
How to save money to buy an apartment. How to save money for an apartment and what you need for this

The idea of ​​saving money for an apartment seems useless and unrealizable to most Russians, however, as they say, nothing is impossible, and with the right attitude, even such a “crazy” project can be brought to life. Especially for the International Day of Savings, which is celebrated on October 31, the RIA Real Estate website decided to collect real stories of people who saved for housing and learn from them the details and mechanisms of this difficult event.

It’s interesting that the experts interviewed by RIA Real Estate are skeptical about the idea of ​​saving money for an apartment and are constantly turning their attention to a mortgage loan. So, according to the asset manager of Veles Management, Yuri Timoschenko, if it makes sense for a family to start saving money, then only for the initial mortgage payment. If one of the spouses loses their job, mortgage plans are simply postponed “for later”, and the accumulated amount of funds is spent on current needs until a new job or other source of income is found. “It is obvious that the situation in the Russian economy recently has not been stable and is not conducive to long-term planning,” the expert believes.

However, the example of people who managed to save up for housing without taking out a mortgage confirms that this form of savings is quite feasible even during periods of crisis.

Subtleties of motivation

Oddly enough, the most important thing in the matter of saving money is not calculating the correct amount for monthly deductions and scrupulously maintaining home accounting, but proper motivation.

“If you woke up one morning and suddenly decided to save money for an apartment, because “the sun was shining cheerfully through the window,” then you can call it a day. This is a definite failure! You need to approach the idea of ​​saving money for housing slowly and carefully, and the main thing is to find the correct answer to the question: why is this needed at all?” says Yegor Kuznetsov, the happy owner of a separate home, for which he and his wife still managed to save money.

Of course, each person has his own motivation, but there are things that, according to Yegor, can concentrate a person as much as possible on his goal.

“For my wife and I, this impulse came from living in our parents’ three-room apartment with a bunch of relatives - seven people, three generations. Despite the fact that our family is friendly, life according to the “sausage in a jar” principle still cannot go smoothly. Tension is growing ", the thirst for my own personal space is becoming stronger. I didn’t want to get into mortgage bondage, so after much thought and consultation, my wife and I firmly decided to save up," says Egor.

But for the spouses Maxim and Olga Sorokin, the incentive for “emergency” savings was the terrible situation with rented housing. “We rented apartments for a long time, changing them about once every year and a half. And we were happy with everything, until one night a bunch of drunken men burst into our place, started a real pogrom, and threatened to beat us. It turned out that one of these rowdies was brother of the owner of the apartment, and he had his own key. He just came in when he wanted. After that, we realized that we were living in someone else’s house and desperately wanted our own little fortress. Shock and fear did their job,” the Sorokins recall.

Thus, the incentive must be so powerful that its impulse is sufficient for the entire period of savings. As a rule, these incentives are not associated with the most pleasant situations, but they are incredibly effective.

Team game

In the situation of saving money for housing, there is one important nuance, without which the idea is doomed to failure - teamwork. In other words, two or three people need to raise funds, because then the financial burden falls evenly on the shoulders of the partners, and income and expenses can be distributed more efficiently.

But this is not only about the economic component. “Tell me honestly, how many people can independently engage in sports three or four times a week at home, and regularly, from month to month? Only a few. It’s not for nothing that paired or group exercises were invented for sports, since training in a team disciplines and psychologically spurs those who are lazy ". The same applies to monetary savings - one partner stimulates the other if he has given up. Therefore, for a single person this is an almost impossible undertaking," explains Sorokin.

Time threshold

All the heroes interviewed by RIA Real Estate, who tried to save money for housing, unanimously argue that such an event should have a strict time frame and a clear indication of the amount that needs to be collected at all costs.

“Simply saving abstract money for nothing is a waste of time. You definitely need to decide what specific amount and in what time frame you are saving,” Kuznetsov insists.

At the same time, the amount must be adequate to the financial capabilities of people. Accordingly, before installing it, you should analyze your income and expenses and decide whether it makes sense to take on such a business at all?

“It is impossible to stretch out the accumulation of money for more than four or five years. This is the very maximum period for which we can limit ourselves to demands and deprive ourselves of the usual pleasures. A longer period will psychologically exhaust people. They will hate this whole undertaking and one fine day they will definitely fail , spending money on just about anything,” says economist Elena Gracheva, who has successfully saved up money for an apartment.

Starting base

In most cases, partners saving money for housing have some starting amount of money or other material base, which is also an excellent incentive.

Starting from scratch is possible for people with above-average income, as they can maintain the level and pace of savings.

Well, people with average incomes are better off relying on some kind of material foundation, moreover, one that is their property. In the best case scenario, this could be a share in an inherited apartment or a car that can be sold, or existing savings.

Basics of home accounting

From the moment the process of saving money begins, people will have to accustom themselves to doing home accounting. To do this, you can keep a special notebook or create a file on your computer. Income (salaries) will be entered there, a preliminary spending plan for the month will be made, and then absolutely all expenses will be entered, including the purchase of bread, with receipts attached.

“This is necessary in order to ultimately see where you are outside the planned budget, to what extent such expenses are justified, and whether you will have to save more next month,” explains Kuznetsov.

"I want" and "need"

All expenses made during the savings period must be marked “want” or “need”. According to Gracheva, this will help protect people from unauthorized and wasteful spending.

“If in the store your hand reaches out to some thing, ask yourself: do I really need this or just want it? Our cunning mind, of course, can find benefit even in the most worthless things, so to be on the safe side, add: can I live without this? A simple example: there is soap and shower gel, which of these is absolutely necessary, and which is an item of pleasure that you can do without? Of course, soap wins in terms of usefulness. And, by the way, it costs less than gel," notes agency interlocutor.

Mechanisms of "abstinence"

The money put aside for housing should be inviolable. And the most important task is not to spend it ahead of time on other needs. The only exceptions are serious health problems that require expensive treatment, or some emergency situations. “The lack of a fashionable fur coat for the winter is not an emergency,” Gracheva says ironically.

“My wife and I convinced ourselves so much that money was sacrosanct that sometimes we forgot that it existed. Even during the 2008 crisis, when I lost my job, we did not touch our savings. Yes, we had to live on my wife’s salary for about a year, borrow and get by with piecework. But after, when I again found a stable job with a good income, we gradually returned to the previous savings regime,” Kuznetsov shares his experience.

However, there are several ways that, purely technically, will limit access to the stash, the agency’s interlocutor notes. Firstly, the money needs to be kept in a bank in a savings book. Under no circumstances should you make a bank card with which you can easily withdraw them. Secondly, you need to save a set amount immediately after receiving your salary, preferably on the same day. Otherwise, the temptation to spend money may take over.

Alternative pleasures

Another subtle nuance that, oddly enough, will protect savings partners from waste. “Be sure to include pleasures in the list of vital things. Of course, during the period of savings they will have to be reconsidered. Traveling abroad may perhaps replace picnics with barbecues in the fresh air, relaxation at the parent’s dacha, or just walking in the parks. Cute inexpensive purchases are also periodically needed allow themselves. They are especially pleasing if they are presented to each other as a gift,” says Sorokina.

However, the best option is to find yourself a hobby or activity that does not require serious expenses, but will excite and bring joy throughout the entire period of savings. According to Kuznetsov, sports and creativity are best suited for this, since here you can constantly set goals and focus on achieving them. “For example, set a goal to get six-pack abs within a year or learn how to hand-quilt bedspreads,” he advises.

However, with all possible methods, the key to successfully saving money for an apartment is, no matter how trite, self-discipline, willpower and a passionate desire to find your own home.

The housing issue has been a pressing problem for people in all centuries. And now this problem is as acute as before for everyone without exception. But here’s the problem: where will you get the money to buy a home with very modest incomes? How to save up for an apartment with a salary of 30,000, 20,000, 50,000 rubles, if you need a million for decent housing? The answer is simple - take a loan from the bank. But a loan is expensive, and wages are unstable. In this case, you need to set a goal for yourself - to accumulate funds to buy a home. Let's consider the question of how to save for housing in more detail.

How to save for an apartment in Moscow if your monthly earnings are about 50,000 rubles? The saving method is not a strategy for the faint of heart or the wasteful. Purposeful and persistent people can, without hesitation, begin to realize their intended goal, actively cutting their expenses, giving up bad expensive habits and planning their monthly budget. Be sure to do it monthly because we live in an unstable world with unstable wages.

But the main thing is not only the plan, but also the accounting. Therefore, you need to record your expenses daily, and then do an analysis to optimize them in the next planning period.

Specialized PC software - Keepsoft.ru, Family - will help you start keeping home accounting and wisely managing your finances. An alternative to these programs will be mobile applications - EasyFinance, BUDGET, Toshl and others. This software will help you discipline yourself, plan your expenses and set yourself up to achieve your goal.

But we don’t have our head in the clouds, we live in a specific country, and material goods in it have a real price. In addition, when saving, one should not forget about inflation and decisively reconsider one’s (or family’s) consumer basket. Ask your friends and acquaintances who have already realized their dream of owning their own home - how you were able to save up for an apartment. And you will probably be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things about this thorny path.

What can you give up without harming your family?

Advising a person with such earnings to stop purchasing luxury goods is absurd.

  • First of all, you should think about giving up bad habits - drinking alcohol and cigarettes, or at least reducing their quantity.
  • It's a good idea to consider buying sweets for your family. This triad causes great damage to any budget and at the same time has a bad effect on health. Thus, you achieve two goals at once: save money and improve your well-being.
  • In order to save money, you will have to engage in shopping in a positive sense, that is, looking for cheaper retail outlets for purchasing goods and food. By going to wholesale warehouses once a week, you can save up to 20-40% on food. You can also buy household chemicals and cosmetics there. To save on clothes, you can buy things from China in online stores such as tmall.com, aliexpress.com, taobao.com. You can buy equipment and electronics much cheaper on the American online auction ebay.com, on free message boards avito, Yula, and auctions for the sale of confiscated property of debtors and bankrupts. You can save significantly on shoes by purchasing goods in stores at the end of the season (summer shoes in winter, winter shoes in summer). To purchase outerwear, you can go to a second-hand store, where they often sell brand new branded items from Europe from last year’s collections.
  • Transport costs also need to be reduced: you should not often use a personal car or taxi. It is cheaper to use public transport. If you are planning a long-distance trip, you can save on fuel by taking a travel companion with you. The Blablacar.ru service will help you with this.
  • If you don’t have water and gas meters, you need to install them. The costs for this are low, but the savings are noticeable.
  • It will be cheaper to have fun. Trips to theaters and cinemas will have to be postponed until better times. And instead of an evening in a cafe, you will have to have dinner at home. Learn to cook pizza, rolls and other culinary masterpieces at home, and then you won’t have to spend money on visiting catering establishments.
  • For a while you will have to forget about tourist tours, but cheap weekend trips are welcome, as well as trips by personal car.

How many years can it take to save up for an apartment, saving on everything?

Since the minimum wage is now 7,800 rubles, you can try to live on 20,000 rubles a month. Therefore, if you earn 50 thousand rubles, by investing the saved funds in a bank at 8% per annum, the amount of 1,162,157.01 rubles can be accumulated in 4 years. If you are thinking about how to save for an apartment, the deposit calculator will help you quickly estimate how many years of your life you will save by investing your finances wisely, rather than storing them at home under the mattress.

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 20,000: a strategy for gradually improving living conditions

To use this method, you need to have a small accumulated amount, which will allow you to purchase a small living space in cheap, non-prestigious areas of the city. For example, in a hostel or communal apartment. And if you have temporary housing, you can rent it out, generating additional income. Then, by constantly monitoring advertisements, you can exchange it with a small surcharge for an apartment with poor communal conditions or requiring extensive repairs. And this process can be continued until you achieve the desired result. You can find cheap real estate for 5-40% of their real value at bankruptcy auctions, where the property of individuals and organizations recognized as debtors is sold.

Is it possible to save up for an apartment without a mortgage?

It’s quite possible to save for an apartment without a mortgage. There is a risk in this method and you have to rely on luck, because with such a salary you will not be able to save more than 5,000 per month and this means that you will have to save the required amount for fifteen years. During this time, the cost of the apartment may rise significantly, and you risk losing all your enthusiasm. That is why it is worth thinking about how to profitably invest money at interest. This will allow you to achieve your goal faster.

If you invest money at 15% per annum in mutual funds, you can reduce the period of capital accumulation to 10 years. As we can see from the example, competent financial management can save up to 5 years.

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 30,000: speculators’ strategy

Everyone dreams of getting rich quickly, but without risk - these are just dreams. Now it is quite possible to take risks without breaking the law. To do this, you can use a small capital by starting trading on the Forex exchange. Or invest your money in a reliable investment fund. You can create your own business project or purchase a franchise to invest your savings in it. But all this is for people who are capable of doing business. Here you can double your investment, but you can lose everything. A calmer and less expensive method is to use some kind of government program that helps young or large families improve their living conditions. There are many federal and regional housing programs for government employees. But the likelihood of getting an apartment is thus very low.

With a salary of 30,000 rubles. You can save half of this amount. If you don’t keep your money under your pillow, but invest it in stocks, then with a return of 20% per year, you can accumulate the amount of 1,005,040.89 in 4 years.

Watch a video about managing personal money to save up for a large purchase faster:

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Not everyone is ready to live with their parents until old age, theirs or theirs. Young people, becoming financially independent, dream of acquiring housing freedom. When leaving their parents' house, renting a room or apartment, everyone, without exception, dreams of their own corner, in which they can truly be the owner. Which is not so easy given the current realities. The task is not simple: if the salary is thirty thousand rubles. In this article we will give answers to the most pressing questions of modern Russia:

  • to quickly save up for an apartment: is it a utopia or is it possible for everyone?
  • mortgage or rent?

Maybe a mortgage?

There was a time when a mortgage seemed like the only option. Thousands of people took it at unimaginable interest rates and considered it a blessing.

Now the perception has changed, Russians have become more critical, the crisis has dragged on and now the decision to shoulder the mortgage yoke is made carefully. But still, many believe: a mortgage is profitable. Let's look at the situation: a novice specialist takes out a mortgage, for which he must be prepared.

  • An initial fee. The percentage set by the bank may depend on it. The smaller the contribution amount, the higher the risks for the bank, so as a rule, the bank increases the loan rate in such cases. Important! The minimum down payment is 15%.
  • Mandatory monthly payments. On the one hand, this is tolerable; you also have to pay for a rented apartment. True, if the finances are shaken: the person was fired or fell ill, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to reach an agreement with the bank, and the investment in real estate will be lost. The constant stress that borrowers are under affects their health and psychological state. Indeed, it is difficult to live for ten to twenty years under the pressure of a mortgage.
  • Bank overpayment. The longer the mortgage term, the greater the overpayment. Borrowers often realize that they are being “robbed” when they are up to their necks in mortgages and nothing can be done.

Economical method

This accumulation method is suitable for people who are ready to cut back on their own needs for a long time.

With a salary of 30 thousand rubles, in order to start saving, you will have to rent a room or a bed in an apartment. And of course it is necessary to significantly revise the costs:

  1. It wouldn't hurt to have a notebook and keep track. An expense item will help identify unnecessary expenses.
  2. Good for both health and wallet give up alcohol, sweets and cigarettes. Surprisingly, bad habits are a serious expense. And getting rid of them will increase the budget by at least 48,000 rubles per year.
  3. Electricity and water meters, travel ticket, discounts in stores will help you save on little things.
  4. No entertainment. Movies only at home, cafes, clubs and frequent wardrobe changes will have to be abandoned.
  5. Supermarkets and shopping centers- a concentration of meaningless temptations. Everything here is thought out and done so that customers take what they don’t need and more. To save money, you should either go to the market or go to the nearest wholesale center. In hand is a shopping list. This will save at least 12 thousand per year.
  6. The money that is saved with such difficulty should not go to waste: it is correct to open a bank deposit, in a trusted bank, at interest.

Let's be realistic: it will take a long time to save in this way. Minimum 10 years, but the mortgage is not paid off for 2 years.

The positive side here is different: no credit pressure. No connection to your place of residence: you can change jobs and at the same time find an apartment closer, or even move to another city or country. Freedom from a mortgage means less fear, which means more opportunities.

The method is progressive

This method is similar to the economical one, the only difference is in the intermediate stages. The main thing here is to be cool and dexterous. Having saved up a small amount, buy a room in a hostel or a hotel on the outskirts or in the suburbs, where prices are not so high.

You can live in the room yourself or rent it out; in any case, in addition to the purchased property, you will have quite a bit of extra money. Then this room can be exchanged, with an additional payment, for an apartment with weak infrastructure and further until you reach the desired option.

This method will help those who are ready to constantly look out for advertisements, looking for favorable conditions, and travel through abandoned and “burning” apartments. This method is both more involved and riskier, but also much faster if the circumstances are successful.


At one time, this method of buying a home was popular and effective. People bought apartments together. This happened much faster than doing it alone. The principle of cooperatives is simple: the group has an administrator who collects monthly sums from the “shareholders,” for example, a hundred of them, and periodically one of the participants, usually the one who invests more, buys an apartment.

Due to the large number of scammers in this type of organization, few people risk investing in cooperatives now.

How to save up quickly?

You can accumulate quickly only by taking risks:

  1. Investments in Forex. Yes, it is risky, but the result can also please you. Cons: you cannot accurately calculate your monthly income. Money can be lost.
  2. to a mutual investment fund. The main thing here is to choose a stable and reliable fund. Sometimes the percentages reach 50.
  3. , internet project. You can create your own business project or invest in some startup. Again, this is suitable for people with entrepreneurial talent and at least minimal business experience. The risk of going broke is high, but the dividends, if everything works out, are not bad.

Still You can’t do without looking for additional income, if you need an apartment as quickly as possible.

It is not necessary to look for something alien to your character and nature. If you are a teacher, there is no point in becoming a sales manager, but you should try your hand at tutoring. If you have a hobby that you are good at, then you can monetize it. Knit funny hats and warm socks from natural wool, bake homemade pies with cabbage, write articles, abstracts - with the development of the Internet it has become much easier to sell your unique skills.

Social programs

Public sector workers often complain about low earnings that are disproportionate to the efforts expended. It seems that it is impossible to save for an apartment while working as a nurse or teacher. Exists many government programs, helping state employees purchase housing. There are also subsidy programs for young families and more. It’s difficult to get an apartment this way; it’s a small chance. But who is preventing us from acting in several directions at once?

Instead of an apartment - a house

The obsession with an apartment in a panel house is surprising. Saving for 10 or more years for a two-room apartment, while you dream of a big family, a yard with apple trees and a big dog, is not productive. It will be cheaper to buy land and gradually build a house. And even a small house is still larger than an apartment. The house is being built in several stages, which means it’s easier to save for it.

  1. purchase of land. Land in Russia is inexpensive, and in some regions it is generally distributed free of charge - in the first year.
  2. House frame - on second or third year.
  3. Electrical wiring, plumbing work - fourth year.
  4. Interior decoration - fifth year.

Investments depend on the size and price of the land, and the choice of building materials.

Before you buy a piggy bank and start putting your honestly earned money there, you need to make an estimate.

First. It is advisable to decide in advance what kind of housing you are counting on: primary, secondary. It’s easier and faster to save up for primary items; the most profitable investment is to lay the foundation. The risks are really significant.

Second. Area. The further away from the center, metro, the cheaper.

Third. Infrastructure. The area is underdeveloped = low cost of apartments. In this case, it is necessary to look at the future, what is planned in the coming years. Now there is no kindergarten, school, or sports grounds nearby? It is worth finding out the immediate development plans from the district administration or the developer.

Fourth. Explore all the possible options that exist on the real estate market. Write down the prices. Look at old advertisements, try to track how much the cost of an apartment changes.

Fifth Buying an apartment is the main thing, but not all the costs that lie ahead, there are also:

  • Notarial services.
  • Government duty.
  • Real estate agency services.

Sixth and pleasant. Repair, purchase of furniture and household appliances. Furnishing your own apartment is a joyful expense. But it’s better to include them in the estimate in advance.

The issue of buying your own home is especially acute for the majority of Russian residents. The interest rate on real estate and cash loans is very high, which is a concern even for people with above-average earnings. What to do if an inheritance in the form of an apartment is not planned in the near future, but you want to live in your own cozy home? How to save money for an apartment without denying yourself normal food and accommodation? Proven advice from financial experts and people who managed to raise the necessary amount to purchase real estate will help answer all these questions.

Learning to plan expenses

Regardless of which option you choose to save for your own home, you need to have initial capital. Now the average apartment in which a young family can live costs about 3 million rubles, and 20-60% of this amount needs to be saved in order to be able to start taking serious and effective measures that will help buy housing.

To collect several hundred thousand rubles, you need to optimize your expenses as much as possible and learn to save money.

Following these rules will help with this:

  • learn to wisely save on food, try to cook at home from quality products rather than visiting restaurants, this will help you save a considerable amount without reducing your standard of living;
  • optimize utility costs, install meters, replace conventional light bulbs with energy-saving ones;
  • do not make rash purchases, especially expensive ones, plan all your expenses in detail and weigh their feasibility;
  • do not take out loans or lend, try to make do with your own funds;
  • from each cash receipt, set aside at least 10%, this is called “your own salary”, it is issued immediately after financial injections and remains untouchable.

How to manage your savings?

If you have learned to collect money, plan a budget correctly, and without worsening your living conditions, you have managed to save the required percentage of the amount of your future home, you can be proud of yourself, now the process will go much faster and more interesting. Let's take a conditional amount of 400,000 rubles and try to clearly see how you can use it to accumulate capital for your own home.

This is one of the simplest and most reliable methods of saving for your own home. You need to take your starting capital and put it in a deposit account. The interest rate may vary depending on which structure you choose. Conventionally, you will receive 13% per annum, and continue to save 20,000 rubles every month. You will receive 52,000 rubles per year from the deposit, and if you renew the contract and add the accumulated 240,000 to the initial amount, then next year you will have a profit of 83,200 rubles. If you increase the contribution every year, the percentage will also increase, therefore, after 4-6 years you will be able to become the owner of your own apartment.

Investing in securities

Investments in Forex, stocks and bonds can give up to 500% profit. However, this event is only suitable for those who know exactly how to play in this market. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to postpone this option and use other proven methods.


Purchasing an apartment with a mortgage is an excellent option for many young families, since people receive housing immediately and can pay for it gradually, even over decades. However, banks advertise this service quite “juicily”; in fact, it has several pitfalls that you need to be aware of.

First of all, if you take out a mortgage, the apartment will not be yours, it will be held by the bank as collateral. If you fail to repay the debt on time, you may be evicted from your home without returning all previously made investments.

It is also worth considering that the more time you spend on repayment, the greater the interest you will simply have to overpay to the bank for giving you the opportunity to use the money of its depositors. The amounts are impressive, sometimes they even reach half the initial cost of housing.

Disadvantages of a mortgage:

  • long-term dependence on a financial institution;
  • inability to calculate your financial capabilities for decades to come;
  • large overpayment;
  • the risk of being evicted from your own home;
  • moral pressure.

Living in rented housing and saving for your own

For many people, the long-term prospect of renting an apartment will seem wasteful, but in some cases it can be an excellent alternative to the same mortgage. If you initially have an amount of 400,000 rubles, you will be able to use it wisely to buy your own living space in 6-10 years.

If you pay 20,000 rubles a month for rent, then you will have another 20,000 rubles left, which you do not have to pay for a mortgage that you still did not take out. This amount must be immediately put aside in an envelope, and in a year we will have (20*12) 240,000 rubles, add to this amount the 400,000 that did not go towards the down payment, and we will get 640,000 rubles. In 2 years, we will have 880,000 rubles at our disposal, and we will already be able to buy a small room, which we will rent out.

Savings for the month will be higher, since approximately 5 thousand more will be added to them for the rented room. After 3 years, you can sell the property you bought the day before, add your savings to the proceeds, and buy a small studio apartment, which is quite enough for a young couple to live in. If there are children in the family, it will take several more years to raise money for a two-room apartment.

Risk factors and concerns:

  1. Keeping money under the pillow according to the old-fashioned method is completely unprofitable, since it depreciates every day. If you decide to save for your own home using a bank deposit, it is better to do it in a stable foreign currency, this will guarantee your confidence in the stability of your savings.
  2. Studying the real estate market and banking services takes at least 1-2 months, you need to be prepared for this. Before finding a reliable investment method and choosing the most suitable conditions for purchasing housing, it is worth studying in detail all possible options and offers from development companies and stock companies.
  3. Inflation and devaluation are a constant phenomenon in our country, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the cost of an apartment will increase every year. It is for this reason that when initially calculating the time that will need to be spent to collect the required amount, you need to add at least a year.
  4. Real estate and cash insurance will help you preserve your assets and return your savings in the event of their complete depreciation. It is worth choosing insurance companies with a good reputation that have been on the market for a long time.

How to save for an apartment with a small salary?

The above methods of raising funds for your own home only work if the person has a stable high income. But what to do if your salary does not allow you to save 20-40 thousand every month? In this case, financial experts recommend finding a source of income, for example, selling valuable property or real estate, in order to obtain the initial capital that is necessary for competent collection of savings.

If there is absolutely nothing that can bring profit, this does not mean that you will have to permanently live in a rented apartment. It will be possible to purchase your own living space only over a longer period of time.

To collect start-up capital, you need to set aside 10% from each salary and all sudden profits (lottery winnings, gifts, bonuses, etc.). An excellent option would be passive income, which can be organized after accumulating a certain amount.

Anyone who has a regular income can save money for an apartment. Proper budget planning and financial distribution will help you collect savings even from a small salary, which in the future will work to make your dreams come true. Treat your assets responsibly, direct them in the right direction, and you will certainly be able to purchase your living space in just a few years!

Every person in one way or another thinks about their own housing if they don’t have one. As they say, my home is my castle. Own housing instills confidence in a person. And it is right. In any weather, you have somewhere to return - where they are waiting for you. However, not everyone can afford housing. Many people have been saving for it for years. There are people who pay their mortgage - overpaying 2 times. You need to start saving for an apartment as early as possible.

The question is: how much to save? An apartment savings calculator can help with this. It allows you to calculate how much you need to save from your salary in order to save up for housing in a few years? Perhaps someone thinks that they can simply save without making a contribution. In this case, set the deposit rate close to zero (0.01%) In this case, you will receive the approximate amount of contributions without taking into account the capitalization of interest.
The calculation method is written in the article -.

Calculation features

  1. If you do not have an initial amount, enter the value 0
  2. The calculation is made excluding taxation and holidays. Those. with a real deposit in the bank, the income may be less
  3. The calculation is based on a deposit with interest capitalization

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 30,000?

A salary of 30 thousand rubles is quite small. Let’s say you save half your salary each time
10 thousand will be spent on groceries, 5 thousand on utilities and entertainment, if you have a car, then on it (gasoline, etc.) If you calculate on a calculator with an apartment price of 1.5 million, then every month you need to put 7322.60 into the bank for a deposit with an interest rate 10%. As you can see, you will still have approximately 7,500 left for expenses, i.e. You can easily accumulate 1.5 million in 10 years. However, by saving 15 thousand over 6 years you will accumulate 1.5 million rubles from scratch. However, there are a number of nuances:

  • The apartment may become more expensive
  • Money may depreciate and we do not take inflation into account
  • You may get sick, you will have a child - the risks will increase

The solution may be to take out a mortgage - then, although you overpay, you get ownership of the home.
The only question is whether they will give you a loan with a salary of 30 to 1.5 million rubles.
To do this you need to use a calculator. It will show you how much the bank will give you.

  1. Invest in yourself. Your knowledge and skills will bring you more income and make you more competitive in the labor market.
  2. Forget about risky instruments - Forex, mutual funds, trust management. If you are not a professional at this, you will lose money and that's it. 90% of people who invest in this end up losing money. The same applies to trading stocks and bonds.
  3. Deposit is the best means of savings. If you don't believe me. I have a deposit for 5 years, at 20% per annum with capitalization. It is better to invest in times of crisis when the stakes are high
  4. Keep track of your finances. Install water and electricity meters. Buy a travel ticket. Take advantage of discounts in stores
  5. Try not to take loans and not be creditors. Don't be a guarantor for loans
  6. Make it your own. What do you like most - start your project, which you will do and which will generate profit. Website, program, your own business selling Socks. Start earning a small income. But remember, to get income you need to invest money and time.
  7. Forget credit cards. Live within your means! Do not apply for any expensive cards, for example

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and Deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state