
The cheapest money transfer on the CIS. What monetary translation systems exist in Russia. Money transfer methods are offered various

Probably, each person came across a problem when you need to urgently change the money into another city or country. Parents send transfers to students in universities to children, someone forwards money to those who need to relatives, and those who have left for earnings in large megacities send salary to their families. Compare.ru will tell about different types of money transfers: from the easiest and most convenient to the most profitable.

Postal translations

The most famous and old way to translate money in Russia is a postal transfer. Now Russian Post offers its customers a few options for sending funds to any point of the globe using the Cyberdengi service:
- receiving translation from the sender in cash - payment of translation by the recipient in cash;
- receiving the transfer of funds from the sender to the settlement account of the divisions of the Russian Post - the payment of translation by the recipient in cash;
- Reception from the sender in cash - payment to the recipient's current account.

The tariffs of the Cyberdengi system are high enough: for transfers to Russia hesitate from 1 before 5% + a one-time payment for the translation, and the cost of translation abroad is 1-8% + One-time payment for translation. It should be noted that the larger the amount of translation, the less charged percentage for the service, but more of a one-time payment. The latter can be from 25 before 535 rub. For example, to transfer the amount in 10 thousand roubles. In Russia, the cost of services will be 235 rub. +. 2% from the transfer amount - total 435 rub.

Among the advantages of this system, it is worth noting its accessibility to customers even in the most remote corners of our country. The main minus lies in the transfer rate of the money: from 2 before 10 days.

For urgent translation of Russian Post offers the Furious Service, which allows you to send money in an hour. While this system serves only the territory of Russia. Tariffs here above: from 1,7 before 10% And only residents of large cities can take advantage of this proposal.

Express translations

Translations are becoming increasingly popular with Western Union, Moneygram, Unistream, Anelik and others. The main plus of these operators is that the translation is carried out very quickly and the addressee can get money within a few minutes. The main minus can be called: high rates and limited geography. True, with the latest factor in the system express translations, they are successfully fighting, actively cooperating with banks. Now in many branches of Russian banks there are branches of a system.

The most famous express translation system is Western Union. For the translation in Russia the same 10 thousand roubles. We have to pay 225 rub. what is certainly less than the cyber, but still 2,25% From the amount of payment. Western Union interacts with leading Russian banks, including Sberbank, as well as with Russian Post, which undoubtedly makes this system one of the most attractive to customers.

One of the cheapest rates of rapid money transfers is considered to be Unistream. The cost of sending money through this system is from 1-1,5% From the sum of translation.

Translations from the card on the map

A good alternative to ordinary remittances without opening a bank account today is transfers "from card to map" through ATMs, terminal self-service devices and banks. Naturally, these transfers are most beneficial happen when the sender and recipient cards are released by one bank. As a rule, in such cases, the Commission for the transfer of funds is not charged.

If the cards are issued by different banks, the fee for the operation is 1-2% From the translated amount and is written off from the sender's account. Such a service is offered, and some other institutions. While it is not yet very developed in our country. For example, transfers only to "their" cards. It should also be noted that it is impossible to transfer money from the card to the card if they do not belong to one payment system. That is, from the Visa cards, you can send tools only on the Visa card, and, accordingly, with MasterCard is possible only to MasterCard card. There are other limitations. For example, in the alpha bank, the sum of one translation may not exceed 15 thousand rubles, and the maximum amount of all such operations per month should not be more 75 thousand roubles.

Translations over the Internet

This is a relatively new type of translations. As a rule, it is tied to one of the express translation systems (Western Union, MoneyGram, Anelik and others) and to the Internet service of any bank. Service rates are as a rule, data rates of systems, and transferred funds are written off from the sender's account. However, there are other options to make a translation via the Internet. True, you can make a reservation in advance that this method is perhaps the most expensive. This is a translation of electronic money: WebMoney, Yandex Money, RBC.Money and others. Make such a transfer is quite simple, listed from one wallet to another. But at the same time, the Commission will have to pay first for the translation, and then for the translation of this money into cash or on a bank card. As a result, the cost of such a translation can be equal 10-15% From his amount.

Bank Translations

Undoubtedly, the most reliable way to send money is the bank transfer from the account to the account. However, it is not always possible to make it. It is necessary that the sender and the recipient have opened accounts, and they are not at all. It is advisable to have accounts in one bank. In the opposite case, the Commission for such a translation is no less than when express translations. It should be noted that some Russian banks (Sberbank, and others) transfers without opening a bank account. However, such translations do not differ cheapness, tariffs range from 1,5 before 10% , and besides, the rate of transfer of funds also leaves much to be desired, the means can reach the recipient at least through 1 day.

There are different situations in life. Each type of money transfers has its advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes you need speed, someone appreciates convenience, someone needs anonymity, and someone attracts a low price. In this segment of financial services, there is a good choice and he, as always, is yours.

There are situations when you need to urgently transfer money. Today, several instant money transfers can be given the opportunity to send funds to any city, where there is a service representative office.

Fast very convenient, since you do not need to open the current account. Transaction is carried out only on the passport of the sender, the recipient will also need to present a passport and call the secret code that he can report on the phone. Maximum an hour later the money will arrive in the system, after which they can be obtained. Organizations involved in operations have a very wide network of representative offices.

Where better to contact?

Fast transfers are carried out not only by Russian Post. Today, a large number of companies appeared, allowing you to get money within a few minutes. The transfer fee will be the Commission, which is approximately 1-6% of the amount in different organizations. Before sending a translation, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions for choosing the most profitable option for you. The largest today are the following services:

One of the main advantages - the transfer of money is paid only by the sender, the recipient can pick up the full amount. If your friend or relative needed urgent financial assistance, you will be able to give it the necessary funds in full in the shortest possible time. The system of mandrel and receipt of funds without opening accounts is gaining popularity, and every day thousands of people enjoy.

Money transfers are a financial service that enjoys in great demand among individuals. With it, you can send money to another person, regardless of its location.

Plus, therefore, people can avoid problems with the large amount of money in cash. After all, much cheaper and safer send funds through the money transfer system than to carry them on their own or hiring collectors.

Today in the world there is a large number of varieties of remittances. Often, even in one bank, the client can offer several systems at once to choose from. They differ among themselves not only in the size of the commission, but also by parameters as the rate of enrollment, the territory of action, the procedures for sending and enrolling.

In banking practice use the following translation classification:

  • international - with their help you can send money from one country to another;
  • national - apply only on the territory of one state;
  • intrabankov - you can only get money in the financial institution through which the translation was sent;
  • cash - do not provide for the opening of a special account;
  • non-cash - carried out only with the help of a bank account;
  • currency - provide for the transfer of monetary units of other states (dollars, euros, etc.).

It is worth noting that the monopoly of banks in the market of money transfers is gradually leaving. You can already send money through social networks, as well as using electronic wallets.

What you need to send money

The initiator of the monetary translation is the physical sender. In order to send the money, he must provide a certain package of documents to the bank, which depends on his citizenship:

  • the Russians will need a passport or any other document certifying personality (passport, "Military", etc.);
  • foreigners need to bring a "native" passport either another document, which is recognized in the Russian Federation, document certifying personality, migration card, document for residence in the Russian Federation;
  • a man of civility is necessary to submit a residence permit in Russia and the document for the right to reside in the Russian Federation.

Restrictions on transfers

To better deal with what restrictions are valid when sending money, it is necessary to first consider such concepts as resident and non-resident.

So, the first is a citizen who lives and works in the state, pays taxes to the budget.

The second is the physical, which operates on the territory of one country, but at the same time registered and lives in another.

In accordance with domestic legislation, non-residents can enumerate without opening an account, both rubles and currency within Russia and abroad without restrictions.

Residents, and this is in most cases our compatriots, without opening an account, can send in one day outside Russia no more than ruble equivalent 5 thousand dollars.

Popular Money Transfer Systems

Leaders in the number of transactions in the world are Western Union and MoneyGram.

Western Union

The main office of the company is in the United States in UNGLWUD (Colorado). The advantage of the system is the very branched network of transfers issuing, which are in more than 200 countries of the world. It is also convenient to send money using Western Union not only abroad, but also within the same country.

Send money using the WU system in the following ways:

  • in the online mode from www.westernuny.com;
  • in the WU separation;
  • in the divisions of the "Post of Russia";
  • using Internet banking (the service only works in the banks of Avangard, Uralsib);
  • cash in the bank;
  • through the e-wallet Yandex.Money.

The transaction fee depends on many factors, the main of which are: the method of sending, the amount of translation, the country of destination. A large number of transfers to the growth of Western Union popularity in many countries of the world.


This is the second most popular money transfers in the world. Her central office is located in the USA, Dallas (Texas). MoneyGram money issuance points are present in more than 200 countries of the world. You can send money with its help only in the Bank's division.

The Commission's size depends on the standard parameters: amounts and transaction currencies, destination countries.
It is also worth considering that in MoneyGram send more than 10,000 dollars.

Russian money transfers

On the national scale, the following systems are popular:

gold Crown

One of the largest transfers in Russia was created in 2003. Its participants are more than 550 banks that are not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in the CIS countries, near and far abroad. In total, the system has about 60 thousand service points in 36 countries.

The fact that it was incorporated into the register of socially significant payment systems of Russia in 2013 on the big value of the system.

According to the International Service of Credit Ratings S & P Global Ratings, is the leader of the Money Transfer Market in the CIS, and in terms of the volume of translated funds ranked third in the world.

You can send money through the Golden Crown system:

  • in divisions of financial institutions;
  • in communication shops (for example, connected);
  • in the departments of the system partners;
  • online - using a mobile application or through a web interfacekoronapay.com.

In addition, using the Golden Crown, you can list money between payment cards, as well as repay the loans of any bank of the Russian Federation.


One of the first transfers in Russia was established in 1999. Its partners are more than 900 Russian and international financial institutions. With this system, you can send money in the following ways:

  • online through www.contact-sys.com;
  • cash from the point of translation;
  • from account in any bank of Russia, EU, USA, Hong Kong and other countries;
  • using a mobile phone;
  • through terminals;
  • using Internet banking, financial institutions of the partners of the CONTACT system;
  • via qiwi-wallet.


Another system that consists in the list of socially significant. It was created in 2006 by the Bank-Bank. With its help, you can send money within the Russian Federation, as well as to other countries only in the three most popular currencies: rubles, dollars, euros. The system of the system consists of 36 thousand items, among them all divisions of the FSUE "Mail of Russia".

It is worth considering that you can send money only in banking units and post offices. BLIZKO also transfers between payment cards and from mobile numbers (Beeline, MegaFon, MTS).


- One of the youngest systems in Russia. It was created in 2013 by the flagship of the banking system - Sberbank. With it, you can send money only inside Sberbank, including within its units that are abroad.

The system only works with three standard currencies: national, dollars and euros. Translation size is limited:

  • ruble equivalent of 5 thousand dollars for residents;
  • ruble equivalent of 10 thousand dollars for non-residents.

Make a transfer is possible only in the branches of Sberbank.

Unistream money transfers

Created in 2001 by the same Bank. In February 2015, I received status nationally significant. Its partners are more than 450 financial institutions from around the world, and the number of money issuing points reaches 333.5 thousand.

You can send money using Unistream:

  • from the official site https://online.unistream.ru/ using the payment card of any Russian bank;
  • in any division of the system agent.

Unistream has a restriction - it is impossible to send more than 100 thousand rubles. Regarding currencies, you can translate into any monetary unit.

Money transfers leader

It was established in April 2003. This network of money transfers is present in 132 countries, it cooperates with more than 500 financial institutions and has about 130 thousand issues. With its help, you can transfers only in three main currencies: national, dollars and euros.

Send translation in the system The leader can be:

  • in the partner division;
  • online from the official site https://leadermt.ru;
  • using terminals leader (more than 4.5 thousand pieces);
  • using the LEADER DIGITAL mobile application.

The Leader's system also implements payment cards, receiving utility bills and payment for state-government services, monthly loan payments.

System of remittances in social networks

Significant competition with standard banking products begin to make money transfers that are carried out by companies that have not previously positioned themselves in the market with the provision of financial services. We are talking about sending money using social networks.

For example, VKontakte money transfers began to exercise since September 2016. Exercises VTB24 Bank.

With the help of payment cards issued by banks of Russia or Kazakhstan, you can send a translation to a card of any bank from 17 countries of the world. However, it is necessary to take into account that the size of one translation is limited to the amount from 100 to 75 thousand rubles, while per day it is impossible to send more than 150 thousand rubles and no more than 600 thousand rubles per month. The service is paid and depends on the tariffs of the Issuer Bank and the type of payment card.

What to choose

You can send money transfers with the help of any payment system, they are currently enough. However, what better to use depends on many factors: Commissions for transferring, the rate of receipt, the complexity of sending, the list of currencies, the presence of points of issuing the existing restrictions. All this must be taken into account when choosing a translation system.

Also, it is not necessary to forget that much competence with money transfers within Russia make payments between bank cards. After all, their replenishment is essentially a similar operation, which also allows another person to get the necessary amount of money, regardless of its location.

Moreover, sometimes to make a card and pay a service fee a lot cheaper than to fully enjoy monetary translations.

Well, it is not necessary to discouncing the ravines and translations of transfers through social networks, which can drag to themselves a significant part of banking clients.

Alexander Babin

Modern translations allow you to almost instantly transfer money to anywhere in the world. Moreover, it is not necessary to fill in a lot of documents and stand in long queues, because almost all major banks are partners of various transfers.

Today Top-5 entered the fastest and most convenient monetary transfers. They are distinguished by an extensive network of points of issue, simplicity of design, reliability and accessible tariffs.


UNISTRIM system translation can be sent from the payment terminal, departure, from a mobile phone account, from a bank card. And to get enough to visit the Cassu Unistream or the office of the partner bank with a personality document. To get money, you will need to call the control code of the operation, the amount and translation currency.

4. Western Union

This system of rapid money transfers over 135 years. Western Union works in more than 200 countries around the world. To send money, you will need to present a passport and report the city in which the recipient is located. For money, your passport will also need a passport.
The means can be obtained in any of the thousands of Western Union service points in the city or country of destination, where money was sent.

3. Contact.

Scheme of sending and receiving translations on the CONTACT system standard, to make a procedure enough passport. Depending on the country of destination, the translation may be forbidden (then it can be obtained at any service item) or address when the money is issued at the box office at a specific address.
This year for impeccable quality of service and convenience, the CONTACT system was awarded the International Business Prize in the US - The Bizz 2013 Award.

2. Golden Crown

This translation system is service from the Center for Financial Technologies. Translations for the Golden Crown system work since 2003 in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as all countries of the neighboring countries.
You can send a translation not only through a partner bank or service point, but also through the "connected", MTS, TNK-BP, Euroset. The translation will be available to the recipient within a few seconds.
Tariffs for translations on the system begins from 0.5%. And for the convenience of those who often make out translations, a special plastic card is provided. The card holder does not need to issue documents for the translation - it is enough to present a map and passport.

1. Migom

The system of fast translations is operating on the market since 2002 and is presented in 27 countries of the world. Tariffs for the transfer of funds "start" from 30 rubles per surgery. Means can be conveniently translated in rubles, US dollars or euros.
To make a translation, it suffices to present a passport, as well as indicate the full name of the recipient and the settlement. For funds, you will need a passport and control number.

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