, with a high standard of living, huge prices and big salaries. These are endless crowds of people, ripples in the eyes from signs, shops with fish delicacies and intrusive sellers offering fake watches and bags.

However, despite the very expensive life, Hong Kong attracts with very favorable business conditions. Our compatriots with great desire move here for permanent residence. Despite being busy, Russians often meet at the Russian Club at the Russian Embassy.

While men earn money, their wives and children are engaged in holding exhibitions, participating in various cultural and charitable events. The Russian Club now consists of more than 200 people.

For those who are going to Hong Kong for permanent residence in the near future, the following information will be useful.

In Hong Kong, apartments for rent are small.

The minimum contract for an apartment is 12 months, the minimum price is about $ 2800, so the prices "bite".

The apartments are rented furnished, and, as a rule, they are cleaned by hired cleaners.

In high-rise buildings, there are usually several elevators, and some will take you only to even floors, while others will take you to odd ones.

In hostels (cheap hotels) a room measuring 2 by 2 meters, including a bathroom, costs $30 per day.

The minimum wage in Hong Kong is 5,000 Hong Kong dollars (approximately $650). This salary is not guaranteed to visitors from other countries.

Salary of a middle-level accountant - $ 2000;

factory worker - $2000;

masters at the factory - $ 5000.

As for hired housekeepers and nannies, the law strictly regulates their salaries and maintenance. The employer is not only obliged to pay them a monthly salary (not less than the minimum income), but also to fully pay for health insurance, a trip home on vacation and the vacation itself (once a year), clothes and so on.

If you decide to purchase a new car in Hong Kong, then you will be charged a tax in the amount of 35 to 100%. If you purchased a car on the secondary market, then you will not have to pay this tax, since the previous owner of the car will include it in the cost of the car. The annual car tax you are required to pay is approximately HK$6,000.

Hong Kong is a beautiful city, unusual in appearance, with an unexpected “stuffing”. It is often compared to egg tart, the legendary Hong Kong dessert (similar to the Parisian croissant). Imagine an airy, sponge-like green tea bun. Inside it is a sweet bean filling that literally makes you melt with pleasure. Here is the same and Hong Kong, which gives in to you little by little while you try it.

Hong Kong is an attractive tourist destination. This city is one of the largest among the financial metropolises of the world and East Asia. The territory of Hong Kong borders the South China Sea. Historical events confirm that the position of the port contributed to the increased interest in this land - the city more than once turned out to be part of different countries.

Russian life in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is currently an autonomous region of China. There are special rules for obtaining a visa, different from China. However, a visa is not required for a short visit in 2018.

Crossing the border separating China and Hong Kong, the validity of the Chinese visa is terminated, in order to return to the Middle Kingdom, you need to re-issue an entry permit. However, if you have a double-entry or multiple-entry visa, you can return to the country from Hong Kong without hindrance. This nuance can be settled before entering the country. A visa does not require the collection of additional documents, as well as a grandiose waste of time and finances.

When is a visa not required?

If the duration of the trip to Hong Kong is less than 2 weeks, then the Russians do not need a visa (since 2009). At the same time, the purpose of the visit should not be related to commerce in foreign territory, even if it is an official business trip. A visa is not required to visit friends or relatives living here. If you enter the country for tourist purposes, a visa is not required, however, citizens must have a return ticket with them. In addition, having stayed at the Hong Kong airport on a transit flight, you can go to the city without obtaining a special permit and filling out documents.

Attention! In Hong Kong, during the first 14 days, a visa is not required for Russians, as well as citizens of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Other citizens of the CIS and Belarus will need a visa to Hong Kong.

The established procedure for crossing the border with Hong Kong reduces the preparation time for a tourist before traveling, and also significantly saves money spent on organizing a trip.

For visa-free entry to Hong Kong in 2018, Russians will need:

  • Passport for traveling abroad, valid for more than one month after the planned date of arrival in Russia;
  • Migration document. It must be presented in completed form at Chepla Kok Airport upon arrival in Hong Kong. The card is issued by airline employees on the plane;
  • A certificate confirming the financial well-being of a citizen for the entire duration of the trip. You can also provide a bank card or traveler's checks;
  • Return ticket from the country. An electronic or printed return ticket must contain information about the date of departure from Hong Kong. The return ticket can be with any destination, the most important thing is to fly out of Hong Kong.

Attention! Most often, at the airport, when crossing the border, employees check the completed document of the migrant card, as well as the international passport. Other recommended documents (return ticket and certificate) are rarely required if additional questions arise from the control service.

When crossing the border again, the migrant card is issued to the citizen again, and the countdown of the visa-free stay begins again. However, one should not think that entry into the country can be extended indefinitely, the department of immigration closely monitors those citizens who are detained in Hong Kong in this way. Savings on obtaining a multiple-entry visa will not work, provided that the border must be crossed regularly. Airport immigration officers are closely monitoring citizens, so these tricks cannot go unnoticed.

In 2018, when crossing the border, Russians will have a special sticker pasted into their passport instead of a standard stamp. The departure of a tourist in the passport is not fixed.

Official visa to Hong Kong

If the planned duration of the trip is more than half a month, or the purpose of the visit is not suitable for visa-free entry into the country, you need to get permission from the embassy.

According to the purpose of visiting the country, a visa to Hong Kong is divided into the following types:

  • Educational;
  • A commercial;
  • transit;
  • Tourist;
  • Working.

According to the number of allowed entries, a visa to Hong Kong can be:

  • single;
  • double;
  • Multiple entries (multivisa).

Mandatory composition of documents

  1. Certain application for a visa. This form must be filled out exclusively in Latin letters and printed type (on a computer or by hand). The current version of the document for obtaining a visa can be downloaded from the official website of the embassy;
  2. Tourist passport for entry into a foreign country. Passport is presented by a tourist at the Hong Kong airport when crossing the border. Requires a document valid for six months or more at the time of departure from the country;
  3. Color photograph of the applicant for the embassy. A valid photo must be provided to the embassy when submitting the main documents for a visa. Acceptable format: from 5x4 to 5.5x4.5 cm. The photo is relevant for the consulate if it was taken less than 6 months ago;
  4. When applying for a tourist visa to Hong Kong, Russians need: a tourist voucher, or an invitation document from the host, a return ticket. A tourist voucher is issued by the hotel complex in which the reservation is confirmed;
  5. For a transit visa, Russians need to provide: tickets confirming departure to another country;
  6. To obtain a permit to enter the country for the purpose of work, additional documents are required: official admission to activity and an invitation document prepared by the employer;
  7. For business trips, Russians need to present to the embassy: an official document confirming the purpose of the citizen's visit to the country, the specific place of residence, as well as sources of monetary income. This invitation is provided by the organization arranging the trip. For such visits, a long-term visa is not required.

How to arrange long-term residence in Hong Kong for Russians?

If the purpose of applying to the embassy is to move to Hong Kong, then the following are considered successful ways for Russians:

1. Special visa for the conclusion of an official marriage with a citizen who has the right to long-term residence in Hong Kong;

2. Official work permit in Hong Kong. This document can only be made with the participation of a specific organization that employs a citizen. In this case, the company requires a financial guarantee for a foreigner who is employed. The organization undertakes to organize a return flight to the country, if necessary, return (after dismissal);

3. Visa for doing business in Hong Kong. First of all, it is required that the activity be legal. The government also requires compliance with the following points:

  • Detailed planning of activities in Hong Kong;
  • Sufficient funding for the drafted project;
  • The minimum number of employed employees is 2 people;
  • Rented office for the company;
  • The organization must be officially registered.

Multivisa to the Autonomous Region of China for Russians

To be able to enter multiple times, Russians need to apply for a special visa for regular visits to Hong Kong. A pass valid for three years allows a stay of up to two months.

When issuing a multiple entry permit, certain documents are required:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Photos in the amount of 2 pcs. Required image format: 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • Special application form for a multi-visa to Hong Kong;
  • A document with recommendations from the Russian organization in which the citizen works;
  • References provided by Hong Kong firms;
  • Data on previous visits to Hong Kong. Over the past 12 months, before applying for a multivisa, a citizen is required to visit Hong Kong at least three times. At the same time, the purpose of each visit should be of a business nature.

What is required to travel with a child?

To enter with children, Russians must comply with certain rules. The following documents will be required:

  • Official document on the birth of the child (certificate);
  • A special application, which must be completed in Russian;
  • Photo of the specified format;
  • A document certified by a notary that allows a child to cross the border. This application is filled out by one of the parents if the child goes on a trip with a third party.

Please read important information:

33 amazing facts about Hong Kong through the eyes of our man

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Hong Kong families.

Hong Kong is both a city and a country at the same time. This is an autonomous territory, which since 1997 became part of the People's Republic of China. You can often find such an expression as "crossroads of Asia." I must say, this characterizes Hong Kong quite clearly. For a long time it was under the patronage of Britain, which is probably why it currently represents a unique combination of the traditions of Western and Eastern cultures.

On the one hand, we see a huge noisy metropolis: tall skyscrapers, ultra-modern buildings, and people are always busily bustling about and everyone is in a hurry somewhere. However, the other side of Hong Kong is also open: unexpectedly small, quiet traditional Chinese houses and gardens. A truly explosive mixture of a thousand-year-old culture with the customs of life of a typical highly developed urban society in the West.

Most Hong Kongers are of Chinese descent. However, although Chinese remains the main language, the majority of the population is also fluent in English. Unlike China, Hong Kong spends more time and effort on education.

Hong Kong people work hard, they are pragmatic, earning money is almost the main purpose of their existence for them. Indeed, Hong Kong is considered one of the most expensive cities in the world. The population density here is insanely high.

Huge crowds of people moving at high speed through the streets, a typical picture for Hong Kong. The buildings here are very high, the houses intended for living are densely populated. Apartments are mostly small in size and are incredibly expensive. Perhaps that is why it is extremely difficult to see a local resident idly staggering and just relaxing.

The characteristic features and characteristics of the Chinese, many traditions of Chinese culture are also close to the people of Hong Kong. Although, of course, orientation to the West is also inevitable. For example, the position of a woman in society differs significantly from that of a woman in neighboring China.

It cannot be said that a woman occupies a less important social role in Hong Kong than a man. Most of them are educated and hold various responsible positions. In accordance with traditional views, it is believed that, first of all, a woman should be a good housewife and devote time to household chores, take care of her husband.

However, practice shows that often, even if it is not advertised, the fair sex plays a role that is even dominant in their family. An interesting case tells of a young Hong Konger who was engaged in accounting services for a very influential firm. There have never been any complaints about his work, on the contrary, over the years of work he has received numerous awards.

As it turned out, he took all his work home, where his wife did it for him. She learned her knowledge through the Internet, and all this time her husband, a certified but failed accountant, worked as a loader in the port. The company executives were discouraged, but did not want to lose a valuable employee, even though his enterprising wife did not have a special education.

Traditionally in Hong Kong there is respect for the older generation. Any disobedience of children to parents is unacceptable. In most cases, it is the parents who choose the profession for the child. Children are very serious about obtaining knowledge and those who carry knowledge.

How to live in Hong Kong

The teaching profession in Hong Kong is not only respected by the students he teaches, they almost worship him.

In Hong Kong, it is extremely important for most people to show their wealth and financial well-being to outsiders. Problems, especially of a financial nature, are never taken out of the house. The opinion of the surrounding people means, for the people of Hong Kong, sometimes it is of great importance.

For example, even if the family does not have large funds, they will still try to arrange the most magnificent wedding possible. Often, Hong Kongers are even willing to borrow money in order to hold a grander celebration than their neighbors had.

As soon as possible, families try to get a car, expensive equipment, they try to buy clothes in prestigious stores. The main thing is to show oneself, as they say, "acquire a face." They are more likely to save on food by buying the cheapest and not the highest quality products, because no one sees this.

However, Hong Kongers will not deny themselves membership in some expensive country club. Rather, usually country entertainment is available only to the male part of the population, and their wives, as is customary, stay at home.

The women of Hong Kong are capable of great care for their loved ones. None of them will save time, for example, to cook delicious food for her husband. Moreover, many men, mostly, however, very prosperous, give birth to mistresses.

Young Filipinas constantly come to Hong Kong in the hope of finding their long-awaited happiness. Basically, they get the job of service personnel and the role of wealthy men's mistresses, and respectable Hong Kong wives prefer to turn a blind eye to such impartial affairs of their husbands.

They know that all the same, their soul mates will return home, so it’s better and easier for them not to notice anything than to make scandals. It is important for them to create at least the appearance of strong family relationships. However, in general, there are a lot of happy and prosperous couples in Hong Kong.

The Chinese have been inventive since ancient times. Hong Kong couples have not lost this ability either.

They always find something to do in their small and cozy apartments: they will arrange a breathtaking tea party, or cook a wonderful dinner of steamed vegetables, or maybe go to the cinema. Maybe they will hold hands and dream that soon they will live in a chic penthouse, and tomorrow they will go to work again: another day, one more step towards the dream.

Hong Kong is the largest economic center, a powerful Asian tiger with a decent standard of living, its own currency (Hong Kong dollar) and high wages, which are at the level of prosperous Western countries. The site will discuss the level and cost of living in Hong Kong in 2018: from average wages to utility bills, food in supermarkets, transport, rent and purchase of real estate. How did this metropolis manage to become the leading economic center of Asia? Firstly, the metropolis is a major trade and transport hub.

Standard and cost of living in Hong Kong in 2018

Favorable geographical position has influenced the economic miracle. Secondly, the government has directed all its efforts to make this administrative center financially attractive to investors from different countries. To do this, the government has established a high level of investment protection, a minimum tax burden on businesses, and the absence of strict restrictions on trade and the movement of capital. Such a favorable economic climate has attracted large investors, players, companies and firms with a worldwide reputation. All this was reflected in an increase in the general standard of living and an increase in wages, which are even ahead of a number of Western countries.

Utility payments, buying and renting apartments in Hong Kong

The financial boom was reflected in the rise in the cost of living. Visitors and natives of Hong Kong complain about high rents. Allow people with high incomes to rent a roomy apartment. The greatest demand is for apartments and studios with an area of ​​20-35 square meters. The cost of the rental rate is formed from different criteria, including floor, view from the window, surrounding infrastructure, area, area, amenities.

Average prices for renting apartments in different areas of Hong Kong

Area of ​​apartments and number of roomsLocationPrice in Hong Kong dollar (HKD) for 1 month rentalIn US dollars (USD).
Center16 000 2058
Studio or 1 bedroom apartment 25-35 sq.m.Dormitory area10 600 1363
Center27 000 3473
Apartment with two bedrooms. 40-60 sq.m.Dormitory area17 000 2186
Center38 100 4900
Apartment with three bedrooms. 60-85 sq.m.Dormitory area23 150 2977

Estimated monthly utility bills for different areas

Prices per square meter

The main factor influencing the rapid growth of home purchase prices is the limited amount of land. For this reason, there are practically no low-rise residential buildings in Hong Kong, but only high-rise skyscrapers with a huge number of apartments. In the city center, a square meter costs astronomical money. Such real estate can be afforded by millionaires. The real estate market is developing due to low interest rates on mortgages, which are issued on average at 2.30% per annum.

Number of square metersLocationIn Hong Kong dollars (HKD)In US dollars (USD)
City center204 000 26 240
1 square meter. average priceSleeping areas (outside the center)129 000 16 593
City center4 080 000 524 818
The total cost of a studio with an area of ​​20 sq.m.Sleeping areas2 580 000 331 870

Average salaries in Hong Kong in 2018

The government of this administrative center of China is interested in attracting brains and qualified specialists from around the world. Experts with good knowledge of English are highly valued, as many English-speaking investors and companies work in this city. This also applies to the tourism industry. Employees with excellent English skills have a high chance of finding a job in hotels, travel companies, etc. You can use an example to compare with the income level of a resident of Hong Kong. The difference will be noticeable. Therefore, this region can be called Asian Switzerland.

SpecialistsIn Hong Kong dollars (HKD) per monthIn US dollars (USD)
Average net monthly salary in Hong Kong after tax20 950 2694
management positions41 000 5273
IT sphere and programmers30 000 3858
Architects32 000 4116
Designers28 000 3601
Human Resources Manager33 000 4244
Marketing33 000 4244
Medium-skilled workers21 000 2701
Service personnel (low qualification)14 000 1800

Food prices in Hong Kong in 2018

In Hong Kong supermarkets you will find food for every taste. The list below shows the average food prices in Hong Kong: dairy products, meat, vegetables, fruits, soft drinks (juices, water), alcoholic drinks (beer, wine), cigarettes, fish, etc.

Grocery listKilograms, liters, gramsIn Hong Kong dollars (HKD)In US dollars (USD)
Chicken breasts without bones and skin1 kg47 6,05
Beef1 kg194 24,95
Cheese1 kg117 15,05
Milk1 liter23,40 3,01
Chicken wings1 kg60 7,72
Sausage packaging10 pieces40 5,15
Salmon1 kg340 43,73
Yogurt150-200 grams9 1,16
red fish1 kg170 21,87
Frozen fish1 kg25 3,22
Potatoes1 kg17,90 2,30
Tomatoes1 kg18,20 2,34
oranges1 kg21,40 2,75
Bananas1 kg15,50 1,99
Onion1 kg16 2,06
Apples1 kg23,90 3,07
Pasta1 kg50 6,43
Rice1 kg14,20 1,83
rice noodles1 kg56 7,20
Juice1 liter35 4,50
Water (mineral, drinking)1.5 l12,50 1,61
A bottle of wine0.7-1 l150 19,29
Cheap beers (Samuel Adams, Tsindtao and others).0.5 l11 1,41
Expensive beers (Huegarden, Stella Artois, Paulaner and others)0.5 l22 2,83
Cigarettes (Marlboro and others)for 1 pack57 7,33
Chips Lay's80-100 grams6 0,77
Bread500 grams16,30 2,10
Instant noodles90-100 grams12 1,54
Corn oil2 l36 4,63
Ketchup300-400 gr13 1,67
Frozen meat and fish balls1 kg20 2,57
Eggs10 pieces24 3,09

Other living expenses

This list includes prices for additional living expenses, including the Internet, mobile communications, transport, taxis, etc.

Other expensesIn Hong Kong dollars (HKD)In US dollars (USD)
Payment for unlimited Internet monthly200 25,73
One way public transport (single ticket)10 1,29
Monthly pass for public transport450 57,88
Gasoline per 1 liter15 1,93
Taxi for 3 km (normal fare)25,50 3,28
Mobile communication in 1 minute of conversation0,68 0,087
Average bill in an inexpensive cafe for 1 person60 7,72

Moving somewhere else always has its pros and cons, and Hong Kong is no exception. People who are better prepared for the less attractive aspects of living abroad will be able to adapt much faster. As for Hong Kong, the consolation is that here, as it seems, there are more pluses than minuses.

Accommodation in Hong Kong

Although Hong Kong and is considered one of the most expensive cities in the world, about half of its population lives in far from the best conditions. For example, the total area of ​​an ordinary apartment for 5 people is from 25 to 28 square meters. More than 100,000 people are on the waiting list for social housing. Only, unlike Russia, the approximate waiting time for an apartment in Hong Kong is only two years.

When choosing where to live in Hong Kong, you need to decide: will you live on the island itself or off it? Living on the island itself includes easy access to entertainment venues, restaurants and bars, but living off the island is much cheaper.

The price of apartments is mainly influenced by three factors: the size of the apartment, the level of repair or its availability in general, and the view from the windows. Often you have to compromise, as it is very difficult to find an apartment that would combine all these factors.

pros: The presence of a large number of buildings and different options

The easiest way to find an apartment in Hong Kong is where new construction projects take place. Whatever they write in different sources, in fact, you can always find a place to live that will correspond to at least one of the factors.

Minuses: High rent and lack of space

Space in apartments in Hong Kong is really very small, and rent may seem exorbitant to many. But it should be borne in mind that taxes are very low, which balances the situation.

In Hong Kong, there is a new trend: to accommodate the maximum number of rooms in apartments. Therefore, if you live in buildings built in the 80s and 90s, you will get a lot more space in the apartment, but the apartment itself will be quite outdated. In addition, you will hardly find swimming pools or gyms near old buildings. The apartments in the new buildings will naturally be modern with all amenities, but are likely to be small with a lot of cramped rooms.

Also in Hong Kong you can meet with a variety of real estate agents. They will show you everything, even what does not meet your requirements, and will persuade you to purchase it. Therefore, it is necessary to be clear and firm with your requirements and not settle for the first apartments that you will be shown. Real estate agents have a tendency to show less attractive apartments first, in the hope that the buyer will agree to take one of them.

Home furnishing in Hong Kong

pros: Custom-made furniture

Almost any store can make furniture for every taste. You can choose the exact style, fabric, color and shape of the sofa, bed, tables, etc. Depending on the supplier, custom-made furniture can take from one to two months.

Minuses: Hard choice

Furnishing an apartment in Hong Kong will either be very expensive, but of high quality, or cheap, but it will affect the appearance. For example, you can spend a lot of money only on towels and bedding if you want to get something worthy. Therefore, it is better to bring such things with you.

Lifestyle in Hong Kong

pros: Friendly people and variety of nightlife options

The people in the city are quite friendly. Since there are a lot of expats in Hong Kong, many people know what it's like to be new and are willing to help if necessary.

Hong Kong has a huge number of bars and restaurants for different social levels of the population.

Minuses: Transition place

Since this city is a transitional place for many people, the new friends you meet will probably leave very soon.

The main area of ​​bars where foreigners most often have fun is Lan Kwai Fong Street. Excellent restaurants and bars can also be found on Shelley Street and Peel Street.

Also, Hong Kong is one of the best places for outdoor activities and sports. There are a large number of hiking trails of any complexity, which have a length of 1 to 100 kilometers. The most interesting mountains are Dragon Back and Tai Mo Shan, Lion Rock. There are also many good beaches. Swimming is warm from about April to November.

Many foreigners participate in kayak competitions, which take place quite often. If you want to participate, look for a dragonboat racing team in your area. Most teams agree to accept everyone.

The downside is also too wet summer. In summer, when the air humidity is too high and there is a lot of pollution, outdoor recreation can be unpleasant. In addition, summer is typhoon season. But you should not worry too much about this - the city is well equipped to cope with such weather conditions. If a typhoon is approaching, there will be signs everywhere indicating the level of the typhoon (for more information, visit the Hong Kong Observatory website).

Also in summer, there is a strong contrast between the sweltering heat outside and the over-conditioned cold indoor air. Therefore, summer colds are not uncommon in this area.

pros: Big choice

In Hong Kong, you can find restaurants for every budget with a variety of cuisines.

Minuses: Supermarkets

In supermarkets, as a rule, prices are too high, and there is not enough choice. Particularly expensive products are from Western countries and Australia, so sometimes it is better to buy their Chinese counterparts. But, it is worth considering that food standards in China are very low. Pesticides and hormones are used very widely, so the low price does not always justify such purchases.

Traveling to Hong Kong and getting around Hong Kong

Pros: Good public transport and cheap taxis

Public transport in Hong Kong is clean, modern and reliable. The metro operates regularly, delays are very rare. You can't eat or drink on public transport, so it's easy to keep clean. There is also a tram along the northern part of the island. The most comforting thing is that public transport in Hong Kong is very cheap.

Taxis are everywhere in Hong Kong. They are quite inexpensive, although more expensive than public transport.

Minuses: Expensive flights

Flights in Hong Kong are incredibly expensive. Access to Asia is not as expensive, but flights the same distance to Europe will be very expensive.

Children and life with children in Hong Kong

Pros: Babysitters and housekeepers

In Hong Kong, they often turn to nannies and housekeepers for help. Often these are Filipino women who are willing to pick up children from school, take care of them while the parents are at work and help look after the house. As a rule, the services of housekeepers and nannies are inexpensive.

Minuses: active road traffic

Since Hong Kong is a very populated city with hilly terrain, it will be very difficult to get around with a stroller here. It is much easier to get a car or hire a taxi. There are also very few parks in Hong Kong. Although there are open spaces in nature in the city, children will not always be so welcome. But, in return, there are a large number of sports clubs scattered around Hong Kong, with large open spaces and all the facilities for children.

Working in Hong Kong

pros: Lots of networking options

Most people make business cards with their contact details and hand them out when they meet their potential employers. Jobs can also be found on the JobsDB website. The main English-language newspaper SCMP publishes a list of salaries by industry. Russian speakers often work in finance and law.

Minuses: High level of work ethic

Overtime is not paid here. Saturday may be a working day depending on the company you will be working for. It is accepted to work long and well. Companies with Chinese bosses prefer subordination and discipline rather than a creative and free atmosphere.

If you want to get detailed advice about moving to Hong Kong, please contact us by e-mail: [email protected] .

Photos by Benny Lam

Today I want to show you how people live in Hong Kong. As you know, Hong Kong is a very densely populated city. Having an apartment of 65 square meters for a family of four is considered good luck here. And those who are unlucky huddle in cramped little rooms where you can’t even stand up to your full height.

"I'm still alive, but I'm already in the coffin!" - say about themselves the owners of such housing in Hong Kong. However, these small rooms seem shocking only to foreigners. The Hong Kong poor perceive them as something completely normal.

These apartments are called "cells" or "coffins", depending on the area. The area of ​​"coffins" is about one and a half square meters, the area of ​​cells can reach up to 10 square meters.

"Coffins" and "cells" are made from ordinary apartments. From a whole apartment of 37 square meters, 20 "coffins" can be made: 10 will be located on the lower level and another 10 - directly above them.

Previously, apartments were divided into "coffins" and "cages" using wire mesh, but for the last 10 years they have been fenced off from each other with boards.

People of all ages live here: men, women and even entire families. The only thing that unites these people is that they cannot afford housing in which they can at least stand up to their full height.

The kitchen and toilet are combined.

All this very well illustrates the crisis in which the housing sector in Hong Kong is now. Tens of thousands of people live in appalling conditions because they have no money for anything else.

These people watch and read the news about a shining and developing Hong Kong every day, but for them the reality looks very different.

Approximately 100,000 people live here in similar conditions.

These photographs were commissioned by the Society for Community Organization, a Hong Kong-based human rights organization that fights to change housing policy and set housing standards.

In addition to these photographs, Benny Lam took many more pictures, which eventually became a photo book called Trapped. She talks about the difficulties that people living in "coffins" and "cages" face every day.

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