
How to sterilize jars: ways to sterilize empty jars and with blanks. How to sterilize jars: all methods of sterilizing jars How many minutes to sterilize a liter jar for a couple

Before proceeding with the preparation of various pickles and preserves, any housewife must first properly sterilize the jars.
The sterilization process is simple, although it takes an extra five to seven minutes. However, despite the time spent, you will protect yourself from problems with clouding or souring of the cans later on during storage.

So how do you sterilize jars at home? Let's consider the most common and convenient methods.


Wash the jars with soap and water to wipe off dirt and dust from the inside. Sterilization will not remove dirt from the cans!

Steam cans sterilization.

Several variants of this method are also distinguished here.

Option 1
For this method, we need a special circle for sterilizing cans, which is sold in all crockery and hardware stores and costs from 15 to 50 rubles (see photo). There are circles for one can, and there are circles for three cans.

Turn the jar over and place it upside down on a circle (as in the photo). And this circle, in turn, we put on a saucepan in which water is boiling.

We also throw metal lids into the water into the pan, with which we will further tighten the cans (as in the photo).

How many cans to sterilize in this way? Five to seven minutes and turn off the fire. We take the jar with a towel or mittens by the side walls, turn it over and put it on the bottom on a prepared towel, on which it will stand in the future until we twist it.
Pull the lids out of the pan with metal tweezers. If this is not the case (although every woman has one), then we take it out with two forks, and put the lid upside down so as not to contaminate the part with which we will twist the jar.

Option 2
We turn the jar over and "put" it on the spout of the teapot. For these purposes, it is necessary to have a kettle with a long spout so that the jar holds well enough on it. And so that the spout is without a whistle, otherwise steam will not escape through the closed spout and the can will not be sterilized. We also throw the metal lids into the kettle and boil.

Option 3
Similar to the first option. We turn the jar over and put it in a small ladle in which water is boiling. The circle is not needed, since the can is on the bucket with its neck. By the way, in this photo I am sterilizing a jar in a similar way on an induction cooker. A very convenient option.

Steam sterilization of cans does not kill all germs, since the steam temperature is only 100 degrees. But those microbes that can cause pickles to sour are completely killed at such a temperature. Therefore, feel free to use this method without fear of anything.

How to sterilize jars in the oven (dry method)

This method is also quite simple. But it requires certain precautions.
We put clean and dry cans in the oven, turn on the fire to the maximum and sterilize at the maximum temperature. Next we put metal covers on the grate.
How many cans to sterilize this way? 10 minutes at maximum temperature.
Then we open the oven and let our jars cool.
Attention: in this method, cans are heated to temperatures above 250 degrees. Therefore, they may crack if they are placed in the oven damp or if they are removed from the oven immediately. Be sure to let the jars cool for five minutes. And take them with a dry towel or mittens so that they don't crack from the temperature extremes.

How to sterilize jars in the microwave

This is another way to quickly sterilize jars at home.
Simply place a clean can in the oven and turn the microwave on to maximum.
Sterilization time is five minutes.
Attention. There is one "but" here! In this case, on the contrary, a little water should be poured into the bottom of the can. What for? The fact is that the waves from the microwave heat exactly the water, not the air. The water in the jar boils and the walls of the jar are sterilized with steam. If you put in a dry jar, then it will not be sterilized in the microwave.
And further. Metal lids cannot be sterilized in this way, so as not to ruin the microwave. We'll have to boil them again.

Sterilization of containers is carried out for the purpose of disinfection for blanks for the winter. A sterilized jar helps to store the canned product for a long time - from 3 to 24 months. You can sterilize both empty cans and filled with a blank before tightening the lids. There are many ways to heat containers, consider the common methods: in a saucepan, oven, microwave, steam, together with the workpieces, not only.

Duration of sterilization and required temperature

You need to know how much to sterilize the jar. The procedure time depends on the chosen method: in the oven - 15 minutes, over the kettle - 10 minutes, in the microwave - 3 minutes. For the complete destruction of bacteria and waste products, the temperature regime must be at least 100 degrees. With this processing, the workpieces will not deteriorate.

In a pot of water

Sterilizing jars in a saucepan is the most common way. Sterilization stages:

The main thing is not to get burned. All actions should be performed very carefully.

Sterilizing cans in the microwave

Microwave heat treatment is a quick method. For it, follow these steps:

In an electric oven

Heat treatment steps in an electric oven:

In the oven of the gas stove

In a gas oven, the processing process is different from that in an electric cabinet. Heat treatment takes place with cans filled with blanks:

  1. Preheat the oven to 50 degrees,
  2. Jars are covered with lids. Not tight!
  3. Put them in the oven. The temperature is increased to 150 degrees.
  4. A large container costs 30 minutes, a small one - 10-15.
  5. Take out the workpieces, tighten the lids, cool.

Steam can sterilization

Steam sterilization is most commonly used. Stages of its implementation:

Using a teapot

The method over the teapot is convenient for heat treatment of small quantities of containers. Its disadvantage is the length of the process, and the main advantage is convenience. This procedure should be carried out in a kitchen mitt:

  1. The kettle is filled with water, placed on the stove, waiting for the boil.
  2. Banks are washed with soap, the neck is leaned against the spout of the kettle.
  3. Wait: for 2-3 liter - 15 minutes, for liter - 10 minutes.
  4. Take off, cool.

In a double boiler

Steaming containers is a popular and easy way. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Pour water into a steamer container.
  2. Wash the jars with dish detergent.
  3. Place them upside down on the steamer pan.
  4. Keep them in this position for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove, dry.

This method is considered the safest, since it is almost impossible to get burned.

In a multicooker

Heat treatment of jars in a multicooker is a simple and modern way. To do this, you need to perform a number of actions:

This method is also considered safe, subject to all the rules of the instructions.

Sterilizing cans in the dishwasher

The dishwasher does not heat up over 100 degrees. It is possible to pasteurize jars in it. They cannot be sterilized. This method is only suitable for processing jars for preserves of jam or jam. The container is loaded into the dishwasher, set to the maximum temperature. At the end of the cycle, they are removed and used for conservation.

Sterilization of cans with blanks

Some housewives subject the jars to heat treatment after filling them with blanks. For this procedure, perform the following actions:

Are jars for jam and compotes sterilized

Containers for blanks for long-term storage are subject to sterilization. If the product is to be consumed in the near future, it is packed in clean dishes and placed in the refrigerator. Jam is enough to undergo pasteurization at 60-100 degrees. But compotes are poured into sterilized jars. Otherwise, there is a risk of poisoning from the fermented product.

Which is better: sterilization or pasteurization?

Pasteurization - heat treatment, involving heating up to 100 degrees. It kills bacteria, but does not affect their spores. This processing is suitable for dairy products to preserve the beneficial bacteria they contain. The product in a pasteurized container is not subject to long-term storage.

Sterilization is a heat treatment that involves heating over 100 degrees for some time. It kills all bacteria and their waste products. Products with this processing are stored for a long time.

The choice of processing method depends on the purpose of the workpiece and the expected shelf life. For jams with a high sugar content, any cooking method is suitable.

Summer is not only the time for vacations, but also the time for preparing spins for the winter. And so that the prepared preserves are not bloated ahead of time and your work is not in vain, you need not only to be able to twist the jars, but also to sterilize them correctly.

It is advisable that you have an electric oven with a temperature selection function. In this case, the lids can be sterilized together with the lids, but only those that are without rubber bands and can be twisted.
Rubberized covers cannot be disinfected in this way, due to the possible drying, melting and rupture of the rubber band under the influence of high temperatures. They will have to be boiled separately in water, as described in the previous method.

  1. Preheat the oven to 110-120 degrees.
  2. Wash the jars and lids with baking soda and place them on a wire rack. It is not necessary to wipe the container. Put dry jars upside down, and wet ones with the neck up so that all moisture can evaporate unhindered.
  3. One and a half liter containers must be sterilized in an oven for 20 minutes. Classic three-liter cans - half an hour. Half-liter will last about 12 minutes.

The advantage of this method is that when you sterilize the jars, the lids are boiling down there. And already any.

  1. The size of the pot you use depends on the number of cans. Therefore, calculate and try on yourself. Have you chosen? Fine! Pour water and put on fire.
  2. Rinse and clean cans and lids using baking soda. The lids can already be thrown into the pot.
  3. Wait for the water to boil, then place a metal colander or large sieve on top. Check the structure for stability. Banks should be placed upside down.
  4. For sterilization half-liter jars, it is enough to stand for a couple of about 10 minutes, one and a half liter jars for 20 minutes, three-liter jars - half an hour.
  5. A sign that the cans have been sterilized are the volumetric drops of water that should form from the steam. After waiting for the required time, carefully pick up the jars and put them upside down on a clean, non-terry towel, so that the droplets that appear will drain.

Sterilization of cans in water

  1. Clean the jars and lids with a fresh baking soda sponge.
  2. To boil cans, you will need either a large saucepan or an enamel bucket. It all depends on your needs.
  3. In any case, fill the container with water, put jars there, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  4. For sterilizing cans, five minutes in boiling water is enough.
  5. The jars must cool on their own, so when taking them out, do it with extreme caution, trying not to burn yourself. Place the container with the neck up on a soft towel.

In order for our preservation jars to stand all winter and not deteriorate, they must be perfectly clean; for this, the jars and lids must be sterilized.
Banks must be free of chips and cracks, lids must not be damaged.
Wash jars and lids thoroughly before sterilization. I usually wash the cans with regular baking soda.

Then I rinse thoroughly under running water.
Here are some ways to sterilize cans.

How to sterilize empty jars

1.How to steam sterilize jars

This was probably the most common method of sterilization.
This is how my grandma sterilized the jars.
What you need for this: take the pan, cover it with a net (divider, screen from splashes during frying), put the jars on top (upside down), boil water in the pan. Steam sterilize jars.

Instead of a divider, you can use a special pot attachment (available at hardware stores) with a can cutout.
I have an old nozzle for one can.

Now they produce modern nozzles for 2, 3, 4 cans and a more attractive look.
Also, you can use a regular kettle (but not electric). Boil water in a kettle, remove the lid and replace it with a jar.
Banks with a volume of 0.5 - 0.75 are sterilized for 10 minutes; liter cans are sterilized for 15 minutes; two-liter - 20; three-liter - 25-30 minutes.

2.Sterilizing cans in a saucepan (boiling)

For this method, you need to take a saucepan. Pour water into the jar (s), put the jar (s) in a saucepan and fill the jar (s) up to the neck with water.

Bring the water to a boil and, after boiling the water, sterilize the jar (s) with a volume of 0.5 - 0.75 - 10 minutes; liter cans are sterilized for 15 minutes; two-liter - 20; three-liter - 25-30 minutes.
When I sterilize jars in this way, I sterilize the lids along with the jars.

3. How to sterilize jars in the microwave

Pour 2 cm of water into clean jars with a volume of 0.75 or 1 liter (pour a little more water into larger jars). Put the jars (without lids) in the microwave, turn on the power of 900-1000 watts for 5 minutes. The water should boil.
It is very important that the jars always have water, otherwise the jars may burst.
Larger jars, sterilize a little longer.
The 2 and 3 liter jars can be sterilized lying on their side (don't forget to add water!).

4. How to sterilize jars in the oven

This is my favorite way. In this way, cans of any size and in large quantities can be sterilized. And along with the cans, I sterilize the iron lids in the oven.
Wash the jars and put them wet in a cold or slightly warm oven, on a baking sheet or on a wire rack, bottom up.

Turn on the oven, bring the temperature to 150 * C. And after the oven warms up to 150 * C, we sterilize the jars for the required time.

Banks with a volume of 0.5 - 0.75 are sterilized for 10 minutes; liter cans are sterilized for 15 minutes; two-liter - 20; three-liter - 25 minutes.
Together with the cans, I put clean and wet lids on the wire rack (only metal, no rubber inserts).

Whichever way you sterilize the jars, be careful, the jars are very hot and it is easy to burn them. Use oven mitts or oven mitts.
Now, in sterilized and hot jars, it remains to put our delicious blanks and close them with sterilized lids.

How to sterilize cans of blanks

Very often there are recipes where it is necessary to sterilize jars already with blanks.

1. How to sterilize jars of blanks in boiling water

You can sterilize the workpieces in boiling water (this is the most common method).
To do this, you need to take a wide pan, put a napkin or towel on the bottom.

Put the jar (s) and pour water (the water temperature should be the same as the temperature of the workpieces, if the water in the pan is cold or very hot, the jar may burst). The water should reach the shoulders of the jar. Cover the jar (s) with lids (do not close, just put on top). Bring the water to a boil and after that, sterilize the workpieces as much as indicated in the specific recipe.

If there is no specific sterilization time, then most often cans with a volume of 0.5-0.75 are sterilized for 10 minutes; liter cans are sterilized for 15 minutes; two-liter - 20-25; three-liter - 25-30 minutes.
Be careful, the cans are very hot!

2. How to sterilize cans of blanks in the oven

For me, the most convenient way to sterilize cans with blanks is to sterilize in the oven.
Put jars with blanks on a baking sheet or on a wire rack and send to a cold or slightly warm oven.

Cover the jars with lids (do not twist, just put on top). Bring the oven temperature to 120 * C. And after the oven warms up to 120 * C, sterilize the jars as much as indicated in the specific recipe.

If there is no specific sterilization time, then most often sterilize 0.5 jars for 10 minutes; cans of 0.75 are sterilized for 15 minutes; liter cans are sterilized for 15-20 minutes.
It is necessary to get the jars out of the oven in special kitchen mittens, holding the jar by the sides with both hands. Be careful, it will be very hot!

How to sterilize lids

Before sterilizing the caps, make sure they are undamaged.
You can sterilize the lids in a hot oven (see above - Sterilizing cans in the oven).
Can be sterilized with jars in boiling water (see above - Sterilizing jars in a saucepan (boiling)).
Most often, sterilize the lids in a small ladle of boiling water.

Sterilization time 10 minutes. In order not to burn your hands, it is very convenient to take out the lids with meat tongs.

Successful and tasty blanks for you!

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