
Changes in the law on compulsory motor insurance. MTPL Law - amendments and new editions. Basic concepts of law and principles of insurance

Since insurance became mandatory for every motorist, it turns out that we live in a very automobile-intensive region. The OSAGO law covers an incredibly wide range of people, since we have several tens of millions of passenger vehicles alone. Any change to this law directly or indirectly affects more than half of the region. Therefore, it is not surprising that the changes of 2016 are of keen interest to such a number of the public.

New edition of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance 2016 with comments

In principle, you can read this law in its entirety, compare it with last year’s and draw your own conclusions, but since the laws are written by lawyers for lawyers, it is not so easy for an ordinary person to understand the contradictory twists and collisions of the legislation. Initially, the very fact of compulsory insurance was perceived with caution by the public, since, in essence, it was a foisted service, and imposed in a strict form without the possibility of appeal. In addition, many banks and insurance companies, in turn, have imposed and continue to impose, along with the MTPL policy, a whole range of insurance and banking products. Due to the legal illiteracy of the population, this practice still flourishes.

The driver does not always manage to avoid an accident

Many people still don’t understand why they should pay that kind of money, since not everyone gets into trouble, and especially not everyone receives payments. The insurance company uses every knot and every hitch to minimize or completely deny the client payment, thereby raising its own earnings out of the blue with the tacit consent of the state. Since 2015, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance has actually increased by 40% depending on the region, but that’s not all. Often, humane declarations hide serious obstacles for an ordinary driver without a legal education, so there was hope that in 2016 some concepts would become clearer and the numbers would be adjusted. Insurers never tire of reassuring the public, reporting that when tariffs increase, the amount of payments increases, but for those who have many years of experience of accident-free driving, this is neither cold nor hot. However, changes to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance affected the utilitarian text of each article, so the most basic points, starting with key concepts, will have to be considered.

Basic concepts of law and principles of insurance

The very first article of the Federal Law on compulsory motor liability insurance reveals the essence of the basic concepts and terms with which it operates in the future. A victim, as before, is considered to be a participant in the incident if his health, property or life was damaged, which is generally understandable. Now the law does not consider metro passengers as victims; they are subject to another law. Just as in last year’s edition, any payments or actions aimed at compensating for damages are initiated only by the injured party. The amount of payments is regulated at a regional level, that is, the law prescribes the maximum amount of payments to the victim, and the regional representative office of the insurance company can independently regulate the cost, but within certain limits. Insurance policy price also depends on the region and can vary within 20%.

New information about payments, valid from July 4, 2016

On the Fourth of July 2016, some changes regarding vehicle inspection and examination came into effect. So, before this stage, the insurance company was obliged to inspect the car within 5 days from the date the owner submitted the equipment for inspection. In fact, this meant that the owner was left without wheels for these 5 days if the damage was minor, and the insurer could delay the inspection process at its discretion. Now the company is obliged to inspect the vehicle within five days from the date of submission of documents for payment, which should significantly save the client’s time.

On the other hand, insurers place quite serious demands on experts, since cases of deliberate overestimation of the degree of damage on the part of the victim have become more frequent. To suppress such practices, the following clauses were introduced into the law on compulsory motor liability insurance:

  1. The owner of the car may not count on payments if he did not provide the car to the insurer for inspection within the specified period. In this case, the documents are returned to the owner.
  2. In the event that the victim misses the deadline for the examination and spends it with a third-party expert without the presence of the insurer, the results of the examination are not accepted by the insurance company and the documents are returned to the owner. In this case, you also cannot count on payments.
  3. However, if the documents have been returned to the owner, he can resubmit them, but the inspection and payment period will be based on the date of resubmission of the documents.

From July 1, 2016, it became possible to issue an MTPL policy in electronic form online, but the owner will not have the form in hand. He must print out the electronic document and present it to the traffic police officer for control.

In addition, as of September 2016, a law comes into force that does not give the right to change the price of the policy more than once every 12 months, and this a priori means that the validity period of the policy remains for at least a year.

If until mid-2015 the maximum payment under compulsory motor liability insurance was 120,000 rubles, then since 2016 the amount has risen to 400,000 rubles. That is, a completely destroyed car is estimated at a maximum of 400 thousand. Human life valued at 500,000 rubles, therefore, compared to last year, it has become much more expensive (160,000 rubles for 2015). The law also explains that for the first time an attempt has been made to clearly fix the amount of payments to victims, with the exception of fatal cases. In 2015, money was paid only based on the results of treatment, which introduced some chaos into the payment system. Amendments to the law suggest that now, in order to receive monetary compensation, it is enough to present a certificate from a medical institution of a certain form, indicating the severity of the damage to health. To assess the severity of damage to health, the law has created a table according to which compensation is calculated.

Insurance claims used to cause big problems, issued according to the European protocol, and this has become probable in Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other regions. The European protocol, as is known, has legal force and can be drawn up at the scene of an accident without the participation of police officers, however, it must be considered by the insurance company as an official document. But not without restrictions. Thus, until 2016, for insured events registered under the European protocol, it was possible to receive a maximum of 25 thousand compensation, and from this year the maximum payment amount has doubled and is 50 thousand.

The same for both the driver and the insurance company - the desire to avoid an accident

The question of direct reimbursements. If last year it was possible to contact the insurance company of the guilty party for direct compensation of expenses, then since 2016 there is no such possibility. Now, regarding direct compensation, you must deal only with your insurance company. In addition, the problem of vehicle wear limits has been revised. This factor is very important when determining the amount of payment. Previously, the wear limit was 80%, but now it cannot be charged more than 50%. Since we are talking about amorphous percentages, it is worth noting one more change- the insurance company is obliged to pay a penalty if it does not meet the deadlines for payments or consideration of the insured event. Since 2016, the amount of the penalty has increased to 0.05% of the amount of the insurance payment. Now insurance companies will work even faster.

How to find out the price of an MTPL insurance policy

The consumer again wants to know the cost of the policy and again he is sent to the OSAGO cost calculators. This year they are working according to a slightly modified algorithm. Naturally, the cost of the policy will only increase. Insurance companies blame everything on the crisis and the terrible market conditions in which they are forced to operate. In addition, the offices refer to a number of decisions of the State Duma on increasing compensation payments to victims of road accidents, therefore they have every right to raise the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. But in addition to tariffs, certain points that affect the cost of the policy have also changed.

For example, to calculate the cost of a policy, you need to know the region, since in each of them the price of the policy is different, in addition, regional companies received a 20% corridor, within which they can raise (or lower) the price of the insurance policy. In addition to the region The final cost of the policy will be affected by:

  • engine power;
  • car type;
  • presence or absence of a trailer;
  • driver accident rate;
  • how many people are allowed to operate the machine;
  • years and experience;
  • car age;
  • insurance validity period.

The photo shows a driver who purchased MTPL online

You can find out the approximate cost of insurance using an online calculator, or use the services of a consultant at your nearest insurance company. But the base rate for the policy must remain unchanged. The conflict is that it always changes and depends on adjustments by the Bank of the Russian Federation. If last year the base tariff was at the level of 2,000 rubles, now an increase of 30-35% is guaranteed, plus a regional coefficient.

Transport point, repairs and insurer's liability

Just last year, the insurance company could easily avoid liability if the accident did not occur on a public road. The 2016 law clearly prescribed additional transport spaces.

In addition to the roadway, transport points are considered to be parking lots, courtyards of multi-storey buildings, and all cases associated with loading onto a tow truck, which instills confidence in the consumer’s safety.

Has also changed repair company selection system who will be involved in restoring the damaged car. If in the previous edition the owner could choose the service himself, then the new law leaves the right to choose a service station to the insurance company. There are both positive and unpleasant aspects here. The latter includes the fact that this or that enterprise suggests itself to the owner, sometimes with an unverified quality of the services provided. But it is reassuring that the insurance company bears full responsibility for the quality of the work performed by the service.

And more about the liability of insurers. Previously, when conflict situations arose between the consumer and the insurance company, the owner had the right to independently resolve the dispute. Since 2016, there is no such possibility and in case of claims, the owner of the car obliged to go to court. And court proceedings, as is popular, are not the fastest or most effective method of resolving a dispute for a simple consumer. Most dissatisfied clients will now remain dissatisfied, since not everyone will dare to get involved with the ship system due to the high costs and low probability of a positive result.

Working and imposed insurance and banking services

For the first time since 2002, an attempt is being made to release consumers from imposed insurance and banking services on a voluntary-compulsory basis. True, this only applies to the banking system. The fact is that back in November 2015 the Bank of Russia issued a directive on minimum requirements for voluntary insurance, and from June 1, 2016, the decree came into force. The document is also valid for car insurance in particular. Now the law formally prohibits the imposition of one insurance service when purchasing another, and there is even administrative responsibility for this, however, it is unimaginably difficult to prove the fact of imposition of the service by an insurance company.

It looks like this - the client is simply refused to issue a compulsory motor liability insurance policy until he purchases another property, life or accident insurance service. Despite the fact that such cases are no longer systematic, the percentage of imposition of additional products remains at a critical level, but work is now underway on a project that will allow the client to return money for the insurance sold.

June 2016 will be remembered for another and rather massive attack on the rights of motorists. Moreover, we are not talking about new amendments to the Traffic Rules - changes are proposed to completely different laws, but they threaten car owners and especially their wallets.

Insurers have achieved the expertise they need

One law has already been adopted by the State Duma and even approved by the Federation Council. It states that the validity period of insurance rates under compulsory motor liability insurance cannot be less than a year, and the victim in an accident will now be prohibited from conducting an independent examination only on his own initiative.

Amendments to the Federal Law “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners” regarding the validity period of insurance tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance provide that the validity period of the maximum amounts of base rates of insurance tariffs established by the Bank of Russia cannot be less than one year. That is, even if you are going to drive a car for a short time, it is now impossible to buy a policy for three months or six months - you will have to pay for the year at once. The regulation comes into force on September 1, 2016.

Perhaps a much more unpleasant innovation for car owners will be the need to provide the car to the insurer for inspection in order to receive compensation under the “automobile insurance policy.”

The insurer will be obliged

inspect the damaged vehicle (hereinafter we will limit ourselves to the abbreviation TS) or what is left of it, and organize an independent technical examination and assessment. Moreover, within a period of no more than five working days from the date of receipt of the application for insurance payment (with the necessary documents attached) or direct compensation for losses. At the same time, the law prohibits the victim from independently organizing an independent examination or independent assessment of the insured property.

And if the victim does not present his car for inspection, the insurer has the right to return the application submitted by the victim without consideration. Such amendments have long been lobbied by insurance companies. They have repeatedly stated publicly that they were suffering heavy losses from the activities of auto lawyers, who bought the right to claim compensation for losses and through the court forced the insurer to pay not only what was provided for in the compulsory motor liability insurance policy, but also the costs of legal assistance. That is, strictly speaking, not only did the lawyers themselves receive good fees, but the car owner also received much more than the insurer was willing to pay him.

Moreover, the victim did not have to waste time arguing, provide the insurer with a car for inspection and wait until he makes a decision on payment (or refusal to pay). He immediately received a substantial amount from lawyers, who then conducted an independent examination themselves, assessing the car and the costs required to repair it. Now such a “number” will not work.

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And this is very sad, since the examination conducted by the insurance company can be called “independent” with a certain degree of convention. As a rule, experts “lured” by insurers greatly underestimate the cost of the car and the necessary spare parts, which is why the victim, if he receives compensation, is only in an insignificant amount, which is not enough even for “garage” repairs.

Insurers asked to prohibit the assignment of claims altogether, but they were immediately made clear that this was a generally accepted practice consistent with civil legal relations. Therefore, auto lawyers do not lose the opportunity to sue insurance companies, but now they will have to contrast their expert assessments with the results of the examination organized by the insurer.

The Central Bank will punish unscrupulous insurers

There is, however, some good news. Car owners have found an effective, albeit time-consuming, way to obtain an MTPL policy from insurance companies without any additional conditions (life insurance and other imposed services). Having filmed the refusal of employees of one of the insurance companies to issue an MTPL policy on the day of application, they sent this video to the Central Bank, which controls the activities of insurers. The result is a fine against the director of the company. Two fines for two applications, each of which amounts to 50 thousand rubles, is a serious punishment, the applicants from Ivanovo themselves believe. After that, the policies were issued to them without any further discussion. True, the procedure took four months.

Lawyers consider this decision of the Central Bank to be a precedent. If you want to punish an insurer for refusing to sell a compulsory motor liability insurance policy on the day you contact the insurance company, you can refer to the existing precedent and, without bringing the case to court, get the unscrupulous company to comply with the law.

The government “stimulates” debtors

The second proposal is not even a bill yet. However, the Government of the Russian Federation intends to make changes to the laws “On Road Traffic Safety” and “On Enforcement Proceedings,” and therefore there are good reasons to believe that the amendments promulgated by the Cabinet of Ministers will be accepted. And they, in particular, contain a ban on debtors registering a car and obtaining a driver’s license.

“will encourage debtors to repay debts under enforcement proceedings.”

Amendments are proposed to the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” obliging credit institutions, post offices, as well as other bodies or organizations through which funds are paid to repay debts under enforcement proceedings, to immediately send information about their payment to the State Information System.

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And in the Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety” it is proposed to introduce bans on vehicle registration and passing examinations for the right to drive vehicles by persons with outstanding debt, the amount of which exceeds 10,000 rubles. If information about such debt is included in the data bank, but there is no information about payment, then measures “necessary for the implementation of tasks for the enforcement of judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials” begin to take effect.

An excellent idea, which is fully consistent with the general political course of putting pressure on negligent debtors. There have already been proposals not to provide them with government services: not to register marriages, not to issue foreign passports and other documents. But the first to suffer, as usual, will be car owners, who, as is believed in the corridors of power, have something to lose.

When this law is passed, the only dispute that can arise is as to the nature of the outstanding debt. Some deputies believe that all debtors should be punished, including, for example, malicious alimony payers, others – only those who have accumulated unpaid fines for violating traffic rules. However, those who are just going to take the test and get a driver’s license obviously will not fall into the second category.

The corresponding solutions, according to the authors of this crazy idea, will increase road safety, “since it will be more difficult for junk cars to get on the country’s roads,” and buyers will be confident in the safety of the cars they buy. But the main thing, of course, is that dealers will receive additional extra income, and the budget will receive additional tax deductions, the amount of which, according to expert estimates, can reach 3 trillion rubles annually. The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade has not yet admitted that it is very interested in this proposal, and says that it is only going to consider the need to make such decisions.

And although the Russian Automobile Dealers Association hastened to refute this information in order to reassure car enthusiasts, they, of course, immediately began to sound the alarm. In the words of Oleg Moseev, vice-president of the Association, “We have always advocated the civilized development of the used car market. Without any restrictions! Therefore, no one seems to believe there will be a ban on the sale of used cars.

In this situation, car owners can only be reassured by lawyers who have already expressed the opinion that such a restriction of rights would be unconstitutional, since it violates not only freedom of contract, but also the right of a person to dispose of his property as he sees fit.

However, if it is still prohibited to sell a car second-hand, then Russians will easily bypass the ridiculous prohibitions by starting to “donate” their cars (in exchange for money that is not accounted for anywhere). Or the long-forgotten mechanism of selling cars by proxy will be revived everywhere.

Since insurance became mandatory for every motorist, it turns out that we live in a very automobile country. The OSAGO law covers an incredibly wide range of people, since we have several tens of millions of passenger vehicles alone. Each change in this law directly or indirectly affects more than half of the country. Therefore, it is not surprising that the changes of 2017 are of keen interest to so many of the public.

New edition of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance of 2017 with comments

In principle, you can read this law in full, compare it with last year’s and draw your own conclusions, but since the laws are written by lawyers for lawyers, it is not so easy for an ordinary person to understand the contradictory twists and collisions of the legislation. Initially, the very fact of compulsory insurance was perceived with caution by the public, since, in essence, it was an imposed service, and imposed in a strict form without the possibility of appeal. In addition, many banks and insurance companies, in turn, have imposed and continue to impose, along with the MTPL policy, a whole range of insurance and banking products. Due to the legal illiteracy of the population, this practice still flourishes.

Many people still don’t understand why they should pay that kind of money, since not everyone gets into accidents, and especially not everyone receives payments. The insurance company uses every knot and every hitch to minimize or completely deny the client payment, thereby raising its earnings out of the blue with the tacit consent of the state. Since 2015, prices for compulsory motor liability insurance have increased by almost 40% depending on the region, but that’s not all. Often, humane declarations hide serious obstacles for an ordinary driver without a legal education, so there was hope that in 2017 some concepts would become clearer and the numbers would be adjusted. Insurers never tire of reassuring the public, saying that when tariffs increase, the amount of payments increases, but for those who have many years of experience in accident-free driving, this is neither cold nor hot. However, changes to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance affected the text of almost every article, so the most basic points, starting with key concepts, will have to be considered.

Basic concepts of law and principles of insurance

The very first article of the Federal Law on compulsory motor liability insurance reveals the essence of the basic concepts and terms that will be used in the future. A victim, as before, is considered to be a participant in the incident if his health, property or life was damaged, which is generally understandable. Now the law does not consider metro passengers as victims; they are subject to another law. Just as in last year’s edition, any payments or actions aimed at compensating for damages are initiated only by the injured party. The amount of payments is regulated at the regional level, that is, the law prescribes the maximum amount of payments to the victim, and the regional representative office of the insurance company can independently regulate the price, but within certain limits. Insurance policy price also depends on the region and may vary by up to 20%.

Payout news valid from July 4, 2016

On the Fourth of July 2016, some changes regarding vehicle inspection and examination came into effect. So, before this period, the insurance company was obliged to inspect the car within 5 days from the date the owner submitted the equipment for inspection. In fact, this meant that the owner was left without wheels for these 5 days if the damage was minor, and the insurer could delay the inspection process at its discretion. Now the company is obliged to inspect the vehicle within five days from the date of submission of documents for payment, which should significantly save the client’s time.

On the other hand, insurers are placing more stringent demands on experts, as cases of deliberate overestimation of the level of damage on the part of the victim have become more frequent. To suppress such practices, the following clauses were introduced into the law on compulsory motor liability insurance:

  1. The car owner may not count on payments if he did not provide the car to the insurer for inspection within the specified period. In this case, the documents are returned to the owner.
  2. In the event that the victim misses the deadline for the examination and conducts it with a third-party expert without the presence of the insurer, the results of the examination are not accepted by the insurance company and the documents are returned to the owner. In this case, you also cannot count on payments.
  3. However, if the owner's documents have been returned, he may resubmit them, but the inspection and payment period will be based on the date of resubmission.

From July 1, 2016, it became possible to issue an MTPL policy electronically online, but the owner will not have the form in hand. He is obliged to print out the electronic document and present it to the traffic police officer for control.

In addition, since September 2016, a law has come into force that does not give the right to change the price of the policy more than once every 12 months, and this a priori means that the validity period of the policy remains at least a year.

If until mid-2015 the maximum payment under compulsory motor liability insurance was 120,000 rubles, then since 2016 the amount has risen to 400,000 rubles. That is, a completely destroyed car is estimated at a maximum of 400 thousand. Human life valued at 500,000 rubles, therefore, compared to 2015, it has increased significantly in price (160,000 rubles). The law also explains that for the first time an attempt has been made to clearly fix the amount of payments to victims, with the exception of fatal cases. In 2015, money was paid only based on the results of treatment, which introduced some chaos into the payment system. Amendments to the law suggest that now, in order to receive monetary compensation, it is enough to present a certificate from a medical institution of a certain form, indicating the severity of the damage to health. To assess the severity of damage to health, the law provides a table according to which compensation is calculated.

Insurance claims used to raise big questions, issued according to the European protocol, and this became possible in Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other regions. The European protocol, as is known, has legal force and can be drawn up at the scene of an accident without the participation of police officers, however, it must be considered by the insurance company as an official document. But not without restrictions. Thus, until 2016, for insured events registered under the European protocol, it was possible to receive a maximum of 25 thousand compensation, and from this year the maximum payment amount has doubled and is 50 thousand.

The desire to avoid an accident is the same for both the driver and the insurance company.

The question of direct reimbursements. If last year it was possible to contact the insurance company of the guilty party for direct compensation of expenses, then since 2017 this is no longer possible. Now you only have to deal with your insurance company regarding direct compensation. In addition, the issue of vehicle wear limits has been revised. This factor is very important when determining the payment amount. Previously, the depreciation limit was 80%; today, more than 50% cannot be charged. Since we are talking about amorphous percentages, it is worth noting one more change- the insurance company is obliged to pay a penalty if it does not meet the deadlines for payments or consideration of the insured event. Since 2016, the amount of the penalty has increased to 0.05% of the amount of the insurance payment. Now insurance companies will work even faster.

How to find out the price of an MTPL insurance policy

The consumer again wants to know the cost of the policy and again he is sent to the OSAGO cost calculators. This year they are working according to a slightly modified algorithm. Naturally, the cost of the policy will only increase. Insurance companies blame everything on the crisis and the terrible market conditions in which they are forced to operate. In addition, the offices refer to a number of decisions of the State Duma on increasing compensation payments to victims of road accidents, therefore they have every right to raise the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. But in addition to tariffs, some points that affect the cost of the policy have also changed.

For example, to calculate the price of a policy, you need to know the region, since in each of them the price of the policy is different, in addition, regional companies received a 20% corridor, within which they can raise (or lower) the price of the insurance policy. In addition to the region The final cost of the policy will be affected by:

  • engine power;
  • car type;
  • presence or absence of a trailer;
  • driver accident rate;
  • how many people are allowed to operate the machine;
  • age and experience;
  • car age;
  • insurance validity period.

You can find out the approximate cost of insurance using an online calculator, or use the services of a consultant at your nearest insurance company. But the base rate for the policy must remain unchanged. The conflict is that it is constantly changing and depends on adjustments by the Bank of the Russian Federation. If last year the basic tariff was at the level of 2,000 rubles, now an increase of 30-35% is guaranteed, plus a regional coefficient.

Transport space, repairs and insurer's liability

Just last year, the insurance company could easily evade liability if the accident did not occur on a public road. The 2016 law clearly prescribed additional transport spaces.

In addition to the roadway, transport areas include parking lots, courtyards of multi-storey buildings, and all cases associated with loading onto a tow truck, which instills a certain confidence in the consumer’s safety.

Has also changed repair company selection system who will be involved in restoring the damaged car. If in the previous edition the owner could choose the service himself, the new law leaves the right to choose a service station to the insurance company. There are both positive and unpleasant aspects here. The latter includes the fact that this or that enterprise is imposed on the owner, sometimes with an untested quality of the services provided. But it is reassuring that the insurance company bears full responsibility for the quality of the work performed by the service.

Video: what is happening in the OSAGO market

And more about the liability of insurers. Previously, when conflict situations arose between a consumer and an insurance company, the owner had the right to independently resolve the dispute. Since 2017, there is no such possibility, and in case of claims, the owner of the car obliged to go to court. And court proceedings, as we know, are not the fastest or most effective method of resolving a dispute for an ordinary consumer. Most dissatisfied clients will now remain dissatisfied, since not everyone will dare to get involved with the ship system due to the high costs and low probability of a positive result.

Existing and imposed insurance and banking services

For the first time since 2002, an attempt is being made to free consumers from imposed insurance and banking services on a voluntary-compulsory basis. True, this only applies to the banking system. The fact is that back in November 2015, the Bank of Russia issued an order on minimum requirements for voluntary insurance, and on June 1, 2016, the decree came into force. The document is also valid for car insurance in particular. Now the law formally prohibits the imposition of one insurance service when purchasing another, and there is even administrative responsibility for this, however, it is incredibly difficult to prove the fact of imposition of the service by an insurance company.

It looks like this - the client is simply refused to issue a compulsory motor liability insurance policy until he purchases another property, life or accident insurance service. Despite the fact that such cases are no longer systematic, the percentage of imposition of additional products remains at a critical level, but now work is underway on a project that will allow the client to return money for the imposed insurance.

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In the summer of 2016, a number of important changes occurred in the law on compulsory motor liability insurance. The developers of the amendments are confident that they will allow car owners to simplify the process of processing documents in case of an accident and will cause significant damage to the so-called “criminal auto lawyers”, who often unceremoniously profit from someone else’s misfortune. Experts and lawyers from the information project “OSAGO: Public Reception” helped to understand the nuances of the changes to the law that came into force.

1. From now on, the insurer may refuse to pay compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance if the applicant does not provide the damaged car for inspection on time. On the one hand, this innovation will not affect law-abiding citizens who are accustomed to calling representatives of the insurance company along with the police immediately to the scene of an accident. On the other hand, it can seriously hit “forgetful” car owners who decided to receive money from the insurer after the car was repaired, and it is almost impossible to restore the picture of the incident. It is no secret that in many regions of the country this scheme was actively used by scammers who demanded disproportionate payments from insurance companies and often got their way.

2. The period for consideration of the applicant’s claim against the insurer regarding the amount of payment is now increased from 5 to 10 days. This innovation is beneficial primarily to insurance companies, which previously did not always meet the established deadlines. Now they will have enough time for this, which should protect their interests.

3. Also, the electronic system “Unified Agent RSA” has been introduced for insurers. Thus, those insurance companies that have their branches in the regions receive the right to sell MTPL policies as agents on behalf of other members of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. The system operates in those subjects of the Russian Federation whose list is approved by the leadership of the RSA on the proposal of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In this case, the selection of the insurer on whose behalf the MTPL agreement is concluded is carried out simply by the PTS number, that is, randomly. As for car owners, in this sense everything remains unchanged for them - in order to settle losses, you just need to contact your insurance company.

4. The next change directly concerns car owners and is associated with the familiar attempts of companies to impose additional services on the client. From now on, he is legally protected from such intrusive offers, experts explain.

“There is a situation when taking out a policy for optional types of insurance becomes a condition for them to sell you an MTPL policy,” notes RSA Executive Director Evgeniy Ufimtsev. — If you encounter this, you can warn the insurer that you are ready to record the conversation on a voice recorder or telephone, and start doing this if the warning does not help. And insurance companies, according to the Rules of Professional Practice, do not have the right to interfere with this. Second, say that you will file a claim if the imposition does not stop. As a rule, this helps. Thirdly, if you nevertheless bought something that you do not need, then within five days you can terminate the contract for optional insurance and return the premium paid. This is possible within the framework of the introduced “cooling period” ( the period during which a citizen can terminate a voluntary insurance contract - Note. ed.), - emphasized the representative of the Union of Auto Insurers.

As experts have calculated, just last year, so-called “criminal auto lawyers” and other scammers “earned” from 10 to 18 billion rubles in the auto insurance market. These losses lead to the fact that compulsory motor liability insurance becomes unprofitable for respectable insurers, and companies in a number of regions are trying to limit the sale of policies. Because of this, difficulties associated with obtaining a “car title” arise for car owners. According to RSA, this problem is now most acute in the Rostov, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk and Murmansk regions, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory, where “criminal auto lawyers” still feel most at ease.

According to the leaders of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, they will continue to deal with the problem of availability of compulsory motor liability insurance policies in the future. In particular, the “modernization” of the law implies in the near future such an innovation as the mandatory sale of electronic policies by all insurance companies from January 1, 2017.

Also, the Ministry of Finance is currently working on a document according to which it is proposed to legislatively establish in the compulsory motor liability insurance agreement the priority of repairing a damaged car over compensation for damage in monetary terms. Its developers are confident that such a “natural” form of satisfaction will be beneficial to both insurers and car owners themselves. The entire regulatory framework for introducing new amendments to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance has already been prepared. The RSA hopes that the newly elected State Duma will consider and adopt this bill before the end of this year.

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