
Reference book Reference encyclopedia of the road builder. Volume I. Construction and reconstruction of highways. Construction of highways Adoption of organizational and technical decisions

Introduction SECTION I BASICS OF TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER 1. Stages of development and ways of improving the network of highways and technology of their construction 1.1. The main stages of development and improvement of the road network in Russia 1.2. The role of scientists in the creation of a scientific and technical base for road construction 1.3. Development and improvement of technology and methods of road construction 1.4. Ensuring the strength and serviceability of road structures SECTION II EARTHING OF THE EARTH FLOOR CHAPTER 2. Structures of the subgrade and requirements for its construction 2.1. Requirements for the construction of the subgrade 2.2. Requirements for subgrade soils 2.3. Technology of work on the construction of the roadbed 2.4. Basic principles of planning and organization of work 2.5. Soil compaction CHAPTER 3. Preparatory work before the construction of the roadbed 3.1. Composition and purpose of preparatory work 3.2. Removal of vegetative soil and preparation of the subgrade base CHAPTER 4. Construction of engineering structures to regulate the water-thermal regime of the subgrade 4.1. Types of structures and methods of regulating the water-thermal regime of the subgrade and road pavements 4.2. Construction of watertight and capillary-interrupting layers Preparation of the upper part of the subgrade before the installation of additional base layers. CHAPTER 5. Construction of embankments and excavation of excavations in non-rocky soils 5.1. Methods for filling embankments and excavation 5.2. Construction of embankments from excavation soil 5.3. Construction of embankments from the soil of lateral reserves Chapter 6. Construction of roadbed on slopes. Slope planning and strengthening 6.1. The main types of subgrade structures on slopes and landslide slopes 6.2. Features of erection of subgrade on slopes and landslide slopes 6.3. Grading of the subgrade of embankments and cuts, cones and slopes 6.4. Strengthening the cones and slopes of earthworks CHAPTER 7. Erection of the subgrade in mountainous conditions 7.1. Features of the construction of roadbed in mountainous areas 7.2. Drilling and blasting operations. Safety precautions 7.3. Calculation of blasting operations 7.4. Excavation technology in rocky soils. Quality control 7.5. Construction of anti-landslide structures CHAPTER 8. Hydromechanization of earthworks 8.1. Conditions and efficiency of the use of hydromechanization of earthworks 8. 2. Transportation and laying of soil. General organization of work CHAPTER 9. Construction of roadbed in difficult engineering and geological conditions 9.1. Construction of subgrade on weak foundations 9.2. Construction of high embankments and deep excavations 9.3. Subgrade construction in sandy deserts 9.4. Erection of subgrade on saline soils 9.5. Erection of subgrade in areas where permafrost soils are spread 9.6. Construction of subgrade from clayey soils with more optimal moisture content 9.7. Construction of embankments from technogenic soils CHAPTER 10. Construction of subgrade using geosynthetic materials 10.1. The concept of geosynthetics. Areas of their application * 10.2. Brief classification of geosynthetics for road construction 10.3. Construction of subgrade using geosynthetic materials CHAPTER 11. Construction of subgrade in winter 11.1. Features of the organization and production technology of work on the construction of the roadbed in winter 11.2. Construction of the roadbed of embankments and excavations 11.3. Construction of additional sandy layers of foundations 11.4. Features of the construction of small artificial structures in the winter CHAPTER 12. Reconstruction of the roadbed 12.1. Working conditions of the existing subgrade and the main ways to increase its strength and stability 12.2. Preparatory work for the reconstruction of the roadbed 12.3. Ways to widen embankments and excavations. Requirements for the selection, placement in layers and compaction of soils of the widening subgrade 12.4. Correction of the longitudinal profile. Increasing the height of embankments and the depth of excavations 12.5. Reconstruction of heaving areas 12.6. Increasing the stability of the slopes of the reconstructed roadbed and improving the drainage system 12.7. Reconstruction and lengthening of culverts CHAPTER 13. Organization of work on the construction of subgrade 13.1. General provisions 13.2. Determination of the composition of specialized teams and the optimal length of the capture when performing preparatory work and work on the construction of culverts 13.3. Determination of the composition of specialized teams and the optimal length of the seizure during the construction of the roadbed SECTION III CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD CLOTHES Chapter 14. Fundamentals of technology for the construction of road pavements 14.1. Technological classification of pavements, pavements and substrates 14. 2. Ensuring the reliability of road pavements 14.3. Fundamentals of the technology of compaction of pavement layers CHAPTER 15. Construction of road bases and pavements from untreated stone materials and stone materials and soils treated with inorganic binders 15.1. Development of methods for the use of soils and local stone materials in the layers of road pavements 15.2. Construction of layers from crushed stone 15.3. Construction of layers of crushed stone-sand and other mixtures 15.4. Construction of layers from active industrial waste 15.5. Construction of layers of materials treated with cement 15.6. Cobblestone, mosaic and clinker pavements 15.7. Fundamentals of technology for the production of artificial granular material from clay soils using electroplasma devices 15.8. Technology and efficiency of the use of granular ceramic materials in the construction of pavement bases CHAPTER 16. Construction of road bases and pavements from stone materials and soils treated with organic binders 16.1. Construction of crushed stone layers by impregnation method 16.2. Construction of black crushed stone layers 16.3. Construction of layers from mixtures of stone materials with liquid organic binders 16.4. Construction of layers from mixtures of stone materials with viscous organic binders 16.5. Construction of structural layers of road pavements from emulsion-mineral mixtures 16.6. Construction of layers from soils reinforced with organic binders CHAPTER 17. Construction of cement-concrete pavements and foundations 17.1. Features of the construction of coatings using mineral binders 17.2. Requirements for materials for the construction of cement-concrete pavements and design of the composition of road concrete 17.3. Constructions of road concrete pavements and foundations 17.4. Construction technology of cement-concrete pavements 17.5. Construction of monolithic reinforced concrete and continuously reinforced coatings 17.6. Construction of prestressed monolithic concrete pavements 17.7. Construction of foundations and coatings from rolled concrete 17.8. Features of the construction of cement concrete pavements at low air temperatures 17.9. Construction of prefabricated and prefabricated monolithic coatings 17.10. Quality control of construction of cement-concrete pavements CHAPTER 18. Construction of asphalt-concrete pavements and foundations 18.1. General provisions of the technology of construction of asphalt concrete pavements 18. 2. Constructions of pavements with asphalt concrete pavement 18.3. Designing the composition of asphalt concrete mixtures 18.4. Meeting the requirements for the physical and mechanical properties of asphalt concrete 18.5. Construction technology of asphalt concrete pavements and foundations 18.6. Requirements for the composition of technological maps for the construction of asphalt concrete pavements CHAPTER 19. Construction of asphalt concrete pavements from cold and cast mixes and crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete 19.1. Construction of pavements from cold asphalt concrete mixtures 19.2. Construction of pavements from cast asphalt concrete mixtures 19.3. Construction of pavements from crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete 19.4. Construction of coatings from asphalt concrete mixtures based on polymer-bitumen binders 19.5. Construction of asphalt concrete pavements at low air temperatures 19.6. Labor protection during the construction of asphalt concrete pavements CHAPTER 20. Construction of wear layers, protective rough layers 20.1. Appointment of wear layers, protective and rough layers 20.2. Surface treatment of road surfaces 20.3. Surface treatments with polymer binder 20.4. Arrangement of a rough layer of wear by embedding crushed stone 20.5. Wear layers and protective layers with the use of emulsion-mineral mixtures CHAPTER 21. Construction of pavements with coatings of the simplest type 21.1. Appointment of coatings of the simplest type 21.2. Local soils as a material for the simplest type of coatings 21.3. Technology of construction of the simplest coverings from artificially improved soils 21.4. Grading technology for dirt roads 21.5. Construction of wooden, continuous and track pavements (log and log) 21.6. Cobblestone, mosaic and clinker pavements CHAPTER 22. Reconstruction of pavements 22.1. Methods for the reconstruction of road pavements 22.2. Methods for disassembling pavement layers for reuse of their materials 22.3. Methods for the regeneration of pavements and pavements 22.4. Widening of pavement 22.5. Strengthening existing pavements 22.6. Features of the reconstruction of road pavements with cement concrete pavements 22.7. Arrangement of edge strips and strengthening of roadsides during road reconstruction 22.8. Reconstruction of road pavements of transitional type SECTION IV MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION Chapter 23. Enterprises for the development of rocks 23.1. Development of rocks 23.2. Features of the development of rocks 23.3. Features of the development of clastic rocks 23. 4. Processing of stone materials in near-track quarries on mobile crushing and screening plants CHAPTER 24. Stone crushing plants 24.1. Basic processes of work of stone crushing plants 24.2. General plan of KDZ 24.3. Processing of gravel and sand materials 24.4. Preparation of crushed sand 24.5. Production of mineral powder for asphalt concrete 24.6. Features of the organization of finished goods warehouses 24.7. Technological processes of dressing and improvement of stone materials 24.8. Quality control, acceptance of finished products CHAPTER 25. Bitumen and emulsion bases 25.1. Appointment and placement of bases and warehouses 25.2. Technological processes for the preparation of organic binders 25.3. Emulsion bases and workshops. Bitumen emulsion production technology 25.4. Installations for the production of cationic bitumen emulsions 25.5. Automation of technological processes on emulsion bases and quality control of emulsions CHAPTER 26. Plants for the preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures 26.1. Classification of factories and peculiarities of their location 26.2. General layout of the ABZ 26.3. Technological processes. Selection of technological equipment 26.4 Asphalt mixing plants 26.5. Recycling of old asphalt concrete (regeneration) at the ABZ 26.6. Automation of technological processes of an asphalt concrete plant and quality control 26.7. Bases and installations for processing soil with binders CHAPTER 27. Plants for the production of cement-concrete mixtures 27.1. Classification of factories and peculiarities of their location 27.2. General plan of the pulp and paper mill 27.3. Technological production processes and equipment 27.4. Features of the organization of warehouses for stone materials 27.5. Warehouses for cement and mineral powder 27.6. Automation of technological processes and product quality control 27.7. Equipment for the transportation of concrete mixtures 27.8. Features of the pulp and paper mill operation in winter and in hot climates CHAPTER 28. Plants and landfills for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products 28.1. Classification of factories and landfills and technology of manufacturing products 28.2. Methods for the production of reinforced concrete products 28.3. Quality control of reinforced concrete products and features of the organization of the warehouse of finished products CHAPTER 29. Labor and environmental protection at industrial road facilities 29.1. General provisions on labor protection and safety in construction production 29.2. Labor protection and safety at industrial enterprises (bases) of road construction 29. 3. Environmental protection at industrial road construction enterprises SECTION V ORGANIZATION OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION WORKS Chapter 30. Basic issues of the organization of road construction works 30.1. General provisions of the organization of the construction of the highway 30.2. Features of the organization of work during the reconstruction of the highway 30.3. Organizational and technical measures for environmental protection during the construction (reconstruction) of the motor road 30.4. Labor protection and safety in the construction of highways CHAPTER 31. Organization of the production base of road construction 31.1. Organization of material and technical support for road construction 31.2. Organization of storage facilities for road construction 31.3. Organization of maintenance and repair of machines 31.4. Providing the industrial base of road construction with electricity, compressed air, steam, water and technological communication CHAPTER 32. Methods of organizing road construction work 32.1. Complex-mechanized flow method and its varieties 32.2. Non-flow methods of organizing road construction works CHAPTER 33. Designing the organization of construction and production of road construction works 33.1. Construction organization design and work production design 33.2. Determination of the composition of specialized detachments in the construction of road pavement 33.3. Drawing up of calendar, network, hourly schedules of road construction and technological maps 33.4. Determination of the construction needs in material and technical resources 33.5. Dispatch management and automation of construction management SECTION VI ENSURING THE QUALITY OF ROAD-BUILDING WORKS CHAPTER 34. Control and management of the quality of road-building works 34.1. The system of quality control and management of road construction works 34.2. Organization and technology of quality control of road construction works Chapter 35. Industrial quality control of road construction works 35.1. Quality control of the work performed during the construction of the roadbed and the rules for their acceptance 35.2. Operational control in the course of execution and upon completion of the relevant operations 35.3. High-speed methods of monitoring the strength and evenness of the road surface 35.4. Controlled parameters, means of control, permissible deviations and volume of measurements during operational and acceptance control CHAPTER 36. Statistical control and quality regulation in road construction 36.1. Relevance of statistical control methods in road construction 36.2. Justification and development of a unified calculation apparatus for statistical quality control in road construction 36.3. Methodological framework for quality assessment in road construction 36.4. Methods for determining the volume and measurement points during statistical control 36.5. Processing of statistical control results and quality assessment 36.6. Setting up technological processes at the stage of preparation and during construction 36.7. Examples of the organization and implementation of statistical control, quality assessment and adjustment of technological processes 36.8. Main conclusions SECTION VII PRODUCTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF ROADS Chapter 37. Selection and determination of the main production and technological parameters of road construction equipment 37.1. The main trends in the development of road-building machines and their production and technological parameters 37.2. The main technological parameters for the main groups of machines and equipment and the definition of productivity CHAPTER 38. Machines and equipment for the construction of subgrade 38.1. Machines for preparatory work 38.2. Machines for the development and transportation of soil 38.3. Machines for leveling the soil and leveling the subgrade and base layers and slopes 38.4. Machines and equipment for soil compaction CHAPTER 39. Machines and equipment for the construction and reconstruction of road pavements 39.1. Machines for the construction of base layers from soil and mineral materials treated with binders 39.2. Machines for the construction of crushed stone and gravel base layers 39.3. Machines for the construction of asphalt concrete pavements 39.4. Machines and equipment for the construction of cement concrete pavements 39.5. Machines and equipment for the construction of wear layers (protective layers) of the coating 39.6. Machines for compaction of base and coating layers 39.7. Road construction machines 39.8. Machinery and equipment for road reconstruction References

Organization of works on the construction of highways

The organization of construction work is understood to mean the establishment and maintenance of a general order, sequence and timing of work on the construction of a highway, the provision of materials, machines, vehicles, labor and financial resources in order to construct an object on time with minimal expenditure of material resources.

Road construction differs from other sectors of construction in the variety of products it produces, the significant length of the facility with an uneven distribution of the volume and types of work along the length, the significant influence of natural conditions - soil, climate, terrain, hydrology, etc.

All works by the nature of production are divided into procurement, transport and construction and assembly. Blank - preparation and storage of stone and binding materials, preparation of mixtures and semi-finished products from them - concrete and asphalt concrete mixtures, precast concrete products for roads, bridges and buildings of road and transport services. Transport work is associated with the delivery of road building materials, mixtures, finished products from the places of their manufacture to the places of laying or installation. Construction and installation work is the work performed directly on the object - a road, a bridge, buildings, a manufacturing enterprise.

In accordance with the characteristics of the organization, all road works can be divided into focused and linear. Concentrated ones are usually performed in one place, and linear ones are distributed along a narrow strip of road and are performed with the help of mechanized units moving along the highway.

Linear works are more or less evenly distributed along the length of the road under construction and are repeated at each kilometer with only small deviations from the average values: the construction of the subgrade in small embankments and excavations, foundations and pavements, pipes and small bridges, the installation of road signs and barriers. Of the linear works, the most voluminous are the construction of the subgrade and road pavements. Other types of linear work (construction of pipes, small bridges, fencing and road signs) are periodically repeated at approximately regular intervals.

Concentrated work is usually performed on short sections of the road. They are rarely repeated on a neighboring site and in terms of the complexity of production, labor intensity and large volume, they differ sharply from other types of work: deep excavations and high embankments, sections of rock work, large and medium bridges, complexes of buildings of road and motor transport services, roads through long swamps, intersections at different levels. Concentrated work should always be ahead of line work so that line work is performed in a continuous flow.

In road construction, two methods of organizing work have been adopted: in-line and non-flow. The most progressive is the flow method, in which all processes, grouped into technological cycles, in all areas run continuously and in parallel in a technological sequence. Each link of machines, performing the assigned technological cycle, moves from one section of the flow to another, taking into account the requirements of the technology. Economic and mathematical methods have been developed to optimize the road construction flow, all technological processes and ensure the maximum utilization of machines.

The flow method meets the basic requirement of the economy - to provide conditions for the utmost reduction in the costs of socially necessary labor per unit of output produced in a given organization of production.

According to the degree of consolidation of production processes, flows can be: private, specialized, object and complex (Fig. 2.1). Private flow - the organization of the work of a link of the same type of machines (excavators, scrapers), sequentially performing a given process in the corresponding areas.

A specialized stream is called the qoeoKynHocTb of private streams, united by the production of common products - a section of a subgrade, the base of a pavement. The aggregate of specialized flows makes up the object flow, which ensures the completion of a completely finished road section. The totality of facility flows makes up a complex flow, including the device of all engineering structures of the road. In a stream, there are: a link of machines - a group of machines of the same type that perform the work of a private stream; set of machines - a group of machine links; seizure - a section of the road on which private stream machines operate.

The main flow parameter is speed - the length of the road section Ld, on which the flow finishes work per hour, shift, day. This value changes over time, and its average value is usually used.

Rice. 2.1. Scheme of the flow organization of the construction of the highway:

The successful advancement of the flow entirely depends on the timely and systematic provision of construction work with materials - semi-finished products and products. Based on this, the capacity of industrial enterprises should be designed so that they provide a given daily speed of road construction.

The beginning of the operation of the production enterprise is set ahead of the start of work on the route, which is necessary to create a small stock of materials within the 5-10-day requirement. The direction of flow is chosen taking into account the construction conditions and, as a rule, "away from oneself", using the road under construction for the delivery of materials. Flow control must be operational. The coordination of the work of a private stream, control and management of the general course of construction processes is carried out by the head and chief engineer of the SU through the apparatus of the production department. In a streaming environment, communication is the primary means of flow control. Communication is established with the construction management, with private streams, links, manufacturing enterprises and supply bases.

For the maintenance of road vehicles, private streams include mobile repair shops, capable of providing field repairs and the correct operation of road machines and vehicles.

The use of the flow method with its inherent high rates indicates the need to construct all layers of pavement from such materials that are conveniently laid, well compacted and allow the movement of construction vehicles.

Concentrated work can be a serious obstacle if its completion is not strictly aligned with the line work schedule. Therefore, the peculiarity of the design of the organization of concentrated work is to set the deadline for their completion in accordance with the general movement. private threads doing linear work. To perform concentrated work, it is advisable to use the winter period. The lengthening of the construction season due to winter has many positive qualities: a permanent qualified workforce remains, and the utilization rate of road vehicles and vehicles increases. Some rise in the cost of winter work is compensated by the acceleration of the construction of highways and their early commissioning.

When building a road, the most laborious is the arrangement of foundations and coatings; most often they determine the flow rate.

An important element in the organization of the stream is the provision of housing for workers in the stream, their everyday services. To accommodate workers, tents, wagons, and collapsible light-type premises are used. It is convenient and expedient to build road service buildings in advance so that they can be used for temporary accommodation of road workers.

Despite the obvious advantages of the in-line method, in some cases, the work on the construction of the road is scattered, producing them on a wide front. There are many reasons for this: short and difficult road sections; short-term attraction of machines, vehicles of industrial and agricultural organizations to road works; insufficiently fully developed technical documentation, etc. To facilitate control and management of work with a non-flow method, the road under construction is divided into sections. At each of them, work is organized taking into account local conditions and regardless of work in neighboring areas. The non-threading method has many disadvantages. These include an increase in the duration of construction, the inability to use the road for travel during the construction period. Although the individual sections are finished, they cannot be used due to the lack of communication between them. Diffusion complicates the management of work, the quality control of work and the conditions for maintenance of mechanization equipment deteriorate, the need for machines and vehicles increases, since the same type of work is performed simultaneously in many places.

As a result, the overall level of utilization of technology and labor is reduced. The non-flow method is sometimes combined with the flow method, which in some cases is justified by construction with large volumes of concentrated work.

TO Category: - Mechanization of road works


Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Roads and Airfields

Settlement and graphic work

Technology and organization of road construction. Road pavement construction.

Explanatory note


The road economy of the Russian Federation at the present stage of development of the state is an integral part of the unified transport system of the country, designed to facilitate the solution of national and regional socio-economic problems, as well as the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement. Therefore, the construction of new and the reconstruction of existing roads is the most important industry in the Russian Federation.

Design is an integral part of road construction and reconstruction. In an effort to save material costs for road construction, a qualitative justification of cost effectiveness in the design process is necessary. Designing a modern road is a search for a compromise between a number of conflicting requirements, namely: a minimum of construction work, the greatest efficiency and safety of road transport, the use of low-value lands, and environmental protection. It is possible to achieve rational solutions to these requirements with the maximum number of design options. It is necessary to improve the scientific and technical level of design.

Highways are subject to the active influence of numerous natural and climatic factors (snow drifts, wetting by precipitation, surface and ground waters, etc.). These features of the functioning of highways must be taken into account when designing the project line of the longitudinal profile (the appointment of guide working marks, control marks of culverts) and the subgrade.

The variety of natural conditions of the Russian Federation does not allow the use of standard designs and stencil solutions. Therefore, designers, first of all, are required to have a creative approach to the design of highways, the ability to find technically correct and economically feasible engineering solutions.

This explanatory note sets out the technology and organization of the construction of a highway, the construction of road pavements, located in the Kirov region. (1)

1 Taking into account the influence of natural factors in the design of a road

1.1 Brief description of the area of ​​the route

The Samara region is located in the east of the East European Plain and on the western slope of the Middle and Northern Urals. The area of ​​the region is 120 800 km 2. The maximum length of the region from north to south is 570 km, from west to east - 440 km.
The Samara region borders on five regions and two republics of the Russian Federation: in the north with the Komi Republic, in the west - with the Vologda, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo regions, in the south with Ioshkar-Ola, in the east - with the Izhevsk and Perm regions.

1.2 Length of warm and cold seasons

  1. Date of temperature transition through 0 - 14 April, 14 October
  2. The number of days with negative temperatures - 180 days
  3. Date of transition of air temperature through +5 - 25 April, 7 October
  4. The number of days with temperatures above +5 - 134 days
  5. Date of temperature transition through +10 - May 12, September 11
  6. Average annual air temperature by months - 2.7

2 Characteristics of the road section under construction.

In table 1 we write out the geometric parameters of the road elements for the category established by the task. The basis of SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Highways", tab. 4.

In accordance with the accepted design of the pavement, the assigned category of the road, the recipes for asphalt concrete mixtures, and the types of materials for the bases, we calculate the need for materials per 1 km and for the entire construction site.

Volumes each layer of the base and coating is calculated by the formula:

where: B - layer width, m

h - layer thickness, m

L - section length, m

The calculation is carried out with an accuracy of one decimal place.

The mass of the asphalt concrete mixture required for the device of the upper and lower layers of the coating is calculated by the formula:

where p is the average density in the compacted state, t / m 3

Mass of material for the base device, we calculate by the formula:

where K p - loss coefficient K p = 1.03-1.05

К у - material safety factor for compaction. K y = 1.1

The calculation results are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. The need for road building materials.

Name of the structural layer

Material name

Material volume, m 3

Material mass, t

For the entire site

For the entire site

Top coat

Crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete 4 cm thick


Crushed stone of fraction 5-10 22%

Crushed stone fraction 10-15 48%

Sand from crushing screenings 13%

Mineral powder 11%

Bitumen BND 60/90 6%

Bitumen BND 40/60 10%

Bitumen filling

Bottom coating layer

Hot fine-grained dense a / b mixture type B 5 cm thick


Crushed stone of fraction 5-20 35%

Sand from crushing screenings 52%

Mineral powder

Bitumen filling


Sand-crushed stone mixture

Calculation of the performance of the base device from ASG

p cm - the density of the unconsolidated mixture, we take 1.25 t / m 3;


per shift (8 hours) 8 х 8 64 t

37006.25 / 64 = 470.4 = 578 machine shifts

Since our road construction organization has 24 KamAZ-6520 dump trucks, we can determine the number of shifts that will be required in order to bring 31992 m 3 ASG

578/24 = 24.08 = 24 shifts

Determine the performance coefficient of dump trucks (in tons):

24 * 64 = 1536 tons per shift you need to bring

Xamosv = 1536/1536 = 1

Motor grader performance

We assign a motor grader - Caterpillar 16 M (Appendix I), with a blade width of 4.88 m.This means that it will cover 4 strips on a base with a width of 19.1 m (Fig. 4). Let's take the grading speed (in 3rd gear) equal to 8.8 km / h = 146.7 m / min, and the number of passes along one track is 6.

Let's calculate the performance of a motor grader using the formula:

V - motor grader speed, m / min;

A - the number of rolling strips;

B is the number of passes along one track;

K in - the coefficient of use of intrashift time (K in = 0.5)


for 1 hour (60 minutes) 3.06 x 60 183.6 running meters

per shift (8 hours) 183.6 x 8 1468.8 running meters

in 1 minute 3.06 x 19.1 58.45 m

in 1 hour 58.45x60 3507 m 2

per shift 3507 х8 28,056 m 2

Now, having received this data, we determine how long it will take to fully complete the work on the foundation device:

95500/28056 = 3.4 = 4 work shifts

Taking the motor grader as the driving mechanism when installing the base, we determine the coefficient of its performance (in square meters): K grade = 28056/28056 = 1.0

Roller performance

Sealing process

We will determine the brands of rollers for compaction of the base, and we will calculate the required number of them at each stage of compaction.

According to SNiP 3.06.03-85, paragraph 7.5, the compaction of the sand and gravel mixture is carried out in 2 stages - preliminary and main. Accordingly, 2 links of rollers with different masses are needed.



weighing 11.7 t, with a drum width of 2. m. We take the speed of the rollers 2 km / h, the required number of passes on one track - 7, the number of rollers - 10. For a given drum width, we take the number of rolling strips (tracks), taking into account the overlap track - 10 (Fig. Behind).

L linear = 2 x 10/7/10 x 1000/60 = 4.76 m

4.76x60 = 285.6 m

Now in shift:

285.6x8 = 2284.8 m

We compact 4.76 x 2 = 9.52 m per minute

Per hour 9.52x 60 = 571.2 m 2

Per shift 571.2 x 8 = 4569.6 m 2

Now, having received this data, we determine how long it will take to fully complete the work on the main compaction when installing the foundation:

95500 / 4569.6 = 21 = 21 work shifts

Taking the rollers as the driving mechanism when arranging the base, we determine the coefficient of its performance (in square meters):

K cat = 4569.6 / 4569.6 = 1.0

Main seal

HAMM HD140I + VO with a mass of 12.9 tons, with a drum width of 2.14 m. We take the speed of the rollers 5 km / h, the required number of passes on one track - 14, the number of rollers - 10. For a given drum width, we take the number of rolling strips (tracks), taking into account the overlap of the track - 10 (Fig. 36).

L pog = V x A / B / C x 1000/60,

In 1 minute: 4 x 10/14/10 x 1000/60 = 4.76 running meters.

in 1 hour: 4.76 x 60 = 286 running meters

per shift: 286 x 8 = 2288 running meters

Let's recalculate the received data per square meters:

In 1 minute 4.76 x 2.14 = 10.19 m 2

Per hour 10.19 x 60 = 611.4 m 2

Per shift 611.4 x 8 = 4891 m 2

Determine the coefficient of its performance (in square meters):

K cat = 4569.6 / 4891 = 0.93

Tanker performance

We assign - a tanker truck for technical water ACT-12 (Appendix 1), with a tank capacity of 12 tons. Knowing that the distance from the ABZ (where we fill in bitumen) to the place of work is on average 43 km, and the average speed of movement is 60 km / h, we will calculate its performance by the formula:

where Q gudr is the capacity of a tanker truck, t;

Let's calculate the number of tankers to ensure the priming of the daily grab:

a) the amount of water to moisten the daily capture:

4548 x 0.06 = 273 t

b) the amount of time required to moisten the daily capture:

273 / 7.5 = 36.4 h

Determine the coefficient of performance of the asphalt distributor (over time): K 1ST = 36.4 / 8 = 4.55

Therefore, 5 tank trucks will be enough.

We assign an auto aspirator - PMB-7 (Appendix 1), with a tank capacity of 6 tons. Knowing that the distance from the ABZ (where we fill in bitumen) to the place of work is on average 43 km, and the average speed is 60 km / h, we will calculate its performance by formula:

L is the distance from the place of filling the tank to the place of work, km;

V cf - material transportation speed, km / h;

t N - time of filling the tank, h (= 0.15 h);

t Р - material distribution time, h.

where p is the filling rate, m 3 / m 2;

b is the width of the processed strip, m;

V p - working speed (speed when distributing material), km / h.

4548 m 2 daily occupation area

4548 x 0.00065 = 2.96 t

2.96 / 3.38 = 0.87 h

Determine the coefficient of performance of the asphalt distributor (over time): K 1ST = 0.87 / 8 = 0.11

Calculation of the productivity of laying the bottom layer of asphalt concrete mixture

Since for a given road category (I-th) there are two carriageways, with an asphalt concrete pavement 9.25 m wide, the asphalt concrete will be laid in 4 passes of the asphalt paver.

Assigning an asphalt paver - Vogele SUPER 1600-2(Appendix 1), having the ability to carry out paving with a width of 4.625 m.Let's take the paving speed equal to 2.5 m / min, based on SNiP 3.06.03-85 with a lower layer thickness of 0.05 m.


In terms of square meters, this will be:

for 1 hour 11.56x60 693.6 m 2

per shift 693.6x8 5548.8m 2

in 1 minute 11.56x 0.05 0.578 m 3

for 1 hour 0.578 x 60 34.68 m 3

per shift 34.68 x 8 277.4 m 3

Knowing that the average density of asphalt concrete in a compacted state is 2.5 t / m 3, we determine how many tons of the mixture must be released to the asphalt concrete plant:

in 1 minute 0.578 x 2.5 1.445 t

for 1 hour 1.445 x 60 86.7 t

per shift 86.7х 8 693.6 t

K asf = 5548.8 / 5548.8 = 1.0

Sealing process

According to SNiP 3.06.03-85, paragraph 10.24, the compaction of dense fine-grained a / b type B is carried out in 2 stages - preliminary and main. Accordingly, 2 links of rollers with different masses are needed.


We assign a roller for preliminary rolling HAMM HD140I + VO

weighing 12.7 t, with a drum width of 2.5 m. We take the speed of the rollers 2 km / h, the required number of passes on one track - 6, the number of rollers - 4. For a given width of the drum, we take the number of strips (tracks) of rolling, taking into account the overlap of the track - 4 (Fig. Behind).

Let's calculate the number of running meters compacted by this link in 1 minute. Formula for calculation:

L pog = V x A / B / C x 1000/60, ()

where V is the speed of the rollers during compaction, km / h;

A - the number of rollers in the link;

B - the number of passes of the roller along one track;

C is the number of tracks (stripes) of rolling;

1000 - coefficient for conversion to the dimension "m / hour";

60 - coefficient for conversion to the dimension "m / min".

L linear = 2 x 4/6/4 x 1000/60 = 5.6 m

5.6x60 = 333.6 m

Now in shift:

333.6x8 = 2666.7 m

Let's recalculate the received data per square meters:

We compact 5.6 x 2.14 = 11.98 m per minute

11.98 x 60 = 719 m 2 per hour

Per shift 719 x 8 - 5752 m 2

Let's compare the results obtained with the performance of the asphalt paver:

The asphalt paver places 5548.8 m 2 of mix per shift.

Roller link # 1 - can compact 5752m 2 of asphalt concrete in the same time.

We see that the productivity of the rollers is higher than the productivity

asphalt paver. We accept this scheme as a working one.

Determine the performance factor of the pre-compaction rollers:

Kcat.prev = 5548.8 / 5752 = 0.96

Main seal

We assign a link of smooth drum rollers to the main rolling of the lower layer HAMM HD140I + VO with a mass of 12.9 tons, with a drum width of 2.5 m. We take the speed of the rollers 3 km / h, the required number of passes on one track - 8, the number of rollers - 4. For a given drum width, we take the number of rolling strips (tracks), taking into account the overlap of the track - 4 (Fig. 36).

We carry out calculations of the productivity of this link of rollers.

In 1 minute: 3 x 2/8/2 x 1000/60 = 6.25 running meters.

in 1 hour: 6.25 x 60 = 375 running meters

per shift: 375 x 8 = 3000 running meters

Let's recalculate the received data per square meters:

In 1 minute 6.25 x 2.14 = 13.38 m 2

Per hour 13.38 x 60 = 802.5m 2

Per shift 802.5 x 8 - 6420 m 2

We compare the results and make sure that the link of the rollers is assigned correctly. We accept this rolling scheme.

Determine the performance factor of the rollers on the main seal:

K K at.base = 5548.8 / 6420 = 0.86

Dump Truck Performance

We assign a dump truck - KamAZ-6520 (Appendix 1), with a body capacity of 12 m 3. Knowing that the distance from the ABZ to the place of work is on average 43 km, and the average speed of movement is 55 km / h, we calculate its performance using the formula:

Dump truck body volume, m 3;

p cm - the density of the unconsolidated mixture, we take 2.35 t / m 3;

L is the distance from the ABZ to the place of work;

V cf - the average speed of the dump truck, km / h;

0.32 is the total time of loading and unloading a dump truck, h.


per shift (8 hours) 15 х 8 120 t

Let's calculate the required number of machine shifts:

11563/120 = 96.3 = 97 machine shifts

Determine the performance ratio of dump trucks (through tons): Ksamosv = 693.6 / (120x6) = 0.96

Asphalt distributor performance

We assign an auto aspirator - PMB-7 (Appendix 1), with a tank capacity of 6 tons. Knowing that the distance from the ABZ (where we fill in bitumen) to the place of work is on average 40 km, and the average speed is 60 km / h, we will calculate its performance by formula:

where Q gudr is the capacity of the asphalt distributor, t;

L is the distance from the place of filling the tank to the place of work, km;

V cf - material transportation speed, km / h;

t N - time of filling the tank, h (= 0.15 h);

t Р - material distribution time, h.

where p is the filling rate, m 3 / m 2;

b is the width of the processed strip, m;

V p - working speed (speed when distributing material), km / h.

Let's calculate the number of asphalt distributors to ensure the priming of the daily grasp:

a) the amount of bitumen for priming the daily grab:

5000 * 18.5 / 17 = 5441m 2 daily capture area

5441 x 0.0003 = 1.63

b) the amount of time required for priming the daily grab:

1.63 / 3 = 0.54 h

Determine the coefficient of performance of the asphalt distributor (over time): K 1ST = 0.54 / 8 = 0.07

Therefore, one auto aspirator will be sufficient.

Calculation of the productivity of laying the top layer of asphalt concrete mixture

Let's make a reservation right away that all calculations are made without taking into account technological breaks, as if the equipment works constantly, rhythmically, and with maximum efficiency.

Since for a given road category (III) there is one carriageway, with an asphalt concrete pavement 8 m wide, the asphalt concrete will be laid in two passes of the asphalt paver.

Paver performance

Assigning an asphalt paver - Vogele SUPER 1600-2(Appendix 1), having the ability to carry out paving with a width of 4.625 m.Let's take the paving speed equal to 2.5 m / min, based on SNiP 3.06.03-85 with a top layer thickness of 0.04 m.


in 1 minute we will lay 2.5 running meters of the mixture

in 1 hour (60 minutes) 2.5x60 150 running m

per shift (8 hours) 150 х 8 1200 running meters

In terms of square meters, this will be:

in 1 minute 2.5x4.625 11.56 m 2

for 1 hour 11.56x60 693.6 m 2

per shift 693.6x8 5548.8m 2

At the same time, in terms of cubic meters, this will be:

for 1 minute 11.56x 0.04 0.462 m 3

for 1 hour 0.462 x 60 27.72 m 3

per shift 27.72 x 8 221.76 m 3

Knowing that the average density of asphalt concrete in a compacted state is equal to 2.65 t / m 3, we determine how many tons of the mixture must be released to the asphalt concrete plant:

for 1 minute 0.462 x 2.65 1.22 t

for 1 hour 1.22 x 60 73.2 t

per shift 73.2 x 8 585.6 t

Now, having received this data, we determine how long it will take to completely complete the work on the device of the lower layer of the coating:

92,500 / 5548.8 = 16.7 ̴ 17 work shifts

Taking the asphalt paver as the driving mechanism, we determine the coefficient of its performance (in square meters):

K asf = 5548.8 / 5548.8 = 1.0

Sealing process

We will determine the brands of rollers for compacting the mixture, and calculate the required number of them at each stage of compaction. The number of rollers in the link and the speed of their movement are taken in such a way that the area of ​​asphalt concrete, compacted by them, is more or slightly less (about minus 10%) of the area laid at the same time by the asphalt paver.

According to SNiP 3.06.03-85, paragraph 10.24, the compaction of crushed stone-mastic a / b mixtures is carried out in 2 stages - preliminary and main. Accordingly, 2 links of rollers with different masses are needed.

The main provisions for the organization of the construction of highways. Classification of road construction works.

To carry out large and complex works on the construction of highways, increase labor productivity and continuously improve the quality of work while reducing their cost and improving working conditions, a detailed organization and technology of road construction works are needed.

Highway construction technology- a section of the science of mechanical, chemical, as well as other methods and processes of processing materials and products, as a result of which individual elements of the road and the road as a whole are created.

The composition of modern technology includes technical quality control of materials and production processes.

^ Organization of work - is the development and implementation of a set of measures to establish the order of work and the management system with the determination of the number and placement of all necessary labor and material and technical resources.

Modern road construction, unlike other construction work, has a number of specific features. The linear nature of these works complicates the organization, control and management of them, complicates the repair and maintenance of road equipment, as well as the organization of living conditions for workers and engineering and technical workers. Road construction works are characterized by uneven distribution of volumes and types of work along the length of the road, as well as the dependence of technology on climatic conditions, hydrology and terrain.

All road construction works in terms of the content of their implementation are divided into three groups:

  • construction and assembly,

  • procurement,

  • transport.
Construction and assembly works are performed directly at the facility for the construction of a highway, linear buildings of road and motor transport services, industrial enterprises.

Construction and installation works, depending on the volume, repeatability and uniformity of distribution along the length of the road, are divided into concentrated (areal) and linear.

^ Concentrated work are characterized by high labor intensity and concentration over an insignificant extent. These include the construction of bridges, high embankments and deep excavations, interchanges at different levels, road sections in swamps, road and motor transport building complexes and other structures.

^ Linear work characterized by a significant extension with small changes in volumes and designs. Linear works include construction of subgrade in low embankments and shallow excavations, road pavements, small bridges and pipes, installation of road signs and fences.

Blank the work on the procurement of road building materials, semi-finished products, parts and products is called.

Transport refers to the work on the delivery of road building materials, semi-finished products and finished products from places of procurement, processing or preparation to places of use.

^ Methods for organizing road construction works.

When building highways, the following are used:

  • the method of separate organization, in which each construction process is carried out independently;

  • cyclic flow method, used at objects that include a number of similar structures or that allow them to be divided into a number of identical or similar sections to each other;

  • flow method of organization at all linear objects with sufficient length.
In the practice of road construction, there are also the following methods:

  • parallel, in which work is carried out simultaneously over a considerable length by specialized road organizations on independent sections;

  • sequential, in which the work is deployed in separate sequentially located sections with the transition to the next one only after the complete completion of work on the previous one.
^ Technology and organization of preparatory work.

Before starting the construction of the roadbed, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, which includes: restoration and consolidation of the route, clearing the roadway, replanting valuable trees, transferring communication and power transmission lines, demolishing unusable buildings, breaking down elements of the roadbed, etc.

The main purpose of the work on the restoration and consolidation of the road route is to check and restore on the ground all points that determine the position of the route in the plan and profile. This work is carried out by the design organization, which must hand over the assigned route according to the act of the construction organization before the start of construction work.

The scope of work on the restoration and consolidation of the route includes the search for the surviving ones, the restoration of the destroyed ones, and the installation of additional reinforcement signs.

In this case, the following work is performed:

  1. move all turning angles and pickets to the border of the right-of-way;

  2. fix the tops of the angles of rotation; break circular and transition curves;

  3. fix the beginning and end of the curves; break and fix the axes of artificial structures;

  4. fix pickets and plus points;

  5. check the marks of existing benchmarks;

  6. install additional benchmarks;

  7. check the longitudinal leveling of all points and, if necessary, remove the transverse profiles.
On straight sections of the road, fastening is carried out, depending on the terrain, every 200-400 m. Outrigger pillars and stakes between them are installed on the border of the right-of-way. On curved sections of the route, outriggers are installed at each picket, i.e. every 100 m. Intermediate points on the curves are divided every 20, 10 or 5 m, respectively, to the radius of the curves more than 500, from 100 to 500 and less than 100 m, fixed with milestones.

The tops of the turning angles are fixed with firmly dug corner posts with an inscription (at least 0.12 m in diameter and 0.5-0.75 m above the ground). The pillars are placed on the continuation of the bisector of the angle 0.5 m from its apex. On these pillars, the ordinal number of the angle, radius, tangent and bisector of the curve are recorded. The inscription is directed to the top, which is marked with a peg. On curves with small bisectors, two milestones are set on the continuation of the tangents every 20 m from the apex of the corner.

On bends, transition curves, serpentines, the axis of the road is fixed in accordance with the location and terrain.

The elevation marks are fixed with benchmarks, depending on the terrain, every 1-2 km. In addition, benchmarks are additionally installed at intersections with other roads or railways, at all artificial structures, at embankments with a height of more than 5 m and recesses with a depth of more than 5 m. ... Pillars are installed as benchmarks and they are firmly buried into stable soil at a depth that ensures the immobility of the benchmark, and also large boulders, protrusions in rocks, basements of buildings, supports of bridges and power lines are used. The type of each benchmark, its location along the length of the track, the distance from its axis and the elevation must be recorded in a special list of benchmarks.

In addition to the above works on the restoration and securing of the route, the following is also done:

  • the boundaries of the sole of the embankment with pegs every 25-50 m or with a furrow;

  • zones for the production of work by road machines with pegs or milestones, denoting the lines of the first cutting of a motor grader or grader-elevator;

  • the boundaries of the removal of the vegetation layer and its location in the side rolls, etc .;

  • drainage ditches with pegs along their axes with indication of the depth in the places of their installation;

  • reserves along the edges of the roadbed every 10-50 m with pegs indicating the depth of development on them.
Simultaneously with the restoration of the route, a right-of-way is drawn up and fixed on the ground for the construction of the road, for the placement of industrial enterprises and complexes of road and motor transport services, the dimensions of which are determined by the width of the soles of the embankments and the dimensions of the recesses on top, taking into account the placement of side and banquet ditches, banquets and safety strips with a width 1 m on each side of the road.

^ Technology of works on clearing the road from forest and bushes.

The road strip allocated for the construction of the road is cleared of forest, stumps, bushes, boulders, and the vegetation layer is also removed from its entire area.

Clearing a lane from a forest is the most time-consuming job of preparing a road lane. It is advisable to carry out this work in winter by the method of cutting, using the Druzhba-4, Taiga, MP-5 chainsaws and EP-K6 and EPCh-3 electric saws. When cutting, stumps up to 10 cm high are left. To ensure the safety of the work, before cutting the trees, it is necessary to remove the bushes and low branches. Efficient and safe felling of trees also depends on the correct cut. Cutting begins with a notch at 1 / 3-1 / 4 of the trunk diameter, and then from the opposite side, a deep cut is made at the level of the upper edge of the notch, after which the tree is felled using hydraulic wedges, felling forks or special blades.

In the summer, especially with a small number of trees, felling is carried out with roots (with an undeveloped root system), using bulldozers or tree felling trees. The cut trees are cleared of branches with special axes or electric snipers and transported to an intermediate warehouse by skidders with a shield and a winch to pull a bundle of trees onto the shield (Fig. 2.4). For loading trees onto vehicles, cranes with grab grippers, bulldozers with a jaw working body and special loggers of the PL-3 type are used.

Rice. 2.4. The scheme of clearing the road from the forest.

1 - a cutting area; 2 - grubber; 3 - fallen trees; 4 - skidding portage; 5 - border of the cutting right-of-way; 6 - skidder; 7 - stacks of wood.

Grubbing stumps and removing shrubs must be done when developing small ditches, ditches and reserves up to 0.5 m deep and erection of embankments up to 1.5 m high. With an embankment height of 1.5-2 m, it is allowed to leave stumps and bushes cut off at ground level. When the height of the embankment is more than 2 m, stumps up to 10 cm high are left. Stumps with a diameter of up to 50 cm are uprooted with grubbing machines such as DP-2A, DP-ZA, DP-8, and with a diameter of more than 50 cm and with a highly developed root system and with frozen soil, they blow up or use more powerful grubbing-type DP-20, etc. The pits remaining after the uprooting of stumps or tree felling are covered with soil and compacted, and the entire surface of the embankment base is planned. Uprooted stumps and previously cut branches are removed from the road lane or burned with careful observance of fire safety measures.

For cutting shrubs and small forests with a diameter of up to 20 cm, brush cutters such as DP-4, DP-24, which usually work in a circular pattern, are used. Shrub cutting with hedge trimmers is carried out at any time of the year, but the best conditions for this work are created in winter, since at this time the roots and arrows of the bush are well fixed in the frozen soil, thanks to which the hedge trimmer knives cut well the woody vegetation in one pass. Cutting is also effective at the beginning of spring, however, in the spring-summer period, the hedge trimmer knives often burrow into the ground and make it difficult to work. The productivity of the brush cutter is 0.5 hectares / shift, which is ensured by the effective operation of the tractor, regular sharpening of the knives of the brush cutter equipment.

The cut bushes are raked with tractor rakes or brush collectors into large shafts or heaps. Work to clear the road from forest vegetation is usually carried out in two sections - "apiaries" at a distance of about 50 m to ensure safety and sufficient work front. All the necessary technological processes for the removal of shrubs, felling of forests, uprooting stumps, backfilling holes and leveling the surface of the embankment base on these apiaries are performed sequentially by the flow method.

Depending on the size and mass of large stones (boulders), the method of removing them from the road is also chosen. Stones with a diameter of up to 50 cm are removed by bulldozers, grubbing-collectors, loaded into cars by cranes or single-bucket loaders. Boulders with a volume of up to 1 m 3 are removed by bulldozers with preliminary digging and turning, and with a volume of up to 2 m 3 - by tractors by dragging on metal sheets. Large boulders (with a volume of 2 m 3 and more), which cannot be moved from their place by a tractor, are explosively crushed into smaller pieces and removed by a bulldozer or a grubber-collector. The holes left on the road lane after removing stones are covered with soil with layer-by-layer compaction.

^ Technology of works on clearing a road strip from vegetative soil.

From the entire area allotted for the construction of the road, a vegetative (fertile soil) layer 10-35 cm thick is removed and laid in shafts for subsequent use: when strengthening the slopes of the subgrade, for the reclamation of restored or low-productive agricultural lands on the dividing strip. Bulldozers, motor graders or scrapers are used to remove and move the vegetation layer.

Depending on the width of the road strip, the thickness of the cut off vegetation layer and the power of the bulldozer used, the work is carried out according to the schemes shown in Fig. 2.5.

When erecting embankments from imported soil, when the width of the strip from which it is necessary to remove the vegetative soil does not exceed 20-25 m, a shuttle scheme is used with staggered rollers of vegetative soil (see Fig. 2.5, a).

Working according to this scheme, the vegetative soil is removed and moved by a bulldozer at once along the entire road lane. In this case, each cycle of cutting and moving the soil is carried out with the overlap of the previous track by 25-30 cm.

When erecting embankments from the soil of lateral reserves or when developing excavations, the vegetative layer of soil is removed and removed from a strip 25 m or more wide according to a shuttle scheme with the movement of the soil from the axis of the road first to one side and the location of its rollers on both sides (see Figure 2.5, b).

With a rather wide strip of removal (more than 35 m) and a significant thickness of the vegetation layer, it is removed and removed with a bulldozer in a longitudinal-transverse pattern (Figure 2.5, c). First, using a universal bulldozer, the vegetation layer is removed along the entire length of the seizure by longitudinal passes along the axis of the road, and then the previously formed longitudinal soil rolls are bulldozed out of the strip by oblique passes. According to this scheme, joint (complex) work of a bulldozer and a motor grader is also organized.

The vegetative soil is subsequently placed in temporary dumps or transferred directly to the place of use as a fertile soil layer. The restoration of the fertile soil layer is carried out in areas where it was damaged or destroyed during the construction process.

Rice. 2.5. Schemes for removing the vegetation layer of the soil:

V - vegetation shaft ; T- distance providing longitudinal passage of earth-moving machines; h- layer thickness; 12, 3 ...,

NS - bulldozer passes

^ Technology of works for the construction of culverts.

Culverts on highways are built according to standard designs. Before starting work in accordance with the project, the axis and the contour of the pipe are broken down on the ground. Pipe axis staking is performed using geodetic datum points. To do this, with the help of a theodolite, the axis of the route is restored and the distance from the nearest picket to the longitudinal axis of the pipe is measured with a steel tape, from which the outline of the excavation is broken in both directions under the body of the pipe and the heads, hammering in stakes for this. The marks at the characteristic points are determined and the corresponding pit depths are calculated. Subsequently, during the construction of the pipe, the position in the plan and the height of the foundations is checked, the pipe body, the given slope, the marks of the head tray (inlet and outlet), and the channels are broken down.

Culverts are usually constructed from prefabricated elements manufactured in a landfill or a precast concrete plant. They are built by complex specialized teams of concrete workers under the guidance of a foreman or foreman.

Pipe construction includes:

  • preparatory work and digging a pit,

  • installation of the foundation and pipes with heads,

  • waterproofing and backfilling of the pipe with a seal,

  • strengthening the channel and embankment slopes.
To carry out the work, the brigade is equipped with machines, equipment and tools.

The preparatory work includes:

  1. construction of a temporary road to the construction site;

  2. placement of machines and installation of equipment, and, if necessary, the organization of warehouses for materials and pipe elements.
The finished pipe elements are delivered to the installation site by onboard vehicles or trailers towed by towing vehicles. To carry out the whole range of works on the construction of a pipe, the most convenient construction machine is a self-propelled wheeled or crawler excavator of low power, equipped with various replaceable equipment: a backhoe or dragline for the development of narrow pits; a dozer blade for the development of wider pits and backfilling of pipes; crane equipment for unloading and installation work; grab equipment for feeding gravel and crushed stone materials into the pit. For the installation of pipes, it is advisable to use truck cranes with a lifting capacity of 5-7 tons.

The installation of the pipe begins with the laying of the foundation blocks in the direction from the exit head to the installation work; grab equipment for feeding gravel and crushed stone materials into the pit. For the installation of pipes, it is advisable to use truck cranes with a lifting capacity of 5-7t.

The construction of prefabricated pipes is carried out immediately after acceptance of the pit and checking the correct position of the pipe axis and its elements on the alignment cast.

The base of the pipe in the form of a gravel-crushed stone cushion, after leveling with giving it the design slope and the required building lift, is carefully compacted with mechanical or electric rammers.

Installation of the pipe (Fig. 2.6) begins with the laying of foundation blocks in the direction from the outlet head to the inlet sections, leaving expansion (expansion) joints between them.

Rice. 2.6. Pipe installation diagram:

1 - warehouse of head blocks; 2 - the same, foundations; 3 - warehouse of pattern blocks;

4 - the path of the crane; 5 -crane; 5 - warehouse of pipe links; 7 - capacity with cement; 8 - concrete mixer; 9 - a container with water; 10 - power station; 1 1, 12 - crushed stone and sand warehouses.

When installing foundationless pipes, after cutting off the top layer of the soil, arrange crushed stone preparation and install curved blocks or arrange gravel (sand) crushed stone cushion with surface profiling for pipe links.

The installation of the heads and pipe links should be carried out according to the assembly (layout) schemes, starting from the output head. The pipe links are installed in place pre-cleaned and immediately in the design position with their alignment with wooden wedges. At the end of the installation, the seams between the pipe links are filled with tow boiled in bitumen, and then filled with bitumen mastic. From above, at the joints of the seams, strips of two-layer roll waterproofing 25 cm wide are glued, and the surface of the pipe in contact with the ground is coated with bitumen mastic heated to a temperature of 150-170 ° C. From the inside, the joints of the seams are sealed with cement mortar.

Within the heads, trays made of monolithic concrete are arranged on gravel-crushed stone preparation with a thickness of 30 cm and only after that waterproofing is arranged. Waterproofing must be performed not only on the outer surfaces of the pipes, but also on the inner ones, which are in the zone of variable humidity, therefore, it is advisable to cover the surface of the pipes even during the manufacture of links and heads with ethinol varnish, which at this time serves as a means of caring for the concrete elements of the pipe, and during operation protects them from exposure to aggressive water. In addition, the lacquer coating ensures the watertightness of the pipe.

After waterproofing, the assembled pipe is covered with soil. First, filling is performed simultaneously on both sides with horizontal layers 15-20 cm thick with careful compaction with pneumatic-electric rammers to a height of up to 0.5 m and with heavier means to a greater height. Then, earth-moving machines fill the embankment of homogeneous soil in horizontal layers no more than 15 cm thick with careful layer-by-layer compaction. Before the design profile, the pipe is usually covered with soil during the construction of the subgrade. The filling height above the pipe must be at least 0.5 m.

Strengthening the channel and slopes of the embankment is carried out by specialized teams after its filling and always at positive air temperatures. Planned and compacted slopes are reinforced in accordance with the general requirements for embankment slope reinforcement.

Currently, corrugated steel pipes are promising. They do not require bulky foundations, are convenient in transportation and installation, easy to dock, and economical.

Such pipes can be built all year round without sacrificing quality, and their cost and labor costs are lower than reinforced concrete pipes of the same length.













Methodical instructions for students

specialty 291000 "Highways and airfields"

full-time and part-time forms of study



Methodical instructions are intended for students of specialty 291000 "Roads and Airfields" full-time and part-time courses for course and diploma design. The first part includes technological calculations for the preparation of the road strip, the device of artificial structures and the construction of the roadbed of the highway.

Reviewer - Cand. tech. sciences, professor


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The purpose of the guidelines is to assist full-time and part-time students of the specialty 291000 "Auto-mobile roads and airfields" in the implementation of a course project on the discipline "Technology and organization of road construction" and the preparation of a diploma project for the construction of a highway.

These guidelines provide the sequence and methodology for completing the course project.


Course and diploma projects should be as close as possible to the level of implementation work production project (PPR) according to SNiP 3.01.01-85 in relation to the specific conditions of the activity of road building organizations. In general, the project for the construction of the highway covers two main sections: erection of the roadbed with the preparation of the road strip and the installation of artificial structures, pavement arrangement with road arrangement.

The initial data for the implementation of the PPR, and, consequently, the course project are:

General information about the natural-climatic and soil-geological conditions of construction;

Working drawings (longitudinal profile of the road, plan of the route in the horizontals, bill of quantities of earthworks);

Information about the location of reserves and quarries, as well as the quality of local ones (passports of quarries, certificates of materials);

Information about the sources of obtaining imported building materials (bitumen, reinforced concrete products, etc.);

Information about the number and types of road-building machines available on the balance sheet in road-building organizations.

To carry out a real project, it is advisable during the period of practical training to collect information on applied or developed new technologies for performing road construction works, modern materials and machines, primarily from foreign manufacturers. Materials of a previously completed course project on the discipline "Exploration and design of highways" can also be used as initial data.

The settlement and explanatory note consists of an introduction and seven sections. In administered should reflect the importance of road construction, as well as the main directions of technical progress in the organization and mechanization of road construction works. The content of other sections of the project is given in these guidelines.

As calculations and graphic works are performed, it is recommended to draw up the explanatory note cleanly, presenting the completed sections to the teacher for checking at the next control or consultation. Registration of the course project is carried out on the basis of GOST 2.105-79.



2.1. Technical and economic characteristics of the construction area


The section provides brief information on the economic development of the road construction area and the location of the main transport routes, indicating the type of transport and road categories. On the basis of economic and transport links, data on freight and passenger traffic are provided, the category of the road and its purpose are substantiated. In addition, the characteristics of the organization building the road are given.

Based on the requirements of SNiP 2.05.02-85, the plan and profile are analyzed, technical indicators of the road are given (Table 1).

Table 1

The relief and soils on the route are described, the type of terrain is determined by moisture content, the quarries of local building materials are determined. The suitability of the materials for the construction of the road is indicated.

2.2. Climatic characteristics of the road construction area

On the basis of SNiP, climatic indicators of the highway construction area are given and a road-climatic schedule is drawn up (Fig. 1). The schedule is necessary to set the deadlines for the production of road construction works in the intervals between the spring and autumn thaws.

Rice. 1. Road and climatic schedule

2.3. Choice of work organization method and calculation

its main parameters

2.3.1. Justification of the accepted method of organizing work

The whole range of road construction works is subdivided into linear and concentrated. Linear works are relatively evenly distributed along the entire route. Concentrated works are characterized by large volumes and their uneven arrangement along the length of the route. These include earthworks with a volume of 1 km, exceeding the average volume of earthworks on the road by 3 times or more, as well as the construction of medium and large bridges, tunnels, industrial enterprises, intersections at different levels, complexes of road and motor transport services.

The main method of organizing work on the construction of a highway is continuous flow, the basis of which is a complex flow, where the execution of linear and concentrated work along the route should be coordinated in time and space so that linear work is performed without interruption, i.e., the execution of concentrated work should be ahead of the execution of linear work.

With this method, all types of work are performed by specialized mechanized units moving along the route in a strict technological sequence, as a rule, with the same movement speed. At equal intervals of time (shift, day), the construction of equal length sections of the road ends.

Specialized streams include several private streams, for example, when constructing a pavement, the private streams will be intended for constructing the structural layers of the pavement.

Each private stream consists of separate sections where specialized units perform certain work steps. Such areas are called captures. The length of the gripper, as a rule, is taken equal to the changeable flow rate; sometimes grips are two-, three- or four-shift.

Gaps (technological, organizational), measured by the number of shifts, are arranged between private and specialized flows, and sometimes between separate seizures.

Depending on the nature and volume of construction work, it is recommended to assign road construction work in the following sequence: in winter, a specialized complex team performs the cutting of a clearing, the main work is carried out in an integrated flow, in which its individual links perform linear and concentrated work:

Linear work on the preparation of the road strip (road restoration, cleaning the road from stones, bushes, cutting and uprooting of stumps, removing the vegetation layer);

Concentrated work on the construction of artificial structures;

Concentrated excavation works in places of artificial structures, high embankments and deep excavations;

Linear excavation works for the construction of subgrade from imported soil, reclamation of disturbed lands;

Linear pavement arrangement with separate links for laying structural layers;

Arrangement of the road as part of a complex stream.

When making an embankment in swamps and other soft soils, earthworks can be assigned in winter.

In order to maximize the use of daylight hours, it is advisable to take the following shift of work: cutting a clearing and the installation of artificial structures - in 1 shift, the rest of the work - in 2 shifts.

2.3.2. Calendar duration of the construction season

The calendar dates for the duration of the construction season are established on the basis of average long-term data from SNiP 1.04.03-85 (Appendix 1). It should be noted one regularity associated with the beginning of the construction season. Regardless of the type of work, the start date of the season in one area is the same, which is explained by the driveability factor of wheeled vehicles and the absence of soil adhesion to the working bodies of road construction machines. The dates of the end of the construction season for certain types of road construction works are different due to the unequal technological properties of the road construction materials used.

The beginning of the main work is scheduled for the end of the spring thaw, and their end - at the beginning of the autumn thaw.

In the absence of data on the date of the beginning of the spring thaw Zn and its end ZTo are determined by the formulas:

Zn= To + 5 / a; (1)

ZTo= Zn + (0,7 hNS/ a) , (2)

whereThat - date of transition of air temperature through 0 ° C;

a - climatic coefficient characterizing the rate of soil thawing, m / day (for the Kurgan region a = 6, for the Perm region a = 4.5, for the Sverdlovsk region a = 4, for the Chelyabinsk region a = 3,5);

hNS - the maximum depth of soil freezing in the construction area, cm (for the Kurgan regionhNS= 200 cm, for the Perm regionhNS= 180 cm, for the Sverdlovsk regionhNS= 190 cm, for the Chelyabinsk regionhNS= 180 cm).

Number of work shifts during the construction season

Tsm = Ksm (Tk - Tvyh - Tat - Tteh ), (3)



2. Organic - peat compost

To calculate the needs of machines and road workers for strengthening work, they are guided by the norms,.

5.13. Drawing up a technological map for construction


In the project for the production of works, it is necessary to draw up a flow chart for each of the characteristic sections of the roadbed, for example, for the construction of an embankment up to 1.5 - 2 m in height from lateral reserves, for making an embankment from imported soil, for longitudinal excavation, for making an embankment on the basis of geotextile materials, etc. The choice of one technology or another is due to local conditions (relief, groundwater level, soil suitability), the availability of a mechanized base of the enterprise. In addition, the technological map is drawn up taking into account the constructed per-picket schedule for the distribution of earth masses and technological calculations, taking into account the requirements of VSN 13-73.

In the course project, it is necessary to draw up one technological map for the construction of a subgrade for the most extended characteristic section along the length. In addition, it is necessary to provide technological calculations for works that are not included in the technological map. For example, a technological map is drawn up for the construction of an embankment with a height of up to 1.5 m from side reserves. According to the per-picket schedule for the distribution of earth masses, there is an auto transporter from a concentrated reserve. In this case, after calculating the technological map, the inscription "Works that are not included in the technological map, but are present during the erection of the embankment" is displayed, and according to the above scheme, the required number of excavators and dump trucks is calculated for the installation of an embankment from imported soil. The scope of work for the calculation is taken according to the per-picket schedule for the distribution of earth masses.

The technological map includes the following sections: field of application of the map, description of work technology and calculation of required resources, work organization diagram (flow diagram), instructions for performing technological processes, work quality control requirements and safety instructions.

Scope of the card. The section specifies the conditions for the application of the technological map, in particular, the completed types of work for which the map has been drawn up.

Description of work technology and calculation of required resources... This section provides a brief description of the work processes in the sequence that is observed in the production of work, indicates the amount of work and the required machines, the flow chart is calculated (Appendix 3), the need for workers and machines is calculated (Table 25).

Table 25

When determining the needs of workers, it is necessary to divide them into construction workers (road workers) and machinists. The number of drivers serving one machine is taken to be equal to the number of machines in a one-shift operation (1 man-hour is equal to 1 machine-hour). In the presence of an assistant driver, as well as in a two-shift mode of operation, the number of workers with a machine doubles (2 man-hours are equal to 1 machine-hour).

The need for road workers is determined by the collections of SNiP 4.02-91; 4.05-91 (SNiR-91), in terms of labor intensity per unit of work (man-h / work unit). The qualifying composition of the performers is accepted in accordance with.

Work organization scheme. The section is drawn up graphically (Fig. 3).

Instructions for the implementation of technological processes. The section provides the most productive and rational methods for performing the technological processes of the card. Recommendations are necessarily explained by the diagrams of machine operation, drawings of the face, diagrams of development and laying of soil.

Requirements for the quality of work. The minimum permissible deviations from the design dimensions of the object for which the technological map has been drawn up are indicated. Reference is made to the normative source of quality standards for the production of earthworks.

Safety instructions... Safety rules are given for each type of work and each machine. In individual cases, reference may be made to specific sections of the safety regulations.

In the conclusion, the number of working and calendar days is determined and the dates for the production of earthworks are assigned.


1. SNiP 3.01.01-85. Organization of construction production / Ministry of Construction of Russia. - M .: GUP TsPP, 1995.

2.GOST 2.105-79. General requirements for text documents. - M .: Publishing house of standards, 1979.

3. SNiP 2.05.02-85. Car roads. Design standards. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1986.

4. SNiP. Construction climatology / Gosstroy of Russia. - M .: GUP TsPP, 2000.

5. SNiP 1.04.03-85. Standards for the duration of construction and groundwork in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1991.

6., Koshkin road construction: a textbook for technical schools. - 4th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Transport, 1991.

7.CH 467-74. Norms of land allotment for highways. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1974.

8. Technological rules and maps for the construction of timber highways. Volume I. Technological rules. - L .: Giprolestrans, 1975.

9. ENiR. Collection E13. Clearing the line of linear structures from the forest / Gosstroy of the USSR. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1988.

10. SNiP 4.02-91; 4.05-91. Collections of estimated norms and prices for construction work. Collection 1. Earthwork / Gosstroy of the USSR. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1992.

11. Technological rules and maps for the construction of timber transport roads. Volume II. Technological maps. - L .: Giprolestrans, 1975.

12. SNiP 3.06.04-91. Bridges and pipes / Gosstroy of Russia. - M .: GUP TsPP, 1998.

13. ENiR. Collection E4. Installation of prefabricated and installation of monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Issue 3. Bridges and pipes / Gosstroy of the USSR. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1988.



Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk


Appendix 2

Distribution of non-frozen soils into groups depending on the difficulty of their development

Name and characteristics of soils

Average density in natural bedding, kg / m3

Soil development

Soil loosening with bulldozers

single bucket excavators





oily soft and soft without impurities

the same, with an admixture of crushed stone, gravel up to 10% by volume

Plant soil:

without roots and impurities

with shrub and tree roots

with an admixture of crushed stone, gravel

Grit soil


the same, with an admixture of crushed stone, gravel more than 10%


lightweight without impurities

light with an admixture of crushed stone, gravel up to 10% by volume

the same, with an admixture of crushed stone, gravel over 10% by volume

heavy without impurities, with impurities of crushed stone, gravel up to 10%

the same, with an admixture of more than 10%

Sandy loam:

without impurities, as well as with an admixture of crushed stone, gravel up to 10%

the same, with an admixture of more than 10% by volume

Appendix 3

Work technology and calculation of the required resources for widening a 6-layer embankment (reconstruction example)

Operation No.

Capture number

Output rate source (time rate)

Description of work processes in the order of their technological sequence with the calculation of the scope of work


to capture

on the road

Performance per shift (units / shift) or

time rate (machine shifts / unit of measure)




to capture

on the road

Breakout work

Removal of the vegetation layer of soil from the base of the embankment by the DZ-110 bulldozer and moving it in both directions outside the permanent right-of-way

E2-1-29, Table 5, items 1b, 2b

Compaction of the natural foundation of the embankment with a semi-trailed pneumatic roller DU-16V to a single-axle tractor MoAZ 546EP with 8 passes on one track

Bulldozing into an existing embankment

E2-1-8, tab. 3, item 7b

Development of soil of the II group with an EO-611 excavator (bucket volume 1.25 m3) with loading into vehicles

Transportation of soil by KamAZ-5511 dump trucks with an average haulage distance of 10 km

E2-1-28, p. 3b

Leveling the first soil layer in the embankment with a DZ-110 bulldozer with a layer thickness of 0.35 m

E2-1-29, Table 4, items 2b, 4b

Compaction of the first soil layer of an embankment with a thickness of 0.3 m in a dense body with a DU-16V semitrailer roller with a MoAZ-546EP uniaxial tractor with 8 passes on one track

End of Appendix 3

E2-1-39, clauses 3a, 4a

Grading of embankment slopes with DZ-31-1 motor grader

E2-1-36, item 4b

Grading of the subgrade surface with the DZ-31-1 motor grader with 3 passes on one track

E2-1-31, table 3, items 1b, 2b

Self-propelled final compaction of the top of the embankment

pneumatic roller DU-31A with 8 passes on one track

E2-1-22, Table 2, Clauses 5a, 5d

Covering the embankment slopes with vegetative soil and moving it up to 30 m with the DZ-110 bulldozer

E2-1-22, Table 2

Hydromechanized sowing of seeds of perennial grasses with a KDM-130 machine

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