
Mo rf calculation of housing subsidies. Housing subsidy calculator for military personnel. How to calculate cash military subsidy

Most often, buying a new home without receiving a subsidy is an impossible task for those who want to improve their living conditions. The military and their families are no exception in this regard. Subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing have been paid since March 2014. You will learn about the procedure and calculation of the size of the subsidy from this article.

Subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel

In March 2014, a new procedure was introduced, according to which military personnel are provided with assistance in purchasing housing. The Russian government made a decision according to which the Ministry of Defense does not issue new, built apartments to the military, but offers them a subsidy sufficient to independently purchase an apartment/house in the area where they live with their families. In such cases, military personnel have the right to choose not only an apartment, but also a city.

Also, if necessary, those wishing to buy an apartment on the secondary market can exercise this right. In these cases, the purchased housing on the secondary market is often not inferior to the quality of new buildings.

The question of the amount of support payments always remains relevant. Requirements for determining its size are established Government Decree No. 76 of 02/03/2014. According to this regulation, the amount of payment will be different depending on how many years the soldier served and how many members of his family. The resolution approved the formula by which payments are calculated. We will provide you with an adapted version of the calculation formula for ease of perception.


It is important that the payment amount will remain at the same level with a modified payment method, without changing the final amount that the military will receive to purchase an apartment.

This is approximately what the modified formula for calculating the subsidy looks like:

RS = OP x NS x CP

  • OP – total area of ​​all housing
  • NS – standard cost (price) of 1 kV. m of total housing area in Russia.
  • KP is the correction factor by which the entire duration of a serviceman’s service is recorded.

The size of the total area allocated is calculated based on:

  • 33 sq. meters per military man;
  • married couple - 42 sq. m. for two;
  • for a family of three or more people, 18 sq.m. for each family member;
  • normative the cost for 2015 is set at RUB 35,915. The coefficient is set based on how many years a soldier has served (calendar years are taken into account) and is determined by the following parameters:
  • 10 – 16 years – 1.85;
  • 16 – 20 years – 2.25;
  • 20 – 21 years – 2.375, while for each subsequent year of service, the coefficient increases by 0.075, starting from 21 years of service. However, the coefficient level should not exceed the maximum value, which is defined as 2.75.

To more thoroughly study the rules for calculating subsidies, let’s calculate it using an example:

For example, the person wishing to receive the payment is an officer who, with his wife and two children, served 20 years in the army.

The required support size is 72 square meters. (based on 18 sq.m. per person) x 35,915 (standard cost of 1 sq.m. of housing, Order of the Ministry of Health and Housing and Communal Services No. 5/pr dated January 14, 2015) x 2.375 (coefficient for calculation based on the number of years of service).

Upon completion, we receive the amount of the subsidy that will be given to the military and it is equal to 6,073,749 rubles. It turns out that the amount of the due payment is quite good. Average figures for Russia range from 2 to 11 million rubles. This amount is sufficient to buy a normal home in different regions. And provided that the family is large, it is possible to purchase an apartment in Moscow.

How to calculate the subsidy

When the benefit is calculated, a prerequisite for its payment is that the serviceman does not have any housing, both in Russia and abroad. If you still have food to live on, the amount of payments will be much less. When calculating the amount of the subsidy, the area of ​​the serviceman’s existing housing will be taken into account. The area of ​​the existing residential premises will be subtracted from the area of ​​the new housing for which you are applying. For example, if you are entitled to a payment for the purchase of 72 sq. m., and you have an apartment with an area of ​​58 sq. m., then the payment will be the amount for the purchase of 14 sq. m.

Even if a military family lives in an apartment under a social lease agreement, then when calculating the amount of payments, this living space will also be taken into account. To prevent such a situation from arising, the serviceman and his family must promptly inform the owner that they intend to terminate the contract with him and transfer the housing to him.


It is important to know that if both husband and wife are military personnel, then when calculating the amount of the subsidy, the amount of allocated living space will not be added up. That is, one family, regardless of the number of family members in military service, will be given the opportunity to receive a payment for only one apartment.

Of all the family members who serve, the one with more years of service can count on receiving a larger subsidy, which means he can count on an additional 15 meters of housing. It is important for the recipient of the subsidy to be able to defer its receipt. In this case, it is possible to increase the coefficient due to the service life by several years. However, this method of increasing the coefficient is not always profitable, since timely receipt of an apartment is usually more important than future additions to the required subsidy.

Calculator for subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing

To calculate the size of the subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel and find out how much money is allocated to the military for the purchase of housing, you can use the subsidy calculator. Which will calculate the amount of subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel. To do this, click on the image to open a page with a calculator.

  • Military personnel with the rank of colonel and above;
  • military personnel teaching in military professional educational organizations providing higher education, military departments, etc.;
  • military personnel engaged in scientific activities who have a scientific degree.

According to legal norms, the list of categories of military personnel entitled to additional meters in housing is exhaustive. It is also important that from 2023 the construction of official housing for those who serve will be significantly limited. It is planned to increase the provision of military housing under special programs, the basis of which will be mortgage loans. To facilitate the implementation of this project, they plan to create special services.

One of the measures of state support for the population is subsidies. Military personnel can receive this state assistance in a special manner.

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Military personnel are entitled to financial support from the state in purchasing housing.

The Government of the Russian Federation has developed regulations according to which certain funds can be allocated for military personnel in need of housing. This money can only be spent on specified purposes.

Main aspects

The purposes for which a serviceman is allowed to spend the housing subsidy provided to him:

  • buy living space in a new building;
  • buy housing on the secondary market;
  • for the construction of a house;
  • full or partial payment on a home mortgage;
  • to improve housing conditions, in particular, to expand it.

If we talk about mortgage lending, then the certificate funds can be used as a contribution both as an initial payment and as a final or intermediate payment. In this case, the state does not limit the deadlines, etc.

Necessary concepts

Subsidy is financial assistance to needy citizens, which is issued at the expense of the state or local budget, as well as payments of special funds for legal entities and individuals, local authorities.

Military subsidy is a program to help military citizens, which is provided as a quick solution to a housing problem.

This type of support is provided in kind (at the expense of one’s own monetary and economic sources) or monetary (at the expense of budgetary funds) forms.

A housing subsidy is a monthly cash payment that is allocated from the state. budget to pay for housing and communal services or a one-time allowance allocated for the purchase of housing.

The benefit refers to non-repayable state assistance and does not affect the form of housing ownership.

Who is entitled to

Military personnel can count on government support:

  • in reality be in need of housing and work under a contract concluded before 1998;
  • total service experience of 20 years or more;
  • use departmental housing and work for more than 20 years;
  • You can be fired, but still have departmental housing and at least 10 years of experience.

In addition to the serviceman himself, his family has the right to a subsidy. Widow wives can apply for housing if they do not have their own. When calculating the subsidy, the share of the deceased spouse will be taken into account.

The legislative framework

The legislative norms that govern the provisions on housing subsidies for military personnel are:

  • Federal Law “On the status of military personnel in the Russian Federation” (Article 15);
  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 51);
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510 for 2014;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the calculation procedure...” for military personnel for more than ten years;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Military personnel have the right to receive, together with a housing subsidy, an additional 15 square meters in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 76 of 02/03/2014:

  • the right is available to teachers of military higher educational institutions;
  • scientific workers whose direction is in military affairs;
  • military personnel who were awarded the honorary title of the Russian Federation;
  • commanders of military units;
  • colonels, generals, marshals.

The list of candidates is clearly formed, therefore there can be no deviations from it.

How to apply for compensation for military personnel

First, you need to prepare a number of documents, on the basis of which, after consideration by the federal authorities of the Russian Federation, a decision will be made on the actual recognition as needy.

The collected documents are submitted at the place of service, in particular, in the region where the housing is going to be purchased.

The procedure for recognizing the status of those in need is established in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation under Article 51:

  • citizens living in conditions that do not meet minimum subsistence requirements;
  • living in premises without a tenancy agreement;
  • living in living space that is less than the established standards;
  • living in communal apartments where there is more than one family.

So, what documents may be needed when registering:

  • application according to the established form;
  • photocopies of the applicant's civil passport;
  • photocopies of passports of all family members (who have them);
  • for children under 14 years of age, birth certificate;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • other photocopies of documents that can confirm the lack of own housing;
  • certificates or statements of financial accounts for the last five years in the name of each family member (who has one);
  • extract from the house register for the last five years.

If it is difficult to obtain certificates for the last points, then you need to attach a corresponding statement, which will indicate the reason why it was not possible to obtain the documents.

It will take up to 30 days to review your application for a subsidy. The answer can be either positive or negative.

After receiving a response from the federal authorities, in case of positive recognition of those in need of housing, you can move on to the next step.

It is worth notifying the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the result of the consideration, namely, sending an application to the housing department.

The military subsidy can be used:

  • apartment purchase;
  • construction;
  • to improve living conditions.

In parallel, the applicant will need to have time to draw up a purchase and sale or construction agreement for housing, and then attach it to the application.

Conditions for the applicant to purchase housing

The following categories of military personnel can count on state support:

  • with a work contract from 1998;
  • dismissed, due to the end of service or age threshold, due to staff reduction or for health reasons. At the same time, they had to serve at least 10 years;
  • military personnel whose service experience exceeds 20 years and have official living space;
  • dismissed after 10 years of service and living in office premises.

This also applies to all members of the military family. The housing subsidy is one-time in nature, i.e., one-time.

Provided in the form of a certificate and transferred to the payment details in cashless form. An application form for a subsidy is available.

No money is given in person. The subsidy can only be used in specific areas for what it is intended for.

How to calculate cash military subsidy

Or you can try to calculate the subsidy yourself. To do this, there is a formula for calculating subsidies:


  • Ct is the price per square meter in the region where the housing will be purchased;
  • Hn - area standard;
  • K - coefficient for correction for length of service.

Corrective “K” depends on the service life (according to the contract). The following size is installed:

Due to the coefficient, the size of the subsidy can be increased many times. In other words, the longer you serve, the more the coefficient increases.

State aid payment deadline

Regarding the timing of payment of the subsidy, after it is confirmed to the military:

  • within 10 days after submitting the application to the housing authorities. The presence or absence of living space at the applicant will be checked;
  • retired military personnel will also receive a response within 10 days after submitting the application;
  • within 3 days the decision will be sent to the financial support department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of the decision is issued to the military within three days;
  • the maximum period for receiving payment to a military personnel should not be more than 30 calendar days;
  • within 3 days after receiving the funds in his bank account, the military person personally or the financial organization that issued the funds to him must notify the housing authority about the operation.

The temporary period for receiving a military housing subsidy cannot be more than 30 calendar days.

How is compensation for an apartment divided during a divorce?

According to the law, housing purchased with a mortgage using a military subsidy after a divorce imposes restrictions on living space.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to say anything when spouses are divorcing and dividing living space. It is known that according to the law, everything acquired in a legal marriage is considered equal and then divided equally.

But, on the one hand, housing purchased using a military subsidy is not considered as the spouses’ own funds (income).

Therefore, it is not worth presenting such an argument in court; they will not pay attention to it. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this topic.

At the moment, there is a savings program, according to the rules of which, even in the event of a divorce of spouses from whom housing was purchased with a military mortgage and the involvement of a military subsidy program, it allows one to preserve and provide housing for a military man’s family.

One of the measures of state support for military personnel transferred to the reserve is providing them with housing. Instead of long-term queues for housing, there were military mortgages, housing certificates and subsidies for the purchase of real estate. The latter looks more attractive, because... allows you to receive a cash payment and independently choose a new home, but not all military personnel are entitled to this.

What is housing subsidy for military personnel?

Housing subsidies for military personnel in 2018 represent targeted government support - a one-time cash payment from the federal budget for the purchase of real estate. A career or retired officer who has 10 calendar years of service and needs improved living conditions can take advantage of this type of benefit. There are no strict requirements for the purchased real estate - this is primary, secondary housing: apartment, townhouse, house, plot for construction.

The right to provide subsidies to military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2018, the procedure for its calculation and use are established by the following legislative documents:

  • Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel”, art. 15 – prescribes the right of military personnel to receive housing;
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2014 No. 510 - regulates the procedure for providing military personnel with subsidies for the purchase of living space;
  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation, art. 51 – on the right to housing and the rules for recognizing citizens of the Russian Federation as needing residential premises;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 No. 512 - includes a list of necessary documents and a sample application for recognizing a serviceman in need of housing;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 2013 No. 942 - rules for paying for housing that exceeds the established standards;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 3, 2014 No. 76 - regulates the rules for calculating the provided subsidy.

Who is eligible for military subsidy

Housing subsidies for military personnel in 2018 are not provided to all military personnel. The applicant must be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions and meet certain criteria:

  • conclude a contract before 01/01/1998 (exception – university graduates and cadets);
  • have 10 or more calendar years of service;
  • to be dismissed from military service not of one’s own free will or for violation of labor discipline;
  • if you have served for more than 20 years, use rented housing.

The most important factor in providing a subsidy for the purchase of housing in 2018 is the recognition of a serviceman in need of improved housing conditions. To obtain this status you must:

  • not be a social housing tenant;
  • availability of housing (including social rent), the area of ​​which is less than the accounting norm per person;
  • the accommodation premises do not meet the established requirements;
  • living together with other families who have a relative with severe forms of illness that make the apartment unsuitable for living with this person.

Modernization of the program in 2018

Until 2014, military personnel had to wait in line for years to get their own housing. After the modernization of the housing system for military personnel, this process has been simplified. Subsidies for the purchase of housing in 2018 will not only eliminate long-term waiting, but will also allow you to independently choose the category of real estate and its location in the Russian Federation. You can purchase living space for cash or use mortgage lending, register as a property or under a social tenancy agreement.

The procedure for providing housing subsidies to military personnel in 2018

Citizens who fall under the law on military subsidies can apply for it. Initially, you should receive the status of someone in need of improved housing conditions. After this, the recipient must:

  1. Open a bank account to transfer the subsidy and take its details.
  2. Contact the authorized bodies of the Ministry of Defense dealing with housing issues with a written application and an attached certificate (agreement) from the bank on opening an account. It is worth noting that the application for a housing subsidy is signed by all family members (for minors, the legal representative signs).
  3. Waiting for a decision. Verification of documents and the need to provide housing for a serviceman’s family lasts about 10-20 working days, after which the applicant, against signature, receives a written response from the chief of finance in the form approved by Order No. 510.
  4. If the decision is positive, the funds will be transferred to the applicant’s bank account within a few days.
  5. Purchasing housing.

Obtaining the status of those in need of housing

To recognize a serviceman as in need of improved housing conditions, it is necessary to provide to the relevant authorized territorial bodies of the Moscow Region a package of documents (originals and copies), the list of which is regulated by Resolution No. 512:

  • passport of the applicant and all members of his family (with registration information), birth certificate of children under 14 years of age;
  • certificate of marriage/divorce;
  • extract from the house register;
  • copies of financial personal accounts from the places of residence of the serviceman and his family members for the last 5 years;
  • other documents giving the right to provide additional social benefits for housing;
  • If it is impossible to provide any document, confirmation of this is required.

Calculation of housing subsidies for military personnel in 2018

The EZhV calculator for the military, which can be found on the website of the Ministry of Defense, will help you accurately calculate the amount due for payment. It is possible to calculate it manually. The amount of the subsidy is calculated according to the formula prescribed by Resolution No. 76:


where Np is the living space standard, St is the cost of 1 sq. m. m of real estate, Ke – correction factor. The total amount of EDV varies depending on:

  • price per square meter established for a specific region where living space is purchased (established by the Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Minstroy) of the Russian Federation “On the standard cost of one square meter of total area of ​​residential premises in the Russian Federation and indicators of the average market value of one square meter of total area residential premises in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation");
  • correction factor directly proportional to service life:

10-18 years old – 1.85,

16-20 years old – 2.25,

20-21 years old – 2.375,

Housing area standard

To calculate the EUR, you need to know how many square meters are allocated per family member. Housing subsidies for military personnel in 2018 are provided from the standard:

  • living alone – 33 sq. m,
  • two family members – 42 sq. m,
  • three or more - 18 square meters are added. m. for each resident.

For example, a military family of four people has the right to receive monetary compensation for the purchase of real estate with an area of ​​up to 42+18+18=72 square meters. meters. The final figure decreases or increases due to certain factors. The footage is paid in full if the serviceman and his family members comply with the following conditions:

  • does not occupy or privatize social housing;
  • does not have and during the five years preceding the filing of the application did not own housing.

Who can claim additional square meters

The law (Clause 2, Article 15.1 of Federal Law No. 76) defines categories of citizens who have the right to increased (by 15 - 25 sq. m) living space standards. These include:

For example, a serviceman claims 60 sq.m. for a family of three - himself, his civilian wife and one child, because they all live together and will appear in the extract from the house register and utility bills. Having received EDV, all family members are removed from the queue of those in need of housing, i.e. the spouse will not be able to take advantage of this benefit. When living separately, the required living space standard is reduced.

What can the certificate be used for?

Subsidies for military personnel in 2018 are allocated for the purchase of an apartment in a new building, a house under construction, real estate on the secondary market, including a private house, townhouse, etc. In addition to full payment of the cost of housing, the allocated funds can be used for a mortgage payment, participation in shared construction, used in addition to maternity capital, or to buy a home with a larger area than the one currently owned.


Providing housing for military personnel is a priority government program. Without solving this problem, a successful personnel policy and the defense capability of the country as a whole are impossible. Since 2012, more than half a million citizens undergoing military service have received apartments or funds to purchase them, as well as to build their own home. In 2018, it was planned to reduce the queue by another 30 thousand applicants for housing. The leadership of the Ministry of Defense has not yet informed how successfully the plans have been implemented. However, it is obvious that the main ways of providing housing have been preserved:

  • provision of apartments in kind;
  • subsidies for military housing.

Calculation of the latter allows military personnel to assess the financial opportunities that the state provides them. And decide what to choose: ready-made square meters or funds to purchase them. The military subsidy calculator for purchasing housing will help with this.

Subsidy as a solution to housing problems

The government subsidy program for the purchase and construction of housing began operating in 2014. Then it was called “Shoigu’s housing revolution,” since it seemed that, finally, the most acute problem of the lack of living quarters to provide military personnel would be solved.

Its essence is that the serviceman will simply be given money, and he will spend it on housing in the city he wants. No mandatory neighborhoods, no houses in unsightly places, no standard layouts. Subsidies for apartments for military personnel immediately made them a thing of the past!

But it revealed other problems, the main one being insufficient funding. The Ministry of Defense continued to build the talk of the town high-rise buildings in Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Omsk, Murom, Novosibirsk, and continues to do so. In total, more than 11 thousand apartments were announced to be put into operation in 2018. The expansion of the service fund was announced in Moscow, Kostroma, Vologda, Severodvinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tambov with the commissioning of 17.5 thousand apartments. The housing certificate system continues to operate. All these areas, pursuing a common goal, require money. And they are distributed unevenly.

That is why such an initially attractive subsidy for apartments for military personnel has turned into a new queue, staying in which does not at all guarantee receiving money for housing. And often the only thing that helps get things moving is an intervention that will tell you what to do, where and at what point to apply to receive government subsidies.

How does the military subsidy calculator work?

The settlement system is specified in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 76 of 2014. It takes into account the following criteria:

  • number of family members;
  • availability of residential premises and their area;
  • the right to additional square meters;
  • standard cost of housing;
  • duration of service.

It is stipulated that only citizens who have served 10 years or more can apply for the payment. The most favorable conditions will be available to retirees and active military personnel whose total service experience is more than 25 years. The amount of the subsidy according to this criterion varies significantly; the difference can reach a million rubles. The long-term nature of the program provides the opportunity to calculate and eventually receive a subsidy for a military personnel whose length of service has not yet reached the specified qualification.

Military housing calculator – formula

The amount to be paid for the purchase or construction of housing is determined using the formula P = O x C x Kc. The letter “O” in it indicates the total area that can be claimed taking into account three factors:

  • standard area for each family member;
  • rights to additional meters;
  • area of ​​housing owned.

According to the law, military personnel can be recognized as needy, even if they have an apartment at their previous place of service or a share in the right. The housing subsidy calculator subtracts owned square meters from the standard area. Thus, the definition of “O” is carried out according to its formula: N + D-L, where the first two letters are the main area due according to the standard and the additional one (15 sq.m.), and the last one is the figure that will have to be subtracted if The citizen or his family members have housing or a share in it.

Standard per person

The cash subsidy calculator for military personnel includes social standards for living space based on the number of square meters per person:

  • 33 – for one;
  • 42 – on two;
  • 18 for each person with a family size of more than three people.

For five categories of servicemen, the right to increase their allotted living space by 15 “squares” is provided. These include generals, marshals and colonels, as well as commanders of military units and researchers at specialized universities and research institutes.

If there are square meters of property, the amount of subsidies is significantly reduced. For example, if a family of two people is entitled to 44 square meters of living space, but one of the spouses owns a one-room apartment with 32 square meters, the state will allocate funds only for the 12 missing square meters.

Standard cost

It is designated in the formula by the letter “C”. It is established at the legislative level every six months by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. In 2018, its size was 37,848 rubles. The standard is uniform for all of Russia and represents an average figure close to the market price of residential premises.

Of course, such a standard reduces the chances of buying an apartment in Moscow, Sochi and St. Petersburg, but allows you to purchase housing of decent size and quality in the regional center. Since the start of the subsidy program, the size of the standard value has changed; to date it has been increased by 3,498 rubles, although it does not reach the real market price of real estate.

Experience and increasing coefficient

The calculation of housing subsidies for military personnel includes the total length of service in the army. For 2018, the increasing coefficients have not changed, preferential length of service is not taken into account: six months for a year, a day for one and a half, etc. In addition, not all categories of army employees received the opportunity to increase the amount of payments, only those who are entitled to additional space by rank and type activities, that is, officers, researchers of specialized higher educational institutions.

The coefficient by which subsidies to military personnel are calculated is:

  • 1.85 – with 10-15 years of experience;
  • 2.25 – with a total service life of 15-20 years;
  • 2.56 – when in service for 20-25 years.

A similar increasing coefficient is used when calculating the amount for the purchase of housing by widows and family members of deceased officers.

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