
In which bank to keep the euro. Like an insidious fungus, it quietly eats dollar bills. Where to store money according to Feng Shui

With the fact that the Russian economy is already experiencing a crisis, hardly anyone will dare to argue now. Purchasing power is plummeting, currency volatility amazes even the most skeptical imagination, banks frantically increase interest rates on deposits.

In such a situation of extreme instability, people who have more or less impressive savings again turn to the question: "What is the best way to store money?" Despite the obvious anti-American rhetoric, which was especially aggressive in the last few years after the Yugoslav crisis, the dollar was perceived by the majority of more or less financially savvy citizens as the most reliable. In the 2000s, the euro began to act as parity for him for the safety of funds. However, recent events in world markets have again raised the question of what currency to keep money in.

Panacea for financial troubles

The ruble showed its character to its Russian right holders from a very different angle. Graphs of its depreciation and strengthening clearly demonstrate the cardiogram of growing hopes or rapidly increasing optimism of Russian citizens. And yet, no matter what the “wooden” is experiencing, it is the national currency and can bring a pretty good income if you know what to do with it. And if you are wondering what currency to keep money in now, take a look at the advertising posters of banks.

In the wake of the growing crisis, rates on ruble deposits traditionally begin to rise sharply. This is due to the obvious war of credit institutions for the client. Another reason is the extremely high risk of growth in NPLs. And the need for an airbag is increasing dramatically. In order to reduce probable balance sheet holes, banks are forced to "go to the people" for liquidity. The only way to attract customers is to raise rates.

Whether to keep money in a bank, you need to decide based on the amount and likely timing. Given the weakening of the ruble and the growing deposit rates, which tend to cover inflation, it is better to consider long-term ruble deposits. In this case, they will be much more profitable than any foreign currency deposits, for which the rates will never be so high. The annual income on ruble deposits can be 8%. So if there is no goal to make money here and now, you can and probably should keep money in rubles.

Three is better than one

Even during the crisis of 2008-2009, representatives of the Russian financial establishment strongly discouraged, figuratively speaking, putting all their eggs in one basket. It was proposed to approach the solution of the problem "in what currency to keep money" in a differentiated way. Today, this advice also remains relevant.

In particular, Sberbank advises to create a basket of three currencies, where half of the savings will fall on the ruble deposit, and a quarter each on the dollar and the euro. Such a decision can, in extreme cases, save you from serious losses, if it does not bring significant profit: according to the laws of the market, when something falls, the other grows. Indeed, in the current financial rally, fluctuations can lead to a weakening not only of the ruble, but also of other currencies. Experts recommend considering any other financial instruments in the form of precious metals, exotic currencies such as yuan only for long-term investment purposes.

The invincibility of the American dollar

The US dollar has already become the talk of the tongue in the context of the Russian economy, political rhetoric and private attempts to secure their savings. There have been repeated statements that America's external debt will “bury” the dollar one way or another, since no economy can withstand such a burden. However, one should not forget that today the dollar is the world's reserve currency. What does it mean?

And the fact that the state reserves of the vast majority of countries are stored in this currency. Moreover, the assertion that the US economy is about to collapse is extremely doubtful. States that buy US government bonds (and there are many of them) are extremely interested in the high economic performance of this country. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that the American economy is still one of the most stable.

Experts recommend keeping money in dollars for those who receive a salary and make purchases in this currency. Analysts explain the recent deep collapse of the ruble, among other reasons, by the fact that at the end of the year Russian banks and companies had a payment period of $30 billion to foreign creditors. In this regard, the demand for currency on the open market increased sharply.

The next major payment period will take place in the spring and autumn - about $120-130 billion. It is logical to assume that during these periods the dollar will rise again if the Central Bank of Russia does not resort to serious foreign exchange interventions. At the moment, there are no prerequisites for the situation to turn in the direction of a significant strengthening of the ruble against the dollar. However, having decided to invest in "green", it makes sense to allocate only part of the funds to this tool.

Euro volatility

From the point of view of investment, analysts urge to treat the euro with extreme caution. And this is understandable. The position of the currency largely depends on the economic performance of the member countries of the eurozone. It's no secret that such strong powers as Germany, France or Great Britain rule the ball here.

However, the deteriorating position of Greece, Italy, Spain and the possibility of Greece's withdrawal from the European Union, which regularly appears on the agenda, do not add optimism regarding the volatility of this monetary unit. In addition, the dollar has recently been actively strengthening against the euro. And although the ruble again fell deeply, experts do not advise to succumb to this fever and convert your funds into European currency.

Solving the dilemma: "In what currency should you keep your money?", of course, you should not ignore the euro. But in your basket it is desirable to reduce its share to 20%.

Alternative currency solutions: yuan

Today, more and more attention of investors, including private ones, is attracted by the national currency of China - the yuan. The Chinese economy is one of the most actively and rapidly growing in the last fifty years. The rate of growth in labor productivity and the level of production is also confirmed by how relatively quickly China conquered the world market, while becoming the production base of many American and European concerns. In this regard, the yuan can become a good tool for generating income, although its level varies so far at the level of 2-3% per annum. Confidence in this is supported by the continued growth of investment in Chinese manufacturing.

The traditional stability of the Swiss franc

When determining for yourself what is better to store money in, it is advisable to proceed from setting a clear goal: getting a “quick” income or saving money for the future. For long-term investment, you can pay attention to the Swiss franc. As you know, Switzerland is not a member of the European Union. In this regard, the currency of this country is quite independent of the economic and political fluctuations of the EU. The volatility of the Swiss franc is minimal, which is due to the stability of the local economy and a high level of confidence in the country's banking system. No wonder Switzerland is called the world bank.

By the way, Russian credit organizations already provide the opportunity to open deposits in this currency. The offered interest rates reach 6.5% per annum, which is higher than the rates for other foreign currency deposits.

What you get is what you spend

Any financial decisions one way or another should lead to a single goal - to generate income. Securing funds for a period of instability is an important starting point for achieving what you want. Meanwhile, we should not forget that we live in the world of a single information and economic space. And since there is no isolation, then there can be no absolute certainty that the "swing" that captured the ruble cannot collapse on the dollar or the euro at the next financial turn.

That is why people who are extremely far from understanding the intricacies of financial laws and the logic of the money cycle, experts, in response to the question “in which currency is it more profitable to keep money,” strongly recommend keeping funds in the currency in which they receive the main income and make purchases. Otherwise, the conversion can play both a plus and a minus. Next, let's talk about where it is better to store money.

Reliability of bank walls

Having decided on the currency in which to store money, it's time to think about the question of where it is better to store them. The main factor here is safety and guarantee of the safety of funds. It should be noted that after the 1990s, banks in Russia did not enjoy much confidence. And the first thing that depositors did at the slightest hint of a crisis was to run to banks to empty their deposits.

The disinterest of the state in such mood swings of depositors served as the basis for the creation of the Deposit Insurance Agency in 2004, which guaranteed the safety of deposits of individuals up to 700 thousand rubles. Since January 1 last year, the deposits of individual entrepreneurs have also been provided with appropriate guarantees. And at the end of last year, the Russian president signed a law increasing the amount of insurance compensation to 1.4 million rubles. for individuals.

Such changes significantly increase the credibility of banking institutions. And today, any sane person will advise: keep your money in the bank. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous to note that when choosing a financial institution, several factors must be taken into account.

Before carrying your hard earned money, it makes sense to look at the lists of leading rating agencies such as Moody's, Standard & Poor's. Having settled on any of the banks, you need to go to its website in the "information disclosure" section and read the latest annual report. So there will be a more or less complete picture of the state of the credit institution. And, of course, the bank must be a member of the deposit insurance system.


In a period of economic instability, even taking into account the guaranteed promises of the state and banks for the safety of funds, it is still difficult to trust completely, especially considering the not very stable fate of banks in modern Russian history. To the desire to secure their savings at such moments, a clear unwillingness to allow other people's hands to be added to them. In this case, as an answer to the question of where it is better to store money, you can advise bank cells. Recent events related to sanctions, namely the blocking of currency correspondent accounts of some Russian banks, have significantly increased the level of demand for this particular instrument.

From the analysis of the market for this service, it follows that financial institutions have not yet increased the cost of rent.

On average, the daily price varies from 20 to 200 rubles, monthly - from 1 thousand to 4 thousand rubles. and annual - from 6 to 10 thousand rubles.

The longer the rental period, the cheaper the cost of the service per day. Meanwhile, do not forget that the bank is only responsible for the integrity of the cell itself, and not for its contents.

This is due to the fact that, as a rule, the client does not leave a description of the content. However, an undoubted advantage is the fact that even in the event of bankruptcy or revocation of the license, the owner of the valuables has nothing to worry about: the funds stored in the cell do not fall on the bank's balance sheet, and the client can pick them up a few days after the occurrence of these events.

Worst savings option

There are many jokes among the people about savings under the pillow, where the ubiquitous hand of the state cannot reach. Gobseks, named after the famous character of Honore de Balzac, would rather hang themselves than hand over their money and valuables for safekeeping somewhere where they would be out of sight. Of course, this is the worst option, even if only because of one inflation.

However, if another form of keeping funds other than in your own apartment is unacceptable, it makes sense to think about where to keep money at home. A metal safe made of stainless steel with a digital code will help you to the maximum.

And finally

Money is probably one of the most desirable companions of a person's life, which at the same time causes a huge amount of fear. But, as all financiers, without exception, say, money must be respected, because it reflects the value of the labor expended on it. Another rule: a penny should work. Therefore, thinking about the safety of funds, it is necessary to look for options for the most active and profitable way, the result of which will be not losses, but income.

Today, there are many financial instruments for preserving and increasing capital, so why not spend a little time and understand all this diversity, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for missed opportunities?

Russians are better off trusting the ruble. They must carry their modest savings to banks and make deposits in the national currency. This opinion is shared by the President of Sberbank German Gref. Lenta.ru talked to experts and analysts and received some advice on saving savings. There was no place for the ruble in the recommendations of specialists.

Ruble under the pillow

Non-professional investors (that is, the majority of the Russian population) should not play with currencies and seek their fortune in euros or pounds sterling. The best way to save small savings is to leave them in rubles. About this Gref on July 6 in the course of communication with users of social networks.

He also warned Russians against keeping money "under the pillow", as even small amounts must be in motion. The most reliable tool in this case is bank deposits, Gref believes: “Savings in the amount of 100 thousand rubles should be kept in rubles. The ruble still tends to strengthen.

Indeed, the Russian currency has strengthened in recent months from 75.5 rubles per dollar in January to 64 rubles in July. The exchange rate rose by 15 percent (which, by the way, greatly worries exporters and economic recovery).

In such conditions, it seems that the ruble has a margin of safety, that it can grow further. But it is worth remembering that the national currency has been in free float for almost two years. Almost any change in external conditions leads to its fluctuations. To protect yourself from them, you need to work out a personal financial strategy that excludes the ruble, or scatter at least part of the money among other currencies, precious metals, and even securities.

The personal investment program will change depending on the money available.

100 thousand rubles

Holders of such an amount should pay attention to two options: either buy foreign currency or open a deposit (however, both currency and deposits remain relevant with any savings - just the larger they are, the wider the possibilities for choosing different financial products).

First, about games with currency. Experts interviewed by Lenta.ru advise making a choice in favor of the dollar. Rubles are needed for everyday consumption, but it is not worth saving in them.

“With small savings, it is better to keep most of the funds in the currency in which you spend. You can buy currency for holidays throughout the year. Otherwise, it may turn out that you were about to leave, and it was at that moment that the ruble weakened greatly, ”recommends Bogdan Zvarich, an analyst at the Finam group of companies. In general, he believes that it is better to break down savings into different currencies - the dollar looks the most interesting, but towards the end of the year it may fall in price and go to the mark of 60 rubles.

“The simplest and safest strategy is diversification. A third of the funds should be kept in rubles, a third - in dollars and a third - in euros. Changes in the exchange rate of one currency will be offset by fluctuations in the exchange rates of others. You won’t make much money on revaluation, but you won’t lose on exchange rate differences either,” comments Daria Kirilochkina, product analyst at Exante investment company. She herself prefers dollars - historically, they look like a more attractive asset than rubles. There are also advantages over the euro - one nation united by common interests stands behind the dollar, while internal conflicts are constantly going on in the EU, reminds Daria Kirilochkina: “If necessary, the Americans will always quickly come to an agreement within the country. Recall, for example, the story of raising the debt ceiling. The European Union will argue and swear for a long time, and the euro is weakening against this background. Brexit is a great example of the realization of such risks.”

“Now is the perfect time to buy dollars. The goal for the American currency is 73-75 rubles,” predicts Mikhail Krylov, director of the analytical department of the investment company Golden Hills-Kapital AM.

Now about contributions. As you know, it is almost impossible to earn something on them, they are created to protect savings from inflation. To date, the annual inflation rate is 7.5 percent. So that the money does not depreciate, you need to look for a deposit with a rate above this level.

For a long time, advertising called for: it is better to keep money in a savings bank. Wits added: and in any case not in a glass jar. Few people thought about the relevance of such a formulation of the question. It turns out that the global currency - dollars - is under threat: it is being eaten not only by inflation, but also by an invisible fungus.

No right to exchange

The words of Ekaterina from Vitebsk are worthy of a satirist’s pen: “I don’t know how it’s profitable for me to get rid of dollars!” And it's not a joke. The fact is that one evening Katya and I went to the exchange office to buy Belarusian rubles for a hundred-dollar bill - unforeseen expenses sometimes happen. What was our surprise when we heard from the cashier who was looking through the banknote under ultraviolet light: “It glows blue with you. It was eaten by a fungus, we don’t change those.” Moreover, as it turned out, there was not enough space on the hundred-dollar bill for the invisible person, and, the cashier stated, after checking the neighbors in Katya's wallet, the “healthy” twenties were also already damaged. “But you can still exchange them without a commission,” was the final verdict.

Eaters of "green"

As the candidate of biological sciences, head of the laboratory of mycology at the Institute of Experimental Botany named after A. VF Kuprevich of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Olga Gapienko, a fungus living on a dollar bill is a common occurrence. The main reason for damage to banknotes is a violation of storage conditions: low temperature, high relative humidity (the norm is up to 55 percent), lack of ventilation.

If you leave a pack of banknotes in a damp, unventilated room with a low temperature, one of which is affected by a fungus, after a while its spores will move to neighboring banknotes and begin to “eat” the paper. Therefore, in no case should dollars be buried in the ground, they should be stored in a dry room, they should not be packed in cellophane, thereby creating ideal conditions for the life of the "green" eaters.

Why does the fungus infect the dollar? It turns out that the manufacturing technology of the euro and the Belarusian currency is somewhat different, it provides for stronger fibers that are inaccessible to destructive processes.

Disappointing hike

Katya and I went through other exchangers in the hope of getting rid of the banknote, which outwardly does not differ from the “healthy” one. But we did not succeed in changing the unfortunate banknote in any exchange office in Vitebsk. True, the reaction was different. One cashier asked us bluntly if a piece of paper was lying in a puddle. In another place, they were curious: “Did you buy it abroad?” In the third bank, by the way, I asked to be allowed to look through the ultraviolet at the depreciated banknote. She really shone with dots, like a sieve. The dots were bright blue.

Non-Acceptance Commission

Viktor Sosnovsky, Chief Specialist of the Department for the Organization and Methodology of Cash Operations at the National Bank, said that banknote paper, including US dollars, should not glow in ultraviolet rays: unlike ordinary paper, it does not contain optical brightener and therefore looks brighter in filtered ultraviolet light. dark. The glow of the paper indicates either a fake or a chemical effect on a genuine banknote. However, a local glow under ultraviolet does not always mean that a “fungus has worked” here. Both money washed with clothes and those that were exposed to an aggressive environment glow, and a bank employee cannot accurately determine which factor caused the glow. Therefore, cashiers who refused to accept a hundred-dollar bill glowing under ultraviolet light could be mistaken that the fungus was the reason for the non-payment of the banknote, the expert added.

Answering the question in which banks they can still accept dollar "non-standard", Viktor Sosnovsky said that banks can independently develop a list of signs of payment of banknotes in foreign currency, taking into account the requirements of foreign banks or intermediary banks with which they have concluded relevant agreements. Therefore, the same banknote can be exchanged in one bank, and in another it cannot be exchanged even with a commission. Damaged currency, for example, is accepted at Belvnesheconombank, BPS-Sberbank, Belarusbank, Belinvestbank, BTA Bank, BelSwissBank, Belgazprombank with a small commission set by the banks themselves (about 2-3.5%). The decision to accept a banknote or not is made by the cashier, guided by the position of his bank on the signs of payment of foreign currency. Every year, a considerable amount of American currency with defects, including with a fungus, is exported abroad. Talking about the "epidemic" of the fungus in Belarus would be a big stretch, experts are sure. But it is also impossible to ignore the problem.

Favorable interest

Ekaterina still sold her hundred dollars. She turned to the bank administrator, who helped her exchange the “luminous” bill, and also gave good advice: “It is better to keep money in the bank. Not only will you not lose, but the interest will run up. And indeed, savings should bring benefits, and not be eaten up by inflation and fungi.

Risk level: middle. Apartments are rarely robbed, but if it happens, you will lose money.

Yield:-2%. In 2016, inflation in the US is 2.07%.

If you have $5,000 at home, then a year later you can buy goods at the current price for $4,900. Of the pluses, the only thing is that the currency is always at hand, and you don’t need to go anywhere for it.

2. Contributions

Risk level: short.

All deposits are insured by the state for an amount equivalent to 1.4 million rubles. (~23.3 thousand dollars). If the bank's license is revoked, the money will be returned in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank on the day the license was revoked.

Yield: 0.8–2.25% per annum.

According to Sravni.ru, the highest return among the top 50 banks in terms of assets is offered by Globex Bank, where you can earn 2.25% with an investment of $5,000 per year. The largest bank in Russia, Sberbank, is ready to pay no more than 0.8% per annum.

Top 10 dollar deposits

Bank - deposit name

Globex - Maximum Online

Rocketbank (FC Otkritie) - Urgent

Credit Europe Bank - Urgent

Ak bars - Just save up

SMP Bank - Maxima+

Trust - Own people

Vostochny Express Bank - Vostochny (online)

MKB - All inclusive - maximum income online

Renaissance - My income (online)

Promsvyazbank - My income (online)

3. Bank cards

Risk level: short.

The money on the card is insured, like any deposit. That is, you can safely store the equivalent of 1.4 million rubles.

Yield: 0,1–1,5%.

The disadvantage of such cards is the cost of maintenance, which can range from $1.5 per month to $500 per year. Among the offers of the top 50 banks, there were only five options where, with an investment of $ 5,000, you can at least earn something minus bank fees.

Bank - card name


Maintenance cost per year

Benefit for 1 year (storage on the account of 5 thousand dollars)

Transcapitalbank - Visa Classic "Settlement card"

14 dollars

Moscow Industrial Bank - Mastercard World "Fresh"



Rocketbank (FC Otkritie) - "Cozy Space"


Home loan - Visa Gold "Basic package"


Tinkoff Bank - Mastercard World "Tinkoff Black"

0 dollars

5 dollars

There are a huge number of ways to store personal savings, but where is it better to keep money at home or in an apartment so as not to worry about their safety? Isn't it better to keep money in the bank? We will answer both questions and compare these methods.

Where to keep money in an apartment or house

Take a close look at various interior items - not all of them can be checked by scammers when committing a theft.

4 interesting ways where it is better to keep money at home

  1. Cactus. Try putting money in a hole cut inside a cactus planted in a pot. To do this, soak the soil and cut the core at the bottom of the plant. Place rolled up money or valuables inside and bury the plant back. For beauty and additional stability, you can decorate the cactus with stones.
  2. Kids toys. Fold the cash compactly, make an inconspicuous cut in the toy, and add a few layers of cotton so that the money cannot be felt. You can hide a particularly large amount in several toys.
  3. Doorhandle. Buy a new doorknob, put rolled up money inside, then screw it securely to the door. You won’t be able to hide much, but for small savings this is a good option.
  4. tubular cornice. The probability of finding funds in the cornice is negligible. You can use the curtain tube in the bathroom or living room. You can easily remove the rings and hide the folded money inside the pipe.
  5. Bonus:

Furniture and household appliances are additional places where you can store cash in a house or apartment, these are wonderful hiding places for your savings. For these purposes, you can also use plumbing.

6 safe places to keep money at home

  1. Metal edge of the table top. You can choose a kitchen table as a hiding place. Using a screwdriver, remove the bezel. Drill make two holes in the end. Remove the jumpers between the holes with a file or jigsaw, sawing out the required depth of the hiding place. Put the edging back in place. Now you can easily get your money out with a screwdriver.
  2. Floor stand. Pull out all the drawers and remove the back walls by shortening them with a hacksaw or jigsaw. If the drawers are equipped with external tin skids, shorten them as well. Screw the walls into place, insert the boxes back, after hiding your savings behind them. There is a lot of space - even an impressive case with money can be placed inside the nightstand.
  3. Sofa foam. Remove the cover from the sofa and pull out some foam rubber. Cut a hole in the part that is not visible at first glance, or make a gap with the blade by sticking your hand inside. Cut out a hiding place in the depth of the foam rubber. Ready! You can nail the upholstery back with a stapler.
  4. Fridge. Try to hide the money in the magnetic tape of the refrigerator - the one that holds the door when it is opened. Peel back the rubber base, cut it discreetly with a blade, and pull out the magnet. Instead, insert banknotes.
  5. Washing machine. Most models have a small free space next to the engine, to which water access is limited. Unscrew the back wall of the car and hide the money there. For safety, put cash in a bag.
  6. Float cistern in the toilet. This is a small plastic element in which twisted bills can be placed. First turn off the water, unscrew the float, cut it in half, put the required amount into it and glue the seam with a lighter, glue or soldering iron. The option is suitable for long-term storage of "stash" ( if money is needed urgently, it will not be easy to get it).

Where else can you hide money in your apartment

Many people have a question where to keep money at home if the amount is large. If you want to save a large amount of money, you need to know that the safe is the best way to store it. The metal "box" must be strong and have a complex code known only to you. It is good if the safe will have several levels of protection to reduce the chances of opening it.

Cash can be hidden in the outlet. Most likely, a thief who illegally entered your apartment will not want to endanger himself. To hide money in the outlet, first turn off the electricity. Then remove the protective cover from the socket. Find a small hole right below it - you can put a decent amount in there. Wrap the money in a rubber sheet for added security.

If you do not have the slightest idea about electrical engineering, choose another place where it is safer to store money, otherwise a short circuit may be accidentally caused. If you like the socket idea but don't want to risk the current, it's easy to make a fake socket. To do this, make a small plywood box, put all your valuable items in it and mount it on the wall. There are also interesting and hard-to-reach places where people keep money:

  1. behind the wallpaper
  2. in musical instruments
  3. in the trash bag of the vacuum cleaner
  4. in old shoes
  5. in a roll of toilet paper

- the scope for your imagination is almost limitless. The main thing is not to put money in plain sight and not use typical places.

Some readers are also interested where to store money according to feng shui. Masters recommend putting finances in red envelopes or bags and hiding them in the southeastern part of the apartment. It would not be superfluous to put a figurine of a frog next to it, a symbol of financial well-being. If these simple rules are followed, luck will accompany the owner everywhere, constantly increasing his wealth, but these methods are suitable only for those who do not worry about breaking and stealing.

Video: spy places where you can hide money at home

Where not to keep money

There are places where you cannot store your savings, otherwise you may be left without them. The possibility of theft always exists. According to the Ministry of the Interior, in the first quarter of 2015, the number of reported thefts increased by 7.6% ( compared to 2014). As of 2016, one in thirty-first reported crimes is burglary. 2017 and beyond are no exception. That is why you should hide your money well. When choosing a place stash» remember that in First of all, thieves look at these places:

  • wardrobes, bedside tables, boxes– the most risky places for savings;
  • vases, figurines, paintings- places that are sure to be checked in case of theft;
  • books- unless you have an impressive library, be sure that the thief will definitely flip through several books in search of profit;
  • place under the mattress- the most banal option;
  • ventilation holes- a good option only for action films, in reality this cache is likely to be inspected by a thief;
  • cereal jars- one of the most popular, and therefore risky places to store money.

Where to keep money so that they multiply

According to public opinion polls, about 40% of Russians prefer to keep cash at home. If you are one of them, you get round the clock, fast access to funds. At any time, you can get savings, count them or replenish them. If suddenly you decide that the place where the money is stored is unreliable, you can immediately change the vault.

A huge disadvantage of keeping money at home is that due to rising inflation, money is constantly depreciating, so if you save up for something for a long time, this effect will be noticeable. In addition, on impulse you can spend all your savings, there is also the risk of losing them after the thief invades.

If you do not know where it is safe to keep money so that they multiply, open a bank account. This will protect your savings from inflation. By accruing interest, you will receive additional income: your money works, and does not lie under the pillow. If the bank is robbed, you will not lose your savings thanks to the deposit insurance system.

Despite all the positive aspects of keeping savings in the bank, many people continue to keep money at home. Which option to choose depends only on your desire and purpose of savings. If you want, for example, to raise money for a new phone, it makes no sense to open a bank deposit, and if you are saving for a child’s education, you should seriously think about this option of saving money.

If you decide to make a deposit, first of all you need to choose the most reliable and profitable bank. Where do people usually keep money? If you want to protect yourself, you can create one of the most profitable deposits in Sberbank. The bank offers rates of no more than 8% per annum, but it is able to save your savings even in difficult times for the economy. If your goals are long-term, you can buy and receive annual dividends.

  • bank card. It is much safer to keep money on the card, but again, the amount should not be too large. It is important that the card is not a credit card - they are constantly subject to unfavorable service rates. Ideally, this should be a salary card. It must be remembered that in case of loss or loss of the card, the procedure for its restoration may take several weeks - it is important to take this into account when planning your expenses.
  • safe deposit box. Quite a popular service in modern times. For the required period, you are provided with the service of using your own small safe. There is no need to worry about security - the security system of banks is at the highest level. The only, but significant, disadvantage is the cost of renting a cell.
  • Long-term bank deposit. The most profitable are deposits with replenishment, but without the possibility of withdrawing funds. Open for a specific period it is better to choose a time as close as possible to the date of the planned purchase). Do not forget to regularly replenish the deposit, otherwise it will turn out that it was not possible to save money.
  • Where is it more profitable to keep money, being able to withdraw it? Current deposits– deposits with open replenishment and withdrawal. That is, the funds are stored in the bank, and you have free access to them. Interest is charged on deposits, which slightly offsets inflation. Suitable for storing the amount of " for the first time”, which will save you in case you lose your regular source of income.
  • Foreign currency deposits. We are talking primarily about dollars and euros. When purchasing currency, do not forget about the possible risks. Officials have repeatedly proposed to limit or ban the circulation of American money in Russia. This will most likely never happen, but it doesn't hurt to be extra careful.

We invest and grow

Many people are interested in where to keep money so that they multiply. There are several reliable options that can bring you additional benefits some time after the investment is made.

In a difficult time of crisis, a wonderful way to make money can be. The main disadvantages of this method are that it is necessary to carry out solid analytical work before purchasing securities. In addition, the growth in the value of shares can be expected for a long time - no one can guess when this will happen.

Gene. The director of Grandis Capital said about investing in shares: “To make a decision on the purchase of certain shares, you need to have a lot of money and a lot of patience. However, sometimes this patience is well rewarded.

Therefore, if you are willing to wait, buying shares is an option just for you! Give preference to "" - the shares of the largest and most successful enterprises in the country and the world.

They can also become a profitable tool.

  • A bond is a debt security on which the company undertakes to pay the depositor a certain amount and a certain percentage in the future.

In this case, you know exactly when your fortune will increase and return to you, but there is a risk of default on the debts of enterprises (non-fulfillment of monetary obligations, financial insolvency).

Real estate. A long-term project that requires large investments, but pays well and brings good benefits. Invest in economy-class housing built in popular areas, invest in half-built housing, and carefully study the developer company ( developer).

Whatever method of storing funds you choose, you will have to face possible risks. To increase your capital and not lose your savings, be sure to follow these tips:

  • In no case do not let people who pretend to be employees of special services into the apartment. Pay attention to their clothes, be sure to check the identity, and if suspicions do not disappear, call the service from which you came and ask if the person who came to you is on staff.
  • If you have a lot of money, use not one, but several caches.
  • Carefully choose the instrument with which you will store money - it must be reliable and have a low degree of risk.
  • If you are faced with the question, what part of the savings to use if you have several? Financial analyst Pavel Medvedev recommends spending the most expensive currency at the moment. For example, if the euro is expensive now, it is better to spend it on a purchase, hoping that another currency will cost more next time.
  • It should be noted that the state insures amounts up to 1.4 million rubles. If you want to invest a large amount, choose the most reliable financial institution.

Now you know where it is safer to hide money at home and what are the advantages of the bank. Spending a little time on creating a reliable cache or opening a deposit, you will save all your money. By following all the recommendations and advice, you can not only protect your wealth from theft, but also profitably increase it.

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mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state