
Account balance sheet. See what “51 account” is in other dictionaries Cash flow transactions are reflected on account 51 current accounts based

Account 51 "Settlement accounts" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of funds in the currency of the Russian Federation on the organization's current accounts opened with credit institutions.

The debit of account 51 “Settlement accounts” reflects the receipt of funds to the organization’s settlement accounts. The credit of account 51 “Current accounts” reflects the write-off of funds from the organization’s current accounts. Amounts erroneously credited or debited to the organization's current account and discovered when checking statements of a credit institution are reflected in count 76“Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (sub-account “Settlements for claims”).

Transactions on the current account are reflected in accounting on the basis of the credit institution's statements on the current account and the monetary settlement documents attached to them.

Analytical accounting for account 51 “Current accounts” is maintained for each current account.

Account 51 "Current accounts"
corresponds with accounts

by debit on loan

50 Cashier
51 Current accounts
52 Currency accounts
55 Special bank accounts
57 Transfers on the way
58 Financial investments

75 Settlements with founders

80 Authorized capital
86 Targeted financing
90 Sales
91 Other income and expenses
98 Deferred income
99 Profit and loss

04 Intangible assets
50 Cashier
51 Current accounts
52 Currency accounts
55 Special bank accounts
57 Transfers on the way
58 Financial investments
60 Settlements with suppliers and contractors
62 Settlements with buyers and customers
66 Calculations for short-term loans and borrowings
67 Calculations for long-term loans and borrowings
68 Calculations for taxes and fees
69 Calculations for social insurance and security
70 Settlements with personnel for wages
71 Settlements with accountable persons
73 Settlements with personnel for other operations
75 Settlements with founders
76 Settlements with various debtors and creditors
79 On-farm settlements
80 Authorized capital
81 Own shares (shares)
84 Retained earnings (uncovered loss)
96 Reserves for future expenses
99 Profit and loss

Application of the chart of accounts: account 51

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    The database draws up a document “Write-off from the current account” with the type of operation “Payment... users are faced with incorrect correspondence of accounts in the information base, from... for advances issued”, respectively, the debit account is selected when posting the document... Calculations for advances issued" with account 51 "Current accounts". In the future, for example, when... To the Supplier", and in the "On account of the debt" field, you must select "Our... specific agreement. The tab “Settlement Accounts” contains...

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    The security payment is counted towards the fulfillment of the corresponding obligation for... the security payment is counted towards the fulfillment of the corresponding obligation for... the amounts of money received to the lessor's current account using the simplified tax system were... the security payment was received to the current account of the lessor company on January 15 ... entries on the debit of account 51 “Settlements” and the credit of account 76 “Settlements with... on analytical accounts of account 76: on the debit of the analytical account “Settlements with...

  • Security costs. Accounting and tax accounting

    Reflected in the debit of account 60 and the credit of account 51 "Current accounts" (Instructions... for using the Chart of Accounts... based on the invoices and invoices issued by the contractor. Cost of services for... premises 60 51 59 000 Bank statement for current account Expenses for... Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts for financial and economic... security of the general director 60 51 118 000 Bank statement for the current account

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    The insurance premium was transferred to the insurance company Account 76 “Settlements with various debtors... for property and personal insurance” Account 51 “Settlement accounts” Recognized expenses for insurance of dangerous... during the insurance period) Account 20 “Main production” Account 76 “Settlements With...

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    What is the documentation? The organization's current account received funds from... the bank on the current account, confirming that funds were credited to the current account at the rate... the currency was sent for sale; Debit 51 Credit 91-1 “Other... Other expenses” Credit 51 - commission retained by the bank... exchange for rubles; Debit 51 Credit 57 "Transfers... of the bank to the current account, confirming the crediting of funds to the current account; accounting certificate...

  • Accounting for discounts and bonuses from the parties to the supply agreement

    Documents (delivery note and invoice) in the amount of 23,600 ... 000 Payment from the buyer was received on the current account 51 62 23 600 ... the seller must issue an adjustment invoice to the buyer no later than five calendar ... Russian Federation). Based on the adjustment invoice, the seller has the right to accept... including issuing adjustment invoices) it is better not to include... 000 Premium transferred to the buyer's current account 76 51 408,000 B... 408,000 Premium received to the current account 51 76 408 000 V...

  • Preparation of invoices by a broker when purchasing goods on the exchange

    The cost of purchased petroleum products in the petroleum products supplier's invoice may exceed... the program for receiving and re-issuing invoices by a broker? Since most... when creating a receipt document for a current account, you need to indicate the type of agreement -... petroleum products). When money is received from the principal to the current account, the following... entries are generated: Debit 51 Credit 76.06 – received... petroleum products; Debit 76.05 Credit 51 – money transferred to the exchange...

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    Entertainment expenses are accounted for in accounts 26 “General business expenses” ... sales” in correspondence with accounts: 60 “Settlements with suppliers ... catering for delegates. Correspondence of invoices Amount, rubles The content of the transaction... of the current account will be reflected by the posting: 76 subaccount "Settlements with the transport organization" 51 "Current account" ... 10,000.00 Paid invoice for transport... Other settlements" 51 "Current account" 10,000.00 Paid invoice for rendering...

  • Accounting for the transfer of property as collateral

    To reflect it, off-balance sheet account 009 is used “Securing obligations and... collateral is recorded in the debit of account 009, and upon termination... accordingly, in the credit of account 009. Referring to the description of account 009 does not allow... regularly adjusting the amount listed on account 009 (for example, to the accrued... .2016 Loan credited to the current account 51 66 10,000,000 ... - 640,893 rubles. At the expense of the value of the sold property were repaid... .78 rubles credited to the current account of the unitary enterprises. 21.04. ...

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    The worked period must be issued to the employee with a pay slip in the form approved by the order... wages (reflected using account 70 "Settlements with personnel for... other expenses (reflected using account 73 "Settlements with personnel for... -2 " Other expenses" and to the credit of account 73. Accordingly, when paying compensation... an entry is made to the debit of account 73 and the credit of account 50 "Cash" (51 "Cash accounts"). Despite... each individual from the beginning of the billing period on an accrual basis , with the exception of...

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    To the budget system of the Russian Federation, by calculation. This norm indirectly confirms... on its own behalf, but at the expense of the consignor (clause 1 of Article 990... under an intermediary agreement or to reimburse the costs of the intermediary incurred by him... the consignor of the goods is transferred to his current account after the sale of the goods Also in... year and turnover on accounts 50 “Cashier”, 51 “Current account”, 62 “Settlements with customers...

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    PBU 19/02). According to the Chart of Accounts for accounting financial and economic activities... loans granted to other organizations are allocated to account 58 "Financial investments" ... shares. Analytical accounting for account 58 "Financial investments" ... the following posting will be made from the current account: Debit 76 Credit 51 "Current accounts" ...

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    Improvements to the leased property at his own expense, the lessor is released from the obligation...: at the expense of the tenant, at the expense of the lessor or partially at the expense of the tenant, ... by the contractor 60 51 240 000 Bank statement on the current account Monthly starting... inseparable improvements 51 76 295,000 Bank statement on the current account Inseparable... to the contractor 60 51,480,000 Bank statement on the current account Monthly to... to the contractor 60 51,240,000 Bank statement on the current account Monthly to...

  • Inseparable improvements. Accounting and tax accounting for the lessor

    ...: at the expense of the tenant, at the expense of the lessor or partially at the expense of the tenant, ... Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts for accounting financial and economic... improvements 76 51 120 000 Bank statement on the current account Monthly from... Instructions for application of the Chart of Accounts for financial and economic accounting... VAT and issues an invoice to the lessor. Invoices received for free... ., indicated in the invoice issued by the tenant), which corresponds to the market...

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    Cash to the seller 60 51 Bank statement on the current account The debt on... is reflected in the budget 68 51 Bank statement on the current account VAT amount (for... property 60-Av. 51 Bank statement on the current account VAT amount transferred... to budget 68 51 Bank statement on the current account... funds to the seller 60 51 Bank statement on the current account The debt on... is reflected in the budget 68 51 Bank statement on the current account * Using account 19 is advisable to...

Using the Account balance sheet report, you can create a register that will contain information about balances at the beginning, debit and credit turnover, and balances at the end of the specified period for the selected non-cash account.
To compile such a register in the form of a report (menu Reports -> Account balance sheet), you should indicate the period for compiling the register, the organization for which the register is being compiled, the accounting account for which you want to generate a balance sheet, and click on the button. By default, the data in the report is provided with details for each analytical section opened on the account. In the example given (Fig. 1-110), the register is compiled according to account 51 “Current accounts”, on which, in accordance with the settings of the chart of accounts, records are kept in the context of current accounts and types of cash flows. For the second subconto, the Turnovers Only attribute is set in the settings, so the system does not support storing the balance by subconto for this analytical section. Accordingly, this data is not in the report.
To obtain more detailed information on the subconto, double-click with the left mouse button on the line with the analytical accounting object of interest. The Account Card report is displayed on the screen, containing all transactions with this object on the account for the period to which the generated balance sheet relates.

Account Analysis
Using the Account Analysis report, you can generate a register that will contain information about the turnover of the non-cash account with other accounting accounts for a specified period, as well as balances at the beginning and end of this period.
To compile such a register in the form of a report (menu Reports -> Account Analysis), you should indicate the period for compiling the register, the accounting account for non-cash funds for which you want to perform the analysis, the organization to which the data relates, and click on the button. By default, the data in the report is presented without detailed data on corresponding subaccounts, subaccount values, etc. (Fig. 1-111).
For practical purposes, such a report is not informative enough. Setting up report parameters to obtain more detailed information is done using an auxiliary form that can be opened by clicking the button.

Rice. 1-111. Analysis of account 51 without data detailing
On the General tab it is indicated (Figure 1-112):
sign of additional data grouping;
a sign of additional detailing of data on correspondent accounts;
flag for outputting data in foreign currency (available for accounts 52 “Currency accounts”, 55.21 “Letters of credit (in foreign currency)”, etc., i.e. accounts with the flag for supporting currency accounting).

F Setting X 1 ¦ General j Legalization of account Legalization of correspondent accounts Selection Account: |51 M Period from: (01022008 ;1L| to: (29 02 2008 |p 0 sales [ White acacia Show turnover Period: |For the period)Ў( E "By subaccounts and subaccounts of correspondent accounts* Output data O Expanded balance Data by currencies L: Data by quantity 1 QIC Close;?.: j
Rice. 1-112. Setting up the Account Analysis report 51. General tab
By default, turnover is shown for the period as a whole. In the Period attribute, you can set the mode for additional grouping of subtotals: by day, by week, by month, etc.
Checkbox For subaccounts and subaccounts corr. accounts sets a mode in which turnovers with corresponding accounts will be additionally detailed by subaccounts, as well as by subaccounts, if such detailing is provided for in the report settings on the Correspondence Detailing tab. accounts.
Data detail rules for the analyzed account are set on the Account Details tab.
If this is necessary, on the Selection tab you can set the criteria that the analytical accounting data included in the report for the analyzed account must satisfy.

In this article, we will look at how accounting of cash transactions (cash) and non-cash funds is kept at an enterprise, and for this we will consider two accounts: 50 Cash and 51 Current Account. The first is intended for accounting for cash, the second for accounting for non-cash money. Postings for cash transactions and the movement of non-cash money can be found below.

Accounting for cash on account 50 – “Cash desk”

Accounting account 50 is intended for accounting for cash flows, that is, for accounting for cash transactions. Debit 50 is intended to reflect cash inflows, credit 50 is intended to reflect cash outflows.

Documentation of cash transactions

All cash receipts and payments must be reflected in the statutory cash book; its maintenance is mandatory for every organization. All entries in the cash book are made on the basis of primary documents: incoming and outgoing cash orders. The entry of cash into the cash register is formalized by a cash receipt order, unified form KO-1, and the write-off of cash from the cash register is formalized by an expenditure cash order, form KO-2.

Analysis of account 50 shows that account 50 is active, intended to reflect assets (cash), its balance is always debit. An increase in an asset is reflected in a debit, a decrease in a credit.

Transactions with cash necessarily involve the use of, with the exception of some types of activities for which strict reporting forms can be used, read more about this in.

For each organization, a cash balance limit is established, that is, the amount of cash that can remain in the cash register at the end of the day; the amount in excess of the limit must be handed over to the bank at the end of each working day. When transferring cash to the bank, a forwarding slip is issued for the bag. The excess amount of cash can be left only to pay wages and benefits, but no more than five working days, including the day the bank issues the money.

The cash desk can store not only cash, but also monetary documents (paid tickets, vouchers).

Conducting cash transactions is regulated by certain regulatory documents that must be studied for proper cash accounting and proper cash management.

Regulatory documents for cash transactions: (click to expand)

  1. The Regulation “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Bank of Russia on October 12, 2011 No. 373P, is the main document regulating cash transactions.
  2. Regulations on the use of KKM No. 745 1993 (ed. 08.08.2003)
  3. Directive of the Bank of Russia dated June 20, 2007 No. 1843-U “On the maximum amount of cash settlements between legal entities.” At the moment, the maximum amount of cash payments between legal entities is limited to 100 thousand rubles.

Video lesson. Account 50 “Cash”: subaccounts, postings, examples

In this video lesson, the site expert, chief accountant Natalya Vasilyevna Gandeva, explains accounting account 50 “Cash”, standard accounting entries and sub-accounts are discussed. To watch, click on the video below.

You can download the slides and presentation from the link.

Postings to account 50

Debit Credit Operation name
50 51 Withdrawing money from a current account
50 62 Receiving payment from the buyer in cash at the cash register
50 75 Contribution to the authorized capital by the founder in cash
60 50 Payment to the supplier in cash
70 50 Payment of wages to employees

The indicated accounting entries for accounting for cash transactions are the most common standard options; you will find a complete list of entries in the Chart of Accounts ().

Accounting for non-cash funds to account 51 – “Current account”

All non-cash payments can be made if you have a current account. It opens in a credit institution, otherwise called a bank. How to open a current account and what documents you need to provide, read in.

To record the movement of non-cash funds of the organization, 51 accounting accounts are intended.

Is he active or passive?

Analysis of account 51 proves that it is active, it keeps records of the company's assets (non-cash money), and it always has a debit balance. The debit of account 51 is intended to reflect the receipt of non-cash funds (an increase in an asset), and the credit of account 51 is intended to reflect the write-off of non-cash funds (a decrease in an asset).

Currently, an organization is allowed to have several current accounts. Accounting account 51 () can be divided into several analytical ones, each of which will keep records for each individual current account of the enterprise.

The primary document confirming the fact of debiting and receiving non-cash funds is a bank statement, which contains information about all amounts received and debited from the organization’s current account.

Funds are written off on the basis of a payment order, which is drawn up in 2 copies and sent to the bank; one copy is marked by the bank stating that the order has been accepted and returned. When you deposit money from the cash register to your current account, an announcement is issued for a cash contribution.

Video lesson. Account 51 in accounting: postings, examples

In this video lesson, account 51 of accounting is revealed in detail. Key entries and practical examples of recording transactions are discussed.

Typical transactions for account 51

Debit Credit Operation name
51 62 Receipt of payment or advance from the buyer
51 50 Cash deposit to the bank from the company's cash desk
<51 75 Contribution to the Authorized Capital by non-cash means
51 66 (67) Obtaining a short-term (long-term) loan
60 51 Payment to the supplier by bank transfer
50 51 Withdrawing money from an account
75 51 Payment of dividends by bank transfer
66 (67) 51 Repayment of credit (loan)


An organization can use both cash and non-cash money for mutual settlements. To account for the former, a cash register is used, and for the latter, a current account is used. Each cash accounting operation must be documented in primary documents, and the corresponding entry is reflected in the accounting records.

Briefly about count 51 in infographics

The figure below presents all the key information about account 51 and its transactions in infographics.

All typical transactions for account 51 “Current account”

Account 51 “Current account” is used in enterprises of all forms of ownership. It is intended to reflect the status of the company's accounts opened in financial institutions. The number of current accounts is not limited, the number of banking institutions for storing non-cash funds for legal entities is not limited by law.

Characteristics of account 51 “Current account”

After opening a bank account and depositing the first amount into it, movement on the account begins. 51. The funds received on it will form debit turnover, and the expense will be reflected by the movement on the loan.

Count 51 – active or passive?

Active, that is, the opening and closing balances for it can only be debit. Since account 51 is active, its results will be reflected in the asset balance sheet of the enterprise.

The currency of business transactions carried out on this account must be ruble only. Account 51 “Current Account” involves recording the movement of funds of the enterprise with the obligatory availability of documentation confirming each movement of money. Such documents can be:

  1. Bank statements for each open account. 51 accounting account is a synthetic account, therefore it is advisable to open sub-accounts on it to reflect the movement separately for each financial structure and for each open account.
  2. Outgoing payment orders or requests on the basis of which debit transactions were carried out. The credit of account 51 reflects not only money transfers between banking structures, but also cash withdrawals. In this case, the basis will be the counterfoil of the check.
  3. The debit of account 51 shows the receipt when representatives of the enterprise deposit revenue amounts. This fact is recorded in a bank order.
  4. 51 accounts in the accounting department are debited when funds are received from buyers and other categories of debtors. Basis – a copy of the incoming payment order from the counterparty.

Account 51 in accounting: postings

Receipts of funds are represented by transactions in 51 accounts - table:

By debit

By loan

Business transaction

Crediting funds “in transit” to the current account

Repayment of borrowed funds or receipt of money through a loan

Receipt of money in the form of targeted financing

Revenue amounts are credited to account 51

Cash from the cash register is deposited into a bank account

Crediting interest on deposit, return of deposit

Postings for 51 accounts reflecting amounts received from suppliers, other debtors, customers

The characteristics of account 51 involve spending loan funds in correspondence with the debit of the following accounts:

  • 50 – when withdrawing money from the cash register;
  • 55.03 – when funds are credited to the deposit;
  • 99 in case of covering uncompensated expenses due to an emergency;
  • 60.03 – reflection of the bill payment procedure;
  • , 76 – transfer of funds to counterparties;
  • with account 66, postings to account 51 “Current Account” are used to formalize the procedure for repaying the loan and interest on it;
  • 70 – transfer of wages to staff;
  • 75 – making payments in favor of the founders.

Analysis of account 51

Maintaining analytical accounting requires the availability of a breakdown of turnover and balances in the context of banking structures for each of the current accounts opened in them. Typically, in accounting programs, analytical accounting for account 51 is carried out using two tools:

  • account card;

With their help, you can monitor the movement of money on a daily basis and implement the functions of prompt disposal of financial assets within the framework of the final balance. Analysis of account 51 is an example of the correct formation of the balance at the end of a period of any duration. The sequence of actions when calculating the balance involves adding the initial balance with debit turnover and then subtracting the total volume of credit movements in a given period of time.

SALT 51 account is the balance on the synthetic account, displayed at the end of the month. It assumes the presence of an opening and closing balance, total amounts of debit and credit turnover. SALT for account 51 can be formed in the context of subaccounts.

When the final analysis of account 51 is carried out, the sample methodology implies the fulfillment of several conditions:

  • turnover and account balances formed in the accounting records of the enterprise must match the data in bank statements;
  • the double entry rule ensures that the amounts of debit and credit transactions are equal, correct entries for 51 accounts and other accounts form the basis for filling out the balance sheet;
  • The SALT for account 51 should ensure the presence of an informative component by entering information about the account number with its decoding, balances at the beginning and end of the period under review, including all turnover.

The turnover sheet for account 51 must be generated daily in order to accurately reflect data in accounting. To conduct operational reconciliation with several banks, it is better if the balance sheet for account 51 is created separately for each structure.

To reflect all types of transactions with current accounts, enterprises maintain a journal order for account 51. Industrial institutions use form No. 2, construction companies - No. 2-s, firms specializing in sales and supply - No. 2-sn. It is intended for chronological recording of credit turnover on current accounts in correspondence with other accounts.

Statement 2 for account 51, the form can be downloaded on the Internet, contains final entries for bank and correspondent accounts as of the beginning and end of the monthly period. It reflects each correspondence of account 51 in debit with the credit of other accounts, taking into account the chronology of events.

Account 51 “Current account” is used by organizations and individual entrepreneurs to display transactions on mutual settlements with counterparties - individuals and legal entities in the currency of the Russian Federation using company current accounts opened in credit institutions.

51 accounts in accounting is the collection of information about non-cash payments with counterparties - individuals and legal entities through bank accounts. The following basic operations are displayed here:

  1. Receipt of funds - payments from buyers and customers for goods provided or services provided;
  2. Depositing trading proceeds in excess of established cash limits;
  3. Payment to suppliers for raw materials, materials, goods
  4. Payroll calculations
  5. Calculations with budgets (transfer of contributions, taxes, penalties), etc.

Attention! Account 51 displays information about settlements only in the currency of the Russian Federation.

Account 51 in accounting is active, that is, the debit shows non-cash receipts of funds (payments from customers, deposits of revenue, returns from suppliers) in correspondence with the corresponding accounts (62, 50, etc.), and the credit shows the expenditure of funds ( bank commissions, payments to suppliers, repayment of loans and borrowings, payment of taxes, etc.)

According to current legislation, legal entities have the right to open any number of accounts necessary to carry out their activities, both in Russian and foreign currency. Data on the opening are automatically transmitted to the Federal Tax Service inspection where the company is registered.

Analysis of incoming and outgoing non-cash funds is carried out in the context of each individual current account opened by the organization.

In order to verify the correctness of mutual settlements and filling in information in the company’s accounting records, an extract is requested from the credit institution (through the Bank-client system or in person through the branch operator). The statement displays all performed transactions and payment documents for them.

Balances at the beginning and end of the period, as well as all turnover in accounting, must be identical to information from the bank.

Attention! Credit organizations set their own additional tariffs for servicing the company; amounts are debited automatically on the first or last day of the month, depending on the bank’s policy - these amounts are displayed in accounting as expenses for banking services in correspondence with account 91.02.

Normative base

Using the account 51 to display transactions on mutual settlements with counterparties by non-cash means through credit institutions is carried out in accordance with the current Chart of Accounts, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94.

Common business transactions and postings for them

  1. Transfer of funds to suppliers - payment for equipment, materials, goods, etc.
  2. Funds for mutual settlements with customers for goods or services provided

    Dt51 Kt62 - making payment

    Dt62 Kt51 - return of excess amounts transferred

  3. Settlements with employees

    Dt70 Kt51 - transfers of wages to employees

    Dt71 Kt51 - issuance of accountable amounts

    Dt69 Kt51 - payment of contributions

  4. Transfer of taxes, fines, penalties to the budget of the Russian Federation
  5. Depositing cash proceeds into a credit institution in excess of established cash limits
  6. Transfers of funds to repay loans and borrowings, payment of interest on them
  7. Bank commissions for servicing the company and conducting operations

Natalya Vasilyeva, 2017-02-13

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Reference materials on the topic

No. Contents of operations Corresponding accounts
Debit Credit
Funds withdrawn from the current account are credited to the cash desk
The purchased foreign currency is credited to the foreign exchange account
Funds were transferred from the current account to a special bank account
Funds were sent from the current account to purchase foreign currency
The cost of purchased shares was paid from the current account 58-1
The cost of purchased debt securities was paid from the current account 58-2
Funds were transferred from the current account under the loan agreement 58-3
A contribution was made under a simple partnership agreement in non-cash funds 58-4
The debt to the supplier was repaid in non-cash funds, an advance was issued to the supplier
The funds overpaid by the buyer were returned from the current account, the advance payment previously received from the buyer was returned from the current account
11. Cash was debited from the current account to repay a short-term loan (loan) and interest on it
Funds are debited from the current account to repay a long-term loan (loan) and interest on it
Taxes and fees to the budget were paid from the current account
Paid from the Unified Social Tax current account
Salaries (dividends) to employees were transferred from the current account
A statement of funds from the current account was issued
Non-cash funds provided to the employee in the form of a loan 73-1
Non-cash funds are used to pay dividends (income) to the founder (participant) of the organization 75-2
Deposited wages were paid to employees from the current account 76-4
Funds were transferred from the current account to a branch allocated to a separate balance sheet (in the accounting of the head office of the organization) 79-2
Own shares purchased from shareholders were paid from the current account
Expenses were paid from the current account using retained earnings (by decision of the founders)
Expenses for paying for bank services were taken into account according to the agreement for settlement and cash services, funds were paid to the bank for opening a current account 91-2
Expenses related to eliminating the consequences of emergency situations were paid from the current account.

If cases of erroneous write-off (credit) of funds are identified, before the reasons are clarified, the following entries are made in accounting:

Debit 76-2 Credit 51– the amount erroneously debited from the current account is reflected;

Debit 51 Credit 76-2– reflects the amount mistakenly credited to the current account.

Transactions on the current account are reflected in accounting on the basis of the credit institution's statements on the current account and the monetary settlement documents attached to them. The statement is a second copy of the organization's personal account opened by a credit institution. Analytical accounting for account 51 “Current accounts” is maintained for each current account. Synthetic accounting is maintained in order journal No. 2. Order journal No. 2 consists of order journal No. 2 for recording transactions on the credit of account 51, and statement 2 for recording transactions on the debit of account 51.

9.3. Features of accounting for transactions on foreign currency accounts

Carrying out currency transactions in the Russian Federation is regulated by the provisions of Federal Law dated December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”.

Features of accounting and reflection in financial statements of assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency, associated with the recalculation of the value of these assets and liabilities into rubles, are established by the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency” PBU 3 /2006, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 27, 2006 No. 154n.

To carry out transactions that involve the use of foreign currency as a means of payment, resident organizations have the right to have foreign currency accounts in Russian and foreign banks.

The relationship between the bank and the owner of the foreign currency account is determined on the basis of the bank account agreement they have concluded. Under this agreement, the bank undertakes to accept and credit incoming funds to the account, carry out the owner’s orders to transfer and withdraw the necessary amounts from the account, and also carry out other operations on the account in accordance with the requirements of currency legislation.

Resident organizations can open an unlimited number of foreign currency accounts in Russian banks authorized by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to conduct transactions with foreign currency.

The bank does not have the right to refuse to open an account, the performance of relevant operations on which is provided for by law, the bank’s constituent documents and the license issued to it, except in cases where such a refusal is caused by the bank’s inability to accept a client for service or is permitted by law (clause 2 of Article 846 Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

To open a foreign currency account in the Russian Federation, an enterprise must submit the following documents to the authorized bank:

– Application for opening a foreign currency account;

– Notarized copies of constituent documents and certificate of state registration of the organization;

– A copy of the certificate of registration of the organization with the tax authority;

– A card with sample signatures of the manager (first signature), chief accountant (second signature) and a seal impression;

– A copy of the certificate of assignment of statistical codes to the organization;

– Certificate from the bank where the current account is opened.

The organization is obliged to open a foreign currency account in accordance with Art.

118 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation within 10 days to report to the tax office. The fine for failure to comply with this requirement is 5,000 rubles. Opening an account outside Russia is possible only with the permission of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

For opening a foreign currency account, the bank charges a set fee, the amount of which is charged to other expenses: Debit 91 Credit 51.

According to Article 849 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the bank is obliged to credit funds received to the client’s account and transfer (issue) funds from it no later than the day following the day the bank receives the corresponding payment document, unless other deadlines are provided for by law, banking rules or agreement.

In case of untimely crediting of funds received to the client’s account or their unjustified debiting by the bank from the account, as well as failure to comply with the client’s instructions to transfer (issue) funds from the account, the bank is obliged to pay interest. The amount of interest is determined on the basis of publications in official sources of information on average bank interest rates on short-term foreign currency loans provided at the location of the lender.

In the absence of such publications, the amount of interest to be collected is established on the basis of a certificate provided by the plaintiff as evidence from one of the leading banks at the location of the creditor, confirming the rate applied by him on short-term foreign currency loans.

Interest due to the organization is accepted for accounting as other income on the date of its recognition by the bank or award by the court and is reflected in accounting as follows:

Debit 76 Credit 91— the bank’s debt for interest due has been accrued;

Debit 52 Credit 76-2 “Calculations for claims”— the bank’s debt is credited to the current foreign currency account.

The procedure for performing and processing transactions on foreign currency accounts is regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Accounting for currency transactions is kept on account 52 “Currency accounts”.

For correct accounting of transactions with foreign currency, subaccounts can be opened for account 52:

52-1 “Currency accounts within the country”;

52-2 “Currency accounts abroad.”

You can open bank accounts in various currencies (US dollars, euros, etc.). Account for transactions for each type of currency separately.

To reflect settlements with the bank for the purchase and transfer of foreign currency, the operator can use account 57 “Transfers in transit” or one of the subaccounts of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”.

Foreign currency can be received in the following ways:

– purchase of foreign currency to pay for imported material assets;

– purchase for transactions not related to payment for import contracts;

– receipts from customers;

– receipt of dividends on deposits and investments;

– receipt of foreign currency long-term (short-term) loans and borrowings, etc.

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Account 51 “Current accounts”

Account 51 “Current accounts” is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of funds in the currency of the Russian Federation on the organization’s current accounts opened with credit institutions.

The debit of account 51 “Settlement accounts” reflects the receipt of funds to the organization’s settlement accounts. The credit of account 51 “Current accounts” reflects the write-off of funds from the organization’s current accounts. Amounts erroneously credited or debited to the organization's current account and discovered when checking statements of a credit institution are reflected in account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (sub-account “Settlements for claims”).

Transactions on the current account are reflected in accounting on the basis of the credit institution's statements on the current account and the monetary settlement documents attached to them.

Analytical accounting for account 51 “Current accounts” is maintained for each current account.

Account 51 “Current accounts” corresponds with the accounts:

by debit on loan
50 Cashier
51 Current accounts
52 Currency accounts
57 Transfers on the way
58 Financial investments

75 Settlements with founders

80 Authorized capital
86 Targeted financing
90 Sales
91 Other income and expenses
98 Deferred income
99 Profit and loss
04 Intangible assets
50 Cashier
51 Current accounts
52 Currency accounts
55 Special bank accounts
57 Transfers on the way
58 Financial investments
60 Settlements with suppliers and contractors
62 Settlements with buyers and customers
66 Calculations for short-term loans and borrowings
67 Calculations for long-term loans and borrowings
68 Calculations for taxes and fees
69 Calculations for social insurance and security
70 Settlements with personnel for wages
71 Settlements with accountable persons
73 Settlements with personnel for other operations
75 Settlements with founders
76 Settlements with various debtors and creditors
79 On-farm settlements
80 Authorized capital
81 Own shares (shares)
84 Retained earnings (uncovered loss)
96 Reserves for future expenses
99 Profit and loss

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