
Repairing an old brick wall. Do-it-yourself restoration of brickwork of external walls. Prices for repairing brickwork

Brick is considered one of the most durable materials. However, nothing lasts forever - and such material may require repair due to a variety of factors. But in order to do repair of brick walls with high quality and for a long time, you need to know some conditions for its implementation.

Why does destruction occur?

Most often, “emergency help” in such cases is needed when cracks appear in the wall. And the following aspects can serve as factors for their appearance:

  • shrinkage brickwork;
  • exposure to groundwater (and subsequent deformation at the foundation);
  • insufficient foundation laying;
  • uneven soil settlement in different parts of the building;
  • deformation of floor beams;
  • an extension to the premises that was not made according to technical rules;
  • emerging uncalculated loads arising from floors;
  • exposure to moisture on the surface.

The last "enemy" is one of the most dangerous. It is able to penetrate even through very small cracks. And then natural elements come into play - and when freezing and thawing, the material will be increasingly destroyed.
Regardless of the reasons that caused the damage to the wall, they need to be addressed. But here they can be completely involved various ways. Read the link for how to make it.

Repair options

Damage can be very different. But they are the ones who determine the way to eliminate them. The following can be distinguished:

  1. Gainbrick walls. It is usually done when ruptures appear (or become obvious).
  2. Extending a brick wall.
  3. Bookmark the opening.
  4. Replacing damaged areas.
  5. Increaseopening in a brick wall.
  6. Replacement of weakened areas V.
  7. Repairing existing cracks.

Gainbrick wall with metal trims

If, after the building shrinks, cracks that are not too large form, they can be secured with metal bolts. To do this, they are placed inside and outside and strengthened.
Strengthening brick walls: emphasis on the supporting part
When it turns out that it is the supporting side that is damaged, it will be reinforced with masonry. Here you will need:

  • directly existing support;
  • material for new masonry;
  • strip type steel;
  • concrete and steel corners.

A certain order of work must be followed. He'll be next:

  1. The supporting part will be reinforced with brickwork. Moreover, additional reinforcement will need to be done every four seams.
  2. You can also reinforce it with steel corners. And then everything is lined with concrete.
  3. Sometimes the support is changed completely. For this purpose, all structures that transfer the load to it will be strengthened with a rack with braces. Only after this will it be possible to disassemble them. Subsequent laying of the new supporting part will be carried out again with reinforcement laying every three (maximum five) rows.

Even longer, even stronger!

It often happens that it will be easier to lengthen the load-bearing wall. This can be done both with the help of bandaging and without it. If the proposed wall is planned to have only one floor, then it is logical to simply connect the old one with the new one. To do this, it will be enough to cut out nests at a height of three to five rows in the masonry (the depth can be half a brick). And the new wall itself will also be laid using cement mortar.
What to do if the wall is high? In this case, a dressing is not used for connection; the seams are simply laid with roofing felt strips. This is necessary for a tighter fit. A vertical ditch is cut out at the end of the wall (again, it will fit better).
But the resulting slopes at the openings of doors and windows must, on the contrary, be more carefully connected by bandaging - every three bricks. This measure is associated with the risk of joints separating near the surface.

Strengthening openings in brick walls

It will also be possible to strengthen the wall moments between the openings of windows and doors by increasing the cross-section. Of course, this method will make the opening smaller. Here, new masonry will be made on either side. It will be connected to the old one with a three-brick bandage.
When such a reduction is completely unacceptable, strengthening the opening in a brick wall can be done using a reinforced concrete corset. Everything is very simple here - subsequently this entire surface inside the room will need to be insulated with plaster.
If a complete change in the piers is planned, then the opening in the brick wall is reinforced with racks that will have transverse ligaments. The work is carried out using cement mortar; additional measures will be reinforced with wire mesh.

Relaying brickwork: removing weak areas

Often the repair measure is to replace the brick in the damaged area with a new one. Here the order of work will be as follows:

  1. Surface areas selected for replacement in mandatory reinforced with metal bolts (can be additionally supported with racks).
  2. The replacement will take place in turn: first of all, the edge is attached, then the middle and intermediate ones.
  3. After completing the masonry work, these temporary fasteners must be dismantled and the holes created by them must be sealed. The resulting gap itself, which runs between the bottom of the beam and the new masonry, must be wedged with cement mortar in a semi-dry state.

New opening

And sometimes it happens that the design decision will be as follows: it will be easier to make a new opening in place of the collapsing masonry than to repair the entire wall. The whole process will go as follows:

  1. The ceiling must be reinforced with various types of beams, racks and wedges. Moreover, the rack can be nailed to the top beam using carpenter's staples.
  2. In this case, the wall will be strengthened from the outside with the help of strips that rest against the supports. At the same time, stakes will be driven into the ground.
  3. Now there is a groove left on one side. Jumpers will also be inserted there.
  4. The areas on which the beams rest are slightly moistened and filled with cement mortar.
  5. All that remains is to seal them with bricks (the analogue would be oak wedges).
  6. After preparing the solution, you should make the same groove for the remaining jumpers on the other sides and install them using the same method.
  7. The final dismantling of the masonry throughout the intended field of activity is carried out.

Old brickwork: restoration

If there is no deformation of the wall, but the appearance itself, on the contrary, is seriously damaged, it is best to think about how to carry out restoration work with such a surface. Here all work will be divided into the following stages:

  1. Sealing cracks.
  2. Repair of suture material.
  3. Priming before subsequent painting.
  4. Waterproofing works.
  5. Correction of areas with crumbling bricks (additional measure).

Fixing the cracks is half the job. They may appear again: in this case, you should already look for the problem that led to their occurrence.

First of all, you should clean the cracks from dust and dirt that has got there. Next, they are filled with cement mortar, which is mixed with sand (usually the proportions are 1:3). This mixture can be poured into the crack, for example, using a syringe. If there is a hole larger than 5 mm, then there is already the best solution will shift the brick (the depth of the shift will be half a brick, and the width will be about two).
Restorationold brickwork It is very simple: the entire adhesive composition is updated. The work will go like this:

  1. Using tools, loose pieces in the masonry are removed.
  2. Use a brush to sweep away crumbs and dust.
  3. The seams and bricks are moistened.
  4. Using sharpened tools, a new groove is made for the seam.
  5. The hollow is filled with solution
  6. Residues are removed with a brush.

Sometimes the painted surface of the wall becomes damaged. In this case, you can simply repaint it. But before this it would be useful to prime it. Here experts advise choosing a latex type primer.
And in order to do this, it is better to use a special material that has a cement base.

It is important to comply with one main requirement - the surface must be perfectly dry.

You can even repair bricks that have begun to crumble with your own hands. Here you will need to do the following:

  1. Clean the crumbling area down to a solid base.
  2. Strengthen the wall with bolts or nuts.
  3. Moisten the surface well.
  4. Apply sand cement mortar(select average viscosity).
  5. When the wall dries, all that remains is to wipe down the surface itself.

There are some relevant tips in the article at the link.

Prompt repairs can protect the structure from destruction. The main thing is to carry it out in a timely manner.
If you still have questions, we recommend watching a video on the restoration of a brick fender:

More on the topic.

Brickwork, made by the hands of a master, looks very attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Many home owners decide that it will decorate their home not only outside, but also inside.

But over time, it may require either repairs or some kind of external modification to match the overall style of the interior. This article will describe several ways to improve a brick wall on your own.

Repair of brick walls

Repair of brickwork is necessary if cracks appear on it, seams crumble, and the brick itself begins to hold poorly or deteriorate over time. Simply plastering the wall is not the solution, since you want to preserve the original appearance of the surface.

Preparatory work

Methods for eliminating defects depend on their type and degree of wear, but in any case, careful preparation of the surface for repair is first necessary.

You will have to do the following:

  • Remove a layer of old paint or plaster, if any;
  • Clean cracks and seams from mortar residues, dirt and dust using a stiff brush;
  • Rinse the wall with clean water;
  • Dry thoroughly.

The most difficult of the above is cleaning the walls from plaster, mortar protruding from the joints and adhered cement.

There are two ways to clean cement from a brick:

  • Mechanical. Before starting work, the surface is well moistened with water - this makes the solution easier to clean. Flat spots are cleaned off with a spatula or trowel. You can also use a metal brush, but it will scratch the surface, especially of sand-lime brick. Bulk pieces of cement are chipped using a chisel and hammer. To completely remove all dirt, use sandpaper or a sanding machine.

  • Chemical. Special means to soften cement mortar, you can buy and use it for its intended purpose, following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Or you can dilute sulfuric or hydrochloric acid with water in a ratio of 1:10, and apply the solution to the wall for 10-30 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cement. After which, delete it mechanically, and rinse the surface with water. Of course, you need to remember to protect your eyes and skin.

Note! This method is only suitable for red ceramic bricks, but not for silicate. Cleaning solutions contain acids that corrode it. But if you plan on aging and painting sand-lime brick in the future, you can try that too.

Restoration of old masonry

The most difficult question may be how to repair brickwork if the brick crumbles and does not hold well in place. The crumbling stone is subject to mandatory replacement, since moisture penetrates into the masonry through it, which will ultimately lead to larger-scale negative consequences.

Therefore, such bricks are removed from the wall, for which the seams around them are opened to the maximum depth using a chisel and hammer or perforator.

If necessary, neighboring stones are also removed. Those that have not been damaged should be tried not to be touched and left in place. After removing the defective elements, the surface is prepared for restoration, as described above.

Note. It is quite difficult to match new brick to old masonry in color and texture. You may have to artificially age it with your own hands. How this is done will be described a little later.

The whole process looks something like this:

Image Description
After removing the brick, remove the remaining mortar and dust from the resulting niche. We wet the surface.
Lay the solution at the bottom of the niche in a layer of 1-1.2 cm.
We dip the brick in water, and apply mortar to all faces except the bottom and front.
We install the stone in the niche and recess it, aligning it flush with the wall by tapping the mallet on the front edge.
Remove excess mortar and unstitch the seams.
Rub the seams around the new element with a damp sponge.

The instructions at first glance are very simple, but in the process there may be surprises with destruction large plots masonry If you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, it is better to invite a specialist.

Restoration of seams

Quite often, repairing the brickwork of buildings requires only restoring seams and sealing small cracks. To do this, you need to embroider them as deeply as possible with a hammer and chisel, clean them from dirt, moisten them and fill them with fresh solution.

The question is - which one exactly? The fact is that old walls can be built with lime mortar, which is not friendly with cement mortar. In this case, you will have to prepare a similar one.

If you could not determine the composition of the old solution, prepare a mixture of the following components:

  • White Portland cement – ​​1 part;
  • Fine sand – 6 parts;
  • Lime - 2 parts;
  • Water.

Or use clay, pressing it into the joints with a wooden block of appropriate thickness.

In the case of masonry with cement mortar, you can take a ready-made cement-adhesive mixture and add a little gypsum to it. It compensates for the shrinkage of the seams and speeds up setting.

Deep seams should not be filled in one go - it is better to do it in stages, waiting for each layer to set. Excess solution is removed from the surface immediately, before it sets, using a wet sponge.

At the end repair work It is advisable to treat the walls with a deep penetration primer, varnish or other protective agent.

Three ways to change the look of a brick wall

Brickwork can become the highlight of an interior if you work on it a little. Among the options for its transformation, the most popular are cladding, painting and artificial aging. The choice will depend on the initial quality of the surface and the style in which the entire room is decorated.

Cladding with brick panels

Often, even after professional repairs, an old wall looks unsightly, although there are no complaints about its strength. In the case when you don’t want to lose the texture, but you couldn’t bring the surface into decent shape, you can cover it with decorative panels that imitate masonry.

This can be base brick siding, panels made of polyvinyl chloride, MDF or gypsum, as well as clinker tiles or thin facing bricks. And thermal panels are perfect for finishing and insulating external walls.

The installation method for these materials is different:

  • Wall panels are attached to the frame;
  • The facing tiles are glued to the surface using glue.

Look at some examples of such materials and their applications:

Don't be afraid to experiment with materials, but always pay attention to their characteristics and application. For example, brick siding can be used for interior decoration. But gypsum tiles are not suitable for external cladding.


You can preserve the relief and transform the perception of space by painting the masonry. This technique is very common among designers, as it allows you to decorate a room in different styles depending on the chosen color and painting method.

But you should remember that subsequently return the wall original appearance, getting rid of a layer of paint will be impossible. Therefore, before making this decision, think carefully and look at examples of such interiors.

Accent wall in the bedroom

The choice of finishing composition is of great importance. When deciding how to paint sand-lime brick on the outside, pay attention to the following characteristics of the paint:

  • Waterproof. It should protect the facade from precipitation and humid air.
  • Vapor permeability. The wall must “breathe”, otherwise it will be damp, which will lead to mold.
  • Resistant to fading due to UV rays.
  • Resistance to alkaline environments, since masonry mortar containing alkalis can destroy the coating.

The requirements for interior paints are more relaxed, so the choice is almost unlimited. The only thing that may upset you is the high price. But if instead of silicone or latex coatings you choose acrylic or ordinary slaked lime, the result will be no worse.

Advice. Brick is very hygroscopic, so before painting the masonry must be treated with an acrylic-based penetrating primer. This will save on paint.

One more tip. You shouldn't paint new walls. You need to wait at least a year for the leaching process to complete and for the masonry to dry out and shrink. Before painting, the walls must be cleaned of dust, dirt, salt deposits and mold and dried.


Many interior solutions require turning new, smooth and even masonry into old, time-worn ones. As you know, breaking is not building, and the problem of how to age a brick wall is much easier to solve than the reverse.

To do this, use the following methods (all in bulk or selectively):

  • Surface treatment with abrasives– with coarse sandpaper, a wire brush or even a sandblaster.

  • Installation of chips and dents. They can be done along the edges and corners of the brick or on its faces in a chaotic manner. Tools – chisel and hammer, hammer drill.
  • Imitation of efflorescence using white paint applied with a sponge or swab, also in a random order. Or imitation of the remains of plaster.

  • “Dirtying” of the surface. Excellent black spots and stripes that will not crumble and stain clothes are made using a blowtorch, which is used to burn the walls until the color changes.

After this treatment, the walls will need additional protection. So that they do not collapse and can easily be cleaned, they are coated with a special oil or water-based varnish.


Brick walls in the interior look very impressive if they are correctly “fitted” into the overall design style. Knowing how to repair brickwork and its visual transformation, you can also make the design of your home unique. And the video in this article will help you with this.

A variety of materials are used in construction. One of the most popular is that this material is durable and resistant to aggressive environments. However, brick also deteriorates over time. If there is repairable damage, the brickwork is repaired or restored. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

General information

Restoration of old brickwork includes a complex of various activities. First of all, the condition and quality of the wall is assessed. After this, cleaning and removal of crumbled elements are performed. The next step is preparing restoration solutions and filling the voids with it.

In practice, it often happens that one brick wall in a building is damaged, but the rest remain intact. In such situations, it is not practical to demolish the entire building. It is much more economical to restore brickwork. Rates per m2 vary depending on the severity of the damage, the age of the building itself and other factors.

Causes of destruction

Violation of the structural solidity of brick walls is caused by various circumstances. The main cause of destruction is the shrinkage of the structure. A year or two after construction, the structure shrinks. Accordingly, restoration of the brickwork of the new building will be required in any case.

The walls exert a certain pressure on the foundation. This causes its deformation over time, which, in turn, negatively affects the condition of the base: a crack appears. She goes higher, destroying the wall.

Weather conditions are of no small importance. With constant exposure to precipitation, a small crack increases in size.

Another cause of destruction is wall deflection. It occurs as a result of increased pressure in the ceilings and vaults of the building. In such a situation, experts recommend first determining the exact cause of the damage, and then deciding whether to restore the brickwork. The price per m2 of wall can reach a significant amount. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the economic feasibility of restoration work.

Counter drilling

Among all the methods of restoring brickwork, this method is considered the most reliable and cheapest.

Restoring the wall is as follows. At a certain level, holes are made using a chain or in a checkerboard pattern at a given distance. In thick walls they are drilled on both sides opposite each other. The holes are filled with a hydrophobic solution (in liquid or creamy form). To restore the statics of the masonry, a mineral suspension is added.

Partial parsing

As the name suggests, this brickwork restoration technology involves dismantling the damaged section of the wall. Waterproofing is laid in it and covered with new bricks.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost and excessive consumption of material.

Microwave dehumidification

A microwave field is created in the wall using an autonomous electrical system. It ensures the conversion of moisture into steam, which escapes through the capillaries. Different-pole electrodes are inserted into the wall and the ground, to which current is supplied.

This method allows you to remove excess moisture from the masonry and prevent further destruction.

Saw method

This method of restoring brickwork is considered the most expensive. Its essence is as follows.

The masonry is sawn horizontally. The resulting opening is filled with waterproofing material, and the gaps are filled with mineral suspensions that help restore the statics of the masonry.

The disadvantage of this method is the frequent incompatibility of suspensions with old masonry. This leads to stratification of the compositions.

Laboratory research

This stage is one of the mandatory stages in the process of restoration of brickwork.

For analysis, samples are taken from different sections of the wall. They are examined for the presence of sulfates, nitrates, moisture and salts.

At visual examination It is not always possible to detect water in the capillaries of masonry. For laboratory research samples from at least three sites are required. They are studied and the percentage of water in each is determined, then the results are compared. If the indicators are high, a cutoff is made.

The salt content is examined in a similar way. If their high content is detected, measures are taken to eliminate them negative impact on the wall.

In addition to surface cleaning, cupping is also performed. It involves converting salts into an insoluble form. In this case, a special chemical treatment is carried out. It allows you to stop the hygroscopic swelling of salt, which prevents it from reaching the surface of the masonry and destroying the wall.

If the salinity level is very high, light porous solutions are used. The compositions are applied directly to the masonry. Their task is to draw out salts, after which the solutions are knocked off the wall and thrown away. Then repeat laboratory tests are done. If the salt content has not decreased sufficiently, the solution is applied again. If their number has decreased, move on to the next stage of recovery.


It is carried out during the restoration of seams in brickwork. Injection is performed with mineral, epoxy or polyurethane compounds that do not allow moisture to pass through. The choice of a specific composition is influenced by the condition of the masonry, load and humidity.

Organosilicon mixtures are considered the most suitable for restoration. Kerosene or white spirit is used as a solvent.

The crack is plugged and the composition is injected under pressure. The solutions are viscous and penetrate into small crevices.

To prevent delamination of the composition, fine sand is added to it. Otherwise, only the liquid component will penetrate into the depth of the crack, and the base will remain at the top.

Important points

It happens that during restoration it is necessary to preserve old materials, for example, if work is carried out with historical masonry. In such cases, weak points must be identified by visual inspection. After this, the degree of strength of the materials is determined in a laboratory manner. If its value is low, the wall is strengthened with solutions containing silicon.

The brick is restored using restoration mortars, and the seams are restored using special sutures. They must match the samples in strength, grain size and color. Required parameters determined by laboratory tests.


Restorative and suture compounds come in three types:

  1. Lime based.
  2. Cement-containing.
  3. Acrylic.

The choice of a specific solution is influenced by the strength of the masonry, as well as the requirements for the object.

Epoxy and polyurethane compounds are used quite rarely in practice. Lime mixed with sand is used to restore the walls of old buildings. If such masonry contains seams and bricks of different colors, color imitation is allowed. For this, azures with the addition of dyes are used.

Modern technologies make it possible to restore masonry for at least 10 years. Creamy or liquid water-repellent agents based on silane-siloxane are used as preservatives. Silicone compounds and siliconates are used less frequently. Creamy water repellents are considered the most effective.

DIY brickwork restoration

To restore the surface you will need the following tools:

  • Drill.
  • Hammer.
  • Chisel.
  • Hammer.
  • Master OK.
  • Wire brush.

Before starting work, it is necessary to fix the wall.

The technology for restoring brickwork with your own hands is as follows.

Using a drill with a special attachment, the bricks to be removed and adjacent seams are cut.

The joints along the perimeter of the destroyed brick are knocked down with a hammer and chisel. In this case, you should act carefully so as not to damage adjacent intact masonry elements. They need to be carefully cleaned of the old solution. The bricks are pre-moistened with water.

The mortar should be laid out on all sides of the hole formed by the removed bricks. The layer of the composition is at least 2 cm. Whole bricks are soaked in water and coated with the solution on all contact parts. They are inserted in place of the removed damaged elements.

To shrink them into the holes, lightly tap them with the handle of a trowel.

The supports and other fasteners can be removed after the work is complete.

Restoration of brickwork: prices

Today, many companies offer their services in the field of repair. Their cost, of course, varies in each region.

As a rule, companies offer comprehensive services for structural bonding of formed cracks, strengthening of masonry, and installation of cutoffs. Their cost is formed from the price of work and materials. The first, in turn, depends on the volume and labor intensity of restoration measures. The cost of the material is calculated based on its quantity and unit price, taking into account delivery to the site.

Currently, in most cases, an injectable (injected) composition is used for restoration. His choice is determined by the goals of recovery and the degree of complexity of the problem that has arisen. The more pores and cracks in the masonry, the more material and working time is naturally needed.

In addition, the formation of the cost of work is influenced by such factors as:

  • The need for masonry reinforcement.
  • Working conditions.
  • Height of the building.
  • The need to heat the work area.
  • Remoteness of the object.
  • The need to deliver restoration material from another region (on order).
  • Additional costs ( fare etc.).

In St. Petersburg, for example, the average prices for restoration activities are as follows:

Types of jobs

Unit measurements

Price, rub.)

Strengthening masonry by injection

Anti-capillary (cut-off) waterproofing device

Application in layers up to 3 cm

Preparatory work:

  • cutting down masonry (depth 20 mm);
  • applying repair composition (plastering)


kg dry solution

Filling cracks with restoration mortar

High Precision Cementing

Preparatory work (cleaning, dust removal, degreasing)


kg dry solution

As you can see, the cost of the entire complex of work can be quite high. However, additional costs may be required for laboratory tests.

In case of significant damage to the masonry, it is better to contact a professional. If the cracks are small, then it is quite possible to cope on your own. This, however, does not apply to buildings with historical masonry. The fact is that for its restoration it is necessary to have certain experience and knowledge. In addition, laboratory tests cannot be avoided.

Repair of brick walls in some places may be necessary when external defects in the form of cracks, shedding of cement mortar, convex building elements, etc. are detected on the facade of a private house or outbuilding. In such cases, it is necessary to begin restoration work in as soon as possible, since over time, destruction can increase in size and lead to additional financial and time costs.

Causes of damage to brickwork

Before repairing brick walls, you should find out the reason that led to damage to the masonry. If this is not done, the problem may reoccur over time.

The most common factors that negatively affect the condition of the facade of a brick building are:

  1. Direct exposure to moisture. Brick is a porous building material that absorbs moisture during use. At subzero temperatures it freezes, which leads to deformation and damage to the masonry. That is why it is recommended to paint the outer side of a brick wall with moisture-repellent substances or sheathe it with modern finishing materials with mandatory insulation of the facade.
  2. Strong vibrations. If powerful equipment (for example, woodworking machines) is constantly operating inside the building, then vibrations from it will be transmitted to the walls, gradually destroying the masonry. The source of vibrations can also be railway (tram) tracks or car roads located near the building.
  3. Temporary shrinkage. Any construction project shrinks over time. In some cases it can be small, but in others it can significantly affect the condition of a brick house.
  4. Soil mobility. If the building is erected on an unstable site with close groundwater, then seasonal ground movements can also reduce the strength of specific areas of the facade.
  5. Choosing low-quality bricks or violating construction technology. Excessive savings on building materials and the negligence of developers often lead to a decrease in the service life of the building and premature damage to a brick house.

Stages of destruction of the facade of a brick building

Brick walls do not collapse in one day. This process is quite lengthy and can last for several months or even years (in case of shrinkage). Its main stages are:

  1. Emergence of masonry stress. At this stage, visual signs of deformation are not yet observed, so this process cannot be somehow influenced or prevented.
  2. Formation of microcracks directly on building materials or finishing materials. If they are detected, remedial measures should be taken immediately.
  3. The appearance of deep cracks in the masonry. If this sign does not force you to immediately begin repair measures, then after some time the destruction of the brick itself will begin and a significant decrease in the thermal insulation properties of the walls.
  4. Deformation of masonry with loss of individual elements.

Preparatory work

To repair a brick house with your own hands, you may need the following tools and materials:

  • perforator;
  • angle grinder (grinder);
  • mounting syringe;
  • putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • brush;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • glue mixture.

Repair of brickwork of external walls begins with preparing the damaged surface. The first step is to remove the plaster from the defective area. After this, using a brush, the masonry is cleaned of cement chips and mortar residues.

To continue restoration work, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the damaged area, that is, check whether the crack continues to increase in size. To do this, paper beacons are installed along the entire length of the gap in increments of 5-10 cm, which are attached to the masonry using ordinary glue.

In this state, the lighthouses are left alone for 15-20 days. If they have not torn during this time, it means that the defective areas are no longer deformed and repairs can begin. Otherwise, you will need to determine the cause of the damage because partial repair will not provide long-term results.

Technology for repairing the external walls of a brick house

The choice of method of resuscitation directly depends on the size of the damage. If shallow cracks are detected, the repair of a brick facade will consist of filling the defective areas with a binding solution (douching):

  1. All cracks are thoroughly cleaned of construction debris and, if necessary, widened with a spatula. To increase the adhesion of the cement mixture and brick, cracks are treated with a deep penetration primer.
  2. While the primer dries, a bonding solution of cement and sand is prepared. You can also use a ready-made dry mixture for laying tiles or foam blocks, which is sold at any hardware store. Its consistency depends on the width of the flaw.
  3. The finished solution is fed into the cracks using a mounting syringe.
  4. After drying, the exposed cement is removed, and the repair area is plastered again.

If the seams crack and fall off, the restoration of the brickwork will follow a slightly different scenario. First of all, using a grinder, a hammer and a chisel, the seams are cleared of old mortar to a depth of approximately half a brick. After this, they are primed, filled with mortar and trimmed with a spatula.

When painting the bricks themselves, damaged elements along with the old mortar should be removed and new ones installed in their place. In this case, the binding mixture should have a denser consistency. If there are a lot of damaged bricks in one area, then after dismantling them, it is recommended to support the upper rows with wooden beams until the removed elements are installed in their places.

If the installed paper beacons are torn after a few days, which indicates the growth of a crack, then in addition to pouring cement mortar along the entire length of the crack, metal ties (brackets and anchors) are additionally installed. Their use will prevent or slow down further crack growth.

Brick walls have poor moisture resistance. Therefore, over time, the masonry begins to swell and crumble. To prevent such an unpleasant situation, after the construction of the house, the facade should immediately be painted with water-repellent paint, plastered or sheathed with one of the modern finishing materials.

The Sika company produces materials for repairing brickwork. Such mixtures are suitable for use both for minor damage (potholes, cracks, chips) and for extensive damage - weathering, washout, cracks caused by foundation subsidence, etc.

Causes of destruction of masonry

During operation, brick or stone masonry constantly experiences numerous loads that can cause cracks and destruction. Negative factors include: external factors like precipitation, groundwater, different soil densities, causing uneven shrinkage of the foundation. Besides, big influence The durability of masonry is affected by errors in calculations and non-compliance with construction technologies.

If the brickwork is not repaired and the walls are strengthened in a timely manner, the structure may lose its structural integrity and collapse.

Repair of brickwork seams

In addition to the aesthetic function of updating appearance brickwork, repair of seams performs an important preventive function. Timely updated mortar in the joints protects the masonry from water penetration, which will prevent more serious damage - cracks and collapses.

To repair brickwork joints, it is recommended to use specialized cement mixtures with the addition of reinforcing fiber. For example, a solution that can be applied to repaired surfaces manually or by wet shotcrete.

Repair and strengthening of brickwork

Significant damage to the brickwork is considered to be peeling of facing bricks, bulging of individual sections, deviation from the vertical, cracks crossing 4 rows or more, chipping to a depth of 20 mm or more.

In such cases, it may be necessary to strengthen the masonry using reinforcing alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh laid on cement mortar to repair the brickwork.

To repair cracks and internal cavities formed as a result of deformation of the masonry, it is recommended to perform injection with microcement mortar.

Materials for repair and strengthening of brickwork

Sika has developed a line of materials for repairing and strengthening brick and stone masonry - polymer fiber-reinforced cement mortar, alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh and an injection composition based on microcements.

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