
Forecast of the euro exchange rate for the near and distant future. The rapid fall of the euro: buy or get rid of this currency Forecast for the euro in the near future

Euro exchange rate now 80.1697 rubles for 1 Euro. Change range: 79.9384 - 81.1019. Rate of the previous day: 83.7731. Change: -3.6034 rubles, -4.30%. Reverse course:

Euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow, week and month.

Euro exchange rate forecast by day

the date Day Min Max Well
16.03 Monday 76.77 79.11 77.94
17.03 Tuesday 77.96 80.34 79.15
18.03 Wednesday 79.94 82.38 81.16
19.03 Thursday 81.92 84.42 83.17
20.03 Friday 83.04 85.56 84.30
23.03 Monday 84.69 87.27 85.98
24.03 Tuesday 87.21 89.87 88.54
25.03 Wednesday 86.89 89.53 88.21
26.03 Thursday 86.97 89.61 88.29
27.03 Friday 87.34 90.00 88.67
30.03 Monday 88.00 90.68 89.34
31.03 Tuesday 90.20 92.94 91.57
01.04 Wednesday 90.45 93.21 91.83
02.04 Thursday 90.57 93.33 91.95
03.04 Friday 92.43 95.25 93.84
06.04 Monday 92.85 95.67 94.26
07.04 Tuesday 93.58 96.43 95.00
08.04 Wednesday 93.28 96.12 94.70
09.04 Thursday 93.05 95.89 94.47
10.04 Friday 93.40 96.24 94.82
13.04 Monday 93.17 96.01 94.59
14.04 Tuesday 93.53 96.37 94.95
15.04 Wednesday 92.92 95.74 94.33
16.04 Thursday 91.92 94.72 93.32

The euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, March 16: 77.94 rubles, a maximum of 79.11, a minimum of 76.77. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, March 17: 79.15 rubles, maximum 80.34, minimum 77.96. The euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, March 18: 81.16 rubles, a maximum of 82.38, a minimum of 79.94. Euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, March 19: 83.17 rubles, maximum 84.42, minimum 81.92. The euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, March 20: 84.30 rubles, maximum 85.56, minimum 83.04.

A week later. Euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, March 23: 85.98 rubles, maximum 87.27, minimum 84.69. The euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, March 24: 88.54 rubles, a maximum of 89.87, a minimum of 87.21. Euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, March 25: 88.21 rubles, maximum 89.53, minimum 86.89. The euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, March 26: 88.29 rubles, a maximum of 89.61, a minimum of 86.97. Euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, March 27: 88.67 rubles, maximum 90.00, minimum 87.34.

In 2 weeks. The euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, March 30th: 89.34 rubles, maximum 90.68, minimum 88.00. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, March 31: 91.57 rubles, maximum 92.94, minimum 90.20. The euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, April 1st: 91.83 rubles, a maximum of 93.21, a minimum of 90.45. Euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, April 2: 91.95 rubles, maximum 93.33, minimum 90.57. The euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, April 3rd: 93.84 rubles, maximum 95.25, minimum 92.43.

In 3 weeks. Euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, April 6: 94.26 rubles, maximum 95.67, minimum 92.85. Euro forecast for Tuesday, April 7: 95.00 rubles, maximum 96.43, minimum 93.58. Euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, April 8: 94.70 rubles, maximum 96.12, minimum 93.28. The euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, April 9: 94.47 rubles, a maximum of 95.89, a minimum of 93.05. Euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, April 10: 94.82 rubles, maximum 96.24, minimum 93.40.

After 4 weeks. The euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, April 13: 94.59 rubles, a maximum of 96.01, a minimum of 93.17. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, April 14: 94.95 rubles, maximum 96.37, minimum 93.53.

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Month open Min-Max Close Month,% Total,%
Mar 73.75 73.13-92.94 91.57 24.2% 24.2%
Apr 91.57 91.57-95.73 94.32 3.0% 27.9%
May 94.32 94.32-98.61 97.15 3.0% 31.7%
Jun 97.15 97.15-100.75 99.26 2.2% 34.6%
Jul 99.26 95.74-99.26 97.20 -2.1% 31.8%
Aug 97.20 95.00-97.90 96.45 -0.8% 30.8%
sen 96.45 95.66-98.58 97.12 0.7% 31.7%
Oct 97.12 92.80-97.12 94.21 -3.0% 27.7%
But I 94.21 94.21-98.50 97.04 3.0% 31.6%
Dec 97.04 93.86-97.04 95.29 -1.8% 29.2%
Jan 95.29 91.82-95.29 93.22 -2.2% 26.4%
Feb 93.22 92.91-95.73 94.32 1.2% 27.9%
Mar 94.32 91.38-94.32 92.77 -1.6% 25.8%
Apr 92.77 89.84-92.77 91.21 -1.7% 23.7%
May 91.21 89.85-92.59 91.22 0.0% 23.7%
Jun 91.22 88.68-91.38 90.03 -1.3% 22.1%
Jul 90.03 90.03-93.25 91.87 2.0% 24.6%
Aug 91.87 88.43-91.87 89.78 -2.3% 21.7%
sen 89.78 85.90-89.78 87.21 -2.9% 18.3%
Oct 87.21 87.21-91.18 89.83 3.0% 21.8%
But I 89.83 87.94-90.62 89.28 -0.6% 21.1%
Dec 89.28 88.52-91.22 89.87 0.7% 21.9%
Jan 89.87 85.86-89.87 87.17 -3.0% 18.2%
Feb 87.17 87.17-91.14 89.79 3.0% 21.7%
Mar 89.79 89.79-93.39 92.01 2.5% 24.8%

Month open Min-Max Close Month,% Total,%
2022 Sequel
Apr 92.01 89.22-92.01 90.58 -1.6% 22.8%
May 90.58 90.00-92.74 91.37 0.9% 23.9%
Jun 91.37 89.50-92.22 90.86 -0.6% 23.2%
Jul 90.86 90.86-94.49 93.09 2.5% 26.2%
Aug 93.09 91.67-94.47 93.07 0.0% 26.2%
sen 93.07 90.12-93.07 91.49 -1.7% 24.1%
Oct 91.49 87.95-91.49 89.29 -2.4% 21.1%
But I 89.29 89.29-93.35 91.97 3.0% 24.7%
Dec 91.97 91.97-96.15 94.73 3.0% 28.4%
Jan 94.73 94.73-98.48 97.02 2.4% 31.6%
Feb 97.02 97.02-101.43 99.93 3.0% 35.5%
Mar 99.93 95.73-99.93 97.19 -2.7% 31.8%
Apr 97.19 92.86-97.19 94.27 -3.0% 27.8%
May 94.27 93.54-96.38 94.96 0.7% 28.8%
Jun 94.96 90.73-94.96 92.11 -3.0% 24.9%
Jul 92.11 88.52-92.11 89.87 -2.4% 21.9%
Aug 89.87 87.09-89.87 88.42 -1.6% 19.9%
sen 88.42 84.48-88.42 85.77 -3.0% 16.3%
Oct 85.77 83.59-86.13 84.86 -1.1% 15.1%
But I 84.86 84.86-88.72 87.41 3.0% 18.5%
Dec 87.41 83.52-87.41 84.79 -3.0% 15.0%
Jan 84.79 83.73-86.29 85.01 0.3% 15.3%
Feb 85.01 81.43-85.01 82.67 -2.8% 12.1%
Mar 82.67 78.99-82.67 80.19 -3.0% 8.7%
Apr 80.19 79.04-81.44 80.24 0.1% 8.8%

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.75 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.94, the minimum is 73.13. The average exchange rate for the month is 82.85. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 91.57, the change for March is 24.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.57 rubles. The maximum rate is 95.73, the minimum is 91.57. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.30. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.32, the change for April is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.32 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.61, the minimum is 94.32. The average exchange rate for the month is 96.10. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 97.15, the change for May is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.15 rubles. The maximum rate is 100.75, the minimum is 97.15. The average exchange rate for the month is 98.58. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 99.26, the change for June is 2.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 99.26 rubles. The maximum rate is 99.26, the minimum is 95.74. The average exchange rate for the month is 97.87. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 97.20, change for July -2.1%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.20 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.90, the minimum is 95.00. The average exchange rate for the month is 96.64. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 96.45, change for August -0.8%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 96.45 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.58, the minimum is 95.66. The average exchange rate for the month is 96.95. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 97.12, the change for September is 0.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.12 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.12, the minimum is 92.80. The average exchange rate for the month is 95.31. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.21, the change for October is -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.50, the minimum is 94.21. The average exchange rate for the month is 95.99. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 97.04, change for November 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.04 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.04, the minimum is 93.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 95.81. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 95.29, the change for December is -1.8%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 95.29 rubles. The maximum rate is 95.29, the minimum is 91.82. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.91. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 93.22, the change for January is -2.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 93.22 rubles. The maximum rate is 95.73, the minimum is 92.91. The average exchange rate for the month is 94.05. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.32, the change for February is 1.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.32 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.32, the minimum is 91.38. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.20. The forecast for the euro at the end of the month is 92.77, the change for March is -1.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 92.77 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.77, the minimum is 89.84. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.65. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 91.21, change for April -1.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.59, the minimum is 89.85. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.22. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 91.22, the change for May is 0.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.22 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.38, the minimum is 88.68. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.33. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 90.03, change for June -1.3%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 90.03 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.25, the minimum is 90.03. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.30. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 91.87, change for July 2.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.87 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.87, the minimum is 88.43. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.49. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.78, the change for August is -2.3%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.78 rubles. The maximum rate is 89.78, the minimum is 85.90. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.17. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 87.21, change for September -2.9%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 87.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.18, the minimum is 87.21. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.86. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.83, the change for October is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.83 rubles. The maximum rate is 90.62, the minimum is 87.94. The average exchange rate for the month is 89.42. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 89.28, change for November -0.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.28 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.22, the minimum is 88.52. The average exchange rate for the month is 89.72. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.87, the change for December is 0.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.87 rubles. The maximum rate is 89.87, the minimum is 85.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.19. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 87.17, the change for January is -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 87.17 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.14, the minimum is 87.17. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.82. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.79, the change for February is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.79 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.39, the minimum is 89.79. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.25. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 92.01, change for March 2.5%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 92.01 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.01, the minimum is 89.22. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.96. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 90.58, change for April -1.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 90.58 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.74, the minimum is 90.00. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.17. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 91.37, the change for May is 0.9%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.37 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.22, the minimum is 89.50. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.99. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 90.86, the change for June is -0.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 90.86 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.49, the minimum is 90.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 92.33. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 93.09, change for July 2.5%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 93.09 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.47, the minimum is 91.67. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.08. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 93.07, change for August 0.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 93.07 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.07, the minimum is 90.12. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.94. The forecast for the euro at the end of the month is 91.49, the change for September is -1.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.49 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.49, the minimum is 87.95. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.06. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.29, the change for October is -2.4%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.29 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.35, the minimum is 89.29. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.98. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 91.97, the change for November is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.97 rubles. The maximum rate is 96.15, the minimum is 91.97. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.71. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.73, the change for December is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.73 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.48, the minimum is 94.73. The average exchange rate for the month is 96.24. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 97.02, the change for January is 2.4%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.02 rubles. The maximum rate is 101.43, the minimum is 97.02. The average exchange rate for the month is 98.85. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 99.93, the change for February is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 99.93 rubles. The maximum rate is 99.93, the minimum is 95.73. The average exchange rate for the month is 98.20. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 97.19, change for March -2.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.19 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.19, the minimum is 92.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 95.38. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 94.27, change for April -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.27 rubles. The maximum rate is 96.38, the minimum is 93.54. The average exchange rate for the month is 94.79. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.96, the change for May is 0.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.96 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.96, the minimum is 90.73. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.19. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 92.11, change for June -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 92.11 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.11, the minimum is 88.52. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.65. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 89.87, change for July -2.4%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.87 rubles. The maximum rate is 89.87, the minimum is 87.09. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.81. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 88.42, change for August -1.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 88.42 rubles. The maximum rate is 88.42, the minimum is 84.48. The average exchange rate for the month is 86.77. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 85.77, change for September -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 85.77 rubles. The maximum rate is 86.13, the minimum is 83.59. The average exchange rate for the month is 85.09. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 84.86, the change for October is -1.1%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 84.86 rubles. The maximum rate is 88.72, the minimum is 84.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 86.46. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 87.41, change for November 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 87.41 rubles. The maximum rate is 87.41, the minimum is 83.52. The average exchange rate for the month is 85.78. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 84.79, the change for December is -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2024.
The course at the beginning of the month is 84.79 rubles. The maximum rate is 86.29, the minimum is 83.73. The average exchange rate for the month is 84.96. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 85.01, the change for January is 0.3%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2024.
The course at the beginning of the month is 85.01 rubles. The maximum rate is 85.01, the minimum is 81.43. The average exchange rate for the month is 83.53. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 82.67, the change for February is -2.8%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2024.
The course at the beginning of the month is 82.67 rubles. The maximum rate is 82.67, the minimum is 78.99. Average exchange rate per month 81.13. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 80.19, change for March -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2024.
The course at the beginning of the month is 80.19 rubles. The maximum rate is 81.44, the minimum is 79.04. The average exchange rate for the month is 80.23. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 80.24, the change for April is 0.1%.

Here you will always find fresh forecast of the euro and ruble exchange rate. The forecast is updated and refined by APEKON experts on a daily basis, taking into account the latest events and changes in market data.

Depends on many factors. It is determined at the MICEX auctions. According to this information, the official one, which is set by the euro against the ruble for the next day, becomes known approximately always at the same time. This data is used in:

  • accounting calculations,
  • taxation,
  • official accounts.

The decisions of the ECB are decisive for the indicators. He uses the interest rate as the main mechanism for managing inflation and the speed of economic development. With the expectation of its increase, the euro grows against the ruble.

Factors affecting the growth of the euro

The euro exchange rate for tomorrow may change by several points at once. It depends on the demand for the US national currency. Economic news is also important. When transferring funds by investors from one currency unit to another, an increase or decrease in the price of a currency is noted. It is noted that with a fall in demand for the dollar, there is an increase in demand for the euro. This increases its value.

Among the factors influencing the course is the decision of the ECB on the problem states that are members of the Commonwealth and have large debts. Especially it concerns:

  • Portugal,
  • Greece,
  • Spain,
  • some other countries.

All of them have risen to a higher level of development through loans.

GNP growth, industrial production and unemployment.

Statement by the heads of financial institutions on the index of business expectations. For example, the receipt of information from the manager about the development of ways to stabilize the euro strengthens its position in the foreign exchange market.

Elections and political crises. These points often negatively affect the dynamics of the euro exchange rate due to their uncertainty. Geopolitical confrontations lead to a decrease in the rate of development, so the currency of all participants in the conflict begins to “sag”.

Why know the euro exchange rate

Many businessmen, heads of state and municipal entities are closely watching the ratio of the ruble to the euro. According to these data, analysts make a forecast that allows not only making profitable deals, but also investing money. The graph shows how the current state of affairs is changing at the present time.

Our service offers to study the purchase or sale of euros at the best prices, as well as. The best offers from the presenters are highlighted in yellow. The euro exchange rate online changes in the current time mode. But users can always:

  • explore the archive
  • see what changes are happening on the stock exchange,
  • make your own prediction.

Of great importance are the observations of leading banks and investment funds. The market reaction to them may be different, regardless of how reliable the forecasts are.

Knowing the euro to ruble exchange rate is important not only for those who are looking for the most profitable option for investing money or for making a decision to take a loan. This information is useful for political scientists, economists or financiers. At the macroeconomic level, this knowledge makes it possible to fight inflation and lower interest rates. This contributes to the growth of production and the elimination of the consequences of unemployment.

We offer to find out the euro exchange rate for today in Russia. Information is provided in a convenient table that allows for a comparative analysis. All data is provided by banks, exchange offices. If you need to independently draw up a schedule, you can look into the archive yourself and see how the ratio of the ruble to the euro has changed recently.

The exchange rate of the Russian currency will strengthen in about six months. Wages will rise, inflation will remain low, but the share of the middle class will shrink. This forecast is made by Russian economists.

According to them, there are no fundamental grounds for further weakening of the ruble: over the year, oil prices have grown by almost one and a half times, and the ruble has slightly fallen in price, although it should have been growing. This suggests that the ruble in its current borders is under geopolitical pressure and the state is buying up foreign currency.

The threat of imposing new sanctions against the Russian Federation remains. It is this circumstance that can affect the depreciation of the ruble. “The main intrigue now is whether a restriction will be introduced on the Russian public debt and how this will affect the foreign exchange market. I think the probability of this is minimal, which gives reason not to expect a significant weakening of the ruble. Since it is precisely such a package of restrictive measures and sanctions that could greatly weaken the ruble,” - said the managing director of the National Rating Agency Pavel Samiev.

However, even if foreign investors decide to withdraw their money from federal loan bonds, this will be an advantage for Russia: it will be possible to redeem the state debt for next to nothing.

Experts note that the policy of the Central Bank keeps the ruble from strengthening, because for some reason the regulator considers it dangerous for the economy. They do not agree that a cheap ruble is definitely good for Russia.

“It’s good for those who export ferrous metallurgy products. But the entire industrial assembly will collapse. The weight of components is much greater than the weight of labor. Those who planned to modernize, purchase imported equipment, postponed everything, because it is not clear at what rate to conduct transactions ", - said Alexei Vedev, director of the Center for Structural Research at the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, an expert at the Center for Strategic Research.

The depreciation of the ruble does not threaten strong inflationary shocks. Most likely, the rise in prices will remain at an acceptable level. However, changes in the exchange rate will affect the structure of consumption. "Leisure abroad will fall by 30-40 percent. The devaluation will also affect the overall consumption of paid services. Industrial assembly, industries with high added value will suffer," predicts Vedev.

Economists advise Russians to keep their savings in different currencies, but still give preference to the ruble, since it is in it that most of the expenses are carried out. Much also depends on the timing of savings.

"If we are talking about fairly short-term savings - up to a year, the ruble instrument is probably better. If we are talking about savings for a period noticeably more than a year, we need to look towards hard currencies, since the risks of devaluation on the long horizon are growing noticeably. So far there is not even a shadow of hope that the sanctions pressure will decrease. And any pressure is a weakening of the ruble," said Sergey Khestanov, Associate Professor of the Department of Stock Markets and Financial Engineering of the Faculty of Finance and Banking of the RANEPA, Advisor for Macroeconomics to the General Director of Otkritie Broker.

By autumn, the ruble should be fairly stable. “He will return after the hysteria to the 57-58 corridor, oil will not be lower than $65, and these positive expectations will give us no deterioration in the situation. Disposable incomes will not fall. Wages will grow by about 3% above inflation,” believes Alexey Vedev. Sergey Khestanov expects that the dollar will cost 62-64 rubles.

“Real disposable incomes of the population may not stagnate, but even grow slightly. Another issue is the distribution of the population structure by income. I think we should expect a decrease in the share of the middle class. The public sector and the public sector will still support the population’s income,” Pavel Samiev concluded.

At the moment, the US dollar is worth 61.67 rubles on the Moscow Exchange. (5 kopecks more than the day before). The euro continues to fall. At the moment, 75.21 rubles are offered per unit of euro. (17 kopecks less than yesterday).

It is directly dependent on how the trading on the Moscow Interbank Stock Exchange went. According to these data, the Central Bank announces the current values. This happens at about 11.30 Moscow time. Central banks of different countries use different techniques for generating official information.

The most recent are the data on the exchange rate at the moment. It is these indicators that banks often use to maintain current indicators, so they can be used as the main criterion when buying or selling currency in exchangers. If a significant correction occurs between the hours of 11.30 am and the close of trading, the difference between the official, commercial, exchange rates will be significant.

How to find a favorable euro exchange rate?

We invite you to get acquainted with which banks have a favorable euro exchange rate. For convenience, the information is given:

  • in the table;
  • on the chart;
  • official websites of banks.

You can easily go to the desired page of a financial institution in one click. We also show official data from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. You can use them to identify the best data and calculate with a calculator.

Another popular service is presented on the site. With it, you can find out how the currency data has changed over the years, make your own personal forecast.

How to find out the commercial exchange rate of the euro?

It is on it that the purchase and sale of foreign money takes place. Everyone saw that at the entrance to the bank there is a board on which the current prices are displayed. A feature of the commercial rate is that the difference between buying and selling is greater than in the interbank market.

The euro exchange rate in exchange offices today also depends on the trust in this currency. If citizens prefer the euro in order to protect their savings, this leads to an increase in demand and an increase in the exchange rate. Movements may also depend on other factors, ranging from natural disasters to the statements of significant people. Therefore, it is not always possible to predict the course for tomorrow or in the long term. Because of this, many people buy euros at a favorable rate, taking into account current indicators.

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The European currency is going through a crisis related to the economic and political situation in the EU. Experts give their forecast for the euro for 2019 against the US dollar and the Russian ruble.

What will happen to the euro and dollar rates: forecasts for 2019, chart

According to Reuters, economic growth in the euro area will slow down next year and will not exceed 1.5%. This is a more prominent figure than expected last quarter, but still not high enough due to uncertainty in global trade and due to internal factors affecting large EU economies. ECB officials have repeatedly stressed that the prospect of raising interest rates is quite high, but the average inflation rate is still around 1%, well below the target.

EUR/USD exchange rate chart in 2019

The EU's central bank does not decide on the direction of monetary policy without this indicator, so without a continued increase in core inflation, it would have no reason to consider more restrictive monetary policy.

The ECB's goal for 2019 is to keep price growth close to its inflation target, so it is likely that rate hikes will not begin until 2020 at the earliest. Given that the US Federal Reserve and the European Bank are likely to continue the monetary policy outlined back in 2018, the EUR/USD rate will remain at 1.15.

Economic and political reasons for the change in the value of the euro in rubles in 2019

In December last year, the Russian Central Bank raised its key rate to 7.75% in response to the US Federal Reserve's rate hike to 2.5%. The goal is to target inflation, which will be around 4% by the end of the year. Taking into account the fact that inflation rose by 0.9% in just 3 weeks, analysts believe that the final figure will exceed 5%.

EUR to RUB exchange rate chart for 2019

Consumer inflation in the euro area fell at the end of 2018 and after the New Year due to sharp declines in energy and food prices. Headline inflation averaged 1.7%, compared to 1.5% in 2017, and also exceeded the monthly average. It is assumed that oil prices this year and next will not be lower than last year, and inflation in the euro area will be 1.4%.

Inflation in the EU, data for 2018

This year, the euro exchange rate against the ruble will react, first of all, to geopolitical factors, for example, to US sanctions against Russia, which are also supported by the EU. In addition, the value of the ruble may be negatively affected by the price of oil, which, despite the imposed production restrictions, still remains unstable.

Given the need for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to purchase foreign currency for the needs of the Ministry of Finance, further weakening of the ruble against the European currency is expected with a trading range on the foreign exchange market of 77-80 rubles per euro.

How the euro will change: a positive scenario for the ruble

It is difficult to give long-term forecasts for the value of the euro and its impact on the Russian ruble due to the tense political and economic relations between Russia, the EU and the US.

Opinions of analysts of the Central Bank

According to experts from the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, the exchange rate of the European currency in 2019 will remain rather unstable, as was observed in 2017-2018. This year, the euro against the ruble may rise to 85-90 rubles. per unit, subject to the preservation of the current political situation. In general, economic forecasts are characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and downside risk cannot be ruled out. Trade tensions, which have become global in recent times, have eased to some extent.

Forecasts of experts of the Ministry of Economic Development

Specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development believe that the value of the euro will remain virtually unchanged until the end of this year. This conclusion follows from the investment study of the European Commission, according to which the volume of investment in production in the euro area will remain at the level of 4.5% this year and will grow to 5.0% in 2020.

Projected euro exchange rate according to Sberbank

According to the forecast of Sberbank specialists, the euro exchange rate in Russia will slightly decrease and reach 71 rubles per unit of currency. This conclusion is drawn from the annual EU economic development report, which indicates that the level of consumption in the euro area fell from 0.2 in the previous quarter to 0.1%. This indicates a slowdown in job creation and an increase in private savings. That is, the Europeans began to spend less, which negatively affects the economic development of the EU and the growth in the value of the European currency.

Will the euro rise in price: a negative scenario for the ruble

The forecasts of independent experts are not as positive as those discussed above from domestic financiers. Given the pressure of economic sanctions on Russia and the fall in oil prices, foreign experts do not reject the option of increasing the value of the euro to 100 rubles per unit. But not everyone is of this opinion.

“An increase in VAT by 2% and an increase in excises on gasoline will give impetus to a continued rise in inflation, which will require the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to revise the key interest rate. Ultimately, this will help stabilize the ruble against the dollar and the euro.”

Konstantin Kochergin, head of the department at Vostochny Bank, in an interview with Argumenty i Fakty

“Increasing the role of the private sector will certainly be very beneficial for Russia: it will increase the efficiency of the economy and create prerequisites for growth. However, to achieve this increase in the share of the private sector is not enough: it is also necessary to improve the conditions in which it operates. This will help attract investors from the EU countries to areas of the Russian economy that are not subject to sanctions, and strengthen the ruble.”

Head of the analytical department of Grand Capital Sergey Kozlovsky in an interview with RBC +

“The current instability of the ruble may cause serious financial shocks to the Russian economy in the future. It is likely that in the fall of 2019, the price may rise to 80, and then to 85-90 rubles per euro.

Financial and stock analyst Stepan Demura in an interview with RBC.

In what currency is it safer to keep savings in 2019: ruble, euro, dollar

The most reliable currency in 2019 will remain the US dollar. About 63% of global reserves are held in these units, and every second trade in the world is also made in US dollars. In addition, it is worth noting that experts' forecasts for $ are very optimistic, which cannot be said about the European currency, which is experiencing sharp jumps due to Britain's exit from the EU and the internal crisis in the economy.

Even according to the most optimistic forecasts, the value of the ruble will remain unchanged against the euro, but is more likely to be in the region of 80-85 rubles. for a unit. This means that keeping savings in rubles is as risky as investing in Russian currency.

Write in the comments your forecast for the value of the ruble against the dollar and the euro for 2019.

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