
How to improve your yard at state expense. Adjacent territory of an apartment building Improvement of the courtyard area of ​​an apartment building where to apply

Reading time: 6 minutes

Multi-storey residential buildings always have adjacent land. It should be cared for in accordance with established requirements. Improvement of the local area of ​​an apartment building involves the creation of lawns, flower beds, the construction of children's and sports grounds and maintaining general cleanliness and order. Not every resident of an apartment building knows who performs the above work, and who to contact if the yard falls into disrepair.

Residential area of ​​the apartment building: what is it and who owns it?

Adjacent territory is a clearly defined plot of land located near an apartment building and belonging to common property. The zone includes many elements: a platform, parking, fencing, green spaces, and so on.

As a rule, a yard improvement project includes not only organization, but also maintenance of the territory:

  • the plot of land on which the house is located;
  • landscaping elements (trees, shrubs, lawns, flower beds);
  • transformer substation;
  • children's and sports grounds;
  • parking;
  • fire passage.

This list is not exhaustive; other facilities necessary for the comfortable living of residents may be included.

What is “improvement of the local area”

There are different forms of yard landscaping. It is not difficult to understand what is included in the improvement of the local area. The process involves carrying out activities aimed at improving sanitary and environmental conditions around the house.

In addition, proper care gives the surrounding area an aesthetically pleasing appearance. You can even see architectural structures near some apartment buildings.

Rules, norms and elements of improvement of the local area

The border and total area of ​​the local area is determined either by the technical passport of the property. As follows from Art. 16 Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the territory belongs to residents on the right of shared ownership. Its improvement is carried out by:

  • (UK) or (homeowners association);
  • the apartment owners themselves;
  • contractor companies with which a service agreement has been concluded.

It is expected that the residents of the house themselves will, first of all, take care of the property of the house and the adjacent area, and cover the costs of its maintenance (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491 (as amended on December 15, 2020)).

Standard rules for landscaping the local area of ​​an apartment building:

  1. Sanitary maintenance of areas where trash cans and garbage cans are located.
  2. Cleaning the local area.
  3. Preservation of flower beds and other landscaping areas.

In most cases, residents enter into an agreement with the management company. The management company is responsible for the care and maintenance of the local area. If the land around the structure is not privatized and belongs to the state, the municipality is responsible for redevelopment issues.

The list of works for landscaping the local area depends on the season. For example, in winter this means regularly removing a layer of snow more than 5 cm thick, clearing paths, and sprinkling them with sand. In summer - watering green spaces, mowing lawns, and so on.

Standards for landscaping the local area include:

  1. Cleaning of common areas and parking lots.
  2. Installation of garbage containers.
  3. Measures to clean up the area.
  4. Landscaping of the site.
  5. Creation of areas in the yard.
  6. Installation of fencing.
  7. Repair work.

All activities are carried out taking into account labor standards for residents and hired contractors.

Site fencing

Arrangement of the local area includes the installation of fencing. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • the fence should not block the passage or passage to the house;
  • the fence cannot be an obstacle for residents of neighboring apartment buildings when moving through the fenced area;
  • the yard cannot be completely blocked off;
  • Partial or complete fencing of the playground and parking lot is allowed.

Vehicle traffic in the fenced area is prohibited. Without permission, only gas service vehicles, emergency vehicles, ambulances and police can enter this zone.

In order to avoid problems associated with installing a fence, it is advisable to develop a project in advance taking into account the landscape design of the yard, indicating which area it is planned to fence.

Features of asphalt paths

Improvement of the adjacent territory of an apartment building requires timely repair of roads. Potholes are not uncommon in yards. Issues of asphalting roads in the local area are decided by homeowners and management companies. For this purpose, the management organization creates a separate fund, where apartment owners contribute money to ensure the laying of asphalt.

In most cases, the hard coating is already there; it just needs to be supplemented. The fund is organized at a meeting, where they also determine the approximate cost of asphalting the local area.

It is mandatory to lay pavement on the paths leading to the entrance and parking areas.

Greening activities

Landscaping standards are defined in the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock.” According to this document, adopted by the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services, it is necessary:

  • handle trees and shrubs with care;
  • provide care for green spaces in the local area;
  • remove dead wood;
  • If there is a pond in the yard, you need to clean it and make sure that the water does not bloom.
  • To change the landscape of the territory, you need to contact the municipal authority with a landscaping plan approved at a meeting of residents.

    Comprehensive landscaping of the territory gives it a well-groomed and harmonious appearance. However, these expenses are paid from the owners' wallet. Most often, large-scale landscaping of the local area is carried out by local activists. However, cutting down emergency trees and sanitary cleaning of the area are carried out at the expense of the municipality.

    Playgrounds for children

    The construction of swings, slides and other entertainment facilities for children is carried out by the municipality, if the land is state-owned, or by the management company. According to the law, such elements are placed away from the roadway and pedestrian paths, surrounded by green spaces. Sanitary standards require regular replacement of sand. Swings, benches, slides and sandboxes must be clean.

    Management staff monitor the condition of the sites. They regularly inspect them, remove debris, and make repairs.

    A children's playground is an integral attribute of an apartment building with developed infrastructure. Requirements for the construction and maintenance of this territory are contained in GOST R 52169-2003.

    Parking for residents

    By decision of the meeting of apartment owners, it is possible to limit the parking of other people's vehicles in the local area (with the exception of emergency vehicles). When installing a parking lot, you must adhere to building codes and regulations (SNiP), in particular, SP 113.13330.2016 “SNiP 21-02-99 Car Parking” (Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 7, 2016 No. 776/pr).

    The distance to the walls and facades of houses from parking areas must be at least 10 m. Requirements for parking arrangements are determined depending on its capacity. The more cars you need to accommodate, the stricter the rules.

    Site cleaning

    How to improve the courtyard of an apartment building in terms of cleaning the territory is described in Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170:

  1. The sites and passages between houses are cleaned by employees of the management company.
  2. Internal roads are cleaned by specialized organizations.

The peculiarity of the cleaning is that they first remove garbage on footpaths and sidewalks, and then on the roads.

Who is responsible for beautifying the area around the apartment building?

It is possible to determine who is responsible for the improvement of the local area based on the form of ownership in which the site is located. The development company is also allowed to carry out landscaping if this is provided for in the contract.

Maintenance of the yard is carried out by local authorities or representatives of the management company.

Particular attention should be paid to drawing up an agreement for the transfer of an apartment building from the developer to the residents or management organization. The agreement must include a separate clause that stipulates the developer’s responsibilities for landscaping the local area. If this is not done, the residents of the house will have to take care of the yard.

Financing of work

Apartment owners or tenants pay a monthly fee for the services of the management company. The range of responsibilities of the management company includes maintaining the landscaping of the yard. In some cases, landscaping, repairs and asphalting of the local area are carried out at the expense of the state, for example, through federal programs.

Repairs to courtyard areas of apartment buildings are also carried out at the expense of residents. Conventionally, the work can be divided into small events and those that require time, material and the participation of specialists.

Current repairs include repairs:

  • damaged sections of the road;
  • fences and other barriers;
  • facilities for children and so on.

Major renovations involve paving, landscaping or installing platforms, which requires more time and resources.

Improvement at the expense of the state

The state is also involved in beautifying the courtyards of apartment buildings. The main form of implementation of this task is the federal program for the improvement of courtyard areas. The purpose of the event is to restore order in the local area. The work is paid for from the state budget.

An example of an effective program for improving the courtyard areas of apartment buildings was shown by the municipality of the Tula region. The authorities have allocated funds for the following purposes:

  • landscaping;
  • arrangement of children's playgrounds;
  • repair and reconstruction of facades and fences;
  • creation of “green” zones;
  • design of parks for recreation.

Improvement of the courtyard area of ​​an apartment building is rarely financed from federal funds. Money is usually allocated from the regional budget. You can find out whether a similar program operates in your place of residence on the official website of the city administration.

How to initiate landscaping of the local area

Residents are interested in their yard being safe and looking attractive. To initiate the improvement of a site near an apartment building, you should organize a meeting of apartment owners, study in detail the available planning options and find out the opinions of all residents. After this, you can contact the management company or local administration.

If there are no yard care programs for apartment buildings in the region, you need to write an application for improvement of the local area and get in line for this service. The appeal on behalf of the residents must be signed by all applicants.

A sample document can be obtained from the city administration.

Documentary evidence of the technical condition of the house and surrounding area is attached to the application: cadastral passports, plans and diagrams.

Fine for causing damage to amenities

Unfortunately, landscaping of the yard often suffers from human hands. Most of the actions involve damage to objects in the local area - benches, playgrounds, fences and plants in the yard, as well as demolition, movement, removal and improper maintenance of the yard. Unauthorized installation of billboards, storage of waste, and unauthorized installation of barriers are often carried out.

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

When purchasing real estate, everyone understands perfectly well that the square meters for which money was paid are their personal property. For some reason, few people think that there is also such a thing as the adjacent territory of an apartment building. In fact, such a piece of land is inherent in every building; the main thing is to find out who owns the adjacent territory.

Adjacent territory of an apartment building with parking

Referred to as the local area, it means an allotment that is adjacent directly to a residential building. Depending on how many meters the adjacent territory of an apartment building is, its purpose and the equipment of the space may vary.

The local area can be:

  1. Privatized.
  2. Also, the maintenance of the local area may be under the responsibility of the housing and communal services.

In general, few people know that, with the exception of cases of non-privatized land, a person, in addition to residential meters, can also lay claim to part of the adjacent plot.

Design and beautification of the local area

The boundaries of the local area of ​​an apartment building are determined by specialized structures that are authorized to make such decisions.

What can be located in the local area

If the land plot is owned by the residents of the house, it will fall on the shoulders of the owners. Apartment owners have the full right to decide what will be located in the adjacent area. Depending on the footage of the adjacent territory of an apartment building, its use can be as follows:

In general, if the adjacent area is privatized, its owners have the right to dispose of the plot at their discretion.

Who is the owner of the local area

As already mentioned, both the residents themselves and the housing and communal services, which are determined depending on the address at which the residential building was erected, can be responsible for the improvement of the local area of ​​an apartment building.

Owned by district services

Owned by the residents of the house

If the area of ​​the local area belongs to the owners of the residential area to which the plot is adjacent, then the owners are responsible for all actions.

It is the responsibility of the residents of the house to:

The difference between the privatized and non-privatized areas adjacent to the house is significant. However, despite the fact that the level of responsibility for the adjacent area is quite high, it is more profitable for residents if the land plot is in their possession.

Sample minutes of a meeting of owners of an apartment building

How can residents register ownership of a plot of adjacent territory?

If the land plot is not the property of the residents of the house, then, having learned the standards and requirements, you can submit documents to the relevant structures and privatize the territory. To do this, you must act in the following order:

This is the general and most common scheme for registering ownership of a local area. In individual cases, the process of submitting and registering a land plot for ownership may vary.

Why is privatization needed?

In the case when a plot of land adjacent to a residential building is privatized, residents have much more power over the local area.

The registered ownership of the area in front of the building makes it possible to carry out repairs at your own discretion, without waiting for a decision from authorized structures.

Also, a privatized land plot allows the owners to independently manage the purpose and equipment of the area in front of the house.

Privatized plot of adjacent territory

What are the benefits of privatizing the site?

Residents of apartment buildings who have begun to learn about the benefits of privatizing their local area will find a lot of interesting information. Some of the positive aspects include the following factors:

In general, the privatization of a house plot removes boundaries in the matter of decision-making on creating a comfortable zone given to the residents of an apartment building.

Rights and obligations of residents of a house with a privatized local area

It is also worth studying the obligations and capabilities of the residents of the house, whose possessions include a plot of land adjacent to the residential building. Watch the video: why it is necessary to privatize the local area.



In addition to responsibilities, there are also rights that land owners can enjoy. These include:

  • The ability to repair and improve space in a way that is economical and mutually beneficial for all owners of residential meters in the building;

  • Also, residents of an apartment building have the right to dispose of the land plot at their own discretion. That is, to decorate and improve the space according to your own preferences;
  • Repairs in the entrance, on the street, can be done according to your own wishes. That is, choose a design and equipment that will suit each of the residents of the house;

  • Also, residents of a residential apartment building have the right to fence off the area of ​​the site adjacent to the house. That is, there is a possibility, a barrier. To install a barrier, no additional permissions from other services are required; to erect a fence, you must obtain permission from the architectural structure that is responsible for landscaping the territory.
    The only case when such manipulations are prohibited is the presence of central routes that are needed for use without restrictions;
    An example of fencing a local area

  • Owners of the adjacent territory, by joint decision, can organize parking in the space of the land plot, if this does not interfere with the free movement of vehicles in the case when a central highway passes through the adjacent territory, along which public and personal vehicles move;
  • The arrangement of a children's playground can also be provided at the discretion of the owners of the land plot. That is, the equipment and the company that will carry out repair and installation work falls entirely on the shoulders of the land owners;
    An example of arranging a children's playground in the local area

  • Also, the owners of a plot of land adjacent to a residential building have the right, on their own or by hiring specialized specialists, to carry out landscaping of the adjacent area at their own discretion.

In any case, if the land plot is privatized, the residents of the house must clearly understand their rights and obligations.

Monument to hopelessness...

You already want to drink quickly to forget. No! That's enough, pull yourself together, you rag! Today we will make the world around us a better place!

I’ll warn you right away that this will be very difficult, only a few out of thousands will reach the finish line, the percentage of success in such matters is still extremely small. But when have difficulties stopped us? People think that getting their yard in order is a fantastic, and most importantly, very expensive story. In fact, money is secondary in this story.

But first, let's take a step back. Imagine that you are on vacation and you book a hotel by the sea. You carefully study the reviews and look at the photographs. You pay extra for your windows to overlook the sea; it is very important for you that there is a clean beach, that there is green territory. You make sure that there is a robe and slippers in the room, and that the food in the hotel restaurant is varied. You are ready to pay extra for comfort, because you are going on vacation! This is completely logical human behavior, because comfort is important to all of us, we all want a cozy room, a beautiful view outside the window and high-quality amenities. Would you ever rent a hotel with a view like this?

Or like this?

At the same time, such a view from one’s own window does not bother anyone. And here the question arises. Why do you pay so much attention to a hotel where you will only spend a few days? And why then don’t you think at all about the comfortable environment in your home, where you spend your whole life? Why are most people willing to spend a lot of money to have a blooming garden outside the window of their resort room instead of a parking lot, but at the same time they slam the door in your face if you ask them to chip in 2,000 rubles to repair the entrance?

This is completely illogical behavior, because from the point of view of long-term investments, it is beneficial for everyone to have a high-quality environment around them.

Recently, a person wrote to me who wished his story to remain anonymous. And the story is very interesting. He decided to start improving his yard and bring order there. I drew up an estimate and invited designers who made a landscaping project. The courtyard was formed by houses with about 500 apartments. Landscaping the yard cost 5 million rubles. That is, 10,000 had to be collected from each apartment. They managed to extract some of the money from the municipality, and the amount dropped to 7,000 rubles. As you may have guessed, when a man went to the neighbors with an offer to raise money, he was sent and almost beaten.

It would seem that here it was necessary to spit on everything and score. But no. The man approached several real estate companies with his project and asked to calculate how the price of apartments in these buildings would change if the residents tidied up the yard. It was then that it turned out that thanks to a steep yard, real estate would rise in price by an average of 5%! That is, by investing even 10 or 20 thousand in their yard, each resident would increase the value of their assets by 200-400 thousand! Is it a good investment? The same applies to rental housing. People who rent out their apartments could raise the rental price and recoup their investment in six months or a year.

Having made a presentation to the neighbors, our hero was able to convince many of the benefits of the reforms. I hope this story ends well and I’ll write about it later.

In Russia, few people think about such things, but in vain. People calmly invest hundreds of thousands of rubles in renovating their apartments and tuning their cars, but they don’t think at all that if they improve the environment around them, the value of their assets will increase, as will their quality of life. Why live in shit if you can live in a beautiful garden?

After studying the experiences and success stories of people who managed to transform their yard, I came up with some rules. Perhaps they can help you get your yard in order.

1. Set boundaries

It is impossible to do anything unless there are clear boundaries. Therefore, of course, you need to start with land surveying, if you haven’t done this yet. That is, it is necessary to define clear boundaries of the local area. And, of course, the yard must be properly decorated and managed by the residents. I will not dwell on all the nuances of land surveying, this is a separate big topic, read it on the Internet.

But it is not enough to draw up boundaries on paper: they must also exist in life. This is a big problem for microdistricts, which, unlike block development, do not imply a clear division of courtyards. Often, when you look out the window, you will see a shapeless wasteland with vague landscaping and parking. What to do with him?

In any case, there is nowhere without zoning. It is not necessary to put up a fence. You can, for example, move a parking lot to the border or plant bushes there. You can at least separate yours from someone else’s with a path or a lawn.

It is important that every resident of your home clearly understands where your land is. Because in the future you will have to fight and shed blood for this land!

2. Let's close ranks!

Almost all stories of changes in a house or yard begin the same way: “I went around the neighbors and realized that no one needed anything!” Indeed: if there is a garbage dump outside your window and everyone was happy with it, then most likely you will be faced with the indifference of your neighbors and reluctance to change anything. This is a banal story, and you shouldn’t be scared by it. You just need to record the current state and change it.

You won't change anything alone. To clean up the mess and make a cool yard, you need to make friends with your neighbors! There are a lot of ways here, and each of you will probably find one for yourself. These could be some kind of chats and forums in your home, where residents will communicate, these could be some kind of real activities.

European practice shows that people unite very well around children. That is, your neighbor is probably an asshole, but the children are not to blame. And for the sake of the children, you can endure it. Therefore, for example, creating a backyard garden for children, where you plant various plants, and then everyone will take care of them together, can be very helpful.

A BBQ area can help too! By the way, you can often find a tandoor in the yard! This is the soul of the yard, and it is what unites the neighbors when someone prepares flat cakes or pilaf for the entire entrance!

3. Start small

A good yard is a place where you will enjoy being. Therefore, treat it as, for example, a personal plot. What is the first thing a person does on his property? Sets up the table! Nothing will work without a table. The table brings people together. At the table you can play dominoes or drink culturally. You can work at the table, do homework in the fresh air, or draw. If you look at how people arrange their own yards, you will notice that no one can do without a table.

In Finland there are tables in every yard.

It is very convenient and inexpensive.

It is also very important to create conditions so that you can be in the yard in any weather. For this you need canopies from the sun and rain. These can be pergolas, which over time will entwine plants, or ordinary gazebos.

A good solution would be to make an extended canopy with benches over the entrance.

4. Yard for everyone

Reading the third point, many of you probably thought to yourself: “Yeah, give him benches and tables so that the bastard can drink there until late?! So that homeless people can live there?”

Let me tell you about the homeless theory. There are homeless people, drunkards and gopniks in any city. And their requirements for the urban environment, for obvious reasons, are extremely low. A homeless person doesn’t care whether there are good amenities or not - he can sleep under a bush. It's the same with drunks. They will drink anyway, and interiors are not very important to them for this activity. But normal people have high requirements for the urban environment. For example, for a hipster to go outside to work with a laptop, you need to create conditions for him.

When conditions are unsatisfactory, we go out into the street, and it may seem to us that there are only asocial elements around us who do nothing but spoil and interfere with normal people’s lives. But there are not as many of them as it seems: there are simply no normal people. But they don’t exist because the environment is bad, and normal people prefer to sit in a cafe, at home or in the office, and rather run away from the street.

And now you look out the window and think: how can you drive the drunks out from under the window? This is where many people make a mistake. The moment you look out the window at an unpleasant company, you try the situation on yourself. And you know that an unpleasant environment once drove you off the street. And you think that if you worsen the existing environment, then unpleasant individuals will become uncomfortable and they will leave. So you decide to remove the last bench at the entrance, insert an ugly metal door, unscrew the light bulb in the lantern so that these bastards will feel completely bad.

This is a big mistake, since you will not be able to descend to the level of an environment that is uncomfortable for the same homeless person. Have you seen the conditions in which homeless people sometimes live? On some heating mains, in garbage, shit and insects... Do you seriously think that you can scare them away with an unscrewed light bulb and a cleaned bench?

So: on the contrary, the environment needs to be improved. Your goal is not to lower the bar, but to raise it! And it is necessary to create such an environment so that as many residents of the house as possible spend time on the street. Then, among 100 normal people, you will not notice one drunkard, and the drunkard will be uncomfortable, and he will rather go to another yard. Remember how it was in Soviet courtyards, when there was always someone on the street. Grandfathers played dominoes, grandmothers sat on benches, children played, adults repaired cars, and in some courtyards they even did homework on the street.

It is very important to make sure that people of all ages and all walks of life have something to do in their yard. Grandmothers need comfortable chairs and shade, young people need a gazebo, adults need a grill and sports grounds, and so on. Every homeowner just needs to ask themselves, “What will make me want to spend more time in my yard?” Distribute questionnaires to residents and ask them to write down what they would like. And you will see:

- swing for adults;
- horizontal bar;
- simulators;
- hammock;
- fountain;
- a place for car repairs;
- grill;
- vegetable garden;
- a house on a tree.

It is important here to avoid noisy activities under the windows. That is, if you have a small area, you should not make a basketball court or skate park. This way you will preserve the mental health of those residents of your house whose windows overlook the courtyard)

This is how the yard in Satka was landscaped. It was like this - a typical wretched courtyard, of which there are thousands in Russia...

A gazebo with an equipped place for grilling meat and a children's rope playground were built there. The improvement of the yard was carried out by the team of Mikhail Shatrov from Ivanovo.

I often get asked how to inexpensively landscape your yard.

Such a project is within the capabilities of the residents themselves, if they wish.

This is how you can inexpensively and easily tidy up an ordinary yard.

All this was done in 10 days last summer, during the first “My Satka” festival. Invited architects and designers supervised the improvement process, and they were helped by caring local residents. Satka entrepreneurs also took part: some purchased boards for designers and planners, some provided the necessary equipment, some brought crushed stone.

5. Parking war

This will be the most difficult test. You have to put things in order with parking. This will be incredibly difficult, since most people will think that they are ALLOWED for a piece of land under their window! By whom it was placed and why, no one knows. Apparently, car dealerships promise people that they will allocate a piece of land under the window for their car.

There is a lot of explanatory work to be done here. You can start. Finish with logic and mathematics.

The logical chain here is very simple.

First, find out how many cars the residents of your home have. Depending on the region, home and area, the number may vary. Next, take a map of your yard and see what percentage of the yard area you are willing to devote to parking. Perhaps you decide to give away the entire yard - then everything was in vain. If common sense prevails, then it would be good to allocate no more than 20% of the yard area for parking. In this case, it is better to organize parking at the border of the yard.

Further, most likely, it will turn out that there is not enough space for everyone. And parking in the yard is a scarce resource that must be somehow fairly distributed. There are two ways. The first one is the queue. That is, whoever arrived first parked. It is not entirely fair, since someone can abandon their car and go on vacation, taking up a place for two weeks. And someone works late, and he will always be left without a place. The second way is to charge a fee for the opportunity to park a car in the yard. This should be exactly the amount so that supply and demand are equal. Perhaps it will be 1000 rubles a month, or maybe 5000 rubles. It all depends on the area and the level of income of your residents. Yes, the richest will park their cars in a beautiful parking lot, and all the money will go towards landscaping and maintaining the yard.

But even if you are not ready to reduce the number of parking spaces, you can reconstruct the yard while maintaining the number of parking lots! For example, in 2014, the People's Architect Bureau prepared a project for the reconstruction of a Moscow courtyard at 21 Berzarina Street.

Almost 80% of the yard area was taken over by parking (140 parking spaces).

The project involved landscaping and landscaping the yard with the creation of play areas and recreation areas, while parking would be reduced by only 13 spaces. It was proposed to organize parking spaces outside the yard.

Off-street parking can be a very important resource for financing the entire project. For example, 10 cars for 5,000 rubles - and now you already have a personal janitor-gardener who will keep the yard perfectly clean. And in six months it will be possible to buy a new gazebo or plant new trees.

Other residents will park on adjacent streets and in other parking lots. I am sure that you can find a parking space in the immediate vicinity of any house. Yes, you have to walk 5-10 minutes to get home, but that’s okay. Don't fall apart.

At the same time, it is very important to stop any unauthorized parking. An effective solution here would be to install bollards that do not interfere with pedestrians, but prevent cars from driving onto sidewalks and lawns.

6. Vacant lands

In any yard, the question arises of the purpose of ownerless areas. These are areas of land that, for various reasons, cannot be used, but they need to be monitored. One type of such area is the land under the windows. You can’t do anything special there, since people live on the first floor: you can’t put a horizontal bar under their window. On the other hand, someone must clean up and improve this land. It turns out to be such an exclusion zone.

It is most logical to give the area under the windows for free use to residents of the first floors. This is how all modern housing in Europe is now designed. The second floor has a balcony, and the first floor has a small area. There they can make themselves a personal recreation area, a vegetable garden - whatever they want.

The main thing is that they take care of this land. This still happens in many yards, when some grandmother plants flowers under her window or makes figures from bottles. Then we will have a living yard.

Your goal is to strive to ensure that there is not a single square meter of unused land in your yard.

7. Garbage

Nothing ruins a yard like trash cans. Fetid, dirty tanks that spoil the view, the air, and create unsanitary conditions. Garbage cans must be dealt with. It is clear that this is not entirely your area of ​​responsibility, and you cannot make an underground storage facility if there are no special garbage trucks in your area. But organizing a site for containers, even if they are the most ordinary ones, is a very important stage in transforming the yard. Buy new trash cans, if you have old and broken ones, decorate the area for them (for example, with plants), and keep it clean.

8. Tactical urbanism

This technique is often used in the city to understand the needs of residents. The main principle here is to quickly, inexpensively and efficiently improve the space with the help of non-capital changes. Before thoroughly blocking the street, you can cover it with flower beds for the summer, install inexpensive street furniture and see the effect. This is exactly what they did with Broadway back in the day.

In the courtyard, tactical urbanism also works. At the first stage, you can landscape your yard without special expenses. Here a pallet or pallet will come to your aid - a wooden container that is used in any warehouse for storing and transporting goods. A standard Euro pallet measures 80 x 120 cm and is ideal for creating outdoor furniture. Here are some ideas for you:

It is not difficult to create such furniture, it does not cost a lot of money, but you will be able to understand what will be in demand by residents and what will not. This usually takes a year. During this time, you can move furniture around the yard, create areas for games and recreation in different places, and arrange flowers and plants.

If the process is organized correctly, it will be possible to involve neighbors in it and accustom residents to the new life of the yard. When you understand where it is convenient for people to relax, and where they prefer to walk, taking shortcuts, etc., then you can do everything more thoroughly.

Same thing with the grill space. To begin with, you can simply buy an inexpensive regular grill or equip a barbecue area. Next - see how residents will use it, whether there will be complaints, whether it is conveniently located. And only after that make solid designs.

9. Entrance groups

Make good entrance groups to the entrances. A good idea is to make a large canopy and organize seating areas under it. Change the doors to transparent ones, put up benches, and bring order to the entrance itself. I recently wrote how.

In one of the Moscow houses, the chairman of the house council installed a new door in her entrance at her own expense. The remaining residents donated money at will after the fact. As a result, out of 20 apartments in the entrance, only 5 were not happy about the positive changes.



The entrance with a transparent door immediately became much more pleasant, and no special effort was required from anyone. This is a very simple example of basic changes to your yard and home that will immediately improve your quality of life.

The simplest change would be to replace the door. And here you will have to overcome another myth. A metal door in the entrance has nothing to do with security. Moreover, it is much more dangerous than a transparent door. From a security point of view, a metal door cannot solve the problem of unauthorized access to the entrance.

Residents apparently build the following logical chain: if a metal door is safer for an apartment, then the same rule applies at the entrance. Here any burglar starts laughing) After all, it’s not the door that is broken, but the lock. But okay. I hope I won’t upset anyone if I say that the entrance door and the door to the apartment are different things? And the material from which the door to the entrance is made does not matter at all. The reader may note that the doors to restaurants, cafes, shops, banks are made of glass - and nothing...

The biggest security problem with a solid metal door is that it is opaque. Previously, in houses they tried to make the entrance doors as transparent as possible so that you could see what was behind it. This is exactly what safety is. You approach the entrance and realize that there is no one behind the door, no one will hit you on the head, no one is waiting for you there. In addition, when the entrance is visible from the street, it is unlikely that anyone will “foul” there in every sense of the word. It's the same when you go outside. Already at the entrance you see what is behind the door - a maniac with an ax, gopars are waiting for you, or a grandmother is sitting on a bench.

10. PR

It is important not only to do something well, but also to tell the world about it. Any successful cases of transformation of the urban environment today attract a lot of attention. Even replacing the door at the entrance is already a reason for people to write about you. Publications in the media and social networks motivate people to do more and better. Compliments from neighbors and approving comments can convince even the most ardent opponents of positive changes in your yard. People are vain, so don't be shy about telling the world about your successes.

Many people underestimate the PR part, but in vain. Even at your home level, it is important to inform residents about the changes and their benefits. Make propaganda leaflets and put them in boxes, hang up advertisements, tell everyone in your home what you are doing and why, what the effect will be. It will be very useful to print out the correct articles and also put them in boxes.

If you consistently go through all these 10 steps, perhaps your ordinary yard in an ordinary Russian city will look like this:

Or like this:

Or like this:

Everything is more than real.

By the way, in almost every Finnish yard there is a shovel hanging:

It is needed to hit the skeptics over the head who whine that nothing can be changed. I collect success stories. If you were able to tidy up your yard or entrance, if you have experience communicating with neighbors and bringing people together, write to me: [email protected] .

Well, spread the post) The more people read it, the better.

Many homeowners pay monthly for landscaping the local area of ​​an apartment building. However, not everyone knows what is hidden behind this item on the receipt. In the article we will tell you what is included in this concept, what services citizens have the right to expect, and what liability they face for violating the rules for landscaping a local area.

The adjacent territory is a piece of land that is located under and near an apartment building. It also includes infrastructural elements.

This site has clearly defined boundaries and belongs to the common property of the owners of apartments in the building. Information about the boundaries of the local area can be obtained in the technical passport issued by the BTI, as well as in the Guidelines for calculating the size of land plots, approved by Order of the Ministry of Land Construction of the Russian Federation No. 59 of August 26, 1998.

The dimensions of the adjacent area are calculated based on the technical parameters of the house itself and its usable area. The boundaries of this territory are determined after the completion of construction of the building by drawing up an act.

According to Art. 16 Federal Law No. 189 “On the entry into force of the Housing Code” dated December 29, 2004, the land plot, which is the adjacent territory, is distributed among apartment owners. Distribution occurs in proportion to the square meters owned. Additional regulation regarding the rights of tenants is covered in Art. 36 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Improvement of the local area is the responsibility of apartment owners. It can be manifested in the maintenance or financing of maintaining the site in proper form.

As a rule, landscaping services are provided by a management company. It is this institution that is responsible for maintaining the territory. Their area of ​​responsibility usually includes:

  • land plot;
  • entrances;
  • pedestrian zones and highways;
  • landscaping objects;
  • domestic sites;
  • parking;
  • playgrounds.

This list can be clarified in the act. It should be kept by the chairman of the management company. In the absence of the necessary papers, the responsibility for maintenance shifts to the municipality.

Parts of the local area are integral. That is, in other words, they cannot be sold or transferred to anyone for sole use. The plot can be transferred to all homeowners, but free of charge.

Who is responsible for landscaping the local area?

The purpose of the adjacent plot is to ensure comfortable living for the owners. Residents can only use the territory together.

Management of the common area is provided to the management company or HOA. In the latter case, the Partnership participants independently resolve all issues related to the development of the site.

The HOA has the right to rent out a parking space to a legal entity renting premises in a building. However, it should be taken into account that if the rules for using the site are violated, collective responsibility arises for the HOA participants.

If a management company is engaged in the development of adjacent land, then in order to conduct activities, the employees of the institution must calculate the amount of maintenance costs. This is carried out on the basis of standards, as well as the area and boundaries of the site provided for in its cadastral passport.

Rules for landscaping the local area

The main regulatory act regulating the rules for landscaping the local area is the current building codes - SNiP. Essentially, these are technical regulations.

In addition to this document, issues of arrangement of the site near the building are regulated by the Code of Rules - SP, which are approved at the federal level. This regulatory act contains requirements and descriptions of construction, installation, operational and other processes related to landscaping.

However, despite many regulations, there are significant shortcomings in the legislative field of improvement of the area near the house. So, for example, according to the law, the area of ​​a house cannot exceed the size of the local area, but in reality, taking advantage of the inconsistency in the current regulations for calculating this area, unscrupulous representatives of the municipality receive a certain benefit.

The result of legislative contradictions leads to the fact that residents have to take responsibility for a disproportionately large area of ​​the site or, on the contrary, the owners are faced with a complete absence of local territory.

Sometimes the only measure in the fight against arbitrariness is the privatization of a plot near the house. Residents, being the owners of the territory, have the right to independently make decisions on its maintenance.

What is included in landscaping the local area?

In accordance with the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock” dated September 27, 2003, the list of improvement works includes:

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  • installation of garbage cans for various categories of household waste;
  • cleaning the area from fallen precipitation and debris;
  • arrangement of recreation areas and their maintenance in proper condition;
  • ensuring guarantees that there are no threats to the life and health of residents;
  • maintenance of common areas;
  • maintenance of surface and underground parking lots;
  • taking measures for disinfection and disinfestation of objects;
  • maintaining lawns and caring for flowering plants;
  • installation of fences;
  • arrangement and maintenance of children's and summer playgrounds;
  • maintenance of the building facade, gates, benches and other elements.

The work plan is approved for common housing. Interested parties have the right to familiarize themselves with it at any time. Let's consider what exactly the improvement plan includes.


With the help of landscaping, you can give the surrounding area a more well-groomed and visually pleasing appearance. However, the costs of this type of work are entirely borne by the owners of the building.

Often, owners carry out landscaping work themselves. Despite this, issues related to cutting down trees that pose a threat to an emergency situation, as well as sanitary cleaning of the site, are carried out at the expense of the municipality’s budget.


The arrangement of the site with paths is based on the need to create convenience for the movement of citizens. In addition, manufacturing materials must meet the requirements for wear resistance, frost resistance and be safe to move. It often happens that in the desire to save money, low-quality materials are used, which leads to additional costs.

Paths in the common area must be functional. Paths can lead to a flower bed or other object, but one of them must follow from the entrance to the territory to the entrance of the building. There are also requirements for the width of the paths - a garden cart must fit on them.


Owners have the right to fence off their yard from neighboring areas. However, installed fences must be installed in compliance with special requirements:

  1. Fences should not infringe on the legitimate interests of residents of neighboring houses. If this happens, the fence may be dismantled by court decision.
  2. You cannot completely restrict access to the yard. An exception is the fence around the playground if it is located away from the through passage.
  3. It is impossible to restrict access to the territory to special vehicles of various services. They have the right to enter any yard if they are in the performance of their duties.

Otherwise, the installation of fences is the responsibility of homeowners.


By decision made at a general meeting of homeowners, it is possible to limit parking for other people's vehicles in the local area. This restriction will not apply only to emergency vehicles.

It is also important to take into account the norms of SNiP and SanPiN. According to the rules, the distance from the parking lot to the facades of buildings cannot be less than 10 m if parking involves providing space for more than 10 cars.

Federal program for improvement of local areas

In 2017, a federal program called “Our Yard” was launched, for the implementation of which more than 20 billion rubles were allocated.

To participate in the program, residents must hold a general meeting. At this meeting it is necessary to discuss and approve the work plan for the development of the local area. If all owners agree with the plan and are ready to maintain the proper condition of the area near the house, then a representative is selected on behalf of all residents.

The primary task of the representative is to submit an application for consideration to government agencies. Documents are reviewed by a special commission, which will select an interesting project and provide support in its implementation.

It is worth taking into account that in this case, none of the owners will be able to stay away. Participation in the project can be expressed by financing in support of the project or direct actions to improve the territory.

Complaint about landscaping of local area

If the management company does not fulfill its responsibilities for landscaping the local area, residents have the right to file a claim. When the management company ignores a complaint and does not take any measures to eliminate violations, there are two ways of influencing:

  1. Collective complaint to the Housing Inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor. The document must describe the essence of the claim with specific shortcomings in the work of the management organization.
  2. Appeal to the prosecutor's office or court. This method should be resorted to if the previous one did not have an effect.

Persons who violate the current rules may be held administratively liable with a fine as a preventive measure. The maximum amount of sanctions is 10 thousand rubles. In addition, residents may demand compensation for damage caused.

If you encounter difficulties related to managing an apartment building, contact a lawyer for advice. You can get free legal assistance on our website.

Now you know what landscaping the local area of ​​an apartment building includes. You have the power to influence the situation if the condition of the adjacent area leaves much to be desired.

From the article you will learn the requirements for the improvement and maintenance of the local area, who has the right to improve the yard of an apartment building, standards for fencing, landscaping, cleaning, installation of playgrounds, parking lots, and small architectural forms.

What is landscaping of the local area of ​​an apartment building?

Each apartment building managed by any organization has a local area that varies in size, set of elements and, as a result, functions. The surrounding area needs improvement, care, and landscaping. A set of requirements for the management authority for the beautification of the territory of an apartment building is established at the legislative level, and is also determined in each specific case by the decision of the owners, based on the results of the general meeting.

Landscaping of the local area of ​​an apartment building is a plan of measures carried out to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, to maintain conditions for comfortable use of the local area and the objects located on it.

RF PP dated April 3, 2013 No. 290 defines the minimum list of services and works necessary to ensure proper maintenance of the common property of apartment buildings. The same document specifies the minimum scope of work for maintaining the courtyard area of ​​an apartment building, which includes:

  1. Non-seasonal types of work, throughout the year:

Activities to improve the local area must be carried out by the management company daily, with priority given to sidewalks and pedestrian areas, in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN. In addition to the listed types of work, additional ones may be determined, which must be specified in the management agreement, based on the decision of the owners of the apartment building premises.

Who has the right and obligation to carry out landscaping in the local area of ​​the apartment building?

Who bears the responsibility for maintaining the local area depends on the type of ownership of the adjacent land, as well as on the form of government of the apartment building. MAs are required to carry out work to maintain the local area only in that area that is part of the common property. The list of works will depend on the area of ​​the land plot owned by the owners. If a pedestrian zone or playground is located on municipal land, the management authority is not obliged to engage in its improvement and cleaning. In this case, the local government body is responsible for the content.

To make sure that the land next to the apartment building belongs to the owners of the premises, you need to check the following facts:

  1. Formation of the land plot under the apartment building and around it;
  2. The land plot has been assigned a cadastral number. To verify this information, you must complete a request to Rosreestr.

If the specified conditions are met, then the adjacent territory is automatically the common property of the residents of the apartment building. In this case, they are obliged to monitor the condition of the site they own and the property located on it by concluding an agreement for the management of apartment buildings with an organization or creating a homeowners association or housing cooperative. The management agreement (for management companies) or the estimate (for homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives) must stipulate work on the improvement and maintenance of the local area.

What rules and types of landscaping exist?

As mentioned above, there is a main and additional list of works for landscaping the local area. However, even additional work is subject to legal norms and requirements. Management organizations, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives must be guided by the following regulatory framework:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation,
  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation,
  • RF PP dated August 13, 2006 No. 491;
  • RF PP dated April 3, 2013 No. 290;
  • SNiP III-10-75;
  • SanPiN No.;
  • SanPiN;
  • SanPiN 42-128-4690-88;
  • Resolution of the State Construction Committee of September 27, 2003 No. 170;
  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491.

There are main types of work to improve the local area (they were listed above) and additional ones.

Additional types include:

  • maintenance and arrangement of children's playgrounds and sports grounds;
  • landscaping;
  • paving;
  • lighting;
  • arrangement and maintenance of parking spaces;
  • content of small architectural forms;
  • construction of fences and barriers.

Let us consider in more detail each type of basic and additional work, as well as the requirements for their implementation established by law.


Often, owners are forced to fence off the area adjacent to the house in order to limit access to unauthorized persons, and also to prevent parking of other people's cars in the courtyard of the apartment building. When constructing enclosing elements, you should adhere to some nuances:

  1. Free access to common property must be ensured for emergency services and repair teams;
  2. The territory should not be enclosed by a solid fence if residents of neighboring high-rise buildings have no other way to pass or travel other than through the courtyard of this apartment building;
  3. Access to the courtyard area must be provided for the transport of special services: ambulance, Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, city gas service;
  4. The parking lot or playground may be fenced in whole or in part, at the discretion of the owners;
  5. If the land of the apartment building is not part of the common property, its fencing must be agreed upon with the compulsory medical insurance.


Article 3.8 of the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock” prescribes the rules for landscaping the local area. Based on the contents of this document, the following main points can be highlighted:

  1. Cutting down trees and bushes without a permit is prohibited;
  2. Caring for plantings and ensuring their safety must be carried out by land owners represented by a service organization: watering plantings, cleaning reservoirs, preventing trampling or freezing of the lawn, carrying out authorized cutting down of trees, laying out flower beds and flowerpots, informing residents about caring for landscaping elements.
  3. It is necessary to landscape the yard taking into account the geographical climatic features of the area;
  4. It is not allowed to carry out activities or work that could lead to damage or death of trees, bushes, or other plantings;
  5. It is forbidden to burn branches, foliage, brushwood;
  6. If pests are found on the crowns of trees or in the lawn, you must contact specialized services.


Cleaning the local area belongs to the basic minimum list of works for maintaining the courtyard area. But it should be borne in mind that there are requirements for the implementation of this ordinary and understandable event:

  1. Cleaning of the roadway, as well as sidewalks over 3.5 meters wide, is carried out using specialized cleaning equipment;
  2. In cases of cleaning sidewalks with equipment, specialized places must be equipped for its entry; the frequency of cleaning is determined by the local self-government body, depending on the class of the sidewalk.
  3. Summer cleaning and watering should be done in the early morning or late evening hours;
  4. The frequency of cleaning in winter is determined by the class of sidewalks: in the absence of snowfall - once every 3 days (class 1), once every 2 days (class 2), once a day (class 3);
  5. Snow moved from sidewalks must be stored along the passage of snow removal equipment, or on lawns or free zones, while ensuring the safety of plantings;
  6. Ice dams must be treated with special mixtures, after which the softened formations must be shifted and removed. It is prohibited to store snow and ice treated with reagents near plantings.
  7. In the off-season, appropriate cleaning of the MKD yard should be ensured.

Small architectural forms

Small architectural forms (SAF) include furniture (benches, gazebos, benches), landscaping devices (vases, trellises, trellises, flower stands), water forms (fountains, fontanelles, artificial ponds).

The following requirements apply to the MAF:

  • they must be installed taking into account the terrain features of the territory;
  • must fit organically into the architecture and landscape design standards;
  • must comply with safety standards and requirements during operation;
  • the materials from which MAFs are made must be selected taking into account the climatic characteristics of the environment.

Parking arrangements

It is impossible to imagine modern courtyards without parking for vehicles, but there are still old urban areas that are not equipped with parking spaces. Owners can independently, through a general vote, organize a place for temporary parking in their local area. Parking must also meet the necessary standards:

  • the distance between the windows of the 1st floor and the car must be at least 10 meters;
  • if the parking is intended for more than 10 cars, then the distance to the windows of the apartment building should be increased to 15 meters;
  • parking for 100 units of equipment can only be organized if project documentation is available;
  • Parking lots located on the territory of apartment buildings with a height of 28 meters or more must have at least 2 exits.


The list of rules for the organization and arrangement of children's playgrounds and sports grounds GOST reads:

  1. The site must be located away from parking lots, roadways and pedestrian areas;
  2. The playground should be equipped taking into account the age group of children visiting it;
  3. There should be green spaces in the form of trees around the site to create shade in the summer;
  4. Management companies, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives must maintain the playground in accordance with GOST requirements: regularly repair equipment, do cleaning, replace the coating, inspect and monitor its general condition.

How to respond to residents’ complaints about landscaping

The management organization, homeowners' association, housing construction cooperative are responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the local area. For violation of the above requirements for improvement elements, service organizations may be held administratively liable. Homeowners' associations that improperly maintain the territory of an apartment building can be fined 40-50 thousand rubles; Management Company - for 250-300 thousand rubles; in case of non-compliance with the order of the Civil Housing Inspectorate, penalties in the amount of 10-30 thousand rubles are provided. Officials of the relevant organizations may be fined: 4-5 thousand rubles - HOA employees; for 50-100 thousand rubles or dismissal from their position for 3 years - employees of the management company. For failure to comply with the instructions of the Civil Housing Inspectorate, an official may be held liable in the form of a fine in the amount of 1-2 thousand rubles or dismissal from his position for 3 years.

In order to prevent the listed penalties, service organizations need to promptly respond to complaints from owners regarding the improvement of the territory, and just as quickly eliminate their causes. In addition, it is necessary to publish telephone numbers and other contacts on information desks through which owners can contact the MA in the event of a malfunction or service complaint.

For different topics of residents’ requests, the legislator has established different deadlines for preparing a response. Experts from the magazine “Management of MKD” have prepared a memo with the type of complaint and the time frame for responding to it. Download the guide and use it in your work.

Watch an educational video about the local area:

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